#i did that with sums this season and it was amazing-
mmaeeve · 17 days
daily dean quote #227/366:
“you said it yourself. we just keep our heads down and we do the work.”
- season 13, episode 12, various and sundry villains
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heesdreamer · 8 months
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PAIRING ➩ heeseung x reader
SUMMARY ➩ Four years after he disappeared from your life your childhood friend and love returns back to town completely changed.
WARNINGS ➩ Heeseung is an addict and not a super amazing person, broken people with bad communication skills, rough smut, like quick hate sex basically. Super angst but I hope it’s still a good read lol… based in the late 90s early 2000s
WC ➩ 11k
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ A bit nervous to be posting here again after five months since I’m pretty rusty but hopefully you’ll take it easy on me lol. No part two for this and it’s an open ending (my favorite) so infer what you’d like but feel free to ask me anything about the story or the characters! Hope it’s okay and I missed you guys. NOT PROOFREAD
Summer was pretty much the constant season where you grew up outside of the few weeks the sun disappeared and the rain turned the beaches grey.
You appreciated the break every year considering it just made the heat coming back feel ten times better, that first day being able to run into the ocean again always feeling like your towns personal version of new year.
Let the salt water wash away your sins and the tears that had long dried on your sun kissed cheeks.
Your town had been spared from tourist for most of your childhood even though it’s definitely gained traction during more recent years if the alarming amount of people outside the local diners said anything.
The locals didn’t mind as long as they cleaned up their empty bottles of sunscreen from the public beaches and didn’t interfere with the abundance of native wild life.
You definitely didn’t mind considering you were on your sixth year working at the smoothie shop just a block away from the most popular beach and you enjoyed suckering large families out of large tips by giving them basic fun facts about the area they could use for their vacation.
It was the least you could do as somebody who lived in a permanent one.
This years version of those rainy few weeks came in the suddenly deliverance of news you’d never even imagined hearing let alone prepared yourself to deal with.
“Hey.” Jake sounded out of breath as he crashed through the flimsy door of the smoothie shop, hair wet from either just leaving the beach where he worked as a lifeguard or from the slight drizzle that had started to pick up.
“Hey, don’t get my floor wet. Assuming you’re off this week?” You were folding cleaning rags in preparation for closing up the shop for the next few days due to the news channel continuously warning the locals of a storm coming.
Jake rolled his eyes at your light scolding but you noticed that he did avoid sitting on the stools or touching anything he could get his wetness on.
“Oh so it’s your floor now?” He was cocking an eyebrow up as he looked at you and now it was your turn to roll your eyes, a light smile on your face at the teasing.
You’d know Jake the same amount of time you had known pretty much anybody living in the town which was basically the entire sum of your life. All the kids went to the same small school district and everyone’s parents knew each other to some capacity so there’d never been a time you didn’t know him and your other friends.
“So…” Your extensive knowledge of him made it even more obvious that he was about to tell you something you didn’t want to hear, his tone changing to the same one he used whenever he had to let the beach goers know the waters weren’t safe. “He’s back in town.”
The mood in the small shop changed immediately and you tensed up from where you were still folding the rags, placing the one you were working on back down onto the counter and squeezing it with your hand.
You noticed the rain picking up outside and it was almost ironic how it seemed to match your mood.
“Oh.” That was all you could manage to say and Jake dropped his shoulders in defeat at your dull reaction. “No Jakey thanks for telling me that’s.. it’s nice to have a heads up.”
Neither one of you spoke for a few seconds and you let the sound of the wind whipping around the thin metal panels of the roof distract you just enough to stop you from immediately bombarding him with questions. You didn’t need him to know how much you cared even though you knew he already did.
“Did- did you see him?”
“Saw his mom at the market on my lunch break.” He was watching you so intensely that it was starting to annoy you. He looked like he was waiting for you to explode and you were considering giving him what he wanted just so he’d stop staring like that. “They’re like.. well he’s back in the old house so I’m assuming that means… yeah.”
He was awkward in his delivery but you understood exactly what he meant, your old friend wasn’t just back in town for a vacation or a trip down memory lane but instead he was back for at least the near future.
Your head hung low as you tried your best to not react outwardly but the humorless scoff left your mouth before you could stop it and you heard Jake sigh near the door.
Luck was at least in your favor considering the news was right and the rain didn’t stop for another four days meaning you and the boys didn’t have work and there was no chance of you running into the exact person you wanted to avoid.
You spent your days at Sunghoon’s house which was on the other side of town from where you and the rest of your friends lived.
Sunghoon had been the last person to join your small group and he almost hadn’t been accepted considering he didn’t go to the same school and actually didn’t live there at all. His father was beyond wealthy and owned a nice property up on the hill, a place you and your friends used to sit on the beach and stare at while daydreaming about living there.
He came down every winter from the city so him and his dad could escape the cold and icy roads and then he’d leave again once the temperature picked up.
Naturally this made him a bit of an outcast compared to the rest of you who grew up together and spent nearly every single day hanging out and playing on the beaches but you liked him nonetheless.
He wasn’t as spoiled as you figured he probably could have been and if anything he was actually pretty sheepish whenever someone mentioned how much money he constantly had at his disposal.
You’d all tease him until he bought you snacks and ice cream in bulk just to get you off his back, a silent peace offering.
An even more silent ‘I’m sorry you’re poor and I’m not’.
Once you all got older and his dad got too tired to continue the travel back and forth just to avoid some snow, Sunghoon would come by himself just to see you all and you imagined it was any day now before he decided to stay for good.
The image from their hillside property was breathtaking even through the storm, floor to ceiling windows that you’d perch yourself on while the others slept. It had a perfect view of the biggest beach and the mountains behind it and despite growing up with it as your backdrop, you never got used to it.
“Can’t sleep?” Riki’s voice was echoing through the nearly empty living room, a feat of Sunghoon’s dad practically moving out.
You turned your head to see him shuffling towards you in his pajamas with an open bottle of wine in his hands. He was taking a swig before nudging your leg with his hand so you would move it and he could sit down beside you with a groan.
His back was against the other side of the windowsill and your legs were crossing over his in a mirror image but he looked just as exhausted as you figured you did and it was sort of comforting to know you weren’t the only one handling this bad.
“When do I ever sleep?” Your hand was sticking out as you spoke and he took one more sip of the wine before handing the bottle over to you.
Your face pulled into a grimace at the sour taste and he laughed softly at the reaction before leaning forward to snatch it back and keep it away from you. You looked back out the window but you could feel him staring at you now and you sighed.
Riki had been around just as long as Jake had but he was also your neighbor which added another layer of familiarity. There was no hiding your family issues with him like you attempted with the others because he was one window away and often the person you ran to when things got too hard.
“Saw him in town you know, before we headed up here.” He was starting off in a whisper like he was testing the waters and you were getting sick of people treating you like a loose canon when it came to this. “He looks different.”
“Obviously. He was a kid last time we saw him and he’s what, 20 now?” You phrased it like you weren’t too sure but both of you were aware that you knew his exact age. You’d never forgotten his birthday and your mood soured every year on that day for the past four times it cycled past.
“21.” Riki clarified anyways and you appreciated that you both pretended you’d be able to make that mistake. “And I don’t just mean he grew up I mean he looks terrible.”
Your stomach turned uncomfortably as graphic images made their way into your mind and you squeezed your eyes tight at the thought of him and what he could possibly look like now.
“Why are you telling me this Riki?” You sounded hurt and lost and you felt his leg nudging yours again like he was either trying to comfort you or snap you out of the tense state you’d fallen into. You opened your eyes and stared at him and the way the moonlight highlighted the side of his face.
“I told him I’d meet him for lunch once the storm cleared up.” He said it slowly and that made it that much easier for you to hear the overwhelming guilt in his voice. “I’d like for you to be there. I’m asking you to be there.”
Your face fell flat but he didn’t stop looking at you as he dropped the bomb and you almost wanted to shy away from the intense gaze just waiting for you to show that you cared.
“You can’t ask me that.” It came out as a whisper and you hated how weak you sounded at just the idea of seeing him.
“But I am.”
Two days later the clouds were gone like they’d never been there and the unrelenting heat was building back up at full force. You all returned down from the hillside property with raging hangovers and a suffocating promise.
You tried to ignore your phone ringing on the wall because you knew who it was, or at least could guess out of three names but it was pointless considering Riki was right next door and the ringing soon turned to knocks at your window.
So you told yourself you agreed to the lunch because you were sick of being harassed about it and it was not because you needed to see him for yourself.
If anything this was your chance to prove you didn’t care about him and you just had never felt that level of loss before. It wouldn’t kill you to hear his voice and listen to the way it’s changed over the lost time and you’d be able to get through the meal with a few awkward conversations before getting to go back to your regular life.
You were immediately proven wrong the second you pushed into the restaurant and you would have stopped in your tracks if it wasn’t for Riki’s guiding hand on your lower back.
He worked at this restaurant and it was directly on the shore of the beach so despite it being busy post storm he was easily maneuvering you through it towards the table.
You stayed back a few feet as the boy stood up and went to greet your other friends, a few awkward seconds passing like they didn’t know wether to shake hands or hug before Jake was moving forward and pulling the older boy into a tight embrace.
Sunghoon was doing the same and rubbing the back of his head comfortably before Riki gave him a familiar pat on the shoulder due to the fact they’d already gone through the first encounter nerves.
The three boys immediately climbed into the booth and started to flip through the menus to give you some privacy even though you all knew they’d eaten the same things here since they were kids and knew every dish like the back of their hand.
You still appreciated the gesture considering the second he looked at you your heart clenched painfully and you suddenly felt like you were 17 again.
“Hey y/n.” His voice was low as he spoke but you could still hear it enough to notice you barely recognized it. It had dropped a few octaves and it was painfully raspy.
“You look like shit Hee.” Your blunt words and the use of the familiar nickname made him scoff out a laugh and he nodded his head in agreement to your insult.
He truly did even though you were just trying to tease him and loosen the atmosphere. He was ten shades paler than the rest of you but you had a feeling it wasn’t due to him not being around the sun all the time anymore. He looked nearly sickly and your stomach turned the more you saw the signs of that being true.
His eyes looked tired and sad but what was the worst change was how skinny he was. He’d always been thin but now he was towering over you and still looking like a strong wave could take him out.
He sniffed uncomfortably because of your intense gaze and your eyes honed in on his prominent wrist bone and the way he flicked at his nostril.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the action and he immediately lowered his arm like he’d just been caught doing something, confirming your belief.
The silence was awkward but luckily one of Riki’s coworkers was approaching to get your drinks and you scooted past the tall boy so you could slide in the booth besides Sunghoon.
It was unusual for you to be nearly silent and not engaging in the conversation but you couldn’t really handle trying to fumble your way through acting like everything was normal like the others were.
You started to wonder if they really did think it was just a normal meal while catching up with a childhood friend.
It blew your mind to consider that maybe they didn’t see the way Heeseung was constantly bouncing his knee and picking apart his napkin or the fact he’d barely taken a bite of food the entire time. Did they not see his fidgeting eyes and the fact he looked sick every glance he took towards your direction.
The boys did their best to fill the silence without bringing up anything that would let Heeseung know how much he’d missed out on and soon enough everyone was having to go back to work.
You’d gotten the day off since the storm had drastically killed off the tourist that make up 90% of your daily customers and you could tell the boy across from you felt a bit lost when everyone stated their plans for the rest of the day.
“Did you maybe want to go to the beach with me?” You had no idea why you were inviting him but by the time you noticed the shocked look on your friends faces, it was too late and the offer was hanging heavily in the air.
He looked around like he wasn’t quite sure you were talking to him and his eyes were a little more alert when he finally turned back to face you.
“Uh yeah sure.”
Riki gave you a cautious look as you left and Sunghoon parted you with a swift kiss on the cheek and another firm hug for Heeseung. Jake was heading to the same place as you for his shift as a lifeguard so it made the walk down the street a little less awkward.
The roles reversed from lunch and now it was Heeseung’s turn to fall silent while you and Jake softly joked and made casual commentary on the damage the storm had did. You would have forgotten he was there at all if not for his constantly sniffling and the fact his presence shifted your entire atmosphere.
“Be safe yeah?” You weren’t sure if it was meant to have a double meaning but Jake made your stomach turn as he left your side to head to the watch tower.
Heeseung was clearing his throat beside you but you ignored him in favor of finding an umbrella to sit near, not quite under so you could still feel the sun on your skin. He opted for sitting directly under the shade and you were brought back to when you were kids and he was always the last one inside.
He was impossible to tame and get out of the water even long after the sun set and the parents began to call you all home but he couldn’t be more different now.
Memories of his freckled tan face smiling at you, eyes squinted against the bright sky with his hand above his eyebrows to try and block it so he could see you better. His laugh always the loudest sound over the crashing waves and the way it felt when he’d wrap his arms around you to throw you into the water.
Now he was practically curling in on himself to avoid the rays and he looked almost pained at the sounds of the kids playing and splashing around.
It was hard to believe this was the same boy who had you convinced there was salt water in his veins.
“Since when are you getting high?”
You didn’t sound at all accusatory in your question, just plainly asking for an answer to the obvious but he immediately tensed up and sent a glare that would have you believing you’d gotten it wrong if it wasn’t for the embarrassment in his eyes.
He took a few seconds to answer but you extended your thin patience towards him and waited.
“I’m not anymore.” He had a funny tone to his that almost sounded like he was saying an inside joke, something you clearly didn’t understand and your face furrowed. “That’s why I’m here actually.”
Your mouth was parting in realization and you couldn’t help the bitter laugh that slipped out of you. You felt overwhelmingly stupid in that moment but it wasn’t necessarily your fault for not assuming the worst about his intentions.
“Here I thought you were back because you actually missed us. Didn’t realize this was your rehab.” He didn’t look amused anymore and you were struck by how much you wanted to see him smile at you again.
He nodded and looked away from you and that was enough for you to realize the conversation was over.
four years ago
You’d never been anywhere else but you had a hard time believing any other place could measure up to what you were experiencing now.
The sounds of your lifelong friends splashing each other and laughing as they took unexpected blows from the waves, bodies crashing through the surface of the water and pushing back through with groans of playful annoyance.
You knew the sun was setting soon which meant the head lifeguard (who happened to be jake’s older brother) was going to usher you all back home and away from the water but you would have given anything for the moment to freeze.
Even if your butt was damp from the wet sand you were sitting on and you were starting to shiver from the lack of clothes paired with the disappearing heat.
You watched as another head popped out of the water before standing to his full height and glancing around like he was searching for something. His gaze stopped on you and a bright smile broke out on his face at the sight of you sitting on the beach and observing the scene.
It made you feel warm to see him brush off your friends and push through the water so he could get over to you, shaking his head to semi dry his hair and laughing when you squealed at the sudden wetness hitting you.
“You cold?” He was flopping down onto the sand next to you and his cold skin brushed yours for a second before you flinched away and groaned.
“Yeah but I think Jaeyun’s brother is gonna make us leave any second anyways.” You were scrunching your nose up as you looked over at him and he smiled up at you.
Heeseung always seemed to be smiling but especially in your direction.
You weren’t an idiot and you didn’t at all miss the fact that he was extra attached to you. You had a deeper bond than anybody else in the group and even though you weren’t exactly sure when the transition into something deeper happened, you were sure you both could feel it constantly bubbling under the surface.
It wasn’t something you felt like you needed to confess or say out loud officially because you had all the time in the world here with him.
“Come swim with us.” He was watching you as your hand reached over to swipe the drying sand off his forehead.
“Not happening Hee sorry.” You smiled when he groaned and rolled over onto his back, knowing you had made up your mind by the tone in your voice. “We can always swim tomorrow.”
Tomorrow never came because the next morning you were racing down to the Lee house with a plate of cinnamon rolls Riki’s mom had made and finding it almost completely empty.
Your heart had dropped into your stomach but you still slowly approached the familiar door and knocked against it softly.
Typically you didn’t even bother knocking considering you were there more than your own house but something was off and you suddenly felt like an intruder.
The sight of his grandma opening the door and giving you a pained expression when she saw it was you almost fully killed you and if that didn’t do it then the fact she softly whispered to you that he wasn’t going to be coming back anytime soon definitely did.
It was hard not to grab her by the shoulders and demand she tell you where he had gone and it was even harder to hold in your sobs as you ran all the way back to the house next to yours, bursting into Riki’s living room and climbing into his bed to cry while you waited for him to get off work.
He’d barely understood you through your blubbering sobs and when he did he was joining you in the bed and falling into a hurt silence.
The hurt rippled through you for months until you gathered the courage to ask his grandma for his address so you could write him a letter.
She was clearly reluctant but she gave it to you anyways and you spent all week writing it and expressing to him how you felt, both for him and about the fact he had left without saying goodbye. You wished she’d turned you down when it got sent right back unopened and the same thing happened for the next twenty after that.
You kept writing them for two years even though they’d always make their way back to the post office and at the end of that summer, you finally put the pen down.
At some point during the third year you’d gotten a postcard that had no writing on it or even a signature. It was just a blank card with a photo of some cartoonish cherry blossoms and a small river.
You somehow knew it was from him without any confirmation and you wept like a baby in the middle of all the mailboxes, hugging it to your chest and swearing you’d never let yourself feel like that again. You almost sent it back to him like he’d done to you for so long but instead you stuffed it under your pillow and tried to not feel it’s weight every night you slept.
Now four years later he was suddenly everywhere again.
He’d started to work at the surfboard rental shop across from your own place and he was practically at every single hangout like nothing had changed.
Except everything had changed and he was such a jarringly different person that you almost felt like you were hanging out with the corpse of your old friend.
“We’ve gotta get you some sun man.” Jake was disguising his concerns with some light teasing one of the days you all made your way up to Sunghoon’s place but you all knew Heeseung and his current state was the constant elephant in the room.
“Yeah.” His noncommittal low mumbling was about the most you got out of him these days and you sighed from where you were laying on the couch.
His empty gaze landed on you when you were standing up and pushing Sunghoon’s legs off of you (much to his annoyance). You approached him and stuck your hand out in his direction just to be met with a raised eyebrow and no movement.
“Cmon let’s go.” You were firm in your words and shaking your hand slightly to urge him to take it in his before you got too impatient. He sighed at you but did exactly that and you pushed aside the warmth that spread you in favor of pulling him up so he was standing.
You were slightly thrown off by how close he ended up next to you so you took a step back while raking over his tall frame and clearing your throat.
“I’m sick of your moping.” You didn’t expect him to continue holding your hand after you pulled him up but you took advantage of the opportunity and started to tug him behind you as you walked towards the doors.
Heeseung stayed silent as you dragged him outside and down the long sandy steps that led down the hillside and onto the small private beach that the park family owned. You never hung out there much as kids considering you weren’t allowed to surf here and you preferred the large waves and active community of the public one but it would do for now.
“What are we doing?” He was finally speaking once you dropped his hand and turned to look at him.
“Going swimming obviously.” You were pulling your shirt over your head the second you finished speaking so you just barely saw his reaction to your hands grabbing the bottom hem.
It was long enough that you managed to watch his eyes widen and drop down to the sudden skin showing but he somehow was able to have a blank expression again by the time you got it off and tossed it onto the sand carelessly.
You’d turned to walk closer to the water but you stopped and looked over your shoulder when you realized he wasn’t following you anymore.
“Cmon.” Your thumbs pushed down the hem of your shorts to showcase the rest of your bikini and now you heard him scoff a laugh as the water touched your ankles.
The water was unusually cold from the few cloudy days you’d had but you were determined now to get him to have some fun and open up a little bit before he really started to bum the rest of you out.
You fought your smile when you heard light splashing behind you and when you finally turned around you were thrown off by the amount of pale skin you were seeing. Obviously you knew he’d have to take off his shirt to get in the water but you were mainly stuck on the changes to his body.
He’d clearly filled out, something you could have guessed from the height, and now he looked surprisingly strong unlike his lanky frame he had when you were younger. Outfit of his ribs slightly showing, he definitely had some muscle definition that you looked away from immediately.
Your eyes landed on what was even more jarring and he surprisingly didn’t shy away when you scanned over the bruising covering his stomach and sides.
You met his gaze for just a second and he just stood there with the light ripples hitting his belly button.
“Get into some trouble?” Your question was light and almost teasing so he had room to ignore you. You didn’t want to bombard him for answers especially since it wasn’t really your place anymore.
If this had been four years ago, you would have wrapped him up in your arms and demanded to know who possibly could have hurt him but that boy wasn’t here anymore. He definitely wasn’t the cold one standing in front of you.
“Something like that.” His response was as uncharacteristic as you expected it to be and you simply nodded your head before waiting for him to catch up to you.
He was up to his chest now in the water and you were starting to struggle to stay afloat which seemed to amuse him if the quirk of his lips told you anything.
“Isn’t this nice?” Your voice was quieter now and you almost face palmed at how nervous and unnatural you sounded.
Heeseung was just watching you like you were the one who had changed but there was something heavy in his eyes now. You almost flinched at the feeling of his warm leg brushing yours under the water once he was finally starting to relax and float a little but you managed to collect yourself.
He hummed in agreement but you could tell he was just doing it to give you the answer he knew you wanted to hear.
You wondered if the cold water felt good on his bruises or if you were just making him feel worse by trying to help.
“Surprised you didn’t bring the others.” He was talking again surprisingly and now he was fully floating on his back with his gaze set on the sky and the colors of the setting sun. “Since you and Sunghoon are so close now.”
The jealous tone of his voice was not something you were used to and you didn’t realize he could sound even less like himself until he proved you wrong.
Heeseung and you had always been each others number ones and he’d never had to doubt his position in your life before but it made you blood boiling mad that he had such an accusatory tone now like you’d done something wrong.
Did he expect you to sit around and mope forever, holding out hope that he’d maybe decide to return one day despite not even knowing where he’d gone?
“We’ve always been close Heeseung. We all are.” Your voice was stable despite how the opposite you felt and something unsaid was being heard loudly in your choice of words.
For the first time since he came back, you were blatantly excluding him from the group. None of you were teenagers anymore and you’d been through a decade of stories and experiences just in the last few years as you transitioned into adults.
Maybe the sight of him now, grown up and empty, wouldn’t have hurt so bad if you watched it happen slowly instead of all at once. Maybe it wouldn’t have happened this way at all and he would have been a totally different person with your influence.
You immediately felt guilty and gross for giving yourself that much credit.
“It’s different now though.” He seemed set in his idea that you and Sunghoon had some secret deeper bond and you didn’t even try to argue with him this time.
“You’re different.” The response you settled with was pretty petty and he seemed to agree judging by the way he scoffed but he was sitting up and moving a tad closer to you in the water.
“Yeah well you’re exactly the same.” He said it so simply that you couldn’t tell if it was meant to be an insult, compliment or simply just an observation. He was either calling you immature or making a callback to how your relationship used to be.
You figured it was the latter when his hand was brushing against your waist under the water.
“Not all of me.” Your voice had gotten lower now as you realized the mood was shifting to something you’d not experienced with him before.
You’d always found Heeseung attractive obviously but he was so young and you weren’t exactly the age either where you were thinking about him in this way. Sure, he’d been touchy back then with his hand in yours or an arm around your waist as you walked together but never with this look in his eye.
It felt wrong to have him shifting even closer to you, bare chest and his wet hair almost covering his eyes as he stared down due to your newfound height difference.
Mainly the wrong feeling came due to the fact that you barely knew him now and you didn’t want to get to know him like this. You wished it had happened naturally, your friendship had returned when he did and so did your comfortability and maybe eventually the love buried deep in your chest.
But you were so desperate to feel something from him, anything that might indicate he had once cared about you. So you didn’t push him away when he leaned down to kiss you.
His mouth was hot against yours and suddenly all of the teasing touches and heavy glances made a lot more sense.
He had a desperation you didn’t expect and your head was spinning by the time he was pulling you even closer by your waist and slotting his knee in between your legs under the water.
“Hee.” You breathed out his name as he licked into your mouth and he shushed you impatiently, not wanting to give you the chance to stop him before he’d even gotten to really have you.
You weren’t going to and your hips were rolling against his leg, the water hitting higher up on your stomach and making you gasp from the cold and how it splashed over your covered chest.
He seemed to notice considering he was impatiently pulling the fabric of your bikini top away from your skin and you moaned when his mouth was leaving yours in favor of hungrily connecting with your hard nipples. The warmth of his mouth made you spin and you held the back of his head against your chest.
His knee was rocking under you and you kept grinding yourself down on it, free hand wrapping around his back and feeling the muscles clench everytime he moved himself towards you.
“Hee.” you gasped out his name again and this time he atleast hummed in acknowledgement, big hands gripping your waist and forcing you to keep moving against him.
“Cmon y/n, stop fucking talking.” His mouth was back on yours and this time it was you who immediately licked into his closed lips, the sound of his low voice spurring you on even more.
He was lifting you out of the water and your legs wrapped around his waist so you wouldn’t fall. You didn’t even realize he’d be strong enough to lift you but he seemed to have no problem as he started walking towards the shore and you rolled your hips into his hard on that you could now feel pressing against you.
Your mouth parted when you felt how hard he was already and he laid you gently down onto the sand before climbing ontop of you and kissing you again.
This time his body was covering you and you whined when his hips lowered down on yours.
He was sitting up for only a second so he could finish untying your bathing suit and tugging it off of you and you watched as his eyes locked hungrily on your bare chest while you panted heavily.
Your eyes were big and wanting as you stared up at him and the sight was almost too much so he went back to kissing you deeply.
His body was still just as wet as yours and the feeling of his hot skin warming up what the water had cooled was almost as addicting as the way he rolled his hips down slowly.
“Fuck y/n.” He was groaning into your neck and you inhaled at the way he was biting the skin and definitely leaving marks on you. “Used to be mine remember?”
You were shaking your head in disagreement but the way you were rocking your hips and holding onto the back of his head was very telling, you might as well have had his name carved on you.
“Gonna make you mine again.”
Heeseung was pushing your bathing suit bottoms to the side and playing with the waistband of his before impatiently shoving them down onto his thighs. You were both hurt by his impatience and extremely turned on by the fact he was about to take you on the beach without even fully undressing you.
“Tell me you want it.” His tongue licked up to your ear and you gasped at the feeling of his thick head pressing against your wetness, your legs spreading automatically for him.
“Want it. Want it Hee.” You were breathing heavily and trying to fuck yourself down on him even though it was pointless considering how strong his grip on your waist was, pinning you down against the sand and feeling the way you arched up into him when he started to push himself inside.
The slide was easy and your cry was loud enough that you almost worried the other boys would be able to hear you.
“Fucking tight.” His voice was strained as he spat the words through gritted teeth and you clenched around him at the praise, wanting to make him feel as good as he was so easily doing to you. “Perfect pussy for me, sliding right in. So wet y/n.”
His constant use of your name made you feel even more insane and you whined louder when he bottomed out inside you. Heeseung didn’t waste any time before he was starting to roughly fuck into you and it was exactly what you needed after years of pent of anger and emotions.
“Fuck me hard Hee.” You begged him through your cries and he gladly delivered exactly what you needed, slamming his hips against yours so fast it was painful. “Fucking hate you.”
“Hate you so much.” His rebuttal was quick and he caught your mouth in a rough kiss as he spoke, teeth hitting yours making you wince in pain.
“Show me. Fuck me like you hate me.”
He was doing what you asked without any question and you almost broke from how much you could feel it radiating off of him, hate and anger stemming from something you didn’t even understand.
Then it was over before you even processed it started and you were both left panting on the sand as the sun finished setting and the sand underneath you dried.
Heeseung was rolling away from you to land on his back with a grunt and your entire body shivered when you felt his arm pressing against yours and giving you a little bit of warmth that barely made up for how cold you felt all over.
Everything surrounding you was cold now and him not saying a single world just made it ten times worse.
You were hit with shame and guilt tenfold and tears were springing to yours eyes before you could stop them. You vaguely heard him shifting next to you and sniffing loudly, your head turning to him.
Your eyes grew in size when you saw he’d dug something out of his discarded shirts pocket and was sitting up with his head turned away from you like it would make what he was doing any less obvious.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Your voice was low and venomous and your hands uncomfortably went to cover your chest as you sat up and scooted away from him. “You’re getting high?”
He didn’t even look over at you as he cleared his burning throat and shoved whatever the small capsule was back into his crumbled up shirt. The sight of him rolling his eyes like you were annoying him almost made you just sink into the ocean and disappear.
“Get dressed before they come down here and find you like that.” He was standing up as he spoke again and you hated that the tears were fully falling now, hot on your flushed cheeks.
Your shaking hands did their best to tie up your bikini top and he finally looked down at where you were still sitting on the sand and sobbing. You weren’t sure he could see the tears considering how dark it was now but when he turned his face away with a cold expression you knew that he had.
Heeseung was pulling his shift over his head and hesitating for just a few seconds while looking at the stairs back up to the house, almost like he was considering leaving you there.
“Who even are you?” You weren’t sure how you managed to speak so strongly through your cries but he clearly felt the impact of it as he tensed up and his jaw locked.
“Does it matter?”
After you’d gotten dressed you had stormed past him up the steps only after slamming your shoulder into his side and steeling your expression. He gave you a few seconds before he was following you up but he didn’t come inside when you got up there.
You’d gone up to Riki and quietly asked him if he could take you home, cold hands shaking as they gripped his wrist and eyes still swollen.
The other boys were silent when they saw the state of you and you just hoped they couldn’t guess what had happened, shame hitting you hard at even the idea of them finding out how you’d just been used and discarded so easily.
You sat there the entire car ride back to town with your head half out the window and the warm summer air doing it’s best to stop the tears from rolling down your face.
Riki didn’t ask you any questions and you were grateful when he pulled into his own driveway and not yours, not even realizing how much you didn’t want to go home until you saw your front door and felt the nausea building.
It was unspoken that he let you rot in the bed in the spare room for the first few days and by day three Jake was rubbing your back softly and trying to get you to eat something.
Sunghoon came and went constantly and you spent most nights with him laying beside you, not touching or speaking but just having him there. You weren’t sure if they’d figured it out or if Heeseung told them but something in you knew that they knew what happened.
You started to feel slightly better after a week of moping and letting yourself finally feel the heartbreak that’d be been building for so many years and after two weeks you were back to work.
If you spent more your shift looking out the window to try to get a glimpse of him in the shop across the street then that was your own personal secret.
He was still somebody you cared about as frustrating as that was but it still made you sick that you started to worry when you hadn’t seen him for a few weeks.
It had been almost a month since that night on the beach and you no longer could assume he was just avoiding you. The town was too small and you would have run into by now regardless if you wanted that or not so he’d either been completely isolating himself or he was gone again and you weren’t sure which one of those hurt you more.
“He’s still here.” Sunghoon’s voice was low next to your ear as you laid in his bed this time, giving Riki and his family a break even though he insisted they didn’t need or want one.
You still wanted to come up here with Sunghoon even though it was a bit hard considering what had happened last time but you figured it was hard for him to be in such a big house all by himself now that his dad wasn’t coming anymore.
“Did you talk to him?” You were rolling onto your stomach and looking at him with wide eyes and he sighed softly as he studied the hope on your face.
“Not really.” He was mumbling now and the pout your lips formed almost made him feel sick. “Just for a second. I was skating past his place.”
You were nodding in understanding but you felt weirdly settled that he hadn’t gone anywhere and he was seemingly here to stay despite how it always felt like he was trying his hardest to get away from you all. You should have get the times worse that he was around and you had a change to run into him sooner than later but you were an idiot at heart.
“He doesn’t deserve you being sad for him, you know that right?” Your hair was being pushed behind your ear by Sunghoon’s hand and you watched him as he stared.
He looked vulnerable and it made sense considering he was not the type of person to say things like that to anybody, especially not to you. Your heart hurt hearing it from somebody else but you gave a soft nod anyways despite not at all agreeing with what he was saying.
“I mean it. You’re like… the best thing any of us could even begin to imagine and he acts like you’re going to stay no matter how he treats you. He’s always been like that, you just didn’t want to see it.”
Your face fell as he kept talking and getting more and more upset. You’d had no idea he felt this way or even noticed things like that and you hated that you started to think about what Heeseung had insinuated before on the beach.
It made you feel overly warm to consider that Sunghoon might have some type of feelings towards you and yet here he was, laying in bed with you for days and comforting you after you let some asshole break your heart for the thousandth time.
“I’m not going to let him do that to me anymore Hoon.” You heard your voice as it came out and heard how obvious the lie was, knowing he did too when he was just blankly staring at you.
“You love him.” His response was curt but it hit you full force and you tried your best not to let any visible reaction show. “You chose him a long time ago.”
You weren’t sure if he was talking about you choosing Heeseung over yourself and your own well-being or if he was once again saying what you think he might have been.
The guilt coursed through you when you were laying your head down on his chest and listening to how fast his heartbeat started to pulse but you couldn’t look at his honest face anymore and the conversation needed to end before it was all too much.
It was only building more when the next morning you were writing him a note letting him know you’d be back soon before hitching a ride back into town.
You spent the entire hour it took getting to Heeseung’s house both trying to gather the courage to go through with your idea and also trying to talk yourself out of it, reaching a peak of panic when you were knocking softly on his door.
He took a long time to open and just as you were about to turn around and leave, there he was.
Standing in the doorway that you’d seen him in close to a thousands times but looking so different that it felt brand new. He didn’t look surprised to see you on his porch and that made you feel even shittier.
“You okay?” He surprised you with the question and how genuine it sounded but you kept your face flat.
“Are you okay?” You emphasized the word and shifted uncomfortably in place until he was stepping aside and letting you in the small house. “The boys are worried about you.”
If he knew you were lying than he didn’t mention it and you took a second to glance around the living room.
Not much had changed about it besides the numerous boxes that were either still unpacked or in the process of being put back away. You didn’t want to ask him and when you met his eyes again you could tell he didn’t want to answer.
“Well I’m fine.” His answer finally came and he was biting the inside of his cheek like he was trying not to say something.
He was such a mystery to you that it was genuinely started to get under your skin. He looked at you like you’d done something so terrible to him and you had absolutely no idea what was bothering him so much, especially since he was the one who had left you.
“You’re fine?” Your voice was flat and bitter and he nodded stiffly to which you scoffed and rubbed your face in annoyance. “So you don’t want to talk about it? You don’t think we should?”
“Go talk to Sunghoon if you want someone to talk emotions with.” His gaze was fiery on you and you almost flinched away from it like it really could have burned you.
You stared at him dumbfounded for a few breaths and the air in the living room was so tense you worried the walls would collapse from it. He actually looked slightly regretful after he said it which shocked you but it didn’t really matter since it was already in your head now.
Heeseung was taking a deep breath and running a hand through his hair before looking at you one more time.
“I’ll get dressed and we can go.” You didn’t respond to him and your hurt stare was clearly making him uncomfortable. “Is that okay?”
You waited just a few more seconds before you were giving him a curt nod and covering your mouth from the shock of the entire conversation and whatever was happening between the two of you.
He was turning to walk down the hallway to his room but stopping midway and giving you a glance over his shoulder like he was making sure you hadn’t left.
Your shoulders lost all tension the second he was out of sight and you leaned against the wall to help hold you up, proud of yourself for not running out or embarrassingly tearing up again.
It was quiet for a long time and you didn’t even want to begin to imagine what was taking him so long to throw on a simple outfit but you’d begun to wander around the house while you waited, ending up in the kitchen.
“Oh y/n.”
The soft voice calling out for you had your head turning swiftly and your eyes widened when you saw his mom standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Ms Lee.” You sounded astonished and you hoped she wasn’t too offended by the fact you were standing in her house with your sandals still covered in sand. “I didn’t know you were home. I’m sorry to barge in.”
“Always such a sweet girl.” She waved her hands at you like you were ridiculous for apologizing for such a small thing and your heart warmed when she crossed the room to hold your face gently. “You’re friends with my son again? I’ll take that as a good sign.”
You smiled lightly and just nodded at her, not having the nerve to tell her you weren’t exactly friends and he definitely wasn’t doing as well as the hope in her voice led you to believe she thought he was.
“You were always so good for him. He worried so much about you never forgiving him for leaving but you must understand it wasn’t his fault.” Her hands were warm on your face and you felt a lot of guilt as she spoke.
You weren’t exactly sure you were supposed to be hearing this so you didn’t ask her any questions or pry.
Heeseung must’ve heard his moms voice because he looked flustered by the time he came out of his room, barely pulling his shirt over his head as he crossed into the kitchen and looked between the two of you.
“Ma, what are you doing back?” His voice sounded overly similar to how it used to as he comfortably addressed her and the difference shocked you.
“Don’t make me sound like such a bother.” She was lightly scolding him before letting go of your face and you immediately missed the warmth of her hands and gaze. “I was just telling y/n how happy I am you two are together again.”
Your eyes widened at the same time his did and your face flushed bright red at the implication that she thought you and Heeseung were dating now, along with how she apparently had thought you’d been dating beforehand too.
“Oh relax you two. I just mean together as in the same space.” She laughed and waved her hands in dismissal again but you definitely didn’t relax. “Where is he taking you?”
It took you a few seconds to realize she was addressing you and your mouth parted in silence, fumbling for an answer since you didn’t actually know where he was planning for the two of you to go.
“It’s a surprise Ma.” His voice was gentle and so was the kiss he laid on the side of her head, her eyes shutting happily as he kissed her teeth and rubbed him on his shoulder. “But we’ve gotta get going.”
She was shooing you away without another word and giving you a heavy glance that you didn’t really understand, following behind Heeseung as he led you out back through the side entrance that came out onto their driveway.
“Oh holy shit. You still have this thing?” You were curling your nose up at the sight of the old beat up pickup truck that his grandpa used to drive you all around in.
You always got the luxury of sitting on one of the other two seats inside since you were the only girl but all the boys had a blast everytime they had to pile into the bed and feel the wind drying them off as you drove home from the beaches and waterfalls.
Heeseung’s grandpa had died when you were about twelve and the truck sat in the driveway for many years until his grandma was giving him the keys for his 16th birthday, a wink and a swift warning before sending him off to pick you all up.
“I still remember you outside my house blaring on the horn.” You were smiling to yourself as you went around the front so you could climb into the passenger side, feeling the rough leather.
He was getting in a second after you and you tried your best to stare as he situated himself and cleared his throat before putting the truck into drive.
Your gaze on him made him glance your way as he was backing out but it barely lasted a blink before he was looking away.
You waited an hour before you were speaking again, spending the entire time with the windows down and the sound of the loud wind filling up whatever silence the old radio left. It was playing some tape his grandpa had left behind and his hands were tapping the steering wheel in time with it.
It felt the most like your old times with him than anything else had so far and you had to remind yourself that things were still different.
You may have taken this drive with him a dozen times but things had changed. His hand wasn’t on your knee drawing shapes and your eyes weren’t bright and filled with love as you laughed and yelled over the music together.
That picture was a lot warmer than what reality was and you glanced over at him again.
The mountains were stretching behind his side profile now that you were farther away from town than you usually went and he looked so relaxed and calm that you almost felt bad for ruining the silence.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going anytime soon?” You were turning your body so your back was against the car door and your legs were curled into the middle seat, a few inches from the side of his thigh.
He didn’t answer you right away and you scoffed in annoyance at his audacity to just ignore you straight to your face like he hadn’t been the one to invite you here. You crossed your arms over your chest and looked away from him in upset but he was pulling onto the side of the road and parking the car before you could get really mad.
You sat there for a few seconds while he gripped the steering wheel and you took the time to glance around the area.
It was a long dirt road with a lot of thick trees and bushy areas, no other cars or parking lots in site. You were beyond confused and if it was anyone else with you then you’d even feel a little scared but despite Heeseung feeling like a stranger, he wasn’t one.
“Are you okay with walking a bit?” His voice was low when he finally spoke and you noticed he sounded similar to how he did while talking to his mom earlier, your heart tugging at how casual he was being towards you after weeks of hearing him sound so angry and empty.
“Y-yeah.” Your eyes widened at the sudden question and you felt embarrassed for stuttering even though he didn’t seem to care considering he was nodding and getting out of the truck. “Not a problem.” You mumbled to yourself before following him.
He was disappearing into the tree line and you would have been more confused if you didn’t see the faintest evidence of an old trail that had clearly been overgrown.
Heeseung was confident in his steps and every turn he took seemed like it was practiced so you quickly gathered that he knew exactly where he was and you wondered when he would have come out here enough to be this knowledgeable about it.
You were together pretty much all the time as kids and as far as you knew he hadn’t gone anywhere since coming back to town so his mystery was just growing even more to you.
You’d been walking for about twenty minutes with just the sounds of snapping sticks and the wind rustling the trees before it was opening up to reveal a small waterfall and a pond amongst the trees.
The bank was completely made up of rocks and fallen tree logs, something completely different than the sandy shores you were used to. You could tell right away this wasn’t a place for swimming but you just kept following him as he hopped onto the large boulders before eventually sitting on one.
You watched the side of his face as you waited for him to explain and he just watched the view with a slightly pained expression.
“Can you… can you not look at me.” His first words hit you hard and you flinched at the rough tone he’d taken on again. “Please it just will make this easier.”
Although confused, you nodded and opted for instead staring at the way your feet were dangling over the open water. Your thighs were burning from the rough edge of the boulder and the height you were sat at was slightly intimidating but you willed yourself to not look at him no matter how much you wanted to.
“I came here the day that I left. Stole the truck and ran out of the house even though my mom was practically tripping over herself in the driveway trying to get me to stop. I think she thought if I went I wouldn’t come back.” He took a break for you to process what he was telling you and the last sentence hit you hard.
You knew he loved his mom and hearing about her fear and what actually went down the day they moved away was almost too much and you considered asking him to stop talking.
Instead you clenched your hand onto the cold boulders surface and waited for him to keep going.
“It was a world of things that don’t matter anymore, never fucking matter but I need you to understand how much I regret it.” You could feel him looking at you now.
“I should have said goodbye to you and I should’ve answered your letters but I knew I’d come back the second I heard a single word from you and I couldn’t leave her alone. She needed me and I figured you’d be okay with the others. You’d hate me but you’d be okay.”
His voice was getting shakier and you couldn’t resist looking at him anymore although he didn’t look upset that you had done so, his hand stretching the distance between you so he could grip your hand that was practically clawing at the stone.
You squeezed his warm hand tight in yours as you sniffled and the tears built up quickly when you saw how nervous he looked.
“And I’m so fucking sorry for what I did to you at Sunghoon’s.” He grit his teeth as he said it like it pained him to remember and your stomach turned uncomfortably, almost feeling sick at the memory of how shut off he had been now. Especially comparing it to the way he was looking at you now. “I was angry at myself and took it out on you. It was fucking disgusting.”
A sob hit you at that and you don’t know if him scooting closer made you feel better or worse but you leaned into him anyways and felt your heart calm at the way he wrapped his arms around you.
“Y/n I don’t regret it okay? Just the way that it happened but you know… I-I hope you know that I’ve always-“ He sighed and stopped talking like he couldn’t find the words and you wiped your face quickly.
You leaned away from him just enough to get a good look at his face and he looked panicked like he didn’t know how you were going to respond.
“You’re not high right now right?”
His face fell in hurt at your question before it was turning into understanding and guilty, the shake of his head not doing nearly enough to lessen your worries which he quickly seemed to notice because he was leaning closer and making sure you could see him when he spoke.
“I’m not high I promise you. I haven’t been since that night on the beach.” He sounded genuine and you would have believed him before but you didn’t know him now and he easily could’ve been lying to you. “How can I help you know that?”
The desperation in his question and expression made him look so much younger and another sob hit you as you started to see him for who he was.
Not some corpse like imposter who had moved back to town and taken the identity of your old friend and lover but just a lost and confused Heeseung who had clearly gone through something you didn’t understand yet.
So when you kissed him it wasn’t for any other reason this time, it wasn’t because you just wanted to feel that he was actually there or because you thought there was no other way to be close to him again but it was because you wanted him to know that you believed him and you were patient.
You’d been patient and you’d continue to be because Sunghoon had been right when he said you always loved Heeseung and you’d constantly choose him.
Something in you told you that this time he’d do his best to choose you too, his hands holding your face so gently and his thumbs swiping soothingly over your cheeks to rid you of the constant stream of tears despite his own wetting his face too.
You weren’t even really sure what you were crying for.
If it was for the pain he’d put you through or the pain he was dealing with himself. Maybe it was because of the lost time and the years you could’ve spent together or the relief at not having to experience his absence again, something beautiful in the way you were holding each other and sharing the grief of what could have been.
You could only hope that what will be would be worth every tear in the end.
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felicity0222 · 24 days
I have kept pretty much everything private with what I think about Williams and them dropping Logan mid season, but now Im ready to share my thoughts publicly..
In my opinion, William were looking for any and every reason to drop Logan after promising him his last 10 races in Formula One because if they were originally gonna drop him, they would’ve done it in the summer break. So doing it now makes complete and absolute no sense, also to drop him for a complete rookie with literally almost next to non-testing time in an F1 car just absolute madness and they did it all for one big fat check from a sponsor that they just announced today and that sponsor is said to be paying for Franco seat in the sums of millions of dollars for the last 9 races and the fact that Williams were probably planning this for months because you know contract negotiations with sponsors don’t happen just within three days is sickening. So essentially they brought on one big huge pay driver because Williams and vowels is greedy for money besides was Logan’s more than 30 million a year in sponsorships not enough to satisfy them? Also what happens when Franco eventually crashes the car because he is a rookie and is not used to driving that shit box of a car. 
Also, this whole situation is super sad for Logan because now you have Oscar and Alex saying that he never truly got to show his full potential in F1 and they won’t say the reasons why they’re just saying he never got to show his full potential and what he fully capable of as a driver and that he does have the raw pace to be in f1 and that whatever he does next he will be amazing at. Also, it’s been rumored that Logan was only told on Tuesday that he would be dropped so this whole situation with Williams and the way that they’ve handled it publicly by not even giving him a proper goodbye post or a proper anything it’s just sickening. I for one will never be a fan of them again. They have tainted their image for me at least.
There were so many ways that this whole situation could’ve been handled, but from the very beginning of the season, Logan was never given the chance, he was never handled properly by his own team and he was always put on the back pedal and mistreated. Also this decision to sub out Logan midseason definitely feels like a personal one from vowels because it was very obvious he never liked Logan.
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jellolegos · 1 month
“natural dorito taper” 😂😂😂 amazing tags my dude
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am i wrong?? I guess maybe swimmers shoulders?
so so interested with what they're doing with the cuts this season for rhaenyra, and of course they look good in everything but i think this season has had some really good looks. I always find it super interesting the way they treat masc/fem, soft/stiff silhouettes with different characters (I think i have a thread on here why some of katie mcgraht's supergirl suits did/didn't work based on their tailoring). Anyway!
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I wasn't altogether crazy abouit the costuming last season but I think you can really see the trajectory as rhaenyra is coming into her own and im super into it.
In sum:
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wicchyy · 9 months
—0.4 snow & bubbles ; james potter
sum: snow, foam, steam, bubbles - you and James share a moment in the hot tub / bestfriend!James
warnings: none rly
notes: best friends James again bc I’m obsessed w them. they’re practically dating but it’s okay
You knew exactly how many rooms Sirius had in his family cabin. 2. His parent’s room and the one that belonged to him and his brother. The cabin hadn’t been used by his family for years since they had a falling out. Sirius had the key, and it turned into a winter tradition that the four of you took part in.
James, Remus, Sirius, and you. Sirius offered a few nights to wind down at his cabin before you’d all continue to celebrate Christmas with the Potter family. Every year, Sirius and Remus took his parents room that had the plush king sized bed and amazing view, which also had a fireplace of their own.
While you and James shared Sirius’ room. You didn’t mind it really. Not when you and James had been best friends for so long, sharing a room, a bed, and a shower felt all too natural.
Your other two friends had a hard time believing you and James were only best friends. They’d seen you cuddling together, sleeping together, hell they’d even been in encountered you both at this moment.
It started with Sirius wanting to have a relaxing evening. He’s set the toggles on the hot tub at the back of the cabin. Put some light foam in and made two cups of hot cocoa for himself and Remus to enjoy. Then, Sirius had distracted himself with snogging around with Remus around the cabin that he’d ultimately forgotten about the romantic gesture he’d set up for his boyfriend.
The window from his parents room had provided a clear view of you and James. James in nothing but his swim shorts and you in your white bikini enjoy on the very tub that he’d adjusted for his own comfort.
James was already inside, stretching his legs out and holding a hand out for you to grab as you slowly walked down the short 3 steps to join him in the hot water.
Steam was coming out of the tub and the jets were making you even warmer. The instant breeze of the snowy winter air no longer affected you.
You were tucked warmly in a foamy tub with your best friend, James. He looked over at you in admiration, not helping himself with the thin material of your choice of a bathing suit. He wanted to reach out and tug at the strap on your shoulder, but you had interrupted him by putting a hand on his bare chest.
“I love winter. Do y’know that this is my favourite season, Jamie?”
James smiles and pulls your hand closer to his lips, pressing a light kiss on it. Just things that best friends do with each other.
“I know, sweetheart. You’ve said it a bunch of times on our way here and when you took photographs of me in the snow with your muggle camera.”
“Right. I did that.”
“I still don’t understand why the pictures won’t move, though. Is it the unadvanced technology or muggles simply like the way things are, boring.”
You leaned your head on his shoulder, “Well, James. I’m not quite sure but I think I’ll go with both.”
“Hm.” He hummed, a hand wrapping you even closer. James let his head fall gently atop you, a sign that let you know he wanted your fingers to mess around with his curls.
You wrapped your hand around his shoulder too, your palm connecting with his head and instead of playing with his hair, you dumped water atop him. “Honestly, Jamie you couldn’t have not expected me to do that.”
James’ laughter filled your ears, clearly having the upper hand as both of his hands kept you in place while he shook his head towards your face. Foam and water splashed at you and you couldn’t help but join in on his delirious laughter.
“Oh, James!” You shouted, trying to get out of his grasps but realizing that he only tugged you harder into the water.
When you surfaced up, your cheeks were hot and foam covered the top of your head. “Sorry, sweetheart. Should’ve known the consequences.”
“Christ I really can’t enjoy a peaceful evening with you.” You poked his chest, a small smile playing at your lips.
James pulled your face closer with one of his hands, his lips making haste of a cheek kiss on you. At the same time, your hands gripped his shoulder to attempt another splash in the foamy water but your body was pulled closer by James’ other hand to put you atop his lap.
“Hello, there.” He smiled up at you. His hand was still on your hips, fingers grazing dangerously close to the region below your belly button.
“Jamie. C’mon let me off.” You didn’t really want to be let off his lap. But you had the intrusive thoughts knocking at your brain that reminded how you were straddling him basically. You didn’t want to go out of the boundaries of your friendship. You didn’t want James to be uncomfortable.
“Just a moment, please.” He pointed those beautiful hazel eyes at you he knew you loved. “Y’so warm, sweet girl.”
Well. You didn’t dare deny him. He was practically begging for you to be there. And there wasn’t an ounce of awkwardness between you two. Even if you were in a questionable position with your best friend.
“Alright then. Just a few minutes. Siri and Remus can’t see us with all this foam can they?”
“Course not. They won’t be able to see anything.”
Of course it wasn’t the matter of them just seeing, you just didn’t want them to bug you with yet another reason why you and James aren’t purely best friends.
“Y’look so pretty in this thing, y’know.” James grinned, poking a finger into your side to tease you.
“And you .. look fine in your usual swim shorts.” You laughed, lightly pouring on water at his top half so his shoulders weren’t freezing.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” James did the same. His hand scooping water to pour over the skin of your body which wasn’t in the water.
“I’m really looking forward to this week, Jamie. With our friends, with your family.” You sighed comfortably, relaxing your weight atop James.
“Mhm. Me too.” James replied simply. He didn’t know what else to say when he had his beautiful friend sitting on top of him. Talking so softly that his heart was pounding nervously. He was worried he’d say the wrong thing or do the wrong move. He was even more afraid of his lower half possibly waking up and freaking you out. Though he shouldn’t have pulled you in his lap if he didn’t want that to happen.
James’ thoughts were just scattered right now, with the steam and the foam clouding his judgement. All he really knew was he wanted to kiss your lips and pull you closer and closer to him because all he’s ever wanted is to savor every moment with you.
“Jamie!” You pinched his cheek, “You were staring blankly at me. What’s wrong? Am I making you uncom—“
“No!” James rushed to say, “No, no. You’re perfect, sweetheart. Not making me uncomfortable. Not at all.”
“Alright. Is there something wrong?”
He settled his hands on your back, bringing you just a few inches closer to him. “Nothing. I’m also very excited for you to be visiting. Though I don’t think mum will let me share my room with you.” He chuckles.
You roll your eyes, finally deciding to rest your hands behind James’ neck, circling them like you’re in a position to kiss. “Then I guess we’ll have to savor the days you can share a room with me.”
“Believe me, sweetheart. I want to savor every day I can share with you.” James flirts, his heart beating faster. “Here.” He takes one of your hands from the nape of his neck and directs in to his chest where his heart is. “This is the effect you have on me.”
“You have the same on me.” You smiled shyly. James smiled and pulled your face even closer again, this time to press a little kiss on the tip of your nose.
The little moment has you fluttering. This kind of thing, it makes you want to risk the means of your friendship by pulling him and letting your lips land on his.
“And you’re so warm. Y’make me so warm. Can you be my human furnace?” He teases.
“If anything, you’re my human furnace.”
The hot water, the steam, the foam made the moment between you two even special than you’d ever had with anyone else. Your thoughts consisted of James, James, James.
Suddenly, the mood changed as a shout came from behind you. “Hey! Prongs, Y/n! You’re joking!”
“Pads, it’s fine. Christ let them have their moment.” Remus interrupted from behind.
“No! I set this all up for Moony. And now you two shitheads are eating it all up.”
You were quick to roll your eyes and just lean further onto James, hugging him with your hands landing on his shoulders again. “Leave us alone, Pads.” James groaned, his hands traveling to your back.
“If you both don’t get up, I’m jumping in.” Sirius demanded. Which, he unsurprisingly did. Making quick work of his clothes until he was left with his boxers on.
You snicker as you heard Sirius make his way into the hot tub. Leaning onto James’ left side so you could see Sirius’ angry face side eyeing the both of you, the position you were in.
“You’ve got to be actually fucking with me. I’m so angry right now, but the water is so relaxing.”
James chimed in, “I know. Now shut up. Moony! Get in, already. We’re having a friendship moment.” James grinned at his two friends.
Remus didn’t object and did as James said. “Right. A friendship moment, indeed.” He said with a knowing look, making eye contact with you.
“Hm. I’m loving this trip.” You smiled. James looked up at you and pressed another kiss on your cheek, agreeing with what you’ve said.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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cursedcatchild · 26 days
Ok, so I watched TOTTMNT and I am here to rant. Also, SPOILERS ahead!
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So First of all, if I had to sum up my thoughts into a single sentence it would be: For the love of God, put those turtles back together, where they belong!!
I didn’t hate the show, but I didn’t come to like it either. And no, I did not have any prejudgment just because it was a new iteration. Honestly I was super hyped for this version, because the movie was a blast. Yea, I ended up being disappointed. But let me just elaborate on that:
First let’s take a look at our turtles from worst to best in my opinion.
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Yepp, ladies and gentlemen so far I have never seen a single iteration where I didn’t come to like a Mikey. He’s always among my favs. But this version felt super shallow. He had just as much screen time in the series as his brothers and yet I still have no idea who this guy really is. His jokes were lame not really landing, I couldn’t really point out any particular goal or insecurity that anyone could relate to. Also, the guy is super oblivious. Like he took ten minutes to realize he walked into a robbery when he went for groceries. Heck he was having a casual conversation with the robbers. 
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Another kinda shallow guy. Sure we seen a bit of insecurity, he literally quoted Rise Leo saying “ I’m nothing without them!” but it felt irreal. Because Rise Leo had a reason to think that, he wasn’t as much of a functional member of the team and he was always taken for jokes. But right from the beginning of TOTTMNT we see Tales Leo commanding his brothers, they listen to him  and even say it multiple times how planning is Leo’s thing. So at this point this Leo is just fucking blind. ( Also April slaps instant self confidence into the boy.) 
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Ok, this is also the first time, but I never really took a liking to a Raph before Tales Raph. Boy is filled with anger and sass, yet he’s not coming off as a total jerk like 2012 Raph. And of course he's not a super softie like Rise Raph ( I don’t hate Rise Raph for being a softie, he's my second favorite Raph) either. He had some fun pipe up and overall a personality I got. I think he’s the most perfect Raph I have ever seen. 
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The best character of the iteration in my humble opinion. He was relatable, funny, honestly he was stealing Mikey’s job as the comic relief, but at the same time he’s the smart guy. The boy is ranting about not being the IT guy and then goes reprogramming an evil robot. Oh and he saved so many lifes, because he stopped a fucking train crash. He’s epic, I swear.
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(My fave screenshot ever 🤣🤣)
Now story wise:
🔥What the fuck was this dumpster fire?! 🔥Who thought splitting up the turtles would be fine?! 😑Especially in a 12 episode season? Look, I don't mind solo or duo time. There were plenty of good ones, for example Rise. I adored the Mikey vs Leo cook off episode or the Gumbus one, but for the sake of my sanity Rise had twice as many episodes and the turtles were not split up for the majority of the story.
Like I'm not joking when I say they were together in 4 episodes intotal.😨😨
Now I heard rumors left and right that the fact that they need to make a show was thrown at the team at the last minute ( IDK how true is that) , but goodness gracious even if I was presented with the task with a “ Due tomorrow label” I could still write a better story. Especially with the goldmine what the writers decided to ignore.
Yes, something that would've made TOTTMNT be really unique….. School people! We were promised that we will explore the turtles from the teenage side. Ummm….Hate to break it to ya all but I think there is no better way to do that than putting them into school.
It would’ve been fire to see them trying to fit in, balancing all the cool hero stuff with school life, maybe wrecking the school, seeing how other teenangers adjust to the fact that now giant talking turtles are their classmates. It wouldn’t be some crazy mind blowing plot, but I swear it would've been amazing.
Now don’t misunderstand me. Despite the story feeling like being all over the place it wasn’t that super bad, but I’m pissed that it could've been better with ease.
Also another thing that bugged me, is the feeling of something missing. IDK if anyone else who watched it felt like this, but I legit felt like if we just grabbed the for example farm arc from 2012 TMNT and aired it as season 1. The fact that the turtles were split and they kept mentioning that they have always been fighting together made me feel like I should’ve seen them do that.
Anyways, If I did not take your will to watch it away, go and check it out. It's not horrible but not great either. I’m disappointed and I'm gonna need Rise back, thank you very much!
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generallemarc · 3 months
"It's amazing that Disney bought a money-printing machine and somehow managed to fuck it up."
-A comment on the inevitable Cr1tikal video about Acolyte that just about sums up what Disney has managed to do with 12 years of control over the franchise. Well, make that 11 years-they had legacy products like the then-final Clone Wars season and a few last Expanded Universe books that were too far along to cancel that they could make money from without having been involved in them. Kinda terrifying that, with the sole exceptions of Rebels(mostly) and the new Thrawn trilogy, those were the high points of Disney's tenure, and all they did was inherit them. Hell, both those exceptions I just mentioned were also inherited talent from two of the alltime greats in Star Wars storytelling; Dave Filoni and Timothy Zahn. The Venn Diagram of Star Wars things Disney have made on their own and Star Wars things Disney have made that are good isn't a Venn Diagram at all-just two circles separate from each other.
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Had an amazing time at ghost files live tonight!! Met some amazing people and the boys (and Lizzie) were fantastic!! There was no animosity which was great and y’all,,,,, are in for such a treat with the new season,,, the short clip we saw was fucking insane!!!!
Also!! They did live Too Many Spirits and everyone started to chant Chug at Ryan (he failed pretty quickly lmaooo) it was so chaotic. Lots of yelling and cheering for Greggs!
I think to sum it all up in what Shane said which is: ‘the only time we’ve had an audience as loud and ballsy as this one was in Florida’
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freswoe · 4 months
i really don’t know how im feeling about the latest fhjy episode. sure, it was fun, the combat planning was great to watch and the battle map was awesome, but… story-wise? It wasn’t good. more than that, the preview for the next episode looks like it’ll mainly be just a battle episode, and that combination does Not make me feel optimistic about the ending of fhjy as a whole.
i think the thing that best sums up my confusion and disappointment with this episode is when Ally/Kristen shouts ‘For Lucy!’ and honestly… why? What about Lucy Frostblade - the kind girl whose major philosophy was that the world is cold so we have to keep each other warm, the foil to Porter’s house of conquest without mercy - suggests that she’d want the brutal murder of her friends without any attempt to talk to or redeem them? the entire season has stressed the doubt/conviction relationship - with the RGs representing wrathful conviction and the BKs representing doubt - and yet there’s zero doubt, zero room for understanding, when Fig’s first action as Wanda Chillda is to stress that she fucking hates ruben and wants to see him die. also, whatever the fuck was going on with ivy and fabian.
its just. this episode is the penultimate episode of the entire season, and if i was watching with no prior knowledge, id probably say it would be episode 13, 14 etc. a cool fight, but absolutely zero emotional resonance - just the Bad Kids going to town on yet another enemy. cool fights, cool planning, cool teamwork, but nothing really special about it.
i’ve seen some people saying not to take this so seriously, that it’s an dnd liveplay so of course the storytelling isn’t always gonna be Handcrafted To Perfection TM, but Fantasy High has a track record of some pretty amazing and thoughtful storytelling, and that’s what makes this episode kinda suck. There’s zero emotional resonance. The BKs clearly view the RGs as minibosses, annoying obstacles to defeat so they can focus on the main event, and that would be fine if that’s what the RGs were. But they’re not. We’ve learnt about them, we’ve seen how they were corrupted and groomed, we’ve seen how they really are just the Bad Kids who really went bad. They have narrative weight! They represent the mindless, wrathful conviction that the BKs are trying to stop, and for the BKs to slaughter them with that wrathful conviction (with no room for doubt or redemption at all) is… it’s not good.
don’t get me wrong, I get why (they’ve been awful to the BKs all season, cathartic last fight etc) but it still sucks narratively. like i can’t stress enough that the BKs are using the exact same tactics that they resented the RGs for to slaughter them. ruben says to fig that the BKs are killing his friends (despite their awful interparty relationships, they’re still his friends) and her response, instead of the understanding and kindness that fig (and, tbh, Emily) are known for is to cast ruben into literal fucking hell.
even oisin’s death was anticlimactic. gorgug’s kill on him was cool, but no nod to adaine? not even a mention of ‘you led my friend on and broke her heart so now i’ll break your heart?’ the broken heart thing was Right There and nothing happened. oisin died, a player was removed from the field, the battle went on. no emotional connection or resonance whatsoever.
i don’t know. from a narrative perspective, this episode was bad. all the nuance of the bad kids/rat grinders dynamic has been lost. the bad kids have become Exactly what the rat grinders said they were with apparently zero self-awareness on the matter. they shoot porter and jace and the RGs down with zingers and cool spells and don’t bother even trying to de-rage the rat grinders, and the result is an episode 19 which feels like a mid-season miniboss fight. they bring the same approach to fighting the RGs that they did to fighting the monsters in the Last Stand, which, y’know. not good.
the only way i can think that they might turn this around is if the BKs are shown to be influenced by rage/the RGs get brought back (still hating the BKs, but at least giving them the chance to try again), but I really don’t know at this point. just overall feeling very disappointed.
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A lot of your criticism for miraculous, I notice, comes from this idea that it's trying to be two things at once: a formula series, ala Phineas and Ferb, where the same basic concepts with different set dressing are played out for every episode, and an overarching serialized narrative, ala A:TLA, where episodes are meant to progress individual character arcs and further a larger plot. You've said words to the effect that jn refusing to pick a lane it over-extends itself and fails at both.
My question, I guess, is what would you change, or what do you think would change, if Miraculous had fully committed to either path? Were it either a formulaic show where none of the episodes mattered (which, thinking about it, mostly describes season 1, but then they decided to throw in a curveball like Volpina), or a serialized narrative where almost all of them do, how would it be different from the Miraculous which actually exists?
It's hard to give a solid answer to this one because, as you said, Miraculous is trying to be way too many things, which means that it's brimming with potential for a lot of paths. A serialized narrative could go dark, light, or somewhere in between. A formula show could lean into the cringe, the sweet, or the comedy. The possibilities are endless.
The formula show route is probably the easiest to talk about because Miraculous does have a solid formula. It just needs some polishing. The formula is the same one most superhero shows have: a villain shows up, Ladybug defeats it, everyone learns a lesson and goes home happy. Simple, but solid.
I don't think this formula needs to be changed. The only thing that needs fixing is the show's Marinette obsession. Let other people learn lessons, stop relying so heavily on her crush, and you'd have a solid show. You'd also need to remove all of Gabriel's nuance, but they rarely let that side of him show and, when it does, it's generally in the episodes that come closest to breaking the formula, so stick to the formula and we're fine. I'd probably also remove the Emilie thing because it makes him too complex. Just have him be power hungry.
Season one actually did most of these things, so just go back to that and things would be fine. Possibly less memorable, but fine.
I'm not even going to try to sum up what a serialized show would look like because there are so many plots we could pick from the rubble of unfinished ideas. I know what my ideal version of canon would look like, but I don't think it's the only viable candidate, so I'll just say that the choice is up to you. My only advice is to keep it simple, pick a path, and cut down the characters. Do that and you could make something amazing.
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phoniexrose02 · 9 months
Merry Christmas
Xolo Maridueña x Black! Reader
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Sum: Xolo & Reader are Married with Kids an Finally have the Night alone to Exchange your own Gifts~
The Morning started the Screaming of your Babies, The Three little Toddlers Quietly Snuck into your Bedroom before pounced onto you bed.
Papá! Mommy! Can we open our presents yet?? Can we!??
You Both Awoke with a Grumble, you stare over to the Clock as Xolo played an Tickled his Kids." You'll get your Present but first you must fight the tickle Monster!" You snuggled into your Fur sheets as you had Read exactly 6 Am.
Just a Few More Hours...
"Momma?? Do we get presents now?" Your youngest Pouted, an We're Up...
You Sat up as Xolo Greeted you with a Kiss."Merry Christmas~" he said before hopping out of bed, his littlings Following Close behind. You follow as well Tossing on a Simple Red Robe.
They asked in unison, Making You both smile."Presents." You Nodded as they Quickly Ran to the Living room Cheering leaving the two of yo alone for a Sec." Ready for today?" Xolo asked you quietly wrapping his arms around your waist."with you by my side? always..." You Grumbled out he Giggled at your morning Grogg, he hugged your Waist Tight before Sinking into a Passionate Kiss.
Watching your Young Happily unwrap there Christmas present was Only the Beginning of the day, you than had to Get them Dressed for a Christmas Party your Families had Planned. Though very Polite they were very Courageous, and would some time disappear from sight all together. By the time you both were ready to go it was a Mad Search, Xolo Held one toddler in his Arms while another Clung to his Leg." Ready to Go??" He Asked finding you with your last child clinging to your hip."Yes. Let's Go" He Huffed following you out, your Attitude seemed to be Taking a 180, Sour Apple..
As you all attended your last Party of the Night, Your Kids Were Nearly Falling asleep in the BackSeat as you Packed up to Head Home, They'd Had enough Hot Choco and Candy Cane's to Have them out for the Night."Hey.." Xolo Muttered out as he Climbed into the Driver's Seat."You ok? You seem a Bit I don' kno agitated?" You Only shook your Head an stood forward, it was clear you just wanted to be home Right now.
"I'm ok Don't worry about me" He started the Car and began the Drive home. You'd placed your Hand on his Thigh as he Drove and turned the Radio on Low, The Heat Warming your Face and Nose."You know I'm always gonna Worry about you Baby" he Whispered letting his hand intertwine with yours. The Drive went Quietly, an as he Pulled into the Driveway you Squeezed his thigh an Smile at him. "Let's get them to Bed" you Opened the Car Door Leaving Xolo Stunned to your almost immediate Moon Swing.
He Chuckled to himself as he slowly got out of the Car, You Carried Two sleeping Toddlers on your Waist leaving the Last to Him." Can you Grab the Gifts as well Babe?" You asked heading for the Door, He Did as you asked in amazement You'd had the strength of a Seasoned Mother, He loved how strong you were without him Even if you Were Pregnant.
He Headed inside Finding his other children Already Snuggled up in their Beds, He found the House Rather Quiet an Dark for you just walked in, the Tree Being the only Light in the Living Room. He Laid down his Last Child before heading to his Dimly lit Bed Room."Y/n/n?" He Called out Quickly Examining the empty room, before seating himself on the bed. He stared at the Bathroom Door in thought. 'Had you gotten sick? No way you were already getting morning Sickness'
Xolo was Pulled from his Thought when the Door Opened to Reveal your Lingerie Set. It was a Rather Simple set Red top and Bottoms that Matched beautifully with your Skin, an a Cute little Christmas Shawl that Was Wrapped around your Shoulders."I hope you locked the Door~" you Spoke Confidently Strutting over to him, Leaving him a Bit star struck, it was Rare you'd Wear anything Special for him in the Bed Room.
"Just wanted me to Yourself~" he Grabbed at your Hips Pulling you into his Lap Quickly Causing a Soft Chuckle to leave your lips, he let his Fingers Sink in you beautiful skin before Gently kissing at the back of your Neck." Ms. Claus Wants a Warm CreamPie for Christmas~" you Mewl out Grinding Into his Groin. He Picked you up before Tossing you Further onto the bed, he pulled off his Sweater an Pants Leaving him in nothing but his Boxers.
" All you Had to Do was Ask Mi Amor~" he Crawled into between Legs."Sadly I'll have to take This Sexy Little Fit off you in the Process" he Pulled at your Panties quickly Finding the Mess you Had Hidden Underneath, he Licked at his lips Before Diving straight into your messy Poon, he Licked long strides Starting at your Hole and Flicking up to your Clit."Mm~" you moaned and he continued his Flicking at your Clit an shoved his Middle finger into your Cunt.
"Oh God Papi~" you Huffed letting your Hands Run Threw his Black Curls, He Pulled your legs Closer Moaning as your Cunt made a Messy of his Face, you couldn't help but Wiggle and Jerk against him an all he did was Follow your hips, Not letting you Run from his Grasp.
You'd pulled your Breast from Their Cups pulling and Twisting at your Breast, you Began to Jerk an Shake at his Constant Assault on your Pussy and pulled at his Hair as you began to Cum."Oh God, oh God Fuck!~" he let out a Long Moan an Held your legs Tight against his Face.
He Finally pulled away his Short Beard Covered in your Sinful Juices and his Lips red and Raw, you relaxed against the Pillows with a Beautiful Bright Smiling Taking your Face.He stripped from what little clothing left as you Sat up." What are you doin'?" He asked Curiously as you began running your Arms against his Chest.
" It's your Turn Papi, Laid down for me?~" he Chuckled doing as you ask he Rest on his Elbows as he laid Back, you Jerk at his Dick before giving his Tip a Kiss he Hummed Happily before reaching for your ass to Slap."Ready Papi?~" before he could Nod to your Question you Quickly Took him to the Root, His Hair Tickling at your Face.
" Fuck! Oh Fuck!" He whined Leaning back against the Pillows, he Growled as you started moving up and down Quickly taking all of him Down your Throat, he Gripped the Sheets already Finding myself Close as you swallowed him Down Only to have you Quickly pull off of him."Mnm im getting that full Creampie~" you Mewled out crawling into his Lap Rubbing his Spit Covered Cock Against you Messy Lips.
"I won't last~" he Growled out Wrapping his Arms against your Waist, you slowly shove yourself down on him, Making him Jerk up into you With a Moan. You Quickly Took Note moving your hips up and down Fast, you wanted his Hot Load in your Warm Cunt so Bad it didn't take long for you to Near your Climax as well with his Dick hitting your Perfect spots." Oh Fuck! I'm Cumming Baby! " He Squeezed your hips Fucking faster into your Cunt before Spilling his Load, He Hugged your Back an Waist in Pure Bliss.
" Yes Papi Gimme All of it!~" you Gently Rocked your Hips milking him as much as you could, as you Squirted you couldn't stop yourself from Bouncing hard on your Overstimulated Husband." Fuck! Fuck I can't Baby! Please~" he begged holding onto you tightly, your moans fill the room as you chased your 3rd orgasm Xolo clinging onto you for dear life as you tried milking him for another.
He shoved his face into your breast as you made him cum once More, your Walls overflowing with him.
"Fuck I'm so full Papi~"
You Coo Slumped down in his Arms, He giggled Watching the Gush Between your Legs by."Merry Christmas Amor~"
"Merry Christmas Papi~"
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dano-or-not · 2 months
you said you were running out of things to say about mob psycho, so i wanted to ask your opinion on the parallels between toichiro and mob (but not the ones everyone talks about, like how mob could've turn like toichiro if his life was different and stuff like that), specifically the parallel of how their two battles ended.
in s2, their battle ended with mob saying that leaving toichiro to suffer alone would be too sad, not matter how much he dislikes him, so he decided he is going to help him. and he does that by absorbing a lot of toichiros energy before it explodes, which ultimately saves his life.
now, in s3, ???% was about to deal a final blow to shou and toichiro, only to stop because of how hard mob was trying to contain himself, so toichiro announces he is going to stop ???% by absorbing his energy, the exactly same thing he did for him, the only thing only the two of them could do. shou objects, and before toichiro could go through, he realizes that in the end, what he's doing now is no different from what he always did, run away from his family, so he ultimately decides to run away with shou, leaving mob there desperately trying to stop himself.
i barely see anyone talking about those two scenes, but they've been on my mind forever for so many reasons.
how both of them made their decisions and they aren't right or wrong, they're choices, choices made by them because they are the ones in charge of their own lifes, it was mob's choice to stay there and help him, just like toichiro deciding to run away was his
there's also the fact toichiro says to mob that he's not as strong as him before leaving, which on a surface level seems to be about his strength, but i see that dialogue as him saying hes not strong enough to be willing to sacrifice himself despite all that he might lose, and that makes me crazy!
there's a lot more, like how desperate mob must have felt, we see in s2 mob in his room pondering if someone would stop him if he went out of control. and at that moment, with toichiro walking away, it must have felt like it was over, he had already told teru before to hit him with all he had, to stop mob, but he couldnt, and with suzuki leaving, i imagine how he felt
im soso sorry for the long ask, i don't even know if anything i said made any sense, i have a lot of difficulty putting my thoughts into words, and that gets 10 times worse because of my terrible english lol, i just saw your post about not having any new ideas and it gave me courage to try and send something, im usually very embarrassed bc i always feel like im saying sum wrong LOL, but your blog is my favourite on tumblr and your works are absolutely amazing so im glad to be sending you something, much love
Hello fifth anon!!
And thank you for helping me with post ideas, it's nice and appreciated!
You're so right about the mix of similarities between Toichiro and Mob's face offs in season 2 and season 3! I totally agree; neither of the decisions they made were perfect. Was it good that Mob was going to sacrifice himself? No. Was it good that Toichiro ran away from Mob at ???%? No. But was it good that Mob refused to abandon his morals and continued to show unyielding compassion? Yes. Was it good that Toichiro finally made a choice for his family rather than himself? Yes. Just like you said, their choices were just choices, and luckily happened to be ones that worked out.
As for Mob's point of view in season 3, yeah that must have been rough. At that point Toichiro seemed to be the only person who could stop Mob, and he walked away (for good reason). Even though Mob wanted him to run, it still had to have felt like defeat.
Toichiro did the exact opposite of what Mob did in season 2 when placed in an identical situation, and I think that did an excellent job of wrapping up Toichiro's character arc. He's finally taking care of what's most important to him and acknowledging that he isn't the best by saying how Mob is stronger in terms of both power, empathy, and preparedness to self-sacrifice for others.
There were two choices for Toichiro to make and they were equally bad. As the viewer of course we want Mob to be saved as fast as possible, but can you really blame Toichiro? Sometimes you help people who won't be able to repay you, but that doesn't mean they didn't deserve it.
But Mob Psycho 100 is also a story meant to convey a message, so certain things have to happen in a certain way. In season 2 Toichiro had to learn the importance of being there for people no matter what, and in season 3 Mob had to learn to be there for himself. They taught each other those lessons.
So all in all, I agree with your points and think you were really spot on! I'm glad you had the courage, the longer the ask the more interesting things I get to delve into! And don't worry about ever being wrong, I don't think you can ever really be wrong about story interpretation; if an idea resonates with you then it's right, that's all there is to it :)
And your favorite blog!? That's so cool, thank you so much!!!! :) I definitely had a mini-freak out of joy hearing that lol. I'm glad you enjoy my posts and fics! I'm very honored.
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Turkkila & Versluis: “We Want To Differentiate Ourselves From Previous Years”
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Earlier this month, ice dance couple Juulia Turkkila and Matthias Versluis skated in the show L'Apprenti Sorcier (The Sorcerer's Apprentice) organized in Champéry, Switzerland. The choreography was done by Salome Brunner and Stéphane Lambiel. The Finns were the only ice dancers in the show. How did they end up there?
“Last year, I edited the music for Deniss Vasiljevs' free program The Lion King,” Matthias says. This season, Matthias has done ten different music cuts for Lambiel's students.
“Towards the end of May, Stéphane asked us if we would be interested in joining the show. It was a great honor,” he continues.
“We were with an amazing group of skaters, some of the world's best. It's unique to skate with a live pianist,” Juulia shares.
In the show, Juulia and Matthias performed to Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No 2. They presented wonderful lifts and spectacular movements. The international audience was impressed by the couple's soulful performance.
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Finland's top couple has been training hard throughout the summer.
“Early May, we went to Rome for new choreography. In June, we had some vacation time and in July, we went to the Czech Republic for five weeks of summer camp,” Juulia says.
The rhythm dance theme for the 2024–25 season is Social Dancing from the 1950s–1970s.
“We chose music from the 1960s because we suspect that many teams will use disco from the 70s,” Juulia explains.
The pair found a go-go jive song that they immediately liked, and combined it with James Brown's classic I Got You.
“We wanted high energy music that the audience can recognize. There is no slow part in our rhythm dance. It is challenging,” Juulia reflects.
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The couple's free dance is the Argentine Tango La Rubia Mirella, which is based on true events. The story was introduced to the couple by an Argentinian tango dancer, who worked with them on and off the ice.
“The beginning is quite soft, but the end is really strong. We want to show that we can be strong and fast. The language of movement is traditional tango, but the program is not built from typical dance movements,” Matthias shares.
Juulia plays a strong woman initially, but is used and abused by men. Matthias plays the role of a villain. The ending is dramatic.
“When there is a clear story, you have to bring in more emotion and drama,” Juulia states.
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The pair's programs will first be seen in the Challenger Series competitions, followed by the Grand Prix events in Finland and China.
“We are aiming for medal positions in both GP competitions, and thus a place in the GP final. We are trying to collect world ranking points so that we can start competitions in the right groups during the Olympic season,” the couple says in unison.
With a fierce tango, Juulia and Matthias will be taking a different path this upcoming season, changing their image as classical lyrical skaters.
“We want to differentiate ourselves from previous years. A new combination lift is in the works for the free program, and the choreographic elements will be totally in character with the tango,” Juulia sums up.
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biwitchenergyz · 3 months
I think Blood and Cheese shows how Team Black is not really “Team Women” or “Team Feminism”. Not to say that Team Black does not have a lot of amazing female characters but I think that the male characters of team black (mainly daemon) make choices that are so anti-woman that it overshadows the female power of team black.
(TW: discussions of SA, Blood and Cheese, Murder, and war)
I’ve been re-reading fire and blood while waiting for the new season and I have noticed a few things that I don’t hear about when I see team Green and Team black having debates. Firstly, with Blood and Cheese, Daemon made a very specific decision to send two MEN into the Red Keep with the intent of killing a young boy who would likely be surrounded by his mother or a nanny( aka women). Wether or not he knew how they would do that is unclear but I genuinely think he would have had to help make some kind of plan if he wanted blood and cheese to carry out his order without issue (assuming blood and cheese were not smart enough to devise a plan and get away with it which I think would be the case). So saying that he does know that his assassins plan on trapping Helaena and her kids in Alicents room, then Daemon has allowed these two men (with sketchy backgrounds) to be in a position where they could commit sexual violence against these women ON TOP of killing a child infront of his mother and grandmother.
When discussing Blood and Cheese I’ve noticed nobody really talks about how they STRANGLED Alicents bed maid (aka another woman) and then tied Alicent up so that she would be forced to watch as her daughter was mentally tortured and her grandson is beheaded. At its root I think the blood and cheese event is deeply misogynistic because a majority of the victims end up being women who either lost their lives or are forced to watch the traumatic death of their loved one. Once again, Daemon and Mysaria willingly chose these two brutes to conduct their plan when they could have chosen a female assassin or a less violent death. (Although I do not think they were right to kill a child in any circumstances).
The greens committed war crimes that are unacceptable especially when it comes to the r@pes that occurred after battle but Team black is not exempt from this either. When they wanted to get the loyalty of House Greyjoy, Daemon suggested to Rhaenyra that they allow The Red Kracken to do as he pleases as long as he attacks their enemies and that is what he does. It is said in the books that he took hundreds of salt wives and kidnapped women and girls. Essentially, Daemon encouraged Rhaenyra into allowing this man to raid and r@pe her enemies and she decided to allow this. Not only that, but the greyjoys continued to do this even when king Aegon iii told them to stop.
To sum it up, Daemon (and partially Rhaenyra in some cases) had one woman strangled, two women (and a little girl) watch as their child relative is beheaded after they are threatened with rape, Greyjoy soldiers kidnapping and r@ping women without any consequences or pushback, and behave so creepily to a minor (nettles) that his wife demands the girls head and puts her life at risk.
I don’t think any team that Daemon Targaryen is on can be considered feminist. The only feminist team is team ‘all the women of house of the dragon were victims of the patriarchy and all of their actions were done because they thought it was their only chance at survival’.
Also based off show-canon, Daemon killed his first wife simply because he did not like her and wanted to be free to chase after some other teenage girl.
(This is just my opinion based off of the books and some parts of the show.)
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umlewis · 1 month
lewis hamilton, p2 p1, is interviewed during the post-race press conference, belgium - july 28, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "Lewis, let's come to you now. As George says, you drove a great race today. Just how do you sum up your run to P2?" Lewis: "I think it was great. George did a fantastic job today. Obviously I'll re-watch the race and… But yeah, fantastic effort to go the one-stop. And it was pretty smooth sailing, to be honest. I was fully in control, I had plenty of pace and tires, and [laughs] just didn't end up as planned." Interviewer: "Plenty of tires. Did you consider the one-stop?" Lewis: "I mean, I kept… If you listen, you could have heard what I said to the team most of the time. But yeah, I think the tires were pretty good. I still had plenty of tires and I was going quicker. I didn't want to stop." Interviewer: "Tell us about the transformation in the car, because on Friday both of you guys… I mean, to quote Toto Wolff, you were nowhere. How much better was the car today and where was it better?" Lewis: "It was literally night and day different today. On Friday it was pretty disastrous for both of us and really struggling with balance, and then today just the car came alive and I was really surprised to, firstly, get into the lead, and then be pulling away from everyone and not… Yeah, as I said, it felt fully under control and I've not had that for years, and so that's why it was also a bit strange way to finish it. But it's great to go into the summer break with the one-two. The team really deserve it and did such an amazing job." Interviewer: "Lewis, can you just tidy up one more thing? You came on the radio at one point and said, 'Something's moving between my legs' What was that, and was it an issue later on?" Lewis: "I just had… There was something as I was going through the corner. Something kept rolling underneath my left leg." Interviewer: "Not a serious issue, then. Okay." Lewis: [shakes head] Interviewer: "Lewis, very well done. Thank you."
[time jump] Journalist: "Dan Lawrence, Motorsport Monday. Question to Lewis: This season's been ultra-competitive. We're seeing three teams, at the moment, constantly fighting for wins; a fourth team that has won this season, as well. It almost harks back to the years of 2012 and 2010, which obviously you experienced. So how does this season compare to back then in your mind? And from a psychological standpoint, when you put the helmet on, does it just give you that extra layer of motivation, knowing you've got so many rivals that you've got to defend against and attack against?" Lewis: "You must be new here. I don't have a good memory, so I don't remember back then. [laughs] But what I can say is, it's great. It's really fantastic, I think, for the sport to be having such close teams and drivers, and the pedigree of drivers at the top today are really elite and… Yeah, we didn't expect to be competing with the McLarens or the Red Bulls at this point in the season, with how we started off, so for us to now have closed up and be… It's going to be one hell of a second half of the season, for sure." [time jump]
Journalist: "Phil Duncan, PA. Lewis, you said you didn't want to stop for the second time. Did you say to the team that you only wanted to do one-stop, and obviously how much does it hurt not winning today? Because you looked odds on to win for much of the race. And just to George, Toto called you the tyre whisperer, so how much was this down to you actually driving those tires, saving those tires, or just the strategy?" Lewis: "Nope. I just said that the tires were fine. And I'm happy. Looking forward to going to the summer break." [time jump] Journalist: "Niccolo Arnerich, F1 Analisi Tecnica. Question for both of Mercedes drivers. Which is the main areas to improve right now on the car, on the W15, and which are the main areas you feel that you have done a big improvement in this last month?" Interviewer: "Who wants to start? Lewis." Lewis: "I mean, just overall the car is… We're more comfortable in the car. The balance through low to medium to high are all much more in line with what we had targeted. Yeah, that's really about it." Interviewer: "George, anything to add?" George: "No."
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hellcheer-heaven · 1 month
After my latest s4 rewatch, I told some of the highlights to a friend who hasn't watch ST (and wasn't planning to; the genre isn't their cup of tea). When I reached the part about the aftermath of Chrissy's death, I said that I found particularly funny and infuriating that Jason accused Eddie of being a cult leader when he himself acted like one, rallying up his crownies and eventually getting the town on his 'hunt the freak' scheme. Then they said "oh, like Gaston?". Not saying BatB Hellcheer au (bc I personally don't like the Disney version and Beast's backstory is too further away from Eddie's) but there were def too many parallels between Jason and Gaston in canon, there would've been more than a few between Chrissy and Belle has she lived, and the most glaring one would've been their relationship once appearances were cast aside and Jason showed his true colors. What do you think?
I can definitely see what your friend and you meant by the parallels between ST/Hellcheer and BatB! I pretty much saw it after my first re-watch of season 4. I’ll try my best to explain using the disney version here while I give my two cents, and I’ll divide the sections with pictures too.
Town Hero
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Jason and Gaston are quite similar, given that they're seen as the town hero that many people adore. Their looks, skills, charm, and being at the top of the pyramid allows for a large portion of the town to trust them wholeheartedly. They're seen as "perfect,” , thus they "can do no wrong" in the eyes of their peers. When they deem the Beast and Eddie as threats to their way of life, many people blindly follow whatever they say because Jason and Gaston are seen as a beacon of safety and hope. These "perfect" men found the answer to what's been plaguing the town of terrible things, so who better to follow than the self appointed leader who promises to get rid of the "threat" in order to make things right again.
“It’s Time to Follow Me!”
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In terms of having a partner, Gaston’s interest in Belle is more for social status and as a means to boost his already inflated ego. He’s obnoxious and boastful, seeing Belle as another trophy to display in his already amazing life. He’s mean, but not bloodthirsty.
It's only later on his villainous intentions are revealed when he sees that the Beast is indeed real. When he hears how Belle speaks so positively about something so monstrous looking, that threatens Gaston's only chance of taking her for himself. His anger/jealously fuels him to use his power over the people to get them to do whatever he wants. This time Gaston is out for blood, cementing his change into a metaphorical beast.
As for Jason, a part me does believe that he did love Chrissy very much. He fell into despair the moment he heard about her death, so I don’t blame him for experiencing such raw feelings of loss and anger. He couldn’t bear the fact that the love of his life is gone. He wanted answers, he wanted justice to be served in the most twisted manner possible, and he was willing to do anything to avenge Chrissy’s death.
That of course doesn’t justify his decisions to beat up Eddie's friends, make a speech to get people on his side, and threaten to shoot Lucas and Max. I don’t know how religious Hawkins is, but I can imagine that many were not too keen on anything having to do with D&D and metal music even before the mysterious murders started happening.
Jason found his “answer” by pinning Eddie as a “satanic cult leader” for both Chrissy’s and Patrick’s horrible demise. He already has his preconceived ideas about Eddie, but Jason was past the point of reasoning and fanned the flames of hysteria. Cementing his metaphorical transformation from man to beast just like Gaston. In fact this short passage from "The Mob Song" sums up the dangerous side of mob mentality.
We don't like What we don't understand In fact it scares us And this monster is mysterious at least
Bring your guns Bring your knives Save your children and your wives We'll save our village and our lives We'll kill the Beast!
Something There
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Now let’s look at the couple. While Eddie and Chrissy were given just a little bit of screen time together, you can absolutely see the chemistry between them during the bench scene (honestly all that scene was missing was a musical number). It felt like the beginning of what could have been a wonderful story between them. Sadly we'll never know if they could have just been friends or friends to lovers. But that's the beauty of fanfiction, people can create a world of what could have been. I'll share some headcanons (combo of ones that I’ve read and my own) regarding what might have happened if Chrissy and Eddie were allowed to live for the rest of the season.
They're both lonely, which surprises the other because they both seem so happy whenever they cross paths.
They learn to look past their already established preconceived notions about each other based on their social circles. i.e. Cheerleaders are mean girls, metalheads are vicious.
They both need to wear a socially acceptable mask in order to fit in with everyone around them.
Chrissy had a secret crush on Eddie growing up and still does. She's been told to steer clear of him because he's "dangerous," but that somehow still makes him attractive. So when she sees that he's actually a huge goofball, that doesn't diminish her feelings towards him.
Eddie is a hopeless romantic. He may have "cynical eyes," but he believes in things like "love at first sight" and "love conquers all." This of course blinds him to the reality that sometimes relationships aren't as cookie cutter like in a fairy tale.
They would share bits and pieces of what it was like for them growing up, which again surprises the other. Yet this helps to strengthen their relationship.
The two of them learn to see that there's more to each other than what's on the outside, which if it was done well would have made for a beautiful story.
Anyway I hope I was able to answer your question as best as I could.
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