#marshmallow the staravia
drampas-trainers · 1 year
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<<Good Evening! Yesterday, we spent another day in the wonderful Floaroma Town, watching the Combee and preparing our travels to Eterna City. After some research, i found it it is apparently a two day journey, so we spent the day preparing!>>
<<We did not start out Journey however! We will do this tomorrow!>>
<<We originally wanted to begin our hike today, but when we left Floaroma Town towards Route 205 this morning, we were stopped by a young girl in distress! Apparently, her dad had been kidnapped, or rather held hostage within the Valley Windworks! Of course we could not just let this transpire!>>
<<We found out the Valley Windworks had been taken over by the so called "Team Galactic"! They are the same group that harrassed Professor Rowan and Miss Dawn a few days ago!>>
<<Miss Laura has proved some amazing battle skills against some random Grunts though! She also won a Pokémon battle agains the so-called "Commander Mars" who had a very scary Purugly. I apologize, i could have used the Poryphone™ Videography Module to make a recording, but as i have to admit i was a little bit scared. Tiramisu was very impressive though, dealing the final blow!>>
<<We also have tried reaching out to the Sinnohan Police about this event, but we could not reach anyone from Floaroma Town. Maybe this Team Galactic has sabotaged the network. We will try again once we reach Eterna City.>>
<<The important thing is, that the young girl has been reunited with her father and that the Valley Windworks can resume operations!>>
<<I also have more pleasant news! Miss Laura caught another Pokémon! It is a Buizel, whom she named "Onion". I don't understand how she comes up with these names, but Onions seems to like it!>>
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[A picture, taken outside in a field of flowers. The background shows a Pokécenter. It shows Laura in a green dress in the same style as her usual ones and a secon woman her age, possibly a little bit older. The second woman has much lighter skin, but you wouldn't call her "white". Unlike her hair, which is very much white and is worn in a very old fashioned permanent wave. she also wears a large white sunhat. Her outfit consists of a rather formal looking combination of pants and blouse, both in black. This must be Solaria.
They are playing with a horde of Pokémon, among them the known faces of Lemonade, Schnitzel and the rest of Lauras Team. There are also a few new additions, for example a Psyduck who is being pet by Laura and a Buizel who is very curiously watching a Staravia who is perched on Sols arm. In her lap sits a Budew]
<<For another great event, Marshmalow has evolved into a Staravia! Miss Laura is so proud of her (and i am as well)! She has warmed up to Miss Solaria a lot since the Evolution earlier today. Evolution has changed her personality a little bit, i think. I wonder if that happened to me as well? I do not feel different, but my own evolution has been a while, so maybe i am wrong here.>>
<<In any case, I wish you all a good night! We will hopefully start our hike towards Eterna City without any more holdups tomorrow mornign!>>
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