#muffin the budew
koffing-time · 1 year
Nox finally reaches the cafe and despite the construction, finds it absolutely lovely and cute. He walks up to the cafe doors, with his three poison types in tow, and pushes the door open.
Immediately he is hit with the sweet aroma of coffee beans and warm pastries, "Hey Tix, ya here? It's me, Nox!"
On the first glance, the café seems completely empty. No customers in sight, possibly because of all the construction workers outside, but Tix is also not behind the counter and their Pokémon are also not around. Except one. Right next to one of the two coffee machines is a purple floating ball. Coffee turns towards Nox and opens his mouth: "Koff...e?" His voice is unexpectedly deep.
Nox hesitates for a moment before a voice reassures him that he did not, in fact, make a mistake. "Oh hi Nox! Over here! I'm glad you found it. I think a lot of people are put off by the workers outside."
Tix is sitting with crossed legs on one of the tables, curiously positioned so it's not visible through the store window but also not immediately when stepping inside. In their lap sits Muffin, the Budew, snoozing. Cream is floating on the other side of the table, holding a few playing cards, just like Tix who is laying them to the side to pick up Muffin and leave the table.
"So, what can i get ya?"
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good Evening! Yesterday, we spent another day in the wonderful Floaroma Town, watching the Combee and preparing our travels to Eterna City. After some research, i found it it is apparently a two day journey, so we spent the day preparing!>>
<<We did not start out Journey however! We will do this tomorrow!>>
<<We originally wanted to begin our hike today, but when we left Floaroma Town towards Route 205 this morning, we were stopped by a young girl in distress! Apparently, her dad had been kidnapped, or rather held hostage within the Valley Windworks! Of course we could not just let this transpire!>>
<<We found out the Valley Windworks had been taken over by the so called "Team Galactic"! They are the same group that harrassed Professor Rowan and Miss Dawn a few days ago!>>
<<Miss Laura has proved some amazing battle skills against some random Grunts though! She also won a Pokémon battle agains the so-called "Commander Mars" who had a very scary Purugly. I apologize, i could have used the Poryphone™ Videography Module to make a recording, but as i have to admit i was a little bit scared. Tiramisu was very impressive though, dealing the final blow!>>
<<We also have tried reaching out to the Sinnohan Police about this event, but we could not reach anyone from Floaroma Town. Maybe this Team Galactic has sabotaged the network. We will try again once we reach Eterna City.>>
<<The important thing is, that the young girl has been reunited with her father and that the Valley Windworks can resume operations!>>
<<I also have more pleasant news! Miss Laura caught another Pokémon! It is a Buizel, whom she named "Onion". I don't understand how she comes up with these names, but Onions seems to like it!>>
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[A picture, taken outside in a field of flowers. The background shows a Pokécenter. It shows Laura in a green dress in the same style as her usual ones and a secon woman her age, possibly a little bit older. The second woman has much lighter skin, but you wouldn't call her "white". Unlike her hair, which is very much white and is worn in a very old fashioned permanent wave. she also wears a large white sunhat. Her outfit consists of a rather formal looking combination of pants and blouse, both in black. This must be Solaria.
They are playing with a horde of Pokémon, among them the known faces of Lemonade, Schnitzel and the rest of Lauras Team. There are also a few new additions, for example a Psyduck who is being pet by Laura and a Buizel who is very curiously watching a Staravia who is perched on Sols arm. In her lap sits a Budew]
<<For another great event, Marshmalow has evolved into a Staravia! Miss Laura is so proud of her (and i am as well)! She has warmed up to Miss Solaria a lot since the Evolution earlier today. Evolution has changed her personality a little bit, i think. I wonder if that happened to me as well? I do not feel different, but my own evolution has been a while, so maybe i am wrong here.>>
<<In any case, I wish you all a good night! We will hopefully start our hike towards Eterna City without any more holdups tomorrow mornign!>>
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Since Muffin died, meet Puddy the Shellos
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zoeyslament · 2 months
Current team:
Brownie Bite the Chimchar
Muffin the Bidoof
Lemon Bar the Starly
Parfait the Budew
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oh-shinx · 3 months
Crepes!!!!!! Muffins!!!!!!!!!! Budew sized bowties!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a busy morning and I am already fucking exhausted but it is time to try positivity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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team-violence · 1 year
[a picture, showing a group of pokemon and their trainer. A Budew with one of its sprouts missing and a scar below one of its eyes is sitting on a table. Behind it are a large Scolipede, a smaller than average Haunter, a shiny Crobat, a Murkrow and an Ekans, all looking quite sinister and seemingly preparing some kind of move, different for each, but the energy is visible in all of them. Between the Pokémon stands the trainer, holding a knife. Despite this, the Budew is smiling]
Team Violence? Would you like a piece of my Muffin?
- @koffing-time
Hello. I love muffins! Unless that Budew is named Muffin.... Is that Budew safe?
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pkmn-aide-mel · 1 year
[blurry picture of sammy the lillipup, dean the deino, scarlet the sawsbuck, and muffin the budew. they're all curled up together on scarlet's new bed, fast asleep. the picture is slightly difficult to see due to the darkness.]
sleepover time c:
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flowerliker · 1 year
A package, about 1 cubic foot in size, it is held closed by a large sticker with a Koffing-motif (and a lot of duct tape)
Within are 2 large sheets of stickers, one with flower Pokémon (like Sunflora and Roselia) and one with ground dwelling Pokémon (like Dunsparce and Carbink) . There are six jars in the package. The first is a jar of Magost berry jam. The second jar contains dried berries of different kinds, though all are sweet tasting. The third and fourth are jars of Vespiquen-Honey made at the farm that Tix parents own. The fifth is a tea made of various berries and herbs, labelled "Natural Trichloromethane". The sixth jar also contains a tea, but it's made mainly from herbs and flower petals, it's labelled "Anti-Anxiety-Potion".]
There is also a letter at the bottom if the package. It reads
"Dear Bryony, dear Ren,
I hope this reaches you well. I'm still a bit shocked about what happened, but i hope your recovery is going well. I told you already, but if you need help, don't be afraid to reach out. In the meantime, i hope these little treats can make your situation a little bit more enjoyable. Don't be put off by the Trichloromethane though, i made the name up a few years ago when i was in an... edgy... phase and it kinda stuck. It's only natural ingredients. But if you have trouble sleeping, try a cup, there's nothing better than this (except maybe getting hit by a sleep powder). As for the other tea, it always helps me calm down if i feel overwhelmed. I'd suggest putting a little honey in it though, it tastes quite bitter otherwise. And if you put in a dash if lemon juice, it'll turn to a wonderful purple color as well, i think it's a great recipe.
I wish you all the best
- Tix"
[The next page details the ingredients of all the treats as well as instructions for the teas. Attached to the back is a portrait photo of Muffin the Budew]
- @koffing-time
[a photo of all the jars on a kitchen table, with the sticker sheets next to them too. the koffing sticker also makes an appearance—bryony very carefully carved it out of the duct tape so as not to rip it while opening the box.]
oh my gosh look at all this!!!!! 🥺 tix this is so much, are you sure this is ok??? oh wow i am not always a tea person but i am sooooo so so excited to try all of these, i had a little bit of the sleepy tea last night and it really did the trick!!!! 😴 it tastes sooooo good with the honey, and i am so excited about all the little treats too. this was sooooo so so thoughtful of you, i really can't say how grateful i am. thank you so much for thinking of us!!!!! 💛 i'm really really happy, thank you!!!
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koffing-time · 1 year
So... Uhm... It's happened. I still kinda don't believe it? But here we are, and here they are!
[two photos are attached:
The first shows the shiny Crobat and the Murkrow both flying carefully around the café. Coffee is floating with them. The photo was taken from behind the counter, where Muffin sits, looking at the three Pokémon in the air. Next to him are 2 pokeballs that are marked as housing a Pokémon.
The second picture is of a Laptop, which shows Tix trainer ID within the Box system, with personal information blacked out. At the bottom of the list of registered Pokémon are a Crobat and a Murkrow, both are still missing some information]
So. I'm kinda overwhelmed. I still haven't decided on nicknames yet. Now I really have to go brainstorm. I'll post an update later. I also have to go to the pokecenter to get them checked up and cleared and all that.
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koffing-time · 1 year
[a video, taken in Tix' garden, the sun is still out but it is already evening and the sky has taken a slightly yellowish hue. It shows Flit the Beedrill, Cheese the Crobat, and Marbles the Alolan Exeggutor playing some funny version of Volleyball or Tennis. Coffee the Koffing acts as the Ball, being gently tackled by the other Pokémon to change the direction in which he floats. After a minute, the camera pans towards the ground, showing a group of Pokémon sitting near the garden. Basil the Toxtricity can be heard playing a calming melody, Muffint the Budew is sitting in her lap, seemingly asleep. Bienenstich the Scolipede is laying on the ground, the two ultra-domesticated Trubbish also sleeping at her feet. The only Pokémon not visible is Ampersand the Sliggoo, even the ultra-domesticated petilil is peaking from behind a few plants]
I'm so happy right now.
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koffing-time · 1 year
Guys I can't help it it's so beautiful. By zygarde i hope my garden will one day get even close this.
[a short video of Bryony's (@flowerliker ) garden, there are already a lot of people present. The person holding the camera takes a short walk to showcase all of the wonderful plants, ending the video within the plant nursery. Everything is lush, green and beautiful.]
Wow, really. It's absolutely stunning. I hope Muffin can take it when we have to leave. I've already lost him in some bush or something, he's so active one could think he drank a cup of coffee (i didn't give him any).
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koffing-time · 1 year
1, Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite? (Asking both)
Tix just run upstairs, so i'll type my answer until they are back. I usually do not sleep with a stuffed animal, but i have a few decorating my room. Sometimes i will take one to bed with me after i had a stressful day. Today might be a candidate for that, after that 17 Alarm smoothie disaster.
My favourites are proably my very cliché stuffed Teddiursa that i've had since i was a child and my Blåchomp that my boyfriend gifted me. I think i'll go with the Origin-Forme Giratina Plush that were sent to Tix and me during that Inbox-Askgame-Event thing tonight though. I might have to channel the distortion world upon that individual. Oh dear, i took off on a tanget, did i not? - Olivia
[a picture of what appears to be a corner of a bedroom. The small portion that is visible is decorated with an absolute abundance of poison type themed stuff. There are two shelves with various plushies, most of them resembling different poison types. Among them are 3 stuffed Koffing, an Altered-Form Giratina, an entire family of the Nidoran-line and a life-sized Vileplume on the floor. Between these shelves is no bed, but a bed-sized stuffed Clodsire. On it lays a purple stick.]
I don't sleep WITH a suffed Pokémon, i sleep ON a stuffed Pokémon! He is called Leonard, and i love him very much. Rhubarb does too. If it gets to hectic in the café he loves coming up here and just laying on Leonard. I sometimes cuddle with one of the others as well, but most of the time there are actual Pokémon with me. Muffin, sometimes Cream, and Cheese and Cracker also like putting themself on me while i sleep.
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koffing-time · 1 year
Poke Ball - If you have pokémon what kind of poke balls are they kept in?
also how dare you not share Loaf more /hj
Before i answer the actual question, a quick clarification: because my new home (the café, i live upstairs) is not as big as I'd like, I don't have all my Pokémon living with me. And because of that, I didn't introduce them yet, which is also true for Loaf. That's also the reason for the construction so I'll have enough space for everyone to live here. (It's gotten pretty cramped, actually, originally i only wanted to bring 4 Pokémon here before i got more space, now it's 8 of them...)
But now to the question:
//quick ooc: i think it makes sense that people can just, rehome a Pokémon from one pokeball to another.
Coffee (the Koffin): he lives in a basic pokeball. I was thinking about getting him a new one, but he never really cared for it, so i didn't.
Muffin: also a basic one. I, uh, didn't get to go shopping with him yet. He probably would want a different one.
Cream: she lives in a repeat ball. I don't quite remember how that came to be, actually, but it's the one i caught her with.
Basil: quick ball
Poppy: also a quick ball. Both were originally caught in great balls, but for some reason Basil really didn't like it, and Poppy just went along with it.
Bienenstich: a Luxury Ball. It was a gift from dad. At the time, i could never have afforded one.
Cheese (the new Crobat): a basic pokeball. It's what i had around, but I'll definitely go shopping with her soon, so she can decide if she wants a different one. And take Muffin, of course.
Cracker (the new Murkrow): also a basic pokeball, same thing as with Cheese.
And since you asked, I'll share the Pokémon who don't live with me as well:
Loaf (my Trubbish): a heal ball
Carrot Cake (my Clodsire): a primier ball.
Pumpkin (my Bellsprout): a park ball. I bought that ball from a quite shady guy some time back. I don't think they're for sale regularly, but Pumpkin loves it.
Chocco (my salandit): a dusk ball. He's an edgy boy.
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koffing-time · 1 year
Nest Ball - How old was your youngest pokémon when you got them?
That's a good question. I'm actually not sure, and i don't have the easy way out because i didn't raise any of my Pokémon from their eggs.
It has to be either Muffin (my Budew) or Loaf (my Trubbish, who i actually haven't introduced to the blog yet). I think Muffin was around 2-3 months old, and Loaf was a little over a month. I'm not sure though.
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koffing-time · 1 year
[ a short video:
It is a little shaky, as if the person holding the phone is very excited. The video shows the inside of the café, dimly lit by the light of dawn. Quiet steps can be heard as the cameraman walks towards the large store window. They point it down towards the floor where Muffin can be seen walking next to them. As they reach the window, the person points towards a spot under a garden chair, where the shiny Crobat lies, sleeping. Wrapped in its wings sits the Murkrow, awake. It looks alert at the two on the other side of the glass, but stays silent.
Now, the video is interrupted by the cameraman shaking their phone. After a moment, the picture is steady again, but now outside and at a much lower position, as if the person kneeled down. Muffin is now walking slowly towards the two wild Pokémon and starts cuddling himself into the Crobats wings. Murkrow is staying silent. The video cuts after Muffin has found a comfortable spot and closed his eyes.]
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koffing-time · 1 year
Just a small update on how it's going here:
As today is my rest day, i left the construction to do whatever (they were good yesterday with chopping wood and today they were finishing that up and just cleaning up afterwards, so there's nothing that could go wrong, and nothing did either).
Instead i went a bit further into the forest to just get some fresh air and nature and stuff. And we found Crobat and Murkrow again. Or maybe they found us. We had lots of fun though, we were playing a bit. Muffin got to fly around with them, and Murkrow actually has a pretty nice singing voice. They're pretty chill and Crobat is actually very cuddly.
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