#lemonade the piplup
drampas-trainers · 1 year
Okay! Tiramisu has just made her way through the Gym Trainers! It's very impressive to watch her fight, she's doing so well! Laura is about to face Mr. Roark, the first Gym Leader!
Galois, would you be so kind and record this?
<<Of course Miss Solaria! I read that it can be helpful to take a look at your own previous performances, so maybe this will not only be entertaining to watch, but Miss Laura might also learn something from this!>>
<<Good Luck Miss Laura!>>
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Videography Module>>
[The Video begins with an Empty battlefield in the center of the shot. Laura is standing to the left in a blue dress with white circles that somewhat resemble bubbles. To the right is a young man in workers overalls and a red hardhat. He wears black rimmed glasses. This is Roark, the Oreburgh Gym Leader. "All right! I know a lot of people think i'm a pushover because young trainers challenge my gym early on and it's not difficult to get a type advantage on me, but be sure you won't earn this badge if you don't give it your all! Geodude, you're my first!"
With this, he releases a small Geodude onto the battlefield, which is silently answered by Laura sending out Lemonade. The Piplup is looking very confidently into the camera. "Let's go dear. You can do it." is all Laura says. Lemonade reacts with charging right at Roarks Geodude who already braces for impact, just for the Water type to stop barely a meter in front of it and releasing a stream of bubbles into its face. The Geodude seems taken by surprise so much that it immediately faints. "Well done darling. Don't let your guard down." is heard from offscreen, as the camera zooms in to take a closeup at Lemonade who is waving at it.
"Ah well, no surprise here, to be honest.", Roark says. "But you would be surprised how much trouble my Geodude can prove for people who don't have such a strong Water Type! I can only repeat, don't underestimate us! Onix! Your turn!" He releases his second Pokémon from its ball.
Lemonade stumbles backwards a few steps as the enormous Rock Type hits the field. "GO ON! Stealth Rock!" Roark shouts before Lemonade can regain his posture and the snake like Pokémon releases its mystical energy to summon a few sharp rocks from the ground that make it difficult to traverse the battlefield.
"No time to waste Lemonade! Lets hit him with another Bubble!" Laura seems to finally be caught by the Gym Leaders spirits and Lemonade does as well. He runs up to one of the rocks and sprints up to its peak where he jumps right at the giant snake and blows some Bubbles into its eyes. Onix is taken by surprise not unlike the Geodude before it, but can tank the hit just barely.
In response, Roark fumbles in his pockets and takes out a potion to spray his Pokémon. The camera takes a new angle more towards Roarks side of the battlefield to get a better look at Lemonade. "Another one!" Laura is giving orders. Before Onix can even react, it gets blasted by another bubbles right into the eyes and takes a daring swipe with its upper body, just to be caught at one of its own stealth rocks and trip. It faints.
Roark has seemingly taken a hit to his confidence. "Oh damn, your Piplup hits harder than i expected! I thought the potions would be enought!"
Fired up by this, Lemonade climbs atop one of the stealth rocks again, posing like Superman into the camera.
"No Matter! You won't have an easy time like this against my Cranidos! Go! Go and show them what Rock types are made of! Headbutt, let's go!"
The instant Cranidos is released, it charges at Lemonade, hitting the Stealth Rock under his feet, making him stumble down. "Again, quick!" The Gym leader shouts as the camera pans around the battlefield to get a better look. Cranidos can hit Lemonade again, just before he can regain his footing, bumping him into another rock. Now, Laura takes her chance and gives the order for another Bubble, which hits Cranidos and makes it stumble for just a second. Lemonade is now heavily panting and looking a little wearily over to his trainer, who decides to recall him. Just as she tells Lemonade to come back, Roark comes with another ace up his sleeve. "Not so fast! Cranidos Pursuit! Before it's too late!" The rock type can barely get a scrape with his foot in before Lemonade get's recalled, maybe even knocking him out, but everything happens way too fast to reliably tell.
Laura now seems a little bit worried. "Oh dear. Tira can you deal with this one?" she asks as she calls out the small Machop she just recently caught. Tiramisu takes a look back at her trainer, apparently stepping on a small rock and flinching upon the impact but quickly focusing on the foe before her. "Let's go Tira, show him your Muscles!" Laura gives somewhat vague orders. "Headbutt, let's go Cranidos!" Roark reacts.
The Dinosaur looking Pokémon charges right at the small fighting type who quickly goes into a defensive stance. Just as the impact is about to occur, she can be seen to move her left arm before a large cloud of dust obscures the whole camera. A few moments later as it settles, she is triumphantly standing atop the defeated Cranidos. As the camera comes closer, it becomes apparent that the rock types skull has a small crack.
"Ho- Ho DAMN!" Roark exclaims, quickly recalling his Pokémon. "I was about to say, i kinda showed you not to underestimate us Gym leaders even with a type advantage, but now i think YOU went easy on ME! That Machop of yours looks like she packs some serious muscle! Come here, you officially earned your Coal Badge! Also, here take this TM. Stealth Rock is a good way to improve your tactics, especially if you know what's to come like against Gym Leaders. Well, i should go visit the Pokécenter, make sure these three are okay."
Laura and Tiramisu take their prize and hug in the middle of the battlefield, Laura quietly praising her Pokémon. The Video ends]
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colesmurf23 · 2 years
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(OC) Asher The Yoshi
Bio: Asher Yoshi
Name: Asher
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: December 24th
Relationship/Wife: Lemonade
Family Members: Cole Yoshi (Mother) Bario (Brother) Uniquia (Sister) Boswell (Brother) Smitty (Brother) Barlow (Brother) Tamarra (Sister) Quartilla (Sister) Takalah (Sister) Queen (Sister) Zofia (Sister) Claire (Younger Sister) Colson (Younger Brother) Colsen (Younger Brother) Collie (Younger Sister) Colline (Youngest Sister) Anan (Youngest Adopted Brother) Zora (Youngest Adopted Sister) Ashlyn (Daughter) Leevi (Son) Levii (Son) Leona (Daughter) Lenora (Daughter) Liliana (Daughter) Ashal (Son) Ashraf (Son) Ashton (Son) Lemma (Daughter) Asha (Daughter) Ashe (Daughter) Astin (Adopted Son) Leilah (Adopted Daughter) Porter (Piplup Pokemon) Kassandra (Sister In Law) Kasrielle (Niece) Uriel (Nephew) Unity (Niece) Unita (Niece) Kassity (Niece) Karol (Niece) Karissa (Niece) Ullrica (Niece) Ullricka (Niece) Unique (Niece) Kayden (Nephew) Kaden (Nephew) Kean (Younger Nephew) Undreas (Younger Nephew) Kaori (Younger Niece) Uilliam (Youngest Nephew) Kassidy (Youngest Adopted Niece) Unai (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Angeline (Sister in law) Baris (Nephew) Barnabus (Nephew) Andrew (Nephew) Angelyn (Niece) Angelle (Niece) Angela (Niece) Belora (Younger Niece) Allora (Younger Niece) Andie (Younger Nephew) Barnard (Younger Nephew) Bjorn (Younger Nephew) Avry (Younger Nephew) Ary (Younger Nephew) Cori (Younger Niece) Cayla (Younger Niece) Bonny (Youngest Niece) Angie (Youngest Niece) Barnaby (Youngest Nephew) Parry (Sister in law) Bosco (Nephew) Palma (Niece) Pam (Niece) Pari (Niece) Bre (Niece) Brea (Niece) Lilah (Niece) Birk (Nephew) Berk (Nephew) Bartwo (Nephew) Perri (Niece) Pammy (Niece) Peri (Niece) Bostin (Younger Nephew) Parker (Younger Nephew) Paralee (Youngest Niece) Sweetie (Sister in law) Suzie (Niece) Stanly (Nephew) Stacey (Niece) Solara (Niece) Smithy (Nephew) Simon (Nephew) Sweetness (Niece) Sweets (Niece) Sweetie Pie (Niece) Simmie (Niece) Goody (Nephew) Goober (Nephew) Swaine (Younger Nephew) Sybella (Younger Niece) Sweeney (Younger Nephew) Smita (Youngest Niece) Svea (Youngest Niece) Sevn (Youngest Nephew) Michelle (Sister in law) Mikela (Niece) Nathan (Nephew) Ari (Niece) Ali (Niece) Brandon (Nephew) Myles (Nephew) Maverick (Nephew) Bowen (Nephew) Mabel (Niece) Bernice (Niece) Denise (Niece) Bunnie (Niece) Michelly (Younger Niece) Barlowe (Younger Nephew) Bari (Younger Niece) Michon (Youngest Nephew) Micheline (Youngest Niece) Barlo (Youngest Nephew) Kody (Brother in law) Codey (Nephew) Cody (Nephew) Coda (Nephew) Tamaira (Niece) Tamar (Niece) Tamara (Niece) Tamir (Nephew) Tamino (Nephew) Kolbie (Niece) Korrie (Niece) Kodie (Niece) Takoda (Nephew) Citrus (Brother in law) Cyrus (Nephew) Camilla (Niece) Cameryn (Niece) Quiyanna (Niece) Quinten (Nephew) Quinlan (Nephew) Qazir (Nephew) Quila (Niece) Quillen (Nephew) Callen (Nephew) Cian ((Nephew) Citrine (Niece) Quartney (Younger Niece) Cirrus (Younger Nephew) Chiron (Youngest Nephew) Quelle (Youngest Niece) Mango (Sister in law) Takara (Niece) Mango Jr (Niece) Colin (Nephew) Makaylah (Niece) Tyson (Nephew) Mikel (Nephew) Takalya (Niece) Takala (Niece) Manda ((Niece) Maxtin (Nephew) Cyfel ((Nephew) Mable (Niece) Mandie (Younger Nephew) Manson (Younger Nephew) Tanga (Younger Niece) Takao (Youngest Nephew) Tangy (Youngest Niece) Malo (Youngest Nephew) Jason (Brother in law) Quincy (Nephew) Quelina (Niece) Jasayla (Niece) Jasleen (Niece) King (Nephew) Kingston (Nephew) Jaspan (Nephew) Quiana (Niece) Queeny (Niece) Jaston (Nephew) Jasin (Nephew) Queenie (Niece) Zyler (Brother in law) Stevie (Nephew) Maya (Niece) Melody (Niece) Dayna (Niece) Zachary (Nephew) Zofie (Niece) Zarah (Niece) Zay (Nephew) Zophia (Niece) Zuzana (Niece) Zon (Nephew) Zannie (Niece) Zosia (Younger Niece) Zyla (Younger Niece) Zylen (Younger Nephew) Zollie (Youngest Nephew) Zvi (Youngest Nephew) Zoa (Youngest Niece) Lemon_Lime (Sister in law) Julien (Brother in law) Lemar (Nephew) Juliano (Nephew) Lelio (Nephew) Leim (Nephew) Lemon (Favorite Niece) Juliaeta (Nephew) Julyana (Niece) Jove (Nephew) Lise (Niece) Dustin (Nephew) Dustie (Nephew) Drago (Nephew) Dragon (Nephew) Vianney (Niece) Vienna (Niece) Grapefruit (Sister in law) Ace (Brother in law) Gabriel (Nephew) Addison (Niece) Alayah (Niece) Lyle (Nephew) Gracie (Niece) Rio (Nephew) Jean (Younger Niece) Janae (Younger Niece) Issa (Younger Nephew) Issabella (Younger Niece) Acey (Younger Nephew) Acer (Younger Nephew) Acelin (Younger Nephew) Gracian (Younger Nephew) Gracia (Younger Niece) Graciella (Youngest Niece) Grapes (Youngest Adopted Niece) Acee (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Kristy (Sister in law) Rocky (Brother in law) Emma (sister in law) Pine (Brother in law) Necco (Brother in law) Sky (Sister in law) Pinky (Brother in law)
Personality: Shy, Sensitive, Caring, Clean, Fun, Baker, And Gamer
Friends: Smurfette Smurf Nat Smurfling Slouchy Smurf Vanity Smurf Bax (Best Friend) Kelvon (2nd Best Friend) Boston Bundir Urbaine Kaleb (My Bestie's oc) Cloyd (My bestie's oc) Finnley (My bestie's oc and 3rd best friend) Pedro (My Bestie's oc and 4th best friend) Knox (My Bestie's oc and 5th best friend) Aron (Our oc and 6th best friend) Rodel (Our oc) Korbin (Our oc and 7th best friend) Dillon (Our oc) Andrei (Our oc and 8th best friend) Rilian (My bestie's oc and 9th best friend) Tanner Oreo (10th best friend) Shelden (Our oc and 10th best friend)
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Holiday: Christmas And New Years Day
Fun Fact: Asher is a very shy yoshi, he doesn't like to be around new people too much. He is so shy, that he gets really scared. By being shy, he can be very sensitive to seeing things scary. He is so sensitive that he sometimes. Pass out. Because he is very sensitive. He may be shy, but he can be very caring. He cares alot about he's siblings, and he's mini crewmate siblings. He takes care of them. Because he is very caring. He also cares alot about his kids, he love his kids very much. He may be shy and sensitive, but he takes great care of his kids. He is also very clean, he doesn't like to be dirty. He always cleans himself really nice. He spends a lot of time taken a shower. To make sure he is squirty clean. He may be shy, but can be very fun, especially during game night, with he's mothers and siblings. He makes game nights really fun. He may be shy, but he love being fun during game night. He is also a baker like he's sister Uniquia. He likes keeping he's baking skills a secret. Thanks to his sister. He can bake, he mostly bakes Cookies And Cake. It's he's little secret, that he love baking. And he is a gamer, not just for board games, but on video games to, he love playing video games very much. He may be shy, but he love playing video games. He mostly plays Mario games. He favorite is playing on the 3DS, he plays Mario And Luigi Paper Jam, he's one of his most favorite games, from the 3DS. He also loves playing the Nintendo Switch. He mostly plays Mario Kart 8 Deluxe And Super Mario Maker 2. He also love making levels. also he wears an outfit now.
Asher belong to: yoshiarta123456789 me
Yoshi Species: Nintendo
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krovscastlerpg · 5 years
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It’s Ask Tuesday! To participate, just reblog this post and remember to send asks to the other players participating!
Pokemon Asks – Region Starters:
Bulbasaur - Share a story about starting something new. Squirtle - What makes you feel defensive? Charmander - What causes you to feel vulnerable? Chikorita - What do you do when underestimated? Totodile - How do you cheer yourself up? Cyndaquil - What sparks your temper? Treeko - Do you feel like you go unnoticed? Torchic - Is there something you wish you had never started? Mudkip - What trends have you been caught up in? Turtwig - How do you approach challenges? Chimchar - Do you feel you have a flexible personality? Piplup - Share a time you felt you were at your best. Snivy - Do you come across to other as distant? Tepig - Do you look first or just leap? Oshawott - What do you think it means to be brave? Chespin - What about you might make others hesitate to interact with you? Fennekin - Are there traits you feel others misinterpret about you? Froakie - What is your sense of style? Rowlett - How have you evolved? Litten - What conclusions do people jump to about you? Popplio - Share something about yourself that you like.
Pokemon Asks – Evolutionary Stones:
Fire Stone - What are you passionate about? Water Stone - Are you go with the flow type of person? Thunder Stone - What immediate, drastic change would you take in life? Leaf Stone - Are your heart and mind currently in sync? Sun Stone - Share an accomplishment. Moon Stone - What do you dream of doing? Shiny Stone - How are you a positive influence? Dusk Stone - In what ways are you a negative influence? Dawn Stone - What adventure would you like to embark on? Ice Stone - How adaptable are you?
Pokemon (the Series) Sentence Starters:
“If anybody’s out there, you can come out. And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are.”
“Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while.”
“Don’t you know that love is the most important thing in the world?”
“We have a proud tradition of failure to uphold.”
“Prepare for trouble.”
“When you have lemons, you make lemonade; and when you have rice, you make rice balls.”
“I hate water, especially WET water.”
“There’s no sense in going out of your way to get somebody to like you.”
“My name is Tom Ato/Ann Chovy/Caesar Salad.”
“My brain says to run but my legs ain’t listening.“
“Then came the storm.”
“Just once, I’d like to make a dramatic exit that DOESN’T involve a life-threatening explosion.“
“I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.”
“Where did you get all that chocolate? You’re holding out on us.”
“By the way, that’ll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rock.“
“I want food.“
“It smells like old sneakers mixed with rotten eggs and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes.”
“I don’t need a fortune teller to know that. Someone is ALWAYS causing me trouble! It’s a curse…“
“When I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it!”
“Rejected by the one guy I loved. I’ll never find another one like him again.”
“Everybody’s got secrets hidden in their closet.”
“I know it’s my destiny.”
“Don’t worry, ___. You’ll find plenty of other people to reject you.”
“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
“Oh, I know what I’ll do! I’ll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan!”
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mariposalass · 5 years
Movie Night (Familial F/O Week 2019 Prompt #2)
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For this Familial F/O Week prompt #2 hosted by @selfshippingsylveon, I went Movies and Movie Night is the name of the game. This would normally happen when all of the fam bunch are present for a nice night of films, popcorn, and probably staying up way too late at night (unashamed night owl here!).
Enjoy the popcorn fest!:
Whenever everyone has free time during the weekends, we often host Movie Night during Saturday or Sunday night at the Media Den in my house, depending on everyone’s available schedule. The girls always get really pumped for it. This is one of our main bonding activities aside from S’Mores Night, going out, eating, trying not to get killed while traveling with the Doctor, shopping, and sometimes doing sports on Uncle Maui’s request.
Sometimes nobody can agree on which film to watch and it can take as long as 2 hours to agree on the final choice. Since we got kids, people with poor stomachs, and an easily scared Scooby, this can be really tricky, as Sora learned it the hard way when he accidentally left Marina to be horrified from watching the IT film staring Tim Curry as Pennywise. Uncle Gru and Auntie Lucy also want to make sure that the films we get to watch won’t traumatized the girls and the pets as well, especially Scooby, though Piplup and Scorbunny weirdly enjoy watching suspense and horror when left unattended and Rolwet would be napping for the whole film time anyway. Harry on the other hand will avoid films about him and his misadventures at all costs, locking himself up inside his and Issa’s room when this ever happens, while Auntie Diana is not too big of a movie buff though she still joins in regardless.
The Doctor will always get dragged into Movie Night no matter what he thinks, but he will always enjoy them at the end of the night.
Uncle Maui was the first person who introduced Movie Night to Philip and explained to him about everything related to films and film making, as well as info-dumping him every single trivia for every film.
There are actually times where we watch old cartoons instead of films instead, like the Disney shorts, many incarnations of Scooby’s canon source. Looney Tunes, etc. Also, NO Disney live action remake shit in this house, ya hear? Belle was pretty disappointed by Emma Watson’s soulless take on her that she had the live action remake of her canon source banned in our houses indefinitely. Not good, Emma.
The Minions always give Uncle Gru a worrisome time whenever they get behind the projector and begin horsing around that he had to give them tons of bananas to pacify them before the chaos could erupt.
Harry, Issa, and Michi will get the snacks ready right after dinner while the rest of us clean up and get the Media Den ready for Movie Night. They even made sure to make more than enough snacks though considering Scooby and Kirby’s huge appetites.
Among the snacks we eat include popcorn, nachos, chicken pops or tenders and veggie sticks with hummus and ketchup, pretzel bites, mixed nuts, apple slices with yogurt dipping sauce, an assortment of candies, and pizza (usually 2-3 for everyone to share). As for the drinks, we always have water, iced tea, lemonade, cans of soda, and juice or milk boxes for Edith, Agnes, and Kirby.
One time Belle’s fiance Adam unwittingly took a nap with his head landing onto Belle’s lap midway watching a film during Labor Day. She found it quite adorable and told us not to disturb him in his napping for the rest of the film until he wakes up. And not bothering to disturb him we all did.
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Good Evening! We have successfully reached Oreburgh City after a very long day on Route 203. And honestly, a lot has happened!
Barry has apparently also gone towards Oreburgh City and surprised us just outside Jubilife City where he challenged Laura to a Pokémon fight! I'm impressed by his battle prowess and is absolute resolve to never give up. In the end, he still lost, but he managed to exploit Schnitzels timid nature and his Turtwig snuck in a very strong hit which made Schnitzel faint. I think out little boy was a little bit nervous after Turtwig retreated into his shell more and more and nothing seemed to have any effect, until he suddenly struck back. Well, because of that we had to go back to the Pokémon Center and make sure Schnitzel is okay. Also, yes, he is just fine!
//I wanted to make like video descriptions of major battles like gyms or barry, but this one dragged on for way too long because of Withdraw. Also Turtwig critted Schnitzel two times in a row and Lemonade as well, and i didn't get a single crit. I love RNG.
//Schnitzel also fainted against the last trainer in Oreburgh gate to a crit, so he has one more faint before retiring. I think he'd be totally fine that, timid as he is
Well, we then explored Route 203 for a bit, and Galois spotted an Abra! Laura wanted to catch it, but it kept teleporting away once we got close. At some point Laura made a good throw with a Pokéball, but it got away. We didn't see it again. We spent most of the day on Route 203, actually.
The last thing i want to mention is that we found a new friend when we passed through Oreburgh Gate!
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[A photo of Lemonade the Piplup, sitting on a bed with the typical Pokécenter bedsheets. On his head is a Zubat, it's wings layed down the side of Lemonades head, who is holding both wings with his flippers. They seem very cuddly]
This is Stir-Fry! He is so gentle, he didn't have anything against the nurse inspecting his teeth earlier!
Tomorrow, we will visit the Oreburgh Museum, and hopefully Laura will challenge Roark, the Gym Leader. I'm very excited to see how she will do!
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Here we go, one last report for today. We have made it to Sandgem Town! Surprisingly, we haven't met a single wild pokémon on our journey here. Maybe they were a little bit intimidated by Hugo, i had to take a break and had him carry me about half the way. Today was very exhausting, but also very exciting.
Before we left, Barry's mother gifted us a Map of Sinnoh! How very thoughtful of her, i have to say!
Once we reached Sandgem town, we went to Professor Rowans Laboratory to thank him again for the opportunity to go on this adventure, and he surprised as too! We now have a Pokédex at our disposal! I'm sure Galois could also look up the information of the Pokémon we meet, but it is a very thoughtful gift.
And not enough with this, he also gave Laura a TM! It contains the Return Move, but we have not decided to use it yet.
We also met the young Dawn again. She was also very kind to us an showed Laura how to properly capture wild Pokémon!
Laura used this opportunity to spend some more time at route 201, while i took a nap at the Pokémon Center. When she came back, she showed me a very cute little Pokémon. She caught a Starly! He seems very timid, i hope he is not too frightened by us and his new situation. Laura said he approached them though.
Oh and before i forget! Laura also gave Nicknames to her new Pokémon! The Piplup is now called "Lemonade", and the Starly is named "Marshmallow"! But i think something went wrong while registering the nickname, it says "Marshmalow" in the computer system according to Galois.
Well, tomorrow, we will start the journey properly. Our goal is to reach Jubilife City! Good night everyone. Good night Galois.
<<Thank you Miss Solaria. Sleep well!>>
//ooc i skipped the little cutscene at the varity lakefront because it wouldn't quite fit with Laura and Solaria. I think i'll incorporate this bit through Barry somehow.
//also funny that "Marshmallow" is too long for Pokémon Platinum.
//ALSO very funny that Lemonade is "Quirky" and "Mischievous"
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Good Evening! Yesterday, we spent another day in the wonderful Floaroma Town, watching the Combee and preparing our travels to Eterna City. After some research, i found it it is apparently a two day journey, so we spent the day preparing!>>
<<We did not start out Journey however! We will do this tomorrow!>>
<<We originally wanted to begin our hike today, but when we left Floaroma Town towards Route 205 this morning, we were stopped by a young girl in distress! Apparently, her dad had been kidnapped, or rather held hostage within the Valley Windworks! Of course we could not just let this transpire!>>
<<We found out the Valley Windworks had been taken over by the so called "Team Galactic"! They are the same group that harrassed Professor Rowan and Miss Dawn a few days ago!>>
<<Miss Laura has proved some amazing battle skills against some random Grunts though! She also won a Pokémon battle agains the so-called "Commander Mars" who had a very scary Purugly. I apologize, i could have used the Poryphone™ Videography Module to make a recording, but as i have to admit i was a little bit scared. Tiramisu was very impressive though, dealing the final blow!>>
<<We also have tried reaching out to the Sinnohan Police about this event, but we could not reach anyone from Floaroma Town. Maybe this Team Galactic has sabotaged the network. We will try again once we reach Eterna City.>>
<<The important thing is, that the young girl has been reunited with her father and that the Valley Windworks can resume operations!>>
<<I also have more pleasant news! Miss Laura caught another Pokémon! It is a Buizel, whom she named "Onion". I don't understand how she comes up with these names, but Onions seems to like it!>>
<<Thank you for using Poryphone™ Photography Module>>
[A picture, taken outside in a field of flowers. The background shows a Pokécenter. It shows Laura in a green dress in the same style as her usual ones and a secon woman her age, possibly a little bit older. The second woman has much lighter skin, but you wouldn't call her "white". Unlike her hair, which is very much white and is worn in a very old fashioned permanent wave. she also wears a large white sunhat. Her outfit consists of a rather formal looking combination of pants and blouse, both in black. This must be Solaria.
They are playing with a horde of Pokémon, among them the known faces of Lemonade, Schnitzel and the rest of Lauras Team. There are also a few new additions, for example a Psyduck who is being pet by Laura and a Buizel who is very curiously watching a Staravia who is perched on Sols arm. In her lap sits a Budew]
<<For another great event, Marshmalow has evolved into a Staravia! Miss Laura is so proud of her (and i am as well)! She has warmed up to Miss Solaria a lot since the Evolution earlier today. Evolution has changed her personality a little bit, i think. I wonder if that happened to me as well? I do not feel different, but my own evolution has been a while, so maybe i am wrong here.>>
<<In any case, I wish you all a good night! We will hopefully start our hike towards Eterna City without any more holdups tomorrow mornign!>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<<This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Porygon-Integration technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
<<Miss Laura and Miss Solaria are currently out on a date in Jubilife City! They have left me behind at the Pokémon Center, so i can make a post about todays Events!>>
<<We have spent today in Jubilife City and gone to various interesting sights! We have visited Jubilife TV and taken a tour of their facilities! It was very informative! I am impressed that they don't rely on Rotom-Camera Technology, there are many reporters! They also offer a Lottery for Trainers! Sadly, Laura did not win anything.>>
<<In addition, we have participated in an advertising campaign by a company that develops wrist worn technological gadgets. They call it "Pokétch"! A very interesting piece of Technology. I wonder if it would support my program!>>
<<Anyways, tomorrow we will start out journey to Oreburgh City! I have found out that a Museum is located there and Miss Solaria is very interested in this. Miss Laura also wants to challenge the local Gym leader, Mr. Roark! He supposedly specializes is Rock Type Pokémon, so i think Miss Laura will have no trouble defeating him together with Lemonade! She has shown some serious battle skill during our few days of travelling already! That's what the teachers at the trainerschool said! On the other hand, Mr. Roark is a Gym Leader, so he is already a very strong trainer. In any case, i am very excited to see this battle!>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<< This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Speech-To-Text technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
Thank you Galois.
<<You're welcome Miss Solaria!>>
We have reached Jubilife City! The road is so much easier to travel when you can ride on a Drampa, i have to admit. I think if Hugo didn't carry us here, we would be on the road for at least another 2 hours!
Anyways, we have met young Miss Dawn again. She was just running an errand for Professor Rowan and gave Laura the advice to visit the trainer school. Apparently they are not exclusively for children, but for anyone who wants to know more about a trainers profession.
Laura was very excited about this, because on the way here, we battled a few young trainers and Lemonade has managed to control his water-related abilities a little bit better. Schnitzel also has shown us how he can create electricity! So Laura wanted to ask the teachers at the trainer school about this.
In short, Laura is attending a lecture there right now, while i have taken the opportunity to go to the Pokémon Center, rent a room and take a bath, which i'm doing right now! All the Pokémon are with Laura of course, except Galois. Oh, and Barry is also attending the trainer school, i have seen him through the door. I'm impressed how serious he takes his role as a trainer! When we first met him he seemed so impatient.
<<Miss Solaria? Do you want to tell them about Mr. Looker?>>
Oh you are right Galois! Thank you, it already slipped my mind!
On our way to the trainer school, we met a very strange man. He is calling himself Mr. Looker and said he is working for the international police! He told us to inform him of any suspicious activity we encounter. Is there some information about the international police out there? Because if i'm quite honest, i would report Mr. Looker himself! But i don't know a lot about detective work, i've only seen Inteleon 007 a few times, and i do not trust these movies to represent the actual police work!
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Rules and Status:
Status: Game: Pokémon Platinum
Current Progression: preparing for Eterna City Gym
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Current Team:
Lemonade the Piplup (2/3)
Marshmalow the Staravia (1/3)
Sauce the Shellos (0/3)
Stir-Fry the Zubat (1/3)
Tiramisu the Machop (1/3)
Jelly Bean the Geodude (1/3)
Boxed Team:
Muffin the Budew (0/3)
Cress the Psyduck (0/3)
Onion the Buizel (0/3)
Retired Pokémon:
Schnitzel the Luxio (3/3)
Rules: I will do a sort of toned down version of the Nuzlocke challenge, because i think it's gonna be boring otherwise. But people said i shouldn't do a nuzlocke, so i won't go full sicko mode and kill a bunch of pokémon
Only the first Pokémon on each route can be captured, shiny clause and dupes clause apply
All Pokémon must be nicknamed
If a pokémon faints 3 times, it dies retires. Laura will assume it doesn't really want to battle and just keep it around as a pet. Since you didn't want a nuzlocke, i might keep this even more lax, but i think this could bring a little more spice into the playthrough.
Battle Style will be "set"
No more than 3 healing items per battle
I try to keep my pokémon below the levels of gyms and stuff, but i don't wanna look stuff up, so we'll see how it goes. (if i did a full on nuzlocke, i would look shit up and do a proper level clause)
At the end of the game, Laura will release all her Pokémon or let them be adopted by other people. I will make an event at that point. (except Hugo and Galois, but those aren't part of the games anyways, and maybe if the story develops for some more exceptions)
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mariposalass · 5 years
July Babies Soup and S’mores Birthday
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Summary: It’s the July Babies’ Soup and S’mores Birthday Party and you’re invited to celebrate in the fun.
Setting: Mari and co.’s home in Daly City, California; July 17, 2019, nighttime
Notes: It’s the big joint soup and s’mores birthday party for me, Kairi, and Harry since we’re all July born babies. You can definitely use this as a prompt to write, draw, etc. to accompany this fun story.  Also, I will be traveling to Hong Kong with my mom and aunt for the annual summer sale from the 25th to the 28th. Four days after my birthday, which is a first for me as we normally go there some time before my birthday and is becoming a birthday tradition for me. Apologies in advance if I have to do this really early. Also, there’s not too much dialogue in here as to allow everyone to contribute to the event.
Tags: July Babies, birthday, tons of fluff, crossovers, self shipping, soup and s’mores birthday party, joint soup and s’mores party
“Hey there, thanks for coming over,” Mari greets the guests as they arrive in her house one calm July night as she escorts them to the living room for a big birthday party held in her and her adopted siblings’ honor.
She and the fam bunch have been planning this out for a few weeks since during the planning of her brother Harry and her sister in law Issa’s wedding, although due to the time constraints they have with the wedding, they have to settle with a join birthday bash for her, Harry, and Kairi somewhere in the middle of the month as a compromise. But it’s a compromise they’re willing to make this year, and they went for a soup and s’mores party. The three siblings have shared a birth month with their birthdays being separated by 10 days from each other (Kairi being on the 11th, Mari on the 21st, and Harry on the 31st), the main reason why they’re sometimes called the July Babies.
The living room and dining area may have not been wholly decorated to the theme, but it’s pretty clear that there is a soup buffet with four choices: Chunky Lentil Vegetable, Chicken, White Bean & Corn Chowder, Beef Barley, and Classic Mexican Tortilla, a cheese platter enough to feed an army, kale and Parmesan salad for the healthy minded and vegetable eaters, an assortment of bread with jam and butter, a Funfetti cake Kairi and Issa have baked for the occasion and covered with a glass cover and is protected by a spell Harry has placed on that prevents sneaky cake thieves from getting to it before even dinner could be finished, and a drink station with water, lemonade, and iced tea on hand. Outside, the fire pit area has been prepared with roasters on one side, chairs prepped and ready, and an S’Mores bar with assorted chocolates, graham crackers, marshmallows, and various add-ons have set up beforehand nearby at the patio.
The birthday celebrants and the rest of the fam bunch have dressed up well for the event: Mari in particular is wearing a plain white off shoulder top, button-front denim skirt, a pair of brown flats with braiding details, a pair of gold heart earrings, and a gold, ruby, & pearl choker necklace which matches the one Kairi is also wearing with her slim black dress, distressed blue denim jacket, white sneakers, and her usual single bead pendant necklace. Harry didn’t look out of place either in a slate gray chambray shirt, black slacks, and the same leather dress shoes he’d worn on his wedding day. Issa also dresses well for the party in a white & black vertical stripe long-sleeve top, blue denim jacket, black jeans, and light tan flats along with her old silver heart locket necklace, a stack of mixed metal bangles, and her engagement & wedding rings on her right ring finger; Harry also has his wedding ring on his right ring finger too.
“Thanks for coming over here, everybody,” Kairi starts the talk off, “We know this seems not to be a proper birthday in one way or the other, but since we just came off from Harry and Issa’ wedding last week, we thought we’ll just settle on a joint birthday party for me, him, and Mari instead.”
“You can say that again, sis,” Harry chuckled upon hearing that last part, “To be honest, it was due to the timing it had that we felt having three separate birthday parties this year doesn’t make any sense at all.”
“And it’s a good thing it isn’t a surprise party for you either,” Issa reminded him as well, “The last time we did that, you literally dove behind the sofa in fear and annoyance.”
“Oh Merlin, not that one again...” he moaned in despair after hearing that embarrassing moment.
“Don’t worry, we promise no more surprise birthday parties for you,” she cheekily reassured him while giving the concerned wizard-journalist a heartwarming kiss which got him blushing hard.
“Pardon that off topic tangent: Harry hates surprise parties thrown for him A LOT,” Mari apologies to a slightly confused group of guests before continuing her talk, “Anyway, we have soup being warmed up, some cheese, bread, and salad tonight, and s’mores & cake for desserts later. The S’Mores are also the main stars with the soups, but we also have cake if you’re not into roasting marshmallows on an open fire. Either way, I hope you guys will enjoy tonight’s party.”
With that, the brief meeting has been adjourned and everyone soon start getting some soup, sides, and drinks for the dinner portion. Mari’s cousins Edith and Agnes get to play with other children guests in the party with Margo keeping an eye on them, and so does Kirby who also decides to show off some of his Copy Abilities for a quick showcase along with doing his well-known Kirby Dance with some copies of himself for backup dancers in the middle of the event. Mari’s pets Scooby, Marie, Scorbunny, Torchic, Piplup, and Rowlet enjoy playing with the other pets of the guests who got invited to the party.
Meanwhile, Ahk, Sora, Riku, and Vinny are keeping a close lookout on the S’Mores bar as not to get the supplies ruined or stolen before the S’Mores portion can begin while eating dinner with some of guests at the patio, while Ron and Hermione are trying to see if using the Fire Conjuring spell does a better job in lighting up fire pits than normal procedures, which didn’t went too well compared to Harry’s more modest attempts in every S’Mores Night. When guests finished dinner, they’re more than welcomed to play some games and talk with the birthday celebrants and other guests in the house and the backyard.
Either way, the party goes on well for everyone after dinner was done and leftover soups have been poured onto takeout bowls for the guests to bring home when Mari informs everyone that it’s time for the S’mores and Cake time at the patio. Her godmother aunt Diana carefully brought the cake down to the backyard and held onto the glass cover to avoid it falling over and breaking on the ground while Issa and Harry carried plates, dessert forks, and a cake server as they follow her lead.
People soon head for the backyard and to the patio and fire pit area where the S’Mores fest begins: people who would to make them roast up the marshmallows (though some have to go through trial and error in not burning them to not being edible), assemble the chocolate piece and graham cracker, place the roasted marshmallows onto said chocolate, and sometimes customize them to their liking or follow the S’Mores recipes at the bar before placing that last graham cracker and eating them up and, in some cases, rinse, lather and repeat the process.
Then came the cake: Issa carefully took the glass cover from the Funfetti cake and lights up the 3 candles (one for each July Baby), informing everyone that they will sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the celebrants and, once that was done, the siblings blow the fire from the candles together and start offering cake to anyone who would like some cake and there’s a couple of them who did, along with those not in the mood for S’Mores time. While some of the guests began to dig into the cake, Mari got one slice from Philip, walked up to the table he was in with the Doctor and a few other guests, and sat besides him as she gave him the cake slice and a fork.
“Hope you like some Funfetti cake, deary,” she attempted to flirt with him as she gave him the cake slice.
“A cake like this?” he asked her inquisitively though it was mixed with concern, “Did the Minions tried to bake this like the last time?”
“Actually, Kairi and Issa are the ones who baked it, so no accidents or food poisoning involved,” Mari gladly replied back, “Don’t be so worrisome, have a bite or two.”
He did took a few bites before realizing that it tastes really good that he whispered to her that he’s giving both Kairi and Issa props on baking of the cake before greeting her (Advance) Happy Birthday and sealing it with a playful kiss on the cheeks, which got her blushing. Harry and Issa are chatting with some good friends when they caught wind of the kiss and smile on with pride. They’re aware it’s taking awhile for Mari to get used to dating and Philip to be patient with her and her quirks, but, at the same, they’re quite proud of them taking their time slowly, take things one at a time, enjoying moments as they come, and working on issues they come across.
The party continues on until around pass 10 in the evening when the guests leave with leftover soups for favors, but the mood hasn’t left the fam bunch at all even as they clean the place up and retire for the night. It is one of the best nights they have spent together as a quirky group and, for the birthday celebrants, it is certainly a great moment they shared in the nearly 13 years they have spent as siblings. Perhaps they should hold another one of this party in the near future, who knows?  Still, the party is a resounding success with their friends and family and it will surely be a conversation starter for weeks to come.
The End
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colesmurf23 · 2 years
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(OC) Bario The Koopa
Bio: Bario Koopa
Name: Bario
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: December 24th
Relationship/Wife: Angeline
Family Members: Cole Yoshi (Mother) Uniquia (Twin Sister) Asher (Brother) Boswell (Brother) Smitty (Brother) Barlow (Brother) Tamarra (Sister) Quartilla (Sister) Takalah (Sister) Queen (Sister) Zofia (Sister) Claire (Younger Sister) Colson (Youngest Brother) Colsen (Youngest Brother) Collie (Youngest Sister) Colline (Youngest Sister) Anan (Youngest Adopted Brother) Zora (Youngest Adopted Sister) Baris (Son) Barnabus (Son) Andrew (Son) Angelyn (Daughter) Angelle (Daughter) Angela (Daughter) Belora (Younger Daughter) Allora (Younger Daughter) Andie (Younger Son) Barnard (Younger Son) Bjorn (Younger Son) Avry (Younger Son) Ary (Younger Son) Cori (Younger Daughter) Cayla (Younger Daughter) Bonny (Youngest Daughter) Angie (Youngest Adopted Daughter) Barnaby (Youngest Adopted Son) Pipo (Piplup Pokemon) Pippo (Piplup Pokemon) Kassandra (Sister in law) Kasrielle (Niece) Uriel (Nephew) Unity (Niece) Unira (Niece) Kassity (Niece) Karol (Niece) Karissa (Niece) Ullrica (Niece) Ullricka (Niece) Unique (Niece) Kayden (Nephew) Kaden (Nephew) Kaori (Younger Niece) Uilliam (Youngest Nephew) Kassidy (Youngest Niece) Unai (Youngest Niece) Lemonade (Sister in law) Ashlyn (Niece) Leevi (Nephew) Levii (Nephew) Leona (Niece) Lenora (Niece) Liliana (Niece) Ashal (Nephew) Ashraf (Nephew) Ashton (Nephew) Lemma (Niece) Asha (Niece) Ashe (Niece) Astin (Nephew) Leilah (Niece) Parry (Sister in law) Bosco (Nephew) Palma (Niece) Pam (Niece) Pari (Niece) Bre (Niece) Brea (Niece) Lilah (Niece) Birk (Nephew) Berk (Nephew) Bartwo (Nephew) Perri (Niece) Pammy (Niece) Peri (Niece) Bostin (Younger Nephew) Parker (Younger Nephew) Paralee (Youngest Niece) Sweetie (Sister in law) Suzie (Niece) Stanly (Grandson) Stacey (Niece) Solara (Niece) Smithy (Grandson) Simon (Grandson) Sweetness (Niece) Sweets (Niece) Sweetie Pie (Niece) Simmie (Niece) Goody (Grandson) Goober (Grandson) Swaine (Younger Grandson) Sybella (Younger Niece) Sweeney (Younger Grandson) Smita (Youngest Niece) Svea (Youngest Niece) Sevn (Youngest Nephew) Michelle (Sister in law) Mikela (Niece) Nathan (Nephew) Ari (Niece) Ali (Niece) Brandon (Nephew) Myles (Nephew) Maverick (Nephew) Bowen (Nephew) Mabel (Niece) Bernice (Niece) Denise (Niece) Bunnie (Niece) Micheline (Youngest Niece) Barlo (Youngest Nephew) Kody (Brother in law) Codey (Nephew) Cody (Nephew) Coda (Nephew) Tamaira (Niece) Tamar (Niece) Tamara (Niece) Tamir (Nephew) Tamino (Nephew) Kolbie (Niece) Korrie (Niece) Kodie (Niece) Takoda (Nephew) Citrus (Brother in law) Cyrus (Nephew) Camilla (Niece) Cameryn (Niece) Quiyanna (Niece) Quinten (Nephew) Quinlan (Nephew) Qazir (Nephew) Quila (Niece) Quillen (Nephew) Callen (Nephew) Cian ((Nephew) Citrine (Niece) Chiron (Youngest Nephew) Quelle (Youngest Niece) Mango (Sister in law) Takara (Niece) Mango Jr (Niece) Colin (Nephew) Makaylah (Niece) Tyson (Nephew) Mikel (Nephew) Takalya (Niece) Takala (Niece) Manda ((Niece) Maxtin (Nephew) Cyfel ((Nephew) Mable (Niece) Mandie (Younger Nephew) Manson (Younger Nephew) Tanga (Younger Niece) Takao (Youngest Nephew) Tangy (Youngest Niece) Malo (Youngest Nephew) Jason (Brother in law) Quincy (Nephew) Quelina (Niece) Jasayla (Niece) Jasleen (Niece) King (Nephew) Kingston (Nephew) Jaspan (Nephew) Quiana (Niece) Queeny (Niece) Jaston (Nephew) Jasin (Nephew) Queenie (Niece) Zyler (Brother in law) Stevie (Nephew) Maya (Niece) Melody (Niece) Dayna (Niece) Zachary (Nephew) Zofie (Niece) Zarah (Niece) Zay (Nephew) Zophia (Niece) Zuzana (Niece) Zon (Nephew) Zannie (Niece) Zosia (Younger Niece) Zyla (Younger Niece) Zylen (Younger Nephew) Zollie (Youngest Nephew) Zvi (Youngest Nephew) Zoa (Youngest Niece) Ben (Brother in law) Annah (Niece) Bess (Niece) Bessie (Niece) Brock (Nephew) Anatasia (Nephew) Broc (Nephew) Benat (Favorite Nephew) Abiram (Nephew) Abram (Nephew) Benaiah (Niece) Abrielle (Niece) Kristy (Sister in law) Rocky (Brother in law) Emma (sister in law) Sky (Sister in law) Pinky (Brother in law)
Personality: Adventures, Gamer, Expert, Fun, Clam, And Mature
Friends: Nat Smurf Snappy Smurf Smurfwillow Belvinder (Best Friend) Lucan Briggs (2nd Best Friend) Forest (3rd Best Friend) Finn Reyden (My Bestie's oc and 4th best friend) Laurel (My bestie's oc and 5th best friend) Tristan (My bestie's oc) Laurence (My bestie's oc and 6th best friend) Freedy (My bestie's oc) Septims (Our oc and 7th best friend) Laki (Our oc) Kojo (Our oc and 8th best friend) Melville (Our oc and 9th best friend) Stein (Our oc) Quirin Dougie (My bestie's oc and 10th best friend) Harvie (My bestie's oc and 11th best friend) Andreas (Our oc) Nikolasz (Our oc and 12th best friend)
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Favorize Season: Winter And Summer
Favorite Holiday: Christmas And Labor Day
Fun Fact: Bario is a adventures koopa, he love going on adventures. He works for Wario And Waluigi, as a koopa pratol.. With the skill he have, he can defeat the Mario Brothers. Either though he's mother Cole Yoshi isn't too fond of him him working with the brothers. He does it anyway. While he isn't out working for the Wario bros. He does play video games. He manly plays video games with he's 3rd older son Andrew. He love playing games with him the most. They always have game nights every Friday night. After Andrew gets' out of school. Also on his adventures. He takes his son and and twin piplups with him. during an adventure. He love going fishing with them as an adventure. He can be a very good gaming expert. He love 100% all Mario games as he can. He loves taking so many hours of 100%. Because he can be an expert. So when you're racing online. Look out for him. He pretty much gets' 1st place all the time. Even in Mario Party Superstars. Even his son Andrew is impressed. He may be an expert at playing games. He always makes it fun. Same for working with Wario And Waluigi. He can be very calm. Either tough Mario bitts him all the time. He is always calm about it. And he can be very mature. As the oldest. He looks out for his siblings. He also looks out for he's twin sister most of all. Since she's he's twin.
Bario belong to: me
Koopa Species: Nintendo
Last Updated July 5th, 2022
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