#martian manhunter agere
cutiecorner · 3 months
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Some sneaky peek doodles at my new fic!! Baby j'onn my beloved!!
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tinietrex · 3 years
Regressor! Bruce Wayne / Batman headcanons
Bruce as we know has a lot of childhood trauma from his parents dying, not to mention the following years training to be Batman and then being Batman
Is a flip! He'll CG most commonly for Clark and the batboys but has and loves babysitting Hal and Barry
Most commonly Diana or Clark will be his CG but J'onn is experienced in taking care of his fair share of little ones
Bruce's ages vary, 0-2 and 6-10
He'll often slip to babyspace after particularly bad nightmares
(Note for this: Diana can tell when he's lying about being okay, Clark can hear his heartbeat and breathing and J'onn can calm him from inside his mind + nonverbal communication)
At his younger ages Bruce is usually non-verbal
He's quiet at his bigger ages too but can communicate verbally
He loves spelling, reading and counting because it makes him feel accomplished and smart
He loves praise, being told he did a good job makes him just melt
Baby Bruce is incredibly affectionate, while he's regressed he allows himself to say and express a lot of the stuff he holds back while he's big
You'll often find him asleep in Diana's lap or Clark's arms because he loves being picked up
Will not answer to any name except "B" or pet names while regressed
Very neat colourer! He loves colouring books
And baby blocks, just the old wooden ones, they're his absolute favourites
Has a bat stuffie!
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Leave a comment or ask if there are any other characters you would like to see!
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cutiecorner · 10 months
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J'onn J'onzz agere outfit 👽
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cutiecorner · 3 months
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fanfic • agere • regressors Bruce Wayne and J'onn J'onzz, Caregiver Diana Prince • AO3
My baby J'onn fic is finally done! First time in a while I've finished a fic. I hope y'all enjoy!
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J’onn needed a break. With his new duties on the watchtower, he was in a constant state of stress. Was he dispatching people to the correct assignments? Were more needed? Should he be recruiting? Every moment not at the console was a second wasted where he could be helping. But after a few days of no sleep, there came an intervention. Bruce and Diana had managed to get him to a private room to talk.
“J’onn, please listen to what we’re saying. You need to go on leave.”
“I won’t hear it, Diana. I go where I am needed.”
“You’ve been running yourself into the ground. If you don’t find a way to cope with your stress you could be put out of commission,” Bruce’s voice was gentle but stern.
J’onn looked at the ground like a scolded child. He rubbed his temples in frustration, he knew Bruce and Diana weren’t going to let up. Of course the two most stubborn members of the league were tasked to bring him to his senses. Unstoppable force, meet immovable object.
“Earth is my home now, I need to protect it. I won’t let what happened to Mars happen again,” J’onn’s voice sounded strained, scared. He hung his head. Diana and Bruce sat on either side of J’onn, both instinctually touching him. Before J’onn could protest, emotion washed over him. Worry, resolve, love. He wasn’t intentionally reading their minds but the contact transferred underlying waves of emotion. He tried to avoid touching others for that reason - it was too much, too intimate, but with his friends… it wasn’t unwelcome. He let out a deep sigh. Feeling how worried his friends were broke his stubborn will. He knew it was time to relent. 
“Alright. I will take a few days off.”
Diana smiled her perfect smile. Bruce looked pleased in his own private way. However - J’onn could sense there was something unsaid. Diana’s hand reached behind his back and laid over Bruce’s, seemingly encouraging him.
“That’s wonderful, J’onn. Thank you. Now, Bruce has something he’d like to share with you.”
Bruce looked away, rubbing his neck. Bashful was not a common look for the dark knight. After a moment, he spoke.
“I… wanted to talk to you about a coping mechanism you might find helpful.”
Bruce looked at Diana for comfort, who squeezed his hand in return. This was difficult for him.
“You are aware of my … regression, yes?”
J’onn was. He had witnessed it one time, briefly. After a particularly tough mission Bruce was critically injured. He pleaded with J’onn to bring Alfred to the watchtower, and the two stayed together all night. The next day, Bruce explained why he needed his guardian’s help.
“Yes, I remember.”
Bruce cleared his throat. “Well, it was originally involuntary, but I have found that voluntarily regressing with people I trust has had a positive effect on my overall health.”
Diana chimed in, “Of course, it’s not for everyone, but we thought that the concept may be useful to you,” she took J’onn’s hand, “You take care of everyone in the league, it might be nice to have someone take care of you for a change.”
J'onn took a moment to think it over. He did quite enjoy spending time with his friends, and he didn't get the opportunity often. Maybe participating in this earthly activity would help him understand them more. 
"I… will try."
Diana smiled even wider, before wrapping Bruce and J'onn in a hug. 
"I promise, you're in excellent hands!"
The next day, J’onn, Diana, and Bruce planned to meet up at the watchtower. The watchtower had become J’onn’s home, and he was most comfortable starting their day there. He walked out of his quarters with a knot in his stomach. J’onn could take down powerful mutants without issue, but social settings were always difficult for him. He was anxious for what was to come, as he didn’t know what to expect. However, as the beam of light rose from the transporter, he felt his worries melt away. Diana and Bruce were in civilian clothing, Diana toting a large duffle bag. Bruce looked cautiously around, fiddling with a loose string on his jacket. J’onn greeted them with open arms.
“My friends, thank you for doing this.”
Diana wrapped him in a hug.
“Of course J’onn, anything you need.”
Diana looked back to Bruce, catching on to his nerves. She reached out and held his hand.
“We should get going,” she said.
The trio went to J’onn’s quarters, secluded from the noise and eyes of the other leaguers. Diana loved being in J’onn’s room, it felt so lived in. Given J’onn lives in the watchtower, his room had been renovated to be more like a studio apartment. An extra large bed in the corner (to accommodate his unmasked form), a kitchenette full of his favorite foods, a seating area, and of course, his cat Double Stuff. He greeted them at the door, purring and rubbing against their legs. Diana adored how J’onn’s eyes lit up as he picked up the huge orange cat.
“Sweet boy, you’ve noticed our guests,”
Bruce gave him a tentative pet, and his purring grew even louder.
“He loves you already,” J’onn smiled.
The three of them took a seat on the large, plush couch in front of the TV.
“I can tell you’re both nervous,” Diana said, “but of course, there’s no need to be. I’m here to take care of you, not to judge. You’re welcome to express yourselves in any way that feels healing to you.”
Her warm voice put both heroes at ease. J’onn looked over to Bruce, who still looked a little uncomfortable. He tugged at the collar of his coat, which was still buttoned. Why didn’t he take it off? Oh. J’onn put the pieces together.
“Bruce, do you need help with your coat?” he asked.
Bruce nodded shyly while J’onn scooched over to help him unbutton.
“I did some research into human developmental stages. I remembered that children of a certain age may not have developed fine motor skills.”
Diana nodded, impressed. “Very good, J’onn.”
J’onn felt warmth bloom in his chest. Very good. His hard work to fit in with human society often went unrecognized - it felt so good to be praised about it. Bruce sighed in relief as J’onn removed his coat.
“So,” Diana began with an excited lilt, “I brought a few of Bruce’s favorite activities. I’ve looked after him a few times before.”
Diana unzipped the duffel bag to unveil a treasure trove of colorful supplies - picture books, crayons, blankets, various toys. J’onn was unfamiliar with most of them. He had never spent an extended period of time with such a young child.
“Is it okay if I move your table J’onn? It’s nice to have an open space for this.”
At J’onn’s nod, Diana picked the table up with ease and set it to the side. Next, she rifled through the duffle bag, taking out a large blanket. After spreading it out in the empty space she scattered a few of the toys - a little toy telephone, a small plastic creature, some things with wheels - J’onn marveled at the unfamiliar objects. Bruce was more than enthused about them, though he tried to conceal his giddy smile. He slightly rocked in place, looking at Diana with bright eyes. 
“Go ahead, my love.”
He hopped off the couch and sat on the blanket, immediately going for the little plastic beasts. J’onn cocked his head to the side. Bruce looked up at him.
“J’onn?” He said, in a small voice.
“I am just confused. What is… that?”
Bruce’s face lit up.
“Brachiosaurus!” He smiled.
“A brachiosaurus? Is that an animal? I have never seen one.”
“Dinosaur!” Bruce giggled, holding up the toy.
Diana chimed in. “They are an extinct species, J’onn. They lived on earth thousands of years ago.”
A tinge of sadness tugged at J’onn’s heart. Extinct… The faces of his family and friends flitted across his mind. He stared off into the vast space outside his window. 
“J’onn… are you okay?”
J’onn snapped back to reality, and confronted the concerned faces of his friends. Diana put a hand on his, transmitting love, warmth, worry, understanding. She knew exactly what was wrong after what she said. J’onn took a deep breath and steadied himself. He held Diana’s hand, gently conjuring feelings of calm and comfort in her mind. Bruce was not in this loop - he toddled on his knees to J’onn, eyes brimming with tears.
“It is alright, Bruce, it is okay,” J’onn said, holding Bruce.
“I want to know more about these creatures. What do you know about them?”
A small smile returned to Bruce’s face, and he cozied himself into J’onn’s lap.
“This is a Broch-i-o-saurus. They lived in the Jurassic period, ‘n they were herbivores… they lived in North America, that’s where my house is…”
J’onn nodded along, charmed by Bruce’s soft, gentle voice. He stumbled over his words every so often, his brain going too fast for his mouth to keep up with. All the while, Bruce was moving the Brachiosaurus as if it was traveling down J’onn’s arm. He leaned over and grabbed a second dinosaur, this one standing on two legs with small arms.
“Tyran-o-saurus Rex! Rah!” 
Bruce held it up to J’onn as if the animal was biting him. J’onn let out an ‘aah!’ and fell to the ground. Bruce continued his dino torment, both creatures attacking J’onn. Diana laughed from the sidelines. 
“I’ll save you J’onn,” she smiled, and picked Bruce up by the waist.
Bruce giggled and kicked his legs as the amazon hoisted him into the air, then she gently placed him back on the blanket. J’onn scooched closer to Bruce, picking up and examining the last dinosaur. It had a long head, just like his natural form! 
“What is this one Bruce?”
Bruce perked up and looked up at J’onn,
J’onn giggled, “He looks like me!”
Bruce cocked his head. J’onn looked at Diana,
“Do you think my natural form might… frighten him?”
“Of course not, J’onn. He knows you would never harm him,”
After a moment of thought, J’onn let all his muscles relax. He felt his form start to shift, elongate, transform. When he opened his eyes, he had grown by a foot, his arms and legs stretched out. I hope you’re right, Diana, J’onn thought, expecting Bruce to be scared. Instead, he smiled and clapped his hands.
J’onn returned his smile, holding the parasaurolophus next to his head.
“Just like twins,” Diana laughed.
“J’onn, you know you can stay in your natural form. We want you to be comfortable.”
Bruce clapped in agreement.
“Thank you,” J’onn said.
J’onn and Bruce proceeded to play with their dinosaurs, sorting them, stacking them, crashing them together. J’onn felt his self consciousness melt away as he played. As the time flew by, Bruce showed J’onn how each toy worked. Before they knew it it had been hours.
“Would you like a snack, little ones?”
“Snack…” Bruce cooed.
J’onn tried to gather himself to speak, but he found it difficult. His thoughts were soft and scattered.
“Choco?” He compromised with one word. 
“Of course,” Diana said, petting his head.
Diana returned with cookies for J’onn and applesauce for Bruce, along with a cup and a bottle. She pulled Bruce onto her lap, resting his head on her chest. She secured a piece of fabric around his neck. J’onn wanted to ask what it was, but he found himself unable to speak. He whined. Then, a thought came to him. He touched Diana’s hand, transmitting an image of the fabric to her mind. She was thrown off for a moment, but quickly adapted.
“It’s called a bib, it keeps Bruce from getting messy.”
J’onn nodded with a smile, content. 
“Baba…” Bruce was pawing at the bottle.
“Thirsty, hm?” Diana popped the bottle into his mouth, and Bruce happily drank the milk. J’onn tipped the cup to his mouth, but spilled a little bit down his chin. Diana was quick to wipe his face.
“Maybe I should get you a bib,” Diana smiled.
J’onn thought about it and gave an affirmative nod. Diana placed Bruce in J’onn’s lap for a moment while she fetched a second bib. Soon, she returned and secured it around J’onn’s neck - then she picked up the cup and secured a lid to it.
“Sippy cup,” Diana tapped the cup.
“...sippy,” J’onn repeated.
“Good job!”
J’onn felt that telltale warmth in his chest. He bonked Diana with his head, transmitting happiness, love, appreciation. After a minute of thought, he transmitted a small explanation to both Bruce and Diana. A memory of him on his homeworld, touching his forehead to his loved ones. It was a common form of affection on mars. Bruce bobbed up and down excitedly and fell toward J’onn, bopping him with his forehead.
“Good… job!” J’onn parroted, with great effort.
Soon, all of the snacks were eaten. “All gone!” Diana said, holding up the plates.
“All..gone!” J’onn repeated.
Bruce was softly snoring in Diana’s lap.
“I think it’s about time for a nap,”
J’onn made a confused squeak.
“Na-ap?” He drew out the word.
“It’s a short sleep humans take sometimes. Would you like to join? You don’t really have to sleep, sometimes it’s just nice to be still.”
J’onn nodded, not fully parsing the instructions but willing to participate. He followed his friend’s lead, floating over to the bed and lying down in it. J’onn wasn’t really used to the bed yet, he usually floated while sleeping on Mars. As he lay nestled between Diana and Bruce, he decided - he liked the bed best with his friends in it.
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cutiecorner · 2 years
Oooh a question! For gift fanfic purposes ofc, who is your favourite very underappreciated dc character? Like, Plastic Man(mine!) or Atom man or Shazam! Ofc I can do anyone if u want, every character is under appreciated in the agere sphere - 📝
HMMM OOO, I'd definitely say martian manhunter/j'onn j'onzz!!! He is my precious man and he deserves the entire world. I don't see anyone talk about him pretty alone in agere, but he's a funky little guy!!!!
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