#martina barta
amreiwittwer · 2 years
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Ausstellungsansicht Galerie Z, Hard. Lorenz Helfer und Freunde  
24.11.22 - 7.01.2023 
Cave Canem. Drei Feuerhunde zum Schutz für Haus und Hof 2022 Hermetische Gefässe aus Erde, gebrannt und geflammt
Die Ausstellung vereint Arbeiten von Christine Lederer, Martina Feichtinger, Amrei Wittwer, Sophie Thelen, Linus Barta, Gernot Riedmann, Matthias Guido Braudisch sowie Lorenz Helfer. Gezeigt wird eine Bandbreite unterschiedlicher Medien, die von Zeichnung, über Keramik bis hin zur Bildhauerei reicht.
Die Künstler sind Freunde Helfers, sie sind sein erster Ansprechpartner bei Problemen mit einem Bild oder, um die eigene Euphorie über den jüngsten Malerfolg zu teilen. Es besteht ein Austausch, ein sich gegenseitiges Helfen, die Gespräche sind intensiv, die Kritik ist hart. Man ist ehrlich zu einander, nur so werden alle besser.
Mit manchen hat Lorenz Helfer bereits zusammen gearbeitet, mit den meisten jedoch ist es die erste gemeinsame Ausstellung.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
2010s Eurovision: 340 - 336
340. Witloof Bay - “With love, baby” Belgium 2011
Oh god *enough* with the lame puns already, AS if ~With Love, baby~ isn’t cringe enough to sit through. Firstly, acapella singing in Eurovision never works, that’s just Eurovision 101. Secondly, doing everything with love(, baby) makes you either a liar or earth’s most obnoxious human being. (or both.) Thirdly, I’m Belgian and even I care very little for your telegraphed ~inclusivity~ in having a Flemish beatboxer (dressed in the fLeMiSh NaTiOnAl CoLoUrZ of black and pale yellow). Fourthly, witloof is disgusting and serving it grated is a waste of perfectly good cheese. ^__^
339. Eneda Tarifa - “Fairytale” Albania 2016
Probably the one clear example of a revamp completely destroying all redeeming things about a fairly good original song. Also a masterclass in “resting stankface”. NEXT!
338. Timebelle - “Apollo” Switzerland 2016 
[2017 Review here]
This pedestrian song is pretty much a “Basic Bitching For Dummies” audiobook: Amorphous backstory (it took about five different explanations from Timebelle to finally settle on “This song is dedicated to songwriters” as their message, even though the lyrics don’t acknowledge and even contradict this?), non-sensical staging (jarring hot pink + canarie yellow colour scheme, pointless staircase, Hercules arcade-game backdrop) and poor overal execution (use of AAVE as a means of fabricating ‘A Sassy Attitude’ (🌚), Mirula’s Big Bird dress and Mirula’s general underenunciation of what is a fairly simple vocabulary), all due to a glaring lack of vision, originality or concept. Yep, sums it up why ‘Apollo’ sucks, NEXT!
337. Can-Linn ft. Casey Smith - “Heartbeat” Ireland 2014
Is that you, Vivienne Pinay?
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(yes, I’m using the moment to shoehorn in a ref to the only season of RPDR i’ve seen episodes (3) of, back up off me!!!)
Anyway, as you’ll learn later, I’m actually a HUGE fan of trashy folksy schlager bops, but that doesn’t mean all are created equally. “Heartbeat” was pretty dope in its studio form, but the live served a more-than-generous helping of “Narcoleptic Stankface” (srsly, Kasey looks both half-asleep AND irritated), shit vocals and the SAME busy hammy dancing that plagued “Only love survives”, which I already ranked. The end result was pretty lackluster and as you well know by now this blog does NOT commit itself to the defence of mediocrity, so sayonara!
336. Martina Bárta - “My turn” Czech Republic - 2017
[2017 Review here] [shared with Tako & Claudia]
CHRIST, "MY TURN” WAS SO BORING!!! Like seriously, I love my entertainment and Martina brought none of it. The song itself already was a snore (jazz is one of the most boring, uninspired genres of music imo, THERE I SAID IT!!!), but Czech of course had to ramp it up by draining whatever little life it had OUT of the song by commiting to anti-staging and so-so-vocals. 🙄
What really annoys me though is that, despite offering nothing of value, really, Martina SOMEHOW managed to score a whopping 81 jury points, all of which *should* have went to “Blackbird”, inadvertantly causing Norma John’s death and facilitating Demy’s continued survival, forever cementing her status as an Agent of EVIL! 👹
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women-of-eurovision · 5 years
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eurovisionopinions · 7 years
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arabela25 · 7 years
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Martina Bárta, My Turn | Czech Republic, Eurovision Song Contest 2017
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itsjusteurovision · 7 years
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Some of the 2017 participants hold the official Eurovision Trophy (x)
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fleetwoodhag · 7 years
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she’s such a dork i love it 😂
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trinklied · 7 years
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‘Thank you, Europe! I love you!’
(Semi Final 2 here)
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escunited · 7 years
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Montenegro: Slavko Kalezić wins Barbara Dex award
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artemlukyanenka · 7 years
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Eurovision acts react to the (real) trophy (x) (3/4)
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Baby it's you everytime I close my eyes, It's always been you.
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eurovisionopinions · 7 years
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tsar3na · 7 years
A Concept
Salvartina (Salvador and Martina) posing like this:
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~ r o m a n c e ~
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eurosong · 7 years
My translation of “My Turn”
For those who asked me about my own translations, here’s Czechia’s Martina Bárta’s My Turn in French: 
Dès le premier jour où l'on s'est rencontrés, N'importe où Avec toi, j'ai pu Me sentir comme chez moi.
[Pont: T'es en train de tomber, Mais je vais t'attraper, Si tu n'as pas de foi Laisse-moi être ta prière
Laisse-moi faire pour toi Tout ce que tu as fait pour moi, C'est le moins que je puisse faire]
[Refrain: C'est toi que je vois À chaque fois que je ferme les yeux. C'était toujours toi, Et je vais rester à tes côtés Advienne que pourra.
Ma chérie, c'est toi À chaque fois que j'avais le cafard Tu m'as redonné la foi, Tu m'as redonné l'espoir Laisse-moi faire ça... ]
Parmi les milliards de personnes dans ce monde Je suis ton choix, je suis ton choix, Donc laisse-moi te donner toute ma joie.
[Pont et refrain]
Tu sais que j'aime bien quand tu m'appeles sans raison Tu apportes du soleil dans chaque saison
[Refrain] Pour toi
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itsjusteurovision · 7 years
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Day 2: Rehearsals I (01/05/2017)
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anotherescsite · 7 years
The Another ESC Site Award for Pajama Couture.
Rating: # 22nd Pre-contest rating: 31st Post-contest rating: 12th
There is a degree of happiness I have when I watch this. She knew she wasn’t meant to qualify, but she gave it everything in her performance. And she didn’t qualify, but she did gain more points than the highly favored Albania, Iceland and Montenegro in her semi final. That said the juries did give the song all but two points. 
The garment she chose was more tin foil/garbage bag than high fashion satin material. Interesting choice; it made her stand out. While she was alone on the stage she used it well. They used their camera work to their advantage as well to capture the light and shade of the stage during different moments of the performance. Martina hit a few bum notes, but all in all a classic performance for a classic song.
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