#mary sue poots
fictionaltrvlr · 5 months
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Daisy Johnson x The Eras Tour 🫶
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kevinvoncrastenburg · 3 months
Uberhood (102) - Riley & Barrett
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Riley Summary: - Etsu and her dog Poot are still inseperable. 👧🏻🐶 - Kenji & Tom Riley celebrated their birthday and grew into children. - Tom gained games enthusiasm and received a membership card. 🎮
Barrett Summary: - Mary-Sue and Ethan Barrett said goodbye to Lilith Pleasant, who recently moved out, to live with her boyfriend Dirk in their own apartment in Belladonna Cove. - Angela Pleasant, who's still living with Mary-Sue & Ethan, landed a job in the dance career. She's working as a Jazzercise Instructor. - Angela destroyed the stereo and got scolded by both Mary-Sue and Ethan. 😂
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competitivedust · 1 year
So I came across a post on r/tumblr of Reddit where someone was talking about how a character's name is more a reflection of their parents/guardians than themselves (unless they change their name) and it made me think about Daisy and how her name has changed throughout the show.
Her first given name (that she is aware of) was Mary Sue Poots. The name was given to her by the nuns of Saint Agnes, and obviously she loathed it. The name, as I'd heard somewhere, was also a play on the Mary Sue trope which some fans considered her to be in season 1. I see this name as a representation of her childhood which is filled with unsaid trauma. And so she rejects this name the first chance she gets.
The next name Skye is one she gives herself. Now I find her name to be more about her getting out of the orphanage, and finding her freedom. I believe that after getting rejected by multiple families, she finally felt a semblance of belonging with the rising tide. She got more confident in her skills and had people around her who believed in the same goal, freedom of information.
The next name was once again given to her by her parents. Now this one is special. When she becomes Daisy Johnson she becomes a full fledged hero. Her one goal, from the beginning of the show, had been to find the truth of what happened with her parents. And she did. Yes it wasn't what she expected, but I do think she got some closure from it. Now I think Daisy is so special because one, the daisy plant is actually pretty strong. It grows in pretty much any environment. This speaks to her tenacity, her strength in the face of all the difficulties that she faces. Just like the plant, our Daisy doesn't give up no matter what life throws at her. And as amazing as this is, there's another sadder reason why her parents chose this name for her.
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So here is my really long post about Daisy and all the names she has been called.
As we all know, in season 7 we find out that Kora was supposed to shoot herself but she didn't because Nathaniel Malick ended up intervening. But had she actually gone through it, Jiaying would have found her body with a patch of daisies growing around her. I believe that she then named her second daughter Daisy because she wanted to remind herself to try to do better than she did last time. Obviously a wrinkly Nazi threw a wrench in that plan.
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I got so excited about posting this that I forgot about Quake. Another name that was given to her rather than one she gave herself. Quake, to me, at least at first seemed to have a darker connotation. When she is given this name, Daisy is possibly at the lowest point of her life. Estranged from her teammates, refusing help, letting herself get hurt, and sometimes even wanting it. While I don't think her actions as a vigilante are all that terrible (she's literally taking down a fascist organization) I do think her self imposed exile gives the name something of a negative vibe I guess? But overtime the name grows on her, something she says herself. I think as Daisy healed, this name took on a new meaning for her. I don't know why, but I think she was genuinely surprised when during a press conference in season 4 (when mace reveals that she has been an undercover agent all along) a lady she had previously saved hugs her in gratitude. I think, despite being related to a darker time of her life, the name Quake ultimately became somewhat of a symbol of good, of hope. And so once again, she accepted it. Maybe not as explicitly as Daisy but she certainly didn't mind it.
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maria-soy · 3 months
Happy Birthday for my favourite superhero Daisy Louise Johnson/Skye/Mary sue poots Quake 🌼🌼🎂🎂🎉
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July 2 it, it was a gorgeous summer night, beautiful big moon in the sky, 1988...
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mylifeisshite · 1 year
Headcanon: Agree or Disagree?
Clint Barton and Daisy Johnson grew up in the same orphanage and considered each other their sibling. When Clint aged out, he joined the circus but promised to be back for Daisy. A little while later, when she was still in the system, Daisy erased all traces of Mary Sue Poots and started to go by Skye. She knew exactly where Clint was and what he was doing at any given point, while he tried to search for her for years, even recruiting Natasha to help him, and never found her.
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Daisy Johnson Angsty Fic Recommendations
On the good days, she is not happy, but she pretends she is, and that is almost enough.
When May asks her later, much later, three in the morning in the training room when her knuckles are bloody and she’s crying, she will lie.
She will look down, at the floor she has shed her blood, sweat and tears on, and she will lie straight to May’s face.
Because the lie will be easier than the truth.
Daisy is tired. Tired of pretending that the useless buzz of smoking can make the level of pain or grief she’s experienced go away. Tired of pretending that she can fill the chasm in her heart with anything but love. Tired of pretending that she can move on and be okay because she can’t; she won’t be okay.
She isn’t okay.
It's Mary Sue Poots trying to stand on her own two feet but the ship keeps getting tossed in the waves, ripping the floor out from under her and suddenly she's holding on for dear life and yearning all over again for some solid ground.
It's getting caught in the riptide but not realizing that the grand ship you think you have is just a little defenseless raft until you're in over your head.
When Daisy left she wrote a letter.
Or, she tried to. She wrote it in her head.
Daisy was struggling to find the right words. She was struggling to find the words to tell everyone that the sun had stopped shining. Couldn’t they see it too?
A friendship dies like a star does, collapsing, exploding, fading.
It’s been three weeks since the Blip ended.
But nothing is right and everything is wrong and everything hurts
It was just a candle. It was just a scent. She hadn't thought about the Fischers in years. But that specific aroma of apples and cinnamon and vanilla and sugar was so ingrained in her mind, she would have recognized it anywhere.
If you think about it, Nathaniel didn’t really torture her.
If you think about it, neither did Fitz.
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rosamundpkes · 11 months
thank you so much and no rush! i wanted to request a gifset of daisy + her names and identities throughout the series (mary sue poots, skye, daisy johnson, quake. it can also include stuff like agent of shield, destroyer of worlds but you dont have to add those) i know others have done similar concepts but id still love to see this in your style <3.
here it is!! i'm so sorry this took so long but i hope you like it. i wasn't able to include mary sue poots bc i didn't have any clips to gif for that but your other suggestions were great!!
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MCU Fics
Shared Life Experiences: 6.8k | stucky | 🚸🔢💙✅
Steve realizes that he doesn’t have to hide part of himself anymore in the modern world. Bucky’s return complicates things.
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand: 3.5k | skye/daisy x steve rogers | ⚠️1️⃣💜✅
Plagued by powers she cannot control, Skye meets another troubled soul during her stay in The Retreat.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Manhattan, 1997: 2.3k | 🚸1️⃣💜✅
When the Chronicoms jump to the 90s to try and kill a young Daisy Johnson (aka Mary Sue Poots), Daisy and Daniel have to protect her.
and for the first time, what’s past is past: 1.1k | 🚸1️⃣💜✅
The four times Daniel reminded Daisy of the past and the one time he showed her what the future could be.
The Irresistible Force Paradox: 11k | 🚸🔢💜💀✅
Skye’s feelings about Ward are complicated. Ward’s feelings for Skye are very simple. Immovable object meet unstoppable force.
Agent Carter
chase two girls, lose the one: 1.3k | 🚸1️⃣💕✅
After the events of S2, Daniel, Violet, and Peggy seek some closure.
it’s nice to have a friend: 2.2k | 🚸1️⃣💕✅
the five times Howard hit on Peggy and the one time he realized he wanted to be her friend
death is a letter that was never sent: 1k | 🚸1️⃣💕💀✅
Before his death, Michael wrote Peggy a letter. After his death, Peggy writes in response.
ache: 100 | 🚸1️⃣💕✅💯
cool morning air and peggy’s old scars
‘tis the damn season: 5.2k | 🚸🔢💜💀☑️
Three Christmas seasons in Jack and Peggy’s hometown. Modern AU.
close enough to touch (close enough to hope you couldn’t see what i was thinking of): 9.6k | ⚠️1️⃣💜✅
Peggy and Jack’s no-strings relationship does not go as planned.
you still don’t know what i never said: 1.4k | 🚸1️⃣💜✅
After Jack is shot, Peggy sits at his bedside
Insufferable & Stubborn: 915 | 🚸1️⃣💜✅
A muscle worked in Jack's jaw at the sight of Peggy's blood-soaked handkerchief. “I’m assuming you did not have that looked at.”
no one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you (and you know you hurt him too): 4.4k | 🚸1️⃣💜✅
Peggy transfers to the new SSR office in LA to be closer to Daniel but finds the transition more difficult than she expected.
driving a new maserati down a dead end street: 1.6k | 🚸1️⃣🧡✅
Peggy found her attacker’s legs in the dark and kicked their knees out from under them. From the muffled grunt, she knew they had hit the ground hard – and also who they were. “Dottie?” she managed to whisper before Dottie was on top of her.
chains: 100 | 🚸1️⃣🧡✅💯
old habits die hard
your heart was glass (i dropped it): 2.3k | 🚸1️⃣💙✅
Peggy’s arrival at the SSR upsets the tenuous balance of Jack and Daniel’s non-relationship.
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succulentlesbians · 1 year
while I love love the name change for Daisy- her accepting her roots, her powers, where she came from- there’s a special little place in my heart for Skye
solely because I am a huge proponent of nb daisy and often like when they get the option to say that, no my name isn’t Mary sue poots, it’s Skye. There’s just such an aspect to being able to truly pick their name as a way to showcase that they’re nb (obv not everyone changes their name) and tie that into a story. We know already that they fought against the name they were given, that they didn’t like it- why couldn’t that be for trans reasons?
Answer: it could
Skye just looking up and imagining that one day they’ll be that free, that they could reach for the stars.
yeah that’s all I just love nb skye.
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fictionaltrvlr · 3 months
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eeee I finally drew her!!!
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Your name, something pretty…not pretty like the sky, pretty like the flower. A flower; Daisy.
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samanthaswishes · 4 years
The 5 loves of my life
1. Daisy Johnson
2. Skye
3. Mary Sue Poots
4. Quake
5. The Destroyer of Worlds
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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wingsofprinces · 4 years
Y’all don’t have to love her...
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People who say she isn’t portrayed as ‘emotional enough’ OR ‘too edgy/angsty’ (b/c let’s be real, when hasn’t it been a catch-22 as a strong heroine, it’s always a lose-lose) please repeat after me:
Depression. And. PTSD. Do. Not. Look. The. Same. On. Everyone.
(Please imagine that I am clapping after every word, like Kevin from B99).
Your girl lacks healthy coping mechanisms because let’s be real, who would ever adopt a problematic orphan who throws temper tantrums? She’s got to be the queen of compartmentalizing at this point (in part thanks to a model S.O. like May) and bottling up her feelings. She went straight from lawless activist to desperately trying to prove herself as a competent agent only to find out that she has powers with devastating consequences that are not accepted by society (or even her team in the beginning, lest you forget).  
She rather ice/channel her own powers onto herself, be a lone vigilante to make up for her mistakes AND lock away her powers forever and get abandoned in a separate timeline and dimension, than risk losing anyone else she loves (because wherever she goes, death follows). That is her way of coping. It’s not healthy, but it’s what she tells herself she needs to do to pay back for what little kindness has been shown to her -kindness that she doesn’t feel she deserves. So no, I will not stand for this slander. She is a realistic character. There are people like her who think that self-sacrifice is the only way to repent and protect the ones you love. We exist. Even if you can’t relate.
So sick of that whole ‘I’m not like other girls mentality.’ You don’t have to tear down/nit-pick every heroine because they don’t fit your ideal of what a strong female character should look like. You don’t HAVE to love her character, you don’t even have to try to understand her, but give her the respect that she deserves.
TLDR: Daisy Johnson is my queen and I will not stand for this slander. 
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queenxiviimm · 4 years
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0.8.4, Mary Sue Poots, Skye, Agent Melinda May (that one time), Tremors, Shield Agent, Daisy Johnson, Quake, Destroyer of Worlds, Sinara Smith...
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ohyeahredbull · 4 years
thinking about what could have been if daisy was director of shield in season 4 instead of mace
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