#masato sanjoin
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Late submission for day 4 of @smquickies2023 , prompt "Three's+ Company". (Although this preview image is rated Mature (M), the full image is explicit! The expanded (explicit NSFW) version can be viewed on Bluesky or Twitter). Set long after the 1992 anime series in the Crystal Tokyo era, the revived Nephrite (age 25) has joined in a polyamorous relationship with Osaka Naru (age 20) and her other boyfriend Umino Gurio (age 20). However, in this timeline, Naru is a transgender girl (AMAB). Nephrite and Umino are both very supportive of her, though <3 This bed scene takes place after my earlier NSFW comic, 512TR(ans)! Alternate version:
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mitsukara7 · 2 years
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Main project tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/arikitari-josei-osaka-naru 3D model WIP renders in Blender by Mitsukara (me). The Ferrari Testarossa is edited from a model made by Yokatann: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-ferrari-testarossa-2dc9a378ce1947ef97079e0a8bffe5e4
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Naru: I don’t know what to do with it. Umino: With what? Naru: With all the love I had for Masato Sanjoin. I don’t know where to put it now. Umino: I’ll take it. I’m serious. It sounds lovely. I’ll have it.
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khaleeswift · 4 years
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May 28, 2020
This was the product of my second try at digital art. I was watching Sailor Moon (1992) at the time. I liked how Sanjoin had a character development even though he works for the Dark Kingdom.
Follow @arthinadine on Instagram 😊 It is my art IG. Thank you!
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kit-swan · 7 years
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XD Why is he so surprised? He hasn’t disguised his voice in any way XD
Also I guess it proves that Naru has watched all available materials about Masato Sanjoin to recognise his voice and posture so well. And even if she didn’t it would’ve been very easy to recognise him by that huge mane of wavy hair!
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mary2j · 7 years
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nephrmore · 4 years
LAYER  001 :   THE  OUTSIDE. NAME -   Nephrite  /   Masato Sanjoin. EYE COLOR -  Maroon / Hazel tones HAIR STYLE / COLOR -  long wavy burnette, red brown tones and streaks HEIGHT -   6′1 CLOTHING  STYLE -  work / business wear / suits for his job and / or school , tank tops / yoga wear / comfortable sweats in his downtime BEST  PHYSICAL  FEATURE -  honestly , his hair is my favorite thing about him. Like , he has very handsome eyes and a few tattoo’s but gOSH I love his hair. It just looks like he takes care of it very well. LAYER  002 :   THE  INSIDE. FEARS - varies / verse dependent. I would say it’s between failure and not being able to fully recover his memories.  GUILTY  PLEASURE - fast , red cars. And anything chocolate. BIGGEST  PET  PEEVE - people assuming to know him and / or his motives. Zoisite got under his skin a lot for that during the first sailor moon arc.  AMBITIONS  FOR  THE  FUTURE -  verse dependent. A few that spring to mind though is find the silver crystal ??? defeat the scouts ???? remember his past ???? live a full , happy life he never got to fully enjoy.  .LAYER  003 :   THOUGHTS. FIRST  THOUGHTS  WAKING  UP -  go greet the sun. He’ll go out onto his apartment balcony and just stand there with a tea and breathe in a lot. ”THINKS  ABOUT  MOST -  other people. you kind of have to remind him to look after himself.  ”THINKS  ABOUT  BEFORE  BED - his next morning already. ”WHAT  THEY THINK  THEIR  BEST  QUALITY  IS -  Nephrite believes he’s very dependable person. He tries to be someone people can go to with their problems or relies on for help. LAYER  004 :   WHAT’S  BETTER ? SINGLE  OR  GROUP  DATES -  anything , whatever his partner prefers. TO  BE  LOVED  OR  RESPECTED -  both are very important in relationships. BEAUTY  OR  BRAINS -  doesn’t place a huge priority on either. But a considerate partner is important. LAYER 005 : DO  THEY… LIE - verse dependent but yes. If he wants to spare someone’s feelings. Or he’s being an evil jerk. BELIEVE  IN  THEMSELVES - Absolutely. He’s very self-assured and confident. BELIEVE  IN  LOVE -  Yes. There’s different forms of it and he’d hope to experience it in his lifetime. WANT  SOMEONE -  Yes . Currently the only ships I’ve explored have been Makoto x Nephrite and Inuyasha x Nephrite LAYER  006 :   HAVE  THEY  EVER… BEEN  ON  STAGE -  Yep. In one of my band au verse’s he’s a lead guitarist and back up vocalist in a rockband.  DONE  DRUGS -  Noooo never .  GOTTEN  DRUNK -  Yes and he’s very funny and cute when he is.  CHANGED  WHO  THEY  WERE  TO  FIT  IN -  Nope. What you see is what you get. If you don’t like it, tough.  LAYER  007 :   FAVORITES. FAVORITE COLOR -  Greens , burgundy and red.  FAVORITE  ANIMAL -  cats and dogs. FAVORITE  MOVIE -  Nature and space docs. Period dramas. Historical romances. FAVORITE  GAME -  definitely a skyrim boy. Any sort of fantasy rpg he’d be all over. LAYER  008 :   SLEEP. HEAVY  OR  LIGHT  SLEEPER -  heavy , he has visions and premonitions in his sleep. He would wake out of it if he was in danger and he’s regulated his body to wake up at the same time every day.  WHAT  SIDE  OF  THE  BED  DO  THEY  SLEEP  ON - in front of his lover within reach of the sword beneath or by their bed. WHAT  DO  THEY  WEAR  TO  BED - boxers or nothing THINGS  THEY  DO  IN  THEIR  SLEEP - cuddle and / or out like a light. He doesn’t toss and turn.  .LAYER  009 :   LOVE. BIG  DECLARATIONS  OR  SMALL - both. Sometimes he’s bold about it , wants to shout it from the rooftops . Other times he’ll write something or cook something for his partner. OPEN  OR  CLOSED  OFF -  verse dependent.  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT  OR  SLOW  BURN -  both.  ONE  TRUE  LOVE  OR  A  STRING - one true love / verse dependent.  LAYER  010 :   FINISH  THE  SENTENCE. I  LOVE -  reminding people to feel good about themselves. I  FEEL -  terrible when I have to lie to someone, but I will to protect them. I  HIDE -  a lot of my pain. It’s better to suffer through it alone than trouble anyone else. I  MISS -  someone. I see him in my dreams and I know I was born to protect him. I just can’t remember who he is, but I would fight for his happiness. I  WISH -  I could feel comfortable and safe with someone.
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sailorheadcanons · 5 years
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In a timeline where Nephrite isn't killed by Zoisite's youmas he is helped by Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask and starts working with them to bring down Beryl. Little time after they meet Makoto and as she meets "Masato Sanjoin" she tells him that he reminds her of her ex-boyfriend. Little do they both know she was actually remembering their past lives back when Jupiter and Nephrite had feelings for each other.
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episode 19 breakdown
Here is the breakdown for episode 19 - Usagi’s Joy: A Love Letter From Tuxedo Mask.
Best Michael- scene with Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon in the elevator Harrison, Heather and Kelly - Tuxedo Mask transformation James - the return of the dream journal and Nephrite in a tuxedo
Worst All - the Naru and Masato Sanjoin scene
MVP Tuxedo Mask
Episode Rankings 1. Episode 1 - The Crybaby: Usagi’s Beautiful Transformation (The 1st Episode) 2. Episode 10: The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, the Guardian of Fire 3. Episode 14: A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite’s Evil Crest. 4. Episode 19: Usagi’s Joy: A Love Letter From Tuxedo Mask 5. Episode 13: Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite 6. Episode 8 - The Girl Genius is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror (Mercury) 7. Episode 11 - Usagi vs. Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land 8. Episode 18 - Shingo’s Love: The Grieving Doll 9. Episode 15 - Usagi’s Panic: Rei’s First Date (Gardner Rick) 10. Episode 9 - Usagi’s Disaster: Beware of the Clock of Confusion 11. Episode 6 - Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid (Bats in a Blazer) 12. Episode 3 - The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love (Talk Radio) 13. Episode 2 - Punishment Awaits! The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion! 14. Episode 12: I Want a Boyfriend: The Luxury Cruise Ship is a Trap 15. Episode 7 - Usagi Learns Her Lesson: Becoming a Star is Hard Work (Queen Umino) 16. Episode 4 - Learn How to be Skinny From Usagi (Gym Episode) 17. Episode 17 - Usagi’s a Model: The Flash of the Monster Camera 18. Episode 5 - Scent of a Monster! Chanela Will Steal Your Love (Shingo being afraid of Luna) 19. Episode 16 - A Girl’s Dream: Usagi Becomes a Bride
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“Being ourselves together (and new jewelry, too!)”, my late submission for @smlgbtqweek 2023, Day 6 (Theme: Gift). Transparent version:
This one requires a little (longwinded) explanation. I had finished my other pieces for LGBTQ week, but I had really wanted to do some kind of trans and enby representation, but I had already done a piece with these three at the end of Rarepair week 2023 with Naru doing Nephrite’s makeup ( https://www.tumblr.com/arikitari-josei-osaka-naru/712135761125916672/for-day-7-of-sailormoonrarepairweek-2023-free-i?source=share ) .
With Nephrite, I tend to read him as either comfortably cisgender male, or as nonbinary or genderfluid (mainly thinking of the disguise in Act 4 of the manga / episode 4 of Crystal for inspiration, such as the outfit design here, but, I’m fond of exploring lots of different ideas so I kind of liked the idea of a more Anime-ish Nephrite identifying that way too as one possibility).
But while there’s definitely nonconforming characters like Zoisite, and FishEye (...who I haven’t done a model for yet- since I make these by making my own blender models and then drawing on top of the results a bit- but I’ll get to FishEye eventually <3 Perhaps in time for a future event?), Sailor Moon doesn’t have a lot of overtly transgender characters (that is, someone who identifies primarily or entirely as the gender other than what they were assigned at birth- I’m openly a transwoman myself).
But then, inspiration struck when I saw this tweet:
https://twitter.com/craigitsfriday1/status/1672280296929255424 with art by 
隆崎 ( https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95846739 ), of Naru drawn in trans flag colors. Me being me, this lit up my brain- I generally assume Naru is a cisgender girl in the anime, as that was likely intended, but what if, for an AU or as some kind of really well kept secret, she was actually trans? That idea made me want to make this piece, so I went for it.
I’m not sure I really conveyed that Naru is supposed to be trans here very well, aside from the flag and outfit colors (also, the little mobious strips on the hearts are to make them double as representing Polyamory)- but I may revisit this idea as part of a more thought-through story sometime, since I really like exploring alternate possibilities, and this one speaks to me on a personal level.
I’d also like to clarify that I’ve enjoyed all sorts of different intereptations of these characters, including the more traditional assumptions of Nephrite, Naru, and Umino all being cisgender, hetero, and monogamous (I’ve read and enjoyed loads and loads of NephNaru fanfiction with many different takes on the subject, and I’m always happy to see some love for NaruUmino as well)- but I like to explore lots of different concepts, especially ones that speak to me as a poly transgirl. Maybe it’s a little self indulgent, but I think that’s okay in fanart. <3
And, given how inspired seeing the previous Naru drawing me me feel, I wanted to share that, just in case this is of similar comfort to anyone else out there, or just an interesting concept to play around with.
I’ve also considered the idea of Umino being various forms of queer, but here I’ve just gone with having him be a supportive ally to his fellow polycule partners because I thought it would be cute. I am open to plenty of other interpretations though of course, don’t let a little authorial intent stop you- I like it when people explore lots of different identities for characters!
While I’m rambling I also want to admit that I didn’t really design this piece with the theme in mind, but it belatedly occurred to me that some of their accessories, like Nephrite’s jewelry, could be gifts (perhaps Naru bought it from the family store, she wasn’t stealing this time XD). Also, I decided to draw them each a gold wedding ring <3
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jovial-justice-blog · 6 years
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Whilst looking for a faceclaim that looked even REMOTELY like Nephrite,, I found the perfect model. He’s legit wearing the mASATO SANJOIN OUTFIT???? ITS NOT EVEN A COSPLAY IM SHOOKETH
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Naru: I kinda have a crush, but I’m a little embarrassed to tell you.
Usagi: C’mon Naru, you know I’m not gonna judge. Just rip that bandaid off.
Naru: It's Masato Sanjoin.
Usagi: You put that bandaid back on. You put that bandaid back on and you let that wound fester.
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kit-swan · 7 years
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Oookay, and that’s where she actually fell in love with him, instead of it being just a celebrity crush. 
She came to talk to him about Tuxedo Mask, so he thinks she might be Sailor Moon. So he turns on his charms, gets into his casual sexy poses, tells her she is the cutest at her school and that he’s been interested in her, then he touches her shoulder and tells that he’ll see her tonight (as in the love letter that she got). Yeah, imagine you’re 14 and your celebrity crush does that to you. 
Yep, Nephrite doesn’t even remember her and is just luring Sailor Moon out. But Naru has fallen for him completely and there’s no way back now.
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mary2j · 7 years
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rin-the-shadow · 4 years
I don’t know yet if or when I would write this, but I wanted to throw the idea out there.
Sometimes I toy with the idea of writing a Classic-anime-universe fic of Sailor Moon in which Nephrite and Zoisite’s rivalry actually does start out as just friendly rivalry (similar to how I write them in most Crystal/musical fic), but then gradually gets corrupted into them outright wanting to off each other as Metalia’s influence grows stronger.
Over time, her influence would begin to wear off of Nephrite due to a mix of all the time he spends interacting with humans in his Masato Sanjoin persona and also the stars probably messing with him a bit (since they seem to slightly want to screw him over based on where they keep selecting targets). Zoisite would perceive this as a threat because he, still fully under Metalia’s influence, can’t understand the way Nephrite is changing. 
Though I can’t decide if Nephrite would be aware of what’s going on, or not. Since, on one hand, as it wears off, he would have to be aware of something happening within himself, but since he isn’t aware of Metalia at that point as far as I know, I don’t know if he would make the connection to what was happening to Zoisite (and presumably Kunzite as well).
But this would also mean factoring in a lot of things from the anime and how I would want them to play out or be different. Would I only write interactions between the two of them, or would I include their interactions with other people as well? And of course, the ever-present, possibly most important question of how much I want to break canon. 
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odangohead · 7 years
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Chocolate Parfait by SMeadows Naru and Masato Sanjoin (aka Nephrite...duh) love This couple always made me so sad...
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