#maslanka symphony 4 & 7
capn-o-my-soul · 6 months
save me symphonic works for concert band save me
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symphonybracket · 1 year
The symphony bracket is here!
This is how voting will proceed:
Beginning on September 1, one poll (2 symphonies) will be posted per day. The poll duration will be 7 days.
The reason for the slow posting will be to give voters time to listen, in case one or both symphonies is new to them!
There are 64 symphonies in the bracket, meaning 32 polls.
Happy voting!
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Left Side:
Mahler 2 vs Prokofiev 5
Bruckner 8 vs Mozart 10
Mahler 10 vs Schubert 8
Pejačević 1 vs Beethoven 9
Shostakovich 7 vs Glière 3
Beethoven 5 vs Tchaikovsky 6
Mahler 1 vs Sibelius 2
Beethoven 8 vs Vaughan Williams 2
Copland 3 vs Beach Gaelic
Beethoven 6 vs Dvořák 7
Borodin 2 vs Saint-Saëns 3
Mendelssohn 4 vs Beethoven 3
Rachmaninoff 2 vs Kalinnikov 2
Prokofiev 1 vs Rachmaninoff 1
Emilie Mayer 2 vs Vaughan Williams 7
Haydn 75 vs Dvořák 8
Right Side:
Mahler 5 vs Polymath 1
Corigliano 1 vs Ives Universe
Price 1 vs Shostakovich 5
Mahler 6 vs Sibelius 5
Prokofiev 7 vs Mendelssohn 5
Shostakovich 11 vs Mahler 3
Shostakovich 9 vs Ives 4
Berlioz Symphony Fantastique vs Britten Simple Symphony
Vaughan Williams 1 vs Tchaikovsky 4
Shostakovich 10 vs Hovhaness 4
Beethoven 7 vs Grant Still 2
Dvořák 9 vs Brahms 1
Brahms 2 vs Maslanka 4
Brahms 3 vs Tchaikovsky 1
Tchaikovsky 5 vs Mozart 40
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fungdi · 4 years
I am a NERD so have members/places in the Dream SMP as pieces of classical music
Wilbur (as a villain)- Alfred Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso, movement 5: (starts at around 18:50, but the whole piece is fantastic) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yaaRk0c-780
Ghostbur- Mozart’s Lacrimosa in D minor, but specifically this arrangement for theremin choir and piano: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JxY_KfQfoog
Tommy- Bernstein’s Overture to Candide: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=422-yb8TXj8
Tubbo- Handel’s Pasacaglia in G minor: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CP9RoYfU1hM
Niki- Maslanka’s Hosannas, mvt. II (Quarter note = 100): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L9bA84BI2RQ&list=PLkzjJ17lihslTHUYl-GTfQNG0-qI4wFXj&index=2
Fundy- Shostakovich Symphony no. 7, mvt. 1, specifically the “invasion theme”: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gGnv23IRDvM
L’Manberg- Sibelius’s Finlandia: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L6P3cIJHWjw
Technoblade- Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique, mvt. 4 (the March to the Scaffold): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=roX70PAu3oA
Techno’s Chat- Ligeti’s Requiem: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wqrJmxy4q3A
Dream- Liszt’s Totentanz (Death Dance): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7nVmFlSV1ok
Philza- Mahler Symphony no. 1 (Titan) (literally just the entire thing, I can’t choose the best movement for him): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jT6qWac6rRw
Ranboo- Bach’s Pasacaglia (and Fugue, but specifically the Pasacaglia) in C Minor: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zzBXZ__LN_M
Quackity- Karl Jenkins Concerto Grosso for Strings, mvt. 1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=32Ag0dBGbvc
Some of these have, like, legitimate reasons I chose them, and others just sound like they fit, so-
(If people actually want to know why I chose what piece for what person, come yell at me/send in an ask maybe?)
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we've just started studying music from the 20th century rn its kinda weird + new to me, what pieces would you recommend listening to??
Symphony no. 2Symphony no. 3Symphony no. 7Symphony no. 10
24 PréludesSymphony no. 5Symphony no. 7Symphony no. 9Symphony no. 15String Quartet no. 8Cello Concerto no. 1Piano Concerto no. 2
Symphony no. 1Piano Concerto no. 1Romeo and Juliet
The FirebirdThe Rite of SpringPétrouchka
String Quartet no. 4Allegro barbaroConcerto for Orchestra
Dances of GalántaAve MariaCello Sonata
Piano Sonata no. 8Symphony no. 124 Préludes
Carmina Burana
War RequiemPeter Grimes: 4 Sea Interludes
Candide OvertureSlava! Overture
Concerto for Orchestra
Flute SonataMélancolieBanalités
Lincolnshire Posy
Short Ride in a Fast Machine
Symphony no. 4Give Us This Day
de Meij
Symphony no. 1
Little BirdsSleepCloudburstAnimal CrackersOctoberThe Seal Lullaby
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symphonybracket · 1 year
In case you are curious... here are the symphonies that have been submitted so far!
Mahler 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10
Prokofiev 1, 5, 7
Tchaikovsky 1, 4, 5, 6
Corigliano 1
Shostakovich 5, 7, 9, 10
Beethoven 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Saint-Saëns 3
Rachmoninoff 1, 2
Dvorak 7, 8, 9
Mozart 10, 40
Brahms 1, 2, 3
Bruckner 8
Berlioz Symphony Fantastique
Schubert 8
William Grant Still 2
Sibelius 2, 5
Florence Beatrice Price 1
Mendelssohn 4, 5
Borodin 2
Beach Gaelic Symphony
Glière 3
Pejačević 1
Vaughan Williams 1, 2, 7
Kalinnikov 2
Haydn 75
Ives Universe Symphony, 4
Britten Simple Symphony
Emilie Mayer 2
The Polymath 1
David Maslanka 4, 7
Alan Hovhaness 4
Ina Boyle 1
Copland 3
Suites/other (future bracket)
Rimsky-Korszakov Scheherazade
Bizet Carmen suite 1
Stravinsky Firebird suite
Bernstein Symphonic Dances (West Side Story)
Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition
Rimsky-Korszakov Capriccio Espagnol
Price Concert Overature 2
Ravel Ma Mère l'Oye
Holst First Suite, Second Suite
Rimsky-Korsakov Russian Easter Festival
Shostakovich Gadfly Suite
Ravel Mother Goose Suite
Percy Grainger Lincolnshire Posy
Vaughan Williams English Folk Song Suite
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capn-o-my-soul · 12 days
18 and 19!
18. Symphony that you have most enjoyed hearing live?
so the symphonies i have heard live so far that i recall are 1) sibelius 2 2) dvorak 8 3) shostakovich 10 4) shostakovich 5 5) mahler 7, 6) beethoven 7 and 8) dvorak 7 (if you don't count the ones that i have performed in). dvorak 8 and shostakovich 10 were both performed by a youth orchestra one of my band friends played in so they don't really count because it was high schoolers. sibelius 2, shostakovich 5, dvorak 7, and mahler 7 were all the national symphony orchestra and beethoven 7 was the new york philharmonic (marching band trip to nyc) (i kind of fell asleep in the third movement bc it was a long day)
that being said i think it would be a tough choice between sibelius 2, shostakovich 5, and mahler 7. the sibelius was paired with the shostakovich pc1 which also has a solo trumpet part which i really liked esp since the nso's principal trumpet player is like best buds with my trumpet teacher. also the performance of the symphony was exquisite.
the shostakovich 5 was another completely stunning performance by the nso. however. i went with my dad. and. during the. 3rd movement. the quiet one. his cell phone. fell out of his pocket. onto the wooden floor. very loudly. while the strings were muted. and the rest of the orchestra was silent. so that was embarrassing. but the orchestra was phenomenal.
however i think i will have to go with the mahler 7. yes, the conductor made some weird choices in regards to tempi (they like, rushed through the 3rd, 4th, and beginning of the 5th movements). but the instrumentalists played the music perfectly (except the principal trombone in the 1st movement; he was playing the tenorhorn part on a euphonium and splatted some notes here and there, which was distracting but did not detract from the musical experience as a whole. he also did remarkably well when he was playing trombone instead of euph), especially the principal horn and principal trumpet.
sorry that's a lot of words. tldr mahler 7 w/ national symphony orchestra (in the us)
19. Which symphony would you most like to play in the future? Which part would you play?
i was thinking about this the other day and i think pretty much any of mahler 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, shostakovich 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, sibelius 2, 4, 5, 7 maslanka 4, 8, 9, 10 strauss' alpensinfonie (if that counts as a symphony) bruckner 7, 8, 9 however if i had to choose Just One i thiinnnk i would have to go with shostakovich 8 because of the trumpet solo in the toccata (3rd movement). also the rest of the symphony has some great trumpet parts too. also mahler 3 would hurt my face like hell but it sure would be fun!
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symphonybracket · 1 year
Is there a possibility of spreading the wind orchestra ones out further in the suites bracket? currently Maslanka 4 and 7, as well as Hovhaness 4 are all stuck in that bottom right corner, meaning wind orchestra has very little chance of getting anywhere (especially considering they're going up against tchaik 5 a few rounds in)
Hi! :) I didn't know those were wind symphonies, so I assure you I didn't do that on purpose! (It was all randomized.)
If that's what you all would like for the suites bracket that sounds good to me!
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