#mass effect 2 scenery
missgamerin · 1 month
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Mass Effect 2 Scenery I Omega - Afterlife
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tragerfcks · 2 months
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mass effect legendary edition 🪐
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kawaimoonshine · 7 months
I took some pictures of Garrus yesterday when doing the Overlord mission in the Geth ship which btw even if I've played it before, it still scares me a bit, not as much as the first time but it still gives me the creeps lol
Anyway, I managed to get to a spot where Garrus was perfectly against the blue shield thingy that matches with his visor 💕
So here you go
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Ain't they cool? :D
Also have an extra pic
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gigew · 2 years
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selfpossesedghost · 11 months
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Mass Effect 3
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virtualcamelselfies · 10 months
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition 💜
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Omega: Jane Shepard: 
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kazvha · 3 months
Can you do what happens when the reader chooses one of the brothers in two separate parts?
Summary: After the Sae & Rin fight for your love, you finally choose one of them // They confess
Notes: Part 2 of these headcanons. This can be read on its own though!
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♡ You chose... Itoshi Rin!
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• You texted Sae that you couldn't come and that he should tell you the important thing at a later time
• He read your message with a clenched jaw, already knowing he lost you to his little brother. In a voice thick with anger he spit out "Ugh, you make me fucking vomit! Lukewarm piece of trash..."
• There were no people around in the park. The only one you saw was Rin sitting crosslegged on a bench. He was staring at the luminous lake in front of him, entranced by the way the water reflected the moonlight
• You sat down next to him and uttered a silent greeting to which he nodded. The silence was comfortable and like Rin, you also focused on the scenery in front of you
• "Seeing the huge masses of water; observing how the waves move in the wind calms me down for some reason. A lake doesn't have the same effect as the sea, but it will do."
• Slightly confused, you glanced up at him and his eyes were still on the water. The dark teal color of his irises shined as beautifully as the water in front of you
• Rin made a sour face. "At first, I only approached you to make my brother angry because I saw how he looked at you. I wanted to take you away from him and make him feel the despair I felt when he left me. You were only a tool to use for me..."
• You already had an inkling. It was weird that Rin approached you so openly when he usually hated the contact with other people. You concluded that he must have had an ulterior motive
• "But the more time I spent with you, the more my resolution crumbled. I got to know the real you and... Shit, I fell in love with you." He turned his body towards you and looked into your eyes. "The more I learn about you, the deeper I fall into that... hole." His irises fell to the ground, "I- I really don't give a shit about other people, but I do care about you."
• Sensing that his short outburst of emotions was over, you punched him on his stomach and he let out a painful grunt. "Okay, first things first, you were such a jerk!"
• Then you hugged him tightly. "Thank you for finally telling me the truth though." Rin reluctantly wrapped his arms around you as he sighed in relief
• "You're lucky you're a lovable idiot, I like you too, Rin." You squeezed him tighter, "Now there's no reason to fight with Sae anymore. This isn't about your fight with him anymore, this is about us."
• Rin snuggled his face into your neck and closed his eyes. You felt his smile against your skin. "Yeah. I'll only focus on you."
♡ You chose... Itoshi Sae!
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• When Rin read your swiftly written message that you couldn't meet up with him, he sighed, before hitting the bench behind him in pure, undiluted rage. "Piece of shit of a brother...! I'll find a way to break you, just you wait."
• Face partly hidden in your jacket, you walked into the hotel acting like someone who had a room there, to avoid getting the paparazzi in front of the building suspicious of you. In front of Sae's room you inserted the PIN code he sent you earlier
• Hearing the front door open, Sae jumped up from his bed to greet you. "You're finally here, 'twas about time.", he grumbled.
• "That's how you're greeting me? I literally ran here, Sae.", you replied sarcastically as you threw yourself onto the couch and rolled your eyes
• You could tell that Sae was nervous about something, which was a first. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and took a deep breath to calm his racing heart.
• "So, what did you want to tell me?" You decided to get straight to business, for which Sae thanked you internally. He came over to sit on the coffee table in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours.
• "Did I ever tell you that I regret not asking for your number in that cafe in Spain?" You shook your head and he continued after clearing his throat. "I regretted it. For years. And I still regret it now because I lost so much time that I could have spent with you."
• Sae offered you his hand and you slowly placed your hand on top of his palm. He squeezed it gently as he rubbed his thumb over the ring he gifted you
• "I can't lose you a second time because... I like you a lot. And it seems like Rin likes you too. So here I am confessing to you before that twig steals your heart."
• It took you a second to completely soak up his words. Sae Itoshi, the number one football player in Japan, your crush for so many years likes you? You broke into a joyous smile.
• "How could Rin have stolen my heart if it was already yours to begin with, dummy?" Sae's eyes widened a bit in surprise before they softened
• Hands caressing your cheeks, he leaned in until your lips met in a sweet kiss. He felt like this was the only way right now to convey the huge relief he felt to you
• "Thank you for choosing me. I promise you won't regret it."
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illusivesoul · 2 months
Was tagged by @timesthatneverwere Thank you :)
I'll tag @mtreebeardiles @starlightwrites @mxanigel @anneapocalypse and @marythegizka . Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
I'll post the questions here and my answers under the cut.
Last book I read:
Greatest literary inspiration: 
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: 
You can recognize my writing by: 
My most controversial take (current fandom):
Top three favourite tropes: 
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): 
Share a random frustration:
Last book I read: Sapiens: From Animals to Gods by Yuval Harari. A really good and interesting book about the evolution of humanity and religion, societal developments, where humanity may be in the future, etc.
Greatest literary inspiration: Not sure I have any, to be honest.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: I'd love to read a fic that centers around big events in DA history like the fall of the elvhen empire after Solas brings up the Veil, the fall of Arlathan, the Exalted Marches, etc.
For ME, I'd like to read fics set in what the me2 characters were doing before the events of the game. Garrus in Omega, Samara searching for Morinth, Zaeed looking for Vido, etc
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: I mean, I mostly write rarepairs, so that doesn't get much attention already. I'm currently writing about Leliana's mom, who I hc was a Carta dwarf that through the twists of fate ended up working for Lady Cecile.
I love writing about obscure characters and giving depth to characters who have 2 lines of dialogue in the games lol.
You can recognize my writing by: If you find a ME or DA rare rarepair on ao3, there's a good chance that it was written by me lol
I always open fics with either descriptions of scenery ("It was a busy day at the Grand Cathedral") or direct dialogue (“Shouldn’t be much longer now, Natia”). And my fics very rarely go over 2k words.
I think this is a common thing for writers, but I've always felt that most of my smut fics are quite similar to each other.
My most controversial take (current fandom): I have a lot lol. I'll give 2 for Mass Effect and 2 for Dragon Age.
As much as I enjoy them, I don't like how most of the squadmates don't ever stand up to Shepard and are pretty much just yes men and women who go along with everything Shepard does (it's also why Ash and Kaidan are among my favs)
I think curing the Genophage in me3 is a mistake (I prefer Mordin surviving and going to work on the Crucible and then continue working on a cure to be used later when the galaxy is more stable, as his ending slides show)
For Dragon Age, Loghain was right in retreating from Ostagar cause the battle was unwinnable, and (not sure if this qualifies as a controversial take) Vivienne is the best Divine imo.
Top three favourite tropes: Not sure if these are tropes per se, but I enjoy Fighting before kissing, reuniting after being separated for years,
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): 6.
Share a random frustration: My lack of a proper schedule to write. I always try to get a some words into wips each days, but sometimes I spent days without writing followed by a sudden burst of activity lol.
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bioware-bard · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Received this message in my inbox right before my latest depressive episode, am currently trying to crawl back out of that dark pit, so this should be interesting.
Writing > Just in general, yeah. The action of writing, putting words together and forming sentences, creating images in the reader's mind. The feel and sound of skin brushing on paper, the scritches of the pen as it moves. Then the rush when an idea comes to mind, one that excites you as it fills a gap, solves a problem or is just fun.
Reading > Being transported to different worlds, realms and universes just by words on a page. I can't wait to get my hands on Sarah J. Maas' latest Crescent City book. Seriously, I'm not excited about much right now, but this book? This book I need in my life and I might spend some grocery money on it, because fuck it. It makes me happy. :D
A good book to TV adaptation > Netflix's atrocity that they blasphemously call The Witcher is a good example of how not to do it. You know which one did get it right? Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The season finale was yesterday and I can't wait for season 2! Everything about this show was great: the casting of the characters, the adaptations to the story, the sceneries and sets. Seriously, some of the shots on the show are exactly what those locations looked like in my mind when I was reading the book. Also, the new live action Avatar: The Last Airbender looks really good. Might have to borrow my dad's account to check it out.
BioWare Games > I'm way behind the times and only started playing BioWare games 3 years ago and started with Dragon Age: Inquisition 'cause, you know, I'm backwards. XD After finishing all of the Dragon Age games, the Mass Effect Legendary Edition was free for me with my Playstation subscription so I was like, "Eh, why not." (I thought it was just a shooter in space. I was stupidly ignorant.) That was about a year ago now and I am so glad I found these fandoms. Also, they're definitely my new comfort games: I played some Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda the past couple of weeks.
Comfort Characters > I can't talk about my favorite video games and then not mention the characters. Or, just share some gifs because it would be an entire essay if I started about why I love these characters.
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missgamerin · 2 months
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Mass Effect 2 Scenery I Normandy SR-2
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bergwerkderbilder · 10 months
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Tag Masterpost
I'm doing my best to tag and organise all my posts, so have a list. I usually also tag places, quest/tale names and characters. Will update the list with new tag series as needed.
endless Witcher 3 gifs
Kaer Morhen gifs
Novigrad gifs
Redania gifs
Skellige gifs
Velen gifs
White Orchard gifs
Witcher colour palettes
Novigrad in colour palettes 
Oxenfurt in colour palettes
Redania in colour palettes
Skellige in colour palettes
Toussaint in colour palettes
Velen in colour palettes 
White Orchard in color palettes
Witcher 3 Scenery - screenshots
Witcher Sacred Spaces - temples and altars ect.
more fandoms under the cut
Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima endless gifs
Ghost of Tsushima in colour palettes
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Scenery
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey in Gifs
Assassin's Creed Odyssey in Palettes
Night City gifs
Cyberpunk 2077 in colour palettes
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy in gifs
Guardians of the Galaxy in colour palettes
Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn Scenery
Horizon Zero Dawn endless gifs
Horizon Zero Dawn in colour palettes
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 1 in gifs
Mass Effect 2 in gifs
Mass Effect 3 in gifs
Mass Effect 1 in colour palettes
Night in the Woods
Night in the Woods in Palettes
Oddworld New and Tasty
Oddworld N&T in gifs
Movie gifs:
The Road to El Dorado in gifs
Samurai Champloo in Gifs
Studio Ghibli
Laputa: Castle in the Sky in gifs
My Neighbor Totoro in gifs
Spirited Away in gifs
Star Trek Wrath of Khan in gifs
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fereldanwench · 1 year
(This is a temporary pinned post; usual post with blog details and virtual photography/CP77 info can be found here.)
Lately my dash has become a sea of filtered content, and I figured that was a sign I should probably do a little housekeeping for the new year. 😅
I'm announcing this* because it will likely include breaking mutual follows with some folks, and I just wanted to be very clear that this isn't a fandom drama thing or a personal beef thing--If I unfollow, it's just because our interests no longer align or we just don't interact much.
Similarly, please don't feel obligated to hang around here if what I'm posting isn't doing it for you either. It's Tumblr Open Enrollment, babes--Curate your feed for 2023, lmao.
What you can continue to expect from me (both in reblogs and original posts):
All things Cyberpunk 2077 (especially with Goro and Valerie, although I am kind of forcing myself to slow down this month since I went pretty hard in December with VP/photostories and I don't want to burn out)
Pretty scenery photos, fashion shoots, and artwork
Shitposts and cute animals
Commentary on tech, media, and fandom
Gifs, art, and memes from other games I enjoy (Tomb Raider, Fallout, Assassin's Creed, The Outer Worlds, maybe a Dragon Age or Mass Effect post, etc)
Gifs of movies or shows I just watched because you gotta reblog the gifs after you watched something
I'll probably be done with the unfollowing by the end of today, but I'll leave this pinned for about a week and probably reblog it a few times for maximum exposure.
*I know, I know, some of you are probably like whatever, just unfollow people, who cares, but 1) I have social anxiety so I know what it's like to stress about this from the other side and 2) I also know how a simple unfollow can fuel drama so I want to nip that in the bud. 😘
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gigew · 2 years
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selfpossesedghost · 11 months
Under the Water
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Mass Effect 3 - Leviathan DLC
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knarangg · 5 months
SAMबहादुर (2023) 👌🇮🇳
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This provided a refreshing departure from the mass cinema. Vicky Kaushal's portrayal of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was the standout element, delivering an exceptional performance.
Meghna Gulzar's direction stood out, utilizing natural light and scenery with a simple yet elegant style. The script and dialogues were commendable.
As the biopic was centered on Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, the movie excelled in showing his story. And kudos to Vicky Kaushal, he excelled in embodying the character through his appearance, style, and dialogue delivery. He truly nailed his character.
In the realm of patriotic films, it was gratifying that the movie kept song numbers to a minimum, featuring only 2, with noteworthy references to Indian Army regiments in the song "Badhte Chalo".
While the film lacked some thrilling moments and the aging portrayal of Sam in the second half fell short, requiring more effective makeup, overall, it made for a compelling watch.
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