tomoleary · 1 year
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Mark Bagley - Fleer Spider-Man Masterprints Villains III and IV (1994)
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adickaboutspoons · 9 months
Fanfic Masterprint
(envinoveritas over on AO3. Why settle for just one pseud?) Dearly Beloved “I know I haven’t any right to request anything of you, but I have a huge favor to ask and it simply can’t wait a moment longer. When you meet the right person, when your heart finally knows the perfect peace of love, who can possibly stand not to join together with their beloved as soon as humanly possible. Well, I’ve finally found the man for me. Ed, won't you help me finally realize my dream of joy?” Stede clasped Ed’s hand between both of his own again, his eyes shining, his cheek flushed, “Will you please marry me?”
Just like that, the blossoming hope within Ed’s chest was ripped out by the roots, leaving him raw and bleeding inside. Fresh tears, hot and unwelcomed, spilled down his face. His knees gave out and he leaned heavily on the capstan behind him. So that was it. In all his adventures, Stede had met someone new, and now he wanted to make it official. In absence of a willing clergyman to officiate, he’d decided the next best thing would do - a ship’s captain.
Stede asks Ed to marry him immediately upon seeing Ed again. Ed thinks he means he wants Ed to officiate a wedding between Stede and somebody else. A comedy of errors ensues. 8,241 words; Rated T
Something Weird A silly little ficlet in which Ed makes a proposition & Stede makes an assumption. 303 words; Rated T
Stede Sonnets I have a problem. It’s everyone’s problem now. An ever-expanding collection of sonnets. Let's say Rated M because some of them are kind of dirty.
Beautiful and Useless They were half-way across the state room before it became obvious where Stede intended to steer them, and Ed dug in his heels, refusing to move. “I’m not going to bleed all over your bed, mate. We can just sort everything out right here.”
Stede scowled at him. “We’ll do nothing of the sort!” he chided. “It’s bad enough that you were flaunting an open wound to the night air without also being cavalier about taking proper care of it afterwards. The only thing for it is to give it a proper cleaning and hope for the best. With any luck, the breeze was fresh enough and water clean enough to dissipate the miasma and keep it from penetrating you too deeply.”
“Miasma?” Ed chewed on the word, then swung his head round to face Stede, a brave smile rounding his cheeks and crinkling his eyes. Stede felt his scowl soften a bit; he wished Ed didn’t feel the need to put on such a show for his benefit. “As far as I recall, the only thing that penetrated me tonight was you. And mias-” here Ed grunted, the last syllable remaining unsaid, “didn’t come into play at all. Yet.”
After of the "Stab me" scene, Ed and Stede have different ideas about what direction the night is meant to go.
6,658 words; Rated T
Your Achilles There had to be some kind of code or secret word or sign known only to the upper crust that would signal to Stede that he had the all-clear to move full speed ahead, but any time he brought up courting in the course of their gentleman lessons, Stede’s naturally ruddy complexion went even redder and he stammered out some nonsense about how he was ill-qualified to advise as he and Mary hadn’t courted before their wedding. Stede didn’t like to talk about his life prior to the Revenge, and Ed didn’t like to press him too much, mostly because every scrap he’d gleaned about Stede’s past made his blood boil on Stede’s behalf. But also partially because, if the people in his life couldn’t recognize Stede’s value or be arsed to do everything in their power to keep him? Well, that was Ed’s incredible gain. Ed knew treasure when he saw it, and he damn well knew how to keep hold of it.
If only it would hold him first.
Alternative Perspective Sequel of "Beautiful and Useless."
It's...uh... significantly hornier.
10,038 words; Rated E Hook Head Man Tale Short one-shot resulting from an ofmd-daily challenge. 1,582 words; G-rated metafiction
Put Your Kraken Arms Around Me Stede smiled thinking about Ed broaching the subject earlier today (after they had decidedly been NOT sleeping in this bed). “Well, I've gotten kind of used to sleeping here and now that you're back and we're back together maybe we should. You know. Both. Sleep here. You know. If you want. Whatever.”
His affected indifference hadn't fooled Stede in the slightest. He now well knew that was just a front Ed put up when he wanted something especially badly. He'd kissed the frown off Ed's mouth and said he thought that was an excellent idea.
And it was.
In theory.
He'd designed this bed for two after all.
In theory.
inspired by @wearfinethingsalltoowell:
Imagine Stede not knowing bed-sharing etiquette and so he rolls over to the side to give Ed space, and then Ed is just like “nope. I’m getting a hug Stede no escape” 1,055 words; T-rated bedsharing fluff
And Hold Me And Touch Me “Fuck, I want you so bad, Stede,” Ed murmured against Stede’s neck. “Want you to hold me. Do you know how many times I dreamed of you holding me only to wake up in that goddamned bed alone? Do it. Put your fucking arms around me. Touch me. Don’t you want to touch me, lover?”
And, God, Stede really, really did. He wanted it so much he felt dizzy with want. When Ed’s mouth found his, he was kissing back with everything he had before he even realized what was happening. Ed’s passionate, mobile lips lighting up his whole brain like a beacon to let him know that this was it. He had made it. He was home. It felt so perfect - even better than he remembered.
And it was all wrong.
a response to @wearfinethingsalltoowell on tumblr:
Imagine Ed getting giggly drunk, dropping into Stede’s lap, telling him how pretty he is, kissing him, giving him the baby cow eyes, asking for snuggles
Now imagine it’s pre-reconciliation 1,160 words; Rated T
Advanced Maneuvers Stede pushed off with all the coiled power of his leg and whirled like a windmill in a hurricane, grabbing Ed by the lapels of his leather jacket. He then caught his foot in the hem of his nightshirt and sent them both tripping backwards until they hit the wall.
Ed licked his lips, huffing with the breath apparently knocked out of him again. “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” he murmured.
“I think I’m getting it!” Stede beamed.
“You could get it any time you wanted it,” Ed answered, his voice a throaty rumble.
Which was just observably false. If Stede could get it any time he wanted, he’d have gotten it right on the first go! Still, small steps on the road to improvement were encouraging. “Let’s go again!” he said, and scampered back to the starting mark.
Remember that scene where Ed taught Stede the "Unhand Me or Bleed" maneuver? No? Huh. 1st chapter rated T; can be read as a stand-alone. 2nd chapter rated E; written because I believe in rewarding lovely comments with smut. 9,190 words total
Timing is Everything Ed shifted his hips against the growing developments in his pants and groaned. Shit. Fuck. Shitfuck. How do you be normal when you just groaned whilst pinned under your unrequited crush with a raging hard-on and your hand under his clothes and inches from his dick?
“Well, that’s one way to get me on my back.”
Yep. Nailed it.
Alternative Perspective Sequel (that's my brand, baby) to Advanced Maneuvers. Ed offers to teach Stede the "Unhand me or bleed" maneuver. For purely altruistic reasons. Yep. 15,172 words; ALL of it rated E because I believe in rewarding lovely comments with smut AND Ed Teach is thirsty af.
Holy Fuck “Where would you hide out if you were running from the law? Somewhere safe and quiet, I’d wager. Probably a church, right?”
“I don’t know about that!”
“Why not? No temptations to worry about in a church, right? Not unless you’ve got some secret, steamy fantasies squirreling around in your belfry.”
Stede was quiet for just a hair too long. “No, quite right,” he agreed.
Ed looked over at him. Stede was still staring fixedly into the bottom of his glass, but now his face was a far-too-careful mask of nonchalance, which was belied by the way he was blushing all the way to the tips of his ears, and his Adam's apple bobbed around a pronounced swallow.
“Aaaugh. You DO, don’t you? Come on, mate. Spill.”
When Ed discovers that Stede "maybe they understand ecclesiastical Latin" Bonnet not only has a special interest in religion, but also harbors a super-secret sexual fantasy set in a church, the only way he can wheedle it out of him is by offering an exchange. He'll tell Stede his secret-church-sex-fantasy if Stede shares first.
Of course Ed doesn't have one.
But he's always been good at making things up on the fly. 6,119 words; E-rated priest-kink sacrelicious smutty smut. Under Par Stede was in hell. It wasn't a surprise, exactly, after so many Sundays of being shouted down about it in church, but he hadn't expected it quite so soon. Nor quite so verdant. Nor in the company of the Badminton twins.
Well, he might have guessed the part about the Badmintons.
As gladly as he'd suffer his scourges if he knew for certain those two were getting their licks as well, this was, unfortunately, only a metaphorical hell. A golf-outing-cum-business-meeting that he'd tried his level best to dodge but had finally run out of excuses.
From @jellybeanium124:
is anyone gonna write a fic where ed and stede ditch a country club party together and steal a golf cart and write around drunk?? ed in a golf cart please!
And @serious-goose:
i raise you flirty cartgirl!Ed. if you know you know. they basically sell drinks and snacks to old rich dudes at golf courses and ride around on golf cart drink carts. some flirt for tips... 😏
All I can say is "Por que no los dos?" Modern AU. 4,237 words; Rated T
Time Enough "ABANDON SHIP!" he howled to anyone who could hear him above decks. He pushed himself to his feet, though the floor slanted at a perilous angle, and the boards were slick with the water that was lapping over the window sill.
"Stede?" he said, casting his eyes around the cabin. His breath caught in his throat when he found him.
Stede was pinned to the wall with the map table slanting across his shoulders. His eyes were closed and he was bleeding profusely from a nasty-looking cut on his forehead.
He was also quite still.
from @let-me-dream-with-the-stars: If the show had enough of a budget, I had the idea yesterday of a moment where Stede and Ed trapped inside a room, maybe a sinking ship the revenge and the rooms filling with water. Just the ULTIMATE drama: trapped beneath a bookshelf? They have to keep pushing even as they are now underwater? One escapes and has to pull the other out as he's slowly becoming weak???
3,889 words; Rated T
Unbelievable a response to @ofmd-dailyquest prompt: Make Up Unbelievable Stories about The Most Fearsome Pirate.
The men of Bridgetown entertain themselves at the pub by exchanging stories about Blackbeard. Jeffrey Fettering has his own contribution, and it happens to involve his recently departed acquaintance, Stede Bonnet. 459 words; Rated T
Footsteps in the Dark Then he heard it.
The gentle click of the latch as his door slowly opened followed by the quiet cadence of familiar footsteps in the dark. Just like nearly every night for some weeks now.
The darkness of the night was profound; the moon hid her face & the inky depths of the sea spread out all around them, league upon league. And even were it not so Stede's sleep mask was snuggly fitted into place. Still he knew the steadily approaching gait as surely as he knew the sun would rise in the East and find him all alone in his lonely berth.
Originally posted to tumblr in response to a post from @nicnacsnonsense:
"No wait, Stede, come back! Tell me more about how you have Ed’s gait memorized."
This is the story of how that happened. 1,052 words; Rated T
Like I Want to be Awake It would be weird to go talk to him now, right? It was the middle of the bloody night for fuck’s sake. He was probably sleeping soundly after all the paces Ed put him through today.
But then again - last night they had slept all scrunched up in the main-top, and even the thrill of a triumphant and wholly spontaneous fuckery didn’t stop Ed’s back and neck from letting him know exactly how little they appreciated that kind of abuse at his age. And Stede had just woken from his fever yesterday. His barely-mended guts probably didn’t appreciate it much either. Maybe Ed should go check? Just to see how his convalescence was going. Wouldn’t even have to wake the man. He’s be in and out before Stede even knew he was there.
Which was how he ended up trying to shush and settle a startled Stede before his panicked screams woke the whole bloody ship. Alternative Perspective Sequel (that's my brand, baby) to "Footsteps in the Dark"
Response to @nicnacsnonsense comment on that fic: "also tell me more about Ed’s horny fingertips 😏" 17,338 words; Rated E
When a Good Plan Comes Together “What about an escape?”
Ed shook his head again. “There is no escape.”
Stede frowned and tilted his chin up at a commanding angle. “The most brilliant man I ever met said there’s always an escape.”
For a long moment, Ed regarded him silently, his expression inscrutable. “Sounds like a lunatic,” he scoffed.
“He was,” Stede assented, “in the very best of ways. I hope he still is.”
based on this prompt: Can you imagine the first time ed and stede does a huge fuckery together? Them getting to sit together and plan it all out with there heads close together leaning over their plans. Them getting ready for it together all giggly and excited and then executing it together all in sync. And after they will be so proud of each other. So proud of them. Kissing all full of adrenaline and the rush of the action.
Originally posted here 1,077 words; Rated T
Spin Captain’s eyes threw daggers at Jack, but his face was otherwise impassive. “And how does one play?” he asked Blackbeard.
“Easy-peasy. Spin the bottle, give a kiss to whoever it lands on.”
Even in the moonlight, Lucius could tell Captain’s complexion went darker. “Wha… That’s a game?” he blithered.
“Bottle landed on you, Stede,” Blackbeard said, taking another half-step toward Captain.
Oh my God. Was this happening happening? Lucius slipped his hand into Pete’s and squeezed.
inspired by @wearfinethingsalltoowell's Spin the Bottle prompt.
Slight canon divergence where Jack busts out Spin the Bottle instead of Whippies part 2 at the end of "We Gull Way Back". 2,544 words; Rated T
The Stede That Stayed Ed was awake the instant the door clicked quietly closed; of course he was. You didn’t live this (fucking interminably) long if you could sleep through a nighttime ambush. He remained still and silent, wondering who it was sneaking across the floor of the cabin toward him, taking such exquisite care to muffle their footsteps. Maybe young Jim, finally worked up the nerve to come stab him for marooning their Olu?
Good for them.
A quick little thing I jotted out while waiting for the new eps to drop. Now in the post-drop haze, I am delighted to say it is not canon-compliant.
Inspired by this prompt from @wearsfinethingsalltoowell:
"My favorite fic trope is Stede comes back in the middle of the night and Ed thinks it’s a dream and so they have sex. Then Stede’s still there in the morning and he is confused" 2,234 words; Rated E
The Devil’s Panties The rigidity bled out of him immediately, his shoulders going slack under Ed’s touch. He half-turned, but his knees went out from under him so Ed had to catch him around the waist lest he collapse to the floor. Stede threw one arm around his shoulders, clinging for dear life, and panting as though doing so was some herculean effort.
And fuck. Ed would be lying if he said he hadn’t imagined many scenarios much like this one - Stede warm and pliant and panting in his arms. But he could also feel the heat rolling off him, as if he was working the bellows before an open forge. Something was definitely not right here. Ed unwrapped one arm from around Stede, tugged the half-glove of his hand off with his teeth, then pressed a hand against Stede’s forehead. Stede moaned restlessly and pressed his brow into the relative coolness of Ed’s palm and fingers. He was burning hot to the touch, a light sheen of perspiration slicking his skin, and his eyes glowed glassily as he looked at Ed from under hooded lids.
When Stede falls ill, Ed takes it upon himself to find out what he can about the strange, glowing flower that made his friend sick and to find a cure for his malady.
It sounds so innocent and wholesome, doesn’t it? j/k; It’s a sex-pollen story. 14,023 words; Rated E
I Keep My Head Above the Waves Sweat stung in Ed’s eye, and damp tendrils of his hair clung like tentacles around his face and neck. It rolled down his sides in tickling rivulets and seemed to pool in the small of his back until a particularly vigorous rock forward upset the delicate balance and sent it sliding down the cleft of his ass and along the insides of his thighs. His breath huffed out of him in hot, quick bursts - his mouth and throat feeling paradoxically dry when everywhere else he was sweat-slicked and dripping. God, he was so fucking hot - the kind of hot that made it feel as though his skin was burning from the inside, and his veins flowing with liquid fire. The kind of hot that made him a prisoner to the flesh, desperate for release. His vision blurred, as he hammered away, so close to finishing if he just… kept… going.
Stede and Ed have been working hard and making progress fixing up the old beach shack that they hope to turn into an inn. But one gruellingly hot summer day, Ed has a better idea of how to pass the time. 6,405 words; Rated E
Microfiction (tag novels and plot bunnies): 1985 (a dream I had that maybe will one day become an AU?) “In the Closet” a tag novel “Florida Man” a CJ tag-novel “Arm’s Length” a post-reunion, pre-reconciliation tag novel “Fine” an S2 wedding tag novel “Falling into Sunlight” a different S2 wedding tag novel “It’s Easy” a pr0ny tag novel “The Very Model” a Pirates of Penzance X-over tag novel “Can’t Hardly Weight” a gym-based AU tag novel “To the Mattresses” “Stacked” a cosplay-inspired library-centric tag novel “Let Me Check You Out” a sexy librarian AU tag novel “On the Edge of A Knife” a noir-style tag novel that I swear I’m actually going to write one day “At Least a Dozen Times” a tag novel “Whatever We Want it to Be” a tag novel that will almost certainly become a full fleshed-out thing
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snuh · 2 years
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Tim Hildebrandt: Fleer Marvel Masterprints - Psylocke #1, 1994
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ericvanderburg · 1 month
From 2018: DeepMasterPrints: deceive fingerprint recognition systems with MasterPrints generated with GANs
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netrophensisposts · 3 months
Trial of a Time Lord - Story Explained
Going through the story again, it seems like the back story of Trial of a Time Lord seems to be a bit convoluted, so I'm taking the time to try and make sense of it using the wiki.
Agents of Andromeda somehow manage to get into the Matrix on Gallifrey and steal scientific and technical secrets. The Andromedans hide out on Earth (c. 2,000,000), with the L3 Robot, Drathro acting as guardian to await rescue.
The High Counicl of Time Lords discover the theft and attempt to cover the theft up. They sanction the use of a Magnetron and hurl the Earth and it's solar system lightyears away from it's original location, causing a fireball which annihilates the planet.
The Andromedans survive the fireball by hibernating in an underground bunker - earning the name ‘Sleepers’. Drathro uses 500 of the surviving human decendants to maintain the system and keep the Sleepers alive.
Their Black Light system begins to break down but Drathro is not trained to fix it. As a result, the Sleepers die in hibernation.
The Doctor and Peri arrive on Earth - now called Ravalox - discover that Drathro has kept using the humans in the bunker as a workforce to maintain life in the underground bunker. Due to its single minded nature, it does not allow the humans to go back up to the surface - its original instructions being specific: to survive underground.
During these events Sabalom Glitz and Dibber decide to destroy the Black Light Converter Aerial as a way to get to the Secrets. They make a deal with Drathro to hand over the Secrets. In return they convince him that they will provide an alternative Black Light energy source. This is a lie. As soon as Drathro shuts down they will steal the secrets.
The Doctor and Peri work with Queen Katryka and the Tribe of the Free to shut the Black Light system down before it destroys everything and free the Humans from Drathro. Drathro is destroyed, along with the Time Lord secrets.
The Time Lords learn that the Doctor has discovered that Ravalox is Earth. They contact the Valeyard and organise the Trial on the Zenobia space station, promising the Valeyard the Doctor's remaining regenerations if he could get the Doctor sentenced to death. They agree to alter the Matrix evidence to further condemn the Doctor.
The Trial goes ahead, with Inquisitor Darkel presiding and the Valeyard as prosecution. Evidence includes the events of Ravalox, the experiments on Thoros Beta and the future events on the Hyperion 3. Mel Bush and Sabalom Glitz are witnesses, provided by the Master.
The Ravalox cover up is revealed, and the Valeyard's identity as the dark version of the Doctor is also revealed. So the Valeyard disappears into the Matrix. The Doctor follows to face him, with the Master trying to cause chaos and kill them both. He fails.
At the same time, the High Council is deposed and Gallifrey is in revolt. The Master takes the opportunity to try and take over in their place. He loads a masterprint of the secrets - provided by Glitz making a deal with the Valeyard in disguise - into his TARDIS console. It turns out to be a fake, and a booby trap freezes the Master and Sabalom Glitz inside the Matrix.
The Doctor and the Valeyard face off and the latter tries to destroy anyone watching Matrix screens - particularly the Time Lords in the Zenobia - by using a Particle Disseminator. The Doctor manages to destroy the device, leaving the Valeyard inside.
The charges against the Doctor are dropped. The Doctor suggests that, while the Master should be punished, Glitz should be shown leniency and that Darkel should try for President.
The Doctor returns to his travels with Mel, taking her back to Pease Pottage, leading into the events of The Wrong Doctors.
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er-10-media · 5 months
В США создан самый большой 3D-принтер
New Post has been published on https://er10.kz/read/it-novosti/v-ssha-sozdan-samyj-bolshoj-3d-printer/
В США создан самый большой 3D-принтер
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Университет штата Мэн представил самый большой 3D-принтер в мире – Factory of the Future 1.0 (FoF 1.0), способный печатать объекты размером почти с 40 стандартных морских контейнеров.
Новый агрегат в четыре раза больше предыдущего мирового рекордсмена – 3D-принтера MasterPrint, который университет представил в 2019 году. Новый аппарат способен производить изделия длиной почти до 30 м, шириной до 10 м и высотой до 5,5 м со скоростью 227 кг в час.
Это достижение может произвести революцию в нескольких отраслях промышленности, таких как жилищное строительство, возведение мостов, изготовление морских судов и национальная безопасность, обеспечив экономически эффективный и экологичный метод производства.
Так, например, Factory of the Future 1.0 способен печатать здания в четыре раза быстрее, чем другие 3D-принтеры. Один дом может быть напечатан всего за 80 часов.
Одним из перспективных применений принтера является использование биосырья из древесных отходов, которые в изобилии имеются в штате Мэн.
Factory of the Future 1.0 уже показан представителям ряда ведомств, включая Министерство обороны и Министерство энергетики.
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terrortom · 2 years
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Horseshoe Bend, Arizona I/III Whole picture on my feed or for sale as a giant and unique Whitewall Masterprint in 196,85 x 65,75“ here: https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Photography-Morning-at-Horseshoe-Bend-HUGE-GIGANTIC-MONUMENTAL-Only-1/2036685/9993223/view #horseshoebend #arizona #explorearizona #arizonahiking #arizonaadventures #hikingadventures #hike #hikingtrails #adventure #coolphotography #photooftheday #shotzdelight #visitarizona #cascadiaexplored #eclectic_shotz #earth_shotz #ourplanetdaily #wildernessnation #depthsofearth #beautifuldestinations #jaw_dropping_shots #earthofficial #explorearizona #wildernessculture #wildernessnation #travelandleisure #nature #theimaged (hier: Horseshoe Bend Canyon, Arizona, USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmzNZL-Ow-a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lucioborges · 2 years
RS Notícias: Papel Fotográfico Adesivo A4 Glossy 130g 50 Folhas Inkjet À Prova Dágua - Masterprint
RS Notícias: Papel Fotográfico Adesivo A4 Glossy 130g 50 Folhas Inkjet À Prova Dágua – Masterprint
    Um dos melhores papel Fotografico Adesivo do Mercado! Papel Fotografico Adesivo 130g Inkjet A4 Glossy 130G Master Print Seu Papel para impressão de fotos e imagens em alta qualidade. O acabamento do Papel Glossy é liso e possui uma fina camada de resina acrílica acetinada para proteger da umidade. Esse tipo de papel é utilizado para impressão e fotografias em geral com alta resolução. Pacote…
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mannekenpressprints · 4 years
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The always amazing @katepetley has pulled out the stops with these six new prints. They will be featured in our viewing room at the virtual E/AB Fair, October 14-28. “It is our tradition to spread the finished prints out on a big table to get a look at them all together. The dining room table will have to do. Since we can’t work in person, Manneken Press made 6 new prints from a plate we used in 2013. I painted them using an old fashioned mouth-blown atomizer. The orientation is horizontal, not vertical as shown here... but you get the idea.” #fineprints #art #artist #masterprinter #intaglio #painting #studio #katepetley #brushstrokes #color #contemporaryart #printmaking #printcollector #collectprints #katepetley #worksonpaper #longdistancecollaboration #colorado #illinois #mixedmedia #eabfair2020 #mannekenpress @printshoporg @eabfair (at Manneken Press LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrtJwBFmGh/?igshid=wl0lt696d9up
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Watching my good friend and fabulous printer @andy.limb giving his graduate thesis. So fun @fixonart #masterprinter https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fcLCoj80o/?igshid=19758yia4dsb4
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lesliesacksgallery · 5 years
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#StaffPicks David Hockney by Sang Lee - The Round Plate, April 1986, from the Home Made Print series exemplifies David Hockney's curiosity and inventiveness as an artist.  David Hockney has always embraced a wide variety of mediums to explore his ideas, and with the Home Made Print series, he effectively created a new printmaking technique.  The work was executed using an office color copy machine, but not in the way one would ordinarily associate with a photocopier. It was not generated using an "original" finished work and then copied on machine forty-six times (it's an edition of 46). Instead, Hockney cleverly took each sheet of high quality rag paper and ran it through the printer multiple times, each time adding a new element or object intended to comprise a color, pattern or shape within composition.  This process in many ways is similar to traditional printmaking, but eliminates the need for the time consuming mechanics often involved with it.  This methodology allowed Hockney could create the print on his own without a printmaking studio and/or master printer, lending to the series' name "Home Made Prints".  The spontaneity afforded to Hockney by this new technique he described it at the time as the "closest I've ever come in printing to what it's like to paint". His iPad and "computer drawing" editions of the last decade are the evolution his ideas of nontraditional reproduction, which he first explored in the Polaroid collages and then in the Home Made Prints.  For me,The Round Plate is a quintessential and charming work made all the more compelling by the way in which Hockney was able to produce something extraordinary by way of the ordinary and challenging the ideas of originality. - David Hockney, The Round Plate, April 1986, home made print made from office color copier, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, edition of 46, signed and numbered - #davidhockney #hockney #xerox #photocopy #printmaking #til #didyouknow #ipad #innovation #innovative #technology #experimental #experiments #masterprinter #inkjet #mechanical #newtech (at Leslie Sacks Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FfBy8FY8C/?igshid=bmxzoluzvig0
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adickaboutspoons · 1 year
I used to be dancing with the madmen, now I'm just a dick about spoons
Masterlist of my metas, fics, fanvids, arts & crafts, & playlists. Both from this account, and my previous Tublrsona @dancing-with-the-madmen
Meta Masterlist Playlist Mastertrack Fanvid Mastertape Fanart Masterstroke Fic Masterprint
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artprintresidence · 5 years
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Ariadna Abadal, Art Print Residence sataff #mokulito #artprintresidence #quebec #canada #masterprinter @ariadnaabadal (at Art Print Residence) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxh2kg6oWY0/?igshid=1mxdyhbfouxtl
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reboprints · 6 years
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Did you catch @barriodudes live on @itsagreatdaysa yesterday?? @romav_tv and @itsagreatdaysa come by the shop and had a segment on what the barrio dudes are about. Check It out thru the link on their profile. Thanks again for stopping by and having us on the show!! — — #sananto #sanantonio #barriodudes #dreamers #daca #chingatumuro #printmaking #screenprinting #masterprinter #heretostay #arte (at Gravelmouth) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnEl1PwBzqs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wztn0h1jjc3u
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shopsui · 3 years
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Beautiful work @artmartz! Opening tonight at @australiangalleries #australianartist #masterprinter #printmaking #melbourneartist (at Australian Galleries) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHFnB6FdK6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mrbigsleeps · 7 years
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This very Special Project with #masterprinter Jim Reid 👉🏽 @thegetty @esmoaorg Made it into the the Permanent collection Of The LA County Museum 🙏🏽 #killtwosucceed #letterstoliveby #bigsleeps #thegetty #jimreid #losangeles
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