#mathematics memberships
ashishkumarletslearn · 5 months
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MathYug Launches Innovative Mathematics Memberships, Revolutionizing Online Learning Experience. Empowerment, Expert Guidance, and Academic Excellence at the Forefront.
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mathyug · 3 months
Sample Videos of Class 12 Maths Tutorials by Ashish Sir on MathYug
A Glimpse into Quality Education
To give you a taste of what MathYug has to offer, we are sharing a selection of sample videos from our Class 12 Maths tutorials. These videos exemplify the high-quality, in-depth teaching style that Ashish Sir is known for.
Relations and Functions
2. One to One and Onto Functions
3. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
4. Continuity and Differentiability
5. Applications of Derivatives
6. Integrals
7. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
8. Basics of Logarithms, Log Table and Antilog Table
Why Choose MathYug?
MathYug stands out as a premier platform for learning mathematics, especially for Class 12 students. Our resources are meticulously designed to cater to the diverse needs of learners, ensuring that each student can grasp complex mathematical concepts with ease. Here’s why MathYug is the best choice for your maths journey:
Expert Guidance: All our content is created by Ashish Kumar (Agam Sir), a renowned educator with years of experience in teaching mathematics. His unique teaching style simplifies complex topics, making them easily understandable.
Comprehensive Coverage: Our tutorials cover the entire Class 12 Maths syllabus, aligned with the NCERT guidelines. This ensures that students are well-prepared for their board exams and other competitive exams.
Interactive Learning: We believe in making learning engaging and interactive. Our video lessons are complemented by practical exercises, assignments, and downloadable PDFs to reinforce learning.
Elevate Your Learning Experience with MathYug
At MathYug, we are committed to providing the best possible educational resources to help students excel in mathematics. Our Class 12 Maths tutorials are designed to build confidence, enhance understanding, and foster a love for learning. By sharing these sample videos, we hope to give you a glimpse of the quality education that awaits you on our platform.
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Experience the difference with MathYug and take your mathematical skills to new heights. Subscribe to our Class 12 Maths membership and gain access to a comprehensive collection of video lessons, study materials, and expert guidance from Ashish Sir. Let’s embark on this journey of academic excellence together!
Visit MathYug now and start your journey towards mastering Class 12 Maths with ease and confidence.
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dr-futbol-blog · 2 months
The Brotherhood, Pt. 10
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Teyla and Ford exchange glances, awaiting for a sign from Sheppard telling them to go ahead with their plan. But Sheppard has a sudden flash of insight, figuring out what the puzzle is. Sheppard, who originally figured out that the tablets contain an Ancient numbering system, realizes that the puzzle is a "magic square,"* the concept of which is familiar to anyone practicing recreational mathematics, which Sheppard seems to do. And while solving the puzzle was not central to their plan, he's still excited over having figured it out:
Sheppard: I got it! McKay: What? Sheppard: The Brotherhood of 15. McKay: What about it? Sheppard: The numbers one to nine can be put in a three-by-three grid so they add up to 15 in every direction.
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McKay is impressed with this, to say the least. Before Sheppard's excited outburst, his eyes kept shifting between him and the puzzle like his mind was still working on it, working on saving Sheppard, but at the same time he was committing Sheppard's countenance to memory. But as soon as Sheppard breaks the silence, McKay steps forward. It's not a conscious decision. He had stepped back because Sheppard asked him to but it's not where he wanted to be. It's not where he belongs. His place is next to Sheppard. He doesn't even really care why Sheppard exclaimed, it gave him an excuse to do what he wanted to do anyway. To get back near him.
The angle and framing of this scene is interesting, too. We are looking at Sheppard from McKay's viewpoint and the most prominent feature of the shot is Sheppard's bare neck. There is a long stretch of naked neck placed right in front of McKay's face and you can see the muscles moving, tendons stretching. There is really no need to frame the shot like this, to make one of his erogenous zones the central point of focus. It is undeniably erotic and this is really not the time to be caught up on that, not for us and certainly not for McKay.
While McKay may have the reputation of a person that does not like to share credit or give praise for other people's accomplishments, this certainly does not apply to Sheppard (as already seen in Hot Zone, S01E13). He is genuinely so happy for Sheppard that he got it right. He also seems to solve the puzzle fairly quickly (recognizing it as a magic square and solving the magic square are two different things). But as impressed as he is that Sheppard seems to have recognized the puzzle, he's even more impressed over his explanation as to how:
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McKay: Oh, you're right. How'd you know that? Sheppard: It was on a Mensa test. McKay: You're a member of Mensa?
People have written before about how genuinely intelligent people don't care about Mensa and how Sheppard takes pride in his intelligence but in a very different way to McKay. I mean, sure. McKay does not need Mensa to prove his intelligence, he has more than one degree, is an actual world-class published Academic, we're even made to believe he might be a Nobel prize candidate material. Obviously he does not need a membership in Mensa to prove anyone that he is intelligent. But as a social club? For someone that more than likely has been isolated from his peers because of his intelligence from a very young age, having a social environment where it's not a handicap might appeal to him. And from how he describes his involvement with Mensa on the show, it is precisely as a social club that he views it. It's like his high school chess club, only for adults. And it means something to him. And it's not that Sheppard is Mensa-material that excites him but the possibility that they might partake in this together. It's a part of his world, and he wants to share his entire world with Sheppard.
Now, USAF fighter pilots do undergo an aptitude test and their average IQ is much higher than that of the population in general. Would-be officers also take a qualifying test. Sheppard seems to have tested even higher than this higher-than-average average. It's possible that his taking of the Mensa test has nothing to do with the military (as the military employs its own aptitude tests), it could just be something he has done for fun or in some other context. Further, test pilots undergo a whole battery of cognitive aptitude tests. But it's also interesting that there is a required aeromedical evaluation of a pilot's cognitive functioning when "when there is concern regarding a pilot candidate’s cognitive disposition related to medical and/or psychological illness/injury," such as depression or anxiety. He may have had to undergo tests between Afghanistan and the Antarctic, and hence may have an entirely different association with regards to intelligence testing than your regular person, and certainly different from that of McKay.
But what's really curious is that McKay later expresses actual surprise that Sheppard had not told him this which, for one, informs us about the fact that Sheppard has told McKay a lot of things for him to believe that he knows most things about him by this time. Further, it implies that there may have been a reason that he had not chosen to share this with him... yet. Over the seasons we are hinted that McKay does know things about Sheppard that must be both private and painful but it seems that this is too early days for him to have learned everything everything about Sheppard. And finally, it shows us how keen McKay is to learn new things about Sheppard.
We see Gen. O'Neill habitually actively play dumber than he is as a means of gaining the upper hand by making other people reveal theirs. While in some ways they are alike, Sheppard does not do precisely this. Sheppard knows that he's not dumb and probably does at least somewhat pride himself on his intelligence, even if formal accolades seem to be meaningless to him. And, given what we later learn of his family background, he would have been expected to achieve certain things in life (Sheppard says that his father's idea of rebellion was "going to Stanford instead of Harvard") but when a family has accumulated a certain level of wealth and prestige, accolades do become more of a garnish than actual achievements. For the upper echelons of society, showing off wealth, status, and ability is crass and suitably downplaying where you are better equipped than your current company is expected.
Sheppard likely has been "the smartest man in the room" in most of the rooms he has been in over the course of his life which would give him a certain sense of superiority, even arrogance (and he does tell McKay later, in Harmony S04E14, that people often dislike things in others that they dislike in themselves and McKay's perceived arrogance is clearly the side of him that is most difficult for Sheppard to stomach). But he eschews authority figures which, ultimately, derives from his difficult relationship with his father and that has resulted in him putting on a kind of a slacker performance, an attempt at proving to the world at large and especially himself that he is nothing like his father (and, while we're on the topic of disliking things in others that you dislike in yourself, here he is, the highest military commander of an entire people, required to order people around). And slackers, they rebel against teachers and at least pretend to do poorly in school. Slackers don't care how they are viewed by others (except where they so obviously do). So, while he is smart, he has also had to project nonchalance for seeming smart and especially toward formal education. Befriending Rodney McKay was not an easy thing for him. It forced him to take a long, hard look at himself.
Now, while in universe Rodney McKay is one of the smartest people alive, there are areas where Sheppard is better than he is. Intelligence is not one thing, it's not just aptitude in theoretical or applied physics. McKay can do many things that he could never do, but there are likewise many things (spatial awareness, observing flight trajectories) Sheppard can do that he never could that aren't necessarily the result of their different educations but of different natural aptitudes. It is isolating to be smarter than one's peers, it is isolating to understand things that other people don't seem to understand, to experience more depth, to suffer the human condition more acutely. This, they have both experienced. And meeting someone that challenges you when you have never really been challenged is not easy--not for either of them. Because of his position, his degrees, his formal education, simply through what his job is on the expedition as the leader of the science team, both Sheppard and McKay think that McKay is more intelligent than Sheppard. And as being intelligent has played a different role in the construction of their respective identities, they have different feelings about this state of affairs.
Sheppard begrudges this and projects his own arrogance on McKay (and, granted, McKay can be arrogant, although mostly he is just self-aware and doesn't bother beating around the bush for the sake of efficiency; when he met Carter he was correct in that he did have a much better theoretical understanding of the mechanics of the stargate) where McKay is really and truly happy that he can meet Sheppard as something of an equal. He enjoys his work and feeling smart probably got him through high school but he has no need of being smart, that in and of itself is meaningless to him all the way up until (The Shrine, S05E06) he believes that losing this aspect of himself means he can no longer be the man John Sheppard loves (and he is wrong in that, too; we see McKay nearly killed by both extreme ends of the intelligence spectrum and John Sheppard loves him through both experiences). If his intelligence got between himself and Sheppard, he would gladly give it up (unless he needed it to save the man, that's even more important--and he so frequently does need it for that purpose). And finding out that Sheppard actually can meet him at least roughly on his level? He fucking loves that. It makes him feel even closer to him. He has entirely and completely forgotten where they even are, he's so overjoyed about this:
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McKay: You're a member of Mensa? Sheppard: No, but I took the test. McKay: When? Sheppard: You want to talk about this now, Rodney?
Rodney McKay did, in fact, want to talk about this now. They have again returned to this bubble where only the two of them exist. They were, briefly, forced to exit this bubble what with the life-threatening situation and an absolute monster of a man holding them hostage but they keep returning to this bubble, again and again, like it's their natural habitat, their equilibrium. They belong together and can only be separated momentarily before the rubber band stretching between them pulls them back to each other.
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Like I mentioned, recognizing the puzzle as a magic square and solving the puzzle are two different things and it's worth highlighting that they solve the puzzle together, and they solve it really fast. They are working seamlessly as one, like we have seen them do before and as we'll see them do again.
This is also some of the happiest we have seen Sheppard, and it's certainly not for being relieved at the thought that they might be saved now that they solved the puzzle since he was about to signal the others to get ready to set off the flash bangs. He is simply happy to have just solved a math puzzle together with McKay, that's like, two of his favourite things. It's only Kolya's gleeful interjection that snaps him back to the sticky situation they are currently in.
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But notice how Sheppard does not need to use words to get McKay to step back, this time. Previously, he did not look at McKay as he asked him to step back. Now, he gives him but a brief look and McKay gets the message. McKay can read it off of his face. It's not telepathy. There is nothing mystical about it, weird though Sheppard may have called it in the previous episode. He has simply spent enough time looking at John Sheppard's face that it is an open book to him. And knowing this, Sheppard was trying to give him but brief glimpses of his thoughts lest Kolya become the wiser.
Sheppard prepares to lay his hands on the hand-prints.
Continued in Pt. 11
-* Just as an aside, the third order magic square in the episode is also a child-bearing charm in Medieval Arabic alchemy which the writers proooobably did not have in mind, but given the references we have had to children all season long, it's interesting to see Sheppard and McKay work on it together.
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bigjuicymuscle · 5 months
Spider Hulk
Part 1
(Disclaimer: All images used are AI generated.)
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Ever since Peter could think back he was a typical nerd. Very smart, outstanding in science and mathematics, but also physically weak. He was tiny and got pushed around by everyone in school. But the football team in particular aimed for him. These fit and muscular jocks, who couldn't count one and one together, but were loved by everyone, even the teachers. They were Peters biggest bullies — literally.
But the big break from getting bullied came: the summer holidays. Peter loved it, because he did not have to deal with the football team, but he also hated it, because no science classes. So he applied for an internship at some laboratories and some really answered him.
Peter was overly excited on his first day at the laboratory of Dr. Bruce Banner. Imagine what you can learn from the man who has the Hulk inside him.
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Before entering Peter had to take of his clothes to get a full body scan and get clinically clean. After this procedure he got a Lab Coat and finally got to work with the incredible Dr. Banner. On his first week Peter didn't get much to do than make coffee and clean the laboratory. But he wasn't less excited because he could listen to everything smart the scientist, including Dr. Banner, were talking about.
One day as he was cleaning up the laboratory again, he was the last one to leave. But before he did he couldn't help but staring at the giant black spider with ten legs in the special terrarium. He was fascinated by this creature from the moment he saw it.
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Peter didn't know what came over him but he had to touch the glass of the terrarium. Immediately the spider got angry. It ran around his personal prison cell like crazy. And after it jumped at the glass a few times it broke. Peter panicked, but it was to late. The spider attacked him and bit him in the hand.
Peter couldn't remember anything that happened after. He just woke up in his bed the next morning. But he didn't feel tired or sick. Actually he felt better than ever. And after he took a look in the mirror he couldn't believe what he saw.
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Over night his muscles grew big. He wasn't a skinny guy anymore. He was fit. And also much stronger. During the day, while he was enjoying his new body, he discovered that some more things have changed. Even though he had to wear glassed now and then, he wouldn't need them at all. He also discovered that his hands were sticky, so that he could climb up any wall. And suddenly he developed a special sence that made him perceive things an average human would never recognise.
Suddenly Peter became super human like his Boss Dr. Banner. He became Spider-Man.
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He got himself a cool suit and started to fight criminals in New York. Soon he became a famous super hero and even Dr. Banner began to notice him.
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As the summer holidays were over and he went back to school, his school mates obviously noticed that Peter has changed drastically. From the night he first woke up with super powers his body gained even more weight and he became more muscular.
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He had even outgrown his bullies from the football team. No one would dare to bully him ever again. And as he also got super handsome he soon was the most popular guy at school.
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The days went by and his muscles seemed to get bigger day by day. He even started a membership at a gym just to compare himself to the local bodybuilders.
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And soon he also had outgrown them.
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It even came the time he had to stop fighting criminals because none of his Spiderman Suits would fit him. And if he got himself a new one he was too big for that a few days later anyway. All the joy that came with his super powers was gone. But his muscles keept growing...
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
There are over 3,600 students enrolled at the University of Helsinki who have not completed any coursework in the past year, according to the educational institute's data.
This number of 'ghost students' has nearly doubled in three years, rising from just under 2,000 in 2021.
However, this figure includes students with multiple study rights, numbering in the dozens, as well as those who enrolled in courses before 2005, who have perpetual study rights.
There are a total of over 30,000 students at the University of Helsinki.
A similar situation has been noted at Tampere University, where about 2,500 enrolled students earned zero credits in the 2023–2024 academic year, marking a slight rise in the number of 'inactive' students.
According to Anu Haapala, Director of Development at the University of Helsinki, the students' situations are diverse and many factors contribute to this situation.
Financial challenges may drive students to work instead of studying, family situations can change, and health-related reasons could disrupt studies. Sometimes, students may need time to consider if their chosen field is right for them.
"As a university, we aim to enable smooth progression of studies. However, it is ultimately up to the student to decide how and when they will complete their studies," Haapala said.
Enrolling in courses for student benefits and discounts
Those with a student card in Finland are entitled to significant discounts on meals, public transportation, gym memberships, and various retail purchases, as well as access to subsidised health services, university IT resources, and professional union memberships with insurance coverage.
Yle spoke to Jani, 33, who after graduating with a master's degree in engineering from the Tampere University of Technology in 2017, applied for a new degree in mechanical engineering at Lappeenranta.
He was accepted into the programme and registered as an active student at the beginning of the following autumn without any intention of completing his studies.
Jani, who lives in southwestern Finland, said having a student status gives him access to numerous discounts and benefits for the many services he regularly uses in his daily life.
He estimated that he saves around 2,000 euros a year from these discounts and benefits.
While Jani acknowledged that his actions might be seen as depriving other students of a study spot, he said that any system will inevitably be exploited by some individuals.
"It may require a bit of moral flexibility. I personally feel that since the system allows this, I am just as entitled to use student benefits as anyone else," he said.
While he is no longer a student at Lappeenranta, Jani enrolled in the University of Tampere in 2021 to study mathematics and statistics. After his study period ends, he plans to apply to another university.
"Sometimes I wonder how much longer I will dare to eat at the student canteen," he said.
Jani wished to be anonymous in the story due to the sensitive nature of the topic.
Anu Haapala told Yle that she is not in a position to assess the extent of the exploitation of student discounts and benefits.
"The message I get from student organisations is that the benefits and subsidies could be much better so that they better support the promotion of studies," she said.
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sourcreammachine · 14 days
so the vote on Winter Fuel Allowance is tomorrow (tuesday) and a rebellion is due to take place
and there’re rumours that as many as FIFTY labour MPs could rebel, and it’s believed the government is prepared to suspend every single one of them
that would leave the house looking like this. purple is not a party – it’s the 57 labour suspendees. hot pink is the Independent Alliance, formed last week
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the seven already-suspended labour members are dead set to also vote against the government, which of course will not help their cases when they’re reviewed at the beginning of next year. in fact, a brutal suspension of fifty-odd other MPs could make them more willing to leave altogether
the IA has made overtures towards the seven already-suspended members trying to convince them to join them, and wishful thinkers can easily imagine them taking up that offer. with household names such as mcdonnell and long-bailey, rising stars such as sultana and begum, and elite organisers such as byrne and burgon, this group would be a powerful parliamentary force
unfortunately, there is a lot of wishful thinking in imagining all seven joining the IA all at once. the new organisation is naissant and brittle, this pressure may cause directional confusion and lead the organisation to failure. but there may be a slow trickle – after tomorrow’s events, and their fallout over the coming weeks and months, some may begin to join the IA, perhaps long-bailey, old mcdonnell, or sultana
the new group of maybe fifty would include heavy hitters such as clive lewis, kim johnson, nadia whittome and diane abbott. with such a large grouping they’re bound to do a little organising, even if it’s just a meeting room or a resource pool, because they won’t form a formal faction without being fully expelled from labour
which leads me to my point. wishful thinkers, such as myself, want the Independent Alliance to succeed. socialist independents came so close in so many seats, from ilford north to preston to slough to ilford south. imagine if the candidates of this movement had a little extra push, a little extra resources. imagine a world where we didn’t have wes streeting. we want the five MPs who made it to form a platform to aid the candidates who didn’t, for 2029. but the onus is on them to turn their foot-in-the-door organisation into an actual mass membership party. it’ll be work, hence their immediate priorities being angled low, with their absolute dogshit name. it won’t be a year or even two before they become a bona fide party, if that even succeeds
the swathes of labour suspendees throws a total spanner in the works
no: this time tomorrow, this time next month, the uk will not have a new democratic socialist political party. dark lord corbyn will not rise again. it’s total melodrama to think a massive party will form, just like that. there will not be a new 62-member party. flinging multiple career partisan social democrats together with pro-palestine anti-austerity activists, and the latter’s capacity to achieve what they want to achieve will be hella diminished. attempting to coordinate these disparate forces is a fool’s errand and should not, must not be attempted
it’s entirely possible that some of the fifty-odd will take the plunge and join the IA. it may even be mathematically inevitable depending on the numbers. there’re reports that the greens are willing to cooperate with the IA on certain matters in order to corral parliamentary procedure and coordinate shared agendas, and it’s not insane to think that plaid cymru could join in collaborating this way. if certain ex-labour members join the IA directly due to ideological alignment, others could cooperate with it in this sort of way
the overwhelming majority of the suspended members will return to the parliamentary labour party in six months’ time. some won’t. some may’ve joined the IA. some may’ve even joined the greens. many of the rest cannot join the IA due to its need to become a freestanding socialist party, but there’s this cooperation mechanism
i’m talking broad-front coalition building
if the IA and greens deepen their cooperation it could result in a non-aggression agreement. in ilford north, secretary streeting won by 500 votes, and the greens came a distant fifth with 1700 votes. if the IA succeeds in transforming itself into a party, they can certainly win in this seat, and a green pact would help massively. galvanising a green-plaid pact too would pile on the pressure and punish labour everywhere, not just wales. an IA-green-plaid coalition faction would command 13 members, perhaps pushing 20 with new IA inductees. but there is absolutely space there for the soft left that the IA can’t accept, a fourth pillar. a sort of “progressive” group that yer dad could vote for
the IA needs to stick to its socialist, anti-war mission. but with events this dynamic, it helps to keep an eye on the larger picture. the IA will, if it succeeds, become, in time, our country’s newest party, and one i’m ready to join and get out on the street for. events are moving fast. there is a space for a new centre-left presence. it should be encouraged to organise and cooperate. the IA can’t, mustn’t have them, but they should be encouraged to help themselves. they are, and can be, allies of the true left. starmer has a world to lose, after all
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sabakos · 10 months
Got any opinions on Serge Lang?
I think I've heard the name before? Let me see...
He received the Frank Nelson Cole Prize in 1960 and was a member of the Bourbaki group. As an activist, Lang campaigned against the Vietnam War, and also successfully fought against the nomination of the political scientist Samuel P. Huntington to the National Academies of Science. Later in his life, Lang was an HIV/AIDS denialist. He claimed that HIV had not been proven to cause AIDS and protested Yale's research into HIV/AIDS.
The Bourbaki group is such a good bit, and I also don't like the Vietnam War or Samuel Huntington. That HIV stuff seems pretty 😬 though.
In 1986, Lang mounted what the New York Times described as a "one-man challenge" against the nomination of political scientist Samuel P. Huntington to the National Academy of Sciences.[6] Lang described Huntington's research, in particular his use of mathematical equations to demonstrate that South Africa was a "satisfied society", as "pseudoscience", arguing that it gave "the illusion of science without any of its substance." Despite support for Huntington from the Academy's social and behavioral scientists, Lang's challenge was successful, and Huntington was twice rejected for Academy membership.
Okay yeah I can forgive him for going a bit crazy about HIV in his old age, I wish I had the ability to pull something like this off.
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birnensaft · 6 months
a math museum gives fancy crochet classes but they are too late for me due to timezone😭
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and with a membership one can view all old videos and they taunt me with tax deducability but i cannot deduct any money given into the us like this afaik
otherwise i just have to pay for the videos
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Tips and Tricks Formalised One
Despite Paradox being fun, a knowledge of Higher Mathematics is required to properly perform one in which an act may directly contradict your existence or membership. To do so with out this knowledge can lead to you never existing and waking up in the City of the Saved with out any memories (if of human descent if not then who knows).
If you have been initiated in to the Faction then this will however often leave a single part of you behind in the form of your shadow.
Higher ranking Family members often use the lack of accurate mathematics to commit an act of Temporal suicide. Controlled forms of this suicide are often guided by one of the Spirits.
If one can not understand the mathematics they will often be trained towards a close relationship with the Loa and they will be less likely to join the Military Wing or Bio-Research wing and will often go into the Ritual Wing. This however is not alway the case as several members have an affinity with the Loa which allows them to work with them in a much more mathematical way, this are individuals often recruited from lesser species who have Whitchblood which will not get in the way of any temporal skulduggery they can perform. These are highly Whitchbloods are highly prized recruits for their innate understanding of how to safely commit a Paradox and their ability to Channel the Loa.
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
I know it's not like that but it would be cool if Sampo was just a mask the Fools took turns to wear. A shared persona, like Nicolas Bourbaki in mathematics (a pseudonym of a bunch of mathematicians and one of the most influential, even if nonexistant figures in 20th century mathematics).
The type of humour would fit too.
Humor has been an important aspect of the group's culture, beginning with Weil's memories of the student pranks involving "Bourbaki" and "Poldevia". For example, in 1939 the group released a wedding announcement for the marriage of "Betti Bourbaki" (daughter of Nicolas) to one "H. Pétard" (H. "Firecrackers" or "Hector Pétard"), a "lion hunter". Hector Pétard was itself a pseudonym, but not one originally coined by the Bourbaki members. The Pétard moniker was originated by Ralph P. Boas, Frank Smithies and other Princeton mathematicians who were aware of the Bourbaki project; inspired by them, the Princeton mathematicians published an article on the "mathematics of lion hunting". After meeting Boas and Smithies, Weil composed the wedding announcement, which contained several mathematical puns. Bourbaki's internal newsletter La Tribu has sometimes been issued with humorous subtitles to describe a given conference, such as "The Extraordinary Congress of Old Fogies" (where anyone older than 30 was considered a fogy) or "The Congress of the Motorization of the Trotting Ass" (an expression used to describe the routine unfolding of a mathematical proof, or process). During the 1940s–1950s, the American Mathematical Society received applications for individual membership from Bourbaki. They were rebuffed by J.R. Kline who understood the entity to be a collective, inviting them to re-apply for institutional membership. In response, Bourbaki floated a rumor that Ralph Boas was not a real person, but a collective pseudonym of the editors of Mathematical Reviews with which Boas had been affiliated. The reason for targeting Boas was because he had known the group in its earlier days when they were less strict with secrecy, and he'd described them as a collective in an article for the Encyclopædia Britannica. In November 1968, a mock obituary of Nicolas Bourbaki was released during one of the seminars.
from Wikipedia
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ashishkumarletslearn · 4 months
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Get comprehensive access to Class 10, 11, and 12 Maths with MathYug's all-inclusive membership. For the comprehensive access membership, we bring together an extensive range of resources spanning all three tiers of mathematics education. This package provides an all-inclusive learning experience, combining the offerings of Class 10, Class 11, and Class 12 mathematics memberships. Here's what you can expect: A total of 60 individual courses, covering all 52 NCERT chapters across Classes 10, 11, and 12. Access to recorded videos elucidating NCERT exercise solutions, fundamental concepts, and illustrative examples for each chapter. Recorded video sessions dedicated to assignments sourced from NCERT Exemplar problems, RD Sharma, Board question banks, and more. Supplementary PDFs of assignments to aid your practice and comprehension.
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mathyug · 4 months
Excel in Class 12 Maths with MathYug's top-notch video lectures, detailed notes, and rigorous assignments. Boost your understanding and ace your exams. Enroll now for a superior learning experience!
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
I also really don’t buy the line about how we shouldn’t read foundational texts in “exact” disciplines except as historical curiosities! It’s not true to my experience!
Take a couple of examples from a fairly rigorous area where I am at least somewhat knowledgeable (mathematical foundations). I was reading an extremely cool paper recently that really shook my presuppositions about zermelos understanding of the set membership relation, bc my familiarity with him only came from pedagogically simplified presentations of ZF set theory. Not only that, but it looks frankly more promising than the implicit metaphysic of the average intro to set theory textbook. (Roughly, zermelo took the object of set theory to be what it disclosed about any possible set membership relation, not some privileged unique such relation) And frege in the foundations of arithmetic very clearly sees his attempt at giving a foundation to arithmetic as legitimate in ways contemporary set theoretic foundations (which are all downstream of him) are not; I’m no philosopher of mathematics, but i don’t see obvious reason to prejudge against him on that point
I think it’s easy to (mistakenly) interpret the sweeping of certain foundational questions under the rug as a sign of maturity and clarity for an intellectual project. Looking back to historical sources can be a remedy against this temptation
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alwaysalreadyangry · 2 years
Jim Brodey
Back at San Francisco Greyhound, leaning and I’m not thinking or yearning I’m just leaning. Dreaming of hamburger with everything. I’ve always wanted everything! And this dull terminal wait makes me want laserbeam duststreet. Poem in apothecary jars & crumbled barber shop window. White button energy to get myself out of drug-trousers, like Mayakovsky into revolutionary clouds & off citystreets, which are wet. Overhead, jet streams’ vaportrail. The Gate Fourteen departure air swarms against me at vendor comb machine. My movie, California Fold Out, has collapsed, is on the cutting room floor.
The Terminal, to take a bus or eat a cheeseburger DO YOU REMEMBER THAT DAY OF INDEPENDENCE IN SPELLING? Eb: A-minus. The membership of stickball nuts idles at the lap of unfold, and telescope looking through consciousness of picture-window and verticle golf field. Transportation terrors and wastebag sickhoods. Yes! this is the exploration of one Adulthood! Poems met with mathematics and Denver bus wrote this scribble of red farmhouse flattened together ice melons, lunch counter, the sky over Colorado like Norman Bluhm’s “Dunkirk” soaked with sponges crreeaaking twilight to evening. the price of my poems is one hamburger!
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I have Carvier's diary pages next to me, but I don't want to read them now. I...can't read them now.
Instead, I want to show the analysis I found by Kurmo Konsa, a professor in Estonia who specialized in history and archeology. He wrote about "Technology creating a new human: the alchemical roots of transhumansit ideas". He is a professor with kind eyes mostly writing in Estonian, yet this one was in English. I'll write down what is important for me, the whole text is here to read.
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Transcript of the first, second and third page: On the first page, he assures that alchemly is a science teaching how to transform any kindof metal into another and that by a "proper medicine". This certain "medicine" is called Elixir and when it is cast upon metals or impoerfect bodies it does perfect them in the very projection. This Elixir seems to be a cure-all, and it could be that "imperfect bodies" really means organic material since alchemy also deals with illness and healing.
Konsa references Roger Bacon, a man who dealt with mathematics, philosophy, optocs, alchemy and magic. According to him speculative alchemy was practised by only a few alchemists both with lifeless bodies and living substances and the human body was indeed the main subject. He also claimed a person could prolong their life if they used the "right tools"; whatever that means.
Finally, Bacon also claimed that since accidental processes and external factors can shorten a lifetime, there was also a way to prolong it. He also recommended a theoretical foundation of the Elixir: The elements have to be prepared and purified, so that they would be reduced to pure simplicity, and that would make the "perfect medicine".
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Transcript of the fourth page: Here are the most important points I've taken:
Perfect imperfect bodies is a goal
Human beings, dead or alive, were used as subjects
Lifespan can be (probably) extended
Elements have to be purified for the "perfect medicine", an Elixir
Separate humours to purify them
I know I'm tinfoiling but I can't help and write down whatever comes to my mind. So. If Eckhardt is the 500 year old dude from Germany that was supposedly killed by the LV. And Vasiley, who uses the LV symbol in his papers, is also an anceint being. What does this tell us? I'm perhaps tripping, yes. Maybe Vasiley just has an old family tree. Okay, but then the Black Alchemist was killed, again, int he 14th century. But he was an alchemist. And he keeps popping up like the Lux Veritatis and Lara Croft and Vasiley.
Mega-tinfoil: What if both of them really are old, old, ancient, dusty as hell people and exist today? If the castle was owned by the LV, and Vasiley was/is part of them, he MUST know Eckhardt. This shackled Nephilim drawing with the helmet, do you recall? What if it's him and they kept him in the castle?
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: My so called "theory" which is none since there is no proof but only speculation is as follows:
Eckhardt was killed by the Lux Veritatis in 1445
the LV were hired/owned(?) the castle Bouzor from 1939-1945
Vasiley uses the symbol the LV use as well
One of Werner's mails gives me the impression the Lux Veritatis, Eckhardt and the paintings are connected (how??)
the Obscura paintings were found in a monastery, what is the link to religion? Is there an alchemic one?
since the membership of the LV was hereditary, are there any members today?
the Periapt Shards are said to be the weapons of the LV
So. All this leads to this funny graph. Eckhardt is murdered by the LV. Their weapons are Periapt Shards. Vasiley uses their symbol. They were in castle Bouzor so Vasiley might know. He found the Obscura Engravings. Werner has knowledge of them. The Obscura Paintings also exist. And von Croy has been murdered by...Lara Croft? I seriously see no reason for her to do that. I mean, maybe it was personal. But all the shit that is tied to this, is this on accident?
Okay... I'm officially losing it, if you want to stop reading, go ahead. Also check the death notices in the newspapers please, I might appear there. You need to get my notebook and destroy it, I don't want anyone to think I am insane. This blog, too. The access details are on my desk, second drawer.
You will do that for me, right?
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stevensavage · 2 years
My Mastodon Experience
(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, Steve's Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my linktr.ee)
A lot of people are moving to Mastodon, which means many people have opinions about Mastodon.  I wished to share my own here because we've got to ask hard questions about our social media use and how it's consolidated in a few hands.  Mastodon promises to be part of the solution.
First, though you probably know this, Mastodon is an open-source Twitter-like system made of multiple private servers.  Networked (federated) together by open protocols, you get the whole Twitter micro-blogging experience without central ownership.  People and servers can block various instances, which helps to (mostly) cut down on bad actors.  Other software and sites - many substitutes for Big Social Media - integrate into this "Fediverse" so it's well worth exploring.
Me, I created a membership on the big server Mastodon.social, but plan to move to a specialty server at some point.  That's one of the neat things - you can move memberships between servers.  I have no problem with Mastodon.social – I just want to find a community to be part of.
MY ADVICE: Just find a reliable server and open something.  Move later.
Speaking of support, most Mastodon servers are obviously private and privately funded.  Many have patreons, use Ko-fi, etc. for funding.  This is great as you (or your server owner) are independent, but it also means that you should be ponying up the money.
MY ADVICE: Join the Mastodon main patreon and fund them, and then fund the server you're on.  Be part of the community.
Because there are many separate servers, Mastodon's larger federated universe (fediverse) is a collection of connected communities.  This makes it more stable as there's no centralization, but also I've found it cultivates communities.  Servers usually have a specific purpose to support an interest, community, industry, or geographic region.  Communities can self-regulate (or get blocked), people can find specific interests easier, and tighter bonds are created.
MY ADVICE: After you join, start following people and checking out servers to look for interests.  Be part of your community.
You have to cultivate your experience on Mastodon - which is good because there’s no algorithm trying to make you angry or get you to buy pants.  There's no trending items being thrown in your face due to computations, and virality only happens due to people promoting stuff. Freed of the mathematics of engagements, you get out of it what you put into it.  Follow people, use lists, promote Toots, and employ (and search for hashtags) to get what you want.
MY ADVICE: Really explore the tools Mastodon has to manage your experience and employ them all.
Finally, I found you have to approach Mastodon with asking what you really want out of it.  One of the problems with Twitter was people were on Twitter as everyone else was on there.  Mastodon, with it's many communities and people-driven connections, requires you to ask what your purpose is and find the best people, servers, and hashtags to reach it.
MY ADVICE: Ask what you really wanted Twitter for, what you want out of social media, and then approach Mastodon with purpose.  You might even find you were on Twitter "just do it" and have to do some deep analysis (and possibly therapy)
Is Mastodon worth it?  For me the answer is hell yes! Mastodon forced me to think of my goals, but then I found it was easy to find and build communities as the distractions of Twitter weren't there.  Moderation was better than I expected because I expected none and though there are problems I'm at least seeing real discussions of real solutions people can implement.  It's also nice to be part of something growing.
Plus freed of trending topics and the chaos of Twitter, I honestly feel more relaxed.  Like many, I think maybe I was on Twitter to be on Twitter more than I admitted.
See you on Mastodon.
Steven Savage
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