sunshineraccoon · 5 months
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Recently thought about the similarities between She-Ra and Carmilla (cat gf, etc.) and then this happened.
Carmilla in the style of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
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carmillacatstein · 7 months
what do i do? tell me, what do i do? i think you’ve already done it, darling. carmilla, i need you to listen to me. i didn’t kill those girls. or the kids at the newspaper. that means someone else did. someone who would do anything to make sure mother’s plans would still go through. someone who’d kill me. i didn’t think she’d kill me… run. what? run. i am going to hunt, torture, and kill you, and it won’t be satisfying if it ends too quickly, so you need to run. if you wanna kill me, you’re gonna have to do it right here, right now. fine. no! laura, get out of the way. no, it’s not her fault! get out of the way. mattie was gonna kill her, she had to. get out of the way! i’m the one who told her how to do it! and you know it. you know it’s my fault. god, she was right. you are a selfish, callow girl. and i am the fool who trusted you. carm, i’m so sorry, i’m so so sorry- three hundred years of friendship. can you even imagine. we saw electra in paris in 19o9, the ruins of pompei. we watched the moon landing. all those memories. all that life, to end like this. for what? for you? carm, please- “be good for me, carmilla. change for me, carmilla. burn down everything you’ve ever loved for me, carmilla.” that’s not fair, i didn’t ask you to- stay away from me! the next one of you who comes near me, i swear to god i will kill. what did i do?
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chriscdcase95 · 1 month
Happy ten year anniversary to Carmilla: The Series. It feels like I just blinked when I saw the trailer a decade ago, and I decided to celebrate by linking the entirety of season one here!
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Carmilla Week Day 1 - Orientation Day
Welcome, everyone to Carmilla Week! Orientation is underway where you can explore different clubs at Silas University! Check in with Danny and the Summer Society as they do their morning runs. Or perhaps you want to party with Kirsch and the Zetas? Speaking of, what’s the Alchemy Club been up to…? Whatever it is, there’s a club for everyone (Unless you’re Laura Hollis… She didn’t make the cut for the Newspaper Club…) Either way, Orientation Day lets you explore any clubs Silas has to offer, including ones you headcanon exist or the ones that do exist. Perhaps Laura did find a club to join or it could explain why Carmilla sneaks off so often.
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romulanslutempire · 2 years
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Blood ties. 🩸
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do you think matska and missy ever spend an evening together
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conjcosby · 1 year
Stardate: 2023.5.26 ▫ After over five years, Laura, Carmilla and the rest if the gang return to Silas and find it darker than ever before. 🖤🙏 natvanlis baumanelise anniemorganb realisticsay stampnicole stawalk18 carmillaseries kindatv_ #natashanegovanlis #carmillakarnstein #elisebauman #laurahollis #anniebriggs #lolaperry #kaitlynalexander #susanlafontaine #lafontaine #nicolestamp #melanippecallis #sophiawalker #matskabalmonde #carmilla #carmillaseries #carmillafan #carmillafans #carmillafandom #carmillafanart #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
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goingrampant · 8 months
I've been looking into academic papers on Carmilla via JSTOR. So far, the most interesting take is someone who interpreted "black woman" as "white woman noted for dressing in all black" and proceeded to claim Matska, as a figure implied to have evil magic of some kind, is the same person as the man in black who shows up in the Spielsdorf backstory, suggesting that she's essentially a genderfluid witch who shifts gender presentation. This indicates to him that the text is a lot more queer than it actually is. Fascinating, but no. The Child that Went with the Fairies also features Matska and makes it clear that she has dark skin that contrasts with her eyes and teeth.
I can see the confusion, though. Le Fanu also uses "[color] person" to mean "white person dressed in a distinctive color" elsewhere in his works. Uncle Silas makes mention of a "pink and white girl" who is, of course, a white girl wearing a pink and white dress. I imagine it was a common phrase at the time Le Fanu was writing. It just emphasizes how the modern capitalized B in "Black woman" is useful for comprehension.
I mean, I'd like if Matska weren't a racist caricature of a spooky Black woman and was a genderfluid witch with two different gender forms in the story... but no.
Veeder, William. “Carmilla: The Arts of Repression.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 22, no. 2, 1980, pp. 197–223. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40754606. Accessed 16 Dec. 2023.
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no-dominion-eyes · 1 year
Chapter 15 - Guest House
Ok so chapter 14 is up of Guest House. It's a Carmilla (webseries) hollstein fic in which Laura stays in a Guest House owned by Carmilla. Fluff, light smut and quite a lot of angst... lesbian angst... plus vampires, blood, werewolves.. the whole shabang. If that's what you're into then give it a try (info below).
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Carmilla is kinda grumpy in this chapter so here's a gif of her being a grouch^
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Carmilla (Web Series)
Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein
LaFontaine & Lola Perry
Laura Hollis
Carmilla Karnstein
LaFontaine (Carmilla Web Series)
Lola Perry
Matska Belmonde
Danny Lawrence
Additional Tags:
Human/Vampire Relationship
Dark Comedy
Alternate Universe
Queer Themes
Canon Gay Relationship
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afy2018 · 4 years
My First Love Ch. 1
“I mean, they say that after a while you just forget stuff,” Laura shrugged pulling on her flannel pyjamas, “Do you remember everything, or how does it work with being a vampire?”
Carmilla glanced at Laura and slid under the covers. “I guess whatever I’ve forgotten I just can’t think of.”
Laura nodded and climbed in next to her, cuddling into her wife after turning off her bedside lamp.
Time passed by slowly, but Carmilla just couldn’t sleep. Looking at Laura, she decided to think back on her life, wondering how she even got here, alive no longer under her mother’s thumb. She wondered how true Laura’s theory was. Carmilla didn’t know, nor understand why memories had to fade away. She truly didn’t want to forget anything, but maybe somethings were gone. Carmilla slowly sat up and slipped out of bed, walking to Laura’s basket of old tattered journals and took the least used one, a light brown faux leather book with a metal clasp.
She walked to the kitchen, turning on a light and grabbed a cheap pen from a cup and began to write:
“I don’t want to forget anything, so I think I should start to recount my life before it’s too late. Maybe you’re right, Laura, maybe I’ll forget important things and dates, but I’ll find out while pleasing you adorable curiosity.” She began before explaining her memory.
(1697 Versailles, France)
My first memory was of a Christmas party I went to at the Château de Versailles. It was so large. There were people everywhere and food up and down the tables. Servants were dressed in pure white garments like angels. My parents were already talking with other royals. We were representing Austro-Holy Roman Empire. I felt lost in the hall of mirrors. The crystal chandeliers, that hanged low in the room, glittered and sparkled across the ground as the sun set in the windows and reflected in the tall mirrors painting orange, pink, and red as their temporary wallpaper. I walked around the room, taking time to look at all of the golden statues and mural on the ceiling.
Distracted, I ran into someone.
“I am sorry.” I fervently apologized.
I came face to face with this beautiful woman with grey-blue eyes. She had a strong and fierce look in her eyes. Her hair was pulled tight and had velvet yellow and purple flowers tucked in the back to match the golden and royal purple dress she was wearing. Though even with her impenetrable aura, she looked like she was holding something back.
“There is no reason to look so afraid, madam.” She smiled. “I take no offence.” She took a sip from her glass and glanced around the room. “This must be your first party.”
“It is. Well, my first one outside of Austria.”
“Oh, so you are a representative from the Holy Roman Empire?”
“One of them, my parents are somewhere else.”
“So you are a lost puppy?”
I blushed a deep scarlet and shrugged. “I guess so.”
“My name is Anne Princess of Denmark.”
“Mircalla Gräfin Karnstein of Styria.”
“Now you have met your first friend.”
“I guess I do.”
“I can introduce you to others, play a bit of politics while we are here right?”
“I do not think I should. My parents should be in control of that.”
“Being royal is all about politics.”
“I know, but I still need to learn more.”
“Alright, then I shall help you.” She smiled, walking to a wall. I followed her to and rested against one of the mirror's frames. She pointed to a group of people near the table. “See the royal with brown hair in the red? He is a Duke of Beja from Portugal talking with a Lord of Biscay from Spain. Over by the drinks is almost all of the French Court cornering a Boyar from Russia. Oh my, watch, a Prince from Latvia is making his way to them.”
“How do you think this will...?” I began forgetting the English word.
“Work out? I do not know. We will have to watch.”
“What is their history?”
“Well being on opposite sides of Europe, the biggest problem they have with one another is trading rights, but Latvia and Russia, well, that is something else.”
“Do you think they will make an argument?”
“No, but what happens after tonight is something else.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, why create gossip in front of everyone and seem… juvenile, when one could simply have a professional fight behind closed doors?”
“You are very wise in royal conduct.”
“Thank you. I have had to be savvy in what I do and say for years now.”
“You speak perfect English, yet you are the Princess of Denmark?”
“I am from England, but married to Prince George of Denmark.” She explained, turning to me with a polite smile, “Your English, it is good but more practice and it will be perfect.”
“Conversational is difficult for me.”
She finished her drink and gave me a quick wink. “If you want some lessons, I could give you a few quick lessons.”
My words were caught in my throat, and I found my head nodding even though I didn’t tell it to do so. She just smiled and took my arm, walking briskly out of the room, taking the wall and slipping past the maids. Down the hall, we walked until we made our way to her chambers. She closed the door behind me and pointed to the chair.
“I will actually help you despite your eyes being the size of the moon and your cheeks red flush as the Duke of Biscay’s clothes.”
“I… I”
“It is okay Mircalla. I am told I have an effect of the Sappho kind.”
“She was a Greek poet, popular among the ladies.”
“I have never heard of her.”
“Lost to time and to men.” Anne sighed walking closer, reaching out for me.“But history is for another day. Today is English lessons.”
“What can I practice?”
“You said you have trouble with conversations, we shall practice.”
“How has your day been?”
“I am good, und you?”
“And, the words… they are very close.”
“I am well.” She answered. “How is your land?”
“Great. My people are well… we ehh… our farmers are successful.” I tried.
“Your crops are doing great. Great. Your ‘W’s need the most work.” She shrugged. “Let’s try it.”
“Okay.” I nodded, trying it.
“Don’t bite your lip.”
“Okay.” I tried again.
“Closer.” She sighed. “Here, this might help.” Anne placed her hand on my jaw and pulled my lip down as I made the sound again. “Better, try again.”
“I feel stupid.”
“I know you do. Now try again.”
I nodded and made the same sound earning a nod. Glancing at her distance, I stepped closer and tried a word starting with ‘W’.
“Worry,” I said stepping closer.
“Whimsical.” I tried standing centimetres away.
“Well?” I whispered.
“Bolder.” She commanded.
I quickly stood on my toes and kissed her, getting pulled in tight. Anne placed her hand on the back of my neck and turned her head to the side. I moaned into her mouth, never having felt this way with any of my betrothed men, but with the future Queen of Britain.
(1698 Vienna, Holy Roman Empire)
I remember a lot from that night. The first moment that comes to mind was getting tied into a satin blue dress with dark indigo velvet accents. There were pearls sewn into the collar by a French seamstress. My father couldn’t come, so my mother and I left for Vienna. It was a long and silent ride. I can’t remember why, but my mother chose not to say a word through the four-hour ride.
There is an ingrained memory I have of getting out of the coach and going to the foyer where I found my old friend, Anne. I remember her name being announced by the herald at the top of a staircase.
“Her Royal Highness The Princess Anne of Denmark.” He proclaimed.
I turned around, leaving my mother in the dust to watch her descend from the staircase. I seemed like no one when compared to her. She was a vision in red and magenta silks imported from all over the world. She was married and we’d known each other for years, though that never stopped us. As soon as she escaped the crowd, I pulled her aside.
“Mircalla!” She quietly exclaimed, “I did not know you would attend! If I had I would have worn something else.”
I shook my head with a grin and pulled her into a kiss. She grabbed my hands and pulled them around the back of her neck. I sighed, pulling away and tucked my head into her shoulder.
“I missed you so much.” She chuckled, holding me close. “I have been practicing my German. George thinks I am doing so for talks I may have with William.”
“How is it?” I asked with my strained English accent.
“I do not know, it is a bit embarrassing.”
“I will try not to laugh.”
“Okay. Du bist so hübsch. Sobald wir uns versteckt haben, werde ich deine kleidung abreißen.”
“Just meine dress?”
Anne smirked and placed her lips next to my ear, whispering, “Then you will have a kiss avec la petite mort.”
I felt a searing chill shudder through my body as she finished her sentence, making me chuckle, “Does not really translate, but I still understand.”
Anne pushed me against the wall and began to bunch up my dress, pressing brazen kisses against my pale skin. She wrapped one hand around the back of my neck and held me close. Anne pulled at my collar, pressing warm kisses against my flush flesh, unbuttoning the front and letting it drop to the ground.
“Was ist, wenn uns jemand erwischt?” I gasped out.
“What if someone what?” She asked between kisses.
“Finds us?”
Anne shook her head, biting lightly on my breast. I let out a low groan, the pain cutting through my voice.
She swirled her rough wet tongue around my soft and sensitive-
“Princess Anne? Princess Anne of Denmark?”
“For God’s sake!” She hissed.
“Scheisse!” I seethed having Anne help me tighten everything again.
“Coming!” She called back, kissing my cheek.
“Good day, Anne.”
“Auf wiedersehen, Mircalla.” She whispered leaving with a final kiss.
I watched her escape to the party as I righted myself, tightening the front of my gown before heading back to the party. It was dark already, so I just stuck close to the wall, looking across the hall to the portraits of past occupants. The silence was broken only by the clicks of my shoes and the slight drag of my dress. I found my way to the room with my family name on it. Opening the door, I spotted a figure on the bed.
“Mircalla?” The thin voice asked.
“I thought you would come by during the party.” They explained. I kept my distance, waiting for them to turn around. “Nothing to say?”
“I know not much English,” I responded. “Who are you?”
They stood up and turned around, a stalking tall woman somehow completely hidden in the dark.
“A shadowy gift.” She purred.
I turned around, but I then felt a rough hand wrap around my arm and tug my close. I was shocked as everything flew by fast. In moments, I was forced up against the bed, looking into the veiled face. She purred into my ear, her mouth a breath away from my neck. She smelled of iron or rust with a strong musk of the forest. I struggled against her grasp, getting slammed back on the bed. She grazed her teeth against my neck, her tongue searching, drawing up and down over one point. I felt my pulse quicken as the assault continued.
Suddenly and violently, she sank her teeth into my neck. My scream quickly dampened as I tasted blood flood into my mouth. Everything spun and faded to black in mere seconds.
I opened my eyes to a low lit room. I noticed a dark figure in the corner. I was mistaken in thinking they were the same being that took my life. She neared me, her beautiful dark skin reflecting rays of the sun from the small room. She walked closer, staring down at me.
“Welcome Countess Mircalla.” She greeted. I jutted up, getting held back by her. “My name is Matska.”
“Was stimmt mit mir nicht? My head spins.” I muttered.
“It will be like that for a while.”
“First, you need to learn English, Mircalla. It’s the language of the future.”
“I only speak some.”
“I will help you.”
“What happened?”
“It is complicated, you were attacked and now you are in hiding.”
“Does my mother know?”
“She believes you are dead, it is for the better.”
“How long was I sleeping?”
“7 months, longer than usual.”
“Was zum teufel?”
Matska sat down next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “I am sorry, they succeed in your assassination.”
“My what?”
“You are no longer human.”
“You are a vampire, like me.”
“Ich bin tot?” I asked in disbelief.
“I am sorry. I…”
I pulled away and hid my head in the pillow.
“I will be back.” She whispered.
Once the door closed, I got up and looked at the room. There was a closet and a mirror, nothing else. I walked to the mirror, glaring at the reflection. I was even paler, gaunt, my hair was sleek though, my eyes were a brilliant red. I looked terrifying. The door opened.
“I thought vampires had no...ähm…”
“Reflection, couldn’t be seen in mirrors?”
“Just myth. I brought some food, here.” Matska gave me a goblet of blood, my first feeding. “You’ll feel better.”
Once I took a sip, a primal hunger took over me and I just engorged on my bloody feast. I licked the cup clean, wiping the blood from my mouth. I glanced at her and handed back the cup.
“When will my eyes turn… back?”
“After your first kill.”
“I… I do not want to kill.”
She nodded and kissed my forehead, leaving the room. “You are not locked in here.”
“Thank you, madam Matska.”
“Mati.” She corrected
I had no control at first. She taught me how to change. She taught me my true form and I got to see her in her form as well. She just ran by my side, her dark coat only a shadow of mine. I caught the scent of someone, in it I followed until I saw my first victim. He was short and full of blood. Ripe and unknowing. I pounced on him, sinking my teeth into his back. Mati watched me feast, partaking after I backed away.
She shifted back to her human form and began laughing.
“Now you have had a taste of fun. We should go out more.” She chuckled.
“Is there a catch to you?”
“Not me, but Mother does, yes. Every twenty years we have to sacrifice someone to appease the gods and survive.”
“Is it… worth it?”
“Yes, immortality for a life.”
I don’t know why, but I nodded and went back to feast on my prey. Though if I knew then what I know now, I would have wanted to escape from their grasp and run as far away as I could. Mother turned out to be a depraved woman I should have avoided from the beginning. The century turned and to the world, Countess Mircalla Karnstein had long since passed and now a new ever-changing vampire was rising through society. Her light brown hair was stained and dyed black, her eyes were no longer a joyous brown but a desolate black. I honestly don’t know if I would now recognize my original self. I thought life was easy, hunting and partying, feasting and playing every night. A new gala with new girls, but I was disheartened when 1714 can to be. Mati Mother and I went to Silas where we stayed in a palace surrounded by other creatures. We brought along a young girl, a virgin to sacrifice.
I remember going to the building’s foyer, it was crowded in the basement and outside. I didn’t know where anyone was. I was alone, despite being surrounded by other mythical creatures. Everyone was barely dressed, some people were dancing and drinking, doing hedonistic things to each other and themselves.
“What is such a cute creampuff as yourself doing here, alone, on such a glorious night?” A soothing voice asked in the noise.
I looked up to see this beautiful woman with her stomach bare and very little covering her legs. She had these brilliant green eyes and thin gaunt features almost like death. Her hair was bright blonde and her skin was almost pearlescent. She had such a sinister, but inviting, smile I couldn’t resist.
“I have never been here before… I guess… I guess I just don’t know what to do?”
She held her hand out and smiled down at me. “Then let me show you.”
“I don’t even know your name.”
“Mircalla, I know. I know everyone, sweetie.”
I took her hand and she lead me outside where a large bonfire was. Drums and instruments played strong simple beats which created an air of ecstasy that took over my emotions as soon as I joined the pit of dancers. Nanaya placed her hands on my hips and danced. I put my hands on her shoulders. She pulled my hips against her leg, slipping between my thighs.
I felt beads of sweat begin to form on my forehead. The bonfire’s heat and our intimate contact made the world close in on me in a hot blanket that collapsed against my skin.
Nanaya ground my hips down against her leg, bringing her face closer to mine. She looked into my eyes, a grin appearing on her thin lips like a snake about to attack her prey, but I couldn’t pull away. I was completely entranced by her eyes, the music, and the feeling of her hands' firm grip on my hips.
Her grin turned into a malicious smirk and took hold of my skirt, tearing it off and tossing it into the fire, leaving me in my pair of short tight pants.
I don’t remember much of the night, only her eyes. They were just so green. They almost seemed to melt into blue as the night progressed then to a vibrant magenta when the day ended. The moment memories come back is when Mati tore me away from her.
“It was fun while it lasted, buttercup.” She smiled, kissing my hand and let me walked away with Mati.
“Don’t trust the creatures who come here. I usually just hunt. You get this new found energy.”
“What is she?”
“One of the main runners of this, like mother, only worse.”
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gettingovershame · 2 years
We’ll all agree that:
Matska Belmonde
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Elinor Fairmont
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Need to be in a support group together, yes?
Both of them said:
“Mom Is On My Ass About My Baby Sister”
“I Love Her But She Needs to Stop Playing With Her Food and Falling In Love With Dinner”
“I’m too grown for this shit”
Edit: I just met granny dearest and GOOD GRAVY!!!
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erythristicbones · 3 years
tumblr still keeps spotify links from showing up in searches so 🙄 enjoy my Carmilla Series playlists this way instead ig
Carmilla Karnstein Vibes
Laura Hollis Vibes
Danny Lawrence Vibes
Lafontaine Vibes
Lola Perry Vibes
Matska Belmonde Vibes
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slytherincarmilla · 4 years
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“Good morning Silas. Joining us today is Matska Belmonde, chair of the Silas board of governors,” “Call me Mattie.” “Here to present the university’s official interpretation-” “Let’s just say I’m here to balance this program’s pro-human bias.”
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chriscdcase95 · 10 days
Mission to Silas: Chapter 11 is up - Calm Before the Storm
This story is a crossover between D.E.BS, Carmilla: The Series, Ginger Snaps and The Craft, and is set in 2004.
Story Summary: A prequel to Love's Sacrifices and the upcoming Still Here Breathing.
In the days after Amy Bradshaw made her escape with Lucy Diamond, the two find themselves on the run. Forced to make an emergency landing in the county of Silas, Styria, as it so happens the rumors of Silas are of interest to the D.E.B.S Academy. 
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While Amy's friends are assigned to this mission, they are reluctantly joined by a girl doing what she can to escape the curse taking hold of her life. What they don't know is there are people waiting for them at Silas, including a coven of witches who have yet to pick any sides.
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It’s been over a year since I updated this story, so sorry for the long wait.
I’ve been focusing more on Unlife is Strange and Love’s Sacrifices the past year, and have only recently gotten back to writing this one. I recently wrapped up the current arcs of Love’s Sacrifices, and won’t be getting back to it until Mission to Silas is finished.
So in the meantime, I’m gonna be more focused on finishing this story. On the upside, I have two or three more chapters to go before wrapping this up, at which point I’ll be starting Still Here Breathing. Hopefully, it’ll be wrapped up by December. It usually takes me a month or a few weeks to write a chapter before it’s ready.
Content Warning: This chapter contains nudity, brief but explicit sex, scenes of violence and blood drinking. We also got a coming out scene with Amy and her mother.
I have also made a TV Tropes page for the fic.
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Carmilla Watch Party - Season 2 Live!
We'll be premiering around 10:15 CST. We'll have movie previews including interviews, skits, and games from Kinda TV starting around 10 CST!
Come join the fun here: https://w2g.tv/?r=ew0cdf1n2nmeyknvqs
Join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/39wra2Ka2r
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star-ar512 · 4 years
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