alayne-stonecoldfox · 5 years
I only keep on watching GOT to get your salty comments.
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you put yourself through that for me???
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acesammy · 5 years
yo. i think you are an incredibly talented artist and i love coming across your art! like!!! it is obvious how much hard work you put into your craft 💪
i seriously can’t even begin to tell you how much this means to me!! 
I’ve been trying really hard recently to be more optimistic about my skills and especially the work i’ve put in to get this far,, just thank you. this couldn’t have come at a better time ^.^
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slymmdayspring · 6 years
Asked you aren't used to: 2 - 3 - 4 - 14 - 18 - 22 - 26 - 47 - 49 - 53 - 57 (and show it? :D) - 62 :D
-2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Oh well, I actually like the dark but...in places I don’t know? About a 3. 
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Idk exactly what this means, but I guess, I’d never want to meet the person who kills me? Lmao. Otherwise, I’d never want to meet any of my favourite authors lmao. 
4. What is your favorite word?
Favourite word...
Interesting. I guess, rowan? It means white tree. I’ve always liked it, especially as a name. Wanderlust too. 
14. What is your current desktop picture? 
Honestly, what else could it be lmao
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18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The fucking guy I thought was cute the other day. What a piece of cishet, white, conservative, pro-life, backwards piece of shit. 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I do not have a secret talent, I’m afraid lol
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Ireland. IRELAND. I R E L A N D. 
Or Germany. I want German food...
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Are we going to be okay?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
That’s a weird ask, but...I would breed a dog and a horse. It would be a large, horselike creature but with like, dog ears (depending on the breed), three toes, and of course....a dog mouth XD it would be omnivorous, as horses already....kind of...are...
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
Long hair and BANGS. I hate bangs. I hate them so damn much, and I wish death upon my mother because she used to cut my bangs herself and they were hideous. I think I once cut my bangs off so...I had terf bangs (I was like 7 okay) and my mom was finally like, “Okay. No more bangs.”
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Two Irish outlaw brothers and the boy they raised. Yup. 
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62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
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clonecaptains · 6 years
🦄 - ⚠️- ⚡️- ❌
🦄: if you could add any mythical creature into the mcu, what would you pick?
idk?? cuz idk like what all exists?? i wanna see a bilgesnipe in the movies still
⚠️: what are you most scared about in the upcoming mcu movies?
thor dying (and steve but mostly thor lol) 
⚡️: what is the best entrance in the mcu?
there’s a reason there’s a lightning bolt emoji for this question. because thor coming down in wakanda was the best thing ever. it was such a tense moment, and the feeling of relief when he appeared was SPECTACULAR. 
❌: if you could get rid of any character, who would you pick?
thanos lol there’d be a lot less stress
marvel emoji asks!
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itabia · 6 years
The Scarlet Letter - Wuthering Heights (!) - Jane Eyre :)
What’s your favorite word and what does that word mean?
I’m very unoriginal. It’s “Fuck”
Define your personal aesthetic.
I honestly don’t know?? I have so many?? I think right now it’s like...pale pink silk bathrobes, black heels, satin sheets, rotary phones, cigarettes, a small suite at the top floor of a downtown apartment. Posh stuff yknow lol.
What’s a fictional character that you believe you are most like/you relate to most?
The most? Probably Nick Caraway from The Great Gatsby. Nick was quiet, reserved, and put-together, but not in a socially inept or pretentious way. He was just...chill but still moral. There was something about that that really spoke to high school me lol.
Oh and Kamala Khan of course.
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What kind of dice would fit an asshole thief with the attention span of a goldfish? He is a wanna-be-womanizer, but fails more often than he is victorious, but he is a good liar, good at sneaking and overall not someone you'd trust with anything. Not even keeping himself alive. :D
…friend, clearly this piece of work would never purchase dice of his own at all. What you do is covertly sneak your friends’ dice and use them without comment, then return the small mountain of dice to them at the end of the session, and watch their surprise and confusion.
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Tattoo: A little, bit minimalistic one, maybe on your wrist, or your neck. A small bundle of sage (or any herb) in a rich and healthy greeen, or just the outlines in black.
lskjfa;ljfa’ldskfj oh my god I actually really like this?
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el-dritchknight · 7 years
Hey~ I don't know if you remember, but you rebloged my entry for the well dressed supervillain prompt and I just wanted to thank you for those super duper kind words? Like, really thank you, it means a lot to me and I hope you are haing the best day ever :)
awww yes ofc i remember you and that masterpiece :D and hey no need to thank me, man, i was just sayin the truth!! still i appreciate and thank u for your kind words tho
and i know youre probably hella busy, but i gotta ask if you’re planning to expand that entry into like an original work or something? cuz like i’d totally buy it on a shelf, my dude
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coloursflyaway · 5 years
you obviously can’t be trusted to take care of yourself, so let me do it for you
He openshis eyes, and there is light surrounding him, stinging his eyes and yet everythingaround him feels too dark. His head is pounding, his skin feels raw, bruised and broken, burnt; there is a dull pain in his back,and a fierce one in the middle of his chest, like something has been rippedfrom him, torn out of his very soul. Slowly, ever so slowly, because every movement means more pain, he turns hishead, takes in the lush grass he is laying on, the blue sky. Something about itmakes him feel sick, but he cannot pinpoint why.
From behindhim comes a soft sound, a gasp, or maybe a sob, and something inside his chestaches even more fiercely. A hand touches his cheek, turns his face gently, and there is someone lookingat him, pale skin and blue eyes, silver hair and all the pain he feels etchedacross the stranger’s face. “You’re awake”, the other says, and his voice sounds like a warm breeze, soundslike a storm. “I wasn’t sure…. but you’re awake, that is what matters.”The stranger tries to smile and fails miserably, eyes welling up with tears, lipsquivering, but the hand still feels nice on his skin, a thumb brushing across hissharp cheekbone. “Do you – “
Thestranger’s voice breaks before he can ask his question, his eyes flutter shutfor a moment, as if not seeing him would somehow make it easier. “Do you remember me?”, the stranger asks, and only then looks at him again, allthe hope and all the fear in the universe written into soft features, the tiltof a mouth, the slant of eyebrows. “Do you remember who you are?”
It takes amoment until the words arrange themselves in his mind to make sense, but evenafter that, his mind stays blank. There is no name he can attach to himself, nor to the other, there is no senseof who he is, where he comes from, why someone with such kind eyes would careabout him, or why the creature behind them seems to matter more than anythingelse in this universe.
He seems tohave forgotten how to speak, if ever he knew it, so he gives the only answer hecan, uses all the strength he has inside his broken body to shake his headslightly, wincing at the sharp pain the motion causes.  Still, it doesn’t hurt quite as much as looking at the other, whose heartbreaks right in front of him, is shattered so thoroughly that the stranger’s wholebody seems to shake with the aftershocks of it.
“It shouldn’thurt this much”, the other whispers to himself, blue eyes staring at the groundunseeing. “I knew you wouldn’t. She toldme you wouldn’t.”The hand from his cheek falls away as the stranger wipes at his eyes; he missesthe touch immediately, but can’t reach out to touch the other instead. His limbsare too weak, his bones too heavy.He hates himself for it.
“I won’t,either, not once the sun has set”, the stranger tells him, or maybe tellshimself, his voice so soft it’s almost inaudible, defeated, destroyed. “Nomercy for the Fallen… or for those who love them.”Finally, the other looks back up at him, and his eyes soften, glow with so muchlove that he, just for a single moment, forgets about how much it hurts.
“But forthe bit of time we still have left, darling”, the stranger says, and there is aquiet sort of determination in his eyes, not able to drown out the defeat, butenough to stand its ground for just a little while, ��I know it’s something youalways said to me, but, you obviously can’t be trusted to take care ofyourself, so let me do it for you.”
Send me a prompt from this post and I’ll write you a Good Omens fic!
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acesammy · 5 years
As for your style, I feel like (when you don't do those realistic things) you are all about sharp angles, like they are everywhere and super nice line work.
i’m sitting here not realizing i did this, and going through my art like, you’re right 
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clonecaptains · 7 years
mattmurdick replied to your post “which jon bernthal character do y'all think gives the best hugs and...”
I think we can all agree that it isn't Donnie Pitron
SADFGHDEKJRLSFXCYGHK LOL AIN’T THAT THE TRUTH!!! you would leave that hug smelling like ridiculous cologne and some sort of body oil probably so yeah....absolutely nooo hugging donnie
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athousandyearstime · 5 years
mattmurdick replied to your post “[[MOR] MY GIRL BRIENNE LIVESSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Ich hab nicht vieles erwartet, als ich das Read More gedrückt habe. Aber das ist perfekt.
Das war auch tatsächlich meine Pose am Ende der Folge :D Ich befürchte zwar das Schlimmste für ihre Zukunft, aber im Moment feier ich einfach mal, dass sie in den nächsten Folgen noch dabei ist ♥ 
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slymmdayspring · 6 years
Rate Ask Game: 7 - 8 -9 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 16 - and 17 if you want me to so you can avoid your exams.
7. Beautiful  
8. Smart
9. Imaginative  
12. Funny 
13. Awesome
14. Amazing
16. Cute
17. I’d hit you with a bus
You’re too sweet. dhfgkfh. Also please hit me with a bus. Please do. 
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jimkvrk · 8 years
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omg OMG! I'm legit crying rn thank you so much friend ilysm 😙💕
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aesthetics I associate with you: those dried bundles of lavender hanging from the ceiling.
Oh my god that is amazing because when I had a house I had a garden and I used to dry herbs and fruits and flowers doing just that. 
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Side note: I’m using my Natasha wig and I finally took the blonde out after I fucked the entire thing up while on a video call with @mattmurdick
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