etrangersvoyageant · 2 years
A salute to Matu
As far as I know there isn’t much interest in dota on tumblr and that’s fine. Back in the days that I played the game, there was little to nothing about the game. However seeing I want this blog to be a bit more personal, I’ll write about it now, because it was one of the main things on my mind this weekend.
So, this weekend was the conclusion of the 11th International. It was the biggest tournament of the scene for years due to its big prize pool, mostly funded by its players and fans. And one of my favourite players retired. His name Lasse Urpalainen, better known as Matumbaman. He played for 7 years and won the tournament once – back in 2017 with Liquid.
This year he returned to the organization he won with and there are many stories involved with this and I’ll spare you all of them apart for one. Thing is Matu was the one of my favourite players for the humor and insanity he displayed on his streams before becoming pro and then becoming and being a professional for the next 7.
It was this year’s international he wanted his last tournament to be and that was quite a challenge as Liquid first had to get through the Last Chance Qualifier, an onsite tournament giving out 2 more tickets. Secret took the first, Liquid the second.
After finishing second in the group stage, they lost the first round in the upper bracket and had to claw themselves through the lower bracket. At times, the opponents were tough and games could go either way. Still, they made it to the final day, which is an impressive feat, where they met Secret again, who beat them. One match too short if you ask me, I would have liked Matu’s last game to be the finals, but it wasn’t meant to be. The 2 finalists were both strong teams.
And that’s how it ends. It’s only fitting he ends his career at the organization with which he won the biggest prizes. Yes, his teammates are different now, but they too deserve praise. Micke played out of his mind this TI and Boxi carried games. Zai didn’t have the best tournament, but still had clutch moments and Insania is a solid leader, which he showed plenty of times this month.
I’m not a sentimental person. In the days ahead of finals weekend, players were interviewed. Matu spoke about his reasons for retiring. He said he was tired. Seeing him play these past weeks was fun, he’s still a great player, but if you feel you’re done, you’re done. I wouldn’t want to force someone to do something against their will. I wish him and his former team all the best.
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shuttershocky · 2 years
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The International 2022 was a tournament of many, many different ridiculous storylines. These were my two favorites you can easily look up on youtube:
Team Spirit vs Boom Esports - The Slavic Team Spirit was last year's champions, and still fierce competitors, being the winners of the last big tournament before TI. However, they're notably a team that has to lose one match before they start steamrolling (they adapt to their opponent) which means they often don't get as many points as they should normally, since group stages (where teams gather points to determine bracketing when going into the playoffs) are almost always just two games per matchup rather than a best of 3.
This put them in an elimination game vs Boom Esports, an SEA team that would have been the worst team in the tournament, had a miracle not happened: they lost nearly every game in the groupstage and had only 3 points (two teams with the lowest points per group are eliminated and dont make playoffs) and their only hope was to win two straight games against Evil Geniuses, the strongest team in their group, while praying the two teams ahead of them in points, Soniqs, and BetBoom, would both get stomped, putting them into a three way tiebreaker for last place.
Then the miracle happened. On the verge of defeat, Boom miraculously 2-0'd EG in some very close games and then riding the momentum, took out Soniqs and BetBoom in the tiebreakers, putting the "weakest team" against the Defending Champs in the playoffs in a Best of 1 elimination game...
Thunder Awaken vs Team Liquid: This was a clash of two different storylines in what was probably the single most intense series in the history of The International.
The South American Thunder Awaken had done what no SA team had ever accomplished before: made it to top 6 by taking down the top dog Evil Geniuses in the upper bracket. All of SA was watching them, hopeful for a podium finish for the first ever time. However, they were taken down by the team that would be the eventual champions, and now they were facing either elimination, or top 4.
This was their single best chance. They even had what some of the casters considered to be the best Carry player in the whole tournament, Pakasz. All they had to do was beat Team Liquid.
The European Team Liquid on the other hand was on fire. After being meh the whole year, their own carry player Matumbaman announced he would retire after TI.
Now Matu is something of a legend. He's always ignored when people talk about the best of the best, but whats crazy is that no matter how much Dota has changed over the years he's always been incredibly good and stable, just not flashy. That is nuts. He even won TI back in 2017, and though his teammates then got a lot of the attention, some of the other pros said Matu was actually their strongest player, he just didn't attract attention.
Until now. After being meh the entire year, all of Team Liquid decided they were going to send off Matu into retirement with one last podium finish and suddenly started playing like gods, ripping through the lower bracket with incredibly bold plays and Matu playing like he had to prove he was going out at the top of his game.
This series meant everything to both teams. Winner goes to Top 4, loser ends up in 5th-6th place. What followed was 3 of the some of the most brutal and ridiculously close games of Dota 2 you'll ever see. Neither would surrender no matter what, and the games were so close that at some point even these teams would lose their composure and forego strategy in favor of incredibly high risk moves that would doom them if it failed but would make them win with style if they worked.
At one point in the first match, Thunder Awaken lost nearly all of their buildings except for their Ancient (the objective, if it dies it's game over), and rather than surrender they decided this was still totally winnable if they believed in themselves. The casters were so awestruck that one of them dropped the f bomb when Thunder went on the aggressive despite everything stacked against them and actually started turning the tides. A must-see series, even if you don't understand Dota you'll understand the hype from the sheer emotion on display.
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pc7ooo · 4 days
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Topson или MATUMBAMAN — iNSaNiA опубликовал загадочный пост
Участник составаTeam Liquidпо Dota 2 и победитель турнираThe International 2024Айден iNSaNiA Саркои выложил пост в X с двумя флагами: малайзийск...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/19/527-topson-ili-matumbaman-insania-opublikoval-zagadochnyy-post-grss-342476600.html
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galacasino · 5 months
¿Cuáles son los mejores equipos de Esportiun en la temporada actual?
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¿Cuáles son los mejores equipos de Esportiun en la temporada actual?
Equipos de League of Legends más destacados
Hablar de los equipos más destacados de League of Legends es adentrarse en un mundo apasionante lleno de emociones y competitividad. En este popular videojuego de estrategia en tiempo real, varios equipos destacan por su destreza, habilidades y logros en el escenario internacional.
Uno de los equipos más renombrados es SK Telecom T1, proveniente de Corea del Sur. Con numerosos campeonatos y una destacada trayectoria, SKT T1 ha sido un referente en el mundo de los esports. Otro equipo icónico es Fnatic, originario de Europa, que ha sabido conquistar la fanaticada con sus actuaciones sobresalientes y su legado en la escena competitiva.
No se puede dejar de mencionar a Team SoloMid (TSM), un equipo estadounidense que ha dejado huella en la comunidad de League of Legends. Su constante presencia en torneos de alto nivel y su base de seguidores le han otorgado un lugar privilegiado dentro del competitivo.
Otros equipos destacados incluyen G2 Esports, Invictus Gaming y Team Liquid, cada uno con su estilo único y jugadores de élite que han marcado la diferencia en el mundo de los esports.
En conclusión, los equipos de League of Legends más destacados no solo demuestran su habilidad en el juego, sino que inspiran a una nueva generación de jugadores a alcanzar la grandeza en el competitivo. La escena de los esports continúa creciendo y evolucionando, brindando emoción y entretenimiento a millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo. ¡Que siga la batalla en la Grieta del Invocador!
Top equipos de CS:GO en la actualidad
En la escena competitiva de Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), hay varios equipos que destacan por su habilidad, estrategia y consistencia en los torneos actuales. Uno de los equipos más destacados en la actualidad es Astralis. Con su estilo de juego disciplinado y su capacidad para adaptarse a diferentes situaciones en el mapa, Astralis ha dominado el panorama de CS:GO en los últimos años.
Otro equipo que ha dejado su huella en la escena es Team Liquid. Con un talentoso roster de jugadores, Team Liquid ha logrado importantes victorias en torneos de alto nivel, consolidándose como uno de los principales contendientes en la escena competitiva.
Por su parte, Fnatic es un equipo con una larga trayectoria en CS:GO y ha demostrado una gran capacidad para reinventarse y mantenerse en la élite del juego. Con jugadores experimentados y un enfoque táctico sólido, Fnatic sigue siendo una fuerza a tener en cuenta en los torneos actuales.
Otros equipos destacados en la escena competitiva de CS:GO incluyen a Natus Vincere (Na'Vi), FaZe Clan y Team Vitality, entre otros. Estos equipos han demostrado su talento y habilidad en numerosos torneos, lo que los convierte en verdaderos titanes del juego.
En definitiva, la escena competitiva de CS:GO está repleta de equipos talentosos y competitivos, pero Astralis, Team Liquid, Fnatic y otros siguen destacando por su excelencia y dominio en los torneos más importantes de la actualidad.
Organizaciones líderes en Dota 2
Dota 2, el famoso juego de estrategia en tiempo real, ha creado una comunidad global apasionada y competitiva. Dentro de esta comunidad, existen varias organizaciones que se destacan por su excelencia en el juego y su impacto en la escena competitiva. Estas organizaciones no solo cuentan con equipos de jugadores talentosos, sino que también tienen una sólida infraestructura, patrocinadores y una base de fanáticos dedicada.
Una de las organizaciones líderes en Dota 2 es Team Secret. Fundado en 2014, Team Secret ha sido un nombre dominante en el escenario competitivo. Con jugadores de renombre como Nisha, Matumbaman y zai, el equipo ha logrado múltiples victorias en torneos importantes, demostrando su habilidad y cohesión como equipo.
Otra organización destacada es OG (Original Gangsters). Conocidos por su estilo de juego innovador y su mentalidad estratégica, OG ha ganado múltiples campeonatos de Dota 2, incluido el prestigioso torneo The International en dos ocasiones. Capitaneado por el legendario jugador N0tail, OG ha demostrado una y otra vez su capacidad para adaptarse y superar desafíos en el campo de batalla virtual.
Evil Geniuses es otra organización que merece mencionarse. Con una larga historia en los deportes electrónicos, Evil Geniuses ha sido un competidor formidable en la escena de Dota 2. Con jugadores talentosos como Arteezy y Abed, el equipo ha logrado importantes triunfos en torneos de alto nivel, consolidándose como una de las organizaciones más respetadas en el mundo de los deportes electrónicos.
En conclusión, estas organizaciones líderes en Dota 2 no solo representan la excelencia en el juego, sino que también inspiran a una nueva generación de jugadores y fans, consolidando el estatus de Dota 2 como uno de los deportes electrónicos más emocionantes y competitivos del mundo.
Mejores equipos de Overwatch actualmente
Los eSports han ganado una gran popularidad en todo el mundo, y Overwatch es uno de los juegos más destacados en este campo. En la actualidad, existen varios equipos de Overwatch que se destacan por su habilidad, estrategia y trabajo en equipo.
Uno de los equipos más destacados actualmente en el mundo de Overwatch es San Francisco Shock. Este equipo ha logrado numerosos triunfos en torneos importantes y cuenta con jugadores de gran talento y experiencia. Su estilo de juego sólido y coordinado los ha llevado a la cima de la escena competitiva.
Otro equipo sobresaliente es Seoul Dynasty, con una larga trayectoria en el competitivo de Overwatch. Sus jugadores son conocidos por su habilidad individual y capacidad para adaptarse a diferentes situaciones en el campo de batalla. Seoul Dynasty es un equipo que siempre está en la contienda por los primeros puestos en los torneos más importantes.
Por otro lado, Los Angeles Gladiators también se encuentran entre los mejores equipos de Overwatch en la actualidad. Con una combinación de jugadores veteranos y talentosos rookies, Los Angeles Gladiators han demostrado ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta en la escena competitiva.
En resumen, estos son solo algunos de los mejores equipos de Overwatch actualmente. Con su dedicación, habilidad y pasión por el juego, continúan cautivando a los fans y dejando su huella en la escena competitiva de los eSports.
Ranking de equipos de Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six Siege es un juego de disparos táctico en equipo que ha ganado una gran popularidad en la escena de los deportes electrónicos. En este juego, los equipos compiten en intensos enfrentamientos estratégicos donde la comunicación y la cooperación son clave para alcanzar la victoria.
El ranking de equipos de Rainbow Six Siege es fundamental para determinar cuáles son los mejores equipos del mundo en este juego. Este ranking se basa en el desempeño de los equipos en torneos internacionales, ligas profesionales y otros eventos competitivos de alto nivel.
Los equipos que ocupan los primeros puestos suelen estar formados por jugadores talentosos y coordinados que dominan las diferentes facetas del juego, como la estrategia, la puntería y el trabajo en equipo. Estos equipos suelen ser reconocidos por su consistencia y por su capacidad para adaptarse a las diferentes situaciones que se presentan durante los enfrentamientos.
Los fans de Rainbow Six Siege suelen seguir de cerca el ranking de equipos para conocer las últimas novedades y para apoyar a sus equipos favoritos en su búsqueda por alcanzar la cima. Además, este ranking también es una referencia importante para los organizadores de torneos y patrocinadores a la hora de seleccionar a los equipos que participarán en eventos importantes.
En resumen, el ranking de equipos de Rainbow Six Siege es un reflejo de la competitividad y la emoción que rodea a este apasionante juego, y es una herramienta esencial para identificar a los líderes de la escena competitiva de Rainbow Six Siege.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Dyrachyo Exposes Truth Behind BOOM's Shock Exit From Gaimin Gladiators Roster
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People assumed Miroslav "BOOM" Bian had been courted by the enticing company when Gaimin Gladiators let him go on October 29 only for him to sign with Team Secret a month later. But while that might have ended up being the case, Gaimin Gladiators carry player Anton “DyrachYO” Shkredov confirmed BOOM was actually kicked due to undisclosed internal affairs. “BOOM is a good player, but we had our issues with him at the bootcamp,” he said in an interview with Cybersport.ru on Dec. 20. “I don’t think I should reveal what was going on behind the curtains, it’s simply inappropriate. But this kick will serve as a wake-up call and can boost his career. Either he’ll be striving to win and defeat everyone, or he will become a dull copy of Nisha with poor results,” he added. DyrachyO said it depends on how motivated BOOM is, implying it might have been lacking during his time on the Gladiators roster. Either way, he wishes him all the best. BOOM is stepping in to fill the role of Michał “Nisha” Jankowski in the midlane, who left Team Secret to replace retired legend Lasse “MATUMBAMAN” Urpalainen in a star-studded Team Liquid lineup. It was one of the biggest moves of the rostermania season, if not the biggest. The biggest benefactor was BOOM, who—based on DyrachyO’s comments—went from having no team to joining one of the best in the business. Only time will tell whether it pays off for him and Secret, but both the player and the organization have a lot to prove in the Dota Pro Circuit 2023, which kicks off in January. For more esports news, click here. Read the full article
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inceptionanalysis · 2 years
Hi yesterday unfortunately I lost my friend and after trying to fight cancer after 4 years :( He started with the herald rank, and with 280 mmr he reached archon, we once hurt him a lot cause we think he joking but now i cant stop crying, he loved collector caches, and he had a lot of expensive old catches, he loved chen, and he wanted to get an immortal for chen and he loved Tinker, so he called himself mr. tinker. He loved matumbaman and had leukemia destroyed him, he sold to many items and caches to our members and was good shopper, and he was good-natured. You know, we live in Iran, and now we're in a war, it's bad that after four years with a lot of infection, when your dreams are to make Iran, and see the good days of your life at 17, cancer will fail and your operation will fail. My friend's bio was at the end of his life:it happens or not, I tried, old mr.tinker. I was supposed to send him the Primal beast and see each other in three weeks. A lot of our kids changed their account names in honor of his name and made a great move, HamidReza, I hope you sleep in peace, man
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dota2carry · 2 years
TOPSON GORGC vs MATUMBAMAN — Scepter Primal Beast vs 6 Slotted Templar A...
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highlightsgaming · 4 years
Team Secret's MATUMBAMAN  destroys Team Nigma!
Nigma VS Secret Game 1 - MATUMBAMAN Destroys Nigma Dota 2 WePlay! Pushka League Season 1 Division 1
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv_G8cUxNVE&t=
Channel: http://youtube.com/c/GamingHighlightsDotA2
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doctorssssss · 6 years
NEED WATCH! Enjoy, Like and Share
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pidrila17 · 7 years
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dreams come true.
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jayynagar · 7 years
The Omni-slash which sealed the deal for Team Liquid! 😎https://youtu.be/EM0J2lnXmMw
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kenzowijayaz-blog · 5 years
Sebelum Epicenter Major, Matumbaman Keluar dari Roster Utama
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Sebelum Epicenter Major, Matumbaman Keluar dari Roster Utama - Epicenter Major sebagai penutup Pro Circuit musim belum dimulai, namun sayangnya Team Liquid pun menyudahi perjalanannya bersama Matumbaman. Apakah yang terjadi? Meski, Lasse "Matumbaman" Urpalainen yakni salah satu pemain terlama yang telah mendonasi banyak gelar bergengsi dengan kepiawaian dalam bermain hero Lycan, Lone Druid dan Broodmother. Selain itu, Matumbaman telah berkomitmen selama empat tahun dalam merebut kemenangan bagi salah satu regu legendaris, yakni Team Liquid dalam turnamen dalam pertandingan seperti SuperMajor, TI7, Epicenter Major di tahun  2016 dan di tahun 2017. Meski, Matumbaman keluar dari starting roster Team Liquid, sepertinya Matumbaman masih mempunyai keterikatan kontrak dengan Liquid yang membuatnya dipindahkan ke tempat duduk cadangan. Apalagi pernyataan legal Team Liquid tidak mengucapkan secara tegas apakah Matu benar-benar keluar atau cuma dibebaskantugaskan saja dari tanggung jawabnya.
Nah, supaya sobat gamers memandang pernyataannya secara detail, berikut ini pernyataan langsung dari Team Liquid terkait Matumbaman:
Keputusan ini sendiri tentunya telah yakni kesepakatan oleh kedua belah pihak padahal mereka tidak memberikan alasan apapun mengenai Matumbaman yang dibangkucadangkan. Tetapi, dengan adanya pernyataan ini, karenanya pastinya akan ada kesempatan baru bagi karir Matumbaman sendiri maupun Team Liquid. Matumbaman juga dapat mencari dan mendapatkan kesempatan bermain jikalau ada tawaran dari regu lain. Lalu, menurut Kuroky sang carry yang serba dapat ini, perubahan roster juga yakni salah satu langkah supaya kinerja regu menjadi tidak gampang dibaca oleh pihak lawan sekalian demi mempertahankan level persaingan Team Liquid untuk menuju The International 2019. Apalagi baru-baru ini ini Team Liquid belum sekalipun menjuarai Event Major dan Minor tahun ini selain peringkat terbaik mereka yang cuma mendapatkan juara kedua di MDL Disneyland Paris Major di bulan Mei lalu.
Kemudian, kabarnya dalam waktu dekat ini, Team Liquid akan mengumumkan pemain substitusi untuk menggantikan Matumbaman loh sobat gamers. Bagaimana menurut sobat gamers? Siapa sih substitusi Matumbaman yang ideal? Jika dipandang, ada sebagian pemain yang pantas untuk mengisi peran carry maupun bertransisi di mid dengan Miracle. Salah satu di antaranya ada Nico "Gunnar" Lopez, pemain Dota 2 asal Amerika Utara yang sedang naik daun berkat trennya lewat streaming dan juga dramanya bersama EternalEnvy. Gunnar mempunyai potensi yang cukup dan dirasa setara dengan Miracle mengenai midlane. Selain itu, permainannya yang khas dan tidak dapat ditebak, ternyata sama seperti Matumbaman yang lebih mementingkan pada laning dan push. Kandidat selanjutnya ada Aliwi Omar alias w33. Selain itu, dapat jadi Team Liquid akan mencari talenta baru dari Asia Tenggara yang tenar punya talenta namun minim kesempatan. Seumpama saja seperti Randy "Dreamocel" Saputra dari BOOM ID yang kapasitasnya sebagai carry tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Dikala berada di sebagian Event Minor pun, namanya cukup disegani oleh pemain-pemain disana.  Apakah kandidat-kandidat hal yang demikian dapat menjadi senjata rahasia Team Liquid nanti?
Jangan lupa untuk simak terus info ter-update seputar Dota 2 di ESPORTS88
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pc7ooo · 15 days
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Nix про игровой стиль dyrachyo: «Так делал только MATUMBAMAN»
Александр Nix Левин высказался про особенность игрового стиляАнтонаdyrachyo Шкредова из составаGaimin Gladiatorsпо Dota 2. Момент со стрима опуб...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/09/901-nix-pro-igrovoy-stil-dyrachyo-tak-delal-tolko-matumbaman-grss-339647295.html
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thearin · 8 years
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cathcacen · 5 years
Man, it really says a lot about the current state of NWA that Tumblr is my happy place again.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
MATUMBAMAN Walks Away From Dota 2 & Team Liquid Falls To Team Secret At TI11
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In the penultimate series of The International 2022, Team Secret defeated Team Liquid 2-1, and there was not a dry eye in the house as MATUMBAMAN said his final goodbyes to the Dota 2 competitive community. As soon as Tundra Esports sent Secret down to the lower bracket, everyone knew that this series would be emotional for both fans and players. For Puppey, he had to send two close friends with whom he has played more games than his current roster on Secret home in pursuit of his second Aegis of Champions. Before this event, Matu announced TI11 would be his final tournament before hanging up his lucky shorts and walking away from the game. It was an incredible send-off for the legendary player and this Liquid run, as each of the three games had at least some back and forth between the two teams who made it that far from having to go through the Last Chance Qualifier. Everything came down to a final game where multiple players could land on comfort heroes, but none were more comfortable than Puppey on his signature Enchantress. That pairing and Crystallis’ Drow Ranger allowed Secret to play around with a lot of Liquid’s setups and into their individual strengths. Immediately after the Ancient fell, Secret started celebrating, while the focus of the arena shifted to Matu as he let out his emotions before standing up to leave the stage one last time—but not without embracing his former teammates to the sound of a roaring crowd chanting his name. https://twitter.com/OGesports/status/1586625045128175616 Post-game, Matu discussed his career and how Dota brought him so much happiness over the years despite how his thoughts had drifted to leaving it behind even three years into what became an eight-year career. “There’s just a lot of good moments with a lot of people,” Matu said. “I can’t really name all of them because there are dozens and dozens and dozens of them coming up, even the casters, the analysts, the teams I didn’t even play with. These players I consider them my friends and in some way a family too. So it’s really sad to say goodbye to them but sometimes you gotta move on with your life and figure something else out.” https://twitter.com/TeamLiquid/status/1586623223730315265 According to Matu, that next step will involve taking a step back to relax on his sailing boat while thinking about what he truly wants to do next. https://twitter.com/Blitz_DotA/status/1586634964648722433 And, while the next steps for the remaining Liquid team are unclear, Secret will be facing Tundra in the grand finals as Puppey aims to take revenge on the team who ended their undefeated streak and break his improvement streak by lifting the Aegis a year ahead of schedule. Read the full article
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