#mav calling ice like hey...................so get this. i may have a kid
bode-leone · 2 years
jake gets bullied in school because his name is maverick and then gets to the navy and is like. boy i sure hope no one hates me for my name! and then gets bowled over by stories of maverick senior and he's like. what a cool dude im gonna be like him. the navy doesnt realise it organically created two mavericks. except one is worse than the other because maverick senior solved his daddy issues but maverick junior is like "fuck my dad! fuck my dad! he's an asshole!!!!!" and then mav senior reads the files on the pilots he has and is just ....oh shit! when he sees jake's file
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gummybear1178 · 1 year
F-14: Family of 14: You Don’t Know But...
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Also on AO3:  
Hope you guys enjoy! If you want on the taglist let me know! (See guys I am learning Tumblr)
Not fully sure where this story is going other than it will be IceMav and their 12 adopted dagger squadron kids!
The dagger squad is determined to find out who Maverick is married to, leading to some shenanigans and eventually the reveal! Followed by one shots featuring MavDad Icemav and Dadmiral with the Daggers!
Feel free to leave requests and ideas
The Daggers sat on the deck of the Hard Deck. Penny had been kind enough to allow the Daggers to make it their unofficial hangout. However, they hadn't taken her up on the offer much until Mav and Ice's house kind of became off limits for a few weeks.
Well, not so much off limits, more so they had semi banned themselves temporarily. Electing to one, let Mav rest and feel better, and two, not get in the middle of whatever was going on between Ice and Maverick.
"I wonder what happened?" Phoenix finally asked the looming question in the group.
"I don't know," Bradley admitted, knowing the rest knew he was most likely to know. "All I know is that the Flyboys told me the house is probably a no-fly zone for a bit."
A few Daggers snorted at his attempt of humor to lighten the mood.
"No, but really, all they've told me is it's something to be left between Dad and Pops. They claim they will be fine once they talk."
"And when will they talk?" Fanboy asks quietly.
Several of the Daggers heads went down.
"Usually, they don't take long. It's just a matter of them getting it out." Bradley watched the waves. "I barely remember a fight between them growing up, at least not one that wasn't over within a few hours."
Jake looked down at his water bottle.
He just had this family start to form. He couldn't lose it now.
"Kids, look, Maverick and Ice, they fight on occasion. They are also stubborn, which means sometimes it takes a minute for them to work it out. But they always do." Penny said, stepping out onto the deck.
"Hey, Penny." Several of the Daggers greeted. Others just nodded in her direction.
"While their stubborness may make it take an extra second to solve their issues, it also means that they are stubborn about loving each other. Those two have been through a lot together. They will get through this." Penny assured.
"How do you know?" Jake asked. A few glancing his way surprised by the raw tone to his voice.
"Becuase they always do." Penny stated as though it was a fact, and after the way she said it, the Daggers didn't think that it could be anything else.
"You know you are our unofficial aunt, right?" Fanboy asked, breaking some of the tension.
"Oh, trust me, I know." Penny rolled her eyes, "And I wouldn't change it for anything." She winked before heading back into the building.
Phoenix smiled, and with a renewed hope amongst the Daggers, she decided to suggest a change of topic.
"Alright, how about we play a game?"
"What kind of game we talkin'?" Javy asks.
"A get to know each other more game. We each know each other on varying levels." Phoenix explained.
Each Dagger chimed in a version of agreement, and so the game began.
"It's called 'You don't know, but...' and basically you tell everyone something that they don't know. It can be about yourself, a random fact, or really just about anything. Some of us know other better than others, so just not something everyone knows. Like your call sign. The point is to get to know each other better."
"Alright, Phe, you suggest the game you have to start us off." Bradley pointed out, leaning back in his chair.
And so the game was on.
"Alright, you don't know, but... I played softball in high school."
"I guess I'll go next, you don't know, but I am a huge Swiftie to the point my call sign was almost Swift." Harvard said.
"You don't know, but I got my first black eye in college from lightsaber dueling in the courtyard." Fanboy admitted/bragged.
"Only you." Bradley laughed.
"Hey, we had a many a people come try and join us. Also, I would like to point out it wasn't becuase I couldn't duel it was because my roommate was supposed to just go left then right and just keep repeating but then got confused and went the same way twice."
"If we ever doubted your call sign, that's all the proof we needed." Bradley laughed.
"You don't know, but I hate being called Bagman." Jake said, glancing down at the deck.
"Good to know Hangman." Phoenix said, but the look on her face made him know she took the statement seriously.
"You don't know, but I want you guys to call me Jake..." Jake added, having already taken a huge step out of his comfort zone. Why not take one more.
"Good to know, Jake." Phoenix amended, a small smile on her face.
Meanwhile, Javy watched his best friend with a smile on his face. Proud of him for opening up.
Javy knew that was a huge step for Jake.
Now, if only he could take another huge step when it comes to another pilot. Javy internally rolled his eye,  knowing that was going to be a much more complicated process.
"You don't know this, but I went to LSU, GEAUX TIGERS!" Javy said, allowing the mood to lighten and take the pressure off of Jake.
And so the game went on.
The tension in the house was palpable. Even the ever light hearted Fanboy would be able to feel it.
Maverick had finally started to feel better.
Which, on one hand, Ice was very happy his husband was feeling better. However, on the other hand, that meant the looming conversation was soon to occur.
Ice walked into the living room with a cup of tea in each hand.
Maverick sat wrapped in a blanket on the couch. He reached out a hand to take a cup from Ice as Ice sat down.
"Ice..." Maverick started.
Ice sighed, he knew that tone. He had been anxiously awaiting that tone.
"Conversation time?" Ice asked softly.
"Look -"
"I'm not objecting, I know the conversation needs to be had. So, let's have it. Where do you want to start?"
"What did you tell Cyclone?" Maverick finally settled on after a moment of pause. He had run this conversation through his head hundreds of times and he still wasn't sure how he wanted to start it.
"I told him that if someone tells you that you can't do something, you have to p
rove them wrong. That you will do everything to prove them wrong."
"Did you really think that I wouldn't do everything possible to make this mission go well. To make it succeed. To bring Bradley back alive?" Maverick's voice strained during the last sentence.
"No, Ice, you are the one who has believed in me. You pushed me to be better, but never by making me believe that you didn't believe in me. Rather because I knew you believed in me. So, why, why would this time be different? Why would you tell Cyclone to not believe in me, why not have him believe in me and not have me fighting him every step of the way?"
"I needed to make sure you came back, you and Bradley and everyone else. I panicked, and I know you do well when you do something out of spite." Ice admitted.
"So, the encouragement of keeping my kid, our kid, alive wasn't enough?"
"It should have been. Deep down I know you would do everything to come back and make sure he came back, but my fears took over. My biggest fear was losing you; losing Bradley. I let my fear control me."
"And you've never done this any other time? Never?"
"This is the first, only, and last time I have ever done that."
"I'm going to ask again Ice, do you regret it?" Maverick asked, his eyes as serious as ever, he had already asked this, and Ice evaded. He would not evade this time.
"I regret my methods. I regret that I told someone to esentially hurt you. I regret hurting you. I regret letting me fears take control of me. However, if that is the reason you survived, I don't know if I can fully regret it."
"Ice, we established, I would do everything no matter what. That spite it not the reason I survived and so did the Daggers. So, one final time, do you regret it?"
"Yes, I regret it."
"And you will never, and I mean never pull that again?"
Maverick simply nodded taking the information in.
"Maverick, I always believe in you. I know not everyone has, and I never should have contributed to the doubt others have had. I never doubted you. I was scared. I acted irrationally. I am so sorry Mav... I love you."
"I love you too Ice."
"I know you went through years of superiors telling you that you couldn't do something and judging you just from your last name all because of a government cover up. I know all of that. I never should have told someone to act like that. I truly am sorry."
"I believe you Ice. This hurt, I am not going to lie. I do however, understand why you did, I may not agree with it, but I see where your thoughts went and why. I forgive you, but don't ever do that again."
"So, we can tell the kids the parents have made up so they can come over again without fear of feeling like they are in an igloo with the cold tension?"
"According to Viper, they have been referring to our house as a 'no fly zone' so I think we can change that status. I missed our Daggers."
"They missed you too." Maverick smiled as he leaned against Ice's side. "I'm not telling them why we were fighting. Just we had a disagreement, we talked about it, and it's over with. They don't need the details."
Ice nodded silently as he tucked Maverick's head under his chin.
The world was back on it's axis.
"Alright Grand-Daggers, I've been told today will be my last day as your instructor, however, I am in town for longer so this will not be that last you see of me. The impending last day though, does mean it's time for some good stories." Viper said with a growing smirk. "For this, I have brought in a guest instructor, Grand-Daggers, meet your other Grandfather, Jester."
"Greetings, grand-daggers, I do believe it is story time." Jester dramatically walked in, swinging the door open.
"Now, how about I tell time Maverick made a excel sheet detailing who he thought reminded him most of from pop culture characters. However, in trying to send it to the flyboys, he accidentally sent it to the whole base. Cain, a 1 star admiral at the time, was not happy to be matched with Skeletor, however, Stevens, a 2 star admiral at the time, was very happy to be matched with Luke Skywalker, and well, he took care of Cain."
"I mean it's Luke Skywalker, ofcourse he was very happy." Fanboy agreed.
"Leave it to him to somehow send an email like that to the whole base." Yale laughed.
"Though, Bradley over there did convince Ice to go as Batman for Halloween one year becausae he was going as Robin." Jesters began the next story.
"Yea, then convinced every other flyboy who was stateside to join in. By the end we had most of the Justice League and a few villains." Viper added.
"Who was Mav?" Halo asked.
"Green Lantern, more specifically Hal Jordan because he was also a military pilot. Air Force though, so Maverick made sure to wear his bomber which of course has his Navy patches. Claimed he was improving the character. Which techinically he was."
Short, but it's something. Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry it took sthe o long, hopefully another chapter or 2 in August. July is questionable. However, it's been months so I wanted to get yall something.
As usual, let me know what yall thought and what yall want to see!
Thanks for reading and continuing to comment!
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crinkled-emotions · 1 year
OK ok ok ok I'm TRYING to remain calm over the puppy (lol not working)
It can me a prompt idea. I don't know if you're taking on requests still.....
Bradley's childhood dog that Mav had kept over the years passes away a couple of months after the mission and him and Mav making up so B did get some time with him. (Yeah the dog was a very good healthy boy that lived to about 20😅) And then I'm thinking maybe Hangster vibes, Jake buys him this puppy to cheer him up 😭😭🥰🥰
Quick little one while I work on the Slider fic from March (I know, I'm crying about it too, I am in the process of getting some shit sorted and I kept getting writer's block)
Funny story, my childhood dog was a mutt and he actually lived until he was seventeen. He survived being lost in Melbourne, a fight with a bulldog (which he actually won?) and being run over by a tractor. His name was Jack and I miss him sm but now I have Boss who is the biggest shithead ever (see: video of him yowling and then getting zoomies)
Brisket is... potentially the cutest puppy I've ever seen (I'm only saying that because I didn't know my dog until he was 6 months old lmao, I may continue to be biased) and I feel like he matches the shithead energy (affectionate) Glen has deep down... anyway! On to the fic!
CW: the passing of a beloved pet
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"Holy shit, Jet's still here?!"
Bradley dumped his duffel bag on the floor and barrelled over to the dog asleep on Maverick's kitchen floor, gently kneeling and extending his hand first just in case the dog didn't recognise him. Instead of getting a growl or maybe even a head lift, the dog lazily thumped his tail and stretched out.
"Jet is nearly sixteen, his hearing is pretty much gone and before I left he walked into my leg."
Maverick's own luggage hit the floor and he made his way over, pressing a kiss to Rooster's hair and then heading for the kitchen. Jet's ears pricked up and he was gone in seconds, trotting off to follow Maverick in hopes of some kitchen scraps. Rooster trailed after him, taking a seat at the island and accepting the cheese sandwich passed to him. He pretended not to see the spare piece "dropped" to the floor where Jet was sitting at his godfather's feet.
"I didn't think he was still alive," Bradley murmured between bites of sandwich. Maverick hummed, reaching down to give the older dog a pat.
"Well, I'd say he knew you'd come home when you were ready, and he wanted to see that."
Maverick then glanced up at Rooster, and rounded the corner to hug him.
"Glad you're home, kid," he murmured.
"Thanks for letting me back in, Mav."
As per usual, Jake was wearing his usual shit-eating grin when Bradley got home, sitting on their couch with a book, the football on in the background and a beer in his lap. Peak Seresin behaviour.
"Hey, baby. How was Mav?"
"Uh, good, my dog from right before I left is still alive."
Jake tossed the book to the coffee table, carefully putting his beer down to extend his arms to his boyfriend. They kissed and then Bradley flopped down beside him, taking the beer for himself.
"Yeah, did I ever tell you the story of Jet?"
"Getting childhood stories from you is like pulling teeth, Roos," Jake replied. That got him a glare, followed by an eye roll and then Bradley leaned into his side.
"So, my mom, she died when I was fifteen, right? And I wasn't coping all that hot. Mav was getting called away on deployments because he can't follow the rules and I think he worried that me staying with Ice all the time was displacing... so one night he comes home after work with this puppy. It pissed everywhere and I'm pretty sure he chewed at least three pairs of Mav's boots, but Jet was what I needed when talking to people or even thinking of going to a therapist would be enough to send me into a panic attack."
"I didn't know you were that anxious," Jake murmured, reaching over to push his fingers through Bradley's curls.
"I'm not; it was the grief and I was constantly moving between Mav's, Ice's, even Penny's, once, when Mav and Ice were in the shit together."
"I can't even imagine- wait... the Ice? As in Iceman?"
"Yes, Jake. Keep up, babe."
Sitting in Maverick's kitchen, there was silence. Jake, Bradley and Maverick were all in various positions, but Jake had a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder and Maverick was waiting for what he was thinking was going to be another fight.
"Was it quick?" Bradley asked quietly. Maverick nodded, eyes on the floor. Despite knowing he wasn't in trouble, the worst feeling in the world was Bradley being upset with him and Bradley was giving off those vibes.
"He went in his sleep, the vet said. It was age, he wasn't in pain."
"I need him," Bradley murmured. Jake rubbed between his shoulders, sighing as he turned to Maverick.
"Have you already buried him?"
"I was waiting for you two to get here."
Jet was gone. After sixteen years, he was gone. Bradley was staring at the island counter, brows furrowed, and he finally glanced up at Mav.
"Let's just do it now, what's another one to bury?"
He held up a hand, effectively stopping his boyfriend and godfather.
"No, let's just do it."
It had been a couple of months, and whilst he'd given Bradley some time to grieve, Jake was getting the itch to get him a little surprise... no, not the sexy surprise, hEY- get your head out of the gutter! Before Bradley found out Jet was still alive they'd been talking about getting a pet once they'd moved in together properly. Jake had been more or less living at Bradley's for almost a year, so when his lease came up for renewal he didn't hesitate to cancel it at Bradley's insistence that he move in for real. Jake was surprised at how much Jet's passing had affected his boyfriend, but he understood the underhanded grieving of his mother all over again that was associated with the pet. He didn't want to overstep, but- well. It just so happened a local shelter was having an adoption drive over the weekend while Bradley went to an event with Maverick for TOPGUN. Perfect timing, if you ask him.
"B, you home?"
Bradley waved from the desk in the living area, huffing at the computer in front of him. He was working through some documents by the look on his face, and Jake cleared his throat as he knelt on the ground to put the item in his arms down.
"I, uh, went to the store."
"What, did you forget cheese again? You know how I feel about cheese."
"Yeah, I also know how your stomach feels about cheese. Admit you're lactose intolerant already."
Bradley closed the laptop and wheeled around before Jake was even slightly ready and immediately his eyebrows shot up.
"The store, huh?"
"I never said which store," Jake grinned. He glanced up at Bradley, sending him a cautious smile.
"This little guy doesn't have a name, and he's not to replace Jet, but I felt like the house had been a little too quiet lately- oof! Oh, okay, this is nice. Hey, can you hug the puppy too? I think he'd like that."
Bradley pulled away from Jake's shoulder to give him a kiss, and then knelt by the tiny puppy yapping at their feet.
"Hey, hey, shhhhhh..."
The dog darted around his feet before Bradley carefully caught him and lifted him to his chest, grimacing at the wet licks on his neck.
"The first time Mav ever picked up Jet, the dog pissed all down his shirt," he murmured, laughing to himself. Jake snorted, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.
"Do you want to give him a name?"
"What do you think?"
"Well, you named Jet after your love for the air, so..."
Jake beamed.
"Oh, I think I know the perfect name."
"Oh my god, look at you! Hi Roo- gimme the puppy, holy shit!"
Phoenix darted around Rooster's offer of a hug when he opened the door, taking the puppy from his arms and giving kisses to his nose. The puppy yapped and his tail was wagging a million miles an hour at the excitement.
"B! Is that the dog again?"
Jake came down the stairs, rounding the corner to look for the puppy.
"Hey, Tooster! C'mere, dude!"
The puppy barker from Phoenix's arms. She couldn't help the way she gaped between her best friend and Hangman, before she smirked.
"Jake, you didn't."
"I did, but I'd like some clarification on what exactly I did."
"Rooster and Tooster?"
"He goes by Toaster a majority of the time, he burns energy and farts all the damn time so the house is full of hot air."
Phoenix stifled a snort, and then buried her face into the puppy's fur to stop laughing. Jake and Bradley exchanged a look, and then Bradley smacked his ass on his way to the kitchen.
"He loves cheese, and naps, and doing zoomies around Jake's feet in the kitchen."
"Ha, Roos, he's you."
"I'm not allowed to discuss the resemblance, I get sex-iled," Jake grumbled.
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mavspeed · 2 years

Mav and ice having mommy and daddy issues respectively ??? We love the diversity here 😍 /j also carla slayage !!! Was scared for a moment that kazansky sr might start hitting her so thank God for small miracles ε-(´・`) フ this chapter coming out so soon too !!! U spoil us <3
On a more serious note tho, ice and mav... U r breaking my HEART with these backstories !!! The way u write mav,, his meeting with his mother,,, I'm gonna go jump off a building U R SO GOOD AT THISSSS !!!!!!!!!!! The parallels between them... The contrast.... I'm gonna kms I can't take this anymore !!!!!
There’s this complex sort of heartbreak in his green eyes, too layered to count and yet far more telling of his inner state than anything else Goose has ever seen. It’s agonising to see Mav’s trauma laid out right in front of him.
Something intrinsic and intuitive, something he’d only ever felt twice before, when he’d met Carole and fell in love at first sight, and then when he had carried Bradley and realised he would give his life to see the infant in his arms happy. This kid, Goose knows, has no one in his corner- has had no one in his corner for a very, very long time. No one should get used to being lonely
It’s unhealthy, keeping it all silent and choosing to ignore it. In fact, it’s very much an Iceman trait- the guy’s got clear issues with his father and yet refuses to confront it, choosing to live in determined ignorance. If they ever meet, Goose thinks, Mav and Ice would be perfect for each other. Both awfully lonely, awfully tortured, awfully horrible at keeping a handle on their burgeoning truckload of traumas. “What I want to talk about is what she said.”
Like ?!!??!?!%##&&&%£#£££%£ ARGFCHCKXK???? + the mama goose content truly * chefs kiss * and the way mav calls him mother mama,,,,, I'm 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。 ilyyyyyy
About the ask game hmm one specific assumption I have of u ... Not really personal or specific but I assumed after 2 chapters that u luvvv angst and some good old fashioned hurt/comfort like me !!! If we're going personal tho I assume that ure probably overworked affff so honey ( even if my assumption is wrong ) I hope u have a good day / had a good day when u read this !!! May the muses forever inspire u and I'm sending hugs and kisses ur way !!!! Muahhh
hey!!! so sorry it took me so long to get to this I very rarely check my ask box so I missed it 😭😭😭🤚🏾 but THANK YEWWW SO MUCH IM GLAD YOU LOVED MAMA BEAR GOOSE AND ICEMAV BEING NARRATIVE PARALLELS and ice mama!! who is a Queen!!!
anyways thank you so so much I love YEW for sending me these comments it always makes my day 🥺🥺🥺 and as for the ask game LMFHSJSH I REALLY REVEALED MYSELF HUH,,,, yes I am unfortunately 100% addicted to angst and overworked. an evil combination
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sarahjane0886 · 7 years
Begin Again 12
Chapter 12
"Are you sure you're okay keeping Mav?" Sharna asked as she worked on curling her hair.
"Babe, yes, stop asking me that. He'll be fine. Maks is gonna come over and we're going to do we're going to take them to the park, then dinner and ice cream. He got a new movie. He'll help with bedtime and then once they are asleep, we'll tuck them in. Mav has the mattress in Lottie's room. And if anything happens we'll call you guys. Stop worrying, it's going to be okay."
"I know, I just....I want this to go good."
"And it will. You guys need this. It's going to be good. I promise." Peta said reaching forward and squeezing Sharna's hand.
"I hope, does this look alright?" Sharna said as she finally finished her hair. She turned to look at Peta for approval. Her and Noah were going on their first official date that evening and after, they were going to go back to his house for the night. Peta had said she'd keep Maverick for Noah so he and Sharna could focus on them and do whatever they wanted.
"Gorgeous, Noah is going to love it. Are you still wearing the black dress you picked out?" Peta asked. They had a girls day yesterday and went shopping and primping. It was one of the first times they took Lottie out to do it and she had loved it. Sharna had found a black dress that came to her knees and had a sheer lace overlay over the top. The lace was detailed beautifully. It was fitted through the body while the bottom flared out just slightly. She also had a white and gray one but Peta had picked the black one from the beginning.
"I think so. I gotta do my makeup and throw my bag together and then I'll decide for sure."
"Alright, you want me to stay or you want quiet time?" Peta asked. She knew that sometimes she wanted distraction and sometimes she needed to think.
"No, stay. I just. Yeah, stay. I'm almost done. He should be here in 20 right?" Sharna asked. Noah was picking her up around 4 since he wanted to take her to dinner a little ways out of town and have some fun before they returned to the house for some them time.
"Yeah, in about 20. What are you taking for pajamas?" Peta said with a wink.
"Good thinking, although I'll bet you don't need anything other than that dress."
"What, he's an attractive man. You're an attractive lady. That dress is smoking. Enjoy yourself. Have some fun."
"Oh my god, I should have sent you downstairs." Sharna said as her cheeks turned as red as her hair.
"I'm just teasing you. Here, give me your bag, go get dressed." Peta said taking the pile of stuff Sharna already had stacked on the bed. Sharna threw her the bag she was going to use which was actually Peta's and took the dress and headed into the bathroom. Peta packed while Sharna dressed.
"Well?" Sharna said finally appearing in the doorway. Peta turned around and her eyes got wide. "I mean I can wear the other one."
"No, no, no. Babe, you look stunning. Oh my goodness. The dress looked good in the store, but this, with your hair and your shoes. Babe, Noah is going to melt."
"Honestly, you think it's that good? Do you think I need a necklace?" Sharna said checking herself in the mirror. She was suddenly feeling very shy and indecisive. Two things she wasn't used to feeling.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Peta said looking at her best friend. There was something going on in her head and she could see it.
"I don't know, I just, I'm nervous. I want this to be perfect P. I've never been nervous like this before. It's not an oh my god, this might fall to pieces nervous, it's more of a giddy, excited, want this to work perfectly nervous." Sharna said as her hands started to fidget.
"Whoa babe. First breath. Second, i get it. It's actually how I felt when I first started dating Ollie. Everything was heightened. It'll settle. I promise. When you close your eyes, think about what you want out of this. I promise, it'll come to you." Peta said as she held Sharna's hands tightly in her own and squeezed. Sharna's eyes closed and she breathed deep a few times. She concentrated on what she wanted out of tonight and knew that Peta was right. It was different and that's why she was scared. It wasn't cause of Noah, it was becasue it was real.
"Better?" Peta asked after a few minutes.
"Yeah, thanks P."
"Anytime. Now the necklace. I think it could do either way, but it would be a nice touch. I have that kinda tight gold chain so it wouldn't lay on the lace, how about that?"
"Let's try it." Sharna said as she followed Peta to her room. She found the necklace quickly and hooked it on for her friend.
"I like it." Peta said moving so Sharna could see in the mirror.
"Me too." She said as the doorbell rang. Her eyes widened, making Peta laugh.
"Come on babe, let's go get your guy." Sharna nodded and followed Peta down the steps, Maks was working on letting Noah in while he held a giggling Lottie upside down.
"Hey man, the girls are, right here." He said as his eyes widened at Sharna's dress. Even he had to admit that she looked stunning.
"Hey, Shar, honey, you look beautiful." He stammered.
"Flowers." Maverick said as he interrupted the adults and made his way over to Sharna. He held a tiny boquet of daisies for his favorite lady.
"Aww, buddy, are these for me?"
"For my Sha-na." He said with a shy grin. Sharna accepted them and then scooped Maverick up to give him some hugs and kisses.
"Thank you Mav.  I love them."
"Ahem, well hopefully that means you'll love these too." Noah said as he moved to his son and Sharna. He held out a much larger boquet of flowers this time. It included roses, lilies, daisies.
"Noah." She said breathlessly at first. She smiled and went to take them but Maverick was glued to her.
"I can hold them." He said however he leaned close enough to put a simple kiss to her lips. "You do look stunning."
"Thank you." She said smiling happily.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yup. I am. Peta has my bag."
"Here Noah, I'll swap." Peta said taking the flowers from him as well as what she assumed was Maverick's bag while handing him Sharna's. She took Sharna's flowers from Maverick too.
"Alright buddy, are you going to be good for Miss Peta and Uncle Maks?" Noah asked. Maverick however had other ideas.
"No, no weave Sha-na." He said as he wrapped his arms around her neck tightly. Sharna bit her lip. She had been worried about this.
"Buddy, we are going to be back in the morning and remember tomorrow you, are coming with me and daddy for the whole day?" Sharna said as she rubbed his back gently. She swayed slowly.
"But I miss you." He said into her neck.
"I'll miss you too little man but how about when it's bedtime, Uncle Maks or Miss Peta calls us and we can tell you goodnight?"
"Pwomise?" He said almost so softly that she nearly missed it.
"I promise. Pinky." She said holding up her pinky for him and letting him link his with hers. He buried back into her neck for a minute as she cuddled him as well. Then she kissed his cheek before handing him over to Noah. Noah said goodbye to him as well, including the same promises that Sharna had along with a pinky promise as well. Then the two were off leaving, the kids and Maks and Peta alone.
"Okay, whose's ready for our adventure?" Peta asked as she saw Maverick's lip trembling.
"Venture?" He asked curious as Lottie held tight to her hand.
"Yup, we're going to go to a new park and play and have dinner." Maks said.
"It even has a pirate ship!" Peta added.
"Like Tink ship?" Lottie asked immediately. She had seen Peter Pan a few times however was slightly more enthralled with the sassy fairy than she was with the boys.
"Exactly. Just like Tinkerbell's ship."
"Tay, Mav we pay?" Lottie asked holding her hand out to her buddy. He still clung to Maks however still a bit upset that his dad and Sharna had honestly left him.
"It's okay buddy. We're actually going to drive to the park. So we have to go get in the car. And I think Uncle Maks said we might get ice cream later." Peta said as she scooped up Lottie. She caught the little boy's eyes light up as he looked at his uncle. Maks nodded making Maverick smile.
"We have everything already right?" Maks asked Peta.  They had attempted to get everything ready earlier in the day figuring that they may need a quick distraction for Maverick once his two favorite adults left.
"Yup, do you two need to go potty?" Peta said looking at her daughter knowingly. It never failed that as soon as they put her in the car, she'd need to use the bathroom.
"Uh huh." Maverick said as he rested on Maks. He was much calmer now however you could tell that he still wasn't too keen on the situation.
"Alright. That's okay. Little miss you need to go try though." Peta said taking her and headed towards the bathroom. Once she returned they got the kids settled in the car and headed out to the playground. It was about 20 minutes away and they let the kids pick the music which consisted mainly of songs from the latest Disney movies. Once they got there, they got the kids out.
"Whoa, this is much bigger than I remembered. There only used to be the pirate ship thing." Maks said as he helped Peta get both kids out of the car. There were 3 play sets at the park, one of them being the pirate ship set up. The other one was regular while the last one was set up like a castle with the slides coming out of the turrets.
"It is huge. Okay you two, you have to stay with us." Peta said slightly nervous at the space and number of families there.
"Right. you can't run off. We'll make sure you play with everything. You guys can take turns picking." Maks said looking at Peta. He could see her anxiety on her face and knew he was going to need to assist in keeping the kids together.
"What do you two want to do first?" Peta asked praying that they'd say the same thing.
"Ship!!" They both said pointing and she breathed a sigh of relief. They headed toward the ship. Maks stole the backpack from her that had a few water bottles and snacks just incase as well as other things. She tried to keep it but he waved her off easily as he slipped it on. They spent the next hour and a half letting the kids take turns picking activities. Finally it was dinner time.
"More wings!" Lottie fussed as they put the kids in the car.
"We'll come back miss. We'll bring Aunt Sharna and Mr. Noah okay?" Maks said as he buckled her in, making sure that her straps were tight before moving to Maverick.
"Noo." She said as she started to cry. Maverick looked at her and held his hand out to her but she wouldn't take it.
"It's okay buddy. That was sweet of you though. She's just a little sad." Maks explained at the hurt look on Maverick's face.
"Kay." He said softly, grinning as Maks tickled him lightly.
"She's hungry. I think. Or I hope." Peta said as she looked at her daughter who was still sobbing quietly as she reached for the park.
"Me too. We still doing the chicken place for dinner?" Maks asked as he started towards what they had already agreed on.
"Yeah, they both like the chicken so that's easy. And there's that ice cream place beside it."
"Aksssss. Need you." Lottie whimpered from the backseat.
"In a minute sugar. We're almost there." Maks said as he finally caught her eye in the rearview. Peta watched the exchange with a twinge of guilt but relief at the same time. She checked on Maverick who was quietly watching out the window. They finally made it to dinner and Peta let Maks get Lottie while she got Maverick.
"Lottie sad?" Mav asked Peta once she had him in her arms.
"She is. I think she's a little cranky since she's hungry and ready for dinner." Peta said with a wink.
"Unca Maks fix it?" Maverick asked Peta as he watched Maks cuddle Lottie into him. She started to settle once she was in the man's arms.
"It looks like he is." Peta said softly.
"Lottie love Unca Maks?
"She does buddy she does. Just like you love Uncle Maks." She said ruffling his hair before setting him down to walk next to her. The group headed in and they ordered before finding a booth. Lottie refused to leave Maks so Maverick hung out with Peta. He was a bit skeptical at first since he hadn't spent too much time with her since he was always with Sharna whenever he could be. Once they ate, Lottie was a little calmer however Maks did tell Peta she felt warm.
"I hope she's not getting sick." Peta said with a look. She started work next week and Lottie started daycare as well. Peta couldn't send her to daycare sick.
"I hope not too. Do you need to give her anything?"
"Not yet, I'll see how she is at bedtime. She was upset and everything and has stayed tucked into you. Not likely that it's that but I hate giving her things if she doesn't need it."
"Right, I understand. Do you want to skip ice cream and just head home?"
"They are not going to forget ice cream. I think it's fine. We'll just get them home and get them in jammies and do a movie right away if that's okay with you. I know you have Louis and everything so if you need to go to him you can."
"No, it's fine. I had Louis out all morning with Lottie while I  kept her for you. I told you I'd help you tonight. I'm all yours. Err, I mean...you know what I meant." Maks said trying to fix his slip.
"I know. I just I don't want to take you away from anything." She said with a shrug.
"You're not. Let me help, okay?" He said not sure where the sudden bout of stubbornness had come from on Peta's part.
"Okay." She nodded before looting at the kids. "Who's ready for ice cream?"
"Meeee!" They both yelled excitedly. Peta winked at Maks as they gathered the kids and headed to the ice cream shop next door. A half hour later, they were taking two sticky little kids out to the car.
"Looks like we're having bath time before movie time." Peta said with a grin.
"I'd say so." Maks said laughing. He did his best to buckle the kids in without ending up covered as well but it was kind of a lost cause. They headed to Peta's and got the kids ready for bed before settling on the couch to watch a movie. Maverick curled up next to his uncle which set Lottie off almost immediately.
"Nooooo." She wailed from the middle of the living room as she realized Maverick was with Maks.
"What's wrong baby?" Peta said moving to pick her up. She threw herself on the floor however instead and began to scream.
"No. No. No. No." She yelled again and again.
"Baby, Momma can't fix it unless you tell me what's wrong?" Peta said sitting next to her.
"Want Aks....." She finally wailed and Peta put her head back nearly laughing.
"Sweetheart, is that why you're crying?"
"Mav sit aks. Lottie want Aks." She whimpered sadly.
"Baby, you both can sit with Maks. I think Maverick will share, right Mav?" Peta said looking at him.
"I shares Unca Maks with yous Lottie. Come here." He called her. She looked for a second and Peta thought for sure she was going to lose it again at having to share Maks but she went for the two instead. Maks pulled her up and helped her get situated.
"She's still hot." He said softly to Peta.
"I'm gonna go grab Tylenol. I mean I know she's been glued to you lately but that was a bit out of the ordinary for her. Tired or not."
"Okay. I mean maybe it's just teething?" Maks asked with a shrug. He knew and loved Maverick but didn't know what the different ailments could be for the little ones.
"Let's hope. I can't send her to daycare for the first day, sick." She said standing up and walking away. She brought the medicine back and gave it to Lottie. They started the movie and Lottie fell asleep pretty quickly. Maverick however shifted over to Peta and made it to nearly the end of the movie before falling asleep as well.
"Someone forgot about calling Sharna and Daddy." Maks said as they made their way back down the stairwell after tucking the kids in.
"That he did. I'm gonna text them real quick and just let them know he's alright. Irony is Shar will probably worry more than Noah."
"You're not kidding. It's the "new" thing." Maks said air quoting the word new. Peta knew exactly what he meant. Ever since Sharna and Noah had decided they were going to try this thing out, Sharna had developed this extreme mother sense for Maverick. It was adorable at times but you could also tell it was more intense than usual.
"Oh you're right. Are you staying for awhile? Or you leaving me?" Peta asked as she laid her phone down. She had snapped a picture of Mav snuggled into her before they had taken them up which was what she sent Sharna and Noah letting them know that he was safe and happy.
"That's up to you. I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with." Maks said. He wanted to spend time with her but he also didn't want to be pushy and hurt her in the process.
"Stay. Do you wine? I was going to have a glass." She asked moving to the kitchen.
"I wine, I'll wine with you." He followed her. She handed him the wine and opener while she pulled down two glasses. He served them and then she lead them back into the living room. Tye both settled on the sofa, she on one end and him on the other.
"I know you're going to say to be quiet but thank you for being you with Lottie. I still feel guilty when it comes down to it but I do appreciate it. I know she misses Ollie and misses having that dad figure."
"Well it's not necessary but you're welcome. She makes it easy. She's a sweetheart. You can tell she's had a lot of love and support in her life. I think despite the fact that she's lost that, she's going to be a great kid and she has you to thank for that."
"I can't say I agree but I appreciate the idea. But I feel like you know all this stuff about us because of everything. I want to know more about you. Tell me a Maks story. Tell me about your family." She said as she curled into her end of the sofa.
"What about?" He asked looking at her with a grin.
"I don't know. You pick. Something happy." She said curling her legs under her as well.  
"Alright. Hmm, I don't think I've really talked to you about my brother much have I?"
"Umm, you really only have told me about the studio and that your momma would punish you if you didn't treat a lady right. I don't even know that I knew you had a brother." Peta said was a grin.
"Okay, well that's what we'll go with. There's 6 years between us so it's always been quite the relationship. We shared a bedroom and bunk bed clear up until I was 21. Then I moved out only to start helping with a different studio."
"Wow, so you two are pretty close then?"
"Very. It's been awhile since I've seen him actually. I need to get him to get his butt down here." Maks said.
"Yes you do. Or go to him. What's his name?"
"But we call him Val usually. Momma is the only one who says Valentin and that means he's in trouble." Maks said laughing. He paused for a few moments before launching into a story about when Val and him were younger and they had gotten into a mess of trouble. The two were giggling ridiculously by the end of the story. Peta then began to tell a story about her and her brother, Sam, who was still in Australia. Her story was interrupted by a huge crash of thunder.
"Shit, Lottie." Peta said bouncing up. Lottie was full out terrified of thunderstorms. She would panic and shake relentlessly whenever one went down so Peta knew this wasn't going to go over well.
"What?" Maks asked jumping up with her. They were both met with a shrill shriek. Peta took off up the steps with Maks right behind her. By the time he made it to the bedroom, Peta already had Lottie up in her arms swaying her trying to calm her however the little one was having none of it. She wasn't hysterical, Maks could see she was just terrified. Maverick had woken up in the process as well, looking confused as ever and worried about Lottie.
"Unca Aks?" He whispered holding his arms up to his Uncle.
"Come here buddy, it looks like Lottie is afraid of the storm. You think we can help her feel better?" Maks said as Maverick rested his head on his shoulder. While Maverick wasn't terrified of storms he wasn't fond of them either. Maks figured distracting him was the safest best. He nodded his head so Maks moved over to the two ladies.
"It's okay baby, it's just the big booms remember?" Peta said as she swayed slowly rubbing Lottie's back in unison.
"No like, no like, no like." Lottie said miserably. She yelped as another clap echoed through the house a long with a burst of lightening.
"I know sweetheart, I know. You're safe though. Look you have momma, Maverick, and Mr. Maks." Peta said as she tried to settle her some.
"Aks. Keep Lottie safe." Lottie said picking her head up as the tears continued to fall. "And momma, and mav."
"I'm right here miss. You're safe. I promise. We're all safe."
"Hold hers." Lottie said reaching for him.
"Okay, come here baby." Maks said catching her easily. He shifted Maverick slightly guessing he wasn't going to go to Peta at the moment. Lottie buried into his neck but held her hand out for Peta as well.
"Momma, hand." She whimpered as her body shook against Maks.
"I'm right here love. We're all right here." Peta said letting her take her hand. Maverick ended up reaching across Maks and putting his hand on Lottie too. The 4 stood there for awhile as the booms and flashes continued to fill the room.
"It has to stop soon." Maks said looking at Peta.
"She's not going to settle even then. She's going to be glued to one of us for the night." Peta said knowingly. Maks nodded, not necessarily minding but trying to figure out how they were going to work this. He remembered something that he used to do with Val when they were younger and wondered if that would help.
"Do you have extra blankets? Like sheets and that?"
"Umm, yeah. I have a few extra pairs, why?"
"How would you two like to build a fort? We can camp in the living room, that way we all stay together?" Maks asked the two little ones.
"Tent?" Maverick asked knowingly from when Noah and Maks had taken him camping.
"Like a tent buddy."
"K." He nodded his head in agreement. Lottie however just buried further into Maks.
"Mav, can you go with Miss Peta and help her get the blankets? Lottie and I will get pillows and meet you in the living room. P, do you have flashlights?" He asked.
"Yeah, we can grab them too. They are actually in the kitchen. If you wanna grab the pillows out of mine and Sharna's rooms you can. Okay Mav, you ready to help?" Peta said leaning forward to take Maverick. He went with her willingly.
"Okay Miss Lottie, let's get some pillows for us. You want to camp out with me and Momma and Maverick?"
"You no go way." She said as her grip on his neck tightened. He paused his motions for a moment holding her tightly.
"I'm not going anywhere baby. I promise." Maks said pressing a kiss to her head.
"K. Lily and blankie." She pointed. The two lovies had gotten lost in her panic and were laying in her crib.
"Here you go. You hold them tight, okay?" Maks said handing them to her. Then he gathered a few of the pillows in her room, tossing them down the stairs before grabbing another batch from the guest room Sharna was staying in, followed by Peta's as well. He headed down with Lottie and started fixing the furniture so that they could make the fort. Peta and Maverick came in soon after and helped as well. Once everything was arranged they covered the furniture and chucked the pillows under makeshift tent.
"Go ahead buddy." Peta said as Maverick let her put him down and crawled in. She went after him followed by Maks and Lottie who still refused to release her grip on Maks. The storm had stopped by then however her shaking had not.
"Lottie, can you?" Maks said as he tried to get them situated. She tightened her hold on him however and he nearly laughed.
"That's a no." Peta said as she helped Maverick get snuggled into a blanket with his pillow.
"Momma" Lottie mumbled.
"I'm right here baby, I'm tucking in Maverick." Peta said as she got him all settled.
"Hold Lottie too, peas." She said sadly as she held her hand out. Peta looked between Maks and Maverick who was holding Peta's hand as well.
"Umm, Lottie, Momma..."
"Need hers too." Lottie fussed as her eyes filled with tears again.
"Okay, okay baby, I'm coming." Peta said. "I'm assuming you're keeping her for now?"
"Yeah, no use working her up, I'm fine." Maks said.
"Okay, can you get situated and then I'll just...well I'll have to lay next to you. And I'll just bring Maverick with me." Peta said as she surveyed their situation. They were already in tight corners as it was but this was tricky.
"You okay with that?" Maks asked as she shifted down keeping Lottie on him the whole time.
"I have to be. She's going to lose it. And she's not old enough that I can explain it." Peta said as she laid next to Maks before bringing Maverick over. He was basically half asleep so he barely noticed.
"Right." Maks said. Peta kept an eye on Maverick for a second until she was sure he was out before laying on her side facing Maks. Lottie was tucked into his chest with Lily and Blankie in her arms as she gripped Maks's shirt. She held her hand out for Peta who took it. this meant that Peta was resting almost near Maks's shoulder with her hand laying above his heart.
"Close your eyes lovebug. We're all right here." Peta said as she saw Lottie's eyes begin to close. Maks started to rub her back and it wasn't soon before she was out as well.
"You okay?" Maks asked looking at Peta.
"Yeah, I just don't like that I can't fix it when she's scared like that. However she's not really old enough to understand the words to explain it." She said as she shifted around trying to get comfortable.
"You're right. This is all you can do though, let her see she's honestly safe when it happens."
"Yeah." Peta said with a yawn.
"I guess we should try to sleep. There's no telling that there won't be another one." He said with a sigh.
"You're okay with her?" Peta asked.
"Yeah, she's fine."
"Okay." She shifted around a few more times trying to settle and sleep but all of a sudden it was like every bone in her body was pressing into the floor and she couldn't get comfortable. Maks watched her for quite some time trying to decide what to do before he finally decided he was going to do it.
"Come here." He said softly.
"What?" She said alarmed.
"Come here." He said again holding his arm out.
"Maks...." She said as she leaned up and looked at him.
"Nothing fancy, nothing else, just you need to sleep and clearly that's not happening now. If you get over here and it's not okay, we'll figure something else out."
"K." She said before sliding over to him. She rested her head on his shoulder as her arm came up to rest around Lottie. He wrapped his arm around her and settled it on her hip. He waited a few more moments before saying anything.
"You okay?"
"Okay, goodnight Peta."
"Goodnight Maks." She said. It still took a little bit it wasn't long before sleep won and she drifted off to dreamland along with the other three.
**That's a wrap. Guess who's back! Maybe not permanently or well consistently but a lot of things have settled in life. Some changes may be coming that have been long anticipated and honestly needed. So as long as things continue to progress well, I'll have writing time again. I can't say there will be a schedule or that I'll update once a week but I'll try to not leave you guys again.
Thank you for sticking this out with me. I hope you enjoy this one! Don't forget to like it and let me know what you thought. Love you all!  
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