#maverick answers
101maverick · 15 days
hey i saw your requests are open and i was wondering if maybe you could write smth hurt/comfort with jason please? like they had a big fight and then they make up after something happens🙌🏻
A/n: okok srry if it took me a few days but school and other projects are kicking my butt, hope you enjoy!! I decided to use your request to study Jason from a more ak! Point of view if that makes sense? I haven’t consumed the media but i’ve read some really beautiful works with him and hope it makes him justice :)
Word count: 1206 words
Execution At Sundown
Jason was at your place, sitting on the side of the couch with your tv remote by his side, cup of soda in his hand.
He still hadn’t shown you his face even after months of dating, and even though it stung you understood that it was a huge show of trust on his part, so if he was content sipping his soda from a straw that went under his mask you wouldn’t say anything about it and keep your feelings to yourself.
Everything had been going fine, you had just been hanging out while watching a movie.
It all hit the fan when you decided to go get another soda, rising up from the couch and padding down the hallway to the kitchen to fetch the drink.
After retrieving your drink you made your way back, and as the couch came into view you saw that Jason was now engrossed with something on his phone.
You didn’t think too much about it, just eyed the now empty soda resting in his left hand. On a whim, you walked up to his side of the couch and leaned over, going to grab his empty cup to replenish it.
Before you could do much more than make contact with the clothed skin of Jason’s shoulder though you found yourself being slammed back, loosing your balance and falling on your behind.
Jason reacted out of instinct.
One second he was relatively relaxed on his girlfriend’s couch, looking at a map of his territory for anything suspicious that might be going on, and the next there was a pressure on his shoulder, somebody leaning in and- “Why don’t you scream a bit for me, Todd?” and then there was pain-
He grabbed the body pressing in on him and pushed, slamming his attacker back and watching, half-standing and with his torso turned in a way that pulled at the knotted skin marring every inch of him, and even if the assailant was on the ground they still hurt him, that damned clown still dug his claws in and he always screamed but nobody heard him and-
Oh. It’s you.
It’s you, who had wormed his way into his heart in a matter of months.
It’s you, who had caressed the mangled skin of his hands and said “That’s okay” in response to the proof of him having been broken and put together crooked and wrong. As if it really was.
It’s you, legs sprawled on the floor with a bewildered expression on your face, wide eyes staring up at him in shock.
Jason stares back at you, his own features turned to stone under the mask as he feels his throat close up.
He had hurt you. He had thrown you to the ground. Guess the apple never falls far from the tree then, uh? Guess he was just like Willis after all, smacking around anyone without the ability to control his feelings. A rabid animal.
An animal. A pet. That’s what the Joker used to call him. What the Joker still calls him every day, in his wretched mind. A mindless thing, twisted and contorted to be ready to bend at his master’s will, and the fact he didn’t have one here anymore didn’t mean he was suddenly upgraded to ‘human’, did it? He was still incapable of controlling himself, succumbing to the green just like Willis had to the bottle. Not even capable of recognising his girlfriend the only person who had accepted his crooked form and chipped edges, throwing her around simply because even gentle and casual touches were ruined for him by that forsaken clown-
The world comes back into focus, his eyes zero in on the spot of the wall he had been staring at in his haze and then shift down to you, now seated more comfortably on the ground. You haven’t moved, you haven’t come closer to him.
You’re scared of him.
Jason feels his throat constrict, and he punches the words out around the lump forming in his throat. “I- I didn’t- you were- sorry- I-”
Gosh he’s such a mess, can’t even explain to you how pathetic he is, how he still lets a fucking clown torture him with his mere shadow, and now you will realise the honeyed touches are not made for him, not anymore, maybe they never were, or else someone would’ve come-
Now you will realise that all those jagged edges are places you could cut yourself on. Now you will realise a rabid dog like him just needs to be put down for good.
He stutters out a last sentence for you, spits it out on your clean parquet, and even that feels too much like dirtying your sanctuary for his liking. “I- sorry, I’ll- I’ll go-” and he’s not even finishing his sentence before he’s stalking towards your apartment’s door, steps as sure as he can make them as he walks away from the only hands who had held him oh so gently, only like Catherine ever had, his mom, and he wills his legs to keep moving or else he won’t make it out of here for good-
“Don’t leave, please.”
Your voice is quiet, quiet as it breaks his heart and his resolve.
Because Jason has never been strong, and the little crack he can hear coming from his heart hurts but so does the knowledge he’s too weak to keep going the last few steps to your door, the few steps that’ll lead him back to how it was before and you back to a life of safety, free of the burden that is Jason Todd.
He turns around. You’re leaning in the doorway to the living room, staring at him on the other side of the hallway.
Your stance is relaxed. You aren’t holding yourself like you’re hurt. Your eyes are wide, and sad, but they’re not wary.
With his attention on you, you speak again. Your voice is soft, and now also kinda trembly. “I know I don’t know even the start of the story, but I know you have one and it’s the reason things like this sometimes happen.” Your eyes stare into the white lenses of the mask, desperately searching for his gaze under it. “I’m not gonna say it’s okay, because it isn’t.”
There it is. The proof he fucked it up, like is his design.
“It’s not okay,” you continue, startling him. He was getting lost again. He waits for the axe. “because something or someone hurt you, and you still suffer from it.”
He looks at you. Jason looks in your eyes, and gets the feeling you know he’s returning your gaze.
“I want to help you, Jace. Any way I can. Any way you let me. Because I know that when things aren’t okay, sometimes all you need is someone there with you to help you make it so.”
Your voice was sure through it all, but now it falters a bit. “So, so if you want, I could be by your side. If that’s how you’ll let me help. So, so don’t leave.”
His eyes don’t wander away from you.
And as he gazes into your eyes, glinting with the light from the tv bathing your side in neons, he knows that he never could.
The axe doesn’t fall.
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collapseqz · 8 months
MAVERICK top three people you want to plant a fat, wet kiss on?
"I'd plant a fat, wet kiss on Sasha, Diego, and Theo."
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yeagrave · 2 months
Hey! So for your art block reqs. I have this idea of Bradley and Phoenix at the gym and they're working out, weight lifting or whatever, while hangman and Bob/coyote (pick your poison) live slug react but in a horny way yk? Hope that made sense lol
Ps love your art 💚
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Phoenix loves to torture them
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
Can I request a fic with Jake? I was thinking about something where he stands up for the reader when they come over to a family dinner or something like that and her relatives all just keep criticizing her and being mean and she is used to it but Jake won't stand for it and defends her?
Thank you so much either way, I love your fanfics!!!
hi nonnie!!! thank you so much for your sweet words - I hope you like it! and thank you so much to @natrace for beta reading this for me!!
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You smoothed your dress over for the dozenth time since parking the car as you waited for the exact right moment to enter the restaurant, swaying uncomfortably from side to side at the way the fabric clung to your calves. “If I smoke really quickly do you think they’ll smell it on me?” you asked Jake who was standing next to you and looking like you’d grown an extra head with how neurotic you’d been acting all day.
“You smoke?” he asked incredulously, and you smiled sheepishly.
“Sometimes, under duress,” you replied, fishing in your purse. 
“You are not under duress, it’s just your family,” he said, grabbing your hands.
“Uranium mission was less stressful than this,” you muttered and he just laughed, tugging you along to walk inside. You were led back to a semi-private area where your mother and father sat who greeted the two of you with tight smiles and one-shouldered hugs.
“It’s nice to see you,” you said, smiling at Jake who pulled your seat out for you. 
“Lieutenants,” your father said, taking a sip of his scotch. “Lucky we were able to catch you while we’re in town.”
“Yes sir, very lucky,” you agreed, reaching for the glass of water on the table. 
“I hear you’ve been doing good out there at Top Gun,” he said to Jake, “how’s Maverick been treating you?”
“Maverick has been great, sir, it’s been an honor teaching alongside him.” he answered and you took a deep breath, dreading the moment he turned his attention to you. 
“It’s nice you’re also back at Top Gun, I was surprised they’d recalled you for that mission at all,” he said and you bit your lip. “Do you feel like you’re learning anything new?”
“Well, there’s always something new to learn, dad, but I am an instructor as well,” you pointed out and he just nodded halfheartedly. 
“That’s a lovely dress, dear,” your mom interjected, trying to grab your attention.
“Oh uh, thank you… I think you got it for me a few years ago, haven’t really had time to do any shopping recently,” you said and she nodded.
“I can pick up a few more things for you when we arrive home and ship them out if you’d like,” she offered and you smiled.
“That’s okay, mom, you don’t have to do that,” really you hoped she wouldn’t.
“It’s no trouble,” she said and you gave a bright smile to the waitress who came to take your drink orders and you watched as your mom was pleased with you not ordering a cocktail and instead ordering a sparkling water. 
“I’ll be right back, need to powder my nose,” you said, not entirely sure what you even meant by that but you hurried down the hallway and flagged down your waitress. “Can I ask you to do me the biggest favor?” you asked and she smiled knowingly.
“Vodka or tequila?” she said and you flushed, “not the first tense family dinner I’ve served.”
“Tequila, you are an angel… thank you so much, you can just slip me a separate tab for the drinks,” you said before heading back to the table where your father was continuing to fawn over Jake. You didn’t mind, not at all… Jake was a great pilot and though his ego rarely ever fit through the door, he did deserve to be told how great he was but you did hope that every once in a while he would acknowledge you as well, but tonight did not seem to be that night.
“You should be spending more time in the air with Jake, you’re lucky to have him on your squad, there’s a lot he can teach you,” he said and you bit your lip as you looked at Jake.
“Well, sir, I actually feel like I learn more from her than she ever could from me,” he said and you smiled softly but you knew your dad wouldn’t accept it.
“She’s unfocused, you being here tonight proves just that… Top Gun isn’t a matchmaking academy but she turned it into one nonetheless.” 
“Well, either way it’s lovely you two found each other,” your mother said, “honey, have you given any more thought to taking a more permanent teaching position?”
“I wasn’t aware that was something I was thinking about,” you replied.
“Oh, I just assumed with the two of you getting together you were finally starting to think about settling down and starting a family,” she shrugged, as if that was the most nonchalant thing ever and Jake reassuringly rubbed your knee under the table.
“That’s not really our priority right now,” you said. 
“Maybe it should be,” your father said gruffly, “being a pilot doesn’t seem to be your strong suit.” Jake went to respond but you just knocked your knee against his and softly shook your head. 
“Besides… I’m sure it’s crossed Jake’s mind once or twice, are you sure you’d be able to withstand the demands of being a wife and mother while being in the Navy?” your mom added and you choked on your drink.
“Excuse me?” you asked, looking at her wide eyed.
“Mind your manners,” she whispered, “I just mean that you’re not getting any younger, dear, and Jake is a good man with a very promising Navy career ahead of him… you’d be smart to start thinking about this now before you lose him,” she finished.
“I haven’t actually,” Jake interjected and you all turned to look at him, “thought about starting a family. We’re not quite there yet, but the two of us will talk about it when the time comes,” he said. “I’m not interested in making her a wife until she’s ready.” 
“You should do it soon, promotions are going to start coming your way Lieutenant, wait too long and you won’t have the time.” your dad said and you suddenly felt like cattle being sold for auction. “And while she has the opportunity to leave the Navy gracefully.” 
“I’d be willing to wager she gets promoted before I do, sir,” Jake said and your dad just shook his head.
“It’s a good thing you’re a better pilot than you are a betting man, son.” 
“If you take a step back from active duty it will give you more time to plan the wedding too, dear… we could have it back home at the country club,” your mom said and you scoffed.
“Are you two even listening to us?” 
“Watch your tone,” your father said and you shook your head in disbelief. “You’re lucky this is all this conversation is with how you’ve tarnished our family name.” 
“Okay, that is enough,” Jake said suddenly, losing his grip on his patience. “You should know that your daughter is better than anyone in our squad and we all know it, we’re all competing for second best because none of us have a shot in hell at taking first with her around.”
“You might want to watch yourself, son,” your father warned.
“I’m not your son. And when your daughter feels ready for me to propose you can bet your ass I’ll do so at the first chance I get, but not a moment sooner because she is not just a potential wife or potential mother to my children for me… she is my partner and should we make any decisions about our future we will be sure to let you know… otherwise, sweetheart, I actually think we double booked ourselves.” he said, standing up and tugging you with him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” your mom asked, looking up at you in shock.
“Right now? Oh, right now I’m going to go get drunk with my friends, thank you for a lovely evening,” you said, tossing your napkin onto the table and walking out of the restaurant with Jake. “Hard Deck is only a five minute walk from here?” you suggested and he nodded, laughing as you took your heels off and let them dangle from your fingers. “Thank you for doing that, standing up to them was incredibly hot of you,” you said.
“Wasn’t going to let them talk about you like that, your dad is insane for not being proud of you… I know I am,” he said, looping his arm around your waist as you walked along the beach towards the bar. 
“I love you, you know that?” you asked and he just nodded, leading you through the front door of the Hard Deck and flipping off your friends as they whistled at your appearances. “Hey Pen, I’m going to need a lot of tequila,” you said, graciously accepting the two shot glasses she set before you. 
“To us and our country club wedding and lots and lots of babies,” he joked, clinking your glasses together as you laughed and downed the shot.
“Wait, what? What babies?” Rooster asked as he approached and you just shook your head as you ordered another round. 
“Come on, I wanna kick your ass at pool,” you said, dragging Jake behind you and giggling as he spun you around and enveloped you in a kiss. 
“I really am so proud of you, you know…” he said and you nodded, leaning up to kiss him again. 
“I know, and I love you so much.”
“I love you too…”
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enthyrea · 1 year
hangster kiss pls
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they r smooching!!!!
i refuse to draw bradley in anything other than that hawaiian shirt🐛
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glcnpowell · 7 months
something something Rooster and Mav landing back on deck and Rooster’s calling out to him as “Captain Mitchell, Captain Mitchell!”
(casual reminder that Hondo is the only one in the film up to this point to refer to Mav as captain in a positive way)
and when Rooster has Mav’s attention, he’s still staying professional by calling him “Sir….”
(even though he yelled Mav! when Maverick was shot down, he’s back to trying to be respectful of that distance, knows that it can’t just be as simple as nearly dying for each other)
And then Mav just fully says fuck that to rank and professionalism and decorum, makes it clear that it is that simple, and pulls his kid in for a hug
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dckweed · 7 months
below you'll find a master list of my collective series of works on tumblr. currently, i'm only adding those that are specifically a series because those are the most that i get messages about and i have alot of singular posts and it would be too time consuming currently to go through and add them!
⤷ TOP GUN: MAVERICK (open for requests)
⤿ Jake 'hangman' Seresin
Sugar Sweet: one, two, three,
Babygirl: one, two, three, four, five, six, seve, eight, (this series is also open for request!)
⤿ Bradley 'rooster' Bradshaw
⤿ Robert 'bob' Floyd
THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six,
⤿ Pete 'maverick' Mitchell
⤷ STRANGER THINGS (currently closed for requests while i catch up)
⤿ Steve Harrington
love grows: one, two
⤿ Billy Hargrove
I feel so stupid: one, two, three
Not parent friendly: one, two, three, four
⤿ Gator Tillman
THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
TNTYK BLURBS: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
⤿ General Hux
what was i made for?: taglist, one, two, three, four, five, six
⤿ Benedict Bridgerton
tormented tragedy: taglist, one, two, three, four
⤿ Elijah Mikaelson
Devilish Delights: one, two
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bradshawssugarbaby · 3 months
Happy 500!! How about "going on a long walk" with Bob?
thank you babe! Of course!! I took a little creative freedom with this one, but I think Bob's a hiking kinda guy, and I definitely think he'd carry you home if you got too tired.
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"How much further is it? My feet hurt," you pouted as you looked ahead to Bob.
It had been his idea to take you for a hike on his day off - an idea you agreed to enthusiastically at first, excited for the quality alone time with him and the chance to spend a day doing something he loved for a change, given all the times he'd agreed to come along with you for concerts, baseball games and shopping trips, despite him not being completely interested. He always tried his best to be supportive of what you loved, and you just wanted to do the same for him.
That was, of course, until his idea involved a hike along the Mission Trails park course. Advertised as a 30 minute hike, which seemed doable to you at the time, the hike was much more intense than you had planned for. Bob was patient with you, stopping frequently when you needed it, pausing to make sure you stayed hydrated and encouraging and praising you when you made it another five minutes in.
"We're almost back to the car, sweetheart. It's maybe another fifteen minutes. Do you think you can make it?" He coached, laughing softly as he watched you down the rest of your water.
"Maybe I can crawl back?"
"Want me to carry you?"
"You're going to carry me...for a fifteen minute hike?"
"For as long as I can, anyways. I'm strong, baby, don't worry."
"I'm more worried about you having some kind of asthma attack or something from the heat and the extra strain of carrying me."
"I meant like a piggyback, honey. Did you think I was going to carry you bridal style the whole way?"
Bob chuckled heartily and shook his head.
"Now, honey, I love you, but my back is much stronger than my arms. My arms might give out carrying a small child that way for that long."
Bob took his baseball cap off and brushed his sand-coloured hair back off his forehead before replacing the hat. He pushed up his sunglasses and squatted slightly for you, just enough for you to be able to hop onto his back with ease.
"I gotcha, babe. Comfy?" He laughed as he shifted your weight, holding onto your legs tightly as you wrapped your arms around him securely.
"Perfect," you nodded as you nestled into him, giggling as you felt Bob start walking along the trail once again with you on his back.
-> join my 500 follower celebration here ☀️
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indig0-constellations · 3 months
I like to think that after Ice died, Mav kept his shoes by the front door so that when he gets home after work and takes his shoes off it’s like Ice is still there in the house waiting for him to come home
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101maverick · 15 days
Hello! My name is Maverick, I’m a 🧍‍♀️ gorl 🧍‍♀️ and I’m very happy to be alive and able to share the experience with you all!😛 Requests are open!!!
📸About Me📸
I’m Christian and absolutely love apologetics and the study of scripture in general, so if anyone ever wants to have conversations ab it or if you have questions ab Christianity in general send me an ask and i'll be more than happy to answer!!
I like writing poetry and fanworks sometimes, and when I do I like sharing it here with you guys.
Other interests of mine are Architecture and reading, and I also really love photography! I’m hoping to get a camera as soon as possible :)
Here is my masterlist! This is where i keep links to all my works posted here: poetry, fan fiction, oneshots, aus, requests, headcanons, everything pf the sort!
🏷️Maverick’s Tags🏷️
These tags are used to organise content on my blog! Here they are:
#maverick’s top tier list: this is for works i read on here or recommendations i post for the best works I have personally read! They range from silly goofy stuff that makes me laugh to more serious pieces.
#maverick’s tbr list: this is for works I find here that I plan on reading/ am in the middle of reading, so I can keep tabs on them and you can find something interesting to read!
#maverick’s prompt fill: this is for those posts where I fill the prompts you send me in the request inbox! The answers can be oneshots, headcanons, considerations and the like.
#maverick’s news: this is for the posts in which I talk about myself/my life, such as personal experiences and little anecdotes or facts about me.
#maverick answers: this is for whenever I answer an ask, no matter the kind.
#maverick’s tag list: this is a tag for you guys to use! Just reblog my works with this tag and I’ll tag you whenever the story you used the tag for updates/ whenever I post any of my works!
🩷Have Fun On My Blog And A Blessed Day Wherever You Are!!!🩷
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collapseqz · 8 months
Maverick, I'm really lacking protein right now. Can you help?
"I always get my meat from Sebastian, I can put in a good word for you?"
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paxdracona · 4 months
hello happy valentine's day <3
Helloooo, happy valentine's day ♡♡ have 1 scribbly lovesick Mav and a Very Cool Iceman
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
I'm in the mood for something angsty... would you write something where Jake's partner is hospitalized for some reason? Feel free to explore it any way you want, I'm sure it'll be great!
this gave me the perfect opportunity to rework something I'd set aside for Jake and Cobra if any of you are readers of real friends :) (this was orig going to be how they confessed their feelings hehe)
add yourself to my taglist
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“Break right, Phoenix, break right!” You yelled in your cockpit as you and members of your squad were engaged in a training mission… one rooted in showing a new class of Top Gun recruits what teamwork sounds like in the air but you were all having an off day. She broke right but a second too late, almost clipping into Jake who whizzed past her.
“Phoenix, what the fuck?” He shouted, temporarily wavering in the air before recovering,
“Sorry, sorry.” She mumbled and you sighed.
“Everyone on the ground, now.” You ordered. You weren't sure you had the authority to do that, but everyone was off their game and you figured it was the best thing to do to avoid disaster. As you began to descend a flock of birds came out of nowhere and you cursed as you tried to fly around them.
“Birdstrike,” you said, “right engine on fire, climbing, throttling back. Shutting off fuel to right engine, extinguishing fire,” you said, narrating everything you were doing to keep ATC informed.
“What’s going on?” you heard Bob in your ear and you ignored it as you focused on the task at hand.
“Fuck,” you said as alarms rang throughout the cockpit, “left engine is out, trying to restart.” Your chest felt tight as you furiously pressed buttons, “throttling up.”
“You’re on fire!” Phoenix shouted in your ears.
“Extinguishing left engine,” you said and you felt a sinking feeling as more warning lights popped up. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you muttered.
“Punch out.” You heard Jake in your ears and you shook your head though no one could see you. In his own jet he was hovering idly, watching as yours spun wildly out of control and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest.
“God damn it, just- give me a minute,” you yelled, but all of your hail mary’s were coming up short, “hydraulic failure,” you said as you pulled up.
“Damn it, you can’t save it, punch out,” you heard him again, not even attempting to hide the panic in his voice that mirrored your own that was radiating throughout your body. Your jet started to veer off, starting a spiral directly for the bluffs ahead of you as everything became unresponsive. 
“Lost all controls, trying-”
“Eject now,” Phoenix yelled and you exhaled sharply, looking at the rapidly approaching hillside.
“Fuck, ejecting, ejecting!” you shouted, pulling up on the loops between your feet and gasping as the wind was knocked out of you. You desperately tried to get in a breath of air as you pulled your parachute cord but it was futile with a rather ungraceful collision with the ground below. You heard the sounds of a rescue chopper before you could even finish detangling yourself from all of your gear and once you were free you took a deep breath and counted to ten, naming things you could see out loud to ground you, needing to come down from the adrenaline high to properly assess if you’d been hurt or not.
“Trees, rocks, smoke from my damn jet, clouds in the sky…” you breathed, feeling the adrenaline coursing through your veins begin to subside. As you began to calm down you stretched out your muscles, bouncing your weight between each foot and decided you were unharmed, spare a gash on your forehead that was oozing blood faster than you would have liked. You dug around in your pack, grabbing a pack of gauze and tearing it open to press against the wound as you waited. As your body came down from the high of a near death experience you felt yourself slipping out of consciousness no matter how hard you tried to hold on.
“I don’t understand what the hell she was doing,” Jake said as he paced outside of your hospital room with Rooster and Phoenix standing by and trying to figure out how to help.
“She thought she could save it, any one of us would have waited until the last second too,” Phoenix tried but Jake wasn’t having it.
“She could have died,” his voice cracked just as a nurse came out of your room to let him know you were asking for him.
“Hey, sweetheart…” he said, softly sitting on the edge of your bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Like a battered highway cone,” you groaned, trying to sit up but every bone in your body protested. “How long was I out?”
“Just a few hours… what the hell was that?”
“Birdstrike, thought I could save the engine,” you answered and you saw the disappointment in his face.
“You should have ejected as soon as it went out,” he replied.
“You know that’s not protocol, I had to at least try.”
“I don’t care about protocol! We can replace your jet, we can’t replace you,” he said, voice thick with emotion and you just smiled softly at him.
“I’m okay, Jake, really… just a few bumps and bruises.”
“And a concussion,” he pointed out and you grimaced… that’s why your head hurt so badly.
“It’ll heal,” you tried but he just shook his head. “I’m fine, I promise.”
“Yeah well, you almost weren’t so stop saying you’re fine,” he shot back and your eyes widened. “Because I’m not, and you shouldn’t be. I mean, what the fuck, sweetheart? Was I just supposed to be okay with watching you burn in?” you could tell he was trying his hardest not to yell, to still be gentle with you. “You don’t get to be reckless like that anymore.”
“Okay, honey,” you nodded, reaching up to cup his face.
“I’m serious, no more of that. I can’t- I can’t do that again, just watch you spin out of control. I can’t-”
“It’s okay, come here,” you said, pulling him down and wrapping your arms around him. “I understand, it’s okay.” 
“I’m supposed to be comforting you,” he mumbled against your chest and you laughed despite how much it hurt.
“That’s okay… through thick and thin, right?” you asked and he nodded as he sat up. 
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he said looking into your eyes and you nodded.
“I promise,” you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss. “I love you, you big softie.”
“I love you, too.”
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enthyrea · 1 year
omg ur art is so gorgEOUS <33
id love to see more icemav cuddles or mayb ice on the back of mav's kawasaki 💞🧸
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never again is ice asking mav to drive him to work.
(tysm anon! i got carried away with this one sjfhhdhfjdhdf I’ll draw a more romantic version of this eventually i just thought this was funny)
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pitchthepeach · 3 months
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Made a silly icemav thing for Valentine's day and then forgot about it
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just-in-case-iloveyou · 2 months
i am begging Pinterest to stop calling me out in this way... please remove your boot from my throat, i surrender.
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