#max being so quick to jump in front of iz
captainsassmanes · 4 years
Fic prompt, road trip with Kyle, Alex, Michael and Max. Also Isobel, Liz and Maria. Just fun times.
So this has been in my inbox FOREVER! I’m so sorry. I removed Maria from the trip due to recent events and, because it’s me, it’s more angst than anything. I hope you remember you sent this in and enjoy it! LOL
“You’ve got more shit than Iz,” Michael groaned as he tossed another one of Valenti’s bags into the backseat.
“I’ve learned over the years to be prepared with all of you. It’s ninety percent medical equipment and acetone.” Kyle threw yet another bag into the back with a grunt. Isobel dropped a quick kiss to his cheek. “Very thoughtful of you, babe.”
“Uh, God, are we there yet?” Michael was already feeling anxious, his first trip with Alex was making him more nervous than he thought he’d be. They hadn’t had the boyfriends conversation yet but they’d declared their undying love for one another so he figured that was more important. But being together, officially each other’s, it was so new and surprisingly terrifying. Michael obsessively worried about messing it all up.
“Who’s going in who’s car?” Liz asked, Max sneaking up behind her to wrap his arms around her middle. Michael just rolled his eyes and looked up to the clear blue sky. Liz and Max all loved up in one car. Kyle and Isobel communicating almost exclusively through sexual innuendos in the other.
“Kyle’s back seat is already full, so I guess we’re with Liz and Max.” Michael felt his shoulders relax with Alex’s soft voice in his ear and strong hand resting against the small of his back.
He watched as Isobel leaned into Kyle, the man’s cheeks flushing a bright red as his eyes practically popped, they were so wide. Grimacing, Michael made a retching noise. “Jesus, can we go? I’m calling it right now. If this cabin has a bedroom away from all you people, it’s ours, okay?” He shook his head and took Alex’s hand with a huff, Alex chuckling as he happily followed Michael to Max’s car.
They climbed in and clicked their seatbelts into place. Before Liz and Max got in, Alex leaned over into Michael’s space and whispered, “thanks for calling dibs on some privacy. We’re gonna need it.”
Michael’s lips parted as he felt a blush creep up his neck, setting his ears on fire. The smirk Alex gave him before turning his attention to the couple in the front had Michael struggling to get comfortable.
This was definitely a good idea.
The drive hadn’t been as bad as Michael made it out to be in his head. Aside from some seriously sappy love declarations and questionable hand placement in the front seat, Liz and Max had been quiet, occasionally checking in and chatting about random stuff.
After they’d stopped and grabbed lunch at a small diner, Michael felt his eyelids get heavy and rested his head against the cool glass of the window. Before sleep took him, he felt callused fingers slide into his and squeeze tight. Glancing at Alex, Michael was gifted a gentle smile and a small nudge to close his eyes again.
He smiled and happily obliged. When he opened them again, they were in the middle of nowhere, an isolated cabin on a private lake. Stepping out of the car and stretching his back, Michael felt the final pulls of tension leave him. The trees were dense, the cabin more like a log mansion than anything else and he could already see a small beach through the branches.
Alex’s arm brushed against his own as they stood together taking in the view. They were both aware of the other couples gathering their bags and making their way into the house but Alex and Michael, as always, stood together in their own little world.
“We needed this,” Alex sighed, fingers skimming the thin skin of Michael’s wrist, shooting a chill up his arm and down his spine. “Thank you for bringing me.”
Michael chuckled, “like there’s anyone else I’d want here.” The smile he got in return was faded at the corners, like a light had slightly dimmed, making his stomach roll with a new wave of anxiety. But Alex just silently squeezed his hand and walked to Kyle’s car, starting the arduous process of unloading all their shit.
Michael knew it would come up again. But ignoring it, for now, worked, too.
That night, the six friends sat around the fire pit, sipping beers, and listening to Michael joke about taking vacations at the airstream if this was what they wanted to do.
The group reminisced about different times throughout their lives. Elementary school when Kyle and Alex were inseparable. The time Michael got suspended for proving his physics teacher wrong in high school. Isobel tried sharing her first sexual experience but everyone, with the noted exception of Kyle, shut that shit down.
Every story Liz shared had to do with Alex and Maria, the memories from senior year that seemed to mean the world to her. Everyone laughed and smiled with each new hijink, but Michael watched Alex’s face closely, how each anecdote brought a sadness to his eyes that he started worrying might not go away.
“Well,” Michael awkwardly interrupted, “I’m exhausted.” He glanced down at Alex and offered his hand. “You ready for bed?”
Alex gratefully smiled back and nodded, taking the offered hand, and walking into the cabin with Michael, the other’s following along in agreement.
Just as he’d said, Michael snagged the room furthest away from the other bedrooms. It wasn’t fancy by any means, a queen bed taking up most of the room with a bedside table on either side and one small dresser. They had their own bathroom, though, right outside the door.
Purposely taking his time getting ready, Michael felt that now familiar pang of worry bouncing in his chest. Alex had seemed upset at the fire. Was it Maria? Was he just feeling nostalgic? Was it something Michael did? Or didn’t do? Or didn’t say?
With his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, he gripped the scalloped edges of the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. You wouldn’t be so fucking worried if you hadn’t messed this all up in the first place. He sighed and shook his head, spitting into the sink and wiping his mouth with a towel. He took a deep breath and steadied himself for whatever came next. Maybe an uncomfortable conversation or the silent treatment, or classic Alex’s Manes denial. Was it too naïve to hope for everything to simply be okay?
He walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to discover it was empty. Where he’d left Alex sitting on the edge of the bed taking off his prosthetic, was now a messy dip in the blanket. Michael looked around the room, stupidly hoping Alex would just be hiding in a corner before his heart began to pound. He moved quickly down the hall, covering his ears as he was assaulted with surround sound sex, and was flooded with concern when he found the living room and kitchen empty, too.
Tossing on a shirt and sliding his feet into someone else’s shoes, he went outside, the cabin door’s slam echoing in the dark.
“Alex?” he called, waiting with bated breath for an answer. He tried a few more times, walking around the house and checking to make sure all the cars were there. Nothing was out of place.
With his hands tugging at his hair, an odd movement caught his eye on the beach. Shaking his head, Michael headed down, preparing once again for whatever he was walking straight into.
“Can you not do that, please?”
Alex jumped and put his hand over his racing heart. “Jesus Christ, Michael. You scared the shit out of me!”
“Yeah, well, serves you right,” he mumbled as he sat in the beach chair next to Alex. “With our history you can’t just disappear. I thought someone stole you already. We’ve been here four hours.”
Alex gave a half-hearted smile before looking back over the silent water, moonlight reflecting off it, a nighttime mirror.
“What’s bothering you?”
Alex shook his head and swallowed. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
“I snuck up on you.”
“Yes, you did.”
“No one sneaks up on you.”
Alex lifted an eyebrow at Michael who waited patiently for Alex to try arguing. With a sigh, Alex shrugged. “I don’t want to ruin anything, Michael.”
He took Alex’s hand in his own, moving his thumb across the smooth skin but keeping his eyes focused on the still lake. “Nothing’ll be ruined. Just talk to me.”
Michael curled his toes into the sand, focusing on the feeling to keep his mouth shut, desperately trying to give Alex the time he needed.
“I keep waiting for you to go back to Maria.”
Michael’s free hand curled into a fist, his nails digging into his palm. He didn’t know why it didn’t occur to him that Alex may still be uncomfortable around Maria, hearing about Maria. It seemed so fucking obvious now.
“I don’t want Maria.”
“But you did.”
“You wanted Forrest.”
“Not the same, Michael.” He sighed and shook his head. “You had a choice, between me and Maria. You chose Maria. That ended, then you chose me.”
Michael’s heart fell to his feet at Alex’s words and the debilitating sadness behind them. He picked up his chair and planted it directly in front of Alex. Michael leaned in close and took both of Alex’s hands in his.
“I made a mistake. You wanted me to be someone I wasn’t ready to be.” Michael gripped Alex’s hands tighter, aching for him to understand. “It was like my brain was filled with tangled wires, knotted and twisted together, and you wanted to untangle them, one at a time. It-it was too overwhelming, it seemed way too hard. But Maria,” he grimaced as he watched Alex physically flinch, “she was happy to just leave the pile of wires just like they were.”
Alex looked toward the trees on his right, steadying his breathing. Michael gave him a moment before lifting his fingers to Alex’s chin to face him once again.
“Alex, the wires couldn’t work in that fucking mess and you knew it. I took the easy way, but it didn’t work. Maria was kind and I did care about her but, god, she wasn’t you. And I needed you. I still do.”
They sat in silence; Michael gripping Alex’s hands so tight the pads of his fingers lost color.
“I don’t know how to get over it, Michael. She was my best friend.”
Michael nodded, the weight of not only hurting Alex but destroying one of his most precious friendships sitting heavy in his core. “I don’t know what to say. I’ll apologize forever if you’ll let me.”
Leaning forward to rest his forehead against Michael’s, Alex whispered, “no. I don’t want that.” Michael slid his fingers up Alex’s neck and into his hair, afraid Alex may slip away like sand once again.
“I think I’m gonna go back to therapy.”
“You keep telling me that you want to be with me and, a part of me believes you, knows that you wouldn’t lie about that. But another part of me doesn’t think it’s possible. You could have anyone, all the Maria’s of the world, and you actually want me.” He wiped his nose and sniffed, pulling back just enough to look Michael in the eye. “That’s a me problem, not a you problem.”
“That’s an us problem, Alex. I’m not going anywhere but I want you to believe that you’re it for me. That I don’t want anyone else. I never really did, I just- “
Alex nodded, saying, “I know.”
“We’re supposed to be together, Alex. I’ve known since we were kids. We’ve just been surrounded by so much shit, it’s like we didn’t get a fair chance. And then we both believed we didn’t deserve it.”
“Cosmic, right?”
Michael smiled and brushed his thumb along Alex’s cheek, wiping away a stray tear. “Cosmic, baby.”
“I love you.”
Warmth blossomed in Michael’s chest and spread through his body instantly at Alex’s words. Maria had said she loved him, waited with large, hopeful eyes as he stared back, confused as to why he felt nothing but panic and couldn’t force his mouth to repeat the sentiment. It felt nothing like this.
He refused to hide his beaming smile.
“I love you, too.”
For the second time that night, Michael stood and offered his hand to Alex, who bashfully took it and accepted the help to stand. With their arms wrapped tightly around one another, they strolled back to the cabin, a light breeze cooling their too hot skin.
As soon as they were through the door, Michael cringed at the moans and yeses ricocheting off the walls. He shook his head as he slid his feet out of what he realized now were Max’s shoes. “It’s like they’re having a competition. Who can fuck the loudest?”
A shiver ran from the crown of Michael’s head to his toes at the warm breath dancing in his ear. “I bet we’ll win.”
Alex sauntered down the hall, walking backwards as he slowly unbuttoned his top, sexy smirk painted on his lips with a wink in his eye.
Michael was more than willing to play along. And Alex was nothing if not a fucking winner.
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aliciam72 · 4 years
So before I get to the story (thank you to all who gave me suggestions I will be getting to all of them) I want to vent a bit. I know many fans of the show are very upset about the last episode and that is totally valid. I respect your decision to not watch, strike that scene from canon, write fix its, or stop writing all together. What I ask in return to have my decision to continue to write Malex respected as well. Now, everyone here has been wonderful and no one has ever said anything negative to me...I actually posted this on A03 first and got a comment I was not expecting...probably because if I’m not happy with a story I usually just move on, I don’t leave negative comments. This person (and I’m not sure they are on tumblr or not) did say they were happy with the ending of my story but went on to trash Guerin calling him a ‘vile douchebag’ I get it...people are mad at him and Maria. I’m not jumping into the fray...I just want to write fic. And I like Michael. I like Malex. While this story doesn’t end happy for Michael, the follow up I have planned does. I’m not asking for validation or sympathy...I just need to vent a bit. Okay...on to the story!
What’s in a name? 
Isobel and Michael sat in a booth at the Crash Down across from Max waiting for Liz to join them. 
“Where’s Maria?” Isobel looked at her phone for the fifth time since they sat down. 
Michael shrugged. “Probably the Pony. We’re...uh...not talking right now.”
Isobel rolled her eyes. “What now?”
“I may have accidentally broke some glasses last open mike night. We’re on a break or something...” 
“And why did you break glasses?” Max questioned.
Isobel smirked. “I’m guessing it had to do with our local war hero and his blue haired boy toy.” 
Liz slid in the booth next to Max, still wearing her uniform. “Oh Mikey, it’s a bit more than a break.”
Michael glared at her. “Do we need to talk about my love life?”
“Don’t you mean lack of love life?” Max teased.
“We can talk about my love life instead.” Isobel offered taking pity on him.
Michael and Max shook their heads but Liz leaned in and set her elbows on the table. “Do tell! Anyone we know?”
“Well, I almost hooked up with your ex but I think I scared him off with my dirty talk.”
“Eww, Iz, I do not need to hear you were dirty talking to Valenti!” Michael groaned. 
“Too bad. I’ve had to witness your numerous hook ups over the years. The only one I wasn’t grossed out by was Alex and you went and screwed that up.” She turned to Liz. “I went to a gay bar.”
Liz’s eyebrows shot up. “Really? I want details!!”
Michael threw money on the table and stood up. “I’m outta here.” 
“C’mon Michael, don’t leave me to listen to this alone...again.” Max pleaded. 
Sighing dramatically, Michael sat down and motioned for Isobel to continue. 
“Her name is Blaire and she is almost as hot as me!” 
Michael tuned Isobel out while she replayed her night with the blond bartender from Planet 7. He let his mind wander back to the last open mic night at the pony. 
“Didn’t think you were coming tonight. I thought dramatic poetry reading wasn’t your style.” Maria pushed a beer towards Michael.
“I’m here to support my girl.” Michael leaned across the bar and gave her a quick kiss.
“Don’t call me that. It makes me feel like a dog. And unless you’re paying it’s not much support.” 
“You wound me, DeLuca. I’ve been paying my tab for weeks now.” Michael flashed her a wide smile. 
Maria leaned over and kissed him again. “Yeah, yeah. Just behave okay? Alex is coming with Forrest.”
Michael stiffened but nodded. “I’ll be good.”
He tried. He really did. He greeted Forrest and Alex with a smile and wave. He sat and politely listened to an overdramatic Forrest recite a ridiculous poem while staring into Alex’s eyes. He even kept his temper when Alex clapped and whistled after he finished. But when Forrest made his way back to their table and kissed Alex in a way that Michael was never allowed to well, he lost control of his powers for a second and broke a whole row of Maria’s beer glasses. 
“What the fuck, Guerin!” Maria shouted over the performer on stage. 
“Oh my God, Maria, I’m sorry!” Michael jumped up to help her clean up the glasses. 
“Don’t!” Maria pushed him away.
Michael flinched. “I said I was sorry.” He whispered not sure Maria heard him. 
“He’s allowed to be happy. You chose me, remember?” Maria hissed.
“I know. It’s just hard-“ Michael tried to explain. 
“Well, it shouldn’t be. You have no right to be jealous.”
Michael sighed. “I know. It won’t happen again.”
“Damn right it won’t. Get out. I can’t even look at you right now.”
Michael frowned. “It was a mistake. I-I just lost control for a second.”
“Yeah, I’m starting to think this whole thing was a mistake. Even after everything you still love him don’t you?”
“Maria, that’s not fair. You know I do but you’re right, I chose you.” Michael glanced to Alex’s table and caught him staring. He looked more confused than angry and that made Michael feel horrible. 
“God! You can’t even pay attention to me when we’re fighting! Really, Guerin, leave.” Maria grabbed the beer from his hand and pointed to the door. 
“Are we?” Michael didn’t know what he wanted to ask.
“Done? Yeah, I think we are. And maybe stay away from Alex too. He doesn’t deserve your shit.” Maria turned her back on Michael and started sweeping up the glass. 
Michael slowly got up and headed to the door. He slowed at Alex’s table. “I’m sorry, it was an accident. You were good, Forrest.”
“Earth to Micheal...” Isobel waved her hand in front of Michael’s face. 
Michael looked at her. “What’d I miss?”
Max laughed. “Just the whole story.”
Michael was about to say something when Alex and Forrest walked in and headed to the counter. Alex leaned over and said something to the waitress before turning to them and smiling. Forrest gave him a quick kiss and headed to the bathroom. 
Liz rolled her eyes. “I don’t get how he can date a Long. Especially after everything Wyatt has done to all of us!”
Michael stopped looking at Alex. “Forrest isn’t Wyatt.”
Liz’s eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t tell me you actually think Forrest is good for Alex do you? I thought that was what the broken glasses and Maria dumping you was all about.”
“She dumped you?” Isobel gave him a look of surprise.
“Yeah, she did. I lost control and she got mad. Said I shouldn’t be jealous and she was right but that’s not really why I lost control. And before you ask, I’m not telling you why. Forrest may be a Long but he’s nothing like the rest of them. He’s treats Alex right and that’s all that matters. So, please Liz don’t hassle him. I know Wyatt has done a lot to your family but let Alex have this, he deserves to be happy.” Michael stood and strode out of the diner. 
He made it to his truck before he realized someone was calling his name. He turned to see Alex making his way over to him. He hung his head and debated ignoring him but Alex was in front of him before he could open the door. “What do you want, Alex?”
“I’m sorry about Maria.” Alex said shifting his weight to his good leg. 
“You chased after me to tell me you’re sorry Maria dumped my ass?” Michael laughed and reached to open his door. 
Alex grabbed his arm and cleared his throat. “That’s not really what I meant. I’m sorry for being the reason you let your control slip.”
Michael didn’t turn around. “You weren’t.” 
“Michael, you’re a terrible liar. I know Forrest kissing me in front of everyone hurt you. I...we...try not to flaunt this in your face—“
“You shouldn’t have to hide anything from me. I sure as hell didn’t.” Michael was suddenly angry. Why was Alex being so nice to him? He walked away from him, right into the arms of his best friend. He had every reason to flaunt his relationship with Forrest in his face. Michael wasn’t jealous, he was hurt. Forrest got to have the version of Alex he never got to have. The version who had no problem kissing or holding hands in public. He was happy Alex felt comfortable enough to live his life in the open but it still stung that the whole time they were together they had to keep it a dirty secret. 
“No, you didn’t.” Alex turned to leave but only a got a few steps before turning back. “Thank you for what you said to Liz. It means a lot.”
Michael watched Alex walk back to Forrest who was waiting by the door holding their food. “Alex!”
Alex stopped and looked over his shoulder. “I wasn’t jealous.”
“I know, Michael. I know why and like I said, I’m sorry.” Alex gave him a small smile before taking the bag from Forrest and heading to the car.
Michael opened the door to the truck and got in. He rested his head on the steering wheel and tried to keep the tears from falling. 
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planetsam · 5 years
Hello there, can we get something with Michael healing Alex with his newly found powers that he supposedly got from his mother which he was oblivious about?
“She’ll be dead soon.”
Alex looks down at the alien. His mouth is dry. She’s not the worst one here, not by a long shot. Actually she’s one of the better ones. Better breeding, his father explained. She’s impassive in the face of her death. She gave her name as Mara. But Alex knows they aren’t supposed to call them by their names. It humanizes them and they are not human.
“This could be a unique opportunity,” he says, “we could confirm your theory of how their power transfers work.” His father considers this for a moment and then nods.
“Go get him.”
They are not human is a mantra Alex has to recite over and over again, despite everything he knows. These monsters are the reason he doesn’t have a mother. That so many in Roswell don’t. Though he wraps that knowledge around himself like a shield, some visits are harder than others. Most of the cells are simple, they have good protocols. But the Big Four are separated. They are special. Alex needs two guards to approach the one he wants to take and go through several biometric scans to get in front of his door. As a kid, Alex thought this was where the monsters lived. It wasn’t until he was older that he realized the monsters were his age.
Oh and he was hopelessly attracted to one of them.
Michael is sitting on his bed thumbing through a book. Alex’s eyes move to his hand. Using them to experiment on one another is protocol, but he will go to his grave with the memory of what happened to Michael’s hand burned on the insides of his eyelids. Max, probably the strongest of them, still tries to break free of his restraints whenever Alex comes near Michael. Even now he can feel his gaze on him. He ignores it in favor of tapping on the glass. Michael’s head flies up and he looks around before his eyes land on Alex. Something bright and hopeful cracks across his face like lightening before it vanishes. Something far more defensive and cocky pulls his face into a macho grin.
“Is my favorite Manes here to take me out for a walk?” He asks.
“Hands against the wall,” Alex says and nods to the guards.
He can’t chain him up by himself anymore and his leg is only one of the reasons. They secure Michael and fit him with a mask that keeps him from mouthing off. The others love him and Alex wishes he didn’t understand that so well. Michael is charismatic and loud, he’s everything this carefully maintained hellhole is not. The guards let him know they have secured him. Michael gives him a questioning look and Alex meets his gaze impassively. Michael is also dangerously smart. He’s got more escape attempts than the rest of them combined. He recognizes how serious this is instantly and the swagger folds in. They lead him out and there’s a sharp bang on the other cell. Max glares at him and his eyes soften as he looks at Michael. Some kind of silent exchange happens in a quick glance. Then they move on.
The mask doesn’t restrict Michael’s breathing and Alex hears him inhale sharply the moment he sees her. Alex tries not to think about what is going to happen or if Michael is going to blame him. Instead he focuses on getting him into the cell. Michael takes a step towards her and the guard snaps the chain. It’s a cruel reminder of where they are. Michael turns towards the wall and holds himself still only so they will undo his restraints. He looks at Alex who looks at the guards. Now he can pull rank. He jerks his head and they walk out to go and get his father probably.
“You have a minute, maybe,” he says.
“Fuck you,” Michael bites at him, his voice equally low before he turns, “mom.”
“Oh my sweet boy,” she opens her arms and Michael runs to her, wrapping his arms around her, “look how big you are.”
“That’s just ‘cause your sitting down,” he says. She laughs and runs her fingers through his curls, “they don’t shave my head anymore.”
“I can see that,” she says, “you’re behaving?”
“Yes mom,” He tells her.
“Liar,” She says and he laughs, “come here” she says and Michael kneels in front of her, “you look so much like your father,” she says, cupping his cheek. Michael leans into her touch. It’s easy to see that she’s dying. But Michael doesn’t want to acknowledge it, “Alex,” he turns as she looks at him, “I need you to keep him out of trouble,” she says, “love him.”
“Mom?” Michael’s voice sounds confused and it’s a knife in Alex’s gut.
“Please,” She says. Alex feels something in his head and tries to direct that he will to it, “good,” she looks at Michael and raises her hand.
It’s something they do, Alex doesn’t try to stop them even if the scientists aren’t there. He won’t do that. They will just have to work off the tapes. Michael looks at her hand as it starts to glow and his features twist. A mournful sound escapes him.
“It’s alright,” She says, “I love you. So much.”
Michael shakes his head but slowly raises his hand. They hold their hands together before Maras face cracks into a wide smile that makes her look so much younger and more alive than she is. Alex can tell something is happening as they hold gazes, tears streaming down their cheeks. She slots her fingers through his and a full body shudder seems to go through Michael. Something happens and Michael drops his hand, winding up with his face in her lap. He sobs and Alex can hear the footfalls. Something is hollow in Maras face as she looks at him, running her hands though Michael’s hair. He steps forward, grasping Michael’s shoulders. Michael turns towards him, tears streaming down his face.
“Come on,” He says.
“What? No,” he says but Alex fights his attempt to go back over her, “no,” he repeats.
“Michael,” Alex looks at him steadily, “they’re coming.”
Michael stares at the door and Alex instantly changes his grip. They come in to the sight of him holding Michael back. The mood instantly changes as Michael starts towards them. Alex can’t hold him back if he wants to get to them, but he’s going to try. One of the scientists looks over at Mara and immediately sounds an alarm. The air seems to go out of the room as Michael’s anger turns to horror.
“Get the crash cart,” one says, “prisoner, prisoner can you hear us?”
“Mom,” Michael’s voice is soft and horrified, then comes out louder, “mom!”
Alex turns him against the wall and pins his hands as gently as he can. He braces Michael with his weight and his body. Michael struggles at first but then he tries to see her. Under the guise of adjusting his grip Alex pushes harder and leans into him, putting their faces closer together. He barely knows Mara but if she wants him to protect her son, the first thing he can do is make sure he doesn’t have to watch her body jump with electricity or the doctors stop trying. One of them pulls a sheet over her out of respect and his father pulls it down. Aliens don’t deserve respect.
There’s nothing human about them.
Michael barely makes it back to the cell, dignity out the window in the face of what has just happened. Even Alex has trouble keeping his face blank. He collapses when the restraints are undone and his knee cracks against the floor with a sound Alex feels in his bones. He knows the risks but he goes over and grips Michael’s arm, trying to help him to his feet. Michael staggers up and shoves him off, staggering over to the bed and collapsing in front of it. It’s a terrible compromise but Alex imagines its the best he’ll get. To his surprise both guards have their backs to him, giving him a moment of privacy. The three of them leave Michael to his grief.
On the way out he looks at Max’s cell, but he’s not there.
“Where is he?” He asks. Instantly he thinks of the uncovered body being wheeled through the halls, “We need to go on lockdown. Now!”
It’s the last thing he says before the explosion.
Alex opens his eyes back in Baghdad, back in the desert and back in the helicopter that took him out. He opens them to impossible darkness and then finally to the hell he’s in. Dimly he thinks Max leveled the prison. Impressive. Then he realizes the prison got leveled while he was on the second floor. His next thought is if Michael is okay. When he tries to move, everything goes white hot and impossibly heavy. He has to wait a moment and then he can try again.
“Iz? Isobel!”
“Oh thank god. Where’s Max? Did you see him? I think he was downstairs.”
“Go look for him. I’ll meet you in five. I gotta make sure Manes isn’t walking out of here.”
Alex hopes he doesn’t mean him, but if he does that’s probably not a bad thing. In the military he was taught to think of something good, something he wanted to protect and to fight like it was on the line. He instantly thought of Michael. But protecting Michael in his head has always been easier than doing it for real. He’s sure he’ll be judged for it very soon. Michael made it out. That’s what matters. He just wish he could have made it out with his mom. When he opens his eyes he can just make Michael out, silhouetted against the fiery wreckage. Michael twists one way, then the other, then he stomps and the shockwave goes through everything. Alex is pretty sure he screams or he tries to. But once the debris holding him down are gone, it’s like removing the plug and there’s blood everywhere.
“Shit, no,” Michael comes running over to him, dropping down. His hands go all over like he doesn’t know where to touch him. Alex imagines it doesn’t matter. Michael turns and looks at him, horror on his face. Somewhat like with his mom but Alex knows that’s self indulgent of him. He can have it though right now, “Alex.”
It’s so strange to hear his name on Michael’s lips again.
“I’m sorry,” he says around the blood, “I’m so sorry.”
Michael’s features harden. That’s a look he deserves. Of course it’s still beautiful, everything on Michael always has been. Michael postures up on his knees and cracks his knuckles. Alex remembers that day. He wonders if Max’s healing can help the inside wounds Michael’s got. He hopes so. If the universe is kind enough to grant him a dying wish, he would wish for that. Heedless of the blood, Michael shoves up his shirt and puts his hand on his sternum. He seems unsure of what to do with the other, but he settles for putting it on his prosthetic. Alex feels the warmth and for a moment, he thinks maybe it’s just the shock. But the warmth builds and turns hot. Scalding. Alex feels himself knitting back together, like someone is rewinding him to the moment before the prison explosion. Michael rips his hands back and Alex feels his prosthetic come back together in the same instant.
He’s alive.
He shoves himself up. His mind says he has to spit out the blood but his mouth is empty. His uniform is pristine. There’s no evidence of him dying and he knows how close he was. Michael holds his gaze, something pained and relieved in his eyes. Alex instantly thinks of Mara and her kindness. Of all the power transfer theories. Apparently they were right. Michael sways but moves back and gets to his feet when Alex makes the mistake of reaching for him. Alex pulls back and gets to his own feet, still unable to take his eyes off of him.
“You should have let me die,” he says.
“Call it payback,” Michael says, “I know you always tried with me.”
“Not enough,” he says.
“No,” Michael agrees, “but my mom made you promise. I know you take those seriously,” Alex looks down and tries not to think about being young and stupid and thinking he could change things because he loved Michael enough. The world doesn’t work like that, “so it’s time to play up.” Max and Isobel come towards them, Max is angry and isobel is confused but goes to anger easily. Neither of them scares him as much as Michael when he takes a step forward, “Get us out of here.”
He could say no. He could refuse and never see them again. He’s been coming to this place and seeing them in one way or another for most of his life. His father is possibly dead, though he doubts it. But he could leave all of this behind or let them kill him. He doesn’t deserve to die among the innocent, he knows that. They know it too. Isobel starts forward and Michael warns her off before looking back at Alex. In his most secret dreams, he’s thought about this moment in a hundred different ways but never like this. He tucks his shirt in straightens what he can.
“Find whatever clean uniforms you can,” He says, “this will be easier if you don’t look like escaped prisoners. I’ll find us a car.”
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haloud · 5 years
take a chance and don’t ever look back
Alex Manes is going to prom with Martin Ness.
The news spreads like a wildfire, the way only a rumor in a high school can. It hits the hallways first, where Alex cocks his hip and touches up his eyeliner in his locker mirror; it spreads through shouts and giggles in the cafeteria and the quad and the locker rooms and even trickles down to the  field where all the other Manes men had held court in their time.
Under the stairwell, squashed between a bank of lockers and a support beam, Michael bounces his knee and chews his thumbnail to the quick.
It was a stupid idea. It was always a—it’s not like they know each other, after all, not really, just kind of-sort of through Max by way of Liz and by way of this town isn’t big enough for everyone forced to spend most of their waking hours in proximity not to know each other. And they had biology together last year.
He made the old dubiously safe safety goggles look cute. How is that even possible?
But it’s not like they know each other. What was he going to do, just walk up and ask him and expect him to say yes? He’s an alien, but he’s not completely out of touch with fuckin’ reality. Michael might be able to afford tickets to the dance, but a tux? Out of the question. Even rentals don’t come cheap. Isobel would be all to happy to help him figure something out, but then she’d want to know why, and—
And that’s another thing. Alex is out, and Michael is—Michael doesn’t know what he is. He just knows that one day their fingers brushed on the pages of a textbook, and every single atom of his being sat up and took notice. Light flooded his soul, and his only thought was…oh. There you are.
He’s been trying to figure out what that moment meant and how to make it happen again ever since. He’d thought prom might be a good way…everyone goes, after all, everyone’s expected to have a date. For all that Isobel scoffs and says “only total wannabes go to junior prom. I mean, come on,” she’s had her dress picked out for two months. So prom could have been a good way to jump in with both feet. A way to spend some time together. He’d just needed some time to work out the logistics, to plan, and to work up his courage because every time he thinks about dancing with Alex Manes he feels like bursting into flames.
Turns out he waited a little too long.
It’s okay, though. It’ll be okay. Michael tips his head back to rest against the cold white cinder brick. Lunch is almost over, but he hasn’t been hungry all morning anyway. And if he crawled out of his hiding place and ran into Alex, he might say something stupid or burst into tears and then he’d have to go and die because Alex would never look at him again.
Michael isn’t Max, with his dorky charm and love of words and his brain-library full of swoon-worthy quotes. All Michael’s got is himself, and a lot of thoughts about the stars and how they move, and a truck old man Sanders says he can have if he can get it running again.
Alex makes music. Michael’s gotta find a way to be worthy of that.
Ness is in the orchestra too. That’s probably how they met.
Michael’s—Michael’s not going to think about that. Michael’s gonna get to pre-calc before the bell rings. Pity party over.
Isobel kidnaps her brothers to the dance. She’s got a date with a cute guy in her wood shop class, and she’s got to get ready, but she still wakes Max up with a tie and a ticket and meets Michael at the bus stop the same way. No is never a good enough answer for Hurricane Isobel, so Michael spends an hour poking at his unruly curls and trying not to panic.
It’ll be okay. He’ll dance with his sister and anyone who’s there alone. It’ll make Isobel happy, it’ll get him out of the house for a night, and hey, it might even be fun. If he sees Alex and Ness together, he’ll. He’ll deal. He won’t let his disappointment get in the way of someone else’s good time. It’ll even be nice to see Alex having a good time. At school he’s always hard-edged and sharp and Michael likes it, he does, he likes the wit and the pride and the strength. But Alex has a really nice mouth, and it’s even nicer when he smiles.
Michael takes a deep breath, puffing out his cheeks and releasing it on a huge sigh. The suit Isobel got him doesn’t really fit right, but it’s not hideous. His hair is the same as always. One curl refuses to lie flat and bounces rebelliously right over his left eye. But it’s not like there’s anyone he’s trying to impress tonight.
The current fosters barely ever comment on Michael’s existence, and they don’t break pattern to notice he’s dressed up as he slips downstairs and out the door. Isobel’s car idles across the street, and Michael jogs over and climbs into the backseat.
“I thought it’d just be Max. What happened to wood shop guy?” He asks, clinging on to the front seats to steady himself as she hits the gas.
“Turns out wood shop guy pre-agreed that they’d both go to Kate Long’s afterparty,” Max replies, wiggling his eyebrows at Michael as if to say the audacity of some people.
Isobel hunches her shoulders, and she does even that elegantly. Clenching her hands on the steering wheel, she snaps, “I told him weeks ago that I didn’t want to go to that bitch’s party. Everyone’s just going to get high, and her shithead brother will 100% be there. No thank you. Boys are stupid. That’s why I have you two.”
Michael laughs at that, and he and his brother chorus, “We love you too, Iz.”
Clearly an attempt was made to transform the gymnasium, but it only achieved mixed results. The walls are hung with fabric and colored lights; the effect is a little dreamy, but it’s not enough to overcome the sound of dress shoes on a linoleum gym floor. Isobel disperses immediately into a cluster of girls on the dance floor; Max hovers a little longer before patting Michael on the shoulder and disappearing as well. Liz Ortecho isn’t here tonight, so he’s probably going to find a quiet corner to compose some poetry in or something.
While Max may be ridiculous, quiet doesn’t sound so bad. They’ve only been here fifteen minutes and already the pulsingly loud music is rattling his nerves. He’s not the biggest fan of loud noise or crowds, and this venue proudly boasts both. The corners of the gym are dark, so he risks using a bit of his ability to boost himself up on top of the folded bleachers where he can survey the rest of the room. He’ll dance a little later, maybe, after he’s acclimated.
He’s just gotten settled when he finally lays eyes on him.
Michael can’t tell if Alex has just arrived or if he’s always been here, standing alone and looking beautiful and maybe looking for a dance partner too. Michael doesn’t know where Ness went, but he’s nowhere to be seen and that means Michael has a chance.
Okay. Okay. He missed one chance to be brave and make this happen. If he embarrasses himself, or, or Alex touches him and he doesn’t feel that frisson of rightness melting into every pore, no matter what happens, it’s not like they know each other. Tomorrow, they can pretend like none of this ever happened—or maybe this can be a start of something? Giddy on a hundred possibilities, Michael forgets how he got up to his perch, and also that he’s a telekinetic alien, and scrambles down the side of the bleachers like it’s a ladder. He misses the bottom step and goes stumbling.
Popping up and righting himself with a blush on his face, Michael shoulders his way through the crowd to where Alex was standing just a minute ago. No one’s there now; Michael spins on his heel to see if he can see Alex walking away. He spots spiky dark hair silhouetted against shifting green light and follows it, not caring how many feet he steps on as he goes. He loses sight of Alex again just past the refreshment table and, frustrated, he elbows his way off the dance floor.
There he is. Heart in his throat, Michael sees where Alex ended up. He’s seated, lounging on the dais at the foot of the DJ booth, eyes closed and head tipped back so Michael can see every inch of his graceful neck, dyed purple, then golden as the lights shift all around them.
Michael can’t do it. He can’t. Alex looks too peaceful, too perfect, over there surrounded by the music where he’s most at home and where Michael will have to shout to be heard as he stumbles over the words that will make Alex notice him.
Michael scrambles for the doors and for fresh air to calm his racing pulse.
Next year. He’ll be braver next year.
Later that night, Alex lays in bed with his arms behind his head and sighs, loud and dramatic and just a little bit laughing at himself. The dance was fine, but…is he too naïve for having hoped that some handsome guy would swoop in and sweep him off his feet? He didn’t even get one dance with Martin, who snuck off immediately to kiss his secret boyfriend behind the building. They’d only gone together to prove they could, as the only two guys out in their year, but still. Rude.
Funny thing is, Alex would swear he saw Michael Guerin a few times, watching him with this adorably nervous look on his face, his hair tumbling sweetly around his face. Alex wonders what that was all about and…maybe he should have gone up and asked. Maybe he missed out, just a little bit.
Guerin did look really cute, after all. And despite what everyone else seems to think, Alex knows that he can be weirdly shy, considering how much he went blushing and tongue tied when they were lab partners.
Alex rolls over onto his side, a slow grin spreading over his face.
Who cares about junior prom? Hey, maybe he’ll get his chance next year.
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carmenlire · 6 years
Not Afraid Anymore
Isabelle goes to her favorite bakery to think about her own love life but gets a front row seat to her brother's.
read on ao3
Cursing as her heeled boot sinks into another damn puddle, Isabelle keeps trudging along the busy New York sidewalk. She ducks and weaves between worn looking businessmen and children laughing as they run past. It’s a miserable November day and she just wants a cupcake and to get out of the icy chill.
She rounds the corner, rolling her eyes as a woman bumps into her shoulder none-too-gently without a word.
The bakery is just halfway down the block and Izzy lengthens her stride to get there all the more quickly.
Ducking into the shop, she’s immediately greeted with warmth that wraps around her like a favorite blanket. She runs a hand through her hair, pushing the dripping strands from her face and thanking Raziel that she only wears waterproof makeup.
There’s no one in line and she takes a few moments to look at the glass display, showing an array of cookies and muffins and cupcakes with other specialty desserts thrown in for good measure. She’s been frequenting this bakery since she was a child and Alec would sneak her away from the Institute after a rough day or as a celebration.
It’s cheerful and vibrant with colorful walls and kitschy decor. It’s not Isabelle’s usual speed-- or Alec’s for that matter-- but the memories attached to this place are some of her fondest.
She orders a cappuccino and a caramel fudge cupcake and retreats to the small table in the corner to enjoy her treat. The table overlooks the street and Izzy can’t contain her laughter as she watches a small child in yellow rain boots jump into the puddles beside his beleaguered yet reluctantly amused looking father.
She takes her time with her snack, savoring the sweet yet salty caramel and the richness of the chocolate. She’s been feeling overwhelmed as hell lately and she needed to get away from the prying eyes of the Institute-- away from her.
Isabelle thrives off of chaos, is a pro under stress. She can fight with the best of them-- better than them, too-- and can work with laser focus no matter her surroundings. That, she can deal with.
It’s Clary that’s giving her trouble.
Isabelle has known for quite some time that her interest in Clary isn’t platonic. She’d first met her, a cute redhead that lit up the room, and Isabelle had wanted to reach out and grab some of that sunlight for herself as someone who lingered in shadows and moonlight.
She can’t get a read on her friend, though. Does Clary want more? For heaven’s sake, is she even into women? Rolling her eyes-- at herself, at the situation-- Isabelle sends a quick thanks to the angel that at least she didn’t have to deal with seeing Clary with Jace anymore. The two of them had broken up months ago, both of them admitting separately that it had felt like they were forcing things, trying to make a relationship out of bare affection and convenience.
Clary had confided that she didn’t even think Jace was attractive and that she’d only slept with him because she had felt they’d reached that stage of the relationship. Isabelle had wanted to ask a dozen follow up questions to that but she hadn’t dared.
It’s different with Clary. Izzy has never had an issue before with someone that she’s found herself interested in. She prides herself on being take no prisoners, confidently going after what she wants.
She’s never felt so attached before, though. She values Clary as a friend-- the best of friends-- and doesn’t want to ruin the connection between them. She doesn’t want Clary to feel alienated. Sometimes, Isabelle swears that she sees Clary’s eyes drop to her mouth or Clary will touch her and it feels right.
As Isabelle takes a sip of her coffee, she morosely thinks that she needs to get it together.
She just doesn’t know how.
She’s in this cafe trying to get away from it all, in an effort to pin down her feelings, to think through-- logically, deliberately-- the evidence or lack thereof. This is the place that she always goes when she needs to clear her head and decompress and just being in the space relaxes her.
Her attention snags on the cheery ding of the bell over the front door as it opens, two men all but falling into the bakery, laughing.
Izzy’s mouth curves at the sound before she does a double take, eyes widening.
Alec and Magnus stand just inside, shaking the water off their jackets. Smiling at Alec, Magnus stands still as his boyfriend reaches out, carefully thumbing under his eye to wipe away running eyeliner.
“Thank you, darling,” Magnus says and Isabelle wishes that her hearing rune was activated as Alec replies too low to hear.
Attention completely diverted from her own woes, Isabelle watches Alec and Magnus. Thankfully, they only seem to have eyes for each other and as she sinks a little lower in her seat to appear more unobtrusive, she finds herself smiling wistfully at them.
Alec throws an arm over Magnus’s shoulders, bringing him to his side, and Magnus just leans into the touch, letting his own arm wrap around Alec’s middle. They look like one unit standing so close together and Isabelle can’t help but marvel at how much things have changed in such a short time.
She’s always known that Alec was gay, that all of the young shadowhunter debutantes and their mothers were barking up the wrong tree. Alec has always been so easy to read and it’s a marvel that it wasn’t the biggest open secret in Idris.
Alec’s always been her rock, supportive and grounding. Isabelle remembers the first time that she’d confided in her brother that she didn’t think she was only into boys-- sometimes, she thought of kissing a girl, especially the Japanese transfer one year her senior at the Academy.
Listening carefully, Alec had let Isabelle ramble about her crush and their parents and Idris in general for ages without saying a word. When she’d finally wound down, Alec had hugged her. It had been an Alec hug-- she’d felt completely enveloped as he’d hugged her so tightly that she felt her ribs constrict, swaying them gently from side to side.
He’d told her that it was okay, that he would always be there for her. He loved her and that he’d be happy as long as she was happy.
Iz had only been fourteen but she’d already known for years that Alec wouldn’t reprimand her-- Or Jace or young Max-- for the things he would flay himself alive over.
After that conversation, Alec’s shield around Isabelle grew imperceptibly thicker. It would take her ages to realize that as he’d grown even more protective of her, his own sense of self-preservation grew brittle.
She had worried that Alec would deny himself forever, for the rest of his life. She’d watched as he turned bitter and cold and shut down her teasing remarks with an impatient glare or a hissed denial.
As she watches Magnus steal a kiss, Alec blushing, she’s struck by the stark contrast of before and this after.
Alec looks happy, lighter than she’s ever seen him. She’s been around Alec and Magnus a lot the past year but it’s obvious now that they still hold back in her presence. They give their order and Alec pays, dramatically shooing Magnus’s wallet away. Magnus says something and keeps his wallet out, suspended in the air. Izzy sees Alec roll his eyes even as he starts smiling, ducking down to kiss Magnus with a quick peck.
Magnus looks victorious as he slides his wallet back into his pocket and it’s just a moment later that they’re taking their food and drinks to a table on the other side of the cafe.
Isabelle absently sips at her cappuccino as she watches the tableau. Magnus swipes a finger through Alec’s frosting, holding it out for Alec to lick. However, when Alec leans forward, Magnus smears the bit of frosting over the corner of his mouth.
Instead of looking annoyed, though, Alec looks resigned as Magnus cackles, shaking his head ruefully at his boyfriend’s antics. Isabelle raises a brow to herself and looks away when Alec wipes away the chocolate and licks his thumb clean, watching as Magnus’s laughter dies.
She sits in her corner of the universe and let’s their conversation turn to background noise. She eats her cupcake, taking her time, and thinks about her dilemma. Every once in a while, she turns back to her brother and Magnus and lets their love warm her bones for a minute.
It seems like just minutes later that she hears the screech of a chair being shoved back and looks up to see Magnus and Alec sliding on their coats. Alec throws away their garbage and Magnus waits for him by their table. Isabelle watches the way Alec’s hand seeks Magnus’s, instinctively interlacing their fingers, and something wells up in her.
She wants that. She wants that with Clary.
Honestly, it feels like she’s over halfway there. Clary is constantly seeking her out and when they have weekly movie nights, Clary is a damned octopus under their shared blanket.
She looks up just as they’re walking through the door. Alec goes first, tugging Magnus behind him and she’s startled as Magnus’s gaze finds hers unerringly. It’s just a flash but he sends her a smile and she swears she sees understanding in his eyes.
Left alone now amidst strangers, Izzy stares down at her empty mug, lost in thought. She thinks about how much Clary makes her feel. She thinks about Alec and Magnus.
She thinks about how it had taken unimaginable courage for Alec to take that first step and she wryly considers that maybe it’s time that she followed in her brother’s footsteps.
She cleans up her place and leaves the diner as night falls. Thankfully the rain has disappeared but it’s colder now. She huddles in her coat and wanders the path back to the Institute. As she nears her home, resolve solidifies.
It’s time to see once and for all what Clary wants.
Isabelle is uncharacteristically uncertain when approaching Clary, who’s idly sketching on her bed. Clary looks up with a smile at Isabelle’s presence, though the smile turns quizzical as she listens to an impassioned speech that includes clothes, cupcakes, and Love, Simon.
Isabelle winds down, looking at Clary like she holds her fate in her hands. Clary, having caught on by now, just grins. She pulls Izzy close, whispering, “I don’t share my blanket with just anyone, you know,” before kissing Isabelle to within an inch of her life.
Isabelle feels something settle as she gives herself to Clary. Distantly, she thinks that a minute of courage is everything.
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jjco128 · 5 years
The different time. Ch.1
It has been ten years since Rosa died and Michael took the blame for it. After the incident, Michael decided to go to college, because he realized that he cannot protect Isobel and Max if he kept staying in Roswell. He needed to learn more about the space and the universe. He needed to find where they came from and how to go there. He still remembered vividly the day he left for UNM, Isobel was crying from the day before. Max hugged him politely but didn’t look at him into the eyes. Michael threw himself into the study. He only went to a few parties and didn’t join any clubs. All he cared about is to get what he needed to know and find a way to go back home. He has taken full course loads and extra courses during summers. Four years later, Michael graduated with PhDs in astrophysics and mechanical engineering. He was supposed to go back to Roswell after graduation. However, when the time he got his diplomas, he didn’t want to go back. He was scared of going back to the place where his dream and loves were broken. So, when he found an opening at NASA in DC, he took the chance to escape as far as possible. Then, four years turned into ten. Finally, after a decade, Michael caught the wind that the Air Force is going to collaborate with NASA in New Mexico. He felt that it is his chance.
It took Michael three days to drive from DC to New Mexico. Michael took his time to let all the excitement, worries and fears to set in. When he sees the “Welcome to Roswell” board on the side of the highway with alien singles on it, Michael can’t help but smiled. It looked likes nothing has changed. Nither Iz nor Max know he is coming back. Michael decided not to tell them, so Iz would not throw him a party.
Michael heads to Max’s place first once he arrives Roswell. While approaching Max’s house, he can feel the warmth in the chest. He rings the bills and waits. He hears footsteps and then the door opens.
Max stands beside the door, staring at Michael for minutes. The silence is long enough to make Michael uncomfortable, so Michale breaks the ice.
“Hi.” He said.
“Hi… Michael?” Max replies with uncertainty in his tone and is still processing the situation.
Max’s reaction amuses Michael, and he rolls his eyes “Of course it’s me, who else looks like this?” Michael points himself.
Max laughs and steps forward to give Michael a tight hug “It has been a long time. Why didn’t you say you are coming back?”
It’s a relieve to see that Max happens to see him. They have grown apart since that night.
“It’s a bad time? I can come back later.” Michael says
“No, no. Come on in. Iz is in here too.” Max steps aside, letting Michael in.
Isobel is lying on the couch with a bottle of beer in her one hand and her phone in the other.
“What makes you that long. I thought you are adopted by aliens,” she says while still typing something on her phone.
“Good to know you still have your humor, Iz.”
Isobel immediately lit her head, surprised. “Michael? what are you doing here? When you came back? Why didn’t you tell me? And you have not called me for two weeks already.”
All Micahel can give her is a big goofy smile. He is not a fan of being questioned by anyone, but Isobel is an exception. Luckily, Max saves Michael in time.
“Why don’t you set down. Do you want a beer?” he offers.
“That would be great, thanks. ” Michael says.
Max nods slightly and moves toward to kitchen, and Michael sets down beside Isobel. Isobel stares at Michael with an expression that is mixed of amusement.
Michael gives her a side eye “Stop staring at me like that. I came back from Washington, not from death.”
“Well, you didn’t come back for the last Christmas and Thanksgiving. I thought you were not coming back for the reunion either”
“What reunion?” Michael is confused.
“The high school reunion. It’s next week. I sent you the invitation weeks ago.”
“I must miss it.” Michael murmured. He has been busy packing stuff and taking care of his works in the DC office.
“Wait, if you are not here for the reunion, why are you here then? No offense. I am glad you are here.” Isobel says and Max is coming back with beers.
“I decided to come back…. Hm….. permanently.” Michael lays back on the couch and makes himself comfortable.
Both Isobel and Max’s eyes widen. “You mean you are moving back? ” Max asks.
“Yep. that is the plan. Hope I am still welcome here.”
“Of course! It has been forever. I thought you were never going to back here. ” Isobel says excitedly while hugging Michael.
Max hands Michael his beer and sets down across them. “Glad to hear, Michael, we miss you.” he smiles fondly. “So, what is your plan?”
Michael takes a sip of his beer and says “I transfer to the NASA center here and….. Also, Air Force hires me as their consultant. ”
Both Isobel and Max look at Michael with worries. “Air Force. Are you sure about it, Michael?”
“They have no reason to suspect. I am just a consultant.” Michale assures them.
“Anyway, we are proud of you, Michael,” Max says and Isobel nods with a smile.
Michael looks at them fondly. Their approval means a lot to him. He has been worrying that they would be mad at him for leaving for a decade.
“I can’t forgive you for not calling ahead, Michael.” Isobel points a finger at Michael “and your hairs are significantly worse.”
They all laugh.
The second day morning, Michael wakes on the couch. He rubs his eyes and looks around. He still in Max’s house. Three of them chatted until midnight with beers and finally, they were all too tired and too drunk to drive anywhere. So they all slept in Max’s place. Michael stands up, but he is still disorientated. He balances himself on the side of the couch while Max comes out from the bathroom.
“Hey. you look like shit” Michael smirk.
“So do you. Take my shower if you like. I need to get ready to work.” Max says.
“ Thanks for the hospitality. I will make myself out after I get clean up.”
“You are more than welcome to stay, you know.”
“Thanks, I will better find my own place since I am going to stay for the long term,” Michael says and walks toward the bathroom.
Michael feels like to check out Faster Ranch first. He bought an airstream a few years back and Mr. Faster didn’t mind him to camp at his ranch. Whenever he came back, he would spend a couple of nights. He always feels safe when he is there, feeling close to his home. When Michael approaches the Faster Ranch, he realizes there are movements around his trailer, which is unusual. Expect some tourists, locals don’t come here during the days because it is hot and nothing else to see. When he drives closer, he sees a couple of men in military uniforms.
Michael jumps out of the car and stops Mr. Ranch just finish talking to them. Mr. Ranch also sees Michael coming.
“Michael. Just about time. I was going to call you.”
“What’s going on here?”
“Air Force is acquiring the land, you got to move the trailer” he pats Michael’s arm and walks away.
Michael looks back to his trailer, there is someone standing right in front of the door trying to peek into his trailer from the window that is covered with paper. Michael does not like people to touch his stuff. Where he was used to working, there was even a rule “Don’t touch Dr. Gurien’s stuff without permission.” Although it’s not a good idea to piss off your future colleges, Michael does not really care anyway. He walks toward the man and grabs his arm.
“Hey! That is private property…..”
His voice dies down the second the guy turns around. Alex, Alex Mance, in the air force uniform, without his eyeliner and nose ring. He looks different, but still the same. Michael subconsciously tightens his grip. He stares at Alex’s face, feeling like the time has stopped. He does not move an inch, not until Alex’s eyes fall upon his hand. He quickly releases and tries to hide his shaky hand behind.
“Alex.” Michael doesn’t know why he still calls him the first name, probably thought that he doesn’t need to call his name ever again unless it is in his dream. He continues,
“Finally a real Manes’ man, your father must be proud.” He eases out the sentence as his eyes linger to the man behind Alex, his father.
“Three-quarters of one” Alex bends down to knot on his right leg, making the sound that definitely does not belong to human fresh.
Michael feels his stomach drops as the sound echos in his head. He feels sick and the emotion is hitting so hard against his physical body that Michael can feel the pain. But he has to push it down, knowing if he let anything fly around with his power in front of Air Force will be the end of everything.
“Gurien.” Alex let out a heavy breath “what are you doing here in this trailer. Definitely doesn’t look legal.”
“It’s my vacation home. A lot of weed, casual sexes and, oh, plan to overthrow the government ?” he says with a quick smirk.
“I thought you left Roswell,” Alex says quietly
“I came back yesterday. And I will be your guys' new consultant.”
“Really? ” Alex asks with disbelief.
“Yep. Dr.Gurien, head engineer of NASA. I am looking forward to working with you. Airman Manse.”
Alex straightens his posture and shakes Michael’s hand “Glad to meet you, Doctor.”
They do not break eye contact and stare at each other until someone approach Alex from the back.
“Captain Manse, we finish up here.”
“Ok, thanks,” Alex replies and looks back to Michael.
“I better get going. I will come back to move this thing later.” Michael starts backing up and gives Alex the last longing look before he turns around.
“Gurien. I will see you around? ” Alex calls out behind Michael.
Michael turns his head around and smiles. Although he really wants to kiss Alex right now. He decides not to do it because Jesse Manse is staring at them intensely. He would probably try to arrest Michael for AFD.
“So here.Captain.” Then he reluctantly walks away.
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wheneveryourereddie · 6 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Inspired by this edit 
Read on AO3 
Summary: Richie and Mike are twins but couldn’t be anymore opposite. Even though Mike is happy with his relationship with Jane (Eleven), he can’t get his brother’s boyfriend out of his head.
Warning: There is this thing called ANGST near the end, so yeah, there’s that.
A/n: I’M STILL A REDDIE SHIPPER! PLUS MILEVEN IS ALL THE FUCKING WAY! I just saw this edit from instagram and I thought it was a cool idea, besides all the angst.
Richie and Mike maybe identical twins, but they couldn’t be anymore opposite then each other. Richie would always be coming up with the most ridiculous ideas while Mike would be needing to calm him down somehow. Even the way they dressed was different! Richie always had his glasses and Hawaiian shirts and ripped jeans. Mike could just be easily found wearing his navy blue hoodie or a decorated sweater and normal jeans. The two do love each other, they just don’t show it much.
“Did you do the homework?” Dustin hoped, pulling out his notebook.
“Yeah, it’s due next lesson,” Will nodded.
“Shit!” Dustin curse as he messily scribbled down something.
“You do this every time with English!” Lucas exclaimed.
Dustin groaned, “I’m sorry, but since when do I need to know Shakespeare’s work on Romeo and Juliet in my life!?”
“Right now would be a great time!” Max groaned.
“What does he do?” Jane asked confused.
“Leave his homework to the last minute as some sort of statement,” Lucas tried to explain.
“Jesus Christ!” Dustin sighed, “Mike, back me up here!”
Mike wasn’t listening to their stupid argument. His mind was far away from what was going on in front of him. Instead, Mike was watching something completely different. His attention was drawn towards his twin brother, Richie and his little boyfriend.
Of course, Richie had once again somehow injured himself. Only god knows how he did it, but there he was with Eddie. The two were sitting on the staircase of the school halls while others past by them. Richie was going on about something he probably saw while Eddie would make a comment here and there.
“Mike? Earth to Mike Wheeler?”
The last bandage went on and Eddie let out a sigh of relief. Richie smiled as he laced his fingers within Eddie’s little fingers. A small smile formed on Eddie’s lips, leaning his head onto his boyfriend’s shoulder. Mike saw his brother say something stupid, earning a disgusted face from the smaller figure. Laughter erupted from Richie as Eddie chuckled along with him.
“Jesus fucking Christ! Mike!”
It didn’t take long for Richie to soon start placing kisses on the side of Eddie’s face. That’s where Mike ruled the line. His eyes darted way from the happy couple. His gut was getting all twisted and jumbled up from what he saw. Mike clenched his jaw as he tried to forget the memory.
He had no idea why the hell he’s been feeling like this for a while. The Wheelers have known the Kaspbraks since kindergarten, they were cabin buddies in the 4th grade! It was just that Richie ended up being the gay, well bi, one of the family. With that, he found out the guy he liked was gay and thought fuck it. Mike knew Eddie was gay, and into guys like Richie for some reason. Hell, Mike wasn’t anywhere near gay, let alone bi like Richie! So then why the living fuck can’t he get Eddie out of his damn mind!
“What!?” He finally gave them the attention.
“Lucas is yelling at me for not doing my English homework, but in reality I won’t be needing it in the future!” Dustin tried to catch him up. “Now! Could you please explain to Lucas that there is no reason to study it.”
“You guys are freakin’ children,” Mike rolled his eyes.
“No we’re not!”
“We’re all children, you idiot,” Max corrected them. “We’re still under the age of 18.”
Dustin shook his head in annoyance, “You guys are fucking useless,” stuffing his notebook back into his backpack.
Will looked around, trying to find a clock, but stumble upon something almost illegal, “oh god.”
“What?” Max asked, looking in the same direction. “Is your brother trying to swallow him?”
Mike looked over, only to regret it later in advance. Richie’s arms were wrapped around the smaller figure as he pulled Eddie closer to him. Eddie had both hands on Richie’s face, trying to steady the hormonal boy. Meanwhile, both the boys looked like they were trying to eat each other until one is gone. Mike really wanted to stop the two, he really did, but he knew once he goes over he’ll never hear the end of it.
“Just ignore them,” Jane pulled Mike away.
Lucas, “yeah guys, just ignore them.”
“How about as revenge, dress up as Richie and try to make out Eddie,” Dustin thought.
“And this is why I come up with the ideas,” Lucas sighed.
“Even if I could, or wanted to,” he won’t lie, Mike did want to, just to see what it was like, “Richie tried dressing up as me for halloween, thought I was so emo it would be scary.”
“Did it work?” Will asked.
“He burnt himself with Nancy’s straightener and couldn’t even leave the house without bumping
into something.”
“Probably because a bat can see God compared to Richie!”
The party all nodded and tried to ignore the two. It was like a gift from the Lord when the bell rang. The group disbanded to the classes they had next. Mike, being the gentleman he is, he walked alongside Jane to her next class.
“Are you alright?”
“What?” Mike asked, confused.
“When Lucas and Dustin were arguing, you kept on looking at Eddie and Richie,” Jane explained. “You didn’t look happy.”
“I was just grossed out by them,” Mike shrugged off. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Jane asked, a little more hopeful this time.
Mike gave his girlfriend a warning smile, “trust me, I’m alright.”
Jane returned the smiled, then gave him a quick peck before skipping off to her next class. Mike smiled and continued his journey to his own class. That’s when it clicked. Oh shit, Eddie was in his next class.
“Why is Richie’s t-twin staring at you?” Bill asked, looking behind them.
“I don’t know,” Eddie looked behind him.
Oh god, Mike was full on staring at him. It took Mike a few seconds to realise Eddie made eye contact with him. He shuffled in his chair then starting paying attention to the lector. Eddie rolled his eyes as he pull his phone out.
“Wh-wah-what are you doing?” Bill asked.
“Texting him,” Eddie laid his phone out flat on the table, “cover me.”
Edd K: u need 2 stop starin
Mike’n Ikes: i wasnt starin!
Edd K: bullshit! u left scars on my head!
“What’s he saying?” Bill asked.
“Nothin’ yet,” Eddie sighed.
Edd k: why u starin’ anyways?
Mike’n Ikes: ur big head iz in da way
“Mr. Kaspbrak!” The teacher erupted, making poor little Eddie jump. Her heels clicked against the titles as she strutted forward towards the boys. Her hands were glued to her hips, “texting in my class?”
“I was texting him!” Mike stood up.
The teacher turned around, her stand becoming more strong, “and why would that be?” Mike hesitated, he couldn’t think of a lie right on the spot. “Well Mr.Wheeler?”
There was nothing but complete silence within the air. It would’ve possible to hear a pin drop.
“Still nothing?”
“No, ms.”
“Then how about continuing your conversation in the principal's office?”
“What?” Mike questioned. “Ms, come on!”
“Now!” Then turned back to Eddie, “You too Eddie.”
All Eddie did was groan and flung his backpack over his shoulder. Mike did the same thing and followed Eddie down the hall.
The two boys sat in complete silence, probably planning on how to kill each other. Mike had his backpack by his feet and his hands in his jacket. Eddie had one leg over the other, twiddling his thumbs in stress. Fumes were leaving Eddie’s ears in smoke.
“My mom’s gonna kill me!” Eddie sighed, running a hand through his comb hair.
“Sucks to be you then!” Mike groaned.
“This is your fault!”
“No, it’s not!”
“If you just paid attention, none of this would’ve happened!” Eddie started.
“I told you! Your giant head was in the fucking way!”
“We were on completely different sides of the class!”
“You’re annoying!”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up Einstein!”
The door opened as a student left the room. It wasn’t surprising that it was Richie himself leaving the principal's office. What was surprising was finding his boyfriend and his brother there though.
“Wait there for a few minutes boys,” the administration instructed, then closed the door.
A smirk grew on Richie, “oh my holy shit!” His smile grew bigger. “What did my little bro and little spaghetti do?”
It was almost like on command, the two said together, “he did it.”
“Woah,” Richie chuckled. “You gotta explain at lunch!”
“I will,” Eddie sighed. “I’ll see you later.”
“See ya,” Richie pecked his cheek, then turned to his brother, “you’re fucked.”
“Piss off,” Mike hissed.
“Whatever you say, little bro,” he smirked, then walked off.
“You’re only older by 8 seconds!”
“He hasn’t been acting up!”
“Richie! He has!” Eddie tried to get his message across. “He’s been staring at me a lot more the usual, tries to start conversations with me, more touchy-,”
“Touchy!?” Richie stood up properly against the lockers. “How touchy? Touchy as in hand holding, or as in wants to have a taste of your special sauce?”
“I’m only asking Eds!” Richie defended for himself. “I’ll talk to him.”
“A, stop call me that & B, I better do it,” Eddie groaned.
“You sure? Cause I’ve been told we look almost like clones?” Richie was going on. “You could mistake him for me, and then that could lead to you being on your hands and knees like the other night!”
“Richie! I’ve known the both of you for god knows how long!” Eddie tried to calm him down. “I’ve got it.”
“Ah, Fine!” Richie slouched against the lockers. “I guess I won’t be your knight in shining armour!”
“You aren’t even a Knight!” Stan walked up to the couple, along with Bill and Beverly. “Let alone one in shining armour.”
“Wow, thanks, Stan!” Richie pulled a fake smile, the flipped him off.
“What did the p-principal say?” Bill asked.
“Principal?” Bev asked. “What happened Eddie?”
“Richie’s brother, that’s what happened.”
“Don’t worry Little Eds!” Richie smiled. “I’ve already got my revenge plan.”
“I said I was gonna talk to him.”
He knew where to go. This place was special to them, the three of them. Now it was different. They grew up and moved on to other things. Yet, whenever one of them is asked to meet here, then it defiantly serious.
This was those times.
Eddie waited for him there. His hands were constantly shaking in fear. The tension was already high in the thick air. He couldn’t wait anymore, where the hell was he?
The sound of gravel being pushed around startled him. Footsteps got louder the closer they came to Eddie. A tall figure took his seat next to Eddie on the log. The two did not make any eye connection whatsoever. Now it was time.
“I called you every night.”
“Yeah, I saw.”
“And did nothing!?” Mike asked, almost sounding heartbroken.
“What was I supposed to do?” Eddie finally looked over to Mike. “It was one stupid kiss, Mike!” Eddie stood up. “We were forced to kiss, remember?”
“Yes!” Mike stood up too. “Very clearly!”
“But that was months ago,” Eddie’s voice was more gentle now. “Mike. Ever since that damn party you’ve been acting differently towards me.”
“I know,” Mike sighed his bottom lip quivering, “and I fucking hate it.”
“If you continue this, Jane’s gonna find out,” Eddie tried to convince him.
Mike licked his lips, “she did this morning.”
“What did she asked?”
“That I was alright,” Mike hesitated, “because I saw you and Richie together, on the stairs.”
Eddie remembered that, oh so very clear. He just didn’t consider who was watching. He and Richie were too caught up in the moment to even care if a teacher had seen them. If only he was cautious a few hours ago.
“Mike,” his voice was soft but broken, “What I need right now is an explanation, not a full one, but at least an idea on what the hell is going on with you!”
“You wanna know!?” Mike cracked. “I wish I knew too!” Eddie was taken by his sudden outburst. “I wanna know why you’re always on my mind! I wanna know why it hurts so much me seeing you and Richie together! I wanna know why I want Richie to hurt you so I could be there for you! THE LIST GOES ON EDWARD KASPBRAK!” Mike had grown sick of this pain, now he was letting go of it. Tears started to drip down his cheeks and onto the gravel. “I wanna know why I’ve felt like this since that damn night.”
Eddie pressed his lips together as he swiped his tears away with his sleeve, “so what? Are you gay now or something ?”
Mike huffed, “I don’t know if this makes me gay, or bi or whatever the hell people want to identify them with these days.” Mike stepped closer to Eddie, the air getting thicker. “All I know is that, whatever these feelings are, there for you.”
“Mike,” Eddie sighed as he tried to hide more of the tears, “you know I can’t accept this, even if I wasn’t dating Richie or if I just wanted to.”
“I know,” Mike let out another tear. “I can’t force you to.”
“I love Richie, you’re twin.”
“That’s the only thing we have in common, besides our looks,” Mike chuckle. “We both love you.”
Another tear left Eddie’s sore eyes, “I really am sorry, Mike.”
Mike nodded, “it’s okay.”
“Goodbye, Mike.”
“Goodbye, Eddie.”
Then like that, he was gone.
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