#max philips fanfiction
"Not all men..."
Yeah your right José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal would never treat me like this
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absurdthirst · 4 months
Can't Fight Cupid {Max Phillips x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12k
Warnings: Human Max, sexism in the the workplace, insults, bickering, drinking, sexual harassment, mentions of drugging, drunk sex, impaired decision making but everyone consents, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, cream-pie, angst, oral sex (male and female receiving), confessions
Comments: Your morning show co-host, Max Phillips drives you mad. Constantly annoying you and bickering with you. At the Cupid's Ball, the weekend before Valentine's Day, you get a little drunk and do something incredibly stupid. Sleep with him.
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day!
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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  You groan, rolling over to slam your hand down on top of your alarm clock. 
It reads 3 am. 
“Fuck.” You huff, feeling exhausted after staying up late last night to talk to your agent, and you regret it now. There’s no choice to snooze, you need to get up. 
Moaning as you force yourself out of your comfy bed, you stumble into the bathroom, turning on the light, and it’s bright enough to make you wince. “God.” You whine, palming your face. Every day, you’re closer to being replaced by some teeny bopper with perky tits and an annoyingly high-pitched voice. You pee and brush your teeth before you start your morning routine. Treadmill. Weights. Protein shake. Shower. Get dressed.
The car pulls up outside your apartment building on time, and you get in to meet your producer, and she starts to ramble about the segments for the show.
You listen to her half-heartedly but stare out of the window. The street lights reflect as they twinkle overnight without anyone but you and a tired few to admire them.
When you arrive at the studio, you’re ushered inside and to your dressing room to get started on the exhausting daily routine of getting ready for TV. 
Your makeup artist is putting on your lipstick when there’s a knock on the door. 
“Goooood morning Vietnammmmm!” He shouts with enough energy to make you want to punch his stupid face. 
“Max.” You huff, turning your head to see him swagger into your dressing room with his designer bespoke suit.
“You ready for the Coleman interview? You sure you’re up to it?” He tuts, leaning over you as he checks out his reflection in the mirror.
“I think if one of us is prepared and able to interview a woman who survived sexual assault at the hands of a powerful man, it’s me. If you did it, she’d be traumatized all over again.” You scoff, crossing your arms.
Max snorts, “whatever, princess. Just don’t make us look bad.” He says, and you roll your eyes, “It’s not me who makes us look bad. You’re the one who flirts with anything that has a pulse.”
Your co-host leans in, a smirk on his face as he meets your eyes in the mirror, “I think you’re just jealous that I never flirt with you…off air.” He adds, his eyes narrow slightly, and you push him away from you. 
“In your fucking dreams, Phillips.” He chuckles, and you want to slap him, but he has already been in the makeup chair and Shelly would kill you if your handprint ruined her work.
Max chuckles again, slowly backing out of your dressing room, but he turns to look at you and says, “see you on the stage, wifey.” He teases and you growl under your breath.
You and Max are the darlings of morning news. The Daily News Show. You’re the “husband and wife” of daytime TV. You aren’t together. No, fuck no. You are both painfully single, unable to hold down a relationship when the show is your entire life. You live and breathe the news. Max has his liaisons, as detailed in every gossip mag from New York to L.A, but you’re the good girl. You could never get away with what he manages to do. You are held to a higher standard and it’s bullshit. You were called a “slut” when you went out with three men in six months. Max has ten flings - barely a weekend each - and he’s revered as “daytime’s most eligible bachelor.” 
You exhale shakily, trying to control your hatred towards Max before you go on air and put on your persona as the loving “TV wife.” You close your eyes and focus until Jimmy, the AD, comes in to tell you that it’s time to get on set. You nod, standing up to make your way through the halls to the set and Max is already sitting at the desk when you arrive. Shelly comes over to dust your face with setting powder and the producers are going over the segments one last time. 
“Right, everyone. Thirty seconds to live.” The director announces, headset on, and you swallow harshly, getting yourself in the zone.
“Don’t fuck up.” Max murmurs and you turn your head to glare at him. 
“You’re the only fuck up here, Phillips.” You hiss back and he chuckles, “at least I’m getting fucked. How long has it been again…? Last one was…that dude from Fallon?” He reminds you of your ex who was a writer over on The Jimmy Fallon Show. 
“Your last one still asleep in your bed?” You spit back, “you even get her name?” You ask and Max frowns. 
“Jessica? No, Jamie. No…shit.” He shakes his head and you roll your eyes. 
“As we are live in ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…” The director lowers his fingers to be silent and then you straighten up and plaster a smile on your face.
“Good morning and welcome to The Daily News Show.” You introduce yourself with a grin. 
“And I’m Max Phillips. It’s three days until Valentine's Day. Are you ready for the day?” Max asks you as per the teleprompter and you chuckle, “is anyone ready? Our friends over at Saks have some ideas for last-minute gifts later on in the show. Max, did you already get my present?” You question him teasingly like the TV wife you are.
“Of course.” He responds like it’s obvious, “I couldn’t not get my gorgeous co-host something special.” He winks and you internally scoff at his slimy smile. 
“I guess I’ll have to wait and see what you got me.” You giggle and turn back to look at the camera, “let’s take a look at your morning forecast.”
You go off air while the weatherman takes over and Max leans in, “did you get me a present?” He asks and you snort, “you’re lucky I put up with you.” 
Max chuckles, “well, at least we got the Cupid’s Ball tonight.” You groan softly under your breath, having forgotten that was tonight.
You have to go. You need to go. But you desperately want to curl under your duvet with a glass of wine and forget that you will be spending Valentine’s Day alone.
You tug on the hem of your skirt as you walk through the hall to the bustling private area of a skyscraper restaurant that overlooks the city where the party is being held. You feel ridiculous in the short red dress your stylist had picked for you, styled with a pair of heels that make you question if they belong in a torture room in the rings of hell. They are insanely uncomfortable and you’re reminded again of why you wish you were back at home curled up on your sofa with a glass of wine watching rom-com movies and shoving chocolate in your mouth. You inhale deeply before you make your way into the room.
Leaning against the bar, Max is already a few drinks in, bored out of his mind and questioning why he has to attend these things. No one wants to talk to him, they want to talk to his morning show personality. The Cupid’s Ball is an annoying reminder that despite his popularity, no one was special in his life. At least no one that he really wanted. Taking a sip of his drink, he nearly chokes when he sees you walk into the room. The blood red dress calls to him and he smirks as he puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly across the floor, catcalling you obnoxiously.
You roll your eyes and make a beeline to the bar where Max is, greeting people who are half drunk along the way. “You have one too many or you trying to make me doubt myself in this dress?” You question Max, trying to figure out his motive. You feel itchy in the dress now as his dark eyes trail along your form.
Max chuckles and waggles his brows suggestively. “You did get me a present.” He jokes. “Now put it on the floor where it belongs.” He knows that the network wouldn’t be happy with a sexual harassment lawsuit, but you wouldn’t file one of those. You enjoy cutting him down with scathing retorts too much. “Drink first, fuck later? Or fuck now, drink later?” He asks, offering you his own glass.
You wrinkle your nose, shaking your head, “in your fucking dreams, Phillips.” You huff and he chuckles, “if only you knew…” 
You shake your head and push his glass away, “knowing you, you probably roofied it.” You call the bartender over and order a Cosmo, wanting to enjoy the evening even if your co-star insists on annoying you to death. “What are you doing hanging by the bar? No pretty interns to harass?”
“Why harass interns when I can harass you?” He gives you a hurt pout and takes his drink back and takes a sip of it to prove that he hasn’t done anything to it. “Besides, if I didn’t bother you, you would think that I was body snatched.” He snorts and looks out over the throng of people filing in.
You snort, “that’s true. I would think you’d been abducted by aliens if you didn’t make my life hell every day.” You thank the bartender for your drink. “To being painfully single because we made our careers our lives.” You toast as you hold your drink towards him.
Max lifts his glass in salute and snorts. “You’ve still got time, sweet cheeks.” He tells you. “You can put those birthing hips to use.” He smirks when you glare at him and shrugs. “What? You don’t want to have rugrats attached to the tit?” His eyes drop to your chest. “Pity.”
Your eyebrows raise, “and you are thinking about reproducing? Good God. The world couldn’t cope with a miniature Max Phillips.” You chuckle and shake your head, “besides…you’re lucky. You could knock up every woman from New York to L.A and you would keep your job. Me? I’d be out the door as soon as I peed on a test.” You take a sip of your drink and shift from one foot to another, unused to this kind of talk directed at you from Max. Usually he’s boasting about his conquests and how much better he looks on camera.
“In the year of our lord, 2024?” Mad huffs and shakes his head. “No. The network would exploit it. Have ‘baby and me’ segments.” In reality, the only way the network would do that is if their hand was forced, but Max isn’t willing to give up his co-host. Despite your attitude towards him off camera, the public loved you two together. “All you’d have to do is announce it on air and tell viewers the special segments to come. A taped sonogram. Let our morning show viewers fall in love with the little brat.”
“The only way they’d do that is if it was our baby and to do that, we’d have to have sex and I know that you prefer them pliable and dumb.” You glance around the room, spotting the producers laughing together and the execs making a short experience before they helicopter out to their mansions.
Max scoffs. “That would never happen.” He agrees, although there’s a frown on his face as he turns back to the bar. “Better that we focus on our careers, right? That will keep us warm when we’re in our nursing homes.” He chuckles. “When we turn forty-five.”
“You’re closer to that than me, old man.” You taunt him, “forty this year. You gonna be able to handle getting older?” You nudge him, knowing that he prides himself on his looks and Devil May care attitude.
He shoots you a dirty look before glancing at the mirror behind the bar. “Don’t look a day over thirty-four.” He huffs before looking at you with a smirk. “Must be all the endorphins from sex.”
You can’t deny that he looks good. He always looks good. Must be the pussy and Botox he gets on the sly. “You gonna come out of my cake at my party like Marilyn Monroe?” Max asks and you shake your head, “no way, Phillips.” You snort and down the rest of your drink, gesturing for the bartender to get you another one. “Didn’t even know you were planning a party.”
He pouts at you again, looking hurt. “If I don’t throw myself a party, who would?” He asks, rolling his eyes. “Not like you would throw me one. You don’t even want to go out for that drink after work like I keep asking you to.”
You huff, turning to face him after you thank the bartender for setting your drink down. “Because it’s just to - to mock me. You don’t like me. I’m not your friend. We act like we like each other on tv but that’s it. I have a face for radio, remember?” You remind him of what he said to you the first day you met five years ago.
Max stares at you for a second and then laughs. Bending over the bar and laughing so hard tears come to his eyes. “You thought I meant that?” He gasps out, looking over at you and laughing again. “Sweetcheeks- that was- I was yanking your fucking chain.” He admits, calming down enough to speak. “You’re fucking gorgeous and you know it. Charming, witty. The whole package.”
You stare at him, shocked at his outburst. He’s flirted with you, especially on screen, but to hear him say he thinks you’re gorgeous…it takes you back. You pick up your drink, taking another gulp. “You gave me a fucking complex. I- I thought I wasn’t good enough.” You hiss at him, “I always thought - well, it doesn’t matter now. I’m going to go suck up to the execs before they leave. Try to keep my job another year.” You say and pick up your drink, striding over to Mr. Parker, the head of daytime tv.
Max shakes his head, watching your hips sway as you stride away from him. He had never imagined you would have taken him seriously. You always treat him like a joke, so why would you believe that? Of course you’re gorgeous, the network thrived on beautiful people and made it their mission to hire the prettiest talent in the business. Max orders another drink for himself and for you before deciding to join you. A little corporate ass kissing was never a bad move for the career.
You smile as Mr. Parker looks down at your cleavage. It’s not the healthiest dynamic at the network but you let some things slide in the interest of keeping your job. You giggle at his lame joke, trying to act like he’s so clever, when Max comes over and replaces your now empty glass with a new drink. “Ah Phillips, I was just telling your pretty co-anchor here about some changes we will be making to the outfits. I’m thinking we could get away with a couple of inches higher, don’t you?”
Max lifts his brows and pretends to consider it. It’s an insult and everyone here knows it. “Why don’t we have the weather girl in a bikini?” He suggests. “But for our hard hitting stories, I think the length of the dress won’t matter, we’re behind a desk.”
“I was thinking maybe our lady here could be standing up. Presenting in front of the screens like they do on other shows. That way she can show off those stems.” He says and you shake your head, “the whole point of the show is for me to be beside Max. That’s what the viewers like, that’s what they want.” You explain and Mr. Parker hums, “we shall see. I’ll speak to the producers…see what they think.” You nod, offering him a forced smile. You know the producers will have your back on this ridiculous suggestion.
Max glances at you and knows that you are unhappy with the idea and he will back you up. “So what’s your golf game looking like, Paul?” He asks, hoping to steer the conversation on to friendlier topics. “Every time I’m in the weeds, I think of your epic shot.” Paul puffs up proudly and nods, starting to tell Max about his latest game.
You down the rest of your drink and smile at your boss, “excuse me.” You say and make your way back across the event room to the bar, ordering another drink. You shouldn’t drink so much but between all the men in the room that look at you like a piece of meat, you’re ready to get drunk and forget the reality that your time is limited because of your age. They’ll want some twenty year old to take your place soon. You lean against the bar and thank the bartender when he sets another cosmo down. You sigh and turn to pick it up when you feel someone behind you. “Looking gorgeous as ever.” The voice of the foreign correspondent, Jack. 
You turn to face him, a stiff smile on your face. “Jack.” You greet him, hating how he leans in even closer. His disgusting cologne wafting over you. He’s always been a little intrusive.
His eyes are dark and his smirk is supposed to be charming, but it comes off as creepy. “What are you doin’ over here by yourself?” He asks. “Rarely ever see you off Phillips’ dick.”
“I’ve never been on his dick. Ever.” You clarify, “I’m just sipping my drink. Enjoying the party.” You hum and take a step back from him. 
“Nice to hear. You could be on my dick if you want.” Jack smirks, licking his lower lip and you recoil. 
“No. I- I don’t want that.” You say, shaking your head and trying to let him down gently.
“You know, you’d probably move up from the morning show if you weren’t such a stuck up, frigid cunt.” Jack hisses, a scowl on his face, pissed off at being shot by the morning bitch. He is a foreign correspondent, respected and revered. He shoots you a nasty little grin. “Pretty soon your tits won’t be perky enough to keep your job and you’ll be doing the weather in Kalamazoo.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “and I’ll be telling everyone about your unwanted advances to me every single time you’re near me. I will tell HR and get you fired.” You hiss and Jack growls at you, “you’re a fucking bitch.” 
You smile, “thank you, Jack.” You remain tall just as Max appears, his hand on your back. “Everything okay here?” He asks and you stiffen slightly, “everything is fine, isn’t it Jack?” You ask the correspondent, who scoffs and walks off. 
“What happened?” Max asks, a frown on his face. 
“Jack was being an asshole. As per usual.” You huff and turn back towards your drink.
There’s more to it than that, but you will never confide in him. Apparently he can’t even try to pretend to care. He pulls his hand away, and slips it into his pocket. “He’s an old drunk that thinks the weather girl is still picked on a casting couch.” Max snorts. “No means yes to him.” He warns you. “You say I’ll spike your drink, but I wouldn’t put it past that prick.” He scoffs.
You sigh, leaning against the counter, “you’re right. He - I’ve heard stories about the interns and some of the make-up girls.” You confess, rubbing your neck, “you know…you’re not as bad as him. You’re a good man really. I just like seeing that vein pop in your forehead.” You confess, starting to feel giddy from the booze.
Max snorts and rolls his eyes, his own alcohol consumption starting to make his body hum. “You just say that because you have to pretend to like me.” He huffs, sending you a pout before he slides into a grin to cover his hurt feelings. “You think I’m pretty though. No matter how much you don’t want to admit it.”
You scoff, rearing back from him, until you soften and lean closer again. “You are pretty. So pretty.” You confess, reaching out to run your finger down his cheek, “unfair how handsome you are.” You whine slightly, “I don’t have to pretend.” You admit with a whisper.
​​He shivers at your touch and leans into it the drinks clouding his judgment and making him speak before thinking about it. “You think I’m unfair?” He huffs. “I have to constantly hide the fucking hard on I’ve got around you.” He pouts. “Do you know how fucking distracting your perfume is? You don’t need perfume for tv, and when you’re near me, all I can smell is you and imagine….”
The booze doesn’t let you question the validity of his confession. You decide to revel in it and you lean in towards him, “imagine…?” You question, your eyes flicking down to his lips.
“Imagine you.” Max is too wrapped up in his confession to realize he shouldn’t say this to you. Shouldn’t say this at all. “Head between your thighs, tasting you, making you moan my name so sweetly before I slide inside you.” He pants breathlessly, cock twitching in his pants. “Watching you cum because of me, because of the way I touch you.”
You can’t stop the moan that escapes your lips at the thought. “Maxwell Phillips.” You gasp, your stomach twisting with arousal as you soak the lace panties you’re wearing. You glance around and are grateful that no one notices when you grab Max’s hand and drag him through the crowd and out into the hallway. “I want you to fuck me, Max.” You beg him breathlessly, grabbing onto his tie to pull him into the nearest empty room, a function room with tables and chairs.
“Wait, really?” His eyes widen and he’s not hesitant, he’s shocked as shit. But the way you are dragging him closer makes every caution sign in his mind filter away as you eagerly press your lips to his as you continue to back into the dimly lit room. “Fuck.” He moans, pressing against you when your ass hits a table and his hands are cradling your hips, helping you up onto it as your tongue slides into his mouth.
You don’t think about the consequences of this. Deciding to just feel for once, you groan as Max slides his tongue against yours and his hands explore your body. You moan echoes in the empty room as he kisses your jaw and he settles between your thighs as you open them for him.
He turns greedy. Hands filling themselves with your flesh, groaning into your mouth at the taste of the liquor from your tongue. The pure sense of you. The heat of your skin makes him twitch and groan again when he presses two fingers to the damp core of your lace panties.
You whimper, “please Max” into his jaw as he rubs your clit through the lace. He doesn’t deny you as he slides his fingers beneath the elastic of your panties and presses his manicured fingers against the bundle of nerves. “Oh God.” You moan, sliding your hands down his chest to fumble with his belt, trying to undo the stupidly expensive buckle until you can finally reach in and pull his hard cock out of his equally expensive pants. “Fucking hell.” You curse as you wrap your fingers around the girth.
He chuckles, kissing along your jaw. 
“Try hiding that all the time.” He jokes, breaking off into a groan when you squeeze him firmly and start to stroke his cock. “Fuck, baby.” He whines, hips jerking forward into your grip and he twists his wrist to press his thumb against your clit while starting to work two fingers inside you.
You pant as he pushes two thick digits into you. You hate to admit it but you’ve imagined his hands on you, inside of you, many times during segments where the camera is off of you. You jerk his cock, swiping your thumb over the head to gather the pre-cum that has gathered there. “I need - I need you to - oh shit.” You moan when he curls his fingers just right inside of you.
“That what you needed?” He groans, biting along your neck gently while he’s trying not to get too excited. Your cunt is so tight and he doesn’t want to cum too quickly when he finally gets to fuck you. “Fuck baby, you’re so tight. My cock is gonna feel so good inside you.” He moans, kissing along your chest and nudging his nose between your breasts as he pumps his fingers in and out of you.
“Yes. Oh shit. Max. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me-” You cut yourself off with a squeal as you clamp down around his fingers. Your grip on his cock loosening as your orgasm hits you and you pant his name into his hair as he licks along the top of your breast. “Fuck me.” You beg, “need you inside of me, Phillips.”
He doesn’t even consider birth control, he’s listened to the segments where you’ve talked about your own choice and knows you well enough to know you don’t have anything. His fingers are soaked and he pulls them out with a groan of your name. Batting your hands away to wrap around his cock and soak it with your juices.
You spread your legs wider and watch him as he positions the head of his cock at your entrance, pushing inside of you with a low groan. “Oh God, Max.” You whine, throwing your head back as he pushes into you and stretches you out.
He hisses as your tight walls surround him. You’re so much tighter and hotter than he ever imagined and he imagined it a lot. Slowly bottoming out and groaning your name again as he tries to keep from cumming. “Holy shit babe.”
You slide your hands under his bespoke jacket, clawing at his back as he twitches inside of you. "I need you to move." You plead. You'll think back to this moment later and cringe at how needy you sound but for right now, you need him to fuck you like you've secretly wanted him to since you started working together.
“Fuck.” Max can’t resist you. One hand planted on the table beside your head and he draws his hips back to plunge into you again. Enjoying the sharp gasp you give him and craving more as he leans down and presses his lips to yours. Starting to thrust into you with harsh, sharp slaps of his hips that rock the table while you cling to him and writhe underneath him.
You slide your tongue against his as he rocks into you. Anyone could walk in. Anyone could hear you. The music is faint from the function room where your work event is being held but you don’t care, too busy focusing on Max and the way he’s thrusting into you like his life depends on it. “Fuck, this is - it’s so good, baby.” You whine and wrap your legs around him, your heels falling to the floor.
Max grunts, agreeing completely as he bites his lip. “So- fuck- so good.” He groans your name again and bites down on your lip hungrily. “Baby, fuck, you’re so tight. How- fuck, you’re so good.”
"Ke-Kegals." You reveal breathlessly, "gotta - gotta keep fit to stay on TV." You whimper when he hits deep and you lift your hips up to meet his thrusts. "Keep going, Phillips, don't you dare stop." You demand when his pace stutters.
“So demanding.” He huffs, flashing you a grin as he nods. Taking a deep breath and rocking his hips harder. “Fuck, it’s your fault. So fucking tight.”
You shake your head, closing your eyes, "you're so fucking thick, Max. God, I don't - no wonder you have so many damn flings." You pant and he drops his hips just right to make you gasp when he hits something devastating.
He chuckles breathlessly, not even bothering to admit that he doesn’t have as many flings as he might have led you to believe. You would never think he was telling you the truth. “You’re tight.”
“Shit, Max. I- I’m gonna- just like that. Keep going like that.” You demand and groan when he keeps hitting that spot. “That’s it baby. Oh shit. Max!” You cry out, clamping down on his cock as he makes you cum hard. Harder than you have for longer than you’d ever care to admit.
“Thaaaaaaat’s it.” He groans, eyes nearly rolling back and he has to put more effort into fucking you from how hard you squeeze hum. “That’s fucking it. Cream all over me baby.��� He groans. “Soak my cock with that pretty cunt.”
His words would usually make you cringe if you weren’t practically shaking beneath him as he makes you cum. “Oh God. It’s so good. So good. I want - want you to cum.” You plead, pressing your heels into his ass to push him impossibly deeper inside of you.
“Gonna - fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He pants out breathlessly, sweat rolling down his forehead but he ignores it. Too lost in the sensation of your cunt. “Fuck, fuck you’re so fucking wet, baby.” He praises. “Gonna cum, fuck, fuck-“ he lets out a strangled groan of your name when his hips stutter and he thrusts deep one last time, painting your walls with ropes of cum.
Moaning in delight as he fills you up, you caress his back under his jacket, and tilt your head up to kiss along his jaw. “Not too bad, Phillips.” You tease breathlessly as he rocks himself through his orgasm.
He huffs out a chuckle and shakes his head, rocking slowly as he pumps every spurt of cum into you. “Not too bad yourself.” He grunts, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours once more before he starts to pull out of you to watch his cum drip. “Now that’s a pretty sight.” He hums, delighted to see his cum leaking out of your cunt.
You roll your eyes and sit up, standing on shaking legs to pick up your panties. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom. You’re gonna go back in there and act like this didn’t happen. We have to act like this didn’t happen, you understand?” You ask him, your eyes wide and pleading. If everyone knew you and Max had sex, you’d be branded a slut and he’d be revered for conquering you.
Max’s plan to ask you if you want to get out of here dies on his tongue and he adopts an easy grin. “No problem, sweet cheeks.” He chuckles and looks away from you as he tucks his cock back into his pants. “Can’t have anyone thinking that something happened. Might keep me from getting lucky with that new intern tonight.” He lies and starts to straighten his tie and smooth down his vest. Once he feels like he can look at you and not show you how upset he is, he tosses you a wink. “Thanks for the sex, baby.” He hums as he turns around and whistles while strolling out of the empty room.
You watch him walk out and you swallow harshly, ignoring the way your eyes sting with tears. It’s not his fault that you gave in and now you wonder what will happen to your working relationship. You let your guard slip. You can’t let that happen again. Walking out of the room on shaky legs, you make your way back into your work event, grabbing your clutch from the side and you don’t say another word as you swiftly exit the party, ignoring Max’s stare as his cum settles in your panties while you quickly leave before anyone notices what happened.
Sighing softly as you walk out of the party, Max wonders why you let him touch you. Was it a drunken mistake? A calculated ploy to get him fired for misconduct? He frowns as he turns back to the bar and motions for the bartender. He will pretend like it never happened and see if you do the same.
The weekend passes and you freak out about sleeping with Max. It’s changed everything. You don’t know if you’re going to be able to look him in the eye as your car travels to the studio. The producer calls your name, bringing you out of your thoughts and all you can do is nod. You have no idea what they were saying but soon, you’re entering the building and making your way up to the floor for the show. “Good morning.” Your intern, Natalie, greets you with your morning coffee and you thank her. Praying you don’t see Max until you get on set, you settle into your chair to review the segments and wait for the make-up and hair artists.
Max rolls his shoulders back and purposefully changes his step to one that is lighthearted and full of energy. “How are we doing this gorgeous morning?” He asks as he steps into the hair and makeup room, seeing you already in your chair and he hates how his heart pangs because he didn’t hear from you at all. Not that it’s surprising, just disappointing. “Everyone have a good weekend? Mine was amazing.” He boasts, waggling his brows playfully. “Didn’t get out of the bed, if you know what I mean.” He lies, knowing he spent the weekend depressed and wondering what the fuck happened Friday night. 
He breezes by you and settles down into his own chair, pulling out the eye mask he carries with him with the serum that costs an arm and a leg, the promise of less wrinkles meaning he will pay any price. “Need some more rest.”
You swallow harshly, keeping your eyes on the script. The ghost of his touch has haunted you all weekend and you don’t know how to feel about his nonchalant attitude to you and the artists in the room. You wonder who took up his bed after you, your stomach twisting at the idea of it being that young new intern that seems eager to please. You turn to look at him when he places the eye mask on his face and your expression is one of heartbreak and longing - at least that’s what the make-up and hair stylists will say later when they gossip over coffee. “Busy weekend?” You ask eventually, trying to sound lighthearted.
“Yep.” He pops the p and sighs with a nostalgia that is solely for you and the night he got to touch you. “You? How was your weekend? Anything fun and new?” He asks, tilting his head up and removing the mask now that his stylist is here. His eyes focus on you with a serious gaze.
You can’t tell him you sat around all weekend having a crisis about what happened between you. “Oh, I was busy. I went out. Had dinner. Some drinks.” You say vaguely, “had a late night on Saturday so spent most of Sunday in bed.” You smirk, forcing yourself to give the impression that you weren’t alone.
“Ohhhh ho! Someone got lucky!” Max plasters a cocky look on his face and waggles his brows even though he’s pissed you fled and apparently went to fuck someone else. “Was it good? Bet it was good, but I would have been better, sweet cheeks.” He teases like he normally would have, but the words taste slightly bitter.
“In your dreams, Phillips.” You spit half heartedly, not wanting to elaborate on your lie as you hate the fact that he’s ruined everyone else for you. You’ve never cum so fast and so hard. Most men finish before you can and then won’t even help you get off. You’ve never felt that kind of electricity. The artist's exchange looks behind you as you and Max are distracted by your own turbulent thoughts. “Besides, sounds like you were warm and cozy in your bed with a new floozy.”
“You know how it is.” Max shrugs carelessly. “Friday night plans fell through so I had to improvise.” He stares at you for a moment longer before turning his attention to the hair stylist. “Can you make my hair extra shiny this morning, babe?” He asks, dropping his eyes to his hair and reaching up to fix a hair out of place. “Want to look my best for the cameras.”
You huff, shaking your head, “always the same. Always wanting the spotlight and - and always being so goddamn selfish.” You growl at him, batting the brush away from your face as you stand up and mutter about needing the bathroom before you rush out of the room. You hate that Max doesn’t even seem to remember that you had sex on Friday night. You were just another notch on his belt.
Max’s eyes follow you out of the room and the frown on his face isn’t even registering to him, although it’s being noticed by the other people in the room. Their glances to each other pointed and the hairstylist finally answers him. “Sure, Max. No problem.” She hums, running her fingers through his hair and Max sighs. “Just do whatever.”
You stare into the mirror in the bathroom, preparing yourself to head back out there and act like nothing is wrong. One drunken night with Max and your world is spinning out of control. You’ve worked so hard, focused on your career, and now you feel like you’re losing it all because you can’t stop thinking about how he felt, how he smelt, how he sounded. His moan of your name seems to play on a loop in your head and it’s driving you crazy. Hands shaking, you gather yourself as you head back into the make up room, glad to see Max is gone as you get ready to go on air.
Sitting behind the desk, Max tries to shake off the feeling that you are upset at him. You are the one who had left. Fled the party after begging him to fuck you. He’s kind of pissed off about it now. Setting him up to look like an asshole. He shuffles through the notes for the upcoming show and clears his throat, trying to get the smell of you out of his mind, his cock refusing to soften.
You spritz on your perfume, just to torture Max after what he told you, and you step onto the set to sit down at the desk next to Max. The team comes over to adjust your mic and you pick up your notes.
As soon as you sit down, a cloud of your perfume settles over him and makes Max groan. His cock twitching in his pants and he drops his head into his hand. “Max. You good?” The producer calls out from beside the camera man and he has to lift his head and pretend he’s not incredibly turned on. 
“All good, just remembered I didn’t turn off the coffee maker this morning.” He lies.
You turn your head to look at him, eyebrows raised, and you think that the groan is in annoyance at having to sit next to you. “I should’ve called in sick.” You mutter and shake your head before the AD announces the countdown to live. When you are counted down to one, you plaster a smile on your face and straighten your back, eager to do a good job even if inside, you’re angry and confused at Max and his reaction like Friday night was nothing.
“Good morning and welcome to the Daily New Show.” Max tries to keep himself even more energetic than normal to make up for his turbulent feelings. “I hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday morning and we’ve got an impressive show for you today. As you know, it is Valentine’s Day so I hope you’re all prepared. I know I am.” He chuckles and turns towards you and introduces you as his lovely co-host. “Did you like those chocolates I put in your room this morning?”
You know Max didn’t put anything in your room but you play along, “of course. I’ll be enjoying some of those with my coffee later. Did you get my present?” You tease him playfully on camera, knowing you didn’t get him anything either but you want to make the viewers think you and him are the best of friends.
“No…” his eyes widen playfully and he tosses you a grin. “Whaddya get me?” He asks, knowing you didn’t get him anything. “Hopefully something good, because I’m worth it.” He winks at the camera and chuckles, knowing that you would not be thinking the same thing.
You shake your head, "you'll have to wait and find out. I'm sure you're gonna love it." You promise with a grin and turn back towards the camera. "Talking of gifts, let's go to Katie who has some last minute gift ideas for those who need something for the one they love." You smile at the camera and slump when they count you out. "Chocolates." You scoff, "you've never even gotten me a coffee."
Max rolls his eyes and snorts. “And? Not like you’ve ever given me anything either? Maybe looks of disgust, but I don’t count those, sweet cheeks.” The sad thing is, he had bought you some chocolates, the first year you were on air for your birthday, but you hand said you wanted no reminders of getting older so he hadn’t given them to you. “Only another fifty-six minutes in my company, you’ll survive.”
You sigh and sit up straight, unsure of what to say. You hate that you’ve reverted back to your old bickering, knowing that this won’t get you anywhere after what happened on Friday. You’re confused about how you feel. You wanted to ask him to come home with you after you slept together but you know you’d put your job on the line if something went wrong and Max would always be looking for the next best thing.
Max sighs softly when you don’t say anything and rolls his shoulders back as the countdown to the cameras being back on you starts. He should just forget Friday ever happened, it’s obvious that you regret it. “Thank you, Katie. Hopefully all the men out there without a plan can get it together and not disappoint their ladies, right?” He asks you, turning his head to look at you seriously. “Although I’m more of a romantic dinner at home, myself. Candlelight, soft music, bottle of wine.” He shrugs. “Nothing like a homemade carbonara.” It’s scripted, but true. He did prefer evenings in. 
You offer him a nod and a smile, “sounds like my kind of romantic night in, Max.” You wink and continue with the prompter. It’s hard to ignore the way he stares at you sometimes. The intensity in his look has you shifting in your chair and when you are countered out, you immediately stand up and remove your mic, making your way into your dressing room. It’s impossible to forget the way he felt inside of you, the way he sounded. You can’t forget him and it’s torturing you. You wipe your forehead and place your hands on your hips as the door opens and you turn to see Max standing there. “I can’t do this anymore.” You admit, “I can’t sit next to you every day and act like nothing happened between us.”
“You?” He snorts and shakes his head. “You are the one that left. Walked away without a word and you didn’t call me. So how am I supposed to know what you want? You want me to quit? Too bad.” He scoffs. “You will just have to deal.” He’s pissed off now. Pissed that it meant so little to you and now you want him gone so you don’t have to live with your mistake.
“I- I can’t. I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t stop thinking about how you sounded. How you felt. I- it’s torturing me.” You choke, “I can’t pretend it didn’t happen. I thought it was for the best and I figured you would act like it didn’t happen and go back to your one night stands but - shit, Phillips. I fucking hate you for getting under my skin like this.” You hiss at him, pissed at yourself as well.
“I don’t have a lot of one night stands.” Max admits, shaking his head when you scoff. “You were- you don’t fucking see it?” He asks, lunging forward and pressing into your dressing room so the door closes and grabs your neck to drag you closer to kiss. “You don’t see that I’m crazy about you?” He hisses before he kisses you feverishly.
Your eyes widen at first contact until your brain stops working and you relax into him. Letting him kiss you, his fingers digging into the back of your neck, and you moan into his mouth until your senses return. You push him away, "stop. We - we can't do this. If it goes wrong. It will go wrong and then our careers - we can't do this, Max."
“Goddamn you.” Max hisses, stepping back and his eyes are filled with nothing but hurt. “You only give a damn about yourself and you’re fucking toying with me.” He clenches his jaw and turns around. “Happy fucking Valentine’s Day.” He spits, storming out of the room, humiliated that he put himself on the line again and you are rejecting him.
You stare at him as he slams the door behind him, your lips tingling from the kiss and your hands shake as you touch them as if trying to erase his kiss from your skin. It doesn’t work. You feel your eyes sting as you grab your things and change into your leggings and hoodie before you head home. Your head is aching and you try to think about the reasons why it would be wrong to give Max a chance.
Max berates himself the entire way back to his apartment. Hating how he had admitted to you that he doesn’t have flings. Knowing that you would just use it against him. His phone contacts land on his agent and he wonders if he should call him. Let him know what’s going on in case you decide to go for the throat and in the end, he can’t do it. He will quietly put in for evening anchor and let you have the morning show. It’s what you want anyway.
You bite your lower lip as you stand outside of Max’s building, the doorman recognising you and sending you up. You thank him and fiddle with the bag in your hand, the present you bought for the man you’ve secretly been in love with for years. You ring the doorbell and wait for Max to answer the door.
Max had changed from the suit he had worn to comfortable sweats and a t-shirt, figuring he would spend the rest of the day wallowing in self pity and order DoorDash for dinner since he was all alone for yet another Valentine’s Day. Groaning when the doorbell peels, he wonders if it’s the lady from the third floor who loves to come give her his opinion on the show. She’s old and her husband died last year, so he tries not to shoo her away too quickly, but he’s not in the mood for company. Dragging himself off the couch he opens the door to find you standing there, no make up and in leggings, looking more beautiful than you deserve. “What do you want?” He demands.
You stare at him, unused to seeing him in relaxed clothing, he looks younger. You sigh and shift from one foot to the other. “I was wrong. To push you away. I can’t - I can’t keep denying myself the chance to be happy because I am terrified that everything I have worked for will go up in flames. I have been in love with you since we started working together and that day I saw you speak to that old lady when we did the segment on Alzheimer’s and you were so sweet and kind. I had never seen you like that before, and it made me realize that I had fallen in love with you, but I kept that hidden because I was scared. I was fucking terrified Max, that you would reject me because you have the world at your feet and can have any woman you want, what would make me special enough for you to love me? then you kept mentioning all your flings and I knew that I would never get the chance to be with you. I didn’t want to risk everything but Friday, I put everything on the line and then realized that everything could go wrong and I got scared. I got so fucking scared and I am so sorry that I acted like nothing happened when all I want is to have you again and again until you send me away.”
Max stares at you, digesting the verbal book you’ve just thrown at him and he drops his shoulders. “Do you want to come in?” He asks, unsure if you are planning on running away again or if you want to actually talk. He opens the door wider and none of the normally sarcastic comments come out of his mouth, unable to put on a front any more.
You deflate, nodding as you step into his apartment, and you admire the decor. Masculine but warm and you know he probably paid an interior designer to help him out. He shuts the door behind you and you fiddle with the bag in your hand. “I’m sorry to just show up.” You murmur, glancing around his apartment.
“Not like I had plans tonight.” Max shrugs it off and sighs. “Can I get you something to drink? Water, tea, tequila?” He swallows and rocks his jaw before you can even answer. “Why did you leave? Did you regret it?”
You stare at him, wondering if he heard everything you said. “Did you not- I left because I was scared you’d reject me. That I was just a conquest and you’d go back to your flings. I didn’t want to ruin our careers by getting messy emotions involved. Because - because I was a coward.”
“But you aren’t a coward.” Max argues, frowning fiercely at the idea. “You’re fucking amazing. Powerful, confident, a real ball buster when you have to be. You push boundaries and demand respect - and earn it.” He tells you. “You’re gorgeous, smart, kind of funny, brilliant at reading an audience and you have so much compassion. But one thing you are not….is a coward.”
His words make your eyes widen and you swallow harshly. “I was - I am scared. Scared of getting hurt. Scared of reaching for you, for something that could ruin me. In every way in life. I love you, Max, and that night…I broke. I couldn’t hold back from what I wanted anymore and I was an asshole to run away. I don’t want to run anymore. I know what I want. I know how I feel.”
“I thought I had you that night.” Max admits quietly, your words scaring him slightly and making him wish this had happened years ago. “I thought I finally got what I had wanted for so long.” He sends you a small grin. “Was going to ask if you wanted to leave the party. Go get dinner that night.”
You shake your head, tears stinging in your eyes a little. “I shouldn’t have - God, I was an idiot. I should’ve stayed. I’m sorry.” You confess and he stares at you again. “I- I can go. I just wanted to give you your gift.” You say, handing him the bag.
“You- you got me something?” He asks, taking the bag and then reaching for your arm as you try to turn away. “Wait.” He begs quietly. “Don’t run away again.”
You don’t move, looking down at his hand on your arm, and you nod, turning towards him again. “I want you to open it.” You say, “and read the note.” You tell him and he nods, setting the bag down on the counter.
The box is one that he recognizes and he shoots you a confused look. “I don’t-“ he starts but you shake your head. “Read the note.” You repeat and he nods, diving back into the bag to pull out a red envelope.
You watch him open the envelope. You had them write on the note “to the one I adore” and you hope he doesn’t reject you. You wanted to show him how you feel, to show him that you know him. Even down to his dream watch.
“I don’t- I can’t believe you bought this.” He admits, looking up at you and looks at you with amazement. “It’s the exact watch I’ve been wanting.” He admits. “I just could never justify buying it for myself. How did you-?”
“Saved up. I got a bonus when I resigned my contract. Got myself a purse and I only made it this far because of you…wanted to say thank you for being there for me every day.” You tell him shyly, “I wanted to show you how I felt without actually telling you.”
“I can’t believe this.” He shakes his head and sets the card down before he steps closer to you. “I can’t believe you.” He reaches up and caresses your cheek. “I feel bad because I didn’t get you anything.”
You shake your head against his palm, “it’s fine. I didn’t know when I would give you this. I’ve had it for a while. Trying to summon up the courage to tell you how I felt, to not be terrified.” You bite your lip as his dark eyes burn into yours.
“You shouldn’t have been terrified.” Max scoffs quietly. “I’ve not actually slept with anyone in months, nearly a  year.” He admits. “Too busy being hung up on my co-worker.”
You lean into his palm and reach out to caress his cheeks with your hands. “Gladys the cleaner?” You tease and he chuckles, “damn. How did you know?” He asks and you giggle, leaning in to nudge your nose against his. “Please don’t break my heart.” You plead, “because it’s yours.”
“I sat home all weekend and sulked because you left.” He shakes his head and chuckles. “I don’t want something casual. If we do this, I want it to be a real relationship. Dates in, dates out in town, sleepovers and being disgusting together.” He smirks at you. “Everything.”
“People already think we are fucking. The unofficially married couple of daytime tv. I don’t see why we can’t make it official? I want to be disgusting with you, Phillips.” You grin, “I want everything with you.”
“Yeah?” Max grins back at you and leans in to nudge his nose against yours. “You know what we didn’t do Friday?” He asks teasingly. “I didn’t see how fucking hard you can cum on my tongue.”
You whimper, your hands sliding down to caress his neck and his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath your palm. “You can find out if you want? I want to see how much you cum down my throat too.” You murmur, sliding your hand lower until you’re rubbing his semi through his sweats. “I gotta say, I love you in casual wear.”
“Yeah?” He groans quietly, hardening under your touch. “I think I love you in leggings. You like it for the easier access?” He twitches when you squeeze him and pant softly. “Baby. I- fuck, can I touch you?” He begs, a gentleman despite his bragging. “Please let me touch you.”
“I think I’ll have to kill you if you don’t touch me, Phillips.” You demand playfully, reaching into his sweats to pull his hard cock out. “God, I didn’t get a good look and - no wonder you’re so damn cocky.” You groan and let go of him to spit in your hand, wrapping your fingers around his girth.
Max would chuckle, but he’s too busy diving under your shirt to cup your tits. “Want you naked this time.” He moans, rocking his hips into your hand. “Touch you everywhere. Fuck, baby, I- should I eat you out first, have you sit on my face or kneel between those pretty thighs?” The good thing about getting up so fucking early is that it’s not even noon yet, he’s got the rest of the day to spend with you if you don’t run away again.
You whimper when he squeezes your tits over your bra. "Fuck, Max. However you want me. I am yours." You promise, "just touch me." You plead, pressing your thighs together to get some friction.
Max leans in and bites your jaw. “Come on, baby.” He coos, excited to touch you properly. “Want to show you my bedroom.” He teases. “Give you the full Max Phillips tour.”
You would normally roll your eyes but right now, you desperately need him. The ghost of his touch has been on your mind since Friday and you need it, you need him. He guides you into his bedroom and it's clean, the bed is made. “I like your style, Phillips.” You smile at him as he lets go of your hand so he can pull your shirt over your head.
“Can’t sleep in a messy room.” He admits, although he tosses your shirt to the floor with a grin. “But I will happily leave your clothes on the floor allllllll night.” He promises, unhooking your bra with two fingers before dragging it down so he can wrap his lips around one of your nipples.
You gasp and arch your chest into his mouth, your hand quickly finding purchase in his hair. “Shit Max.” You whine when he bites down and you love it, you love how he seems so hungry for you.
Max growls against your skin, loving how you start to tug on his hair. His hands tug down at your leggings before he pulls away to push you down onto his bigger than needed bed. Grinning when you bounce slightly and he goes back to attacking your pants. “Fuck.”
You help him by kicking them off and his fingers are hooking into your panties, dragging them down your legs. “Fuck baby. I need you.” You beg, dripping wet for him and his hair is not gelled, falling into his face and your heart clenches at the grin on his face as he crawls up your body.
“You’ve got me.” He promises, stopping to nip, lick and kiss different places on your body. Stopping and staring at you with a serious expression on his face. “You’re beautiful.” He murmurs softly before leaning in to press his lips to yours.
You slide your hands down to caress his back as his tongue slides into your mouth. His cock is heavy against your thigh and you grab his shirt in your hands, wanting to see more of him. “Take this off.” You demand, tugging on his shirt.
He chuckles, pushing onto his knees to comply. “So pushy,” he teases, grinning as he tosses it away and starts to tug his sweats down over his ass. “I like it. Order me around baby, tell me to lick your pussy until you cream in my face.”
You giggle at the enthusiastic look on his face. “Want you to lick my pussy until I soak your face.” You demand, grabbing his face to drag him down between your thighs, maybe pulling on his hair a little too hard but his resounding groan tells you he likes it.
Max loves when a woman is demanding, taking what she wants because he also loves to do the same. A true switch when it comes to the bedroom. “Fuck, you have such a pretty pussy.” He groans when he sees your wet folds. “So tight too.” He tells you before he lunges forward to bury his tongue inside you.
Your cry echoes in his large bedroom and you moan his name, your hips immediately thrusting up into his mouth as he slides his tongue through your folds. “Holy shit, Max.” You throw your head back as he sucks on your clit.
He chuckles against your clit, sliding a hand between your thighs and he starts to rub your entrance to gather your slick before curling two fingers inside you. Loving how quickly you clench down on them as he licks at your nerves expertly.
His fingers and his tongue are magic. No wonder he has the reputation he has when it's so damn good. You whimper and lift your leg onto his shoulder so his fingers push deeper. "Holy - holy shit." You choke when he curls them just right and his breath washes over your clit.
“That’s it, baby,” Max coos, completely obsessed with the way you whimper his name. “Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum all over my fingers and face, pretty girl.” He keeps curling his fingers and sucks your clit back into his mouth as he watches you intently, wanting to witness the moment you cum.
"Oh shit. Shit. Just- fuck - just like that." You whine as he sucks your clit like those stupid caramels he unwraps between segments. You can't deny him as he curls his fingers just right and you cum, clamping down on his thick digits.
You’re louder than that Friday, of course you are. You are in a private bedroom where you won’t be discovered if you scream his name. Plus, this orgasm is completely centered around you, Max continues to pump his fingers and suck in your clit to work you through it. Greedy for your sounds and the way you soak his fingers.
When it becomes too much, you push him away, gasping his name, and you grab his shoulder, dragging him up your body. "I wanna-" You don't voice your desires as you shift to push him back on the bed, shifting to kneel between his legs. "God." You murmur as you wrap your fingers around his cock. 
"Baby. You don't-" His protest dies on his lips as you lean forward to wrap your lips around the head of his cock. “Fuuuuuuuuck.” Max hisses in pleasure as your mouth takes his cock. Twitching and groaning your name when he feels you swallow around him. “Never-never thought I’d see this.” He admits breathlessly. “But I love the view.”
Your eyes crinkle as you smile around his dick, taking him deeper, and you love the way his jaw drops. "You are gorgeous." He murmurs and you slide your hand along his chest, caressing his skin as you start to bob your head.
It’s quite possibly the best fucking blowjob he’s ever had. Not sure if it’s because you are so eager to blow him, or that it’s just you, but you have him breathless and gripping the duvet quickly. “Baby, baby, you are so good. You’re gonna make me cum and I can’t do that right now.” He whines after you swallow around him again.
You reluctantly pull off of his cock, moving fast to straddle his thighs and you shuffle closer, sitting up until you can grip his cock and notch him at your entrance. You look into those dark eyes and sink slowly down onto him.
“Shiiiiiiiiiit.” Max grabs your hips but he doesn’t try to control you, just hanging on while your walls surround him. “Can we do the show just like this?” He pants out, “you sitting on my cock? Fuck, baby.”
“We’d either get no viewers or a ton of viewers for daytime tv.” You giggle, caressing his chest and you lean in to kiss his neck. “You feel so good inside of me, Max.” You murmur, kissing his jaw as you lift your hips until you’re sinking back down onto him.
Max blows out a loud breath, sliding his hands up and down your back. “I’m trying not to blow my load here, sweet cheeks. Don’t mistake that. Fuck, you feel so amazing. Like a fucking glove.”
You moan, loving the way he twitches inside of you. “All yours. Yours baby.” You promise and lean in to kiss him softly before you start to rock your hips, taking him deep inside of you every time you sink down onto his cock. He’s so deep and you aren’t in a rush for this to be over.
The pace is slower than before and Max groans every time you rock your hips. “Fuck baby.” He whispers, turning his head to kiss along your neck. Loving how you are slowly unraveling him.
You rock back onto him, caressing his neck and sliding your fingers through his hair. “God, I love you.” You murmur, shifting to press your lips to his, your hands cupping his cheeks.
His breath catches, hearing you say it like that for the first time. “I love you too, baby.” He promises, lifting up to kiss you thoroughly. His hand slides up to your neck and he drags you closer, loving how your tits press against his chest and he slides his tongue into your mouth to deepen the kiss.
You savor the kiss, moaning into his mouth, and you whimper his name as he kisses along your jaw. You bounce on his cock a little faster, wanting him to cum for you. “Fuck, baby. I- I want you to fill me up.” You murmur, nudging your nose against his.
“Shiiiit.” Max hisses. “That is so fucking sexy.” He admits with a breathless laugh. Watching your tits bounce and he reaches back to slap your ass.
You groan as he helps you bounce harder on his cock. “Fuck baby. Yes. Yes! Just like that. Oh God. You’re hitting just right.” You ramble, lost in the sensations as he rocks you on his cock and the coarse hairs at the base of his cock rub against your clit.
Max chuckles at how desperate you sound, how greedily your cunt clenches around him. Groaning as he rocks you harder and plants his feet to thrust into you. “Want you to cum.” He grunts. “On my cock this time.”
You whimper, "gonna - oh God. Ma- Max. Oh fuck. Maxxxx." You squeal. clamping down on his cock and you cry out as he thrusts up at the right angle and sends you over the edge, making you shake against him as you orgasm.
Max chokes out your name, wrapping his arms around you and starting to thrust up into you wildly. Letting his own desires overtake the sedate pace and chase his own orgasm now that you’ve cum.
You let him thrust up into you, making you moan as he extends your climax. “Baby. I need - I want you to cum for me.” You beg, kissing his neck, and you end up biting his earlobe. “Cum for me, Max.”
“Ohhh shit.” You biting him throws him over the edge. Squeezing you tight, he rocks his hips up to bury himself inside you. Groaning as his spurts of cum paint your walls.
You caress his neck, running your finger through his hair as you kiss all over his face. His fingers dig into your flesh but you don’t care, loving how he feels surrounding you. “I love you, Phillips.” You murmur, enjoying how he feels surrounding you. “I’m sorry I ran away.” You murmur, knowing you aren’t running now.
“I love you too.” Max hums softly. “If you run this time, I’m coming after you. I don’t give a damn who knows it.” His arms loosen slightly and he looks into your eyes when you lean back. “Will you go to dinner with me? Not tonight, because we couldn’t get reservations anywhere, but I want to take you out properly.”
You nod, unable to say no to him and you lean in to kiss him again. “I’m not running away. I want the world to know about us. It’s - I’ve been thinking, this could make our career. The TV husband and wife that become husband and wife.” You tease and Max’s eyes widen. 
“Marriage? Slow your roll baby.” He says and you giggle, rolling your eyes. “I’m joking. I want to marry you. Shit, I’ve never said that to anyone. I want you baby. I’m in this for the long haul.” He promises and you nod, leaning in to kiss him. 
“Mrs Max Phillips has a ring to it.” You murmur and he chuckles, “who says I wouldn’t take your last name? I’m a modern man.” He winks at you and you snort, leaning in to nudge your nose against his. You don’t know why you’ve been running from your feelings and now that you are here with Max, you’ll never run again. He’s now your home.
“It’s that time of year again.” Max grins into the camera as the red light reappears. “Valentine’s Day. The day where men either panic as they figure out to impress their partners or prepare to take the next step.” He clears his throat as he looks over at you. His girlfriend of a year, even though the public was still guessing at how serious the relationship was. There had been plenty of photos of dinners out and cozily walking around town together. While you weren’t discreet, you both decided to be mum about the status of your relationship. Especially after a closed door meeting with the producers. Everyone at the station knew, and that was all that mattered. “Tell me, Valentine’s Day proposal, tacky or romantic?” He asks you. “I personally think romantic if done right, but what do you think?”
You hum, not picking up his reasoning for the question when it's on the teleprompter. "I think...if it's done right, it's romantic. If it's a 'shut up ring' then it's tacky." You explain, turning back to the prompter. "So today, we have a big surprise. Someone is going to be getting engaged on the show." You grin, still not suspicious as the producers told you about a guy who was going to surprise his girlfriend. "Look at Max." You read the teleprompter and frown, turning to see Max out of his chair. "What are you doing?"
“Baby, honey, sweet cheeks, I don’t think there’s anything tacky about the way that I feel about you.” Max tells you as he takes your hand and kneels down in front of you. “I couldn’t think of any place more romantic than the place I met you, the place I fell in love with your laugh, your heart, your brain and everything that makes up my partner at work.” He smiles at the shocked look on your face. “I wanted to propose today, since one year ago, we finally confessed how we felt and it’s been a magical year. So now I just have one little question.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring box. “Will you be my partner in life? Marry me, darling, be my wife please?”
Your eyes widen and you glance around at the crew who are grinning at you and Max. You inhale shakily, tears stinging in your eyes as the man you love kneels in front of you. "Baby. I - yes. A million times, yes!" You squeal and shift to kneel down in front of him, cupping his cheeks to kiss him without even caring about the ring, you're more excited to marry the man you love.
Grinning against your lips, Max knows that you’ve just made history, a morning show host proposing to his co-host on live tv. It will be the talk of the town. He doesn’t care about that or what the executives think. All he cares about is that Valentine’s Day is the day you became an official couple, the day you agreed to marry him, and next year - you’ll get married on Valentine’s Day. He will make sure that every Valentine’s Day you spend with him will be one to remember.
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auteurdelabre · 3 days
VAMPIRE ROOMMATE - PART I: DRAINED - Max!Philips x f!reader
Words: 2.0k
Rating: M for future chapters
a/n: Your girl was a Dracula loving doofus in highschool alrite?! So enjoy this campy little mini-series I made starring everyone's favorite douchebag vampire, Max Philips. See if you can spot all the Dracula Easter eggs!
I thank @intheorangebedroom for getting me to finish the first chapter. Love you hon! 🧡
dividers by the impossibly talented @saradika-graphics
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P A R T I : D R A I N E D
The Demeter is crowded, as it always is on a Thursday during happy hour. Drunken idiots bump into you, spilling beer onto your shoes and across the ancient pub floor but you don't even notice, you just make a beeline for the booth near the back where two young women sit, smiling at your approach. 
"I cannot afford this fucking city." 
You moan this loudly, throwing your purse into the booth your co-workers have snagged before slumping next to a bemused looking Lucy. She tilts back, curving her full mouth into a smirk as she watches your face scrunch.
"Nice to see you too."
"This city sucks the life from you," you go on, ignoring her amusement. "Drains you!" 
Your two co-workers (and let's face it, only friends since you moved to this city for this job) give you gentle pats on the shoulder as you groan. 
The three of you are the youngest staff at Seward Plastic Surgery. You'd started around the same time and banded together to face the stress of working at the office amongst high end clientele, hostile co-workers and a bustling schedule. 
The three of you had all been running away from something. Mina: her oppressive religious parents back in Utah, Lucy: her obsessive ex fiance back in Sacramento and you-
Well, you'd rather not think about it right now.  
"I take it the roommate search isn't going well?" Lucy asks, half distracted by her phone. You see she's swiping through some Tindr matches.
Being that she's a goddess with flowing red hair and the best body you've ever seen, she's won't have trouble finding a date. You've already clocked three guys in the nearby vicinity who can't keep their eyes off of her. 
"This latest girl asked if it was cool if she brought her four ferrets with her. Four." You throw up your hands in disbelief. "And the one before that asked if it was cool if she did some filming in the apartment."
Mina tilts her head to the side. "What kind of filming?" 
"For her Only Fans." You shoot them a glare when your friends giggle behind their hands. 
"She said if I wanted to join in she'd split the profits with me."
At this Mina and Lucy break out into loud laughter, even managing to draw a small smirk from you before you feel that same familiar desperation clawing at you. 
You fold your arms on the table, letting your head fall into the crook of your elbow. 
"It's humiliating you guys," you mutter, "I can't believe I'm thirty and looking for a fucking roommate. And that there's no one normal in the entirety of New York!" 
You make decent money, but New York is just... So expensive. And big and stressful. It's supposed to be the land of opportunity but all its afforded you is a shitty apartment that you can't furnish and roommates that never stick around. 
"Hey, don't get like that," Mina says with a gentle hand over yours. "You'll find someone soon."
Mina is always gentle and kind and annoyingly optimistic. It's why she does the customer service stuff at the office, because no one can look at her big dark blue eyes and get angry. 
"Hey, my favorite customers."
Mina and Lucy smile up at the handsome young man who approaches the table, his eyes on Mina lingering a moment longer than the rest. 
"Hi Johnny," Lucy coos coquettishly. You don't miss how she leans forward to show off her considerable assets in her dress, but Johnny is oblivious. 
"Hi Mina," he offers gently. 
"Hi," Mina replies, a light blush to her cheeks. She gives a shy glance up at Johnny. 
"We need alcohol," you moan from where your head rests in your arms on the table. "Lots of it!"
"Day going that well, huh?" Johnny laughs, sliding a few cardboard coasters over the glossy tabletop. "I'll get you the usual."
Johnny's been your server since the three of you started coming here about six months ago and it's obvious to you that he's besotted by Mina. 
"She's having a hard time finding a roommate," Mina explains helpfully. Johnny raises a confused brow in your direction.
"What happened to Quinn?"
"Moved out in the middle of the day while I was at work and took the fucking TV," you say miserably, finally raising your head from the table. "And her last rent check bounced."
"Who the fuck takes checks anymore?" Lucy asks in quiet horror. She holds up her hands in surrender when you shoot her a dark look. 
Johnny leaves and comes by with your drinks, and you eagerly drink yours down. There's music trivia this evening and the three of you do fairly well, but you're in too low spirits to enjoy or focus. 
"You'll a new roommate," Lucy says over the pub's music, trying to raise your spirits. 
"The best!" Mina agrees drunkenly. "I just know your luck is going to turn around!"  
The rest of the night is passed in a tipsy blur before the three of you stumble to the subway hugging and pressing beer-flavored kisses to each other's cheeks. 
You finally arrive back at the apartment around midnight, yawning so wide your jaw cracks. You're fumbling with your key when the stench of salami and cigarettes washes over you. 
In anxious habit your hand flies to your neck, fingers playing absently with the locket that's always hanging there. 
"Hello Mister Morris," you say, trying to hide the slur from your voice as you turn to face your landlord; a balding man of seventy who you're fairly certain hates you. 
"It's the sixteenth," the man says, arms crossed tightly over his narrow chest. He wears a loose grey t-shirt stained with his dinner, or hell, maybe even his lunch too. 
"I know."
"I've only got half the rent from you."
Your half because Quinn picked up and fucked off without paying her half, leaving you high and dry. 
You want to mention to Mister Morris that he still hasn't fixed your leaking sink or the clicking noise that sounds out every time you use your microwave, but now doesn't feel like the right time.
"It's coming, I promise."
"You said that last week," he frowns and his thick blonde moustache twitches like a broom as he frowns.  
"I know, it's just that Quinn -"
"I don't care what the excuse is," he cuts you off. "Get me my money by Monday or you're evicted."
Before you can say anything he's hobbling away back down the creaking steps of the high rise. You feel angry tears start at your lash line as you push yourself into the apartment. 
You're about to crawl into bed when your phone beeps. You look blurrily at the glowing screen. 
[Unknown number] Hey, I got your number from Johnny at the Dementor. Are you still looking for a roommate? I need somewhere soon and can pay you first and last month right away. I have great references. Lemme know - M 
You let out a small huff of disbelief. Johnny gave your number to some strange, random girl from the pub? 
Before your irritation can grow, Mister Morris' miserable face floats into your mind. Eviction. It makes you push past your hesitation and type quickly.
[You] Do you have pets? 
[Unknown number] No. 
[You] Do you make online content? 
[Unknown number] Uh, no. 
[You] Do you have a real job? 
[Unknown number] Yes. I work at a marketing company in the city. 
If you were sober you likely never would have replied to the initial message, much less given your address to a stranger. But as it is you're floaty from the booze and the threat of eviction compels you to reply. 
[You] Can you come by the place tomorrow? 
The response is almost immediate. 
[Unknown Number] Sure. Name the time and place. 
[You] I get off work at 5. 5:30 work? 
[Unknown number] Any chance 8 works? I'm slammed at work tomorrow.
You'd picked 5:30 because there would still be a bit of daylight left in the encroaching fall weather. Eight pm meant that it would be full dark, not an ideal situation. 
But nothing about your situation is ideal. If you don't get your entire rent check to Mister Morris you can kiss this apartment and your entire new life goodbye. 
[You] Address is 18-97 Whitbey St. Bring your references please. 
[Unknown Number] See you then. 
[Unknown Number] Sweet dreams. 
You smile a bit at that last message, amused at the woman's sense of humor. Maybe Mina was right. 
Maybe your luck is turning around after all.
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You don't know why but you assumed that M was a woman. So when you open your door the next evening to a man who looks straight out of the douche bag finance district you can't help but wrinkle your nose in displeasure. 
He's taller than you with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. You take in his lightly tousled brown locks and notice wearing a navy suit, impeccably tailored. The shoes look expensive.
Why does this guy need a roommate?
He's turned away from you, scanning the hallway. You think he must be thinking this is a mistake. This apartment complex is simple and old. It doesn't seem like something this guy would be into. 
He turns around and for some reason your eyes can't meet his. They stay stuck on his chest and drift slowly up to his mouth.  
"Hi there," he says with a grin that feels practiced as he takes in your expression. "You're Johnny's friend, right?"
You don't know why but something about him has the hair on your body standing on end. 
"Yep," you say feeling hesitant. 
He smells good, like something familiar you can't place. He's clean shaven, his mouth full and pouty. He's handsome, you can't deny that. Not your kind of handsome - you're more drawn to the rugged and quietly confident. 
This guy is smooth, polished and reminds you of all the asshole frat boys you went to school with. You don’t like the way his grin is slightly crooked, like he’s secretly mocking you without saying a word. 
"I'm Max," the man says, hand stretching in your direction. "Max Phillips." 
He gives another one of those practiced grins and you realize you're still standing behind the door, only your head and hand peeking out. You just stare at his outstretched fingers, the length of them, the width of his large palm. 
Your fingers creep up your neckline to fiddle with the clasp of your locket, your heart hammering. 
Max waits a beat before his hands dive back in his pockets. He doesn't seem offended at your lack of contact, if anything he seems amused. 
"So," Max says stretching out the word, his full mouth curling into an exaggerated "o". "Are you gonna invite me in?" 
His tone is playful and your gaze finally flicks to his eyes, surprised to find his gaze holding yours intensely. 
His eyes are a warm, dark brown that appear rather sorrowful. You let yourself stare into them a moment, letting yourself linger. 
Let me in. 
You step back a fraction, pushing the door open with your fingertips so that he can enter. 
"C'mon in." 
He walks into the main living area like he owns the place. It sets you on edge and you follow him at a distance, like a terrified puppy. 
You watch him glance around the small space, anxious that he'll turn right around. He's too fancy to be in this apartment with a pitiful view of the skyline and murky windows. 
It's not a terrible place, just smaller than you'd want. A cramped kitchen, a communal TV space with your old couch, a bathroom with clawfoot tub and leaking showerhead. Nothing fancy. 
Max walks around the space, taking in the exposed brick walls, the dripping faucet, the faded couch. His eyes are drawn to the small pot of yellow blooms sitting on the windowsill. 
"Caltha Palustris," Max murmurs. 
"Uh, yeah," you say stepping towards him in curiosity. "How did you know that? It's a specialized bloom from-"
"Romania," Max finishes for you, fingertips tracing along the petals a moment. "I did a bit of backpacking there." 
"Oh." You nod. "I like taking care of plants. Reminds me of home." 
Max waits for you to share more but when you don't he continues his walk over the parquet flooring, his shoes clicking over the wood. He stops before the wall over the un-usable fireplace. 
"No TV?"
You can't tell him the real reason, that your last roommate ditched you midweek. 
"Uh, I like to read," you lie. 
"Mhm." Max smirks, obviously not believing you. His eyes bore into yours and you force them to the floor. It's strange, when you stare at him you feel sort of floaty. 
He saunters towards the far door, pointing. "This your bedroom?"
"No, that would be yours if... You know," you offer awkwardly. Max nods, pulling it open and peeking inside. 
It's a small room, technically a refurbished closet. Enough to fit in a bed and a desk. 
If it wasn't New York no one would be in the market for it. As it is, with people desperate to live in the big city you have a line of people wanting to rent it. The only issue is none of them are normal. 
"I know it's small," you say almost apologetically to his back. "And I know there's technically no window-"
"I don't need much room," Max says with a shrug, closing the door again with a snick. "And I need it dark to sleep." 
You're gob smacked by this. You'd been expecting him to turn around and leave the second he saw the place. 
"There's one other thing," you say, swallowing. "Uh, I'm not really allowed to have a roommate. This is technically a one bedroom and all... So if you see the landlord just tell him your my cousin or something. He doesn't really come around unless the rent check is late so odds are you'll never run into him. But, you know, just in case." 
"Subterfuge," Max tuts with a wink that has your cheeks prickling with heat. "I like it." 
He stands out so much in your humble apartment. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would want to stay in a shoebox. You imagine him in more of a high rise with floor to ceiling windows and sleek countertops. 
"I work nights," Max tells you as you drift out of focus. "So I'd be out of your hair for the most part except for the odd weekend."
"Oh," you say, a bit taken aback. 
That actually sounds great, exactly what you were hoping for. It sounds too good to be true. 
"And I can pay cash for first and last," he adds as if he can feel you softening to the idea. "Whenever you give the okay." 
Most people were desperate for a place in New York, so desperate they didn't mind the shitty apartment with bad plumbing. But Max doesn't seem desperate, he seems like a man with lots of options. 
"You seem hesitant," Max observes with that same unflappable charisma. 
"It's just... Why do you need a roommate?" You blurt, totally at a loss. "You dress expensive, sounds like you have a good job. Why would you want to have a roommate in a shitty apartment in Brooklyn?" 
You don't miss the amusement in Max's eyes. He lets them travel languidly along your body, lingering on your neck a fraction before darting back to your face. 
"I have another apartment in the city," Max explains with a charming grin. "But it's under renovations for the next six months. I need something in the meantime and I need it quick. My job keeps me very busy and I really just want to settle down so I can get all my focus back on it."
Six months is a decent enough time. It's not a year like you'd prefer, but you're desperate right now. 
"You'd need to sign a half a year lease," you tell him. 
"Seems fair."
"And pay a damage deposit."
You falter, licking your lips nervously. You don't miss how Max's eyes follow the damp trail along your lower lip. 
"You still seem hesitant," Max says, hands back in his pockets. "May I ask why?" 
"It's just... I've never had a male roommate before," you explain. "And..."
"You don't know if I'm a creep or not," Max finishes for you with a grin. "I get it." 
You shoot him a relieved smile. "Yeah."
"You're worried I'm a potential serial killer," he chuckles, moving from foot to foot. 
"Who knows, maybe I'm the serial killer," you offer with a crooked grin. "You don't know me after all."
"But I do know Johnny," Max argues toothlessly. "If he says you're good, I trust him." 
This makes your insides grow warm. 
"Well, how about I leave you my references and you go ahead and call them. If you're still uncomfortable after that, we can just forget about it," he offers with a shrug. 
"Okay, yeah. That works."
"But I will say I really wanna get settled as soon as possible and I think this place would be a great fit. That is, as long as you don't murder me in my sleep." 
You both chuckle politely and before he can overstay his welcome, Max hands you the paper with his references' names and contact information.
"I hope to hear from you soon."
He doesn't attempt to shake your hand again and then he's gone, sailing out of the apartment on his long legs, closing the door gently behind him. 
It's late, but after a beat you call his references anyway. When you're satisfied with their positive responses you collapse onto your lumpy couch. You finger the yellow flowers next to you, mind strangely foggy. 
After another moment of hesitation you pull out your phone and begin to type.  
[You] Can you move in this weekend? 
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heyhilana · 7 months
Sink in (Max Phillips)
Summary: Your job changed overnight with the arrival of your new boss, Max, as he was blurring every line with you, and your once tolerable co-workers have turned into living nightmares. But a chance meeting in Max's office reveals everything about the true nature of your job.
A/N: Hi lovelies! I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and a great new month overall 💙 This was originally slated for Halloween, but I just finished it yesterday, whoops. Anyway, this is a new venture for me as I have never written for Max before, but I figured why not? So enjoy this and drink lots of water 💚
Pairing: Max Phillips x !f reader
Warnings: (uhm...don't call me out) Just blatant filth. Breeding, vampire biting, squirting, oral (m kinda and f receiving), voyeurism, unprotected sex (safe sex is great sex), spanking, fingering, heavy creampie, mentions of male masturbation, female masturbation.
Word Count: 7k
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You were walking to your car, thankful for your lunch break as all your coworkers within the past week had turned from tolerable to unbearable. Andrew, who you could usually ignore, was itching to be at your throat over the smallest issues. Your boss, Ted, was strangely happy about the change in his employees, although you couldn’t figure out why. Tim and Evan were trying to convince you to leave your job as Max’s secretary as they were convinced something was wrong, but they couldn’t prove anything, so you dismissed it. The most perplexing of it all was Max, your new boss, who took a special interest in you that you were finding hard to ignore or even dislike.
Max was charismatic, to say the least. Sure, he was hard to figure out, so you never knew if his nature with you was professional or blurring the lines of attraction, but it made your job less mundane. Max kept you on your toes, and from the way he looked at you, you wondered if there could be more with your boss if you did move to a different sector. But based on the rumors swirling around in the legal department, you would rather work under Ted as the legal department would’ve brought you more boredom than before.
You stepped out of the door and saw Frank at his regular post.
“Going on your break?” Frank asked.
“Yeah. I need it since everyone’s so weird up there.” You answered.
“Well between you and me, I believe Evan and Tim.” Frank whispered, and you were unsure about why he was whispering when no one was around. 
“I would too, but they haven’t proven anything.” You responded, and Frank looked at you as if you were a goner.
“Suit yourself. But I’m prepared for anything.” Frank tapped his chest, and from then on, you knew to never cross him, literally and figuratively.
You faked a smile for good measure. “I’m sure you are. See you in a bit.”
“See ya.”
You shook your head and walked off, convinced that even with Frank still acting the same, there were still a few screws that were loose in his head. Still, you weren’t able to shake the feeling of your entire company turning into a group of paranoid psychos. But to take your mind off things, You checked the clock and saw you had 25 minutes to eat, figured out if you wanted to leave and never come back, and possibly relieve yourself as the moments before you walked out the door left you questioning your self-control. 
You walked into the elevator and hit the basement level and the close doors button to get down as fast as possible. But a pair of hands slid between the doors as they were about to close.
“You didn’t think you would get away from me that easily now?” Max asked with that familiar mischievous smirk on his face.
“I wasn’t trying to, sir.” You answered, holding your bag a little tighter for your sanity.
“What did I tell you about using sir? I’m your boss, but I’m not Ted.” Max reminded you, and somehow, you knew that calling him Max would blur the already murky lines between you two. But calling him sir riled him up, and you liked seeing him like that.
“So I should call you Max then?” You asked, and you noticed how Max raked his eyes up and down on you.
“Yeah. It rolls off your tongue better.” 
Oh. Suggestive words in an elevator that made it harder to ignore him? Amusing, really. 
“S-Max.” You corrected yourself.
“Atta girl.” Max clicked his tongue, and you were thankful he replaced good with atta, or else you would’ve turned into a puddle. 
To save yourself, you changed subjects. “Where are you headed off to?”
“I gotta get something from my car. You’re off to lunch?” He pointed to your big bag.
“Yep. I need it since I’ve been working since I got in at 8 and it’s 12 now.”
“You’re the best worker we have, even without being turned.” Max complimented you, but you couldn’t make out the last part.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. But you got a little something on your shirt.” Max pointed to your chest.
“Oh, where is it?” You tried to look down, but his hand was already on you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get it for you.” Max flicked off a chip crumb that was on you, but then he moved up to your collarbone, flicking something else off as well. His fingers were dangerously close to your neck, and you realized he could grab your neck right now if he inched up any higher.
“D-did you get it?” You interrupted, and when you looked into Max's eyes, you thought you saw a twinge of red before it reverted to its normal color.
Max cleared his throat. “Yeah, it was just a little something that wasn’t in one spot.” 
“Well, thank you.” You were relieved that the heat you felt on your face wasn’t as visible as the elevator had dim lighting. And speaking of the elevator, it dinged finally for the ground level for you to leave unscathed.
“Anytime. And is that a new perfume you put on today?” Max asked as he walked out with you. 
“Yeah. But you know my old perfume?” You were perplexed, wondering why he would notice such a minor detail.
“Mhm. I always smell it on you when you walk in and I enjoy it every time. But I like this new one too..” He answered before taking a left, leaving you stunned and slightly aroused. 
You tried to keep yourself composed while you ate your food, with somehow the savory flavors of your comfort meal not doing enough to keep your mind off Max. Did he have to say he enjoyed your perfume? Did he have to touch you in that way, even letting his thumb ghost your skin? Most of all, did he have to eye fuck you at every moment possible? A boss like Max was a dream come true and a curse because he was forbidden fruit. Everything you wanted, your mind told you no. But your desires, oh, they loved to toe the line of professionalism and uncontrollable impulses. Look, but don’t touch. Touch, but don’t taste. Taste, and now you’ll be unable to draw the line again. 
Unfortunately, it was easier said than done. Now, you resorted to finishing your lunch quickly and setting everything off to the side so you could slide your seat back for your daily venture into your deepest fantasies of Max. What you didn’t anticipate, however, was Max walking near your car as he took the opposite direction to go back into the building. He saw you were in your car, and he moved quickly, hiding behind the pole so that you couldn’t see him, but he could definitely see a glimpse of your body. No one else was near except you two, and you were blissfully unaware of his presence as he stayed out of eyesight. You unbuttoned your shirt, giving yourself some breathing room since you knew it would get hot and heavy in your car. Your bra would have to stay on this time, but it didn’t keep you from pulling your breasts out, letting them fall out of your shirt. Next, you pulled up your skirt and slid your panties off, thankful that this was one of the days you opted for skirts so it would be easier to access. Max couldn’t see as much as he wanted to of your face, but he could definitely hear the moans from inside your car once your fingers slipped in between your glistening folds. 
Barely through with your shift, you were going through another pair of panties, but that didn’t stop you from teasing yourself. It was important to build up your orgasm long before you chased it so you could replay the day’s events one by one until you were coming undone from everything all at once. That was why every soft pinch and grip on your nipple, every swipe of your index finger on your clit, and every pump of your fingers inside your hole was worth teasing yourself for because you thought of him. It was impossible not to fantasize about him finally teasing your breasts as you caught him staring at them one too many times during ‘important’ conversations about work. It was inevitable to dream about his skillful tongue that he used for flirting would be equally useful in licking up and down your slit, gathering every drop of your elixir. Hell, you were going right down that dangerous path of imagining what his plump lips would feel like kissing both your vertical and horizontal lips, plus that little bud that laid right in between your vertical ones that would be a treat to feel him suck on. And the two you saved for last, even with them being the best, was his pulsing tip pushing right up on your clit and tapping it, and finally, feeling soul-snatching strokes right after to make you undoubtedly his. 
That was why time went fast for you as you were knuckle deep in your pussy, feeling how wet you were and letting those wet sounds, along with your moans fill the car up. But for Max? Oh, he was in for the show of a lifetime as he felt his cock stretch his boxers and press prominently against his trousers. It was taking everything in him not to knock on your door, get inside, and fuck you right in the backseat. For one, he could smell it from a mile away that you were still a virgin. Perhaps it shouldn’t have turned him on as much as it did, but knowing that you were the last one unturned, that he saved for last, and you were a virgin, it was the icing on the cake for him. But he didn’t want to interrupt you. He found watching you without you knowing to be erotic beyond his imagination. A voyeur enjoying his prospect’s desires and seeing how hard and fast you were going, all with the thought of him on your mind, was an ego boost along with an insatiable appetite that would culminate within the day. In his mind, he was begging you to cum all over his cock. In your mind, you were wishing he was telling you to cum for him. 
It was a chant that rang through both of your heads, with your walls tightening up and his one thread of self-control threatening to snap if this went on a minute longer. But neither of you had to wait much longer once you let go. Your seats that were evident of your arousal were drenched more as you half moaned, half screamed accidentally as you wanted to keep it down. But Max enjoyed everything about it. He wanted to take you there and higher as soon as possible, but he had to wait for the right time. It was hard not to cum in his boxers at how hard you came, but he was sure the precum clung to his boxers from the whole time he stood there watching you.
Once he saw you were cleaning up, he disappeared quickly so you wouldn’t see him. You cleaned up your mess and got dressed again, seeing you had five minutes to spare, which would put you in the nick of time to return to your cubicle. But while you cleaned up your seats, you wondered what would happen if Max did approach you. Would you accept? Deny? It was hard to say, given that your job would be at risk, but this torment of getting off in your car was hard to keep up with. Alas, you shrugged it off as it would never happen given that he could have anyone he wanted, giving you a false sense of reality once you were decently presentable for work again and could resume your duties. On the other hand, Max had other things in mind for you once the end of the day came around.
You looked at the clock and saw it was 10 minutes, close to 7, with your coworkers upstairs for an HR meeting. However, Max asked you to stay behind and finish some work. Just as you were done, Max opened his door.
“Hey, do you mind coming in for a second?” Max asked.
“I’ll come in. I’m also done with the work now.” You got out of your chair and pulled down your skirt, noticing that Max was watching your every move.
“See, this is why you’re my top girl.” Max winked at you, making you avert your eyes as he looked damn good with his suit jacket off and his shirt undone. You walked in as he held the door for you, and when he followed, his hand ghosted the small of your back, which made your hair stand up. He closed the door behind him as you walked to his desk.
Max clasped his hands below his stomach. “Do you know why you’re here?” 
I know what I would love to be in here for.
“To go over my work?” You asked.
Max tsked as he walked over to you. “I know you’re a little naïve, but that pretty head of yours can give me a better answer than that.”
There were a few thoughts rearing to the front of your head, but you wouldn’t dare utter them. “Well, what else could it be?”
“I can give you a few ideas,” Max took his hand into yours, rubbing his thumb over your skin as he looked into your eyes. “You’re a very hard worker, you’re at my beck and call whenever I please, and there’s something else about you that I can smell on you.” 
“My perfume?” You tried, and Max shook his head. 
“No. Something else that is a little harder to smell.”
For a moment, you were too distracted by how he licked his lips to understand what he was saying. 
“What would that be then?”
“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” Max went straight for it, and it caught you off guard.
You cocked your head to the side, unaware that the small move left him twitching in his pants. “That’s a bit personal to ask, don’t you think?” 
Sure, draw the line of professionalism when you already made a mistake coming into his office with no one else around. 
“It is, but you liked it.” Max saw right through you, given that it was hard to ignore the way your thighs closed together against him. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You feigned confusion, but there was no use. 
“You don’t know what I’m talking about?” Max continued, baiting you into his trap.
“Not at all.”
“Okay, I’ll spell it out for you.”
Max took his other hand and parted your thighs without much effort, showing that he had a lot more strength than you anticipated. His fingers danced along your skin, making you breathe deeply as you felt him getting closer to your core while never breaking eye contact. But Max was surprised when his fingers reached up, and he felt nothing but your soft, bare skin that covered the slick that had been growing since you returned to your desk.
“Commando at work? Seems you took my relaxed work outfit memo a little bit further than I thought.” He joked, and if you weren’t in this position, you would’ve laughed. “But just so you know, I know that you’ve been getting off to me in your car.”
“I haven’t been-“ You tried to lie, but Max slapped your folds. 
“Don’t lie to me. I saw you in your car fingering yourself, your shirt undone and those pretty breasts of yours on display. I knew exactly what you were doing, and you can’t deny it because I watched every second until you came.” 
Fuck, I’m caught. But why does it feel so good to be caught?
You were intrigued, embarrassed, and aroused all at once. “Then why didn’t you come and knock my car?” 
“Didn’t want to ruin the show. Besides, hearing you moan my name thinking that no one could hear was invigorating.” Max answered as he pressed further in between your folds, now feeling how wet you were from the ordeal.
“Sir,” You tried to take a step back, but he knelt down before you, letting go of your hand to push your skirt all the way up past your ass. 
“Oh? We’re back to formalities now? Because I think with my fingers in between these pretty lips of yours, you won’t be able to lie anymore.” 
His fingers were pressed up against your hole, slick coating the tips, and his face was inching forward to your clit, making it an unforgettable sight that you couldn’t say no and move away from. It would feel wrong to deny yourself what you desired, which is why you jutted your hips up to his lips to take slight control. Max laughed at your eagerness, relishing how you were giving in to him.
“Should’ve known you wanted to fuck my face,” Max muttered before moving in, and his fingers slipped deliciously inside you. His fingers were bigger than yours, which proved to be a deeper stretch than you were anticipating, but that slight pain melted away once you rolled your hips on his nose, using his face to get what you needed. Your hands went up to unbutton and discard your shirt, leaving you in nothing but your riled-up skirt and the heels you wore that accentuated your legs. The icy air in his office left your nipples rock hard, but it was a forgotten feeling as his hand reached up to your hip to slow your movements so he could kiss and suck on your clit. 
“Max, fuck you’re so good at this,” You praised, feeling him swirl his tongue around your clit and alternate to sucking, making your toes curl. Max fingered you harder than you did in the car, and you didn’t mind it at all. It was hot, feeling him toy with your body as he gave and took control over you at different moments, making you a pool of desire. Your sweet sounds filled up his office as your leg went over his shoulder and your ass was further on the desk. 
Max lifted up his head to look at you. “Look at how your body speaks to me. You couldn’t help yourself for a minute longer if I didn’t start.”
“I need you, Max. I can’t help it anymore.” The truth flowed out of you recklessly. Admitting that you were unable to control yourself around him was slightly embarrassing, but the look he gave you was undeniably hot and commanding.
“I can’t help myself either. Your pretty little pussy is delicious and I’m gonna ruin every inch of you on this desk. So lay back, and I’ll make you wish you did this sooner.” Max commanded, and you obliged, laying back with your ass off the table.
Max went back down quickly, his speed increasing more than you ever did to yourself. It was intense as he ate you out as if you were his last meal, the only meal he wanted to have if his life depended on it. His tongue drew shapes and letters on your clit that you couldn’t make out, but Max was marking you completely. There were shapes of hearts, triangles, circles, and stars that he alternated from to make you feel like you were floating on air. Max spelled submit, mine, mía, and forever, all because he wanted you desperately. To have you at his will, submitting to his ministrations, making you his, and soon, for all of eternity, seemed to be the gift that kept on giving to him, and he would continue to take it if it meant it was always with you. Max was everything you could’ve imagined and more, and despite your strong will from before telling you to stop, it was long gone as all you could do now was grip his desk and keep your hand over your mouth to keep the noise down. 
But your attempts to conceal your moans were futile as your orgasm was near. It was building in every fiber of your body, its power unwavering as it was more than you had ever experienced before. It was confusing, but Max knew exactly what he was trying to do to you. If there was one fantasy he had of you that never left his mind each time he stroked underneath his desk, it was making you squirt all over his face. Max would cum hard each time he imagined you squirting, with his face coated in your desire and drinking it all up. There were many ruined shirts at the thought of burying his face into your pussy, ignoring everything else in the world so he could be laser-focused on your moans and making you cum endlessly, as it got him off more than anything. Oh, that man would edge himself to the very end over wishing that he could hold you down and taste what was his. Gripping you like a vice in his mind and gripping his tip in reality, Max would mumble your name each time he spilled while hoping you would spill on his face one day. And now that this day was here, he was doing everything in his power to bring you to that peak he yearned for. 
You lifted your hand for a moment. “M-Max, please don’t stop it feels so good!” 
That was all Max needed to hear as he gave you everything, curling his fingers to pulse on your spot, beckoning you to let go all over. He sucked and swirled his tongue on your clit, never letting up as he wanted, no, needed to be drenched by you. And while it was hard to keep his fangs from coming out, as his desire for you often brought out his other side, he was determined to let you enjoy every second of this before he marked you permanently. 
“Max, I’m gonna cum!” You whimpered out before the electrifying feeling took over completely. 
Your thighs were clamped around Max’s head as you squirted all over him, and he nearly came in his pants. He pulled his fingers out of you to hold you up better as you were slipping, but he still licked up every drop and all on your slit to gently coax you into giving him more. You felt relieved, euphoric, and most of all, pleased above all your expectations as you made a mess on his face. It was endless, with the hairs on along your body standing tall and your hips rolling into Max’s face to use him for more. Max never wanted it to end, and there was only one thought that was on his mind;
Use my fucking face until I can make you cum again.
But, faintly, you could hear the elevator ding, which startled you out of your blissful high. You moved your legs, and Max got back up on his feet. You were frantic, not realizing that your extra time with Max exceeded the time for the HR meeting. Time was now of the essence as you pulled your skirt back down and fixed your shirt.
“I have to hide. Someone is on this floor and I can’t be seen like this.” You said.
“You can hide under my desk.” Max fixed his shirt and grabbed his suit jacket from the chair.
You went around, seeing a spot underneath where no one would see you. “Are you sure I’m going to fit?” 
“I’m sure you will. But you didn’t have to stop.” Max answered as he walked over to his chair. 
You were confused, knowing that there was definitely an unspoken rule about not hooking up with your boss that you broke. “I did have to stop. What if someone sees us and that costs us our job?” 
“Look, I don’t care who walks in and sees, baby. Let them see me in between your legs and let them see you bent over on this desk taking every inch of me.” Max pulled his chair out for you to get under.
“Max, what if it’s Ted?” You asked as you heard a knock on the door.
“I don’t care if it’s Ted. I want you, and I’m not letting him stop that. Are you going to let him?” Max questioned.
“That’s my good girl. Now get on your fucking knees for me.” Max commanded.
His eyes were burning red, and you felt every compulsion to get underneath his desk, which was high enough for you to fit. Max slid in with his chair just enough to not box you in and kept his legs open for you once Ted walked in.
“Max! There’s my best worker.” Ted greeted as he closed the door behind him.
“How’s it going Ted? Was the HR meeting good?” Max asked as you took it upon yourself to unzip his pants. 
“It’s going well. Sales are through the roof, and everyone at the HR meeting was keen on making sure our numbers stay that way.” 
Even without seeing Ted, you knew that man had his mega-watt smile on his face that he only had when a big sale was made. But for Max, you could see that he was stifling a groan once you pulled his cock out of his pants. By looking at his cock, you realized why he was strained. It was thicker than you imagined. Pre-cum painted around his tip, his veins prominent, and a curve that you knew would hook inside you more than your fingers did. 
What did I get myself into?
“I’m glad that you’re getting what you want. What do you think the numbers will be at the end of the quarter?” The strain was evident in his tone, making you hide a giggle before you kissed the tip.
“These numbers will be the highest ever! I’ll- I mean we’ll be richer than ever!” Ted exclaimed, and you were sure Max wanted to do something similar based on how his thighs tightened once you sucked his tip gently.
“That’s all I want for us. Big numbers lead to big checks, and we get to expand and ensure that the train keeps going.” 
Max’s hand snaked up your head, pushing you to take more of him despite the risks. The stretch in your mouth tugged at your lips, and the stretch in your dripping pussy would be worthwhile. With how he felt in your mouth, you were confident that his width was much more desirable than length, and thankfully, he had both.
“But I have a question for you. Where’s your secretary?” Ted asked, and you pulled Max’s cock out of your mouth.
“Oh. She went home early for the day. Got sick with something she ate but she got all her work done.” Max lied.
“Well that’s good to hear. She was the only one that was missed at the HR meeting so I wanted to check in with you.” 
“Yeah. I’ll have her watch the recording of it when she comes in tomorrow. But is that all?” Max tapped his desk with one hand, and he moved his other hand away from your head.
“No. I was going to ask if you turned everyone, but you already answered that with letting her go home early.” 
In that second, you realized that Tim and Evan were right. What was more of a problem was that now you were trying to fight the urge to hit Max while Ted was still in the room. 
“Listen, I’m gonna get around to it.” Max reassured, but Ted’s sigh indicated that it was a futile attempt.
“I know she’s an efficient worker but sooner or later she’s going to find out.” 
“Ted, I’ve got it under control.” Max was stern, and you never heard him speak like that until now.
“If you say so, but if you don’t do it, I will.” Ted threatened as he turned on his heel.
“Don’t touch her.” Max warned, and Ted laughed in response.
“And what are you going to do about it? You work for me, not the other way around.” Ted corrected.
“But you need me more than I need you, and if I say to leave her alone, you don’t touch her. Or else would your wife like to hear about you sleeping with your secretary?” Max countered, and you covered your mouth in shock. 
“That’s what I thought. Now are we done?” Max was livid, and if there was another word said than what he wanted to hear, he would blow a fuse. 
“Yes. I’ll leave you be.” 
Ted walked out fast and closed the door behind him, and you didn’t explode until you heard the elevator doors open and close to be sure that it was just the two of you again on the floor. Max zipped his pants up and moved out of the way for you. You climbed out angry, jetting for the door, but he grabbed your wrist.
“Don’t leave. I’ll explain everything.” Max pleaded, but all it earned was a slap in the face.
“Max, you’re a fucking vampire! I don’t need to hear anymore to figure that out.” You exclaimed, and Max sighed. 
“Yes, I’m a vampire. But I was never going to turn you the way I did the others.” Max explained, and that earned a cold laugh from you.
“Oh, that’s so comforting, really.” 
Max pinched the skin in between his brows. “I was going to tell you before I did it.” 
“So I was supposed to just let you tell me with your fangs out and take two seconds to process that you’re a vampire and that I’m going to be one too?” You asked sarcastically.
“You’re clearly angry with me. Do you want to slap me again?” Max offered, and that threw you off.
“You’re offering me a slap?” You were bewildered, but you had to expect that from Max as everything he did was borderline unorthodox, and now you understood why that was.
“It seemed to work the first time. Besides, they don’t hurt anyways.” Max responded, and it was time for you to see red. You slapped him harder than the last time, and you saw that his eyes flashed red, but they went away quickly.
“I knew that would work. And now I have two questions for you.” 
You huffed, knowing that there was always a trick up his sleeve. “Do I have a choice in answering them?”
“You know the answer to that. Anyways, did you ever have a suspicion of me being a vampire? Or did someone tell you that I’m a vampire?” Max asked.
“That’s two questions right there.” You pointed it out, and Max rolled his eyes.
“Answer the fucking question.” He demanded.
“No. I didn’t have a clue.” You lied, and you soon realized your mistake once his eyes turned crimson red, seeing right through you.
His grip on your wrist tightened. “I’m going to ask you again, and don’t lie because you’re a terrible liar. Did you ever have a suspicion?”
“Yes.” You answered truthfully, and his eyes turned back to normal.
“Good girl. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Max praised, and you were sure that while he was a vampire, there were a few screws loose in his head based on his demeanor.
“How did you know I was lying?” You asked. 
“Well, you are a terrible liar and I can also read your mind so that helps me.” Max smiled as he answered, and you sighed.
“Should’ve known you had powers.” You muttered, and Max smiled at your frustration.
“Comes with the job. Now, second question: does it turn you on that I’m a vampire?” Max continued with his eyes turning red, and you felt your cheeks burn. 
While you were livid moments before, there was something in seeing Max with glowing red eyes that made being angry with him a lost cause. It was hot, and you didn’t have it in you to lie to him now.
“Yes, it does turn me on.” You admitted, and Max’s smile turned into a smirk.
“I figured because I can smell that sweet desire on you. Also, I let go of your wrist and you didn’t notice.” 
You looked down and noticed that his grip was gone. But still, you felt a different grip that begged you to stay, and you couldn’t bring yourself to leave as you had planned before. 
“I guess the questions took up all my focus.” 
“Or you want to stay so I fuck you against the wall.” Max suggested.
You were confused. “I didn’t say that just now.” 
“You didn’t. But you thought about it while you were working earlier.” Max clarified.
You shook your head. “And just how many times have you used these powers on me without my knowledge?”
“Since I met you,” Max grabbed your hand. “I know every desire, every orgasm, every dirty thought you had about me, and I’ve enjoyed all of them.”
“W-well, why did you wait until now?” You stuttered as your feet had a mind of their own and walked with Max to the wall. 
“I wanted to toy with you. Every flirtation, praise, and touch that I gave you, it was because of how proud I was of you, but also from noticing what they did to you. I enjoyed every time you clenched your thighs, the times you got off in your car and the moments you would remember the previous night when you got off to what I did. It all allowed me to build up our tension until it was impossible to ignore so I could bring you right here.” Max pushed you against the wall with your hand behind your back. It was exactly what you fantasized about earlier, and it showed his incredible attention to detail would be the death of you.
“Baby, please.” You begged, giving in to him as he pulled up your skirt again.
You heard him unzip his pants and let them fall to the ground. “Tell me exactly what you want.” 
“But you know it already.” You whined as Max’s cock reached your folds, pushing in between them to slide up and down your slit. From there, you could feel how big and hard he was, with his tip constantly brushing up on your clit, which made you rock your hips to match his speed. 
Max slid his hand in between your hands to grab his cock, tapping it against your clit with every word he spoke. “I want to hear you say it.” 
“Please fuck me against the wall. I need it, baby.” You pleaded, and soon, his tip was lined up at your hole.
Max placed his lips near your ear lobe, kissing it. “That’s my good girl.” 
Max entered you slowly, thankfully not letting his desire get the best of him. He was slow, methodical in gauging your pain, slowing up if you were uncomfortable. He kissed your ear, neck, and jaw as he entered, giving you a distraction as he bottomed out inside you. You tried to relax, allowing yourself time to adjust to his sheer size and breathing through it. 
“You’re doing great, baby. I promise.” Max praised as he pulled out, leaving just the tip to relieve you. You felt empty when he pulled out, and he pushed back in to fill you up again. It was sensual, with him thrusting slowly in and out, holding you close as he wanted to appreciate every inch of you. The feather-like kisses that adored your shoulder, neck, ear, and jaw were like fire on your skin, setting you aglow as you never wanted to forget what his lips felt like on you. 
Max grabbed a handful of your ass before smacking it, making you gasp. “Your body is perfect. I don’t know how I waited this long to have you.” 
“I don’t know how I waited either,” You responded, and soon you pushed back with your hips to match his thrusts as your discomfort transformed into pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re so needy for me. You want more of me, don’t you?” Max thrusted faster, finally giving in to what he had been fighting.
“Max, I want everything. Please, give me everything.” 
Permission. That was all Max wanted from you when he called you into his office. Permission to ravish you just as you both had dreamed of and that was what set him off. In an instant, he thrusted faster, pushing you further into the wall to make you arch your back. His curve hooked more inside you, stretching you and getting closer to brushing up on your g-spot. Every vein rubbed against your velvety slick walls deliciously, making this sin of sleeping with a vampire worth every second of it. There was power behind every thrust, wanting to bottom out each time so your walls could hug every inch of him. 
You were utterly drunk off of him, becoming a loud whimpering mess that everyone could hear if they were on your floor. You didn’t try to cover your mouth or close it. You wanted Max to listen to what this was doing to you, and once you used your spare hand to spread your ass cheek, it pleased him.
“Look at you, spreading yourself wide for me to take every part of you. You’re such a pretty girl for me,” Max commented, making you clench around him. “Fuck, mami. You do that again and I’m gonna cum inside you.”
I really want him to cum inside me. Fuck, I want him to breed me, actually.
“Oh, you really want that.” Max noted, and you nodded frantically.
“Fuck, I do!”
“Can’t help it, can you? Laid out on my desk and squirting, sucking me underneath the desk to tease me, getting fucked against the wall, and now you want me to breed you. The pretty secretary getting fucked by her boss and begging to get filled up. Should’ve known you’re not as innocent as you look.” Max laid it out and showed how much you broke your rules for him, but you didn’t care. All it did was bring you closer to cumming to where your legs began to shake.
“Baby, I-I’m gonna cum again!” You cried out, and Max began to let his fangs grow in.
“That’s it, baby. Cum all over my cock for me, please.”
You immediately shut your eyes, letting go as you coated him and your inner thighs again. You took every thrust he gave you to fuck you through it, and the praise that he gave you was muffled due to your mind going blank. It was too good to think, and once he stalled his thrusts and you felt warm, thick ropes paint your walls, you knew that he was a goner as well. Max transformed as he came, giving you every drop so that you would be forever marked as his, but there was one last thing he had to do to seal it. 
You felt his lips against your neck, a light kiss that made you tilt your neck more to the side, giving him access. But then, you felt his fangs sink into your skin, the pain making you yelp as it stung, and you could feel him twitch inside you more from turning you. But it was hard to get mad at while he was pumping you full of his cum. Bred, turned, and marked by your boss. What more could you want based on your fantasies from earlier?
When he was close to finishing his mark on you, you felt drained initially, with your orgasm departing and your body momentarily falling limp. But that all changed in a split second when your eyes shot open, and you took a deep breath as your body changed from head to toe. Your energy rose, your strength increased, your entire being changed from that of a mortal and into an all-powerful entity. It was electrifying, and you only came down from that high when he pulled his teeth and cock out of you.
“You taste and feel wonderful.” Max complimented you as he turned you around.
“Thank you. Was that your plan all along?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“More or less,” He drifted off, looking at your amber-yellow eyes with satisfaction. “How do you feel?” 
“Different. I feel strangely more alive even though I’m now considered the living dead.” You joked.
“You’ll be fine. It becomes normal after a while, and then you’ll wonder why you had to wait so long to change.”
You cocked your head to the side. “So you don’t miss mortal life?” 
“What’s there to miss? I have a simple diet now, plenty of energy, and I have powers. There’s nothing special about being human when you get all of this from one bite.” He elaborated, and you loved seeing how passionate he was about his new lifestyle. 
“Well when you put it that way, I can see why you wanted to turn everyone here.”
“Well turning people I’m not turned on by isn’t exactly fun,” Max joked, cupping your cheek. “But turning you was very exciting.” He finished, rubbing his thumb against your cheekbone.
“It was. Makes me wanna do it again.” You admitted bashfully.
“Who said I was stopping now? I’ve only just begun with you,” Max leaned into you, his lips ghosting yours.
“Then give me all of it, forever.” You whispered, and the kiss that followed left you weak at the knees and your heart soaring for eternity.
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
My weird, personalized killer tier list (for fanfiction)
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I pretty much love all the killers. I just created this for fun.
221 notes · View notes
popcornforone · 8 months
Smash & Nash
A Spooky Season Max Phillips Fan Fic
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I know you could say all Max P fics are for spooky season but this one was written especially for it. & considering where I was with this in the 22nd I’m amazed it’s now published. I’ve done good.
Synopsis: Max & You have agreed your turning date, & the day before your mortal wedding you decide to head to fair with attractions & seasonal spooky things. However Max is the one who is having doubt about your arrangement.
Word Count: 4800
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! Max is a vampire so blood, mentions of death & turning & other vampire lore, piv sex, in public sex, outdoors sex, fingering, drinking while having sex, swearing, being competitive, being angry, hypnosis, manipulation, mentions of oral. Established relationship. Competitiveness
Thanks as always for reading peoples. All feedback is appreciated. Enjoy everyone.
“Step right up to the world famous pumpkin smash, it’s just like a coconut shy but we make pumpkin pie with the smashed pumpkins for the homeless shelter” That’s all it takes. He grips you hand & smiles. A bright white seductive smile.
“Seriously?” You ask as you roll your eyes. “You want to smash pumpkins?”
“Yes I do my forever…” He knows he’s got to charm you into allowing him to do this, he slowly drags his fangs along the back of your hand before he kisses it, threatening you with a potential early feed if he doesn’t get his way. The devil is always in his eyes but tonight the night before Halloween he’s even more mischievous.”I promise not to cheat”
“Urgh alright, fair fight?” You tut. Max is more competitive than you, that’s why you feel for him but being a vampire gave him added advantages. You like him to show off when it’s for your collective benefits but when you’re against each other it gets a bit tedious.
“Always a fair fight my love, ha what does she take me for?” He jokes to the attendant & the man running the game hands you both over 5 balls to smash the pumpkins with.
“If we do this, I get to pick the next thing we do at this autumn fest?” You raise an eyebrow in hope of Max agreement.
This is meant to be your night. The last days of autumn, the clocks have changed. The nights are cold & long & the leaves have all but finished falling. This time next year, if you come to this event, you will be like Max, a creature of the undead. A vampire looking for prey. You’ve agreed on your turning date it’s on November 17th. You will awaken from your transformation & be a creature of the night on your actual birthday of November 30th should everything go to plan.
“Agreed”Max says as he watches your small hands grasp a ball ready to throw. He likes how small your hands are when they stroke his cock, & he is so looking forward for that to now happen for eternity. You are his forever he has been searching for, for over 300 years, which in vampire time is not long. But his last two potential vampire brides died during transformation. He’s taking no risks this time. He’s doing it all properly & is making sure you are the one. So far nothing has gone against either of you it’s all on track & tomorrow at the Halloween feast you attend you will legally become his wife in the eyes of the mortal world.
You eye each other up. Competitive senses at a high. Most pumpkins smashed is the aim of the game & Max being a gentleman lets you go first. The vampire after centuries has still remembered his manners. As the first hit splatters a pumpkin everywhere covering the guy running the stall, you are so proud of yourself. Your pride is wiped away when you see the look on Max face. He’s trying to work out what’s best for him to do.
Easily let you win?
Take you on at his least competitive?
Use his powers?
He’s contemplating them all.
But then he looks at your face. Max the over thinker he can just about in your mind. He shakes his head trying to get out of it, his head conflicted. He’s brought back to the noise & the smells of the fair as you hold his arm.
“Maxie, it doesn’t matter who wins, this is for fun, it’s for charity, if you want to show off do it but I won’t be upset if you beat me” you softly say to him before kissing his cheek. Your lips are still so alive. Your kisses will still feel as good when you’re a vampire, but some of the warmth & the rush of blood will disappear.
“You sure my forever” he nuzzels his nose against yours. The temptation to bite down hard on his bottom lip is difficult to resist but you do.
“Always baby” your right hand trails down his back soothing him as he grabs his first ball to throw. As he does you smack his arse causing his ball to go nowhere near any pumpkin.
“Cheat!” He shouts & holds you close his eyes enraged, starting to show some red flecks in them. You laugh & then do a little mocking strop.
“Oooh im Max Phillips, I’m the only one who can cheat & get away with it” you also hiss at the end, which make Max hiss back & then you hiss more.
“Your hissing is making excellent progress” Max says as you then both continue taking it in turns to smash the pumpkins, each ball by you both taking one completely out & causing a mess.
“You think so?” You reply with a smile, proud he’s noticed. He said you sounded like a stick insect when you started it.
“Only time will tell.” Max chirps as he throws his last ball that takes out the final pumpkin. You high five each other & he pulls you in close for a hug. It doesn’t matter that you both have countless layers on & it’s getting cold, Max can still feel the warmth radiating from you. His nice little snack. He will need to find a new permanent source of food for you both soon.
You hold Max hand as you look at a few things & then you excitedly screech.
“They have a ghost train Max” you scream in excitement.
“Whats a ghost train?” You look dumbfounded.
“You are 364 years old & you have never ever been on a ghost train?” There’s a reason why he’s waited to turn you, he wants you to immortally be the same age he was when he was turned forever at almost 32 years old. That way you won’t look like an odd couple together. You have been dating him for the last 4 years, & he asked you to be his forever in your 30th birthday. This is all so right for you both, but the fact he’s never been on a ghost train does bother you a little.
“I don’t see what all the fuss is about” he says as you drag him across to it. “I mean…”
“If you say ghosts aren’t real I’m calling bullshit..” you sternly say which shuts him up a little.
“Fair enough”
“Come on Max you promised I could do whatever I wanted next baby please, can we do this?”
Max huffs “alright, alright, fine” this is a well organised event but this ghost train is not one from Disney or a fright night kind of thing. But you can see from some peoples faces that they’ve had a few jump scares as they get off the ride.
The ride attendant takes you tokens & straps you into a carriage.
“Welcome to the ghouls of gore” they state they are dressed as a werewolf. “Where mortals scream & the undead devour” Max raises an eyebrow at them.
“We will be the judge of that” Max cockily replies. You instantly lock your arms with him. You’re not scared but you want to feel as close to Max as possible while he probably sits there & goes ahhh that’s not how a zombie looks critiquing it. Also his slower heartbeat, as you feel his icy skin, is always calming. Many a night have you fallen asleep to his one beat every 5 seconds pulse. It’s just enough to keep him alive. “You okay?” He asks as you look at each other. He looks concerned which you think is for you.
“I’m with you Max, of course I am” & with that the ride starts. It flys through various rooms, Actors leap out, the ride drops, the statues are spooky & the score send chills down your spine. You’ve been on scarier ghost trains but this is pretty good for what you have paid. You let out a few genuine screams as well as some because you know you should. But Max sits next to you almost in silence. It’s only when the ride ends that you look at him. He’s even whiter than he usually is. Something not right with your own creature of the night.
“Well” says the attendant “I’m guessing that worked” they joke looking at Max. He looks pale & spooked. As soon as he is released Max bolts & storms off. Something has been triggered in him.
“Thank you” you say to the ride person & you catch up with Max who’s storming off still not saying a word, he has no idea where he’s heading either, he’s in a strop. “Max slow down what’s up”
“Nothing” he snaps. Brushing you away.
“Maximums Victor Rodrick VanPhelt” that’s his full name back from when he was mortal. You saying that always means he’s in trouble. Picking Max Phillips is a much easier name for people. “Turn & face me” Max stops in his tracks his face is like thunder. But his bottom lip is quivering. He looks scared. “What’s wrong?” It’s a few seconds of silence, your own smile dropping before he speaks.
“What if I kill you?”
“I’ve tried twice before with who I thought was the one, both ended in death & pain, both put me off finding another forever. & now here you are, so calm about the process, so ready to accept your fate.” His eyes are watering & you both walk up to each other & embrace.
“Honestly Max, I’m a bit scared”
“Really” he now looks even more worried.
“But I’d rather risk it being turned immortal by you, then die old & you have to suffer the heartbreak when I’m 95” Max can sense the future, he has told you that he sees your mortal life ending a few years before your reaching 100 but it’s clouded it’s not set in stone.
“But what if”
“No Max stop, I want to be your forever be that be for the next 18 days after tonight or 30 years or 50 or 500, I’ve decided what I want & I want you, I want to be your vampire bride.” A single tear drips down Maxs face. Love isn’t often reciprocated for him.
“You love me, you completely love me?” he’s still uncertain. You had heard of the day before the wedding jitters but this is a new level of this.
“Yes! Forever yes! How can I prove this to you anymore than I already have” you reply, you caress his face. Your touch making him sigh. He has a small look around & then looks at the attraction to his left.
“Come with me” you are dragged to a little tent for the hall of mirrors. Neither of you have the tokens for this ride. Max reaches the attendant & hypnotises them. “We have the tokens you just don’t need to see them” & with that they let you in.
“Trust me”
After 3 corridors & him stuttering the cctv so it glitches out, he reaches a normal mirror & stands you in front of it. You look at your over sizes hoodie & big scarf, your ripped navy jeans & your blonde hair styled as a bob. Your black nail shine & fingerless gloves touch your outfit.
“What do you see?” He asks
“Your future wife” you reply.
“True…” he says “but I want to know that you see more than this” you look deeply into the mirror. You know what he’s asking you to see.
“I see me, a strong confident woman who knows what she want. No clothes define who I am & neither will time. I see a lost soul who then met the man of her dreams. I see the person I was & the person I will become.” You then see something & blink twice & then hold Max hand”… & I see us standing beside each other for eternity” max is a little choked by this. It’s the answer he hoped for.
“That’s very sweet…” but you interrupt him.
“No max I see your reflection…” Max steps back a little. Max can always see his slight reflection. It’s always delayed a little, & it foggy but he can always see himself enough to check he looks good.
“What?! That’s impossible I…”
“No max” you look up at him beaming & then back to the mirror. “When I held your hand I saw something shimmer in the mirror. Like there was something that moved quickly, almost a ghost but the more I squeeze your hand…” you hold it tighter”I can see it more, there’s something blurry in the mirror that I can see & it’s in the place where you should be” your own lip trembles. You can see your vampire staring back at you in the glass. Maybe your mind wanted to see it, maybe it wasn’t really there but you don’t care.
“Wow” with his other hand Max wipes a small tear away. “& you’re sure you’re not already a vampire?”
You laugh”no max otherwise you’d have died drinking me”
“True, it’s just no one’s ever mentioned my reflection before” Max is struggling to keep it together. He’s overwhelmed with emotion. “You see me for all I am worth & more” Max turns to face you before his lips meet yours. Always deep & passionately. His lust never dying down. It’s easy to fall for someone when they can kiss this good. The way you wrap your arms around him, one hand on his shoulder the other ruffling his hair.
“Always Max” you say as the kiss breaks. You bite his bottom lip as it ends. That’s code for wanting him. Max always wants you, but he didn’t just want to ask you for consent each time so you biting his lip makes sure he is aware you are in the mood. He eyes dilate & he hissed slightly.
Max then has a quick look around.
“I’m not sure where though baby” he says as he walks you out the hall of mirrors.
“We could go home Max &…”
“No you want me now, I’m not wasting this opportunity” he rolls his eyes back into his head to use one of his vampire sense to see if there somewhere you could go or hide. It’s the one thing you don’t like him doing as a vampire, because you can’t see those dark caramel eyes. It’s only ever for a few seconds, but that’s always when you remember he’s not human. Even when he drinks from you, that feels more normal with that. “Ahhh” he snaps back into the now his eyes beaming back at you & the vacant empty face filled with a mischievous smile.
“You found somewhere”
“Yes” he grabs you by the hand, leaving the hall of mirrors & you start marching across the fair to the security hut & walk behind it. There’s a small table & a broken chair but it’s out the way & no one can see you.”we don’t need long baby I know what I want to do to you.” He’s kissing up your neck once you’re behind the hut. You’re already moaning as he licks at you & his hand undoes your belt on you jeans.
“Max what if…” but he raises an eyebrow
“Don’t worry I’ve cast some hypnosis on a few people as we got here to say stay away. Anyone who wants to interrupt, we can note for future feeds” his hand pull your jeans & knickers down to your knees as he pushes you hard against the hut wall.
“& the security?”
“Shhh baby you overthink too much” your hands are undoing his own trouser. It’s as you feel his briefs that two fingers slip inside you.
“Oooh Max” your eyes scrunch shut as the rhythm is fast, squelching noises coming from your sex within seconds. He has large hands & long fingers & with a vampiric speed he possesses he can have you cumming on his fingers in about 90seconds. The way his thumb pleasures your clit as well. It’s over stimulation for sure in the few minutes he works with his hand but oh does it feel good when he does this. “Max, fuck max” your neck is strained. His small kisses peppering each inch of it. You can feel him getting hand in his own underwear. & then he hits the spot & you scream.
“That’s it sweetheart, cum, cum for your vampire Prince.” Flecks of red fill his eyes. He’s lusting for more than just sex. That sets you off, drenching his finger, as you clamp & he pulls you into him to keep you on your feet. “Damn baby, you know how to make my heart beat almost normally”
“Max mmmmmm max” you just about get the word out. You eventually lean against the hut & remove the scarf while he frees his always impressive length from his briefs. Throbbing & leaking. “Max I want to give you the ultimate pleasure” you whisper into is ear as he swipes his penis over your entrance, a few stroke of it on your clit just to keep you at this level. He loves a tease.
“I thought you said that was for special occasions only” your hands leave Max & you remove your hoddie. Your neck & shoulder line almost looking as broad as him, because you always want to give him an opportunity to enjoy what he wants most.
“I did, tonight is that”
“What about our wedding night tomorrow?” He raises an eyebrow as he licks his lips, nudging further his tip almost ready to slip inside you.
“Max I plan on having a wedding week… oooh fuck”it’s time for your eyes to roll into the back of your head, your mouth wide open gasping for air, as in two ferocious thrusts, hes deep inside your cunt. Where his fingers have been long & got to that spot, he’s hit it already as you flutter around him instantly.
“Well as long as you say the magic words we agreed on I shall. God you’re super tight tonight” you wrap a leg around Max a better angle, as much as Max always pleasures you & has you gushing all over his cock, this just makes it even better.
“Be my Bitey Maxie, drink, please” the words splutter out of your mouth.
When you met Max & he revealed he was a vampire you swore no drinking of you during sex. Before it yes & much time afterwards of course but never during it. 6months in you let him sink his fangs into your thighs, the mixture of bloody & you collective juices made him ravenous. Over the next 3 years you have allowed him to have a small drink while he’s been buried inside you. Your blood tastes better & sweet at your climax he says & 3 months ago when you agreed your transformation date you allowed him to drink from your neck as he fucked you. The orgasm you had, had you walking awkwardly for a few days afterwards. It shook you to the core & you couldn’t stop thinking about the high & how close to possible death you could be. His fangs do heal but to drink from your neck while spilling inside you is his ultimate turn on but this is also something that you have agreed to do a few more times since. You enjoyed the rush a little too much.
“Mark me Max” you pant”I consent” your hips already move in time with his, a body so familiar, you can feel every inch of him, be it his hand on your arse or each pulse inside you, with his throbbing cock.
“Yes my bride” the brown from his eyes is all but gone. So black & wide with a red outline, he’s ready to feast. It always amazes you that his fangs slowly appear. You are curious as to why they aren’t always as prominent as when he’s about to feed. They mesmerise you every time. His hand as he plunders you rhythmically, grips around your chin to hold you in place, exaggerating your neck, he wants to pick the right vein. He loves kissing your neck & the little crook, Max does love kissing everywhere if he’s honest, but the pulse & flow if the blood there always makes him ravenous for more.
“I’m ready baby” you gasp.
“You think you are” there’s the devils smirk, his fangs white sparkling & dripping. He grazes them down your neck before he sinks them into his preferred feeding spot. He hit the soft spot inside you at that exact moment too. Your body already wanting to crumble at the intense pleasure.
“Fuck Max” a drawn out whimper escapes your mouth, pleasure filling your body. You can feel a small trickle down your shoulder as the fangs sink deeper into your flesh. The way his body pushes into you more so your flat against the wall. You’re grinding on his cock creating the frictions most of the time now. It’s easier todo when you sit or lie down, let alone be out in the open having sex. Your eyes when they do open from desire look up at the stars in the night sky.
Max is lapping at each drop, you’re the sweetest tonight he’s ever tasted you & that’s including when he once put sugar in everything you at to see how it effected the taste of your blood. Maybe it’s your connection & passion that makes you taste delicious. He feels guilty for drinking, at about his third slurp but you moan his name again & he remembers you consented to this & to everything that will follow. Your blood is also tasting warmer as you breathe heavier, it’s pumping through your veins. This is why this is a danger, one nip too many will see you off. But Max has recently agreed that if that were to happen that he would turn your straight away.
There you both stand wrapped around each other, experiencing pleasures that neither of you knew existed. The idea of someone catch you exhilarates you both, makes this session even harder & sexier. But Max powers would over throw & convince anyone that this was not what they saw. Two entangled bodies becoming one. As you moan you feel Max start to increase his pace again.
“Fuck, fuck oh god Max” every sense is tingling. Your body feels sexy & the way he is thrusting has you stuttering. He’s enjoying the way you taste, the way you feel, the way you are so desperate to satisfy him, sexually & as a feed. No one has every brought him to nirvana before, but right now as he can feel his own heart beat almost like it used to 300 odd years ago, he moans. His teeth sink deeper & you both gasp.
“Max…mmmm… Max… MAX!” You scream & let go of your desire. You clamp & soak him. It makes him pulse more & his teeth go even deeper & your body starts to convulse from overstimulation of everything. Your grip becomes less on him & he can sense this might be too much, but it’s also really turning him on. He’s so close. He wants to cum. One last sink of those teeth have you both hissing & he removes his fangs completely with the next thrust.
“Fuck” he growls spilling inside you, coating your walls. Making you go numb. An incredible high for him. But Max has mucked up. He’s not heeled your neck & your blood is still pumping faster than ever. It only takes him a few seconds to regain his sense but he then suddenly notices the white look on your face, slowly draining of colour & not just from the intense orgasm you’ve just had. Crimson is leaking from your neck.”oh fuck” in his fangs go again, to stem the flow. Their venom as he slowly withdraws them starts to heal you but he’s worried he’s done it too late. They drip into your blood stream & he raises an eye to check your still with him. He doesn’t want to turn you, not right now, but he knows if he had to he would. The last few drops of his venom drop onto your skin, sealing shut the holes, so it looks like all you have there are two spots. His breath is short, he’s panicked. Did he stop the flow in time? He looks deeply at you in hope that you will open your eyes & speak to him.
“Max” it’s a whimper as you lick your lips & come to from the most phenomenal sensation ever. Max sighs in relief.
“You okay baby?”
“Mmmmhmmmm yeaa I am, I’ve never felt so alive” your eyes connect & the frenzied kiss you receive makes you both tremble. He’s just happy he didn’t go too far in his excitement. He’s still inside you but softening.
“For a second I thought I’d lost you, & would have to delay our wedding due to turning you” he pants, his eyes are filled with love. No longer black or with a red shimmer but still large & brown.
“I’m glad you didn’t baby, that really was extraordinary” you can feel your body warm up again clearly he had drunk more than he should have, you cheeks start to colour. He holds you still so you don’t collapse as he pulls out of you & then rummages in your bag for a cloth. Usually that’s just used for blood spillage when he’s had a sudden urge to drink, but today it’s for other bodily fluids. He’s delicate as he cleans you. Despite you saying your okay he knows what he just did was a bit too much. As you both but your bottoms back on you can see in his eyes there still a concern.
“What’s the matter Max?” He does his belt up & sighs, before reply.
“You really were willing to let me drain you tonight to get your high werent you?”
“Yes Maxie, why do you think I consented”
“Wow” he says in admiration. He’s proud that you’d do anything for him. “& I didn’t even need to hypnotise you to do it”
“I have a confession Max, your hypnosis has never worked one me.” You giggle. You can feel when he tries to do it to you, especially at the start of your relationship. He’s not attempted it in ages. But nine times out of ten when he was suggesting you were down for anyhow.
“Why didn’t you tell me that?”
“Why is that an issue?”
“No!” He rubs the back of his head & pulls you in closes. “Vampire lore states that your true vampire bride wants what you do & doesn’t need persuasion” you beam back before you fling your arms around him.
“Oooh Max” it’s a soft kiss you plant on his lips before he then makes it deeper.”I love you baby”
“I love you more”
“Try me” you both giggle before you kiss once more.
By the time you make your way back to the attractions most of the family’s have left. It’s now all adults & older teens hanging about. You then see an apple bobbing contest. It has a leader board with how many apples can be plucked in 2mins. The top score is 8. You see the look in Max eyes.
“Well” he says. You know his fangs & reflexes will help.
“Go on then Max”
“Ooh no your joining in too”
“What? No Max this is an easy win for you” I wink at him.
“See i think it’s going to be easier for you”
“Well let’s just say your bobbing & gag reflex are second to none” he says with a cheeky smile.
“What?! Just stating the truth baby”
“Hmmmm” you smirk & pay for both you entry’s. You then whisper to Max as you both get ready for the contest. “Do you think blow jobs will be better when I have fangs?” Max does a double take & then smiles.
“I have no idea sweetie” he takes off his coat & gets ready for his go.”but I can’t wait to find out” & so Max plunges his head into the ice water bucket. A score of 13 he gets, claiming first prize. Not that this discouraged you afterwards. Your own mouth meant you came in 2nd with a total of 10.
“That’s my good girl” Max says after your attempt, As he kisses you deeply. “My forever.”
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hollybell51 · 5 months
guys guys omg guys i started watching travelers and why must i always go for the guy whose life is falling apart. what is that. why’d they make him hot. why do i find him hot. that interrogation scene did things to me that i am really bot proud of.
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Summary: You take Max to visit a place that holds many memories for you.
Pairing: Max Philips x fem. Reader / Pero Tovar x fem. Reader
Wordcount: 1k
Rating: M
Warnings: bittersweet memories, vampires, fluff, implied sexual content, some ass grabbing
A/N: here is this weeks @writer-wednesday drabble 🧡
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You brushed your fingers over the markings on the wall, a soft smile on your lips. It almost looked the same, even though everything around had changed.
It had been a perfect autumn day. You had been looking forward to this day for weeks. 
It was a little over a year before you had arrived with just the clothes you were wearing and no coin on you. You had been walking for days through the woods, not having eaten in days after fleeing from that place that brought you so much pain. 
The place that had changed you so profoundly you would live for centuries.
A stable boy had found you as you were on the verge of passing out. You did not remember much, only that you woke up to a nice older woman next to you, a kind smile on her face. 
It would take days for you to find out that it was the king's mother. 
Your life had changed after that. 
The king's mother became like a mother to you, taking you under her wing. You reminded her of her late daughter she would tell you whenever you asked. You had been building yourself a life, working as a handmaiden for the king’s mother, becoming friends with the king and queen. 
What had happened to you in captivity slowly faded away. Yet at night, when you were alone, in the darkness of your chamber, the nightmares came. 
It was why you would take long walks at night just outside the castle. It was then that you noticed something had changed. No matter how many nights you spent awake, you were never tired. And there seemed to be a hunger that slowly was getting more intense. A hunger only blood could still. 
You were horrified the first time it happened. You had smelt the blood from outside, finding a dying man just outside the castle walls, drinking from him just before he died.
It was one of those nights you had been reckless, not taking your dagger when someone had tried to attack you. Back then you did not know you had more strength then most men. Only they had never had the chance to hurt you, falling dead to your feet before you could scream for help by the hands of another man. 
It was the night you met Pero Tovar. 
Pero who would again change your life, sneaking his way into your heart until you could not imagine being without him. 
Just three months after that fateful night the king had married you and Pero, in a small ceremony, followed by a huge celebration that would be the talk of the kingdom for years to come. 
Pero had quickly become the king’s guard, the grumpy expression he always wore only melting into a smile in the privacy of your chambers.
It was on your wedding night that Pero had carved both your initials into the wood in the grand hall, hidden from view. Just behind the throne, hidden behind a curtain.
But you knew it was there. 
And It had been for the last 600 years. 
“What are you looking at, Sweet cheeks?” you turned your head, finding Max looking at you. He was dressed in jeans and a shirt, so unlike him. Max Phillips always wears a suit.  Then again you had talked him into a vacation around the globe and hiking (he was entertaining your wish and really just walked, for a human experience) in a suit, even for a vampire would look stupid. Not that he hadn’t tried.
You would forever (literally) tease him about wearing an Armani suit to hike up a mountain in austria.
“Memories,” you smiled, kissing your fingers to bring it down to rub over the wood. 
“Cute,” he hummed, his arms wrapping around you from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder. 
“Pero carved it on our wedding day. It was early morning already and we were sitting here, hidden from view behind some curtain. I might have been sitting on his cock while he did this,” you grinned. 
“Naughty,” Max kissed your jaw. You nodded. 
“He never judged me. He helped me when I told him about it. About what I was. Back then I didn’t know I was a vampire,” you whispered. You didn’t need much blood. Whatever they did to you while they had taken you had changed you, but did not make you a bloodthirsty monster. 
Every month or so you needed some blood and Pero had been more than happy to help you out in the beginning. 
You had stayed with him until the day he died of old age peacefully in your arms. You still owned the little house in Spain you had built together after leaving the king once people started to notice you weren’t ageing. 
“He sounds nice,” Max said. You nodded, turning in his arms to kiss him softly. 
"You kinda look like him now that I think about it," you grinned and he winked.
"You have a type."
“I do. I loved him very much. I still do but… now I get to spend eternity with you. Even though you’re an asshole like 30% of the time,” you teased. He rolled his eyes.
“Your asshole though,” he waved his hand at you, wiggling his fingers, his wedding ring reflecting the light. 
“True. And I know how to keep you in line, so it’s a win win for me really,” you grinned, one of your hands squeezing his ass. 
“Ready to snail-hike back down to our car?” he asked. You nodded.
He slapped your ass, hard, when you made your way out of the hall. 
“You gonna pay for that Philips,” you narrowed your eyes. 
“I’m counting on it, Sweet Cheeks,” he wiggled his eyebrows, before he took your hand. 
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ok-anon · 10 months
hey so any of you cuties like to beta fics? bc i'm getting back into with an Agent Whiskey series and i'm n e r v o u s and have 0 mutuals. please i beg <3 y'all are hot thank you (it is also 18+ and does have some warnings associated which i will 100% present before anyone reads anything!)
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fluffygreenkoala · 1 year
Avatar: The Way of water Fic head canons (Aonung x Original Female character)
• A ship from Earth arrives at Hell's Gate, and inside is a sixteen years old girl... Max's daughter.
• Long story short, Max married a fellow doctor (pediatrician) some years before departing from Earth although they were engaged for a long time. Due to our planet's decaying stability, various natural catastrophes took place, one of them a horrible earthquake who left very few survivors, one child. The one Max and Philip adopted when she was two (bureaucracy, yikes) and raised as their own.
• Shanti (Peace in Hindi) is of Irish birth, but growing up with Indian and American fathers acquired some of their customs and sayings as well. Her birth last name is Healy, which her fathers let her keep along with Max's (Philip doesn't like his, so to respect his wishes I'm not going to share it). He was more than happy when he proposed to Max because it meant changing his family name - and marrying, of course.
• She calls Philip Dad and Max "Paapa" (Dad in Hindi)
• Philip calls her sweetling, Max calls her "chhote phool" (small flower in Hindi)
• Shanti has long, wavy ✨light✨ brown hair she keeps in low ponytail/braid depending on the day and clear green eyes, isn't tall as a tree but she's lithe and athletic, has good coordination and quick thinking.
• She's a kind, gentle girl who likes to learn, loves to dance (specializes in Kathak, Odissi and Irish riverdance) and would like to become a doctor and veterinarian, drawing inspiration from her fathers' work.
• Shanti was also born deaf, so she uses sign language to communicate and can read people's lips. She can talk but is unsure of how she sounds; she likes and can sing though, via touch and contact with someone's skin she's able to make out the rhythm of a song and sing along to it through the vibrations in the person's bones.
• Of course Max is distraught about his husband's death, but he's happy and overjoyed to have his daughter there.
• She quickly proves herself a trustworthy and reliable ally, helping out in Awa'atlu and learning all she can of medicine from Max, Norm *and* Ronal, wanting to be able to assist the Na'vi that gave her a roof - because as soon as she befriended the teens' gang, she was one of the people.
• She immediately learned the Metkayina sign language and from then on it was BOOM, we're adopting this cool soft-hearted girlie.
• Since she's constantly in Awa'atlu to see her friends and have study sessions with Ronal and Tsireya, she was given her own pod which Kiri, Tuk and Tsireya helped her embellish.
• Upon having to demonstrate what human dances are like to a curious Tsireya, Shanti performed a Kathak piece with the help of a violin-holding Norm and everyone's jaws dropped. Humans are able to create pretty things after all. Lo'ak swears that during the performance Aonung straight up stopped breathing, but there was no recording... that we know of.
• At first Shanti and Aonung share an awkward, shy friendship, that then turns into a full-on camaraderie and "Have you seen my son?" "Ask Shantee". It blossoms into love last, but it's so gradual that all those around them know and feel it developing (and the two are also aware but plagued by "What if she doesn't feel the same?" and "What if he can't be with a human girl?/What if my being human is too much of a sorrow on him?"
• Eventually they do get formally engaged with both Tonowari and Ronal's blessing other than Max's, who are happy to see their children happy with someone who respects and values them
• Shanti teaches Aonung to recognize edible plants on other Pandora regions and makes him food bags for hunts, while he teaches her to breathe underwater so her exopacket lasts longer as she's there - he also shows her nice places he discovered as he went here and there on his little adventures.
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
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Links to various posts--
About me
🤗 Requests are open!! 🤗 Rules for them.
Lil life update. Reason I will start being a little mia from writing and reading.
My bookmark blog ( the link is to the masterpost of for it talking about what it is, etc. )
A beautiful story by the amazing @alwayslurkinginthebackground
My writing -
My blog is an 18+ only, so shoooo anyone under 18, please and thank you!! 💞
As I write more I will get a master post made for each character.. But for now I will put the emojis next to each ones.
🔥🔥 = smut
💞🤗 = 100% fluffiness
Pedro Pascal ~
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Frankie Morales 💞🤗 with some chapters that are 🔥🔥. Minors do not interact please!! 🔞
Oberyn Martell 💞🤗
Joel Miller
Max Phillips
AU with multiple Pedro boys 💞🤗 so far.
Din Djarin
Oscar Issac ~
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Santiago Garcia 💞🤗
Marc Spector
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krypticcafe · 10 months
❧ Customer Service Policy
aka The Rules
As much as we love our beloved customers, this cafe is a one-man crew and to make sure the place doesn't burn down and ruin things for everyone, we have our own rules and regulations regarding special orders along with some guidance for the lost.
Many thanks, ✎ Kryptid
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❧ Before You Order:
I will do a max of 10 characters for headcanons or fics per request, but you may request more in another one. Depending on the request, I might take out characters or make a second part.
I specialize in masc, amab, dominant, and particularly gender neutral readers, but I'm open to all types.
Readers are automatically written gender-neutral unless requested otherwise.
I do character/reader and occasionally character/character fanfics.
Poly ships are more than welcome! Please state if it is poly, because I will assume you want them all separately.
I will not always accept requests. I write on my own schedule.
If you want a specific kind of reader, please directly state so, such as gender, assigned sex, and/or pronouns. For example,
May I have a transmasc reader with König?
Can I get Din Djarin smut with an amab reader with they/them pronouns?
Can you do Ghost x fem!reader?
I would love to request a könig/horangi/masc reader please!
Remember, it's better to be super specific than super vague for the best customer satisfaction.
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✅️Will Write✅️
Polyamory/Open Relationships
Smut (certain kinks and within reason)
Mild Dub-con (depends heavily on request)
Platonic Relationships
Sibling/Related Readers
Child/Younger Reader
Comfort/Trauma Fics
Readers of all genders, backgrounds, etc
Dark/Psychological Fics (within reason)
Dead Dove (depending)
Light A/B/O
❌️Won't Write❌️
Explicit or Graphic Non-con/R*pe Smut
Dark/Psychological fics glorifying actions
Certain Fetishes
Real People
A/B/O Mpreg
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❧ Flavors:
✎﹏Call of Duty
Simon "Ghost" Riley ('09 & '22)
John "Soap" MacTavish ('09 & '22)
Captain John Price ('09 & '22)
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ('22)
Stray/Hound ('09 & '22)
Kim "Horangi" Hong-Jin
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Farah Karim
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo Parra
Sebastian Krueger
Sobieslaw "Gromsko" Kościuszko
Keegan P. Russ
Logan Walker
David "Hesh" Walker
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✎﹏Slashers/Dead By Daylight
Ghostface (films)
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen/DBD!Ghostface
Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden
Michael Myers (films, DBD)
Pyramid Head (games, DBD)
Bubba Sawyer (films, DBD)
Thomas Hewitt
Brahms Heelshire
Trapper/Evan MacMillan
Wraith/Philip Ojomo
Legion/Frank Morrison
Ji-Woon Hak/Trickster
Sally Smithson/Nurse
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✎﹏Star Wars
Poe Dameron
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin
Cassian Andor
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Sam Wilson/Captain America/Falcon
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
T'Challa/Black Panther
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Moon Knight
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Eddie Brock/Venom
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✎﹏Marble Hornets/Slenderverse
Masky/Tim Wright
Hoodie/Brian Thomas
Jane the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Kate the Chaser
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all rights reserved © krypticcafe, all fanfiction belongs to me and should not be copied, edited, published, sold, or translated without permission. all characters belong to their respective fandoms and creators.
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grumfield · 7 months
What's wrong with Solomon's Crown? I didn't find it particularly bad, just kind of in the same vein as Song of Achilles, albeit with a happy ending and some fanficky things.
TSOA is Hamilton where Solomon's Crown is Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson, IMO. One is taking an interesting perspective where the other is like, playing barbies--but calling it historical fiction is disingenuous.
Song of Achilles worked because it was written by a classicist who knew how to balance the personal fiction with the thing she studied. It's also not a historical story, or RPF. The whole thesis is also, like, adjacent to the Persian Boy and uses a 'regular person' to humanize a mythologized character. Similarly to how Hamilton takes an immigrant and reclamation lens to that story.
Solomon's Crown was written by someone who could do neither, and rather than trust her audience to make their own conclusions about her RPF she wanted us to know REALLY BAD that she only approved of egalitarian wholesome yaoi and cute sweet young characters who absolutely didn't like war or conquering. It was like author intrusion to the max, I felt like someone was breathing over my shoulder. It was everyone lives AU no homophobia no racism fanfiction. Richard and Philip did not meet until one was 18 and changed the age gap to be less problematic, they removed the crusades entirely and made medieval england a largely progressive kingdom with one single homophobe who was comically evil. No scruples about fuckin' dudes, the only scruples were like "wah wah i don't want to conquer".
I'm not someone who's usually picky about historical accuracy but seriously? Just make OCs at that point. I had the same beef with Iron Widow because it removes so much of what made these real people what they were until they're not even vague shadows of who they were. I feel like too there's like...when it comes to historical tragedy an an element of adhering to the narrative tradition unless you're making it really obvious you're going to be doing otherwise (like & Juliet or something). Like everything is hurtling towards this point and always will be or whatever and if I am reading and expecting one of them to die, the genre tells me that they're going to die miserably, and suddenly without warning I see that they literally get fucking MARRIED. IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND? I'm gonna be mad. Like TSOA doesn't work if Patroclus lived. It doesn't work like that, and so SC didn't work. I also think there's a certain commitment you should have to at least? Somewhat portraying the real figure as at least an image of themself? Making Richard--the man who is most known for being uber catholic and doing crusades--an openly bisexual seme playboy who hates war and doesn't really care about religion because you're worried about people saying you're problematic is just. WHY
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rubinaitoart · 2 years
A ['Twixt Tar and Feathers AU] Masterpost
Also known/tagged as "Good Belos AU". Dividers from here
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'Twixt Tar and Feathers is an AU for The Owl House, centered mainly around the idea that Belos and Eda are the very people that the Boiling Isles first believed them to be in the canon show. Emperor Belos Wittebane is the savior of the Boiling Isles, having united them under a single ruler and establishing the Coven System for their own safety; Edalyn Clawthorne is a dangerous wild witch that terrorizes the Western Arm of the Boiling Isles.
In short: Belos is a good guy, Eda is the antagonist.
I’m going to try and rework some details.
There are three different main storylines that take place in this AU:
The Gilded Castle The main story, set during the timeframe of the canon series. It follows Hunter Wittebane as the main protagonist, with Luz Noceda serving as the deuteragonist.
A Tale of Blood and Brothers Emperor Belos' backstory, sequel to The Cardinal and The Blue Jay, and prologue to The Gilded Castle. Belos Wittebane features as the main protagonist.
The Cardinal and The Blue Jay The story of Caleb and Philip Wittebane, and how they found themselves in the Demon Realm. Prologue to The Gilded Castle. Caleb Wittebane serves as the main protagonist, with Philip Wittebane as the deuteragonist.
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LEGEND - ★ - Rendered Artwork ♢ - Sketches/Doodles ✒ - Text/Writing ✎ - Fic Chapter
The Gilded Castle Content
Fanfiction Season 1 EPISODE 1 ✎ Part 1 - A Human in Bonesborough (No longer canon)
Extra Content ♢ Miscellanious Doodles - Here ★ Hunter & Flapjack - Here ★ Darius & Eberwolf - Here ♢ Luz Noceda's First Night (Sketch) - Here ✒ Snippets from CH 1 - Here + Here ♢ Darius (Sketch) - Here
A Tale of Blood and Brothers Content
Extra Content ★ Goodbye (Full Comic) - Here ✒ ★ Belos Information Card 01 - Here ♢ Goodbye (Panel Sketch) - Here ★ Goodbye (Rendered Panel) - Here ♢ Goodbye (Scrapped Panel Concept) - Here ♢ Blue Fang Palisman Concept Art - Here
The Cardinal and The Blue Jay Content
Extra Content ★ Wittewife Concept Art - Here
AU Questions & Answers
Max/Maxxy Asks: "can you please tell me about your au?" Anon Asks: "does hunter know about the past grimwalkers?" Max/Maxxy Asks: “can I draw for your au?”
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mjulianwrites · 2 years
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wip inspiration tag — next day after dawn
thank you max @goose-books for the tag!! the rules for this one are list as many inspirations/influences as you would like for your current work in progress, and explain how they’ve shaped your project!
next day after dawn (or, the project formerly known as historieswip) is a second word political fiction novel that's basically a mishmash shakespeare's histories with 90% less battle scenes and 90% more insane family dynamics. after everyone's favourite boyboss war criminal king gets deposed, his inner circle gets locked up by the new regime, and we follow them as they try to figure out what to do next and slowly drive each other insane.
tagging: @wren-is-writing @athenapollo @avi-why and anyone else who wants to do this!
henry vi part 3 (aka the whole wars of the roses tetralogy): there's a reason this project is just nicknamed historieswip. ohhhhh babygirl we got histories and i am not preserving shakespeare's timelines at ALL, i am just throwing those babies in a blender until i get 1. vaguely medieval english political structures 2. war with not-france 3. huge royal family with so much wrong with them. but from the henry vi plays specifically! this is where like half of the characters come from. the prince cyrus/cassandane/darcy dynamic is just the henry vi/margaret/suffolk love triangle, the house of lunares is the house of york: girlboss edition, and everything about the prince cyrus and mona dynamic comes from me Thinking about henry vi and richard iii foils moments. i could say more but we'd be here all day.
henry iv part 1 (and kind of 2): so. king cyrus is hal but that's also so mean to hal because king cyrus is SO much worse. however. he does have the hal backstory, by which i mean he was a rakish little alcoholic prince with a gay little boytoy until his dad died and then he had to get Serious and banish all his besties. and renan is his poins except if poins didn't get banished and stuck as the world's most depressed advisor faking respectability instead. ALSO kane my best friend kane is basically my hotspur <33
henry v: again, king cyrus is basically just henry v with the war crimes dialed up to 11. this one is the main inspiration for his conquering hero era and also the conflict with not-france and the not-french wife. it's also where i stole the title from!
king john: most of the histories i'm stealing from are at least like. connected to each other. king john is not but i love philip the bastard so fucking much so he's here (with extra transmasc aroace swag). that's helios — the war hero king's bastard who shows up to rise above his station and annoy everyone around him. and maybe be terminally loyal to a king who really doesn't deserve it
succession: the elevator pitch for this project is basically shakespeare's histories meets succession. specifically, season 1 episode 2 of succession, where the all-powerful patriarch is suddenly out of commission and maybe never coming back and the rest of the family is left losing their minds and wondering what the fuck they do now.
the hunger games: here's where i put on my clown shoes and admit that. um. you know how i said kane is hotspur. well he is but he's ALSO cato from the hunger games, as characterized in the criminally long fanfiction i wrote in middle school. and drea is um. clove. ANYWAY. thg is also an inspiration in terms of worldbuilding because i'm going for something kind of post-post-apocalyptic where there are vast disparities in technology in different parts of the country after decades of war and inequality. so we get modern tech plus medieval weapons, thank god.
darkling: this is partly a hatecrime against max my best friend max @goose-books because once upon a time i started jokingly shipping the two horrible old men in this book and then got so attached to the dynamic that i fully imported it into this project and made it canon gay. sorry bestie. but GENUINELY darkling is one of the best fucking books i've ever read and such a huge inspiration for how i do shakespeare retellings and also fucked up family dynamics.
gideon the ninth: this book is really nothing like gtn but i have to give it a shoutout because reading gtn was what inspired me to create this project! basically because i remembered how much i love ensemble casts and decided i wanted to write one. there are some similarities in terms of the vibe of everyone being locked in a big fucked up house together and everyone having super on the nose themed names but really just shoutout to tamsyn muir for being such a good writer that she made me want what she had (so many blorbos)
thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
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popcornforone · 6 months
Mistletoe and Whine
A Max Phillips Fan Fic
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I have too much in draft everywhere. Film reviews, notes, fics & I did actually have a very predicative Sunday playing catch up. However very randomly after watching an alternative Christmas film on Saturday night & my head still thinking about it, my mind stumbled into this festive Fic idea for Max Phillips. So here we are writing about our favourite vampire over the festive season. & it’s going to get sexy.
Synopsis:- Chance encounters with Max have lead you to your 5th anniversary, & he wants to make sure that you whine as he celebrates with you.
Word count:2750
Warnings:- DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV Sex, established relationship, vampire lore so biting, feasting & blood drinking, lack of consent, alcohol, drugs, swearing. Innuendo, intense orgasms. Basically like most couples they get steamy in their special day, it just so happens they are vampires.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. All feed back is always welcome. I hope you enjoy.
It’s your fourth espresso martini of the night. You & the girls are at an adults only winter wonderland. Candy canes have secret ingredients to make you extra happy, the chatter is loud, the games are intense but fun & the music is belting.
“Okay” Frankie says “who’s ready for us to go & play the next thing”
“Oooh im not sure I can move” Tina says. “And look” she waves her hands in front of her face “there’s 6 hands on my two arms” clearly the special sweets were effecting her more.
“Well I’m just gonna go sort myself out, but I’ll come find you in about 5minutes” you say. You need some water & to use the toilet. Your the mum of the group, your always the most sensible. You check with Lucy that she’s okay to hold the fort & make sure no one does anything crazy as you nip to the bathroom. It’s not that far away & you know it will take your friends in a sober undrugged state at least 10mins to pick what they want to do next, but with them high on everything, they won’t budge. You’ve got plenty of time.
As you walk past the Christmas trees you turn a corner & accidentally walk into someone.
“Oooh im sorry” you say as your shoulders clash. You look up & make eye contact. Your frozen. Two deep brown eyes make contact with you. If you knew any better you were being hypnotised. The red tie. The Santa hat. The broad shoulders. The dark suit. A smile like the devil.
“Ho Ho Ho… merry Christmas to you, my victim” you hear this deep voice & it arouses you. You giggle back. Suddenly his large hand is around your neck. He’s pushes you against the wall of the little hut that’s selling pretzels behind you. You gasp for air.
“Am I a Christmas treat?” You ask. You then feel your scarf be tugged off. His tongue licks up your neck. He always loves the taste of fresh meet, be it consensual or not.
“More, your my grand feast. The Satan Clause wants you all to himself.” He says. He makes eye contact once more making sure all his hypnosis, mixed with the drink & drugs you’ve had tonight, mean you won’t remember a thing. He licks his lips. “I’m famished” Those beautiful brown eyes turn to red & you feel the sharp pain as those fangs dig into your neck & your body jolts & you scream.
You jolt awake. A sweaty sticky mess. Panting gasping for air. You check the clock, it’s 7pm & you lie back down onto the bed. Desperate to get air into your body. The bedroom door flings open & there stands Max. Two cups of warmed blood for you both on this winters evening. The perfect way to wake up.
“You okay baby” he asks. He walked over to you in his long white dressing gown & hands you your mug. Just by the smell you can tell it’s AB positive.
“Nightmare, that’s all” you say & you sip your blood. You make a small mmm sound as it hits your taste buds. The iron sinking into your system. This is your favourite blood type.
“What was it today?” He asks as max rubs your back. Your undead skin is always cold, but even he can tell despite you sweating & being in a panic that it’s very icy.
“The day we met…” you start “… but no consent, you just had your way with me & sunk your teeth inside me”
“We both know that’s not how it went down” Max says as he shakes his head. Vampires only have nightmares when things aren’t certain. You’ve only been a vampire 3 years. You’re almost at your vampire potential, but you do still sometimes forget you aren’t human.
“No you were very shy about it, didn’t want to interrupt the game me & my friends were playing” you smile & reminisce.
It wasn’t a winter wonderland you & your friends were at. It was your local pub. It was board game night, & you & your friends were a little tipsy but no drugs, other than cigarettes. You were playing articulate with them all & smiling.
“Royal family, not the ginger one” Tina says.
“Prince William”
“Prince Andrew” Tina collected her card
“High trouser”
“SIMON COWELL” you all shout at once & Tina collects another.
“Doctor Who”
“Ooh god there’s 14 of them” you roll your eyes & then the buzzer goes off. “Times up” Lucy counts Tina cards.
“She got 8”
“Which doctor was it”
“John Hurt”
“Seriously of all the clues you went for doctor who? Not alien or…” you scoff & down your drink.
“Sorry I’ve binged it all again recently” she say. You all laugh, Tina loves her scifi.
“Well I’m gonna nip to the toilet before the next round” you say & you wobble in your heels as you get up from the table.
“How many drinks have you had tonight” Frankie asks.
“Not that many, I blame the shoes.”
You walk to the bathroom use the facilities & then as you leave to rejoin the group , you lose your balance as your heel slips. You can see the Christmas tree in front of you, that your about to face plant & break as you fall forward. But then you stop mid fall.
“It’s okay I gotcha” says a very deep voice. Two arms are wrapped around you & pull you up. You turn your head to say thank you but all that glances back is this man’s beautiful handsome face. So perfect. So divine. It’s love at first sight.
“Wow” you say & then realise what you’ve said as you see him blush a little “did I say that outloud?”
“Yes you did” he helps you to your feet. “It’s okay, I think your rather wow too” you giggle & turn red.
“Ha your funny”
“I’m serious” he says “I’ve searched everywhere for the person I’m meant to be with, but I never thought they would actually really stumble upon me” he smiles. You’re now standing up & you both look at each other up & down. You say your name & he takes your hand & shakes it “Im Max” he’s clearly a charmer. You bet he says this to all the girls.
“Well Mr Max can I buy you a drink, as a thank you” you say.
“I think we’ve both had enough to drink” he says saying that he thinks that’s why you fell.
“No it’s the heels, I don’t normally wear them. Special occasion.”
“Oooh you’re the lot in the corner, on your girls night aren’t you”
“Are we that loud & obnoxious?” You ask feeling ashamed.
“Never apologise for who you are, always be you” his thumb graces over your chin. His eyes make contact. “Where have you been all my life?” He asks.
“I don’t know, where have you been” you lips are inches away.
“Searching, yet I didnt realise it would be someone like you” these word are soft. His lips part. You look at him & see there’s mistletoe behind him on the wall. He sees you looking past him & turns around. “Well it’s bad luck if we don’t, don’t want to ruin the Christmas spirit.”
You go for it & lean in. Kissing deeply a man you met 4 minutes ago. His lips are plump. You easily slip your tongue inside as your deep kiss gets more passionate. His hand is up in your hair. Yours caress his clean shaven face & his shoulders. It may only be for a few seconds but it’s something that you want to do with this man for the rest of your life.
From behind you, you hear your girls all cheer. You never do this on a night out. You are the careful one of the group. Your break the kiss & turn around & go shhhh, before facing Max again.
“They seem happy for you” he smoulders
“It’s never me who gets the guy” you say & you beam, you miss the feel of those lips already.
“Why don’t you introduce me?” Max says as his eyes dazzle.
“Do you think you’re gonna be sticking around Max?”
“Ooh beautiful you have no idea.”
You smile at Max back in the now, as you finnish sipping your mug of blood on the bed. His hand is still slowly stroking your back.
“Nice memory trip?” He asks. He finds it so cute when you glaze over to remember past memories in such detail. He wishes he could go back to some of his memories in such detail as you do.You put your empty mug down.
“Your lips still taste as good as our first kiss 5 years ago”
“Are you sure?” Max raises an eyebrow. You never need to be encouraged to take advantage of your man. He then reaches into his gown pocket & produces a little bundle of mistletoe. “It’s actually today, Happy anniversary baby” you practically pounce on him. Lips that always ignite your undead soul. A touch as he caresses you, that fills you with joy & glee, the noises you both make are sweet songs to each other.
Max hand lets go of its mug & it crashes to the floor. A small amount of blood that was left in his mug spills across the floor. The mistletoe follows. He loves how passionate you are in the mornings. Morning sex with you is delight, even if your morning is 7pm. You straddle him & undo the cord to his gown, hoping he’s got nothing on underneath. His hands are grasping your bum. Squeezing it as your lips continue to lock & your dead hearts feel like they are pulsing, filled with adrenaline. Your body already rolling into his lap ready for pleasure grinding on his thigh.
“Maxie” you exhale when you lips part. It’s drawn out a long whine. But one where you can feel how excited he is.
“Ooh baby” you help his shoulders & you both remove his dressing gown. You initial instincts were right. He’s naked beneath. His length hard & leaking & you smile. His hands leave your bum & find the bottom of your red silk night dress & free you from it. Your breast look extra perky today in the cold winter air in your bedroom & you feel sexy.
“Happy anniversary my forever” you say as you adjust yourself to take him all. He’s also sat up & he’s so beguiled. He moans deeply, as he slips his penis through your slick.
“Ooh you’re drenching me already” he states.
“Can you blame me?”
“No, never”
“Oooh fuck” he is slow as he pushes through your entrance & makes sure his shaft is fully inside you. Be it alive or undead he loves it when you whine & moan as he fills you up each time.
“You good baby” still after all these years max still asks you.
“On cloud 9” you whimper. Your earlier grinding on his thigh now means his penis glides around you. Your walls feeling every inch of his thrusts. He always feels so good. That’s why you fell for him. He may have used some vampire tricks on you to make things move quicker but you always realised & he then didn’t need to persuade you in that way.
“Let me pleasure you” his hand slips between your two naked bodies as you match each other’s rhythms to make sure this is sweaty hot & passionate. He strums you like a double base, your clit quivering quickly.
“Max” you moan.
“Whine baby” he mumbles & he pulls you towards him & licks a stripe up from between your breasts up your chest & then your neck. The salt & sweatiness makes him smile & the way his tongue feels as it leaves its own moistness across your skin gives you goosebumps.
“Oooh Maxie” you feel like you are being spread wider than before. Each roll forward as you take him as you finger nails dig into his shoulders bring you closer to euphoria. Each ooooh noise escaping your mouth has his finger work faster.
“So good, so sexy” he moans before his lips latch back to your nipple. Your tummy flush to his, sweat dripping everywhere.
“Mmm mmmm mmmaxxxx oh fuck oh fuck yes don’t stop baby mmmm fuckkkkkk” he giggles the more you moan & whine, desperate for more. Being undead hasnt decreased your thirst for your man.
“So tight & it will always be this tight” he manages to muster his thrust are pounding away. Each motion he’s closer. This was never going to be a long session. That can wait for later. This is two soul mates fucking away their bleary eyed start to their night lost in lust & desire. Your cunt quivers in pleasure. He’s never pleasured you like this before. You need more & you dig your hands in his shoulder & he jolts.
“Fuck max oh fuck fuck fuck yes oh fuck yes” you sink your own teeth into his shoulders. He’s taking you on a night you’ve never experienced before & you let go & scream his name. “MAX!” You clamp hard & cum. His own body judders as he feels you lick him in. He’s never had you sink your teeth into him before & the way you whined, has his mind spinning out of control. It may not be your fangs but it felt good.
“Baby fuck baby oh shit shit fuckkkkk” having vampiric speed is useful. Your clit is on fire from the friction & the way the thrusts into you as your orgasm continues is relentless. & soon it’s his turn & you feel the ejaculation inside you. “Fuck this pussy” hit lashings of cum fill your insides. Max snarls, his eyes at the point of pleasure always turn dark red. Yours don’t but it always makes you smile that he gets that much into the zone.
“Fuck Max”
“Fuck in deed” he pants. You’re both resting your head on the other shoulders, your movements minimal. You peck up his neck until you reach his face & you use two fingers to turn his face towards you. The sweaty state that is your forever slowly opens his eyes to look at you, his vampire bride looking so sexy covered in sweat, filled with him cum. You’re all his, no one can match you. You’re bound together by destiny.
Eventually you properly speak, the rocking has stoped & Max slowly slips his penis out of you as it softens but you don’t want to move. You like sitting in his lap naked. Taking your time to kiss each part of his face.
“So 5 years of knowing you” you giggle.
“Yep” he smiles “& I brought the mistletoe too” you look at the floor & so does Max. The broken mug with the blood spilled on the floor, the white berry’s of the plant now turning crimson.
“That you did baby” & you face to turn him again. “So what would you like to do for our 5th anniversary?”
“You, I want to fuck you all evening, until the sun rises”
“Hmmmm” you smirk as you think “but I’ve not come wrapped up”
“Don’t care” Maxs strength still impresses you. He lifts you off his lap so you’re lying on your back on the bed & he hoovers above you hardening again. “I’ve provided the mistletoe” he lifts his head so he whispers the next sentence into your ear seductively. “& you are more than providing the whine”
“Fuuuucckkkkk Maxie” you moan & gasp as his large hand goes around your throat & he slowly pushes his penis in side you again. Still sensitive from your session that just ended. “What did I do to deserve this” you ask & look up at his beaming satisfied face.
“Nothing,” he hits the spot first time & you moan. “Can I not treat my forever on our day” & that’s all it takes. You never have to worry about Maxs desire & lust for you. The night of your 5th anniversary is rampant & the whines you make as he makes you cum all night, well they will stay with Max until next years anniversary.
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