#maximalism christmas ornaments
strawberrum · 5 months
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Looks Like Christmas
Pairing: Rooster x Wife!Reader
Author’s Note: This is another contribution to @notroosterbradshaw​’s #hello december playlist challenge! It was inspired by Michael Bublé’s version of It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas. Cass, thank you so much again for putting together this challenge! It’s been such a fun way to celebrate my favorite time of year with some of my favorite characters!
For those who read it, see if you can spot the reference to Underneath the Tree in this one!
Warnings: Enough Bradshaw family fluff to give you a toothache.
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Toys in every store But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be On your own front door
Humming softly along with the Christmas music that was jingling from the speakers of the entertainment system, you leisurely made yet another lap around the Christmas tree, carefully arranging the string of multi-colored lights across the dark green boughs in a way that would maximize the twinkling effect once all was said and done. 
It was a slow process, made all the slower by the fact that you kept stopping every couple minutes to take a few steps back and admire your handiwork from across the living room, but you didn’t mind. Stringing the lights on the Christmas tree was actually one of your favorite parts of the decorating process, right behind actually getting to decorate the tree. What other people, including your own husband, found to be an incredibly boring and tedious chore, you found peaceful and relaxing. Getting completely swept up in your task, you would have had no idea how much time had even passed, had it not been for the fact that you were keeping a mental tab of how many Christmas songs had played since you’d gotten started.
By the time you finally reached the bottom of the tree, the familiar strains of It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas had just started swirling around the living room. Moving to the other side of the room, you crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head to the side, eyeing the tree critically.
You rather had to agree with Michael Bublé. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And you absolutely loved it.
Yesterday had been a complete and total whirlwind, with it being Nick’s first Thanksgiving and all. You’d been frantic about making the day as special and memorable as possible, on top of seeing family and friends, to the point that Bradley had forced you to go sit down on the couch and actually enjoy the time you had with your four-month-old son.
“Honey, I know you have your heart set on it, but we don’t have to decorate the apartment for Christmas tomorrow,” your husband had told you later that night, once you were both in bed. “You must be exhausted. Why don’t we just take tomorrow to rest?”
“Not decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving?” you blinked, certain you’d misheard him. That was like blasphemy to your ears. You’d been decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving for as long as you could remember, a tradition you’d had no qualms about introducing Bradley to.
Bradley chuckled, kissing your surprised frown away. “Yeah, should have figured I’d get that reaction,” he teased, wrapping an arm around you as the two of you snuggled up under the covers. “It was only a suggestion, babe.”
“Don’t even joke around like that,” you told him, your eyes crinkling in humor as you started to laugh softly. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry, my little Christmas Queen,” Bradley grinned, tucking your head under his chin and pulling you close to his chest.
You were more than happy to proudly wear the moniker of Bradley’s Christmas Queen. Christmas was your very favorite time of year, and nothing brought your heart more joy than bringing the warmth and happiness of the season into your home. Each ornament, each decoration, each little knick-knack that you placed around the apartment told a story—stories from your childhood, stories from Bradley’s childhood, stories from the life the two of you had built together. That was why today was so meaningful to you.
And this Christmas would be the most special one of all, you thought with a smile, lifting the sweet little Baby’s First Christmas ornament that you and Bradley had picked out together, before your precious little bundle of love had even been placed in your arms.
Running your fingers over the delicately embossed bauble, the sound of beloved Christmas carols filling your ears, you didn’t even hear the sound of your husband’s footsteps behind you at first.
“Look who’s up from his nap, just in time to help Mommy decorate the tree,” Bradley’s smiling voice came from behind, wrapping around you like the coziest, most well-loved blanket.
Turning with a bright smile, your heart melted at the sight of Nick sitting up in Bradley’s arms, eagerly reaching out to you with a large, gummy grin.
“There are my boys!” you cooed, carefully placing the ornament you’d been holding down on the coffee table and hurrying over to your two favorite guys, holding your hands out to your son. “Did you get a good nap? Huh?” you asked in a sing-song voice, tickling Nick’s belly lightly before taking him into your arms.
“Well, it was alright,” Bradley yawned, stretching his arms over his head. “Oh, you were talking to him,” he added with a teasing smirk.
You rolled your eyes playfully, pressing a kiss to the top of Nick’s head. “Listen to Daddy, huh? Already with the bad dad jokes,” you stage-whispered to your son in a conspiratorial voice.
“I heard that. Don’t listen to her, Nick. Your old man is a gold mine of comedy,” Bradley insisted, resting a hand on your son’s back as he leaned over to peck your cheek.
“Maybe unintentionally so,” you winked, rocking the baby in your arms as he buried his chubby fingers in your hair and began tugging.
“Sounds like Mommy’s been spending too much time around Uncle Jake,” Bradley sighed, which elicited a loud laugh from you. “See, Nick? I always know how to make her laugh.”
“Mmm, you do,” you nodded, leaning up to peck his lips. “I’m sorry for teasing. You are very funny,” you assured him. “Daddy is very funny,” you added, looking down at Nick.
Your son just babbled incoherently in response, a little bit of drool dripping down his chin in his enthusiasm, which you wiped away with a gentle finger.
“It’s already looking great in here, honey,” Bradley said, hands on his hips as he began gazing around the living room.
Your husband had been an absolute champ getting the tree and all your decorations over to the apartment in time for you to start decorating today. Being that there was only so much room in your apartment, a lot of your stuff had been put in storage, also known as Penny and Mav’s basement. With Mav’s assistance, Bradley had managed to get everything up to your place by the time you’d woken up that morning.
Which is why he’d happily accepted when you’d suggested that he go lay down at the same time you were putting Nick down for his nap.
You didn’t mind getting things set up on your own, content to listen to your favorite Christmas songs as you opened boxes and determined where everything needed to go. But you were glad that your husband and son were here now, ready to help put the most important touches on the tree.
“Thank you,” you beamed, shifting Nick in your arms and gently taking a hold of his hand as he attempted to pull on your necklace, the necklace that Bradley had given you to wear on your wedding day. The necklace that had belonged to Carole. The necklace that you hardly ever took off. “I should especially thank you for being so patient in wrapping up the lights for the tree last year. It made my work so much easier this year,” you laughed, stepping closer to the tree so Nick could look at the lights in question.
Though you loved getting ready for Christmas, you could fully admit that you were not a fan of cleaning up after Christmas. Taking down the decorations was the most depressing day of the year in your book, and you got rather impatient when it came to putting certain things away.
“Honey, you know that’s going to be a disaster come next year,” Bradley had chuckled last January, watching you unwind the lights off the tree and throw them into a heap on the floor. “Let me wrap them up,” he said, patiently winding them around his arm until they were bound in perfect, neat little loops.
“My knight in shining armor,” you told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Every Christmas Queen needs one,” he winked, capturing your lips with his own.
“Very true,” you laughed, beaming as he helped you put away the rest of the decorations.
“See? I told you a little patience would pay off,” Bradley smirked, pinching your butt playfully.
“Well now you’re officially on light-wrapping duty for the rest of our lives,” you joked, giggling as you adjusted one of the snaps on Nick’s onesie.
“Whatever you say, baby,” Bradley nodded, smiling down at you with a sweetly indulgent twinkle in his eyes. “So should we start decorating then? I know you’ve got us on a strict schedule,” he winked.
“You’re absolutely right about that, Lieutenant. I’m the Admiral when it comes to Christmas decorating in this house,” you teased, jokingly pulling rank.
“Trust me, Nick, we better do what she says,” Bradley warned your son, lifting him out of your arms and settling him against his side. “No one takes decorating more seriously than Mommy.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you smiled, walking back over to the coffee table to pick up the ornament you’d been holding earlier. “Look, sweetie, this ornament is just for you,” you said, holding it out to show Nick. “Daddy and I picked it for you before you were even born. It says Baby’s First Christmas,” you explained, pointing to each word. “That’s you. You’re the baby,” you cooed, poking his belly softly and kissing his nose.
Nick gurgled happily once again, bouncing in Bradley’s arms.
“Oh, yeah, he’s a big fan of that,” Bradley beamed, pressing an affectionate series of kisses to the side of your son’s face in quick succession.
“Do you want to put it on the tree?” you asked with a smile, holding the ornament out to your husband.
“No, you do it, baby,” Bradley insisted, patting Nick’s back gently. “You’re the one who went through hell to bring him into the world. Seems only right,” he added with a lopsided grin.
God, you loved him so much.
“Can’t argue with that logic,” you nodded, winking as you stepped over to the tree and chose a spot right in the center, carefully draping Nick’s ornament over the branch.
“Look at that, buddy. Front and center,” Bradley murmured, pointing enthusiastically at the tree until Nick’s gaze followed the direction of his finger. When your son just stared at the tree, mouth hanging open, Bradley began laughing. “I think he likes it, honey.”
“Do you? Do you like it, sweet boy?” you asked, grinning when you witnessed another luminous smile light up your son’s face. “Do you want to help Mommy and Daddy decorate the rest of the tree?”
Nick let out a loud little babble in response, which you and Bradley took for eager assent.
Decorating the tree took much longer than it had in years past, namely because you and Bradley kept passing the baby back and forth between one another as you grabbed ornaments out of the box and began dispersing them across the branches, stopping every now and then to point out a particularly shiny or interesting looking one to Nick. Your son, the sweet, docile angel that he was, just stared at everything you showed him with wide eyes, seemingly as entranced with Christmas as you had always been.
“Looks like we’ve got another big fan of Christmas in the family,” Bradley winked, setting your son’s bouncer down at the foot of the tree so that the two of you could get a break, while still keeping Nick included in the festivities.
“It’s in the genes. Very powerful stuff,” you replied, your eyes dancing with merriment as you knelt down to carefully settle Nick in the bouncer and strap him in. You smiled and dropped a kiss on his forehead when he began kicking his feet happily.
It was only when you stood back up to continue decorating the tree that you realized the music you’d been playing had come to an end. It had been playing for hours, since you’d first started setting up.
“Oh, baby, can you go turn the music back on?” you called to Bradley from where you were currently standing at the back of the tree.
He didn’t verbally respond, but a moment later, you heard the familiar notes of a classic tune floating across the room once more. And then suddenly, there was a strong pair of arms wrapping around your waist from behind, and a very familiar mustache brushing against your neck as your husband began peppering you with kisses.
“Mmm,” you sighed contentedly, lowering your hands to rest them over Bradley’s forearms and closing your eyes, enjoying the feel of his kisses.
“I love you,” Bradley whispered against your ear, nipping lightly at your earlobe.
“I love you, too,” you whispered back, leaning against his chest and reveling in the feel of his strong, protective arms holding you close.
“I was thinking,” he began slowly, his voice sounding like warm honey as his lips moved against the shell of your ear. “Maybe once Nick is asleep for the night, you and I could have a little private fun by the tree. You know, just like last year,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your ear.
You smirked, though your cheeks flamed at the memory of the time you two had spent under the Christmas tree last December. “Hmm,” you hummed, turning slowly so that you were facing him and wrapping your arms around him. “Only if you can guarantee that you’ve been a good boy this year,” you winked.
“Oh, very,” Bradley nodded eagerly, pecking your lips. “The best.”
“Then I’d say it’s a very strong possibility,” you told him, your lips pressed against his.
The look of absolute victory on your husband’s face made you grin from ear to ear.
“But first we finish decorating,” you told him, wagging a teasing finger in his face.
You didn’t think you’d ever seen him move so quickly to fill in the empty spots on your Christmas tree.
Another hour or two slipped by as you and Bradley put the finishing touches on the tree, and then finished decorating the living room. Between the hot cocoa that Bradley made, the music chiming merrily in the background, the lights twinkling all around, and your sweet baby boy cooing happily in your arms, you couldn’t think of a better day you’d ever had in your life.
At one point, you turned around and saw that Bradley had taken Nick back into his arms, walking him around the tree and pointing out all the different ornaments, and the bright, multi-colored lights. You stopped what you were doing at once, taking this opportunity to just soak in a beautiful, candid moment between the two people you loved more than anything else in the world. 
Getting to see Bradley become a father, getting to witness the way he loved your little boy, was a gift that you never wanted to take for granted.
Struck by a sudden burst of inspiration, you hurried over to the drawer where you had left the small Polaroid camera that you had recently purchased. Holding it up to your line of sight, you quickly snapped a photograph, Bradley turning his head to look at you only after you’d done it.
“No paparazzi, please,” he joked, holding up a halting hand in your direction.
“Sorry,” you smirked, lowering the Polaroid as the film popped out. “A hot man with a baby? Too sexy to resist,” you teased. 
Pulling the photograph out of the camera, you waved it slightly, giving it a few moments to fully develop. When it did, you looked down at it and beamed. It was a beautiful, perfect shot, and one you would cherish always. Both Bradley’s and Nick’s gazes were transfixed on the Christmas tree, Bradley pointing towards an ornament that had been his when he was a little boy.
“What do you think?” you asked, holding the picture up for him to inspect.
“Oh my God,” Bradley breathed out, eyes widening as he looked down at the picture. He just stared, not saying anything else for a moment.
“What is it?” you asked in confusion, glancing between him and the Polaroid picture several times.
“I have to find something,” Bradley said suddenly, gently placing Nick in your arms and marching deliberately over to the cabinet where you stored all the photo albums in your possession.
“Baby, what is it?” you asked again, stroking the back of your son’s head as Bradley began flipping determinedly through a few older albums.
“Look at this, honey,” he exclaimed suddenly, evidently finding what he had been looking for. “Come look at this,” he told you, moving over to the couch and sitting down.
Curiosity piqued, you sat down beside him, settling Nick comfortably on your lap.
“Look,” Bradley smiled, pointing at a small photograph, almost the same size as the Polaroid you’d just taken. The caption beneath it read Bradley’s First Christmas in Carole’s strong hand.
When your eyes beheld the image that Bradley was pointing to, your breath caught in your throat instantly.
It looked almost identical to the photo you’d just taken of Bradley and your son. The man in the photograph was holding a little boy in his arms, hand lifted as he pointed eagerly at one of the ornaments on the Christmas tree. His bright, laughing smile and mustache were the mirror image of your husband’s, just as the baby boy in the photograph looked like your son in every way.
“It was my mom’s favorite picture,” Bradley said softly, gazing at you as you stared down in shock at the photo of him and his father. “She took it while we were decorating the tree, same as you did just now, honey. I just—I can’t get over how much—look,” he breathed out, laying the photograph you’d just taken next to the picture in the photo album.
The similarity was almost too great to be believed.
“I feel like it’s my parents’ way of saying that they’re here with us,” Bradley whispered, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “With you. With me. With Nick,” he went on, resting a hand on your son’s back. “It’s just—it’s amazing. You’re amazing.”
“Me?” you asked in surprise, eyes widening as you looked up at him. “I didn’t do anything,” you argued, shaking your head slowly.
“Honey, you did everything,” Bradley insisted, cupping your cheek in his hand. “You’ve made this place our home. Everything that we have is so special because of you. And I just want you to know how much I appreciate that. How much I appreciate you. Thank you, baby,” he told you, resting his forehead against yours. “Thank you for being my home.”
You felt tears trickling down your cheeks as you reached up to touch your husband’s face, gazing into his warm brown eyes. “Thank you for being mine.”
Setting the photographs down on the coffee table, Bradley pulled you into his lap, Nick starting to doze off on your chest as the three of you sat bundled up together, taking in the peaceful glow of your newly decorated Christmas tree.
“This is all I ever wanted,” you whispered, laying your head in the crook of his neck as you rested against his chest. “This is all I need for Christmas.”
Bradley smiled, kissing you softly and wrapping his arms around you and Nick. “This is all I need forever.”
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shoppingbagss1 · 2 months
Why Christmas Goodie Bags Are a Smart Move for Your Shop
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The holiday season is a bustling time for retailers, and standing out from the competition requires creativity and a personal touch. Among the many strategies to attract customers and boost sales, offering Christmas goodie bags can be especially effective. Here’s why curating ideas for Christmas goodie bags for adults is not just a thoughtful gesture but also a smart business move for your shop.
Enhances Customer Experience
The holiday shopping experience can be overwhelming for many customers. By offering Christmas goodie bags, you’re providing a tangible value-add that elevates the shopping experience in your store. It’s a pleasant surprise that can turn a routine purchase into a memorable visit, encouraging customers to return even after the holiday season.
Builds Brand Loyalty
A well-thought-out goodie bag can serve as a powerful tool for building brand loyalty. When customers receive a gift, however small, it creates a sense of goodwill and appreciation towards your brand. Including items that reflect your shop's identity or ethos can also strengthen brand recognition and connection.
Encourages Social Sharing
In the age of social media, a unique and attractive goodie bag is something customers are likely to share online. This provides your shop with free marketing and increases your brand’s visibility. Encourage customers to tag your shop when they post about their goodie bags to maximize this effect.
Drives Traffic and Sales
Offering Christmas goodie bags for a limited time or as part of a promotional event can drive traffic to your shop. People love getting something extra with their purchases, especially if the items are unique or offer real value. This incentive can encourage both new and loyal customers to visit your store over others.
Ideas for Christmas Goodie Bags for Adults
Crafting the perfect goodie bag requires consideration of your target audience and your shop’s brand. Here are a few ideas to inspire your Christmas goodie bags for adults:
Themed Items
Align the items in your goodie bag with a particular theme related to your shop or the holiday season. For instance, a beauty store could include sample-sized skincare products and a festive lip balm, while a bookstore might opt for a cozy winter-themed bookmark and a small notebook.
Exclusive Discounts
Enclose exclusive discount coupons that recipients can use on their next purchase. It’s a win-win: customers feel appreciated, and you secure future business.
Local Products
Partnering with local artisans or producers to include their products in your goodie bags can introduce customers to new local brands and reinforce your community ties.
Personalized Items
Adding a personal touch, such as a handwritten note or a customized ornament, can make your goodie bags stand out and create a lasting impression.
Partnering for Impact
To further the reach and impact of your Christmas goodie bags, consider partnering with other local businesses. This can reduce the cost of the items included and promote a sense of community among local shop owners. It also exposes your brand to a wider audience, as other businesses will likely promote the collaboration to their customers as well.
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mushroomwillow · 2 months
I cleaned tf out of the first floor in my shitty town home because I had friends coming over. I’m exhausted. My body aches.
I can’t believe how bad it was. I knew it would take hours to clean, and it did. It was overwhelming and I had to keep reminding myself to stick with one room at a time. I’m dreading how bad it is still upstairs. How my fiance and I are so exhausted that cleaning anything else is still overwhelming. My car. His car. Our bathroom and our room. My daughter commented on how clean it was, she was excited. I feel horrible that I let it get that bad.
My friends commented on how they didn’t have the energy to have their homes as clean as ours. As I still look around and see a mess on the table. Nowhere to put bills I cannot pay. The fucked up cheap carpet and flooring in the kitchen. How there’s not a light in the fridge. How much I struggle to keep the house from smelling like cat. How much I struggle to keep the downstairs bathroom clean and how much I hate how little space we have even tho we have two floors.
And my friends commented how awesome they think how we’ve maximized the space is. The dresser blocking half the space between the couch and the wall in order to navigate the small living room that couldn’t even fit enough chairs for all of us. They love the bulky wardrobe we use as a pantry and extra storage because our kitchen is so small that even having one of us in it drives us crazy because we have no counter space.
They love the closet rack I use to hang all my plants. The thrifted cat trees so my cats have perches to watch outside and to escape the tornado that is the 4yo.
I look around and see a cramped mess. How everything is squashed together just so we have a place to sit. How my fiance and I don’t even have a place to store a Christmas tree or ornaments and all of our things we enjoy crafting like yarn and minis is shoved in random corners of our bedroom.
And my friends wish they had our place. We all comment on how lucky we got to find such a nice place for “cheap”. And how frustrating it is that we still can barely afford it with two incomes.
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worldofchristmas · 4 months
Affordable Elegance: Gifts Under 500 for Her this Christmas
Santa Claus is coming to the city, and with him comes the joyous spirit of Christmas! It's that point of the year when we gather with loved ones, alternate gifts, and create lasting reminiscences. As we immerse ourselves inside the festive cheer, locating the appropriate items for the unique women in our lives will become a satisfying quest. Whether it's your mother, sister, pal, or partner, expressing your love and appreciation through thoughtful gives provides an additional sparkle to the holiday season. This Christmas, let's explore a range of low-priced but elegant present alternatives to make her heart sing without breaking the bank.
Christmas Decor Gifts: Enhance her domestic with festive allure with the aid of gifting her lovely Christmas decorations. From intricately crafted ornaments to sparkling fairy lighting, there may be a plethora of options to pick from. Surprise her with hard and fast hand-painted baubles or a sensitive snowflake garland to embellish her tree. These undying pieces will no longer handiest raise her holiday decor but additionally serve as loved keepsakes for years to come.
Gifts Under 500 for Her: Who says you need to splurge to reveal your care? With a price range-pleasant selection of items below 500, you may find something special for every woman for your list. Treat her to a comfy headband and beanie set to hold her warm all through the winter months or indulge her sweet enamel with a gourmet chocolate collection. Personalized trinket dishes, scented candles, and floral notebooks also are considerate options that won't exceed your budget.
Christmas Gifts Online: Embrace the convenience of online buying and discover a myriad of Christmas gift options from the consolation of your private home. Browse through an array of on-line shops providing a various range of merchandise catering to each taste and preference. Whether she's a fashion fanatic, an e-book lover, or a well being aficionado, you'll find the precise gift with just a few clicks. Take advantage of distinct offers and reductions to maximize your financial savings even as spreading holiday cheer.
Christmas Gifts for Children: Let's now not neglect the little ones who eagerly anticipate Santa's arrival with bated breath. Surprise the children to your existence with captivating presents that ignite their imagination and convey joy to their faces. From classic toys like teddy bears and board games to academic kits and interactive devices, there is something for each age organization. Encourage their creativity with artwork supplies or treat them to a relaxed bedtime storybook for magical nights by using the fireplace.
Christmas Gifts for Women: Show the girls for your life how much they suggest to you with considerate and stylish Christmas items. Whether she's a fashionista, a homebody, or an adventure seeker, there is a present that perfectly enhances her unique personality and interests. Consider pampering her with high-priced skin care products, declaration jewelry pieces, or stylish add-ons that upload a touch of glamor to her ensemble. Thoughtful gestures like handwritten letters or custom photo frames also convey your heartfelt sentiments in a significant way.
As we revel in the pleasure of giving, let's do not forget that the actual essence of Christmas lies in spreading love, kindness, and goodwill. Regardless of the size or cost of the gift, it is the thought and attempt behind it that clearly matters. This excursion season, permit's celebrate the spirit of generosity and gratitude by showering our cherished ones with tokens of affection that warm their hearts and souls.
For all your festive desires, look no further than World of Christmas! From exceptional decorations to pleasant presents, we have the entirety you need to make this excursion season clearly magical. Join us for a fascinating journey filled with curated collections, stay amusement, and the imperative Christmas experience. Visit the World of Christmas in your town and embark on a journey right into an international festive surprise and imagination.
Spread the joy of Christmas with low cost elegance and make this excursion season one to don't forget for the unique ladies in your life. Happy Holidays!
Remember, for any festive needs, contact World of Christmas nowadays!
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storekar · 8 months
Maximizing Space and Security: Benefits of Bike Storage and Self Storage
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Efficient storage is vital in our present time, which has the problem of scarcity of space. Innovative storage solutions can be needed in two of these areas, including bike storage and self-storage. At first glance, these two seem unconnected, but they are essential in organizing our environment and property. This post will be about the importance of Bike storage and self-storage in contemporary life and why everyone should be familiar with these essentials of modern homes.
  1. Bike Storage: Safeguarding Your Two-Wheeled Companion
 Preserving Your Investment
 When it comes to cycling, a bicycle means much more to cyclists than just a way of getting around; it's like a beloved possession! You have made significant investments in your bicycle, whether it's a high-performance road bike, a rugged mountain bike, or a vintage cruiser; thus, the safety of your possessions is paramount. Bike Storage solutions provide a safe & weatherproof surrounding for safeguarding your bicycles against theft, vandalism, and harsh weather.
 Utilizing Space Efficiently
 It may also prove difficult when it comes to parking in urban places, especially where there is congestion and less space for securing an outfit of bikes. These bike storage methods, such as wall units, bike stands, and separate storage sheds, protect bikes while saving space in homes or offices. Optimizing spatial usage is a bonus for people who live in tiny homes.
 Promoting Sustainable Transportation
 The importance of encouraging cycling as an eco-friendly form of mobility to slash carbon emissions and embrace a healthy way of living. Providing appropriate bike storage facilities at people's homes, offices, and public places significantly influences an individual's choice between bikes and vehicles that pollute the environment and create traffic jams.
  2. Self Storage: Managing Excess Belongings
 Decluttering Your Living Space
Clutter is prevalent in today's consumerist society. In other words, self-storage can be highly advantageous for people who cannot manage their stuff correctly. Self Storage offers an organized place secure for all your assets, whether downsizing or remodeling or even to regain control over your room.
 Seasonal Storage
Some of us have seasonal things such as Christmas tree ornaments, warm weather clothes, and sports accessories, which occupy precious storage rooms most of the time. These items can be stored in self-storage units that can easily be accessed whenever you want, keeping your home's dwelling free from clutter throughout the year.
 Homes, Hobbies, and Home-Based Businesses.
Another important development is the growth of home-based businesses and hobbies that need storage spaces for inventory/supplies or equipment. Entrepreneurs and hobbyists who want to keep their work separate from home have a viable option in self-storage space that is economical and easy to access.
  3. Bike Storage – Partnership with Self Storage.
 Addressing Multifaceted Needs
The demand for bicycle storage and self-storage overlaps in some cases. Let's say you have an enthusiastic individual who is into cycling and has many types of cycling, clothing, and equipment for cycling. In that case, the self-storage unit may act as a multipurpose facility and store extra things alongside providing a safe bike storage area. The two provide perfect order, ensuring quick access to all biking appliances.
 Creating a Multifunctional Space
If one has little space house, then integrating bikes' storage into self-storage units may create multipurpose rooms for different purposes simultaneously. With self-storage units being so flexible in their design, they allow for flexibility and personalization when it comes to storing such items as bikes, sports equipment, seasonal items, and other items like business inventory.
Modern housing will only be complete with bike storage and self-storage. Whether you're a passionate cyclist seeking to safeguard your bikes or an individual looking to streamline your living space, these storage solutions offer practicality, security, and convenience.
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limecrossnursery · 1 year
Including the Charm of Conifers in Your Urban Forest
In the 21st century, aesthetics have turned the throne of functionality. Why are we saying this? Because instead of the evergreen perennials, many people are inclined towards the lure of vibrant flowers and irresistible fall colours when choosing trees for their new installation. They pick trees such as oaks, maples, elms, redbuds and others when the needle-leafed, majestic, slow-growing conifers for sale offer a bewildering range of benefits for property managers and homeowners.
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One of the greatest advantages of opting for bulk buy conifer trees is that they are evergreen. While most broad-leafed trees shed their leaves every winter, these deciduous trees keep their leaves all year long and look stunning. Still, wondering why you should get conifers? Well, here are some reasons.
#1 Glorious structure
Everyone with a green thumb knows that evergreen trees are the backbone of a garden and conifers are the masters of evergreens. These magnificent trees and shrubs create architecture and structure throughout the year. While the upright conifers are excellent for punctuating the landscape with an air of sophistication, other varieties form an elegant vibe of flora on either side of the façade for an inviting vibe.
#2 The evergreen hue
If someone says that all conifers are green, they are making a fool out of you. With strategic planning, conifers allow you the liberty to create a rich tapestry of cream, blue, silver, yellow and gold foliage. You can use a bright splash of green-gold foliage in your garden to create an exuberant tint of nature in spring. The Juniperus horizontalis is everyone’s favourite that forms ice blue and plummy bronze tones during the coldest winter months.
#3 Privacy and hedges
Most people aren’t familiar with the privacy-related aspect of conifers. Conifers can also be used in gardens as screens or hedges. Taxus baccata is usually used for hedge formation as it forms a dark, stately hedge that can be clipped for maximum privacy. Also, conifer hedges don’t tend to tower like an impenetrable fortress. Thus, you get attractive and busy green foliage with uniform growth.
#4 The fragrance
Let us tell you one thing honestly, only flowers don’t create a mesmerizing fragrance in your home. You can also get Junipers to create a wintery-, Christmassy fragrance in your yard. The junipers are known for their aromatic foliage that makes you cherish every tiny element of nature. Although the leaves release a pungent smell when they are crushed; when they sway in the ambient air, their natural smell is scintillating.
#5 The texture and cones
Conifers are known for adding fabulous texture to your garden with their long, dangling needles, spiky leaves and sometimes an intriguing braided or feathery appeal. In addition, some conifers also produce striking cones that make a fantastic ornamental feature with violet-blue and rusty copper tones upon maturity.
It’s a wrap! 
Conifers in pots for sale are like little bundles of Christmas. The evergreen foliage of conifers looks fantastic all year round which is why they are well-suited to be used in windbreaks and to abate harsh winter winds. You can get conifers for privacy, to maximize the heat conversion benefit and the aesthetics of your yard. They are an amazing investment either way.
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Creating a Christmas Corner within The House
This year, the Christmas decorations at homes will not only be spectacular but refreshingly different. It’s time to add life to all the dull corners of the room and get the house spruced up for an occasion of merriment. From moody and antiques-filled to cheery, retro, and colorful alternatives, let the interior of your home get a solemn sheen with unique ornaments and glittery decor. We at The KariGhars, our top interior designers in Bangalore offers a few design inspirations to make the spirit of the home bright and joyful!
Set Up The Side Table
For a house with restricted space, it is always wise to split the core feature of grandeur into fragments dispersed around the house. Use side tables to create a festive tableau with a charming assortment of little vintage Christmas trees.
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A New Take on Tree Color
Colorful Christmas trees are an easy way to add a vintage flair to the winter décor. In the context of the rest of the room, a bold selection of tree color offers a surprisingly neutral look, while the subtly coloured fabric or décor pieces along the tree adds a dash of great fun.
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Embrace Repetition
Repetition is a simple, low-effort method to make a statement. Adopting this language can give everything a sense of symmetry while also making things look orderly and well-posed.
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The Tablescape
By making a vivid centerpiece featuring Christmas decorating ideas, like miniature wooden houses and trees, with gentle pop lights, the dining table can be transformed into a little replica of Christmas across the actual winter-laid regions. Our best interior designers in Bangalore have a profound vision for art and aesthetics that works superbly when combined with the science of designs to create the best luxury interior designs.
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Seated Beautiful
Foyer designs Contrary to popular belief, a sophisticated tablescape is not the only way to define a spark in the dining room. Simple festive foliage can be tied to the back of each chair to create a delightful arrangement that would look perfect throughout every meal during the Christmas Eve feast.
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The Winter Festive Kitchen
A minimalist wreath hung over the stove,v or bright cutlery displayed on the open shelves of the kitchen platform are simple ways to add Christmas cheer to a kitchen. Brass kitchenware and window-side potted plants make it simple to bring back the traditional colour scheme of golden, green, and red in this setting. Decorating the house with lights can also be expanded into kitchen spaces either through using tall corner candles or little lamps.
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Small Yet Profound
The maxim “the most powerful statements often come in little packages” frequently used largely stands true. Small pines arranged around a miniature Christmas tree in a medley of vibrant, popping, glittery, and pious hues will undoubtedly be recognized as glitzy ornaments for the Christmas tree with a punch.
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A Play of Proportions
A mix of varied proportions makes a more significant impact than equal-sized elements. The massive paper garland and enormous stockings, ornamented with tiny fairy lights, could work together harmoniously. Owing to the variably composed little figurines like small draperies or décor pieces adhered to large canvases such as doors and walls can be unified and read as one whole artwork.
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Hope these tiny touches and tweaks spruce up the conventional setting of your home and help create the ideal setting for a warm Christmas. After all, the home needs an ideal environment to amp up the festive mood regarding mirth and togetherness.
Being the luxury interior designer in Bangalore we create designs that not only make a space look and function better but significantly affect your mood and wellbeing.
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Etsy listing available in my shop
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/905999220/vintage-1990s-decoupaged-santa-claus
Check this cute ornament out in our Etsy shop!
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itskateak · 3 years
Mint Ice Cream & Bubblegum Kisses - Chapter Twelve
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Chapter Summary: Mistletoe is a nuisance in general, but Y/N is positive his mischievous daughter and Peter Parker have something to do with the fact that there's always a sprig near him and a certain super-soldier.
Word Count: 7.6K (Longest of the story so far)
Warnings: Minor language, Gay Pining
A/N: This was...supposed to come out near Christmas of 2020. That obviously didn't happen, since it's now NOVEMBER of 2021. Oh well. I had to text my dad halfway through writing this to ask for his recipe of chicken tikka masala just so I could write that later scene right. I don't have the heart to tell him it was for fanfiction and not because I was going to cook it. Enjoy :)
Taglist is open! PM me, send an ask, or @ me on a chapter to let me know you’d like to be tagged! Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you, but I will send you a message with a link to the new chapter when I update. :)
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A couple of months had passed since the First Mission Incident. Bucky had fully healed with no lasting damage. Things had gone back to normal and new missions had gone off without a hitch since Y/N had moved his procedures and programs around. Once he'd gotten used to the new systems and operations, everything was perfectly seamless.
Seasons shifted over time. Leaves turned shades of sunset before tumbling towards the ground. The trees stood bare for a moment, sending lines across the sky. Flowers wilted and the grass died. Not long after, snow began to fall and covered the ground in white. It hid everything in a quiet, glittering blanket.
Footprints were traced in a circle from the trainees during their daily sessions. The timed mile deepens the path with each lap. Snow was melted in areas due to helicrafts landing and taking off. Days seemed shorted from lack of sun, and temperatures were dropping with each coming night.
It was complete and utter bullshit, in Y/N's opinion.
Angelica's school was on winter break, which meant she was running rampant around the compound every hour of the day. No one was getting a break from that, not that they wanted to. Peter was also spending most of his time at the compound and his aunt was planning to join during the week of Christmas, but she still had to work until then.
Music played softly in the background as the team began unpacking decoration boxes. They were split into small groups around the common room, pulling out ornaments and lights. Tony was adamant that everyone was present to decorate, which is why they'd waited until only three weeks before Christmas to do so. Most of the team had been away on a mission and had just recently come back. Except for Sam, who was visiting family in Louisiana for an early Christmas.
The second everyone was recovered, which was the day after, Tony was waking them up as early as allowed (threats were made and he's not an idiot to mess with ex-assassins) and throwing them into decorating mode. He even went so far as to assign their small teams to maximize their productivity. He didn't want this to drag on for more than one day. If everyone buckled down at the same time and really put their all into it, they'd be done and not have to worry about it.
Although Tony had some trauma around the winter holiday seasons, he held back nothing when celebrating Christmas. The majority of the team celebrated Christmas, but he definitely made sure to decorate as vaguely as possible to include everyone. And he always made sure to set up areas for other people to celebrate their holidays if they wanted it. All they had to do was ask and Tony would do it.
Y/N opened the red and green tote, finding himself staring directly into a pool of sparkly garland. It was decently organized on spools, but there was so much that it just looked like there was no distinction. He looked up as Tony began yelling instructions to Peter, who was climbing the wall to help set up the tree. DUM-E was also assisting, holding the base of it steady.
The tree itself was massive, standing nearly to the top of the twelve-foot high ceiling. There was just enough room for a fairly elaborate tree-topper. Peter steadied the tree, making sure it was stable before slowly moving his hands away. He fluffed the fake branches (Bruce's seasonal allergies acted up around pine trees) to make it look nice and looked down at Tony to see how he did. After receiving a thumbs-up, he scrambled down the wall to help unpack some of the lights.
"I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need." Clint slid into the common room on his socks, almost losing his balance as he sang loudly. He stopped by Wanda and Vision, who were sifting through a carefully packed wooden chest. It was from her childhood. Old ornaments she was able to find in the rubble of her home. He ruffled Wanda's hair before sliding over to Natasha.
Nat shook her head fondly at her best friend and sang the backup vocals as she started to pull coils of lights from another red and green tote. She handed them off to Clint and he carefully set them on the ground. Once the tree was up to Tony's standards, they would start with the garland. They'd have to unravel the lights, though, for ease.
Steve set another set of four totes down and stretched his back out with a sigh. "That's everything. Here, Y/N. Let me help you get some of that garland out. Nat got it packed pretty tight last year."
"I understood what I needed to do, Rogers. We needed more room in another tote for the new ornaments and decorations." Natasha called.
"Yeah, yeah. Just focus on your lights." Steve kneeled down next to Y/N, smiling. It had taken them some time, but they'd finally realized they both had romantic feelings for each other. It never interfered with their work-life or on missions, but it was sweet to see them together.
"This one's pretty." Bucky's voice floated over the music and general chatter, drawing Y/N's attention for a moment. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground next to Angelica. One of their old cardboard boxes was in between them and they were sifting through it together, carefully pulling ornaments out. He was holding a figurine of a ballerina wearing a skirt made of petals.
"Papa bought this one when we went to the Nutcracker! I loved the spring fairy dancers and I thought she was really pretty." Angelica tapped the ballerina's foot so it would swing a little. "Have you ever seen the Nutcracker?"
"Yeah, but it's been a long time. My sister, Becca, loved it. We went when we could." Bucky watched the ornament, a distant smile turning his lips upwards. "It was always a special occasion. Everyone dressed up in their best. The girls and mom would wear makeup. Dad and I got to wear our nice dress shoes. The other ones were too small for me and hurt like hell after too long."
"I hate it when my shoes get too small. But that sounds like it was really fun." Angelica said softly. She reached across the box and took his free hand as if she knew there was something spiraling out of control in his mind.
"It was. It let us forget for a couple of hours...feel like things were normal again." His voice faded and his eyes glossed over for a moment before he took a deep breath and shook himself out of it. "Sorry. Got lost in thought there for a second."
"It's 'kay. You miss your family, don't you?" She asked, scooting closer to him. She took the ornament gently and laid it back in the box.
"Yeah, I do...if I didn't have everyone here, it would be a lot harder without them. You know, you kinda remind me of Becca." Bucky turned to her, breaking out of the fog entirely. "You've got her curiosity and stubbornness. And her dimples." He poked her cheek, causing her to smile and laugh.
"Got any pictures of her?" She asked, brushing her hair back. It was starting to fall into her face and it was becoming annoying. 
"Somewhere. I'll show you later when we're done decorating. Here, let me tie your hair back for you." He pulled her into his lap and swept her hair back. He used one of his hair ties to secure it, tugging it off his right wrist. He had learned to carry a couple extra wherever he went just in case. "There we go."
"Thanks." Angelica tilted her head back to look up at him and flashed him a smile. "Oh! Let me show you an ornament I made at school!"
Y/N chuckled and shook his head, trying to find the end of the garland he was holding. It was the first strand Tony wanted. The whole time he'd been helping Steve unload the tinsel, he'd been listening in on his daughter. 
"She's good for him, you know," Steve said, glancing up at Y/N. "He's always had a younger sibling around. He's been struggling with missing his sisters the last few holidays. It's like he's a whole new person now that Angelica's been around. Since the both of you have been around."
"She's like the first ray of sun after a storm. Always a breath of fresh air on the days you need it most." Y/N ducked his head to focus on the garland, hoping it hid the flustered expression that had taken over. "I'm glad she's able to help him heal. I'm sure it's not been easy for him without his family after everything he's been through. At least he still has you, and now the rest of the team."
"Yeah. And you two. It may not be perfect, but we're family here. And like it or not, you're a part of it." Steve smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling up like they did when it was entirely genuine and natural.
"Alright, Y/N. Wanda. You're up. Let's get this garland hung!" Tony clapped his hands to gain their attention.
Together, with Wanda's powers, Peter's abilities, and Vision's flight, the tree was decorated in sparkling tinsel and twinkling lights. Pepper came in later to help direct the placement of ornaments in a balanced manner. She had an eye for design that Tony didn't, especially when it came to holiday decorations. They were the perfect team for this. She was better with details and aesthetics while he was good with the big picture and construction.
Bucky picked Angelica up and placed her on his shoulders, holding her steady so she could hang her ballerina on a higher branch. He stepped back and nodded in agreement with her placement. "Looks good, buttercup."
"Angelica, would you like to do the honors and place the star on the tree?" Tony asked, looking up at her. Her eyes lit up and she turned excitedly to her father.
"Why're you looking at me? I'm not gonna stop you." Y/N smiled and she nodded enthusiastically at Tony. He passed the star up to her. Vision floated up beside her and gently lifted her off of Bucky's shoulders.
He took her up to the top of the tree and watched as she placed the star. Carefully, he helped her secure it and plug it into the rest of the lights. She beamed at him, causing him to smile in return. Everyone had to agree that her smile was infectious and made everything brighter.
Bucky sunk his hands into his front pockets, standing next to Y/N as Vision brought Angelica back down to the ground. "Had some pretty ornaments in your box. She was telling me all about them."
"I heard some of the conversation. If you want, I'd be happy to get tickets to the Nutcracker and take you. Angelica has been dying to see it again and one of her friend's older sister is performing as the Sugar Plum Fairy this year." Y/N offered, looking up at the tree. They'd done a good job decorating. It was a beautiful conglomeration of everyone on the team, representing their history and their teamwork. 
"I'd...like that. I'd really like that." Bucky said with a smile. "Just let me know when and what to wear."
"Papa! I was so tall!" Angelica ran up to her father, beaming like a ray of light. He picked her up and placed her on his hip with a laugh.
"You were, honey. You were super tall. Did you thank Tony and Vision?"
"Thanks, Tony, for letting me put the star on the tree! And thanks Vision for helping me!" Angelica turned to look at them, wrapping her arms around her father's neck and leaning in close to him.
"No problem, squirt. It's tradition for newcomers to put up the topper. Wanda did it a couple of years ago. Bucky did it the year before last and Pete did it last year." Tony shrugged, sliding his arm around Pepper's waist.
"You're quite welcome, Angelica." Vision inclined his head with the tiniest smile.
"Alright. Moment of truth." Bruce kneeled down and checked the power strip, wanting to be certain all the plugs were secure. He plugged it into the outlet and stood. "Friday, can you turn the lights for the tree on?"
"Of course. Right away."
There was a moment of pause before the lights on the tree slowly flickered to life and grew brighter. Some twinkled, creating a sparkling effect. Others were colored and faded between brightness. It was beautiful and cheery. A perfect display for the holidays.
"Awesome work everyone. Let's take a lunch break and then we're gonna decorate the hallways." Tony announced, clapping his hands.
Everyone groaned.
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Y/N glanced up from his phone to check he wasn't going to bump into anyone as he walked down the hall toward the common room. He heard some hushed whispers but he didn't pay it any mind. Some people were still figuring out presents and such so it wasn't uncommon to hear random whispers from rooms. He got caught in the doorframe as he walked through at the same time as someone else.
"Oh, hey, Y/N." Bucky smiled and looked up. He rolled his eyes with a  sigh. "Dammit. Pete's stringing up mistletoe everywhere. I've been caught four times today."
"Oh, no." Y/N chuckled, shaking his head. He looked up, too. Sure enough, there was a sprig of mistletoe hanging from some string. "Well, we're not being watched so we can slide past each other without a problem."
"No, you can't!" Peter dropped from the ceiling with a grin. He even had his phone by his side, thumb hovering over what Y/N suspected was a record button. 
Bucky groaned and gave Y/N a sympathetic look. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his temple. "See you around, yeah?"
"Yeah..." Y/N fought the warmth in his face, moving past him. He kept his eyes forward as he walked by Peter and towards his destination. This holiday season was going to be a trial of patience and avoidance. How many times could he miss getting caught in this exact situation? He hoped it was for the rest of the month.
"Dangit." Peter sighed and looked to Angelica, who was hiding behind one of the armchairs. "I thought we had them."
"Me, too. Maybe..." She furrowed her brows and focused on the floor. She was thinking, trying to come up with a plan that would work and get them the results they wanted.
"So, if we get them to actually kiss, we'd give up, right?" Peter asked, sliding his phone into his back pocket.
"So, we just need to wear them down until they give in, right?"
Angelica was quiet and Peter swore he could see the gears turning in her head. She lit up after a moment, a mischievous grin growing. I have an idea."
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"Hey, Y/N. Here's your drink. Steve and I were later on our run than we expected." Bucky knocked on the doorframe to Y/N's office, holding the usual cup that had become their morning tradition.
"Hey! Don't worry about it." Y/N smiled and beckoned him in. He took his empty paper cup and tossed it in the trashcan below his desk to make room for the new one. "Hope you don't mind I got something to get me going this morning."
"Actually, I do mind." Bucky narrowed his eyes playfully, unable to get rid of the amused glint in his eyes. "I feel betrayed. You've hurt me, Y/N. You've hurt me deeply."
"You're so dramatic." Y/N laughed, gratefully accepting the warm drink. He took a sip and hummed. "If it's any consolation, it tastes so much better than what I had."
"Consider yourself forgiven. Whatcha workin' on?" Bucky perched himself on the edge of Y/N's desk, one leg drawn up so he was turned sideways to look at him. 
"Checking messages and spending some time just watching the chatter. Nothing special. Tony told me I only have to work about ten hours this week so that's a couple hours a day." Y/N swiveled back and forth in his chair idly, chin propped up in his hand and elbow on the armrest. "What about you? Anything special going on today?"
"Not really. Just having some downtime. Sam's coming back today so I'm probably going to lock myself in my room for the next week." Bucky joked, flashing a crooked smile.
"Oh, don't act like you didn't miss him." 
"Okay, okay. He's not all that bad." Bucky admitted, raising his hands in surrender. "Where's the kid?"
Y/N burst into laughter as Bucky jumped, startled nearly out of his skin when a small hand grabbed his ankle. He fell into laughter as well, looking under the desk and waving at Angelica.
"You're lucky I didn't kick you, buttercup." He said, nudging her with his foot. "Could've given me a heart attack."
"Sorry, Bucky." Angelica giggled. "Uh, you guys should look up."
Y/N and Bucky looked up at the same time and had the exact same reaction. They sighed in mild frustration and strained amusement. Peter was grinning impishly back at them, a sprig of mistletoe pinched between his fingers.
"Really, Pete? Doorways were one thing. Now, you're just bein' ridiculous." Bucky raised a brow at the spiderling, narrowing his eyes like he was trying to figure out what the kid was doing.
"I do this to everyone. I've gotten Mr. Stark and Miss Potts three times today and Spider Mom and Cap twice." Peter said.
"Yeah, but they're actually couples, Pete." Y/N shook his head, feeling his face start to warm up again with a flush. His plan to avoid mistletoe was being foiled by a mischievous teenager. And by the giggle from under his desk, it seemed his daughter was in on it as well. Why wouldn't she be? It was exactly like her and had her signature all over it.
Bucky was chewing on his bottom lip, oddly quiet all of a sudden. His eyes were still narrowed at Peter and it almost seemed like they were having a telepathic conversation. He sighed in defeat and turned back to Y/N with that same sympathetic smile from their last encounter.
An alarm went off and it startled everyone in the office. Y/N turned to look at his computer. Shit. There was a sudden increase of chatter in a topic he'd flagged. He'd hoped that the bad guys would take the holiday season off, but his wishes had never really come entirely true.
"Well, I think that's all of our cues to leave." Bucky glanced up at Peter again and cussed under his breath. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Y/N's cheek. "Alright, Peter. Let's go and let him work."
Peter nodded and scrambled down the wall, tossing a goodbye over his shoulder. The moment he and Bucky had stepped foot out of the office, Peter broke into a dead sprint with Bucky chasing after him, a distant shout of his name followed by something in Russian.
Y/N scanned the chatter quickly, waiting to catch any information on the Winter Soldier. Nothing was popping up after the initial message, which he was realizing was from his contact. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, relieved. They were just asking how Bucky was after the failed mission.
"Everything okay, Papa?" Angelica asked quietly.
"Yeah, sweetheart. Everything's okay. Just a false alarm." Y/N closed down his programs after responding quickly to his contact. It was about time he did something else. His two hours for the day were done. "Angelica?"
"I know what you and Pete are up to." Y/N rolled back to look at her without ducking too far. "I don't know where you got the idea that there was something going on between Bucky and me, but you need to put it out of your heads. There's nothing there."
"If you say so." Angelica shrugged and turned back to her book. 
"I'm serious, kiddo. We're just friends and if you two keep pulling shit like that -"
"Papa!" She jerked her head back in surprise, eyes wide and brows raised.
"Sorry. Slipped out. What I'm trying to say is that you two could make things weird or awkward and I don't want that. He's just a friend." Y/N insisted, despite the feeling deep down in his chest. He was flat out lying to his daughter and it was making him nauseous. He never wanted to lie to her, but he also didn't want to make things uncomfortable between him and Bucky. If these feelings he had were ever going to go away, then this had to stop happening. 
"If you say so." Angelica shrugged again and went back to her book.
Y/N sighed in defeat and decided not to argue. He hoped that had been enough to convince her. It was more for his own sake than Bucky's. He could still feel Bucky's slightly chapped lips against his cheek. How warm they'd been despite just coming in from being outside in the cold. How he'd lingered just slightly despite the quick peck. He brushed his fingers lightly over his cheek with a tiny smile.
 As he went to shut down his computer, he missed the smug smirk his daughter was hiding behind her book.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
"Can you pass me the ginger, please?" Y/N asked, hand twisted behind him to receive the spice without taking his eyes off the pot in front of him. He had to be vigilant because he didn't want it to boil over or heat up too quickly and burn. That would be just his luck. All this time prepping for this meal and five seconds with his back turned could ruin it.
"Gimme just a second." Bucky slid into the small space between Y/N and the sink, rinsing his hands quickly and drying them off. The bottle of ginger was soon placed in Y/N's hand.
"Thanks. How's the chicken coming?" He tossed over his shoulder, measuring the ginger out carefully. He dumped it into the pot and set the bottle aside. He found the cumin in his disorganized and growing pile of spices.
"Good. Seems like it's almost done. And the sauce?" Bucky came up behind Y/N and leaned over to peek over his shoulder. The kitchen was already fairly warm, but as many people on the team had stated, Bucky and Steve put off heat like some kind of human space heater. The closeness only made it worse and Y/N fought to keep that warmth from reaching his face.
"Starting to look right. Most people say that it should look a light orange, but the recipe I've always used comes out as yellow. Doesn't taste any different." Y/N stirred the pot, head tilted slightly. It smelled like it was missing something. He took an extra spoon and did a quick taste test. He grabbed the turmeric and ginger, adding a proportional amount. Another test made him nod in satisfaction. "Want to try?"
"Sure." Bucky found one of the plastic spoons that had been used for measuring water and rested his left hand on Y/N's waist. He leaned forward slightly, reaching around to take a little of the sauce.
Y/N tried not to freeze up. He'd been so confident in the way he'd rested his hand there. The coolness of the metal helped combat the rising heat in the kitchen, which had nothing to do with the oven or the stove. He focused on his breathing and keeping it steady, praying Bucky didn't hear or - God forbid - feel the way his breath hitched the moment his hand came into contact with his hip. 
He'd simply die on the spot if Bucky could feel how his heart was racing frantically with where his chest pressed against his back. This had to be a test. Someone in the universe - probably, Loki - was messing with him intentionally and he was not a fan of it at all. His patience was being tested every second they were in this position and it was taking everything in him not to turn around and grab Bucky by the collar of his shirt and kiss him.
"Sam's gonna complain that it doesn't have enough kick. Might want to consider splitting this into two pots. One for those of us who like to not feel our lips by the end of the meal and one for the rest of you." Bucky backed away, tossing the spoon into the open trash can. He slid one of his hair ties off his wrist and held it between his teeth while he gathered his hair up into a loose bun. "Otherwise, it's really good. I like it."
"I'm glad. You gonna help me split this, then?" Y/N took a calming breath, keeping his back to Bucky for a couple of moments longer to compose himself entirely.
"Yeah. Let me wash my hands again since I just touched my hair. I'll grab another pot, too." Bucky said, moving around Y/N as he left the sauce to simmer while he grabbed some other spices.
Y/N opened the cabinet and glanced over the many bottles, trying to find the seasoning Sam had made one night for their homemade tacos. It was in a mason jar with a handwritten label. He grabbed it and turned quickly as the cabinet door closed. He stopped in his tracks as he caught sight of something near the ceiling and sighed.
"Yeah, sugar?" Bucky straightened up with another pot in his hand.
Y/N ignored the nickname for now and pointed up. There was a team of fire ants forming a chain, their foreman holding a string with a piece of mistletoe. As a test, he took a step away from Bucky, and the ants adjusted to be centered between them again.
"What I'm understanding here is that the ants are just going to follow us until we just do what they want us to," Y/N said, giving a defeated smile to Bucky. The ants weren't going to go away, and that was going to interfere with their cooking. Unless they just got it over with and sent the ants on their way.  
"Peter's still recruiting people, huh?"
"Seems like it." He walked over to Bucky and leaned up, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. The ants seemed satisfied with that and crept backward, taking the infernal branch with them. "Let's get this sauce split."
Bucky chuckled and set the pot down next to the other one, turning the burner off. He held his steady as Y/N carefully poured a rough estimate of a third of the contents.
"We've got nuisances for teammates," Bucky said, leaning his hip against the counter.
"Oh, we definitely do. Have they always been this way?" Y/N asked, glancing at Bucky out of the corner of his eye. 
"Sort of. They've never been this bad towards me. I think they realized that all my threats were empty." Bucky shot him a crooked grin. "We should get them back somehow."
"No, no. I'm not in this revenge business." Y/N shook his head, laughing slightly. "I'm not getting into that war with everyone. Bad enough I'm in a prank war with my own kid."
"Fair enough. Hopefully, they'll give up soon."  Bucky stepped back to give Y/N some more space to work. He left to check on the chicken in the oven, pulling it out since he deemed it was done.
"Do you want to add the spice to this since you're one of the people who like to burn their taste buds off with spice?" Y/N asked, holding up Sam's Seasoning.
"Sure. You can take over the chicken and split it evenly between both pots." Bucky switched places with Y/N, taking the seasoning bottle as he did. "This smells amazing. You're a great cook, Y/N."
"I followed a recipe. It's not that impressive." Y/N protested.
"Don't start this again." Bucky shot over his shoulder. "Accept the compliment or else."
"Or else what?" Y/N taunted, glad that the atmosphere had returned to the relaxed environment it had been before.
"I...will admit that I didn't think that far."
Scott, Peter, and Angelica could hear Y/N's laughter from down the hall. They grinned. Mission: Reverse Roles Accomplished.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
The common room was packed full of the team and their families. Kids were darting between adults, careful of their paths to avoid being stepped on. Everyone was in festive clothing, whether it was an ugly sweater or a Santa hat. Couples were paired together, arms linked or lovers held close. 
The tree was lit up, dazzling the room with its beauty. It looked just as stunning as it did when it was first decorated. Some would argue it looked more so now that the bottom was accompanied by a multitude of brightly wrapped presents. Music played softly in the background, even-paced and smooth. Chatter floated above it and the crackling of the fireplace. Laughter bounced around the room, the holiday cheer infectious and alive.
In true fashion, mistletoe was hung from most doorways entering the common room. Couples were consistently caught under it, in which people called them out and the tradition had to be fulfilled. Steve and Angelica had tried to pass each other in one of those doorways. He kneeled down and took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. She returned the gesture by kissing his cheek, making everyone's hearts melt.
Angelica had her hair done nicely and was even allowed to wear some minimal makeup by her father. Wanda and Natasha had helped her apply it in the right way. She was wearing a beautiful red dress that swayed around her when she moved. She matched with Peter, who had the same color tie. They were adorable together. The two had become fast and unshakeable friends in the few months they'd known each other. Angelica's father couldn't have been more relieved to know she had someone like Peter looking out for her.
"Someone's going to have a hell of a time taking her out in the future," Natasha said as she came up to Y/N's side, a glass of champagne perched in her hand. "Pete's the first line of defense. But then whoever it is has to deal with the rest of us. And then you."
"Yeah...I don't want to think about that, yet. She's still my little girl. I've got a few more years." Y/N smiled, sinking his hands into his pockets. "I think she and Cassie would get along, too. Hopefully, we get to meet her soon."
"She's a sweetheart. Has a very similar personality as your little monster. The chaos those two would get up to...and adding Peter into the mix. Good luck." Natasha's eyes lit up like they always did when she was talking about kids. He hoped she'd get to have one of her own one day. There were many options for her to do so when she was ready. 
"At least they aren't like us. Imagine if they were trained like us." Yelena slung her arm over Natasha's shoulders with a smile. "Untamable. You'd never stand a chance."
"Very true. Y/N, this is my sister, Yelena. Not by blood." Natasha shrugged Yelena's arm off.
"But blood doesn't make family." Yelena extended her hand with a small smile. "Nice to meet you."
"You, too. I've heard some great stories about you two and your adventure to take down the Red Room a few years ago. The underground is still talking about it. Are you still in contact with the other Widows?" He asked. It was an honor to meet Yelena after Natasha had talked so much about her. Though Melina and Alexei were unable to attend, it was nice to meet someone else that Nat considered family. Someone outside of the team.
"Not so much. They've been doing their own thing. Figuring out their new life and freedoms." Natasha took a sip of her drink. "I hear from them occasionally."
"Me, too." Yelena looked around the room, brow furrowed. "Didn't you say the Winter Soldier was going to be here? I haven't seen him."
"He's hiding in the corner over there." Y/N hitched his chin to a less crowded area. "How...do you know him?"
"He trained some of us in the Red Room. He doesn't entirely remember it, but if I talk about it for a little bit, he starts to get memories back." Natasha explained casually as if she was saying they had gone to the same school or gym in the past.
"I met him once. Singular training day. Then he was called on assignment and we heard nothing about him after that." Yelena said, still staring at Bucky in the corner. "What's his actual name? Tasha never told me."
"I did tell you!" Nat interjected and Yelena stuck her tongue out at her.
"James Buchanan Barnes. He prefers Bucky, though." Y/N bit back a smile. It was nice to see their relationship was still so sibling-like. Nat had talked about their history and what happened to cause them to be initially put together in a fake family then later separated.
"Tasha, you'll introduce me later, yeah?" Yelena turned to Nat with an expectant look. 
"Yeah, yeah. Go annoy someone else." Nat shoved her lightly.
"Oh! Your boyfriend is free. I have some embarrassing stories to tell." Yelena said, already quickly walking away. "Nice to meet you, Y/N!"
"Yelena, Не смей!" Natasha called after her, speeding to catch up and stop her sister. She continued to talk in Russian, assumedly threatening her with pain of death. People moved out of her way, amused. Even with her quick and sharp movements, she never spilled a drop of her champagne.
Y/N shook his head with a smile and decided it was time to go see what the ex-Winter Soldier was up to. He'd been hiding in that corner for a little while now. Probably because there were so many people and he needed a minute to recharge. He navigated through the crowd, smiling at people when they waved at him or greeted him briefly.
Clint's voice rose over the crowd as he called out a pair of unfortunate people who got caught in a doorway with mistletoe. People laughed and turned to watch. That was the thing Y/N was worried about most at the current moment. If he got caught with Bucky somewhere, they'd be watched to make sure they followed the rules.
"Hey, stranger," Y/N said, gaining Bucky's attention as he approached.
"Hey, yourself." Bucky broke into a smile and pushed off the wall. He uncrossed his arms as well and seemed to relax more. "Enjoying the party?"
"Yeah. Though, it's a lot of people. Don't blame you for finding this corner to escape for a moment." He replied, sympathizing with his social anxiety. There was a lot happening in the room at the same time and it could get very overwhelming, especially when there were multiple loud personalities occupying the space as well. Tony and Sam could clash in the right situations.
"Care to join me by the window? It should be a little cooler there and the sound will get trapped at the front of the loft." Bucky gestured with his head for Y/N to follow and they headed to the window. Snow was starting to fall outside, truly making the party like a scene from a movie. All it needed was the in denial couple to be caught under the mistletoe.
Which is exactly what Y/N realized happened when Tony called for them to stop right where they were. He froze and looked up, internally screaming at the sight of that damned sprig. Of course. The one time in the evening he was close enough to Bucky to get caught in this situation, there had to be a hidden piece of mistletoe to make his life miserable.
Bucky glared at Tony sharply, lips pressed in a thin line. He seemed as fed up as Y/N did with this whole situation. With a sigh, he ran his hand through his hair and turned to Y/N. "C'mere, then." 
Y/N stepped closer, unsure of what was happening. His anxiety faded as Bucky leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, just like they'd been doing the rest of the week whenever they found themselves suddenly and "inexplicably" caught in this position.
"Ah! That doesn't follow Mistletoe Etiquette. It doesn't count unless it's a proper kiss. Lips on lips. Them's the rules." Tony called them out, pointing as he sipped his drink with raised brows.
"What if we were related? That's not exactly right." Bucky argued.
"Relatives have an exception. A kiss on the cheek is allowed. But you're not related, so the rules state it has to be on the lips." Tony insisted, trying to hide his smirk. 
"That's not a thing." Bucky continued to protest. "That's never been a thing."
"Okay. Let's take a vote. All in favor of deeming a kiss on the cheek valid in the eyes of Mistletoe Tradition, raise your hand and say: Aye." Tony turned towards the crowd. Bruce, Yelena, and Vision were the only ones to raise their hands. "All opposed?"
Everyone else raised their hands, calling nay in unison. Tony smugly turned on his heel with an expectant and shit-eating grin. He didn't even have to say anything for the gloating to be felt. But, the room had decided. The vote had been done.
"You didn't follow Robert's Rules of Order in taking a vote. That's not a valid vote." Y/N tried to worm their way out of it a different way. If he could catch Tony on a technicality, maybe Bucky could sneak away to hide until it blew over. 
"Y/N, do you think those rules apply here? I mean, look who you're talkin' to here." Tony gestured to himself, his egotistic streak spiking with this moment to flex his power.
"You guys should just get it over with at this point. You're just making it worse by drawing it out." Natasha stepped forward, gaze narrowing on Bucky. He must've tried to say something but her brow raised as if daring him to continue. He sighed and turned back to Y/N.
"I don't want you to feel like you're being forced to do this right now. Are you okay with doing this?" Bucky muttered, seemingly blocking out everything else in the room. His eyes were only focused on him and him alone.
"They won't leave us alone or let us live it down. Who knows if they'll stop just because we do this." Y/N pointed out, frustrated. They were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. The team would harass them about it if they chickened out but he was afraid they wouldn't leave them alone regardless.
"If we followed Stark's rules and I kissed him on the lips right now, this will stop. Peter will stop climbing walls. All mistletoe comes down after tonight. If we're caught under the mistletoe again tonight, we've paid our dues and don't have to go through this again. Do we have a deal?" Bucky turned and looked at the crowd, but turned his scrutiny on Peter, Angelica, and Scott for a moment when he mentioned Peter's shenanigans. 
"Deal." Tony nodded, satisfied with the answer and the compromise.
"When you're ready, tell me." Bucky looked back at Y/N.
Y/N could feel his heart pounding against his chest. It had nearly taken his hearing by now with how loud it was. Blood was rushing to his face, making it warm. This wasn't going to be good for the feelings he was trying desperately to quell. This would only make them worse. Hell, this whole week had made it ten times worse. He took a steadying breath, aware of everyone's eyes on them.
"I'm right here. Just focus on me, alright? Don't worry about them." Bucky gently grabbed his shoulders, thumb running over his collarbone in comfort. "Ready?"
Y/N closed his eyes and focused on blocking out everything around them. When he opened them again, it was like all he could see was Bucky. No one else existed in the room. It had gone quiet. The music was muffled. It was just him and Bucky. He nodded.
Bucky leaned down and tilted his head just slightly to make things easier for the both of them. He was tentative at first, gentle and patient. His lips were warm, like the rest of his body consistently was, and there was a lingering taste of apple cider. He pressed a little closer to satisfy the crowd.
Y/N felt like his knees were going to give out. His heart was racing and the light feeling in his stomach became intense. He didn't know what to do with his hands, so he kept them at his sides. It was over faster than he expected - and hoped - but it was understandable because of the audience. He opened his eyes and found Bucky giving him a shy smile, eyes asking if he was alright. He nodded.
"Deal has been fulfilled! You two are now immune to the Mistletoe and it will be taken down once the party is over." Tony called and the party returned to its normal chaos. 
The music and chatter came rushing back immediately like a trance had been broken. Y/N blinked and realized they were still standing a little too close. He took a step back and returned Bucky's smile. His heart was still racing and he was beginning to feel light-headed.
"You okay?" Bucky asked, head tilted in concern.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Not really a fan of being the center of attention." Y/N half-lied. He looked at the crowd and shook his head in mild amusement. 
"I could use a drink, now. Wanna come?" Bucky lazily pointed over his shoulder with his thumb and that damned crooked smile.
"Maybe...in a little bit. I'm gonna get some air, first." Y/N felt like he was burning up with a bad fever. The heat of the room combined with how flushed he was after kissing Bucky, he really needed to cool down. Both in temperature and his mind. 
"Alright." Bucky gave him a flash of his full smile while stepping back before he turned and disappeared into the crowd. Y/N quickly found the closest exit to the outside to make his escape.
Peter, Sam, Scott, and Angelica all fist-bumped together. Their plan had gone off well, thanks to Tony and his annoying insistence on rules that didn't even exist. It was like he knew what they had been planning. Either way, they all hoped it was the push those two needed to finally admit their feelings.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Y/N collapsed on his bed, staring at the ceiling. What a night. That whole evening didn't go at all how he expected. He couldn't say he wasn't pleasantly surprised, but he could say it wasn't under the terms he'd wished it was. He took as deep a breath as he could and slowly blew it out, groaning at the end.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he rolled slightly to be able to pull it out to look at it. Bucky's name was lit up on his screen, a message waiting to be read.
Bucky: Hey, I just wanted to check in after what happened. If it made you uncomfortable at all, I apologize for that. And if you want to, we can forget it ever happened. Tony can be relentless at times, but I'm sure you know that by now.
Y/N: Don't worry about it! I didn't mind. It was just a little nerve-wracking because everyone was staring. It was just holiday fun and Tony was probably put up to it by my mischievous little brat.
Bucky: Sam's in on it, too. Peter and Angelica aren't alone in it. And Scott was recruited in the last couple days. 
Y/N rolled his eyes. Of course, Sam was teaming up with his kid and Peter. And Scott was always down to cause mischief. They were lucky Thor and Loki weren't around to make it all the worse.
Bucky: By the way, what brand is your chapstick? It was nice. I liked the flavor.
Y/N's eyes widened and he almost dropped his phone in shock. He thought Bucky would've only kissed him as lightly as possible just to get it over with. But if he tasted his chapstick...he lingered far longer and got much closer than he had realized.
Y/N: I don't remember :( I'll take a picture of it when I find it again. I misplaced it. It happens all the time.
Bucky: Oh, no! Whenever you find it. No rush. Happy holidays, Y/N. Gnight.
Y/N: Happy holidays, Bucky. Gnight :)
Bucky plugged his phone in and got comfortable in bed. He rubbed his lips together for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. He could still feel Y/N's lips against his. The control he'd had at that moment to back away was a godsend. If he had stood there just a moment longer, he would've taken Y/N's face into his hands and kissed him until neither of them could breathe. Then only give them enough time to just barely catch their breath before pulling him back in to confess everything he was holding onto by mere faith. Another moment and he would've laid his heart bare in front of everyone.
Patience was a virtue he'd earned and one he'd exercised for decades. Compared to that, what was another month?
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
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For "SOME BUNNY" you love...
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rt8815 · 3 years
How do Spencer and McKinley celebrate Christmas and New year?
They throw as much enthusiasm into it as possible, because their own personal experiences with the holidays are a bit complicated.
As a child, Spencer of was busy taking care of Diana, and even before that, his father wasn't engaged in the festivities.
McKinley lost the magic as she got older, especially when her dad split.
And of course their first Christmas together as a married couple was, well...
They want better for the kiddos, naturally.
The tree goes up the day after Halloween. Spencer has a process to maximize the number of lights on the tree. McKinley puts up other decorations while he works on that. Sophie started decorating during her second Christmas, so there are tons of ornaments on the bottom branches.
Everybody gets one Christmas Eve present.
They have a private Christmas lunch and gift opening with their kids, but there's always a BAU family dinner party, usually at Grampa Dave's.
You better believe Aunt Penny arranges professional family photoshoots for them. Toddler Sophie enjoyed being dressed as a purple Christmas ornament 🟣 but Spencer was somewhat insulted at being handed an adult candy cane onesie. [("I get it, I'm skinny!" 😤😏) Boogie tolerated the reindeer antlers, but rolled his eyes at everyone. Baby J.T. giggled the whole time, especially when he got caught in a kiss sandwich - one parent on each cheek. Cutest. bunch. of mistletoe. ever.]
In fact, much of what they do as a larger family is because Penelope set it up.
Driving through neighborhoods to see people's fancy lights? Check
Snowman building/snow angel making/snow fight in the park? Check
Secret Santa? Cha-ching! And check
The Durand-Reids visit McKinley's Mom whenever possible but prefer paying for her to travel to D.C. Her extended family is just too much 😵
Trans-Siberian Orchestra playing in the background. Always.
McKinley takes back her happiest Christmas memories by baking the cookies she helped with every year growing up. When Sophie and J.T. are old enough, she starts teaching them the recipe.
New Years Eves are celebrated with Luke and Penny, especially once they move in down the street (!!!). There's dinner, then they play a prerecorded ball drop for the kids before tucking them in and staying up for the real deal.
Lou and Roxy snooze at their feet, all blissed out on the leftover treats from their stockings. Boogie, however, sleeps with Sophie as he's done every night since she was born.
Thank you for the ask, Sarah! I'm smiling ear to ear imagining all this 😁
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collecting-stories · 3 years
I’m Pine-ing for You
A/N: The second chapter of my Christmas fic.
Christmas Mingle Masterlist
_* ◦ ❅ . ❄︎ * ∙ ◦ . _
Ariana Grande crooned over the tinny radio in the gift shop as Audrey browsed, trying to maximize her day off and finish the last of her Christmas shopping. It was futile, she knew that much, but she had bundled up for the cold weather and headed out to walk around Main Street, hoping some kind of good would come from searching. Even if all it yielded was a new candle for her apartment. Most of her family was generic enough to settle for giftcards from Target but she still went out, as if she would find something that anyone would appreciate more than the basic $25 card. 
Just like every year though, she was browsing more for herself than anyone else, halfway through the display of handmade ceramic mugs, when she heard Jeff's familiar timbre. She'd only gone on one date with him so far but it didn't matter, she could probably pick out his voice in a line up. It was deep and not to raspy and she could've listened to him talk forever. But now that she thought about it, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to "run into" him here. And when she looked over toward the door she realized he was with his son. She hadn't seen any pictures of Charlie but if that tall-for-his-age kid beside Jeff wasn't his son she'd be shocked. 
Audrey was in the back of the store, not poised to sneak out without having to walk right passed him. If there was one thing she truly hated it was running into people, something that happened a lot more frequently in her life now that she worked retail. There was nothing that compared to being trapped by an old school acquaintance as she rang up their groceries. She thought about turning and heading further into the store but there was no pretending that she hadn't seen Jeff, especially as her hand paused mid-grabbing a mug off the shelf, when he called her name. 
"Christmas shopping?" Jeff asked, stepping up beside her in the narrow aisle of the shop. 
"Well," Audrey looked over at him, "I tell myself that but honestly, I'm just shopping for me." 
"Nothing wrong with that," he replied and Audrey cracked a smile.
"You're very agreeable, you know that?" She pointed out. He'd been the same on their date, agreeable on all fronts. About her divorce, her disinterest in her current job, her lack of enthusiasm for the Christmas season. 
"Maybe we just agree on things?" He suggested. 
"Well then, I know who to call for a second opinion." Audrey replied, glancing over to the small section of kids toys, Jeff's spitting image crouched on the ground looking over a puzzle, "Is that Charlie?" She didn't know if day-after-the-first-date was too soon to meet his son but it wasn't like he was formally introducing them so she didn't feel too bad about asking. 
"Yeah that's Charlie," Jeff nodded, looking over, "kiddo's supposed to be helping me shop for other people's presents but it looks like he's picking out a few things to add to his list."
"Kid after my own heart," Audrey teased. "I'm not sure I could be of any actual help, Charlie and I seem to share a shopping gene, but I could lend a hand picking out some things if you want?" She wasn't sure that inviting herself to spend the afternoon with him was really an appropriate, normal thing to do, but she couldn't help herself. The words had come tumbling out of her mouth faster than she could think them. Something about Jeff just seemed to make the temptation of spending her day off completely by herself pale in comparison to spending the day with him. She couldn't remember a time when she felt this way about someone, even with Chris, even in the beginning when everything was new and supposedly exciting, she sought out moments when she could be alone. 
"Alright, but I have two stipulations," Jeff replied, picking up one of the mugs to look it over, pushing his glasses up his nose. "I take the credit for all the gifts, and you provide the coffee."
"I provide the coffee? How is that fair? What are you providing?" Audrey said.
"The company." He shrugged as if it was totally obvious, Audrey laughing out loud, turning more toward him when the shopkeeper looked over at the sudden sound of them disturbing the ambiance of the store. 
"It's a deal." She kept her voice down as she moved further down the aisle, pointing out a sun-catcher that was hanging on display. "Anyone?"
"Not even close." He replied. "I'm gonna rethink this deal if you can't hold up your end of the bargain." 
"To be fair, you haven't given me any information to go on." Audrey pointed out, still holding onto the sun-catcher, contemplating a place for it in her own apartment. 
Before Jeff could say anything else Charlie had found him, clutching a puzzle box to his chest he came over, stepping in front of his dad to show off his find. "Look, it's 1000 pieces...I've never done 1000 pieces before." 
Audrey smiled, mouthing '1000 pieces' when Jeff caught her eye passed his son. He grinned and nodded, giving in to Charlie's request. 
"Alright, we'll put it aside for break." He offered, taking the box from Charlie, "but you're supposed to be looking for something for something for your grandma."
"I am!" Charlie insisted.
"In the toy area?" 
When Audrey snickered at Jeff's comment Charlie turned to look at her, a wide smile on his face at the sight of the stranger. "Hi." 
"Hey." She greeted, smiling at the young boy. 
"I'm Charlie," He introduced himself, holding his hand out to shake hers. 
Audrey took the seven year old's hand, shaking as she introduced herself, "Audrey." 
Never one to miss anything, Charlie had noticed the look that his dad had given Audrey immediately, even as he was talking about the puzzle that he wanted. 
"How do you know my dad?" He asked blatantly.
"I, uh..."
"Audrey's a friend of mine," Jeff supplied, putting his hand on his son's shoulder to get his attention. 
Charlie leaned his head back, looking up at Jeff and giving him a toothy grin. "Can she shop with us?" He asked. 
"Well, don't ask me." Jeff replied. 
"Can you shop with us?" Charlie asked, looking back at Audrey, "I need help picking a gift for my nana."
"I would love to help you."
Charlie stepped away from his dad, grabbing Audrey's hand to lead her away from Jeff and toward the back of the store. Audrey glanced back over her shoulder at Jeff, biting her lip as she smiled at him. Charlie was a well adjusted kid for his age, comfortable talking to adults happy to spend time hanging out with Jeff. He knew there were enough people in his son's life, family included, that pressured him about the way Charlie behaved. They wanted a kid that was less used to spending the majority of his week with his dad and they wanted Jeff to be more interested in dating and less interested in fathering his kid. 
His mom had been thrilled, the night before, to babysit her grandson when she heard that Jeff had a date. It had been since his late wife passed away that he had gone out and before then she was the only one he had dated in years. 
"It's just been so long," she had lamented, following her son into the kitchen, attempting a whisper as she spoke. "You deserve to be happy-"
"I am happy ma," Jeff promised, writing out any information she might need while he was gone. Phone numbers, the name of the restaurant he was going to, Charlie's pre-bed schedule. 
"Happy with someone in your life. Someone who can help you raise Charlie. I know you don't agree but, he needs a mother figure."
"Charlie doesn't need a 'mother figure' and it's one date ma, I'm not gonna marry this woman." 
"You don't know that." Jeff's mom replied, adamant on her stance about the date. She had been trying to convince Jeff to get back into dating for a few years now. She knew it was hard, losing his wife so quickly after Charlie was born, and she felt like she had waited an appropriate amount of time but, around two years ago, she had started dropping hints. Mentions here and there about women that she knew from church or even just 'eligible singles' that she saw at  the grocery store. She had very little in the way of requirements.
"Please just watch him for the night and don't read too much into this?" 
"Is it so wrong to be optimistic?" She asked, "it's been a long time since you've even considered dating." 
"I'll call you on my way home, I'll just be down the street at the brewhouse."
Audrey crouched down so she could get a better look at the bottom shelf of the display where Charlie was checking out a few different glass blown ornaments. She reached for one, a red teardrop shaped ornament that was crackled and, when she held it up to the light, glistened. 
"That's really pretty!" Charlie exclaimed, taking it from her when she handed it over to him. 
"I think so too," Audrey replied, "what do you think about it as a gift?"
"I don't know," he pouted, nose scrunching as he inspected the ornament in greater detail, "dad, would nana like this?" 
"Is there a pink one in there?" Jeff asked, looking over from the display of candles he'd been going through. He liked everything about Christmas aside from having to buy gifts for people. Charlie was easy, he always knew what his son wanted. It was everyone else that gave him a headache. "She'll probably love that."
Charlie dug through the box of ornaments, careful that nothing broke, successfully pulling out a pink one, "I found a pink one!"
Audrey took the red one back, turning it over in her hand once more before putting it back in the box. 
"You should get that one." Charlie pointed out, "you could put it on your tree."
"Oh gosh," Audrey laughed, "I actually don't have a tree." She confessed. 
Putting up a tree had been the least of her worries this year, not even a table top had made it's way into her house though she'd spent plenty of time on pinterest and instagram scrolling through the holiday decorations of influencers who's lives appeared much more together than her own. 
"No tree?" Charlie looked absolutely offended at the thought of anyone not having a tree for Christmas, "dad! Dad!" 
"Yeah bud?" Jeff asked, tearing his attention away from a case of handmade necklaces that he shouldn't have been looking through so  early on in knowing Audrey when it was clearly her  he had in mind. 
"Audrey doesn't have a tree," the disbelief, even as he repeated what he already knew, was on par with the discovery of Santa's fraudulence. "We can get you a tree?" He reasoned, turning back to look at her, wide, eager eyes. 
"I really don't have a lot of ornaments." Audrey admitted. 
The first time she had told Chris that she needed space they had both assumed that she would be back within the month. But then two months passed and three months and she drove passed the house but it felt foreign to her. So she said it again, she needed space, mountains of it, years of it, more space than he could ever give her. And when she set foot inside the house for the last time to take what she deemed hers from a short lifetime of theirs, she left all but a shoebox of decorations. 
"Oh well," Jeff was smiling at her like whatever he said she'd be hanging on, "you happen to be in the presence of the best ornament chooser in the entire world." He pointed to Charlie as he spoke, indicating it was the seven year old who possessed all the expertise of Christmas decoration. 
"Really?" She attempted her best look of skepticism as Charlie nodded his head in agreement with his father. 
"Dad buys me a new ornament every year that I pick out all on my own." He replied as proof of his skill. 
Audrey agreed, unable to say no to Charlie. He was too sweet and she was enjoying spending time with him and Jeff too much. It was arguably some sort of honeymooning phase, she reasoned, that had her this invested in a guy that she had only been on one date with but she couldn't help it. This was just a for the holidays thing, a see where this goes, nothing special, thing that didn't have too mean too much. She didn't have to read too much into every look and every touch, didn't have to take everything so seriously, and still she was eagerly agreeing to spending the rest of her afternoon with Jeff and Charlie. 
"I gotta tell you Charlie," Audrey said as she walked through the Christmas tree lot with him, "I am no tree expert. I haven't had a real tree since I was a kid." 
"That's okay," he promised, "I'm the best tree chooser there is." 
Jeff walked just behind the pair, listening to his son discuss the important parts of the tree and how to pick the best one, talking with such authority that his bullshitting was almost believable. Once Charlie got started on a topic it was nearly impossible for him to stop and he loved showing off whatever knowledge he might have, be it minimum or not. 
"Expert ornament chooser and expert tree chooser?" Audrey asked, glancing back at Jeff with amusement. Jeff grinned back at her. 
"What can I say?" Charlie replied, "Christmas is the best time of the year."
"I can't argue with that."
"Besides, if you don't get a tree then how is Santa going to bring you presents?" Charlie asked, a look of distress washing over his features as his eyes met hers. The thought had just occurred to him and yet it was a troubling one.
"That explains the lack of gifts the last few years...I think Santa is still delivering all my presents to my parents' house." She teased. 
"Do you live by yourself?" Charlie asked, intrigued by the new development. 
If Jeff was eager to learn more about Audrey than Charlie was tenfold. He asked questions about her job and her house and what her favorite Christmas activity was. Jeff wasn't sure if it was just her being too polite to ignore Charlie's questions or if she was truly interested in what he had to say but she listened and chatted. Dating hadn't been something that Jeff had kept at the top of his to-do list and he definitely hadn't introduced too many people to his son. A few close friends, those that knew him before his wife passed away, but no one that he seriously considered spending his life with. Not that he was thinking that far in advance now but getting to know Audrey was definitely something he wanted to continue doing. 
The three of them circled the tree lot more times then Jeff felt necessary, scouring rows of evergreens that he was sure they had already examined until Charlie finally spotted the spruce that he wanted. He let out a shout of exclamation at the sight and broke out in a dash as if someone else might discover the tree before he could reach it. "This one!" He announced, standing in front of the tree and waving his arms to draw their attention to it.
"That one is..." Audrey looked at the tree on display, imagining the trip up the stairs and sheer mass of it sitting in her small apartment, "big." It seemed like the only logical adjective to describe the tree she was staring at.
"Big trees are the best trees." Charlie insisted, "you can get the most ornaments on." 
"Maybe you can, I'm still lacking in the ornament department." Audrey replied. A shoebox full was not enough for a tree that was threatening six feet tall. She'd been hoping that the seven year old would settle on something more akin to a tabletop but he seemed determined that the green giant was going to be part of Audrey's Christmas. 
"We can get you more ornaments." 
"Don't fight it," Jeff teased, coming up beside her. His hand fell to the small of her back, turning just slightly toward her so that he could whisper in her ear, away from Charlie's heightened hearing, "he's never gonna give in."
"I think I've already figured that one out." Audrey replied, looking at Jeff, unable to stop herself from smiling. 
Tree decided on, Charlie was as determined as ever to find ornaments that would go perfectly. He insisted that they not be too uniform, complaining, at seven, about the odd need for trees on television shows to have a ribbon woven through them. The strong opinions he had about Christmas were entertaining, to say the least, and Audrey didn't fight them. She had been content without all the fuss, happy to let Christmas happen the same way that it did every year but now she found herself letting Jeff haul a tree up her steps and into her apartment.
Charlie seemed as enamored by her tiny house as he did by her, rushing to the window to look out on the street that he'd walked around on a hundred times. "Dad!" He called, face close to the window pane, unbothered by the hint of cold that seeped in through the the old wood and glass. 
Jeff let the tree slide off his shoulder, leaning the tree that was as tall as he was against his chest as he looked over at his son, "what's up Charlie?"
Audrey locked the door behind them, bags in one hand as she kicked her shoes off. She had stopped for some ornaments along the way, practically clearing out her Target's Christmas section. Marci had eyed her suspiciously as she checked out, fully aware of Audrey's disdain for the holiday season. She had ignored her co-worker though, rushing through self-checkout as quickly as possible so that she could avoid making Jeff and Charlie wait too long outside of her apartment. 
"Look!" Charlie called, waving Jeff over as if the tree wasn't heavy and unstable. "You can see Main Street."
"You should stay for dinner and see it at night with all the lights." Audrey replied, setting the bags down on the couch as she went over to help Jeff, "I can't believe you guys stopped and got a tree stand too."
"You can't have a tree without a tree stand." Jeff shrugged, "that seemed pretty obvious. Tree, tree stand, ornaments..."
"Yeah, yeah, alright." Audrey laughed, setting up the stand. 
While Jeff did most of the assembly in getting the tree in the stand and cutting it loose from the netting, Charlie rummaged through the bags of ornaments, sorting them into groups that he decided went together. The tree didn't take as long as Audrey thought it would but it did look a lot better in her apartment then she had first suspected when Charlie had spied it in the lot. Though it blocked a decent amount of her window view, the ornaments looked pretty with the lights and she had even brought out the shoebox of special ones that she kept in her bedroom. 
"Some of these are pretty old, they belonged to my great grandma." Audrey explained, setting the box on the coffee table and opening it up for Charlie to see. 
"This one is so cool!" He held up a blue bobble, handpainted with a horse and carriage in the snow. "My grandma got me an ornament decorating kit and I painted one with a Christmas tree." 
"I bet it looks really awesome," Audrey replied, taking the ornament from him so she could hang it up a little higher. 
"You should come over to see it!" Charlie looked thrilled at his idea, turning to his father in excitement, "what do you think dad? Could Audrey come over soon?"
Jeff looked over Charlie's head to Audrey, their eyes meeting as Audrey smiled. It seemed a natural occurrence when she was around Jeff though she didn't want to let herself think too hard on the matter. 
"I don't see why not." Jeff finally said. 
"Well, since you're here now, what should we get for dinner tonight?" Audrey asked, taking another ornament from Charlie to hang up. 
"Pizza!" He replied without hesitation. 
"Pizza it is," She agreed, stepping away from the tree to grab her phone, "any toppings?"
Dinner was served on the coffee table, the three of them sitting on the couch to watch TV, Charlie choosing It Happened on 5th Avenue as his Christmas movie of choice. He sat between them, enthralled in the film, announcing favorite scenes just before they happened. Audrey had steered clear of cliche Christmas films like It's a Wonderful Life or Love Actually for a while, longer that she had been single. She never cared for them and always found them cheesy and ridiculous. The leads falling in love all within a week, enamored with each other as if there was no one else in the world. As if falling in love at Christmas solved all their problems. But here she was, watching this old black and white film and actually enjoying it. 
It was nearly three quarters of the way through when Jeff felt Charlie slump against him more that he glanced down, realizing that his son had fallen asleep. Audrey seemed to pick up on Charlie's sleeping around the same time, pausing the film and asking if wanted to let Charlie nap in her bed. "Unless you two need to get home?" 
"We can stay a little while longer," Jeff replied, reluctant to go as it was. 
While he carried Charlie into the bedroom, laying him on the bed and covering him with a blanket, Audrey cleared away the pizza and closed the front window. She grabbed a bottle of wine from the cabinet and two glasses, meeting Jeff back in the living room.
"What've you got?" Jeff asked, taking the bottle from her.
"Just a red, it's from a subscription I get every month." She replied, "I could be paying for a gym but-"
"Wine is better than a gym," Jeff concluded, heading back to the couch with her. She let him pour the glasses, a little heavy handed though so was she. "I was thinking about what you said, about looking for something that wasn't working at Target."
"My glamorous part time job...what about it?" Audrey asked, taking a sip of her wine. 
"The art teacher at Charlie's school is going on maternity leave and I heard they posted the job online. I'm not trying to overstep or anything, just saw it and thought of you." 
"Well, I'm flattered that you thought of me. I'll look into it." She replied, "part of me would love it, honestly, and the other part is terrified to actually do something like that. I feel everything has moved really slowly but quickly at the same time for me." 
"I know the feeling well. Don't feel like you need to consider anything just cause I mentioned it." Jeff replied, "take everything at your own pace."
"I'll never move forward if I do that." Audrey admitted. 
"Well hey, nothing needs to be decided now...I mean, Christmas break is right around the corner."
"That's right, you have finals for your semester don't you?" Audrey asked. She wasn't sure why it hadn't occurred to her the entire time that they were out shopping or looking for a tree but it was as if she suddenly remembered that Jeff had actual work when class hours ended. 
"Coming up, yeah." He nodded. "I'll be spending the next four days prepping and grading essays." 
"I'll trade you bitchy, impatient customers who think I'm secretly stashing all the stuff they want so they can't find it?" Audrey offered.
"Now that you mention it, the papers are fine." He replied, smiling at her as he took a sip of wine, "so this party coming up? It's your co-worker's?"
"Co-worker/best friend." 
"How did that come about...if you don't mind my asking?" 
"I guess, all my other friends are friends with  Chris too you know? They knew us when we were dating, as our relationship progressed, they went to our wedding. When I left him and it wasn't for any "good" reason, I think they felt like I was overreacting." Audrey admitted. Even more than leaving and telling Chris she was never coming home, she could remember the distinct heartache that had followed her falling out with her best friend. The way Leah had accused her of being dramatic and foolish and told her that she was blowing things out of proportion. "I mean, he didn't cheat on me, he wasn't some awful guy...a little controlling sometimes but not to the magnitude of telling me what I could and couldn't do."
"If you don't love someone, you don't love someone. You can't stay in a relationship just because they're 'not a bad guy'." Jeff replied. 
"I feel bad telling you about all this honestly," she confessed, "I'm trying to divorce my husband, you lost your wife, that's...I feel silly having such superficial problems."
"It's not superficial." He reassured. "I met Hannah in my early 30's after I had broken up with a woman who wanted me to propose to her."
"Oh no," Audrey laughed, "you were one of those!"
Jeff nodded, "thought I didn't want commitment, I think I just, didn't feel like I knew what I wanted. But, I met Hannah through friends and we took things slow until she basically told me to propose or get out-"
"I like her."
"She was great. You know, it's hard...she passed away around the holidays. It would've been our first Christmas with Charlie." He replied, "I thought about not celebrating...took me weeks to put up a tree. He won't remember any of that but, it felt like something I had to do." 
"For Charlie or for yourself?" 
"Both of us, I guess. I didn't want him to feel like Christmas had this awful connotation, you know? I didn't want him to grow up feeling like he couldn't celebrate and he had to be sad." 
"When I moved out of my house with Chris it was just, easier not to celebrate. It was just me and it felt ridiculous to decorate this little apartment." Audrey admitted, looking over at the tree in front of the window, "seeing the tree up though, I kinda missed that."
"If you let Charlie come back again he'll probably put gifts under it for you just to make sure it looks official." 
"Charlie is awesome, you have an amazing kid." 
"Thank you, I think so most of the time." Jeff laughed. 
9 Days Until Christmas
"I gotta say, the cowboy boots are a touch I wasn't expecting." Jeff laughed as Audrey stepped out the front door of her apartment. She did a twirl, showing off the outfit she was wearing beneath her plaid coat. 
"Would you believe me if I told you they were a Footloose impulse buy after high school graduation?" Audrey asked. 
Not everything feels like something else, but holding on to a pair of red cowboy boots that went with nothing in her wardrobe simply because of the sentimentality felt a lot like being stuck in place. When she came back for her things, letting herself into the old house with two suitcases that her mom had been reluctant to give away ("can't you just work it out? Have you even tried?"),  she had almost left them. Sitting there on the bottom of her  shoe rack, accumulating the dust that was inevitable for something so rarely worn, she had thought of letting them go too. Was it symbolic? To leave both the boots and Chris behind? But she could bring herself to leave them the way she had left her marriage so she carried them out to the car and put them in the front seat and then, three years and five months later she wore them to a Kacey Musgraves concert with Cady. 
"Can't say I'm a fan of the film." Jeff admitted. 
"Is that your way of telling me that you don't recognize Ariel's iconic red cowboy boots?" And now she wore them again. Red cowboy boots paired with black stockings, a jean skirt that fit the persona of Midwest Christmas she was trying to pull off, and a sweater that was cuter then it was ugly. Pink with white pompoms and a sequined Jolly Old Saint Nick. Cady's holiday party would inevitably be as country as she wished she was and Audrey had every intention oof dressing for it. 
"It is." Jeff replied, "but you look beautiful." Audrey had mentioned her best friend's proclivity for all things Tennessee Christmas but that had done little to influence Jeff's outfit. Dark jeans and a cable knit sweater with boots. Nothing entirely special in the outfit, and Audrey had never been one to give men's fashion too much thought, but he certainly looked good. "I feel like I should've dressed the part more." He took Audrey's hand in his as they made the short trek across the street and down to the small parking lot a block away. 
"That's okay, when we inevitably sneak away from the party because, god love her but Cady's 'Yeehaw Christmas' is a little more than I think I can bear, you'll look like a normal person and I'll look-"
"Like you're in middle school?" Jeff teased. 
"Exactly like that," Audrey replied.
Comical as it was, Yeehaw Christmas was the perfect describer for the party that they walked into. Cady had outfitted her shared apartment with decorations that looked as if they had been purchased at Cabellas or maybe just a Dollar General. Cady's wasn't the only party a friend had invited Audrey to this season but it was the only one she committed to, at least, making an appearance at. Her other friends were friends with Chris and she knew he would be there too, as if it was all some elaborate plot to convince her that maybe she had made a mistake when she decided that they no longer fit in each other's lives. 
"You made it!" Cady shouted across the room, rushing over to wrap Audrey in a hug. Ten years made little difference to either of them. The idea of meeting your best friend at a retail job seemed like something that truly only happened on TV but Cady had been the  lifeboat back to normalcy after the heartache. "Oh god, I'm so glad you came!" 
"I said I was." Audrey insisted, pulling away from Cady. She was standing slightly in front of Jeff and when her eyes met Cady's she shifted her gaze subtly to the side, a look that screamed, 'I brought him'. 
Cady's eyes shifted over to Jeff, brushing her blond hair back as she looked up at him. He was taller than her. Like a tower. He was taller than Audrey and she was relatively tall, or so everyone always felt the need to say when she wore heels. Before she could say anything Audrey continued, introducing them. "Cady, this is Jeff. Jeff, my best friend Cady. 
"Thanks for letting me tag along." Jeff replied, handing over the bag that contained a small hostess invitation. "Audrey said you don't do wine."
Cady took the bag from him, pulling out a bottle of  grey goose. "Thank you! This is the best Christmas present ever!" She joked.
More partygoers came, allowing Audrey and Jeff a break from Cady as they made their way over to the kitchen and the counter space that was doubling as a bar for the evening. There were cheap flavored vodkas, tequila, whiskey, gin, and some bottles of red wine stuffed into the small space between the sink and the fridge. 
"Guess we have our pick?" Audrey asked, looking over her shoulder at Jeff. 
"I'll stick with the whiskey, seems like a safe option." He replied, "only cause I've heard of the brand." 
"What? No peppermint mocha vodka?" Audrey said, trying and failing not to sound completely grossed out by the suggestion of the flavor. 
Jeff laughed, "tell you what, if you do a shot I will do a shot." 
Audrey grabbed two shot glass sized red solo cups, never one to back down from a challenge, and poured the vodka in them. Truthfully, she just wanted to see him drink something as ridiculous  as Christmas themed vodka simply because he struck her entirely as a classy kind of drinker, even his beer on their first date had felt superior to all those cheap brands she'd snuck in high school. He was game for just about anything though, proving it as he kicked back a shot of the sweet liquor, feeling the faint burn of it down the back of his throat. 
"Can't say I love feeling like I just tossed a whole pack of spearmint gum in my mouth and lit it on fire." Jeff commented, sticking his tongue out for a second as if that would get rid of the taste. Audrey coughed around her shot, almost losing it but swallowing at the last second. She gagged and shook her head furiously at the tiny cup in her hand. 
"No." She finally said. "No, that was terrible."
"It was bad."
"It was...oh god, I need something after that." She replied. 
Jeff shifted bottles around until he found a decent red nestled in the back. "How's this?" He grabbed two cups from the stack, filling them a little more than he would a wine glass. 
"Works for me."
She took his arm, pulling him passed the fridge and a little further into the kitchen as people came in to grab drinks. Jeff moved with her, turning so his back was to the other couple and the two of them were in their own little corner. Audrey looked passed him, watching as a few more people came and went from the kitchen. 
"I really didn't feel like I was going to feel old being here but I totally do." Audrey muttered. 
"You feel old?" Jeff scoffed, "how do you think I'm feeling right now?" He brushed his hand through his hair to draw attention to the strands of gray there among the black. 
"Well, don't worry, I have no plans to stay the whole time," Audrey whispered as if someone would overhear her, "I love Cady but she can go forever if she's drunk enough and I definitely think she's on her way there."
Jeff opened the door to Charlie's room, the dinosaur nightlight in the corner glowing and painting the room a dim yellow. The party had been a short lived experience followed by a quick meal at a diner down the street from Cady's apartment. He and Audrey had sat there in the booth against the window, the conversation easy over burgers and fries. 
It had been fun, good even, to go out with Audrey and go to a stupid holiday party. Everything was fine until he walked in the front door. His mom was in the living room watching an old  Christmas special, a million questions on the tip of her tongue when he came inside. He'd managed to dodge most of them, skirting around details and specifics as he rushed her out the door and promised that he'd see her soon. He wasn't completely sure that he was ready to divulge details about Audrey to his mother. 
Back in his own room, Jeff sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling off his sweater and undershirt and tossing them over to the hamper. His eyes landed on the picture that sat on the dresser, the same picture he'd looked at a million times in the last seven years. It was a picture of him and Hannah on their wedding day, close enough that the bottom of her dress was cut off but it didn't matter, he could remember everything about that moment. That day had felt like a godsend, the moment in his life when everything felt like it was going right and he was finally on the right path. Jeff stood up, crossing the room and taking the picture off the dresser to look at it closer. 
Audrey popped into his unprompted as he stared down at the picture of his late wife. Was moving on something that he really wanted? He'd thought about it before but it never felt like the right time. He never felt ready to let go of Hannah's memory or the love he had for her. But he knew there was something different about Audrey. He didn't feel so much like loving her would be giving up Hannah. Something he hadn't felt once in the last seven years. Something he felt like he had to hold onto. 
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elliemarchetti · 5 years
Somewhere to Start (part 8)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Other Harry Potter fics:
Slytherin!Hermione AU (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
The Deal (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
The Polaroids The Sixth and Seventh Polaroids
Words: 2003
Standing up, Viktor almost tripped over his feet. The Weird Sisters attacked a slow and lugubrious melody that seemed decidedly unsuitable for the joyous celebrations of Christmas and above all for his mood but still advanced on the lit dance floor, taking care not to pay too much attention to the looks that he and Hermione above all had attracted all the time; being a public figure he was always in the spotlight but all those attentions seemed to him an invasion of his private life and he feared that in the long run they would’ve bothered Hermione so much as to induce her to ask him to accompany her to the dormitory and put an end to the evening, but a moment later she had grabbed his hands and adjusted one around her waist, making him forget all his worries. Like they had practiced before, after a few steps he made her do a pirouette, or at least it was how Hermione called them, making her periwinkle skirt made of an inestimable number of flounces open like a blooming flower, attracting many other looks. They obtained the long desired privacy when the second song began and many of the spectators flocked to the dance floor together with their companions: Viktor saw the youngest of the Weasleys squinting in pain when Neville clumsily stepped on her foot, but the view was obscured by Dumbledore whirling along with an incredibly graceful Madame Maxime. When Mad-Eye Moody, who was engaged in a clumsy two-step with another Hogwarts professor, approached, Viktor stiffened but tried to conceal loudly clapping at the end of the song.
"Do you want to sit down?" asked Hermione worriedly, but he shook his head and kept dancing, trying to avoid Angelina and one of the Weasley twins, so wild they risked to run over whoever was near them, until they were out of breath and with their mouths dry like the desert.
"Do you want something to drink?" he asked, following the look of his lady, who had come to rest on Potter and Weasley, sitting together with a girl probably Indian at one of the tables near the track.
"Thank you," she replied in the tone of someone apologizing, before heading briskly toward them.
Although he wanted to leave her space, he was also willing to spend as little time as possible away and give her the magical evening she deserved, but he was still Viktor Krum and it was obvious that no one was going to let him go back to his companion, so he answered Karkaroff's questions quickly, he exchanged a few words with some Beauxbatons boys and even scribbled a quick autograph for a third-year Hufflepuff boy who nervously told him he had begged his sister to invite him so he could meet him person without having to disturb him during the meals. The thing pleased him and touched him too but the feeling didn’t last long because, before he even got in line for the drinks, he noticed that a small crowd had gathered around the table where Hermione had gone and Weasley's voice was resounded half-way through the song change. When he finally managed to reach her, Hermione was open-mouthed and her cheeks were so red that Viktor wondered, for a fraction of second, if that worm hadn’t slapped her, given also the malign expression he displayed.
"It's obvious, isn't it?" he was saying. "He’s one of Karkaroff’s students, he knows who you’re friend with, he's just trying to get close to Harry ..." he growled, before stopping abruptly at his sight. Viktor didn’t consider himself a violent person but he knew he was capable of arousing a certain fear, so he wasn’t particularly surprised when Hermione took his hand, as if to calm him, and whispered: "He’s drunk, he’s not worth it.”
"For your information," he hissed at the red-haired boy who seemed to want to disappear under the table, or perhaps his friend’s shadow "I'm not interested in getting close to Harry," he said, placing particular emphasis on the name and imitating his English accent, "nor to those who are or are not Hermione’s friend, as opposed to those present. Therefore, if you don't mind, I would go back to my evening and I advise you to do the same or leave, I don't care, as long as you don't disturb us anymore, understood?” he concluded, scanning everyone’s faces and finally returning to meet the terrified gaze of the one who, looking at him well, was just a stupid and childish boy, unable to see the true value of people and above all to understand the decisions of the one he should’ve considered as part of his family. The small crowd dispersed as quickly and silently as possible, while Hermione, who had come close enough for him to be able to hold her shoulders, looked at his friends with clear contempt.
"Didn't we have to go get drinks?" he asked, and she nodded, no longer meeting the two boys' eyes, even when they returned to dance.
"Would you like to take a walk?" he asked her when he was convinced that the room was designed specifically to make him sweat like a pig. She seemed enthusiastic, so they skirted the dance floor and went out into the Entrance Hall. The door was still open and the dancing lights of the fairies in the rose garden gleamed and glittered as they descended the steps, at the end of which they found themselves surrounded by bushes, winding ornamental paths and stone statues. It wasn't as romantic as it looked from above and surely the presence of all those people didn't help at all, so they walked silently until they reached a particularly beautiful fountain, on which the moonlight was reflected, silvery. There was a bench nearby, and if they had managed to ignore Fleur and his companion who kissed passionately somewhere in the maze they could have had a brief moment of intimacy. But the words, all that he had thought to tell her since he had invited her, and perhaps even before, didn’t arrive, the feeling that it wasn’t the right time to tighten a lump in his throat.
"I just don't understand his reaction." Hermione said after a while, interrupting the silence. Viktor had in mind several reasons why her friend might’ve behaved that way, but he said nothing, noting how obvious his lady's need to talk about it was.
"He wasn’t interested in inviting me and he doesn't even feel any senseless dislike for you, since when you arrived he did nothing but blab about autographs and photographs. Think, he even has your model on the bedside table!"
Viktor said nothing, but to every detail she added it was clear how much she had been, or perhaps still was, in love with him. Although it hurt him deeply, partly because he was aware of being better than that weak asshole, partly because it was Hermione they were talking about and he would do anything to be worthy of her attention and affection, he still listened to her, girding her shoulders when she shivered. "Perhaps, however, the thing that hurt me the most was his belittling of what we are, whatever it is, because no one has ever made me feel this way, nobody has ever been so interested in me ..." she added, but her voice it broke mid-sentence and it took her a while to recompose. "As a child, before Hogwarts, I didn't have many friends. No one was interested in talking about books or spending afternoons at home when the sun was out and you could play in the park, so when I came here and they made me feel accepted, it was enough. With you, though, it's different." she concluded, and leaned her head against his shoulder, as if emptied, and though it seemed she wanted to add something, Viktor didn't insist and silently stroked her bare shoulder until Fleur's moans were too much to bear and they came back running and giggling, with large swarms of multicolored fairies that rose as they passed. Despite the hitch, Viktor's plan went well and they danced a long time before joining Darina, Alicia, Poliakoff, Andrei and their companions, who were talking about giants. One of the two unknown girls seemed visibly bored, but Viktor was certain that Hermione would’ve liked the subject and surely she would’ve had some interesting notions to add, so he didn’t give particular importance to the reason why the discussion was started until he realized that the base was Hermione's half-giant friend.
"And who cares if his mother was a giantess?" the bored-looking girl asked once she had stopped probing the room.
"Well, none of those who know him, because they know he's not dangerous, but many might consider him inherently evil if they knew of its origin." replied Hermione and it was obvious she experienced it on her skin and so she continued for a quarter of an hour until, around midnight, the Weird Sisters announced the last song and everyone decided to dedicate themselves to one last dance, a slow one, before having to leave.
"I'm sorry things went like this," Viktor whispered to her about halfway through the song.
"Why?" she asked, raising her head from his chest to look at him. She didn't look sad or disappointed, just curious to know what was bothering him, and maybe even a little drunk.
"I wanted it to be perfect, because you deserved a perfect evening, and instead your friend first, then Fleur and that guy in the park and now even my friends are starting to gossip!" he exclaimed, frustrated.
"Your friends said nothing wrong. Rather, I'm sorry for Poliakoff," she said, pointing with a nod to the poor fellow who seemed to be looking for all the ways to further draw his lady to him "but everyone knows that Allison Barnes was hoping to be invited by someone else."
“Really?” he asked, glancing at the girl with the long blond hair that fell on her bare back like golden curls. She was beautiful, although for his tastes she was trying too hard, and she struggled to imagine that any boy his age could wish for someone else when someone like that hoped to be invited. "He was the one who invited Fleur, right? Darina says that Alicia heard that she used her Veela powers to get invited..." he began, but Hermione seemed to hold back laughter so much he had to ask her what was happening.
"You were the one she wanted to be invited by” she replied, with a bright smile on her face. “She was so sure that in the end you would’ve invited her that she refused everyone until you sent me the snitch and then she found herself having to accept the invitation of someone she didn’t liked to not look like a fool with all those to which she had already said someone invited her.”
“But I never saw her!” he exclaimed, making her laugh again.
“This doesn’t mean she hasn’t done everything she could come up with to be noticed.”
“She could’ve run naked in the hallways and I would’ve never seen her anyway: since I came here I had eyes only for you.”
She looked at him with an expression of exaggerated perplexity but added nothing else and returned to lean against his chest until the song ended, after which she joined the loud burst of applause with which the Weird Sisters took their leave. They said good night in the Entrance Hall, and as he watched her walk away, a strange sensation flooded his mind, making him almost physically ill: she hadn’t yet disappeared in the stream of people who crowded the stairs and he already missed her.
"So," Andrei asked, "did you give her her gift?"
Viktor blushed in shame and his friend needed no further answers: he had forgotten to give her her Christmas present.
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oghoneytryst · 6 years
gift wrapping ... and harry saves xmas
a/n: hey this is a little something that I thought of instead of finishing my actual *only* xmas one shot b/c wow, I'm the worst. super short, hope it brings u back, happy reading!
“Perfect,” Harry whispers, sticking the big swirly red bow on y/n’s final present.
He turns the box to examine every edge and corner that he has finished wrapping. A smile stretches on his face at the cute little Christmas penguins design, the same one that his love had squealed over at the store. He ended up buying about three rolls, only using them for her gifts that he had gone overboard with. 
She knew he wouldn’t listen had she told him not to buy her anything, so she had insisted that he only get her one present. It’s Christmas – she doesn’t need anything except his company. From the amused chuckle that he had given her in response, it was clear that he had found her proposition cute, but very much unlikely.
The artificial tree in the living room they had decorated together drowns in the twinkling lights and the most festive, glittery, flashiest ornaments they could find. While Harry prefers a traditional Christmas, he couldn’t resist her eagerness for just a little more flare with the decorations this holiday season.
Underneath the impressive seven-foot tree are stacks and stacks of presents. There are some for his family, some for hers. A good amount for their beloved friends, their beloved friends’ children, and even their beloved friends’ parents. An armful of them, however, are for y/n, all from the same person with a different pseudonym for each.
from: H
from: SANTA ;)
 His unspoken goal is to get her to giggle or aww for each one. He loves how shy she gets when he gives her a present, him watching cross legged on the floor in front of her, grinning in anticipation. Her reactions are always the best. They feel, ironically, like Christmas morning to him.
Harry smiles proudly at his gift-wrapping accomplishments. As he maneuvers around the presents on the floor, trying to find a good spot for her final gift, his ears become alert to the outburst of laughter coming from the upstairs bedroom. It doesn’t surprise him to know that someone else is in the house. Y/n had almost walked in on him wrapping up her second or third present.
To avoid spoiling the surprise, Harry had sent his girlfriend upstairs, telling her to please wait until he had finished his wrapping. She had whined, of course. “I want to wrap presents too!” While her cute pout had been extremely tempting, he instead promised that once he finished her gifts, he would call her down so that they could finish up the rest. She eventually complied, with a kiss to her nose and a smack on her bum guiding her up the stairs.
With his hand on his hips, Harry’s curiosity grows with her laughter. It delights him to hear his girlfriend so happy, but he wonders what she could possibly be entertaining herself with. Instead of interrupting her joy by calling her downstairs, he sets her present on top of another box to the right of the tree and jogs up the staircase.
He turns to his right, through a wide hallway as he pushes away the fluffy ball of his Santa hat that had fallen in front of his eyes. When he turns into the bedroom, he finds y/n facing away from him, tummy resting on the mattress with her elbows supporting her weight. Her laptop is open in front of her, some strange type of cartoon on the screen.
In the midst of her distracted hysterics, Harry flops down on the bed and blankets over her body as much as he can. She groans dramatically at his weight, but the sound transforms into deep-chested chuckles.
“Hi.” Harry wraps his arms around her front, pressing a kiss upon her cheek. “Finished wrapping your presents.”
“Oh, good,” she replies, half of her attention on him, half on the whatever is on the screen.
“What’re you watching?”
Harry peers over her shoulder, trying to get a good look at her entertainment. Her body rumbles with silent giggles beneath him – she doesn’t answer him, instead anticipates his reaction for when he figures it out himself. It is unfamiliar to him at first, until he notices the animation that harshly tugs him back a few years. His eyes automatically roll in response, along with a slight cringe and twist of his face.
“Oh god...”
“If you need anything at all ... just ... believe.”
“Anyone find that guy a little strange?”
“It’s so good.” Y/n laughs, maximizing the video so that they can both watch The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction. The second part to the third installment, to be more specific.
“Are you serious?” Harry tries to keep a serious tone, but he just can’t when y/n’s practically dying with laughter. “This is what you’re going mad over?”
“Stop!” She almost wheezes, softy patting his hand on her arm. “This is the best Christmas special out there.”
“I’ve actually got a few in mind that are quite Christmas-y and don’t involve me in cartoon form.”
“Shhh, sh, sh,” y/n begs of him. She raises the volume, gripping onto his fingers to keep him from getting away. “Watch this part, it’s really funny. Aw, look at you!”
Not exactly the aw and giggles he had been expecting.
“Tha’s not even me,” Harry argues, pouting at her side a little. When she doesn’t notice, he glares at her and settles on top of her to watch whatever part it is that gets her excited.
“Don’t you see? If you rearrange the letters in train conductor, it spells ... child abductor!”
Harry drops his forehead on his girlfriend’s shoulder, quiet snickers escaping him at the ridiculous comedy. He does find it funny, but the fact that y/n isn’t paying attention to him is what makes him wish she’d turn it off.
“Oh, baby, you’re so cute,” she coos at him, except she’s saying it to the screen, not to her actual boyfriend. “Look! He even has the little mole next to his mouth like you do! Ugh, I just wanna kiss it.”
“Well, funny thing is, I am right here—”
“Wait, where did you get that H from?”
“What the H?”
Another laugh wheezes from y/n, who completely ignores her boyfriend sighing on top of her. She’s being so difficult right now. All Harry wants is to wrap presents with her, sing Christmas songs, maybe make out a little, but instead she’s completely immersed in this cartoon. What’s worse is that she is so damn adorable right now, it is hard not to smile; his heart even explodes with love. 
“Alright,” he says, pressing another kiss on her face despite the lack of reaction. “I guess I’ll just wrap the rest of the presents myself.”
She calls after him, gripping onto his arm once he raises from the bed. He turns to her with a grin on his face, waiting for her to close the laptop so he can scoop her up and take her downstairs. 
“...Watch part three with me! You have to see how he draws your little tush.”
Harry’s shoulders slump, his face falling in a glare. Again, she barely notices when she turns her attention back to the screen.
“My tush is not little—”
“Please get off me! We’re going way too fast!”
Y/n turns to Harry with a mock expression, saying Niall’s line along with him. “What are we, dating?” She then raises her eyebrows in a suggestive manner, persuading him with just a single tug on his arm.
Soon enough, Harry is falling back on top of her, their hands clasping at her front. He smiles warmly, thinking to himself unfortunately because yes, they’re dating, and yes, she is like an annoying child sometimes. Regardless, he snuggles his chin into her shoulder, wrapped around her and squeezing tightly just because. He supposes the gifts can wait until later – right now, he is perfect right where he is.
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