#maxwell dalton
p2iimon · 4 months
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fnaf human character doodles
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cosmoweirdkid · 4 months
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elitehanitje · 4 months
Who do you want to snuggle up with for a cozy afternoon nap?
Part One 😴
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daltony · 3 years
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Maxwell Photo Shoot
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lalo-tellmeagain · 1 year
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This is my favorite pic of him, so I’m putting it here at the top of this blog. 🔥
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letterboxd-loggd · 4 months
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The Prowler (1951) Joseph Losey
January 27th 2024
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ayumidah · 1 month
Got into this local kindness rocks project years ago, which seems to have gained somewhat in popularity during the pandemic because rocks are a lot easier to find and buy now. I remember one year after a WWE event, I saw someone actually tweet that she'd found the rocks I'd painted and left by by a row of windows, and she'd liked them and kept them for her kids. So I continued doing it. These were the AEW rocks I painted to put around the civic center last night. Hopefully someone found them and liked them too.
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thedabara · 2 years
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Asta Nielsen at 90 from leg fracture
Gia Scala at 38 from suicide
Rochelle Hudson at 55 from heart attack
Eve Southern at 74 from parkinson’s disease
Dorothy Dalton at 78 from natural causes
Miriam Hopkins at 69 from heart attack
Marie Wilson at 56 from cancer
Joi Lansing at 43 from cancer
Isabel Jewell at 64 from suicide
Marilyn Maxwell at 50 from heart attack
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heartsoulrocknroll · 7 months
AEW Dynamite 10/18/22
Death Triangle (c) vs. Best Friends and Orange Cassidy for the AEW World Trios Tag Team Championship -- Death Triangle rocks so hard. This was another great match from them. More animosity between Pac and Cassidy here. Pac once again tries to use the hammer, but Fénix stops him. Beautiful offense from Pac. Nasty release German suplex on Cassidy. Cassidy immediately responds with an Orange Punch, but neither man can follow up. They tag out to Penta and Trent. Strong Zero by Best Friends on Penta, but Fénix breaks up the pin! Double cutter to Trent and Chuck, followed by a beautiful spinning heel kick and piledriver to Trent by Fénix!! This gives Fénix the three count!!! Death Triangle retains!!!!
I don't have the words to say how much I loved the promo segment with MJF and Regal. MJF tells a story about trying out for an extra position with WWE. He says Regal was impressed by him and wanted to give him a job until Regal found out how young he was. He says Regal told him to go out and work and send Regal a match and a promo every month, implying that Regal would endorse him for a job with WWE when he was older. MJF says he did this for a while, but by the third month, Regal responded with an email stating, "I'm a very busy man. I have talent from all over the world to watch. The game has changed. WWE exclusively hires the best talent in the world, top world class athletes. When you're one of them, then maybe send me your stuff." MJF says Regal's email made him want to quit wrestling and even kill himself, but he didn't want to let Regal and the naysayers win. "Here we are, and my god, have the tables turned. You are nothing more than a sad, withered old man who got fired. You have snuck into my company like a flea-ridden rat, sticking to talents far better than you ever were." MJF says he's the 26 year old kid who is on top of this business and that WWE would now kill to have him put pen to paper in the bidding war of 2024. MJF says he reads Regal's email every day, not to put a chip on his shoulder, but to give him a good, hearty laugh. He says he is about to become AEW world champion because he's MJF and he's better than you and you know it!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!! Regal says MJF called himself a child at 19, but Regal was fighting grown men at 16 and bleeding from every hole in his body to get into this business. Regal said he sent that email to MJF to light a fire under him. "If a bloody email is what it took to get you to this place, and you've held onto that for 7 years, then you've had it easy, sunshine." Regal calls himself an ordinary decent villain. He says anyone inside the ring is fair game, but condemns MJF for putting his hands on Schiavone and taking shortcuts to get to where he is. Regal says just because MJF is making lots of money, that doesn't prove anything to him. He mentions MJF's constant use of cheapshots with the Dynamite Diamond Ring to get victories. "When I used these (brass knuckles), it was because I just liked hitting people with them." Regal finishes by saying, "If you want to be the devil, make a name for yourself by doing it right." Regal turns his back, seemingly giving MJF an opportunity to hit him. MJF seems to consider it, before deciding against it. Regal tells MJF he still has a lot to prove, then leaves the ring.
This was so, so good. Truly something special. Both MJF and Regal were excellent here. So hyped to see where it goes from here.
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Dalton Castle for the ROH World Championship -- I wasn't really into this at all. There were some good things. Some nice gut wrench suplexes from Castle. But also a lot of nonsense with the boys and Hager on the outside. Jericho kicks out of Bang-a-rang and wins with a Judas Effect.
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Adam Page for the AEW World Championship -- Great action here to start. Page rushes Moxley in the crowd before the bell and lands a moonsault off the balcony. Mox is bleeding before the match even starts. They finally get in the ring. Huge stunner out of nowhere by Mox!! Moxley lands a superplex, then covers Page but pulls Page's shoulder up before the three count and lays in some stomps to the head. Moxley locks in an armbar, but Page gets to the ropes. Page hits Deadeye on the apron!!!! Moxley attempts a German suplex, but Page lands on his feet and responds with a huge lariat!!! Moxley comes back with a lariat of his own!!! Just as I'm thinking how much better Page's lariat looked and just as I'm getting into the match, it becomes clear something is legitimately wrong with Page and the match is stopped. Dang. (Thankfully, he was okay.)
After the match, Moxley calls out MJF. Moxley says wtf is his name? Max Jacob Friedman?? Lol. Moxley says he usually just lets MJF talk because he's not worth breaking a knuckle on. MJF comes out with the chip and a ref, seeming like he is going to cash in. But he then leaves the ring, gives Regal the chip, grabs a mic, and goes off!!!!! "You want to talk about me cutting corners? You want to talk about me being a man? I'm going to cash that chip in, but when I do, I don't want you at 50%, I don't want you right after a match. I want you at 110%. I don't want any excuses. I want to make sure that when I beat you clean, smack dab in the middle of the ring, that there's not a goddamn question that I'm better than you know it." MJF SAYS HE'S CASHING IN AT FULL GEAR!!!!! "Look at me when I say this, Regal, you piece of shit. For the first time in my miserable life, I'm gonna earn it." AAAAAHHHHHHH I AM GOING NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! LOOOOVE IT!!!!
I'm not always a fan of Moxley promos, but his response here was great. "I'll tell you exactly what you're going to earn. You're going to earn the heel of my boot in your mouth. You're going to earn your teeth rolling around inside your mouth, going down your throat, settling in your stomach, and you're going to shit them out. You have earned my fist going directly up your ass. You have earned your esophagus, your throat, your larynx getting squeezed until your head turns purple and pops off like a Pez dispenser... I'm going to show the world that getting in the ring with me is dangerous as all hell."
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p2iimon · 2 months
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its like working in a graveyard
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perfettamentechic · 7 months
1 novembre … ricordiamo …
1 novembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: George Spell, attore statunitense, uno dei primi attori bambini afroamericani cui siano stati affidati ruoli drammatici non-stereotipati al cinema e alla televisione americani tra gli anni ’60 e ’70. Comincia la sua esperienza di attore bambino nel 1968, a 10 anni. Per tutta la sua carriera Spell continuerà a partecipare a numerosi episodi delle più svariate serie televisive, laddove la…
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CFWC F/Aot Week - Dec 3 - 9, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🌟= Holidays 2023
Reunification ✒️Ⓜ️| Rheya Apostolous - @deadcellmate
Fourth Wall ✒️🌟| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
The Haunting, Part 1 ✒️| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @moominofthevalley
HSS Fanart 🎨| Emma Hawkins x Michael Harrison - @randomadamadam
This Pretty, Poisoned Chalice ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| m!Cas Harlow x m!Gabe Adalhard - @aria-ashryver
More below...
He Would Have Won ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Lincoln McQuiod x MC - @linkysmommy (for @abelflints)
Flickers of Hope ✒️🎨🌟| Levi Schuler x MC art by @/artbyainna (IG) fic by @storyofmychoices
Christmas Tree Dilemma ✒️🌟| m!Hayden Young x F!MC - @rosepetals1
Always and Whatever Comes Next ✒️🎨🌟| Thomas Hunt x F!OC - art by @weetlebeetle fic by @theartoflovingthomashunt
All I Want for Christmas - Part 1 ✒️🏳️‍🌈🌟| Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys x Maxwell Beaumont - @angelasscribbles
Commoner ✒️Ⓜ️| Savannah Walker x Leo Rys, Savannah Walker x Bertrand Beaumont - @dcbbw
Commoner - Part 2: Secret ✒️Ⓜ️| Savannah Walker x Leo Rys, Savannah Walker x Bertrand Beaumont - @dcbbw
Here Comes the Sun (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC, Drake Walker x MC - @kristinamae093 Part Seven
Merry Christmas 🎨🌟| Liam Rys x MC by @bayleedraws-sometimesx (C: @tessa-liam)
Royal Birthday ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @eadanga
Turning the Page (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 7: Because I Love You Ⓜ️
Disembodied - Part 6/8 ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
The Nanny Affair/Open Heart
Once (Series) ✒️| Sam Dalton, TNA F!MC, Ethan Ramsey by @peonierose Part 5
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elitehanitje · 5 months
Which group/pair do you want caroling on your doorstep?
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daltony · 3 years
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Posted by Juan Bautizta on IG.
Tony Dalton @daltonyco cover for @revistamaxwell Grooming: @davosthebane Estilismo: @rodrigoaalcantara Producción: @luiswolosky Locación: @wmexicocity Prensa: @makeitprensa
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mandowifey · 1 year
Character Masterlist.
Note: This list will be updated regularly when I get a new blorbo.
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Ethan Hawke:
James Sandin (The Purge)
Russel Millings (Adopt a Highway)
Arthur Harrow (Moon Knight)
Edward Dalton (Daybreakers)
Ellison Oswalt (Sinister)
Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone)
Ray Harris (Raymond and Ray)
Ernst Toller (First Reformed)
Lars Nystrom (Stockholm)
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The Boys Universe:
William/Billy Butcher
Ben/Soldier Boy
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Stephen Lang:
Norman Nordstrom/Blindman (Don't Breathe)
Commander Nathaniel Taylor (Tera Nova)
Colonel Miles Quaritch- Human & Na'vi (Avatar)
John Korver (Gridlocked)
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Hamish Linklater:
Father Paul Hill/John Pruitt (Midnight Mass)
John Tyler (Tell Me Your Secrets)
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Oscar Isaac:
Santiago "Pope" Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Marc/Steven/Jake (Moon Knight)
Kane Double (Annihilation 2018)
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Pedro Pascal:
Din Djarin/Mando (The Mandalorian)
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Frankie 'Catfish' Morales (Triple Frontier)
Deiter Bravo (The Bubble)
Javi G (Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Max Phillips (Blood Sucking Bastards)
Maxwell Lord (Wonder Woman 88)
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John Krasinski:
Lee Abbott (A Quiet Place)
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Patrick Wilson:
Ed Warren (The Conjuring)
Orm Marius (Aquaman)
Josh Lambert (Insidious)
Daniel Dreiberg/Nite Owl (Watchmen)
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Jensen Ackles:
Tom Hanniger (My Bloody Valentine)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
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Tony Dalton:
Lalo Salamanca (Better Call Saul)
Jack Duquesne (Hawkeye)
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Michael Fassbender:
Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men)
David / Walter (Alien Covenant/Prometheus)
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Karl Urban:
Commander Vaako (Riddick)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
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Jon Bernthal:
Frank Castle (The Punisher)
Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead)
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Jason Bateman:
Marty Byrd (Ozark)
Michael Bluth (Arrested Development)
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Patrick Fabian
Howard Hamlin (Better Call Saul)
Cotton Marcus (The Last Exorcism)
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Peter B Parker
Miguel O'Hara
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Jake Gyllenhaal
Detective Loki (Prisoners)
Quentin Beck/Mysterio (Spiderman: FFH)
Danny Sharp (Ambulance)
Other Chars (Unsorted)
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Soldier 76/Jack
Hanzo Shimada
Genji Shimada
● ● ●
Critical Role (S1)
● ● ●
Baldur's Gate 3
Enver Gortash
Gale Dekarios
Cazador Szarr
● ● ●
Negan Smith (Walking Dead)
Rick Grimes (Walking Dead)
Daryl Dixon (Walking Dead)
Jamie Lannister (Game of Thrones)
Captain Rex (Star Wars)
Boba Fett (Star Wars)
Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (BCS/BB)
Barry Berkman (Barry HBO)
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kaijudirector · 11 months
007 Fest 2023 - Headcanons!
Run out the guns, it's headcanon time! Prepare for barrage! (and my first post, so forgive me if I make a few mistakes, and it's a bit late due to my personal schedule)
Bond Headcanons
James Bond is not a codename. Quite frankly, I've never subscribed to this theory. I've always believed that we jump to a slightly different universe with every actor switch. Each universe shares vaguely the same series of events, with certain commonalities. Such as…
Every film Bond has lost their Tracy, except (maybe) Connery and Craig. Moore still visits his Tracy's grave, Dalton's was mentioned to have been married in LTK. Brosnan we never know flat out, but remember - "Or if you find forgiveness in the arms of those willing women, for all the dead ones you failed to protect…" Connery represents and interesting scenario. Diamonds are Forever can be read in two ways - either Bond is out Spectre-hunting after You Only Live Twice to catch the remains of what remains of Spectre, or he's on the warpath after Tracy died in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. For the sake of this theory, let's say that the latter scenario is canon.
Brosnan's Bond used to have unlimited spending money, but then Dench!M cut the funding, hence her nickname of evil queen of numbers This is something that has some basis in the Fleming books. Bond in Casino Royale is allowed to spend exorbitant amounts of money on the Secret Service's tab - millions of francs that is. Despite the fact that in the 50s 1 pound meant 13 francs, this still constitutes a hefty amount. I remember reading that novel!Bond basically has an unlimited budget in a guidebook. I have a feeling this is similar in the movies - after all, I doubt even a RN commander's pension could afford the hundreds of thousands in monies Bond is bound to lose in the movies. Of course, in Brosnan!Bond's timeline, I have a feeling Dench!M ended up putting an end to that little scenario.
There was no Cuban Missile Crisis in the Fleming books. Rather, Operation Thunderball was the "big nuclear scare that defined the Cold War". In the movies, it's largely kept under wraps, but in the book, it eventually goes public by the end of the story. Of course, the loss of two atomic bombs in the Caribbean may have convinced certain figures in the Soviet Union that keeping their nukes in such an area would be… disastrous to say the least. So with that in mind, they decided not to bite the bullet and kept Cuba nuke-free.
SMERSH was kept around specifically to counter the OO Section in the books. SMERSH in real life was disassembled in 1946, whereupon the MGB took on its counter-intelligence duties before reformatting into the KGB in 1954. We know in later books, specifically The Man With the Golden Gun and Octopussy and the Living Daylights, that the KGB does exist in the Fleming books. However, considering how more proactive the British Secret Service is, especially with the OO section, I would hazard a guess that SMERSH was kept around specifically to combat them, at least until the KGB came into existence (which then absorbed it).
Brosnan's Lleweylln!Q did retire… He took his fishing boat to Wales and lived out the rest of his days somewhere in the countryside where they only speak Welsh (a little something @emiliasilverova and I cooked up a few years ago)
Kincade is (or at least was) married to May Maxwell For those of you who don't know, May Maxwell is Book!Bond's Scottish housekeeper. In between assignments, she and Kincade stay up in Skyfall, before Bond summons her to look after his flat until he returns. Sadly, perhaps the reason we don't see her in Craig!Bond's run is that she may have passed away at some point.
Blofeld was always a megalomaniac, but kept that under wraps... until Bond drove him over the edge
One major line of thinking I remember when I watched Tim Burton's Batman movies is that Batman is always just one step behind his villains in the crazy department, with his morals relatively intact. Conversely, we see Blofeld acting like an absolute machine in Thunderball (and all his appearances in the movies before YOLT), but when Bond foiled his plots, he slowly began to lose it. This gave way into him being more expressive, megalomanaical, and downright unconventional (biological warfare, suicide gardens, and diamond lasers) as time goes on. After all, how would YOU process your hundred-million-dollar master plans going up in smoke at the hands of a suave secret agent who always gets away with it?
Bond's favorite book is Treasure Island
John Gardner mentioned that Robert Louis Stevenson was Bond's favorite author. And with the latter writing a sea story that stars a young orphan named James, who gets involved in some epic swashbuckling adventures, it just feels right.
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