#maxx is now an AI guy?????
maxximized · 1 year
New janitor AI bot! Meet Marjorine Stotch:
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taki118 · 4 years
Go watch Final Space
This poor series that has been jumping from platform to platform is releasing its third season this march on adult swim and HBO maxx and by god it deserves to go the 6 seasons it’s creator Olan Rogers thinks it can go. 
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One of the main reasons this show got a bad rap at the start was people insisting that because of its art style and genre it was a Rick & Morty clone let me say it loudly for the people who still think this 
Rick & Morty is a Sc-Fi comedy series with action Final Space is a Sci-Fi action series with comedy now that might seem like very little difference but it is. Final Spaces in series history and lore is its own unique thing that gets built up and expanded on as the series goes on. It is not a backdrop for things to happen to our protagonist.
Another issue people had when this series came out early was the main character Gary being annoying, and yes he was, and this was done so intentionally as the series goes on he drops a lot of these annoying tendencies as he develops and grows (also he was alone for like 5 years yeah he was desperate for interaction)
But let me tell you some reasons I love Final Space and I’ll try my best to not spoil things, cause you should really give this show your time. While season one is a little rough season 2 really shines and season 3 looks like its going to tear my god damn heart out. 
1: Found Family 
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Final Space seems to really love this idea that family is not just the people who share your blood but the people around you who stay. This series showcases both good parents and bad parents BUT also shows good surrogate parental figures AND bad ones and thats something i rarely see. The series goes out of its way to show how vulnerable people desperate for a place to belong will attach themselves to the wrong people. All the while our main cast develops and strengthens their bonds over the seasons making a weird family that is always has room for one more. 
2: Character Growth
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I am a sucker for good character growth and Gary Goodspeed gets some get great character growth as well as Little Cato and Knightfall (who was very unexpected as she seemed like one of those character types who wouldnt). Like let me tell you if you think Gary is just a happy go lucky idiot who doesnt have a bunch of emotional trauma you’re wrong, trauma which the show address and he grows from dealing with in healthy ways. 
3: Using the Multiverse as Character Study
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Now i could talk forever about this because this show uses the idea of multi realties in a way not many pieces of media do. See normally the idea is just this play ground to explore how characters or the world could be different or as a means to cheaply bring back a character to maintain staus quo. But Final Space does something interesting it explores how this people both are and are not you. They may look, sound, and act like you but they have experienced a live different from your own, and in this way will never fully be you.
Ex. A character comes from an alternate realty the person they loved died there but is alive in this one and while they play with idea of being with this person instead but finds that they just can’t because this just isn’t the person they loved and they never will be. 
They also use this a means of almost existential horror with the inevitably of fate, if in hundred different timelines you tried to do the same thing but failed each time would you still try? Would it even mean anything if what happens after is worse? Like this series really does hit you with these moments and ideas to ponder and it never feels out of place.
4: The Humor is Really Weird and Fun
Like its really hard to pin down exactly what this humor is but I’d say its very character based like these jokes just would not work anywhere else or with anyone else. The series has a very odd sense of humor that you just cant pin down, from like witty dialogue delivered in just the funniest ways, to a literal piss war to a deadpan AI talking about death to an alternate version of yourself telling you you’ll never grow a mustache to a guy who wants to be stabbed cause he thinks it’d be cool to silly background gags you might miss, the shows comedy is just very enjoyable and fun. 
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Like honestly there is a lot more I could talk about but its all so specific and spoiler filled like you have no idea how hard this was till now. Anyway I hope this helps some people take the time to give Final Space a chance. Like I said the start is slow and Gary is a bit much at the start but by the season 1 finale you definitely wont feel like you have wasted your time. Final Space is a hell of a ride that’ll go places you definitely did not expect. 
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mermaidxatxheart · 4 years
Okay, I’m on the struggle bus big time. If you’ve sent me a request, rest assured I am working on them. I’ve had to return to work and I have all long days. Y’all are thirsty for TJ Maxx. We’ve never been so busy. Holy shit. Anyway. This request is for @nickmxller I hope I did what you asked for, love. 
Pairing: Sam X Reader
Word Count: 1643
Warnings: swearing, but not much else.
Summary: Bucky sees Sam with a girl and his interest is piqued.
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The day is overcast, cloudy, rainy; a thunderstorm is rolling in. Most people are rushing through the city to find shelter, any kind of covering to protect them from the rain. 
 So, why is Sam Wilson walking along with no sense of urgency, whistling away as if it’s the nicest summer day?
 Bucky just can’t figure this guy out. But he does wish he’d hurry up just a little. Bucky’s freezing in this downpour. 
 The cafe is really more of a diner, purple vinyl seats, chrome countertops and all. He stops just inside the door and shakes off the rain before heading for a booth. 
 Bucky grumbles and stands back across the street, annoyed that he can’t follow his friend inside. He tries to fit under a small awning to watch what Sam is up to. He’s been sneaking around for months. Bucky can appreciate refining a skill set, but he’s not following anyone, not even acting sneaky, except for when he leaves the tower. 
He watches Sam approach an already occupied booth, the beautiful woman seated stands up to greet him, a smile on her lips as she presses a kiss to his cheek. When they sit down, she’s still holding his hand. 
 Bucky’s jaw falls slack as he realizes that Wilson has a girlfriend and hasn’t told anyone. And they’re supposed to be partners.
 He heads back to the tower, his brain working overtime. He knows the perfect person to help him get information. But Steve likes to pretend he has a moral high ground, and didn’t spend most of his childhood lying through those perfect teeth of his. So, Bucky isn’t certain Steve will help him spy. 
 Steve is sitting at his desk, frowning at a file. Bucky approaches, trying to fix his face into one of innocence. 
 “Hey, Stevie.” He starts. 
 And without even looking up to appreciate all the hard work Bucky put into the correct expression, he replies. “No. Not even a little bit.”
 “What?” Bucky frowns.
 “I’m not helping you with whatever idea you’re cooking up.”
 “You don’t even know what I was going to say!” Bucky protests. 
 “Sure I do. You were going to ask me to help you find out what Sam has been up to.” Steve crosses his arms. “Don’t you think you and I are a little old to be doing this, Buck? Just let the man have his privacy. We all deserve some.” He pushes himself up and takes the file. “Give the guy a break, Buck.” Steve says, clapping him on the shoulder and leaving his office. 
 “Yeah right.” Bucky rolls his eyes. 
 “I’ll help you.” A voice says behind him and Bucky turns slowly, his startled heart pounding in his chest. But on the outside, he shows no sign of it. 
 “Clint. I didn’t even see you there.” He mutters as Barton climb down off the top of the bookcase. 
 “Neither did Steve. See? I’m the perfect guy to help you.”
 “You’re down to spy on Sam?” Bucky asks uncertainly. 
 “Of course.”
 “Alright then.” 
 There’s a knock on the door. It’s Sam’s room for all intents and purposes, even though he has his own apartment. He keeps clothes here, just in case, and for after missions for when he doesn’t want to go home covered in blood and guts. Or he sleeps here when a mission is too draining and he’s too exhausted to make the trek home. 
 Today, however, it’s the former. He has a date tonight and he doesn’t want to take the time to go all the way home to shower and change before meeting you for dinner. It’s easier to just shower here. 
 “F.R.I.D.A.Y. Who’s at the door?” Sam calls, buttoning up his shirt. 
 “Captain Rogers.” The AI replies evenly. 
 “Let him in.” The door clicks open and Sam sits on the end of the bed, pulling his boots on. 
 “Hey, Sam.” Steve greets, leaning against the door.
 “What’s up? You have your serious face on.”
 Steve chuckles and opens the folder in his hand. “You used all your vacation time.” He says.
 “Yeah. That’s what it’s there for.” Sam grins.
 “True. Will you be able to shift it around if an emergency pops up?”
 “Possibly. But don’t let any emergencies pop up and we’ll be good.” Sam says, straightening up and clapping Steve on the shoulder.
 “I’ll do my best.” Steve laughs. “There’s one more thing.” He starts and Sam frowns.
 “Which is?”
 “Bucky. He’s being nosy, asked me the other day about what you’re up to. I think he’s bored. Just watch out. I told him to mind his own business but he’s never been good at taking orders.”
 Sam raises an eyebrow at his friend and Steve rolls his eyes.
 “Yeah, yeah. Shut up.”
 “Thanks for the warning.” He nods and steps past Steve.
 He could feel Bucky’s eyes on him as he left the tower. Creeping, stalking. Sam could have just let it go. What did it matter? But this was a matter of pride. Bucky couldn’t be allowed to win. Not this one. So, Sam took a confusing, twisting route, losing his tail in the process. Now he could continue to you unhindered. 
 You open the door and he can’t help but stare at you. He never thought he’d meet anyone that makes his heart stop in his chest, or make him stammer like an idiot. And yet here you are. 
 “Sam? Are you okay? You look distracted.” You touch his hand and he follows you into your apartment. 
 “I’m being followed.” He sighs, deciding to tell you the truth. At least you’ll get a kick out of it.
 “Followed? By a criminal?” You ask worriedly. 
 “Well.” He tilts his head. “By Bucky. For someone who likes their privacy, he doesn’t give any to anyone else. I guess he tried to ask Steve to join him in spying on me.” 
 You sit down next to him. “And Steve said?” You prompt. 
 “Steve said no, and that I should be careful with how much vacation time I’m taking.”
 You roll your eyes. “Does Bucky know about me? Or is he just taking shots in the dark?”
 “I think he’s taking shots in the dark, but I can’t know for sure. And I can’t just go and ask him.”
 “Well, I think you should spy on him back. That way he’s following you following him following you.” 
 Sam tilts his head. “I think I followed all of that?”
 You grin. “You’re gonna do great.” You say confidently before getting up and going to the kitchen. 
 “Thanks. I think.”
 Clint perches himself up on a building, a perfect view of Stark Tower and the surrounding streets. He also has easy access to jump from one to another to follow his prey. 
 Bucky is on the ground, ear piece nestled in place as he follows the man. Samuel is walking easily through the crowds, not in a hurry, seeming almost happy. 
 Clint keeps him updated about Sam’s movement; a left, a right, another left, and then a right and a right and then a left before turning into a... parking garage?
 Where the hell is he going?
 Bucky follows silently, but Clint has lost visual and is no longer any help. He’s flying blind now. He searches the first floor before moving on to the second. The hair on the back of his neck stands on end. 
 He’s being watched. 
 His pulse quickens in anticipation, skin feeling alive with electricity. He turns around sharply coming face to face with Sam. He’s leaning against a column with ease and looking completely unsurprised that Bucky is there.
 “Hey, man.” Sam says with a smile. 
 “Fancy meeting you here.” Bucky tries and Sam chuckles.
 “What’re doing, Buck?”
 Bucky looks around. “I’m, uh, parking.” He shrugs.
 “Parking your car?” Sam asks, a grin tugging at his lips. 
 “Bucky.” Sam says, sounding very amused.
 “Sam.” Bucky replies.
 “You don’t have a car.” Sam reminds him and Bucky curses. 
 “You’re sneaking around and being weird!” Bucky accuses. 
 “If you wanted to meet my girlfriend, all you had to do was ask, man.” Sam sighs, rubbing his face. 
 “How did you even know?”
 “I only look like an idiot. C’mon, Bucky. You and Clint can come to dinner.” He says.
 “Wait, how did you know about Barton?” Bucky asks, frowning.
 “He fell asleep in the air vent the other day, started snoring. Kind of obvious.” Sam lifts a shoulder. He turns and starts walking out of the parking garage, not waiting to see if Bucky would follow. 
 Presumptuous bastard. 
 Bucky follows with a grumble and as they exit the structure, Barton drops next to him. “We’re being fed?” He asks happily.
 “Good job being stealth. You fell asleep in the vents! How does that happen?”
 “They’re comfortable. Good place for a nap.” Clint says unashamedly. 
 “You’re an old man.” Bucky shakes his head. 
 They both follow Sam a couple more blocks to an apartment building. He takes them up a couple floors before knocking on a door.
 “You don’t have a key yet? That’s a bad sign.” Clint mutters. 
 The door opens to reveal the girl Bucky had seen before. Her eyes light up when she sees Sam, even though she had probably been expecting him. 
 “I see that didn’t take long.” She says, flicking her eyes towards us. 
 “Piece of cake.” He says, scooping her up and kissing her for an uncomfortably long time.
 “You boys hungry?” She asks when they finally pull away. She lets them in and Bucky sees the table is already set for four people. 
 He was set up. 
 He looks at Sam’s girlfriend and she’s smiling at him, an easy, friendly smile. “I’m Y/N.” She offers her hand. 
 “Well played, Y/N.” Bucky says, shaking her hand. 
 This will be fun.
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multipleforks · 6 years
Hot Dogs
Apparently, this is one trend that’s not going anywhere anytime soon. (Sorry vegans, it’s obvious people still love their meat!) This trend was also mentioned in my October 2018 food trends article under sandwich trends (sandwich or not, it’s still open for debate). Nonetheless, I am digging it! Here are some of the latest trends in the hot dog space:
Steamed or deep-fried dogs: while most people think of hot dogs as grilled or broiled, there are many other techniques and cooking methods that can be applied to your dog. Montreal hot dog vendors for example call their dogs ‘steamies’ which means that both hot dog and bun are steamed. Then there’s the deep-frying application, which is said to give the hot dog a ‘snap’ factor. (0 nutritional value in this one)! Another style is the slash cut dog, which involves Edward Scissorhands at the mercy of your grill. No seriously, deep cutting slashes are made in the hot dog before grilling so the dog gets extra crispy on the grill and soaks up more of the sauce toppings.
Fancy dogs: gone are the days of hot dogs being cheap overly processed meats only sold at ball parks. Nowadays high-end chefs are even taking notice of this trend and are now putting hot dogs onto their menu. For example, Daniel Humm has his “Humm Dog” hot dog at Nomad in NYC, LA and Vegas. Delicious, and you know once the influential Chef Daniel Humm (11 Madison Park) puts a hot dog on his menu, things are getting real! Recipe here.
Asian dogs (no, not literally, no dog meat in this guy): anyway, as Asian food continues to increase in popularity, kimchee and other trends like waygu beef, and Pilipino sausage are finding their ways onto hot dog buns. While Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese twists are the most popular, Chinese and Thai flavors are also finding their way onto hot dogs. Take for example, the Saigon Special at Schaller’s Stube Sausage in NYC at also Austin, TX. This dog, which is a huge crowd pleaser comes with daikon—carrot slaw, cucumber fresh jalapeno, cilantro and Siracha aioli.  Another popular Asian dog is the Asian Slaw Dogs with sriracha mayo. In this recipe the slaw is made with cabbage, carrots, and scallions, while the dressing is made with soy sauce, peanut oil, sesame oil, ginger, rice vinegar, hoisin sauce and lime juice. This recipe is all over Pinterest. Yum!
The Rise of Non-Alcoholic Drinks:
Coca-Cola recently introduced a non-alcoholic cocktail concept, Bar None into the marketplace. The new beverage currently comes in four flavors: Sangria, Bellini Spritz, Dry Aged Cider, and Ginger Mule. A trend that started in the UK with “Dry January”, has seeped into the USA with many American consumers claiming that they like the taste of alcohol but don’t necessarily want the side effects. Many other companies have taken note, including Heineken launching its 0.0% MAXX last year in Europe; and AB InBev announcing plans to expand its nonalcoholic and low-alcohol beer options. Diageo has also taken a stand in the market by taking a stake in the non-alcoholic spirits produced Seedlip. However, Coca Cola is the first large scale corporation to take note of the trend and respond to the market. If Coca Cola can successful mimic the taste of the cocktails and get consumers to become repeat buyers, this trend had the potential to become a big hit.
Global Food Security:
Academy of Food Security and Agriculture: established by the University of Edinburgh in 2016 to help tackle global challenges to food systems around the world. Its aim is to support sustainable development in global agriculture and rural land-based economies, through providing world-leading research, innovation education, training and consulting while supporting food and environmental security, animal and human wellbeing. Here are two of the largest issues they are facing:
The issue of meat production: I’m sure this one doesn’t come as a surprise. Over 1/3 of the world’s landmass is being used for pasture or for animal feed, which produces 14.5% of global greenhouse gases. Considering global meat production has risen from 70m tons to over 300m tons in the past 40 years, this issue will only continue to get worse.
              Food waste and waste itself: in the USA alone, around 40% of the food we produce goes to waste. Thankfully many people are taking note of this global threat, and companies like ‘Imperfect Produce’, mentioned in my Feb 2018 article are selling the ‘garbage misfit produce’ to end consumers at a deep discount. Furthermore, biodegradable packaging is in the works for many companies and restaurants are starting to outlaw plastic straws and coming up with new computer systems that monitor how much food is being wasted at a restaurant.
Retail trials:
Kroger Express: as of December 2018, Kroger and Walgreens started an experimental “Kroger Express” program where select pharmacy chain stores will stock 2,300 Kroger products on the shelf. The companies are currently testing Kroger Express in 13 Kentucky locations. This is meant to give both companies a competitive edge, as pharmacy chains face pressure to consolidate and Whole Foods/Amazon threatens grocers. More information here.
Cell grown meats:
Aleph Farms, based in Israel has found a way to turn cow cells into beef cuts which replicate the shape, texture, and flavor of steak. This would mean there would be no need for devoting large amounts of land, water, and feed required to raise cattle. (A huge win!) Although there’s a great deal of work to be done, the company is saying that the fact that technology is developed marks a huge breakthrough.
Impossible burger has started to attempt a ‘world class’ steak. In an interview with ‘The Spoon’, Impossible Food’s CEO and founder Pat Brown described plans to make a version of “whole cuts of beef” with a goal of creating a sustainable and meat-free “world-class” steak. More info.
Move over Blue Apron and Hello Fresh Little Tummy is coming to a mommy near you!
Baby food delivered: although this is service is only available in the UK, it’s likely New Yorkers will be crawling at the seams to get this company setup in NYC. The new direct-to consumer service by Little Tummy will offer organic chilled meals created using high pressure processing to help preserve vitamins and minerals. A weekly plan starts around £25 with meals packed in recyclable plastic bowls.
Vegan Ice cream:
Avocado soft serve and the rise of vegan ice cream: Gelavo, an Aussie ice cream company is now making vegan soft serve ice cream with ugly avocados. Each scoop of ice cream is made up of 22 to 25 percent avocado as well as water, sugar, canola oil, and lime juice.
Vegan ice cream is quickly gaining in popularity around the world. In fact, within the next ten years, the global vegan ice cream market is expected to hit $2.45 billion. Halo Top also has a variety of non-dairy, vegan ice creams here.
Vending machines with a purpose:
Coca Cola’s VenCycling (currently being used in China): using cutting-edge facial recognition technologies and a voice interactive system, the VenCycling machine makes purchasing and recycling Coca-Cola beverages more efficient. The machine uses AI LEDs and two eyes – one that dispenses beverages and another that collects used packaging. In exchange for returning used cans or plastic bottles into the machine, consumers receive credit via mobile phone for beverages or products made from recycled goods. Innovations like this VenCycling machine support the Coca-Cola Company’s “World Without Waste” vision to help collect and recycle the equivalent of 100 percent of its packaging by 2030. More info.
Juice for good: this innovative vending machine out of Australia uses damaged and ‘not so beautiful’ oranges to create delicious, 100% fresh squeezed orange juice. Although there are only two vending machines in Australia right now, many think the concept is awesome, and the company hopes this trend will catch on. What’s even better than seeing imperfect fruit not going to waste is the fact that all profits from the company go directly to Oz Harvest, which helps to feed people in need. (Can we get one of these in my condominium’s lobby, I would do anything for fresh squeezed orange juice!)
NYC’s newest pop up concept:
Intersect by Lexus: what exactly does a car company know about creating a high-end restaurant? Apparently, a lot as this restaurant concept had already proven successful at two previous activations in Tokyo and Dubai, so Intersect by Lexus thought it was about time they tackled the ‘Big Apple’. Was the experience any good? Good enough to impress Pete Wells (Eater.com article). While the restaurant, café, and cocktail bar (all managed by Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group) is the main event, the public gallery on the first floor is also worth a visit, according to Esquire magazine. What’s even more interesting about this restaurant concept is the fact that it plays host to a new chef every four to six months, so the menu is always changing. It’s also worth noting that from the grand glass and steel staircase that leads up to the second floor, the menu is on full view thanks to the open-concept design.
Photo c/o NY.Eater.com
The many flavors of Macau:
The amazing flavors of Macau. Known to many as the “Vegas of China”, Macao is a mecca for gambling, glitz and glamour. Since Macao was a Portuguese colony for 300 years, the ‘Macanese cuisine’ consists of a blend of Southern Chinese and Portuguese cuisines, including such favorites at the Portuguese egg tart pastry, Portuguese seafood rice, egg rolls, and pork chop buns. Tapas are also an integral part of Macanese cuisine. Here are some Macanese places in the USA we recommend checking out:
              Fat Rice, Chicago: named one of the world’s 50 best restaurants, Fat Rice takes culinary influences from Portugal, India, South East Asia and China. Their signature dish, the ‘arroz gordo’ (fat rice) is a paella like dish from Macau that’s served to the whole table in a large clay pot. Ingredients include shellfish, crispy jasmine rice and succulent meat. Although this dish is commonly enjoyed during feasts and celebratory events back home, it was not available in the USA until Fat Rice opened in 2012.
Macao Trading Company, New York City: described as a 1930/40s exotic gambling parlor meets brothel serving Chinese-Portuguese small plates, this super-hip Tribeca spot is often jam packed on most evenings. In addition to exotic cuisine and dishes such as Macanese lobster noodles and Macanese steamed fish, be sure to check out their cocktail menu, which is easily one of the best in NYC. Their infamous Drunken Dragon’s Milk combines green-tea vodka blended with coconut puree, pandan syrup, Chinese five spice bitters, Thai basil, rye, and egg white. It’s quite the flavor explosion.
Dim lighting is key at this sexy establishment in NYC. Do check out the basement (on weekends) when you’re here
January 2019 Food Trends! Hot Dogs Apparently, this is one trend that’s not going anywhere anytime soon. (Sorry vegans, it’s obvious people still love their meat!) This trend was also mentioned in my October 2018 food trends…
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