#may add more later as i continue my rewatch
lover-of-mine · 2 months
Welcome to Anna wants to write a color meta because she noticed Buck's shirt in 710 was blue.
Okay, so, a while back I was rewatching the tsunami arc, as one does, and I noticed the way that madney has "we want kids someday" conversation while wearing blue and red. That also happens to be the color combo bathena was wearing while Athena says they don't want more kids. That's also the color Buck and Eddie are wearing during the "there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you" or the scene where we establish that Chris is Buck's too.
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And I just thought to myself, huh, cool thing to add to the arc, and moved with my life, until I noticed the amount of blue and red surrounding henren's "we want more kids" arc because then it becomes a color combo about parenting, which is an interesting combo to have.
But using the rules I usually use, that everything is about every element of the scene, not just the clothes, they actually start establishing that during 218 when they decide on the IVF and it continues to be used through the IVF and into the fostering arc. Like when they are talking to Athena about the changes a new baby will bring in 304, when they get Nia in 311. And it's also an element during the Mara plot in season 7.
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There's also the way madney finds out they are pregnant in red and blue.
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But there are things like the blue and red elements in 516 when we get May calling Bobby her dad.
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Because the thing with the suspenders is that we are usually seeing the yellow part of them, even in other moments during mayday, the yellow bit is a lot more prominent, so they made the choice to put Bobby's like that, so he would have that blue and red on him.
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This got me thinking, because while I was making my buddie in every episode set for 303, I realized the way that Christopher's glasses work in a similar way. (Also, how many color theory moments can I use this scene in? Apparently all of them lol) Even the sirens and the way they give Buck a blue phone.
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And it's also interesting that Eddie is wearing blue and Buck gives him the glasses, so Buck doesn't have the red anymore, but we have the blue and red from the truck and the background, and then Chris himself becomes the red element and Buck's background is suddenly blue elements. There's also the way Eddie is holding blue gloves throughout the whole scene.
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And Chris continues to contribute to the color combo later because his glasses and crutches are red and his shirt has blue in it. His backpack is also blue.
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So, a very prominent color combo during the arc that establishes the co-parenting.
But I thought they kept the blue and red aspect during 710 just with Chris' backpack because I thought Buck's shirt was black. But his shirt is blue.
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So, yeah, they had Buck there as Eddie's co-parent. We knew that but... colors.
As always, if you read this, I love you.
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
One thing about ATLA I love is... Things start making sense once you think about them...
Like, maybe I watched it when I was too young to catch on to a lot of nuances and my rewatches have been sparse and inconsistent but like...
While watching the show I didn't like Maiko—something seemed to be missing. At the same time I really wanted them to be endgame and resented the fact that they weren't better written. I still ship them to this day because—HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A COUPLE LIKE THAT ON SCREEN THOUGH?—I like every slightly unconventional thing and Maiko is unconventional and unique.
Last time I was thinking about how I didn't like that no big deal™ was made out of Mai sacrificing herself at Boiling Rock and I was just entertaining fix-it scenarios in the empty echo chamber called my head where it goes something like:
Zuko: Does that mean you don't hate me anymore?
And instead of Mai putting a full-stop after “I actually kinda like you” she continues to tell him that he'd have to win her back though. Like, in a friendly way—“I want to be in a relationship, sure, but I want to be wooed” way—because, well, she was in prison and now she has a better understanding of why he did what he did—
Oh wait! Is that why she forgives him so easily? Because she was in prison—probably with the Kyoshi Warriors because that's where Ty Lee was too (honestly I've begun to appreciate MaiLee more as time passes)—and while saving Zuko was a leap of faith and she didn't understand him then, but now she does? She knows what he did was right and she's glad to have been able to help him with it?
So...yeah. Her forgiving him makes total sense now. If Zuko had tried to explain it to her instead of breaking up in a letter I don't think she'd have understood (I understand why Zuko left her with a letter, I really do; but I'm still going to trash him for it: [cue exasperated tone] “Zuko!”)
But she does now...
What I don't like however is the “They let you out of prison?”
You're the fucking Fire Lord now, aren't you supposed to have pardoned all PoWs? Which includes Mai and Ty Lee. Who ended up their trying to save your arse?
[cue exasperated tone, second time] “Zuko!”
It could have been something like “Did you get out of prison alright? There wasn't any problem right? I'm sorry I couldn't come to get you personally—” or any variation of that!!!
How difficult could it have been?
But yeah. The point remains. I'm no longer bitter about Mai forgiving Zuko so quickly this time around.
Another thing I disliked is how in The Beach Zuko kept coming back to Mai expecting a warm welcome after every little friction. It was a classic man move where they upset you and try to act caring immediately afterwards and expect you to be responsive to it.
I loved Mai slapping his hand away when he tried to put his arm around her and yelling that she's still mad at him.
At least Zuko knows when to back off: he did everytime Mai told him to. And he didn't call her names for not being forgiving (which is what you expect men to do honestly).
Bar so low it's in hell, I know.
I hated that about him, that he thought he's owed forgiveness (with Mai here, never properly having apologised and trying to act as if nothing wrong happened) and later with Katara...
So... What I'm trying to say is... I love that in that last scene when Maiko is reunited... He isn't expecting her to forget everything and forgive him like a good little girlfriend. The fact that she does has a lot of reasons (she understands his motives now) but the fact that he goes, very timidly “You don't hate me anymore?” is actually very cute.
Add one more to the pile of “Zuko's character development.”
Like, yeah. What he did was necessary. But she also does have a right to be mad at him.
I'll just... Take it as a by-product of The Beach... He has bettered himself. Okay? I'll take it as that.
So. I've come from when I absolutely hated the Maiko post war reunion scene to a point where I only dislike the “they let you out of prison?” part. Also, it was cute the dopey way he smiles around her and she helped him dress, okay?
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bellacatt-art · 13 days
Okay so, a little Red Dwarf rant up ahead because I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I need you guys to be sad about it with me:
We all know that despite Red Dwarf being a comedy show the premise is super depressing, especially with all the characters experiencing loneliness in a different way. Lister is the last human alive, Rimmer is a hologram who is dead and cannot fully interact with his surroundings, Cat has been separated from the rest of his species and Kryten has spent ages on the Nova 5 assisting crewmates he didn't know were dead.
But what about Holly? Because I have a LOT to say! :")
I can say with confidence that Holly is one of my favourite RD characters, and that is because I adore the concept so much - the idea of a sarcastic computer who's tasked with keeping the entire ship together is just so funny to me, especially since one thing I've noticed is that over the course of S1-5, Holly has slowly felt like more of a member of the crew rather than just the ship's computer, yk? It might have something to do with Hattie Hayridge's portrayal of her because she subtly gives her a bit more expression which I really love, but she feels like she has more emotions later on, and throughout the course of the series, she's always cared for the others despite being, yk - a robot.
And the events of S5 Ep6 "Back To Reality" really prove that. Idk guys, I just love that *she* was the one who saved everybody from the despair squid, like yesss!!! She is a valuable member of the team, and I love her for that! ^-^
But what I've been thinking about lately is what happened between S5 and S6. We're told that the others lose contact with the Red Dwarf ship - and Holly as a result. Now, imagine how that must be for her - maybe the others went on some kind of adventure before this huge disaster occurred, and she was waiting for them to return, and they never did.
Imagine the original Red Dwarf, floating around in the depths of space, completely empty except for the old computer who slowly realises that she will never see the others again. :(
Idk maybe I've messed up the continuity somewhere bc I need to rewatch S6 again, but I've just been picturing a lonely computer waiting for her crewmates that are never coming back, and it's just so sad, like it really proves that the Red Dwarf characters are all so deeply tragic! 😭💜
I need everybody's thoughts on this because I may or may not have made an illustration based on that concept and I need more people to be sad about Holly with me! ♡♡
(Also S7-8 don't count, they find the Red Dwarf again but it isn't the original. That version of the ship has been revived as essentially a duplicate of the ship before the radiation leak in S1. The Holly aboard is also a duplicate, which must mean the original is still stuck in the vastness of space, I thought it was important to add that for continuity purposes hehe! 😅)
Also I'm sorry this was longer than it had to be, but oh my god, I'm so sad now!!
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Some S2 E2 thoughts
Just rewatched a second episode of a second season; what a good one it is.
I wanted to write out some thoughts I had about Aziraphale’s and Crowley’s dynamic while watching it; this may have been discussed already in one way or another, but I think this aspect is so omnipresent within the series that it can sort of be taken of granted, and possibly overlooked. I also like analysing out loud, or, like here, by writing it out (it's good for my as I like to call it my acting brain).
So, my main point being is (and it can divulge into a different one in a bit cause I am sleepy yet passionate about this)- Both of them see through each other, like no one else they know does.
Crowley’s “I want to destroy children of Job” ? (Naah, Aziraphale doesn’t buy it)
Aziraphale’s responses to Crowley ~ - Whose side are you on? - God’s of course. - Oh, really? The same God that wants me to whack the kids? - Yes… (Crowley’s like lmao angel welcome to the club I guess)
And please, this is so important to support this whole point - can we talk about Crowley’s
“What do you know about what I want” bit
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The facial expression, tone of voice and the eyes which we luckily have a quick glimpse of in this scene (and I have a suspicion that it was done on purpose so they are visible here), they scream “I see and understand that you know me, but it’s too dangerous for me to just be who I am. So let’s continue, at least for now, to play this game and let me create the illusion that I am a demon that I am, they need to see it. Not because I sincerely want to actually be one, fuck that to be honest; I just don’t want to die. Am I angry at this? Do I even feel a certain contempt, actually directed at myself for where I am at? Yes. Can it be better? No”.
But I also think that this is buried quite deep in the case of Crowley; you could say it’s subconscious (but most likely with time and at some point comes more to the light). I also realised with rewatching and reading other’s thoughts about this, this I-want-to-destroy-children-of-job-and-stuff “shield” for his own survival has actually grown thicker with time. (And what I want to add, not deep enough to actually sincerely want to be evil, that wouldn’t be the character we have; at least in a canon way we have now).
It’s interesting because Aziraphale is not quite the same [yet], in regards to a stance with his respective “offices”; so they are not fully mirroring each other in this aspect [again, and hopefully yet]. (As an additional note, the most similar Aziraphale was to Crowley in this regard was right after the failed Armageddon, but as we know at the end of Season 2 he returned to Heaven with a newfound hope to make it better).
Yes, Aziraphale sees through Crowley and Crowley sees through Aziraphale. But it’s only Aziraphale who actually wants to be a part of Heaven. And more precisely, he stands for what Heaven is on paper (love light peace etc), which is in fact very obviously very questionable in practice. And excuse me, Crowley? The Shuhite Crowley who in the end saves children (and also later down the line is concerned about feeding ducks with bread? Pure evil incarnate yes). Definitely a very loyal servant of Hell.
Crowley is obviously way ahead in his journey of being the odd one out, and this episode beautifully shows a muuuchh slower downhill route of a similar nature for Aziraphale (“You’re going to fast for me Crowley” much?) But that being sad, Crowley assists him on his journey when he feels is a right moment to do so, by nudging him in a direction of questioning Heaven (cause he sees his Angel is deep down in his propaganda sh*t and Crowley just wants him out of there), but also just by being there where Aziraphale is in distress without making uncomfortable moments more uncomfortable for him (I remember specifically this being pointed out by someone already, I will make sure to link the post once I find it). So as mentioned, both of them see through each other, like no one else they know does, right? Imagine how the will see through each other even more clearly after both of them are on the same page in this regard.
Ok I will be going to sleep .. soonish cause if I said "now" that would be lying tbf I just take tooo long to prepare for sleep
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irritablepoe · 1 year
I was rewatching the first episodes of Good Omens yesterday and I noticed a little detail.
When Crowley signs the contract that he will bring the baby to the nuns, he signs the paper with demonic fire. Well, he's a demon, so ofc he does. But!!! He burns himself. Like, he actually hisses and pulls his hand away. Ofc this could be coincidence but maybe it has a deeper meaning.
When you look at Crowleys character he often implies that he isn't actually very thrilled by Hell. He lies to his "colleagues" about his deeds, doesn't do his job as ordered and in general goes his own ways with things. Now, we know that apparently "demons don't trust each other", though the other demons seem to have a much better relationship with each other than what they have with Crowley.
Crowley also says that "he didn't really fall" but that he "hung around the wrong people". He didn't want to fall. It just happened and he has to deal with it.
Again, throughout the series, I noticed that demons in general don't even mention God in any way, they just want to oppose Heaven and ruin their plans. Yet, Crowley refers to God a few times in the series. He even tries to speak to them directly while figuring out what he should do next (leave or stay on earth to prevent the apocalypse). It's not that he doesn't care about God and that he just wants to ruin Heaven's plans (he even executes some of Aziraphaels plans bc of the arrangement that they have). Rather, he's angry at God for not making their Great Plan clear to him (or anyone). That's probably the only reason he actually is a demon in the first place. I don't think he hates God. He's just scared what the Great Plan has in store for him. Crowley wants to live and he has some kind of hope that God wants existence to continue, too.
Coming back to the demonic fire though, my theory is, that it can be used by demons but it burns those that have some kind of faith in God. Usually these are angels. But I think, Crowley is an exception among demons. Ofc Crowley steps into demonic fire at the end of the series while presenting as Azirapheal, but this may be bc he now knows that he doesn't need God to do things. He could now be more sure of his own free will and even says to Azirapheal that they're on their own side. He disconnects himself from Heaven and Hell, just like he now trusts himself rather than God.
It's just a thought and my interpretation though, hehe. I will maybe add some thoughts later.
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california-112 · 21 days
For the ask game:
If you were a character, who would you be and why?
Very unpopular opinions? Share them here!
Have fun:)
Hi, hello! Thanks for the ask!
This is the list they're from, and I'm still (always!) open to more :)
If you were a character, who would you be and why?
Mulder. Next question...
No, I'll elaborate. For my first reason, I'll quote my own post:
"Imagine. Going through your whole life looking like that." Yeah I can imagine going through my whole life looking like Fox Mulder, it's called gender eurphoria
I spelt euphoria wrong waaah
Apart from the looks, though, he seems to have a pretty cool life. UFO hunting, investigating the supernatural, cool apartment, great partner, fun basement office, action and adventure...of course, there are downsides (missing sister, constant brushes with danger, frequently hunted by the government, paperwork, etc.), but overall it looks very interesting.
However, we're also already not dissimilar. I may not be quite as much of a conspiracy nut as he is (though of course I believe in aliens 🛸), and I'm certainly not about to join the FBI even if the 'uniform' does look hella cool, but we apparently both have issues with sleeping, eating, trust, fire, and obsession/hyperfixation (e.g. Grotesque and his whole search for the Truth), at least. [Let me know if you think my assessment of his character (and/or mine?!) is unfair or wrong; I can't remember exactly what's in canon and what appears more in fanon.]
The most random similarity is that both of us have used the sound of a light aircraft to locate something. In Mulder's case, during S01E15 'Lazarus', it's a sound caught on a recording that helps him find Scully. For me, I was hiking with a group a few years ago and we were mildly lost. However, when I heard a light aeroplane doing spin training, I knew that it could only being doing that over certain areas in our locality, and from the map we had I could work out our location more accurately, the result being that we made it home that evening.
I can also blame Mulder for my new sunflower seed addiction! Thanks a bunch.
Of course, if I were actually to turn up in a TXF episode, it would probably be as background character #3 who has a couple of lines being questioned by Scully whilst Mulder waits moodily in the background, but hey. I want to believe.
Very unpopular opinions? Share them here!
Look, this show may be a new love of mine, but yes, I do already have some potentially unpopular opinions. Buckle in...
I'm not a fan of MSR. You said unpopular! I've really enjoyed the early seasons of the show for the friendship between Mulder and Scully, and I see that as just continuing. Yes, they get closer, how could they not? But I dislike the fact that they (apparently) actually get together in the end and it's canon.
I will add the disclaimer that, yes, I am only up to S05E09 at the moment, and I suppose that the storyline could lead very nicely into it. However, at the moment from what I've seen in content on here like gifsets and edits, I don't think I'll like it, and I prefer the vibe of the show as it now is.
This marries up (!) with my dislike of many of later parts of the mytharc that I'm coming to now. It's probably because I personally prefer monster of the week episodes, but especially the S4 mytharc eps were among my least favourites, and some of them were bordering on a struggle to watch.
Which leads into my general dislike of S4, definitely an unpopular opinion according to the poll that happened recently. I won't go on too much as I've said this in some tags before, but I find it hard to believe that S4 is a favourite season. Yes, there are some good eps! Demons is my favourite of the season and among my top episodes of the show so far, and Tempus Fugit/Max was excellent. But there was also The Field Where I Died, Never Again, Memento Mori, Synchrony, Zero Sum...some of my least favourite episodes so far, that I would probably avoid on a rewatch.
Ok, rant over. Thank you for this ask, it was great fun to think about the answers! :D
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minalblood · 9 months
I'm back and I'm so sorry! I won't make any promises for the last 2 ep of the Winchesters, but I will be reviewing/rewatching them anyways just ... who knows when, I dont!
But let's get started on You've got a Friend 1x11.
I hopefully will be a bit less rambly since O have a draft of my thoughts already written for this and its less... as Im watching (i can post that too if yall wanna but dunno if ull understand my handwriting)
We begin where we left off and I love that we have this scene of them needing to clean up, adds realism, adds dimension to the world. Love also that we begin with Lata being the Lata we all love - dejected in this case about her chimera paw was ruined. Queue Carlos with the teasing. The 2 of em banter a bit before Mary redirects us all to the matter at hand.
And Mary has come a long way in these episodes, because she may not join the banter (still closed off somewhat as opposed to Carlos and Lata's easy repartee) but she is going off of it and adding them into her area of interest.
But all stops when John come in blood soaked and in shock - Mary instantly worried he might be hurt, but nope, not this time.
I am so happy to see them portray the actual shock and numbness John is feeling, then the guilt and sadness, just all the reaction to Kyle's death really. And considering the survivor's guilt John is lugging around, it makes it even more heartbreaking. I also love seeing that Mary is the level headed one here - she,.imo, is clearly pushing down the grief to focus on John's issues here, hell we see very little of her grieving in this episode and everytime we do, she's quick to redirect that feeling into action - sometimes into violence point blank. She does it here, asking what the Akrida could want, she does it even moreso with Millie, where she does open up a bit since Millie is offering comfort, but then it turns into Millie coming with a plan which directly leads to Mary wanting to storm the police station guns blazing and the ep ends with Mary and John discussing Kyle (also god Mary looks absolutely exhausted here, fuck) but Mary derails it by saying they need to find Dean instead. She's def not allowing herself the moment to deal with Kyle's death which may prove relevant when discussing next episode.
I'd forgotten this ep was the Lata episode. Like ep 8 was Carlos', this one is Lata's. And god does it hurt.
1st, move the feather boa, Carlos!
2nd, I do genuinely believe Lata and Maggie were together. Everything in this episode points that way to me (but especialy the sweetpea nickname) We'll round back to this though.
The other thing we note in the sequence in Maggie's room is how close Carlos and Lata are to each other. Which we knew, but I always love seeing it again in action.
Before we continue with the emotional core of this ep, we have to get back to plot with Betty! I love Betty..I also can't blame her for being ....hesitant to say the least. Like imagine what she's seen so far: the guy who, before leaving to the marines illegally, proposed to her, is suddently interacting with, apparently, imfamous Mary Campbell, who is seen at several murder/investigation scenes suddenly appears ro have killed someone? And she already knows John had anger issues before hand. Like i get her here. And still shes trying to be nice while doing her job.
Which leads me to the next part, her job. So the detective... he's wording (even with him being really Akrida) echoes a lot of corrupt cop rethoric which only gets further emphasized when he later threatens to have John... killed 'accidently'. And, on top of them, speaking pf policw corruption even a 'good cop' like Betty becomes complicit simply because of the power the Akrida gained via the detective role cuz she was unwittingly helping them throughout.
But god, was John a bit too cocky here. (My notes have this marked as "this is why you let villains monologue, John!"). Especially since he actually doesn't have any info on Dean. (Love that we see the pic of Dean, missed him) l.
Meanwhile Lata and Carlos have found the bracelet and it's fucked them over. Also, I fucking hate the shadows thing, very creepy. Also also it reminds me of the daeva that Meg uses in s1 of SPN. I'm also reminded of SPN with the story the detective tells John about how they'll get rid of him - SPN's own crooked cop ep featured exactly this sorta plan too, but in killing Dean.
Really though, the main thing I found interesting upon rewatch is just how much Lata is our Dean mirror in this one. Specifically, in getting targeted by the bracelet she's forced to relive a trauma (Sania's death) via Carlos acting as substitute, only this time she succeeds where prior she thought she failed (which lemme make clear, no, Lata was at no point and in no way at fault, but she did internalize that guilt - much like Dean tends to internalize guilt) . Which Dean, much like Lata ends up doing when getting involved with this universe, ends up reliving a trauma (his parents death - Mary especially) of something he failed, in his mind, to prevent/save via rescuing this universe's Mary. And much like Lata, who can't undo what happened to Sania, but can "begin to make it better" (the Hey Jude line just hit me so I had to use it), so too can Dean. It won't change what happened in his life, wont save his mom, but it will help him heal nonetheless.
Adding to this Maggie? Who opperates as a Cas parallel here - she was Lata's person, who shared everything with Lata but Lata couldn't in turn for fear of judgement/shame, who notably is dead and thus Lata can't ever reveal her secret to. Well, it hurts is what it does.
But watching this I noticed another interesting thing though, for all that the bracelet seems to work like Osiris (pulling on the guilt the person feels is most agregious), the bracelet actually seems to want the wearer to get out. Carlos is taken just as Lata begins wondering which secret it's trying to make her face and is sent to Sania's room - direct answer. Then later,.even more blatant, using Maggie's face, tries to get Lata to disclose the secret, but Lata talks around it instead til the creature takes her too.
It seems like Erebus had a test for his warriors, one he wanted them to win.
Throughout all of Lata's story, I was seething. I truly hate her family and Carlos was 100% saying exactly what I was thinking.
Another thing I appreciated though, about Carlos, is the emotional maturity. Yes they were dying and yes it was urgent that Lata disclose her secret but Carlos made certain to reassure her throughout. Tried to give her as much space as possible.
In other thoughts, Lata's mom making that "vs family" distinction, uuuh it rattled sth in me only to them have Lata say "my parents would never look at m the same way"? In the Dean Winchester show? God, the echoes of John's shitty parenting were deafening. Bur yes to eveything Carlos said. It truly wasnt Lata's fault.
And I adore also the ending conversation between Lata and Carlos (both wearing blue and god I want Carlos' coat) because yes, this kind of stuff shouldn't be forced out on anither persons whim. Lata doesn't have to tell John and Mary anything, it is her story to tell, but also yes, Carlos is right to reassure her that if she wants to share it with them, they'll likely react well like he did. And yes the reason this particular scene hit so hard is partially personal, but because of that it drove me insane in SPN where there was a tendency for people to push other to open up at their own whim (and yes, Sam did it often to mutiple people, hounding them until they cracked and spilled whatever trauma they were trying to deal with but then have nothing to give in return, no comfort or even really reaction, and yes he most of all did it to Dean a lot and it did puss me off) So yea, love this episode for the Lata and Carlos of it all!
Also I have a few questions, when Millie was trying to convince Betty about the supernatural, at one point she said "it's not like-" and cut off. She was trying to defend against the accusation of 'playing make believe). Also, Betty says sth like "Mary, I expected.this from" with relation once more to her not believing in monsters soooo.... has Mary ever been taken in under suspicion of being delusional? Was Millie? Or John?! I've questions ok i need y'alls opinions on this one.
Also, I would've soo cracked if the Akrida asked about Dean, cuz I def miss him a lot and id fucking gush about him at that point.
Anyways, that's it for this one. See you guys next time where we'll be clowning (have I mentioned I hate clowns?)
@noybusiness thanks for push earlier this month, i needed that a lot and thanks for the support for this rewatch ❤
@shallowseeker thanks the new posts, been inspiring me to get back to writing this ❤
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ltwharfy · 6 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 10 Episode Ranking Rewatch (Long Post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post! If you want to check out any of the other seasons, I've been using the "bob's burgers episode ranking rewatch" tag for all of them.
Now, on to Season 10:
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Average (Mean) Score: 4.27
Mode (Most Common) Ranking: 4
Ranking Breakdown: 7 5s 14 4s 1 3
Season as whole thoughts:
This is the lowest average score for a season since Season 2, and that seems about right to me. Season 2 and Season 10 are kind of bookends for my personal Golden Age of "Bob's Burgers".
In my experience, all long running sitcoms (and I'd define long running as maybe more than 5 seasons), eventually undergo a transition where I stop seeing them as "one of the funniest things on TV!" and, if I continue watching them it's more because I like hanging out in their world with their characters, even if they don't make me laugh quite as hard as they used to on a regular basis. And a lot of shows don't make that transition successfully- I just stop watching them because they don't make me laugh as much and I realize I don't really care about the characters. Or I stick around but then retroactively realize I only like about half the episodes of the show.
I still enjoyed Season 10 and beyond of "Bob's Burgers", but (as the numbers for this silly project will likely show), I found Season 10 and onward to have a lot more episodes where my reaction was "that's good" or "that's nice" or "that was kinda boring but it was still nice to be with the Belchers" rather than "that episode was amazing!"
One caveat I will add to that is: I have noticed that some of the later season episodes tend to grow on me upon rewatching them- which honestly is great and one of the things that makes this project fun!
Some thoughts on specific episodes (and feel free to ask if you want my thoughts on an episode I didn't comment on):
"Pig Trouble in Little Tina": This was definitely an episode that grew on me. When I first watched it, I mainly found it weird and kinda gross (the pig's guts spilling out in Tina's dream.) And it is both those things! But it is also really funny and kind of touching. So, a great "Bob's Burgers" Halloween episode. I love the "skeletons doing helpful things around the farm" hayride, and the bit where Louise can't draw blood from Tina is a fun reminder that for all Louise's bluster she's just a kid. And the Fiona Apple end credits song lives in my head rent free now. "But you kissed a fetal pig and now you two are boyfriend-girlfriend" is a lyric for the ages.
"Legends of the Mall": I talk a lot about how Rudy's stories remind me of myself as a kid, but Bob and Bosco's story here reminds me of myself now. "Middle-aged man is confused and frustrated by buying pants" is the story of my life now. Well, not THE story, but a plotline. I definitely do think the phrase, "they're call pants, not can'ts" pretty often.
"The Hawkening: Look Who's Hawking Now!": Koji is a fun character and I am glad they found a story to bring him back in. And I think the story structure is really interesting in this episode: there is an A and B plot, but they both center around Louise, with the resolution of the one informing the resolution of the other. Also, the Zeke and Rudy interaction at the beginning of this episode is one of my favorite things ever. Also also, this episode led to the creation of what may be the fic I've reread the most: "I know I believe it, and so do my bones" by CourtneyCourtney (@daddygrandpaandthebeaver) which is one of those episode tag fics that is so good it has merged with the episode itself in my mind. (What? You don't remember the scene in this episode with Louise and Rudy at the frozen yogurt shop?!)
"Now We're Not Cooking With Gas": This has enough good things (especially the Riverbrook Lake Farms Heritage Turkey song) that I gave it a 4, but it's probably one of my last favorite Thanksgiving episodes. I know Bob's always kind of a jerk in Thanksgiving episodes, but the bit where the kids are so proud to have brought him that giant log for his fire and he rejects it really bothers me. It's possible I'm repressing a similar memory from my childhood or something.
"A Fish Called Tina": Yes, this episode introduces one of my favorite minor characters, Kaylee Morganstern. Yes, we get another Louise and Tammy story and I always love that dynamic. But the real highlight of this episode is Madison, Tina's old big fish, who has an incredibly high ratio of really funny lines to total number of lines. "Welcome to Caboose Kabob, what can I put in your caboose?" and "Order 71, Baba Ghanoush Caboose and a cup of juice!" always crack me up. Sorry, but caboose is just an inherently funny word.
"Three Girls and a Little Wharfy": The episode that helped inspire my confusing username here and on AO3! Just an all around fun episode- Fifth Grade Megan was a fun new character, as is April Busby (her line about studying for the bar exam "soap not the other one" and including the Madonna/Sean Penn divorce in her Wharfy scrapbook both crack me up). And Louise just has a lot of fun little moments in this one- I particularly love her mimicking Linda when borrowing the laptop from her parents, also her response to Megan's comment about not talking to the cat on her block ("I mean, I'll try, but if he talks to me I'm not going to be rude...")
"Wag the Song": The most I've ever related to Zeke and J-Ju. If me and my grade school best friends would've had the chance to write the school song, it would've absolutely turned out along the lines of their song. (And all the kids and the songs are a hoot!)
"Tappy Tappy Tappy Tap Tap Tap": A pretty meh episode. Personally, I didn't really need to revisit Josh. On the plus side, it gave us the phrase "Rudy's ballet fight", which will live in my mind forever.
"Poops!...I Didn't Do It Again": This is another episode that grew on me. Similar to "Pig Trouble", I initially found it weird/gross but now find it funny and touching. And the theme about parents trying not to pass their fears/insecurities along to their kids is an important one that I don't often see expressed in pop culture. On a lighter/weirder note, "I'm thinking animatronic doves with human private parts" is probably a top 10 Gene line for me. (However, I am annoyed that this episode basically forgets about Jezebel from "Synchronized Swimming".)
"Prank You for Being A Friend": This is the story that makes Kaylee one of the most interesting recurring characters to me. While I never tried to get kicked out of school because I couldn't find my people, I can certainly understand the motivation (I would've been more likely to do that in high school than 4th grade.) Also, this newspaper joke at the end of this episode basically inspired Rudlee, the Rudy/Kaylee ship aka my second favorite ship for of both those characters! (Please don't judge me for having multiple Kaylee Morganstern ships...)
Random thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-What's the best use of a recurring character in "Bob's Burgers"? What's the best delivery of a single word in "Bob's Burgers"? The answer to both questions can be found in "Local She-ro" when Gus appears only to say the line "Chumbawamba!" in his Gus voice.
On that note, I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down.
Which is a weirdly defiant way to say that I'll see you (theoretical readers of these crazy long posts) in Season 11!
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dirtbra1n · 7 months
HII good morning time for ask game. Throwing rare ssmy ones at the board. Shirabashi. Hiramiya. uhhh kuresawa tashiro No wait i cant do that to kuresawa. He loves his girlfriend. I WILL do it to ogasawara though. ogasawara x sasaki. And for fun if you have brain power. tell me about ur favorite mairuma dynamics….
HIII GOOD MORNING I’ve still got twenty minutes til noon as I write this part it counts. woke up read this and said aloud Oh sunnfish loves me…. my friends love me………
shirabashi: I get it, it doesn’t compel me*.
*I’m continuing my effort to get myself into these things. this is definitely still following the trend of I’m Not Doing Enough To Mindpalace Niibashi. sunnfish wouldn’t it be really funny if I shoved him into pathologic au. no better way to get me really invested in you than to suffer sundry agonies I’d say.
I think some of the kagibashi points sort of reflect onto the wall a little warped here which is really fun. Why are you tall. why are you so good at basketball. How Are You Single. followed by one conversation that concludes, Oh, that’s why. being someone who knows that shirahama cares so much about his appearance adds some fun color to this too. I think there’s some fun stuff to poke at there I’ll turn the heat up and let it simmer awhile
hiramiya: I get it, it doesn’t compel me**.
**You know. it’s also kind of a lie I think I just don’t follow through enough on putting petri dish miyano under a microscope. like. I think even in a world where miyano didn’t meet sasaki and consequently did not have to reckon with #BisexualityGate. having bl brain is kind of just a by-default queer thing straight up. Yeah I want to watch Hirano senpai and his handsome roommate I know next to nothing about gently and sensually embrace one another. I want Hirano senpai to be on the bottom. I’m normal. This is normal. like miyano can we talk about this. we’re taking this conversation to the hirakagi dorm and you will put the clipboard DOWN.
in other words Someone definitely would have to pitch me on more straightforward hiramiya—it won’t be hard, I didn’t say hirano was the dating sim au game’s default and preferred route for NO REASON—but going by system settings of What’s funniest. I’m 100% primed to skip down the road of Miyano most insane voyeur moments (#1). this is kind of a theme for hirano ships for me actually. Wait hold on HOLD ON JUST. ONE SEC
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kagi would be there too. just chilling.
I know you took it back but I think a we got married setup with tashiro kuresawa and yuki would legitimately be very funny. just wanted to say that
SASAWARA: HA HA . YOU KNOWWWW…. probably could go trudge up one of my. I’ll be right back again
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ogasawara sex comedy teaser for public consumption. don’t worry about masato here this isn’t about him
being brief It’s the old friends feeling. being verbose it’s You’ve seen me at my worst and snappiest and least tolerable and you still haven’t gone anywhere. you’re so annoying. are you home right now? need to drop off a cd. you’re gonna hate the third track but the fourth one’s gonna make you cry.
I’m always thinking about it. sasaki wanting ogasawara to leave him and miyano the hell alone on their date but the second ogasawara vanishes sasaki’s texting him Hey, where’d you go? old friends feeling. am throwing up all over the floor currently. I Get It. It Compels me.
MAIRUMA. BY THE WAY. love trio are my kids. I think the passive competition between clara and alice is the funniest cutest thing in the world
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^ page saved in may-nearly-june 2021.
also Literally every single relationship with iruma involved compels me that’s my LITTLE BLUE BOY!!!! going to come back to this on the mairuma front later on the coattails of either rewatching the anime or catching up on the manga. and then They’ll all be sorry…… okay wrapping this one up now I love you sunnfish
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halliescomut · 1 year
Jeff Satur-Lucid MV costar Nene Pornappan Pornpenpipat
So I know we've all been rewatching Lucid's MV, because it's so wonderful and beautiful, but of course I was curious about Jeff's costar, because I always am. So I looked her up, and turns out if you're a BL watcher, you may have recognized her. (I did not, though I have watched both seasons of this show, but I did think she was really beautiful.)
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She's in 2gether the series, which is awesome. I did a very brief look into her, and the woman has a pretty wild career history and is also wonderfully talented. I didn't want anyone who watched Jeff's video to think that she's just a pretty face (though clearly she's very beautiful) so I did a smidgen of a deep dive.
I'll start with the basics...she is a Thai-Chinese (born in Bangkok, though both parents have Chinese ancestry) actress, and singer. Her Thai name is Pornnappan Pornpenpipat, and her Chinese name is Zheng Naixin. She uses the nickname Nene across pretty much all of her career endeavors. She's 25, and her birthdate is 25 June 1997. You can find her Instagram (nenevader) here.
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Her professional career starts out in 2013, where she competed in True Academy Fantasia 10 (AF10) as the youngest contestant, being 16 at the time. Two years later she would debut with Thai idol group MilkShake managed by GMM Grammy. (You can see her in the center below.)
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They released 2 singles, one in 2015 as their debut, and a second in 2016. While not officially disbanded as far as I can find, they have not released new music since 2016.
From 2016 to 2022 she would act in various roles in various countries, including Vietnam and China, and eventually play the role of Air in 2gether the series, which is also produced by GMM (specifically GMMTV).
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In April of 2020 Nene participated in the Tencent Video's Chinese girl group reality competition show, Produce Camp 2020, eventually debuting as a member of BonBon303 in August of that year.
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From 2020 to 2022 BonBon303 would release 3 EPs eventually disbanding in July of 2022. During those two years Nene would also continue appearing in various Chinese shows, including reality and variety shows.
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She debuted as a solo artist with the single Promise on July 12, 2022, under Sony Music China.
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You can watch the official MV here. (It's a good song, very much a kind of chill pop-y summer bop, appropriate to it's release date.)
In the midst of all of this she also works sporadically modelling (unsurprising, as she is very beautiful) and was also a brand ambassador and promoter for Leader and Lancome respectively.
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More impressively she also worked as a cultural Ambassador in 2022 as the China-Thailand Cultural Ambassador (I'm assuming one of many) and as the 2022 Thailand Customs Festival China-Thailand Cultural Exchange Ambassador. We have been seeing especially over recent years an increase in cross-country- and cross-cultural cooperation amongst many East Asian and South East Asian countries (Remember Jeff was also part of the KonnecThai Music and Arts event in late April of this year).
She also has her first solo fanmeet in Bangkok coming up at the end of this month for her birthday, which is awesome and I hope she has a really fun time.
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Now this is a lot of basic information, but doesn't give us much in the way of personality other than to clearly display that this women is multi-talented and determined. I can't personally attest to her personality, but based around her choices for her solo song/MV, and her Instagram posts, she seems to be very cool, she doesn't shy away from posting casual, candid, or unmade-up photos on IG, which always adds point in my book for authenticity.
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I'm not saying you need to follow her or stan her, or anything else, but I know how much Jeff values his own career (especially now that it's 100% under his control) and I don't think he would have chosen Nene, if he didn't think she was a pretty cool person. Here's some pics/clips she and Jeff posted of the BTS of the Lucid MV where they are clearly having a lot of fun.
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If you wanna look for some more info, you can start on her Kprofile page here, or also check her Wikipedia page here.
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kujo1597 · 7 months
I’ve been watching my friend liveblog her rewatch of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (great show) and it looked really fun to do. And she’s also doing this to get into writing SPOP fanfics and as some of you may remember, I have a Jem fanfic called Unbreakable that I really do need to finish. So I figured I would blog my rewatch of Jem. I wanted to watch the show again to get my creative juices flowing and figured why not.
Because I know the show backwards and forwards due to watching it five or six times my posts will probably largely focus on the characters and traits they have that I incorporate into the writing. I’ll talk about Jerrica’s relationship with Rio and why it’s so dysfunctional and concerning.
I’m also going to be a fucking weirdo and keep track of the crying because a character trait of Kimber’s I find really interesting is how private she is with her tears compared to the others. But this will be kept in a folder of its own and I won’t dwell on it.
I won't be putting all of these into the fandom tag because I worry that I'll be deemed "too active" by Tumblr and my posts will stop showing up in the tag. So I guess if you're interested in keeping up with these keep track of the "Kujo Watches Jem" tag.
Man I love this show’s first intro song and the animation. It’s largely rotoscoped and looks really nice.
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The show starts off with a look at Jem and The Holograms at a premiere and it’s a cool way of introducing the characters. They make it very clear who’s who.
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I love how they just fukkin’ throw Kimber out of the car. This is a good time to mention that the animation in the first five episodes is pretty janky. They’re stitched together seven minutes shorts that were part of the Super Sunday block on whichever channel this aired on. So we’re kind of watching a proof of concept right now.
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And of course they show Jem as this cool and mysterious woman as she shrugs off her sheer veil in front of a cheering crowd. Reporters ask Jem a bunch of questions.
Then we hear our protagonist, Jerrica, start narrating.
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She tells us that her story begins after her father's unexpected death. And they establish later in the show that this funeral is on or around Jerrica's birthday. Which is really awful. I feel bad for her.
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I remember Eric being kind of creepy at the funeral but always forget just how creepy he is. Especially because I’m fairly confident that at this point in production Jerrica is meant to be an older teen. Like, 17 or 18. I don’t blame Rio for dragging her off.
But oh man, let’s just add this to the “Jerrica apologizes for Rio count.” It’s a recurring thing.
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Now we cut to a shot of Starlight House and the characters working to fix it up. This also has cool details like a design table, Shana is into fashion design as we’ll learn later.
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Uh, I need to point out this bird cage. You’ll see why later. But I need to point it out.
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I wonder how long Ashley’s been living here for. Because she comments on the house being a dump as if she’s just moved in. Also she broke that chair. She tried to flop onto it but it broke.
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Now we meet Mrs. Bailey who helps take care of the kids. Nice lady. She informs Jerrica that her dad, Emmett, would get money to fund the Starlight House’s upkeep from his music company. So Jerrica goes over to the office. She sees a new receptionist, walks past her and enters her dad's old office.
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Eric continues to call Jerrica “darling” and talks about how he’s hired a new band called The Misfits. And they ride in on these extremely toyetic motorcycles. I don’t think they ever did get released though. But man, this screams “toy commercial show.” Jem is way more than just that though.
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We get the first song of the series and it’s great. Fun imagery. And it’s funny seeing them play their instruments because Stormer is playing this weird boomerang guitar. I seriously do wonder when they finalized what instruments the characters play. Aja was messing around with drumsticks earlier in the episode and spoiler alert, she’s not a drummer, like, at all.
Jerrica calls The Misfits trash and insults Pizzazz. Then they talk about Eric holding a rigged battle of the bands competition. Which obviously Jerrica doesn’t approve of.
We then cut to Jerrica in her bedroom on a stormy night. Jerrica’s mad about Eric ruining the good image of her dad’s company. Then Kimber points out the jewellery box addressed to Jerrica. It contains earrings, very familiar earrings. Everybody wonders who they came from. Aja figures it was Rio.
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Then thunder and lighting, and a mysterious woman who looks like she walked out of an exercise tape addresses Jerrica in a slightly ghostly voice.
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And then Jerrica very rudely puts her hands in this woman’s belly. Jerrica! Personal space!
Understandably the mysterious woman leaves. In a flash of light.
Everybody follows the directions left in the earring box and meet up with the woman in Starlight Drive-In. She walks through a wall and they follow her in their van, the Starlight Express.
A quick aside, I was talking to my friend who’s only seen two or three episodes of Jem because of me kind of going, “Well, these episodes are very silly. I think it’d be fun to watch them with you.” Anyway, I was talking about the show and because of the fact that everything has the word Starlight in the name he asked if Starlight was Jerrica’s last name. And yeah, I get why he would think that.
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Anyway, the woman introduces herself as Synergy and explains that she’s a highly advanced entertainment system made by Emmett Benton. We get shots where the characters split off and look at their interests, Shana at clothes, Kimber at the musical instruments, and Aja at the car, the Rockin' Roadster.
Seeing Synergy’s ability to make realistic holograms along with all the instruments gave Jerrica an idea.
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Oh neat, we’re seeing a performance by a band that sounds… not great. I guess the rigging is going well.
And then we hear some more music, this time a song building up.
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And that song the first one performed by Jem in the series. It’s a very solid one! A good note to start the band on.
Obviously everybody loved this band, they sound great! Eric gets all worked up and demands to know what they’re doing here because the contest is invite only. Jem points to Jerrica and announces that she was sent there by Jerrica.
And then Jem totally inconspicuously runs off of the stage and behind a tree. Then turns into Jerrica. She meets up with Eric on the stage and they’re caught arguing on the mics. I actually forgot that Eric was the one who put control of Starlight Music up as a stake in a new competition. One just between The Misfits and Jem and The Holograms.
A film producer named Howard Sands happened to be in the crowd and he promises a movie, and a mansion to the winner of the new battle of the bands competition. Six months from now.
Jerrica accepts the challenge having full confidence in herself and her sisters.
The Misfits are rowdy trouble makers so they steal Jem’s equipment and drives off with it in their van. The rival band gives chase because that’s their stuff and they need it. Musical equipment is not cheap. We get this thrilling chase where Roxy and Stormer throws things at the car Aja’s driving to try to get them to crash I guess. And uh
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That’s a cliff. They’re heading right off a cliff. And Aja hit the gas judging by the sound effect.
Good work.
You can kind of tell this was the end of the short, especially when they come back from commercial and replay the chase scene.
Jerrica’s not dumb. She sends a hologram of Jem out to get help. The hologram meets up with Rio and tells him where the car is. Rio saves them.
The paper reports on this and gives Jem and The Holograms a bunch of publicity.
The Misfits don’t see much of a problem with this because they can still win the competition and of course
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winning is everything.
I just, look at this GIF.
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Okay I needed you to see that. The music video is a wonderful flavour of silly.
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Now back to Starlight House. We see the girls putting money into the Honor Jar. It's a communal fund that the girls contribute to in order to afford things for Starlight House. They’re trying to buy a new fridge. Before adding the funds to the jar they have to announce how they made the money.
Ashley questions the jar which really adds to the feeling that she’s new here.
Also, it’s weird hearing Deirdre being voiced by Samantha Newark. She’s voiced by Patricia Alice Albrecht in her later appearances. The same VA as Pizzazz, Samantha Newark is Jerrica’s by the way.
Meanwhile Eric phones a thug and tells him to make Jerrica uncomfortable.
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I need to know where this place is located. It’s in the middle of a forest or something. And I swear that’s a river behind it. Is that safe when you have twelve kids? The youngest is eight so maybe we don't have too much to worry about.
Anyway, Ashley steals money from the Honor Jar and Jerrica catches her. And then says something that never sat super right with me.
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“There’s no room in Starlight House for girls who steal and lie.”
Like, hm, I dunno, I can’t articulate exactly why it bothers me. I feel like it would kind of breed dishonesty. Like how controlling parents often end up with kids who are really good at sneaking around them.
But Jerrica is a teen herself and taking care of twelve kids so I can’t be too hard on her. Especially because her dad did recently die so there is going to be some adjusting to the new role as foster mother.
Jerrica tells Ashley that the other girls are going to decide on her punishment because they’re the ones running the Honor Jar. The punishment is to raise $30 which is ten times the amount Ba Nee raised by the way.
I get a kick out of Samantha Newark trying to sound like a tough girl, possibly from Jersey. What do I know? I’m Canadian. Now I’m kind of wishing they kept her as Deirdre’s voice actor. We do get more "tough girl Newark" later in the series though. In an excellent episode.
Later on during the night Rio’s explaining that the power’s still out and offers to stay over. But Jerrica turns him down. They lean in for a kiss.
And hear a bunch of giggling which is cute.
Jerrica turns to them and says, “Jealous?” before kissing Rio.
I like this dynamic between Jerrica and her girls.
Later that night the thug Eric talked to, Zipper, awkwardly breaks into the house. It takes him a couple tries to break the window. Still better than what I could do.
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One of the Starlight Girls, Marianne, never named in the show, alerts Jerrica to there being a noise coming from downstairs. So Jerrica takes her sisters with her to check out the noise while the kids stay upstairs and safe.
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Because there’s no power and it’s the middle of the night Kimber’s holding a lantern with the biggest damn flame I have ever seen.
Zipper having been caught pushes past Kimber and knocks the lantern out of her hands. And sets the house on fire.
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Like, crazily on fire.
And this is where the episode ends.
I would love to do more but this took even longer than I expected and I haven’t been getting enough sleep so I’m quite tired and dizzy. So bedtime for me. I’ll pick this up later, possibly tomorrow.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Okay. Cool. That’s good to know. A part of me figured that was the case but since that everything purely said ‘Ask box closed’ I figured I’d better be safe than sorry and should wait until you opened it up again. And I’m so sorry that someone sent in that spoiler with a request. I really do hate that. And that’s great to hear that you slept so amazingly ☺ Gods, me too. I have this weird thing where I absolutely have no idea how much sleep I actually need beause I’m always tired, even if I sleep more than normal. Sure, I feel slightly more refreshed, but still hella tired. Okay. I’ll try to come up with everything I thought of saying at the time and will send it next time you respond to our DMs. And thank you so much for saying that. It most definitely was a great chapter and I hope I have good enough thoughts to add onto everything you’ve already said about it. Oh I see. That makes sense. I also usually go for those kinds of things and rarely watch purely romantic series, unless they’re recommended to me or they’re said to be really good. It really is. I finished A: TLA a few days ago and cried so much at the end. And I hope that you also get the chance to rewatch it at some point and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it when the time comes. I immensely enjoyed rewatching A: TLA and it’s funny beause even though it’s been a while that I’ve watched it before , I still knew a lot of everything concerning the story but that didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the moments. Like I still cried at another emotional scene a few episodes before the end beause it really is just so beautiful. I just started the last season of Demon Slayer that’s out today and I’m just in awe of the animation and how it looks and it’s making me emotional. I’m really so grateful that a series as good as that has such a beautifully well done adaptation. Couldn’t ask for anything more and hope that they continue doing it justice until the very end, though I have a feeling they will.
Thank you. I managed to get through everything I didn’t get the chance to read yet today, as you may have noticed 😅 And I enjoyed all of them and have written my thoughts down for them, though I feel like they’ll probably look quite repetitive 😅 Yeah, fandom is amazing like that. I’m really grateful for that and the way that they write all of the wikis. Yeah, one of the filler arcs in Bleach is really weird and I never rewatch that one. Oh that’s nice to know. And it’s also cool to know that they also translated the songs. Were they sung by the English voice actors or something?
It really was and luckily, now that I’ve restarted my computer again since it was being really slow, it’s gone back to how it used to be. And that could be. And thank you for calling the explanation clear. And that sounds good. I hope you get to read it beause one of the matches centres on some of my favourite babies and I really do hate that they messed up the adaptation like that. At least I’ll always have the manga, though it still sucks 😭 Yeah. And the fourth season still has some really well-done scenes, and there’s this scene of another kind of fave that I haven’t mentioned at all, that appears in that season, and they have like this really beautiful shot of his eyes. And that’s nice to know. No problem at all. Even though I probably won’t rewatch the movies, I do really appreciate that they animated those extra scenes beause they’re all important in their own way. Shame can’t be said for some later stuff and I know Covid had something to do with the second half on the fourth season, but the movie of this year and those OVA’s from many years ago have no excuse so yeah, it’s still a shame (I know I’m being really salty here so sorry for that). The chapter limitation really does suck, especially because both were really easy to get through for me, someone who doesn’t read as fast so I hope that you do get to read both on your normal app one day. Yeah, me too. Like even though I do have my faves that I’ve talked to you about, I still love all of the characters and am so proud of the growth that certain ones went through and it’s just all so nice. Like even my non-faves make me emotional. And yeah, especially those. Like the other boy I’m not normal about has such noticeable flaws and is such a silly boy (like I call him silly so often while rewatching some of his scenes) but he’s such a well-made character that you can’t help but love him.
Oh I’m so sorry to hear that and I can’t blame you for being upset by it. I hope at least that that character has good reasons or something. I’m also scared now, but also kind of intrigued to see it all. And true and that’s really nice. And you’re amazing for that. Glad to see that I’m not the only one who likes justified text. And no problem at all 😄 I’m doing pretty alright. Like I said, I watched some Demon Slayer today, which put me in a good mood but my mum was really judgemental about a certain thing concerning my dad which was so horrible to hear sine it was during dinner time so I just had to sit there and listen to everything she had to say, especially since I couldn’t come up with enough stuff to counter her. It really is always so painful to have to hear her comments about all kinds of things but I won’t let it keep me down because I know I have your writing to look forward to and many great anime and all kinds of stuff. Just couldn’t help but mention it. Hope you’re doing amazing and that the writing is going great 😊
I know you had figured that and I think it’s really sweet of you to be concerned about bothering me! You’re never a bother though and I enjoy seeing you in the inbox 😊Thanks – that one was rough as I’ve done amazing at avoiding Jujutsu Kaisen spoilers (blacklisted the general tag until I’m completely finished the manga read just to make sure of that). Though, just saying – I called that one way back in our messages but ouch, rough yeah, for both being spoiled and for what it said happened. I need way more sleep than the four to six hours I’m lucky to get a night. I’m horrible in being a super light sleeper where every little sound wakes me up though, even with my pills being in me. Caffeine is my best friend in all forms (coffee, energy drinks, caffeine infused chocolate or my favourite, chocolate covered espresso beans, even caffeine pills if the insomnia is really bad…yeah, I know, I’ll probably die of a heart attack from all the caffeine guys but adult life sucks and requires you to stay awake). Sounds good! I’m hoping to get a reply to our dm’s off maybe this weekend in between writing other things, where I have a weekend off. I can definitely get checking out series that are recommended to you, even if they’re not what you’d normally watch. I recently paused watching my other shows to binge through Mashle because it came highly recommended by two people I trust, even though it seemed like it would be just a blatant rip-off of One Punch Man. Turns out they were right and I loved it. I hope it will be that for you with the romance series when you do watch it through! The ending of A:TLA was definitely worthy of the crying and I remember crying quite a bit throughout that show. I loved Iroh, but I really had a soft spot for Azula and things got real rough for my girl around the end of the show. I felt horrible for her, I really did. I’m so glad that you enjoyed your rewatch of it, that it could still hit you in all the right ways despite knowing what was coming. When you say last season, do you mean this is it? It will wrap everything up completely or is there a plan for more (like a spin-off or anything) after this season or a follow-up like Naruto: Shippuden? I’m so glad the last season is starting out so well though and I’m with you in hoping it will continue to be beautifully done right up until the end, and not just because it’s high on my watch list.
I noticed and appreciated all the likes and am happy you enjoyed them all! And I never find your thoughts repetitive and am always really glad to hear your thoughts on my posts! Comments are always wonderful and motivating! I hate the Bount arc for Bleach and when I do get the urge to watch it, I always skip that arc, since it’s pure filler anyway! I’m pretty sure it’s all the English VA’s singing the songs but I noticed about halfway through season 2 there were some songs they didn’t translate and upon googling it, it looks like sometimes it’s hard to get the permissions needed to translate and revoice those songs. Either way, the music is really solid all through the show!
I’m glad your computer has gone back to how it should be and hopefully isn’t running super slow anymore! It definitely was clear and it helps me know what to expect. I’m someone who likes to get every single moment, so even if the movies are a lot of recycled stuff, I still need to watch them. Oh no! It sucks that your favourite didn’t really get what they should have when it came to the anime adaptation. I know how that feels and it sucks big time! I hadn’t even actually thought about the impact Covid would have had on animators and studios! A lot of what came out during that time would make more sense if they couldn’t really all do their work successfully from home, I guess. And hey, no, please feel free to be salty. Everyone has things they’re salty about, even me, and it’s cool that you feel comfortable enough with me to feel safe getting salty about things. Thank you for that! And so far, all the characters are great. I was pretty sure I’d dislike Hinata going into it, because those kind of characters normally bore me but I ended up just adoring him, which is the one that surprised me the most!
Thank you! I do hope that, when I get to reading and finishing up everything for the manga, I’ll see the reasons the author went that direction and that it ends up making sense in the story. If not, I’m sticking just with writing Nanbaka up to the end of the anime seasons haha! I’m so glad you’re doing okay and that you had some good moments, though I’m really sorry to hear that about your mother. I personally am of the opinion that spouses shouldn’t bicker or pick at each other in front of their children, but I know it happens all too often. It’s awkward for the person sitting there and uncomfortable. I’m sure you did your best to defend your dad and that he appreciated it a lot! I know it’s hard but try to focus on some of the positives of your day or lose yourself in something you enjoy and don’t let her steal your joy, my dear! You deserve more than that! And thank you! I’m doing okay tonight – just got my pills into me, sitting on my couch in boxers and a comfy t-shirt, eating a McCain cake out of the tin and writing (just finished a chapter…it was supposed to be a request for a one shot little drabble about me travelling with comfort characters and now it’s bloated into a whole multi-chaptered fic, haha)!
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galacticforces · 2 years
Spock's first pon farr, through the eyes of his father (I rewatched Amok Time and I had to wonder what his more immediate family thought of this. I might have to add Sarek's reaction to actually finding out what happened later.)
Sarek had, more often than he would care to admit to many, found himself missing the days when his youngest child was still young--the short time that their parental bond had been healthy. He mourned that loss of closeness now more than ever, as his son's majority finally approached. Spock may have hoped he would escape the Vulcan curse of madness. His mother may have even believed it was so. Sarek knew better.
No, no child of Vulcan was spared this, and his son, softened by humanity as he may be, would be no exception.
Were he able, he would have waited for his return all year, but his career demanded otherwise. Were their bond healthy, he would have been able to sense the coming fever in his son and return to meet him, to support him in his Time, in his final joining with T'Pring. But it was futile to dwell on that now.
As it was, his son was only barely present in his mind--Sarek could tell that he was alive and very little else. But even with so little connection, he could feel the very height of the fever.
He could not return home--could only stop and hope that things resolved successfully. But neither could he ignore the excruciating pain of his child. "My wife!" he called, somewhat urgently. And without another word, his Amanda knew. His gratitude for her nearly covered the burning, for a moment. She held him, and he hoped she would continue to do so for the days to come, until he could be certain the fever was waning and that their son's life was safe. But after only an hour, he was startled out of his ineffective meditation by a complete cessation of the feelings.
Her concern was obvious, and he shared it. Sarek's first thought was that his son had been killed. What else could put a stop to the fever so quickly, but to be defeated by a challenger? But no. No, he had not been struck by the absence of his child--only by the absence of the terror and need that accompanied pon farr. Perhaps, then, it was that an establishment of a complete mating bond had finally severed the remains of their parental bond? That wouldn't be entirely unheard of, in a bond so unnurtured as theirs.
But... Was that grief?
Sarek squeezed his wife's hand. "He lives. I do not know more than that, but I will make inquiries with our clan mother." He paused, shuddered, and took a steadying breath. No, he needed to meditate. Urgently. "In a moment. I would have you join me."
Her soft, relieved smile was a comfort, but her presence was even more so. They had not lost another child on this day, and they would need to be content with that.
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Stuff I’ve just watched and almost completely did not enjoy
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First, Superstore (2015-2021): I watched this show mostly while getting ready for work in the morning or brushing my teeth at night, really just moments where I’m not focusing much and needing to wind up/down, but there were probably only 5 minutes of all the six seasons that I enjoyed even remotely. I know it seems to be a sitcom must-have but really, does every character have to be unlikable? Is that really the only way to depict realness? And I don’t think they were intended to all be insufferable but then again, how could the characters not intentionally have been written that way? Were we actually supposed to feel endeared to their irritating qualities? Which never changed from start to end btw
Did I cry from being utterly moved in the last 10 minutes of the very last episode of the sixth season, yes. Does that mean anything, absolutely not omfg in fact as I’m typing this I’m reminded more and more of how irritating this shit was… and why do Americans only know how to write about or talk about or involve themselves in sex? Can fucking grow up or not seriously
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Ok fuck this shit too I’m sorry I am not anywhere near invested enough to find a better or more effective or astute way of conveying this complaint. When this film first showed up on my home page, I was okayishly-interested since I find Gabrielle Union likeable enough (also thinking of her makes me think of her husband who makes me think of LeBron which is an ever-pleasant experience naturally) but also the male lead Keith Powers is someone who bring such nostalgia, I remember being in my teens and following the fashion world quite closely for whatever nonsense reason and specifically keeping up with the models and runway shows for the sake of saving the pictures as inspiration for my then-“art” creation (OGs remember howmanybrothers…). Anyway, I remember Keith from this era so well : https://black-boys.tumblr.com/post/89627223362/keith-powers-calvin-klein-ss-15/amp
And of course, I excused or perhaps even allowed the ridiculous age gap the leads have (IRL as well as in the show which is about 20 years) because ummmm feminismmsms and reverse sexism ain’t real right gang 😂😅 but anyway yes obviously I was entering into my viewing ready to enjoy a joke of an experience but
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Fuck this disgusting shit dude
Yes, the leads are talking about sex and yes, the male character wants to ruin and destroy and demolish the female character in this context …. Shocking!!!!!!!!!
We really can’t have one single fucking romance movie that isn’t pornified in language or imagery or reference huh
Anyway I stopped the movie at that point obviously cos I fucking died
And then again obviously I continued about 3 hours later when I’d run out of cat videos to watch and I need constant constant feed of media input lest I pause and think about work or the rest of my life and add to my alter act overwhelming amount of stress….
And the movie got worse guys she got preggers and they stayed together also she is his mom’s age in the show and they are long-time nemeses so yea 😂😂😂 this is the society liberals want?!!!??!!!??
May my next Netflix watch be something lovely and warm and real and no freaking stupid idiot sex references or scene or whatever boring unimaginative shiat pls…
Anyway I rewatched Haunting of Hill House recently and it was the best ever hehe!
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kifu · 2 years
I feel like I need a long-term list of projects I wanted completed. My manic drive from January/February has died down, but my will to create is NOT gone. That's ... a feat.
Limbo - this project requires research by way of rewatching some if not all of 2k3 (and my definition of this is seasons 1 through 4 only, as I do not include the Tribunal, FF, or BttS as part of my cannon). As I write this, I'm halfway through season 2 and I'm outlining the points that will help me structure Limbo physically. The more I watch, the more I'm pissed about my creative choices for Limbo draft 1. That might turn out in my favor.
◦ outline 2k3 and figure out WHEN Limbo takes place to ground it in cannon
◦ outline major plot points in Limbo
◦ detail major characters' growth throughout entire story
◦ fucking write the damn story
Horse Comic - okay, another one that has tickled me since my childhood. I wanna get it done. I swore to myself that I wouldn't start this project until I had the skill to draw horses unaided by references. Well, mostly. The point is drawing a comic - and I think this comic will be five issues/chapters long from what I figured out last night - depicting a rundown of a modified story that I remember from my breyer horse herd as a little kid. Well, now adult storytelling, years of stacked ideas that go well with the og story, color genetics, and actually having the drive to put a comic together (by myself) come into play. This ain't gonna be a light project.
◦ break the story down into five chapters and detail everything that needs to happen within each chapter
◦ break each chapter down into pages so that I don't have to worry about page pacing when I start putting it all together
◦ "pencil" the ENTIRE first chapter before I even think about "inking" or laying down color/background
◦ work on one chapter at a time, but don't expect more than one chapter per year if I can even keep up my drive for this
◦ come up with an intriguing title because I'm stumped
HARPG - so I even started a blog for this and have a few chapters uploaded already, but when I got caught up in that commission I fell a couple weeks behind already. I am NOT feeling this so much, but I still would like to crank out a couple years of story this year. I NEED TO DRAW RAMSEY RIGHT FUCKING NOW. And then continue to come up with a chapter and chapter art every other week. Like, c'mon, me.
New Nation - another story that haunts me every time I think about my stories. Maybe I'll love Kurt again through Limbo. Probably not. I think I'm falling out of love with the character that got me through ... everything ... the past decade. Is it the Catholicism? I've been at war with Catholicism since my job at the pig farm. It's gotta be more than that. But anyway, I really ... really ... I don't know if I can ever come back to this story anymore, tbh. But it would be cool if I could. I might just say that I need to animate the unpublished scene of the future, because why not add another large ass project to the list. But that fight scene? Is AMAZING.
The Tribes - let's be serious. This needs to be written. Though it would be cool if I could actually write down my plan of action so that I have something physical to fall back on when my brain farts again. As it do. I remember that my goal for this story is to end at around 150-175k words. I believe I have the first 25k words written, though a lot needs to be done to those words to make things better. Even so, this is the best iteration of the Tribes yet. And my crack fic? Is actually really, really helping. I did not expect that.
◦ first 25k words are Kifu finding Taya and Jiogi and getting brought to the Tribe
◦ next 25k words are Kifu fitting into the Tribe, and getting to know the other Tribeslings. Need to figure out Mai's predecessor's name
◦ next 75k words are Kifu training under Kumji, first learning what every Tribesperson knows: hunting, gathering, basic body training; and later he introduces her to his group, where she secretly learns how to fight and kill - more details about this to be figured out later
◦ last 25k words are Kifu's struggle with the group's goals and eventual loss of control
I dunno. The story is my pet and I actually do have the entire series vaguely outlined somewhere with names all of the fucking place in the margins. I *do* want to come up with back stories for each and every person of the Air Tribe so it's not just the Kifu show, but a cohesive land where people are more than welcome to hate the main character because she be a stupid ho, but come around for everyone else. idk Things get better after the first book anyway.
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mnemomnemonomi · 1 year
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Hey there! If you're planning to request a one-shot (OS), you're on the right page!
Here, you'll find all the necessary information to ensure your request gets accepted!
This section is written in the form of questions that I'll answer, so if you have any doubts about a detail, you won't have to read a long block of text!
Please read this carefully before requesting an OS! If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask before !
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When can I submit a request?
You can submit a request anytime as long as my status on the homepage indicates that I'm open for requests. If I happen to have too many pending requests, I may stop accepting new ones and later set a limit on requests. Since this blog is just getting started, there are no limits at the moment.
Whom can I request?
You can request the following characters: Luffy Zoro Nami Ussop (I might remove this character if I have difficulty with them) Sanji Robin
I may add more characters as I continue rewatching One Piece. Currently: After the Davy Fight Back arc
What types of requests do you accept? (OS, drabbles, scenarios, headcanons, etc...)
I am more comfortable with shorter stories, so I would prefer scenarios or imagines (they're pretty much the same, right?). However, I wouldn't mind trying my hand at headcanons as well!
What genres of requests do you accept?
Firstly, I only accept SFW (Safe For Work) content. The most explicit you'll encounter are innuendos or flirting; there won't be any explicit sexual content, as I'm not comfortable writing those scenes.
The reader will always be written as a female, sorry, but it's just simpler for me.
Furthermore, there are many themes I won't write about, such as pedophilia, incest, rape, relationships with significant age gaps, etc.
What should I include in my request?
For starters, a friendly greeting would be appreciated!
Next, just let me know what type of request you want me to write (Scenario or Headcanon).
Then, specify your character for the scenario or the characters (3/4) for the headcanon.
Finally, provide me with an idea of what you want me to write, a somewhat detailed summary. Please be aware that the clearer and more precise you are, the better I'll (hopefully) understand what you want to read.
How can I know if my request has been accepted?
I will soon create a post that will list the requests that have been accepted and those I am currently working on. You can access this page through the pinned post, which will be updated shortly.
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