cinefast · 2 years
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#10greatmomentsofrocknroll #8 #may18th #1980 #macclesfield #iancurtis hanged himself. His band #joydivision changes everything and becomes #neworder from #postpunk to invent #dancemusic with #synthetizer and #beatbox « This is why events unnerve me, They find it all, a different story »#ceremony (à Macclesfield Canal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkF62lTM7Ie/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cissi-sh01 · 4 months
what people think happened in ATP during May17th- May18th 2024:
Zverev won a match from one set down, the first set being 1-6
what actually happened in ATP during May17th- May18th 2024:
carlos went to get his usual haircut
potential novandy last dance
jannik back in training WITH HIS RACKET
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yanderederee · 1 year
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May18th, 2004
a/n: Baji might be a liiiittle ooc, but I like the idea of exploring that he is a 14y/o boy with emotions and he is allowed to feel them:(
Before! › here! › after!
The door slammed open with an aggressive thud, announcing the pair of delinquents had made it home safely.
“Finally! You’re too slow!” The mother of the house, Ryoko, yelled in greeting.
Everyone had froze at the unexpected reply, spoken with such depth and looked away, aiming straight for the kitchen to bring in his half of the groceries.
Ryoko almost blew her lid, but before she could scold Keisuke for the unnecessary attitude he gave her, Chifuyu signaled exaggeratedly for her to let it go.
Finding this unusual, Ryoko rose a brow, and grumbled about him being a brat under her breath. You, friend and tutor to Keisuke, seated on a floor pillow that you’d taken a particular fondness towards, also grew an expression of concern when the mood became awkward.
Chifuyu had accidentally set off a landmine before they entered the apartment, that of which being the reason for their tardy.
He gave a sympathetic smile, before following Keisuke into the kitchen to drop off the groceries.
“Keii~ bring me a cold beer when you get in here!” Mama Baji hollered across the room to reach him. “Fine,” he grunted in reply, but seemed to have cooled off from whatever was bothering him.
Definitely hearing the first syllable of your name being called, and suddenly shut down, you perked up suspiciously.
Keisuke always asked if you wanted sometime from the kitchen before making his way to the tv.
He’d ask like it was natural to get you both something.
Why had Keisuke stopped himself from asking?
Was it because Chifuyu was also home?
It hadn’t deterred him from asking the past few weeks, since your first meeting of the blond delinquent.
Sure, if you’d really wanted something, it wouldn’t have been out of the ordinary for you to shout for him either, but it was the principle. He specifically didn’t ask you.
He’s in a prickly mood, you reasoned, looking down trying to hide your disappointment. But it did have something to do with you, right? The reason he was being harsh?
There was only person he was actively ignoring in the room, though.
Keisuke, true to his word, he’s thumped harshly into the living room, handing a visibly cold beer to the only adult in the house. Fiddling with your fingers, you tried to hide your overthinking with being focused on cleaning your cuticles. You couldn’t notice how he was also purposefully avoiding looking in your direction.
But Chifuyu did.
Reminiscing in memories made only half an hour ago, Chifuyu glared at the black haired boy.
Conversation on the way home from grocery shopping made its way to Chifuyu asking,
“Is there a reason why you’re keeping a secret about your relationship with y/n?”
“She isn’t my girlfriend, moron. Wasn’t hiding nothin,” he’d replied with his usual vigor. “Had I known you’d be so annoying about it I probably would have.”
“Wait, you and Y/n aren’t dating?”
“Y/n ain’t that kinda girl, dumbass.” Baji glared down at him, but Chifuyu knew him by now—-he could see how he was trying to hide the smidge of hurt the question brought.
“She’s too good to get wrapped up in Toman.” Baji soon evened out his voice, pained thoughts seeming to have been recalled.
“She’s already been through enough. The closer she is to me, the more danger she’s in. I can’t stomach the thought.”
“But you like her, right?” Chifuyu asked longer.
“Doesn’t matter if I do or not,” Baji sighed, irritation growing. “It’s for her own damn good.”
Both went a little quiet on the walk home.
“But seriously, she’s, like, too good to let pass by, yaknow?”
Chifuyu meant it as more encouragement, that he should just go for it. However, Baji obviously took it much, much differently. That was apparent on his facial expression of mild shock. As though instead, Baji had heard Chifuyu say, “so, she’s perfect girlfriend material and available, who’d pass that up?”
Keisuke didn’t typically overthink things, hell, he didn’t think a good part of his life. But at that moment, overwhelmed with the stress of the situation, he’d imagined Chifuyu, courting you easily with his good looks and shojo manga knowledge.
Chifuyu was a good guy, about the best Baji could hope for someone like you.
Baji was an idiot, who hurt those around him. Shinichiro and Kazutora were enough.
If he hurt you too…
Well… at least you can cling to Chifuyu.
Baji’s expression vague and void. He knew it would be better to support you instead. Yet, why did the thought make his blood boil? Why does it feel like he just got a cold bucket or water poured over him?
Unfamiliar to it all, all Baji could reply with was,
“… Go for it.
You’d probably be better for her anyway.”
Chifuyu groaned at his friend’s stupidity. Fine, he reasoned. If Baji’s going to be a brat about his feelings, he’s going to have to force it out of him.
He thought to start small… “Y/nnchann~ I brought you some juice, and I got these new chips, wanna try some?” Chifuyu gleamed, two glasses of juice and a bag of chips under his arm.
Keisuke glared at his beaming friend.
Did he seriously not have the decency to wait a day before he started flirting with you ?
You blinked wide eyes, a little taken aback at the thoughtful gesture. “O-oh!! Thank you!” You’d accepted the juice with a genuinely kind smile.
Thats right. You were kind. You were gentle, and caring. Keisuke knew all of these things the same exact day he met you, and solidified the day you cried when saving the injured kitten you were cuddling up next to now. Chifuyu was thoughtful, outwardly enthusiastic, and loyal. Chifuyu knew how to make you smile. Keisuke attempted to keep his cool, thinking these thoughts on repeat.
Chifuyu sat next to you, though the space was purposely left open, Keisuke reminded himself. “Wasn’t sure if I should get chicken and waffles, or pickle flavor, but Baji hit me and said I shouldn’t have got either!” Chifuyu complained, opening the bag of something unfamiliar. “He said these were good though, so I got them!”
“Really?~ I’ve never seen these before.” You grinned, instinctively looking to give a teasing glance to your friend, only to feel your heart squeeze when he continued to actively ignore you.
He really is being a brat! Everyone in the room thought.
Chifuyu huffed. Fine. Be a brat.
“Neither had I. Here, try one.” Chifuyu offered, holding a chip out to you. You went to grab it, but he pulled back with a teasing grin, “ahh,” he sounded, mouth wipe. You laughed, and followed his motion to try the new chip.
It was best to try and pretend everything was normal, so as to not upset the balance of the room even more, after all. “Mm!! It’s like a yakisoba kind of flavor!” You mused all starry eyed at Chifuyu.
Baji’s side glance betrayed him, as he angrily realized how cute you were, again.
“Right? Makes me want the real thing though.” He smiled and looked over at Baji’s mother. “Can I make one?” Ryoko shrugged. “Go for it, there’s two left.”
In reply, Chifuyu stood up and went to make the dried noodles. Baji perked up, he’d be damned if he didn’t admit he too was craving his favorite food. “Let’s split it, ‘kay, Y/nnchin?”
Baji almost gasped at how outright betrayed he was. Meaning to yell out against Chifuyu, instead, he gave a empty glare, distracting himself with the TV again. Ryoko quietly rose her eyebrows and took a sip of her beer, ‘ohhh boy~’
Your stomach betrayed you before you could deny the offer, lunch was forever ago and with the taste of Yakisoba literally on your tongue, you couldn’t lie. “Sure!”
Watching the two of you sharing noodles was actually almost his breaking point. Sharing noodles was Chifuyu and his thing, and cause you never noticed things like ‘indirect kissing’, Chifuyu excitedly fed you with his own chopsticks every other bite, instead of the half and half he usually would.
Baji’s sour attitude kept itself up the rest of the night, but never outwardly made comments about it. Chifuyu was entertaining you and Ryoko just fine on his own, flirting a little here, playing innocent there.
If it came down to genuine flirting for his own game, Chifuyu would be a mess of nerves, but pretending to flirt was so much easier, simply going through the motions.
Though it did help that his actual crush on you made the task a little easier. Your smile only made him the more excited, and the way you quipped back like how you would with Baji made him feel all the more special.
You made him feel special, by treating him the same as you would Baji, and not like his subordinate.
“Well, it is pretty late, yaknow? Probably best if I started on my way home!” You faked a yawn, at the measly hour of 9pm. “Whaaaaa, but I like when you stay late on weekends~” Ryoko hiccuped in protest, earning an affectionate hug from the you. “Sorry Ryoko, but I have more work than usual I need to get to.” You politely excused yourself, quickly gathering what little you’d brought with you back from school.
“Pooo~ well, Kei, get your shoes on.” Ryoko yawned,
“I’m too tired, Chifuyu, mind taking her?” Baji interrupted his mother with what looked to be an attempt of a casual excuse.
Ryoko nearly knocked him up side the head for talking back, but too quick to the punch, Chifuyu gave a solid, “Sure.”
It wasn’t like him to say no, but that quickly, and while looking Baji in the eye like that? Like he’d got him to admit defeat. Oh, he did Not like that look. He wanted to raise his voice. What’s up your ass, trying to pick a fight? He’d glared, very clearly.
But again, like he had all night, he shrugged. “Thaaaanks.” And with that he closed the door to his bedroom. The silence was loud as the three of them stood in shock.
Had no one known Baji, it would have seemed like an innocent encounter. But this was not, like Baji.
You swallowed thickly, certain now that you was the thorn in his side. “Ah, don’t worry bout it Chi! It’s not a far walk, so I’ll make it just fine!” You forced out a laugh, pacing toward the door within seconds. Before he could object and follow you out, the door was already gently shut.
Chifuyu and Ryoko remained dumbfounded. What the hell happened?
“W-wait! Damnit.. “ sending a quick glance over his shoulder to the only closed door in the apartment, he was tempted to yell out ‘The hell’s your problem?’ , but Chifuyu already knew that it was himself that was the problem.
Without another word, Chifuyu clumsily thew on his shoes, and ran out the door, slamming in reply.
Ryoko let out a heavy, audible sigh, one that Keisuke knew all too well. He could hear her loud and clear, he was still stuck to the back of his door after all.
Keisuke groaned, sliding down the door. Slowly the footsteps he’s heard his whole life began getting louder, until a thump landed outside his door, and an equal force was against the door. She’d say with Kei like this many, many times before now.
“What happened?”
She asked, no anger.
Shifting his gaze from the window to his hands, he’d almost rubbed them raw fidgeting with them.
“… it’s none of your business.” He whispered, unable to fake any malice against his own mother. Not when he was too exhausted and confused.
“It’s only a matter of time before someone came along, yaknow.” Ryoko signaled. Kei scowled, looking another direction yet again. “Whats that mean?”
“It means,” Ryoko reiterated back to him. “If you’re serious about staying by that girl’s side, you’re going to have to be honest eventually.”
“Honest?… How am I supposed to do that? She’d be a target! It’s not like I can always protect her, if something happened—!” Keisuke didn’t realize how loud he’d been until his room started echoing back at him. Why was he getting so emotional? How come his eyes were burning, crying? Jesus, how pathetic. He couldn’t handle it anymore.
Giving into the feeling he felt himself finally let the tears run on their own. “She…. She deserves better than a punk without a future...” He squeaked out, his clutched hands squeezing harder, his head falling onto them. His sniffles could be heard by the older women.
She’d known that something like this was bound to happen. He may have been sincere, but he was still a fool after all.
“Don’t be stupid Kei,” Ryoko sighed, opening the door unexpectedly. Keisuke tensed up immediately, frozen in place. “You are good.” She smiled, crouching to hold her son.
“I should know, I raised you after all.” She laughed. “I don’t know what happened exactly, but this isn’t how Baji’s handle things, is it?”
Keisuke scoffed quietly, rolling his eyes, yet, he felt a little better. “This is different.” He grumbled.
“Is it? Hmmm…” she’d hummed, trying to think of the genius idea she always had in these moments. “Well, what kind of team in Toman? One to be embarrassed of? Feared? Why are you feared? Because you’re strong. The difference is that when one of Your guys gets hurt…”
She left her sentence to draw, knowing exactly how he was thinking, now.
Keisuke left it in the air for seconds before he sighed. “We come after you with everything we’ve got.”
The apartment grew quiet, til Ryoko broke it again. “Y/n has a good heart. She’ll understand how you boys get along. Don’t underestimate her too quickly.”
“But what if…” he whispered, the thoughts of your cold husk—
“Kei.” Ryoko metaphorically slapped him out of his head. “If you break that poor girl’s heart cause you’re scared, fine. At least apologize to her.”
“But really, Kei, be honest with her. I know you’re strong enough to protect her. If not you, than who?”
After a few seconds of consideration, Keisuke seemed to make up his mind. “Geez, lecturing me like I’m a damn kid,” he’s sighed, giving a weak smile, tears gone.
“Hey, it’s my job.” His mother shrugged, standing to her full height, and yawned. “Now, make sure she gets home safe. If you catch her in time, apologize, understood?” She’d ordered, a knowing nod following her reply. Gifting a rare quick hug to his mother, he made it to the front door in only a few quick paces.
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lcndonboysstuff · 5 months
Fans are saying taylor recorded the black dog on may 18th when she and matty were dating so it cant be about him, they compared what she was wearing on May18th and the video Jack posted of her singing the song, i think the pants look different what do u think? https://twitter.com/bigsurlor/status/1782576082379559118
i can’t see her trousers at all lol. but if that’s true then yeah it’s about joe.
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,* (episode )
May18th ......Neptune moves intothedark.......
May th19 th MApril
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yokosuka-rainy-johnny · 4 months
#3 Tyler Austin @Yokohama Stadium on May18th, 2024
Tyler Austin, NPB Central League Yokohama BayStarsNPB Central League Yokohama BayStars (sponsored by DeNA) Tyler Austin promoted to the first-string roster on May 17th. This video was shot on May 18th, 2024.I hope his family, friends, and fans watch this video. He is doing well here. https://npb.jp/bis/players/73375151.htmlhttps://www.mlb.com/player/tyler-austin-592122
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masakomiyazaki · 4 months
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May18th "Meet the artist " from 2 to 4pm at Dazibao in Montreal.
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aalimlearning · 1 year
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Worlds Aids Vaccination Day . . . #aalimlearning #aalimapp #aalimlearningapp #aidsvaccine #WorldAidsVaccineDay #May18th
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ali-eats-violins · 2 years
Happy B-Day Gorou!
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Our favorite geo general
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chill-matic · 3 years
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Back to back birthdays. Been in her life since she was 2 years old now she's 8 as of yesterday. I have a new born and a great woman by my side. Thankful for the village of friends and family I have surrounding me. I leveled up in a different way this year. All for the better. #Level31 #Taurus #May18th #May19th https://www.instagram.com/p/CPDw3ZQJ8X6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamsunnyd1 · 3 years
Birthday Chick!! #May18th #taurusseason♉️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CPA20-zBihBRWYbsdFoy5nBLuiWmMKPYNpP-0c0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mitrilamar · 3 years
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🇭🇹Roots Rock & Zombie🇭🇹#MitriLamar #MitriUzamaki #HaitianFlagDay #May18th (at Richmond Heights, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5a877pWN7/?igshid=59l9u89do2ui
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solmundi · 3 years
Preparing events and projects for Youngbae’s birthday are one of my favorite parts of the whole year! Every single time. Every single year. It’s his special day, and we should and shall treat it as such! Random thought but look how cute these cakes are 😭 Can’t wait to see what we’ll do this year 🥺 🎂 🎈 🌞
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mthelenaa · 4 years
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Wooooooooo!! Tomorrow!!
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atobler19 · 5 years
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amiawomf · 5 years
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18th Mermay Drawing of the Year!
The prompt was winter, and this is Solstice! I really like her design and how well the snowflakes turned out!
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