#maybe I just want Kim to be happy and loving on a baby
gingerjunhan · 16 hours
Hello!! It's 🌺 timeeee! How is my favorite writer? I was going to sleep again hehe when these idea popped up into my head
How will be if XH forgetting your 1 year anniversary together?
It can contain a little bit of angst and sadness 🤭
Ly 😚🫶🏻💕
☆彡 hi 🌺 anon!! I wanted to save this request specifically for today because… *drumroll* it’s the one year anniversary of my account!! Thank you all so much for the love over the past year! 🩷
word count: 2.382 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: fluff, slight angst, established relationship | cws: swearing, angst in some parts, eating, slight crack because some of these guys are cunning little shits, not proofread, lmk if I missed something!
goo gunil
The day had finally arrived- your one year anniversary with Gunil had finally come, and you were over the moon. You had woken Gunil up with kisses, sweet words, and one of his favorite breakfasts before he headed off to work. He seemed happy to receive the treatment, but deep down you couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t sure why he was getting it…
“Gunil!” Jungsu called back to his drum kit. “Wake up! Are we restarting the song or not?”
Gunil blinked a few times, the feeling of a faint blush still lingering on his cheeks. “Y-Yeah, we’re gonna start again, sorry. I just… I’m a little lost in my thoughts.”
“What’s up?” Asks Seungmin, turning to Gunil while still keeping a firm hand on his keys. “You feeling okay?”
“Oh I feel great,” Gunil beamed. “(Y/N) woke up in a really good mood; bright smile, great breakfast… but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a reason?”
“Maybe they’re just being nice!” Guesses Jiseok.
“Well, what’s the date?” Poses Jungsu. “Is it a birthday? Or an anniversary? Or-“
“Shit!” Gunil intervened quickly. He pulls out his phone, checking the date. “It’s our one year!”
“And you forgot?!” Jiseok joins with Gunil’s surprise, his jaw going slack.
“Guys, take five,” Gunil calls as he gets up from his drums and heads to the door. “I gotta go make a phone call!”
You were just putting down your things from work, ready to relax after your workday. A jingle of keys caught your attention, and soon enough Gunil walked in the door with a small bouquet of flowers.
“Hi, sunshine,” I beamed, “Happy anniversary!”
You smiled wide, making your way to him and capturing him in a hug. “Happy anniversary!” You respond happily. Gunil’s arms wrapped around you in return as he planted a kiss on your cheek. “I thought you forgot,” I admit with a giggle.
Gunil let’s put a chuckle, one that you didn’t know had undertones of guilt. “I would never forget,” he says into your hair. He pulls back from you and gifts you your flowers. “We have to get ready,” he smiled. “We have reservations for tonight.”
kim jungsu
Jungsu knew that your anniversary was coming. Every day he would check his calendar and see the date slowly approaching, so when the day finally came, Jungsu wasn’t sure how to handle getting called into work before you woke up.
His day was packed full of recording, interviews, promotions- anything you could possibly think of to prepare for their upcoming showcases. With the business of his day, Jungsu didn’t even have time to text you. No, “good morning.” No sweet, “happy anniversary” message. Nothing. So when he finally got home from work, Jungsu wasn’t surprised to see you looking a little upset.
“Hi, baby…” Jungsu says softly as he approaches your spot on the couch, voice full of exhaustion. He slumps over to you, not even bothering to take off his shoes as he leaning over the back of the couch, capturing your shoulders in a tired embrace.
“Hi,” you say softly. “Happy anniversary.” You don’t even turn to look at him, causing him to frown.
“Happy anniversary,” he sighs, placing a kiss to your neck. “I’m sorry that our day went to waste.”
You shrug. “It’s fine,” you lie.
“No baby, it’s not fine,” Jungsu says as he finally rounds the side of the couch, sitting next to you, knee to knee and holding your hand. “I let work get in the way of our special day.”
“Jungsu, it’s fine-“
“(Y/N), it’s not fine,” he says softly, cutting you off. “I can tell that you’re upset, and I am too!”
“You can’t control your work schedule,” you say softly. As you look in Jungsu’s eyes, an idea crosses his mind.
“But you know what I can control?” He asks softly.
You sniffle up at him, “what?”
He places a small kiss on your forehead. “How you feel.” He pulls you up off the couch, squeezing your hand. “If there’s one thing I know cheers you up, it’s a sweet treat.” You can’t help but giggle at the way he’s picked up on your lingo. Your giggle makes his heart flutter. “There it is… there’s that smile. Now… I’m thinking… ice cream?”
You beam up at him, nodding excitedly.
“Perfect,” he smiles. “C’mon, let’s get going before they close.”
kwak jiseok
“Jiseok, you can’t be serious!” You scoff. He blinks at you, his expression blank. “Oh my god,” you say softly, shaking your head at him.
“Am I missing something?” He asks, genuine confusion lacing his tone. All he did was come home and see your outfit, complimenting you and asking what you were all dressed up for.
“Yes!” You shout. “Look at a calendar, dumbass!” Your eyes widen at your words, instantly leading to you slapping a hand over your mouth. Jiseok felt his heart sink a little bit at your tone.
“Okay, what the hell?” He asks, getting defensive as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. “If I look at the date and this is just some made up thing that you’re making a big deal out of, I’m gonna be pissed.” He glances down at his phone, seeing that this was, in fact, not something that we had made up in your head. “Shit.” He looked at you with a panicked, slightly sad expression. “(Y/N)…”
“It’s whatever,” you dismiss. “I’ll go change. We’re gonna be late to our reservation anyway.” Before he could protest, you disappeared to your bedroom and shut the door behind you.
Jiseok ran a hand through his hair, pissed at himself for being so forgetful and careless. You were clearly excited for today, and he couldn’t believe he forgot. He knew he had to make it up to you somehow, he just wasn’t sure what to do. He began pacing the floor, and his pacing naturally led him to the kitchen. He grabbed a snack, chewing thoughtfully, when an idea hit him.
You came out of your room about half an hour later, makeup removed, and your nice outfit now swapped out for sweatpants and a t-shirt. The smell of one of your favorite dishes filled the air, leading you out to the kitchen.
“Hey,” Jiseok smiled softly, turning to you from the stovetop. Quiet music filled the kitchen, which also appeared to be freshly cleaned other than his cooking station.
“What are you doing?” You ask. Jiseok turned his attention towards you fully, disregarding your meal for the time being.
“Making it up to you,” he said softly. “I may be a dumbass,” he started, quoting your earlier words, “but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I ruined today.” He gave you a soft smile, holding his arms out to you, which was an offer you couldn’t refuse.
“I’m sorry for getting mad,” you said softly, wrapping your arms around him.
“Don’t apologize,” he replied softly. “I deserved it. I’m sorry for forgetting our anniversary.”
“It’s okay,” you smile softly. “We’ll have plenty more. You have time to make it up to me,” you giggle.
oh seungmin
Seungmin was normally pretty good with dates, so when your, “happy anniversary! 💜” text took him by surprise, he started sweating bullets.
good morning baby 💜 happy anniversary
He sees the dots indicating that you’re typing pop up immediately. Oh no.
what’s the plan for today?
Oh no. He’s gotta think of something. Fast.
you’ll find out ;)
Perfect. Now you have to wait for him to come up with something!
ooo a surprise?!
I’ll be there in 15 :)
Oh no.
Seungmin jumped out of bed, rushing to get ready while simultaneously trying to think of a plan for the day. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t great at multitasking.
Fifteen minutes go by, and right as Seungmin is pulling on his shoes, a knock is heard at his door. He swings it open to see your smiling face, and he can’t help but swoon a little bit. You exchange your hellos before you take Seungmin’s hand, leading him out the door.
“So where are we going first?” You ask with a smile.
“I want you to guess,” Seungmin says, trying to sound convincing. You tilt your head a bit as you think.
“Hmm… are we going out to breakfast?”
“Are we going downtown to those little markets I like?”
“Are we gonna take a walk through the park?”
“You’re just going to say no to everything I say!” You laugh. Seungmin laughs too, because little did you know that you were actually planning the day. Seungmin walked you hand-in-hand to a nearby cafe that he knew you loved, taking a seat by the window.
You ordered coffees, ate sweet pastries, and reminisced on your year together. After breakfast, you made your way to the park, and then to the market downtown- just so he could throw off the scent of following your plan word for word.
“You’re very predictable,” you giggle, picking up a trinket that caught your eye.
“I like to think of it more as… us having a lot in common,” he teases, causing your giggle to turn into a full out laugh.
“But we didn’t do anything you picked out,” you say, pouting a bit.
“Baby,” he said, a hand laying on your back lightly, “when I’m with you, we can do anything and I’ll be happy.”
han hyeongjun
“So do we have any big plans for tomorrow?”
“What’s tomorrow?”
You felt your heart sink slightly, and Hyeongjun could tell he did something wrong based on your face. He sat up slightly in bed, trying to blink away his exhaustion.
“What?” He asked softly. “Am I missing something?”
“Hyeongjun…” you said softly, “tomorrow is our anniversary…”
His eyes widened, sitting upright now. “Oh… oh my god. (Y/N), I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you said softly, trying your hardest to smile. “You’ve been busy lately. It’s no big deal.” You reached over, lightly kissing his cheeks. “Don’t worry about it, okay? We can figure something out.”
Hyeongjun could see it in your eyes that you were super upset due to his forgetfulness, but before he could think of what to say, you pulled the covers up a little higher, kissing his shoulder and laying down, wishing him goodnight.
The next morning, you wake up and the bed is empty. A heavy sigh leaves you. This wasn’t exactly how you wanted your anniversary to start.
You make your way out of bed, throwing on your slippers and dragging your feet out to the kitchen. You round the corner, and there stands Hyeongjun, pouring you a cup of coffee.
“Good morning,” he smiles softly. “Happy anniversary. Breakfast is ready.”
You blink up at him, “I thought you had work,” you explain softly, taking the mug he was handing to you. It’s at this point that you notice the fresh bouquet of flowers in a vase on the counter. Despite his recent exhaustion, he’s probably been up for hours.
“I called off,” he said softly.
“But… you have so much to do today.”
“That doesn’t matter,” he explained with a shake of his head. “I disappointed you. I couldn’t let you spend our anniversary by yourself.”
You felt a soft pout grace your lips, throwing your arms around him. “Thank you.” Your tone was quiet and full of gratitude. He let out a soft chuckle, resting his cheek on your head.
“Of course, (Y/N). Anything for you.”
lee jooyeon
Jooyeon gave you a wide eyed stare as you thrust a small package into his hands. “What’s this?”
“Your anniversary gift!” You beamed. “I told you it was coming!”
“Oh!” I said, trying to play dumb. “Right! I forgot. I’m sorry, yours hasn’t shown up yet. I got an email that it was lost in the mail somewhere.” He’s not sure where that lie came from, but he was pretty damn happy that it came out as smooth as it did.
“That’s fine!” You excused, your smile never filtering. “Do you want to open your gift?”
Jooyeon quickly shook his head. “Let’s wait until yours shows up. I bet it will only take another day or so.”
“Are you sure?” You ask.
“Positive,” he confirms. “Maybe if we’re lucky, the post office found it and it’ll show up today.”
“Seungmin!” Jooyeon yelled, running into rehearsal, his bass slapping against his back. “Seungmin, I need your help!”
Seungmin turns to find Jooyeon, distressed and running towards him. “Oh god…” he groaned. “What do you need?”
“It’s mine and (Y/N)’s first anniversary, and I completely forgot to get them a gift!” Seungmin’s eyes went wide. “Dude, you gotta help me!”
“Okay, first off,” Seungmin started, “you’re fucked. Secondly, why do you need my help?”
“Because you’re the most fashionable guy I know!” Jooyeon frantically explained. “I need gift ideas that are nice enough for an anniversary gift, but not so nice that it seems like a proposal. Now, give me your best ideas!”
After rehearsal, a trip around town that went so fast that he felt it could’ve been timed for an Olympic relay race, and probably the world's worst gift wrapping job, he was finally ready to give you your gift.
“Jooyeon!” You called from the front door of your apartment. “I’m home!”
Like a dog, Jooyeon happily greeted you at the door. “Happy anniversary!” He smiled, opening his arms to you.
You returned his embrace, smiling into his hair. “Happy anniversary!”
He pulls away, holding you by the shoulders. “Your gift came!” He said excitedly.
You bounced a bit on your toes. “Let’s go open our gifts!”
You rushed into the living room, gleefully exchanging gifts. Jooyeon let you open your gift first, holding his breath as you undid the wrapping paper.
“Oh, Jooyeon!” You smile, reaching into the box and pulling out a framed picture of the both of you- a picture taken on your first date. “It’s so cute!”
He smiled at your reaction, glad you enjoyed your gift.
“You like it?”
“I love it!” You smile, throwing your arms around him again. “Thank you!”
“Of course, baby,” I smiled, glad his little helper made a good suggestion. “Happy anniversary.”
taglist: @mon2sunjinsuver , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , @weluvjeong , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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Little late to the party as always but I'm here for the father's day prompt.
Geez… The fathers of Moral Orel….
First of all, I agree that I want to see Karl's character expanded.  I mean, he's a really bad father, but mostly I want to know why he's a father.  Why did Karl and Kim decide to have Doughy?  Was it an accident and they carried to term, took care of him for a while, then abandoned him because it would lead to less judgment than not keeping the baby would have?  Or did they have Doughy on purpose because it's the logical next step after getting married, and all the cutest couple have a baby because babies are cute, and then they realized that a child was a lifelong commitment and a responsibility they didn't want, so as soon as he was out of that cute baby phase and didn't make them look like an adorable couple with something helpless to nurture, they pushed him to the side?  Karl certainly doesn't like him in the house, so maybe he liked the idea of a baby before he realized a baby demands a lot of attention from its mother and he got jealous and angry and kicked him out as soon as he could?  Idk, but it's a question I would love to see answered.
Another father in the show that I think is super underrated is Sal Figurelli.  He has two kids, his wife ran out on him once, and he's part of the only black family in Moralton.  And yeah, the Figurelli's are the focus of God's Image, but it's not actually about them.  It's a criticism of using religion as an excuse to be racist, which is a good message, but I think it raises more questions than it does answers.  We know Mr. Figurelli is a hard worker and business owner who doesn't let things get to him despite the odds the town throws at him, but we don't know what his relationship is with his children beyond 'they work with him sometimes' and 'Billy trusts him enough to run to him when Susie hits him', but their mom wasn't home when that happened so who knows who he chooses when the opportunity arises.
I also wish we had seen more of Tommy's family in general, especially his dad since his mom was shown much more in "God's Blunders."  They seem to really care about their son, they're just so mired in the dogma of Moralton to actually put that love into action.  And Tommy being so smart and curious makes me wonder if his dad used to bring him home books because he asked for them.  I can really see Tommy's parents getting him the science books he asks for to make him happy, even if they think his IQ is too low to actually understand what he's reading (even though that couldn't be further from the truth).  Idk, I know the Littlers aren't the best parents to Tommy, but given the other parents of Moralton, they actually seem like some of the good ones.  I mean, they could stand to listen to their son more often, because if they did they'd realize just how brilliant he is, but at least they're willing to spend time with him and they do things to protect him when they think he might be a danger to himself.  I demand to know more about Mr. Littler.
Then, there's my obvious curiosity about Art Posabule.  If he's the Bloberta to Christina, I wonder what his brand of neglect entails.  I like to imagine that Art is largely apathetic to his family and would rather lock himself in his study and drink.  The only reason I even think Art spanks Christina the way Clay spanks Orel is because Poppet tells him to and he doesn't care enough to argue about it (my big headcanon about the Posabule household is that Poppet feels that she needs absolute control of her family, from choosing what they wear, to dictating where they go, to even wanting a lock on every door so she can control who can come in/leave rooms, and Art is a huge enabler who never says no to her because he doesn't feel the need to).
Also, Bloberta's dad.  I would say that he seemed like a good parent that was only held back by what an abusive relationship (to what extend, I don't know, but definitely emotionally), but I do think he might actually be playing favorites also.  Maybe it's out of spite; a sort of "my abuser like these children, so I'm going to choose the one she doesn't like as much" but even so, I feel like the roles would be swapped if he were the one in control instead of his wife.  He was a good dad to Bloberta, which is great!  But I feel like if he had his way, then Lunchbox and Modella would have been the miserable ones.  Maybe I'm wrong, and he would have loved them all equally, but it's hard to see, since we only see him after he's already been broken into a nervous wreck who can't even accept love from his own daughter because he's so anxious and traumatized. Kinda wonder if his choose to marry his wife was just as pressured onto him and manipulative as Bloberta was to Clay. It would be interesting because then his beloved, favorite daughter would have turned into the same monster that hurt him so much, and seeing her neglect her kids the way her mother neglected her might actually break his heart, given how much he cared for her. I'll bet he feels really sad and guilty because he couldn't get his wife to treat her better, and then Bloberta wasn't able to break the cycle. I know Bloberta is a grown woman who made those choices on her own, and there's no one to blame for her neglect towards Orel, Shapey, and Block besides herself, but I get the feeling the abuse he went through would make him think it was his fault. I just feel for the guy so much, tbh. His wife is a horrible abuser to him and Bloberta, and given the way she snapped at Modella when she thought she sang off-key, possibly all her children, and he seems to blame himself for not stepping up even though nobody, not even the viewers, knows what she might do if he does step up.
Anyway, this is far too long and SO wordy but I'm very curious about the side families in Moral Orel.  They all seem to have their own problems, so it's interesting to see fathers like Mr. Figurelli and Tommy's dad, who aren't always fantastic but do seem to genuinely love their kids.  It's a shame we didn't get to see most of them as fathers.
(Also as an extremely side note, it would have been interesting if they expanded upon Marionetta's family, since we know she has a baby sister and a dad, but we never saw her mom.  So shout out to Marionetta's dad for being the only other single father in Moralton besides Putty?)
god this needs to be explorered more in this fandom!!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
I’ve been so focused on Dystocia lately, but today I woke up thinking of my story that’s the complete opposite. Instead of trans!Kim forced to have a baby and going through nightmare levels of dysphoria, it’s trans!Chay who specifically set out to have a baby because he’s always known he wants to start a family. And he’s going to do it ASAP so he can fully transition too, lol. In that one he gets knocked up as soon as he’s reasonably convinced Kim is ride-or-die, and it’s so cute. Kim is terrified of being a dad but they’re both also so excited about it 🥺
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etherealyoungk · 2 months
birthday boy - kim mingyu
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pairing: mingyu x reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol, fluff, kissing
wordcount: 1160
a/n: happy mingyu day <3
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"are you ready? we should leave babe", you yell out to mingyu who's still getting ready and you grab your phone from the table outside. you open your email to figure out the reservation details but you let out a gasp when you see the email headline that awaits you.
"what happened?", mingyu asks, coming out, hearing you and he walks towards you, a small etch of worry on his face. you only smile, trying to brush it off, not wanting to upset the atmosphere right now. but there was no point. the email you just read said that your reservation was cancelled and now you both had gotten dressed up to go...nowhere. you had booked that place two weeks in advance just for mingyu's birthday today and the fact that they cancelled it without any reason made you upset.
"what's wrong?", he prompts again, seeing the troubled look on your face.
"i-um", you start as you look at mingyu and sigh because there was really no point in denying it.
"the restaurant cancelled our reservation", you tell softly, feeling defeated. "i'm so sorry i should have planned this better, it's your special day and -",
"woah woah, sweetheart, look at me", he says making you meet his gaze. "it's okay we can do something else", he assures, giving you a small smile.
"but you were looking forward to this place", you add, frowning.
"how about we stay in? have some wine, cut the cake, just us?", he suggests. "are you sure? we can go somewhere else maybe, we're already dressed up", you add but he shakes his head. just then your doorbell rings and mingyu moves to open it but you stop him, putting your hand on his chest.
"i'll get it", you tell, shooeing mingyu away because it was a special delivery for him and you wanted to keep it that way. you had ordered flowers from mingyu, the bouquet was gorgeous, with fresh red roses with baby's breath in between all wrapped up in brown paper and a small note tucked inside. you smiled softly as you took the bouquet and peeked inside, hiding it behind your back as you saw mingyu putting out the cake and getting out the wine.
"gyu close your eyes", you told. "why?", he asks, playfully.
"just do it please", you add and he closes his eyes, a smile already playing on his lips. you make sure his eyes are indeed closed before you come forward and you bring the bouquet out front, holding it out for mingyu as you tell him to open his eyes.
he opens his eyes and he grins, his pretty canines showing and you smile too. "happy birthday gyu", you say as he takes the flowers from you like an excited puppy.
"for me?", he asks. "no they're for my boyfriend mingyu, give them back", you tell and he chuckles. "this is the first time someone's given me flowers", he confesses and you make a mental note to surprise mingyu with flowers more often.
he smells the flowers and his eyes find the note that's tucked inside and almost hidden in the flowers and his eyes sparkle. he picks out the note and you mentally cringe when you remember what you wrote. mingyu puts the bouquet aside, opens the note and he smiles like an idiot when he reads it. you know he's going to tease you about it, so you usher him to the cake that's waiting on the table, hoping he'll spare you.
you place the candles on the cake mingyu takes the initiative to light them and you find the princess crown you had found a few days back, thinking it would look cute on mingyu. "babeee", he draws out when he sees it, knowing exactly what you had in mind but you just chuckle as you put the crown on him and he lets you because he loves to indulge you like that.
you put your arms on your hips and admire mingyu. "you look so adorable", you say and he nods his head. "well, thank you for blessing me with princesshood on my birthday", he jokes and you smile, moving closer to mingyu when you notice the candles melting.
"make a wish gyu!", you tell and he sincerely closes his eyes, makes a wish and blows out the candles. his eyes are still closed so you take this chance to swipe some icing from the cake on his nose and cheek. he opens his eyes, his mouth opening in shock before he narrows his eyes at you and you run around the table because you know he's going to get you back.
he's quick to run after you and after a few strides from his long legs, he's caught you, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you against his body as he corners you into the wall and you can only let out a soft giggle.
he leans forward and boops your nose with his and now you have icing on your nose too and he seems satisfed. "now we're even", he tells with a playful smile and you can only smile back up at him, your arms resting on his shoulders as his hands caress your waist.
"have i told you how gorgeous you look tonight", he says with a glint in his eyes and you smile, feeling your cheeks heat up at his compliment. he always made you feel like the prettiest person in the world and loved complimenting you, knowing you'd get shy about it. you clear your throat before speaking.
"have i told you how dashing and handsome you look tonight?", you tell, looking him up and down again because he was wearing that gorgeous all-black suit that he pulled off so well, making him look amazing (and hot). mingyu chuckles at your words and smiles wider, the sound of his laughter like music to your ears and he looks at you with pure adoration.
"is this the part where i finally get my birthday kiss?", he asks after a few seconds with a twinkle in his eyes.
"you're acting like i didn't kiss you today", you tell, tilting your head.
"but that was just a kiss, not a birthday kiss and you only kissed me once today which didn't even last five seconds". he explains, making you roll your eyes at his words and give him a look.
"i'm still waiting", he prompts, raising his brow with a tilt of his head, grinning that stupid smile that makes you melt every time you see it.
you lean forward and close the gap between you both, kissing mingyu and he pulls you closer against him as he softly moves his lips against yours, kissing you back.
"happy birthday", you whisper against his lips when you pull away.
"i'm really sorry about the reservation being cancelled though", you add because you did feel bad after having planned it and it fell through last minute.
"shhh, this is perfect too", he assures, kissing you again.
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taglist: @biboramp3 @naaaaafla @weird-bookworm @icyminghao @kyeomyun @lvlystars @blue-jisungs @wootify @ihrtboo @idubiluv @n4mj00nvq @joshuaahong @fallingforshua29 @itsveronicaxxx @frankenstein852 @mirxzii @wheeboo @writingmeraki
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I'm craving for your writing, please spare me a crumb 🛐
ATEEZ favorite positions maybe?
ATEEZ favorite positions
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❥ATEEZ (separately) x afab reader
➯a/n: i'm deep deeeeeeeep in the depths of writers block and trying to claw my way out like the feral writing gremlin i know i am- but i have no idea if this is any good, please forgive me for the atrociously long wait. happy valentines ! 💌💕
♡´・ᴗ・`♡▼・ᴥ・▼genre: smut, bullet point style, drabbles
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: eldest to youngest, unprotected(booooo), so much romance im a sucker, soft & rough sex, head(giving and receiving), dacryphilia, overstimulation, possessiveness, brat taming in the form of dumbification, strength kink, restraint, switching holes (LMAO?), forehead touches!!!!!!!! not proof read :(
⁂perm taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan @marievllr-abg
he's a hopeless romantic, and it definitely shows through his favorite positions
he's seated on the edge of the bed, or couch, or chair, even seated on the floor-
and youre seated in his lap like it's your throne
your legs wrapped around his moving hips, arms around his neck and hands tangled up in his hair
it's his favorite position for many reasons
the angle of his hips which makes his cock tease the deepest parts of you
your heavy breaths falling right onto his lips, breathing the same air during such a passionate act
and the way he can see your eyes well up with pleasure with every little thrust until you come undone right infront of him
Seonghwa can see every little twitch of your face as he rests his forehead against yours, his hips had set an unrelenting slow and loving pace long ago and have yet to stop. His tip drags along your g-spot every time he pulls out, and you almost want to beg him to just stay buried deep because of the maddening slow building pleasure. Any attempt to speak on either of your parts only comes out as a puff of hot air into the others mouth. It isn't the first time you've done it in this position, but the intimacy of it completely blankets you every time. You can't feel anything other than each other, and it's pure euphoria.
彡★KIM HONGJOONG - cuddle fuck
it's not that it's his favorite persay, it's just the one that happens the most
people say this man hates affection, they couldn't be any more wrong
he loves to be close to you !
after a busy schedule and tiring day, all he wants to do is cuddle
but your body is so soft and warm pressed against his, he feels so safe and comfortable
he won't say anything at first, either because he's too embarrassed or too tired so it usually goes like this:
Hongjoong has his arms wrapped around you- one cradling you to his chest warmly as the other traces his racing thoughts on your lower back. One of your legs is hooked over his hip, the other tangled between his. You kiss over his tattoo with all of the care in the world and that's when the feeling in his lower belly stirs to life. As you go on about mundane things, like what you should cook the both of you for dinner, it only gets hotter and tighter. Your skin is searing against his in the most pleasant and simultaneously daunting ways. The way you bite your lip tells him you finally feel it, that hardness pressing against your thin house-shorts. You push aside the other topic at hand and move both of your shorts away, wordlessly slipping him inside of you. You're so close, you may as well be one soul. And that's just the way he likes it.
yunho is TALL.
no matter what position you're in, innocent cuddling or sinful fucking or walking down the street-
he shadows over you like a demon
the softest demon ever but still
he's huge and it drives him over the edge when he can see and feel the difference compared to you
so when you've got your legs stretching up as far as they can go and they barely reach over his shoulders????
whew baby prepare your cervix to be bruised
It started as a simple mating press, Yunho' s cock begging him to just fill you as far as possible without breaking you. But when he sat up, your legs followed; no longer being pinned by his chest. You laid them flat against his sweaty chest and arched your back, breaking his mind in an overwhelming horniness as he felt your toes curl just on his shoulder blades when you came. Oh, he'll be damned if he stopped there. He went on for hours, he had never been so hard. He wanted to cum so badly, but at the same time, he never wanted to move away from the ethereal image of you below him like that. When he finally did (and hello wow that was so much cum it literally came splatting out between you) he made a mental note to most definitely get you worked up again tomorrow.
彡★KANG YEOSANG - mating press
this man's beauty and personality is so soft and silky
don't let that shit fool you breh
he is a beast in the bedroom, he goes feral when you're behind a locked door together
there's something about you that just makes him want to overtake your entire being and become one with you
something that makes him want you to break- break just for him
he loves every fiber of your being and he's possessive over you like no fucking other
because of his career, he's not allowed to show that publicly, and he more than makes up for his need to express his dominating feelings for you by-
well, by dominating you
Your thighs are crushed to your chest, feet dangling in the air and bouncing with every rough thrust of Yeosang 's skilled hips. If there was a time that this position was uncomfortable, that time is long gone. All of his deep, quick thrusts wipe away anything in your mind other than him, and the glazed over look in your eyes only makes him go harder. His eyes nearly roll into his skull every time he feels you clench around him, your cunt completely at his mercy. You're ripe for the picking. Laid out for him helplessly, stuck in position by his rough and loving hands on the back of your sore thighs. Completely weak beneath him as he fucks you like it's the last thing he'll ever do on this mortal earth, and you simply let him because you love him. And he absolutely revels in it.
彡★CHOI SAN - against the wall
"sannie bulked up after wooyoung chest bumped him across stage!!"
erm no
sannie bulked up when he saw you watching an against the wall video!!
his brain immediately fried at the idea of doing that to you and now here we are a few years later
he prides himself in how strong he's gotten, how muscular he is
it's an ego boost really, and a deserved one
he loves bending you into whichever position he wants to just because he can
but this will always be his personal favorite
San has his arms wrapped around the underside of your knees, pining them to the wall and effectively folding you in half while he demolishes your holes. All of his praise falling to deaf ears as your head spins with a dizzying pleasure. He lets your forehead fall on his, breathing in your fucked out groans as his thrusts slam your hips and lower back into the wall. You lost it and started cumming the second he man handled you and lifted you with his cock still inside, and now it's his turn for that blinding white pleasure as you grab his big, flexing biceps and drool as you clench around him.
song mingi sloppy toppy champion and i don't take criticism on this sorry
he enjoys eating pussy or sucking dick over sex most days, like his soul purpose is to make his significant other feel on cloud 9 (get it they're the 9 and he's the 6 haha okay-)
and when he's balls deep he can't help but go full sub mode and hump like a wild animal searching for primal release
so- head it is
but you want him to feel good too, obviously
and despite his reassurances that making you feel good in turn makes him feel good, you just can't help it
so, a mutual position is found: one were he gets to have his tongue on you, in you, all over you-
and you get to make him an even whinier mess than usual
It turns Mingi on so badly when he gets to taste you, you barely have to touch him. His tongue is deep inside you, hands kneading your ass as he makes a mess of his favorite meal. Hes so lost in the pleasure of giving that he doesn't even realize you've got his cock stuffed in your throat until he cums into the warmth of it. He's always a whiny mess between your legs, and this new position quickly becomes both of your favorites when you continue to tease him through and past his release, and he continues to slurp up the ever flowing arousal that comes from the pleasure of making him cum. It's a never ending cycle really, and neither of you dare complain.
彡★JUNG WOOYOUNG - spooning
now i would say reverse cowgirl because he's obviously an ass man- but that's his second choice
y'all seen that video of him getting all up on yunho on stage from behind ??
yeah that's why i chose this and because it's infecting my brain
something about it just makes him even more feral than usual
everything about it tbh-
let me just *licks pen*
His leg wrapped over your hip and around yours like an anaconda, using his leverage to spread your legs as you're both laid sideways, giving him all the access he could ever want. And boy does Wooyoung take advantage of it, holding you in place with his arms wrapped under your armpits and holding your shoulders tightly so you can't escape the burning heat of his body against yours while he fucks you to the next millennium. In your ass, it's slow and deep, a beautiful painful stretch. In your pussy, fast and shallow and hard, banging your g-spot until you sob. He can feel your ribs wracking with sobs of overwhelming pleasure, and he doesn't stop until you've made a mess of him just as he did you.
彡★CHOI JONGHO - prone bone
big cock!!!!!
there i said it, it had to be done
it took ages and ages to get used to his absolute girth
and even now that you're used to it it still stretches you out and shuts your brain off to put all of your willpower into your cunt so you don't break in half
and he can't help it as his mind begs him to take advantage of that fact when you're being a brat
he knows you turn into a cock whore the minute he stretches you out
and he plans to make use of that fact
Jongho is still so sweet and gentle when punishing you. He doesn't have to be rough, his veiny girth does the job naturally. Usually he'll spread you out nice and wide- not today. Not when you're a brat. He lays you face down and ties your legs together. He can barely shove his member between your pushed together thighs to get inside of you but when he does. It's like the tightest and warmest fleshlight in the world, and it's attached to the person he loves. He will make you forget your own name, just with his goliath friend and slow passionate thrusts.
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p1utofairy · 7 months
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“kissin’ and hope they caught us.”
what will a night out with your future partner be like?
disclaimer ✩: 18+ mature themes. take what resonates, leave what doesn't. this is my early thanksgiving gift to y’all 💗 i’m so thankful for the constant support and feedback idk how many times i can say it lol but thank you. enjoy and have a great holiday!
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i can see you two in a club/party setting. the music is so loud it's pulsing through your veins, it's not usually your scene, but your person is right by your side holding you close. their hand is resting slightly on your back/waist guiding you through the crowd — i feel like they'll smell really good too they have a distinct fragrance on that's comforting to you. i feel like you'll be so giddy and excited to be outside with them and be seen together. lots of heads will turn for sure. i feel like y'all are a power couple…like looking at you two walking in together just makes sense but it also triggers jealousy and disbelief in other people? you and your person may come from different backgrounds or have different aesthetics but y’all pair together very well. they’re gonna be looking so smug lollll your person is the silent but confident type, like having you on their arm will shut everybody up and they’ll love it. this person could be very popular or well-known in their profession…i'm getting a serena van der woodsen type of vibe so people can definitely be infatuated with them. you might not even like dancing but you will with them! you're gonna be on cloud 9 the whole night, pile 1. some of you might not smoke or drink but you’ll feel high/drunk off them the entire night it’s so cute! u are my high by dj snake and future vibes for sure.
PILE ii.
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the atmosphere is sensual af, pile 2. it's giving the vibe of a private dinner at an upscale restaurant/bar or hotel. your person planned this out very meticulously, and they managed to pull it off without you knowing too many details. you’ll be so happy to be sitting across from them and enjoying their company — i feel like you both don't always have the time to just sit and unwind because you both have very demanding jobs/schedules. i see you two flirting a lot with your eyes and smiling so big…the energy is very warm and playful. the sexual tension will be very thick between the two of you lol they might make comments throughout the night about how good you look. the lighting seems very dim and red seems to be the major theme so you could be wearing a red dress, they might give you a bouquet of red roses, their shirt might be red — idk it's something along those lines lol the color red is just significant for some reason. the food, their company, and the ambiance will be 100000/10 and the night won't stop there 😮‍💨 cause when they get you back home? soon as i get home by faith evans just came to mind LOL yeah they’re going to want to make up for lost time and please you in any and every way that they can. OKAYYY PILE 222.
PILE iii.
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ah this is my introverted pile! i don't think you get out much, pile 3. if you do it's usually because someone begged you to come out and socialize or you pushed yourself to go. you like having your own space and privacy, and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming having to constantly socialize and be around a whole bunch of people that may not mesh with you. i think that your person will be receptive to this, and will take baby steps to get you out of your shell. they’d take you somewhere where you can relax and be comfortable like a drive-in movie theater or maybe somewhere in nature…it's somewhere you both can be alone and in your own bubble tuning out the rest of the world. i can see them holding you close and you’re leaned back against them just so content and reveling in the precious moment. it’s a night you’ll never forget because you’ll realize just how much they mean to you, and how far you’ve come in this connection. it's reminding me of that picture of ariana grande and mac miller at coachella. so so cute.
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y'all are that cute couple that ride for each other, okay!!! y'all will be so in loveeeeeee my GOSH the passion and desire will be so heavy and evident between you two. lana and asap rocky in the ‘national anthem’ music video vibes — it's like that bad boy meets good girl trope. i feel like this person would want to take you places you’ve never been before…they’d want to get all dressed up in fancy clothes and go out on the town with you. there'd be multiple activities in one night. omg they're so spontaneous it'd feel never-ending! you two will be so giddy around each other lol always cracking jokes and laughing about any and everything. i don’t think that it matters where they take you per se, pile 4. you will have the time of your life regardless. they just know how to light up every room that they walk in and ensure that everyone is having a good time! it's so cute and refreshing, ugh. they're going to really sweep you off your feet. they might have a really nice car and you’ll love being a ✨passenger princess✨ LMFAO they might tease you about it too. this person will be your best friend just as much as they are your true love.
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cheolhub · 1 year
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summary. mingyu doesn’t usually fuck on the first date. emphasis on usually.
wc. 3.5k
warnings. MINGYU W/ A MASSIVE DICK, size kink, oral (m. receiving), deep throating/face fucking, shy baby!gyu (at first ;)), tears ofc, pet names (baby, angel), unprotected sex, mating press, gyu is a needy, pussydrunk boy(but reader is worse lol), slight dumbification, kinda romantic but it’s literally just needy sex— MINORS DNI 18+
note. THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS LONG…. um anyway!! happy birthday mingoo <3 — also @ hyuk4ngel ily dedicating this to u n gyu & thank u to my lovely lu ( @ bowmonde ) for beta reading this!! happy gyu birth to you all <3 (pls excuse typos)
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“i-i don’t usually do this on the first date,” mingyu stutters as you kiss down his neck, nipping and biting at his skin. he lets out a shuddered breath because he can feel the marks you’re leaving. he swears you’re trying to spell your name and it’s making his cock throb in his already tight jeans.
you mumble into his skin, “i don’t either, but, fuck gyu… you’re so sexy, i couldn’t hold back..” your hands find their way under his shirt, feeling him up and moaning when he whimpers at the not-so-subtle touch. 
gyu. you’ve called him by his nickname and you barely know him and, for some reason, it really turns him on. 
he wanted to be a gentleman– wanted to walk you to your door, peck your cheek, and whisper goodnight– but your mutual attraction got the best of you. one thing led to another and you were kissing him outside of your door as soon as he’d agreed to your invitation to come inside. 
you parted from his neck briefly to get inside so none of your neighbors would come outside to see the two of you eating each other alive. as soon as he’d stepped inside and closed the door, though, you pressed him right against it.
“we should move to–” he tries, but he’s interrupted by your lips. you slot them into his and your hands wander down his torso, down his abdomen, down till they reach his belt. 
“what do you wanna do, mingyu~” you seductively whisper against his lips. 
he shudders again, “anything. we can do whatever you want.”
you smirk, “you’re such a gentleman, gyu… you were so sweet at dinner. you picked me up, paid for my meal, walked me all the way to my door… i just wanna make you feel good.” you tell him, unbuckling his belt, but before you move to unbutton his jeans, you ask permission. “can i do that, gyu? can i make you feel good?” 
you can’t be real.
“fuck, y-you don’t have to, i want you to feel good, too.” he replies, words breathy as he finds himself chasing your lips.
you moan just at his words, leaning in to give him what he wants.
you must’ve done something redeemable in your past life to have accidentally met mingyu in a cafe. he may or may not have been on his phone while walking out and you may or may not have bumped into him while he was leaving. needless to say, his piping hot coffee ended up all over you and him, staining his white button up and your cute new top in the process. 
he’d asked if you were okay— if you were hurt or burned— profusely apologizing with a nervous stutter. when you finally noticed how beautiful the man before you was, you couldn’t even care about the irrevocable stain made on your shirt. 
you ultimately ended the conversation with, “it’s okay, you can pay me back with a date maybe?” to which he gave you an incredulous look. when he realized you were serious, he nodded shyly and exchanged numbers with you.
and the date went swimmingly, truth be told. probably the best date you’d ever been on. he made you laugh like no other and you made him blush with your playful teasing and easygoing aura.  the chemistry was undeniable.
which brings you back to the now— his tongue shoved in your mouth and your fingers still fumbling to unbutton his jeans. 
when you finally get them undone, you break from the kiss again and mingyu hates that you keep doing that, letting out a whine every time it happens. 
“wanna suck you off.” you tell him bluntly and his eyes widen in shock, puffy lips parting a bit. “can i?”
“are you sure?” he asks, meekly– a bit too shy for a man of his caliber. “i can eat you out instead…”
your core pulses at the words because, fuck, that sounds good too. you have no doubt in your mind that mingyu is a god at eating pussy if it’s anything like the way he kisses you.
but, no, you’re adamant on getting his dick in your mouth, so you shake your head. “you can do that for me another time… i really wanna do this. you’ll let me, won’t you?”
and how the fuck could he say no to that? he nods his head letting out a shaky, “ok.”
you nearly squeal, excitedly dropping to your knees and as you hit the ground, your eyes are leveled with his alarmingly large bulge. you unzip his jeans, pulling the denim and cotton boxers down his thick thighs till his cock pops out, slapping against his clothed abdomen. mingyu hisses as his length is free from the confinement and met with the cool air circulating in your home. 
and, honestly, you think you start drooling because holy. fucking. shit. he’s intimidatingly big. 
no, big is an understatement. he’s huge. massive. likely to split your body right in half if he tried to put it inside of you. but, really, what did you expect? mingyu himself is big. you’ve dated many men who were bigger than you, some even bigger than him— but none of their dicks compared to the one currently twitching in front of you. 
his leaky tip was flushed red and the veins running through his length were prominent. you could nearly feel the weight on your tongue and you hadn’t even touched him. 
“you’re so big,” you whisper looking up at him and he swears he’s gone bright red at the comment. 
“‘m not that big…” he mumbles, eyes averting from yours. if he looks at you on your knees any longer, he may cum untouched. “is it too much? i really don’t mind taking—“
you shake your head vigorously . if anything, you wanna take him down your throat even more. “it’s not… it’s not too much— i can take it.” you tell him and he inhales sharply because he’s fucking sure you could take it. “do girls not tell you you're big, though? why are you so humble about it?” you ask, hands slowly coming to wrap around his girth. 
he gasps at the unexpected contact, eyes finally coming back to you to find what may be a faux pout etched into your lips.“t-they do… i just- i don’t think it’s that big.” he reiterates.
“well it is. you probably wouldn’t even fit inside me,” you admit, voice hushed. your mouth hovers over his tip, letting a trail of spit out to lubricate him.
he curses, cock twitching in your light grip. “fuck, really?” the thought of not fitting in your cunt because he’s just that big has his mind reeling– has him excited. he wants to see if what you’re saying is any true (it is). 
you hum, nodding your head, slick hand effectively moving up and down his cock. “mmh, might break me without any prep– but you’ll make it fit, right, gyu? you’ll fuck me well?”
he lets out a gaspy moan, throwing his head back. “yeah, baby, i’ll make it fit– i’ll fuck you so well. shit, i’ll do anything you want.” his parroted words come out breathy once again. 
you exhale sharply, cunt clenching around nothing at his words and the thought of taking his cock. your hands quicken their pace before you move to wrap your lips around his blushing tip.
this man will give you anything you want and you’re willing to do the same for him. men like mingyu are nearly impossible to come by and you want to keep him all to yourself, so if that means choking on his dick till you can’t breathe, so be it.
you move your mouth down his cock and before you can reach the base, he’s already hitting the back of your throat. 
right above you, mingyu is losing it. he feels the way you constrict around him and it’s already taking him out. he hadn’t expected to be so sensitive, but he just can’t handle how warm and wet your mouth is and he definitely can’t handle how tight your throat is. he can only imagine how much tighter your cunt must be. 
“fuuuck,” he groans, hands flying to your head, tangling his fingers into your hair. “you’re so good.” 
the subtle praise heads straight to your core and you can’t stop the moan that vibrates his entirety. a pitchy whine rips from his throat and he fortuitously thrusts into yours causing tears to prick at your eyes as you let out a strident gag. 
he gasps out an apology, “‘m sorry.” he panting relentlessly and if you didn’t know better, you’d think he was about to release into your mouth. when you look up at him with your mouth full and tears clouding your vision, you see that he isn’t really sorry. “‘m so sorry, angel, fuck, ‘m sorry.” he echos over and over with his face pinched in pleasure, yet his hips won’t stop bucking into your mouth. 
you try your best to breathe, but his massive cock makes it hard as it fills your mouth and throat completely. his hands holding your head in place makes it impossible to move, but he sounds so pretty whining and desperately moaning out your name– you don’t even want to back off of him. 
your hands find his bare thighs and you grip them for dear life, fingernails digging into the flesh, sure to draw blood if he doesn't ease up any second now. he hisses at the feeling, ripping you off him with a tug on your locks. 
“need to fuck you now,” he groans, his cock throbbing angrily at the loss of contact. “can’t cum like that, ‘s too embarrassing.” he picks you up, making you stand on your feet. he notices how your mascara runs and your lipstick is smudged, but somehow, you’re still the prettiest thing in the world.
your ego naturally inflates at the comment and you smile cheekily. “i would’ve been flattered if you came that quick.” the words come out raspy thanks to the way his cock bruised your throat. 
he chuckles breathily while pulling up his pants, “i‘m sure you get guys that cum too fast a lot. especially with a mouth like that. ”
you shrug, taking his hand and dragging him to your bedroom on the opposite side of the main entrance. “sometimes, but none are as pretty as you.” you tell him truthfully as you guide him inside quickly, shutting the door behind you. “or as big.”
your face to face with him and he whispers, “yeah?” 
you tug him close to you by his sweater. “yeah,” you whisper against his lips. “dunno how you haven’t been locked down yet, you’re so attractive ‘n sweet– and… y’know, you’re huge.”
“just waiting for the right person to come along, i guess.” he whispers back, hands finding purchase on your waist. “think i’ve found them, though.”
your heart skips a beat and your breathing picks up, “yeah?” you echo breathily back at him. 
“fuck yes,” his grip tightens, pulling your body flush to his. you feel his cock pressing into your abdomen and you let out a whimper at both the coded confession and the way your pussy throbs at his touch. “c’mere, baby.”
you melt at the pet name, closing the gap between the two of you. you count back to how many times you’ve kissed him tonight and you’re almost scared that you’re addicted to the feeling of his lips on yours. the thought quickly dissipates when mingyu begins to pull your dress up by the hem, though. the two of you walk towards the bed, mouths still attached till you fall on the plush comforter, mingyu toppling over you. 
you giggle into his mouth at his body crushing yours. “gyu.”
“sorry.” he scrambles, standing up so you can get your dress over your head. you throw the fabric to the ground, leaving your body adorned in a pretty, white set. typically, you wouldn’t dare pull out one of your favorite sets for anyone– especially not for a first date– but you think mingyu is the most beautiful– most deserving– man to exist. he should get to see the set. 
and he does see it. he can’t stop the way his eyes ogle your lace covered body. “you’re so beautiful.” he pants out much like he’s in heat. 
and he just might be. he quickly and clumsily kicks off his shoes and pulls his pants back down, revealing his aching cock to you again. you curse to yourself when his shirt comes off shortly after, his big chest and toned abdomen on full display. 
god really took his time with kim mingyu. 
he doesn’t waste any time, practically lunging at you and hovering over you with blown out pupils. “look like an angel– fuck, you’re so pretty.” 
you pout, feeling your brain turn to mush at the endless compliments that seem to flow past his swollen lips. the dull ache and sporadic pulse in your cunt remind you how needy you are, though, so you express that to him by bucking your hips up. 
“gyu…” you whimper. “want it so bad.”
he groans, hands pinning your hips down and grounding you to the bed, “i have to prep you, baby– you said it yourself, ‘m not gonna fit.”
you shake your head ceaselessly while squirming in his grip, “no, i don’t care, just give it to me or else i might die.”
“but you said–”
you interrupt him before he can say anymore. “give it to me… please.” the plea comes out hushed and your words are laced with the utmost desire. so much so that it’s almost impossible for mingyu to deny you. you can see some doubt lingering on his face so you tell him exactly what he needs to hear. “‘m so fucking wet for you, mingyu… i’m sure it’ll just slip in– it’s okay. you won’t hurt me.”
he shakily exhales before nodding. “o-okay…” his fingers nimbly tug at the soaked panties, signaling you to raise your hips so he can roll them off your legs. 
mingyu’s pulse thumps erratically in his ears as soon as he sees just how wet you are. your pussy glistens under the soft lamp light and he wants a taste– to drown in your pussy– because he just knows you’re fucking delicious. 
“wanna taste you…” he moans and your walls clench around nothing, a fresh wave of arousal trickling out of you. 
you teeth catch your bottom lip to stop the whine bubbling in the back of your throat.“next time…” you croak. “just need your cock inside of me right now.”
he nods his head at the promise of a next time– he’ll hold you to that. “condom?” 
“iud and ‘m clean,” you confirm, knees knocking against your chest as you pull them up. 
“same.” he says mindlessly as he grips the back of your thighs and spreads you open. “well, i don’t have an iud, but i’m clean, too.” 
he’s cute, you think before you remind yourself that this cute, big man is about to absolutely wreck you. 
you smile, “good,”
one of his hand wraps around his throbbing length, running his flushed tip between your soaked folds to collect wetness. you whine at the contact, praying that he finally stops this unintentional teasing.  
when he drags his cock to your drooling hole, he asks, “are you sure?”
your eyes squeeze shut and nod, “uh-huh, please.”
he lets out a wobbly sigh before pushing his fat tip into you, biting his lip as he watches the way your cunt stretches open to swallow him up. you gasp, back arching at the burning sensation in your core. you really have never taken anyone so big. 
he stops only half way when he’s met with strong resistance. “talk to me, angel,” he whispers to mask his wavering voice. “are you okay?”
you mewl, “g-gyu…” 
“baby, do you need me to pull out? you’re so fucking tight,” he grunts, his cock twitching between the gummy walls that suffocate him. 
your hands grip the sheets under you and you shake your head, letting out the most incoherent sentence ever. “n-no, just– slow, go slow.” 
but you’re completely coherent to mingyu. “relax, pretty. ease up for me– i want it to feel good.” he coaxes, voice soft.
his attempt in helping you relax proves to be futile when you clamp tighter around him. the action elicits a moan from the both of you. 
“j-just fuck me– please, just move.” 
he gives you a weary look, but does what you ask for anyway. he pushes past the resistance, sheathing himself further inside of you. and, fuck, you swear you’re just about to cum when he’s finally bottomed out, both of your hips flushed against each other. you’re impaled on his fat cock, stretched open and completely full of him. 
he’s very hyper-aware of how you're squeezing him while he’s balls deep inside of you and his mind can’t stop reeling. he moans out your name and a few curses, holding himself there till you adjust to his size. 
and you’ve gone dumb at this point, unable to make a comprehensible thought about anything other than the cock you’re split open on. “s-so big. oh my, god, mingyu– you’re so big.” you almost sound like you’re overexaggerating, but it’s true. you can feel him everywhere. 
he can’t stop the way he jolts at the comment, inadvertently driving himself into you. you sob at the doing, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“shit, sorry. still good?”
“mhm, ‘s good– ‘m good.” you tell him as the uncomfortable burn slowly melts to pleasure. “you can move, baby.”
mingyu groans, hands coming back to grip the backs of your knees pushing them against your chest before he slowly pulls out and pushes back in.
you let out the prettiest moan, his name tumbling past your pouty lip and, now, he thinks he’s lost it. 
no, he’s definitely lost it because his speed quickens without a second thought. he drives his cock in and out of you, listening to the way you cry and mewl mixed with the sound of his balls slapping against your wet cunt. 
“Y/N, you’re so fucking good. pussy’s so fucking good– takin’ me so well,” he nearly cries, gripping your flesh tighter. “god, you’re mine now.”
it shouldn’t turn you on as much as it does, but the way your stomach flips and walls tighten verifies that it does. 
“and you’re mine.” you moan in response. 
and the reassurance that you want him to be yours has him lurching in to sloppily kiss you, moaning into your mouth while he keeps a rapid tempo. you let him swallow your whines and your arms envelope him, pulling him closer. 
his cock finds your sweet spot and when you gasp, he knows to keep hitting it with precision. 
“gyu! gyu, i’m gonna cum.” you warn against his lips.
he growls, thrusts increasing in pace as he’s adamant on getting you to your high. “cum for me, baby– cum all over my fucking cock.” 
his words and impressive speed trigger your orgasm. the tightness in your tummy dissolves as you completely unravel under his big, buff body. you seize, back arched and head thrown to the pillow as you cum and clench around him uncontrollably. 
“that’s it, fuck,” he moans, continuing his assault on your poor pussy.  “you’re gorgeous, angel, so fucking pretty when you cum.”
the onslaught of pleasure is almost too much, body beginning to shake in overstimulation. “w-wan’ you to cum,” you slur, a cry following the words. “please please please, cum on me!” you beg. 
and mingyu is at your beck and call. he knows he’s  just met you, but he’d do anything you asked of him because the grip you (and your pussy) have him in is nothing short of insane. 
that’s why he’s quick to pull out, releasing you from his bruising grip to fist his arousal-drenched cock up and down. he throws his head back and moans out your name again as he releases hot, white ribbons of cum onto your stomach. 
after a few minutes of panting and coming down from his high, he chuckles airly. “i’m so glad i spilled my coffee on you, if i’m being completely honest.” 
you giggle, hiding your face in your hands, “it was a cute top, though.”
“well, you look cute without it on.” he smiles, leaning down to pepper your face with soft pecks. 
“mingyu!” you blush, playfully slapping his bare chest. “be serious!”
“i am!” he laughs. “speaking of being serious… when’s our next date?”
you hum, “well, it depends. when are you free and what do you wanna do?”
there’s a playful glint in his eyes when he looks at you, “i’m free now… and y’know how you said i can eat you out next time?”
your breath gets caught in your throat, but you nod your head remembering the promise you’d made. 
“well… what do you say? can i treat you to a second date? say… right now?”
“i’d love nothing more.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
taglist 🔖: @roe-sinning @hyuk4ngel @bowmonde @rckwithyou
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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PAIRING > park sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis > being the amazing friend you were, you had helped your friend who desperately did not want to go on the blind date so you went as her. however, you were dumbfounded to find out that the CEO was your friend’s blind date! hopefully, he doesn’t recognise you.
GENRE > ceo au, staff!reader, fake dating au, girlboss reader because that’s how kim hari was in business proposal😌 hot CEO sunghoon (ahah but you must be asking why not secretary when there is a sunghoon in business proposal that was hot and kinky😏 well idk)
FEATURING > K from &team, yujin and wonyoung from ive, danielle from newjeans, harvey from XG and romin from e'last. of course the enhypen members too and if on occasions I may add new idols into the smau ^_^
SCHEDULE > updated whenever I can…
TAGLIST > series has officially ended. thank you for joining this whole ride🫶🏻
START: 20 October 2022 | END: 12 February 2023
NOTE: 4th SMAU WOOOO. well technically there is only ‘jam out’ here…EHEM I’ll just exit🚪I know I’ve written in my original that the reader will be sunghoon’s secretary but I ultimately decided to stick to how the original ‘business proposal’ went. BUT I may make you the secretary maybe later on in the episodes😉 oh and I aged up everyone except jungwon and ni-ki bc I like the aspect of them being sunghoon’s bodyguards even though they are high schoolers😀
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profile: CEO and his minions | cosmetic whores😛
prologue: the contrasts of friend groups
one: love hurts [written]
two: no head, no possay
three: damn😨
four: they are just friends
– placing this bc the previous read more messed up –
six: he just self inserted
seven: makeover montage😍😍
nine: who tf is harvard and one letter hyung?
ten: dave and juan🥺 [written + pictures]
eleven: tell us what you know old man👹
twelve: I wanna kick some shins😍😍
thirteen: curby
fourteen: snorting my sorrows away
fifteen: elavatoe
sixteen: plot hole once again
seventeen: sunoo finds out! [written]
eighteen: alpha female raptor
nineteen: FOR FREE???
twenty: grippers and snatchers
twenty-one: ZAYUM DADDAË
twenty-two: velociraptor speaks
twenty-three: happy birthday, here is a gift❤️
twenty-four: meeting the grandmother😵‍💫 [written]
twenty-five: the english to australian translator
twenty-six: love you too hyung🥰
twenty-seven: they’re dating…again
twenty-eight: hentai tentacles
twenty-nine: happy anniversary? [written]
thirty: she’s a fraud
thirty-one: let’s drink the night away!
thirty-two: christian minecraft server era
thirty-three: jay hyung male wife era
thirty-four: YOU KNEW HE KNEW??
thirty-five: SOUND THE ALARM
thirty-six: they flirting
thirty-seven: 3 step guide [written]
thirty-eight: the censored pic
thirty-nine: we good time👍🏻
fourty: kiss me [written]
fourty-one: post-kiss feelings??
fourty-two: paper work. what else?
fourty-three: failed secret dating
fourty-four: b-b-but :(
fourty-five: she’s a fighter [written]
fourty-six: how about…naur
fourty-seven: NO BUTS🧌 JUST GO
fourty-eight: that’s a pervert!
fourty-nine: the devil’s cha cha cha💃🏻🕺🏻
fifty: r.i.p that pus- [written]
special episodes!
baby name website
the many FaceTime sessions
youngmi and her little sibling
ask business proposal casts
author asks | business proposal cast
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ilwonuu · 3 months
-‘๑’- don’t you wanna? -‘๑’-
↬ kim seungmin (read camping trip after)
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ꙮ pairing- nonidol!seungmin x fem reader, established relationship,dom!seungmin x sub reader
ꙮ summary- your boyfriend loves for other people to hear how good he makes you feel.
ꙮ warnings- slight voyeurism(???)(, hyunjin, jeongin, and chan are listening to them…), unprotected sex (no one is surprised), dirty talk, seungmin is crazyzysyys, riding, hickeys, kissing, lmk if i missed anything
ꙮ a/n-literally no one asked for this.. i wrote this while high(im crazy while high) I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE HAPPY 600💖💖
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seungmin has been playing video games all day you assume. as soon as you come home from work he’s at his desk playing. his eyes getting darker when he sees you come through the door.
“hi min.” you say as you lean down to hug him. he’s pulling you on his lap with a half smirk. “hi gorgeous.” his hands are wrapped around your waist now as you straddle him.
“how was work?” you shrug with a sigh laying your head on him. “tiring?” he asks you as he plays with some of your hair. you nod with a smile.
“i could help you relax.” he says loud enough for you and his friends on the call to hear. seungmin hears chan laugh nervously through his headphones. he moves one of the headphones off his hear as he hears jeongin voice.
“are you really doing this with us on the call?” you hear jeongin’s question through his headphones which causes you to shoot a look at seungmin. “that okay baby?” he asks you quietly.
“y-yea.” you don’t know why you agreed so easily. did you want his friends to hear you? maybe.. but seungmin loved the thought of his friends hearing your moans from him. you felt your body heat up at the thought.
“hyunjin is on the call too.” seungmin admits looking at you for your reaction. you nod taking your shorts off. seungmin’s smirk is just getting bigger.
he pulls his sweatpants down look at you take your underwear off. “come sit on it baby.” he shrugs his underwear down. you straddle his waist as you feel him line you up with his tip.
he fists some of you hair as you finally sit down on him. he is quick to start bouncing you up and down. “seu-min oh fuck-“ his mouth is sucking against your neck as he moves your hips.
you can’t hear any of the boys on the call but thinking about them hearing you, you got wetter and seungmin loved to call you out.
“you’re so w-wet shit. what are you thinking about huh? you thinking about how they can hear how i’m fucking you like a good girl? i bet you wish they could see you too huh? fucking slut.” your already unable to form words to respond.
“look at you. doing anything to take my dick. i bet you were thinking about this all day.” he teases you as he starts to thrust up into you.
“seungmin- too much!-“ he just smirks at you. “you love being fucked like a slut tho, huh? say it.” he grabs your face to look at him. “i-i love it! p-please.”
he smirks pulling you into a messy kiss. “ride baby- fuck just like that.” the three other boys are not sure what their reactions should be.
but their all obviously hard. your moans and obvious sounds of your arousal is filling the room. “you guys- shit hear her? so fu-fucking good.” he says the last couple of words while watching you go completely dumb on him.
“gonna cum slut? let go baby.” he’s guiding your hips along with his thrusts up. his thrusts hitting deeper. your eyes are rolling so far back, seungmin just watches you with a smirk.
“min- mm coming.” he just groans. “cum baby. fuuck- good girl.” he watches your leg twitch as you cum on his dick. “want my cum slut?” he asks already knowing the answer.
“please seungmin-“ his thrusts are fast and sloppy as he cums deep inside you. “shit- you take all of it- fuck baby.” the two of you trying to catch your breath. “let me get off call then we can shower?” seungmin asks you before you hear muffled voices from the headset.
“what are we supposed to say-“ hyunjin asks through the call with his voice sounding kinda shaky. “idk it was kinda hot.” jeongin admits with no shame.
“im getting off the the call. i’ll get on tomorrow.” your boyfriend chimes in. “uh bye-“ chan begins to say before you hear him cut the call.
“did you like it?” he asks as he slowly pulls out of you. “of course-“ he’s cutting you off with a kiss. “i knew you would. let’s go shower.”
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matchaelette · 7 days
here's an idea! jungkook teaching ash to box!! imagine how cute it'll be, he'll keep praising his girl and said girl will actually shock him w her skills hehehe
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GIF by @jung-koook
when you want to learn boxing and jungkook’s method of teaching it leaves a trail of butterflies in your stomach
summary: idol!jk and oc!ash, established relationship, shoutout to anonie, their idea explains it all <3 it’s pure, unadulterated love and we’re just here for the vibes, as we generally are in my drabbles.
genre: fluff
warnings: does jungkook being disgustingly in love count?
word count: 1.9k
notes: kim seokjin is back homeehehehehehehe and namjoon welcomed him playing a saxophone— I missed them so. so. so. much. happy 11th anniversary to our found family guys <3
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it was one of those rare days.
having the air conditioner turned on just a short while ago, the air around jungkook feels hot and suffocating. for a whole minute, he contemplates knocking over the glass of iced latte over the countertop and letting it soothe his sweltering skin.
it has probably been less than thirty minutes since he woke up, today being one of those rare days he woke up to your kisses instead of good morning texts. he rolled out of bed in a hazy bliss, brushed his teeth, put on a t-shirt, and waddled his way into the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of you while you decided to go downstairs to check the mail.
now, he’s standing over the stove with a spatula, patiently waiting for the pancakes to cook and not letting his impulsive thoughts win. it was one of those very rare, and quite unusual days, where both of you had the morning off together. he didn’t want to waste even a single second doing unnecessary things without you, such as, perhaps, cleaning the coffee he voluntarily spilled. he’d rather—
but jungkook is broken out of the reverie when he hears a click on the door.
“jungkoooookie! the boxing gloves are here!”
if the click on the door wasn’t enough, your amped-up voice certainly was, to break his train of thoughts.
the door shut behind you with a loud thud— the same thud that you’ve told your beloved boyfriend plenty of times not to make— echoing through the whole house (tell me jungkook. is it so hard to close the door gently or do you just like the sound?). one of your hands is holding onto a glass of iced latte jungkook made for you just minutes ago, sipping it with a straw and another one is secured around a huge white package clutched onto your chest. but jungkook stares at you instead.
you’re wearing one of jungkook’s baby blue oversized shirts, paired with the same black boxers he carelessly tossed on the floors last night, hair swept up into a messy bun. fuck, did you actually wear his boxers downstairs? jungkook suddenly felt himself burning up and he was sure the scathing heat of the day had nothing to do with it.
“kook, hello? look! the boxing gloves are here!”
jungkook, once again distracted by his train of unholy thoughts, blinks when you spin gracefully and land in front of him with a princessy curtsy. the action makes him break out in a wide smile unknowingly, and he suddenly realizes the source of your uncontained glee.
“the boxing gloves are here?”, he asks you, his smile is a literal ray of sunshine. a few weeks ago, jungkook dragged you to one of his boxing training sessions, and it somehow piqued your interest, even though you never really gave it much thought. you were like that, always trying new things and tossing them away as soon as you got the hang of it, floating from one thing to the next like a butterfly. maybe that’s why people played you too. loving you way too easily, discarding you even more easily, just as you begin to love them back.
jeon jungkook didn’t. the thought never once crossed his mind.
“yeah! c’mon let’s open it!”
“give me a second, princess. the pancakes will go up”
“just so you know, I ordered a pair for you as well”, you tell him, making your way to the living room couch.
“really? but babe, I already have way too many”, jungkook follows you soon after, carrying a plate stacked with pancakes, topped with berries and peanut butter just the way you like it. he sets the plate on the side table and sits beside you.
for a brief moment, jungkook’s face fills with confusion.
“yeah but you don’t have—”, you rip open the package, “—this one!”
then he throws his head back in laughter.
the boxing gloves you are holding up triumphantly are black in color, snug and thick and padded with patent leather, perfectly normal, until you notice the white patch covering the area from the knuckles to the wrist— a blonde kim seokjin, mouth stuffed with ramen, face contorted into a totally ridiculous expression.
“see? isn’t it amazing?”
“oh man, holy shit”. jungkook doubles over in laughter, hitting his own thigh repeatedly in the process, “oh my god, where did you find these?! this is absolutely gold!”
“I have my ways”, you flash him a wicked smile, “I knew you’d like ‘em!”
“like them? I am never taking these off!”
“look at my one!”
second wave of laughter hits jungkook when he sees your comparatively smaller boxing gloves. it’s the same black ones as jungkook’s, with the same white patch in the middle but this one portrays a young park jimin in the iconic red bullet concert, eyes smeared with black eyeliner and lips pouting in an ‘ayo’.
“I told you it’s amazing!”
jungkook just laughs uncontrollably, unable to form any coherent sentences.
“I was looking for one with you on it but unfortunately they were all sold out”, you snicker, attempting to put on the gloves and try them out.
“fortunate for me”, jungkook’s laughter is unstoppable, “man, I gotta show these to the hyungs. immediately.”
“after you teach me to box! c’mon c’mon c’mon!”, you spring up from the couch, hopping your way to retrieve one of jungkook’s punching bags, in the corner of the living room where he usually keeps his gym essentials.
“princess”, jungkook’s laughter subsides, and he grabs onto you immediately, “not now. after breakfast.”
“after breakfast”, he says, a stern look in his eyes. and there’s no room left for any arguments anymore.
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“but I don't want to defend!”
“babe, you can’t just attack people, you have to defend yourself too!”, jungkook exasperated.
“now, tuck your arms”. jungkook instructs you but then proceeds to bring your arms up to your chin and tuck them by your side himself. “stepping forward would help you initiate a very powerful jab. and stepping backward would help you create a distance between you and your opponent, so it’s the best immediate defense. continue moving back and forth to maintain a powerful stance.”
“okay. which foot stays forward again?”
“keep your feet shoulder-width apart. you’re right-handed, so your right foot stays backward.”
“right foot points at two o’clock, right?”, your focus is solely on your boyfriend, trying your best to follow through with whatever he’s saying. jungkook just wants to kiss you.
“yeah. bend your knees slightly.”
“no no no, not that much— unless you’re getting on your knees for me?”
“okay okay! you’re perfect”, jungkook moves a few inches backward and flashes you a mischievous grin, but can’t help being proud of you. he didn’t even have to tell you much and you were already in a perfect stance, certainly much better than him when he was starting out. “now have a go at me. I wanna see your strength. then I’ll teach you the different punches.”
you take position, but hesitate. “okay— how hard am I supposed to hit exactly?”
“could you punch me and show me how much strength i’m supposed to use?”
“really?”, jungkook looks offended but amusement fills him.
“yes! I just want to know if I should go all out or keep it light.”
“you want me to punch you?”
“oh my god, you’ll survive not being a gentleman for five seconds, jungkook”, you say impatiently, “now punch me!”
jungkook, unsurprisingly, doesn’t do what he’s told. instead, wraps his arms around your waist and smashes his mouth against yours, swallowing your surprised squeal with a smirk. in a flash, your head spins and you lose your balance into an abyss of delight. jungkook knows you all too well and presses you against him when you try to grab his shoulders out of reflex (don’t you know he’d never let you fall?) but fail because of your glove-cladded hands. your lips taste sweet and savory, the peanut butter and berries combining into a deadly experience he’s not sure his heart could handle.
yet he never hesitates to steal your breath.
when jungkook lets you go, it takes you several minutes before you can talk. or think.
“what are you doing?”, you whisper.
just what he’s wanting to do… always.
“i’m never gonna learn boxing this way”, you sigh.
“what way?”, jungkook’s breathing is heavy but the smirk on his face says a million other things.
“this way you’re—”, you shake your head and peer blearily, “wait, what was I saying again?”
“c’mon princess, you don’t need me to punch you. just land a punch on me. give me your best shot.”
you mouth an ‘okay’ and fall into stance, as jungkook instructed. “is this okay?”
“good girl”, jungkook teases, which has you losing your focus for a second. but then, you shake your head and direct your shot at his abs, self-instructed.
the punch lands hard and square on him, causing the doe-eyed boy to stagger several steps backward, gripping his abdomen with clear astonishment.
“babe! did you really hit me?!”
“wha— you told me to!”
“I didn’t expect you actually would!”
“what did you expect?”, you’re nonchalant but the redness creeping up your cheeks isn’t, “i’d kiss you senseless after you asked me to land a punch on you?”
jungkook dramatically collapses on the floor, shaking violently with fake coughs. you snort at his antics and offer your hand to your boyfriend to help him up but he doesn’t give you the chance— he grabs onto it and pulls you down. the unexpected gesture throws you off balance and you land directly on top of him. you yelp, but jungkook doesn’t even flinch. he quickly secures his grip around you, making sure not an inch of your body touches the floor or gets hurt.
“jungkook! you—”
said jungkook cuts you short, gently pressing his lips against yours, once again making you forget time and space. what were you planning to say? however, he doesn’t give you any time to think— moving away from your lips and peppering your entire face with kisses. you burst out into giggles and jungkook sighs with satisfaction— that’s it, that’s the smile he’s so helpless in love with.
“is this your idea of teaching me boxing?”, you put your hands on your boyfriend’s chest, lifting yourself up and sitting beside him.
“that was the reward of a punch excellently thrown.”
“oh, you gotta be kidding me. are you planning to reward me after every punch?”
“that’s a very good idea. but jokes aside babe, that was one heck of a punch”, jungkook beams at you, propping himself up on his arms.
you laugh.
“okay, remember when you couldn’t take piano lessons from yoongi oppa because he wouldn’t stop praising you? that’s exactly where this is going.”
“I mean it! that was a really, really solid punch, I did not expect that at all!”. oh, but he did. he has an unbreakable confidence in you that he wished you had in yourself.
“what can I say? you’re being a very good girl”, he winks.
“kook, you're a terrible teacher! you shouldn't flirt with your students!”, you scold him.
“forget what a teacher does. i’d rather do you instead.”
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atinyniki · 8 months
baby bump
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!kim seungmin x f!reader
genre: angst with a happy ending
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, established relationship, seungmin is referred to min, pup, and minnie, pregnancy, suggestive towards the end???
authors note: i love kim seungmin. that is all i have to say about this. this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 3250
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“no no no”
this can’t be happening. 
you flip over the pregnancy tests to see 6 pink lines staring right at you. you took three, just to make sure you weren’t pregnant, but the tests didn’t come out the way you wanted them to.
you hear the front door close, and quickly scramble to hide the tests. walking out of the bathroom, you see a tired seungmin. his features are soft, relaxed, but his eyes are cold. 
“how was work?”
you frown, “i can tell, would you like dinner?”. “dinner sounds nice”
seungmin loves coming home to you. you’re his safe space, and it’s like all his problems disappear when you’re with him. he loves you a lot, and you know it.
after heating up the leftovers, you hand him his plate and you both sit at the table. his expression isn’t quite placeable, but if you were to guess, he looked pretty upset.
“what’s wrong minnie?”
his head jerks up at you quickly, your voice bringing him back from his thoughts. “oh… just comeback stress”
you hold his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. he seems to loosen up at this, and starts eating. 
you’re scared to tell him the news, but figured you’d tell him after the comeback mayhem has died down.
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seungmin hasn’t been home a lot lately, and you’re just starting your eighth week of pregnancy. you recently got a checkup while seungmin was at work.
you’ve been throwing up a lot recently, but you figured it was normal in your first trimester. hopefully seungmin doesn’t notice anything’s wrong. he’s been a lot less attentive anyways.
“im home!”, you hear him yell from the front door.
“go shower, foods almost ready!”, you yell back.
you figured he’d appreciate you making his favorite meal when he got home, maybe it’d even cheer him up a little.
once he got back, you start setting out the food.
“how was your day?”
he had been answering that question the same way for weeks. it was always just ‘exhausting’. you just hoped that one day he would just respond with ‘good’, but he never did. 
there was nothing you could do to help with his work, but you could help at home. once you both finished your food, you brought him to the bed and peppered kisses all over his face. 
his soft giggles let you know you’ve succeeded, and you slowly start to calm down with the kisses. “seungmin…”
the words sit right at the tip of your tongue. you have to tell him now, it’s the perfect time, but instead, you blurt out something else.
“i love you”
his heart swelled, “i love you too pup”, he smiled while he gave you a kiss.
you both drifted off to sleep that night, safe in eachothers arms.
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it’s your 3rd month in right now, and if you’ll be honest it’s getting really hard to hide your baby bump.
seungmin hasn’t been home that much lately, he’s been working so late that he has to stay at the dorms. it’s getting harder and harder to do everything by yourself, and you can’t find the perfect time to tell seungmin about your baby either. 
you’ve been getting weaker, and your hormones were out of balance. random waves of whatever emotion passing through at different times, you just wanted to have seungmin by your side. he always knows how to calm you down.
you’re laying in bed now, scrolling through your phone, waiting for seungmins text to see if he’ll be coming home for the night. 
you slowly felt yourself drift off to sleep, but you tried to keep yourself up to wait for him. you felt too tired to stay awake anymore.
you wake up to your phone ringing hours later, ‘dog kisser’ it read. what would hyunjin be calling you for at almost four in the morning? you immediately picked up.
“hello?”, you cleared your throat once you heard how raspy it was.
“sorry, did i wake you? i was just calling to tell you that seungmin staying at the dorms again tonight”
“okay… thanks jin”
your tone threw him off. “what’s wrong y/n? are you okay?”
you ignore the question, “is seungmin still working?”
“uh yeah i think so, im worried about him y/n. he hasn’t slept at all, you should probably talk to him.”
“oh… okay, i will. you should sleep now hyunjin. 
“i will, you get some rest too. you sound tired”
you say your good nights and goodbyes, but you can’t seem to fall back asleep. you’re lying in your bed, your eyes wide open. you just want to cry, you’re so worried for seungmin, but from all the tears you’ve cried these past days, your eyes have dried out.
as much as you try to cry to finally get that release, they don’t leave your eyes. you can feel your heart cracking more and more every second you think about how seungmin must feel right now.
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seungmin came home for once the next day, but it was extremely late. he came home to see your sleeping figure on the bed.
seungmin feels guilty for always being home so late. he doesn’t know the last time he’s heard your voice in person. 
tears well up in his eyes. he can’t imagine how terrible you must be feeling right now. what good is a boyfriend who can’t help his pregnant girl?
he quickly takes a shower and meets you in bed, careful not to shake you too much. he wants you to get as much rest as you can. he quickly bends down to kiss your baby bump, then your forehead. it’s become a routine at this point, since the only times he sees you is when you��re asleep.
he wants you to tell him when you’re ready…
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its been a month. seungmin has stopped coming to the house completely, but he still manages to find time to call you everyday. his work has become more hands-on, so he has to be at the dorms and studios more often. 
he makes sure he’s understanding of how you’re feeling, making sure not to undermine any of your feelings.
it’s been so difficult without him, and you really do want to tell him, but you know it’ll make everything worse for him.
it’s been difficult for him too. he hasn’t told you but he’s been crying himself to sleep every night. the guilt is eating him alive, and there’s nothing he can do to help the pain. it’s gotten so loud that even jeongin has been able to hear him cry some nights.
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seungmin comes home one night a week later, and he just can’t do it anymore. he’s been thinking about it for a while, but it was also kind of an impulsive decision. seeing you fall asleep on the couch waiting for him broke something in him.
tears start streaming down his face as he crouches down in front of you. he kisses your small baby bump again. he realizes you’ve been wearing thicker and looser clothing to hide it.
“y/n. y/n wake up”
your eyes slowly start fluttering open. your smile reaches your eyes after seeing your boyfriend after so long. you reach for his face, but he pulled away. that’s when you knew something was up.
“what’s wrong my love?”
his heart shattered right there and then, but it was too late. there was no way you could piece it back together for him, and neither could he. 
“i can’t do this anymore”
you look at him, head tilted in confusion. “what do you mean minnie?”
he stays silent. you begin to worry. did something happen at work? did his-
“i want to break up.”
oh. you weren’t expecting it, that’s for sure. you wanted to stay strong though. you figured being sad all the time probably wasn’t good for the baby.
you contained your tears as well as you could, but couldn’t seem to make out any words. your hands shook as you reached for his. 
seungmin truly didn’t have an answer to that, not one he could tell you at least. he couldn’t tell you that the reason he’s leaving is because of his own guilt. he knows it’s selfish, but he couldn’t come home to you like this anymore. he couldn’t break you any more than he already has.
he hesitated for a bit, but eventually got something out. “i don’t think i love you anymore.”
lying to you hurt him more than anything else. he wished he could tell you he still loves you, but he knows that wouldn’t allow you to move on. that was unfair to you, and he didn’t want to make it any worse.
“did i do something?”
“no.”, he responded coldly. you’d never heard his voice like that before, not when he was talking to you.
you were at a loss for words, and your tears finally started falling. harsh sobs racked your body, and it was getting hard to breathe. through your struggles, you still managed to get a couple words out.
“you… i thought…”
“you thought what?”, he responded quickly.
“i thought… you w-were the one…”
hearing those words broke his entire soul. he didn’t know how long it’d take him to recover after that. he truly thought he was going to die right there. that it was a bad nightmare and he’d wake up any second. but he didn’t. 
“well, i’m not.”
he began to get up, he couldn’t bear to see your face anymore. it was so difficult for him to lie to you. 
“don’t go… please. stay with me, i’ll be better i- i promise”, you yelled through your tears. he was already darting towards the front door, but he turned around.
“bye, y/n”
an apology sat on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t let it out. quickly, he walks out the door before he can look back. there was no reversing what he had just done. he was certain he had just lost you forever.
before he actually left the estate, he lingered there for a while. it hurt him more, but he knew he deserved it. he heard you cry for hours that night, you never left your spot at the front of the door.
he brought you food from the convenience store and left it at your door, quickly ringing the doorbell and running back to his car, and leaving for good.
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he felt like the worst exboyfriend in the world. how could he just leave you like that? it’s as if he treated you like you were nothing. like his baby meant nothing to him.
you regretted not telling him before. you still feel guilty about it, you’re carrying his baby girl and you couldn’t even find the courage to tell him.
seungmin went to the only person he could. chan.
chan was always down to earth, and gave the best advice. seungmin was in need of exactly what chan had to offer.
“chan please what do i do”
“please seungmin calm down, i can’t tell you anything until you chill”
chan helped him deal with his own feelings, but as much as he wanted to help his friend, he knew it was seungmins fault in the first place. 
seungmin really wanted you back, but he knew he couldn’t do that. he knew he’d just break you even more. he couldn’t play with you like that. but he just needed you back by his side.
you’re shot out of your thoughts by your phone ringing. 
“ji? what’s up?”
“y/n you need to pick seungmin up. please…”
your heart dropped at the thought of him again. the man that broke your heart with no explanation, and left you to pick up the pieces on your own. 
“why? what happened”
“i don’t know. he’s not okay… he hasn’t left his room and there’s just crashing and wailing”
wailing? you’ve seen seungmin cry but wailing was rare. something was up. there was a different part of the story that you weren’t aware of.
“ji… i don’t think i’m in proper condition to drive right now.”
“fine then. ill get changbin hyung to pick you up. please? it’s urgent.”, he begged.
“i… okay just- let me get ready”
you quickly throw on some clothes, careful to hide the bump. you knew you were going to tell seungmin once you got there. it was too much to hold on your own. 
changbin came to pick you up, and the drive there felt like torture. you just wanted to see seungmin again. as much as he hurt you, you missed him a lot.
you made small talk with changbin, but not much. he knew you were nervous, but he tried to distract you as much as you could. 
once you made it to the building you ran as fast as you possibly could.
you ran to his room and knocked. 
“seungmin it’s me. please open the door…”
seungmin rushed to open his door. he thought he was hallucinating.
your heart fell to your stomach when you saw him. bloodshot eyes, dark eyebags. his hair was a mess, he was a mess. his clothes were everywhere, things from his desk scattered all over the floor.
you slowly make your way into his room, careful not to scare him off. 
he slowly sunk to his knees in front of you, his mouth hung slightly agape.
he begins to smother your bump in kisses. your mind goes blank. he starts crying even more when he sees how big it’s really gotten, holding it in his two hands. 
he sunk down even lower, and he just hugged his knees and cried even harder.
you were at a loss for words. you didn’t know he knew, but you didn’t think you did a great job at hiding it anyways. you sat on the bed silently, right next to him. he was still crying, just at the foot of the bed.
“i’m so sorry…”, he mumbled out. 
it was the only thing you could hear him say within all the mumbling. 
“please, i’m so sorry”
“y/n, i’m so sorry”
his hands shook as he crawled towards you, tears hitting the floor with a splash. 
“i love you so much. i lied y/n. i love you to the ends of the world. i just… i didn’t know how much longer i could take seeing you like that. i thought it’d be better for you if i just left. you could’ve moved on and found someone better. your baby could’ve had a better dad, one who was actually present in their life and-“
“seungmin. you’re rambling”, you cut him off.
“i know i am, but i really have to explain. i want you back so bad y/n. you haven’t left my mind at all. i need you y/n. so much it hurts. i haven’t been the same since i met you. i’ve been so used to keeping to myself but then i got attached. i miss you. i miss us. i just knew i couldn’t keep hurting you… so i left. but now i just regret it and i was so stupid and-“
he stops talking when you reach a hand down to him and help him up. his knees wobble as he stands, but he gets up and sits down on the bed.
“i’m so sorry pup…”
you didn’t answer him, you just held him for a bit. you let him cry into your chest, even though you were still in pain. you were glad you had some closure now. you knew that he still loved you, but you couldn’t take him back. you had to know that he wouldn’t do anything like that again. 
“seungmin, you have to start telling me these things. if anything, take a break. you can’t let all of this pile onto you, there has to be some way you can let it out. talk to me, please.”
“do you still-“, a hiccup, “-love me?”
you couldn’t help but smile a little. you wipe the tears off of his face and pinch his cheek a little. “of course i do min. i don’t think i could ever stop”
“be my wife”
your heart jumped right back up. “what?”
he quickly ran to go grab the box that was on the floor, pulling out a gorgeous black diamond ring.
“i love you y/n. i truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. take me back, please.”, his voice was sincere, still shaky from all the crying. 
you were in shock, you really wanted to accept but you were scared he’d leave again. “promise me you won’t leave me again seungmin”
“i won’t. i promise if i get you back i’ll never let you go”
you let out a light sigh and smiled. you wrapped your arms around him, foreheads touching, “i love you minnie”
he held your wrist and put the small band on your finger. 
letting out a shaky breath, he pulls you in for another kiss. his tears dripped onto your nose as he pushed you further onto the bed, now hovering over you.
“i love you so much y/n. thank you”, he says between kisses. you can feel him smile against you, his velvety lips waltzing with yours.
he cups your baby bump with his hands and kisses all around it.
“how far in are you”, he smiled up at you.
you couldn’t resist the way his gentle eyes looked at you. he just looked so adorable like this right now. you use your hands to cup his face and pull him up. 
you stare into his eyes, “i’m six months in… she’s a girl”. tears leave his eyes once again, kissing you softly.
“i love you both so much, i promise i’ll never leave you again.”
he kisses you again, this time more sensually. soft ‘i love you’s echoing throughout the room. you missed him so much, you were happy he finally realized it.
his hands travel up your waist, still kissing down your neck. light red heart-shaped splotches appear all across your collarbone.
every kiss feels like your heart and body is being set on fire. you were so happy to finally have him after so long.
suddenly, the door flings wide open, the boys all piling on top of eachother like dominos.
“YOHHH I SAID NOT TO LEAN ON THE DOOR”, you heard changbin yell.
“IM SORRY JEEZ- I COULDNT HEAR BECAUSE THEY WENT QUIET”, hyunjin yelled back. you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. they all scramble to get up and leave the room. 
chan lingers for a little bit. “congratulations you two”, he says with a bright smile, “you’re both going to be amazing parents”
seungmin settles down next to you on the bed, hugging your body as tightly as he could. “can i just hold you for a bit?”
“of course minnie”, you couldn’t help but chuckle at how much he looked like a puppy right now.
“i missed you y/nnie”
“i missed you so much more min.”
his hand meets yours and he gives it a squeeze, playing with the dainty diamond that decorated your ring finger. he was ready to start this new chapter of his life with you, as long as he had you and his baby girl by his side.
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waldau · 2 months
hi! can i request reader kissing mingyu's moles, please? or his whole face, honestly 😚 (the urge to pepper kisses across his pretty face is too much sometimes 🥺)
homecoming — kim mingyu | 1,561 words | fluff
this. also i accidentally typed "abby" instead of "baby" so cheers to that. since it's already the sixth in korea, happy birthday to none other than our very own kim mingyu!!! he's a huge ball of human sunshine and i love him so much :) thanks for sending in this request at such a good time, anon!
gender neutral reader. warnings: none.
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there's very few things mingyu loves more than you, his members and what does he does for a living.
okay, that's a lie. there's only one thing he loves more than you, his members, and what he does for a living.
it happens to be coming home to you.
as much as he loves going to new places and trying new things, there's something about the knowledge, the certainty of coming back home to you every single time that makes him giddy all the way from his head to his toes. he could be absolutely sleep-deprived because of his terrible international schedules or because of his turbulent flights, but the thought of coming back home to you breathes life into him like nothing else.
he could almost fly to you, when he makes a mental list of everything he's going to do with you when he comes back home, free from schedules and appearances even just for a little while. he loves seeing the literal light in your eyes that appears when you spot him. he loves your arms which cling onto him with almost as much strength as he usually has, and the kisses you give him.
maybe, just maybe, mingyu is indecisive when it comes to you. but he can't choose only one thing he loves about you. he loves when you smile at him, when you tell him about everything that's happened in your day, when you let him in on jokes with your friends, when you get him things that reminded you of him, when you stroke his hair oh-so gently when he has a headache — the list is endless. and every single thing about you makes him love you a little more every single day.
mingyu is sappy. he doesn't mind being called a simp in the least. how could simping be a bad thing, when it comes to you? he's proud of the way he shows off how much he loves you, loves the way you don't shy away from showing him off to your friends, and is amused by the way his members pretend to be disgusted every single time they see you being affectionate with each other. he loves being yours and he loves that you're his, too.
but this?
coming back home to you a day before he promised to be back? pushing open the door to your shared bedroom and seeing your eyes widen before you push your laptop away and throw yourself at him, squeezing him so hard that he coughs and pats your back?
it might be his most favourite thing about you. so far.
"gyu!" you finally exclaim, pulling back to look up into his eyes. "i thought you were coming back tomorrow?"
"we had a choice to go back earlier if we wanted, so i took it. obviously."
"obviously," you repeat.
once upon a time mingyu was shy to hold eye contact with you for even five seconds, but now he swears he can do it for hours, if you would let him, and if both of you had the time. "i missed you. so much."
"i know, baby," he says, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "because i missed you too."
you say nothing, simply wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest, pressing kisses to his collarbone over his shirt. mingyu wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close and letting you hold him for however long you want to. you hate being away from him for so long, and he hates it too, but being like this with you makes up for it.
"dinner?" you ask, pulling away from him. "and then cuddles?"
"i'm not too hungry," he says, hands now moving down to your waist, unwilling to let go so soon. "but i'll take cuddles first. we can have something before we sleep."
you stare into each other's eyes for what feels like just a few seconds to mingyu before you kiss the tip of his nose. "what was that for?"
"did you forget you wanted to shower? you texted me about looking forward to using our new shower."
mingyu groans, hands bunching up the fabric of your hoodie. his old hoodie, now yours. "do i have to?"
"you said you wanted to, baby. won't it help you sleep better?"
just because you're right doesn't mean it's fun. he huffs and makes a big show of letting you go, loving the placating kisses you place on his cheek. both of you know it's going to be a lost cause if you kiss him on the lips. you give him one final kiss before promising to cuddle with him the whole night.
true to your word, you're waiting on the couch underneath a blanket, snacks arranged on the table in front of you, and the television in standby. there's this show you started watching together before he left for his tour, and as much as mingyu wants to know what happens after last episode's cliffhanger, nothing seems more enticing than holding you in his arms and marvelling the fact that he's back with you again.
his favourite person in the whole world.
"really? your favourite?" you ask, turning around in his arms and looking up at him, chin resting on his chest. you look so good, he thinks, heart twinging mildly for no reason.
"you just said i was your favourite person."
he didn't realize he's said that out loud. "yeah," he says, grinning, because it's true. "of course you are."
"and you're mine. my favourite human."
"...human? you have a favourite non-human thing, too?"
"wonwoo's cat," you say solemnly. "obviously."
"hey," he pouts, grumpy just the slightest bit. "you're my favourite everything. i should be your favourite everything, too."
"but you're my everything," you say with a straight face. "and i'd love you even if you became a cat somehow."
"stop," mingyu mumbles, pushing his face into your hair so you don't see him blushing. "you can't attack me like that."
"you're my boyfriend, so..."
mingyu huffs and settles his chin on your head. it's comforting, your familiar weight in his arms as he feels your ear press down right over where his heart is. he hopes you hear how it's beating for you.
"hey," you say a while later, muffled by mingyu's hoodie. he lets go of you just enough so you can turn and look at him. "how was your tour?"
"i missed cooking for you," he blurts out. "i mean, the food was great, and i know you would've loved seeing the places we saw, but i just missed seeing you smile."
"yeah?" you ask, a shy smile taking over your face. you've been together for quite a while and it still amazes mingyu that you get shy every time he says something like that. he hopes you know he's never going to stop.
"mhm. i think...i think we should go to LA the next time you're free."
"we're free, you mean," you say with a small frown. "it's so hard for us to get holidays at the same time these days."
"i know," mingyu soothes you, kissing your forehead. "but i like being like this with you. and i'll be like this for however long you want us to."
"forever," you say immediately, drawing a giggle out of mingyu.
"if only."
you sigh and push yourself up so that you're straddling mingyu's waist, legs on either side of his thighs, hands on his shoulders holding him in place. then you lean down, and even though he knows what's coming, it doesn't stop a little shiver from running through his body.
"welcome home, gyu," you say, pulling away from his lips. "i love you."
mingyu struggles to form words for a few moments. "i love you, too," he breathes out eventually. it just never stops being true. in fact, the more he says it, the truer it gets. you're his everything as well.
"i love you."
mingyu frowns. "i...love you...too? so much?"
you shake your head and the next thing he knows is that he's being attacked with tiny kisses to his face. little imprints of your love over every inch of his skin you're able to lay your lips on.
"stop!" he giggles, making no actual attempt to dislodge you. "it tickles!"
"one for every day you were away from me," you say, before attacking him again.
it's only after a minute that he manages to pull you off, making you sit on him again. "hey, i definitely wasn't away for a month! i'm scared to see what you'll do if i'm gone for that long."
"i'll find a way to tag along somehow. also, did you know?"
"your moles are where your lover kissed you the most in your previous life."
mingyu blinks. "do you believe that?"
you shrug. "it sounds nice, doesn't it?"
"only if you were my lover in my past life."
you turn your face away from him, and even though he can't see you, he knows you're too flustered to come up with words.
"i just realized," he says, turning your face gently back to him, "you don't have any moles near your lips. want me to fix that so we can look at them in our next life?"
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched @minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 year
fool for you | kmg (18+)
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where you and mingyu have a pact to always spend valentine's day together when you're single pairing: kim mingyu x f.reader genre: friends to lovers; fluff, smut rating: explicit; minors DNI warning: mentions of drinking (they're not drunk), some swearing, mingyu is described as a puppy, kissing, light marking, mentions of some biting, fingering, oral sex (f and m receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex (be safe), one use of a pet name (baby), i think that's it but if you see something else, lemme know! word count: ~4.8k a/n: this is for a valentine's day collab by the lovely @playmetheclassics @here4btsfics and @missgeniality. thank you for planning this. and to one of my favorite people, @ugh-yoongi this is for you, happy love day! banner credit: @classicscreations, thank you bby
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It’s always been like this with you and your best friend since you were teenagers. Ever since that awful (read: not that bad, you were just a dramatic teenager) break-up you went through in your second year of high school just before Valentine’s Day. All because your boyfriend didn’t want to have to buy you anything. Which was dumb, you think, because you were teenagers and you weren’t exactly expecting some grand gesture. Not when you’d been dating for less than a year. 
But you were upset in that angsty teenager kind of way and Mingyu swooped in to try and fix it, in true best friend fashion. He showed up at your house that night with all your favorite snacks and some movie that you couldn’t remember. What you did remember, though, was your promise to always be each other’s Valentine’s date if you were both single. It wasn’t as much for him as you and you knew that. You couldn’t help it, you just loved love and the idea of spending the day with someone special. Which he was to you. 
Now it’s been 10 years since you made the promise to each other. Those 10 years have seen you both through finishing high school, going to college, countless dates, and so much change. The only thing that hasn’t changed is always making time for each other, no matter what else was going on. Mingyu is your best friend and you know you’re his. You’re sure nothing can change that.
And since you’re both actually adults now (kind of), you can go out to dinner for Valentine’s Day at a nice place with good food. Some of your other friends think it’s weird, that you go out on what’s essentially a date on the “most romantic” day of the year. That’s when you always chime in to remind everyone that Valentine’s Day is about love, not just romantic relationships. You and Mingyu do love each other, always have. Why not celebrate that?
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“Cheers to another year spent with my favorite person,” you say and raise the glass of champagne, a complimentary one for all reservations that night. 
“Yeah I guess you’re okay,” Mingyu agrees when he clinks his glass against yours. 
“Wow, I see how it is,” you retort and he smiles. 
“I’m always happy when we get to do this, you know that,” Mingyu says.
“Maybe,” you shrug, “doesn’t hurt to hear it again.”
“Ah yes, the attention monster reappears,” Mingyu says and you roll your eyes without any real annoyance behind it.
“Hey, I was really good when you were dating Nayeon,” you protest. “I just like getting to hang out with my best friend.”
“You’re right,” he concedes. 
You’re expecting him to say more because you haven’t really talked about the breakup even though it’s been about a month. “That’s it?”
“What?” he asks, reaching for a roll in the center of the table. 
“I just, I don’t know, we haven’t really talked about what happened with her,” you say. 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Mingyu says. It’s more of a shrug than anything as he grabs a roll. “You knew we were having problems.”
This kind of sparks your interest, so you pull the butter away before he can reach it. At first, a look of betrayal flashes across his face. Playful, of course. And then he’s pouting. God, he’s such a puppy sometimes. Just a giant goofball who has no idea how big he is.
“I know you were having problems,” you finally say to correct him. “Last time I saw you and her together, she seemed happy.”
Mingyu just looks at you for a second. “She didn’t like my friends and it just got old. I was sick of having to justify hanging out with them.”
“Well your friends are idiots,” you say and hand over the butter. 
“And to think they always talk about how much they love you,” he says and you laugh. 
“I love them too, but they’re still idiots. Both can be true,” you say. 
“Yeah, well, Nayeon didn’t see it that way, so,” Mingyu trails off with a shrug. 
You reach a hand across the table and his hand meets yours instinctively. “I know I joke around with you, but I am sorry. I just want you to be happy.”
“I am,” he insists and you frown. “Come on, I’ve still got you and some amazing friends. I’m good.”
“Okay,” you agree and reluctantly pull your hand back.
“Besides, I think it’s you we need to talk about,” he says and your brow furrows. 
“What about me?” you ask, a little nervous to hear the answer because it is Mingyu, after all.
“Did you forget that it was Seokmin who introduced you to Jeonghan?” Mingyu asks and he’s got that little smirk that you really fucking hate sometimes. Shithead.
“I didn’t forget,” you say and pretend to find the drink menu interesting even though you’ve already ordered.
“Nope, sorry,” Mingyu says and plucks the menu from your hand. “I told you about Nayeon.”
“You two dated for like 9 months? It wasn’t the same?” you point out incredulously.
“And you ghosted him,” Mingyu barks out with a laugh. “The poor guy, he was heartbroken.”
“Oh, he was not,” you scoff. “There wasn’t any spark.”
“That damn spark,” Mingyu says with a shake of his head. 
And because sometimes life is actually fair, the appetizer shows up and distracts Mingyu from any further line of questioning. He’s been wanting to try this restaurant since it opened. You’re not really sure why he never went with Nayeon. It’s a win for you though. And Mingyu loves food. He’s an incredible cook, but who would ever mind someone else cooking for them? 
It’s also kind of cute. Mingyu is this giant ball of energy, exactly like the puppy you compared him to earlier. More like a golden retriever actually, because he can be smart and also very dumb. He’s always moving until he passes out. He’s fiercely loyal. But when he’s happy and eating something like this, he just kind of slows down, gets focused. There’s something endearing about it.
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Dessert is always the same for the two of you too. You pretend that you only want a bite or two of whatever Mingyu orders and end up eating most of it while he pouts until you order something else. Part of you thinks that you should just order two to start, the other part kind of likes your little tradition. There are a lot of things that you like doing with Mingyu. This is your favorite though, this stupid little Valentine’s Day tradition. Maybe it’s the comfort or the safety. Maybe it’s knowing that even if you’re dating someone shitty, Mingyu will always be there.
“Can I ask you something?” he asks, grabbing a bite of cake with his fork.
“Not sure when we started asking if we could ask questions, but go on,” you say. 
“What’s the real reason you didn’t give Jeonghan a chance?” Mingyu asks and that makes you look up suddenly.
“I already told you,” you answer.
“Not sure when we started avoiding answering things, but go on,” he says, throwing your line back at you.
“I mean, it’s true, I didn’t feel a spark and I don’t know,” you say as you search for the words. “I guess I just don’t wanna be wasting my time dating someone when it’s not going to go anywhere.”
“You never know though,” he says and you can’t really pinpoint the emotion.
“I don’t know,” you say and think for a second. “Have you ever just gone on a date and been sitting across from someone that’s nice and smart and funny and attractive, literally everything you should want but…it’s just, not there?”
Mingyu chuckles even though it’s not really funny. “Yeah, I guess I have.”
“And, okay, like part of me was also thinking that this holiday was coming up. So I either had to just shut it down or agree to do something with him,” you say and look down, embarrassed about what you’re going to admit. “I just kind of thought I’d rather spend tonight with you, someone I know I like being around, rather than in some sort of new, probably undefined, relationship with him. Like what if he picked a shitty restaurant or made shitty plans? What if we run out of things to talk about?”
“Wait, you turned him down so you could spend Valentine’s Day with me?” Mingyu asks, eyes wide.
“Come on, not like that,” you say and ignore the fluttering in your stomach. “Just, I don’t know, we always have fun.”
“You like doing this with me,” Mingyu says and you roll your eyes.
“Course I do, Gyu,” you answer easily.
“What if it was like that, though?” he asks and you cock your head to the side. “Like what if we were on a date and it wasn’t just another Valentine’s Day with friends?”
“Mingyu, we’re not…” you start and falter at the look on his face. “Are you serious?” 
“You do realize that I’ve actually never been in a relationship on Valentine’s Day, right?” he asks and that stupid smirk is back. 
“You must’ve been, we haven’t done this every year,” you say and you’re trying to wrack your brain to see if it’s true. 
“No, you’re right, we haven’t. We’ve missed 3 since we made the deal when we were fifteen, all when you were in a relationship,” Mingyu says and you’re at a loss for words. 
“Does that mean…?” you try to ask but your mouth just can’t see to catch up with your brain and your heart. 
“Do you wanna get out of here and go back to my apartment? It might be easier to talk there,” he says and you just nod. 
It’s a lot of information to process and for once, Mingyu is quiet by your side. His hand is firm around yours, which doesn’t feel like a big deal because you’ve held hands for years. Except that it’s entirely different now. And when he needs it back so he can actually drive with both his hands, a part of you misses the comfort of it. Misses the security. 
You’re quiet in the elevator and on the walk to his front door, quiet as you walk through the doorway. Even the apartment is quiet, which is surprising given how loud one of Mingyu’s roommates tends to be. But the place is empty, apparently, as Mingyu tells you when he breaks the silence to ask if he can take your coat to hang it up. It’s a strange feeling for a lot of reasons. Right now it’s strange to have Mingyu taking care of you when it’s usually the other way around.
It’s quiet again as you walk the familiar path to the living room to sit down while Mingyu makes you a cup of tea. When he hands it to you, you know that it’ll be perfect because Mingyu’s been your best friend for over a decade and he knows everything about you. And that’s when you realize. Maybe he knew this too. Maybe he’s a step ahead of you in realizing there are real feelings here. Maybe he’s the one you can depend on. 
“How long?” you ask, figuring you need to speak eventually.
“Have I liked you?” he asks, needing clarification. You only nod. When he doesn’t answer immediately, you look over at him. Study his face in profile before he answers. “It’s kind of a long answer, I guess. I had a crush on you that first Valentine’s Day, but I figured you also just needed a friend. And I realized how much I did love our friendship. Plus we were kids.”
He takes a breath to collect his thoughts. “I haven’t been in love with you for 10 years, just to be clear,” he says and chuckles. “Not that I haven’t thought about it either. Mostly it’s just been that you were my best friend and we went on these little friend dates and I didn’t think too deeply about it.”
“Did something change?” you ask, still not ready to address your own feelings. 
“I’m not sure how to explain it. Nayeon and I were just kind of throwing out things for Valentine’s Day even though it was still over a month away. And she made a comment about how she hoped you’d have someone so you wouldn’t be missing me,” Mingyu says and frowns. 
“She isn’t exactly the first to not like it,” you say quietly. 
“It wasn’t even that, it was all me,” Mingyu says honestly. “I started to think about how I wouldn’t get to spend it with you and that was…a wake-up call. Nayeon and I broke it off not much after that. And honestly, what I said about my friends was true. She hated Seokmin.”
“How does anyone hate him? He’s a sunshine baby,” you say and Mingyu laughs. “Minghao I get, maybe, because he can be mean if he doesn’t like you. But not Seokmin.”
“Right?” he agrees. “So I was thinking about you and us and trying to sort things out when Seokmin said he was going to introduce you to Jeonghan and my heart broke. I couldn’t imagine having just broken it off with Nayeon only to still not get to see you for our tradition. That’s when I knew for sure. And we aren’t kids anymore.”
“So, like, what do we do now?” you ask, and Mingyu studies you for a moment.
“What do you want to do?” he asks. “I mean, are you…oh my god, why is this so hard? I just told you how I felt but I don’t know…”
He’s rambling and it’s incredibly endearing because he doesn’t usually get flustered like this. It also makes you realize that he’s laid everything out while you’ve said almost nothing. You rest a hand on his leg to stop him from stuttering through things. “Hey, I realize I didn’t say this. But I do have feelings for you too.”
“You do?” Mingyu asks, his whole face lighting up.
“Yeah, dummy, that’s what I really meant when I was talking about sitting across from Jeonghan not feeling the spark. He’s a great guy but he’s not you,” you say easily. 
“What do we do now?” Mingyu asks, making you laugh. 
“I mean like I really wanna kiss you, so,” you say, watching as his eyes go wide, just for a moment. 
And then he’s sliding over on the couch, gently tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear, so careful like he can’t tell if it’s all really happening. So cautious. It’s at odds with your best friend who’s always tripping over his own feet and never seems to know just how big he is. Your whole body is hyper-aware of his and even though he admitted his feelings first, you’re still a little worried that this isn’t real either. When his lips finally meet yours, it occurs to you just how many times you’ve imagined this. How many times you’ve looked at his lips and wondered if they were soft or what they would feel like against yours. How many times you’ve wondered about his hands running over your body.
His lips feel better than you expected, the perfect mix of soft and firm against your own. One of his large hands cups the side of your face, fingers curling around behind your ear. You’re not even sure which one of you deepens the kiss, you’re only aware that your tongues are moving together and that it’s making you feel a little light-headed. The angle is awkward but you’re not sure you really care. You’re kissing your best friend and it’s everything you’ve ever needed and nothing like you thought. 
He pulls away and you’re a little embarrassed by the way your lips chase after his, a little unused to being the one that pouts in this relationship. Yet that’s exactly what you do when you see him just looking at you.
“Is this actually happening?” he asks. You let out of huff of air.
“Well not now, since you stopped kissing me,” you say. You expect him to laugh or roll his eyes. Instead, he only looks fond. So incredibly fond. 
“Never would’ve pegged you as the pouty, whiny type,” Mingyu says. Now you’re the one that rolls your eyes.
“I’m leaving,” you announce and get up. 
You’re actually a little surprised when he lets you stand up and take a few steps toward the door. There’s a chance for your stomach to drop, just a little bit. And then he’s grabbing your arm to spin you around to him. 
Fuck, he’s tall. Which you’ve always known, but it’s different when he’s crowding your space and caging you between his arms. Your back is against the wall when you finally tilt your head up to look at him. Whatever playful glint that had been in his eyes earlier is gone. There’s no question that he wants you as much as you want him, maybe more. 
You pull his face down to yours to kiss him again, harder this time, let your hands tangle in his hair that he’s finally grown out after literal years of asking him. His hands grip your hips, just on the right side of too hard. 
And, okay, you don’t want to complain, but Mingyu genuinely is a giant and it’s kind of hard on your neck to crane it so you can continue kissing him. Just as you start to rise up on your tiptoes, Mingyu’s hands move from your hips down to the backs of your thighs. You gasp into his mouth when he picks you up, balancing you against the wall. It’s nothing but heat between the two of you when you wrap your legs around his waist, trying to help him keep you held up.
“Fuck this,” he says quietly as he pulls you away from the wall. 
You squeak at losing your backrest and wrap your arms around his neck tighter like you’re afraid to fall. He just chuckles.
“You know I’d never drop you,” he assures you, voice low. 
Even though he said it, you’re expecting him to deposit you on the bed. He doesn’t. He’s so gentle when he places you on the edge of his bed and you’re wondering where all the restraint is coming from. You sure as hell don’t have this kind of control.
Almost on their own, your hands reach for his shirt and he watches as you unbutton it carefully, sliding it down his arms. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve seen him shirtless (and you’ve seen him shirtless a lot), he’s still beautiful. So beautiful that you don’t realize he’s reaching for the hem of your dress, that’s already almost at your hips from him picking you up, removing it quickly before unclasping your bra just as quickly. It leaves you almost completely exposed, only your underwear left. The urge to be shy is brief when you see the way he’s looking at you. You spare a moment to consider if anyone’s ever looked at you like that (they haven’t, you’re sure). 
This time the kiss you get is actually quick before his mouth moves down over your body. He sucks one of your nipples between his teeth and your back arches in response. And there’s something a little weird about it all. There’s nobody in the world you know better than Mingyu, with his endless energy and restlessness. But you didn’t know this side of him. The side where he takes his time, slows down so every moment feels more important, focuses on you and you alone. 
You don’t stop him as he continues to move down your body and nips along the way. It doesn’t matter that he’s marking you up, doesn’t make you pause like it has before with anyone else. Not that anyone is going to be seeing these marks anyway, since he’s currently focusing on your inner thigh. And fuck, it feels good, but you’re also a little impatient, a little needy when your hand knots in his long hair again. Without even seeing his face, you know he’s smiling. Smirking, probably. He doesn’t have to tell you that he loves to see you whiny for him. 
(He does anyway, though, because he’s still a menace to society and to you specifically. He doesn’t have to tease you either, but he does that too, making you beg before he removes your underwear.)
“Mingyu please,” you beg, already reduced to this. 
His legs on yours from between your legs and you let out a heavy breath. His eyes are still on you when he asks, “what is it you’re asking for?”
“Something, anything,” you say because you’re no longer too proud to beg. You can yell at him for it later. Right now you just need. 
A second later, he gives you what you asked for. He runs his tongue up your folds lazily, too slow. It’s deliberate, you know. And you know that you should appreciate that he’s not in a rush. It’s just that you’re so on edge and this isn’t helping. Maybe he can tell by the way your hand tightens in his hair or the way you moan or even the way you squirm with his tongue inside you. Whatever it is, something makes him speed up and praises fall easily from your lips. The praises only seem to push him on, which isn’t surprising. Mingyu has always had a thing about praise. 
Mingyu slides a finger inside your cunt without much warning and it’s all too much. You never really paid that much attention to his hands (which was good for your sanity, probably). But his long finger moves quickly inside your cunt and you clench around him without meaning too. He hums against your clit, makes it feel like a praise. When he slides a second finger in, you’re not sure how much longer you’ll last. The rhythm of his fingers sliding inside you along with his mouth on your clit is driving you wild. 
He curls his fingers inside of you and thrusts faster, not teasing now, certainly not dragging it out. It’s silent permission for you to let go. The orgasm rips through you and you fall back onto the bed, dully aware of him guiding you through it. You’re breathing heavily when you feel his fingers slide out and prop yourself up in time to see him put his fingers in his own mouth. And fuck, okay that’s also really hot. 
You lean forward to undo his pants. Those fall to the floor with his boxer briefs and your eyes go a little wide. He’s bigger than you’re expecting, not that you’ve spent much time thinking about him. Now he’s the one that looks a little shy, even though it was you that was just coming on his tongue. 
He goes to grip his cock and you snap out of it, gently moving his hand away. Instead, you lean forward to spit on the tip, spreading it along his length, thinking you might tease him. Just a little bit. Your strokes are slow, at least at first, and he just watches, seems to be caught up in the moment. Until he gets impatient and jerks a little into your hand, even though you can tell he’s trying not to. 
You just look up at him, watch his eyes on you as you take his cock into your mouth. Mingyu gathers your hair in his hands, but lets you go at your own pace. Slowly, you find your rhythm, taking as much into your mouth as you can. Mingyu seems to like to give praise as much as he likes to receive it, though, because it falls out of his mouth between his groans.
“Baby, hang on,” Mingyu says and gently pulls himself back. Your eyes go wide for a second before registering that his look is just want. “Can I…I mean, I really want to fuck you. Fuck, I really want to feel you.”
That, almost more than anything else, goes straight to your core. You know you’re already getting wet again but why does he have to look like that when he says it? Why does he have to look like this is more than he’s ever experience? Why did him calling you baby make your brain short circuit? 
“God, yes Mingyu, yes, I want to feel you inside me,” you manage to say as you’re moving back into the center of the bed. 
Mingyu is reaching for his bedside table the next second and you watch him. There’s a part of you that knows it’s best to be safe, knows that you never know. But the other part, the much louder part, just wants to feel him. It’s the part that knows even though he could be a fuckboy, he’s not. Knows he doesn’t sleep around. So you tell him you’ve got an IUD, even though he already knows, and not to worry. He checks, because he cares about you more than he knows how to express, but there’s a part of him that’s excited too.
He’s hovering over you the next second, pressing kisses against every bit of your skin his lips come into contact with. He only stops for a second to line himself up at your entrance, slides the tip between your folds and comments on how wet you are again. As soon as he presses the tip into your cunt, his lips are on yours again, catching the moans. Or maybe distracting you from how big he is inside of you. 
You’re thankful for this side of him, the side that’s so careful with you, the side that’s much more in control of his body than you’ve seen anywhere else. Thankful because he’s moving slowly, letting you adjust. And because you know neither of you are going to last that long once he actually does start moving. 
“Please,” you nearly whisper, fingers digging into Mingyu’s arms. 
It’s all he needs, though. He starts moving, slowly snapping his hips as he thrusts into you. It’s all so much. You’re not sure you’ve ever felt this much while fucking someone. You love to love and love feelings, but sex has always been somehow separate for you. Not that you don’t feel during sex. It’s just that you’ve always been able to separate the feelings. You can’t imagine doing that now and maybe that’s because none of them were Mingyu.
You know he wants to make it last, you do too, but it’s all just really overwhelming. So you focus on this moment, on how he speeds up, how his breath sounds so close to you, the way his muscles contract with each movement, on the way he stretches you. You dig your nails into his arms to keep yourself grounded and he groans. He picks up his pace a little more, pulling almost all the way out before thrusting all the way in, making you scream out. 
It feels like it all happens too fast. You’re still sensitive from your first orgasm. And you know Mingyu is close too, can feel the way his thrusts falter. You clench around him, let him know you’re close, say whatever comes out. Most of it is probably incoherent, you think. But he understands anyway, is right there with you. Your second orgasm rips through you even harder than the first. Mingyu thrusts through it, releasing into you in the process. 
It’s a few minutes later, after you’ve both somewhat caught your breath and he’s pulled out of you, that you fully realize what’s happening. Mingyu has one hand behind his head and the other arm around you, eyes closed. You prop yourself up on your elbow to look at him, appreciate all his features up close for what feels like the first time in all your years of friendship. He opens his eyes and meets yours. It’s the best smile you can ever remember seeing. 
“So, I guess we’re doing this,” you say, watching his face closely.
“Yeah, we are,” he agrees, no room for argument. “I’m not letting go of you now.”
You lay back down and bury your face in his side. You’re not sure what else to say. “Hey, Mingyu?”
“Hmm?” he says. You feel it more than hear it.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
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this ended up being a little longer than i meant, but let me know your thoughts <3
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brights-place · 5 months
Hii! I saw one of your posts and I was wondering if you could do headcannons with john dory and/or branch with a Bounty Hunter troll s/o? Maybe part of K-Pop if that's okay! Thank you! :D
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Branch and John Dory dating an K-POP S/O
Pairings: Branch X Reader, JD X Reader (Seperate)
Warnings: None
A/N: OMG YESSS As always Broppy will not be cannon if I'm doing an X Branch unless it's an poly relation ship with branch and poppy! Anyways I had fun writing for the K-POP trolls CAUSE THEY ARE SO COOL! I had another request for K-Pop trolls for john dory so I'd write that too ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
John Dory
- You guys met when poppy was inviting the sub genres to pop village to show them pop music since it was their turn to show around the different genres of their style of music
- John dory was suppose to be helping sort out different sub genres when it came to you and the K-pop group he paused and stared at you and your group
- You appearance was gorgeous you had an unique texture to your silver-colored bodies which gives off a glossy rainbow chrome effect - you had an voluminous f/c hair swept to the side above their right eye with a smaller tuft of hair above your left ear and wearing a glossy leotard of matching colors you fit in with your group well but you stood out to him. - Your thick eyeshadow of different colors and how you glowed made him stare at you as Wani tried to get his attention to help sort out the groups - Stared at you as you glanced at him giggling before leaving with your group as John Dory walked over to branch to ask about your group
- “The K-pop group? Oh there just pop but in Korean… it’s horrifying aswell how good they are” Branch mumbled “Thanks Bitty B!” - He saw you again when he was gonna preform to show some of Pop music to you all he noticed how you stared at him the whole time how you smiled and glanced to your K-pop group who nodded together and you all quietly in sync danced abit with the music
- After the show he walked up to you and asked you about yourself to get to know you better while Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun were giggling and leaving you two alone - John dory walked over with an smile that made you blush slightly on your slightly shiny skin as you two shook hands "I'm JD it's nice to meet you?" "(name)! My name is (Name)" you said smiling as he smiled "Your K-pop right?" You nodded as he asked questions and you'd answer them the two of you exchanging information - which soon turned to talking about other music and then turning to your own personal life's and things you likes - You went on an whole rant about your music genre telling him that K-pop was caracterized by catchy hooks, polished choreography, grandiose live performances, and impeccably produced music videos, K-pop including music by groups like BTS and BLACKPINK which where most popular and now frequently tops the Billboard charts, attracts a fiercely dedicated online following while you and your group were small you planned on going bigger. - You started to bond together and he asked if you can teach him some K-pop dances and he could let you go to all brozone concerts for free
- You were happy the deal worked out be he was even happier that you wanted to g see his concerts
- You two exchanged dances you even taught him your K-pop dance for one of your bands is songs 'Feel My Rhythm' which he loved so much - As an surprise he preformed it with his brothers on the concert as he posed and pointed an finger towards you playfully before going back to dancing
- You two would be laughing together back stage as you complimented him so much "John dory you put my bands song in your concert?" John dory smiled "we did an english version you translated it all for me thats why I wrote it down"
- You literally teared up "정말 친절해요!" you exclaimed hugging him as he blinked confused as Wani appeared from thin air and whispered to John dory "They said you were really kind" Wani soon ran off once again giggling
- He was slowly learning Korean just for you even though he absolute SUCKED at it you found it adorable
- You two slowly started to get comfortable with each other so sometimes you'd be staying over with him or he's staying over with you.
- Branch was going to grab John dory for rehearsel saying good morning to rhonda opening the door to see you sleeping in john dorys arms drooling and john dorys head on your neck sleeping aswell
- Branch literally deadpanned as poppy squealed so happily at the scene
- Denies he has feelings for you due to the fact your too good for him... like he fels bad that he even likes someone like you so he wanted to ignore you cause your too good for him
- You on the other hand get teased by Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun while practicing for an concert of yours - He was ignoring you which made you feel hurt so you invited him to your concert begging him to come after finding him and asking him to just go so he could just see you on stage
- Literally whipped for you so he 1000% agreed to hugging you and apologizing for ignoring you and you even asked for the others to come as well!
- When he went to the concert his eyes were wide when seeing you sing in Korean and dance happily as you noticed john dory in the crowd you grinned even wider dancing before posing while panting - He heard Better place being played along with his brothers and turned to you dancing and singing his parts made his eyes widened while he blushed an deep shade of blue as his brothers teased him - After the concert as usual you tackled him in an hug excitedly telling him you did what he did for you at his own concert with brozone
- You two grinned him holding your waist with your hands on his shoulders as you giggled happily as he chuckled looking down at you before you kissed eachother - The others cheered as Baby bun was shouting an "FINALLY!" so loud as you started to curse your friend out in Korean as john dory chuckled holding you back by your waist "사랑해요" You literally froze - Once he said that you literally tackled him once more to pepper his face with kisses for learning how to say 'I love you in Korean'
- Like with the reggaton trolls post I made Branch met you when you were with Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun  to take him to barb the queen of rock to save your music aka K-pop
- You were playful you stood out just like your other bounty hunter k-pop trolls. - You toyed with him the most like your friends before grabbing him quickly after you were moving quickly around the area and tying him up - You and your group stood out to him well but you stood out most with your appearance even if it was the same as the others - Your unique texture to your silver-colored bodies which gives off a glossy rainbow chrome effect. You had an voluminous f/c hair swept to the side above their right eye with a smaller tuft of hair above your left ear and wearing a glossy leotard of matching colors you fit in with your group well but you stood out to him. - Your thick eye shadow of different colors and how you glowed made him stare at you as Wani called him an crybaby and asking him if he was poppy - The Reggaton trolls appeared and Branch noticed how your grip on him tightened abit as you stared worriedly towards your fellow K-pop trolls who where smirking knowing who they where - When you started to dance unwrapping him quickly from the rope you started to dance while singing loudly and happily - In the dance battle with the reggaton trolls he noticed the fact you bopped your head and vibed a bit to the music made him slightly smile - Though you were the first one to listen to him when he brought up all music being saved as you turned to your group and back to looking at him as Tresi "Okay Pop troll were listening" Tresillo said crossing his arms turning to branch as You were whispering to Ari on how Tresillo sounded hot as an joke -When you hopped into the hot air balloon you greeted the reggaton trolls happily and asked about their genre while they asked about yours while you soon went to talk to branch right after grinning
- You asked him alot about himself, him giving blunt replies but he was quite shocked how there was another hyper like troll like you were talking to him you acted close like poppy but less hyper - You were laid back and asked him questions about pop village and asked if he knew about the other genres which he didn't so you happily explained your style and music - You went on an whole rant about your music genre telling him that K-pop was characterized by catchy hooks, polished choreography, grandiose live performances, and impeccably produced music videos just like normal pop but yours was more... Well more mixed with some styles! K-pop including music by groups like BTS and BLACKPINK which where most popular and now frequently tops the Billboard charts, attracts a fiercely dedicated online following while you and your group were small you planned on going bigger. (yes I added this again for branch cause YES I'M STILL INVESTED AND HAPPY! ABOUT FUCKING TROLLS!) - Branch nodded his head as he kept quiet but listened to you about all your rambling even asking questions if you could show some dance moves to him later - After saving all music and becoming in harmony he noticed you showing some random trolls K-pop and he joined in when seeing poppy rush over when seeing you dance
- You were hyper and bouncing and being playful with him as he was invested with your dancing and singing
- You started to bond together and he asked if you can teach him some K-pop dances and your language so he could talk shit if needed as an joke as you laughed and took his hand "Were best friends now!" "Wait what?"
- After awhile you two soon started to get close and talk alot together and would dance together. He'd sing songs you'd request if you sang some Korean songs as well
- You two would be seen together and when your apart it's only just for an few moments until one of you appear later
- Branch has gotten use to when you visit his bunker randomly and tackle him into an hug especially when he's drinking his coffee and gets surprised to see you on the kitchen counter when he turns around with your glittery figure
- He'd speak Korean to you to make you flustered which works very well for the both of you. Him seeing your blushing face and you hearing him speak Korean
- when you two are together and your speaking in Korean in annoyance or arguing with someone Poppy and the other pop trolls have to turn to each other then turn to branch who has to explain with an bored expression
- You two soon realized you acted more like an couple then friends in some moments so poppy had to force you two to get together
- Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun gave branch advice and tips on how to try date you
- you two started to date when you went to save floyd he introduced you as his partner as poppys jaw drop asking you when it happened and asked you to tell her everything but you had to tell her to be quiet
- When you saved floyd he shyly introduced you to his brothers as you waved hello as they questioned you about branch and your love life which you enjoyed as you got to tease your boyfriend and see hsi baby photos.
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reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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holybibly · 4 months
when i tell you that hongjoong has had my shy submissive ass in a chokehold these past few weeks,, i can’t stop thinking about riding him in his studio (maybe even with seonghwa watching 👀) and having him taunt me like “aww poor baby couldn’t wait? needed me that badly?” oh my GOD.
kim hongjoong when i (consensually) get my hands on you I’ll give you the night of your life
Today is the last, the hard hours continue until the end of the week.
Looks like you’re not the only one under our captain’s cute little finger. Most of the requests I get now concern him.
Something makes you incredibly soft and submissive when you have sex in the studio with Hongjoong. It's just a certain level of intimacy between you that only the two of you realise. But lately, more and more, you've started to imagine what it would be like to have Songhwa's sparkling cat eyes watching you as you bounce up and down on Hongjun's cock.
When they started working on their new album MATZ, that idea became even more powerful. There were always three of you. The small studio became cramped and filled with too much sexual tension. Every time you sat on Hongjoong's lap, you felt Songhwa's hot, dark gaze slide over you, making you squirm in your seat and rub against Hongjun's cock in the most delightful way. You're getting so wet that you think you're going to stain your boyfriend's trousers.
Joong doesn't seem to mind being in public at all, as his hand quickly finds its way under your dress shirt. Or, to be more precise, under the shirt you wear as a dress. The warm, possessive touch of his palm against your needy pussy sends a pleasant shiver throughout your body.
"Wait! What are you doing? Hongjoong, stop it right now. Hwa is still there." You whimper softly into his neck, but damn, he smells so delicious. You don't even notice how you start to kiss him. Slowly, lazily, you lick his honey skin. Joong is just so sweet, so bitter, so spicy—damn, he is just so divine. 
"Mmm… please kiss me. I want you to kiss me." You moan into his neck as you run the tip of your tongue along the tantalising mole. You will find yourself falling into subspace without even realising it. The effect that Hongjoong have on you wash away any rational thought.
"So needy, aren't you baby?" He chuckles with a dark chuckle and runs his fingers through your hair. "My baby just a little slut, you act so naughty when Seonghwa is looking at you. Are you going to show him your pretty pussy as well, mm?"
"Whatever it is that makes you happy."
"You are so pretty. Isn't she beautiful, Hwa?"
"A beauty, for sure." You just go with the flow and let yourself get lost in the velvety sound of their voices. Seonghwa has always sounded so sexy and dark, or is that just a figment of your imagination?
"Do you know that she looks even more beautiful when she is riding on my dick?" Hongjoong kisses your lips sweetly and lifts up your dress to reveal your pretty, semi-sheer panties. This cute but slutty set is what he especially loves. "Do you want a look?"
"Limits?" Hwa asks, getting up from where he's sitting and coming closer to you. His hot body is pressed against your back and his soft, inviting lips are touching the back of your neck. It hits you like an electric current through your body.
"Please, I need you so much. God, daddy, I need you to be inside me so badly. My pussy hurts." You shake your hips desperately, clinging to Hongjoong's shoulders and lean your head back against Seonghwa's, immediately getting trapped by his gaze. His eyes are impenetrable dark and you feel like you want to be swallowed."I beg you."
"Absolutely unlimited. You can do whatever you want".
That's just how you find yourself, desperately bouncing on your gorgeous boyfriend's cock as Seonghwa rubs his graceful long fingers over your clit, further stimulating you and leaving wet kisses along your neck and shoulders. Hongjoong plays with your breasts, pinching your nipples and tugging at them. He bites and kisses you so hard that every single cell in your body dries up like a white flame.
"You look so perfect between us, you sweet little slut. We'll just ruin your needy pussy. That's what you want, isn't it?"
And yes, that is exactly what you have such a craving for.
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seungmoonandstars · 6 months
I’ll be sweet *: ・゚
Kim Seungmin/Female Reader
✨ happy birthday @myseungsungheart ! ✨
wc: ~1.5k maybe idk I re-edited this so many times
rating: fluff/explicit/18+ ಇ (contains edging, teasing, slapping, light restraint, pet names, Seungmin begging and being a brat, and a little praise)
comments: another part of the blind date soft kinks requested by anon! ( I feel like I’ve been a little fast and loose with the actual request though ⸝⸝⸝- ᴗ -⸝⸝⸝ ; )
Seungmin thinks this is easy for you. Every single time you stop, he looks at you with his big wet eyes. Every time your mouth leaves him, or your hand, or the hot, tight squeeze of your pussy is suddenly gone, his eyes make you almost fall apart and give in.
You love touching him—making him moan and whine your name when he’s getting so close. You love the way his thighs shake, and his stomach tightens and you can see every muscle move beneath his skin. When he’s on the bed, his back arches so smoothly and slowly just as he feels his climax rising in him. You know exactly when to stop.
You always let him have his moment of weakness and protest… Please, pleeaase baby I changed my mind. No more. Get back over here.
But you turn away. You can listen to him plead, but you can’t look at that face while he does it. Seungmin has perfected his beg over time, and you’re sure someday it will work on you.
Not tonight, though. You’re on your side of the bed, propped up on one elbow looking him over. He has his hands up over his head, bound together. You had to find one of his silk ties, wrap it tightly around his wrists and through a slot in the headboard. He’s pouting and glancing down at his semi hard cock. Pre-cum is dripping and collecting next to his belly button.
“This is so mean,” Seungmin whispers to you. He crinkles his nose and bares his teeth.
“If you would just behave and keep your hands where they belong…”
“Yeah yeah, I know. But I’ll be good now, I promise.”
You just shake your head at him, because you’re almost finished; he is almost finished, and he should know that.
You started on him this morning as soon as he woke up, so this is the longest you’ve ever teased (you still have him to yourself all day tomorrow, so why not). The whiny begging and his dick in your mouth has kept you consistently wet and horny for hours. And restraining him? That’s new. That’s usually reserved for you, but Seungmin likes the swap, and he looks good like this—helpless and horny, cock dripping onto his stomach as his erection slowly returns again.
He watches eagerly as you lean in and place your lips on his warm stomach, his sweat damp skin. His cock twitches and his hips jerk up; so close to where he wants you, but not close enough. You lick up his mess before backing up.
The loud slap across his thigh echoes in the room. And his answer, a dramatic OOUCH! comes out in a petulant little laugh. The spot immediately starts to turn an angry red, but he just looks at it and bites down on his smile.
“Don’t be a brat,” you run a finger over the red spot and contemplate doing it again.
Seungmin pouts, “don’t get that close unless you mean it.”
You straddle him on hands and knees and he screws up his face trying not to smile. “I’ll get as close as I want.”
“Lemme see…are you wet? Lift your shirt up. You aaare, I can feel the heat coming from you.”
“You just wanna see?” You grab each side of the shirt—his shirt, and lift a little. “I can do more than that if you’re a good boy.”
“I’ll be a good boy, I promise.”
“I dunno, pup…you haven’t been very well behaved today.”
He pushes his head back into the pillow and twists his wrists a little. “Because you’ve been so teasy today,” he whispers. “But you wanna fuck me so bad, I can smell it on you. I love it.”
Your palm hits thigh again, but luckily for him, it’s his outer thigh this time. The sound it makes his beautiful, though. Seungmin squirms and jerks his hips up. His cock slides against you, and you can’t hide the pleasure in your eyes.
“Yeah…let me take care of you, babe. You’ve been torturing yourself, too.”
You move yours eyes from his, down to his dick—massive, unbearably hard now, veins bulging. There’s another drop of pre-cum where you cleaned him up a few minutes ago. He’s right, and you’re trying not to give in. He’ll know he won a little bit if you fuck him right now.
“Climb up here and let me have a taste.”
“No,” you fall back on the bed and snuggle up to him. The offer is tempting, though. “…no, you’re bad…and you look good tied up for me.”
“Oh I know,” he turns his head and pushes toward you, but he’s not quite close enough to get to your lips. “But…” Seungmin turns on his puppy dog eyes with no effort.
“But what, Minnie?” You lean the tiniest bit closer, and your noses touch. His breath on your lips could drive you crazy.
“You’re gonna let me come this time, right?” His voice is sweet now. Quiet and warm.
“I’ll think about it. Are you thirsty? I’m gonna go grab something.”
He squirms again and kicks his legs. His eyes follow you until you disappear into the hallway.
You shout back, “you just want water?”
He doesn’t answer. But when you return with your leftover iced coffee from this morning, he perks up a little. “Gimme a sip…I mean…sweetie, can I please have a sip?”
You put the straw in his mouth and he drinks much more than a sip, but you let him, just because he said please.
“Come here sweetie, just get on top of me again.”
You watch him and suck down the rest of it, wondering if maybe he’s really had enough. You’ve seen how hard he comes after half the amount of teasing you’ve dished out today, but it’s all for a good cause. You want nothing more than for him to lose his mind for you when you finally finish him off.
“If you’re gonna keep being so sweet...”
“Yeah, I’ll be sweet. I’ll be sweet all night for my little peach.” He adjusts the best he can and sets his feet flat on the bed. Knees up. Ready for you to ride him.
You decide that, yeah, it’s time. Your legs begin to shake with anticipation, no matter how hard you try to keep calm. Your cunt throbs with pleasure, and your nipples cut through his t-shirt when you spread your thighs across him, and if he could reach down and touch your swollen clit, it’d be over for you that fast.
“Your little peach?”
Seungmin moans when your fingers stroke him. He nods eagerly and smirks, “mhmm…or my little plum, if you prefer.”
You can’t quiet yours when he slides in—he disappears so easily into you. He pushes up and fucks slowly, and you let him take over, even though you shouldn’t give him all the control—but he feels so good like this, somehow keeping calm, taking his time.
The room fills with deep, desperate moans, and the wet, slick sound of him pumping into you and stretching you open—he growls every time he hits deep and your pussy clenches hard around him.
You struggle to reach up and grab the knot holding his wrists—fuck…FUCK
“Take your time, sweetie. You waited this long,” Seungmin speaks softly and slows down, “go ahead.”
You fight with the slippery fabric for another few seconds, and then finally, it loosens. He slips free before you can even steady yourself again, and another moment later you’re thrown onto your back.
Seungmin hovers over you, one hand by your head, the other sliding up your chest and over your neck, “gotcha.” He leans down and kisses you, still with a surprising amount of control. But then his hand is under your thigh and he spreads you open, “so…was I a good boy? Sweet boy?”
Before you can answer, he slides back in—you’re gripping the sheets and being forced up into the mess of pillows. “Yes,” you choke out…yes yes yes is all you can manage between thrusts.
“Is this what you like?” He braces himself against the headboard, “you like waiting all day to get my dick?”
You nod and whimper and grab for him, grope and scratch at his stomach and hips and anywhere else you can reach.
“Tell me I did good…tell me again baby.”
“You did so good,” you push yourself up to meet his thrusts, “sweet boy.”
He smiles and throws his head back, “fuck, you feel good, so tight…I’m gonna come, I need to—”
Seungmin lets go. Hard and loud. You can feel his cock pulsing, throbbing and emptying inside of you as he slows down, but he doesn’t stop. His thighs shake as he steadies himself and latches onto your hips. His orgasm lasts, and he just keeps going, moaning, sweetly whispering your name over and over until it passes through him. His body shivers, and the red of your palm still stands out against his flushed skin. When he finally opens his eyes, they stare down into yours, big and dark and spilling over with pleasure. Satiated, for now.
“I’m sorry baby,” he collapses onto you, but manages to hold his weight up to place a kiss on your forehead, “too fast.” He relaxes and sings out a contented sigh when your fingers comb through his hair, “you feel so good.”
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