#maybe I’ll draw it or write something
teddy-bear-d · 2 years
Currently rotating angsty Martyn from killing Scott in my head
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puppyeared · 10 months
its so hard to watch time pass when things like careers and assignments exist. what do you mean im supposed to take that seriously
#I have an assignment that was due a week ago and I really really dont want to do it. I have to but i dont want to#im probably making it worse because my brain has built a wall around it so now i can’t do literally anything else until thats done. but#because I don’t want to do it I’m just kinda stuck. turns out this is what they meant when they said emotional regulation is part of#exec dysfunction.. I’ll have a thought like if I get a little bit of it done now i can get it over with. I can just submit something#and then not even 5 minutes later itll be like ugh but I have to draw all the assets out. I have to write things and make spreads ugh#and its just flopping between those two things. i hate it when ppl are like well how much time do you need to work on one thing#because BOY id love to know too. I’d love to know exactly when my brain wants to cooperate with me and work around that but I cant#even my period can’t decide when it wants to punch me in the stomach. which is kinda funny in the grand scheme of things but still#its so weird im just lying on my bed thinking abt all this like damn.. the time will pass anyways no matter what I decide to do.. damn….#if I submit that assignment now and take the L I literally won’t die. it’ll just be a deduction on an assignment nobody will ask me about#I know this but I’m still stressing myself about it so my thoughts aren’t really connecting to my body. weird#maybe its because Im having a hard time looking forward to things. theres definitely a lot I should be living for but I don’t really feel#a strong attachment to it I guess? it’s been like this for a while with holidays and meeting with friends so I just don’t#I kinda figured its because im pretty passionless and its more like passing interest. but it’s not very fun when it feels like I’m going to#be living distraction to distraction for the next 70 years or so lol#idk it kind of feels like slowly bleeding out. which is funny because I actually did experience blood loss this week#had a 30 minute nosebleed and literally could not stand. also it felt like someone was pinching the back of my brain which was interesting#yapping#does this count as vent#vent#Ive just been making an oc carrd and contemplate changing my blog header for the past 3 days honestly
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envyenvys · 11 months
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Chrissy in some iconic Willow BTVS outfits
(inspo under the cut)
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quinn-pop · 6 months
yet another oc that only exists because i wanted to write something very specific
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(middle is a little older, hence her scar healing. i like to think she gets a glass eye at some point)
anyway this is mira! (they/she) since that wip is almost 20k words and counting i won’t give away too much but long story short she’s the result of meta going “one last time, i promise” and adopting yet another kid
also galaxia kinda indirectly picked the name :)
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i’ve mentioned before that i headcanon that pretty much all astrals are autistic and this is just kinda an extension of that. whereas meta tends to suppress his emotions and conform to others, mira…doesn’t. she gets uncomfortable and upset and lashes out at people easily, and working through their emotions is no small task.
the main reason i chose to write them that way was for the sake of narrative but i’ve grown attached to it because there’s a lot of ideas there i’d like to explore. stuff about navigating emotions and relationships when existing is so suffocatingly uncomfortable. it’s not something i could center around Kirby himself, but i think it makes sense with a post character development meta knight.
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they are very loved (omg oldee cameo???)
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kirby was definitely very excited to have younger siblings after being used to being the youngest in the room for so long!! (with the like. one and only exception being gooey.) he’s super affectionate with both of them and wants to have a close relationship one day, but for now mira is pretty unappreciative of that fact lol. they don’t like being pestered for hugs
everyone else is okay tho
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(i know that’s hard to read. oops. “obvious bite marks”. siblings being siblings.)
mira also has a very love/hate relationship with the egg kid, being so close in age they kinda Have to get along but in typical sibling nature they also fight a lot. sure it’s probably rough for a while but i think in the end they’d be good buddies. maybe not as close as Kirby and Bandee but still.
anyway i have a lot of thoughts and am very busy but. i’m really enjoying writing about all this lately it’s been fun ^^
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chaosduckies · 7 months
Restoration (Chapter 2)
And here’s the second chapter! I tried drawing something for it, but I am not under any circumstance the best artist. Maybe I can just try something later?
Word Count: 3,750
CW: Slight mentions of suicide, panic attacks, fear, idk if there’s anything else to tag
It’s been an entire week of dragging myself all around the school. Trying to ignore the fact that there were giants practically everywhere I had looked. Nothing had ever worked though. No matter how hard I really tried to block out the loud voices that were always looming over me. No matter how much I had tried to stay as far away as possible. It was like those stupid laughs and that terrifying smile kept haunting me. And it doesn’t help that at the very end of the day I’m constantly in arms reach of living through that hell again. 
I guess everything wasn’t all bad though. My mom was happier now since I was finally living a normal life again, but I don’t think I’ll ever live a normal life like she wants me to. You can’t just erase seven years of your life and act like they never happened. You can’t just completely heal scars. 
  Everything was okay though. Nothing bad has happened. Yet. It just seemed all too good. I mean, I had heard some rumors that were being spread about me. That I was mute, or that I was just deaf or something of the sorts. That wasn’t the case, I just find it hard to talk to people. Especially to people who just love making and spreading those stupid rumors. I guess they kind of helped me out though. I’d rather get through this year of high school alone than having to worry about losing friends. Can’t lose what you don’t have. 
Today was a normal day. Just some notes from classes here and there, mixed in with some quizzes. Nothing too much besides the huge pile of homework I have from my English class. I mean, I thought today would be an easy day of avoiding the heavy footsteps and people towering over us. Turns out it really wasn’t that easy. 
After a week of being here, you’d think I’d have everything down. No. The complete opposite really. You annoy the wrong person, then everything goes downhill from there. 
I sat at my usual corner table at lunch, trying to drown at the thundering voices from above and not mind that there were a group of people coming right over to me. Oh what the heck. All this time trying to avoid talking to people and all of a sudden these people want to… spike a conversation with me? It didn’t really look like it since they were all laughing. Or maybe they were just walking over to another friend o father is behind me? 
“You’re… Nathan, right? The kid who sits in the back of my physics class?” The kid with dirty blonde hair asked, flashing a friendly smile and holding out a hand. I looked between the hand and himself. I mean he looks nice, but something wasn’t clicking right. Why would he walk up to me now of all times? 
I shook his hand, retracting almost immediately as soon as he let go. 
“How about you come sit with us instead of sitting here all alone? You seem so lonely.” He had offered, pointing somewhere behind him. I looked for any sign of a trick or some kind of prank, but if this was he was hiding his true intentions pretty good. My eyes darted to the three people behind him, then to one specific person who looked a lot younger and was sneaking up behind the other three and shaking his head towards me. What? What was that supposed to mean? To not trust these people? I mean I don’t entirely believe whatever façade this guy was putting up either. 
I gave a nervous smile and shook my head, “Um… I-I’m okay.” 
The younger boy who was hinting to me that these guys were no good nodded and was starting to leave before the one who I really didn’t trust at all laughed and started pushing me to get up. 
“No really, I insist. You’ll have a blast!” He practically pushed me forward, hands around my shoulders and just guiding me through the place, going to the opposite side of the cafeteria. Also where the giants ate at. I knew something about this couldn’t be good. There was always a catch. 
I tried escaping many times, but he just kept of pushing me up into one of those elevators and almost immediately my nerves shot up. The anxiety was clouding up my mind. My heart was racing, my body was trembling, and what was worse was that my fate might be sealed here. I knew that it was whenever that elevator let out a ding sound. 
Everything in my world seemed to have stopped as so many sets of eyes were set right on me. My knees would have buckled underneath me had I not been practically shoved out of the elevator and right into the middle. Theirs stares felt like stabs through my back. I always felt anxious when people my height looked at me, it only makes sense that it would be worse when I had four other pairs of eyes that were giants on me. Great. Just great. I might as well die here. 
Whatever was being said behind me and above me was all muffled as I just stared blankly down at the table. Or more like a floor for me. I guess it didn’t matter when I heard laughs around me, only making my eyes tear up slightly. Of course something like this had to happen. Everything was going all too good for me. There was no way it would stay like that for forever. It never does. 
Then there was arguing, a slam on the table making me flinch and nearly run away had something not been holding my arm and trying to pull on me. I looked up, my eyes clear of any sign of tears, and seeing that same kid who had warned me about them. Speaking of, what was even going on? I looked back, seeing that one of the giants was covered in what looked like milk and whatever was for lunch and arguing to another person that was kind unclear to me at the moment. The other humans around were arguing along with them while I was being dragged away from it all. 
“Come on! While they’re not looking.” The kid who looked younger than me had ordered me. He still held onto my wrist as I trailed behind him, nearly tripped in some areas and not even questioning where we were going. He told me just to follow him, and I wasn’t going to question it since he seemed to know what he was doing. 
The arguing had stopped, and when that did, we stopped as well. There were multiple eyes trained on the argument that had just concluded, and I finally found out who had apparently started it. The guy from last period. The one I’m forced to sit with. What caught me off guard was how his hand laid down flat, palm up by the edge of the table like he was waiting fro something while his attention was focused on trying to convince the others that it was an accident. What was an accident again? 
I gulped, trying to walk away from his hand, only for the younger kid to drag us on and then, what’s his name again? Ryker? Rykers hand had started moving again, making me nearly vomit. Oh heck. I was doing this again, huh? Led into another trap? I tried looking for a way out, but the only way out was just a huge drop that would kill me. 
“Again, so sorry…” And the hand moved again, making me trip and fall face first into the fleshy surface. So did the kid with me. But he just stuck his tongue out at Ryker, who was currently cupping his hand to make it look like he wasn’t carrying anyone. I guess it worked since he wasn’t stopped by anyone. But that did not stop my body from trembling violently.
“Hey… um, are you good? You look like your having a panic attack.” The younger kid asked, helping me back up, but I just fell right back onto my butt. Panic attack? No. Just everything in my body was trying to make me run, but I couldn’t. If I did, I would just walk right into my death. My nerves and anxiety was all over the place, body trembling violently, and heart beating fast all over again. Yet, this time, I was still aware of everything that was happening all around me. 
It was only a few seconds later when Ryker had stopped moving, and we weren’t in the cafeteria anymore. Just in the hallway right outside. But please tell me I was not about to be kidnapped or something. But, against all odds, the opposite happened. I was slid off of his hands and by the human doors that led the cafeteria. 
I braved looking up, only seeing that same nervous smile as the first day we had met. I stood up, looking for the other kid, finding him crossing his arms and giving a glare to Ryker, who rolled his eyes and sighed, “What’d I do wrong this time?” Unlike the usually loud voices, his was soft. 
“You could’ve at least been a little more gentle while moving.” He stuck his tongue out, earning yet another set of rolled eyes. 
“Sorry,” His attention was diverted to me, giving a confused look then surprised, “It’s Nathan, right?” 
I jumped at the mention of my name. So he recognized me? I was really hoping he didn’t. There was no way I could speak if I couldn’t even move by myself. What do I do? The only door nearby led to the cafeteria, and I still needed to grab my bag. But if I stayed, he’d expect me to answer and actually talk, which was one of the many things I wouldn’t do at the moment. My head felt dizzy again, and my anxiety was building up. 
Ryker gave me a confused face before giving a look to whoever the other younger guy was, who just shrugged his shoulders and walked over towards me. 
“Hey… are you okay? Seriously. We’ll take you to the nurse of you’re not feeling good.” He had offered, and just as soon as Ryker had made a single movement, I dashed out of there, into the cafeteria, and out another door that took me the long way back to my class. 
Why did I react that way during lunch? I had no idea. Why was I dreading the end of the day? Well because I’d have to actually face Ryker again, and I’d have to explain what I was even thinking. I mean, what kind of person doesn’t thank someone for practically saving their life? Me. I don’t. But otherwise, I still wasn’t sure how I’d handle last period. I’m pretty sure he’s going to ask me about it. Even if he’s made no attempt to talk to me at all for the entire week. 
And even being terrified for my life, I still dragged myself into that terrible classroom. Finding that everything was moving in slow motion. I could hear my heart beat, the way people were laughing in the back of the classroom, every tremor in the ground as a giant took a step. And then the desk I had feared all along. The one where Ryker was just sitting down, doing whatever with his journal as always. I never looked back, seeing as he would be annoyed if I did. Now I’m too scared to even take that stupid elevator up. To scared to take even one more step closer. 
The only thing that had me moving again was the sound of the bell that marked one minutes to get to class. I rushed into the elevator, my hand hovering over the button that makes it go up. I could just hide in the bathroom. Most people do that anyways. But what if he’s already seen me? Plus, my mom would be wondering why. She already thinks I’m getting used to it here, and I couldn’t risk seeing her feel so heartbroken after my lies. 
So, I did the only thing I could. Press the button and wait for that dreadful ding that motioned for me to get out. It felt like the longest five seconds of my life. There was nothing I could do though. I couldn’t just give up now when I was already up there. If he didn’t know I was there then, he knows I am now. 
The elevator reached the top, and I could render was the stabbing feeling of having a pair of eyes on me. I always hated having any kind of attention on me. Or maybe that wasn’t the word for it. 
I took a deep breath, hoping nothing could go wrong, and then took my first step, then another, and another, hiding my face as I kept going along, and eventually the stabbing feeling of eyes on me disappeared, letting me hurry to my seat and bury my head in my arms. This is bad. who thought I could do this? What made anyone I was ready to do any of this? What if I was just annoying him? What if- 
The teachers loud voice interrupted my thoughts, “These next two weeks I’d like to have a little fun! I want you and your partner to discuss anything interesting about yourselves, or if you have any special interests. I’ll tell you what to do after ten minutes.” 
My heart quite literally shattered. What. The. Hell. This day couldn’t get any worse. Because as soon as the teacher dismissed us, the classroom was full of squeamish conversations and laughs, while I couldn’t even turn around. I knew Ryker was looking at me too since he was just annoyed with me at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if he would’ve just stood up and left. 
And instead of getting yelled at like I thought I would, he showed me a piece of paper. Brought up all the way up to me, and written, I was guessing as small as he could, small enough to fit on the piece he ripped off. 
‘It is Nathan, right?’ 
I worked up the urge to turn around slightly, seeing a thoughtful smile plastered over his face. Was this acting? He was supposed to be annoyed with me, not being friendly. This was crazy. I looked away before he could see me, digging my head deeper into my arms. Why was I even put into this class? Why couldn’t I have just stayed at the hospital? They could have taught me the same thing just without so much interactions. It’s my last year of high school so I really don’t see the point. 
Seven minutes had gone by without a single word. No other attempt to communicate, nor did he even so much as make any kind of noise. It kind of felt quiet all around me despite the many conversations just barely picking up. I just don’t see myself trusting someone who could very well be just like the others. 
“And how are you two doing?” The teacher cheered, and I couldn’t help myself from picturing her smiling awkwardly as she saw how both us hadn’t even as much spoken one word to each other. 
“I don’t want to force him…” Ryker had mumbled softly, sounding a bit sad. How much I would give to say sorry. At least give him some kind of an apology! He’s the one giving an effort meanwhile you’re making things harder for him. And that spun into even more horrible thoughts. I was really just going to make him fail this class. I would be the cause for him getting yelled at or whatever else happens. He probably just wants me to get this over with so we could eventually never talk again. 
“Hmmm. How about you both see me after class? It’s nothing bad, I promise.” Mrs. Kay had finished, smiling and walking off to the front of the class. My body only started shaking even more violently. I can’t do this. Why. Why did this have to happen to me? There was no reason for all of this. Just leave me the broken way I was. Get Ryker a new partner so he doesn’t have to be annoyed with some broken human. 
Something had touched my back. Oddly soft, but still, I jumped and almost tripped over the desk to stand up and face away from the touch. Ryker’s hand stayed frozen in shock as his eyes had wide dead at my very dramatic reaction. But, now, I was standing up and facing him. Not an ideal situation. 
“Er… sorry.” He had apologized, stuffing his hand back underneath the desk. He gave an unsure look before letting out a sigh, “Should we start over? I’m Ryker.” He didn’t offer a hand thankfully, because I honestly thought if he did I would just run straight off the desk. Honestly that didn’t sound like too bad of an idea. Although, now I think I actually need to reply back to him. I can’t just keep ignoring him for the third time in a row. 
I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Of course nothing did. So the next best thing was just to nod to a previous question he had asked nearly ten minutes ago and hope he knows why. 
At first, he gave a confused look. But I guess he had finally realized since he was smiling now, “Sorry about what happened during lunch. Lucky said to help out, and I can’t really say no to him.” He laughed nervously, a hand behind his head and trying to convince my hot-wired mind to even make so much as a gesture towards him. But at least now I knew who to thank for helping me out in that situation. Of course Ryker too but maybe I could just this Lucky guy to thank him for me. 
“Ten minutes is up! Now time for the actual fun,” She was passing out a paper to everyone in the class, and gave a sad smile directed towards me as she gave the paper to Ryker, who stared at it like it would haunt his nightmares. My heart started beating faster in my chest as he read the paper, eyes darting to me from time time. This was a Human and Giants Interactions and current events class. Which meant it had something to do with some kind of interaction. Again, I was the worst person to be placed in this class. 
“As you can see, this is a project for you and your partner. I’ve already made arrangements to twist the humans classes to match up with your partners. This is your first project in this class, and your schedules will stay like this for two weeks starting tomorrow.” My knees nearly buckled underneath me. That was a bit drastic. I didn’t know they could do that. Could they? Still, I didn’t particularly like the idea that I’d have to be taken to all of Rykers classes. Especially when I had finally grown used to mine. It was still early in the school year too. I didn’t think she would have a project this early. 
“Your giant partner is responsible for taking you everywhere unless you can get somewhere without them. While your human partner is going to trust you with everything until the school day ends. Think of this like a test exercise! Just a very long one.” Mrs. Kay giggled, waving us off to talk once again. Of course this would be the first project. Barely anyone knows each other in this class so it would be some sort of dramatic trust exercise. Seemed more like a death sentence to me though. Where I’m being forced to trust someone who defiantly hated this project just as much as I did. 
The room was full of  bright conversations again. While we were sitting there in silence. Ryker had stuffed the paper in his bag and looked at me. Through my eyes, I saw a terrifying grin, making me jump and fall on the floor, bringing my knees close to my chest and my arms in front of my face. Pathetic? Yes. Do I think making myself look even smaller helps the situation? Yes. Why? Because I can’t think clearly when I’m terrified. 
After a while, I was calmed down enough to somewhat get out of the little ball I made myself. Ryker kept worried face as he finished reading whatever book he was, and I couldn’t help but notice that there were some people who looked over here and laughed. At Ryker? Why? Did I make them laugh at him? And yet another thing to feel guilty about. 
The bell rang, but neither Ryker or I moved, already fearing what was about to be said to the both of us. I guess I’ll miss the bus today, but I could always walk. 
“Now, about you two,” She walked over to us, “I’m sorry Nathan, honey, I bet they haven’t told you that I know about your… past recollections, but this class is supposed to help humans and giants get along together, and Ryker here is sweetest person you’ll ever meet. You’ve both lost someone and something dear, and I decided that you two would be perfect to pair up with. So, I have a secret project for you both,” She smiled softly, “Don’t worry, there’s no due date, and it’s not a grade. I just want you two get along. Become friends and get to know one another. Maybe you’ll help out each other. Just give it a try.” 
Ryker looked at me, curiously, and sympathetically. What did that mean? Doesn’t matter. I was only focused on this “secret project” we were supposed to do. Do I really have to trust him? I’ve run out of that a long time ago and I’m not about to start placing whatever was left in a stranger who probably is just faking being nice. But I guess I had no choice. 
I hesitantly nodded, followed by Ryker who was waiting for my response. 
And I guess here starts a terrible outcome of events. One I dreaded to even be part of. 
Second chapter done. I did not take the time to even edit any of this, so I’m sorry if there are some mistakes. Otherwise, hope you enjoyed!
I plan on doing a chapter once a week and if not, then every other week.
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cream-and-tea · 7 months
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some judge and calliope stuff i was going to post on valentine’s day but forgot about! anyways me and the girl i pulled by being a wretched beast.
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-). @vellichor-virgo @transmasc-wizard​ @houndmouthed @muddshadow @just-wublrful @corkywantstowrite @shrunkupthejams @andromedaexists @caninemotiff @lungs-and-gills @lychniscitrus @phantomnations @onomatopiya @deer-in-headlights-stare @arctic-oceans @redbloodprose @definitelynotclayface @cannivalisms
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ofwraithsandwords · 11 months
Controversial opinion but I like Cazador as a villain. Yes, he’s terrible. Yes, he’s irredeemable. But I enjoy characters like that in media and literature. I find it cathartic.
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allpromarlo · 7 months
how long does gege plan to continue this actually
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
For the 10th anniversary, I have almost... no idea on what to do for it- no quotes or anything.
..Except for one, and it wouldn’t be incorrect. It’s. literally just one of Funtime Freddy’s lines, but with some changes/additions:
I’m sure I’ll think of something-
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batfossil-fr · 1 year
man I love writing lore I wish I had the energy to do more than one lore every 6 months
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 5 months
sigh maybe i do need to go out and be somewhere else for a little while? i’m suddenly so extremely miserable and restless
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countinglegoclowns · 1 year
Do you still answer questions about the "Conversations with a cicada" AU?
If so, how would it go, if Tang told the others about how he can talk to his earlier incarnations and what their dynamic is like?
I do answer questions!!! Just not in a very timely manner I guess lol
Tang Does Not Tell Anyone until the whole. Mystic Monkey business starts.
He keeps it to himself because his life is Otherwise Very Normal and doesn’t think it’s worth the trouble.
Pigsy has a suspicion that something’s up bc Tang talks to himself sometimes, but doesn’t pry.
However, when he finally fesses up everyone’s kind of like. What????
I have a sort of idea on a few interactions that would go on after the reveal, though after the whole monkey king business it’s not the weirdest thing that’s happened so it’s kind of just. A thing that happens.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Happy Pride Month everyone.
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fowlblue · 1 year
I have no idea what time I’ll even have next month, courtesy of clinicals, but at least I am well-prepped for MerMay in spirit
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llumimoon · 2 years
Here’s the lil synopsis for the next part btw:
Normal takes Dot out in public with their new body for the first time to meet with the other teens. Something goes terribly wrong.
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okkotsuus · 1 year
yuta and me as spiderman and mj (spiderman 2)
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ahhh this literally took me so long but i don’t regret it at all no matter how much my back hurts T^T
thank you for hosting this event @saenora it was soso fun ahhh 🫶🫶
it’s been so long since i’ve really drawn, esp on digital, so this was a really fun way to return to it :))
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