#just slowly rotating
theguffbin · 1 year
Have some more fluffy pjions fren
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teddy-bear-d · 1 year
Currently rotating angsty Martyn from killing Scott in my head
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willczek-art · 9 months
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Decided to give Dragon Age another try and the first character I meet COMPLETELY wins me over in a matter of seconds-
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Been talkin on my discord server with some friends about a DC A/B/O au. But like, Gotham just says fuck gender.
Like they just straight up are mixtures of dynamics or change, depending on their mood, because there's so much chemicals everywhere along with so many curses in Gotham. Like they are straight up messed up down to a biological state. There is a reason that no one wants to go to Gotham and why they leave them alone for the most part. Like people even moving there eventually start to lose their dynamic or starts shifting as well, and it freaks people out.
Not to mention that Gotham horrifies those that believe they should still follow 'traditional' norms. Omegas are often far more violent and larger than the alphas, bettas egg on others instead of calming them. Or at least that's what Outsiders always see.
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plaguedocboi · 10 months
There’s a giant cruise ship in the harbor outside work that’s just been slowly spinning in circles for like fifteen minutes. are you good buddy
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lavenoon · 1 year
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Wading out of that sea of red is hard, but having someone wait for you outside of it makes it worth it (even if he'll be leaving tracks for a long while still)
Been thinking about Chapter 4 of Heavenly Bodies in Case Files, and thus the bounty hunter has been on my mind. @naffeclipse come get your evil baby boy <3
Inspiration/ blorbo thoughts that wouldn't leave my brain and sparked this:
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og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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ghostoffuturespast · 9 months
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River Ward: The Black & White Collection
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bisekcual · 9 months
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guys will have trouble sleeping and draw goat woman in their notes app to cope
id. two digital black and white sketches of wuvvy from a court of fey and flowers. wuvvy is a satyr woman with long, curly hair that parts in the middle, backward curling horns, goat ears and a goatlike nose and eyes. she also has freckles. wuvvy is looking upward and away with a tired expression. the only difference in the two images is that in the second, wuvvy is also given a small curly goatee. end id.
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swimming-karyss · 10 months
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some headcanons for ASL! or more like AS before meeting Luffy. even feral jungle children have to manage their hair somehow
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always-a-joyful-note · 5 months
Sometimes I sit back and remember just how GOOD Link Click is as a story. Excellent plot? Check. Compelling themes? Yep. Characters well built that you can root for? Obviously. Deaths that do actually mean something? Yeah. Multiple kinds of relationships that colour the narrative? Yes, and it hurts us all. Banger soundtrack? Both the lyrics-based music AND the BG music. Incredible animation? We have that too. Balance of light and dark moments? Again, yes, and it hurts us all. Balance of show and tell? YES, EPISODE 9 S2. Supporting characters and antagonists who obviously exist as their own people even if the stories revolve around our three protags? Mhmm. Symbolism spun to deal max damage? We're still recovering from that
It's just Link Click is SUCH a well-written piece of media and I'm not ready for what happens in s3 but at the same time can't wait
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unboundbnha · 23 days
I’m writing a Jason Todd fic that has everything I want. The foundation of the fic is love: it’s Bruce’s love for his long-lost son. But it’s love that’s gone wrong. It’s love, but it’s love for someone who’s gone (or never existed in the first place). It’s Bruce’s fear — of losing the people he loves, of losing what makes him feel like he’s making the right choices, of feeling completely lost, because admitting that he’s making a mistake, making MANY mistakes, well. That means he’s failed. He can’t fail. Not in this. Not again.
This fic is about love: one person begging the other to see them, to love them as they are, to help them in the way they need. The other person is suffocating the first because they love them. They love them so much and just want them to be happy, but happiness to them has a certain look. Happiness can only be achieved in the right way. It’s horrible and painful and frightening and sad. It’s a story about love. It’s a horror. It’s a ghost story. Don’t you see? In the end, it’s all about love. And how sometimes the people who love us are the ones who kill us.
#jason Todd#bruce wayne#red hood#batman#Zilla’s things#guys you don’t even know I’ve had this fic rotating in my head for YEARS now#I love horror. I love love. I love love that’s horror and horror that’s love#Bruce loves his son. he loves him enough to hurt him.#jason loves his father. he wishes bruce loved him back.#they’re two lines that no longer run parallel to each other#but bruce is willing to Fix That.#he loves his son. he loves his son so much that he’s willing to force him to fit his ideals#the tree grew crooked in his eyes. so he will go in and fix it. regardless of jason begging him not to.#jason begs bruce to accept him as he is and bruce says ‘’but I can fix you. I can make you as you were.’’#jason has fundamentally changed and bruce wants to scrape him out and mold him into what HE wants#because BRUCE thinks he knows best. he HAS to know best. if he doesn’t know best than maybe he’s wrong.#and if bruce is wrong? what else is he wrong about. was he wrong about the batarang?#he can’t think about it. physically can’t. if he lets that doubt in it’s the end of everything#so instead he just. slowly destroys his son. in the name of love.#(this is a gen story with no shipping and no canonical LGBT+ themes but it’s also a VERY queer-coded story)#(and 100% not at all a parallel to my life NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE)#(being suffocated by people who love you? who think they know the best for you regardless of what you say?#loving those people even though they hurt you? begging for them to see you as you are? BEGGING for them to accept you?#and instead being met with ‘’let me fix you until you fit the idealized version I project over your childhood.’’#‘’let me fix you so you can be happy in a way I can accept.’’#‘’let me fix you. we can be happy again. at the cost of you.’’#HAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHA. anyway.)
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kazeofthemagun · 4 months
@8radicaldragon8 said in response to [ X ]
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[Nori, you're IN a magic box!!]
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
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More Possessed Doll Au (the au was created by @phoenixcatch7 so go check them out they do great stuff!)
Honestly this would be early-ish I am thinking into Bruce doing his vigilante work with the doll body. Or he just straight up has thick eyeliner/raccoon makeup lol.
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
thinking. rotating even. eyrie’s way of showing love and how it so quietly bloomed during their time in thavnair w estinien. how it slowly found its way there and so much of how it was both felt. they love each other—as friends and romantically. it’s all there, utterly unspoken, but it’s there.
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dandelion-wings · 9 months
What are your chronic illness headcanons?
I mean, I'll be honest, I'm sort of vague and broad with all of them? And will go with different specifics for different fics or fantasies, though I have a... fraught relationship with medical research (it's the medical anxiety) and also kind of prefer not to be too specific; as someone with chronic conditions of my own I personally dislike reading too-specific fictional accounts of them, and I also don't want to risk misrepresenting something I'm not familiar with.
That said!
Jean: There's lots of things that fainting, weakness, and vertigo, which are the only canon symptoms we have, could originate from, but I like to give her a heart condition! Being very vague on what, but generally at minimum an arrhythmia or something that it's a symptom of, because that's one I'm pretty familiar with, and also can be easily identified in the field (for hurt/comfort purposes) and have some hand-waved treatments. It is badly exacerbated by her stress level, which is also great for hurt/comfort.
Lisa: Either chronic fatigue or something that causes fatigue as a side-effect. I am very broad, and usually also very vague, with this one--the longer we go without that "her lifespan was halved" thing actually getting brought up in canon the more I assume that Hoyo decided not to go with it after all, but it's always lurking as a Possible Cause if it does come up in canon, and I often prefer to leave that open. (It's also I'm not something I'm personally familiar with except as a side effect of other conditions.) I had several continuities in my head where Lisa was chronically ill beforehand, but @canonical-transformation's excellent Girl Underwater solidified it for me as my dominant and permanent headcanon, whether or not it actually comes up in something I'm writing.
Kaeya: You mean my son Kaeya who has every (mental) disease? :P More seriously, leaving aside that you can posit so much going on in his head (though I do lean towards depression), alcoholism is in fact a chronic disease, and another one that I am pretty familiar with. I've also seen the argument that the tendency to write him as a sickly kid, which I often do (on the theory that if he's from underground, another preferred headcanon of mine, he probably never met 99% of Mondstadt's usual diseases beforehand and they would've run roughshod over his immune system), should probably lead to him having physical/immune issues as an adult, which I find plausible but generally don't go too far with just because he already has enough going on.
Anyway, Lisa is 100% honest and upfront about her problems and expects accommodation, as she should; Jean admits she has a condition because it's pretty hard to deny, but minimizes it to a deeply unhealthy extent; Kaeya has nothing wrong with him and wonders why you would imply that he does. Obviously this list is also in order of how difficult it is to help/treat them from the outside. Barbara appreciates Lisa deeply, wishes Jean would cooperate more but is doing her best, and isn't even touching Kaeya because that's waaaaaaay above her paygrade.
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magpie-to-the-morning · 6 months
Microdosing on writing by just thinking up scenarios and AUs all day.
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