#maybe even trying to think of a plan to have Scott kill him later
teddy-bear-d · 2 years
Currently rotating angsty Martyn from killing Scott in my head
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tibby-art · 1 year
Given how much Scar’s character knows. (From him connecting series that we don’t think he should know about to his character. And him knowing things he shouldn’t…) I’m on the band wagon that Scar is some sort of Eldtrich God.
Righttt like, my best guess is he's some sort of dimension-hopper or something... a traveling trickster god.. mentally i'm at a corkboard w/all the red strings connecting to different scars trying to piece it all together, holding my head in my hands
It's like. Okay. He had an encounter with s8 tycoon scar where he stole his hat, and he killed him (?) but today he said he simply broke a wheel on the wagon and stole the hat? He says each hat has a story. Does Jellie's hat also have a story. Jellie obviously travels with him across every universe. He seems not to mind when people don't remember who he is but he gets VERY upset when people don't know who Jellie is; just thought that was interesting
Did P!Scar travel to the hermitcraft season 8 universe? After the moon hit the server? Did tycoon scar travel to the pirates universe? Or are they the same person and it's just a lie? When he first spawns in Pirates SMP he makes it a point to mention a mysterious flower crown in his inventory. He says it's an important crown, and it's the only one on the server. Buttercups??? (Sidenote he also spawns with some blocks of cyan glazed terracotta. Not sure what that's about but it's dangerously close to being light blue glazed aka the vex magic. I would have lost my mind)
At the very beginning Scar says his ship was called the Flying Jellie. The Flying Jellie. What if it wasn't a boat. What if it was a space ship. He calls it a pirate ship but that doesn't necessarily mean a boat, ti could be a space pirate ship. (He's done loopholes with his phrasing like this before, like today when he sold michela a sword that was "nearly full" durability, only to later clarify it was "nearly full-y depleted"). He says he won an important battle with the ship, but he lost the ship and the crew. I've seen people say that the crew is supposed to have been boatem, not sure if that's canon? Is the ship story even true?
He made references to both Pearl and Grian today, are they his Pearl and Grian from the pirates universe or is he referring to the hermits? He mentions Pearl by name to Sausage, who says he doesn't know who that is (and yet Sausage goes on to casually mention the moon at the mention of Pearl, either Sausage is also a dimension-hopper and he's bluffing or he has a subconscious connection to his other lives). He doesn't say Grian's name but he talks about a man on his crew who sunk with the ship that's very obviously meant to be Grian (says the man's head looked like a loaf of bread, that he wore red, would have been a Kite). He doesn't seem too upset about the loss.
He greets Cleo, Scott and Martyn when he first sees them even though they don't know who he is. Cleo flat-out says "I don't believe we've met" after he greets her by name. Interestingly enough when he first calls Martyn by name, Martyn doesn't question it (I know Martyn also has some Lore going on, maybe he recognizes Scar too) Also I saw someone point out that his pants resemble mayor scar's pants. Possible season 7 reference, season 8 reference with tycoon scar and a possible? season 9 reference?? with that flower crown???
I literally can't tell if he has this planned-out intricate lore that connects all of his minecraft SMP characters like Martyn does or if he's literally just saying random stuff for fun. His character could be lying about his entire backstory, we don't know. i have no idea what's important to the lore and what isn't. this man is such a trickster god its not even funny. tldr WHAT IS GOING ON
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 2 months
Okay I'm having another thought about Isaac (I am thinking about Isaac again, big fucking surprise)
I feel like it says a lot about Isaac that during Motel California when Stiles found him and used the flare to snap him out of the mental torture spell that the motel ghost and the Wolfsbane had put all of the wolves in, Isaac was the only one not actively trying to physically harm himself. Isaac was hiding under the bed.
(If you haven't seen the episode and/or don't watch the show, mentions of trauma, suicide and self harm below.)
Like - let's run it down.
Ethan was being tortured by visions of someone trapped inside of his body and he tried to use a circular saw to cut that someone out (trying to cut himself free). It likely represents the idea that he was coming to resent merging with Aiden in their Alpha state, hating not having his own individual identity, hating the fact that Aiden might make him hurt someone (against his will while they're merged) innocent like Danny in the name of Deucalion's cause.
Boyd was being reminded of a childhood trauma (and I am actually so pissed that the show didn't go into more detail about this story and if they weren't planning on revealing the full details - why didn't they just make his visions about Erica? because he's clearly tortured and fucked up about that) where it seems like he was responsible for a younger sibling in a public place and that sibling was then abducted or went missing (and maybe turned up dead later?) and he feels responsible for her disappearance and/or death.
So he takes the safe out of the office and places it on top of himself to weigh himself down while he drowns in the bathtub - one, because he knows that no one of humans who are conscious of the goings on can lift it off and free him, and two, likely to represent the crushing weight that he feels over the guilt of losing his sibling. The crushing 'responsibility' he felt (even though he was just a child and it wasn't his fault). And it probably comes back to Erica - how he felt responsible for taking care of her during the time they were captured, and he likely felt responsible for her death too.
And Scott - sees a vision of his mother kidnapped and murdered by Deucalion, and he is told that it's all his fault. And he tries to burn himself alive while questioning if there is a ghost trying to convince him to do it or if there's something truly wrong with him. (And not knowing that Derek is alive, he feels responsible for Derek's 'death' and the lives of everyone around him - so the message here is pretty clear.)
What happens to Isaac is what interests me the most. He remembers something that happened during his childhood, a distinct memory with his father - a seemingly random, average conversation where his father is trying to teach him about tools, and things escalate quickly. When Isaac makes a simple mistake, his father's anger booms out of control, and he tells Isaac that he is inherently flawed, and then - Isaac has a vision of himself being locked back in the freezer that his father used to punish him, which we later find out means that the ghost prompted him to crawl under the bed, a tight space that would normally send him spiralling into a panic attack. The ghost is using his claustrophobia to torture him (when Stiles finds him, he's sweaty and shaking and clearly very poor off), but he's the only one of the wolves not actively trying to kill himself.
What this says to me is that - Isaac has already lived through a fate worse than death. Worse than the kind of mystery that drives the average person to suicide. This says to me that a demon (or whatever lives in the motel) that thrives off people killing themselves, gets more pain and suffering to feed off of from Isaac having a claustrophobic panic attack and believing that he's back in his father's basement in the freezer than it would if he was actually miserable enough to want to kill himself.
Isaac already died while locked in that freezer many, many times.
Idk that's just what that moment in the show says to me.
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thetismcave · 10 months
Another dramatic drabble with some more headcanons
Session 7 spoilers :)
It really is an apocalypse, Scott thought, watching the carnage from atop the cliffs.
The world had gone mad. The plateau below was splattered with blood, and death was spreading like an infection through the ranks of the players.
He was hiding in his own base, from his own teammates. Maybe it was stupid to keep hanging around, but he knew this place well, and he was pretty sure they didn’t think he’d come back. He’d nearly been killed getting chased out by his own teammate, for fucks sake.
He’d gone to ground after that, but he knew that without info he was a sitting duck. So, here he was, on one of his increasingly rare ventures to the surface, crouching in a tree and watching the grasslands below.
When Cleo dug through their wall, he couldn’t help but be relieved. His instinctive reaction was affirmed when they, treading just as lightly as he was, showed no signs of hostility or of alerting the hunters.
“Hi,” he grinned at her.
“Hi, hi!” They replied, a stressed little laugh in their voice as they creeped through the new opening.
“What’s happening? Why is there a Warden now?” Scott asked softly as she filled in the wall behind herself.
“They’re trying to get me,” she grimaced, easing into a crouch beside him, sheltered under the trees. “As the last- the last green.”
Scott hummed a tense reply, leaning against the rough bark of the oak, slowly creeping further into his- the base.
“Gem also has no band loyalty anymore,” he said nonchalantly, not looking at Cleo, “Because she died, came back as a red, and tried to kill me. So, I had to flee. I’ve been skulking around my own base all day.”
He said it offhandedly, like it was just another anecdote. Like it was an interesting tidbit instead of a near deadly betrayal.
He knew they could see right through him.
She knew what was genuinely laidback and what was a coverup. She knew how much he hated this, how deeply his loyalty ran.
“Widow’s Alliance?” She offered, holding out her arm. The shifting moonlight hit a tattoo, a blue rope winding down the inside of her wrist, its end frayed and orange. He’d known it was there. It’s partner was on his arm, after all. He could barely see his own now, however. The lava from his latest capital ‘D’ Death had burned away most of the skin on his arms. It was there though, the orange strands twisting along his forearm, just a little buried by scar tissue.
(The care was still there too, even though at the start they’d promised to go their separate ways. Even though their bond had been tried by nearly five of these damned games.)
If there was one constant in this mess, it was Cleo, and he could really use a damn anchor right now. He trusted her, and he hoped the feeling was mutual.
“I guess so.” He took her forearm, and the frayed ends of their ties met.
Later, after they joined up with BigB, the infected began closing in again. As they took shelter behind the walls, Scott let the other two know about his makeshift bunker, the one not even his teammates knew about.
“You know me, I’m not gonna go after you.” Cleo said, casually, as if it was a given, a law of nature that he could show her his secrets, his backup plans, without fear. And really, it was, wasn’t it? Even if Cleo didn’t have clear memories of the games before, they knew, somehow, that they could put their back to his and be defended.
He’d wondered sometimes if Cleo, ever the survivor, trusted him as implicitly as he trusted them. As they descended into the mines, he realized that now he knew. Even if neither of them realized it, they were each other’s safety net, a soft place to fall that went beyond alliances, or games, or even memories.
And even though they were being hunted, even though the rest of the world was baying for their blood, Scott felt, impossibly, like they could weather anything this apocalypse could throw at them.
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oknerd3 · 10 months
“It’s not a home.”
Gift for: @aggressivenesswhilecrying for @mcyt-halloween !! Their pinch hitter dropped out last minute so i wrote lol. Sorry if its a bit rusty, I haven't written a full fic in a while but this was fun! Martyn's always a fun character to play with.
Warnings: Blood, beheading, canon typical violence, death
“I don’t know if I can do it, me lord.” He mumbled, gripping the axe in his hands, Red Winter Is Coming. He squeezed it, like the wood would collapse under a slight push. It remained sturdy, strong. Surrounded by fields of carrots, all ready to be harvested. Black Heart Altar. A place familiar to Martyn by now, the same stone beneath his feet he remembered.
Ren’s head was bent down, waiting for the strike. He saw Ren’s lips move but he didn’t hear the words. He knew what his king wanted, though. He always did. So, he swallowed his breath and raised the axe into the moonlight, hesitating just long enough for Ren to turn to ask him to hurry, when he burrowed the axe into Ren’s neck, with two messy chops. Blood was sprayed across the crops, a painful use of royal blood. 
Martyn shook as he stepped closer to Ren’s body, feeling sick at the stillness. He collapsed to his knees beside his king, bruising his legs with stone.
The stillness did not last for long, though, because the moment Martyn bent down and tried to grant some dignity to his king by crossing his arms, the head, still detached from the body, shot its eyes open. 
Martyn dunked his head into the salt water along the beach, then leaned his head back and wiped his face clean. Turning red always meant the same nightmare, of his first game, his first death match, when he failed his king by doing the task asked of him. Yes, that is not what happened, his trial gave them an edge they would have been decimated without, but that was not the point. Ren was his king, his partner, and now, in a new place with a new person who he could genuinely trust to lead? 
These last few games, Martyn had united himself with people who didn’t have such a strong connection as he did with Ren, yes they may have bossed him around more, but Scott was.. and now Scott was trying to rival that of which he had with Ren. It was ludicrous to think someone could even compare. 
But whether they compared didn’t matter because both were Martyn’s partner and some part of him knew that a new nightmare would come with this ally-ship too. Because when he swam after Scott with the express mission of killing him, he didn’t feel the itch of guilt he did when he took Ren’s head. There wasn’t much difference between the times, trading time away to gain more later. 
Maybe he’d gone numb to it. 
With his own form of conclusion, Martyn jumped into the sea and swam. Him and Scott reunited later in the day and struck a tenuous alliance with what was left of TIES until-
“Martyn!” Scott shouted, half playful, as he usually was in these games. It was almost funny how both logically and carefree Scott played. It reminded Martyn of himself, or maybe just the time back then when this was truly a game. Either way, Martyn answered in kind.
Scott huffed and laughed through his words, “They tried to kill me.” 
Martyn’s blood went cold. His mean gill, put in danger. It was completely unacceptable. “Who did?” 
“Etho and Impulse.”
“Right. That’s it, they’re dead. Just as quick as that, they’re dead.” 
Martyn drew his sword, bared his sharp teeth, then started to prowl, looking for his new targets he’d been steered to. He hadn’t been this confidently close to winning in a long time and he wasn’t about to let it squirm from his grip, not with his partner by his side. 
Martyn had learned by now, after all these seasons, that one was easy enough to kill, especially with Scott. They got it down so the only person who stood in their way was Impulse. Impulse explained the plan, where he died and Martyn left victorious. Scott interrupted with what Martyn’s and his plan had been earlier. “As their forefathers”. On late nights, sorting chests and filing away for bed, the morbid questions were always asked on the server. And on one night, Scott and Martyn explained they’d fight it out, just as Scar and Grian had at the start of it all. Martyn and Ren had the same agreement, after all. At the time, it sounded like a good plan, a logical one. But now the cards were down and Martyn was met with killing his partner again. 
And he was blood thirsty. 
Martyn stayed in armour while they stripped of their own, narrowing their time to zilch. He stared
 Scott down, checked his pocket while Scott, ever a generous soul in this world, handed Impulse some food.
Then Martyn surged forward and killed Scott by throwing hot magma at him and running him through with his sword.
It was clean and fast. Scott didn’t get the chance to move or speak before he was dead. He didn’t even scream. Flat time placed in Martyn’s hand, with no struggle of his own. He barely had to chase Impulse for the leftovers. He won, he had finally won, after four death games of trying to win, he won, through killing his guiding hand. He screamed in relief. He had won and he didn’t need to bite and claw for his time.
Over an hour of time to go, Scott’s body was burnt and tossed to the side, still slowly bleeding, half overshadowed by his red clothes. Maybe that’s why they always ended on red life, to hide the colour of a corpse. 
Martyn had settled down from the bloodlust. There was no one left to kill, just bodies scattered around the map. And none of them mattered besides this one. Scott had given him time, in more ways than one, and they had played the game smart together, they’d done well. It wasn’t Scott’s fault that he trusted Martyn to play another game.
Staring into Scott’s eyes, he realized that no, Scott wasn’t anything like Ren. They were kind and strong leaders, but beyond that there was no similarity. But maybe that was all the similarity that Martyn needed. A gentle, guiding hand, to tell him who to rip to shreds. Scott never had the collar on Martyn that Ren did. Scott was his partner, but he was never his king, his lord. Now it was time to untie himself from the Coral Isles, or Dogwarts, or whatever home was keeping him awaiting a command.
Martyn lowered his sword to one side of Scott’s neck and moved it through to the other, then did it again, fertilizing the grass under him with merman’s blood.. And for some reason he knew, this beheading wouldn’t be in any of his nightmares to come. And when he got to the end of the line, his heart clenched, stopped ticking away, and he fell to the ground. The watchers were done with their fun.
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Why Scott is a Better Rival for Eric than Kyle
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Obligatory disclaimer: these are my thoughts, not meant to offend anyone, etcetera, etcetera… and just my opinion. Feel free to have your own, or to disagree.
  Even though I have these numbered, they’re not necessarily in order of importance.
Also, for this post I’m counting “Tenorman’s Revenge” as canon.
1. Scott is a larger threat
In his initial appearance in STMD Scott might not have seemed more than a quick-witted but simple bully who scammed a younger kid for $10, but upon his return in season 14 and in the video game released a couple of years later, he proved to be much more than that.
  Not only did he re-organize the Ginger Separatist Movement and picked it up from where Eric had left it, basically making the other gingers his servants, he also made dozens of fully functional robots (some of them maybe even more than 10 feet in height and some having a completely realistic human appearance). 
  Of course over the course of the series Kyle has proven to be smart a lot of times too, but when it comes to going up against Eric he doesn’t seem to have the motivation or the ability to gather as many resources or as much help to fight against him.
2. Kyle is somewhat overused
(Boy, if I’m getting backlash about something here it’s going to be this…)
25 years is a lot. During these 25 years Eric has had a handful of schemes that directly or indirectly involved Kyle. Whenever an episode is centered around a fight between Eric and Kyle it basically comes down to a format where Eric has a scheme of sorts and Kyle tries to stop him because he believes it’s morally wrong (and or rare occasions Kyle concedes because he teams up with Eric, like in the Crack Baby Athletic Association).
Sure, it can be an entertaining formula, but with South Park having so many seasons it’s bound to get repetitive at some point – if it hasn’t already, for some people.
In the meantime, Scott has not appeared in the show since season 14 (almost for 13 years) while his last words before he disappeared promised a return. Any time for him to be brought back would be convenient, and there are dozens of possibilities a plot with him could turn out. There are still so many things to explore with his character, so many routes that can be taken, so much depth that can be given to him.
On top of that, Scott’s and Kyle’s motives for going up against Eric are vastly different, so I do think such a change would be refreshing. Usually Kyle objects to Eric’s plans because they clash with his morality, while Scott seemed uncaring about morality from the start, and now has a vendetta to settle with Eric.
Which brings me to my next point.
3. Scott’s rivalry with Eric is more personal
Yes, Eric and Kyle have been “friends” for years, they’ve been through a lot together, but a big part of their rivalry is Eric insulting Kyle and Kyle defending himself, or Kyle trying to stop a scheme that has hurt or exploited people. Such actions on Kyle’s part do not have as much of a direct correlation to Eric as Scott’s actions do.
Ever since STMD, it’s clear that Scott has made it his life’s goal to get his revenge for what Eric did to him. Everything he does involves (or aims to involve) Eric some way or another. He doesn’t seem to care what Eric does outside of having killed his parents. He doesn’t care about what Eric’s moral code is outside of him, unlike Kyle, who mostly tries to defend both himself and any other people Eric intends to harm in some way, like Heidi.
On top of that, after 201, we also know that Eric and Scott are brothers, so there’s another layer that makes their dispute even more personal, while Kyle has no relation to Eric.
4. The payoffs with Scott are higher
Be it Eric’s complete victory in STMD or any of Scott’s (thus far) unsuccessful attempts at revenge, the stakes are higher, and the overall experience as a viewer gives you the impression of being more grandiose.
The second (and last) time he appeared in the show he gathered almost half the town to witness Eric’s reaction as he revealed who his real father is – a mystery discussed since season 1, a question that had been nagging Eric nearly his whole life. Even when he did something as childish as to steal Eric’s Xbox hard-drive, in order for Eric to get it back he had to fight Scott’s army of robots, had to chase him quite literally to Hell, Heaven and back.
In one of the episodes that depicts Eric and Kyle’s relationship well, Tonsil Trouble, all Kyle did was threaten to “break everything Eric owns”, when he learned Eric had just infected him with AIDS. The most “extreme” action he has taken against Eric that comes to mind is the plan he constructed in the end of Le Petit Tourette. (But I could be wrong, you can let me know if there’s something more.) In any case, his plans are still not quite on Scott’s level.
5. Scott’s dynamic with Eric is more unique than Kyle’s with Eric
Unpopular opinion, I know.
A lot of people find it difficult to define Eric’s relationship with Kyle. They’ve been hanging out together ever since they’ve been in pre-school, yet Eric hates Kyle, and it’s obvious Kyle more often than not does not enjoy having him around. It’s safe to say Eric is obsessed with Kyle at times, while Kyle for the most part does not interact with him unless he is somehow forced to, directly or indirectly. Despite all that, they have saved each other’s lives in the past.
It certainly is a special dynamic these two have, and one that can be pretty satisfying to watch. But it isn’t unheard of. Half-friends half-enemies (bear with me for simplifying it down to that) are not new as a trope or as a dynamic.
But Scott and Eric?
I don’t know about you, but I struggle think of a hate relationship as intense as theirs, especially one between siblings. Eric’s dislike for Scott was so strong it made him hate all ginger people, while Scott has let his persistence with revenge take over his life. He had to be treated in a mental hospital because of what Eric did to him, and it looks like he has since been unable to think of anything else besides him.
If Scott hadn’t pushed Eric as far as he did and Eric didn’t end up feeding him his parents, Scott probably wouldn’t have discovered their biological relationship in the first place. They’re brothers, yet they’ve never had an ounce of brotherly love for each other and most likely never will. They’ve never shared what could even be remotely considered a civil family moment. They only emotion they feel towards one another is unadulterated hate. Eric (a pretty lonely child, if the conversations he had with his stuffed animals are anything to go by) learns he has a brother, yet he is also the person Eric hates because he has humiliated and tricked him in the past, while said brother wants nothing more to do with him than to kill him.
They’d both do absolutely anything to destroy each other, and taking everything else into consideration, I do believe this is a dynamic that at least is much rarer.
I also love Scott very much and I need to see him come back again. (I like him much better than Kyle.)
     And I don’t think his return should equal the obligatory erasure of Kyle’s interactions with Eric. Maybe they could both team up to fight against Scott.
     Or the three of them would make up for a funny rival triangle: with Eric being obsessed with Kyle and Scott being obsessed with Eric, but Eric being mostly indifferent towards him, unless he becomes quite the serious problem, and he has no choice but to confront him.
Plus, I guess I’m just a bit tired of seeing a lot of people saying that Kyle is Eric’s “one true rival”.
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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siriannatan · 1 year
Great Mythland Costume Ball - WitherHusbands
I'm sorry MythicalSausage fans, I seem to have killed our boy here
Ball. Parties. Social events of all kinds that had little to do with actual politics. Serving only for the host to show off. fWhip avoided those on all occasions. Yes. But when Sausage announced he'd be holding a costume party fWhip found himself more interested than he usually would be - meaning actually interested for once. And of course, the whole WRA meeting turned to a party talk that fWhip ignored in favour of thinking about what he could wear.
His usual 'fancy event' clothes made him look like a vampire from those terrible romance novels Gem read in some sort of an attempt to figure out how to approach her crush on Pearl. He could not go in his usual daily clothes either. Gem would have his head for being too casual. He barely registered Pearl and Sausage mentioning dressing as each other. A fun idea but it'd probably not work too well with fWhip and Gem... But a dress. A dress could work but not just any dress... A very special dress.
"Any ideas fWhip?" Gem asked him once the meeting was done. fWhip kind of missed it. "For the costume," she sighed as he gave her a confused look.
"I think I have something in mind, I'm just not sure how it'd work with time," fWhip hummed with a tiny grin. He was really liking his idea. "It might be involving a very particular kind of a dress."
"That's enough," Gem giggled. She trusted fWhip would do something that would shock everyone gathered at the party. "I have no idea what to wear myself," she sighed.
"We could dress you as 'bad romance novel vampire'," fWhip said, mostly joking but Gem actually liked the idea and ran off to dig through her 'collection' for the worst vampire romance novel she owned. fWhip followed suit by going to his tailors and maybe stunning them a bit with his idea.
Two weeks later fWhip's costume was ready right in time for the event. And Gem was waiting in his living room in her vampire costume that indeed made her look like a bit of a jerk and a lot like fWhip when he was forced to dress as a ruler should dress. Meaning frilly collars and vests and coats. Luckily fWhip's idea was much comfier than that. 
Are you planning a murder?" Gem asked as soon as fWhip walked down the stairs. 
"What do you mean by that?" he asked. A wide grin on his face, playing with his for once braided, and not just tied in a messy bun, hair.
Gem could have meant a lot of things but the most possible was how Jimmy and Scott would react to fWhip in a maid dress. It wasn't a short and revealing dress popular in indecent literature. No, fWhip's dress was ankle length but there was a long slit on the left side. Short sleeves were compensated by long white gloves with some black frills. And he decided to wear high heels - higher than Gem would ever dare to - and somehow made wearing them easy. And the neckline of the dress was mostly covering his neck. And somehow the Grimlands crown fit with the whole frilly thing.
"You're the worst," Gem chuckled, trying to cross her arms but losing the fight to her massive and very frilly sleeves. 
"It's just a dress Gem, the crossbow's for killing," fWhip chuckled but was more than looking forward to Sausage's reaction. "And it's not like I have time to change," he shrugged and made his way to the carriage already waiting for them outside the manor.
Mythland Castle was as grand as ever and very much decorated for the party the local king decided to organise. fWhip and Gem quickly made their way through all the official introductions that unfortunately could not be skipped and went looking for their allies. fWhip was more than happy with himself when literally everyone stopped whatever they were doing to stare at him as he passed by and then struggle to collect their jaws off the floor.
"fWhip!? Wow. Just wow," Peal gasped once she spotted them. "And Gem? Wow, you two look great." She looked great in Sausage's usual kingly vestments. Even with her sunflower crown in her hair. The crowns simply had to be included in the costumes thanks to all the royal rules. Long spiky dragon tail and pointy horns did not help Pearl's outfit translate well to Sausage's physique of a knight.
Speaking of the local king. Next to Peal was an utterly stunned Sausage, looking a bit silly but still great in Pearl's dress. fWhip attributed the silliness to the lack of sunflowers. "We'll be going to say hello to Katherine, you two have fun," Gem said, offering Pearl an arm and fWhip and Sausage were alone.
"Sausage?" fWhip asked after waving after them. "Eyes are up here," he joked, snapping his fingers as well as gloves allowed. 
"You look great..." Sausage mumbled. His tail was tentatively moving in excitement under his dress.
"I must, you've been silent for good two minutes. Real rarity," fWhip chuckled, shifting so the slit in his dress got a bit more obvious. His grin only grew as Sausage blushed and struggled with whatever gentlemanly thing his knightly up bring was telling him to do. It would seem the dress had more of an effect than fWhip intended it to have. "How about a dance?" he asked. Sausage always boasted about how great of a dancer he was and was thus bound to be more comfortable with that.
"Could we maybe go to the gardens for a second first? Before I start setting curtains on fire," Sausage said. Something between a whine and a growl.
"Only if you allow me to accompany you, sir," fWhip grinned and chuckled at another whine from his 'friend'.
"Obviously," Sausage huffed, with a mighty puff of smoke and some sparks, and extended an arm - a very bare arm - for fWhip to hold on to as they swiftly made their way outside so the half-dragon could cool down a bit. Not that it helped all that much.
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underthe-redhood · 2 years
"maybe you could try what bart does and plan as you go? it sounded new, and it sounded uncomfortable. but it worked for bart, so maybe it'd work for you?" JAKFHALFNSG batsis breaking out of their habits bc not only do they like Bart but they actually see and respect his way of doing things? Which is something that isn't always there in the comics or in certain relationships but the fact that they do actually believe in him when so many portrayals use the "smart character goes along with comedic relief character just to humour them" but it just makes them all the more cute!!
Dick and Tim: why do you want to see Bart?
Batsis: (act dumb)
Batsis: he's cute
Batsis: (not that dumb!!)
Also I CALLED IT I CANNOT WAIT!!! Not just fake dating but fake prelude to dating (even tho it's not technically fake bc they do like each other)
"bart pulled through just like you knew he would. you could always count on him, and that meant more to you than you could express." Batsis get up off your knee and put the ring back GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!
"If we ever date" (Michael Scott voice) it's HAPPENING! oh my god okay stay calm everybody, STAY FUCKING CALM!!
Batsis and Bart having a cute flirty moment together all smiling and then the cliffhanger with dick? you are KILLING ME
- 🐌
i think picking up habits and small things from people you like is a really cute level of connection!! i’m glad you picked up on it!
sometimes batsis doesn’t think things through before she talks lol
yes yes!! fake for now but it just means they’ll have experience later on ✨
subtly swooning over someone without noticing/being in denial is one of my favorite tropes 😍
i’m hoping to get a new chapter out soon since i left off on a cliffhanger lmao
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Post #23: UXM Annual issue 5, Avengers Annual issue 10, and UXM issues 151-152
This annual costars the Fantastic Four. Other than Hank’s periodical appearances, which don’t really count as a crossover, this is the first proper team-up story Claremont has written. Just as a general rule, when I’m writing about team-up stories with characters not under the X-umbrella, I’m mostly gonna breeze over the parts with other heroes to focus on the X-Men characters, cause I don’t wanna lose focus in this post series. I do love the FF and maybe I’ll write about them, but not today. The exception will be when those parts of the story are adding to the X-parts, like in some later FF crossovers where there’s focus on cross-team relationships and thematic parallels between the two families. Here, though, they’re just here for the creators to have fun with and to boost sales. It is interesting that right after Byrne left to write and draw Fantastic Four, Claremont writes a Doom story and now an FF one. Maybe their  relationship has improved with distance, or maybe he’s trying to piss him off. Anyway, most of the FF is kidnapped by the alien Badoon, who have tracked and killed a Shi’ar messenger looking for Xavier. Susan escapes and goes to the X-Men for help. The Shi’ar’s last words were of Arkon, and Scott still has his teleportation lightning bolts, so the team goes to his world. This is Kitty’s first official mission, and she tries to wear another ridiculous self-made costume, but they make her change. The Badoon conquered Polymachus and captured Arkon, and once their military is stronger, the plan to conquer the Shi’ar as well. Before going into the field, Kurt and Logan have a follow-up to the conversation they had after their trip to Canada. Logan says that this is war and he’ll do what’s necessary. Kurt says he can’t and won’t stop him, but he wants him to remember the value of life and the gravity of killing, even when it’s justified. Kurt believes that Logan can and should try to change his killer ways. They put the conversation on hold as the team splits up to attack different areas of the Badoon citadel. Peter finds himself overwhelmed by a Badoon monster, but when it threatens Kitty, he’s overcome with berserker rage and defeats it. We’ve seen before and we’ll see again Peter’s temper. He’s not the traditional stereotype of a battle happy strongman. He’s typically more of the gentle giant archetype, sensitive and loving with a preference for peace. But he subverts that too with a temper second only to Logan’s. It’s a nice character decision that sets him apart from a lot of other bricks. Sue frees her team, and there’s a few pages of Brent Anderson (who’s back for this issue by the way, I forgot to mention earlier) having fun with the huge ensemble until Reed does some science to destroy a big self destructing machine and save the day. The X-Men have inspired the people of Polymachus to revolt and win back their world. Before the X-Men go home, Ororo and Arkon kiss and tell each other they wish they could be together, but neither can leave their world and their responsibilities. Ororo says she lives single by choice, and rarely regrets that, but does now with Arkon. Compared to her teammates, Ororo has very few love interests of the course of her history, and I’m very glad for that. Over the years, other than T’Challa, which is a relationship that I honestly find bland and underdeveloped, and Forge, which is an on again off again thing that’s very interesting but should have ended in the eighties, her relationships have either been short lived and forgotten or censored for being gay. I think it’s the best thing for the character; she’s very independent and free, and I feel like most of her possible love interests intentionally or unintentionally stifle some parts of her very complex personality. She only feels like she’s fully herself when she’s single, and it’s good for characters like that to exist. That being said, I do think that she and Logan having a quasi-romantic friends with benefits situation would be really interesting for both characters, since I have similar thoughts about Logan, and it would be a unique relationship in the franchise. But I’ll talk about that later. Overall, this was a fun and inconsequential crossover, but it does plant the seeds for some great FF/X-Men stories down the line.
Avengers Annual 10 actually takes places before issue 150, which Carol had a brief appearance in, but it doesn’t have much affect on the series until after, so I think this is the best place to read it to maintain the flow of the series. I’m gonna speak very briefly about the plot cause most of it is about the Avengers (duh). I will be focusing on Carol Danvers, because she’s about to briefly join the X-Men, and Rogue, because this is her first appearance and origin (also just in advance I’m gonna call her Anna just to fit the pattern, but that wasn’t revealed as her name until I think 2004). Some backstory: in the worst Avengers story ever written, retroactively called the Rape of Ms. Marvel, Carol was mind controlled by a time traveler named Marcus, who “persuaded” her to fall in love with him and because of weird time travel give birth to him. He was only able to permanently exist in a pocket limbo dimension, so Carol went there with him and all of the Avengers thought it was romantic. In this story, the Avengers find out she’s mysteriously back when she falls off a bridge in a coma. Jessica Drew saves her and calls Xavier, who says that her conscious mind has been completely erased. This is revealed to be the work of Anna, who absorbed her powers permanently and as a side effect her personality. On the orders of Mystique, her adoptive mother, she beats up the Avengers, stealing their powers before breaking the Brotherhood out of prison. The Avengers stop them, but Anna and Mystique escape again. Anna actually gets very little character work in this issue; she’s mostly just gloating about how strong she is and beating everyone up. The Avengers go to the X-Mansion to speak with Carol, who breaks down and tells them the full story: they all accepted Marcus’s story at face value and didn’t question when he said he was no longer controlling Carol, but because of time travel stuff, as soon as they returned to his dimension he aged to death. Carol was able to reopen his portals and return, wanting to rebuild her life away from the Avengers when Anna attacked. From a meta standpoint, this is probably the best way to handle the follow-up to such a horribly conceived and written story. It kinda paints the rest of the Avengers as truly terrible people, but that’s for the best so we can focus on Carol. This is the downside to a huge shared publishing universe: if one author writes a horrible story like this (David Michelinie was the writer of Avengers, but I think Jim Shooter has taken the blame for this story), then the next writer has to deal with the implications. And if one author writes a story that every other author hates, what is the validity of that story in that character’s history? Hank Pym and Peter Parker have both hit their wives in anger due to a writer/artist miscommunication. Later writers ignore the Peter incident, because it was out of character and should never have happened, but for Hank it’s defined him for decades. Which is the right approach? It’s a question that needs to be asked more. It won’t come up much on this blog, because when one man writes the series for 17 years, and most of the spinoffs are by either him or Louise Simonson, who he works closely with, there’s very little disagreement between creators and nothing is forgotten. Which for the most part is a good thing, because Claremont and Simonson are great writers, but there are occasionally some questionable choices, and for better or worse those are always undeniably canon and important.
Finally back to the main series, where Cockrum is taking a break while a whole committee of artists fill in, Xavier gets a letter from Kitty’s parents saying they’re pulling her out of the school so she can go somewhere with kids her age. Which since they don’t know she’s a mutant is a very reasonable move, because if I were a parent I would think it’s very weird that the second youngest “student” is 19. Kitty is heartbroken; not only is she leaving the place and people that make her happiest, she sees this as an attempt to get her even farther away while they’re going through their divorce. And worst of all, they’re sending her to Emma Frost’s Massachusetts Academy. Emma Frost is the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, the first villain Kitty ever faced, and still alive after apparently dying fighting the Phoenix. Kitty’s whole world is falling down around her right when she’d regained stability, and her instinct is to lash out and blame her parents. But Xavier confirms they’re acting of their own free will, so there’s nothing he can do. She says her goodbyes and promises to visit, and kisses Peter, which means I can no longer ignore the elephant in the room I’ve been avoiding mentioning- Kitty and Peter’s relationship. They’ve been flirting and attracted to one another the entire time she’s been on the team, which is so very creepy since he’s at least 19 and she’s 13. This is one of those instances I was talking about last paragraph, where Claremont really should have been stopped, but since he’s the only writer for both characters for so long their relationship can’t just be softly retconned. This is by far my least favorite part of the run, and I hate that to this day it’s still the main on and off relationship for both characters. Ororo drives Kitty to her new school, and when Kitty is off with her orientation advisors, the White Queen appears, swaps their minds. Ororo, in Frost’s body, is a prisoner, why Frost heads back to the X-Men with an evil plan. At the mansion, the second creepiest X-couple, Kurt and his adoptive sister Amanda, are having a walk by the lake when they’re attacked by Sentinels under Shaw’s control. They destroy just as “Ororo” returns and takes them all out. Meanwhile, the real Ororo picks the lock on her cell and goes to Kitty. Unlike Frost, who’s having a great time with the powers of Storm, Ororo is both lost without the power that she put so much of her identity in and overwhelmed by her new telepathic powers. She flashes back to her time with Jean when her own telepathy was growing out of her control, and pulls herself together. But when Kitty tries to run, she accidentally hits her with a psionic attack, knocking her out.
Ororo tries to flee with Kitty, but Frost returns and accidentally causes their car to crash. Kitty saves who she thinks is her enemy, and Ororo tries to tell her who she is. Kitty’s not convinced, but she agrees to go along to save the X-Men in case it is the truth. At the mansion, Shaw turns Logan over to the guards that he gutted in the basement of the Hellfire Club. They survived and were upgraded with cyborg components, and they and Leland torture him to what they think is his death. But it was an illusion cast by Amanda, who the villains don’t realize has powers. Kitty and Logan save their friends, and Logan has a reunion with Cole, one of the bionic guards. Cole begs for death, saying his current existence is worse, but Logan basically calls him a little bitch who’s not worth it. Logan knows that being physically augmented doesn’t take away your humanity, but maybe Cole didn’t have any to begin with. In the past, he would have just killed Cole without hesitation, but now he knows there’s other way. It isn’t mercy though, because Cole wants to die. I think this is Logan starting to agree with Kurt’s idea that even a justified kill weighs on Logan’s soul, and the pathetic Cole isn’t worth it. Meanwhile, the storms Frost has created are out of control, but Ororo, with the mind swapping gun in her hands, takes control of Frost’s mind to reverse the process. She then shoots her, reclaiming her body, and though they are high in the air, she saves Frost from the deadly fall. But when she immediately attacks, Ororo lets loose on her for her horrible acts of violation against Ororo and her friends. She fully intends to kill her, but she’s stopped by Logan of all people. He says that killing changes and taints you, and although he won’t stop, he thinks Ororo shouldn’t give up on being better. He’s very right, because when Ororo does kill, in the upcoming Brood Saga, it changes her, and it’s a long time before she finds herself again. But that’s all later. Right now, the battle is won, but since they’re unable to expose the other group without exposing their own identities, the X-Men and Hellfire Club parts ways hating each other but in peace. Overall, a pretty good arc, but far from the best Hellfire story. It says some interesting things about the violations of mind control and body stealing, but those themes will be done much better in upcoming Carol/Anna stories and in the Brood Saga.
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xxxevilfilms · 2 months
Bi-Curiosity Killed The Cat: Chapter 2
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Info: Stacey is invited back to Wallace’s apartment; Wallace starts to feel sparks.
Warnings: Fondling, Dirty Talk, Dead Dove Content, Dry Humping
Disclaimer: Proceed with caution as always; Wallace is hitting on a high school girl and is very unapologetic about it 🙃
It's been three days since Stacey and Wallace officially became a couple and so far, within the last 72 hours anyway, things were going pretty well. After Wallace cooked up a burger for Stacey and dumped Scott on his couch, they exchanged phone numbers and have been texting each other constantly. They mostly talked about innocuous things like video games, anime, and some gossip here and there, but it was nothing explicit which Stacey didn't mind. She was already careful not to leave her cellphone out in the open, but she didn't need her parents or her brothers opening up her phone and seeing Wallace’s 12-incher on full display in her messages. Stacey wanted to intimate to Wallace eventually that any dirty stuff should be limited to when they were physically together, whenever that'll be anyway. Maybe this weekend would be good if Scott didn't already make plans with him.
Closing and zipping up her bookbag, Stacey left class for the day and mulled over if she should head straight home to do homework or hang out with her friend Chelsea at her house to do it there. She and her brother owned a GameCube, and Stacey wanted to try it out before she pestered her parents to buy her one for her birthday. Smiling, Stacey wanted to text Chelsea to meet her in front of the school so they could walk to her house together, but as soon as she opened her phone, she saw Wallace’s name pop up on her screen and heard a jaunty tune that came with it. Stacey blinked and quickly answered the phone before placing it to her ear.
"Hi..." She cleared her throat. "What's up?"
"You doing anything?"
"Um..." Stacey wasn't sure anymore. She really wanted to go to Chelsea's, but she also didn't mind seeing Wallace again. Quickly making up her mind, she sighed and said, "I was about to head to a friend's house actually."
"Ooh, that sounds like fun," He tittered. "Whatcha gonna do over there?"
"I was gonna try out her GameCube and stuff. Apparently it's got a bunch of games the PS2 doesn't have."
"I don't mean to ruin your plans or anything, but I gotta GameCube, too."
Stacey perked up. "R-Really?"
"Yeah, it's sitting in the box still. I actually completely forgot about it."
"Well, I didn't have anything set in stone yet, I was only thinking about going to my friend's place." She laughed a little. "I can come over."
"Really? I should straighten the place up a little then." He sounded even more chipper than he did before. "When can I expect you over?"
"Maybe an hour? I have to make some phone calls so my parents don't get nosy."
"Do you want me to pick you up?"
"N-No, no, God no. I can't have you poking your head around here..." Not yet anyway. If any students or teachers saw her leaving with a college student, rumors would spread and she'd get into a shitload of trouble. "You can drop me off at the corner of my block later. You know, if you wanna do that..."
"That's not a problem. Just tell me where to park."
"Oh okay, cool." Stacey twirled her hair a little. "I'll see you in an hour."
"Hold ya to it, babe." He chuckled and then promptly hung up.
Stacey took in a deep breath, shook away the blush blooming on her cheeks, and dialed Chelsea for a favor.
After Stacey convinced Chelsea to lie about being at her house just in case her parents checked in on her, Stacey braced the twenty minutes it took to walk to Wallace’s apartment and was welcomed inside with the smell of home cooking and a pantsless gay(?) man with a spatula in his hand. Stacey would have been taken aback by how bummy Wallace looked, but one, it was his apartment, and two, it's not like she didn't know what he was packing in there. Stacey looked away from his bright red boxer-briefs in favor of greeting him properly however.
"Hey." Stacey trudged past him and shrugged her backpack from her shoulders. "Cool if I throw this on the couch?"
"I don't care." He followed after her and promptly got in her face to pull her into him. "Told you what's mine is yours, didn't I, baby?"
"Still not used to this boyfriend/girlfriend thing, I guess..." Stacey pouted, but accepted the hug. Her head rests against his chest, and she suddenly notices how small she was compared to him. Blushing, Stacey slowly pulls away and makes her way to the couch to toss her bag on a cushion before sitting down herself. Wallace chortles, which Stacey tries to ignore by asking him where his GameCube is.
"You didn't lie to me, right?" She raised a brow. "Where are the goods?"
“ Do you really think I'd lure you here with promises of video games just so I can taste that sweet, sweet teen cunny again?” Wallace placed a hand over his heart in fake revulsion.
Stacey could only frown.
“Yes, actually.” She said plainly. “Yes, I do.”
“Gasp! How appalling! I'd at least make you dinner first.”
“You're a creep, you know that?”
“And you're sexy,” He clicked his teeth at her. “Yeah, yeah, I still got the thing. I swear, you can kill someone with those eyes, hun.”
“Hmph...” Stacey said nothing and only watched Wallace retreat down the hall to go into his room. This guy was seriously so weird; how the hell does Scott meet these people?
“By the way, do you like spaghetti?” He asked from his room.
“Yeah, Scott makes it all the time.”
“Told you I'd make you some dinner,” He emerged from the hall with a GameCube box in hand. “Help yourself, hun. Once I'm done here I'll fix you a plate, okay?”
“Thanks...” Stacey nodded and watched Wallace set the GameCube at her feet before walking back to the kitchen to finish cooking.
He may be a creep, but at least he was a thoughtful creep.
It's been three days since Wallace and Stacey officially became a couple and so far, within the last 72 hours, things were going pretty great.
After cooking dinner, Wallace helped himself to some spaghetti and garlic bread while Stacey only nibbled at her own plate as she was too engrossed in the game she was playing to eat all of her food. It was Resident Evil 4, a game he had laying around and didn't have the chance to play, much like his GameCube. Watching Stacey mow down zombies with the most determined look on her face was adorable and reminded Wallace of Scott. They were complete opposites in terms of personality and maturity levels, but they looked almost exactly the same; a trait that made them look super cute when he saw them together.
Wallace sat behind Stacey on the couch, the younger girl perched in his lap as he watched the TV screen over her head. At first she was a bit shy to sit between his legs since she worried she'd be too heavy for him, but Wallace reassured her that it was okay. He wanted to be close to her, smell the perfume on her neck and the conditioner in her hair. Never has he felt so strongly for a girl before, but here he was basking in the warmth of a girly little tomboy who looked too much like her brother. It was definitely her resemblance to Scott that got Wallace’s attention initially, but her attitude was what kept it; he liked snarky bitches who knew what they wanted.
Wallace catches a whiff of her hair again before settling back into the couch, cock twitching when Stacey squirmed around a little in his lap. She was too focused on the zombies on the screen to notice and shifted again to get comfortable, a soft roll of her wide hips that made Wallace purr. He noticed rather quickly that he liked her ass. It was big, fat, and round, and since Stacey had a lot more ass to go around compared to the men he's used to fucking, Wallace loved playing with it.
“Shit, this game is hard...” Stacey cursed, her wriggling hips doing wonderful things to Wallace’s dick. “It's really fun though. You should give it a go if I die here.”
“I'm having lots of fun, hun, don't worry...” Wallace caressed Stacey's hips and gave her a wry smirk she couldn't see. “Keep at it, I'm fine just watching you.”
“You sure? It's your game after all--”
Wallace rolled his hips up into Stacey's tight ass then, the force behind his thrust making Stacey's words catch in her throat. Wallace chuckled under his breath and did it once more, watching the bulge in his boxers rise to life before it's smothered by the heat of Stacey's rear. He knew it wouldn't take long for Stacey to notice his arousal, but he didn't wanna spoil her fun just yet. With sneaky hands and parting lips, Wallace helps himself to his new girlfriend's body while she plays with her game, mouth catching the lobe of her ear as he smooths open palms over her big thighs. She flinches and winds up taking a shovel to the head by a rampaging villager as a result.
“T-Thanks for that...” Stacey huffed.
“Don't let me distract you. Told you I'm fine with just watching...”
“It's hard to focus when you're...!” Her breath hitches then. Wallace’s hands wandered to the crotch of her jeans, touching her where he wanted her most. He likes how she tastes and wonders if she'd want it again, if she'd wanna a few fingers to fill her up this time. Wallace never thought he'd like pussy, but after savoring Stacey's pretty cunt for the first time, Wallace was addicted. Maybe that's what he'll do before he lets her go, eat her out while he humps her face with his cock, but Wallace is fine with this. Grinding and biting like a horny high schooler was bringing back delicious memories of doing the same thing to curious jocks desperate for a fuck, except this time it's with a sixteen year old girl and not some jar head with a complex. Wallace thinks that the irony is funny and plays with the button to Stacey's jeans to get what he wants.
“Wallace...” Stacey moaned.
“Keep playing your game, baby,” He whispered into her ear. “So good for me, aren't you, pretty girl?”
He felt her shiver like a leaf and her body relax when he managed to unbutton her jeans and pull down her fly. He then made her raise her hips a little so he can pull them down, leaving her lower half naked save for a pair of striped panties that covered her fat ass. Wallace whistles at the sight and helps himself to his little girlfriend's body by taking two handfuls of her rear in both hands. He squeezes and grinds himself between the fat and flesh of her partially covered backside as he sucked longingly on the side of her neck. Stacey's hands shake and she winds up pausing her game to sink back into Wallace’s chest, her eyes closed shut and body shaking as she lets Wallace touch all over breasts and stomach.
“It's so cute how you just melt in my hands, hun, christ...” Wallace simpered. “Been waiting for someone to touch you like this, huh? Treat you like they own you?” He gropes her breasts hard and firm then, spreading long fingers over heavy flesh to knead them together. “I swear, it's like you were made for taking cock.”
“N-No, it's...not like...” Stacey gasped, the girl putty in his hands when he bites into her neck, leaving a bright red hickey that is quick to bloom on her skin.
“I think it is, baby. I think you want me to fuck you.” He grinds harder into her ass and huffs. “I think you want me to fuck that little pussy.” He kisses her neck and gently worries her skin with his teeth. “I bet it's all nice and wet, so tight and pretty just like you, yeah?”
Stacey whimpers as she covers her face, flustered and falling apart at Wallace’s words. She was shy, inexperienced, and impossibly virginal. The littlest touch and the simplest words were enough to set her off and Wallace liked seeing her face when she's ready to come.
“Don't hide from me, honey.” Wallace moved a hand away from her face and kissed her cheek. “I wanna see you.”
Stacey stiffens and at first resists the pull on her wrist, but eventually relents. Wallace kisses her again as a reward for her compliance and holds her in such a way that she has to twist her body around to face him. She does just that and looks up into Wallace’s eyes with the sweetest look on her face, plaintive and wanting like an eager kitten.
God, these Pilgrims will be the death of him.
“So much for letting you play your game.” Wallace cups her cheek and strokes the skin beneath her eye with a thumb. “Wanna play with me instead?”
“Depends...” Stacey shifts her weight and leans into his touch before giving him a heart stopping smirk. “Can I take it with me when I go home?”
“Cute...” Wallace’s smile matches her own. “Yeah, why not, hun?”
Stacey regards him for a time before craning her neck to kiss him. It's sweet and innocent, it's chasteness only wavering when he feels her tongue sheepishly poke at his lips. Wallace opens his mouth and encourages her to explore, take the lead as it were, which the young teen does without much hesitance. Her tongue is small, so much smaller than a man's, almost like he's swallowing a worm. It leaves lingering tingles on his flesh that makes him shiver, like popping sparks that go off in his mouth.
He hadn't felt sparks in a while before meeting her.
Wallace takes Stacey into his arms and eagerly returns her kiss with gusto as he moans into her mouth. Like a good boyfriend, he doesn't go to far and fucks her through their underwear like they did days prior. Stacey is fine with that and grinds back down, hands wandering over his shoulders and chest as she quickly gave into him. Her pussy clenches and convulses when she eventually comes, her cunt leaving a noticeable wet spot in her panties that seeps into his boxers. Wallace doesn't care though and creams in his own underwear when he reaches his limit, gasping and grunting into Stacey's mouth as his nails dig into the skin of her ass. Stacey flinches but doesn't move, only pulling away from Wallace when she has to breathe. Wallace’s head follows her however so he can kiss her chin and then her nose before collapsing back on the couch to catch his breath while Stacey lays her heat-stricken head against Wallace’s chest. There's silence save for the hum of the television set and the wind outside, but it's a comforting silence, almost ethereal in a way. He could fall asleep here if it weren't for the jizz in his boxers and if he didn't have to drop Stacey off later.
“It's dangerous to be around you...” Stacey sighed. “To think I'm having dry hump sessions with you of all people.”
“Hey, I'm surprised, too. All this kinda snuck up on me.” He chuckled. “There’s a certain charm you and Scott have that just pulls me in.”
“Pfft, like what?”
“Good question...” He hummed in contemplation then before shrugging it off. “Eh, but who the hell knows? I'm just addicted to you Pilgrims, ya know?”
“You're so weird...” Stacey frowned when Wallace rubbed his face against her own. “But it's...it's a nice kinda weird. Like ice cream on a cold day.”
“If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're calling me an icy bitch.” He joked.
“No,” Stacey lifted her head and laughed. “I'm saying that I like ice cream.” She teased. “Even if that ice cream melts and sticks to my hand like glue when I touch it.”
“You're making me out to be some dirty old man.”
“Maybe cuz that's what you are, a dirty old geezer who can't control himself around girls... Or should I say boys?”
“Boys, but....”
“You're pretty boyish, so that counts for something, don't it?”
Stacey pinched Wallace’s cheek then. It barely hurt and only made him laugh which made Stacey laugh, too. The sparks ignite and go off like fireworks except in his soul this time and not in his mouth or loins. Wallace briefly wonders if Stacey feels the same way and if the sparks will last, but in this moment as he enjoys the company of his best friend's little sister, Wallace feels at peace.
Fucking hell, he thought to himself. What did he get himself into?
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay there is soooooo much to unpack about that episode, but I'm gonna try to type fast because I HAVE to know what happens next. I have to.
Sleep be d*mned. I'll deal with the consequences later.
Because WHAT THE F*CK!!
I was mostly kidding and then I was RIGHT!!
....oh my god what is this gonna do to Derek??
Oh my god poor Derek (though as an aside, him being next to Cora's hospital bedside was so wholesome and sweet omg anyways).
And I was RIGHT to be suspicious of her idiom examples in class!!
Oh my god the way she orchestrated EVERYTHING. That's INSANE. The amount of planning and manipulation and every little thing she had to do to get this all to work out in her favor OMG.
Because she had to be able to put herself in a position that would allow her to get close to Derek (though honestly, maybe that part wasn't fully intentional), get close to and learn all about our teens, create alibis for herself so she never looked suspicious (do you think she intended to get kidnapped by the twins? Was that all part of the plan??), all while successfully completing all of these ritualistic sacrifices and somehow altering her appearance?
And OH MY GOD the amount of yelling I was doing during this episode.
Jennifer hit Lydia and tried to kill her and Lydia screamed and all the werewolves heard her (also she's a BANSHEE?! BRO I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER ON WHAT LYDIA IS! I mean, I don't REALLY know what the context of a banshee is in this show, so I don't fully have answers, but I know what it is in Supernatural, and so far based off of the scream alone, it fits, so I have SOME info. BUT ANYWAYS.) and I was like "yes!" And then Jennifer got ahold of her again and started to choke her because the terrified scream weakened her and I was like "no!". And then SHERIFF F*CKING STILINSKI TO THE RESCUE and I was like "yes!" all over again (especially because you KNOW he believes Stiles now--ESPECIALLY after seeing Scott--or he never would've been there in the first place). And then she threw a knife at him and I thought she hit his heart and I screamed no again. And then Scott came in and I screamed yes again. And then she knocked Scott out and locked Stiles out and I screamed no again. And then Stiles started to make his way in and I got all excited again and then she took Noah and now I wanna cry because the last thing Stiles and his dad did was fight and now he's gone and the way Stiles just called after him and the way Scott and Stiles just stared at the broken window and the way Allison was just staring at the poor teacher's body and the way Lydia is all limp and weak and upset and terrified in that chair and the way we're LOSING and I just....
I'm supposed to be awake in four hours, but I don't care.
I'm watching another episode. I cannot possibly sleep knowing that Noah is trapped with the Darach.
...so anyways you guys are right this is definitely the best season, at least thus far.
...I don't even know what gif to put here. I'm so mad that I put a gif of Derek and Jennifer on the last one.
Hey Danny plays trumpet! How 'bout that?
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(It's not a gif, but this brass playing music student needs SOMETHING to cheer her up...)
0 notes
riverstardis · 2 years
series 32 episode 34:
this is the anniversary of cal's death ep💔
connie's back!
surely it's been at least a week since ethan stood down as clinical lead now but he's still using the parking permit? i suppose he might as well since no one else was using the space. connie leaves a slightly passive aggressive note on his windscreen lmao
"the wife is saying that he was bent over the dishwasher and that the carving knife was sticking out" *elle laughs* "what, you don't believe her?" "i do not. you wanna know why? because in 14 years i never saw my husband so much as open a dishwasher. on the other hand i often though about, you know! ..... joking!" LMAO😭😭
ethan looking at the flowers charlie left by where cal was stabbed😥😥😥😥😥
oh yeah this is quite a leigh-anne heavy episode isn't it urgh
alicia's got the keys to her new house!
louise, noel, and rash are trying to get her to have a housewarming party and she's looking excited about it until robyn reminds her about cal. so she says she has plans? i don't get why she doesn't just say the real reason i mean it's not like it's a secret, it's just that everybody's forgotten??? like surely louise and noel would definitely understand and rash didn't know cal but would probably also understand???
also i hate the way they wrote alicia as like not that bothered about cal's death even though she was somewhat close to him??? i suppose in the immediate aftermath you could say she was being strong for ethan but it's the fact that i don't think we see her grieve at all. and a year later she's forgotten about it?
chekhov's axe
connie wants to open a trauma theatre but charlie doesn't think it's a good idea and he says he can think of a good name for it though: the connie beauchamp trauma theatre SDSFJJHFD
ethan's back in scrubs THATS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE
lmao elle tells him that connie's looking for him and he says he thought she might be but then starts phoning leigh-anne's landlord for some reason and connie walks up behind him and goes "dr hardy." and he jumps and looks round sjsdjdjfgj
leigh-anne phoning ethan to say she can't cope anymore and that she's leaving kiegan in a safe place and "i know you'll take better care of him than i can" girl what??? i know he's got inappropriately involved in your life but you can't just go leaving babies to people like that😭😭 also didn't she only try to cope for like a few hours max???
alicia finally giving in to everyone asking about the party and robyn says "maybe it's what cal would've wanted" which is a good point tbf but it isn't just about how cal would feel about it, given that he's dead it doesn't really matter that much, it's more about how ethan would feel about it, and alicia obviously thinks he wouldn't like it because she tells them not to invite anyone else while watching ethan. and then noel immediately goes and invites elle😭 i don't understand why they all seem to not have heard robyn mention cal except alicia???
noo not ethan bringing up scott😭 leigh-anne says she wasted enough tears on him when he was alive and ethan says she's still grieving though and says he knows enough about grief to know and she asks who he's lost and he says "my brother" hmm there's a little too much hand holding going on for my liking rn
ethan says there's something he has to tell her???? don't tell me he was planning to tell her that scott killed cal???? how would that help anyone😭
kiegan's being taken into temporary foster care for the night but ethan offers to take him but obviously they don't let him
connie gets involved and tells him that getting involved in patients' lives isn't what they do there and he gets angry "what do we do here? just out of interest." "excuse me?" "do you want us just to patch them up and pack them off, is that it?" and they carry on having a bit of a shouting match until charlie interrupts😭
then ethan just walks off and connie's like "oh that's it, walk away!" and charlie's like "give him a break, will you! today of all days?!" and connie goes "oh what, because it's my first day back?" and charlie's like "WHAT? NO! because today is the anniversary of cal's death. cal died 1 year ago today, it's not always about you, you know." and connie's face is like shit😭😭😭😭
oop rash stood gem up because connie had him doing some work over his lunch break but she doesn't believe him because "even she's not that bad"😬 lmaoo iain asks rash if he has to keep on eye on him
elle asks ethan if he's going to the party before she notices alicia shaking her head to stop her😭 he's like "no, i'm not." and walks off and alicia goes after him and goes "ethan, i didn't want a party tonight, i swear" "it's alright" "i don't want you to think that i'd forgotten. you're more than welcome to come, i just assumed you wouldn't fancy it" "no. it's fine, honestly" okay but she HAD forgotten though. tbh he probs wouldn't have gone even if it was a different day bc they're still fallen out after rage in resus
"dr hardy" "mrs beauchamp, i've actually finished my shift, okay? i've had a really trying day" "yes, i understand. look, i know this will be no consolation but i just thought you might like to know that i plan to install a trauma theatre here in the ed, and i firmly believe if we'd had the resources last year then-" "what? then my brother might still be alive?! yeah, you're right, it's no consolation at all."😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥 WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT TO HIM😭😭😭
lmaoo alicia, noel, louise, and gem coming in incredibly hungover the next day and alicia's saying how she knew there was a reason she'd given up alcohol sjsjdsdjf
connie's showing charlie the space for the trauma theatre and he still doesn't agree with it and she brings up cal and he gets angry
urghhhh ethan and leigh-anne kissing🙄 were we meant to be on board this ship or something????
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heliads · 2 years
TW imagine you are Scott sister and he explaines things to Malia while there in your room and Scott notices your Diary journals on your desk and he reads them and finds odd cards to the pack from you because they always for get you even on your birthday and it makes Scott sad. Scott talks about your childhood that you had and that u where being bullied and not a part of the pack. Could you please put Derek in it since him and Malia are cousins.
teen wolf <3
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Scott McCall gets home late that night. He’s used to these sort of days, the times when he’s so busy trying to stay afloat in a surging sea of school plans and hunter evasions and whatever new threats Beacon Hills has decided to kill him with that he scarcely has any time to himself. The moon has long since risen, and Scott thinks it’s as sure a sign as any that things are going badly around here that the almost full disc in the sky doesn’t bother him as much as it once was. 
For a moment, he allows himself to miss the past. He can still picture how young he’d been when Peter Hale had first given him the bite, how Scott had basically been left to fend for himself with no other help than Derek showing up randomly and creepily to issue out weird phrases like ‘the bite is a gift’ and ‘we’re brothers now’ before disappearing again. Yeah, Scott still brings that up whenever he can. He feels that he deserves it. 
Back then, Scott had Stiles, which had made the whole thing better. Despite the avalanche of stupid sarcastic comments about wolfsbane (which ended up being real) and full moons (also real) and packs (ok, so maybe Stiles had actually been on to something more than just making Scott lose his mind), Scott can’t think of someone he’d rather have by his side. 
Even now, with Stiles returned to the FBI Academy, Scott still feels like he isn’t alone. Stiles calls all the time, updating his friends on crucial events like getting to brainstorm potential killers for recent murders or the cafeteria running out of chocolate syrup, things that are apparently of equal importance. 
Still, Scott misses his friend. After so long of being pretty much inseparable, the vast distance between the two of them seems like an impossible challenge. There are days when he turns to hear Stiles’ humorous take on the latest threat to Beacon Hills only to find empty space where his best friend would have once been practically hovering over his shoulder. 
That’s why Scott is pretty glad that he isn’t alone tonight. It’s been too hard for too long, and even if he’s expected to be some omnipotent alpha who always has the answers to every single problem, that’s not really the case. 
For once, though, he isn’t going back to a dark house, one with the windows tightly shuttered like old ladies clutching their purses when they walk by a teenager with a little too much confidence. His mom has started working later and longer shifts at the hospital; neither of them bring it up, but her absence rings through the house, practically begging to be noticed. 
However, Scott doesn’t have to creep through the empty house as if it’s no longer his, not tonight. He’s got a sure fire way of keeping the silence at bay: namely, the girl next to him, Malia Hale. 
Malia catches him looking and grins. She still smiles like a werecoyote. Malia may have broken free from her permanent animal state, but Scott swears she’s still not entirely human. Right now, she could howl at the moon and make it still look normal. 
This being said, he wouldn’t change a thing about her. Sometimes Scott envies Malia for the ease in which she lives her life. Other than fearing death by the hunters as they all do, Malia just goes about her day, sparing no time for inconsequential things like guilt or precalculus. She treads easily on all she’s done, whereas Scott’s conscience threatens to pull him under with every step. 
They are growing to be more like each other, though. Scott feels more free by the day, and last week he swears he witnessed Malia help this little kid cross the road. She’d never admit to it, of course, but he knows what he saw. 
Right now, he needs her most of all. The night should be his domain, especially with the light of an almost full moon painting his back with thick, broad strokes of white, but instead it just sets his mind to turmoil. At night, Scott has nothing to distract himself from all the stresses currently threatening to tear him asunder. It’s just him and the world, both trying to rid themselves of the other. 
Whenever Scott’s worries get too much, though, he glances over at Malia again and remembers that he’s not alone. They’re pulling up to his house now, and for once it doesn’t seem so cold. 
Malia makes her way easily through the darkened halls, the product of many, many days spent here. She technically has a home with Derek and Peter and any number of surviving Hales, but Scott knows that she’s still afraid to fully commit to living with them. Maybe he isn’t the only one trying to face down the terror of not being exactly what the world expects from them. 
Scott opens the door to his room, crosses the floor on increasingly slow footsteps, and flops down on his bed. The moonlight makes it in here even still, refusing to leave him alone. It’s trapped by the shades of his window blinds, though, and can only attempt to reach him through waving tendrils of pale light that stretch across his ceiling. 
He watches them bend and wave, each white strand only a few inches wide. They can’t reach him, not tonight. He’s reached home base, he’s not alone. Nothing can touch him now. 
Malia regards the faint beams of moonlight too, then turns her attention to poking around Scott’s room. She’s been in here a thousand times, but still forced herself to peer in every nook and cranny as if expecting to find a sachet of wolfsbane tucked behind an ancient third grade spelling bee trophy. 
Scott tucks his hands behind his head, watching her with amusement. “Have you found anything different yet?”
Malia rolls her eyes. “Not yet, but I’m sure I will. Look, it’s a natural instinct, alright? Gotta secure the perimeter of a home.”
Scott chuckles. “You’re securing perimeters now? Maybe you should give Stiles some tips, he’s apparently indoctrinated you into the FBI way of life.”
Malia breaks from her search to give him a vexed look, then goes back to her perusal. “And he would love to hear from me, of course. I’m fantastic.”
Scott’s smile grows content. “I know you are.”
Malia turns away hurriedly so Scott can’t see her beaming, but he thinks he can feel the force of it from here, and takes in every iota of happiness that has just crossed her face. Man, he likes her. He likes her a lot. 
Scott has finally allowed himself to drop the last of his worries like stones, but his calm is rattled when Malia leans back, a stack of letters in her hands. 
“What are these?” She asks. To her credit, Malia doesn’t start rifling through them immediately, although Scott can tell that she’d like nothing more than to do so. 
Immediately, Scott remembers, and sits up slowly. “Those are from my sister, Y/N.”
Malia frowns. “Right, your sister. You never talk about her, so I guess I assumed you would never write.”
Scott stands up, walking over so he can look at the familiar written script. “That’s what I assumed too, but she proved me wrong when I got the first postcard.”
Malia’s brow furrows. “Why, did the two of you part on bad terms?”
Scott grimaces. “Something like that. She knew when I got the bite for the first time because it’s practically impossible to hide something like that forever, not from a family member. The only problem is that I didn’t make enough space in my life for her after that. She didn’t feel like a part of the pack, she didn’t even feel like my sister anymore. She left before you came along.”
Malia turns some of the postcards over in her hand, noticing the variety of locations emblazoned on the fronts. “I don’t get it. She, what, didn’t feel included and so she left? That’s not your fault, that’s her being a weirdo.”
Scott laughs in spite of himself, although he assumes he should regret it. “It wasn’t like that. In the very beginning, there wasn’t supposed to be a pack at all. It was just me and Stiles, you know? Then Allison started helping, and Lydia warmed up to us, and once Isaac and Derek came over to our side it actually turned into something. Y/N felt like I had cut her out of my life, so she left before she had to start feeling like an outsider with every other part of her world as well. I still think she was right to do it.”
Malia taps a finger against the stack of letters thoughtfully. “She was jealous, then, of the fact that you were supernatural? Stiles had been here since the beginning too and he never felt like that. I just don’t get why she was so upset.”
Scott rubs a hand on the back of his neck absentmindedly. “Of course Stiles felt like that, he just doesn’t like talking about it. He’ll cover up anything with a joke if he thinks it means people won’t look too closely at what he’s hiding. He’s been turned off of that, though, ever since the Nogitsune. I think he’s terrified that even thinking about being supernatural will make those deaths his fault, because then it would be obvious that he didn’t learn a thing from being possessed.”
Malia nods, sucking in a breath. “And Y/N, where is she now? Why’d she forgive you?”
Scott stares at the letters. He’d been so afraid that one day she would just stop writing, that she’d remember how callous he was and decide to cut him off for good. The letters keep coming, though, and Scott is still so afraid to jinx them. 
“I’m not entirely sure. I think she needed the distance to clear her head, and be someone for herself instead of just being my sister. She travels a lot, started college, that sort of thing. Every now and then she writes to me about a pack she found or someone she thinks I should contact if things go supernaturally bad. She’s been very helpful in the past.”
Malia thinks about that for a moment. “So it’s like she is a part of the pack, then. Just really far away.”
After a heartbeat, Scott starts to smile. “Actually, yeah. I never thought about that. I should tell her sometime.”
A voice from the doorway makes both of them startle. “Tell who what? Are you talking about Y/N again?”
Malia makes a face at Derek Hale, who has appeared out of nowhere to lean idly against the open door frame. “It’s none of your business, that’s what. Also, stop jump scaring us like that. Knock for once in your life.”
Derek smirks. He has the same habit as Malia of always flashing his fangs whenever he smiles. “That’s my bad, you guys must not have heard me knock. Malia, I need you for official Hale business. Why are you talking about Y/N?”
Malia shrugs. “Just looking at some of her old letters. Why, did you know her?”
Derek tilts his head back, staring at the ceiling as he thinks. “In bits and pieces, yeah. I remember thinking the day she left that at least one of us would get to go live their lives free of all of this. You should ask her to visit sometime, it would be good to see her again.”
Scott nods. “Yeah, it would.”
Derek nods back, then tilts his head meaningfully towards the door. Malia sighs, then gives Scott a quick hug goodbye and disappears from the room. Derek lingers a little longer, though. 
“You think this is your fault, don’t you? Y/N leaving, I mean.”
Scott sighs. “It is my fault. I pushed her away.”
Derek straightens up from his post against the threshold. “Not every disappearance is your fault. Trust me, I’ve watched enough people leave. Sometimes people just have to go, no other way about it. Y/N did what was best for her. That being said, if you want to meet up again, I think the two of you would be the better for it.”
Scott inclines his head. “I’ve been thinking the same thing. Thanks, though. I appreciate it.”
Derek smiles. He’s been doing it more frequently as of late, finally letting go of the cold hatred that’s been plaguing him for so long. “Any time. We still look out for each other, right?”
Scott watches the guy go, feeling oddly peaceful. “That we do.”
He listens for the sound of Malia getting into Derek’s car, then both of them driving away. Scott is well and truly alone now, although for once he doesn’t feel it. Instead, he has hope, hope that soon things will be better. He manages to fall asleep fairly quickly, and the faces that once haunted him just make the whole thing feel like a dream. 
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat
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hi! do u have any fics where derek is a bamf? :(
I sure do.
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Alpha by Nocturnalnightmare
(1/1 I 901 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles get bitten by the rouge alpha, accidently killing him in self defense. The world Stiles knew flips completely. Ashamed of what he done he runs away. Only to return years later as a completely different person. A much stronger person at that and behind him stands his children. What bought him back? What happened in those years he was gone?
(n.) true alpha. by yasmelkisess
(1/? I 3,911 I Teen I No Pairing)
Before even going to Beacon Hills, Derek enlists for the Navy soon after becoming of age. Upon returning, he stayed with Laura for a full year, finally spending time connecting with his older sister and heard her last request before leaving for the town where everything they loved was burned to the ground: if something happened to her, he would restore the Hale Pack to full strength again. Derek may not be the leader his mother and sister created or wanted, but he will still make them both happy and proud, wherever they are.
It's been years since Derek Hale left Beacon Hills for New York, and even longer since he went to Iraq and came back to New York. Now he is here, with his Uncle Peter and Scott McCall's debacle over and Laura finally getting her rest.... The power of the Alpha fallen upon him, Derek needs a pack. And he's going to do everything he needs to fulfill his sister's last wish.
"You have no idea how good an Alpha you can be, do you, Derek?"
[A study on being one of the only werewolves born in Beacon Hills, the last Hale, being part of a Pack, and what becoming an Alpha really means. A character study on Derek Hale].
In The Line of Fire by Hella_Meyers
(8/? I 13,574 I Mature I Sterek)
FBI Special Agent Derek Hale leads an exciting, exhilarating life… at work. His colleagues think his personal life could use some improvement. Sure, it could be lonely at times, but Derek loves his job and his friends, and it's such a struggle to find a partner who understands and accepts how important his work is to him.
One day, his whole world gets flipped around by a trip to the coffee shop. Maybe Derek can have a work life and personal life balance. And he may have found the person who makes him want to try.
But this is Derek Hale, nothing could ever be this easy…
Double Life by a_slave_to_love
(13/? I 15,449 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek Hale is the most powerful man in the United states. A snap of his fingers and he could have a million dollars in his hand. He radiated power. Men and Woman a like cowered at his feet. There was no one who didn't fear him except for his Husband Stiles, who thinks he's a big teddy bear. But will their marriage suffer when Stiles finds out who Derek really is?
Those Hidden Places by Mimiminaj
(1/1 I 18,799 I Explicit I Sterek)
He doesn’t belong here.
It’s the first thought that crosses Derek’s mind as he watches the new inmates spill into the cafeteria. The kid stays close to the wall, eyes scanning all the exits and skimming over the tables. If he’s trying to get a barring for his surroundings he’s doing a shit job of it, something made completely evident as Lewis shoulders him from behind and the kid almost jumps to flatten himself against the wall.
Stiles is the new inmate at Derek's prison. He really didn't expect to fall in love with the mouthy little brat.
Specialized Technical Intelligence and Logistics for Earth and Space (S.T.I.L.E.S) by Yiichi
(10/10 I 73,419 I Not Rated I Sterek)
“What the hell kind of a name is Stiles?” he asked.
“You know, a series of sounds spoken in a particular sequence that represent my identity, primarily, referring to me?“ the AI – Stiles – answered cheekily, crossing his own arms in front of his chest, mirroring Derek’s position.
“Ooh, this one’s feisty,” Peter smirked.
Stiles plans are the worst (the best) by Dashar
(15/15 I 88,782 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles world ended when his pack died. It didn’t exactly come as a surprise. He had been running with wolves for so long that within hunters and monsters it was just a matter of time. It was a surprise when the world ended too. And Stiles… Well, he had to do something about that. ______ “Time travel,” he said in neutral tone.
“Yep,” said Stiles.
“Werewolves,” said John pointing at the Hales.
Peter Hale made his eyes glow blue and smiled at the sheriff. Somehow the fact that one of his arms was scarred from the fire made the image more threatening than it already was.
“Yep,” said Stiles again.
“And you have magical powers,” said John.
The sheriff looked at the room once more and massaged his head. “I need more coffee.”
Fangs and Hearts by GreenasCole
(14/14 I 98,028 I Teen I Sterek)
Everyone in Beacon Hills knew the Hales. They were rich, beautiful, and more or less ran the town despite being weirdly aloof. Stiles never would have imagined that agreeing to pick up Scott after work one night would end with the both of them being drawn inexorably into the enigmatic family's secret supernatural world. But when the tragedy Stiles has dreaded his entire life threatens to destroy him completely, it falls to the Hales to help him through it, in particular a reluctant Derek.
But Stiles' drive to protect what little he has left may yet lead him down a dark path he can't return from unless Scott and Derek find a way to convince him to remain the caring, selfless, spastic mess they can't live without.
Underneath by groffiction
(44/? I 193,486 I Explicit I Sterek)
AU, where Stiles gets bitten by a Cyger – a type of rare Weretiger around the same time Scott gets bitten by Peter. Confused and more than a bit freaked out, they both are naturally suspicious when Derek shows up out of the blue. Still, there is something about the moody, aloof werewolf that both intrigues and draws Stiles to Derek like a moth to a flame. But, everyone knows that if you get close enough to touch flames, you get burned. However, with the promise of love, is that burning sacrifice worth it? And how does a Weretiger and a Werewolf even work as mates?
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memryse · 3 years
many thoughts about Scar in Last Life
We all know Scar is one of the standouts of Last Life; he’s always been one of the key players ever since 3rd Life, driving conflicts and shaping the course of the server. His chaotic nature lends itself perfectly to 3rd/Last Life, and he seems to have only refined it in the hiatus between seasons.
In 3rd Life, Scar was more of a subjective villain. From his own perspective and Grian’s perspective, he wasn’t scary at all! The two of them were just having fun and causing problems – sure, they threatened people, but their dumb antics together made them just feel like two friends messing around; their POV was lighthearted until the final session, really. From other perspectives, however (particularly Dogwarts’ POVs), that was not how the two of them came across. They felt malicious, scary in how casually they approached such a bloodthirsty game. They’d laugh as they took lives, showing no care for anybody but themselves – they’d betray their allies in a heartbeat without an ounce of remorse, and the rest of the players knew it. Scar wasn’t someone to fear from his own POV.
Since Last Life began, however, Scar has become very openly malicious. Even watching his own POV, it’s hard to see him as anything but a villain – his own comment section is full of people commenting on how scary he suddenly seems. I want to expand on some of these villainous moments, because holy fuck, Scar.
In session 1, Scar is certainly a prominent figure, but we mostly get to see his classic silly Scar antics. Sure, he plans on “selling souls”, but it feels like the equivalent of his reputation points in S1. We still don’t get the sense of him going full villain arc yet. He allies with Joel and commits a crime, and we all expect another lighthearted Scar scam which definitely does not go to plan.
And that is what happened… sort of. He’s immediately caught by Scott and Pearl, etc etc etc. The two of them cheerfully agree a scheme to try and kill Jimmy, but that casual discussion of murder is as bad as they get.
Session 2, Scar is chosen as one of the two boogeymen, alongside Joel.
Things go decidedly not to plan immediately. The two of them had agreed last session to try and kill Jimmy, and were supposed to be trusting enough to tell each other if they’re the boogeyman – and yet what does Scar do? Immediately try and push Joel into lava. He’d betray Joel without a second thought – already a contrast to 3rdLife, where upon turning red Scar threw flowers at Grian and asked if they could still be friends. He doesn’t succeed, of course, and Scar and Joel realise they’re both boogeymen, before parting ways.
Scar heads to the nether, where he immediately decides to deceive Etho and Bdubs into thinking he’s weak and has no food, so that he can get close to them nonthreateningly or something. I’ll talk about this more later, but here we get to see what a good liar Scar actually is. People want to assume that he’s all bark and no bite, that he’s a schemer who poses no real threat – when Scar plays into this, he can be reallyconvincing.
The next big moment I want to talk about is, of course, Joel’s trap. The first thing to comment on here is that Scar cries “Joel, are you trying to kill your best buddy?!”, and I can’t work out whether this is Scar acting to diffuse suspicion, or genuine surprise that he’d pull the trap when Scar was right there, but either way it definitely has the former effect. None of the Southlanders suspect Scar in the slightest. Until Scar murders Mumbo in a matter of seconds.
What’s really horrifying about this is that Scar had been begging Mumbo to ally with him just last session. And yet here… not only does he go for Mumbo without hesitation, his reaction afterwards is downright chilling. He just laughs, and tells the others “Welcome to Magical Mountain!” – it’s really quite like a movie villain in how little he seems to care. He doesn’t actually say a word about killing Mumbo; again, despite having desperately wanted to ally with him. To Scar, this was nothing more than an opportunity. Or maybe it’s all a show to him. Maybe it’s both. Scar doesn’t actually care about winning this game – to him, it’s more fun to put on as good a show as possible, and drag as many people down with him as possible (which is definitely a “cc!Scar being a good entertainer” thing, but it translates very well into being a LL!Scar character trait too).
He then hands Joel some supplies, and with the exact same level of nonchalance, tells him to go burn Scott and Pearl’s house down. I’m… getting the sense he enjoyed burning down Etho’s castle in 3rdLife.
Not much of note happens during his subsequent conversation with the Southlanders beyond him failing an initiation spectacularly – after this, he heads back to Joel. They chat from opposite ends of a broken bridge, which is quite a poetic scene honestly, representing the gap between their lives, the destruction of their alliance, etc. I’m just here to talk about Scar’s villainous moments, though, so let me point out one specific line from this conversation.
“I did avenge you, to be fair - Mumbo, I burned him to death, which was enjoyable. I heard him cry, so it was- yeah, that was a thing.”
Just… what the fuck, Scar? What? I know he tried to push the “red lives are psychopathic and feel nothing except a small sense of happiness when people die” in 3rd Life, but this was definitely a lie or at least an exaggeration, because 3l!Scar definitely had a much wider range of emotions than that. Either way, here he doesn’t even have the excuse of being a red life; this is just active malice, pure and simple. Bdubs had a similar level of pride in his boogeyman kill, but I never got the sense that he enjoyed it like Scar did.
Scar goes off to visit Scott and Pearl, and figure out whether they have the enchanting table or not. Note the emphasis on simply figuring it out, not actually getting the enchanting table. Here’s where I want to talk about Scar being a great liar: he fully convinces them into thinking that he was willing to trade lives for the enchanting table, and then he convinces them that he’s so desperate to get the table that he’ll lie about Joel burning their house down. The thing is, Scar had no intention of ever getting the table at that moment – he wasn’t going to trade lives for it to begin with. He’d try his luck at threatening them, but nothing more. He got exactly what he wanted out of that situation: proof. Meanwhile, Scott and Pearl were left believing they’d outwitted him, that they’d called his bluff and bullied him into leaving. They never saw his true intentions, never saw him as an actual threat. Scar is much smarter than people believe, which only makes him all the more threatening.
And finally, he goes on to prove this intelligence even further. He figures out that Scott and Pearl planned to trade for the enchanting table simply by seeing Scott ask Lizzie if she’s home in chat. He then goes to visit Lizzie, and she tells him she declined their offer. What’s notable about this scene is how much less belligerent Scar is than usual: he readily accepts what Lizzie says for once in his life and leaves without being too annoying about it. He later talks about lulling the others into a false sense of security, letting them think he’s not after the enchanting table anymore; that makes me think his visit to Lizzie was purely to confirm that the offer was even made, and he’s now certain that she accepted it. It’s not hard to work out, especially if he noticed her life count.
So, all in all, if you’re not scared of Scar in Last Life, you most definitely should be.
Did I forget to mention he’s currently tied for the highest life count on the server?
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