#maybe I’m just insane
speciocidewarfaree · 5 days
Don’t you hate it when your tumblr thinks it’s more important than your Spotify music?
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crimsonkenjii-writes · 9 months
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Low quality Valentine special Giyuu you are so special to me 💙
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lewmagoo · 6 months
wake up besties, a new glass animals song just dropped and it is very rhett coded (to me)
particularly these lyrics:
“you held me like my mother made me just for you; held me so close that i broke in two.”
and like….the way this sweet cowboy would fall apart the first time you held him, because he’s so touch-starved and he’s never had anyone love him this much before. anyway, yes i will associate every piece of music i consume with rhett. what about it?
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killerwithknife · 7 months
I wish I had the chess grandmaster autism instead of the “unbeatable urge to make this face when you see something you’re interested in” autism
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threewholeants · 8 months
i wanted to ask abt your sexuality , in a super polite awesome non creepy way , its says your a lesbian on your profile so im asking . i think im a lesbian too,i like girls and i dont think i could have any feelings or attraction to men irl but i LOVE my male fictional chracters, ive liked them since before i realised ive liked girls so idk if its just attacthments . but how is it that you process all this , im confused , idk what i am now?? ofc you dont hve to ans this im just curious . once again this is very icky questions so im saying it agin im not asking this in a 😈👿👹 way , okay cool awesome bye
ok hi anon!! plspls don’t think this is an icky, creepy, or invasive question bc i’ve been trying to find an answer for it myself recently!!
i’ve always Known i’ve had an attraction to girls, and i exclusively date women nd have since i was 17, but never really had any crushes on girls in media (and tbh, still don’t really(that cunty sabre tooth tiger from ice age was an exception)) which i’ve always found a bit odd!
i don’t want to use a word as Strong repulsed .. but it’s the best way to get my point across i guess! i’ve always been repulsed by men irl, but still find myself fantasying n writing abt fictional men. i think for me personally it’s the degree of separation that attracts me.. like . Knowing they’re Not Real let’s me apply exactly what i’d Want in a man (if i wanted one u feel?) onto them nd they then become the perfect vessel for my fantasy !! like if gojo was real i would Not be interested at ALL but that 2d man on my screen?? gimme him i wanna bite him sooooo bad.
i used to hold a lot of inner turmoil abt all of this nd used to think that i wasn’t a very good lesbian bc i only ever had crushes on male characters.. but u know what? i can Fantasise abt whatever i want.. i know in my heart that im coming home from work everyday to kiss my partner on her lips and that i Am good at being lesbians with them !!
i feel like i’ve just rambled and spouted absolute nonsense so im very sorry anon if i.. lost the plot and didn’t actually answer ur question very well…… but i wish u well in ur journey of self discovery!! nd please please know that ur valid every step of the way EVEN IF that step is forwards, backwards, or even sideways :3
i love u! and i hope u are well!
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stump-salsa · 1 year
Am I the only one who finds elemental element swaps really weird
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kinda wonder if the distorted voices in the background of dear reader are like the voices in her head? the one that says “you should find another guiding light” is super deep but then completely switches to a higher pitched one that says “but i shine so bright”
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yorktaylor · 4 months
i’ve always felt weirdly connected to britain despite having never been there. it’s like there’s something in my soul that still recognizes it as home
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feelingunfulfilled · 1 year
Today would have been the 19th birthday of my cousin. A few of my relatives are in Santa Cruz right now to celebrate it. This has became a tradition for the past two years, and I’ve been able to make it for the previous ones
I feel so anxious. Almost sick to my stomach. I choose to go back to school today instead of being at the celebration, because I know I’m falling behind in classes. If I took another day off I might as well drop out of school. Honestly, even in school, I have the urge to run away. I don’t want to be here. I worry I made the wrong choice. There’s too much happening right now and I don’t feel like I can be here mentally. I feel like a failure. And I feel overwhelmed again
Would I have really missed anything if I ditched school again? Sure, I’d have to make up even MORE work, but at some point the teachers would start to view my absence as a regular occurrence. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel like I’m just existing through each day. Maybe I’d start to live a little more. Although I know it’s unfair to blame all of this on school. It was my own decision after all. And school is mandatory even if I’ve grown to dislike it. It’s probably just my desire to be alone right now. So I can have time to process everything instead of being tossed into work and expected to function properly. I CAN’T function properly right now. My cat died yesterday. My cousins would-be birthday is today. I think it’s more than understandable that I don’t feel like doing anything right now
And yet I still feel like I’m a let down somehow. That I’m doing everything wrong in life. I choose the wrong option and I can’t turn back now. Or even worse, I did choose the right option (by going to school) and yet STILL failed due to my lack of attentiveness. There’s no winning. And I hate how I can’t seem to get any closure on this. Everything is so directionless with no way to tell if I’m doing the right things or if I’m still a good person when I’m becoming a terrible student. If I’m still a good cousin when I didn’t even attend her would-be birthday celebration or attempt to resolve my grief….
I don’t like overthinking this. Or making it seem like I’m making a bigger deal out of it then it is. I’m not trying to be petty and make it all about me. And I know none of this could be helped. But I also don’t want to undermine my feelings right now. I’m trying SO HARD not to guilt trip myself, because the last thing I need right now is to feel like shit. I find I often downplay how much grief I’ve gone through, and continue to go through. I don’t want to sugar coat anything anymore. I’m tired of acting like things are fine. I’m not okay
That’s the thing though, the nagging feeling I have in my stomach, being at school makes me feel like I have to pretend. Like I have to fake emotions for the benefit of others, and hide any traces of having a terrible day. Because teachers don’t have time for your crying. Friends came to have a good time. There’s little to no room for you to grieve without getting emotional whiplash. It sucks. I’m trying to be more open about this. I really am. But this school environment has me second guessing if I’m ALLOWED to grieve. If I’m ABLE to express how terrible things are right now when all school cares about is grades. I know my teachers genuinely care about me, so do my friends. But talking about such heavy stuff in THIS environment is like hell. I just can’t right now
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Okay really random thing but like,, if dogs can be bred to have specific traits and to love certain activities, why is it unrealistic to presume a human can’t be predisposed to something? Like I get that that’s dogs, not humans but animals and plants get bred for things all the time and it works.
I’m obviously not saying to breed humans for specific traits because that’s inhumane but I just,, there’s an argument there for nurture vs nature
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spoonsisland · 19 days
MePhone 4 after learning about nonbinary people midway through season 2: OHHHH so THAT’S the word i was looking for [updates Paintbrush’s toyhouse page]
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moonkhao · 2 months
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#we are#we are the series#we are series#tanfang#aou thanaboon#aouboom#boom tharatorn#my edits#weareedit#AOUBOOM MAIN LEADS WHEN???#i do appreciate them and the way they’ve been portraying tanfang#i know tan was a bit over the top 99% of the time#but every scene and touch felt so genuine#and i’m not gonna credit that to new#bc he wasn’t able to direct ppw in a way that didn’t make their kisses look a bit awkward#i know scenes have to look aesthetically pleasing in some way#and that’s why we keep having to deal the ‘no one would kiss with this much space for jesus between each other’ complaints#but like look at aouboom here#this is mostly them and their acting choices in my humble opinion#and don’t get me started on the pecks#ppw BARELY touched the other one’s lips when they had to do a peck kiss#like cmon the difference between ppw and aouboom pecks is insane#i’m sorry for picking on ppw but i’m a bit sad that some of their romantic scenes were a bit lackluster#especially that very last kiss which tbh i rather wouldn’t have seen bc it felt a bit awkward to me#but that may be just me#i need new to get a bit more frisky with kiss scenes when it comes to his directing#bc i feel like friskier kiss scenes only happen when the actors mostly do their thing after finding out what the director wants#(maybe i’m completely wrong about new but tkdkfdkddkdk)#and don’t get me wrong idgaf if there are kisses or not but if there’s a kiss scene you should commit instead of holding yourself back idk#and ppw definitely need a better director to help them achieve that bc jojo was definitely better at directing them
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
did fall out boy really make an updated version of we didn’t start the fire that just didn’t include covid?
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lewmagoo · 10 months
is it just me or do the rest of y’all go on sprees of consuming disturbing content when you’re feeling depressed or pmsing? not sure why i do this to myself but i go down rabbit trails of youtube videos talking about fucked up events or disturbing horror movies and then i’m full of regret bc i feel even more depressed than before, with a twinge of paranoia sprinkled in lol
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femboycharles · 2 months
me: I don’t like to speculate abt the drivers sexuality, it’s nothing to do with me
also me: the bisexual vibes from max are STAGGERING
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
the first lady of easy company
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