#maybe b1
alabyte · 7 months
Forgot to post this!
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Sketched this little buddy from my textual roleplay yesterday. His name is Stooge (though it's not really an accurate localization of the one slang word that became his original name) and he's a reprogrammed B1 droid. He mostly assists Tech as needed, but because he has very little RAM, he is considered more of an emotional support droid. He is sometimes used as a note-taking board.
Crosshair drew him goggles with a permanent marker. Tech is not impressed.
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aro-langblr · 1 month
I just spent a bunch of time poking around a lithuanian site, and I'm so proud of how much I understood. don't get me wrong, I had a dictionary open in another tab, but I did so much by myself. I was able to understand a bunch, infer even more, and follow site navigation instructions!
I've also had a couple notable wins with listening lately, too. it's just good to feel like I'm doing something halfway right with regards to lithuanian 💫
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yellowplumfruit · 11 months
this is gonna be a long one so bare with me as i ramble
i’ve realized fairly recently that doing art as a job is never going to be sustainable for me. while my hands being injured absolutely sucks and i hate it, it’s made me realize i was actually really stressed out, especially since art has been my single source of income. being a working artist means that there will be very little structure and it’s all on me to create my schedule. i can’t do that very well! and not it a “woe is me i cant do it”, but more of a “i understand my limits”.
the timing of this sucks though because i literally have one more semester left until i finish my art degree :’) but after the initial panic im actually kind of excited! i’ve actually decided that once i finish my degree, im going to get my prerequisites out of the way and then major in marine biology (nobody saw this coming)!!! i’ve always had a tough time seeing my future as a professional artist. it’s much clearer now with this new potential job:)
so once my hands get better (please please please be soon oh my god), i’m going to take less commissions and draw for myself more often 💕
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benkyoutobentou · 2 months
32 Days of Productivity Reading もう一回!: Day 4
Before: I have to confess… I almost (ALMOST) cheated in my reading spinner wheel today. I first rolled BASARA and my immediate thought was that only two series over four days was kinda boring and I do what I want, so I rolled again. But then as I thought about it, I figured that I should stick to the rules, even if I made the rules and it doesn’t matter. So today, I’ll be reading volume four of BASARA. I don’t think I’ll read an entire volume in one day like last time, but we’ll see how far I can get
After: As expected, I didn’t get around to finishing my volume today. Instead, I finished season one of the 神様はじめました anime (it was very good). I was also chatting with a friend who’s learning Spanish and she sent a little meme about language learning that placed me solidly in B1 territory for Japanese. Of course language proficiency isn’t easily categorized and certainly can’t be solidly tested by a single picture, but it did make me realize that maybe I should start trying to study vocabulary a little more often, since that’s my main weak point. I also realized that I’m immensely unfamiliar with the CEFR scale and have been interpreting its levels all wrong (after my friend made a comment that being at B1 level is not “only” B1) but I guess that’s what happens when none of your main target languages are European (Sorry German, I’ll focus on you one day).
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Anyways, back to reading. I read 183 pages of BASARA today, which means I have just about 150 pages left in the volume. I have no doubt that I’ll be able to finish it tomorrow, especially with how good this series is! I just can’t put it down once I start reading.
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catos-wound · 4 months
found a pdf of wheelock. quora is it realistic and possible to be proficient within a week question mark
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snayos-necessities · 6 months
I had a dream where I found a sequel of TGMD in a old computer and it was cool because Ratigan returns and Basil was so sarcastic an cool and I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE I NEED MORE CONTENT 😭😭😭
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so im doing a preliminary translation course french-dutch in january which if i do it well enough i can do the real course starting september, and you dont need any official recognition of your level in either language they just say you have to master your working language (ie dutch here) well and that your passive knowledge of your source language has to be good, around at least b2
and, okay, ive been told i do set too high standards, but like, that feels,,,,,cheating isnt exactly the word but like. if i couldnt make the sentence, then how could i ever hope to translate it well into another language you know what i mean?
im glad, because my chances are way better to get my passive french to b2 than my active french before january, im probably already there, but like, im still gonna try to get my active french there too right?
like it just feels so.....precarious. to only have b2 and to dare to try and put a sentence into your own language? if i couldnt have made the sentence, then i would never think i can write it as correctly as possible in another language. honestly.
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kimmkitsuragi · 3 months
i found an old invoice from like 2015 and it says a toaster was 100 liras. kms
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loverscrossmp3 · 2 months
been having dreams in french lately only i hardly know french so i wake up feeling accomplished until i begin wondering if it was actually only dream-gibberish that i thought i understood
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torajira · 11 months
hey. read my rgg fics before gaiden officially decanonizes them tomorrow.
A1-6 / B1-6
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it would be so silly if "word up" played in the background of amelia & tulip's final fight scene... just ten short seconds of dramatic battling and no dialogue while "word up" blares in the background, that's all i ask
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vibinwiththefrogs · 1 year
I saw this TikTok the other day that was like, "what would your life look like if you did not care about furthering yourself, optimizing yourself, improving yourself..."
And I was thinking about that and language learning. And I think... I would probably study a lot more languages to lower levels, even though I know that can seem superficial. I do find a lot of joy in dabbling and finding new movies and music, and learning just enough to communicate and understand things even if poorly, but I don't allow myself to do that most of the time. I think there's definitely a perfectionist streak when it comes to me learning Japanese at times because, yno, I see the kind of academic inspiration porn of people extremely fluent in languages, putting hours and hours into studying, passing all these proficiency tests and getting into top schools and jobs, and I feel like I want that to be me so I optimize how I study. But do I really want that? Does that really benefit me? Or does it just make me feel like my language skills are never enough no matter how much time I put in?
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"ugh im bored :/"
*remembers that im rereading the stravaganza series and i just started book 2*
"holy shit. if i continue Readinge Böök i will get closer and closer to the quintuple murder game of thrones wedding scene 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀"
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minglana · 1 year
i told myself i wasnt going to do erasmus bc ive had enough of moving places but if its one of the only ways i can easily get rid of classes that are hard in my uni..... i think ill probably try to apply for it next year😔
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celticwoman · 2 years
thinking that maybe ill get a comm of june for when t/wc 3 comes out
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Should I make a translation blog and get paid for longer texts or make tips voluntary in any case?
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