#maybe he still smells like andy samberg
mercedeezbutts · 10 months
im going to this field trip thing soon and i get to see joel mckinnon miller and im a HUGE fan of brooklyn nine-nine!! my school also gets to do a private qna with him and i need ideas for what to ask him!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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penis-parkers · 7 years
Just Keep Him Safe
summary: you didn’t think it was going to end like this.
pairing: tom’s peter parker x reader
word count: 2.4K
note: i’m back with another post. just so you guys know, tom’s peter is literally the loml so i hope you enjoy ((: also, peter is 16-17 in this so he’s been spider-man for a year or two. also, huge apology for this.
warnings: fluff and angst. swearing. mentions of different types of abuse. mentions of death.
Not my gif
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You’re not sure when you had fallen in love with the dorky boy that was Peter Parker. Maybe it was the time that he had literally tripped in front of you, before looking up at you with a dopey grin and the simple words, “looks like I’ve fallen for you, [Y/N].” It could have been on your third date, where Peter had ended up hiding in your shirt as a horror movie played in the theatre and then after admitted that he only chose the movie so that you would do what he had done to you. Or maybe it was all the little things, like the small hand squeezes whenever you seemed nervous, or the cute pecks on the cheeks or that stupid fucking grin that always appeared on his face whenever he saw you, his eyes lighting up.
Or maybe, it was the time that both of you were your most vulnerable to each other.
The tears had been wiped from your face with calloused fingers. He had held you as you cried, speaking through your tears as you recounted the years of emotional abuse you had suffered. All the guilt trips your father had put you through, all the yelling matches you had witnessed between your mother and father as you hid in your room, trying to ignore them. The toll it had taken on you at the young age that you were until finally, your mother had packed up and moved across the city to where you now lived, making sure your father had nothing to do with either of you anymore. This was the first time Peter had ever seen you breakdown into sobs like that. Sure, there were the moments during marathons of when your favourite character made your feels go crazy and you would end up sobbing due to that. This was nothing like that.
This was him holding you close to his body as he whispered sweet nothings as you mourned the life you never got due to the abuse you were dealt. It wasn’t as bad as some peoples’, like the bruises you could see some people hiding due to the beatings their parents. Still, this had played a toll on your life, your emotional well-being, and he felt the pain that you had. You had curled up into him, face breathing in his scent as your face was tucked into his neck, loving the feeling on his hands running through your hair and massaging your scalp.
It wasn’t long before he had you calmed down, glad that when you pulled your face out of his collarbone he was staring at you with a new appreciation in his eyes, instead of the usual look of pity you received from anyone you told. And only then, after you had showed your appreciation by giving him a loving kiss to his mouth that you guys settled down to watch something absentmindedly. You watched Andy Samberg did police work and made joked, laughing as you cuddled into Peter’s chest, tracing the piece of stomach of his that was showing due to his shirt riding up. And when your eyes had closed, your breaths slowing as you slept, Peter had slipped from underneath you and went to do his duty.
Spider-Man had stopped a couple muggings that night, you would soon find out as soon as you woke up. But, as the hero had been swinging through the streets on New York, the wind rushing beside his ears, he thought. That’s usually when he did his best thinking, thoughts of how he felt about you one of the main things. His feelings that had been bubbling in his chest since the first time you had joined Ned to their millionth marathon of Star Wars. With you dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy concert t-shirt you had stolen from your step-dad. He couldn’t help but think about how cute you were with your hair up in a messy bun, excited to watch as much as you could.
His thoughts turned to how you looked that night. So vulnerable as you put all your trust into him, telling him the misery you had been put through. Your eyes bloodshot due to crying as you shed tears over the horrible memories of everything that had happened. The way you had trusted him enough to tell him your deepest, darkest secrets. He loved you. Oh, God, did he love you. The mental debate then ensured. Should he tell you about alter ego? What if you got hurt due to it? What if you died because of it? He had been really good at not blowing you off, having Ned recover whenever he was running late, his best friend stalling you until he’s able to stop the crime and then change.
Still, you had been trusting enough to spill everything on the table, so he decided he was able to too.
So, he had sat in the windowsill of your room for as long as it took for you to wake up after he got back in. He hadn’t changed out of his suit, though he didn’t know how many times he had took off the mask and put it back on again, thinking about if it was the right decision or not. Though, he always stopped himself from taking off the suit by glancing at your face, seeing your adorable face as you snored softly.
When you started to stir, a small noise of complaint leaving your mouth. Peter smiled to himself under the mask, knowing how much you loved lazy days in bed. He watched as you reached for him, feeling the cold spot in the bed where he had been, a frown coming to your face as you picked your head off of the pillow. You glanced around, calling a soft, “Peter!” before your eyes landed on him. You covered your mouth to stop the shriek that was gonna leave it, before you were scrambling to make yourself look presentable.
You were about to sleep before he held his gloved hand up, stopping you where you sat. Then he started rambling in a very much Peter Parker way, not bothering to change his voice. You had gasped softly as he went to rant about everything he ever felt about you, the mask giving him the courage he needed before he was kneeling in front of you, mask coming off while you stared at him wide eyed. A firm “I love you” left his mouth, before he waited to gauge your reaction.
You had sat, shocked, for a couple of minutes before you were jumping into his arms, whispering your own confession of love into his ears as you breathed in the smell of sweat and asphalt. When you had finished, you had pushed him towards the bathroom, telling him to shower.
It wasn’t surprising to find yourself in an alleyway, waiting with Peter’s backpack so the man could look like a regular human being instead of Spider-Man. You had learned later that Ned had been in on the secret a couple months after Peter had gotten his new suit, which was a year or so ago, and you had been jokingly angry with the hero. Still, you were glad that he had finally told you, glad that you didn't have a suspicion creeping on you whenever Ned stalled you.
You had playing on your phone, hoping that nobody would notice you as you stood leaning against the side of a brick building. The high score that you were about to beat was foiled by a laugh echoing through the small alleyway. You pursed your lips, locking your phone, though you kept it in your hand as you gazed at the three men who had entered the alleyway. Trying to make yourself unnoticably, praying that they wouldn’t see you or Peter came back at this instant. However, that seemed to be not the case, as the men stopped a few feet away from you, the seemingly leader giving you a smirk.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you tried to look away from them, focusing on your phone that was in your hand. Quickly dialling Peter’s number, you dropped your phone in your pocket, hoping for once, Peter wouldn’t be too distracted fighting crime to pick up the phone.
“What’s a pretty girl like you, doing in a place like this?” The man motioned to the street around him. Your eyes focused on your surroundings, looking up at the top of the buildings to try and see if Peter would show up by miracle. The thought was there, however, you couldn’t make out the red and blue vigilante. In the fading light, you could barely make out the tops of the buildings. Trying to keep a calm exterior, you played with your hands disinterestedly.
“Waiting for a friend,” you spoke, trying not to let the fear show in your voice. Hopefully, Peter was listening, and coming to the alleyway at this moment. You had faintly heard him speak in your pocket before you had said something. The man stepped closer, his friends walking around to block both entrances of the tunnel. You pursed your lips, balling your hand into a fist in case you had to start swinging.
“Well, why don’t you come with me instead, baby,” he said, approaching you closer, so close you could feel his breath on your face. You regretted staying with your back against the wall, stuck between the man and the wall. The thoughts that flooded your mind on what this man wanted to do with you made cotton fill your mouth, and you tried to gulp it down to answer this man. However, you couldn’t seem to find your voice, and it came out in a small, timid voice.
“What was that, babe?” He stated, pushing himself closer to you. You reached down ever so slightly, your fingers brushing against the handle on top of Peter’s backpack. Your fingers grasped it, about to swing it at the man when Peter’s voice echoed through the small space.
“I believe the lady said no,” the sound of his voice made your heart flutter as the men turned toward him. With the distraction, you swung his bag at the man, hitting him on the side of the head with as much force as you could muster. He was thrown off balance as the fighting started. You tried to stay out of it as you watched Peter shoot webs as well as throw punches. He was graceful as he dodged licks and punches that were sent towards him.
You tried to stay out of the way, let Peter do his thing. It wasn’t until a punch was delivered to Spider-Man’s stomach, sending him over that you rushed in to help, backpack swinging. You brought the attention to yourself as you smacked the leader again, hoping the the clothes and school books in his bag were heavy enough to do damage. Glad to have the attention off of Peter, you continued swinging hitting each of them at least once until the bag was ripped out of your hands. However, it seemed to be enough because one man was sent forward into the brick wall, the webbing on his back making you feel better. He was unconscious, the leader landing beside him with his mouth and hands webbed up.
A smile made its way onto your face as you turned back to Peter, you eyes meeting the last thug. He had pulled a knife, the silver item glinting in the small amount the light the moon granted you. Adrenaline kicked in, your body flinging itself in the way as the thug thrust the knife forward. The flesh ripped as the knife entered your stomach. The pain was unimaginable as it torn through you, the knife leaving you soon after. Your ears were ringing. You couldn’t hear anything as your body fell to the cement in what felt like slow motion.
The rust-like taste of blood filled your mouth, tipping over your lips as you tried to hold your stomach. The blood was gushing out, and the wound felt like it was pulsating against your hand as you pushed against it. A second later, you felt your body being moved, and you were glancing at Peter’s brown eyes. They were full of tears and anger, but also pain.
You couldn’t feel it anymore. Not where the skin had been separated by the steel. Though, your heart ached as you watched the boy you have come to love sobbing, masking laying forgotten somewhere in the alleyway. Peter was saying something, yelling something. Perhaps it was into a phone, perhaps it was at you. You didn’t know. Nor did you really care. You were mainly focusing on the way Peter’s arms felt around you to remember the way that it had felt. You wanted to remember everything about the boy that was sobbing above you.
“Peter,” you spoke weakly, trying to shush him so that you could speak. You didn’t want to reach out and touch him. Your blood was not allowed to be on Peter, ever. “This isn’t your fault.” You gasped for breath, trying to get air into your lungs to try to finish your statement. “Don’t you fucking dare blame yourself for this.”
Peter was shaking his head, begging you to stay through choked sobs. The flashing of blue and red could be seen, the sound of sirens wailing could be heard. Someone had called the police or an ambulance. Probably both. You faintly shook your head, feeling the life force draining out of you. “Peter Parker, you are a force of good. Please, for me, keep on doing what you’re doing. For Uncle Ben, promise that you’ll continue being the hero this world deserves.”
The wailings got louder, you quickly trying to shove Peter away. He sobbed, trying to hold onto you for as long as he could. You shook your head, pointing to the mask. He wouldn’t be found out because of you. “I love you, Peter,” you shoved him away with the rest of your strength. “Go!”
Peter stumbled, sobbing, as he picked up his mask, putting it on. He sent you one last look, saying, “I love you,” through sobs before he was shooting away. You stared at the sky, watching him enter then leave your vision before the world started fading from your vision. Your last thought was to anyone that was listening.
“Please, just keep him safe.”
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nomanicsdak · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://manicdak.com/this-is-all-alkibiades-fault/
This is All Alkibiades Fault
Finally: Korinth
Recap: Having acquired the feather from that rando lady aka: Athena 4 real, nobody can convince me otherwise, it is now time to see what is the next quest on the agenda! I am off to the Porneion district in Korinth to visit some hetaerae as instructed. Anthousa is my contact, so let’s go find her! I immediately stumble into a nearby pyre and catch myself aflame, because I am super good at this game.
  Korinth isn’t too far away, and their flag is a Pegasus! I think it’s going to be easy to find her, but alas—the hetaerae aren’t in the Porneion district after all.
Next, I talk to some horny dude, and he tells me that they have made themselves scarce because some dude named “Monger” and his army are loitering about. Looks like I’m going to have to defeat a dude, but lets check the rest of the clues. Next I find some scaredy cat who tells me more about how the Hetaerae were pushed out of the market by he who shall not be named. 
Finally a woman to talk to, maybe she’ll be more helpful. She just wants to err— sell me her wares, but does indeed tell me where I might be able to find Anthousa! Possibly she is at the temple of Aphrodite, because they have clients there. I will check there first.
 I find this temple through pure happenstance whilst clearing locations. The guards chase me all the way up a mountain after I get caught looting. Thank you, guards!
A Simple Favour
What conversing with Alkibiades is like.
I stop off at an exclamation point and pick up a quest, and LO! It is Alkibiades there to assign me dubious package delivering tasks and make sex puns at me. Of course I will deliver the package, Ace. Winkity wink. 
We comment on the size of this box I am to deliver and he tells me that big things can come in small packages sometimes. I get stonewalled with the rest of my questions. No, I can’t know about the guy who gave this package to Alkibiades in the first place or what it is. Why can’t Ace or the OG guy who gave him the package deliver it? It’s just a chain of favors and I’m the last link apparently. I also learn that Alkibiades’s favorite Hetaerae and/or his favorite port of call changes based on his mood. And that is all we get to discuss for now. 
I have Anthousa to find and a tiny package to deliver.
Okay, I’m delivering it to a guy near a fort in the name of Diodoros. It’s absolutely, definitely, totally NOT from Alkibiades. Nope. Lol, I have a feeling Ace over here is 1000% setting this Diodoros dude up somehow. Haha, Let’s go find out! 
I’m sorry Anthousa, but my curiosity is piqued. Consulting the map to select the newly acquired quest, I discovered that I have completed the cave quest! I guess I’ll also go collect that reward, but first to synchronize this location so I don’t have to walk back here again!
A quick fast travel back to Phokis to complete this quest and score a buttload of XPs! Nice.
 Back to Aphrodite’s temple now!
Okay, so the “Monger” is hassling people at the temple now, so the Hetaerae have moved on to somewhere else. Basically this guy is giving everyone the shakedown. He’s after the Hetaerae because they rake in the dough and he wants a piece of the action. This is why they are in hiding, so I guess I’m going to take the monger down.
Time to deliver the package, then visit Anthousa at her possibly new hiding place, possibly place that she has already fled leaving some other lady to tell me about her possible whereabouts. 
So, I have to infiltrate a damn fort to get this package in and deliver it to a general—and it is a, well, I’ll let Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg explain:
So, it’s not an actual dick in a box, it’ is a casting of one and it comes with a note: “For when your wife starts to miss me” Hahaha, but also, thank you for sending me into a heavily guarded outpost for THIS, Ace. 
Well, A: I’m not going to sell Alkibiades out obviously, but B: This dude in front of me is probably going to waste Diodoros if I say its’ from him. I could say it’s from me which would be hilarious, but I don’t know— This can’t possibly be part of some brilliant military stratagem can it? I take a while to think it over, and just end up doing what Alkibiades told me to do. Like, I don’t want to be on his bad side, for real. The last thing I need is someone sending my enemies handcrafted artisanal dildos when he decides I’m not useful anymore. 
Anyway, the package recipient whose name I don’t remember threatens to end Diodoros. Him and his little army too as I suspected. Huh. Maybe it IS part of a brilliant military stratagem after all? At least that’s what Ace more or less tells me when I find him in Aphrodite’s temple. He wanted to get Diodoros out of the way and this seemed to work a treat. Now that is done, so it’s time for more egregious flirting. He wants to know did Alexios like what he saw? About the casting—which was his doing of course as if there were any doubt in the first place. I’m on to your ways, friend!  Also, he’s into doing it right here in the temple… I mean, if we’re going to defile a temple then I guess we could do worse than Aphrodite’s.
I can’t think of a reason not to this time. There are no goats anywhere nearby. Flash-forward to tomorrow, Ace has bid me adieu with hope for an encore performance at some future point, and it is now time to visit Anthousa!
Finding the Hetarae
I find her at the fountain and surprise Phoibe is here! Alexios is not enthused about this turn of events. She is just here to relay to Anthousa that I am coming, an “emissary” if you will. I let her tag along for a while, but when I start asking about my mom, Myrrine and Phoibe starts in about how I’m a sad orphan raised by Markus of the bad ideas on nowhere island, I send her away to play. She’s annoyed, but I don’t want her to get hurt or reveal all my secrets!
Anthousa might know something, but first I have to help her and the girls with their little Monger problem. 
I Found them!
I finish up the fort location instead of the Monger quest, and I find that I have somehow picked up a huntress quest. For once I get to visit a huntress camp without getting besieged by bears. This one was super easy, because I already just took care of the captain that was hassling these ladies and the quest is finished before it even started! I’m all for easy XPs! 
Now, onto the Monger problem.
The Torture Room
The first part of this quest is to find out why one of the ladies, Damalis’s, clients has been acting strangely. Probably the Monger put him up to it, possibly by kidnapping his family or something. Let’s go find out! 
Phoibe has followed me, I try to be nice, but honestly her inserting herself into these proceedings is worrisome to say the least. I mean, I don’t have an easy time avoiding stabby bandits myself, but I’m sure the game has concrete plans for her that are unavoidable anyway, which I have magically not been spoiled about. I mean, I’ve been playing this game for a thousand years now it’s a miracle I don’t know all its secrets already.
In any case, we team up and Phoibe tells me about things she overheard. This dude is having a meeting at a pig farm about some land and is supposed to bring Damalis there also I find out. While I’m distracting him with this info I know courtesy of my girl Phoibe, she breaks in and steals a bunch of clues. I sat there and listened to the guy blabbering for forgiveness at me, but I’m still not quite sure what the Monger has on this him that he’s acting the fool and willing to betray Damalis, whom he claims to love. It’s time to find some more clues!
We head to a house that was in the letter Phoibe stole. I find some bloody pots, a secret room, a lock of hair that somehow Alexios knows by smell. Though he can’t quite place it. Oh, and a wall with a creepy manacle attached to it and also casts of faces and breasts — So, the Monger has a creepy torture sex dungeon. Gross. Just in time, one of the Monger’s lackeys arrives to call me a prude explain it to me in case I didn’t figure it out from the clues. Bro, it’s more the kidnapping people and holding them against their will that’s the evil of it, not my prudish ways. Ugh. In any case, he has caught Phoibe, but she escapes with Alexios’s help. 
I head back to Damalis to give her the bad news and chastise Phoibe for not listening to instructions. Anyway, Damalis is grateful and now knows what to steer clear of RE: the Monger’s plans. Also, I level up! Time to spend some ability points!
One thought before we move on— Whose familiar lock of hair was that in the Monger’s lair? Do I know someone he kidnapped???? IS HE someone I know? Alkibiades? Herodotus? Sokrates? Yikes. For now, all we can do is move on and help the rest of the hetaerae.
Come Sail Away
A woman named Erinna has misplaced her friend Kleio. The only clue we have to go on is that some guy saw her get on a boat. I spend bunch of time sinking this pirate boat only to find out that Kleio was the one who hired them. It was not an abduction, she was running away from the Monger. To Mykanos. Heh. Good thing I already took care of the tyrant on that island. Well, in any case, I agree to take her there. I’m certainly not going to force her back to Korinth if she doesn’t want to be there. I head back to give Erinna the good news. She’s super sad that her friend is gone, and makes me promise that she’s safe.
Sure thing! She’s with my girl Kyra and my bro Thaletas now. 
Taking Down the Monger
My next quest in this area is called “lawless port” or something and I wander blindly towards the gold diamond only to find that it’s right in the Monger’s warehouse. I have to hide in the bushes until the guard goes away so I can plot my strategy. Apparently I am supposed to burn down the warehouse. 
Good, eff this Monger dude. I see some people tied up in there and I free them before I start any fires. As I do the deed and attract more guards all of a sudden — A cut scene! Some dude with a Spartan shield comes in to save the day! Yas! I don’t have to beat all these guys! Am I supposed to know this dude? Was it his hair? 
After we beat all the baddies together I learn that his name is Brasidas and I do not know him after all. He wants to deal with the Monger on the DL, because of blablabla politics. (Sparta is Allied with Kornithia, if the take out the main guy in public that’s bad for business.) I get the choice to help him or stick with Anthousa. TBH, my first inclination is Brasidas’s hush, hush option, so lets do that. Mainly because I don’t even remember what Anthousa’s plan was. I already helped out her friends. 
Anyway, after that’s all decided I spill all my family secrets to Rando McSpartan over here. He knows Myrrine, and my not dad— who I say I haven’t seen him since the whole cliff throwing incident but… who the fuck did I meet on that first beach I landed on? Wolf of Sparta? That was Nikolaos, my Spartan dad, right? Who is still not dead? I let him live, because fuck the Serpent. Why am I lying to Brasidas? or is this game so long that even the writers forgot what happened in the beginning??? (I have no choice in the dialog options here, so I’m not actually choosing to be cagey about it. I am very confused, game.) The exit to this convo is to tell Brasidas I’m not dwelling on the past, so let’s not. We have Mongers to eliminate. 
Anthousa Displeased
As expected Anthousa is not pleased with my decision making. And after she arranged a whole viewing party for the Monger’s execution and everything. I head off to do the deed and as I’m passing through the market I get a notice that there is a cultist clue nearby! Cool! I send Ikaros flying, but there’s nothing there. Searching doesn’t help either. With the help of the internets I find out that I have to buy the clue from the Blacksmith. This clue tells me that the deserter Pallas is the cultist and I can find him in Achia. But that will have to wait! I also discover that I have a bunch of dudes I can unmask, but I haven’t bothered to, so I do that. Now the map shows me exactly where they are! Heh. Why have I been making this quest much harder than it had to be?
I am back in the sacred cave—the cave the ended my cave quest. Good news, the Monger thinks I’m a demi-god also, and I definitely don’t know him. Shit, though—he knows my mom? Was it her hair???? We get a flashback to him manhalding her because she had the gal to stand up to him. This guy is attacking my mom, kidnapping people, and being a general devil. Also, he is confirmed to be a cultist! It’s time to end him! 
Anthousa shows up just at the end of the fight to try to convince me to do this one last time in public so the people can see his cowardice. I mean, I don’t know if dragging an already beaten up man in for a public execution gets that message across at this point. Who doesn’t show up? Brasidas. I thought he was supposed to be helping me! In any case, I’m not doing that. Goodbye, Monger. I’ll take my golden triangle. I think I only need three more to upgrade the spear now! 
The End
Later, Anthousa, is not quite as steamed at me as she was at first. She thanks me, and ‘for once’ thanks to Alkibiades. We share a chuckle over him and his wily ways  and she tells me about my mom. She was a friend, but Myrrine wasn’t happy there in Korinth.
Here’s the points of interest: She left Spart, because—you know the attempted child murder. She was heartbroken. Anthousa gave her shelter after finding her in the streets. She looked to the sea, clearly she was restless in Korinthia, and she never told anybody anything about her past or where she was going. The only clue I get is that dear old Mom got on a ship called the Siren Song, known for her ability to weather anything Poseidon could throw her way. 
We bid each other adieu and Anthousa promises to keep me up to date on Korinthia’s happenings.
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