#maybe he struggles with stepping down as the archon but still being a god
cometrose · 7 months
Say, what do you think Zhongli struggled with the most after he started full-time cosplaying a mortal?
it’s kind of weird cause i feel like he struggled with everything and nothing at all
Obviously the first is not having unlimited money at his disposal to buy whatever he wanted. Zhongli lives a very elegant lifestyle. He wears outfits created by the adepti, he only takes the finest birds on walks he eats at the finest restaurants and he buys whatever he lays eyes on.
Then there is the fact that “Zhongli” is a permanent human and not a body Morax uses whenever he wants before transforming into another one. It would be funny if he woke up one morning wanting to shapeshift and having to stop himself mid transformation because humans don't normally grow floor length hair or swap genders overnight.
I always imagined Zhongli struggled keeping his Morax knowledge separate from his Zhongli knowledge. Morax knows the day everyone was born in Liyue, Zhongli does not. Morax knows the day each building was built, the day they built a pond in the harbor, he knows every business owner that has ever worked on his land but Zhongli should not.
But the thing about Zhongli I feel like he just learned to work around these problems without changing too much of himself lol. Like he cant buy everything he wants? Just get a wallet or get someone else to buy his things.
Too much knowledge? Great all of Liyue knows him as the all knowledgeable consultant who knows everything but nobody knows where he came from.
he’s too adored by the population for anyone to bother him about it.
Hu Tao mentions that Zhongli knows so much but has no worries so I think he just doesnt care? I think Zhongli just gets to stay the same cause everyone accepts his weirdness.
But seriously I think he struggles with contracts. He doesn't have the same authority to enforce contracts as before but he is still the god of contracts. So I think he has some dissonance in that regard, like he sees someone break a contract and if he were still Rex Lapis he would punish them but Zhongli has no such control. Considering how he worked around those fake archeologists in his first story quest, I think he if still wants to "punish" someone he has to approach the situation very differently.
Its funny to imagine Zhongli sees someone break and contract and chills run down his spine he feels faint but he can't do anything about. But then again Liyuens is pretty particular about contracts, so even if he cannot enforce them there are countless others (the qixing, the millelith, hell even yanfei) who will maintain order in his stead. i think it will work out
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fairykazu · 8 months
NOT-SUPER-SECRET-CRUSH: tutor scaramouche in session! FT. SCARAMOUCHE contents // friends to lovers, requited love, hs au, modern au notes // if i write about my own math lesson here, would i remember it easier? masterlist // part one // part two
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[sat. 8:30]
oh, god, what time is it? you squinted as the sun shined brightly on your face. grabbing your phone, [saturday | 8:31]. oh no. sure, you're one minute late but scaramouche hates people who are late. what if he flakes from being your tutor. oh, it's SO over.
scaramochi: where are you? scaramochi: do you even want to take this seriously?
you quickly replied back,
bobaluvname: i just woke up bobaluvname: my parents aren't home, im sorry. i don't have a ride (T_T) scaramochi: are you fr? bobaluvname: yeah... im sorry :(( scaramochi: ok
archons, sure, he's usually dry on text but not this dry! as you panicked, undressing from your pjs and quickly changed into am outfit.
what the hell? who's ringing the doorbell right now. you walked to the door slowly, you were still trying to stick your arms through the armholes. peeking through the peep hole, it was a familiar purple haired boy. wait.
what is scaramouche doing outside your door???
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the indigo haired male sat at the furthest corner of the library, isolated from everyone else. scaramouche was worried about you but not like he would tell you anyway. the only way would be someone had to waterboard this information from him. but again, you're usually an early riser that's what he likes... tolerates you for. why are you late?
he turned behind him where the analog clock was mounted on the wall, the little hand on the eight and the longest hand pointing down. maybe something happened on the way? or you're stuck at home.
he texted you a message. [where are you?] ...no, that gives away that he's concerned. then, he added: [do you even want to take this seriously?]
perfect... doesn't he want you to know he likes you? no, this is serious work and an equal exchange of education and knowledge. it would be a plus though. he argued with himself a little more until he heard his phone buzzed.
[ two notifcations from idiot]
he swiped the notifcations open, seeing that you were in the chatroom.
idiot: i just woke up. idiot: my parents aren't home, im sorry. i don't have a ride to the library
he was right. you did have a dilemma, but he had to make sure. sending a reply back as he packed up his items back into his bag.
idiot: yeah... im sorry :((
well, it's well over five minutes of the initial meeting. he could treat you like everyone else and be an asshole to end the session immediately.
but you weren't like everyone else to him. you're someone he tolerates. as he was walking out of the library, he noticed you were still in the chatroom.
idiot is typing...
he stared at you typing and deciding not to type again. he waited for your text bubble to come back again. five minutes pass. your bubble doesn't come back. well, it would be better if he might as well go to her house, right? he doesn't decide to be rational about this and maybe this might seem romantic to you.
that's how scaramouche ended up being in front of your door. he knocked softly before ringing the doorbell, "hello?"
he heard your gasp. "you're not subtle, you know. are you going to open the door?"
"ummm, yes! hold on." it seemed like you were struggling to open the door. maybe, the morax family hid a key under the rug or a gnome. he looked around the porch, noticing that he was stepping over a bump in the rug.
is it creepy to open your friend that you weren't very close with's door with the key the family didn't cleverly hid? 
he didn't open the door. instead, he waited for you to open the door yourself.
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oh my god, you didn't expect him to just arrive on your doorstep with ease. from rumors you've heard, he wouldve ended the sessions without a second thought. you slipped into your shirt and patted the nonexistent dust off of your pants. you looked at the mirror mounted near the door. your hair is a mess...
you brushed your hair quickly, taking the spare hair ties that your dad leaves at the front. disheveled hair into a "sleek" ponytail. not really, sleek, you shouldn't lie to yourself.
you kept him outside for too long though. "come in!" the door creaked open, revealing scaramouche with his bag and two cups of very cold drinks in the other. "your shirt is on backwards and inside out."
"it is?" you looked down at your shirt, the tag was sticking out.
it's so over.
any remaining self-worth was drifted away in the wind and out the door. you closed your eyes and smiled, "okay, thanks, come in through."
he took off his shoes and placed them in the shoe rack. "i got us drinks but it's a bit cold now." your face fell and he smiled, enjoying teasing you. but from your point of view, he seemed a devil. a very smart devil though!
"although, you did waste my time," why is his words so harsh for wanting to say something nice? "but it's fine. it's whatever miss yae wanted to give to my mother. what now?"
"well, we can go in my room! c'mon, just wait for a minute because, well, y'know." you gestured to your inside out and backwards shirt.
"got it." as he watched you go upstairs. going to her room?? he's a little freaked out but he has to play it cool. "scaramouche, go up!"
"don't boss me around." despite his words, he walked up the stairs. you shouted back, with your shirt on correctly.
"i have the power though! think of your english grade." you explained, smirking. he snorted at your attempt of "winning".
"how about you think about your math and science grade?" he retorted back as he heard you sigh, he laughed to himself, reveling in the fact that he won this pretend competition.
well, you won in a way but definitely not this one because he would never tell you.
it's awkward... or at least to scaramouche. you had asked if he wanted to be the tutor or the tutee and he opted to the tutee. but he couldn't even pay attention to the words you were saying, as it was in of one ear and out of the other. it's strange to be in the bedroom of the girl he has crushed on for years.
you were on the other side of the desk, guiding him on a topic he was awful at. as much as he wanted to pay attention to what you were saying, he couldn't but help to look at you or your lips and how soft they'd feel against his.
ahem. he squeezed his eyes shut. maybe he should've offered to be the tutor.
your hand briefly touched his shoulder, he flinched, "scaramouche? are you okay? do you need a break?"
one touch from you made him freeze, it's so over for his reputation. he mumbled out a word which you took as a yes. "i'll get you a drink and snacks, okay? maybe you're not in the right mood for english, it's okay. you can tutor me for my lessons, instead."
scaramouche pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded stiffly. thank god, she didn't notice.
scaramouche is defintely acting off today. usually he's super grouchy, is it opposite day? do you start being like mr. grinch? why was scara acting so weird?? you thought as you walked down the stairs. turning into the kitchen to see...
oh god, it's baba.
your dad sat near the counter, waiting for his tea leaves to seep into the hot water. what would your dad think with scaramouche being in your room? would he freak out?? does he even know scara??? "hello, name, do you need anything? did the tutoring go well?" he asked. the steam swirled out of the cup as you tried to answer quick but not too quickly.
"hi, baba! i need some water. do you know where the bottles are?"
he adjusted his glasses, "below the counter. did your tutoring go well?"
"it's not exactly over. the tutor- remember scaramouche?-" you tried to express scaramouche with hand movements. a guy around your age on the shorter side.
he sipped his tea, "ahh, ei's child?"
"mhm! he's upstairs right now."
he choked on his tea, "what." you grabbed some napkins dabbing your dad's clothes with the cloth. "i didn't have a ride to the library," as your dad tried to regain his composure, slipping away from the counter, you grabbed the water bottles and a few snacks from the cabinets. your arms were full as you walked upstairs, "don't worry, baba! i will crack the door open."
"it better be wide open, young lady! you should've informed me about this!!"
"i'm sorry, baba!" your door closed completely behind you as you apologized, "oopsy, baba, i forgot!"
the door creaked open.
"hi, scara, my dad's home. but i have snacks."
"mr. morax is here... ?" scaramouche repeated, sounding a bit afraid. is your dad scary? maybe. did your friends say meeting your dad was like approaching a dragon? yes. is scaramouche feeling a little light headed? no (lying).
"yes, don't worry, he's all bark, no bite! anyway, tutor me, scara." you smiled brightly as he opted to be grouchy again. no way, he would falter this time.
you sat down next to him as scaramouche asked, "okay, so what chapter are you on?"
you tapped your chin, trying to remember, "chapter five, exponential and logarithmic functions."
"oh, i liked that chapter."
you frowned. scaramouche chuckled quietly, it's as if that frown would be engraved into your face. he stopped laughing, but a smile on your face would be better. he cleared his throat, "once you get a hang of it, it would be easier."
"are you sure?"
"would i be passing math right now if i wasn't?" scaramouche said, boasting a little.
"ok, don't flex on me too much now." you cried.
"for this problem you have to remember that logb y, which is the argument, equals x only if the equation is bx equals y. this is a rule you have to remember throughout the lesson."
"you'll get the hang of it." he said it with confidence. after realizing, he sounded too nice, he added, harshly, "if you did, you wouldn't have needed me in the first place."
you pushed him playfully, "okay, scaramouche, don't let that get in your head, remember? you're the one with a terrible score in english."
as time passed, the lessons were easier to understand for the both of you, well, mostly scaramouche. but he wouldn't tell you that. he did. he likes to boast, remember?
[one notification from baba +1]
baba: i forgot i have more work to intend to baba: next time, please tell me if you will have a friend over. name: very sorry, baba! i will tell you next time. have fun at work, tell hu tao to stop overworking you :(( baba: 😂😂 baba: do not worry, name, hu tao doesn't overwork me. name: okay! have fun at work, love you baba: love you too.
after the session was over, scaramouche winced at himself, thinking back what he said three hours ago. although it was true, your shirt was on backwards and even inside out, he wanted to say, "morning, let's continue."
but continue what?? you guys didn't start tutoring beforehand. he's so stupid. attempting to save himself from the silence filling the room, he offered,
"do you want boba?" he said, quickly as he watched your eyes gleam with joy.
you laughed it off before you noticed he was serious. "wait, seriously?"
"yes, it's my treat." he replied, looking at you. has he ever looked this sparkly before? wait, this isn't a shoujo anime and obviously, he means it as friends. "sure! like right now or later?"
"do you want boba right now or later?" wow, answering a question with a question, so smart, scaramouche. the answer was obvious by just looking at you. "im fine with later though."
"no, no! right now is fine! just let me text my dad first."
"of course." scaramouche said.
name: baba, can i go out with scaramouche for boba? baba: yes but bring another friend too. name: i'll go to the boba place that ganyu works at! baba: good idea. have fun, name. who will be paying? do you need money? name: he will baba: 👍👍
"he said yeah but can we go to the one ganyu works at?" you asked as scaramouche nodded his head,
"since i'd pay, you can choose."
"hooray!!!" you cheered as you looked at him expectantly. he furrowed his brows as you gestured him to cheer too.
well, it was good enough.
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tutor scara's tutees [open] : @saccharine-sucks @ainnofinway
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
oh the little scenario you wrote about young morax and goddess of war!reader was lovely, and because i'm a sap and can't handle angst well i imagined that we retired along with him and didn't perish at some point in liyue history. and i'm gonna submit some seperate headcanons to add on as well !
it's been years since we fought alongside him and commanded an army, the last time more than likely being when celestia destroyed khaenriah and abyss monsters invaded all of teyvat. despite both being gods there was still the slight fear that neither would return. luckily they both did and they were clinging to each other for days after all that had happened.
every year when rex lapis would descend for the rite of descension to give guidance to the people of liyue for economic prosperity, goddess of war!reader would bless the liyue millelith during lantern rite (alongside morax if you'd like), so soldiers would always return home, victorious from battle.
in the game's lore, zhongli is connected to the entire liyue weapon series (the unforged, summit shaper, etc), and some people added on that we gifted him a polearm while courting each other, well what if later on after their marriage we had helped him forge vortex vanquisher his weapon of choice in the present? i think it'd have more personal meaning for him to choose that specific weapon out of any he had wielded when he was still the geo archon. he could have just left it somewhere no one would ever dare get it, maybe entrusted it to cloud retainer to hold on to in her abode or any of the other adepti, but that's the weapon you both forged and no one could ever pry it out of his hands.
and finally, very serious discussions between the two of them when zhongli started contemplating stepping down as the geo archon. a hushed conversation that carried on until the first rays of sunlight were peaking over the mountains and the agreement to go through with it. you may or may not have agreed completely on him giving his gnosis to the tsaritsa but you trusted zhongli completely, so you let him do what he see fit. now when time allows it you both wander the entirety of liyue together, sometimes conversing and other times in silence. the both of you have mellowed out since your younger days but the love you feel for each other is just as strong as it was thousands of years ago.
every now and then the older folk of liyue will make comments to the two of you, mainly of how you both remind them of their marriages when they were younger, but every now and then there'll be a passing comment that likens your mortal forms to morax and goddess of war!reader when liyue was just a settlement and they bring up how they were in love just as the two of you currently are.
also hu tao def knows who you are despite your mortal identity since the lore implies that she knows zhongli is morax, and she absolutely adores the both of you
cries these are lovely!!!!!! i saw this last night before bed but i had to sleep but i was so so so giddy wanting to answer this hskdjskdj the struggle of a working adult ugh
i get you, i crave angst on certain times but the need to consume fluff is always on 24/7 ;w;
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⬙⤠ masterlist ⤝⬙
you're both just tired after all the things you experienced and so you both decided to focus on building a safe haven for yourselves. with morax's vast knowledge and the fact that your name is enough of an intimidation to deter hostile parties, you both tirelessly scour over the lands of liyue, looking for the perfect place to settle.
you then remember your first date at the beach and shyly suggests to find somewhere close to the sea. morax immediately agrees because he can see that having a harbor city would be very profitable and make for a strong economy. plus, with both you and him watching over the city along with your troops, the risk of invaders should be kept to a minimum. and that's how liyue harbor started <3
also i'd imagine that your own adeptis would personally go down and spar with the millelith regularly! if they take a liking to a soldier, they might even give their blessings! (ofc your blessings are worth even more but they're significantly rarer) they're used to this routine back when they served you in the war, and it's the reason why your troops are stronger than most.... wait now i'm thinking about xiao bonding with your adeptis, maybe even developing a relationship with one??? oh no the brainrot.... it's consuming me aaaa
so, while morax is focused on prospering your people, teaching them knowledges and blueprints and introducing the concept of mora, you're making sure the city is safe both from external forces or internal disputes. it's a good combination and it works well!
i like the concept of vortex vanquisher being a special weapon to zhongli because you helped him create it!! a specially made weapon, just for him, suited to his preferences and aesthetics, crafted from the most precious materials you have in store, and blessed by you personally. he has it at all times with him and will never under any circumstances part hands from it!
i think you would be very understanding of his reasons for stepping down as an archon. though you might not be an archon yourself, you are still a very powerful god, enough to rival one who owns a gnosis, you daresay. though you were scared at first, you slowly realize that you share the same sentiment as him. the times have become peaceful, the mortals you thought you need to protect has acquired enough power and knowledge to protect themselves, and you've successfully built a city that's the envy of the other nations. so when morax asks what do you wish to do, you tell him that you will be with him every step of the way.
and so in the rite of descension, two mythical beasts fall, his exuvia and your chosen form of appearance wrapped around each other. in sickness and health, in war and peace, in death and afterlife. together, inseparable. is what the elders would say as they mourn over your passings.
both of you might have grown from eating rocks boiled in hot water (well, you eat them on your anniversaries for old times' sake), and you might have stopped giving each other ridiculous things like deer heads, chalice of blood, or pretty seashells (though even if you do the gifted would laugh and accept it happily, much to the gifter's amusement), and you might have moved on from loudly pining over each other (your adeptis and retainers and friends are happy but sometimes they feel that it's a little lonesome, not hearing one of you gush about the other)....
.... but as you walk down the streets of liyue in your mortal form, with your mortal husband's hand against your back and his lovely voice telling you about your adopted daughter hu tao's latest shenanigans at the funeral parlor today... you think you love him more than ever, right here, right now.
together, inseparable.
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© genshrineimpact | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated - it's the least you could do as a reader on tumblr. remember, likes do nothing on this website! feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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bluexiao · 3 years
Hi! I hope youre having a wonderful day! Could I request hcs for zhongli xiao and venti if their (gn) s/o was an adeptus? Sorry its kinda vague I can add more detail if you need
Adeptus!Reader Headcanons
–let’s all assume that they like you and you like them
CHARACTERS: venti, xiao, zhongli; adeptus!reader
NOTES: hello thanks so much for the requeat! i approached this in a lighter way than my other headcanons so i hope you'd enjoy this! also just a little sidenote, i firmly believe when you term a god or being as an adeptus, that being is from liyue so basically what i'm saying is that reader is from liyue in this one. so yep enjoy and have a nice day!
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He frequently passes by Liyue when he so desires. Besides, it’s not like he was not allowed to.
Actually, despite being separated by your difference in where you two reside, I think being with him is the easiest compared to the other two.
Venti can be kind of carefree most of the time so getting into a relationship with him despite being an Adeptus in Liyue is not that much of a hassle than you would initially think. One minutes you’re fighting monsters in Qingce, next you find him holding out a flower, asking you how your day is.
It’s not mostly just him though. The moment Rex Lapis would step down as an Archon and basically imply that the Adepti can take their rest as well if you want, you would visit him in Mondstadt more often, whilst still fulfilling your duty in your free time.
Technically, you would make him one of your priorities by that time honestly, mostly because you couldn’t leave Liyue behind before since you were burdened by the fact that you might be needed any second you are away.
So Venti will be grateful for the former Geo Archon somehow, but of course he wouldn’t speak that out loud unless you two are in a deep conversation.
“Sometimes, I’d like to think about why I haven’t met you sooner,” he’d pause, looking into your eyes, the orange hues of the sun lighting up his form from behind him, blinding you of his beauty. “-but no matter, at least I have you now. I’m glad that I met you, my windblume.”
He’s an adeptus, you’re an adeptus, what seems to be the problem?
Of course, there is; your duty itself. He and you are both loyal to Rex Lapis and your obligations to the land. Even he would be frustrated at how much he wanted to tell you about his feelings for you but he controls himself. He can’t just not prioritize his duty. Never.
I doubt the other Adepti wouldn’t notice the situation, maybe even Rex Lapis himself. They might even tease you two about it and Xiao will either get irritated and go away or remain indifferent--but may I remind you, it’s only on the outside. He’s gushing and embarrassed inside.
When Rex Lapis stepped down, Xiao remained the same… but not totally the same. He’d let the mortals handle the situation if it seems that they can, merely watching on the sidelines just in case anything goes wrong, but he wouldn’t be that much “busy” anymore, and it’s the same for you.
If you want to spend time with him, initiate it because it’s highly doubted that he’ll do it. He can actually be persuaded this time--a little struggle, but he indulges you more times than before.
“Is this what you do in your free time?” he eyes you with an unreadable expression, the wind passing by your forms alongside the grasses that were in the floating island atop of Qingyun Peak, in which you decided to take him this time around.
“Why? Is there a problem?”
He looks away and a peaceful look crosses his face, and if you peaked in a bit more, you would have seen the slight raise on the side of his lips, a low huff escaping his system that you even barely heard.
“No, there’s none. It’s just… it seems to be more peaceful here than I thought.”
Kind of complicated in a way that it’s basically impossible for him to commit when he was still under the duties and responsibilities of an Archon. It is even proven to be difficult when he steps down and you’ll think that he’s dead and it might probably take days, weeks, maybe even months for you to learn he’s Zhongli from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.
If you did find out early, what now? It’s not like anything changed, he’s still hard to read, seemingly always giving your mind more riddles than he intended… but if you do manage to work everything out, it’s all worth it.
If you’re an adeptus, of course you would have known his habit of telling stories of the past, but the difference is you can actually relate to most of it and you two can just talk about your experiences and memories the whole day because it has been years--you’ve known each other for a long time, more especially if you fought with him during the Archon War.
He’d remind you of peace, and to enjoy the rest of your life as much as you can. Since you two are basically immortals, that means you two would have a lot of time together.
“There’s no rush, my love, we have the whole world amongst us. If you allow me, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” damn get a man like this pls
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ikaroux · 3 years
Xiao: Who are you ? (part 1) (v.EN)
I want a sweet Xiao <3 and then when you have Matsuoka Yoshitsugu as a seiyuu, how can you not love him?! (even if it will surely be complicated for him to understand the emotions that go through him!).
Zhongli being written.
Part 2
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Who are you?
The last Yaksha guardian was collapsed on the ground, wounded, exhausted. His last battle with the darkness had lasted most of the night, further weighing down the karma of the young man with dark hair dotted with emerald strands. The voices of those he had killed fogged his mind, causing excruciating pain to his soul and body. Lying on his stomach unable to open his eyes, his hand struggled to find his winged jade spear that had fallen to the ground with him. A groan of pain scraped his throat at the movement.
The young man flinched briefly as he heard footsteps approaching him quickly, feeling hands grasp his shoulders to carefully turn him around.
He tried again to open his eyes, his vision was blurred and foggy. He could not distinguish the features of the human who had seized him, feeling only his hand gently caressing his hair in an attempt to soothe him. The voice he heard calling him with concern sounded like a woman's, soft and warm.
A soothing light enveloped the young woman, the boy did not understand what was happening because in the second that followed, his body lightened, his pain evaporated, was he dreaming?
Although his vision was still blurred, he nevertheless managed to distinguish a little better the contours of the young woman with long hair (color).
"Who are you? "
His voice was marked by fatigue. He managed to distinguish a thin smile on the face of his rescuer. He repeated more weakly:
"Who are you...? "
His eyes sank, the ethereal form of the young woman reminding him of distant memories, a sudden warmth burst in his heart. Tears beaded in the corners of his eyes.
"Gui...zhong? "
The landscape around him darkened, leading him straight into a soft torpor.
Xiao woke up with a start. Where was he? The Wangshu Inn? Yes, he recognized his quarters, but how did he get there? He still remembered his fight against the horde of monsters he had defeated. He raised his right hand to his face, examining it more closely.
He had no more wounds, no more pain, which brought him back to the young woman he thought he had seen. Had he hallucinated? Had she really healed him? Everything seemed to be a blur. He got up from the bed without difficulty, heading directly to the balcony which was on the top floor of the inn. He looked around, hoping to find the woman who had helped him. The sun was beginning to set, so he had spent the day resting here. It was unusual for him, not being human he didn't have the same needs as them, sleeping, eating, living with others, all that seemed ridiculous. He was almost angry at himself for staying unconscious for so long, hitting one of the wooden columns on the balcony.
Xiao turned around, heading towards the stairs, quickly walking down the steps to Wangshu's innkeeper, Verr Goldet.
"Verr. "
The young woman turned her attention to Xiao.
"Good evening lord Xiao, have you recovered from your last fight? "
"Did you see who brought me here?"
Verr didn't take offense to his curt tone, simply shaking her head to indicate that she hadn't.
Xiao clicked his tongue, annoyed. He needed to know who this mysterious woman was who had taken care of him. The memory of the warmth that emanated from her gripped his heart again, drawing his steps back towards the exit of the inn.
He suddenly bumped into a young man with blond hair, accompanied by his annoying little creature.
Aether looked at Xiao with big round eyes, he was not used to seeing him with such an expression. He was confused, frustrated and angry, these were all emotions that were running through the yaksha since he woke up.
"Xiao is not in a good mood"- Paimon twirled around him- "You should come eat something with us, nothing beats a good meal for..."
"I don't need that! "
Paimon gasped, hiding behind Aether. Xiao tried to calm himself by inhaling a deep breath of air, passing by the traveler without saying a word.
"Wait Xiao! Where are you going? "
Aether stopped him, grabbing his arm loosely so as not to rush him further. Xiao immediately gave a sharp blow on his arm to disengage himself, he regretted his abrupt words, he hated it. Before he met Aether, he never had to worry about others or how to behave with them, he was alone and he was fine with that. It was all too... human for him. Slowly he turned his gaze to the traveler.
"Aether I... am sorry. "
"Xia...! "
Without saying another word, Xiao disappeared in a draft.
When you landed in Liyue from your native land, Sumeru, a few months ago, a terrifying battle took place at the city's port. An ancient God who had once been sealed by the rock lord had broken free from his prison, attempting to destroy the port of Liyue in the process, but fortunately he was quickly stopped.
Since these events, you had started to travel in the lands of the geo archon, studying the local fauna and flora. Flowers had always fascinated you, their shapes, their smells, their meanings or their benefits, you studied absolutely everything, noting and drawing in a notebook everything you saw.
In Sumeru, you joined the prestigious magic academy to perfect your Guizhong, that was the last thing he said to you. Who was he? It seemed to you that you had already read this name in one of the books you had borrowed from the academy. You couldn't ask him, tiredness taking him away from you. You knew that not far away there was an inn, it was going to be difficult but you had to take him there so that he could rest. When you picked him up, wrapping your arm around his shoulders for support, his spear on the ground disappeared by itself. You had adjusted your grip before you began your walk.
After several minutes of recalling these events, you noticed that you had finally arrived at the high cliffs of Huaguang. Taking your courage in both hands, you prepared yourself mentally to climb the cliff. Up there was a flower that you wanted to study, the Qingxin flower. They grew exclusively on the highest stone peaks, avoiding heat and humidity, a lonely and hard to reach flower.
"It's okay! "
You rolled up your sleeves, putting your feet and hands where they could grip, slowly you began your ascent.
Night had fallen on the Liyue plains, and it was at the top of Qingyun Peak that the Yaksha had taken refuge, watching the stars brighter than ever. Sitting on the edge of the cliff, the memory of the young woman haunted him. The pain in his chest made him clench his fists, he had never felt like this, he didn't even know what name to put on these feelings.
Xiao was a thousand year old follower, human feelings didn't concern him, so why? Why such pain at the mere thought of a... stranger? But was she really a stranger? This woman had reminded him of an old friend, Guizhong, who died during the Archon war. Could she have come back in an ethereal form? Or maybe it was a new trick the demons had found to torture him a little more.
In the distance, Xiao saw a faint jade-colored light coming from the Huaguang stone forest. He widened his eyes, remembering that glow that had saved his life. His heart began to beat furiously in his chest.
"This is... impossible... I found you. "
His voice trembled at the sight of the sweet emanation. It warmed him, soothed him, the voices that constantly hammered him fell silent and his usually aching body was now light. At last he understood his obsession with you, when you had treated him earlier this morning, a bond had been established between you, a bond as strong as the one that bound him to Morax for whom he had the greatest respect and devotion.
Xiao stood up, looking in the direction you were facing. He disappeared into the wind.art and deepen your knowledge. More than once your teachers told you that your manipulation of your dendro vision was exceptional, some city-states were already looking to recruit you as a researcher or healer, but you always refused, preferring to remain free of your movements. Once you had finished your studies, you quickly decided to leave your homeland, wanting to learn more from your neighbors. Your steps finally led you to Liyue.
You had left early that morning, heading towards the Huaguang stone forest from the Dihua swamp. On the way, you passed a badly wounded young man with emerald tattoos on him. His face, despite the wounds, was beautiful and when he opened his eyes, the amber color immediately fascinated you.
You couldn't leave him like that, wounded and bruised, using your Dendro vision to heal him. When you used it, it projected a jade aura on you and a flowery area grew around you, releasing energy that allowed you to heal even the deepest wounds.
He had tried several times to ask you to identify yourself, which you did, but his apparent fatigue had closed off his senses.
Guizhong, that was the last thing he said to you. Who was he? It seemed to you that you had already read this name in one of the books you had borrowed from the academy. You couldn't ask him, tiredness taking him away from you. You knew that not far away there was an inn, it was going to be difficult but you had to take him there so that he could rest. When you picked him up, wrapping your arm around his shoulders for support, his spear on the ground disappeared by itself. You had adjusted your grip before you began your walk.
After several minutes of recalling these events, you noticed that you had finally arrived at the high cliffs of Huaguang. Taking your courage in both hands, you prepared yourself mentally to climb the cliff. Up there was a flower that you wanted to study, the Qingxin flower. They grew exclusively on the highest stone peaks, avoiding heat and humidity, a lonely and hard to reach flower.
"It's okay! "
You rolled up your sleeves, putting your feet and hands where they could grip, slowly you began your ascent.
Night had fallen on the Liyue plains, and it was at the top of Qingyun Peak that the Yaksha had taken refuge, watching the stars brighter than ever. Sitting on the edge of the cliff, the memory of the young woman haunted him. The pain in his chest made him clench his fists, he had never felt like this, he didn't even know what name to put on these feelings.
Xiao was a thousand year old follower, human feelings didn't concern him, so why? Why such pain at the mere thought of a... stranger? But was she really a stranger? This woman had reminded him of an old friend, Guizhong, who died during the Archon war. Could she have come back in an ethereal form? Or maybe it was a new trick the demons had found to torture him a little more.
In the distance, Xiao saw a faint jade-colored light coming from the Huaguang stone forest. He widened his eyes, remembering that glow that had saved his life. His heart began to beat furiously in his chest.
"This is... impossible... I found you. "
His voice trembled at the sight of the sweet emanation. It warmed him, soothed him, the voices that constantly hammered him fell silent and his usually aching body was now light. At last he understood his obsession with you, when you had treated him earlier this morning, a bond had been established between you, a bond as strong as the one that bound him to Morax for whom he had the greatest respect and devotion.
Xiao stood up, looking in the direction you were facing. He disappeared into the wind.
You had finally reached the top of the cliff, immediately spotting two-three Qingxin flowers. You immediately knelt down beside one of them, taking out your notebook and pencil. You began to draw this beautiful flower from every angle, noting here and there the characteristics you could observe. Satisfied with everything you could see, you finally turned to the landscape plunged in the darkness of the night. Liyue's sky was dotted with stars that shone brightly. Sitting cross-legged in the center of the cliff top, your gaze turned back to the flowers of Qingxin, suddenly reminding you of the young man you had rescued. When you looked into his eyes, his eyes seemed so sad, so lonely. The pain that seemed to be emanating from him had struck you at the highest point.
You turned your attention back to the stars. Your mind was obsessed with this boy and it was with him in mind that you began to sing an ancient poem by Sumeru. The words, although sung in your native language, were undoubtedly sad and melancholic. Your hands were placed in front of you, palms up, eyes closed, activating your dendro vision. A jade-green circle encircled the entire surface of the cliff, particles of light streaming from the ground. Gradually, luminescent blue flowers began to grow around you, following the rhythm of your song.
It was a violent draught that cut you off, opening your eyes in surprise. You gasped as you saw the young man with the amber eyes standing before you.
He was out of breath, stiff as a board, his eyes never leaving yours. Something in him seemed different from this morning, in his eyes you could see... peace?
He cautiously approached you, kneeling down in front of you to get to your level. He took one of your hands in his, squeezing it gently. The particles you had created swirled around you, lighting up the scene. Your heart was pounding now that he was in front of you, you found him even more attractive under the moonlight. His eyes shone with an incredible brilliance, his tattoos also glowed with a soft emerald glow.
Your voice, your appearance, everything seemed sweet to him, no wonder he confused you with Guizhong, you looked like him in some ways.
His lips trembled slightly as he continued to examine your face, a question seemed to cross his lips.
His free hand went up to your face, tucking one of your locks behind your ear.
"Who are you? "His tone was more brutal than he had intended it to be.
Your eyes widened at the question. Of course you couldn't introduce yourself or learn who he was, his name, what he did. You wanted to know everything about this man who had marked your heart.
Seeing that you didn't answer, he asked again in a soft whisper, making you blush.
"Who are you? "
And for the first time since you met, a smile stretched his lips, a silence accompanying your answer. His smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, his hand dropped yours.
"Xiao. "
You looked at him intensely, your face completely red as he straightened his legs.
"As long as you're in Liyue, I'll protect you. Call me and I'll be there in a second."
You slowly nodded, fascinated by this man who was decidedly not human. He watched you for a few more seconds, his eyes entranced by your presence before disappearing as he had appeared...
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3rdgymbros · 4 years
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— title; you are immortal (if only in my memory)
— pairing; zhongli x reader
— summary; in which a lonely archon visits the grave of an old friend (can be read in accompaniment to this)
— notes; this is my first time writing for genshin (i don’t play the game) so i hope it’s not too ooc !! special thanks to @degenerate-yandere and @teyvatstories​ for their support !!
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Rex Lapis visits you again today.
No, that's not quite right; he hasn't been Rex Lapis in years. He walks amongst mortals now, has taken on the guise of a human man. He goes by the name Zhongli now. Though you suppose, that even if he were to change his face, or even remake his entire existence, you would still be able to pick him out from a crowd of thousands; he's always been a dominating presence. Tall, lithe, dangerously intent, with those piercing amber eyes.
"Hello, [ NAME ]." He says as always. He carries a bouquet of flowers in his arms, a frothy bouquet of blue and white flowers tied neatly together in brown string. You can feel the softness of the petals against the tips of your fingers in your imagination. You imagine Zhongli, in his room with only a candle for light, his dark head bent over the flowers as he struggles to arrange them into something more presentable. You'd tried to teach him once, a very long time ago, but his hands had been much too large and much too clumsy for one who wielded weapons with such skill. "May I come in?"
And, as always, he waits respectfully, inclining his head for the span of several heartbeats, before he opens the gates and walks through the wide expanse of lawn, broken up by ancient trees, their branches heavy with white and pink blossoms. The air is thick with the fragrance of a million flowers, the grass bright green and vibrant underfoot. It's almost as if spring exists eternally in this place. Everything seems to thrive here, as if your hands are still carefully nourishing the flowers and plants under your care.
You know his usual routine by now.
First, a white cloth appears, drawn from within the inner pocket of Zhongli's coat; he cleans and polishes the marble headstone, carefully, reverently. Once every crevice has been cleaned to his satisfaction, he moves on to the statue, modelled in your likeness. Your features have been frozen in time, made immortal in stone, though the statue does a poor job at conveying the soft kindness that had glowed in your eyes and the bright warmth of your smile, which had been able to light up a room and elicit faint smiles from Rex Lapis, even at his moodiest. Zhongli's gaze is heavy as he rests a gloved hand upon the smooth stone of the statue's face, and his bright eyes are suddenly darker than you ever remember.
Then, with a sigh, the cloth is tucked away, and a graceless hand dropping back down to his side; Zhongli steps back and places the bouquet – baby's breath and forget-me-nots – by the marble headstone. Here lies the God of Flowers. Gone, but not forgotten. Gracefully, Zhongli arranges himself and sits cross-legged on the ground.
Sometimes, he'll talk to fill the silence, speaking quietly of nothing and everything. He'll tell you about his day, a part of a story he's currently reading, or he'll reminisce about memories only both of you are privy to. Sometimes, he won't speak. He'll sit with you in a companionable silence, drowning in your presence, still lingering in the flowers and leaves.
Everyone in Liyue knows the myths; how the God of Flowers had fallen in battle, and their body had been used to nourish the land. How the crops and plants had flourished and bloomed, the soils rich and fertile, as though their very love for the country had been immortalized, lingering to this very day. More stories whisper of Rex Lapis' wrath; how he had turned into a dragon and unleashed fire and hell upon the ones who had struck the God of Flowers down, his rage driving him onwards like a cornered beast.
Fewer people in Liyue know of how the God of Flowers had approached Rex Lapis, a genuine friendship blooming from the contract. Stay with me until the end, the God of Flowers had said, and in return, I will lend you my power when you have need of it. And Rex Lapis had agreed. How, as the days went on, both had seen each other as friends, or maybe even something more, brought together by two pinkies linked together, a contract made one bright and perfectly normal afternoon.
No one in Liyue knows that the God of Flower's death had been the first, and the last time that Rex Lapis had ever broken a contract. How he hadn't been with the God of Flowers as they had drawn their last breath, how that bitter regret coats his tongue even now, and drives him to visit the place you rest every day to atone for his failures.
And you sit with him, shoulder-to-shoulder, relishing in his presence.
"I apologise." Zhongli says, an undercurrent of broken glass lurking beneath the surface of his words. "I wasn't there with you then."
"You have nothing to apologise for."
"You must have been lonely."
Zhongli draws in a quiet, shaking inhale. The idea of Zhongli crying is ludicrous. Much like his element of earth, he's always been so strong, so sure of everything. Is he thinking of you, as you are of him? You can almost feel the phantom touch of his hand entwined in yours, as the two of you had walked through your gardens together. You can almost smell the scents of lotus and sandalwood which had clung to his skin.
"No. It was a good life. And I loved being your friend." You say, soft as a whisper, pressing a featherlight kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."
It's a kiss of acceptance, for him as well as yourself. It's forgiveness and absolution for the sins weighing heavy upon Zhongli's shoulders.
Zhongli presses a tentative hand to his own cheek, to the spot you had kissed just moments before, and it's on a needle of pain that he breathes out your name.
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ererokii · 3 years
— desires
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zhongli x childe
wc: 2.2k synopsis: zhongli tells childe the stories of guides that lead you to your desire, but realizes what he wants the most.
“Why are butterflies our guide? Well, they want to be Seelies when they grow up!” Hu Tao has a smile on her lips, hands hidden behind her back as she leans forward, staring at the young group of kids who have come up to her.
Zhongli remembers that moment like it happened a few seconds ago. Of course, children's tales were nothing but a mere example of entertainment, but sometimes he can’t help but truly understand her words. 
He recalls the time when he first encountered a blue wisp near Luhua Pool. It was shaped differently than the ones he met before in his years as God. This one seemed more round, ear-like horns prodding from the top of its head. 
There was no doubt that the remnant of wisdom was excited to see him— the bursts of squeaks and flips gave it away. 
Stories were told to the people of Teyvat of the Seelies. If you were to come across one, follow it, they said. Good fortune would come your way or, it would take you to something you desired 
Beside him sat the Fatui harbinger, his red scarf swaying behind him due to the crisp autumn wind. Goosebumps ran up the younger man’s arm, his bare hand reaching under his sleeve, providing warmth to his skin. 
“Maybe one day I can bring my entire family to see the waves of the beach,” Childe says into the wind, gazing off at the sky, eyelids fluttering shut. The refreshing air brushes against him, the smell of the sea fills the atmosphere--one of his favorite scents he’s grown to love during his time in Liyue.
His toes wriggle in the sand, the waves crashing against his heel. The harbinger lets out a loud exhale, shoulders slumping forward as he tilts his head backward and then opens his eyes. “I’m sure they would love the warmth the harbor has to provide. Being in the cold winters of Snezhnaya has nothing on the sunny days this has to offer. But--” and he goes silent.
The uncharacteristic quietness from the ginger man catches Zhongli’s attention, amber eyes drowning with concern. 
“But what?” His baritone voice cuts the silence like a knife, his bare fingers digging into the sand, the grains going under his nails that have him shivering on the spot but something he’ll have to worry about another time. “What is wrong, Childe?
Like a kid, Childe brings his knees to his chest, arms wrapped around his body in an attempt to keep himself safe, but for what? His eyes lowered, the liveliness no longer shining with excitement. 
“I miss the cold of my home,” he mutters quietly that even Zhongli had to take a second to realize what he said. “I miss the company of my siblings. When Teucer came unexpectedly, it just made me miss it even more.” His voice isn’t energetic as usual, nor was there a movement to his words. 
Zhongli felt his heartache at the sudden mood change of the younger. He wracks his brain for any words to say, but none comes to mind. Suddenly his mouth goes dry, tongue swelling up as he’s unable to speak, and all he can do is hum with a nod.
Blue eyes stare at him from the peripheral view before gazing forward at the vast sea. Childe buries his head in his arms, shoulders lifting before heaving down in a deep exhale. The older man tears his gaze away, clearing his throat. 
He scans the sun that sets afar, the colors of the sky reflecting onto the water. There’s a wrinkle that forms by the corner of his eyes in content, his lips curling up slightly into a smile. 
“Have you heard of the tales of Seelies, Childe?” he asks suddenly, completely disregarding the vent the Fatui harbinger let out. “Even if it’s an act of entertaining the children, I too believe you would enjoy it.”
“Seelies? I can’t say I have before but, I do love your storytelling, Zhongli.” Childe says with a small smile, turning his head and resting his cheek against the top of his knees. 
There’s a light pink dusting his cheeks, and Zhongli can’t help but notice it right away. He adored seeing that color reside on his face; it made his heart swell with joy, something he hasn’t felt in forever. 
“Well, thousands of years ago, these Seelies were a race of wise and guiding beings that held all sorts of beautiful forms. Some even say that they had palaces that shined from top to bottom and shimmered when the light resided on them, a place where no god had authority over it.”
The smile that grows on the ginger’s face is enough for Zhongli to know that he’s immersed in the tale, and the excitement that shows in his eyes reminds him of a young child’s curiosity. 
“It’s even said that some gods followed these wisps for good fortune and prosperity for their nations. Even... Rex Lapis was one of them.” Zhongli’s smile never seems to falter. “Although it’s quite silly to hear divine beings doing child’s play.”
“Even you did?” Childe whispered, lifting his head. “Kind of hard to believe the almighty Rex Lapis would believe in something like that. Were you desperate or something?” he teases, nudging his shoulder against the consultants. “Didn’t take you for that type.”
“You can call it desperation.” Zhongli lifts his hand and pats the top of Childe’s head lovingly. “I call it a solution.” Childe’s eyes widened slightly at the sudden intimate gesture, tensing for a second before relaxing into his touch, staring up at him through his lashes. 
It grows silent between them as Zhongli's fingers run through the orange hair, flattening the strand that sticks up, only for it to go back into place, and he chuckles.
‘Stubborn just like him,’ Zhongli thinks, finding the expression on Childe’s face to be endearing. 
Zhongli enjoys these little moments that might mean nothing to the world, but to him, this is everything. Ever since he met the follower of the Tsaritsa, he found him captivating upon hearing his first words spoken to him. He enjoyed spending the time he had with him for work only, but of course, that was never really the case.
It amused Zhongli greatly to see Childe struggle with the wooden chopsticks at the restaurants they ate during lunch hours. Even after a few lessons of teaching him how to correctly use them, to no avail, it was useless. 
So at their next meeting, he gifted him a pair of Dragon and Phoenix chopsticks to practice and maybe a token of his affection.
After several hangouts with him, Zhongli remembers the blue infant of a Seelie he came across before meeting with the diplomat. No days go by where he doesn’t think of it. Maybe it was fate he met the-wisp, and something was coming his way. But in this case, it might have been a certain harbinger.
“But of course, it didn’t last long.” He pulls his hand away, pretending to ignore the sigh of annoyance coming from the other at the loss of touch. “I realized that, as God at the time, of course, I wasn’t gifted with such things as a human would. And so, I gave up.”
“Huh..” Childe trails off, scratching his chin in thought. “Well, what about now?”
“What about now?”
“You’re speaking of the past as Rex Lapis. And well, you’re Zhongli now. Surely it should be different, no?”
It is.
“What do you desire now?”
It’s pretty simple. Zhongli grows silent, scanning over Childe’s face. Amber hues take in every curve, every imperfection that’s perfect in his eyes. The light pink that dust his cheeks, showing off the tiny freckles that sprinkle the swells of his face— to the bangs that move slightly from the gust of wind near the shore.
The blue of his eyes reminds him of the ocean, full of beauty and life within. If he were allowed to stare for millennia, he would waste away his immortal life doing so.
“What are you doing out here?” Zhongli muses to himself, taking small steps towards the blue wisp, listening to the squeaks. The noises cause a hint of a smile to grow on his lips, stopping right in front of the creature. Big circles that were the eyes looked directly at him, the ears flickering in attention.
“Cute, if I must say.” Zhongli hesitantly sticks his hand out, palm up for the creature to come closer. Bubbling and babbling can be heard as the wisp lowers itself onto his hand. 
He has to admit, the texture of the Seelie brings back terrible memories of his time during the Archon War, but this time it’s different. The water-like feeling was smooth against his hand— it was genuinely fascinating. 
The funeral consultant stares intently at the being; eyes squinted as he examines it. “Is it now my time?” He asks quietly, cocking his head to the side, and the Seelie follows suit with its whole body. “After years, will it happen?”
Childe feels a heat rush up to his cheeks and lets out a cough, scratching the back of his neck with a wet hand from the water, dampening the skin. 
‘He’s so close to me.. why is he staring all of a sudden?’ He thinks, averting his gaze away, but Zhongli doesn’t seem to care— he continues to admire the ethereal beauty beside him.
The Archon still resents a part of himself for deceiving Childe in such a manner during the fiasco of almost destroying Liyue. That night, the ginger visited him before he departed back to Snezhnaya. Words of anger and betrayal and, most of all, hurt were sent in his direction— but Zhongli deserved every ounce of it.
There was no way around it; Childe wanted nothing to do with the associate nor wanted to be in his presence. 
The harbinger stops in his tracks by the frame of the door, head hanging forward. He doesn’t say anything, but his silence is enough for Zhongli to continue.
“Do you resent me now, Childe?”
Childe messes with the grey sleeve of his outfit before turning around to face the man. There’s a blank look in his eyes, almost dull and no life within them, but he can spot the slightest of tears that start to form. 
“I can never resent you, Mr.Zhongli,” he starts, shifting his gaze up towards the ceiling. “I wish you had told me instead of leaving me in the dark. That’s all.”
With a shake of his head and a half-assed wave, Childe walks out the door of the consultant's home, closing it behind him. 
And then he returned once more to Liyue for business matters. It was shocking, to say the least when he showed up in front of his door again, but this time with a bag of wine and another filled with food. Zhongli learned that Childe healed quite fast, but of course, the mark lingered for a bit longer than he would have liked.
Petty remarks were thrown his way, but Zhongli could care less. His heart ached when Childe had left with the harsh news, but now he was here back with him, and that’s all that mattered to him.
“Hm?” Zhongli blinks twice, taken back from his reverie, and finally makes eye contact with the harbinger. “My apologies. It appears I got lost in thought.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” Childe lets out a little laugh. “But did you hear what I said?”
“You asked me what I desired?” he asks, and the latter nods.
Zhongli’s heart begins to pump at an alarming rate to the point where it feels as if it’ll burst from his chest. His tongue peeks out faintly and licks his lower lip, contemplating how or what he should do. Then he throws everything into the open.
Hesitantly, Zhongli reaches over to Childe and caresses his jawline with clothed fingers. The action takes him aback, but he doesn’t resist the affection. Zhongli’s thumb brushes over Childe’s lips, parting them ever so faintly. His fingers run-up to the spot underneath his ear, forcing him to gaze up.
“You want to know?” he asks once more but more quiet, leaning forward to the point where their noses brush against each other, and all Childe can do is nod.
His following words are drowned by the younger’s lips on his, his body falling back on the damp sand. Hands roam his body, fingers gripping down on the front of his shirt. Their kiss is nowhere near their combat style-- not rough and dominating, but sweet and gentle. Zhongli savors every moment, loving the small moans that escape from Childe’s lips.
Childe lets out a small laugh, pulling away, and rests his forehead against Zhongli’s. His lips curl upward, cradling the back of the harbinger’s neck and bring him closer. No words are spoken between them, only the love radiating off of them to speak. 
Both of their emotions had been bottled up for so long, and now given a chance to be let loose, everything had come out, but neither of them would have it a different way.
“What I desire most… is you, Ajax.”
taglist: @reddriot @thicmitten @katsuhera @novvabeam @patt-writes-stuff @axther @tspice283 @bonitoge @mysticalchocolate @yanfeisrose @mowestruc @tokyosrevenge @jaegerverse @hu-tao-main @midnightangelfox @plumpkie @kaeyashoe (Add yourself to the taglist HERE)
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 8.1
Author’s Note:  As for the next few or possibly several chapters, give me some time to write them.  I want to write the Lantern Rite chapter perfectly and in order to do that I need 1. for us all to experience the in-game event so I can capture it accurately and 2. to catch up on my schoolwork because my college goes by the 10-week quarter system and we are smack in the middle of it.  Apologies for the inconvenience, but I refuse to give a sub-par Lantern Rite chapter as I believe it will be the most important in this story!!  The next one or two chapters should be released by the end of next week.
Only on the eve of the Lantern Rite, several days before the celebration, did Xiao come to appreciate the hours of hard work you were putting into practicing music.
He had slaughtered a band of mitachurls, hilichurls, and lawachurls near Lihua Pool when he fell into darkness.  He collapsed to his knees, struggling for breath, spots filling his vision beneath the mask.  While he had dealt with karmic debt for two thousand years, this time had to be one of the worst falters.  He knelt beneath the somber moon that bore witness to his shortcoming.
The waves of pain drove him mad and the voices drowned out the singing of the crickets and frogs.  Xiao clutched at his chest in an effort to rid himself of the agony as he wondered if it was finally his time to die and join the fallen yakshas.  His mask disintegrated as he fell to all fours.  It's fine, just breathe, he reminded himself.
It was then when he heard the tune.  
"B-Barbatos?"  The yaksha groaned despairingly as he forced himself to raise his head toward the sound.  He was being saved by the wind god for a second time--No.  That's her, he realized when he recognized the all-too familiar tune.  But the way you were playing this time...had he only heard a fraction of your practice sessions? You carried the notes so well compared to last time--
Xiao rolled over so he lie on his back, eyes meeting the glints of the stars that shone down upon him.  It was like the pain had knocked the wind out of him.  No matter.  At least he would die listening to you.  The idea was peaceful to think about.
...miss...love you...
Your faint prayers that accompanied the moonsong somehow broke through the crowded shouting of the damned and eased the heavy knot in his stomach while he gasped for air.  The tune continued to build until Xiao could only compare your talent to that of the wind archon.  It was beautiful, soft, and it fit you perfectly despite your stubborn personality that was accentuated by the harbinger's shenanigans.
The image brought a faint smile to his lips, the expression slowly widening as you played on.  Your selfless nature; the need to protect a yaksha from harm's way...Your daring eyes when you butt heads with Childe...The honey-sweet grin you reserved only for Xiao and Xiao alone.  It was  the way you carried yourself in battle, the way you interacted with strangers.  How and when you prayed to him.  Your light humming accompanied your music.
Archons, you were remarkably stunning in every way imaginable.  The yaksha failed to notice how big his smile was as a few of his tears slid down the sides of his face.  It was his own longing for you that manifested and whirled around in his chest.  Beautiful, he thought as the music continued.  So, so beautiful.  It was as if the music described yourself.  For how could he give up and die now, after falling for you?  Maybe...just maybe...Xiao allowed himself to sit in the fluffy cloud of human 'compassion' as he listened to you play.  He wouldn't dare call the emotion for what it truly was.  Not now.  Not yet.  You had to understand something before he could allow himself to love you.  Er, to care for you.  Y-yes.  That's it.  Xiao refocused his attention on your music to avoid thinking any deeper on the subject.
Yet though his mind listened to your moonsong, his heart entertained the possibility of finally admitting his lo--er, compassion for you.
He didn't notice that the pain had long faded, that the spots in his vision had cleared and that the voices of the vanquished silenced themselves.  He drifted to sleep right there in the middle of the dirt road as you played into the night, and for the first time in a long time, he slept with mind and body in peace.
"Morning, Mezzetin," Childe greeted you with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.  He gave one to you before indulging in his while he leaned against your door.  "Sleep well?"
"I did, surprisingly.  The pain was pretty bad until I started practicing."  You rubbed your bleary eyes and let out a long yawn.  "Why do you ask?"
"You didn't call for him."
"You've yelled for the yaksha every night you've been here.  You were quiet last night."
"How would you know that? Are you just constantly sitting outside my room like a creep?"  Your quip brought a smile to Childe's lips as he sipped at his mug.  
"Well then, since you're feeling well enough to banter with me, I guess I have no need to reward you for your cooperation..."
"Huh?  What do you mean, 'reward?'"  You perked up when he faked reaching for the door handle.  "Tartaglia?"  In your effort to get him to explain, you jumped out of bed and subsequently spilled your drink all over the sheets.  A jarring pain shot through your bones, but you ignored it.
"The Tsaritsa has requested I return to my post in Liyue Harbor to...discipline a few underperforming officers during the Lantern Rite.  Since I am in charge of you, I requested that you accompany me.  Her Majesty agreed."
"W-what?!"  Your sudden shout made him jump slightly.  "You...she...you're letting me return?"
"Temporarily, yes, and it is for business reasons.  We figured it would aid in your...dilemma."
"I..."  Your gaze fell to the half-empty mug in your hands.  
"You don't want to go?" The harbinger raised a brow in surprise.  "Why, I thought you'd jump at this opportunity."
"It's not that..." you trailed, your finger absently circling the rim of your cup.  "Would I...be able to roam around by myself?"
"Depends on where you want to go."  His eyes narrowed slightly and he set his cup atop your bedside table.  "You won't be able to visit Qingce Village, nor the Wanshu Inn."  He watched your shoulders drop in disappointment before continuing.  "But I will allow you to enjoy the festival."
"...Am I allowed to talk to them?  My adventure team?"
Childe let out a small sigh before nodding.  "I think it would be good for your health to see them."
"Why are you allowing me?"  It was your turn to narrow your eyes in suspicion against the harbinger.  "Wouldn't this be, you know, a risk for you guys to let me see them?  Aren't you worried about that?"
"There will be several Fatui agents in Liyue during the festival; even if you're 'alone,' one of us will always be nearby.  I don't take you as a complete idiot," he admonished.  "Besides, Mr. Zhongli knows more about adeptal blood than we do at this point.  If you manage to gather more information, that would be a plus."
"I'm not gathering information for the likes of you," you retorted, crossing your arms much like Xiao does.
"I'm not asking you as your superior, nor your captor.  I'm suggesting it as your comrade in arms."
"Ha!"  You couldn't help but let out a full laugh at the set of statements.  "You really expect me to believe that?  All you guys do is manipulate and deceive.  I don't trust a word that comes out of your mouth!"
"Even if you learn something and keep it to yourself, do it for yourself, Mezzetin.  I've realized something after you joined us."
"Oh? What could you have possibly realized?"  You rolled your eyes and returned your gaze to the window, not particularly caring about his side of the conversation and instead wishing he would just leave already.
"I realized some of my actions were not for your wellbeing, but for mine."
It was sprinkling when Childe, the Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers, finally tracked your rescue team down in Fontaine.  It really didn't take much of an effort, which was highly disappointing considering the harbinger loved to play cat-and-mouse with his foes.  Oh well.  At least Mr. Zhongli was here; the plan wouldn't work if he hadn't accompanied Aether and the yaksha.
The harbinger stood in the shadow of a nearby tree and scouted the sheltered camp.  Besides Aether, Zhongli, and an apparently-unconscious yaksha, there were two more opponents.  Childe recognized one of them to be the wine master Diluc, but couldn't name the other one.  Maybe he was one of Mondstat's knights, judging by the way he carried himself?  Then again, he seemed to be drinking pretty heavily...
Childe glanced back a ways where a few Fatui agents were waiting for his return.  This wouldn't take long; he knew two of the adventurer's tricks, and the knight didn't look like he'd pose much of a challenge.  All he needed was to speak with Zhongli.
"I have to admit I'm disappointed for finding you so quickly," the harbinger made his presence known and stepped out of the shadows.  A chill ran down everyone's spines.
"I still can't believe you were naïve enough to get involved with the Fatui," Diluc sent an admonishing look Aether's way before summoning his broadsword.  "And hid it from me, no less."
"We're sorry!"  Paimon squeaked with her hands in the air.  "We didn't trust him completely!"
"It was my fault for allowing this to continue without your knowledge, Aether."  Zhongli rose from his seat and manifested his polearm.  "Allow me to make amends."
"I assume you're the one we're after?"  Kaeya unsheathed his sword and stood side-by-side with Diluc, much to his bro's dismay.  Despite all the wine he had consumed, he remained unusually composed.
"I've come to speak with Mr. Zhongli," Childe answered, both hands raised semi-defensively while the expression on his face was no less than that of a sly fox.  "And to retrieve the yaksha."
"We don't think so!"  Aether charged first and swung his blade through the air.  It collided against the well-known hydro blades of the harbinger before parrying off.  
Next was Diluc, whose flaming weapon created steam as it sliced through Childe's blades.  His attacks were slower than Aether's, but the amount of power coming from them nearly made the harbinger flinch both in hesitation and in excitement.  It was then that Xiao's eyes had opened slightly before he lost consciousness again.  Kaeya lunged forth and used his skill to send a burst of ice at the harbinger in an effort to freeze him in place.
Childe barely dodged, one blade freezing over.  "Tch."  The last thing he needed was to deal with a cryo user in this weather.  He was already at a disadvantage by wielding a hydro vision in normal circumstances.  His hydro burst threw everyone backwards, and he switched to his delusion.  
Electricity surged through the camp as everyone got to their feet and readied themselves for an onslaught of electro attacks.  None came; instead, the harbinger stared straight at Zhongli, who remained reserved and unbothered as he pointed the tip of his lance at him.  "This is your only warning, Childe," the archon spoke in an especially deep voice.  "Return her to us, or suffer the consequences."
"I only came to speak with you, Mr. Zhongli," Childe's eyes narrowed beneath his mask.  "As much as I'd love to indulge in a fight, I came here with a proposition.  Would you hear me out?"
Everyone's eyes turned expectantly to the archon, and he returned their gazes before allowing his polearm to disintegrate.  "Lower your weapons," he ordered much to everyone's dismay.
"But Zhongli!  He could trick you!" Paimon reappeared before the consultant.  "You can't--"
"Relax, Paimon," Zhongli quietly assured.  "I may not have a gnosis, but a harbinger is still by no-means what I perceive to be troublesome in battle."  He followed Childe a few meters away so the group was unable to hear them.
Childe shifted his mask to its resting place on the side of his head.  "There may be a way to retrieve her," he started in a quiet voice.  "But it would only be possible if you declare war against the Tsaritsa."
"Tell me, Childe, why should I trust you after you breached our trust?"
"You can't, but I trust that we all have our comrade's best interests in mind, no?   If you're able to rally the people of Teyvat, the Tsaritsa may yield.  Her Majesty has no interest in declaring war against the mortals as you are already aware."
It was a fitting task for the God of War; declare a world war against the Tsaritsa, and she'd yield without calling his bluff.  Even so, the former archon was not convinced.  Childe would need to up his charming façade.  He was only lying for your own safety after all; he'd back you into joining the harbingers, and you'd be free of the Fatui's grasp in the outside world.  You wouldn't be hunted for the rest of your life; you could live freely in your captors' backyard.  The suffering you were being thrown into now would last a lifetime if you continued to resist.
Some part of the harbinger knew it was a twisted form of compassion--dare he call it love--for you.  He needed you to free yourself both of the Fatui's and Xiao's grasps.  The only way to do that would be to recruit you, but you weren't so easy to convince.  You wouldn't be in danger of getting hurt by his subordinates his way.  You wouldn't hurt yourself by chasing after Xiao if Childe stepped in either.  He didn't care that it was selfish of him to step between your struggling romance.
What better way to keep you safe, mentally and physically, than to break you into submission?
The two opposing forces continued their hushed discussion for twenty more minutes before Zhongli broke away from Childe.  He was about to fill the group in on the details when Childe attacked him from behind.
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ajaxwrites · 3 years
(previous: part i)
Seaglass by Aevas
There was more to the contract than a gnosis and test of Liyue. It seemed like a simple deal five hundred years ago: so long as Morax never had a soulmate, the Tsaritsa would never harm Liyue and she would not get his gnosis. But the moment he gained a soulmate, all that belonged to him was forfeit. He thought the deal left Liyue safe—he'd lived thousands of years without a soulmate. The Tsaritsa would be dead and gone by the time she'd have a chance to collect.
Five hundred years later, Childe appears in Liyue, Zhongli gains a soulmate mark, and everything falls apart.
(The obligatory soulmate AU, featuring a Zhongli with PTSD, an oblivious Childe, and demon-worshipping cultists.)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: I CANNOT BELIEVE I SLEPT ON THIS FIC FOR SO LONG. Read it and I mean it! I admitted initially steered clear of this fic because I wasn’t comforted with a soulmate tartali fic pre-Osial but this fic is actually post-Ostial *facepalm* The writing is phenomenal and Aevas does some beautiful worldbuilding that you typically don’t see in Genshin Impact fics. I love the dynamic between Childe and Zhongli here and the angst is real. The author writes the two as very human characters who makes mistakes, etc. and notably Zhongli struggles with the concept of Childe as his soulmate (who understandably is upset by the rejection when he realizes). They get better though. Also very plotty. A+ writing.
it's a hard rock life for us by reptilianraven
“Ah, no need to worry about that,” Azhdaha waves a dismissive hand. “There is no real Kun Jun. He’s dead.”
A leaf blows past and plaps onto Aether’s face.
“You killed him???” Paimon screeches.
“No,” Azhdaha scrunches his eyebrows. “He was dead when I found him.”
“And you just decided to wear his corpse?” Aether says, leaf still on his face.
He shrugs. “It was free real estate.”
“Azhdaha...” Morax says, sounding vaguely pained.
Or the one where Historia Antiqua Chapter II: No Mere Stone goes a little bit different and Azhdaha gets more time.
He ultimately uses that time to bully Morax into confronting his immortal neuroses, to make Aether and Paimon suffer, and to figure out how to get that ginger boy Morax has his eye on to make a move already.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe, Past Azhdaha/Zhongli
Notes: Very lighthearted, humor-filled fic. Love how Azhdaha is so flippant. Interactions with Zhongli and Childe are pure gold.
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes by moonlight_mist
Childe has a Weapon problem- specifically, that he can't keep one.
He's too reckless, too wild, and too keen on pushing his Weapon partners past their limits. He's just about ready to give up when he meets Zhongli, a Weapon who just might be the solution- so long as Childe can manage to keep his dick in his pants.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This is a Soul Eater AU with some college/university AU vibes (?) but you don’t really need to know much about the anime. It’s a cute AU and I love the premise. Light angst but otherwise, it’s a pretty semi-plotty fic. Easter egg Kaeya and Diluc though.
To Kill A God by IlluminanceinTales
In Snezhnaya, they call them sansis—lost souls that have no guidance but themselves. It’s an apt description, given that most of the time, wannabe-Archons have to go through dozens of tests with nothing as their reference, relying solely on their wit and strength and hoping it would be enough. At least, until they survive the end of the whole game—and they might not have to undergo a painful reincarnation which feels like a hundred bones being stitched together again.
On his seventh game, Childe Tartaglia reincarnates this time in the body of a young man.
Damn, he thinks, looking down at his thin body, his slightly calloused fingers. This won’t be good when facing the other Hydro Decisions.
In a world where an Archon's position is not chosen but fought for in games, Childe Tartaglia is a Hydro Decision who's poised to become the next Hydro Archon. Of course, that's only if he survives his seventh reincarnation. All would be so much easier if it weren't for a certain Geo Archon interfering with every possible chance he gets.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Think Hunger Games meet Political Intrigue meet Genshin Impact. Love the premise and world building that’s done. Features overprotective Zhongli and lots of Childe whump. Has one or two supplementary OCs that aren’t really important outside of plot device reasons. Warning for character death tho lmao.
Three's a Family by IlluminanceinTales
Childe finds a kid that looks just like him.
Of course Zhongli wants to keep him.
Or: How a harbinger and an archon accidentally become fathers. The kid is their wingman
Ships: Childe/Zhongli (?)
Notes: Your everyday cute AF kid fic. Fluffy as hell and super cute. Zhongli and Childe get domestic pretty quickly. Xiao gets dubbed a grandfather and begrudgingly plays along. Super wholesome.
in pitch dark i go walking in your landscape by snowbrigade
He glanced down at him, at the silvery scars peeking out from beneath his robe, and at his eyes, properly now. They were the bright blue of high quality noctilucous jade, but he could see it, an underlying darkness.
Zhongli wondered what his eyes betrayed about himself. --
Rex Lapis is dead. Zhongli, formerly known as triad leader Rex Lapis, is a detective investigating his own "death." Childe, also known as Tartaglia of the Fatui mafia, is undercover as an escort looking to kill Rex Lapis- until someone beats him to it, and he wants to know who. Goals intersecting, they form a partnership of ulterior motives.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: There’s like one scene that skews NSFW but otherwise surprisingly not explicit. Really fun AU. Like how the author addresses Childe’s reaction to being stuck with the undercover escort stuff and how the dynamic between the two develops. Pretty plotty so far.
Phantom Lines by iskendaris
“It’s a measure of one’s self, Mr Zhongli.” Childe says. “Maybe you don’t understand it since you work as a consultant, but as an ambassador from the Tsaritsa, as one who fights in her name— this is how I learn to know the measure of myself.” “I understand,” Zhongli says thoughtfully. “It is a warrior’s way, to test one’s strength against the incomparable. To find where one falls short. To find where one has risen to the challenge.”
In which Childe has insomnia, vandalizes public property and runs into a mysterious funeral consultant on his first night in Liyue.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: THE FEELS. I can only describe this as the fic where Zhongli pays Best Boyfriend Ever only to FUCK UP big time (via Gnosis deception). Poor, poor Childe. Look, he gave the boy feelings and then broke him. You can really feel Childe fall in love in this love. He also does mental swooning a lot lmao. 
adventitious by Anonymous
It's said the Ley Lines remember all things that happen in this world, from the surface down to the deepest depths... But in the hidden corners where the Gods' gaze does not fall, there are those who dream of dreaming.
There's a dormant bud where Kaeya's eye once was. One day, it will bloom. (Never forget: memory is untrustworthy.)
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: I don’t even know where to start. This is very headcanony and lore-focused. Very much concentrated on Khaenri'ah. The implications of this story is grotesque to say the least (according to this fic, Visions are the literal eyes of the people of Khaenri'ah). Warnings for eye and body horror.
Without Those Dark Memories by StrangeDiamond
Diluc awakens in Stormterror’s Lair with no memories of the past five years. Kaeya is on the trail of a rogue alchemist, with a habit of testing his chemicals on unwilling human subjects. Now, in addition to capturing the criminal, Kaeya has to shake him down for an antidote . . . and deal with an amnesiac Diluc who acts exactly like he did before their brotherhood fell apart. (Standalone Fic.)
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: This is sort of a classic amnesia fic. I particularly really liked the way that Kaeya was written in this. I feel like the author did a really good job nailing his character and they have a way of capturing the subtle things.
Through the warmth, through the cold by strikedawn
“It’s you!” Paimon shouted with a twirl in mid-air.
“…Excuse me?"
They were drunk. Were they drunk? Was he drunk? Because Kaeya had the feeling his guests had been talking to him for a while now, but none of their words had made any sense whatsoever.
That was, until Venti stepped firmly in front of Kaeya’s desk and set his hands on the top, the better to lean over towards Kaeya and say: “For the end of the Windblume festival, Sir Kaeya Alberich, we’re going to auction a date with you.”
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: Shortword, Kaeya gets auctioned off. Diluc makes impulsive (but good) decisions and scores himself a Date but displays an inability to do Date Planning. Venti deserves a pat on the back. Very sweet.
Hide and Seek by Kiri_Kaitou_Clover
Childe did not expect regaining his memories would bring him such frustration.
He makes the best of the situation by messing with one amber eyed consultant in anyway he can.
A reincarnated storm god wades through life in Liyue, all while screaming about one dragon god's incompetency at being human.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Features Childe as Osial’s very exasperated reincarnation, who gets the joy of discovering that his rival/enemy Morax is not only an idiot but also broke AF. He still falls in love anyway. Contains this golden line: 
"Did... did that complete blockhead really use my money in order to get me a gift that basically says that he is proposing to me?!"
(Osial was screaming. When had the other god become like this?! Had he always been like this?!)
Getting that Bread by tzitzimeme
Concubine AU where Zhongli is Emperor, Xiao is an assassin sent to kill him while disguised as a woman in his imperial harem, and the only reason he doesn't actually do it is because he pities Zhongli for being so catastrophically stupid (also Xiao falls in love).
Ships: Zhongli/Xiao
Notes: Like Xiao says, Zhongli is an idiot. Fluff and humor filled. Xiao spends a good 95% of this exasperated by Zhongli’s bullshit. 
prayers for a boy by Recluse
The only way to reconciliation is fierce combat!
Hm... Come to think of it, there will be a lot of interesting news to be heard the next time we gather for drinks. Filling in the blanks.
Ships: N/A
Notes: I...don’t really know where to begin with this? It’s exactly what the summary implies...but more? I was tempted to describe this as the fic where Zhongli puts his foot in his mouth but...that’s not exactly write? I feel like this was more of a character study. It explores the aftermath of the Osial Incident and how Zhongli and Childe reconnect. Platonically...though I guess it can be read romantically. 
one kind of longing, two places of sorrow by lady_peony
Zhongli's hands rest behind his back, both gloved hands clasping one another. His fingers tighten around one another for the merest moment, before he relaxes his grip.
"There is a tradition in Liyue," Zhongli says, his back still to Childe standing behind him, "of inviting out a companion to a last meal before a farewell."
A pause.
"A tradition?" Childe echoes.
"With a companion?"
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: The fic where neither of the two communicate about jackshit but go on a quiet, sad not-date before Childe leaves for Snezhnaya. Childe pulls (? on accident or on purpose, I can not tell) the equivalent of leaving the jacket in the car post-date to get date to call for the second date. Also, the author has a gift for like...writing angst...without writing angst? Like the whole fic is like brimming with everything that the characters aren’t saying but the thoughts aren’t necessarily written out BUT YOU KNOW THOSE DUMBFUCKS ARE JUST LIKE. BRIMMING WITH FEELS? 
The People of Liyue by queer_occurrences
But Zhongli whispers, his low voice rooted in the back of Childe’s mind. “Changsun, the merchant, who is never too Mora-enthralled to turn away a needy child. There’s Tiantian—she will allow anyone to join the Adventurer’s Guild—she knows what it is to be desperate.”
Childe ducks away from them and hurries out over the bridge. It’s a warm, sunny day, the kind he would have complained about, whining about his delicate Snezhnayan skin. “It’ll burn, or worse, freckle. Would you still like me if I was freckled?”
Then Zhongli would say, “The people of Liyue will remember your sacrifice.” And he would wrinkle his nose.
Or: after it all goes down, Childe takes a walk.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: The author has a way with perfectly balancing angst with humor in a way that makes you cackle. There’s a lot of feels in this one. Zhongli tries communicating--Childe runs away a lot. There’s a lot of love for Liyue in this one.
cold blooded, warm blooded, hearts all the same by reptilianraven
Teyvat Petting Zoo @tyvtpettingzoo
Well would you look at that! Zhongli, our resident spinytail iguana, has gotten quite cozy with Childe, our new (and very feisty) ginger ferret! Aren’t they adorable all cuddled together like this? 😍😍😍
[Attached image shows a brown spinytail iguana curled up against a ginger ferret. The iguana’s head is nuzzled under the snout of the ferret.]
At the Teyvat Petting Zoo, Zhongli and Childe fall in love.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: ...I promise I’m not weird. This is just super cute. Cross-species love affair? Childe the ferret is very besotted. The internet is confused and the zoo keepers are just done.
a geo archon's guide to the modern era by Erina
“Morax,” Xiao says after Zhongli finishes his retelling of the incident. “He thinks you’re a weirdo.”
“No, don’t say that,” Barbatos snickers. “You’ll give him hope that this is salvageable.” He lowers his voice. “Morax, he thinks you’re a boomer.”
(In which Zhongli hibernates for centuries and wakes up in the modern world)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This took me, I shit you not, FIVE SEPARATE ATTEMPTS to read. Not because it was bad but BECAUSE THE SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT WAS REAL. Like, omg, just reading about Zhongli’s introduction to modernity made me want to dig a hole and die. Super funny though. Do not read in public or you will look like a lunatic. Has a...parallel (?) fic in the same series called  buy two get one archon free where Zhongli gets reversed isekai’d into an anime convention.
time flies like an arrow by Erina
He’s tired, tired of the unbreakable loop of watching his loved ones pass on, tired of getting attached only for the connection to be violently ripped away from him. He wonders if the real victors during the Archon War were those who perished, who died long before their godhood turned into a curse that chained them to the land that they were fighting for.
But that is not a problem for Childe to worry about. That is Zhongli’s burden to bear, delivered to him in a pretty package years ago in the form of a gnosis.
His very first contract.
(Zhongli and Childe, across many lifetimes)
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: This is a quiet fic. It’s this kind of slice-of-life fic colored by this overpowering sense of love and loss as Zhongli remains immortal and Childe dies and lives and dies and lives for hundreds of lifetimes, but always finds his way back to his geo archon. It’s so lovely but also unbearably sad.
Tartaglia’s Favorite Professor by GreyLiliy
The famed hitman Tartaglia of the Fatui Syndicate spends his days as the charming college student Childe. The two lives remain as separate as possible in order to maintain a flawless cover to keep the authorities off his back and to better serve the Tsaritsa.
However, new intel about a rival syndicate intersects his two lives in a way he could never have predicted.
Ships: Zhongli/Childe
Notes: Mafia AU meet College AU. Childe is somehow both a horny AF college student and murderous hitman. Zhongli gives off major DILF vibes. GreyLily somehow makes this work while also avoiding cringe. Highly recommended!
like a handprint on my heart by fallingintodivinity
“Strictly off-the-record,” Jean says, with a small smile, “I’m really happy to see you and Captain Kaeya getting along again, Master Diluc.”
“We’re not – we’re not getting along,” Diluc tells her, indignant. “We’re working together. Unwillingly, I might add.”
“Yes – oh, yes, of course.”
Diluc stares at Jean suspiciously. “Are you laughing at me?”
Jean clears her throat primly. “I would never.”
Ships: Diluc/Kaeya
Notes: Super, super cute! Sort of reads like a first date fic except genshin impact style? Writing style is very refreshing!
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eulafan420 · 4 years
oughhfdjfbds i live for your lee xiao stuff so maybe 12 or 28 (whichever you prefer ndjjdsn) with xiaoven and lee xiao?? only if you want to of course aaaa
a/n: HEY GIRLIE..... writing this literally made me go nuts dont look at me im so in love with xiao it’s embarrassing
12. “Why are you holding back? Laugh!”
28. “Sorry, I forgot how ticklish you are.”
word count: 1.3k (under the cut)
“Xiao, c’monnn! I was only teasing,” Venti yelled, a slight pout on his face as he watched Xiao continue to walk away from him. He was aware that his energy could be a bit much sometimes, especially for someone like Xiao who had almost no relationship experience when the two confessed their feelings, but still... Upon realising that his apologies were getting him nowhere, Venti thrust himself a few feet ahead of his partner on a wind current, folding his arms to block Xiao’s path.
“Xiaoooo... I know I shouldn’t have done it, I’m sorryyy! It’s just- you act really cute whenever I hug or even touch you, but I’ll stop if it makes you uncomfortable, I mean it. I know you’re not a huge fan of PDA.” The Anemo Archon trailed off, twiddling his thumbs like a cartoon character caught in the middle of a crime.
Xiao flinched, coughing sharply behind his hand to distract from the the light pink hue overtaking his cheeks. “Barbatos, what have I said about you calling me cu-... that?” He huffs quietly, glaring at the man stood before him. He quickly averted his gaze at the sight of Venti’s puppy eyes, choosing to focus on a patch of flowers nearby instead.
“Nooo! Don’t start calling me Barbatos again, I already said I was sorry!” Venti whined, latching onto one of Xiao’s sleeves and making a show of wiping his faux tears on it. He giggled playfully when Xiao pulled his arm back in disgust, trying to wipe away the wet patch on his usually pristine vest.
“Besides, you do get all cute whenever I try show you any affection! Just yesterday, you yelped and jumped about 3 foot in the air because I poked you to get your attention. I know that I sometimes forget how ticklish you are, and I admit that maaay be my fault, but you can’t say that wasn’t at least the slightest bit endearing.”
Xiao tensed up at the memory, a shiver making it’s way up his spine as he furrowed his brows. “It wasn’t,” he said, though he still refused to look his partner in the eye’s.
Looking back on it, Venti was aware he should’ve quit while he was ahead. Xiao had a short temper, and Venti’s wallet was far too dry for him to buy the Adepti more bowls of Almond Tofu as a peace offering. But still, Venti wouldn’t be a very good bard if he kept all of his quick-wittedness and sharp tongued retorts to himself, would he?
“Oh my god, you’re blushing. That’s precious.” He giggled, reaching up to brush his thumbs across the warmth of Xiao’s face.
“I am not!” Xiao hissed, taking a step backwards and embarrassing himself further when he had to steady himself, having tripped over a small rock that he hadn’t noticed just moments before.
“You totally are- ahhh! Xiao- oof!” Venti gasped, finding himself lying flat on his back with Xiao straddling his waist, the Adepti’s hands grasping at the grass surrounding the sides of the bard’s head. “That could’ve hurt, you know!” Venti frowned, bottom lip jutted out comically.
“You fell on grass, there’s no way that wo- stop changing the subject!” Xiao growls, leaning down so he was nose-to-nose with his partner.
“Your eyes are really beautiful from down here.”
Xiao glared down at the bard, fists clenching. “I’m not cute, not beautiful, so stop saying it- oh...” He looked down, his face turning almost as red as a strawberry as he realised the position they were in. He had meant to get his point across, not stra- Well, not whatever this was.
“Aww, cat got your tongue, love?” Venti cooed. It was mean, he knew it was- but not taking advantage of how flustered Xiao was would surely be a lot meaner, he concluded.
‘L-love?!’ The pet name echoed in Xiao’s head, and he let out a quiet noise akin to a whine, making Venti swoon. He squirmed in embarrassment as he felt a pair of hands creep up to his sides, their thumbs trailing back and forth in a way that only Venti knew could get to him.
“You have to use your words, Xiao. What was it you were trying to say, hmm?” Venti smirked, his tone sickeningly sweet as he watched the other struggle to stay still.
“Barba- Venti! Mmh-hhah...! Quit it! Let me speak,” Xiao managed to get out through his huffs, biting his lip in an attempt to hold back the laughter bubbling up in his throat. “Mmh-hmm-hm! Nooo- this isn’t fahair...!”
Venti hummed contentedly, rolling his eyes. “You could just get off of me, you know? I’m not gonna chase y-“
“Ouch, cutting me off was rude,” the bard pouted. “Suit yourself, though.” And with that, Venti raised his legs to better support Xiao’s back, noticing that he was struggling to balance. Thumbs were suddenly replaced with 5 nails on each side, gently scribbling up and down.
Xiao positively squealed, slapping a hand over his mouth to try and muffle the sounds, the other flying down to grab handfuls of grass to anchor himself.
Venti wasn’t too surprised, really. Xiao had always been a stubborn one, and it usually took a lot of persistence to crack him. But sitting in Venti’s lap, laughing? No, giggling, and hardly making a move to escape? That was new. He wasn’t complaining though, and as his nails wormed their way into his partner’s exposed underarms, scribbling playfully at the skin, he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
A shrill squeak filled the air, and the poor Adepti squeezed his eyes shut even tighter, refusing to give Venti the satisfaction of seeing the pleading look behind his eyelids. “Ple-eehe- mmh-hmmm! Not there, ahh!”
As precious as this was, the bard did want to hear some proper laughter. It’d only be fair, after all. “Why are you holding back, my love? You’re allowed to laugh, you know.”
And laugh he did.
The teasing lilt to the bard’s voice finally broke through Xiao’s resolve, and a wave of panicked giggles spilled from his lips as he squirmed from left to right, shaking his head. “Nooohoho- ahh! Ventieehee, it’s not fair, ahaha!” Xiao half-squealed, half-growled, his legs shaking with the effort of keeping himself upright. “I caha- no! No no noooo! Not thehere, pleaaase!”
“Not where, hmm? Venti cooed softly. “Right heeeere?” He made a point of flexing his fingers in Xiao’s underarms, being rewarded with an adorable cackle and a frantic nod. “Just lift your arms, I can’t do much if I’m trapped-“
Xiao frantically raised his arms, finding it almost impossible to feel embarrassed about how easy it was for his partner to get him to do just about anything in this state. He just needed Venti’s nails out of there. His relief was cut short as he felt the tickling return tenfold, helpless cackles bursting out of his chest like fireworks, leaning down to bury his red face in Venti’s shoulder.
“I wasn’t lying though, Xiao. You do look really beautiful from down here.” Venti mumbled, mostly to himself, unable to take his eyes off the squirming man in his lap. His hair was strewn all over the place, mouth wide open as giggles flowed out of him like honey, the grin on his face making the bard’s heart do cartwheels. It had been a while since he’d heard Xiao laugh like this, and he hoped to savour it for just a little while longer.
All good things must come to an end, of course, and Venti stopped his attack mere moments later, having noticed tiny tears pricking at the corners of Xiao’s eyes. He watched thoughtfully as his partner came down from his giggle-high, a smile tugging at his lips when Xiao finally calmed down enough to rub away the lingering sensations on his sides.
“Sorry, that was uncalled for. I didn’t mean to go so far,” Venti said, an apologetic expression on his face. He carefully propped himself up on his arms, using surrounding rocks for support as he sat up. The bard pressed a quick kiss to Xiao’s pink cheeks, and as he finally made a move to stand up, his partner spoke. So quietly that Venti couldn’t hear him, in fact. “What was that, dearest?”
Xiao placed a hand on Venti’s chest, swallowing thickly as he gently shoved the bard back down into the grass.
“You- you didn’t have to stop...
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beyondtheduststorms · 3 years
thancred's side
1780 words. same shit different flavor - just thancred's side from my wolcred angst
tags: angst, unrequited love (from wol's side), 2.0 spoilers
Thancred was fading in and out of consciousness after the Warrior of Light beat Lahabrea out of his body. He could recall seeing a figure clad in bright light carrying him onto a Magitek armor. Gods know who that figure might have been, but the conscious remnants of the image he was able to recall suggested that it was someone he knew. A fellow comrade. And he knew that he felt safe seeing them then and there. Every ilm of his exhausted body seemed to yearn for the comfort that those arms brought along in their touch as his consciousness faded away.
Thancred was informed that (___) was the one who saved him from the Praetorium. On a magitek armor called Maggi.
'Tis only appropriate they are dubbed the Warriors of Light, he distantly thought. Had he not known better, he would have thought that the radiance he saw there was because of love at first sight.
But the shame of being possessed quickly came creeping in.
How could he, a Sharlayan scholar, get so close to the crystal of darkness that it could absorb him? He knew well better than any other person out there that it's dangerous to approach the Ascians in such reckless fashion - confound it all, he managed to get close enough to become possessed without even realizing it. He remembered staying around the Waking Sand with the damned Ascian voice in his head, telling him to scout the area for secret entrances, mapping the building in his head, and just sitting there & calculate how much Imperial men would it take to bring down all the Scions... and he couldn't have been doing it unconsciously. He knew who those commands would have benefitted, but he couldn't muster the strength to fight against it.
He was too weak and weary. Because he wanted to become stronger.... how ironic.
The Scions welcomed him back with kindness, telling him to rest properly and regain the strength he'd lost. They were all so nice to him. To someone who let himself become under the hands of an Ascian. And they worry for him, pity him, cares for him - there is no way they're not looking down on him for what he's done. Even when they're family, they're still really unrelated. Would he himself forgive someone else who's taken by the same fate, had he not been the one weakened by lust for strength?
Thoughts after thoughts sent him into a spiral. He rested his body, but he felt restless in his soul. His mind kept wandering off into territories of regret and sorrow, and he could still hear the voice of that damned Ascian ordering him around as if he's still being possessed.
He largely kept his composure when others were present, but he couldn't keep up the facade when he's alone by himself. When the other Scions went out for tasks and he's left alone in the library, the dim candlelights soothed him and drove him insane simultaneously, as it brought him both the familiar comfort of the Waking Sand's interior and the grim darkness inside of his own head when he was taken over by Lahabrea. The more he struggled to fight against that voice, the more he shrunk into himself, curling into a corner pulling on his own hair and clawing at his own skin as he tried to stop the growing voices inside of him. Lahabrea's voice ordering him around, and his own voice telling him he's naught but a disappointment to his colleague Scions; a traitor to his fallen comrades. Sometimes he would start singing by himself as if to recall his role as a bard, but also to ease the silent chambers of the Waking Sand. It was far too painful for him to bear, as it reminded him of the people who used to be there, his fellows who fell to the hands of the Imperials, the lively atmosphere that once existed there. The people that were no longer.
It was because of him that all those people had to die. It was because of him that any of this happened. It was because of him that they got ahold of Minfilia and Tataru and the others, and it was his carelessness that led Eorzea into the chaos that was Operation Archon.
He needed a distraction. From all of the things going on inside of his head, from the aching of his heart, and from the silence at the Waking Sand.
Regardless of his break, Thancred would still go out to buy orange juice for Tataru occassionally, and while the Warrior of Light being around the Waking Sand isn't at all a rare sight, the strange-looking highlander Hyur and the Miqo'te girl that accompanied them was a... peculiar bunch, to say the least. So he held on to that knowledge.
The Warrior of Light... eikon slayer, champion of Eorzea, Bringer of Light, the hero of our story -- all clad in armor to assist this funny looking Hyur. Still serving the people even while taking a break... how... zealous.
Thancred found himself clinging onto his knowledge of this adventurer. Why, with that same weary look he's wearing, maybe the esteemed warrior needs a distraction too?
And so that's what he did. He invited the adventurer out for drinking at night in Ul'dah - not too far from the Waking Sand so they can rush back whenever there's a problem, and not too close to where his problems lie. Surely enough, the one in question agreed with no further inquiries. Had he not known better, he would have thought that such an eager acceptance to his invitation was because of romantic involvements.
Night falls as the both of them travels to Ul'dah, the gentle moonlight carried their footsteps. The fun had just begun, he thought as he laughed endlessly at stories about Hildibrand the Gentleman of Light, Nashu his assistant and their funny little endeavors. It was distracting enough for him to stop thinking about his guilt for a while, but just like how the ocean's powerful waves falls back ashore, sometimes he would still experience such emotional waves even while he's having a good time. His footsteps became weary even when he's having fun, and his sighs inevitably slipped out at moments where his mind trailed off; and all that he hoped for was so that no one would realize he's not in his best state of mind. Several nights like this went on, and he would hope that he'd distracted the champion of Eorzea enough that the events of him being possessed wouldn't be brought up again, that everyone knew he was already his usual self again before long. He's back out drinking, laughing, having fun with a fellow Scion after weary days of endless battles and tasks, resting himself just as they told him to - he should be back on his feet. Right?
But of course, our Warrior of Light had keen eyes and a sharp mind... or so he thought. Truly his family, the Scions could see right through his bad little lies. This was also why he kept away from Urianger, Y'shtola, Yda, Papalymo, and especially Minfilia and the likes of them - they would know right away that his sorry little ass is lying, and there's nothing he could do about it. He thought maybe someone who hadn't been with him much wouldn't pay much mind to it, but alas, they are his family after all. Nothing escapes their prying eyes.
In the end, he lost it to the worrying eyes of his fellow Scion, the one who rescued him from the bane of the Praetorium and freed him from the grasp of that damned Ascian. He lashed out without thinking, projecting his own insecurities on the hands of someone who only tried to help.
You can't save everyone just because you want to. That's right. He couldn't save the Scions even though he wanted to so, so badly - trapped in his own head, not being able to break free from the Crystal of Darkness that had him controlled like some sort of puppet, he could do naught but weep in his own thoughts as he watched his friends slaughtered by the hands of the Empire. He tried keeping his composure, and everyone was so nice to him, but deep down he knew that even if the others forgave him, he could never forgive himself. Wanting to be stronger to protect others was just another step that shattered his own mentality as he fell to his own personal hell of judgement... where the judge, the attorney, and the defendant all himself.
He knew he was in the wrong. This adventurer, pulled into all this chaos all because of the Echo, was only trying to offer help. He had no rights to be shouting at someone who's only showing him their genuine care. But hearing the highly esteemed hero claiming to understand his feelings, his internal struggles and his mentality just drove him nuts, and he couldn't take it. He couldn't fathom that the Warrior of Light, of all people, would claim to understand how he felt, how much he blamed himself, how much he constantly berated himself in his head? It must be crazy easy to just throw your words out there, speaking to assure the peoples of Eorzea their issues are taken care of, because oh mighty slayer of Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda alike knows it all about guilt and shame, of all people?! What arrogance... to commit such feats, and telling people that you feel guilt and shame too!
It must be so easy... just going around telling people you want to protect them. Because you can. You are the almighty eikon slayer and bringer of Light after all - blessed by Hydaelyn herself. What could go wrong? What could you not protect? What is there for you to blame yourself on?
Such is the ridiculousness Thancred found in the words of thee Warrior of Light standing in front of him. He mustered the mental strength to step out of his sorrowful rage, put of a smiling mask, and offered a walk back to the Waking Sand, as per usual. There was not much else that he could do but blame the alcohol they had earlier, but knowing a crack opened up on his facade to this person specifically... somehow brought all the more guilt and pain to his heart.
Another dawn breaks to their backs, carrying the same light of day that shone upon the Vesper Bay of his uneasy days. The throbs that Thancred was feeling in his heart, mayhap...
... nay, it must have been from the hangover.
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vanillacraftau · 4 years
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Chapter 1
Once upon a time there were three idiots.
The first idiot was named Erik. With auburn hair and bright blue eyes, he was the jokester. Always quick to respond and earn a laugh, Erik was one of the kindest men you would ever have the honor of meeting. At 23 young, he was skilled with a sword, and found joy in sparring with one of his best friends, Suga. 
Suga, the second idiot, was the handsome one of the group. With warm brown hair and caramel skin, they were quite the sight to behold. Not quite as tall as Erik but still a decent height. Intelligent and creative, Suga was a skilled strategist and kind friend, always quick to help and support those around them. 
The final idiot was Fallen. With dark brown hair and eyes, she was the plainest of all of them. Unskilled really in combat, Fallen found her world to be more academic. She studied and learned, always reading some book or journal to pass the time. She was a tad short tempered, but being with her partner Suga, best friend Erik, and crow familiar Pam made her happier than anything. 
The world these three idiots lived in was unfortunately not a peaceful one. They lived within the territory of The Order. A large kingdom with a powerful regime, The Order stood unchallenged on almost every side. Except the northern border. Constant attacks from a neighboring country, called the Provinces of Lumen, had sent The Order’s army up north close to the small village in which Erik, Suga, and Fallen lived. 
The constant presence of some soldier or another inspired a lot more sparring sessions than usual. 
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Erik drew his sword, the plain steel blade gleaming in the mid-afternoon sun. He faced off against Suga in a small clearing behind their houses. Large oak trees towered around a small green meadow. Erik took an attack stance, dropping his weight and holding his sword ahead of him before he shouted "Prepare to be destroyed!" as he lunged forward to attack Suga. A quick side step was all it took to get away from Erik’s overhead strike. Suga deftly swung one of their small battle axes against the side of his blade, knocking against it before he had the chance to take another swing.
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 "Hah I don't think I'll be the one getting destroyed today." Suga smirked as they swung their axe in a wide arc towards Erik’s chest. The taller man quickly jerked his sword, catching the strike on the hilt of his blade and leaping to the side out of harm's way. 
  "Hey guys-!" Fallen’s voice suddenly rang out from the edge of the clearing, making Suga jump and miss, throwing their weight wrong and crashing awkwardly down into the dirt. Fallen let out a shocked gasp as she ran to the side of her downed partner. "Oh my gods Suga-" She knelt beside them and quickly touched their shoulder. "I'm really sorry!" Fallen frowned with concern, her eyes flitting over their body as she assessed for injuries. As if a stumble could really do that much damage. 
 Wiping a stray piece of dirt from their cheep, Suga turned towards their wife and grinned. "Heh, it's ok. Not the first time I've fallen over you." Fallen struggled to contain a heavy blush from spreading over her cheeks when Suga added a little wink onto the end. 
  Erik fondly rolled his eyes at the two smitten dumbasses. "Fallen, what are you doing here?" He questioned. She rarely ever showed up to their sparring matches, claiming it just wasn’t her place and watching made her anxious that they’d hurt one another. 
Fallen quickly stood up, brushing dirt and plant debris from her pants before pulling a neatly folded letter from her back pocket. Even from this distance, Erik could see the official seal of The Order keeping the note together. She held it out to him. “I was talking with Ceutie when the mail arrived. It’s a letter from someone named Camorrista. If I recall correctly, he’s one of the archons of The Order.” 
The archons. There were 3, each surrounded in mystery. They were the supreme leaders of The Order. If they had a letter from one of them, it had to be something important. 
“It’s… addressed to both of you.” Fallen’s voice went slightly quieter as Erik took the letter in his hands. 
 It had been two weeks since the letter from Camorrista arrived, offering Suga and Erik a place in the Order’s army. 
Both of them had accepted.
Leaving one behind. 
Suga pressed a hand to their forehead, a small desperate plea entering their voice as they tried to reason with their partner. "Fallen-"
 " You said you were gonna leave in two months, not two weeks! Why are you so eager to go?!” It had been the longest weeks of Fallen’s life. Two months turned into two weeks before the two new additions to the army were set to head out to the capital and begin training. Fallen didn’t want them to go. Why would she? They were her world. Pam sat on the table, her feathers ruffled in reflection of Fallen’s despair. The two were bound, telepathically able to communicate and easily able to pick up on each other’s feelings. The arguing had only gotten worse as the deadline for their leaving neared, leaving Pam miserable most of time.  
 Dropping their hand from their forehead, Suga stepped forward to where her partner stood rigid in their living room and wrapped their arms tightly around her. "I'm not leaving you, Fallen. I'm just going away for a little bit. You know I'd never abandon you."
 Still shaking, Fallen buried her face in their chest and let out a weak breath. She grabbed hold of the back of Suga’s shirt, the fabric twisting in her grip as she tried to anchor herself against them. Maybe if she held on tight enough, they wouldn’t go. “I just don’t want to be without you…” Her voice felt weak.  She knew they were going, no matter how hard she begged them to stay. A gentle hand cupped the back of Fallen’s head, running through her hair. 
“You’ll never be without me Fallen. I just...have to do this. It feels like it calls to me. Like… like it’s my destiny finally coming true. Just like it was when I knew I had to be with you.”
As Fallen opened her mouth to reply, a few light taps on their door interrupted. Drawing a hand quickly across her stinging eyes, Fallen pulled back from their embrace and took a heavy breath. “I’ve got it.” She pulled open the door, trying not to break down when she saw it was Erik, bag slung over his shoulder and new armor gleaming in the sunlight. It was time. He had a lopsided grin on his face as he waved Suga over. 
 "Ey guys! Suga are you ready to go?" He asked as Suga cast Fallen a small pained glance before nodding and picking up their own bag from beside the table. 
 "Yeah I'm about ready. Guess we'll be taking off then huh?" They brushed their hand against Fallen’s back before heading out the door beside Erik.  Suga and Erik stood side by side for a moment before sharing a glance and opening their arms. Fallen couldn’t help it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she raced forward into their arms. Burying herself into Suga with Erik pressed against her back, She shut her eyes tightly for a moment and just tried to imprint this moment into her mind. Pam flew out from the home and quickly landed on Suga’s head, her wings spreading over both soldiers in the closest thing to an embrace she could muster. 
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   Erik couldn’t help but quietly laugh. "Of course, safety is my middle name!" That got a smile to flash over Fallen’s face. She reluctantly let go, trying to hide the fact that she was blubbering like a baby. 
Suga caught her, gently pressing their hands against her cheeks. They smiled encouragingly and gently pressed a kiss to her forehead. “We’re gonna be fine hun, don’t worry.” Fallen wished that was possible. The two people in this world she loved the most were headed off to a war. There was no possible way she wouldn’t worry. Regardless, she put on a brave smile and turned to Erik. “You keep them in check for me.” Erik smirked and nodded as Suga gave a small fake pout. “Hey!” 
Fallen tried to hang onto her brave smile until Suga and Erik had turned onto the next road and disappeared from sight before crouching down and burying her face in her arms, her shoulders shaking as she let out a heavy sob. 
 Come home soon… Pam murmured in their shared mind. Fallen couldn’t agree more. 
 "So off to the capital then huh?" Erik smiled as he got settled into his train car seat. Suga sat down across from him, their eyes bright with excitement at this new adventure. "Off to the capital indeed." They spun their wedding ring around, already missing Fallen. But this would be good for everyone, they just knew it. 
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It had been four whole years since Suga and Erik boarded that train. The pair proved to be intelligent and reliable, rising up and gaining more respect in The Order, each now claiming the title of ‘General’. Fallen couldn’t be more proud of them, eagerly reading each and every letter the two of them sent her. She missed them horribly, but thankfully each summer they returned home. The three of them would spend each day together until they had to return to the battlefield. Fallen would be a liar if she said it got any easier saying goodbye, but she could see just how much this mattered to Suga, and no longer gave them any grief over this way of life. 
 Spring had arrived. Pollen covered the ground in a thin yellow sheet as bees buzzed through the trees. Birds tweeted joyfully as new buds of flowers and herbs sprouted up all over the village. It was a time of growth and new beginnings. Fallen set down a warm bowl of stew in front of Ceutie, as agreed upon for their lunch. Fallen settled down with her own bowl, swirling it around with her spoon for a few moments before taking a sip. Ceutie followed suit, smiling brightly at the taste. “Not bad!” The blonde girl smiled. “Almost edible!” “Oh, you shut it.” Fallen laughed warmly. She and Ceu had been best friends for as long as either girl could remember. Fallen told her everything. Ceutie had been her support for the times Suga and Erik were away. She could never imagine being able to repay her for that. 
 Nor did she imagine she’d ever have the opportunity. 
A horrendously loud boom against the door made both girls jump out of their skin. Fallen was quick to her feet, Pam fluttering around in a panic over her head. Danger danger danger danger!!! The crow frantically screeched. 
Despite Pam’s warning, Fallen hesitantly reached for the door. 
 “CEUTIE. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR TREASON AGAINST THE ORDER. EXIT THE PREMISES WITH YOUR HANDS OVER YOUR HEAD. LEAVE ANY WEAPONS BEHIND.” A horrifically loud voice, matching the volume of the knock from before, rattled the house. Fallen stumbled back from the door, her head snapping towards Ceutie with her eyes widened in horror. 
 Ceutie had paled, her knuckles white as she gripped the spoon tightly in her hand. “No…” Her voice was barely a whisper, cracking with fear. 
“What are they talking about?!” Fallen clutched at her arms in fear. Ceutie bit her lip and shakily stood. Without a word towards Fallen, she started towards the door. “Hey- wait where are you going!?" Fallen practically knocked her chair over to chase after her best friend
 Before Fallen could stop her, Ceutie was opening the door. A heavily armored man stood in front of them. A large white cross was blazoned across his black chestplate. A horrifically large silver trident sat at his hip, and his gauntleted hands were folded sternly. His figure blocked out the sun, looming over the two women and casting shadows over their faces. 
Slowly, Ceutie raised her head to face the armored figure before her. “It’s me you want…” Her voice was small, and her frame looked thin and frail next to such a giant of a man. 
The beautiful spring day had dissolved into something from a nightmare. Smoke was rising in the distance, the sharp stinging scent finally reaching the girl’s homes. A number of Order soldiers were marching through, yanking open doors, shattering windows, even killing those who resisted. Bodies  littered the streets. All in the search for the small blonde woman standing before them. Fallen couldn’t help but wonder as she tried not to gag how they didn’t hear the screams. 
 The General before them uncrossed his arms, grunting at finally finding the woman he was looking for. “The Archons have ordered your execution for spying for the enemy, Lumen. If you resist, I'll drag out your death until you beg for its release. Come quietly and we can make it quick.” 
Fallen and Pam surged forward, planting themselves in between the Order soldier and Ceutie in a moment of uncharacteristic bravery. “Wait!” She held up her left hand, showing off the silver and blue wedding ring. “I’m married to one of your fellow generals, Suga Snaps! Surely they wouldn’t agree to such drastic measures! Please, let’s discuss this!” 
 The general narrowed his eyes and made a small growl. “What do you want.” It didn’t sound so much like a question as it did an accusation. Fallen’s hands had begun to shake. 
“S-surely the law requires some form of trial, giving Ceutie the chance to argue her innocence! I know she would never do something like betray The Order! I’m Suga would attest to that as well, just ask them!” She tried to reason with him, Pam landing on her shoulder and pressing against her cheek as comfortingly as she could. 
At that, the General burst out laughing. It was cold and cruel, echoing from his chest with a dark malice. "Look honey. Seems your little wifey didn't tell you how things work around here. When the archons want somebody dead. They die. No trial needed!" He spread his arms, showing off the cross on his chest with pride.
Fallen’s shaking hands suddenly stilled as her fear was replaced with nothing but a hot rage. First at misgendering her partner, second at his arrogance. “That’s WRONG.” She took a step forward. “I WON’T let you do this.” 
 "Good.” He smirked, stepping back and drawing his trident. “I love a pointless fight."
 What happened next could barely be considered a fight. Fallen ducked and bolted to the side, Ceutie watching in a muted, frozen terror. Pam took flight, diving down with her talons extended towards the man’s eyes. He smacked her aside with ease, Fallen crying out as their pain was shared. She barely had time to turn around before the handle of his trident was brought down on the back of her head. Finally, Ceutie snapped out of her paralyzed fearful state and raced out of the house to Fallen’s side. The brown haired girl’s eyes were swimming, black edging her vision from just the single blow. “R-run!” She cried as Ceutie’s face came into view. There wasn’t a chance. 
Ceutie suddenly froze and Fallen felt something warm splatter against her face. Ceutie slowly looked down to her chest, where three prongs had been driven all the way through her body. As the general pulled the weapon free from her already dead form, Ceutie fell sideways. Fallen was frozen, unable to breathe, unable to move, unable to think. Her eyes were wide. 
The man laughed. “Tell you what. Since you are married to one of my cohorts, I won’t kill you too.” His trident was still dripping red as he pointed it at Fallen’s upturned, tear stained face. 
The last thing she saw was a glint of metal, and an order banner waving in the distance. A single upward strike with the three pronged weapon was all it took to leave sizable gashes. One over each eye, and a finishing one vertical on her forehead. Fallen’s scream was the only thing anyone in the village heard until she fell unconscious, her body twitching with pain. 
All around her, the village that she, Suga, Erik, and Ceutie had grown up in, burned to the ground. 
 "Hello? Can you hear me?" An unfamiliar, muffled voice brought Fallen’s attention back to the world of the awake. It hurt. It all hurt. Everything was white. It felt like she was lying on some sort of cot, a thin blanket over her legs. She weakly tried to sit up. 
 "Mmgh wha- who?" She asked weakly. Her throat was dry and raw, her tongue swollen. 
A hand pressed against her shoulder as she began to rise, pushing her back down against the bed."Hey, calm down. My name is Fire Fox. You've been seriously injured and need to rest."
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The white that had consumed Fallen’s vision was beginning to send her into a panic. “I-i can’t see? Why.. why can’t I see?!” Her voice quickly grew hysterical as she fought to open her eyes. The hand on her shoulder squeezed gently. 
 "I won’t lie. Your eyes are quite damaged. You might not be able to see again." It was honest, but far from any form of comfort. It was too much. This stranger, ‘Fire Fox’, the bandages over her eyes, the white where there should’ve been color. Lying in a strange place, completely defenseless. And without Pam. Fallen again tried to sit up, this time desperation making her thrash. “W-where’s Pam?!” She cried out, a dull ache in her mind where her dear familiar’s gentle words usually could reassure her. Quickly, a feathered wing was pressed against her hand. Fire audibly sighed. “Don’t worry, your bird is alright. Please, you really need to calm down. You’re safe here, I promise.” Once more he eased her into lying down, and this time Fallen reluctantly stayed. Fallen’s hands found the edge of the blanket, and she pulled it up over her arms. She felt cold, goosebumps rising over her body as she struggled not to slip back into a panic. “W-what happened to me…?” “I heard news of another Order attack, so I went to go investigate. I found your village, and you lying on the ground hardly alive. Your eyes were cut up, and your bird was unconscious beside you. Not finding any other survivors, I brought you back to my camp. That’s about it.” Fire’s voice was mostly calm, only a small edge of anger slipping into his words as he recounted what he knew. “Frankly, you’re lucky to have survived. The order usually just kills whoever stands in their way.”
Fallen couldn’t help the bitterness in her voice as she curled up on her side. "I-I’m pretty sure being dead is better than this..." Pam shifted in response to her pain, but could only find the energy to weakly flutter her wings as an acknowledgement. 
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 Fire just let out a small pained laugh. "Heh, maybe. But this isn't as bad as what they did to me.” Not that Fallen could see this, but Fire bore a thin ceramic mask in the shape of a fox. Hints of scars touched his cheeks where the mask didn’t cover. 
 Fallen tilted her head towards his voice, unable to help the curiosity that bubbled up at his statement. “What.. what did they do to you…?” 
 He took a moment to think before letting out a sarcasm laced reply. "What they do to everyone who dares speak against the might of the noble order."
 End of Chapter 1
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