#maybe i will post chap1 before chap2 is done
hamilt10 · 2 months
Rules: if you're tagged, share a few sentences from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
(thanks for the tag @boldlettered 🥰)
So, yes, Charles is used to his name being a top tweet on Twitter. Except, now it’s almost two months after the start of the season and Pierre is blowing up his phone with texts because apparently he broke twitter after fans realized he was dating Lewis Hamilton in secret all along. The Lewis Hamilton. International rockstar, gay icon, activist (?), multiple times Grammy winner (?) and apparently, Charles’ secret boyfriend.
@aflowerofwords if you want to do it, i will be so happy to see what you got in your wips ! and anyone else seeing this post is welcome to do it. i’m always excited to see other people’s writing. 👀
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1-ker0sene-1 · 4 months
Never Just Two
Ghoap / Reader
(Wheelchair User Reader)
Chap1, Chap2, Chap3
"A Sargeants Bad Luck"
Word Count: 2k
CW: Johnny can't leave well enough alone, misunderstandings to the max
You were starting to come out of your shell now. Gaining some real confidence. Defiance. Threading your personality into the tightly woven design of this team. You still avoided the couple, however it wasn't out of fear. You gave them the respect of coworkers, but because of their actions you made no effort to befriend them. Simon could handle and understand. But it was wearing on Johnny.
"How do we even apologize?"
He groans, laid back lazily in Simons bed. Who rolled his eyes at the dramatic scott.
"By apologizing."
The masked man grumbles in return. He knew a simple 'I'm sorry' wouldn't fix everything, but it would be a start. The real rough part was to do it, cause that meant they would have to directly explain their pathetic behavior of strategizing against a disabled coworker.
"She already hates us I swear it-"
Johnny sighs, sitting up with a frown. Watching you with Gaz and Price was driving him up the wall. He liked being close knit with his team, knowing them and fighting beside them. Maybe you weren't out on the field with a gun, but now you were officially one of them. And you didn't want a damn thing to do with him. You had every reason to, of course, he knows that. He wants to fix it. You have such a strange affect on Johnny, you make him so damn nervous.
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He tried first with coffee. Leaving a cup ready for you in the common room, where you'd usually sit by your laptop doing your morning routine and chatting with Price. He can fix this, little things at a time. He was never exactly great at leaving things be.
But then he sees your face, scrunching with confusion staring at the mug in your spot. Johnny doesn't speak up yet, watching emotions flow through you. You take the mug, carrying it back to the counter. Mortified, he watches you pour it right down the sink. Turning to the coffee pot to pour yourself a new cup. As you prepare it, he realizes what happened. He wants to slam his head through a wall.
Fucking idiot.. He made it no where near how you like.
His next attempt, he was sure it would work this time. At least get him on your better side. Was to adjust some of the cupboards. Johnny noticed how sometimes you struggled to reach all the way up with your sitting position. Taking the time to remove the cheap box cupboards, and screw them in a bit lower on the wall. He was almost finished when Gaz interrupted him.
"Hey mate you wanna help with the recruit situation? Got a couple idiots fightin' in the mess hall."
John groans, nodding and heading out with the fellow sargeant to deal with it. The cupboards were mostly done, he just had a couple screws to tighten back up.
By the time he was walking back to continue, he hears a crash. And your voice cursing out. Gaz and Johnny look to eachother before rushing towards the common room. And where you were, holding the detached handle of the cheap cupboard, the rest of it fallen on the floor. It almost fell on you. Once again Johnny wanted to bash himself. He opens his mouth, but Gaz is already coming over to you.
"You alright?"
He asks, resting a hand on your shoulder. His free hand takes the cupboard door and tosses it on the countertop.
"I'm fine just-"
You glance at Johnny, blinking as you see the screwdriver poking out of his pocket. Your eyes shoot away from him. Lips pressing into a tight frustrated line.
"I'm good."
You mumble, reaching to grab something else from a more stable cupboard.
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"So you're way of apologizin' is making her coffee that could give her diabetes and dropping a cupboard on her head?"
Simon asks, crossing his arms. Watching Johnny bump his forehead repeatedly against the bed post. The brit is leaned back in a chair, mug of tea in his hands as he watches his distressed scottsman.
"Tha fuck is wrong with me?"
Johnny mutters exasperated.
"You're pushing too hard. We'll apologize tomorrow. Leave it be Johnny."
Simon advises, his hand coming over to his partners shoulder. Giving him a stern squeeze. It was for the best. Give you some time to cool off from Johnny's attempts, hopefully you won't take his actions as more threats. They've done enough of that bullshit.
Johnny swallows.. leave it be. That's what he should do. That is the plan. Leave it be and tomorrow they'll get on track to make things better. He was never good at leaving things alone. He just drowns in the paranoia of your hatred. The way you look at him and Simon makes his stomach ache, embarrassed to admit that it matters to him what you think of them. They started off so harshly with you. Now he's left to watch you show the rest of the team utter warmth and acceptance, things they should have shown you.
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Now they're fucked. Utterly fucked. He didn't leave it be. Far from that actually. Johnny slams the door shut behind him in the room. Looking pale with wide eyes. Simon raises a brow at him. Johnny swallows.
"I know ye said ta leave it-"
"What did you do?"
Simon growls, Johnny sucks in a breath. Slowly revealing what he was hiding behind his back. The footrests to your chair. Simons jaw snaps shut, snapping the cigarette in his mouth clean in half.
"What the fuck were you thinkin'!?"
Simon curses, wrenching the footrest from Johnny's hand. Looking down at it with furrowed brows. The blue eyed man starts his explanation.
"I thought I could fix it- she was talkin' all mornin' about it being too high. That it needs lowered cause it hurts her ankles- she was workin' out so I tried adjusting it and the damn thing just fell off-"
Rambling about how his intentions were to assist you. Make things better. But this was far from it.
"Johnny you don't fuck with a mobility aid."
Simon scolds instantly, eyes narrowed. He had a fucking plan. An apology to make. The damn bastard couldn't wait one night!? He runs a hand over his face with a groan.
"You couldn't put it back on?"
Johnny deflates.
".. The screw was stripped. Gotta find a new one that size-"
They're interrupted by harsh banging on the door. Johnny grimaces. Simon gives him a deadpanned glare. Should have let it be. Simon pushes the footrest back into his lovers hand, turning him with a push on the shoulder. Grumbling sarcastically.
"By all means love. Go explain yourself."
Johnny sighs and reaches to pull open the door. Opening his mouth to spew apologies but you don't even give him the chance.
"Where the hell do you get off!?"
You boom, face twisted in a snarl. You are fuming. Sitting in your chair, arms crossed, nails digging into your own skin. Eyes lit up in a furious glare. Your chest heaving up and down. Your feet hanging just above the ground is a sore reminder of Johnny's worst mistake of the day.
"Y'know- I was fine with letting you guys do your thing and not bothering you. But you have no fucking right to make my life hell when I haven't done a god damn thing to either of you!"
Johnny's throat is impossibly tight, strangled by his own actions.
"Lass I'm really-"
"Don't call me that. You call me by my name, or nothing at all."
You snap. He takes a breath and nods. Mumbling your name. Simon stands behind him tense and looking at you.
" 'm really fuckin' sorry. I never meant ta break it."
"Why would I believe that? You've been fucking with me all day!"
You say, brows furrowed. Johnny blinks, shaking his head as he tries to pitifully explain himself. A feared soldier on the battlefield, a menace of explosions and tech, now babbling out excuses to you.
"No- I swear- I was tryin' to find a way to apologize ta ye."
"Apologize? .. Then why wouldn't you just fucking say that?"
You huff.
Simon cocks his head to the side, looking at Johnny with a glare.
"Yeah Johnny, why didn't you just say that?"
He repeats, trying to beat his point into his stubborn partners head. They could have apologized and not been in this mess. Johnny swallows and gives Simon a glare from the corner of his eyes.
"Yer nae helpin'."
Simon rolls his eyes, looking at you again. For once, a little softer. You've been fucked over all day.
The blonde mindlessly adjusted his balaclava a bit, before clearing his throat. Gesturing you inside the room. You give him an untrusting look, before rolling your chair into the room, letting him shut the door behind you. You grumble something under your breath, snatching your footrests back from Soaps hands. Resting it on your lap for now.
Simon grasps Johnny by the nape of the neck, pressing down on him with an authoritative grip to sit down on the edge of the bed. They were going to talk. They were going to start making this right. By doing it the right fucking way so help him god.
"You got every right to be angry. You deserve a proper apology yeah? No excuses. Just the truth."
"Bit of an understatement.."
You mumble, making Johnny wince. Simon nods in understanding. You suck in a tight breath and continue.
".. I already told you I wasn't telling anyone about you guys- so what the fuck do you have against me? .. That I'm new? That I'm not Laswell? ....Is it because of the chai-"
Johnny says quickly, Simon almost says it at the same time.
"It's nae like that.. we were right pricks. We know. I really was tryin' ta make it up to ye today. Jus' dinnae know how.. and kept fuckin' it up.."
Soap rubs the back of his neck, blue eyes full of remorse and swimming in guilt. Simon sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"We made a .. Few mistakes. We got off wrong from the start. The apology is long overdue. But we are sorry. We can pay for the repair."
You glance between the two of them with eyes of scrutiny, trying to dig for any hint of insencerity. When you find none you huff in annoyance, it would honestly be easier to hate them.
"Doesn't need a repair. Just a new screw. ... Just thought you did it on purpose."
You mutter. Johnny's shoulders sink.
"I promise ye I dinnae..I wouldn't."
Simon huffs, arm resting on Johnny's shoulder. He looks down at you.
"We're a team.. you're good for this team. We need to start treating you better. As one of us. .. Maybe we can start over right."
They blink at your rejection. But it's clear you're serious. You raise your brows at them.
"You guys don't just get to start over when you're assholes... Fix your actions instead."
You say, crossing your arms. Simon swallows thickly, you were right. You could go and tell Price of their treatment. Not only get them reprimanded, but you could come clean about all of them and get them in some real trouble.
"No more running around behind my back. Tell me when you want to help out.."
Johnny lifts his head at your words, opening his mouth. But you hold up a hand and give him a light glare.
"And no touching the chair anymore. Shouldn't have to say that at all."
You say, Johnny nods instantly.
"I deserve to be here. I know you're a Lieutenant, and I know you're a Sargeant. But I have a job to do too. Frankly it's to make sure you guys get back alive..... I'm not telling Price what happened."
Both men slack with relief. But you're not done yet.
"But if you pull that shit again. I'll transfer out. I know my worth. I'm not going to stay where I'm not wanted."
"We know-"
Simon starts.
"Then act like it."
You finish. Effectively silencing them. Simon gives a short nod to your order. In a way it was hard to describe the affect you had on them. Your strangely strong and suffocating presence. You weren't to be stepped on. You weren't to be taken lightly. Not anymore.
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{Tag list: @waiting-so-long @redz0mbie @lolly145 @infpt-zylith @missmidnight-writes }
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slytherinbangchan · 5 years
This equals to chap2. Chap1 would be Hyunjin <<Here>>
Blog’s Masterlist   >>Gang!Au! Masterlist<< (Every member’s storyline is linked somehow to the others so go check
I’d recommend to read every member by the posting order not to lose any detail of the storyline~
Pairing: ChangbinxFemReaderxJisung
Warnings: It’s a gang!Au so the typical stuff related to that theme.
Word count: 1.5k.
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-You were taking care of your little cousin the first time you saw Jisung.
-You looked at your phone for a moment and next thing you knew your cousin was pulling from Jisung's little chains hanging from his pants.
-You walked towards him with a tired face. 'I'm sorry'. You said as you grabbed your cousin's hand. 'He's like a little devil'.
-Jisung looked at you. So serious at first but then he chuckled.
-He was genuinely surprised you weren't scared at all of talking to him.
-'You're not from around here right? Wanna go get some drinks after?' He asked.
-'Did you just asked me out? You're a kid'. You laughed.
-'What are you talking about I'm not a kid' He was pouting as he said so tho.
-You chuckled. 'Aren’t you like 14?'
-'I’m 19!'. Oh god, his face was priceless.
-'You're a teen'. You laughed at him.
-That's when you noticed Changbin.
-He was just besides Jisung, laughin at him too.
-Jisung blushed. 'Well, how old are you then?'
-You laughed again. 'I'm 24.'
-'What about me?' Changbin asked. 'I'm 20 so, not a teen'. He smirked making you smile.
-And that's it.
-That's how it all started.
-Now it's been three or four weeks.
-Three or four weeks where both of them have been hanging at your apartment from time to time.
-Usually they come at different times or days.
-Jisung is kinda needy and pouty.
-You hate to admit it but that's fucking cute on him.
-He first kissed you just a few days ago.
-You were waiting for him to do it.
-Smiling to yourself every time you'd notice he wanted to try and kiss you but he ended up backing off last minute.
-You made it easy for him at the end.
-Resting your head on his shoulder and looking up to ask random stuff as you sit up a little.
-Your eyes fixed on his lips.
-So he took the hint (finally) and kissed you.
-You sat astride him to keep kissing him till he had to go.
-It was different with Changbin.
-He met you at your apartment the first day and just sat at your couch looking at you who were still standing.
-So hot doing nothing but smirking at you.
-You just sat astride him right away and made out for hours.
-His hands on your butt, grasping at it.
-There's other times where they can't come at different days or hours though.
-Those times are a little messy.
-Today is one of those.
-You're sitting cuddling with both of them.
-Your head resting on Changbin's shoulder and Jisung's on you lap.
-Your fingers running through Jisung's hair.
-Changbin leaves a kiss on your forehead, then your nose, then your lips.
-You can feel Jisung getting all tense as you kiss Changbin.
-Their phones buzz at the same time.
-'We have to go' Changbin says.
-'Both of you?'
-'Yeah sorry. It's Bangchan'. Jisung says as he puts on his jacket.
-Ok, that Bangchan guy again.
-Not that you haven't heard about who he is.
-Or what they all do for him.
-Mostly Jisung and Changbin.
-You sigh. 'Don't you get yourselves in trouble'.
-Jisungs turns around and smirk. 'I can't promise you that'.
-You sigh again and walk towards them. 'At least give me a kiss before you idiots leave'. You say, fixing Changbin jacket.
-He kisses you and then you do the same to Jisung.
-He grabs you by your waist not letting you go.
-Such a jealous guy.
-Changbin scoffs as he grabs Jisung by his shoulder. 'We have to go now'.
-You wonder what they talk about when you're not there.
-Do they just talk about random stuff like before you met them?
-Gang stuff?
-Do they fight over you?
-Cause they definitely do when you're around.
-Not a lot. Just stuff like earlier.
-Jisung enjoys showing you off when you go out.
-He wants people to know he's yours.
-Like he looks kinda fearsome on the outside.
-With his clothes, the chains. Tattoos.
-And apparently people around here know his gang.
-There's few girls who dare to approach him.
-And he would just brush them off right away. 'Fuck off, I'm dating her'. Pointing at you with his head as you come back from buying some drinks.
-It's hard to believe he won't be jealous at all around Changbin even when you’re not there.
-He's not that jealous tho.
-Maybe he doesn't like you that much and that's why.
-Or maybe he simply knows you like both of them the same and he doesn't have to be afraid of losing you or anything.
-You go take a shower and forget about all that for a moment.
-Then your phone buzzes.
-You almost trip as you try to reach a towel and go grab your phone.
-It's Jisung.
-'y/n we have a problem. We need to take Changbin to your place'.
-Your heart skips a beat as you hear the other guys talking from behind.
-You put on some clothes. Your hair soaking wet as you wait in front of the door.
-What the hell could have happened in just an hour or two?
-You hear some steps so you open immediately.
-Changbin enters your house being hold by Jisung and another guy.
-'What the hell?' Suddenly you're on the edge of a panic attack.
-'Can we put him on the couch?' That other guy asks.
-A bunch of guys enter after them.
-'Yeah, okay' You make some room for him. 'What's wrong with him?'
-But they don't answer.
-'Seungmin!' The other guy call someone and this 'Seungmin' appears from the crowd behind your couch.
-'Yeah, I know' He says. 'I was trying to wash my hands'.
-'Jisung'. You call him out. 'What's wrong with him?'
-'Nothing, it's ok y/n. This happens sometimes'. He says kneeling besides the couch as he holds Changbin down.
-Seungmin pulls up Changbin's shirt. There's a  bleeding wound.
-You gasp and Jisung stands up up and holds your arms. 'It's just a scratch okay?'
-But you can't stop looking at Changbin.
-Tears forming on your eyes.
-'Listen to me' Jisung shakes you from your shoulders and you look at him. 'He's okay, I promise.'
-That is when you notice Jisung is full of scratches and forming bruises.
-'What happened?' You ask, your voice cracking. You look around. All of them are bruising.
-'I'm sorry I can't tell you that'. He says.
-'Jisung...' You're about to cry.
-'Seungmin and Bangchan are taking care of him. He's gonna be fine. This happens to us all the time.'
-You hug Jisung for a moment and then kneel next to Changbin.
-You can't do anything but look at them silently.
-He's holding Jisung and Bangchan's hands as Seungmin stitches him up.
-His eyes closed.
-After all of that is done the guys leave.
-You can see Jisung talking to Bangchan at the door but you can't hear them.
-Changbin fell asleep after all the pain and the blood he lost.
-Jisung closes the door after Bangchan and walks towards you.
-'I'll go home if you want me to'. He says. He knows you're mad because he won't tell you what happened.
-You let out a frustrated sigh and stand up.
-He follows you with his eyes as you take some bandages etc...
-'Sit'. You say, pushing him down on a chair.
-Then you start cleaning his scratches.
-He whines a little about it but you just shush him down.
-After a while he speaks up again. 'I'm sorry that I can't tell you what happened'.
-You sigh again. 'I don't understand why you can't but ok'.
-'I don't want you to get involved'.
-You scoff. 'I think it's a little late for that'.
-'Maybe, but still'.
-You just keep working on his wounds and then laugh a little.
-'What?' He asks.
-'Nothing, I... These weeks I got so used to see you being just this cute guy around me. Who I thought was all nervous and afraid to even kiss me'. You smile. 'But I look at you now...You're not afraid of anything at all, are you?'.
-He chuckles. 'I wasn't afraid of kissing you. I just didn't know if you wanted me to cause you kissed Changbin right away when you met him and you didn’t do the same when you were with me'.
-You kinda blush. 'You knew about that?'
-He nods.
-Changbin groans a little as he tries to sit up.
-'What are you doing? You can't move like that' You say.
-'It hurts a lot'.
-You hand him some painkillers. 'That's all I've got. Sorry'.
-'That's fine'. He says as he gulp them down.
-Jisung's phone buzzes. 'I have to go'. He says.
-You stop him grabbing his arm. 'No way. Where?'
-'I don't know yet. Bangchan will call me in a minute'. He says trying to walk away. 'y/n, let me go'.
-His phone buzzes again.
-'y/n let him go'. Changbin says.
-'What? No. I'm not fucking letting him go'.
-They look at eachother and Changbin shakes his head as he sighs. 'I'm not telling you what to do'. He tells Jisung.
-He shakes his arm so you would let him go and answers the phone as he leaves the apartment.
-You sit on a chair. Tears falling down your cheeks.
-'He'll be okay y/n. He's a tough cookie'. He giggles and then cough cause pain.
-You sigh and wipe off your tears.
-'You know, I could use some love tho'. He says. ‘I think I fell into a knife or something like that’.
-You chuckle a little and go sit next to him. Kissing him on his forehead. 'Okay but you're not going anywhere. You hear me?
-He laughs lightly. 'I don't think I can'.
Jisung’s pt2
Changbin’s pt2
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