#maybe if I played this when I was 15 I could save myself the hassle
So different anon but i too experienced the unsentimental and tasteless ending...when I was 15. It was rated teen and that scene genuinely scarred me (me and my girlfriend like to joke that it's the real reason why i'm now a lesbian)
Anon I say without a shred of irony that this is so fucking funny and I love you. Thank you for being here.
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 6: Remorse Is the Poison of Life
1. Diana having to run through the dark with nothing but a lantern and quite reasonably tripping. I never really thought about how dark it would actually be out because there’s always light.., somewhere in a modern city. It’s dark but you can usually still see
2. Every time Anne and Diana are separated they end up reunited during some great tragedy and are like “I missed you so much!!” Like yeah that’s great but. Please focus
3. It’s terrifying how easily children could die before modern medicine. They still can die very easily and that’s still terrifying but back then there was no quick fixes or easily accessible help
4. “It’s an old wives tale.” “I might be one but not the other. Evidently one doesn’t have to be either thing to know it.”
5. Anne knowing how to treat croup because all of Mrs. Hammond’s sets of twins had it
6. “I was supposed to be a boy but when I wasn’t, they decided to keep and raise me.” “How extraordinary!”
7. Minnie May almost choking to death on her own phlegm and Anne ultimately saving her because there’s no way the doctor would’ve made it all the way from Soencervale in time
8. “I believe I need a brandy.”
9. It’s really interesting how much of the script comes straight from the book
10. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are white frosts, aren’t you?”
11. John Blythe’s love for adventure and how Gilbert undoubtedly sees it in Anne
12. Eliza apologizing for how she misjudged Anne
13. “My darling Diana”
14. “I can’t tie myself down to anything so unromantic as dishes at this thrilling moment!”
15. “Even aunt Josephine said she’d like to see you again, and she doesn’t like anyone.”
16. “Shes disinclined to stay home alone since her companion passed away.” “Her companion?” “Her best friend forever and ever.”
17. “Aunt Josephine never married. Neither of them did, they lived with each other their whole lives.” “I’d live with you forever if I could. But I know you’ll leave me the date you get married to some wealthy and handsome gentleman. I hate him already.” “How’s Gilbert?”
18. “It’s very likely Gilbert’s father isn’t going to get well, so it’s more than possible that when Gilbert finally comes back to school… he’ll be an orphan.”
19. The cut from that conversation to John Blythe’s funeral
20. Matthew grabbing Marilla’s arm because he knows how much john meant to her
21. Gilbert watching the snowflakes melt in his hand
22. Marilla’s flashback
23. Young Marilla teasing john
24. Him giving her the same hair ribbon she later gifts to Anne
25. Anne and Gilbert being just like their parents, mirroring their romance and yet achieving the love Marilla and John could never have
26. Anne trying to make Gilbert feel better but making it seem like it’s about her. I often find it hard to articulate my relation to others in a way that does sound like I’m relating and not like I’m making it about me
27. Aunt Josephine on a stroll in the woods
28. Anne’s ranting about her “extensive knowledge of being an orphan”
29. Her calling Gilbert a dumb boy and refusing to think about him
30. “Romance is a pesky business. No sense to be made of it.”
31. “May I enter your humble abode.” About Anne’s run down little shed
32. “I couldn’t be less interested in Gil- that boy!”
33. “Let your ambitions and your aspirations be your guide.” “But I have so many!”
34. “I’ve always wanted to be a bride, but I don’t really expect to be a wife.” “Interesting!” “So you see the conundrum.” “I do. I have the following thoughts to offer. First, you can get married any time in your life, if you choose to do so.” “That’s true-“ “And two, if you choose a career, you can buy a white dress yourself, have it made to order and wear it whenever you want.” “Why didn’t I think of that!? I love that idea! I’m going to be my own woman!” “I’m a proponent for making ones own way in the world.”
35. “If you become a doctor, perhaps you can discover a cure for old age.”
36. Anne calling aunt Josephine her new role model, as well as Marilla and Matthew
37. “I’m going to be the heroine of my own story.”
38. Marilla finding an old letter from John
39. The theme Unrequited Love playing during this scene
40. It’s fascinating when you come to recognize the instrumentals by name, the names actually have a lot of double meanings in relation to the show. Fire in The Town not only plays when there’s an actual fire, but also when Anne’s rumors about prissy set the town ablaze
41. “If the key to a mans heart is through his stomach-“ “Which it is!” “Then, we have to make sure that this is the best shepherds pie that Gilbert has ever had.”
42. Anne wanting a boy to loved for her brain and personality rather than her abilities to keep a home
43. “Don’t you think Gilbert looks even more handsome now that he’s sad?” “I didn’t notice.”
44. I just noticed aunt Josephines mourning clothes, I know she was grieving but I didn’t put two and two together
45. “Take the boy the godforsaken pie before I suffer a mental collapse.”
46. Anne rambling excitedly about Jane Eyre.
47. Anne almost spoiling the book, just like Gertrude used to do
48. Anne suddenly breaking down over death. I’ve done that before, far more frequently in middle school when I realized that we all die someday
49. “It must be awful beyond measure to lose someone that you love deeply. In a split second, a heartbeat, they’re gone forever… and there is nothing you can do to change it or bring them back…”
50. “Anne? You’re crying on the potatoes.”
51. “There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘I’m sorry for your loss’, Ruby. And I’m going to say it because I am.” “You’re just going to make it worse if you say that. His father!! Just died!!!” “That’s what people say when someone dies.” “I don’t want you to upset him.” “He’s already upset because his father just died!”
52. “We hope you like shepherds pie.” “Everyone LIKES shepherds pie 😡. We hope it’s a comfort to you, Gilbert.🥰”
53. Anne telling “but I would make a terrible wife!” And running out.
54. Matthew offering to help Gilbert get his farm back in order
55. Gilbert not wanting to be a farmer but having an entire farm shoved off on him when his only family does, despite being… 14 at most? 15 maybe?
56. Matthew losing all his crops when the Dal Marie sank
57. Billy wanting Gilbert back to control the “ugly orphan” and Gilbert defending Anne
58. “She’s smart, deal with it.”
59. Gilbert telling billy to read a book for once
60. “I’ll give you a tip, okay? I’m not your bud. And if you ever hassle Anne again, you’ll regret it.”
61. “What’s your problem?” “Ask me that again. No, seriously. Go ahead.” “Why you gotta be like that?” “Ask me!” “…what’s your problem?”
62. Gilbert throwing his stuff at billy to preoccupy his hands and THEN punching him straight in his stupid face
63. The boys are fighting!!!! And rolling around in the snow too that’s kind of funny looking
64. Gilbert beating billy in that fight
65. Marilla telling Gilbert about his father
66. All of Gilbert’s siblings died
67. Gilbert’s father taking him to Alberta before he died, where Gilbert was born
68. “You resemble him in many ways.”
69. “He asked you to go?” I’ll always be grateful to him for thinking I’d be brave enough. Obligation… can be a prison.”
70. Anne trying to write a letter to Gilbert apologizing for what she said
71. Anne visiting aunt Josephine for advice and accidentally interrupting her grieving
72. “Emotion is rarely convenient and often intolerable, but I find at the moment that I don’t mind it.”
73. “Grief is the price you pay for live, you see. So it’s alright.”
74. “You and I are not the marrying kind.” “Ah, but I was, in my way. And we had a full and wonderful life together, and I gave no regrets. That’s all you really have to decide Anne, to live a life without regrets.”
75. Anne kissing aunt Josephine on the cheek and running off to live said life
76. No Matthew don’t make that loan deal!!!
77. Anne sprinting to Gilbert’s house bit for the first time of many to come, being too late to reach him.
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wittystiles · 5 years
The Bluff || Mitch Rapp || Part 15
Author: wittystiles
Word Counter: 2k
Warnings: Cursing, idk.
Relationship: Mitch Rapp x Reader
Chapter Title: The Cleanup
Summary: Mitch cleans. Stan gives Irene an update.
A/N: ((THIS IS THE REAL ONE)) I didn’t write for this forever. And then I did. And I hated it. So I walked away, and then I came back and I finished it. This story is my nemesis but it’s for y’all, so I hope you all enjoy it. Please comment, reblog, like. Whatever. Feedback is crucial. I adore y’all.
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(Y/N) reached across herself, feeling around for her phone on a nightstand she’d forgotten was no longer standing. The huff that left her was part defeat, part annoyance as she sat up, her head throbbing in it’s own loud protest. Her stomach gave a churn, threatening her with the proposal of vomit, and she fought her hardest to stifle that urge. She’d not consumed alcohol in so long, she’d nearly forgotten how unwell she felt after guzzling bottles of wine. Bitter red being the worst offender.
Opening her eyes she was met with dry soreness, and she shut them again, rubbing them tiredly with the sides of her fists. It took her a few long breaths before she could once more open her eyes, looking around at her devastated room. She plucked a tuft of comforter stuffing from her hair and watched for a moment as it fell to the bed and joined a mound that was already there. (Y/N) was struggling to force all of the things that she was feeling deep within herself, to a part of herself where things wouldn’t be found. Where she wouldn’t get to acknowledge the anger that was beginning to fester at her remembering the destruction of her apartment. It wasn’t like she was going to be able to stay there long, anyway, regardless of its devastation.
She admonished herself for not being wiser to the longevity of the ‘mission’ that Stan and Irene had forced upon her. She should have known she was never going to be free of her ‘Paris savior’. Throwing her legs off of the edge of the bed, (Y/N) willed herself to stand, head feeling a bit dizzy but manageable.
With her hand on the wall to brace herself, (Y/N) made it out of her bedroom and down the hallway to her living room. She took the scene before her in, mouth daring to drop open in amazement. “Mitch?” She muttered, seeing a figure laying on a pile of folded blankets, facing the wall. The entire living room was immaculately clean. No remnants of broken glass, wood, or couch innards splattered the floor. There were large black trash-bags stacked up against the wall near the front door, and every piece of ruined furniture was no longer in the room.
Her hand came up to cover her mouth, her feet carrying her from the living room to her kitchen. Everything was clean in there, as well. Her drawers had been returned to their places, the cabinets shut and some even put back onto their hinges. She was stunned. “Mitch,” she called again, this time louder and clearer. She heard a groan from behind her. He must be waking up.
“Mitch, did you do this?” She wondered, returning to the living room to crouch beside his sleeping form. She rest her hand on his hip for stability and he nearly jumped out of his skin. His torso sprang up and his hands flew behind him to keep himself upright, his chest rising and falling rapidly. (Y/N) retreated from him so fast, her balance got thrown, and she fell backwards, landing with a loud thud on her ass.
Moving with concern for (Y/N), Mitch found himself at her side in a heartbeat. He rest his hand gently against her shoulder blade, looking over her face quickly. “Are you all right?” He asked, moving to sit back against his ankles, taking his hand away from her shoulder. She nodded, looking a little startled but no worse for wear. He ran a hand through his tangled hair, regretting it at once.
“I cleaned,” he stated matter-of-factly, shrugging his shoulders. He settled back against his heels, deciding on just pushing his hair back and away from his face. He absently wished that he had a hair tie. Maybe he could handle the mess of hair that was on his head. “I was gonna do the bedroom but you were just - sleeping so soundly? I dunno, I couldn’t disturb you in order to clean. I’m sorry.”
(Y/N) was at a loss for words as she stared at him, eyes wide. “Are-are you apologizing for the fact that you cleaned? That’s, that’s insane. You literally turned this entire apartment right side up, Mitch. I walked out of my room and was flabbergasted over the fact that this place didn’t look like nineteen bulls trampled through it. I can only say the sincerest thank you, Mitch. Really.” She paused, “why did you sleep on the floor?”
“There wasn’t much room in your bed. I don’t know if you noticed this, but, your mattress was decimated. Irreparably, I’m afraid. There was only enough room for you. And barely, at that. You were curled up so tight around yourself it was like you were going to solidify and be stuck in an immovable (Y/N) ball.”
She stared blankly at him, “you’re not very clever first thing in the morning. Are you?”
“I spent the last twelve hours cleaning up your demolished apartment by myself. I think that I deserve a little credit when it comes to witty remarks.”
(Y/N) nodded, a smile forming on her lips. “Can I make you breakfast? As a thank you?”
“Your fridge is empty.”
She sighed, “the markets a five minute walk from here. I can go out, get some things. Make you a really hearty breakfast. All of the fixins! You could maybe shower, while I’m gone? You smell.”
“I do not,” he grumbled, trying to slyly smell himself without her noticing. It didn’t work.
“You’re right, you don’t,” she laughed. “Though a shower probably could only help you at this point. I’m sure you’re sore…”
Standing from the floor, Mitch shook his head. “I’m fine, but I will shower. At my own apartment. Don’t go to the store. Period. I’ll go out, get something for you to eat while I’m gone. And I will figure out this whole fucking situation.”
(Y/N) watched him with confusion, “what do you mean you’ll figure out this whole fucking situation?”
Mitch stretched his arms over his head, cracking his shoulders in the process. “It means I’m not done saving your ass.” He gave her a wink, walking out of her apartment without another word.
Stan sauntered into Irene’s office in something far below the considerably appropriate marker for ‘business’ or even ‘business casual’. His tucked in white crew neck had the beginning of holes around the collar from years of being pulled off over head. His blue jeans were faded on the thighs and knees, from years of sun exposure and wrestling around in the mud. He was clutching a blue and white paper cup filled with now lukewarm coffee, and looked three-days overdue for a shave.
“Go away, Stan,” Irene called out without looking up from her file. “I’m busy and I don’t have time to entertain you.”
Stan settled himself into the chair across the desk from Irene, resting the ankle of his left leg over the knee of his right. “I’m not here to be entertained,” he announced, bringing his coffee up to his mouth to take a few long swallows. He tossed the cup into the trash beside her desk, the lid popping off upon impact, falling to the floor ungracefully. He wondered how flimsy those cups really were as he leaned forward to pick the lid up, tossing it into the trash. “I’m here to update you on the Mitch case.”
“Don’t call it a case. It’s nowhere near official, Stan.” Irene finally turned her attention away from her computer, looking at him with boredom in her expression. “I know everything that’s happened with them.” She commented, sighing softly. “Also, in case you were wondering. I do have a telephone. You’re welcome to use it to get in contact with me, and avoid this hassle of coming all of the way down here just to inconvenience me.”
Stan’s eye roll was involuntary. “There’s been a new development in the situation.” He crossed his arms over his chest, sighing softly. “(Y/N) called me this afternoon, said something about how Mitch cleaned up her apartment.”
She stared at him blankly for a moment, racking her brain to figure out why that mattered to her. “You dragged your sorry self down here, just to tell me that he /cleaned/?”
Stan glared, “if you’re going to give me attitude, Irene, I will just leave. You can have a fun time trying to get the information I was going to nicely give you out of Mitch. We both know how readily he tells you things.”
“I can call (Y/N).”
Stan chuckled, “you can’t. She’s scratched her most recent cell phone, and won’t have a new one for a while. You’re going to have to send someone to her to get her to talk to you, or have her dragged in here. And I really don’t think you want Mitch getting suspicious about her getting brought down to the CIA building. He’s always so flighty.” He shrugged, “then of course you can go to her. But, that’s an inconvenience that the director wouldn’t want to put upon herself now is it?”
Irene clenched her jaw, trying to keep herself steady and not show the clear annoyance to him. “You’ve made your point, Stanley. What is this groundbreaking information that you’ve got?”
“I never claimed it was groundbreaking.”
The two shared a moment of silence, Irene leaning back in her chair to get herself more comfortable. “Are you ever going to speak?”
“I was just waiting for you to apologize for being rude to me initially.”
“Well that’s gonna be a cold day in hell, Stan. You had might as well leave right now, if you’re really expecting me to apologize. Unlike you, I have work to do. I cannot sit here all day and play these juvenile games with you.”
“I’m not playing any games.”
“Okay, well. The door’s that way. I’m sure you’re capable of finding it.” She turned away from him, eyes training back to her computer screen, fingers poised over the keyboard to start writing.
“He cleaned her apartment, because the two were together the entire night.”
“I’m aware. Your plan of destroying her apartment worked smashingly. He rushed out of here and straight to her. Arrived to her apartment in record time, where he promptly removed the cameras we installed. The little bastard even found the two I didn’t show him in the video.”
Stan chuckled, “sounds about Mitch.”
“Doesn’t it always?”
“(Y/N) said he left for an hour earlier today. He brought her back food and then disappeared. She didn’t know where he went, and when she tried asking he shut her down with a ‘are you my babysitter’.”
“Fascinating,” she mused, continuing to keep her eyes on her computer. “Is this everything?”
“No,” he sighed. “According to her he told her that he isn’t, and this is a direct quote, ‘done saving her ass’.”
She raised her eyebrow a little, “what does that mean?”
“It means that he’s committing himself to her, or so it seems. Not in the romantic way, I’m guessing. But in the way that the two of them are linked longer than she anticipated she would be. Which is good for the two of us,” he sighed.
“Yes. I am aware. It’s good that the two of them aren’t breaking ties because it would have made every second of this little thing mute.” Irene shook her head. “Is there something you’re not getting at?”
Stan shook his head, pursing his lips out a little. He was having fun with the little game that they were playing. Irene, of course, wasn’t. However he always enjoyed getting underneath her skin. He especially enjoyed when she wasn’t showing her frustrations and annoyance for him. Her not looking at him was, to him, like the equivalent of a dog not looking at you when you yell at them for pissing on the carpet. It wasn’t that she was upset because she’d done something wrong, no. It was that she was upset that her life was saddled to Stan’s.
“Jesus Christ, just spit it out!” She nearly shouted, taking a deep breath to calm herself. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Stan smirked, taking a moment before answering, “she’s moving in with him.”
Feedback is greatly appreciated! If you’d like to be tagged, let me know, please!
@ellie-bee242 , @cathobs , @redstringlovers , @lovefilledtragedy , @sumcp, @teamwolf2411, @confidentrose, @daddyxraeken, @iloveteenwolf24-blog, @kalista-rankins, @stilinski-stydia-obrien, @rumoured-whispers, @omgimafuckingmermaid, @cuillere, @dylan-void, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @fuckwhateverfuck, @maxytwombly, @itsamberh, @haveyoumetmeyet, @kal-pal, @infinitstydia, @thenovarose, @anamcg317, @terriblewife, @thelonesoul, @rebeccaannex3, @behind-my-hazeleyes27, @girlwiththerubyslippers, @x-mitch-rapp-x, @mainlymieczyslawstilinski, @veronicarapp, @kaylinfayezink, @a–1–1–3, @rxppmxtch, @lietomeat3am
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duhragonball · 5 years
I’ve been frustrated with Funimation’s streaming service ever since I started Liveblogging Dragon Ball, because I need the website to screencap the DBZ movies and specials.   
This is my own fault, because I used to have all the movies on DVD, but I switched to Blu-Ray several years ago, and got rid of the DVD copies, since I figured I didn’t need both.  Turns out, you can’t take screencaps from Blu-Ray discs, at least not by any means I’ve been able to find. 
So Funimation.com would be instrumental here, except they took a bunch of their DBZ movies off the site.   The Bardock Special, all three Broly movies, and Fusion Reborn aren’t available.  
I’m pretty sure this has something to do with the “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” movie that came out this year.    They’ve been screening Bardock and Movies 8 and 12 in theaters as part of some thing with Fathom Events, and I assume that was a cross-promotion with the DBS film, since they share some of the same characters.   Someone in charge must have decided that if those movies are in theaters, then they shouldn’t be on Funimation’s streaming service.    Not sure how Movies 10 and 11 got roped into that.  Maybe there’s more to it.  
With the Bardock Special, I just watched my Blu-Ray edition and pulled screencaps off a YouTube video.   For Movies 8, 10, 11 & 12, I decided to just purchase new DVDs to save myself some hassle.    It’s just easier for me to take the screenshots as I’m watching.   
So I figured I’m home free, except when I sat down to watch “History of Trunks” tonight, I get this message saying that it’s only available for “Premium Subscribers”.   Pretty sure this is the only video in Funi’s DBZ catalog that’s like this.    Movie 9 still plays normally, and it turns out they recently added Movies 14 and 15, which I found surprising.     And they play without issue.    I have a hard time believing History of Trunks is on a different subscription tier.  
More importantly, I checked my account, and I’m already on the Premium account.   So I’m not even sure what it’s asking me to do.    The website makes it look like subscribers get full access to the video library no matter which package they choose.    The higher-price subscriptions are about being able to download videos and other perks that I don’t really need.  
That just irks me.    It’s not that big a deal, because I only subscribed to the service so I could watch anime that isn’t Dragon Ball, but it makes me wonder where else this issue could come up.   I sent an e-mail to their customer support, but I’m betting I won’t like the answer.  Chances are, they meant to take down that special along with the Bardock one, and they just forgot to do it.   
As it stands, I’ll probably end up liveblogging History  of Trunks the same way I did Bardock: Father of Goku.    We’ll see....
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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I love my scarf so much. I did not actually wear it outside at the house. I wear a jacket. But I've had that scarf on pretty much all day. It is the best scarf even if it sheds a lot.
Today was a good day I did not accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish but I did a lot. I slept really well last night. Had very bizarre dreams. But I got up and felt good. I woke up and had biscuits for breakfast. Got dressed and walk to the grocery store. I brought my grandma card and bought lots of food for the week. I am trying to eat at home more this week. Especially since my hours are very weird. I wandered around for a bit and then went home. I am packed everything and then I had it over to Eddie's to get a couple things I can't get at streets Market. I biked over to Eddie's though and was only there for a couple minutes. I still need to get milk and I'll probably have to get eggs at some point but for now it's fine. I used my heart boiled egg cooker to while I was gone and didn't check the eggs but I'm assuming they're okay. I'm very excited about my hard-boiled egg maker though and I really hope that I can figure out the best time frame to leave them in there to cook.
Once I got everything unpacked I made lunch. I rested for a little while and made some plans. And then I headed out to go catch the bus. I left a little bit earlier than I really need to because I wanted to get the earlier bus just in case. I think I am going to be able to get away with getting the 12:30 bus. But just so that I get used to when I'm getting off going 20 minutes early. It's nice that that bus runs so often though.
It was nice and sunny out. There's a chill in the air but I was never uncomfortable or anything. In either direction. Hot or cold. I had a nice talk with an old man at the bus stop. And then the bus came. And it was a nice ride. It's like a 25-minute ride and it's very comfortable. I got up to Wildwood and like I said I was like a half an hour early. So I walked around the neighborhood.
The neighborhood very much reminds me of Mayfair in Philadelphia. It's mostly row houses with little front yards. Lot of Old Stone. In the direct neighborhood it's all houses in churches. There's not even a corner store. I think maybe at some point I'll try to wander out a little bit farther and see if there's somewhere to eat. Now that I really plan on it but just in case something happens and I have to get something close by.
When I got there Fitsum was already there and said that Tiffany wasn't in yet. So we sat in the waiting room and talked. We accidentally both were wearing the same outfit. Well not exactly. We're both wearing brown jackets and are in shirts. And I made us laugh. It seems like we are going to be together but it's still unclear at this point. I hope we do though because he's a sweetheart. Tiffany came and found us because it turned out she was there. But it was no big deal. We went back to your office and did a bunch of paperwork. Went through how are lesson plan is going to work. And I feel so excited about it. I was pretty nervous at first but now that all my questions are answered I'm like excited. And I have so many ideas. I've written 8 months of vague themes and topics in my tablet. I think I'm just going to keep everything on my Google Drive since now I paid for it for the year anyway. I was considering getting a Chromebook since I'm going to have to be doing a lot of writing. But instead since my tablet doesn't work very well I just decided to buy a Bluetooth keyboard for it. So that should be here on Thursday. And then I can actually do my lesson plans for real. I feel very excited.
We just did a lot of going through packets and making sure all of our paperwork was good and it was just nice to be able to honestly answer questions and not have to feel silly for wanting clarity. I got my direct deposit setup and we have to take 15 hours of professional development courses over the school year. And so she help me setup my account for that. And I was able to get into the CPR first aid training class on Friday morning. So I get my first three hours of PD in and I'm excited to have that certificate my record. Even though it was a little bit of a hassle trying to figure out how to make an account for some reason. They make it like all secret like.
After we finished all of her paperwork and spent a lot of time discussing how things go. We did another walk around the building. This time we actually got to meet the other teachers that we may be working with or will be the team with the 5th graders. They were both really nice and I would be equally as excited to work with them. I think it might be nice though to have a blank slate with the new class with fitsum and there won't be a weird power Dynamic there. Of having a current teacher and a new teacher. But regardless the students were there too. They were all so sweet. They liked my jacket and they asked me if I could teach him how to sew and they asked me about other different projects that they were interested in doing. And it was just so cool they were so engaged and so sweet. I'm really excited to get to work with them. There was a couple big personalities but in the best ways. I'm very excited for this opportunity. I really think that this is going to be the exact thing I've been looking for. The rest of my jobs and lives are going to have to sort themselves out. Maybe I'll slow down my work at the BMI and take my mornings for myself. Or maybe I won't and maybe I'll still do exactly what I'm doing now. I just don't want to burn out. I want to really enjoy being able to teach and museums and do all the things that I do. But today really made me excited for going forward.
Fitsum was nice enough to give me a ride again. I'm going to have to figure out a way to tell him I will give him money. Because him giving me a ride back is saving me like $16 every time. It's like even if I throw him like 20 bucks a week or something. It would be worth it to me. You also just lose them walking into my apartment though so I think he just it is being kind and just giving you rides. But I don't want to take advantage he's so nice. I really just hope that we become friends too cuz I think he's a really cool guy. He was telling me some about working in Ethiopia and the culture there. And I'm curious to learn more.
Once I got home I have kind of a going back and forth doing things all night. I watched the new Shane Dawson documentary series. And I ate snacks. I've been eating snacks all night. I work in my studio for a while. I played with the new Furbys. They both had some corrosion inside of them from their batteries leaking so I had to clean that up with vinegar. But they're both working just fine and they were chatting with each other. They do make that high-pitched screeching sound that I read about. So I may take them apart and disconnect the wires. Honestly I might disconnect all of their speaking wires because I'm not super a fan of their voices. But I still think they're very cute. I like the way that they move they're very active. So I think painting with them is going to be really interesting.
I talked to James for a little while he's at his apartment having a D&D night. I think I just have too much social anxiety to participate. I told him I would be a guest are at some point but I just don't know if I could play with them and feel comfortable enough to do it. But we'll see I don't know. I like doing it one on one with James that one time though I hope we can do that again cuz I did enjoy that.
I did fall down the stairs. I hurt my hand a little bit but I'm okay. I mostly just scared me. I took a shower and wash my hair. And it's just chilling at my apartment and I'm wearing Chenille socks and leggings and I feel very cozy. I think I'm going to switch my stuff for work into my new work tote bag. That I have gotten from my causebox. It's such a pretty bag and I think it's going to be perfect for carrying all my papers and things. And it stands so I feel like if it gets paint on it and stuff it'll be cool. I think now though I'm going to start winding down for bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow and try to get some more done. And then I have to go over to Northern Parkway to get my fingerprints done for the city to get an ID and a background check. And then I have to go to Wildwood at 12:30 for staff meeting. I'm very excited for that I think it's going to be very fun. I'm excited too more formally meet everyone. So I hope it's just another really nice day. I hope you guys all have a great night and sleep well. Be safe out there. Be kind
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visawords · 4 years
Is Discover Mobile App Still Relevant? | discover mobile app
Apple’s adaptable App Abundance in iOS 14
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Every acknowledged belvedere has its celebrity days.
For the iOS App Store, it was the aboriginal years afterwards the barrage about 12 years ago back alike a fart app could be acknowledged and cull in added than bisected a actor installs. For Google Play, it was in the years afterwards 2012 back there weren’t millions of apps on the belvedere yet.
Today, things are different.
And it’s one of the affidavit why — forth with belvedere shares of acquirement — Apple in accurate is adverse accretion antitrust scrutiny. And why Apple was afresh in the account for all the amiss affidavit as the aggregation alone Basecamp’s Hey email app mostly over banking reasons, about blame it off the App Abundance afore an eleventh-hour deal.
Because you’ll pay added as a adaptable developer for advance than for simple distribution.
“Back in the day, bodies would go in the App Abundance and think, wow, like, let’s see what’s there. Let’s ascertain new stuff,” Denys Zhadanov told me afresh on the TechFirst podcast. “Now it has adapted into a administration model, it’s not about analysis anymore.”
Zhadanov is a VP at Readdle, which has seven top-30 apps on the App Abundance including Spark, an email app, Scanner Pro, and PDF Expert.
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That’s inevitable, ultimately.
Even admitting iOS 11 was advised to adapt the App Abundance and access analysis of new apps with new chase and new content, back you accept over nine actor apps on the two above platforms, it absolutely doesn’t amount how acceptable Google Play or the App Abundance is: there’s aloof too abundant for any alone app to angle abundant adventitious of accepting noticed.
Which doesn’t beggarly either the App Abundance or Google Play are abhorrent now.
Quite the opposite. Frankly, the absurd advance of TikTok shows — admitting contempo challenges in India — that there’s no belvedere absolutely like avant-garde adaptable platforms for massive accelerated growth.
“The App Abundance ecosystem is a amazing and astounding abode for developers from all the altered locations in the apple to [create] article amazing and administer that to 1.5 billion devices,” Zhadanov says.
One of the challenges, however, is that the Google Play and App Abundance guidelines accept not necessarily kept up with alteration business models. The Basecamp email app was a cable app: if Basecamp had congenital it application the App Abundance for payments, Apple would accept taken a 30% cut of revenue, bottomward to 15% in consecutive years.
Google has a agnate fee anatomy in place.
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“There is no adventitious in blood-soaked hell that we’re activity to pay Apple’s ransom,” Basecamp’s CTO David Heinemeier Hansson tweeted. “I will bake this abode bottomward myself, afore I let abyss like that circuit it for spoils. This is profoundly, perversely calumniating and unfair.”
Think administration against discovery.
If analysis is the model, a belvedere or account is allowance new users who would never accept accepted about you ascertain what you do. That brings new money into your pocket, and for that service, a 30% fee isn’t prohibitive. It’s a commission, essentially, that drops to 15% in afterward years. Afterwards all, new barter are new barter … and it costs some money to run an adaptable app store, afterwards all.
But if it’s aloof about administration — a abundant added hands-off archetypal that about irenic transfers a artefact from a ambassador to a chump — the 30% seems expensive.
(Especially back there’s about a abstruse Apple affairs for too-big-to-ignore players like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video that bypasses any fees at all.)
This accomplished affair has big implications for the antitrust affect that Apple’s adverse in Europe. One big affair is whether the cable fees it wants to allegation a aggregation like Spotify, which competes with Apple Music, are a aggressive disadvantage. Afterwards all, does Apple Music accept to pay the iOS App Abundance a 15-30% agency on chump sign-ups?
And if it did, would Apple Music be assisting in and of itself? That’s acceptable a austere catechism for Europe’s antitrust lawyers.
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As far as Readdle is concerned, however, Apple’s cable appraisement isn’t awfully unfair. At atomic for them.
“I do accept that’s accomplished for some businesses for example, area the margins are cool high, like for archetype ourselves,” Zhadanov says. “When it comes to Spotify, right, it aloof makes or break their business.”
Spotify, of course, operates a music business (and a growing podcast business). The music alive business is awfully low-margin, and Spotify has had agitation axis a accumulation for years.
A sliding calibration ability accomplish added faculty for lower-margin businesses, and ability be added acceptable to businesses like Basecamp, which don’t appetite to duke a third of revenues over to Apple — or Google for that amount — aloof for hosting their apps on a store. And it ability stop some of the loud and awful hassles in the app acquiescence process.
Especially if there’s one appear and accessible appraisement archetypal for everyone, rather than loopholes for behemothic corporations.
Get the abounding argument of Zhadanov and my chat here.
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crookedspoonfic · 7 years
Tagged by @voldiebuns​ :D
1. Coke or Pepsi? Neither, actually, but if I have to, Pepsi. 2. Disney or Dreamworks: Again, neither. 3. Coffee or tea: Tea. I stopped drinking coffee a year ago after having had an unhealthy relationship with it for 13-14 years. There were days I literally drank pots of the stuff and my blood felt it was like turning to gel, pumping anxiety through my veins. Sometimes, it’s still hard watching people glorify coffee on screen (Dale Cooper, I’m looking at you) in the same way it’s tough watching people smoke, but thankfully that’s becoming less in media these days. 4. Books or movies? Both. 5. Windows or Mac? Windoofs. 6. DC or Marvel? DC 7. Xbox or Playstation? Playstation, even though I rarely ever play. But there’s no question about it. Playstation has Resident Evil. 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect? Neither, still. Though I’ve wanted to play Mass Effect for ages, so I guess I’ll go with that. 9. Night owl or early bird? Night owl, though training myself to become an early riser. Occasionally, it works. 10. Cards or chess? Cards (against humanity) 11. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate 12. Vans or converse? Converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? What? 14. Fluff or angst? Give me all the angst! 15. Beach or forest? Forest, though I guess rainy, overcast and rock-strewn beaches are okay too. 16. Dogs or cats? Cats! Though I do love me some bulldogs. 17. Clear skies or rain? Overcast skies. Clear skies are only beautiful in cold weather. I love rain, but it’s inconvenient to walk around in it. It’s a hassle getting my clothes to dry when they’re drenched. 18 Cooking or eating out? Cooking, even though I'm no fan of it. Eating out costs too much money. 19. Spicy food or mild food? Both. 20. Halloween/Samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas? Neither.  21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? I am forever a little too cold and it bothers me when it’s hot out. 22. If you could have a superpower what would it be? Invisibility or teleportation.  23. Animation or live action? Depends. Animation over live action when it comes out of Japan, live action over animation when it comes from the West, usually. There are exceptions. Young Justice is one of those. 24. Paragon or renegade? What? 25. Baths or showers? Showers 26. Team cap or team ironman? Team please leave me out of your marital spats. 27. Fantasy or sci-fi? No preference, really. Though one of my all-time favourite book series is The Wheel of Time, a fantasy epic (which is dire need of a re-read). 28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? I really should create a list of these things because I can never think of anything when asked.
The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.  (and many other Oscar Wilde quotes)
Another belief of mine: that everyone my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise. —Margaret Atwood
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.—Maya Angelou (boy, do I relate)
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when he grows up. —Pablo Picasso
29. YouTube or Netflix? Netflix 30. Harry potter or Percy Jackson? Neither. 31. When do you feel accomplished? Tough question, mate. I guess when I’ve written something I don’t hate. 32. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars. 33. Paperback books or hardback books? Paperbacks 34. To live in a world without literature or without music? Would this still be living? 35. Pale faded colours or vibrant colours? Both, but mostly black 36. Good characterization with a bad plot or a good plot with bad characterisation? Good characterization hands down, but I make a lot of exception when I dig the style and anyway, as long as the characters aren’t unrecognisable or the format is an eyesore (no paragraphs eg) there’s always something to enjoy if you look for it. 37. Favourite Disney movie? Mulan 38. TV show adaptations or movie adaptations? Both, but lately I’ve been appreciating TV adaptions a lot, because the format allows the story to really breathe. Movies can feel so cramped. 39. Museum or library? Both. 40. High School musical or Camp Rock? Neither. 41. Three songs that have a special meaning to you? This is so hard, because so many songs of my early teen years have are charged with meaning, or maybe it’s just nostalgia lol
Tool - Stinkfist, or Sober
Otep - Nein
Emilie Autumn - The Art of Suicide
42. what happened to question 42 where is it 43. Favourite smells? Rain, freshly cut grass, earl grey tea leaves 44. If you could do your life over, would you and why? No thanks, I’m already way older than I’ve ever wanted to be, I don’t wanna go through all of that again. 45. Would you kill someone you love to save 20 strangers? Depends, but I don’t think so. 46. If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you want it to be? idk, I still regret not having gone to the Woodkid concert @neurotoxia invited me to years ago. As for historical events, I might have liked to see performances in Shakespeare’s time.  47. If you had to pick one colour to represent you as a person, what would it be and why? Black. 48. What passion would you pursue if there were no restrictions on your life (money, time, ability/education, etc)? idk man, this has never been an option so I don’t dwell on it. Right now, all I want to do is write stupid fanfiction. And relearn to draw. I guess I’d love to be able to try out things like painting or learning instruments without having to worry about money, space or noise, and in more unrealistic terms I’d also love to learn all the languages there are. :D 49. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be (can also be a mythical one)? A wrinkleface, like a grumpy cat or a bulldog. Or a dragon. 50. What is your spirit animal? idk, an owl perhaps.
Tagging @neurotoxia @divinesquishes @written-s0ul @addicted-to-his-knife @banshee-cheekbones @jbird181 if you like!
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verytamenow · 8 years
1:Name - Zoe
2:Age - 24
3:3 Fears - Spiders, Heights, Death (lowkey)
4:3 things I love - The sound of a rain storm, Being able to sleep in, Chocolate
5:4 turns on - Confidence, Cuddling, Kindness, Intelligence
6:4 turns off - Cruelty, Bigotry, Rudeness, Unwillingness to listen
7:My best friend - I don’t think I have one.
8:Sexual orientation - Really really really fucking gay
9:My best first date - Haven’t had one.
10:How tall am I - 5′5″
11:What do I miss - A lot of things when I let myself dwell on them. 
12:What time were I born - I honestly have no clue. Is this information people usually have off the top of their head?
13:Favourite color - Blue at the moment
14:Do I have a crush - No.
15:Favourite quote - “It is what it is” / “This too shall pass” / “But the monsters turned out to be just trees”
16:Favourite place - The beach, or by any body of water. Or curled up in bed on a lazy day while it storms.
17:Favourite food - Strawberries.
18:Do I use sarcasm - Who? Me?
19:What am I listening to right now - Road noise
20:First thing I notice in new person - Their smile
21:Shoe size - 8-9
22:Eye color - Blue
23:Hair color - Dark blonde
24:Favourite style of clothing - I kind of live in tshirts and jeans but I really like a sharper look - like suits.
25:Ever done a prank call? - No
27:Meaning behind my URL - There isn’t one? It’s my favourite place, favourite animal, and year of my birth.
28:Favourite movie - Oh this is difficult. The Alien Series, Harry Potter, or Silence of the Lambs
29:Favourite song - Losing My Religion - REM
30:Favourite band - Right now Taylor is my favourite singer, but in terms of bands I’d say the Killers at the moment.
31:How I feel right now - Neutral.
32:Someone I love - My dad.
33:My current relationship status - Single.
34:My relationship with my parents - Good if we haven’t pissed each other off.
35:Favourite holiday - I don’t really have one.
36:Tattoos and piercing i have - None. Not even my ears pierced.
37:Tattoos and piercing i want - Something for my mom, grandfather, and dad. But the monsters turned out to be just trees in Taylor’s handwriting. And maybe something else.
38:The reason I joined Tumblr - Kaylor tbh.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other? - No, not at all.
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - I’ll sometimes say goodnight or goodmorning to my friends but usually? No.
41:Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - No.
42:When did I last hold hands? - In a way that wasn’t platonic? Never.
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Technically 30-45 minutes.
44:Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? - No. I’m single and live in jeans so I’d rather not deal with the hassle.
45:Where am I right now? - In my bed.
46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - I don’t drink but if it happened, probably my dad at the moment if anyone.
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - Reasonable level but sometimes I’ll blast it in the car.
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - Yes, unashamedly.
49:Am I excited for anything? - Not really. Maybe the upcoming Alien movie.
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - No.
51:How often do I wear a fake smile? - I don’t usually bother to fake it but I will if I have to.
52:When was the last time I hugged someone? - Last night.
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - Impossible.
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - No.
55:What is something I disliked about today? - I have work.
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - If anyone wants to introduce me to my future wife that would be cool. Short of that, meeting Taylor would be cool too.
57:What do I think about most? - Depends on the day.
58:What’s my strangest talent? - I don’t have talent.
59:Do I have any strange phobias? - I think my phobias are pretty typical.
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - I suck at taking photos but I hate being in photos more. Just keep the camera away from me altogether.
61:What was the last lie I told? - Not sure. 
62:Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - I tend to be quiet on the phone so video chatting instead I guess.
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - I don’t not believe in ghosts and I think it’s a bit arrogant to write off the possibility of other intelligent life in space.
64:Do I believe in magic? - I don’t not believe in it. I believe spells are about as real and powerful as the idea of prayer, for whatever that’s worth.
65:Do I believe in luck? - Yes.
66:What's the weather like right now? - Clear skies and 60 out but it’s meant to hit the mid 80s.
67:What was the last book I've read? - No clue.
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline? - I don’t mind it.
69:Do I have any nicknames? - Not really. Most people don’t bother.
70:What was the worst injury I've ever had? - Probably just a scrape or cut. I’ve never broken anything or needed stitches.
71:Do I spend money or save it? - Save it usually.
72:Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - No.
73:Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? - No.
74:Favourite animal? - Wolves
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - Sleeping, thankfully
76:What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - I’ve never thought about it. I believe Morningstar is traditional.
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Losing my Religion.
78:How can you win my heart? - Just fucking be there for me. Show up, be patient and kind. Falling for me first may help. 
79:What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - I don’t want a tombstone. But probably something snarky or a pun.
80:What is my favorite word? - In terms of use? Fuck.
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr - This is hard. @princessandsunshine, @gaylorswift, @gay4tay, @shady-kaylor, @gay-romantics​
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? -What the fuck? or Impeach the entire republican party.
83:Do I have any relatives in jail? - Not to my knowledge.
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - Omnilingualism or Probability Manipulation
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - There’s a fair few to be honest.
86:What is my current desktop picture? - At work it’s a picture of the beach at my home town/
87:Had sex? - No
88:Bought condoms? - Yes
89:Gotten pregnant? - No thank fuck
90:Failed a class? - Yes more than once
91:Kissed a boy? - No
92:Kissed a girl? - No, sadly
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - Nope
94:Had job? - Yes
95:Left the house without my wallet? - Yes. I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached some days.
96:Bullied someone on the internet? - No.
97:Had sex in public? - No.
98:Played on a sports team? - Briefly but sports aren’t my thing.
99:Smoked weed? - No
100:Did drugs? - No
101:Smoked cigarettes? - No
102:Drank alcohol? - Tried it but don’t care for it
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - No but I have considered Vegetarianism. Or at least Pesco-Vegetarianism. 
104:Been overweight? - Yes.
105:Been underweight? - No.
106:Been to a wedding? - Yes.
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes.
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Yes.
109:Been outside my home country? - Yes, to England.
110:Gotten my heart broken? - Yes. It sucked. 
111:Been to a professional sports game? - Yes.
112:Broken a bone? - No, somehow.
113:Cut myself? - Not intentionally.
114:Been to prom? - No. I skipped mine.
115:Been in airplane? - Yes.
116:Fly by helicopter? - Yes
117:What concerts have I been to? - Rascal Flatts, The Killers, Coldplay at least twice, Snow Patrol, U2, No Doubt, Brooks & Dunn and Reba.
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - Yes.
119:Learned another language? - No, sadly.
120:Wore make up? - Yes but I don’t enjoy it.
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18? - No.
122:Had oral sex? - No.
123:Dyed my hair? - Yes.
124:Voted in a presidential election? - No. Yes, I know with the last election but I accidentally missed the registration date because I’m a dumb ass.
125:Rode in an ambulance? - No, thank FUCK because it’d cost a fortune.
126:Had a surgery? - Yes. Deviated septum and wisdom tooth removal.
127:Met someone famous? - No.
128:Stalked someone on a social network? - No.
129:Peed outside? - No.
130:Been fishing? - No but I want to try it.
131:Helped with charity? - Yes.
132:Been rejected by a crush? - No because I keep crushes to myself usually.
133:Broken a mirror? - No.
134:What do I want for birthday? - I may just ignore mine.
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names? - I don’t particularly want kids.
136:Was I named after anyone? - My grandmother and great grandmother
137:Do I like my handwriting? - No.
138:What was my favourite toy as a child? - As a little kid I’m not sure, probably legos. Once I was a bit older, probably my gameboy.
139:Favourite Tv Show? - X Files.
140:Where do I want to live when older? - Where can I afford? Ideally near my hometown but I’d never be able to afford it, so probably a house here.
141:Play any musical instrument? - No.
142:One of my scars, how did I get it? - I’ve got an old faint one on my knee but can’t remember how I got it.
143:Favourite pizza toping? - Pepperoni or Mushrooms
144:Am I afraid of the dark? - Not unless I wake up from a nightmare
145:Am I afraid of heights? - Yes.
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - No
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? - Of course. That’s life.
148:What I'm really bad at - Everything.
149:What my greatest achievments are - I’ve survived over a decade with a brain that actively or passively wants to kill me but you can’t really put that on your resume.
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - Not sure.
151:What I'd do if I won in a lottery - Pay off my car, buy a small house, pay off my dad’s house, set aside enough to go get a degree at a slow pace if I want, save and invest whatever might be left.
152:What do I like about myself - I’m a little more resilient than I think, I’m an asshole but not a cruel asshole
153:My closest Tumblr friend - probably @princessandsunshine
154:Something I fantasise about - That Thing
155:Any question you'd like? - You didn’t ask one, mate.
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mikeeatslondon · 8 years
Inamo Camden - High Tech Eats?
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When I first heard about Inamo I was enticed by what I saw of the menu; after all its pan-Asian fusion theme is right up my street.
And then I heard they have “electronic tablecloths” that you can draw and play games on. I had to go.
It just so happens that Inamo recently opened a branch in Camden (conveniently close to me) and put on a 50% off food offer just as I was kicking myself for leaving it so long before visiting. Sorted.
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Oooh, I could just go for some beef tataki… Wait, I see what you’re doing here!
After being informed that we only had our table for an hour and a half — a disappointing state of affairs that had not been mentioned when I booked — we were shown to our table and greeted by the default display of vibrant, rolling colours and Japanese patterns, with a slideshow of menu items projected onto our plates.
Whilst awaiting an explanation of how the table worked, we discovered that the menu is presented via iPad.
You can make all of your selections and send them off to the kitchen without once having to interact with a waiter.
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However it was at this early stage of our Inamo experience that we realised it was not going to live up to our lofty expectations.
It took all of 25 minutes to get that explanation, bring us a second pointer for the table, replace said broken pointer, bring us a new iPad as our initial one was on 1% battery and reset the new iPad as it hadn’t synched properly.
That was a third of our allotted time gone before we could place any orders or experiment with the table. Not super impressed.
All of this hassle was topped-off by the comment from a waitress upon replacing our iPad: “Technology, eh?”
A usually harmless remark that would have been laughed off in the workplace, for example, but in a restaurant where the entire gimmick revolves around the use of said technology it’s hardly encouraging.
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Kitchen cam...
Upon finally submitting our order we set about playing with the table. You can choose your “tablecloth” from a selection of the aforementioned dynamic display and a plethora of photographs of pretty Asian things.
There is even an option to get a livestream from the kitchen in order to watch the chefs prepare your food. This seemed very cool at first, but then I realised I got a slightly better view by turning in my seat…
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…now in HD
The real disappointment was the drawing tool, which was frankly just broken.
Supposedly clicking with your pointer brings up colour options, whilst clicking and dragging draws on the canvas. In actuality, clicking did indeed bring up the options but clicking and dragging, rather than drawing, merely flooded the display with these options pop-ups wherever we moved.
There were some parts of the table where it did seem to almost work as advertised — it took all of my patience and creative flair to conjure up the hearts in the top image (the default colour is red) — but we just had to give up, frustrated.
I have seen pictures posted on social media of some amazing doodles people have managed to realise with this tool, but I can only assume they poured inordinate amounts of time and effort into getting the table to cooperate or they are black magic practitioners of some kind.
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The “instagramable” sushi bagel
But I haven’t even got to the food yet!
Dishes are brought out as and when they are ready, rather than in courses, to promote sharing. As such we kicked things off with the “sushi bagel” that is exclusive to Inamo Camden for the first month after opening.
What I was expecting here was a selection of nigiri arranged to look like a bagel (which the menu boasts to be inherently “instagramable”), but in actuality we effectively have sashimi arranged on top of a bed of rice.
I would describe the salmon and tuna sashimi as “average”, but the prawn was rubbery and mostly tail and the avocado was was oddly firm (“al dente” springs to mind) and sliced so thinly that you could barely tell it was avocado.
The rice certainly wasn’t made for sushi — it lacked the stickiness (or “mochi-mochi” as the Japanese might say) required to give any purchase to the fish atop it or even hold itself together, and it crumbled to the touch. Needless to say eating it with chopsticks proved difficult.
I think the blob in the middle was cream cheese, but served no purpose other than to contribute to the bagel aesthetic.
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It doesn’t look like much, but trust me when I say this is one of the nicest things you can ever taste
Next came the yuzu miso aubergine. We decided to go with this because the picture looked good and we needed to get some more veg involved, little did we know we’d unwittingly picked out the jewel of the menu.
Simply described as “tender aubergine marinated in a flavoursome blend of yuzu, miso, soy & mirin”, it is hard to put into words just how phenomenal this dish was — easily the best food I have tasted in a long, long time.
The aubergine was indeed tender, to the point of melting in the mouth, and the flavours of the marinade come together to form a perfect harmony that takes the taste sensation the next level. The portion was thankfully very generous as well.
All I can say is that if you ever find yourself at Inamo, do yourself a favour and order this.
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You can just make out the mess of rice that fell into my soy sauce
Here we have a pair of little wagyu burgers with a side of “wasabi fries”.
Has “sliders” made it into the common vernacular now? I can’t say I approve of meat portions being scaled down in general, though I’m sure there are some circumstances in which it makes sense.
These particular sliders were definitely passable, but that’s about it. Previous experiences of wagyu burgers have blown me away with the quality of the meat — even ones that have been bought in the supermarket — but this one seemed bland and dry. Dare I say barely better than fast food fare? Possibly not helped by all of the sauce leaking out before I could even take a bite.
The wasabi fries were a bit of a mixed bag. They suffer from the crisps curse, or that of anything that is “tossed” in a spice mix, in that the distribution of flavour is all over the place. If found myself licking the exterior of countless chips in an attempt to pick up a hint of that infamous wasabi kick, until eventually I had my mouth blown off by a single one.
I can’t tell you what the white sauce is despite spending a lot of time trying to figure it out, though the lighting in the picture makes it look like some kind of ectoplasm. It must be said that it did pair very well with the wasabi fries however.
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A true blessing that the aubergine lasted us throughout the whole meal. I couldn’t stop going back for a “fix”
In a classic example of the “sharing style” of service, we finished with the traditional starter of Korean chicken wings. You can see the characteristic “danger red” that betrays the heat contained within.
I don’t tend to enjoy overly spicy dishes, but there was some good flavour in there as well and the chicken itself was nice and tender. I’ve just seen that the wings were apparently dusted in desiccated coconut, but I definitely couldn’t pick that out at the time.
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Once the food was cleared away we were left with a mere 15 minutes to attempt to make the most of the table gimmick once again.
There are two games available: the one pictured above (I believe it was called “ping”) and “puzzle race”. The pointers were almost adequately responsive for the former, so that was a good bit of fun, and the latter took the form of a classic picture-matching memory game…
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...which I won!
When we again tried and failed to achieve anything with the drawing tool we decided it was time to pack up and go home.
So despite being almost saved solely by that heavenly aubergine dish, I think it’s safe to say our impression of Inamo was largely negative — exacerbated by the high expectations we had going in.
With 50% off food (and including 2 cocktails) the bill came to £47. It is a rare experience indeed that even with such a good offer the bill still feels like a sting, but there you have it. I realise you are also paying for the experience, but when the experience isn’t up to scratch then you’re just paying extortionate prices — if I had paid full price for the “bagel” or sliders I would have been mightily disappointed.
As such it is hard to recommend a visit to Inamo (at least in its current state) without some kind of discount or voucher. Maybe we just happened to draw the short straw with the tech on the night, or maybe these are teething problems experienced by many of the still relatively new restaurant’s patrons that will be ironed-out over time, but I can only judge based on what we got.
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We visited Inamo Camden branch on 19/01/2017 and paid £47 (with 50% off food and including service charge) for 2 cocktails, a sushi bagel, korean chicken wings, wagyu sliders and the yuzu miso aubergine.
2 notes · View notes
I’ll be 18 in 2 weeks can I move out? And not get in trouble?
"I'll be 18 in 2 weeks can I move out? And not get in trouble?
I'll be 18 and I wanna move out can my parents stop me or get me In any trouble? And can cops get involved.? I live in va chesterfield. Help please!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best health insurance plan in Chicago?
I am self-employed and want to get health insurance. I am trying to find the most cost-effective plan with the most service for the lowest price and least hassle.
Teens and Motorcycle Insurance?
I am 17 and plan on buying a Ninja 250cc when I am 18. I live in the state of Florida. What is the ball park of my insurance if I only get collision insurance?
What are your opinions about the different car insurance companies? Which one is the best?
I currantly have Geico for our auto insurance. They are cheap but i am seeing why. thier customer service SUCKS. i would really like some opinions on different car insurace companies. Thanks!!
How much is insurance in a car for a 17 year old?
I get my provisional this week and I'm just wondering how much it is? I'm from Ireland by the way.
Does anyone know approx how much insurance rates can be lowered with driving safety courses?
Does anyone know if taking a safe driving course will significantly lower your insurance rates? Thanks! I use Progressive.
How is the auto insurance for a Mazda 3i?
My first car, I have 1 speeding ticket on my record and two accidents, both not my fault. I have USAA insurance through my dad. How much do you think I'll pay a month?""
Do insurance companies really have access to driving & traffic records if one's getting a new quote?
I don't have the best driving & traffic record, and have been driving without insurance for about 5 months now. However, when I called Progressive to a get a quote from them I lied about it all, they gave me an amazing quote!! I still haven't enrolled with them -plan to if all my pathetic lying goes through- but my concern is that my premiums will go up if they do have access to my driving, traffic and my previous insurance's records. Does anybody know if they are just bluffing about their access to these records? PLEASE HELP!""
Should High School Dropouts & Others w/o Insurance be forced to Join the Military ...?
... and to serve their country in exchange for taxpayers taking care of them? Hasn't America forced a lot of citizens to join the military (with good results) over the past 230 ...show more
What is the minamum insurance required for a motorcycle in Arizona?
I just bought a bike and am looking at insurance, but don't know what all is required by the state.""
Crazy car insurance!!!??? advice please?
how on earth do young drivers these days manage to afford car insurance! my son is 19 and has his provisional licence. we were hoping to buy a car for him and the lowest quote we have for insurance is for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how on earth do young people manage! does anyone know of a way round this??? we just want him to be safe and legal! advice please? all answers greatly appreciated.""
Selling a car but keeping insurance?
my question is, i have a car at the moment with 2 years no claims bonus.. (i should have 3 years in july) but i am selling my car this week to a mate. they said if i cancel my insurance policy i will only have 2 years no claims can i still sell the car to someone else and just keep the insurance running for it without saying so i'l have 3 years by july or do u have to cancel it once sold, the guy im selling it hasnt actually passed his tes so prob wont even be insuring it for a while and when he does he said hes gonna put the car on his girlfriends insurance""
Where can I get flood insurance?
My insurance agent can't sell me flood insurance. I am not in a known flood zone. My township does not participate with the NFIP. Everyone tells me I can buy insurance but according to all the people who I have asked for it I can't get it. If you know how, let me know, please.""
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
How much does liability insurance cost? How much coverage do I need?
I am planning a day camp this august. I know I need to purchase liability insurance just in case, but how much do I need? There will be a maximum of 140 girls, 55 leaders, and 30 younger siblings (of leaders), (thats 225 people). The minumum would be roughly 50 girls, 25 leaders, and 10 siblings... I just need a guestimate as I am working on the budget and am trying to figure out how much to charge the attendees.Also, how much coverage do I need?""
""What do you pay for car insurance, if you don't mind me asking?""
I'm curious. I have recently moved and I couldn't believe the difference in price for car insurance. I two thousand miles east and now pay just over a thousand a year as opposed to four and a half thousand where I used to live. So, if you don't mind, could you say where you live and how much you pay in car insurance? I think this will be interesting and rather revealing.""
Does AAA pay the difference of how much your car lost value if the accident was not your fault?
I was recently in an accident, but it was not at my fault. The insurance company is covering everything. If the car goes down in value, does AAA pay the difference that I lost in the car? Thanks! I have no-fault by AAA in Michigan.""
Approximate price of motorcycle insurance?
hello, i am 17 years old and have just gotten my M1, i am looking at buying a honda cbr 125 (2008 in white). i was wondering if anyone had an approximate estimate on how much ...show more""
Question about AUTO INSURANCE?
HI, i have a question about car insurance i am 19 years old from india.now i am in newyork usa.my question is that last week i buy car insurance in which i write i am married and my wife is in india,she not come in usa and she have o lience so that they give me marriage discount.but in truth i am not married,i do this beacuse my insurance decrease if i do this.niw i want to know that is this not a problem for me or i am not get in trouble""
SOS Car Insurance for Foreigner? Please HELP?
Hi, I just Move to Canada I have a license for 12 years now, I undestand I can drive with this license here for 6 months but the problem is the Car Insurance, I just book the Writing test but they only have avalability is in a month time. but for the the road test I need a insureded car. Not Sure where to start :( I want to buy a Car but can't do it because I need an insurance, I called a few insurance companies but they don't insurance foreigner license. Please Help I really apreciate if someone point me in the right direction. Thanks""
Planning ahead for car insurance ADVICE.?
OK, So I have recently passed my driving test and am now currently trying to sort out a car for myself. As a young driver I know insurance is high. All I want to do is find out how much the insurance is on each small car, so I can find the cheapest. E.G KA ETC. I have looked online such as confused.com and they ask you for the number plate and ask questions about the specific car. Obviously I can't fill it in because I haven't got one. Is there a website that will show all insurance companies and their prices????? Many thanks.""
""In general, How much does car insurance go down after marriage?""
I live in Seminole County Fla, am 22 and getting married. I pay 135ish a month now, how much does it usually go down???? I'm not asking exact just a rough estimate?""
Insurance on a crashed car?
Today someone crashed into my car, anyway both cars have minor damage but they're trying to say it was my fault and claiming on their insurance etc. etc. Anyway, i was just wondering if the price of insurance increases for a driver who has crashed, how long does it go up for and if they don't insure the car during that time (i may be at uni) Will the increased charges be saved for until they next insure the car?""
What does an insurance carrier mean?
Is it the person who makes the monthly payments on your behalf if you can't do it? What does it mean?
Can my car insurance provider kick me out of grandparents house?
after my mom n sister moved into an apartment downtown ive been living with my grandparents. i have no job, i cant afford school, so i basically just help out around the house since they are in their 80's. recently i was told by my car insurance provider that i had to pay for the insurance for me to be on the grandparents car or move out. the reason i have to move is because apparently im too much of a liability for them, when i haven't even had a car wreck or anything with my own car just a year before. can they legally do this in my state (michigan) or even federally? im 21 not 18 and again ive been driving for a while before i was put on their insurance. oh and the best part about this situation, is that their auto insurance agent is my biological aunt. Can someone help please? They really need me back at my grandparents house.""
What are the local home insurance rates for London?
I am trying to do a project for a public health class and I was wondering what the home insurance rates for someone owning a home in London? It would be awesome if you knew about how much it cost around the Tower Hamlets area. Also, if you do know about what percentage of people have home insurance in London, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!""
I'll be 18 in 2 weeks can I move out? And not get in trouble?
I'll be 18 and I wanna move out can my parents stop me or get me In any trouble? And can cops get involved.? I live in va chesterfield. Help please!
Car insurance in new york?
hey guys, I'd like to know what would be the ballpark for insurance. I'm 24 years old and have had my driver's license since 2003 and never have had parking violations, points taken off my license or any type of moving tickets. I'm looking to buy a 96-00 civic and would like to know around how much I would be quoted""
Are insurance premiums negotiable?
My home insurance rate goes up every year but this year it was $400 bec they said they redistribute my home and lumped it with a neighboring more expensive one. I called their main office spoke with the lady who answered the phone who wouldn't budge a dollar!! She gladly emailed a document to sign to terminate my policy. It really pist me off. Would it make a difference to call and ask to speak to the agent?
Does it cost more to insure a house with a pool?
We are thinking of buying a house with a pool but we heard that it costs a lot for home owners insurance.Is that true? How much more compared to a home without one (approximately). Thanks
What kind of motorcycle could I get?
I want a vehicle and I think a motorcycle would be kickass. If anybody has any experience, please help me out. Is there a good bike I could get used under $3000 that I could ride on the highway (75 mph). Does your car insurance go up when you get the license? What would insurance cost for a 17 y/o male with no collisions or infractions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Health Insurance question?
So I just turned 18 and I will no longer be covered through Amerigroup so was looking at some Health insurances to buy. I know the deductible is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before the insurance will start paying, but how will the insurance know when you have payed the deductible?""
Looking for the cheapest car insurance company in ontario?
cheapest car insurance company in ontario
How much does liability auto insurance cost in Florida?
I am coming up to 21 years old, and moving to Miami in August for a year with a student visa. I am told that it's very useful to have a car in the USA, and as I am a car owner in the UK with almost 2 years of comprehensive with no claims, I was hoping that I would be able to purchase a car in the USA. Will this be possible and at what price?""
Auto Insurance Question/Teen Driver?
Our teen is about to get his learner's permit. At what point am I obligated to notify my auto insurance company that our son is now a driver.....when he gets his learner's permit or when he gets his actual driver's license? I'm wondering at what point my rates will increase as a result of needing to insure my son. The state is Vermont. Thanks!
Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?
Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)
Are we required to have health insurance?
is it true in 2014 we are required to have health insurance otherwise there fine for whose who don't maintain a insurance? My insurance was threw my husband and just got divorced few days ago in jan 2014 will I still have insurance until end jan will they offer me cobra plan i can buy.
What type of motorcyle is the cheapest to insure?
I heard that insurance is based on ccs and bike type....so what type of bike is the cheapest to insure
Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?
I was wondering what cars would be the cheapest to insure for a new driver, aged 17. I heard there is all these different groups which relate to the amount of insurance you would have to pay. Also, I would prefer a decent car, so if you know any decent, cheap to insure cars! pleaseeee let me know! thanks! :D""
Why do sompanies like State Farm require you to pass a credit check?
What are they looking for because I do have a few things like a medical bill here and there but nothing more than 5,000 total""
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
""Typically, how much will your insurance increase if you get into an accident that is your fault ?""
Im in So California and just got into a car accident, my first accident in 25 yrs of driving. Typically, how much more will I expect my insurance premium to increase ? What factors are involved ? the amount of damage that the insurance will pay ? my driving history which is 1 accident in the last 25 yrs ? what else ?""
What is the average amount I should expect to spend when buying my motorcycle?
I want a Kawasaki Ninja 250r (new) which is about $5,000. Then I have to buy a helmet ($500), gloves, jacket, and other protective gear. Then I also have to worry about insurance and other costs that come with initially buying a vehicle. How much do you think I will need saved up in total to buy this bike (and the extra costs) by January 2010?""
""Gas, Home and car insurance in my tax return expence?""
I'm a self employed programmer, I work in my home (don't have office) my question is can I consider my home rent or car insurance-gas as my job expences in tax return forms? I'm useing my car to see some of my customers (not always).""
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
Cheap insurance?
my 20yo son has 6 points and no ncb its his 1st car can anyone tell me a insurance company who not charge him a fortune please...........
I need cheap car insurance!!?
i am 18, i have a 1990 accord worth about 1700, and ive been driving for 4 months now, no tickets or problems, i need some cheap car insurance since my dad wont insure me with his company.... i just need some cheap *** company, i dont really care if they dont really cover well. i live in California, in the southbay. is there any cheap insurance such as those little cheap looking stores you would see around your city?? the ones that have banners that say they offer insurance as low as 22 a month??....have in mind that i just need something so i can drive since i need it by law.""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I have a honda accord lx (2003). I hit a metal pole and there was considerable damage to my car. The damage is mostly to the right front side and the tire. I have informed my insruance company so they can review the damages and come up with a dollar amount. I can decide if I want to pursue the claim through my insurance company or accept the charges my self. If it is going to cost alot to fix the car, I may need to use my insurance to pay for the damages. How much will my insrance go up? I have heard that my rates could be impacted for the next 3 years. Will the rates decrease after 3 yrs?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager? --or ways to make incurance cheaper?
I live in Southern California, and I will be turning 18 next month, 2 days before I need to buy my next insurance policy. I have had my license since the day I turned 16 (I took drivers ed then got my permit for 6 months then my license). I have had no accidents or tickets or have even been pulled over. I am driving a '04 F-150 and making payments on it. I do get the good student discount. What are some cheap insurance companies? Or ways to make your rate cheaper?""
Does residency matter in determining auto insurance for a college student?
I'm a current college student in the middle of transferring schools and getting a new insurance policy. I have two schools in mind, one is 5 minutes from home in a suburban neighborhood and the other is 200 miles away in an urban city environment. Depending on where I attend, will this affect my new insurance policy? Will living at home going to school close-by have a lower insurance rate than going to school outta town and living by myself?""
How much will i pay per year in motorcycle insurance?
20 years old. No car drivers license, first time rider. planning to take the motorcycle safety foundation 3 day basic rider course. Live in new york city. Looking at a pre 2007 used honda rebel. not looking for an exact quote, just ballpark what i should be expecting.""
I'll be 18 in 2 weeks can I move out? And not get in trouble?
I'll be 18 and I wanna move out can my parents stop me or get me In any trouble? And can cops get involved.? I live in va chesterfield. Help please!
I might be getting a car and I need to know the insurance?
Ok, so I'll be 17, it'll be my first car, it costs 300 that's it :) all that needs doing is some rust work on the door. It's a 1987 D reg Saab 900 :D any ideas on how much my insurance will cost? I dont know the full license plate so I can't do it properly myself :/ but even just a rough estimate would be a great help :) thanks :)""
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Who is the best life insurance company that pays out?
I am looking into getting life insurance probably not term life insurance just regular not sure yet however a lot of my friends have had problems with life insurance companies not paying out even though they where still within the life insurance contract guidelines so I am scared..I have heard a lot of positive things about farmers and that they always pay out as long as it is in within the guidelines they provided when you signed up for the insurance . does anyone know of a company that for sure will pay out ? also can I take a life insurance policy out for my mother id like to do so because she does not have one so I am worried something may happen and I will be stuck with bills ? I know I will have ta pay more because of her age but that is okay with me I feel like it is well worth it as long as the company pays out any advice ?? Thanks
Is there any good insurance companys that will insure me for a 200sx turbo i am 20?
20 years old with convictions and a high performance car, this is my second high performance car my evo was 3475 last year need it cheaper this year ,all i basically work for is to run my car, the thing is when i got the evo instead of looking around i was tht deprate to drive it i took the 1st quote, never crashed and have plenty no claims ,can some one help? none of these comparison websites are any good there all large companys i need japanese specialists or young drivers insurance thanks all! x""
Are there any schools out there that offer their teachers affordable family insurance?
My husband is a full-time teacher. I work part-time and am a grad. student. He has great insurance for himself, but I have to pay for my own separately. To add me to his plan would cost us $650.00 a month (adding 1 to 9 people is one lump sum, $650). I can barely afford what I pay on my own ($160+) and then there's the deductible... (basically my insurance doesn't end up paying for anything... it all comes out of my pocket). I guess I just always assumed that if a person had a good full-time job that family insurance would be included or affordable... It's not even an option. Seriously, who can afford $650 a month and on a teacher's salary? Is there any school out there that has a better insurance plan? We love where we are, but we can't afford to live. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?""
How can I get prenatal insurance?
I live in Iowa and I am pregant my bday is in four days il be 18. I don't have health insurance I live with my bf. I could marry him and have insurance but I want to explore all options but I need. Health insurance what all can I do?
Don't want to renew Virgin car insurance but having problems contacting them?
I recieved a renewal car insurance quote from Virgin which is really high. I have shopped around and decided to buy my insurance elsewhere. The only problem is Virgin automatically renew my car insurance for me unless I tell them not to. The only method that they give to contact them is a phone number. I have been on call waiting for 20 minuted now and still not managed to get through to them. Does anyone know of another way of contacting them as I am worried that my call will never get answered and I will be forced to keep my insurance with them?
Wells Fargo bought insurance for my truck?
Wells Fargo never received notification of insurance for my truck and ended up buying coverage for me (as there is an obligation to have full coverage). All I have to do is let them know about my current coverage and the policy they bought will be dropped. The insurance they bought for me, however, is cheaper than the insurance I have bought through the other insurance company. Can I just keep the insurance Wells Fargo bought for me? Is there a penalty for doing so?""
""Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?""
Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
What the best life insurance for a 23 year old female?
i want what best so when something happen to me my girls has the money to buried me nice. I want something that don't go away in 30 years and i half to get another policy. ...show more
What will my insurance be approx?
When I pass my driving test I will be looking to buy either a peugeot 106 or 206 1 litre, i am 17 now but will probably be 18 when I pass, I was just wondering on average how much insurance will be because i couldn't get a quote on confused.com and other websites because i haven't actually got a car yet and it was asking for my registration number. I don't think it matters but I do have a CBT license and I drove and aprilia rs50 manual for about a year so I was wondering if that'll help because I have road experience already. Thanks for your time.""
Car insurance question regarding friends car?
(This is in Ohio). My friend let me drive her car when the roads were kind of bad due to weather. At an intersection, the light turned yellow, and I began to slide on the ice. I had control of the car, however, if I would have continued to slide straight I would have been hit side on by the incoming cars coming through the intersection. Instead, I had to turn the wheel and I hit a pole. No damages were done to the pole, any other cars, or people. Unfortunately when we took the car to an autobody shop, getting an estimate without the use of insurance, we got an average cost of $2,200. There's NOT that much damage on the left bumper to make the cost so expensive. Both me and my friend are insured, however, MY insurance company is saying it's her car, so her insurance has to pay for it. How will this work? If I ask her to pay using her insurance, I don't want her to pay any out of pocket. I would pay the deductible. Will this hurt her insurance, or my pocket? Any other good ideas? Thanks so much.""
I got a ticket for expired insurance in california?
but i did have insurance i just didnt have the card with me. the police officer said all i have to do is get the new card to the police station and have it signed off. am i going to still have to pay a fine?
What is the best automobile insurance for a classic car?
I have a 1953 Ford Customline, chopped. I currently have Mercury, but it is not for classic cars, so they will only pay ACV.""
What is the best car insurance company in NY?
What is the best car insurance company in NY?
Car Insurance - why does the quote price change depending on occupation?
if i put i'm a student the quote is the cheapest if i put unemployed the quote is the most expensive anything in between is cheaper than the unemployed quote why is this
Health Insurance question?
Do any one know a insurance in California that cover pre-existing condition? I am eighteen year old with no insurance still living with my parent which have no health insurance. We had medical but it expired. I have heart problem the doctor said i need to get insurance that cover pre-existing condition. I have try getting quotes online. Or know any good insurance i should try giving a call to.
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
Sports car insurance for a teen girl?
okay, so i am 16. i am looking at a 2003 mitsubishi eclipse gs - meaning it has 4 cyl. instead of 6. is it still considered a sports car? & how much do you think the estimated insurance payment a month would be? please help - im really in need on an answer.""
What car insurance is best/cheapest?
I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)""
""Roughly, how much is the insurance on a Peugeot 106?""
Im a girl, Provisonal Lincense Holder (learner driver) 18 years old, looking for no more than a 1.5 engine. Also how much to they cost to tax. Thanks in advance for everyones help, it is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x""
""Hi , i had an accident and wrote my car off, i thought id cancel insurance but insurance company say ?""
that i cant because its a credit agreement , i thought that cant be right im now paying insurance for a car that i don't have , help""
How much would the in insurance be on a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28?
i just turend 16 and ill get my licenes in about 3 months and i saw a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 the other day that im thinking about buying and i was wondering about how much the ...show more
Who does cheap moped insurance in the uk?
im 16 and just got a moped, im just looking for my cheapest option. any suggestions?""
Best car and insurance for 18 year old?
Hey, just looking for some advice for the cheapest possible way to get a car and insurance (not necessarily together) for less than 4,000 a year? I knows there's schemes like Young Marmalade, but I'd rather know what's going to happen with my insurance after the 1st year, but at the moment they do seem like the best option. Any help appreciated! :-)""
I'll be 18 in 2 weeks can I move out? And not get in trouble?
I'll be 18 and I wanna move out can my parents stop me or get me In any trouble? And can cops get involved.? I live in va chesterfield. Help please!
How old do you have to be to buy insurance?
how old do you have to be to buy Business insurance?
How long after someone dies to get life insurance benefits?
my grandmother died about 2 weeks ago and i was wondering when her life insurance policy would go through so we can receive the money from it to manage her estate, we heard that probate takes about 16 months, but we cant wait that long for the insurance so how long does it usually take?""
I'm 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?
i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn't have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.
Question about car insurance?
Passed my test today!! :D Was wondering what kind of insurance prices people started paying. I want either a ford ka (Been quoted like 2,000) or a Peugeot 207 or something like that. Just wanted to know what other people pay for there car when they first passed?""
Best Maternity related insurance in California?
Hi, I work as a consultant and looking for a best medical insurance for my spouse for pregnancy in California. Though we have insurance, not sure if its the best in this state. She is not yet pregnant. What would be the average charges for a good medical insurance in this state for pregnancy. Your answers highly appreciated.""
Car insurance question.?
My boyfriend and I are in the process of buying a car, it is going to be in his name only. We obviously have to get insurance on the car and he doesn't have a car at the moment so only has a non-owners policy. We have to show proof of full coverage. When we go get the insurance are we supposed to tell them it needs to be on the car we are buying? What info about the car do we need? Also he has a not so good driving record, can he list me as the primary driver if my name is not on the car? And if so, will that make insurance a little cheaper?""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Who are the best car insurance companies?
Im 17 ears of age livin in the UK. I really NEED to know te best car insurance companies. Ive not passed yet but i will have soon, il only be drivin an old punto or clio or summat. ideas please people! thanks""
""Having a driver's license, but no car? Insurance question.?""
I'm 18 years old and currently have my driver's license and pay car insurance on it under my parents insurance plan. I want to know if it's possible to sell my car and stop paying for the car insurance. Is it possible to have a drivers license, but not be paying for insurance? I wont be driving any cars, I'm going to get a motorcycle. I live in Florida.""
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
Why has my car insurance went up?
mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?""
Any advice to offer on car insurance?
Do you have any advice to offer on buying insurance on my very first car for a first-time driver? Any advice at all? Any recommendations, anything to avoid, etc.?""
I can't help wondering who is going to pay the Doctors when everyone is paying for affordable insurance ?
And there are safety nets for drugs costing 100s of dollars and hospitals that cost billions of dollars to run. Who is going to pay for it? Seriously. The ACA? The small amount of money the Insurance companies collect because I assure you it's much less than the Cadillac Plans of yesteryear
Is my son even covered under our car insurance?
My 21 year old son not only is no longer in college he also got married 3 months ago. I have not canceled him from our multi-car policy, I guess just so he will have car insurance (liability, required in our state), but I know he was supposed to be removed when he got married, as he is no longer in our household. I also would like to remove him so I can benefit from a lower premium. He keeps saying he can't afford it, so I keep paying the bill each month, that includes his car on it. I guess I am asking if he got into an accident would the insurance even be good, as he isn't even living in our house and he's married. I may have wasted my money these last 3 months anyway, but don't want him to get caught with what appears to be uninsured, without a valid insurance card in the glove box.""
Can The Insurance Be In Someone Else's Name When You Finance A Car?
I want to finance a car, i know full coverage insurance under my name won't be cheap but can like a family member put full coverage insurance on my car through their name (i'll pay the bill) so it can be cheaper...? thanks""
Cheapest insurance for a vauxhall Astra 1.4 55 reg?
I'm paying round 90 a month for a 1.4 Astra with tesco. Absolute rip off I live in a half decent area and have no claims over 9 years, why is it so expensive, pain in the ****!!!""
Where can I shop for health insurance?
I need to purchase health insurance for my family. Where do I go or who should I call?
How do i buy car insurance and how do I find a insurance company that suits me (cheap)?
ok so I've seen a car I would like to buy, how do I get car insurance? should I ring a call or get insured online? Also a list of names of insurance companies would be helpful? thanks""
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
Insurance componies that cover transgender?
Does anyone know of any insurances that cover transgender medical needs (specifically ones to do with being transgender)
Car Insurance Question?
I am currently a provisional driver, and to insure my car it would cost me 999. Once I past my test it will cost me about 4,000 to insure the same car. If I insure my car as a provisional driver now, will it be the same price when I pass my test, or will it be a lot more expensive like it is now? I really don't want to be paying 4,000 to insure a car :S""
Car Insurance Quote Accuracy?
I was considering leasing a BMW 3 series coupe and tried getting an anonymous insurance quote online from thegeneral.com, to avoid spamming and releasing my personal information, but they do not allow it for the NY region so I eventually used the zipcode for Louisiana, and got a quote of about $350/month. How accurate is that figure? Im 25, had a license for 6 years with a squeaky clean record (though I have never owned a vehicle under my name), male, and use a Long Island address. I expect it to be cheaper due to the fact that I'm 25 and have a good record, and reside outside of the city but is that realistic""
Which job has cheapest car insurance?
what job do i have to get to get real cheap car insurance
Insurance for polyp biopsy?
Hi.my aunt is 41 years old. She is really concerned she might have cancer, which I hope it's not. She had no insurance but wants to find one do she could get the necessary test done. She already got one test done that showed she had an hernia in her stomach, but that's not what she is concerned, she is more concerned because they found polyps in her stomach and also neck. Idk if my facts are right,I don't even know if u can get them in your neck.anyway she needs to get them biopsy to see if there malignant or not. What is a good insurance that isn't so expensive andshe can get a quote of. We live in California.and shell just be getting insurance just for herself. Or what can she do to get this procedure done. are all polyps cancerous""
I'll be 18 in 2 weeks can I move out? And not get in trouble?
I'll be 18 and I wanna move out can my parents stop me or get me In any trouble? And can cops get involved.? I live in va chesterfield. Help please!
0 notes
davidcdelreal · 7 years
Need Money Now? 24 Ways to Make Cash Right Now
If you find yourself saying, “I need money NOW!”, trust me. You're not alone.
Nearly everyone has faced a situation where they needed cash for an emergency, and there are times when budgets run tight.
If your bank account is empty and your credit cards are maxed out, what are you to do?
The good news is, there are plenty of ways to get cash in your pocket in the next 24 hours. They may not all be glamorous, but you could rely on these methods in a pinch.
24 Ways to Make Money Right Now
Need cash now? Work your way through this list to find a few ways to put money in your pocket in just a few hours.
#1: Give plasma.
Donating plasma requires a strong tolerance for displeasure. Not only do you need to fill out annoying forms and stand in long lines, but you have to let someone draw your blood, too!
But if you’re up for it – and your local plasma center is open – you can usually score at least $40 for your first donation, and maybe more.
That’s not a lot of cash, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers!
When I was in college, I found myself in this exact situation. Needing money now I headed to the local plasma center and plopped myself on the donating table. One word of caution: be sure to drink plenty of fluids!
It was in the middle of the summer and apparently I was a bit dehydrated so I was there much longer than expected.
Either way, I may some quick cash and got some free apple juice in the process.
#2: Use TaskRabbit.
The wonders of the internet have led to a number of ways people can make money quickly. One website that helps in this respect is TaskRabbit. By signing up, you can run errands for people and earn cash in return.
Jobs can vary greatly, but common tasks include picking up laundry from the cleaners, making a grocery run, picking up prescriptions, and walking dogs. If you don’t mind doing random stuff in exchange for fast cash, this is an option you should definitely consider.
#3: Watch dogs with Rover.com.
Do you love dogs? If you do, you can make some easy money for doing something that comes naturally.
With a service like Rover.com, you can connect with dog owners who need someone to watch their pets overnight. Best of all, you can easily earn up to $49 per night per pet depending on your location and the rates people charge nearby.
#4: Tear your house and car apart to find money.
Most of us have money stashed all over the place. We might have a dollar stuck in the back of our wallet, a $20 bill in an old jacket, and an ashtray in our car stuffed to the brim with quarters and dimes.
If you really need money fast, you should get to work tearing your place apart. Make sure to check in all the places you keep money often, or may have kept money in the past.
You may not get a lot of cash with this method, but anything you find will help!
#5: Return stuff you don’t want…and get cash!
We all make purchases that don’t work out the way we want. Sometimes, we might even stuff that purchase in a closet with the tags still attached.
If you have stuff you can return, you should definitely try. With or without a receipt, some retailers will give you cash back for your purchase or, at the very least, store credit.
This is more of a refund on your own money, but hey, it works!
Before you look for more ways to earn money fast, check around your house for stuff you bought, never used, and could potentially return.
#6: Pawn something you really don’t want.
Pawn shops offer quick cash for items you don’t want, yet offer just a fraction of the actual value of your item. That’s why I only suggest this strategy if you have stuff you do not want and have no intention to keep.
Items that can help you score big at a pawn shop include things like guns, jewelry, and electronics, although other items might work well, too.
I once had dreams of being the next Led Zeppelin and saved to buy a Fender guitar. You know how many times I played it? Maybe two. So much for my dream of becoming a rock star!
Recognizing I wouldn't be taking the main stage anytime soon, I was able to get some of my money back at a local pawn shop.
Like I said though, you should only pawn stuff you will never miss!
#7: Borrow from friends or family.
Need money quickly? It may pay to turn to family and friends for a temporary loan. While this situation may be uncomfortable, it can work in a pinch. Just make sure you get the loan terms in writing to avoid hurt feelings and get everyone on the same page.
If you want more reinforcement, you can facilitate a loan from family or friends through an app like Ledge or Venmo. By using one of these services, you can create a digital history of your loan, plus set up a repayment plan that makes sense.
#8: Consider a personal loan.
If you have a credit card already, you can normally take out cash with an ATM or one of those cash advance checks they send in the mail. While this option can work, expect to pay a cash advance fee plus credit card interest if you don’t pay the loan off right away.
That's why personal loans can be the much better option. Getting approved for a personal loan used to be a hassle, but with the evolution of technology, it's much simpler. Online lenders, like Discover Personal Loans, for example, have removed much of the headaches and hassles of getting approved.
#9: Sell stuff on craigslist.
We all have used stuff we don’t want anymore. Why not sell it? By setting up a few simple (and free) ads on craiglist, you can offload things like furniture, CDs, electronics, and even clothing.
If you belong to any Facebook resale groups, you can also post your items for sale there. Just make sure to price your items so they will sell quickly. With the right item, the right price, and a little bit of luck, you could have cash in your hands (and less stuff to worry about) in no time.
#10: Turn on your Uber app.
This strategy will only work if drive for Uber already. Still, it might be worth signing up now if you know you'll need money in the future.
Uber is a ride sharing app that lets regular people earn money for driving people around. You do have to get your vehicle approved and meet special standards ahead of time, but it’s a quick and painless way to earn money once you’re all set up!
The best part about Uber is that you don’t have to commit to working certain hours. If you want to earn cash, you can turn your Uber app on. If you aren’t ready to work, leave your app turned off. It really is as simple as that.
#11: Complete a task through Fiverr.
If you have technical or design skills, advertising your services on a website like Fiverr is a smart move. Not only can you score ongoing work, but you can pick up one-off jobs that lead to cash fairly quickly.
One day, you might get asked to design someone’s logo. On another, you might be asked to create a PDF. The jobs you’ll get hired for really depend on your current skillset and list of abilities.
Either way, setting up a profile on Fiverr is a smart way to earn cash fast if you know what you’re doing online.
#12: Scan receipts into ReceiptHog.
This probably sounds crazy, but at least one website will pay you for scanning in receipts. ReceiptHog is an app that lets you earn cash back just for scanning in receipts for stuff you already bought.
They don’t even have to be your receipts, really. I mean, ReceiptHog won’t know if you scan your mom’s grocery receipt and claim it as your own!
If you want quick money, you better start scanning!
#13: Babysit some kids.
Do you know anyone with kids? A few people? Chances are, someone you know needs some child care within the next few days. By placing an ad on Facebook or messaging some friends, you may be able to score a fairly quick babysitting gig. And who knows? It could even lead to ongoing work.
Babysitters charge different rates, but you should be able to earn at least $7 or $8 per hour. Even if you only babysit three hours, that’s at least $21 in your pocket in the next few days. Boom!
#14: Have a garage sale…..now.
If you live in a neighborhood with any type of foot or car traffic, there’s no reason you can’t have a garage sale today.
All you have to do to get started is find some household stuff you don’t want, set it out on some tables, and put up a few signs. And thanks to the internet, you can advertise your sale on Facebook and sites like craigslist.org for free.
If you have clothes and electronics to add to your sale, that’s even better! The more stuff you can sell, the better off you'll be!
#15: Become a street performer.
Can you sing, or at least try? How about blow fire?
Hey, we’re not judging your ability here; we’re just suggesting a fun way to earn quick cash.
If you can sing, perform physical stunts, play the guitar or a piano, or do standup comedy, you could feasibly do it by the side of the road for cash, right? At the very least, you could give it a whirl!
No matter what your “skill” is, you could probably earn at least some money for performing in an area with lots of street traffic. Make sure to sit out a bucket or hat to let people know you’re taking donations, and let the good times roll.
#16: Figure out who owes you money.
Chances are good you have loaned people money in the past, but did they ever pay you back?
If not, you might want to look them up and pay them a visit. If someone owes you $20, $50, or $100 and you can feasibly collect, this is a great way to get money quickly.
Before you go door-to-door, think of people and situations where you may have loaned out money in the past. Perhaps you paid for someone’s dinner when your waitress wouldn’t split the check. Or maybe you loaned someone a $50 bill when they were down on their luck.
Whatever the reason, ask that person (politely) for your money back and you might be surprised how quickly they pay up.
#17: Negotiate a bill.
You never know when you can save money (and put money in your pocket) just by asking. But if you have a phone bill, a cable bill, or any other service bill, negotiating might be worth it.
Before your bills are due, call up a few of your service providers to see if you can negotiate a better deal. If you were able to bring your cable bill from $110 down to $70, for example, you would save $40 and pocket that money each month instead.
We were able to save almost $70 from our satellite bill by doing this. All we had to do was call and casually mention we were switching to one of their competitors and by the time the call ended we netted a huge savings and got all of our hardware upgraded.
If you’re unsure of this method, it’s always worth asking. All they can say is “no,” right?
#18: Ask your boss for an advance on your check.
I would never, ever suggest someone get a payday loan. However, it can’t hurt to ask your boss for an advance on your paycheck.
If you really, seriously need the money, explain the situation to your boss to see if they want to help. At worst, they will say no and send you on your way. At best, they will agree to give you a few hundred bucks from next week’s paycheck.
The key here is, you’ll never know unless you ask.
#19: Pick up a serving job.
This one might take you up to a week, but it can put cash in your pocket fairly fast. If you need real cash and can’t wait too long, a part-time job as a server or bartender could fit the bill.
Once you are training, you should start earning tips right away. This may not be the best way to earn cash fast, but it could pay the bills. Plus, you don’t have to work there forever, right?
#20: Turn in your gift cards for cash.
Did you know that some Coinstar machines let you turn in new or used gift cards for cash? The good news is, you’ll get cash instantly and on-the-spot. The bad news is, you’ll forfeit up to 20 percent of your gift card’s value in the process.
If you have unused gift cards you won’t use, however, this is a smart way to turn them into dollars.
#21: Sell nice clothes for cash.
Certain stores geared at both adults and teens (but mostly women) will give you cold, hard cash in exchange for your brand name used clothing. Plato’s Closet or Buffalo Exchange are two such options, with each offering you money in exchange for your nicest stuff.
You’ll generally need to keep your clothing in excellent shape to get actual money back, but this strategy works well if you have a lot of nice clothes.
#22: Clean houses.
Do you know someone whose house is unkempt? Offer to clean it for them in exchange for a fee, and see what they say.
Lots of people don’t have the desire or time to clean their own homes, and some of them are perfectly willing to pay for the service.
If you don’t know anyone personally you can ask, you can always place a free ad on craigslist.org or Facebook. Chances are, you’ll reach someone who could benefit from your cleaning skills and a few hours of your time.
#23: Become a handyman…right now.
Believe it or not, many people earn a living performing odd jobs. If you know a lot about construction and are able to fix most household issues, you may be able to earn cash with your own handyman business.
After placing an ad online, you could easily connect with people who might pay you to clean out their dryer vent, replace interior lighting, or do basic maintenance work. Most of the time, you can get paid in cash and earn up to $40 an hour!
#24: Cash in all of your credit card points.
If you have a rewards credit card or two, chances are good you’ve got some rogue points hanging around. They might not seem like a lot, but they can add up fast!
Turn in your points for a statement credit if you can, then use your credit card for any immediate purchases you need to make. If you can wait a few days or up to a week, certain rewards credit cards will also let you redeem points for a check in the mail.
Final Thoughts
If you need money now, chances are good one of these suggestions will provide the immediate influx of cash you need. If not, I challenge you to come up with other creative ways to earn money fast. When it comes to earning money, some skill and a little creative thinking can go a long way.
What would you add to this list? What is your favorite way to get cash quickly when you need money now?
The post Need Money Now? 24 Ways to Make Cash Right Now appeared first on Good Financial Cents.
from All About Insurance https://www.goodfinancialcents.com/i-need-money-now
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on http://webpostingpro.com/japans-rakuten-bets-on-post-app-future-with-new-gaming-service/
Japan's Rakuten bets on post-app future with new gaming service
TOKYO] Rakuten Inc is making a bet on a destiny without apps.
The e-commerce company unveiled Rakuten Games on Tuesday, searching for to deliver titles that don’t must be established on telephones or personal computers. The Video games may be played on net browsers or inside different apps, making it simpler for customers to play with every different while not having to anticipate new software program to be loaded onto their devices.
Titles based on Pacman and Area Invaders are a number of the 15 Video games available at the platform.
Facebook Inc and Tencent Holdings Ltd have also embraced similar tasks, searching for to keep customers inside their apps and services instead of venturing to app shops run by Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google.
Even as browser-based gaming is being touted as a step far away from the app atmosphere, it is also a step lower back to a generation while apps were not as dominant as they’re now. Rakuten is aiming for a slice of sales in the mobile gaming app market, which made up 81 in line with the cent of overall app income folks$62 billion final years, in line with App Annie.
Rakuten’s giant web presence and dedicated customers make it flawlessly positioned to leverage our technology to enter the cellular gaming marketplace completely outdoor of the traditional app save approach,” said Michael Carter, leader executive officer of Blackstorm Labs Inc, which developed Rakuten Games with the Tokyo-primarily based corporation.
The gaming platform is based totally on HTML5,
The trendy model of the language that powers websites, which lets in for multimedia, graphic and gaming content material to be added to the internet.
Before HTML5 have become the de facto preferred, Adobe Structures Inc’s Flash era was a popular way for people to get multimedia content through browsers and turned into used to energy famous Games like FarmVille. The 2 standards clashed for a while, but Flash wasn’t supported on Apple’s iPhones and sooner or later lost out.
Now, some are seeing a possibility to convey informal games on smartphones,
Drugs, laptops, and desktops collectively beneath one roof: HTML5. Facebook joined the fray in November while it unveiled Immediate Games, an HTML5-based totally carrier that shall we users play Games at once inside Facebook Messenger.
Nevertheless, HTML5 developers have a protracted manner to head until they can produce polished Video games that could rival Vainglory, Superb Mario Run, and different smartphone titles.
Instant iPhone App Polling and Voting
In case you love your iPhone and use it every day for almost the entirety you do, there is no doubt you’ve got requested yourself; Why can not I just use my iPhone to vote? Right query and agree with me you aren’t by myself. In truth, our Suppose Tank has been discussing this for a long time, and even though we do not but have all of the answers, we are convinced it’s going to not be lengthy earlier than this form of balloting could be ubiquitous and not unusual. Indeed, in the future, everyone will vote on-line or through their mobile device. Allow’s communicate.
Cody Hunt, a prolific Suppose Tank Philosopher sees this era evolving thru the current apps for immediate online and mobile smartphone surveys – Cody states:
“The first viable hassle is that it would restriction vote casting to handiest human beings with smartphones that might allow apps on it and that would not directly push out some of the negative from balloting, now you may say that we ought to have the app and also have regular polls set up so that individuals who wanted to use the app could and people who don’t have the app can nevertheless vote the normal manner but who is to keep human beings from then balloting two times, once at the app after which once more on the real polls.”
Hmm? You understand Mr.
Cody Hunt has a few brilliant factors right here, and I think this question approximately the destiny of on the spot polling could be very important. Even right now Large Information is constantly being scanned along with social networks to spot problems or trends and politicians, leaders, surveillance agencies use all this to their benefit. actual vote casting or polling additionally may want to discover users, even get them on a “non-conformist” listing someplace for greater surveillance, and maybe they’re on a great list this time, but while new leaders get into power now they are on an awful list somewhere.
Currently, wherein does all these survey facts go?
Is it used for selling us stuff later? Does Large Information sell the Facts to marketers and advertisers? How can we recognize? wherein does our gadget balloting facts pass? Assume how valuable this statistics is to agencies and entrepreneurs? Think how critical it’s far for people who are strolling political campaigns. Suppose how much hassle it can get you into if in the destiny there’s some radical exchange in our political structure.
Strategy Games Tips – 6 Tips of Playing Strategy Games
There are so many method video games for each online and for game consoles. In brand new video games, there is not a want to set the placing of the method games for 1/2 an hour because the programmers had already figured out what certainly the gamer wishes and had already been programmed into the sport.
Maximum of the approach games
I played wanted masses of planning and space to play properly within the approach games. These games can be those defense video games in which you want to construct towers at strategic regions or factors to combat off an invasion successfully or if you are the ones form of offensive games, you may be the only building gadgets to overwhelm the laptop’s defense.
There is an announcing:” Attack is my protection, protection is my Assault”. It truly relies upon on how you want to play it.
6 Simple method Strategies For Playing approach games
1) Understanding extensive of the different sorts of gadgets or races in the game. Usually, it isn’t always going to be greater than 10.
2) Comply with the fundamental guidelines of the strategy sport. A few fundamentals techniques are: Use the melee combatants in advance within the front traces as “meat defend” whilst the ranged squaddies stand at the back of the melee warring parties to help them.
3) When you have won sufficient cash,
Do plan a number of it for upgrades of your infantrymen, towers and many others… Usually beginning of the sport, it can be pretty difficult to devise however plan out a method of your very own.
four) Pick out up A few air devices to aid your ground troops. It’s far a need to! The subsequent move gets a great siege weapon to spoil constructing more efficiently and quicker. Siege weapons are a double-edged weapon in which it could be used for base protection too. Via information what does what, you’ll be in a better role to genuinely installation them nicely and keep away from silly errors.
 Want to Work for a Rehabilitation Service? Here’s What to Know
who has taken into consideration a profession running for a vocational rehabilitation provider probable has plenty of questions. Right here are a number of the maximum not unusual inquiries and their solutions.
What is Vocational Rehabilitation?
While a person is disabled, she or he can also have an issue finding employment. A vocational (or occupational) therapist enables someone struggling with an incapacity to conquer boundaries that may save you them from getting or retaining a process. Disabilities may additionally by physical, mental, emotional, or cognitive. It’s miles often crucial to assist the disabled man or woman remember the fact that he or she can – both another time or for the first time – be a functioning member of society. Every now and then the therapist may match with different fitness care experts to create a greater integrated and individualized method.
How Does Rehabilitation service Paintings?
A carrier worker and the disabled person will Paintings together to create a plan a good way to lead to long-time period employment. frequently they’ll consciousness on techniques inclusive of mastering a way to set and gain desires, know-how what Work will be most pleasurable, offering hints on self-reliance, and offering long-term case control. The occupational therapist will frequently increase relationships with network employers who robotically hire and Work with people with disabilities.
What Characteristics Make a good Vocational Therapist?
running for a rehabilitation provider is a extraordinary career for Each person who dreams of assisting others every day. A ardour for enriching the lives of human beings with disabilities is beneficial, as is an empathetic, active character. Seeing that extraordinary situations can also qualify someone as having a incapacity, versatility is critical. One patron might also want training for a brand new profession due to the fact a shoulder injury prevents working at a preceding task, whilst any other patron may be suffering with emotional impairment and is hoping to find a process for the first time. A unique, non-public approach is required for everyone that is available in for therapy.
What Studies will be maximum beneficial?
Whilst some occupational therapy jobs require a grasp’s degree, some undergraduate tiers are beneficial in making ready students for destiny careers. Sociology, psychology, and kinesiology are some of the most commonplace concentrations. A graduate degree will frequently require Studies of anatomy, affected person care, facts, and an know-how of the scientific and social situations that could affect destiny customers. Top notch writing and verbal exchange abilities also are beneficial in this subject. As soon as training is entire, states usually require a license to exercise. Certification is obtained with the aid of-of completion of education, fieldwork, and passing required tests.
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billydisagrees · 8 years
#19 The Good Man who Forgot Himself and Me
Last summer I had the time of my life playing for the Honeybadgers. It’s a mostly gay softball team with two of coolest heterosexuals you could ever hope to meet. These guys were and are some of the most vibrant and wonderful men I’ve been lucky enough to call my friends. I had hoped to maybe get a few dates out of joining. I was tired of the online thing, I wanted so much to play out my teenage belief that I could meet someone by bumping into them at a bookstore or coffee shop. I was basically waiting to Taylor Swift my love life and I’d hoped I was on the right track.
I was the only single guy on the team. Which was hilarious to me immediately. There were like 14 gay guys on this team and exactly one was single. I would’ve been bummed but they were too great. I had too much fun getting to know these people to worry about boys. Then they introduced to me to #19.
We were going, as a team, to a karaoke night at a really cool private karaoke room on 21st. I have an unrivaled disdain for parking downtown so I met at a teammates house to ride down with him. When I walked in the door I saw a small framed, handsome guy sitting on a barstool by the kitchen. He had warm, brown eyes and a small bit of scruff on his cheeks and chin. His smile was crooked and endearing and he spoke in a soft, soothing tone. He and my friend Shane were going take me to the party. I began trying to impress him immediately. I told him a story about the last time I’d tried to bottom. It was and is one of my favorite ice breaker stories because it’s silly and gross and that pretty much sums me up. That’s kind of my move I’ve learned. When I meet a guy I find attractive I tell a decidedly unsexy sex story about myself. It makes them laugh and more importantly it makes them consider what I look like naked and if they’re into that.
#19 was at the very least, curious. We went to karaoke with the team and had a great time, then went back to Shane’s to watch an episode of Inside Amy Schumer. I was trying, like really trying to flirt with #19 all night. It wasn’t landing how I’d hoped so I tried to pick up the pace. Earlier in the night I’d noticed he was on Grindr so I took out my phone and sent him a message while he was sitting maybe 15 inches away from me. For the uninitiated, when you send a guy you’re in the same room with a message on grindr, it is the real life equivalent to begging him to fuck you. I couldn’t have been creepier if I tried. I felt entirely justified in my pursuit though, here was a guy I had met in real life, who all my teammates already knew and loved. And he was a funny, smart grown up. I was going to pull out all the stops to make sure this happened.
I waited for a few minutes to see if #19 would open Grindr and see my message. I guess not everyone opens their hook up app in mixed company, lesson learned. I left a little disappointed but still determined. I was thinking about my next move when my phone buzzed. I had told him I liked his face. I looked down and saw “Aw, thanks. I like yours too”. Got him. We chatted for a bit and made plans to meet for coffee the next day. I met him at a cute little coffee shop in the morning and we sat to chat. I was excited about the change of pace. I had been going out on a lot of nighttime dates around then and had learned that when a date ends at 11:00pm it can be tricky not to end up at their place.
We sat with our coffee and spoke for hours. We had a lot in common. We both grew up in similar conservative households. We both had a complicated relationship with religion and it was nice to be able to have a real conversation with him. It felt like I was talking to an adult. Which I have found to be a luxury on a first date. After a while, we said our goodbyes but not before we made out in the parking lot because I’m all about being classy. We were both going to the same party the next night and he told me he was excited to see me there.
I left happy and a little anxious. I didn’t have butterflies but I could see there was real potential with #19 and that meant it was time to start hiding my crazy. I am a touch neurotic and have some lime green jealous in me. Here is a list of things I have done and am not entirely proud of.
-Gone through texts while a guy was in the bathroom.
-Went through a gentleman’s facebook messages on our second date.
-Feverishly rummaged through a guys’ grindr inbox while he was asleep next to me.
-Catfished someone I was dating with pictures of a hot guy just to see if he’d take the bait and when he did, showed up at the restaurant with a camera crew to publicly shame him forever.
Okay, the last one didn’t happen but I really think I have it in me. Also, if the story so far has any moral to it at all it’s “DUDES: do not leave me alone with any electronics that I can access your social media through. I will use them to destroy you.” If it happens in the future it’s really their fault.
I knew I didn’t want to let any of my undesirable tendencies mess anything up so I had a pep talk with myself about being cool with this. I was not going to come off seeming more into him than he was me. I was not going to incessantly check grindr to see how long after our dates he started looking for other dudes. I was not going to spend 15 minutes investigating every new friend he made on facebook to try to diagnose the nature of their new friendship. I was going to be cool this time.
It was a Fourth of July party at my friend Matt’s house and all the guys on my team were there along with #19 and about 15 people I had either never met or just seen in passing. Everyone was really cool and I was already congratulating myself for not standing next to #19 and ignoring everyone else until he told me I looked handsome. I said a quick “Oh hey there.” when I walked in and that was that. I mingled. I’m actually a really great mingler. I detest small talk but I love telling strangers wildy personal and inappropriate stories about myself and seeing if they’re cool with it. Some are. Most are not.
After about an hour and I think around six festive jello shots we all walked down to a park by the water and watched the fireworks go off. It was beautiful and I was grateful to be doing it with so many of my friends. I sat next to #19 and asked him out for the next weekend. He said yes and lightly put his head on my shoulder while we finished watching the sky light up. We headed back to the house to get drunk some more and play party games. I immediately went back into cool guy role and left #19 to his own devices.
Looking back, I maybe should have been just a little less chill.
There was a young guy at the party who I’d noticed early on. He was only 19 I think. And even though we were in a private residence and everyone else was unphased I am absolutely never comfortable drinking with minors. Which is some hypocritical bullshit coming from me because ninety percent of my drinking was done between 18 and 20. In any case, I was aware of him and I occasionally watched him move throughout the groups of chatter.
The first time I saw him see #19 I could tell they knew each other. I was trying to piece together how but it wasn’t making sense. This kid did a youth leadership class that a couple of the guests in attendance helped facilitate but #19 wasn’t a part of that. I knew he wasn’t hanging out with anyone there on a regular basis because I was and I would have noticed.I tried to space out my glances in their direction but it became increasingly difficult because when we got back from firework they seemed to be getting cozier.
I was standing with my sweet friend Phil and I asked if it looked like something was going on between them, letting a crack mar the surface of my easy going attitude costume. “It maybe does? I don’t really know.”
“Huh.” I decided.
I went back to talking to Phil for a minute and that’s when I noticed our young stranger’s hand was in #19’s back pocket. They were standing in a group of five and the young man was standing next to #19, hand on his ass, talking to my friends like they were a new cute couple.
I could feel my grip on cool guy slipping and I knew I needed to come up with a gameplan. How mad was I allowed to be here? Okay, #19 and I had been on one date. I decided I needed to take a breath and calm down. I was trying so hard to listen to whatever Phil and his husband Joe were saying but it was futile. I was watching #19 now. Carefully but constantly and within a few minutes I saw him take the guy’s hand and disappear outside. They were gone for about 20 minutes.
20 minutes.
When you are waiting for an explanation 20 minutes feels like days. When I noticed them rejoin the party they were giggly and embarrassed. Their hair and clothes were askew and every single person in that house knew what had happened. People began asking me if I was okay because many of them knew that I liked him and we’d started seeing each other. The only thing I wanted to do was leave, but I was drunk and for whatever reason I didn’t want to call a cab and leave my car. It felt like more hassle than it was worth.
So I stopped being even remotely cool. I sat quietly in a corner for a couple hours and waited for sobriety to set in. I watched #19 lose every bit of interest in the boy shortly after their return. It was the confirmation I was looking for. Interest fades when curiosity is satisfied. I thought at that second, ‘I wonder if he’d have said yes to a second date if we’d had sex on the first.?”
Occasionally, throughout the night when his attention was drawn away from his sudden paramour, #19 would approach me to chat. I wasn’t drunk enough to cause a scene but I certainly wasn’t going to be nice. I was curt and cold and he knew why. I appreciated, even then, that he didn’t belittle my reaction by questioning it like it would be news to him. He knew it was wrong but he wasn’t ready to stop.
When the young man, whose name I can not remember to save my life left the party, the guest count had dwindled to just a small handful. I was sober enough to drive at this point, by which I mean I was entirely sober, but I couldn’ bring myself to leave. I knew the best thing would be to go. I should leave without a talk, salvage what was left of my allotted dignity for the evening and just go home. But if you have basic comprehension skills you have realized by this point that I am not the calm and collected type. I had an opportunity to martyr myself and lash out with righteous anger and hostility. Anyone who has dated or lived with me will tell you that I would sooner campaign for Trump than miss a chance like that.
He approached me and I suggested we talk outside. My instinct was to launch into a tirade about respect and kindness and basic social niceties but I fought the urge. I wanted to hear what he would offer before I played my cards. As it turned out the two had matched on Tinder and this was the first time they’d met in person. He lived somewhere else and would only be in town for the weekend. When they saw each other and hit it off, the urgency or their situation got the better of him. How romantic.
I was in a tricky position and I knew it. I could only be mad at the fact that it had all played out in front of me. What he had done was rude, certainly, but the act in it of itself wasn’t wrong. #19 and I were not a couple. We had made out once and gone on exactly one date. We obviously weren’t exclusive but I felt like I’d been cheated. I knew I couldn’t pin that on him but it didn’t stop me from trying to maximize his guilt.
I made him tell me exactly what they had done together, physically. If you haven’t noticed yet, I have a pattern of becoming very petty when I’m hurt or sad or awake. I didn’t have any right to that information and even though I witnessed most of it he still could have kept their private time together private. He didn’t though and I knew he wouldn’t. #19 was a good guy. He had made a mistake and he knew it. I believed him when he told me how sorry he was. I couldn’t use the argument that he may have been apologizing only because he was caught because he had made no attempt to hide the discretion in the first place.
He was drunk, he was horny, he was willing, he was sorry.
He was also human.
I eventually gave him a clean slate. I knew I hadn’t forgiven him but I believed I could get there on my own. I saw a glimmer of relationship potential in #19 and that wasn’t something I could afford to take lightly. I wanted this to be something and I would have felt defeated if I didn’t really try to get it off the ground.
That is what I told myself. It was not the whole truth.
I wanted to win. I watched someone’s attraction shift away from me on to someone younger, prettier and thinner. I had never understood that specific pang before and it opened in me a violent insecurity. I wanted him feel bad and he did. I wanted him to apologize and he did. I wanted him to tell me that it meant nothing and I was what was actually important and that he’d love it if we could just start over. He did.
I kissed him that night. I thought about not being the only mouth he’d visited that evening and winced a little. I had to push those thoughts out and get my fresh start. We made plans for the weekend and I left. I said goodbye to #19 and tried to get excited for #20.
That happened to be the week of his birthday so before our date I bought him an obscure comic he had mentioned when we first started chatting. I looked up where to find a comic book store and Portland and when I got there I had to ask two employees where the hell to find it. I wrapped it neatly and gave it to him before we went to the movie. I wasn’t being sweet. I was still trying to make him feel bad. I wanted him to see me in the best possible light to know what an incredible and thoughtful guy he had almost lost. We went to the Living Room theater and watched a sad movie while we snuggled on a loveseat in the back.
It took about five minutes of physical contact to confirm what I’d been trying to deny since I drove away from the party. This wasn’t going to work. We had broken it. I say we because I believe we both had an equal hand in ending up where we did. Him with his kind of indiscretion and me with my half truths concerning my feelings on the topic. I held him sweetly for the rest of the movie and kissed him goodbye, knowing there wouldn’t be another date.
I text him that night and said that I thought we should just be friends. I said I felt like that’s where our vibe was heading and he agreed. We both said kind things to each other and agreed we wouldn’t let this make anything weird and I’m happy to say that we didn’t.
I should have told him how much what he did hurt me. I should have told him that I would never be able to trust him in that way again. I should have been more honest with him and myself about what I just couldn’t get over. Us having only been on one date didn’t change the fact that when I saw him come back to the party with that guy it felt like the moment in a car accident when the airbags deploy.
I try to be honest with guys about my feelings now. They are intense and sometime irrational but they are mine. Trying to hide them from someone has only led to me getting hurt in the long run. I know I’m not doing a great job of selling myself but I don’t want to be with a guy who can’t handle the emotional tasmanian devil I turn into sometimes. I want be with someone who knows how to let the air out the giant balloon I create with my thoughts.
I still talk to #19. He’s a good friend who makes me smile a lot. I want very much for him to be happy because he is a terrific guy who faced a mistake like a man. I’ll always be grateful that he and I had the experience we did. We had a nice time, then a bad time, and now we’re friends. I think of it as a sweet runner up to our best case scenario.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on http://webpostingpro.com/japans-rakuten-bets-on-post-app-future-with-new-gaming-service/
Japan's Rakuten bets on post-app future with new gaming service
TOKYO] Rakuten Inc is making a bet on a destiny without apps.
The e-commerce company unveiled Rakuten Games on Tuesday, searching for to deliver titles that don’t must be established on telephones or personal computers. The Video games may be played on net browsers or inside different apps, making it simpler for customers to play with every different while not having to anticipate new software program to be loaded onto their devices.
Titles based on Pacman and Area Invaders are a number of the 15 Video games available at the platform.
Facebook Inc and Tencent Holdings Ltd have also embraced similar tasks, searching for to keep customers inside their apps and services instead of venturing to app shops run by Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google.
Even as browser-based gaming is being touted as a step far away from the app atmosphere, it is also a step lower back to a generation while apps were not as dominant as they’re now. Rakuten is aiming for a slice of sales in the mobile gaming app market, which made up 81 in line with the cent of overall app income folks$62 billion final years, in line with App Annie.
Rakuten’s giant web presence and dedicated customers make it flawlessly positioned to leverage our technology to enter the cellular gaming marketplace completely outdoor of the traditional app save approach,” said Michael Carter, leader executive officer of Blackstorm Labs Inc, which developed Rakuten Games with the Tokyo-primarily based corporation.
The gaming platform is based totally on HTML5,
The trendy model of the language that powers websites, which lets in for multimedia, graphic and gaming content material to be added to the internet.
Before HTML5 have become the de facto preferred, Adobe Structures Inc’s Flash era was a popular way for people to get multimedia content through browsers and turned into used to energy famous Games like FarmVille. The 2 standards clashed for a while, but Flash wasn’t supported on Apple’s iPhones and sooner or later lost out.
Now, some are seeing a possibility to convey informal games on smartphones,
Drugs, laptops, and desktops collectively beneath one roof: HTML5. Facebook joined the fray in November while it unveiled Immediate Games, an HTML5-based totally carrier that shall we users play Games at once inside Facebook Messenger.
Nevertheless, HTML5 developers have a protracted manner to head until they can produce polished Video games that could rival Vainglory, Superb Mario Run, and different smartphone titles.
Instant iPhone App Polling and Voting
In case you love your iPhone and use it every day for almost the entirety you do, there is no doubt you’ve got requested yourself; Why can not I just use my iPhone to vote? Right query and agree with me you aren’t by myself. In truth, our Suppose Tank has been discussing this for a long time, and even though we do not but have all of the answers, we are convinced it’s going to not be lengthy earlier than this form of balloting could be ubiquitous and not unusual. Indeed, in the future, everyone will vote on-line or through their mobile device. Allow’s communicate.
Cody Hunt, a prolific Suppose Tank Philosopher sees this era evolving thru the current apps for immediate online and mobile smartphone surveys – Cody states:
“The first viable hassle is that it would restriction vote casting to handiest human beings with smartphones that might allow apps on it and that would not directly push out some of the negative from balloting, now you may say that we ought to have the app and also have regular polls set up so that individuals who wanted to use the app could and people who don’t have the app can nevertheless vote the normal manner but who is to keep human beings from then balloting two times, once at the app after which once more on the real polls.”
Hmm? You understand Mr.
Cody Hunt has a few brilliant factors right here, and I think this question approximately the destiny of on the spot polling could be very important. Even right now Large Information is constantly being scanned along with social networks to spot problems or trends and politicians, leaders, surveillance agencies use all this to their benefit. actual vote casting or polling additionally may want to discover users, even get them on a “non-conformist” listing someplace for greater surveillance, and maybe they’re on a great list this time, but while new leaders get into power now they are on an awful list somewhere.
Currently, wherein does all these survey facts go?
Is it used for selling us stuff later? Does Large Information sell the Facts to marketers and advertisers? How can we recognize? wherein does our gadget balloting facts pass? Assume how valuable this statistics is to agencies and entrepreneurs? Think how critical it’s far for people who are strolling political campaigns. Suppose how much hassle it can get you into if in the destiny there’s some radical exchange in our political structure.
Strategy Games Tips – 6 Tips of Playing Strategy Games
There are so many method video games for each online and for game consoles. In brand new video games, there is not a want to set the placing of the method games for 1/2 an hour because the programmers had already figured out what certainly the gamer wishes and had already been programmed into the sport.
Maximum of the approach games
I played wanted masses of planning and space to play properly within the approach games. These games can be those defense video games in which you want to construct towers at strategic regions or factors to combat off an invasion successfully or if you are the ones form of offensive games, you may be the only building gadgets to overwhelm the laptop’s defense.
There is an announcing:” Attack is my protection, protection is my Assault”. It truly relies upon on how you want to play it.
6 Simple method Strategies For Playing approach games
1) Understanding extensive of the different sorts of gadgets or races in the game. Usually, it isn’t always going to be greater than 10.
2) Comply with the fundamental guidelines of the strategy sport. A few fundamentals techniques are: Use the melee combatants in advance within the front traces as “meat defend” whilst the ranged squaddies stand at the back of the melee warring parties to help them.
3) When you have won sufficient cash,
Do plan a number of it for upgrades of your infantrymen, towers and many others… Usually beginning of the sport, it can be pretty difficult to devise however plan out a method of your very own.
four) Pick out up A few air devices to aid your ground troops. It’s far a need to! The subsequent move gets a great siege weapon to spoil constructing more efficiently and quicker. Siege weapons are a double-edged weapon in which it could be used for base protection too. Via information what does what, you’ll be in a better role to genuinely installation them nicely and keep away from silly errors.
 Want to Work for a Rehabilitation Service? Here’s What to Know
who has taken into consideration a profession running for a vocational rehabilitation provider probable has plenty of questions. Right here are a number of the maximum not unusual inquiries and their solutions.
What is Vocational Rehabilitation?
While a person is disabled, she or he can also have an issue finding employment. A vocational (or occupational) therapist enables someone struggling with an incapacity to conquer boundaries that may save you them from getting or retaining a process. Disabilities may additionally by physical, mental, emotional, or cognitive. It’s miles often crucial to assist the disabled man or woman remember the fact that he or she can – both another time or for the first time – be a functioning member of society. Every now and then the therapist may match with different fitness care experts to create a greater integrated and individualized method.
How Does Rehabilitation service Paintings?
A carrier worker and the disabled person will Paintings together to create a plan a good way to lead to long-time period employment. frequently they’ll consciousness on techniques inclusive of mastering a way to set and gain desires, know-how what Work will be most pleasurable, offering hints on self-reliance, and offering long-term case control. The occupational therapist will frequently increase relationships with network employers who robotically hire and Work with people with disabilities.
What Characteristics Make a good Vocational Therapist?
running for a rehabilitation provider is a extraordinary career for Each person who dreams of assisting others every day. A ardour for enriching the lives of human beings with disabilities is beneficial, as is an empathetic, active character. Seeing that extraordinary situations can also qualify someone as having a incapacity, versatility is critical. One patron might also want training for a brand new profession due to the fact a shoulder injury prevents working at a preceding task, whilst any other patron may be suffering with emotional impairment and is hoping to find a process for the first time. A unique, non-public approach is required for everyone that is available in for therapy.
What Studies will be maximum beneficial?
Whilst some occupational therapy jobs require a grasp’s degree, some undergraduate tiers are beneficial in making ready students for destiny careers. Sociology, psychology, and kinesiology are some of the most commonplace concentrations. A graduate degree will frequently require Studies of anatomy, affected person care, facts, and an know-how of the scientific and social situations that could affect destiny customers. Top notch writing and verbal exchange abilities also are beneficial in this subject. As soon as training is entire, states usually require a license to exercise. Certification is obtained with the aid of-of completion of education, fieldwork, and passing required tests.
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