#maybe im just a perfectionist idk
quinn-pop · 1 year
Mayta Knight 26-28
26 - Dramatic
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27 - Reading
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28 - Arena
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3 left!!
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unsettlingcreature · 1 year
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Slowly reconfiguring my altar space but I'm gently adding Halloween decorations as September passes and October approaches, I'm personally obsessed with the little ghost lights. Anyway I don't have a dedicated sideblog for this stuff anymore so I'm just slapping it on main :)
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my mom doesn’t think im autistic and then i write shit like, “yeah i look for patterns in my life but for some reason socializing and people never fit? why cant i apply other knowledge to being a person with other people”
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estbela · 8 months
Bulgaria gives me 'gifted kid burnout' vibes tbh. Kinda makes sense, I suppose. I mean he used to be an empire and all, and in the early 20th century he literally was called 'Prussia of the Balkans' (i think bcs of his army).
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ozymoron · 9 months
i suck at art so im drinking about it
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strmpt · 1 year
it’s crazy to me how i can be so productive when it’s not the thing i really really really wanna do
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Tangerine headcanons/ imagines
tangerine x female reader
tw: none! just cute stuff that makes us sad
okay so I love analysing people and ive been in love with him since march/april, so this was a piece of cake- also im obsessive and lonely so was super easy lmfao
these are just things that I think (kinda self indulgent) but if you disagree that’s fine too
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princess treatment- he’d treat you like royalty
huge softie at heart
love language wise:
 physical touch- I feel like he’s quite handsy, he always has to be touching some part of you
 acts of service- he’d always be willing to help you, does things for you. makes you snacks and drinks throughout the day- like if you’re busy, he’d pop in and give you a tray of stuff you may need
 quality time- he’d value the time you spent together, even if you weren’t doing an activity together (both in the same space, doing your own things) he’d designate certain days for just you
 gift giving- he’d spoil you like crazy, he’d remember certain little things about you and get you a thoughtful gift based off that (like if you mentioned something you wanted to try for just one second midway in a conversation you had months ago, he’d remember it)
words of affirmation- he’d call you tonnes of pet names, I feel like he’d say ‘my’ in front of it to make it more special. he’d tell you he loves you, how special you are and how much he adores you etc
hates everyone but you vibes- he’s standoffish to everyone, but when it comes to you he’s the complete opposite; he speaks very soft and kind towards you
he treats you like the most valuable thing on earth
very patient with you
protector x protected energy- he just always wants you safe
nose and forehead kisses
lots of thumb stroking on your cheeks 
lots of intense eye contact- he admires your eyes
feel like he’s a hip and thigh kinda man
I feel like you’d be very close to Lemon, and sometimes it’ll wind him up. Lemon would tell you embarrassing stories about Tan- you’d love it while he’d hate it
I get ride or die vibes- kinda like romeo and juliet, just minus all the death
he secretly loves your chick flicks, he pretends he hates them but watches them with you every time
he also pretends he hates when you call him sweet things but he definitely looks away to smile
he’s very slow to warm up, takes a bit of time to crack him open. on the outside he’s a doberman but on inside he’s like a ragdoll
gets a bit possessive, not in a scary way- but I do think that sometimes it could be
feel like he’s the kind that will literally worship you
you clean his cuts and wounds after missions
he runs warm but you run quite cold, so he’s always trying to warm you up
I feel like you’re the first person he’s actually loved romantically
drinks black coffee and ofc tea
definitely a whisky drinker, he loves a good whisky by the fire
I feel like he’s very clean, likes to keep everything organised. maybe a bit of a perfectionist
always smells good
very romantic and extremely charismatic- a natural charmer. funny and lots of inside jokes
he’s a great caretaker- looks after you really well. if you’re ill he’d be with you at all times, not caring if he got sick too. and when it’s your time of the month he’d get you hot water bottles and you’d get lots of back rubs etc
he loves it when you use your fingers to trace over his tattoos, same goes for his chest hair too
also loves when your stroke through his hair
he gets really irritated in hot temperatures- and starts swearing a lot more
I feel like he’s kind of set in his ways about things/ he knows what he likes, and that you help open his mind about trying and doing new things. you help keep things fresh and exciting
some reason I feel like you’d have daddy issues idk why, (sorry if you do, also sorry if you don’t lmao)
he might follow you like a lost puppy, he’d literally do anything you say
you’d be best friends as well as a couple
he’s very reliable and would drop anything for you
if you needed to rant or vent, he’d be there lending you his ear. he’d be an incredible listener
very attentive
feel like he’s a fast driver, but never when you’re in the car
if someone flirts with you or someone was mean to you at work he’d say “where are they? I will fuckin kill em”
private but not secret relationship
definitely a homebody
whenever he goes past the florists or to the shop, he’d always bring some flowers back for you (more often than not- it’ll your favourite type of flower)
leaves you sweet notes around the house
that’s it for now, hope you liked
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
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TW!!! — blood, scarring and mild body horror ahead 🥲
benny’s turn!
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before i start i wanna clarify i hesitated a bit on posting this because lovely mutual @vor-leser just posted his benny interpretation (go look at it and follow him btw), and idk if we like mind melded or smth but our human benny’s are super similar LOL. i damn near scrapped the whole thing out of fear someone would get mad at me but i Would Not be able to start over and get this done ever so this is as good as we’re gonna get. 😭 my apologies niko love u /p
this has been like a full 7 days in the making 😭😭 the art block that i felt coming on while doing ellen and ted hit me like an optimus prime sized semi truck this week along with a depressive episode so i definitely appreciate that happening and i am not upset about it at all! /s i’m totally good so don’t worry or anything /gen, mental health is just weird and i also wanted to explain the gap in my posts 😔
i do not know how to feel about this drawing if i’m so fr with you; i’m proud of myself for AM-ified benny cause i think i got the slowly rotting from the inside out primal freak energy down pretty good, but on the other hand this feels kinda empty?? i usually have a lot more commentary squished in here but i think my brain’s a little fried 🤦‍♂️ i love drawing me some beautiful buff men though so drawing normal ben was familiar territory. however his wack ass haircut i gave him is his punishment for being a PRICK!!! go sit in the corner and think about ur actions benjamin.
like ted n the rest of the sillies i’m not straying too far from canon with his personality, he’s an ass and a murderer and a hella smart dickhead who desperately needs to be punished by the universe (thank you for that one AM). hot take i did not like his “redemption arc” in his game scenario and i don’t think with how he was throughout the entirety of his life (and also throughout the game, main example his inner dialogue) he would actually go out of his way to help the kid because he means it??? n prove he changed to the guys he killed cause he means it??? i dunno maybe AM torturing him made him have a main character “omg i’ve been in the wrong this whole time!!1” moment like the game suggests i’m just not buying it 💀 i’m sure it’s just cause bennys scenario couldn’t be too long and they couldn’t fully flesh him out which i won’t fault the game makers for. i’m a steven universe fan, i know what time constrictions can do to a plot and redemption arc 😭 looking at you white diamond…
his wife n kids are up top and they’re kinda neat to me— i was considering the hc that part of the reason manya (his canon wife) left him is because she realized she was a lesbian which would be funny as fuck considering benny’s also One Of Them Queers 😭. i think during the brief times he was home and able to parent his daughters they got really scared and tired of him, one because he’s just a very threatening powerful and overbearing man, but also because i feel like he would’ve been on their ASS about everything. grades, extracurriculars, friends, wardrobe, this guy was micromanaging his family to an annoying extreme (ofc because of his perfectionist complex). he probably loved manya and the kids in his own weird way, but it was more contractual to him than any real personal relationship. maybe he inherited that from his own parents?? i doubt he ever talked to them after he moved out.
that’s about the end of my thoughts on this fucker. 🥲 funny storyyyy i just remembered i have laundry to finish so im gonna go do that, lord help me. thank you for reading all this if you did!!!!! we’re over halfway through so who do yall want next? wanna save AM or nimdok for last? i’ll see u guys later :]]]
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changbinsboobs · 25 days
I only pity chan a little in the sense that he doesnt seem to do well without others being around him or him constantly needing validation through helping others. I get it can feel lonely but sometimes its better than being around fake ass ppl who only want to use him or he might end up using others. it rlly wouod be interesting to see his reputation reading tho esp around female idols
Used the 3rd Eye Tarot, hope you enjoy💗
*This reading is for entertainment purposes only and doesn't state any facts!
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Chan Reputation Reading
Ok WOW!!!! Not gonna lie to you I'm SHOKED!!!
I thought he's gonna be a casanova in this reading but surprisingly im getting none of that, quite the contrary actually.
But lets start from the beginning, so his overall reputation in a few words is social and friendly, hardworking and unexpectedly stern/cold.
He has a very approachable personality, very social, fun and open towards people whenever the moods right for it. I think people view him as someone to easily "get close to" or at least interact with.
But at the same time when it comes to work he doesn't come to play and i believe (not among idols but rather just within the industry) word is, he is difficult to work with.
Not because of bad work ethic or anything - quite the opposite - he's very meticulous, perfectionistic and likes things being done his way. If not, he's not affraid to argue, to stand his point, if you're slacking he's not affraid to call you out and even if he's in his right to do that, i believe people find, he might go overboard sometimes in his obsession in work.
People that already know him see him as a workaholic and extremely focused in his work so that even if he's easy to approach - he's not easy to be close to, as a friend, cuz he's always away working. Thats his absolute first priority.
If someone knows him outside of work, and then get to experience him in a working environment I think they get really really shocked, because they experience a completely different side if him where all of his goofiness and friendliness goes out the door and he gets this scary stern look in his eyes and his whole aura changes, even if he's still polite - his energy and vibe is just totally different.
As for his reputation with the ladies (idols/industry) its not as different. This sternness is there for sure and everyone can attest to that in one way or another.
I believe he's quite popular with the girlies, he's quite liked and many have interest in him romantically or sexually.
But just as many get met with rejection. Thats the part that really shocked me. But i actually believe he doesn't go around sleeping with idols. If he does (which i believe he does🌝😂) he does that with commoners, fans etc.
I think his main reputation among female idols is "keep away from him, you'll get hurt" but thankfully for a whole different reason than i (we) thought. They'll get hurt cuz they'll get rejected😂 as he doesn't mix work with love i believe. Maybe he has a rule like that? Idk? Or maybe he's just not attracted to them for some reason? Maybe cuz in his love affairs he wants to escape work for a short while but if he's with an idol maybe he feels like he hasn't fully escaped? Hm idk what's your thoughts on this?
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moonsofmachinery · 4 months
So this isnt a pride req but you still don't have to answer!! But how do you draw so quickly?? I swear you draw like 2-4 times a day? I wanna get on a really good schedule about that so I can keep up with a art blog but idk how to draw fast! How'd you do it?
I hope it helps If I go over my entire process here because I've been wanting to showcase my process for awhile anyways :}
Haha! Yeah, i usually try and draw ~4 things min a day. Now, let me clarify, to run an art blog you don't have to draw fast! I do try and take breaks if I need them!!! But a lot of my speed has to do with the fact I've just been in a very art-inclined mood as of late :} It's a lot easier to draw if you WANT to draw! and knowing people like my stuff is a huge motivator.
Long post below where I explain my process and some of the shortcuts I take!! :]
For more skill-based tips though, my method definitely helps. Drawing lineless and paying attention to my stabilizer helps a lot. I'm definitely not a perfectionist when it comes to my art and I do tend to reuse poses I KNOW im comfortable with if I'm not in the mood to go all out.
I sketch freely with loose stabilizer using a pencil-like pen that allows me to get a good idea of the details I want down... Ex:
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I have a very good grasp on the way i draw slugcats and how their bodies are shaped! Depending on the characters you're drawing, you should try drawing them a TON to get to a point where you can sketch them without even looking at a ref of any kind. My designs tend to stay consistent as I have a solid idea of each slugcat in my mind! It helps me pace myself as I generally don't need refs! :}
Next, I blot out my main body shape. I then, using a clip layer, add in lines and line in limbs! Generally I do this all in the same colour, get the main shapes down before you add detail and all that...
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I blot out different regions of my character in different colours and section off areas to ensure I can later select these and go over them! Doing lineless helps me a ton as I don't use a lot of layers! it's just the style im more used to :}
Lastly, I add in my colours and adjust places where I can adding in all markings and details and recolouring where I need to! I use the selection wand to help me and I also use clip layers.
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The details are relatively easy for me, most of the time its just getting to doodle whatever I want to make the colour combo look the best I can!!! :} The final result of this one will be posted on its own, but I just use CSP tools to add an outline-- I'm not sure if you use Clip Studio Paint, but if you do, you can use the effect feature!
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Its just a little thing I add to make my drawing pop against the background!!!! :D
Anddd thats how I pump out art at an inhuman rate! Drawing is one of the few things I can do without my chronic pain kicking my ass so a lot of my day is spent at my computer cozy n' arting! Drawing for too long does cause fatigue in anyone though! I reccomend listening to something engaging in the background (if your attention can take it) and taking regular breaks every ~15-30 minutes.
This piece took me 30 minutes?? maybe a little more! I hope this gave you what you were lookin for :D!!!!! I wish u well in ur art blog n' make sure not to stress urself!!!!!
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shadowlinktheshadow · 6 months
ok fuck it im finally gonna write down ramble about the similarities between castle in the sky and spirit tracks rhghghrr
case #1: the characters
in my very private and running around inside my mind headcanons, I see a lot of close things between pazu and link
pazu is a sweet boy (maybe even naive) who helps those in need (like every protagonist) hes a very dedicated worker in the mines, and loves machinery
same could be said for link, who never talks in game but shows his shyness and and also sweet nature. (perhaps this is only around zelda,) you could take the fact that he doesnt even want to get up at the beginning of the game to take his exam because he dislikes the job, but this is where my headcanons come in. in short, hes a child genius and a perfectionist and works himself a little too much, and gets really eepy. so yes he loves machines (trains) as well
oh, and they are both orphans. (link is a bit difficult because hes usually always some type of parentless/guardianless child but anyways-)
and even other than personality and hobbies, their looks have similar parts too
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of course, theyre not carbon copies of each other (such as colors being different) but the gloves and, especially to me, the cap is the one that sticks out. like. no other zelda game has him wearing a hat like that
(I just realized the gloves r the same color holy shit 💀) ((bruh and the posture lmao💀💀))
now I dont have much to say about sheeta and zeldas similarities (sorry) but they are both royals (well 1 of royal descent)
case #2: character relationships
spirit tracks zelink is what is keeping me alive so heres some similarities
I love love love the "hopeless romantic commoner falls in love with literal princess (she loves him back)" trope. which, pazu and sheetas relationship is a little different, but the vibes are the same
both couples? pairs? are so innocently in love with each other (maybe link shows it more) but just look:
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they are so rhghghrhHRHFHFJJ HISS HISS HISS 💜💜💜💜💜😭😭🔥🔥💜
and finally the catching part in the movie
now you may ask "oh totk link caught zelda something something skyward sword falling blah blah blah" (im joking pls dont hate 💀) but this catch is different than those
they arent both falling, bro is already on the ground
you know who else is on the ground?
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pazu may seem more.. graceful in catching sheeta compared to link, but (according to my dad) the whole joke of link dropping zelda comes from this movie (I havent finished it so idk) but I do know pazu struggles under the weight of sheeta after all the magic stuff goes away 😂
case #3: minor stuff
so I havent watched the entire movie yet, but heres some other things I saw
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they r both doves...... interesting....
though different, they also both play an instrument (link plays a panflute and pazu a trumpet)
also the design similarities in the robots and the phantoms, but ive run out of photos and time so that's kt
thanks for coming to my tedtalk (to the 3 people that will see this 💀)
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Leon or Carlos with a chubby! reader? Maybe... smut??? I love your work😭🫶
Pairing: Carlos Oliveira x chubby!Reader 
Genre: Established Relationship AU, Smut 
Synopsis: Carlos’s arms aren’t just for show. He’s ready to show you how strong he can be to hold you as he worships every inch of your body. 
Word Count: 3.4K 
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT; body image insecurity, pet name: sunshine, spanking, lingerie, mirror sex, fingering, air sex? Idk, body worship, praise kink 
A/N: CARLOSSSS !! latin men >>> ahem ahem anyways thank you for supporting me and requesting this!! I hope you enjoy it <33 (and if u dont , im so sorry i literally wrote this on a red eye flight with a fever :P )
- masterlist - 
Was this too much? 
You twisted your body, analyzing your figure through the floor length mirror. Spring was here, the sky was clear and the breeze was warm. Thus, warranting you to have a rare sliver of confidence to dress up for your lunch date with Carlos. Conjured in your mind, you thought you were going to pull off the outfit stored deep in your closet; however, physically being in the outfit redacted your confidence and called forth the insecurities which made you bury this outfit in the depths of your closets way back when. 
It wasn’t that the outfit was bad, per say. It’s just that the folds and flow of the fabric wasn’t falling where you wanted it to or how you wanted it to. You were a perfectionist when it came to looking good for Carlos – although his arguments always say otherwise – and currently, you did not feel perfect. So, you spent the next few minutes second guessing whether or not you should change your clothes, redo your hair, and add more makeup. 
“Almost ready, sunshine?” Carlos peeked his head through the door of your shared bedroom instantly fixating his vision on your figure. 
“Almost,” You mumbled, fixing your hair in the mirror before turning to Carlos and gesjuring towards your body nervously. You’d made it a habit to ask him how you looked before going out, although he always had the same but caring response, “Do I look okay?”
Carlos shuffled his way over towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and giving you a chaste kiss, “You look perfect.”
You returned his kiss with another before glancing at the mirror again, “You don’t think I should I change?”
“Is there something wrong?”,” Carlos furrowed his brows, “I can buy you something else if you don’t like it.”
With the way that Carlos was looking at you, you would’ve felt guilty for putting yourself down, especially since he was the type to drop everything and worship the ground you walked on just to get that thought out of your head. As much as your insecurities hurt you, disappointing Carlos hurt you more, so you did your best to suck up your worries and not dampen the mood for a happy date night. 
You shook your head, deciding to just deal with your outfit. Thankfully, Carlos dismissed it and led you towards his overly fancy sports car and choosing the one of your favorite color. Although his fancy car came with an equally fancy key fob which automatically opened the passenger door, Carlos still made it a point to run around his car and manually open it for you. 
“Why thank you, kind sir,” You teased, ducking to crawl into the lowered vehicle. As you ducked, Carlos not-so-sneakily checked out your ass before giving you a lighthearted smack and earned a small yelp from you. Carlos was quick to close the passenger door as he laughed from hearing your muffled scolding from outside the car. 
Once he seated, you slapped his arm, wincing when your fingers connected with toned muscles. Pouting, you held your hand close to your chest in feigned pain and muttered, “Damn you and your biceps.”
Carlos smirked, taking your injured hand in his and pressing a soft healing kiss to your knuckles, “And, you love them.” 
You looked out your window to try to hide your blush, not wanting to give Carlos the satisfaction of teasing you. Momentarily, he released his hold on your hand to start the car and change shift gears before settling his one hold on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. Once recovered from your blush attack, you peeked over and giggled as you watched his messy waves get tousled even more from the rolled down windows, “So, do I get to know where this mystery date is?”
“That ruins the surprise, doesn’t it?” Carlos continued to rub your thigh, hands large enough to cover most of your skin. From the surfaces where he couldn’t reach with his open palms, Carlos made up for it by tracing random patterns back and forth from left to right. 
You exaggerated a groan, hating surprises from Carlos. Undoubtedly, you loved it when he planned cute dates for you, but this man was extravagant enough to book a two week stay in Bali and call it a date night. Despite this, you graciously let him off the hook with a shake of your head before zoning out for the rest of the car ride. Sitting in comfortable silence, your consciousness was regained when the vehicle approached a fancy sky high building near downtown. 
“You’re kidding…” You spoke breathily with disbelief as you looked at the three star Michelin restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to, “How…?”
“That’s for me to know, sunshine,” Carlos took your hand and pressed a kiss with his smirking lips, knowing that he’d done a good job impressing you. Exiting the car, Carlos passed his keys to the conjoined hotel valet and helped you out of the car. 
You felt bad about stepping on the cleanest red carpet you’ve ever seen in your life, but you sucked it up once the red carpet led you towards an even more expensive looking marble flooring of the hotel lobby. Clinging on Carlos’s arm, you tugged him down to whisper, “Don’t you think we’re kinda underdressed?”
You squirmed as your eyes meet the grand chandelier, intricately framed paintings, and well-dressed staff members. Saying that you felt self-conscious was a major understatement. 
“Kinda? We’re very underdressed,” Carlos pointed out like it was obvious. 
You pinched his arm in retaliation, “I asked you if I should change! You knew we were coming here!” 
The stubble of his beard prickled your hairline as he reassuringly kissed your temple, “Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.”
Your mild annoyance was quickly dissipated as you recanted previous dates with Carlos. It was true he always planned your dates very well, always having every detail accounted for and a Plan B for unsuspecting events. But still, you could’ve at least walked the carpet looking done up! 
“I’ll meet you later, okay?” Carlos gently pushed your grip off his arm, causing you to panic from the thought of being left alone. 
“Wait, where-”
Carlos didn’t wait for your response as he separated from you, going into a separate elevator and flashing you a cheeky smile accompanied with a wink. You would’ve grumbled out a curse at his retreating figure if a heavily French accented voice interrupted you. 
“Carlos Oliveira’s guest?” 
You turned to accompany the voice with a short, older woman, clad from head to toe in designer brands and accessories. You politely introduced yourself with a soft smile towards the woman before being escorted beyond the lobby. 
“Please follow me this way.” 
Nervously, you followed the woman closely, not willing to get lost in the very tall and expensive building. You feared that even looking at something for too long could cause it to break, and you definitely did not have the funds to financially recover from your clumsiness. Stepping into the elevator, you mustered up some small talk to kill the silent awkwardness. You figured out that this woman named Ludivine, was a personal stylist flown out from Italy. Her career and experience was riddled with luxury as she mentioned having many encounters and personal relationships with some of high fashion’s biggest brands. 
“So, where are we going?” 
“Monsieur Carlos requested that we prepare you,” Ludivine explained, “He said, make them look like a God that walked the Earth to enchant their people with their grace. I can already tell you must deal with a handful being with an admirateur like that.”
You coughed to cover your choke from Carlos’s explicit verbiage. You made a mental note to scold him later for it. The small chime of the elevator drew you from your thoughts as Ludivine showed you to your suite which housed an entire team of stylists, makeup artist, and hair dressers. One section of the room transformed to the equivalence of the behind the scenes studios of any global fashion week. One crisp snap of Ludivine’s manicured fingertips sent the team scarabling as they hovered around you and began to prep your appearance. From cleaning to settling the finishing touches, you felt like Katniss getting ready for her interview as the workers completely altered her appearance as a coal miner’s daughter to a prim and proper woman. 
After what felt like hours sitting and waiting, the team finally revealed your freshened look. You were definitely more done up than what you’d do to yourself, but it still had that natural and comfortable feel. You were impressed with their work and thanked them. From the corner of your eye, you spotted a clothing rack filled with various expensive fabrics protected in plastic dust bags, “Am I wearing these?” 
You sifted through the clothing rack, inspecting each hanger one by one and determining which one suited your best style. 
Ludivine shook her head, “Non, mon cher. Monsieur Carlos had insttructed us to dress you in something personally chosen to his liking.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. Carlos rarely ever commented about your clothing choice, let alone being the one to choose your outfit. He was a firm believer that you were allowed to wear whatever you wanted as long as you felt comfortable in it. After all, he made it a point that he could fight whoever decided to bad mouth or nonconsensually touch your figure anyways. 
Ludivine brought in the outfit and hung it up on the bathroom door. As curious as you were, the cotton protective sleeve over the outfit kept your glances at bay. Focused on the outfit, you missed Ludivine sneaking in a fancy box and handing it to you, “Please change into this and come out when you’re done.”
You took the box with you into the bathroom. Placing the box into the counter, you unraveled the silk bow and took off the top to reveal a black laced lingerie set. Taking a closer inspection, you noticed the center of the bra bejelwed with the letter “C” amongst the lace and sheer mesh fabric. This set offered no coverage at all, especially the bottom half with nothing but a string covering your ass. 
Obediently, you quickly dressed and threw on the provided bathrob before heading back out to Ludivine, “Please keep your eyes closed.”
You nodded compliently, thinking about the consistency of Carlos and his surprises as you closed your eyelids and patiently waited in your bathrob. You hear a series of shuffles which sounded as if she were walking out of the room instead of towards the location of where the outfit was hanging. 
“Ludivine? Ludivine, are you still here?” You called her name out many times, hoping to hear some sort of indication from her presence still in the room. Silence accompanied your voice as you grew worried. Just as you were about to open your eyes, the sound of a zipper and rustling fabric calmed your nerves from the fear of being left alone. 
You were aided into wearing your clothes, cautiously stepping into it one leg at a time. Once fitted and securely snuggly on your body, familiar arms enclosed around your waist, causing you to melt into the touch and open your eyes, “Since when did you become part of Ludivine’s stylist team?”
“Since I saw your outfit on the store’s mannequin and pictured you underneath me in it,” Carlos pressed a kiss on the soft spot of your neck, causing you to shrink back from being tickled. Carlos followed your movements until he had you backed up against a wall made of one large sheet of mirror which reflected just about every inch in the hotel suite. 
Face to face, Carlos looked you up and down to admire his work before pressing his lips on yours, giving you the most gentle kisses you’d ever received. He treated you as if you were so fragile even breathing could corrupt your innocence. His lips moved down to your neck again, eliciting a soft but muffled moan from you. 
“None of that, even your voice is perfect.”
“What are you doing? Shouldn’t we be leaving?” You said inbetween his kisses, although not really wanting to leave his arms. 
“You don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been acting?” Carlos’s hands began to run up and down the sides of your body, squeezing and caressing every so often. Once at your hips, Carlos pulled you forward to rest against his hips and slowly grinding on you. You whimpered, pressing your things together as he snuck his hands to grope your ass. 
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know. I’ve seen they way you’ve been looking at yourself and how you always ask me if you look good,” Carlos licked the shell of your ear before teasingly nibbling, “Don’t forget I notice everything about you.” 
Carlos wrapped his hands under your thighs and tapped twice. Responsively, you got halfway to lifting yourself up before planting the soles of your feet back onto the ground defeatedly, “I can’t. I’m too heavy for you.” 
Carlos’s heart broke as he watched you shrink back, arms crossing as if to shield his view from your body. With a newfound flare of passion, Carlos turned you around and pressed your face on the cool mirror, “Let me prove you wrong.”
You couldn’t help but stick your ass out and desperately rub against Carlos’s hard on through his dress pants. Carlos grabbed a handful of fabric and harshly tugged on it, ripping the top half completely off of you before the entire thing collapsed around your feet. 
“I should’ve chosen something easier to fuck you in,” Carlos grumbled in annoyance, “Oh well.”
You gasped in shock, turning your head upwards to look at Carlos through the mirror’s reflection, “Carlos! That was-” 
Carlos shushed you by slipping your thong to the side and sliding his fingers through your wetness, “Don’t worry about that, just focus on me. Eyes on me, sunshine.” 
Carlos dipped his fingers again, teasing your clit before sinking a finger in. You mewled in response, watching through the mirror as his fingers disappeared within you. Carlos only gave you a second to adjust before kicking your legs further apart and burying another finger into you. Your hands stretched across the mirror, a small fog of condensation forming from how sweaty you were becoming. Carlos hawkeyed you through the mirror, eyes trailing all over your outstretched body, “Look at how well you wear my lingerie. Lace looks so good on you, I think I want to fuck you with it still on.”
Carlos curled his fingers, whispering sweet nothings into the shell of your ear. Your orgasm was building up with the familiar tightness settling in your lower abdomen. Slightly bending your knees for Carlos to have easier access, you made the mistake of looking downwards. Just as you were on the edge of cumming, Carlos ceased his movements and removed his fingers, leaving you desperately unsatisfied. He used his other hand to caress your chin and tilt your view upward to see him in the reflection, “I thought I told you to keep your eyes on me. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already this fucked out?”
You shook your head weakly, mildly disappointed at yourself for forgetting a simple rule. Nonetheless, Carlos was feeling generous today, prompting him to spin you around and press his body against yours. He rested his forehead against yours, giving you another gentle kiss, “Can I continue?”
You gulped, feeling nervous about being eye to eye with Carlos. Nodding your head, you spoke, “You can. Can you undress too?”
Carlos’s heart ached with how cute you were under his gaze. He shook his head, bringing both of your hands and placed it on his chest, “Do it yourself.”
You slid your hands, all along his torso and relished in the feelings of his muscles under your fingertips. Your curious hands made their way to the buttons of his shirt and slowly worked your way through them. Once all unclasped, you brushed off the crisp white shirt and let it fall to the floor neighboring your ripped attire. You took a second to admire his physique, never failing to leave you breathless. You trailed your hands over his abs, relishing as your hands felt the texture of his chest hair and happy trail. Looking up at Carlos, you thought you’d be met with his signature smirk, yet you were surprised to see him waiting patiently for you to explore him. Non-judgemental and non-condemning. With that in mind, your hands lowered to his happy trail to unbuckle his belt and push down his dress pants just low enough to free his erection. Without notice, Carlos wrapped your hand around his cock to stroke him, “This is what you do to me. This is all you, no one else.”
Releasing his hold on your hand, he massaged them into your hips again, “Let me show you how perfect you are.” 
Hesitant yet curious, you agreed and took a deep breath to prepare for whatever Carlos was brewing in his mind. Without a second delay, Carlos took himself into his hand and guided himself into you. You went to curl one leg up to allow him more space to thrust into you, but Carlos had other plans as he hooked both legs in the nook of his arms and supported all your weight. He took a moment to adjust before stepping away from the mirror wall and holding you completely. Startled, you clasped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself as close as possible to him, “Carlos! You’re going to drop me!”
Carlos chuckled, flexing his arms as if to show off his strength, “I’m never gonna drop you.” 
He kissed you lovingly once more before his eyes darkened with lust, “Hold on, Sunshine, because I’m gonna fuck the insecurities out of you.”
Carlos proceeded to prove his point by lifting you up with both your legs hooked over his forearms and bouncing you up and down on his cock. You clenched from fear, having never been in this position before. Carlos grunted as he felt your muscles constrict against his shaft, “You feel so good, no one can take me as much as you do.”
Carlos pressed a loving kiss on your shoulder, a reminder to you that he’ll always be there to take care of you. Melting from his kiss, you relaxed in his arms and let him bear your weight. He hoisted you up, thrusting into you again before setting a steady pace. Everytime, he let gravity aid him to bottom out as the slaps of your skin echoed throughout the suite. Your nails dug into him as he voiced out his pleasure in your ear, letting you hear how good you were making him feel. He shifted, so that you could see the both of you in the mirror, “Everything about you is perfect. You are my favorite part about you.” 
Squatting, Carlos readjusted your weight and pistoned faster into you, “Look at how pretty you are, doing so well for me.” 
Your hands tangled themselves into his messy hair, pushing it back to place sloppy kisses on him. Your moans got louder as Carlos steadied his pace, bringing you towards your much needed orgasm. He felt the walls of your pussy constrict around his wet cock again, letting him know that you were near, “Carlos, I’m- I’m-”
“Shh, I know. Don’t hold back, let it go. Cum for me, Sunshine,” Carlos urged you with another deep thrust before you withered completely in his arms. Your body fell limp against him as he held you safely and walked you to the bed. Putting you down, you took a moment to catch your breath, “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I can do anything for you,” Carlos leaned over to kiss you. 
You laughed, “Should we get going now?”
Carlos’s eyes hungrily looked over you and your lingerie clad body, licking his lips, “You thought I was done worshipping you? That was just the first course.”
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goblinofthelaboratory · 7 months
oc dump; long post
The Everon Family:
lil found family with convoluted backstories. v intersectional so maybe im getting stuff wrong but im doing my best to show their pain while still letting them enjoy their life together.
they're all more or less colour coded because it's easier that way, i have detailed ideas of what they look like but picrews are easier and if i try to put them down on paper i will try to burn the evidence of my failure
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Qadir, a second generation american of syrian descent, attended med school on scholarships and is a resident neuropathologist. The accident that killed his parents(cliche i know) damaged his spine and revealed very early stage degenerative disk disease. He regularly uses various mobility aids. He's also very friendly, plus-sized, and a femboy.
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Yelisavetta, often called Lisya(Leesyuh). She is a Russian immigrant of Mongolian heritage. Her parents immigrated with her when she was 14, and becoming more acutely aware of her transness. She remains stealth for safety reasons. Lisya is quiet and reserved, but quite sympathetic and kind. She is employed as a social worker, and one of the first to reach out to anyone in need. complex PTSD
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Celeste She is proudly Chicana and Deaf. She's used to moving around and not fitting in anywhere, so she decided to fit out. She's fluent in several language varieties, including LSM, ASL, written and spoken standard spanish, standard english, and chicano spanish. She prefers to speak a combined dialect of LSM with ASL. This is the language the other Everons use to communicate with her. She does not use hearing aids because she hates them. She loves stars, and is an edgy femme lesbian. also works as an accountant because she's good with numbers
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Brooklyn, often called Brooke. She was born n raised in New Orleans, LA and is mixed Haitian-Rromani. She inherited the family restaurant and does her best. She can cook, not coordinate. ADHD combined type. She's very outgoing and sweet, but tends to over extend herself. She loves cooking and is usually in the kitchen experimenting. (her color is green she just steals Eliott's shirts)
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Eliott. wet beast. He's Black and grew up in the Deep South, has an angelic singing voice that his parents exploited from a young age. They also encouraged his strong perfectionistic tendencies. He refused to acknowledge the mere possibility of his situation being abusive or himself being bi until the age of 16½, at which point he had an existential crisis. Ever since, he's been recovering from those experiences. Has done extensive research and recognizes himself in OCD, C-PTSD, autism, ADHD inattentive, and severe depression, but doesn't want to claim any for fear that he's just being overdramatic. we all love and value Eliott.
@life-is-okay-rn @mayhem-moth @snailcheeserulz @dandelions-arent-weeds @urlocalsupermarketofendocrinosis
idk who all wants to see this but have at it
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primaviva · 9 months
so any news on carmilla since you returning to the gwen girlies? *does fuck boy hand rub to rizz you into confession*
*does that one pinterest emoji smirk back* ??? LMAOOAOA BUT YES LEMME GIVE YOU GUYS AN UPDATE
for starts yes i AM working on it, i actually started recently and it’s so much easier writing for girls since i have more fun so i feel it maaayyyyyyy get done quicker. but i also want to come on and say that yes, while i will be posting it to tumblr, i think i might make it on wattpad too. its only because i feel like it might be easier for people to read if they read it on wattpad to just scroll and also people usually read series on wattpad and come to tumblr if they wanna read oneshots (beside like oneshot books). and also i like how i can just brainstorm it all together on wattpad and make it look all pretty so… anyways with my AMAZING graphic design skills lemme start showing sneak peaks 😒😒
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you can see a little peak of the cover 🤭 BAHAHAHAH but yeah this is what i have going on so far. im also an extreme perfectionist and because i made the wattpad cover start with the capitalization i refuse to not make the titles or writing be lowercase.
ANYWAYS! to start, i usually write gwen with spider gwen in mind so her age is usually between 16-18 in my stuff with the acception of the fics i do that specifically link to spiderverse but she usually is her comic 17-18 version. but for the plot i am gonna take HEAVY inspiration from one of the gwenom comics but its also gonna be based on the comic where she is starting college but when the plot starts she’s already been like a student maybe like a year in.
and secondly….this will NOT be the gwen we know and love or should i say the gwen YALL know and love. i kinda want to mess with her characterization to make it interesting like yes gwen is gonna be the awkward but nice girl but also like because i want this au version of earth 65 to be a little melancholy or dark vibes to it she WILL be a bit of an asshole at times, real cocky, and so on- like it’s gonna be so fun UGH!!
thirdly, im not sure if there is gonna be downright smut in this. like again, ik i have written “suggestive” content like my makeouts because i don’t necessarily write for strictly spiderverse gwen but just a whole amalgamation of it and its always based on comics so she’s like 17-18. i’m bringing this up because if you read carmilla- CMON NOW😭😭😭 there will be the suggestive scenes but idk if imma do it because while this will be the college version of gwen from the comics around 18-19 like i never wrote stuff like that and also don’t wanna perpetuate or feed content to the predator gwen fans on ANY platform. not like carmilla is heavy in sex i just wanna preface that because it’s always weird when people utilize au from something heavily sexual so it implies that the content WILL be sexual and not that that’s wrong in this case i just wanna let yall know you can expect content but not THAT content.
LASTLY the plot is lowkey short like i haven’t fleshed it out yet because i haven’t been having fun on tumblr when i write for guys so i wanna have fun with this and take my time writing the chapters before even releasing them so i don’t worry about dates for theme. but it won’t be like an intense lead rn it’s looking like MAYBE 15 chapters? possibly 20. i want a good balance of plot heavy and also gwen content in it that is sub plots to intensify the main plot (someone break me out of ap lang im gnawing at the enclosure) but i’m still working on it.
so yeah this is just little teasers for now and y’all can tell me what you think. im making little notes and stuff and im gonna woke on the plot and then just get straight to writing so i can just post a chapter weekly until we at the end so it gives me time to sprinkle other stuff in as well. i been over astv and just wanna write for my favorite women so this is me taking my stand on business 😒
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xherry7816 · 2 years
i wasnt gonna post this bc i think i sound like wn idiot but then i remember that literally doesnt matter.
no sad skecth of a ninja today for i bringforth FIGHTING HEADCANONS.
in no way am i versed in knowledge about fightimg so im just gonna try and explain as best as i can.
JAY - i hc that JAY is one of the lightest members in the team, he doesnt have a lot of muscle so to counter that id imageine he'd fight in a way that he can use his whole body weight rather than a punch or a kick. i think hed be quite fluid in his motion, lots of flips and cool dodging maneuvers over his opponents to be able to bring his weight down upon them. so yeah in a simpler way id say dodging around and then countering is kinda his stuff, he moves around a lot basically. hes the kinda guy to use his power and physically strength as equally as possible and sometimes boosts phys strength with his elemental.
KAI - at the start KAI can kinda be described as lacking in aspects from the other three bc he didnt get to train together as longer so id imagine he goes for a very defeat as fast as possible approach. lots of strong powerful movements because he knows once an enemy finds a weakness he'll have a hard time. of couse once hes trained and all that jazz i think hed still go along with the same approach since hes been doing it for so long but i picture more flashy, confident movements hes definitely more into the risky moves as long as it gets the jobs done and makes him look cool. he'd be a fan of big movements which would show off his flames.
ZANE - most likely the type to act once he knows enough about his enemy, his moves are calculated and concise and hes most likely never to make a move unless necessary. hes the type of person to study an art closely so he fights in set forms but is adaptable and is most likely versed in several different forms. i think weapons/elements would depend on the sort of enemy theyre fighting, element against element and weapon against weapon unless its a difficult fight.
NYA - though being the last ninja, because of his perfectionist nature i think she would kinda grind until she perfected a fighting style that best fit him. much like her element her movements are fluid and confident, i think he'd kinda have like attack combos constantly berating an enemy with powerful attacks with little openings for retaliation. she likes to think ahead in terms of element use and thinks how his current moves would benefit the fight going forward intsead of swinging some water and hoping for the best.
LLOYD - probably the most elemental oriented out of them all due to the nature of his element being ljkr the best one and stuff. hes the type to use larger scale attacks or multi attacks to hit multiple enemies at once rather than focusing on one and maybe hitting a few others if theyre in the way. hes not confident in the defense and thus focuses more on his powerful offense making sure he always has the upperhand. with a weapon hes a bit more wary and calculating of his opponent and much like KAI (who i hc taught him the sword) tries to take them down asap.
COLE - i kinda think COLE would have an accidentally flashy fightstyle. like i think hes very elementally oriented but in a way that he channels earth through his weapons and body, he does large earth punches and throws literal mountains of rock. his moves are strong and steady and probably most fond of using his hands over anything else. rather than specifically aiming for one i think hes more to hit many at once to help speed up the process of taking them down if that makes sense.
the quality of these was bad at JAY and then just keeped getting worse as i went down LOL
hope those made sense and were idk cool or smth ???
EXCITED 4 UNITED WHOO !! (still hasnt watched CRYSTALLIZED help !l
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okkalo · 5 months
hi!! congrats on 1k! ive been following you for a while on my main and i saw your event here on my writing acc:3 could i get a genshin matchup? heres my info!!
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basics: hi my name’s aki!! im transmasc, have been since i was like, 11.im also gay.  i listen to vkei, punk and silly rock bands(ex. weezer). i love dogs and seals like sm i cant explain. my clothing style is kinda like..idk how to explain.
personality: intp-t gemini and PROUD💪💪 im very silly online but kinda introverted f2f. i take shelter in my online self a lot. i have ocd and am a BIG perfectionist and overachiever. required amount of sentences is 15? watch me do 30+. you want “just a few” artist recommendations? here have 10 with descriptions and song recs. i live off academic praise. i can switch to “straight A kid” to burnt out emo on tumblr. im def a quality time, phys touch and gifts kiddo. i crochet so like 70% of the gifts i give out are silly keychains. i tend to bottle up my feelings and sometimes just burst out like crazy. i used to do muay thai to help w that but my coach disappeared(literally)
appearance: im around 5’10, proud filipino but so many people say i look japanese☹️. i have light brown skin and eyebags. im kinda skinny but i play basketball and workout so im kinda like,, idk..i got arm muscles, just a lump though. i have black hair, like in the appearance above. i usually wear vkei makeup, not too much though sometimes it makes me look fem. i have fairly long eyelashes(i hate them). i dont have piercings, sadly, but i swear ill get some soon(its been 6 years since i first said “im gonna get piercings”) i also have those bayonetta glasses. 
music and interests: i listen to artists like the gazette, dir en grey, kamijo, mejibray nd more!! i also listen to bands like smashing pumpkins, le tigre, foo fighters, deftones, mcr, radiohead, alice in chains, misfits and weezer(so weezy) i had a BIG grunge phase. i love rainy sundays!! i am literally the biggest halloween fanatic ever. once me and my old lover pulled up in a matching viktor and corpse bride costume i loved it. as mentioned earlier i play basketball and crochet, i also play the guitar!
clothing style: very vkei vampirey stuff..kinda punk too but idk. i live in the philipines so layering is like throwing myself in a desert. some people call me a goth and i js stare at them like “nuh uh”. i wear a lot of accessories nd stuff. bat hairpins<33 
thanks!! sorry if this was a pain to read,, :<
hi aki! thanks for following me even through my hiatuses 🫶 and no worries ur matchup was fun to read!! u did have me very confused who would be a good matchup for u, however, so i hope u like who u got 🫶🫶 thank you for the request
ps. i have also been wanting more peircings on my ears (maybe a nose one too) but also haven’t gotten any so u are not alone
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ₊˙♡﹗
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : tighnari from genshin
tighnari is an overachiever just like you! though, he knows when to draw the line so that he doesn’t get too exhausted. he would definitely try to draw a line for you, as well! that, and he knows how to give praise when it’s needed! he’ll always try to make sure you know how well you’re doing while also trying to keep you safe from a burnout!
he once considered handing out your crochet keychains to fellow forest rangers. he thought it would be an additional nifty way to scout out fellow forest rangers. though, whether he went through with it all decided on how you responded!
whenever someone misidentifies you as japanese or any other race you will always see tighnari’s ears twitching from annoyance. he’ll oftentimes be able to hold himself back from correcting the person right away, though not all the time. when it comes to your style, however, he’ll always go on a tangent about how you are not goth to provide you support as well.
tighnari is also very introverted as well and lives for his alone time, which he still considers to be with you on some occasions. he’ll love to hear your guitar during these times. i also head canon that he would be so interested in learning crochet for himself as well! so, if you would, please teach him!
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