#maybe it was just an ig clique thing? idk
juiceboxjiffy · 4 months
{ just losing so much motivation for tumblr rp. Everything is so.. Almost clique-y. You don't get asks anymore unless you're one of like 4 people, and my muses just. Idk. Never click with things, ig. Maybe thats just late night bad thoughts but I'm so tired. I log in and see everybody having fun with ask games and shit and know there's no point in me reblogging any of it because nobody would even care. }
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theycallmekaibara · 1 year
I don’t vent often, but I rlly need to get this off of my chest, Besties. 😅 It’s been a LOOONG time coming, and I’m just tired of feeling this way.
So like, some time ago -- maybe a year or two ago now? time is an illusion, idk -- I tried to cast a line out into one of the popular Stardew Valley Art and OC Communities (the most popular one at the time, idk what the landscape is like now tbh because the ordeal kind of put me off of trying to join communities for a while and even exploring the sdv tag beyond looking at Elliott art lmfao), and the response was just an absolute mess...Not only did they take a while to respond to me (because they were busy talking mess about the situation in their little server...yes I have proof lmao), they didn’t look into my content at all, AND straight up lied about the reason they wouldn’t let me join. It all ended with some of them blocking me for some reason?? (likely because in frustration I made a vent post after the whole situation somewhere along the lines of “if they were a clique, they should just say so”) and now I’m fairly certain one of them, whose art I really admire, is refusing to answer my asks (literally just saying I love their art, or asking little art related questions as I am wont to do) because of the whole situation...
And it’s all just crazy to me?? I don’t think I did anything particularly wrong aside from the vent post which was isolated to My blog and not linked to them in any way. I acknowledge that. But all I did otherwise was send out a few anons to see who I should talk to about joining, and then I talked to that person when I FINALLY got an answer after being given the run around.
And that answer was that they weren’t accepting any members, but if there was someone in the server who could vouch for me, I could be extended an invitation. Which is hilarious, because at the time there were two or three people from the last Stardew Community I was in, and even one I had just met at the time, who were part of their discord server; one of whom, I hear, even vouched for me. They also said they only accepted people who were making stardew content, which, might I add, was RAMPANT on my blog at the time, clueing me in to the fact that they didn’t even glance at it (that and the fact that they called me by Kaibara’s name when I finally got a response :T). 
Guess it would have been a little awkward to let me in after they had such a lengthy and not too nice conversation about the situation sitting in the chat logs. 
It’s something that I go back to from time to time because the situation really made me feel like shit...like...they didn’t even try to talk to me, they talked mad shit about me sending out anons to ask if they were accepting members (calling it creepy??? like...ok lmao), and now I’m blocked and or being ignored by people I did nothing to?? I feel like it shouldn’t be such a source of pain tbh but, sensitive folks gonna be sensitive, IG.
There was one person who I greatly appreciated, who reached out about the situation and was very nice about it -- apologizing for the whole thing, even though they had very little to do with it. I still appreciate them, and hope they’re doing alright. (If you’re reading this....I’m sorry I’m bad about keeping in contact haHAAA)
There wasn’t really any point to this post, I just needed to let it out. I don’t think its BAD that they’re a clique, I just found it really shitty of them to do all this instead of just...yknow...acknowledging that they didn’t want to add people to the friend group.
Did anyone else experience anything like this? Am I the only one being shunned just because I wanted to make some new art friends? :T 
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Dude your brain omg, I love Ouran and these all match up so perfectly!! Wtf?? I also feel like with comparing the boys to the hosts in OHSHC also helps us fit them into the different otome male love interest archetypes lol. Just everything about the original post you made and all this talking about all these different plot ideas is so fun. If I were to create an imaginary game summary, I think it would be something like:
"Moving to a new college in New York seemed like a death sentence but things take a turn for the unexpected when one of the most popular cliques on campus accept you as one of their own. Taking this gracious opportunity of allyship brings you into the eye of a storm when you uncover one of the world's greatest mysteries; Who or what stopped the world from ending almost 5 years ago?"
I just wrote this now lol, idk what I'm saying but I'm just having fun with it. What does it mean for this actual concept? No clue but I'd love to have it not just be a meet-cute school thing, it may a little bit of a cliché YA novel kind of thing(Normal Human(?)™️ gets dragged into magic bs and has to save the world now ig)but Gothic literature is just 😙👌 *chefs kiss* I love it.
evie, you’re a genius, a god damn GENIUS I TELL YOU <3 istg that was just perfect and you made that up on the fly?!
i agree not just a meet-cute but the whole sha-bang, yk how usually the reader/MC has crazy mystic abilities that they don’t know about, haven’t uncovered yet, maybe that’s the in to them helping the turtles since SPOILER ALERT kraang number two is still on earth & we all know how crazy dangerous she could be, her vengeance perhaps could be on a whole new level of life-threatening now that her brother isn’t there to tell her what to do?!
someone needs to get to crackin’ with this cause we are literally on fire right now!! Let’s see an alternate game summary might be:
In a world where mutants live alongside humans. You were just trying to keep a low profile in college, but who were you kidding, this was New York! Things take a complete turn when you meet your newfound friends ‘The Mad Dogs’ the most popular group on campus! When aliens start to track you down with threats to your life, you start to wonder if being friends with the turtles is safe? But how can you turn back now, especially with the undeniable chemistry sparking between you and a certain turtle~
idk how I feel about mines BUT yours is 🤌💋🤭 literally sounds like a professional game summary
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miseryscrowned · 7 months
personal vent incoming
ok so, the thing is, i miss sharing my own characters on my public profiles, i really do, i miss making art and moodboards, sharing their stories and hcs with others but i’ve been finding it hard since my experience on twitter (aka me being subtweeted left and right for daring to point out that someone’s character had some sus similarities with a character i had) after that i stopped posting so frequently on main, i’ve been engaging in fandoms way less and keeping mostly to myself and my close friends on private because i’m scared that either nobody would care or that the same thing would happen again
i just wish i wasn’t so scared and i wish i was more outgoing, i wish i could find my place where i can be comfortable and share things with others, i’m trying to tell myself that it was just bc it’s twitter yk and it was just that specific clique of people in that particular fandom and it doesn’t have to be like that again but a part of me is blocking me
i’m not sure what to do, i used to only post art on this acc every once in a while until i saw a friend moving here and i thought maybe i can just be here?? maybe it’s easier maybe it’s more comfortable idk i’ve never been good at tumblr i’ve never really understood it but lately i just feel so uncomfortable on twitter?? like i don’t fit in anywhere there? i’m mostly on my private account and i don’t even use it that much but i do like to be in fandoms i just don’t like the twitter environment ig?? i mean i used to but i’ve probably changed or grown out of it ig it happens
idk i just,, idk what to feel idk what to do, i think it’s nice here? some of my friends are here i probably just never had the patience to learn to be on this platform but people seem calmer and i like that, i like calm
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re-decorate · 3 years
I know I’m not as active anymore but I want you to know that I have not known peace since you told me about the two gas mask dudes being nicknamed “fam” and “succ” It literally crosses my mind everyday and I still laugh every time thank you😭😂
LOL you're welcome?? although maybe I should say I'm sorry hsdfjds
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starcloaked · 4 years
Laurel: If you could write the books, what changes would you make?
okay it’d be a Lot of them.... i haven’t particularly thought it through too much but i think anyone could right the books better than the erins
okay first series additions.... make princess have a larger role. she does nothing but have babies and is there sometimes & i like her so she is a cool supportive big sister now. joining the clans would be lame but she could be the Voice of Reason w all the stupid clan rules and give her brother advice
umm make redtail b alive longer so his death isn’t just a random plot device. introduce rusty to the clans and have everything be peachy for even like a day before his murder where he gets a taste of the danger that all of them r constantly in. more impact
this is going to sound crazy but hear me out okay. i want sandstorm to take the role of graystripe and be fire’s pal from day one. she could still have the ‘lol ur weak lmao <3’ thing but whitestorm is a good mentor and she warms up to him quicker. make More conflict with gray and darkstripe being half brothers and have him be friends with dustpaw instead. he uses jokes to mask his own feelings but internal,y he is conflicted over wanting to be friends with firestar or disappointing his clique of clanmates
okay okay hear me out but silverstream & sandstorm. they r dating !! sandstorm doesn’t have any canonical parents here so she leaves for riverclan with her and they have a litter with the help of some guy idk. silverstream still dies in childbirth and sandstorm, wracked with grief eventually leaves the clans with her kits when tensions with thunderclan start to get high. stay with me here but she eventually joins bloodclan w her kits because that would make feather and storm a Lot more interesting
uhh back at home bluestar should have a closer bond with tigerstar. remember her taking in whitekit n stuff? do That with bluestar and just have her like kits a lot. would make more cents with the oak heart stuff idk!! they are pals but he is evil so on and so forth
i like ravenpaw for the most part but he should be the main one who pulls graystripe from his clique bc fire is kinda out of touch when it comes to serious emotion. he leaves afterward and the two bond <3 i don’t really have any idea of who fire should be mates with here to be honest but either sand Or gray is cool. wait a second if sandstorm graystripe can she be mates with millie?? never thought of that before it’s cute. she can still be the surrogate mother of leaf & squirrel too
OH scourge. to be honest i never really found the appeal of having the brother revelation not being known by either fire or him sooo. up the tensions a little here!! scourge should live ofc by idk maybe princess stops fire from killing him?? something like That and here’s my great idea guys instead of having poor barley be alive at the end of graystripes vow make it scourge. just some crusty old man telling warriors cats roleplayers stories of old and really wishing he were a ghost rn
neeew prophecy uhh . uhhhhhh feather and storm move back to riverclan and have Cool backstory now yahoo!! squirrelflight lesbian i like her and tawnypelt together <3 nightleaf cannon make her sad cause she has stupid crowfeather as a mate and run away w leafpool. she has the kits (we r going to Ignore the fact that they would all be black furred because of reincarnation bullshit) and so on. um i don’t know how to fix the mess that is brambleclaw but honestly i think he should keep his characterization from the first book and just be Some Guy like brackenfur or whatever. squirrelflight is like his sister in law so his later descent into Bad territory still has the weird power balance nepotism thing + he can still be alder and sparks dad
assfur?? keep him the same ig people seem to like the fire scene but make him a lot more of a loser. cinderholly cannon umm lionblaze has a more interesting character arc where he struggles with his powers leaving him a possible danger to others. make jayfeather hate him and other disabled warriors less dear god and have him decide to be a med on his own after training under brightheart for a while. night and leaf can have a messy breakup and get back together in starclan (as a treat ❤️) and breezepelt has parent drama because neither of his parents truly love one another and are still caught up on lovers from the past. make him regret his actions more and give him a proper redemption arc pwease thank youuu
my brain is pretty fried rn but that’s like.., all i’ve got for ideas atm so there u go!! uh last additions rootshadow real have briss look more like hawkfrost to tie into brambles trust in her and you know what give that bitch rabies and then have him be possessed. good night
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heung-mins · 3 years
hi bestie!! sorry i had this discussion with my friend earlier today and then i went on a rant to u bc i was lowkey trying to figure it out in my own brain lmao. oooh thee song to daydream too was fifteen OR begin again but i feel like it was more pure imagery?? like her songwriting would never be my experiences so that’s why they were so good to daydream to??? idk
ig by white feminism, it’s just very stereotypical things she says and does without actually being v vocal about issues?? take for example that whole girlboss clique of the 2010s or the shake it off music video where it felt heavily like cultural appropriation or her line in all too well (10min version) “and you were tossing me the car keys ‘fuck the patriarchy’ key chain on the ground” where she’s highlighting the how the guy she’s dating calls himself a feminist but is treating her like shit (fuck jake gyllenhall btw), yet she then goes on to sell those same “fuck the patriarchy” key chains for like £30… it just feels out of touch???
maybe i’m just overanalysing and being over critical (blame my stupid humanities brain) but she was called was like the first-ever recipient of Billboard’s Woman of the Year award in 2019, that whole thing she had with nicki minaj (also ew now) where nicki spoke up about how black women in the music industry are undervalued and taylor immediately jumped in and told her to stop pitting women against each other, and probs various other incidents that i’m forgetting
look i love her music, and i think when certain lyrics and songs have a hold on you, i don’t think it really can ever go away - i just find her a weird character. i feel like as a woc fan i have to preface every time i say i’m a fan of her by going “look i know she’s been kinda problematic but…..”
then again isn’t that how every celebrity is nowadays?? am i expecting too much of a 30 year old pop star who at the end of the day, will never be affected by this???
(again u don’t have to have any answer i’m just rambling at this point hahaha, thank u for listening to my rant) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
me psychoanalysing taylor swift with my beloved anon <3
thanks for explaining what u mean by 'white feminism'! personally i feel like it's more of a class thing? as u mentioned she's rich (which makes me wonder how much "protection" wealth provides women. like to what extent does being filthy rich shield u from sexism?). anyway, i did not know that she sells those overpriced key chains (i must be honest, it is giving me 2014 indie etsy shop vibes). shout out to her for calling out male feminists tho <3
i get the impression that especially female celebs are unintentionally put on pedestals by their fans (i myself am guilty of this). maybe taylor is trying her best to genuinely be [some kind of] feminist, but like the rest of us she regularly makes mistakes? not to b deep but like all human beings have flaws, every day we are growing and changing etc. however, wouldn't it be rather naive of me to make that assumption as she is one of the biggest pop stars in the entire world - surely the things she says publicly (especially about potentially"sensitive" or "political" topics) must be approved by a PR agency?
or maybe it's a combination of these aspects? she cares about feminist issues as she is affected by misogyny (especially as a woman in the music industry) even tho she's rich, but uses 2014 pop feminism to appeal to her fans and sell merch? i guess u could argue i this is right or wrong, but like she has an entire marketing team behind her. how many of these ideas are even her own (i.e. the 2014 etsy keychain)? i def think there's a difference between taylor swift the person and taylor swift the brand.
to be 100% honest if someone was like 'i'm a fan of taylor swift and i know she's problematic but...' i would be like huh?? maybe it's because i live in northern europe or something but i believe women, especially woc, are allowed to have their problematic faves in peace 😤 t swift isn't even that problematic imo so i hope u don't feel "bad" or guilty for liking her!
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honeybellsurveys · 6 years
Do you have a little sister? I wish :( The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?  Too many times to count. Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. Think a lot before you fall asleep? Always. Ever been the only one trying to fix a relationship? Sort of. Are you guilty of flirting too much? Nah. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid? Yeah, once or twice. Does virginity matter to you? Not really. Do you know anybody who was abused? Yes. Have you ever bought or sold something on Facebook Marketplace? No. Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? Not if we are close. Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? Not really? Is there a difference between just love and in love? For sure. Are you good at admitting your problems? I find it hard to do. How many times have you dated the person you’re with now? Not with anyone currently. Has your cell phone ever rung in class? No, my phone is always on silent anyway. Do you ever feel like just laying down and giving up? Sometimes, but I haven't in a long time. Have you ever lied about your age? When I was younger. Lied about your name? No. Do you sit on the mattresses in furniture stores? Sometimes. Are there some topics that you aren’t very open about? It depends on the person. Have you ever had an encounter with a very dangerous animal? Yes. Have you ever fed a wild animal people food? All the time. Would you rather die or eat another human being? Lmao ya’ll gonna think I'm crazy. Do you wish that animals could talk? Why or why not? Oh my god that would actually be amazing, imagine all the knowledge you’d be able to learn and all the deep friendships you could make. Who did you last fall asleep with? Ruth Ann. Now your cell phone, what color is it? Rose gold. Who were you last in a car with? Katelynn, her bf and Angie. What color was the last vehicle you were in? Silver. Have you had “the best night of your life”?  I hope not. Toilet papered someones house? No. Who was the last person you high-fived? A girl named Amy I met downtown last weekend lmao. Do you own a romper? Yes. What does your computer’s slow-loading cursor look like? Idek. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool? I have both so. What was the name of the first porcelain doll you got? Don’t remember. Do you sell any products? If so, what? I don’t. If not, do you want to start a business? ^ Have your parents ever crushed your dreams? No. Do you own anything cheetah print? A pair of period panties lmao. Have you ever made a collage for your bedroom wall? Nope. Do you make DIY projects and gifts? No. Owls or peacocks? Owls. Lions or horses? Lions. Is your kitchen floor black and white checkered? Nope. What do you make wishes on? Shooting stars. What’s the best natural pain reliever? Hot water. Do you like trees? Yes, I love all plants :) What’s your favorite Paramore song? That’s a tough one omg but probably The Only Exception. What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? Baby Pink or a pretty soft yellow !! Do you think you are pregnant? No. Do you like the ocean? I love it, water makes me so happy. Are you too shy to ask someone out? More along the lines of too insecure. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? Yeah. Is there a high chance of you going out to the movies soon? Maybe, I wanna see The Nun. What are you listening to? “Reflection internal”- Nujabes. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Almost. Would you be able to climb out your bedroom window to sneak out? I don’t live with my parents so there’s no need for that, I'm on the third floor of my building though so if I ever did want to it wouldn’t work out lmao. Can you taste the difference between brand name food and store brand food? Sometimes. Would you be embarrassed to buy pads/tampons/condoms? Which one more? Wouldn't be embarrassed to buy any of them. Do you still own a VCR? I have one lying around back home somewhere. Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? Yep. Do you own a nightgown?  Yes lmao. Who is one rapper that just always tends to get on your nerves? Why? Cardi B. Has anyone ever made you breakfast in bed? Were they trying to suck up? No one has ever made me it :(( When will be the next time you’ll get a shot? What is this shot anyway? Idk. When will you next eat tacos? Do you even like tacos, or not so much? Idk when I'll eat them next but I like them. Do you know anyone who is pregnant? Yep!! Would you or have you ever engaged in casual sex? I guess I sort of have engaged in it before but not really because it lead to a real relationship not long after lmao, however if I had no romantic feelings for someone I would prob engage in it now. What’s your favorite thing about spring? The rain, new life, the melting snow and the smell that’s always in the air. Have you ever tried belly dancing? If so, did you like it? Never tried it haha. Were you a part of any clique in high school? Nah. Have you ever given blood? No but I'd like to. Do you like the way you grew up? Yes I had a very happy childhood. Would you prefer to read or write poetry? Read. If you were to have a child, what would the last name be? Mine ig. Are you currently working? And if so do you like your job? I’m not working. Have you ever walked out on a job or just not showed up? No. Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? No, I still am a teen haha. Would you rather be able to fly or walk on water? Fly. What’s the best club you’ve ever been to? Never been to one. Which sport are you the best at playing? Competitive swimming if that counts. Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? Probably. Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? No. What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? Trip to Alberta. What’s something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? I can be kind of distant and very quiet at times. Have you ever kissed someone with a beard? Not a full on beard but they had a lil bit of facial hair. When you were younger, did you believe in Santa?  Yeah. Are you going to make your kids believe in Santa? Of course. Have you ever made your own calendar? No. What foreign language did you take in high school? French. Do your parents have gray hair? No. What’s your favorite Katy Perry song? Don’t have one What was the last thing you did that made you feel proud of yourself? Finished my English assignment and figured out the first two questions on my math. What was the last significant and great thing that happened in your life? Started university and met lots of great people. What is your favorite Starbucks’ drink? I don’t go there much but I like their pumpkin spice lattes and refreshers. Who are your last 3 missed calls from? They’re all from my mom haha. Do you like Skittles? Sure. Do you blow dry your hair? Yes. How do you like your eggs? Fertilized. What song is the catchiest song you know? 365 So Fresh! What is your greatest life accomplishment? Don’t know yet. Who is the last person you left a voicemail for? I don't leave those. Which is better: the Twilight book, or the Twilight movie? Neither. Do you enjoy crossword puzzles? Not really idk. Do you own any records?  Yep. Who was the last guy you called? Idk. You can only listen to THREE CDs for the rest of your life. What are they? I’m too tired to think about this. What is the most unique or uncommon thing about you? My whole being is unique and uncommon. What happened the last time you were in a fight with someone? They hung up on me lmao :-) Have you ever been in a physical fight? Who started it? No. What is your favorite type of kiss/way of kissing? Sloppy and sexual with lots of tongue. Favorite form of affection in general/not sexual/etc? Cuddles. What do you think about anime? LOVE. Who is the last person you unfollowed on Tumblr, and why did you do this? I can’t remember who that would be. What are some upcoming concerts in your town/city? There is like a Christian one being held here thanksgiving lmao. Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? Not that I know of. Would you rather have potato or chicken noodle soup if you had to? Chicken noodle soup. If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My nipples rn since they are newly pierced haha. Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Loved learning about Russian history. Have you ever put gum on the bottom of your desk/chair? No. Would you rather go to the movies, drive-in, or stay at home and watch a movie? Go to the movies. Would you ever be a race-car driver? No. What kind of deodorant do you use? Secret cool water lily, smells so good. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite sex? No. What was the last thing you spent a lot of time thinking about? My ex. What do you think about astrology/the zodiac? If you used to believe/not believe in it, what changed your mind? I’m not a super avid believer but I find it to actually be pretty accurate sometimes and I like to learn about it, it’s fun. What is one conspiracy you believe in? Or one you think is total crap? Idk I believe in so many conspiracy theories there are a lot. Where was the last place you didn’t want to go but had to anyway? Class this morning. When was the last time you yelled/screamed and why? I dunno. What was the last big decision you made? Do you think you made the right choice? To breakup with my ex, I think it was the right decision for both of us although it really hurt and still do sometimes. What Hogwarts house are you in? What do you think about the “stereotypes” regarding your house? I always say i’m Slytherin even though I don’t even read/watch Harry Potter. What is something you want to do, but you don’t think you’ll ever be able to? Travel the world. When was the last time you left somewhere for forever (or at least don’t plan on returning)? Dunno. What was the last thing you quit? ^ Do you like to help people? How about animals? Which would you rather help, if it applies? Of course I like to help both, it depends on the situation which I'd like to help more. As an adult, what is the most and least you’ve weighed?  Not sure. What is something you like that no one else you know likes too? No idea. What is something you don’t like that everyone seems to like? X. Do you follow a particular diet/meal-plan/ethic? Nah. What is a subject you tend to avoid with other people, for whatever reason? My sexuality. What is the longest (or most involved) thing you’ve ever written? An English research paper. Do you prefer to live with others or by yourself? Why is this? I have a roommate n I lover her :) the university put us together. What scares you about getting older? The physical effects health wise. What about something you’ve done that sounds too wild to believe? Raised up ducklings in my closet hahah. What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I don’t know. Do you have a member of the opposite sex you’ve told everything to? Pretty much. What color hair do you find sexiest on the opposite gender? Black n dark brown. Who last slept in your bed besides you? My ex (my bed back home) no one has slept in my dorm bed besides me yet. If the last person you had sex with asked you to date them, would you? I’d heavily consider taking them back but I mean. If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? BTS!! I’ve been on the Kpop grind lately. 
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savemefrommyselfxv · 7 years
A reply warrented. (for breaking the streak of silence). Part one.
Actlly I feel silenced and I know not how to reply. Though I do understand that, I guess at times letters are written not for the sake of replies, but mere, expression of wtv it may be. Additionally I was of course surprised that you'd even still bother a mirror series writes, but if in any case that helps you sort your thoughts, then alhamdulillah for it. 1) ok so with reference to the yellow screenshots I'd posted; it's been damn long la. You can see the date it was written from the top right of the yellow posts. Basically, I first found your side ig acc and the alter ego wtv WHICH I think I dropped a hint kinda ah that one time you dropped a whatsapp aha. I think at that point I couldn't bring myself to hold a proper conversation or wtv. Bcuz apart from that I'd also then stumbled upon the ig a/c of your clique and. I think it's one thing to kinda know someone may be involved in vices/things but that idea is just very vague and a blur image like I didn't even wanna know or imagine. AND THEN somehow, it's another, to actlly then have a crystalized image now - shots of in a club and alcohol and wtv else. (Part ni I learnt about Allah and the kind veil God puts over our sin and there must be His hikmah as to why I saw those photos or wtv but yeah.) 2) ok so that's number one and idk the sequence actlly HAHA whether I found that and then I changed links to this blog (cuz i didn't foresee any more writes from either anyway. Be it silver or rosegoldz) and then of course the one where you've found a new movie to learn from/learn about (ok ahah this metaphor I took from one of your recent tumblr writes ok) (lol I realise I still write in very beralas ways)(ok actlly verdict: it didn't hurt to learn about your new monkey bar BUT it was instead more painful to have seen those photos of club and alcohol)(apa logic ah?)(love for your brother what you love for yourself/hate the sin, not the sinner/bcuz no matter what, friendship fillah entails wanting for the other friends to also masuk jannah tgt. So thus maybe an open fahsya/munkar was devastating)(but you may have repented, I wouldn't have known.) 3) Yada yada ni panjang gila. Aku salute if you'd even continue reading. But ya kk anyway I thought our seasons of crosspaths ended actlly alr, in terms of friendship ah, ahaha with silence streaks and all. Though it did feel like it ended on a very abrupt, zero proper closure kinda thing. But ok la let's swerve as friends fillah. Which leads to my next point:
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