#maybe it's finally time for another rewatch
youcouldmakealife · 2 days
KS Fill: Tonya/Vladimir Petrov, Thomas/Anton; castle in the clouds
Another of the Kickstarter fills, for the prompt: always happy for a Vinny/Tony update, especially if Tonya is involved
Even as a child, at her most idealistic, Tonya certainly never expected to live in a mansion like this. A castle, maybe. She liked castles, though she’s not sure where she expected to find one in Brooklyn. Though, it’s not like mansions were any more realistic, growing up in New York City.
And they wouldn’t live in one if they lived in New York, but in Hartford, it was barely even a splurge. And Vladimir had dreamed of castles too as a boy, wanted Antosha to live in one, or the nearest thing they could get for him. It’s massive, and impractical, and Tonya loves it.
They don’t take advantage of the benefits of it very often, however. Once, they let a production crew film the exterior while they were on vacation in Italy anyway — unfortunately, the film was terrible, so Tonya can’t rewatch it for the thrill of seeing it on screen. Or, she could, but she has to get through the melodrama and the bad acting first, and that’s a chore.
It’s the perfect place to host a party, specifically a party with gravitas — a gala, a ball. But with the exception of Vladimir’s induction in the Hall of Fame, they haven’t had any parties worth talking about, because Vladimir is…territorial, Tonya thinks the best word is. His house is his house — she’s still amazed he allowed the film crew, and is sure he wouldn’t have if he hadn’t been out of the country — and he’d prefer they didn’t have guests at all, with the exception of close friends, family. Even then, it’s only Anton who doesn’t get his hackles up after a few hours, and that might just be because he still considers it Antosha’s house too, even after all these years. Which, of course, it is.
But they’ve been married for thirty years now, and Tonya thinks that’s worth celebrating, and Vladimir agrees. He didn’t agree it merited a party on the scale of the one they’re throwing today, but he caved once Tonya assured him all he had to do was show up, and that the only guests staying overnight would be blood-related to them.
Well, and Thomas, but Vladimir’s fine with that. It seems like the exception for Anton applies to him as well. She doesn’t know if that’s because Vladimir considers him an extension of Anton, welcome wherever he is, or if he’s become family in his own right. She likes to think it’s a bit of both.
With an hour to go the place reminds her the castles she dreamt of, lit up and glittering, even if they're nothing alike. The catering staff have assured her they have everything they need, and after two minor wardrobe emergencies she’s finally finished getting ready. Or, she hasn’t, but the final touches must be done right before the guests arrive.
Vladimir’s ready, he’s assured her repeatedly, which she’s sure isn’t true, but he’s his own man. She hasn’t seen Anton since breakfast, which she finds ominous, though she doesn’t think he’d go far without Thomas, and he arrives in front of her almost as soon as she thinks of him. Such a good boy that she merely needs to think of him for him to arrive, offering help.
“Can I help with anything?” he asks, hands twisting fretfully, like it’s hurting him not to assist, and Tonya takes a moment to wonder if she's developed psychic abilities. Perhaps, but it's more likely that Thomas is just unfailingly helpful.
Tonya takes his hands between hers, stills them. They’re cold, and she wants to chafe them, warm him up. What was that saying, cold hands, warm heart? If anyone fits that it’s Thomas. “I’ve hired professionals to do everything,” she says. “We’ll just get in their way.”
She knows this because she has, at every other event with catering staff, gotten in the way. She’s finally learned her lesson — no meddling this time. So far she's stayed strong, but she's not sure she'll last the night.
“Right,” Thomas says, nodding, hands still between hers. “That makes sense. Our equipment managers say the same thing.”
She bets they do. Vladimir in particular was a menace about his equipment — she’s sure they popped a bottle of champagne the day he retired.
“I know what you can do for me,” she says, and Thomas brightens right up. He really is too good a boy for his own good. She imagines people take advantage of it all the time. Look at her, doing it right now.
“Can you find Anton for me?” she says. “I worry he’s hiding.”
She doesn’t worry he’s hiding, exactly — she knows he’s hiding — she only worries he’ll continue hiding after all the guests have arrived, leaving poor Thomas to muddle his way through a room of people he doesn’t know. Not that Antosha knows everyone, and many of the people he does know haven’t seen him since he was a little boy, so it’s really more them knowing him — she’s sure he’ll be delighted to hear ‘you were just this high when last I saw you’ over and over again.
Perhaps she shouldn’t be surprised he’s hiding. And she isn’t. But Thomas is a guest, though a particularly helpful, considerate one, and Anton may not be hosting the party, but he is hosting Thomas. And Tonya did not raise a bad host. Or, unfortunately she did, she thinks, but he certainly didn’t learn it from her. Thankfully Thomas is very easily pleased, and loyal enough that he’d likely tell her Anton was being an excellent host if she asked.
Thomas nods again, like a little bobblehead. She’s slightly disappointed the Canadiens haven’t done one for him, at least to her knowledge — she thinks Vladimir would be delighted to put it by the ones of him and Antosha in his show-off room. He loves them. Never tires of bobbing their heads. “Can I have my—“
“Your hands, of course,” Tonya says, letting them go. “Do you know the saying? About cold hands?”
“I do,” Thomas says, with a broad smile. She bets he does. Bets people quote it all the time. “Don’t worry, I’ll drag Anton out of wherever he’s hiding.”
“By the hair if you need to,” Tonya says, and smiles at the laugh that trails Thomas up the stairwell.
He doesn’t deserve that boy, Tonya thinks, then goes to bother Vladimir one last time. She hopes that, this time, he’ll actually get ready instead of just saying he already is. Perhaps that’s optimistic. But she thinks everyone needs a little optimism to make it to three decades.
“Tony,” she hears Thomas crooning as she walks down the hall, sounding a little like he’s trying to lure a feral cat, and she smiles wider. Perhaps he’s exactly what Antosha deserves after all.
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physalian · 3 days
Villain Power Scaling (It's over 9000!)
@sarah-sandwich ask and you shall receive
Quick! We wrote an insanely, unexpectedly successful one-off fantasy series! How do we top the villain?
A bigger, badder giant space laser
The villain’s secret jealous sister
The same power, but purple now
The True Mastermind you’ve never heard of
JK, they’re not actually dead!
When you choose to continue on a series and have already committed to possibly destroying the legacy of the characters who fought and died to save the world once by undoing it for money, you had better have a damn good story to tell.
So if you decide your new threat is any of the above, you have quite the uphill battle ahead of you, my friend.
What is Power Scaling?
Power scaling is the nature of the ability of the heroes and the villains to grow more competent over the course of the story via new skills, new powers, or more training. Protagonist’s first fight (that they win, at least) will generally be against a baby, tier-one mook and not up against the main antagonist (*cough* Force Awakens *cough*)
As the story progresses, the mook that was so scary and so hard to beat oh so very long ago will become unnamed cannon fodder in the climax of the story. Generally speaking, this is a linear event and the hero and the villain are constantly one-upping each other until they come head to head in the unavoidable final fight.
Sometimes, things run askew. Maybe the hero’s super special power that saved them last time was a fluke, possible only in those specific circumstances, or one-time use.
Maybe they have amnesia, or the being that gave them that power revoked it, or using it cost them too much. Maybe they got seriously injured in the last fight using it and can no longer go near it if they want to not get hospitalized. Maybe the super power was another character that won the final fight for them last time, but died in the process.
It doesn’t have to be linear, but if you’re going to regress your character without creating a “why didn’t you do what you did last time” plot hole, you will need an ironclad excuse.
So, feast your eyes while I summon the Supernatural fandom back from the dead.
What not to do, as told by Supernatural
This show was originally written to last five seasons and five seasons only. No matter how die hard a fan you are or were, you cannot escape this fact, and neither could the writers.
Season one villain: A demon and her demonic minions
Season two villain: Psychic demon children and Papa Demon Yellow-Eyes
Season three villain: OG Demon Lilith, and Dean’s ticking demon-deal clock
Season four villain: OG Demon Lilith and preventing the rise of Satan
Season five villain: Satan and some douchebag Angels
Then you have Ten. More. Seasons. trying to do better than Satan and the douchebag angels to… varying levels of success and stupidity.
The problem: Supernatural tried to be linear with their power scaling, focusing on ramping up the threat level to nonsensical ends while undermining the threat level of all who came before.
The other problem: Sam, Dean, and Cas never stayed dead long enough for any of these threats to matter.
What I mean is this: In making the threat of the season so impossibly strong, by threatening the world over and over again no matter how many times they save it, by never committing to killing your three most important characters, by never letting the world go a little unsaved in the end, you’re left with a story that *says* it’s bigger, badder, bolder, but is really just a rinse and repeat that goes blander and blander each time.
Coming off Satan and the Douchebag Angels to… Cas and Crowley conspiring over the souls of Purgatory and the unseen war in Heaven because they didn’t have the budget for that, without any of the thematic weight of *why* it was angels and demons? Talk about a loss of momentum.
I rewatch a grand total of one episode of season six, “The French Mistake”. I have lost all context for the plot surrounding this episode and it’s virtually independent of the rest of the season because Sam and Dean get transported into the Real World as Jensen and Jared and poke fun at each other for 52 minutes. This episode is timeless.
The show wasn’t a complete disappointment for the remaining ten seasons or it wouldn’t have lasted that long. It had good beats, but they shot their load in Season Five. After five whole years of buildup to this main event it never recovered.
Alternatives to Linear Power Scaling
Anyone who has or even hasn’t seen Dragon Ball should know that series is famous for infinite power scaling. There’s always someone stronger, always some new secret powerup to unlock with the power of Screaming, always some new Super Sayan color that we promise is more powerful this time, for realsies.
That show is so dedicated to the bit that it’s gone full circle to being loved, not despite it, but because it’s so ridiculous.
You did not write Dragon Ball. Do not do this.
Instead of the infamous clashing multicolored power beams, what other ways can you up the ante of this new threat after your heroes have conquered all they thought stood in their way?
Give a damn good reason why this villain, who is no different than the last schmuck, is unbeatable by the macguffin this time.
As stated above, there’s no need to make the villain More Powerful* if your heroes have lost the world-saving abilities that helped them last time.
Exploit the hero’s other weaknesses
More Powerful* is never as exciting as you think it is. Often times, especially in superhero sequels, the villain isn’t necessarily stronger, but the niche power that they do have finds the chink in the hero’s armor that they didn’t have to worry about last time.
Make the hero’s niche skillset completely irrelevant
This time, the threat might not be something they can punch or shoot or smack with a hammer. This time, it’s their reputation at stake, or the villain is un-punchable because they’re simply unreachable, causing havoc the hero is helpless to stop.
Make the issue not the villain at all, but the hero or their team
Maybe the villain is just a schmuck that would be beatable on any other day, but team infighting means that they make utter asses of themselves and the villain doesn’t have to lift a finger to win because they’ve taken themselves out.
This can get very dramatic like in Captain America: Civil War or the Teen Titans epside "Divide and Conquer". Or, to comedic effect in the Spongebob Episode "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V" (the one with the International Justice League of Super Acquaintances).
Some would argue that the above options aren’t power scaling at all if it’s not linear, and that’s fair. You’re telling a story though—is your story going to be about the superpowers and how cool they are, or the people who wield them?
3. It’s not actually power scaling, it’s about stakes
Supernatural began to feel so stale because even though we were told the villain this time was bigger, badder, bolder, the stakes were always the same. OSP has talked about this, how threatening to end the world has a foregone conclusion of “never actually gonna happen” because what author is crazy enough to let the world get blown up and all their characters murdered?
Raising the stakes, too, is not linear. Last time it was the world, this time, it’s the life of the love interest, it’s someone’s sanity, it’s a ticking clock on a secret that’s about to go public.
That’s why the first five seasons of Supernatural were so engaging. Were Demons the problem every time? Yes. The Demons were causing the problem, but they were causing five different problems. It was finding and saving their missing dad, then it was uncovering the sinister plan of the psychic demon children, then it was trying to escape Dean’s deal, then it was trying to stop the rise of Satan, then it was trying to stop the apocalypse. It was not five seasons of demons trying to destroy the world.
The more personal the stakes, the more likely your audience will believe the hero could actually lose this time. That’s what will keep them engaged. Dean died at the end of season 3! They lost! There was no escaping that deal. Sure he came back in the pilot of season 4, but the entire 4th and 5th seasons are haunted by Dean’s PTSD and new pessimism about the world given what he’s seen and done in Hell.
4. Threatening the world without destroying a legacy
Covered in this post about timeskips and this post about sequels but it’s too important to not keep repeating.
So. The Star Wars sequels. Rain down your wrath like snow on a hot desert—these movies were a giant mess. The audience sat through six entire movies following the rise, fall, and redemption of one man who died to save his son and the galaxy.
Then, what, twenty years later, absolutely none of it mattered? New space Nazis are out for blood with the same equipment, same weapons, same soldiers, same reach, same motives. Within the theatrical release (because I am not paying money to buy content to do homework to understand a movie made for a layman audience) these movies undermined the legacy of the six that came before it.
It didn’t have to be a new galaxy-ending regime and the same rebels still rebelling for the same reasons—how the heck did they let another empire rise so fast?—it could have started small, inconsequential, and then the actions of the new cast then undermined everything Anakin worked for.
I feel like Mr. Incredible wondering why the world can’t just stay saved for ten minutes.
All of this is salvageable. End the world again if you want. There will always be bad actors out to do bad things, you can’t expect a utopia to last forever. But that bleak reality is for the real world, not fantasy. In fantasy, the sacrifice of beloved characters must matter. Otherwise, what’s the point of their story?
How do you do this?
Make the utopia the old characters died for last up until the new inciting incident, and make sure it’s the new characters’ fault, not just due to the passage of time
Make the villain threaten something other than their legacy
Make that legacy the banner behind which the new cast rallies, determined to make sure it wasn’t in vain
5. Or, burn the world down this time
Some of the best middle beats of a story feature a “did we just lose” moment a la Infinity War. The villain has won, fan favorites are dead, their home is in ashes, and now they’re not only starting from the bottom, they’re doing it with righteous vengeance.
Then the loss of the original character’s legacy *is* the tragedy, instead of a side effect. Then, in a way, they’re still part of the story, a ghost on the sidelines cheering on their successors, and we, the audience, are right beside them.
I have a shiny, fresh-off-the-press Insta @chloe_barnes_books now for this blog and my upcoming novel. Go check it out!
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snarkspawn · 3 months
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it's missing wenzhou hours friends
happy lunar new year!! 🧧🧨🐉
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
*beckons you toward a cardboard box, except this one's upside down propped on a stick with string tied to it* Tom Pullings clad in a cheerfully wooly scarf
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our tom <3
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brittlebutch · 10 months
The 'Enjoying watch you suffer' line in Broadcast has always been hard to pin down; Tim's leg getting broken is the biggest incident in Entry #35, so it's natural to want to tie the two together, but it seems to fit so indelicately into what we know about the timeline of totheark's internal relationship that it almost causes more problems than it resolves. However, even though it's very blink and miss it, Tim does actually manage to stab Alex in the arm before he gets knocked down -- we hear Alex cry out in pain, can see blood on the blade when Jay picks it up, and then in the recovered corrupted footage from that tape that Jay posts as Entry #36 Alex says "I did what I had to... he'd just stabbed me" -- and that injury being what totheark was trying to call attention to, to me, reads a lot more clear and consistent than anything else does
#N posts stuff#marble hornets#it's so hard to figure out lol bc Tim's leg is The Thing so it feels like they should be linked but like it just doesn't seem to flow#and the timeline of s2 is so mangled by the mix mash and retreading ground of all the tapes#ie; Present!Jay uploading Past!Jay's (and Past!Alex's) tapes and commenting on them while Present!TTA responds to both#that it's hard to figure out if TTA is still working together in that Present!Time or if it's Only in the old tapes and they fell out like#Immediately after Jay got the code for the safe from them - which is Possible? We do know that Tim and Brian separated#like Right after they'd managed to separate Jay and Jess but IDK if that separation would account for the kind of anger implied in#the sentiment 'enjoying watching you suffer' you know? And Jay doesn't get Tim's medical records until s3 - which we KNOW#is the Final Death Knell in TTA's relationship and i don't think Brian would have sat on those for so long so i feel like he hadn't#found them by this point in s2 - that must have come later. so That makes this line feel so out of place in their relationship#BUT if Brian is paying more attention to Alex than Tim at this point then it makes A Lot more sense if it's directed at him#and since the creators Specifically included that corrupted footage that makes Sure to get 'he stabbed me' clear in audio AND#in Jay's subtitles - I wonder if that's an attempt to draw attention to that injury and maybe clarify the TTA upload a little bit?#OR you know maybe I'm reading into it all too much but hey. with this series that's actually a pretty solid living so#mh lb#i'm rewatching bc i'm about to start giving the Bleed More fic another attempt at getting finished and finalized so. keep an eye out :3c
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deadsince1973 · 7 months
I finally saw the final episode of Till the End of the Moon, and I am LIVID. I hated that ending so much!!!! I am actually so angry right now!! >:(
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airenyah · 6 days
You know, my day started really shitty and the weather is all gloomy, so I put all my hopes on a JD show in GMMTV p2. I was cautiously optimistic. So as soon as I got home, I checked Twitter and the first post I saw was Joong and Dunk kissing next a car. And I was like OMG!!!!! So I watched the trailer, and I actually squealed, because the concept is amazing and they are with FirstKhao (who GMMTV loves), so the script will also be great, and I feel like my whole day is made. (I actually had a stray thought about this leading up to part2, like if JD and FK get a series together, JD will finally be in a quality production. Maybe I should invest in lottery tickets 😂). I finally completely understood the etymology of the word 'fan', because I'm the "unfollow me right now" meme. I'm an adult with an actual job and I still squealed and flailed like Ongsa because JoongDunk finally get a chance to shine.
But, that's not everything. Because then I logged into Tumblr and I saw that you posted an essay about Dunk to my ask from last week, and now I'm close to tears with how overjoyed I am. Thank you very much for taking the time and writing this manifesto that I'll use as a guide to better understand performances in the future. I love you too, you made this day way better than it already was 💜
P. S. As for the DMs, maybe when I'm less shy 😅
anonnnnnn i'm sorry it took me so long to reply to your last ask!! but yeah, i think you see why and i'm glad it made your day even better 💗💗💗
edit bc i forgot to mention: take your time about dming me, the links won't run away 😌💕
re: "I finally completely understood the etymology of the word 'fan', because I'm the "unfollow me right now" meme." I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING I LITERALLY MADE THIS POST THIS AFTERNOON:
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so yeah, me too. me too. i too am that meme. i was already close to posting it hahahaha
as for the new JD show....
ok ok ok so i lucked out completely bc usually tuesday is my uni day but this week i don't have classes, so i was able to watch the entire stream live. and i was already mentally prepared for no JD bl again?? first of all because as i explain in my manifesto, i do want to see them in more solo projects (esp dunk bc out of all the series he's had or will have a major role in 3/4 are with joong which... as a fan i'm absolutely not complaining about but from an acting perspective it would be good for him to branch out)
and second of all, because i'd been talking and speculating with @moonkhao and a couple of days ago joong tweeted something about "this year i will get to play with that phi"?? and @moonkhao mentioned that win had recently followed joong and how it seemed like the two of them were gonna be in a series and we were all like "oh it's gonna be a het show for sure" (HA HA LOOK AT US NOW @moonkhao 🤡🤡🤡🤡) (ive never been more happy to be wrong tho fjkdfkkjdsg)
anyway so i went into the stream fully prepared for them to be in solo het-projects, right?? and when the trailer came on, in the very first shot it's joong and khao, right? but i totally didn't notice joong at first, bc i was too distracted by khao and the fact that first appeared right after and i was all "oh that's gotta be the rumored p'jojo FK mafia show"
and then joong appeared and i finally saw him and i went JOONG??????????
my eyes went big and my jaw dropped on the ground and my head was spinning with thoughts all "is joong gonna be just a side character in this?? or will dunk be there too?? holy shit what is happening????"
i was literally shaking oh my god dfjkjdfkjdfkjdfjkdsjk
anyway. i'm not gonna be normal about this thanks
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aberooski · 9 months
That moment when you have a breakthrough about the chapter you've been stuck on for days
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bee-turtle-kind · 2 years
just got mad for a second seeing a rise of the TMNT gif and realizing I don't have it memorized..... ,
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buggachat · 3 months
im gonna be honest i think the "adrien being a sentimonster was randomly thrown in season 4 with no planning on the writers' part" theory is really funny. like the writers of this show are just so bad at their job and so stupid that they tripped and fell in season 1 episode mr pigeon and accidentally spilled "a strange relationship to feathers" all over adrien by accident. they stubbed their toe on the coffee table and accidentally set up a mystery surrounding emilie's relationship to a feathery miraculous in season 1 volpina before we even knew what its powers were. then they spilled coffee all over their favorite shirts and at the same time spilled more white feathers around adrien in season 2 episode gorizilla. while writing the same episode someone had a really nasty sneeze and got boogers all over the script that said "use the imagery of two twin rings intertwined as the opener for the film of adrien's dead mother". they forgot to look both ways before crossing the street while writing the season 2 finale and were struck by a truck labeled "the peacock miraculous gives life" and then by a second truck with the license plate "it does so using white feathers identical to the white feathers that surround adrien in his ads" at the same time. they plummeted down an open manhole and hit the ground with a loud whack that sounded like "sentimonsters like bugette are just as real as any human..... and isn't bugette so...... perfect?" in season 3. on their way to the hospital they slipped on ice that had frozen in such a way to perfectly resemble the sentence "the word 'perfect' is consistently used throughout the series and by the creator ominously to denote how characters like adrien and kagami are 'different from everyone else', ever since season 1 episode simon says". during season 3 someone on the team got food poisoning and when they threw up felix came out instead and started another whacky series of comedic errors. the answer to the mystery of "how and why did emilie die? what life did adrien's loving mother create that she was willing to die for?" was originally gonna be "idk maybe she just exploded or somehting" probably, but then there was a really painful rock in one of the writers' shoes while walking to work that put them in a mood so bad that they forgot their original plan and instead made some bullshit up that somehow ended up being something that made sense with what we knew and put all the puzzle pieces together and actually made the show even more interesting and impactful on a rewatch because it put a lot of shots that at the time seemed random into a new and logical perspective as clear foreshadowing. it's actually impressive how stupid these silly clown writers are that they put strangely specific things so consistently throughout the entire series that resembled foreshadowing while never actually having intended it a single time! like........... really.......... really impressive............... i think..............
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thetriumphantpanda · 20 days
mine, all mine | joel miller
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Summary | You & Joel have been skirting around whatever this is for years, until he finally breaks and calls it what it is, in the only way he knows how.
Pairing | Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word Count | 1.2K
Warnings | Post-Outbreak, Jackson!Joel, possessive!Joel, rough sex, spit play, unprotected PiV sex, cumshot, cumplay, dirty talk, emotionally unavailable Joel, it's basically just 1.2k of filth tbh, no use of y/n
Authors Note | This one goes out to @undercoverpena who gave me the means to rewatch TLOU. This was the outcome. Enjoy the filth.
Divider by @saradika
Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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He’s got your wrists caught together in one of his big hands, pressed down into the mattress to keep you still. Your thighs splayed wide, pressed down almost uncomfortably by the width of his hips. His cock is splitting you open and you’re so impossibly wet that you can hear it whenever he pushes himself back into you. He likes it, wild grin on his face whenever that lewd squelch makes itself known, he likes that only he can do this to you, only he can make you this wet, only he can get you to submit so completely like this.
It’s been two years of this. Two years of being pressed into his bed in the dead of night. Two years of dancing around what this is, but enjoying it all the same. You don’t think you need to label it, complicate it, not when it feels this good. You’d happily go the rest of your days not knowing what you and Joel Miller are if it means he’s going to stay like this. It started as stress relief, a lot like how it had been with the other people here in Jackson that had fallen into your bed - him, frustrated from patrol or whatever it was going on with Ellie, you, frustrated with… well, mostly everything these days. When he’s inside you, there are no frustrations, only the low thrum of pleasure across your skin.
Things have changed though, maybe in the past six months. He stands closer to you when you’re at the bar, sometimes puts a hand on the small of your back when someone else tries to talk to you. Subtle messages that say back the fuck off or she’s mine without needing to put real words to it. He doesn’t say it, even here, when he’s deep inside you, doesn’t beg you to tell him who you belong to, but then you suppose he doesn’t have to - you’ve not fucked anyone else since this started, no-one would hold a candle to him, and you know he doesn’t fuck anyone else either.
“You hear that?” His gruff voice asks, pulling you back to the present as his cock drags from your cunt, pushing back in slowly, and you do, that squelch of him pushing back inside you as deep as he can fit, you throw your head back, moan his name, “Yeah you do,” His face buries into your neck, teeth dragging across delicate skin, “Hear how wet I gotcha?”
You let your eyes open, fluttering slowly to reveal how close he is to your face. He’s so fucking beautiful like this - skin covered in sweat, brows pinched together in pleasure, his scars and his wrinkles visible so closely, the grey in his beard and the smattering of hair on his chest pressed against yours, you won’t ever grow tired of this.
“S-so fucking g-good, Joel.” You choke out on another drag of his cock, tip pressed right against the depths of you, dragging deliciously against that spot inside you.
“I know, baby, I know,” He coos, nudging the side of your face with his nose, hot breath so close to your ear as he continues the languid strokes of himself in and out of your spent cunt, “Bein’ so good f’me.”
His praise never fails to make you preen, face rolling to the side, exposing the side of your neck to him that he hasn’t already marked. You feel the tight grip around your wrists loosen, his hand taking hold of your chin instead, pulling you back to look at him, brown eyes glazed almost black with lust as he looks down at you. There’s something different there this time, sure he’s always been intense, but he’s looking at you this time like he wants to devour you whole - to cut you open and eat you from the inside.
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” He whispers, hand around your face moving to shake you so your focus is on him and not on the way his thrusts have started getting harder, “Say it.”
“M’yours,” You manage to get out, but he shakes your head again, “Yours, m’yours Joel.”
“That’s right,” He bends, hand still gripping your chin, and licks into your mouth, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth, teeth nipping gently, “My girl.”
You almost can’t believe it, like this is some kind of dream, your wildest fantasy come true that he does want you, that it’s not just your pussy he covets but everything else you bring.
“Y-you mean it?” You speak, breathless, “I’m yours?”
You bring a hand up to his face now, cradling a cheek, thumb tracing his bottom lip, but he’s shaking your hand away, his own still tight against your face, “Open your mouth,” but you’re confused about why, so it takes you a while for your brain to catch up, “Open your damn mouth baby.”
This time you do, lips parted, tongue out, Joel’s fingers sitting in the hinges of your jaw, dragging your head forward a little, then, he purses his lips, opens his mouth and lets his saliva drip from his own mouth into your, caught on the flat of your tongue. It’s hot, probably the hottest thing he’s even done. You curl your tongue over it, dragging your mouth closed to swallow it down, then, you open your mouth, stick your tongue back out and look him straight in the eye to ask for more.
“Fuckin’ filthy,” He mutters, but there’s a grin on his face, his cock still pounding into you, the feeling of your slick, made more by what he’d just down, gathering at the base of his cock, dripping down onto the sheets below, “Y’like that, huh?”
“Uh-huh.” Is the only thing you can get out before he’s doing it again, letting his own spit drip from his mouth into yours.
This time though, he doesn’t give you the option to swallow it. He lets go of your face, his tongue melding with yours at the precise spot that his spit had just landed on. It’s a filthy, wet, open-mouthed kiss, saliva gathering in your corners of your mouth as you moan into his when he shifts his hips just a little, tip of his cock now bruising into your cervix on every punch forward.
It happens all at once, his lips dragging from yours, his cock dragging out of your pussy as he pushes backwards, cock in his fist for barely a second before the first rope of his spend is spurting across your soaked and aching folds. Joel lets out a growl as the next lands across the soft skin of your tummy, the next between the valley of your tits. He’s dragging a tight fist up and down the length of his cock, squeezing lightly at his tip to empty himself of every drop of cum, painting your skin with it until he’s softening in his fist and you’re trying to catch your breath.
Joel lets his hands grip your hips, dragging his thumbs through the pools of cum across your lower body, rubbing gently through it to spread it as far as he can, “Look nice like this,” He muses, looking down at the mess he’s made of you, from the aching red hue of your spent cunt, to the milky white splashed across your body, “Mine.” He says, with a tone of finality.
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shoemakerobstetrician · 9 months
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Season 3 Opening Scene Nightingale 1941 Theory
So, season 2 opened with a flashback that had us totally reevaluating Aziraphale’s and Crowley’s relationship. I think the same will be true of season 3.
I think we will return to the night in 1941, to find out that they kissed, danced, or more that night.
1 - Why are they sitting at a table in the bookshop just drinking, no food on the table? When they’re drinking they don’t use a table. I think it’s to clue us in that there is more to the scene than what we are seeing - at some point before or after they had dinner.
2 - We know that Aziraphale did the apology dance in 1941 - again an indication that there is probably more to that evening than what we have seen so far.
3 - When Crowley says ‘no nightingales’ in S2E6 we now think he’s referring to the scene at the end of S1E6 in the Ritz, but it does seem a bit of a reach. It was a very nice moment, but I don’t think a relationship defining one that would cause both of them to think of it as their song.
4 - A Nightingale Sang was released in 1940, first charting at the end of December 1940. It would have been a hit in 1941 (according to Wikipedia it got up to #2).
5 - I think they had dinner, they danced, or perhaps even kissed to Nightingale as it was playing on the radio, and it became their song in a much more significant moment in 1941.
6 - When Aziraphale says to Crowley “Perhaps one day we could…dine at the Ritz” after “You go too fast for me Crowley” he would then be directly referring to their song from 1941.
7 - When it plays at the Ritz at the end of season 1, it’s because the pianist finds themselves mysteriously compelled to perform it, like the Oxford bus driver taking them to London.
8 - And finally, when Crowley says “no nightingales” at the end of S2 it is just devastating, it’s him saying there is no us.
And another thing: in the lyrics to Nightingale: That Certain night, the night we met/There was MAGIC abroad in the air. 😁
One more thing: I can certainly see Neil gleefully being like “Psych, it WASN’T their first kiss.”, and the scene would be just as heartbreaking if not more so if it was what Crowley thought was their last kiss.
ETA I just rewatched the bookshop table scene for like the 17th time. Holy 💩 is the dialogue strange and very loaded. The “trust me” bit, and the “shades of grey”. Throughout the whole scene Aziraphale is sideways eye fucking Crowley. There is simply no way we’re not going to see more of this scene in Season 3.
I very much like this whole idea, it probably won’t happen. Maybe someone will write a fanfic at least.
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nanivinsmoke · 21 days
Slut For You
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a part two to rated-r, hope you all enjoy!
needy!Choso x fem!Reader
summary : two weeks without you will make a sane man lose his mind.
warnings and tags : masturbation, toys (m!only) a glimpse of dom!reader and sub!choso, reverse cowgirl, missionary, rough sex, creampie, cum on body, degradation, multiple orgasms and much more~.
it had been two weeks since the last time the two of you fucked, yet it felt like eternity to the lonely emo boy. he wanted so desperately to be inside you again. to have you cum on his cock over and over until you couldn’t. but, you weren’t much to his dissatisfaction.
you were away for the first half of spring break. back in your hometown visiting friends and family. leaving poor choso all alone, with his mind clouded with thoughts about you. he tried to keep himself busy for the most part, he picked up extra shifts at the job, visited his younger brother yuuji and he even cleaned the apartment. but, no matter how he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about you:
you only texted him a few times during your trip, but only because he texted you first and after that, you stopped responding. maybe you just wanted sex from him and he was okay with that…nah he wanted you all to himself, he had to be with you.
he thought about you every second, he wondered what you were up to. the thought of you being with another male was slowly starting to consume him. that is until he got a notification from instagram. you had finally posted on your close friends. he scrolled through the videos of you at the club last night, before getting to the new one—his eyes widened at what was displayed in front of him.
you were shaking ass, with your dress rising up each time only to be pulled down by one of your friends. but, there was really no use because each time you twerked, your black thong and your thick cheeks were in view of the camera. he sat back on his bed and rewatched the video multiple times, a tent rising in his pants as he studied the video. then the next one played and he immediately brought his laptop out, so he could watch it from there.
in this video, you were grinding against your friend, your dress rising up again but this time nobody bothered to pull it down. your ass looked amazing underneath the brown light of your club’s section, it was sexy. he couldn’t stop watching it, he could see the ripples in your ass each time you friend’s hips collided against it. choso couldn’t help the growing arousal within him as he sat back and watched, rubbing his erection in his sweatpants.
as the video replayed over and over, he was getting weaker and weaker—trying to fight the urge to pull his hard cock out and get himself off to your video—until he couldn’t fight it anymore. he freed his erection from his pants, his angry red tip was coated in his pearlescent slick that slowly began to run down his shaft.
he immediately palmed his aching tip, moaning at the sensation. he fisted his cock in a fast, rhythmic motion; keeping his eyes onto you in that tight ass green dress. the more he stroked himself the hornier he got and he no longer needed the video. he closed his eyes and began to think about you replacing his hand with yours. your small hand coated in his sticky fluid, ogling at the sight of his cock. how’d you coo and moan his name, getting horny as you fisted him.
he’d then imagined you taking him whole into your mouth, pushing him so deep, hitting the back of your throat—causing your eyes to water. your head would begin to bob, spit mixed with his precum dripping from the sides of your mouth—and he would buck his hips up wanting more.
as his mind ran rampant, an idea popped into his head and he reached into his nightstand and grabbed a toy. it was a realistic pocket pussy and he bought it a while ago, he never used it, until now. he reached behind him and grabbed some lube, pouring the warm liquid into the top half of the silicone toy; before he pushed his tip inside—moaning while grabbing the hips of of it.
he grunted and slammed the toy down repeatedly; getting lost in the sensation along with his thoughts of you. the squelching sound produced by air being pushed out of the toy, along with his oiled cock echoed inside of his room, pushing him closer to an orgasm.
unbeknownst to him, you had just made it back home. you pulled your suitcase behind you and slipped off your shoes, setting down your keys on the kitchen’s island. you were glad to be home, even though you did miss your old friends and family, you had missed your roommate even more.
“cho?” you called out, but got no response. you knew he was here because his favorite shoes were still by the door. so, you walked over to his side of the apartment, where you were able to hear grunts and a lot of squelching. your slowly turned the knob and was shocked to see the sight in front of you. he looked so hot, fucking himself into the toy, his face contorted with pleasure. this is what you were missing and boy were you glad to be home.
as you tipped toed towards him, you were shocked to see your instagram story being played on his laptop. it was incredibly hot to know that you were what he chose to masturbate to, you cool feel yourself getting wet the more you watched him.
feeling a dip in the bed, his eyes shot open and landed on yours, a smirk planted on your face. he could feel his cock throb when you started to rub on his thigh.
“you missed me that bad, hm?” your voice teased him, but he couldn’t help the whimper that left his lips as a response. you smiled and hovered over his cock, watching the silicone toy go up and down on it—before you let out a nice glob of spit down into the hole, covering his mushroom tip. he let out a moan and his pace became faster, and the lewd noise got louder. it was so hot watching how sloppy and sticky everything became, from the squelching noises to his moans—you were so turned on.
you bit your bottom lip at the sight, your right hand laid right on clothed cunt, fingers moving slightly to create some friction—while you got off at the sight. his eyes rolled back in his head and his hips bucked upwards with each stroke into the false pussy.
“cumming—fuck, y/n!” thick white ropes of his cum pooled out and splattered on top of the toy, while his hips continued to pump upwards, until there was nothing left. choso slowly opened his eyes to see your that look on your face. and before he could open his mouth, you grabbed the silicone pussy—hands being covered in his cum— and pushed him deep inside of your mouth.
a loud groan left his lips as you sucked his hard, sensitive dick. you swirled your tongue on his tip, before moving down shaft—coating it with puddles of your saliva, before reaching his slightly heavy balls; taking them into your mouth as well. he couldn’t believe it, the way you were sucking him—especially after he just came— was like heaven and he could feel himself coming again. that is until you pulled him out of your mouth.
“need you….inside me~” you breathed, licking your lips before unbuttoning your little shorts; taking them off to only leave you in your little black thong. it was similar to the one you had in your video. his dick throbbed and got harder, it was like his fantasy had came true.
turning around so your ass was facing him, you pulled the small string of fabric to the side and grabbed his sticky cock, slapping it against your slick drenched cunt. pushing him inside, your tight gummy walls immediately constricted around him, earning a small moan from him. wasting no time, you grind’d against him, before using your hips to ride him; ass colliding with his pelvis each time.
the echoing sound of your ass clapping was like music to his ears and he was trying so hard not to lose it. you were way better than any toy. the way you gripped him so tightly, was a sensation he’d never want to forget. it was so addictive. not to mention the way your cunt gushed each time you brought yourself down onto him, only to be hidden by your ass; was far more greater than any magic trick.
“please baby, i want all of it inside of me. please~” your pleads where above a whisper, but he was able to hear the sexy request. the way your cunt squeezed his cock as you orgasmed, immediately caused him to shoot inside of you—painting your walls white.
as you pulled him out of you and a rope of cum followed, a switch flipped off inside of him and he pulled you by your legs—flipping you onto your back. choso pushed your legs back, pressing them deep into your chest, before he pushed himself inside; slamming his hips into yours, filling your sensitive cunt with all of his eight inches.
surprised, you opened your mouth to speak—only for nothing to come out. the way he pounded your like he wanted to break you, was more than a turn on. it was ecstasy. you had no choice but to hold onto your legs and lay there, taking his strokes, cunt full of his angry cock.
“you like fucking teasing me? posting that video, just so i could see it? so i could get off to you?” he grunted, slamming deeper into you each stroke, earning a yelp from your plump lips. you said nothing while your eyes rolled back into your head, your puffy clit throbbing from the overwhelming pleasure, causing you to squirt against him.
his grip on your legs became tighter and his strokes where harder, “shit—….mhm— you love getting fucked like this? being fucked stupid and have daddy breed this cunt?” each time you pushed him out as the clear fluid left your body, he slammed back inside of you harder, like he was punishing you.
“take. all. of. it. slut—.” he leaned down close to your ear, his tip striking your spot and kissing your cervix, making you cum again—with him following behind you. his cum was so filling, it stuffed your belly completely. however, he still had a lot left inside of him. you did leave him pent up for two weeks. he pulled himself out, jerking the rest onto your bare cunt—painting it a nice shade of white—before he collapsed on the side of you,
while the two of you calmed down, the question that remained on his mind, creeped back up on him and he had to ask you. he turned on his side and gently grabbed your face, making you look at him, “y/n….are the two of us….together?”
you found it cute how he became so shy after digging in your guts.
a smile appeared on your face and reached over and stroked his sweat drenched hair, “you’re the only guy who could make me squirt. im not letting you go….ever”
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I was surprised when rewatching both seasons today to notice how little worth everyone assigned to their lives at the beginning of the show.
It's obvious with Stede "Do I want to live? I dunno, probably" Bonnet and Edward "haven't tried dying yet, maybe we should do that" Teach over there, but once I started looking for it, I was shocked how often it turns up.
Talk of death is ever-present throughout s1. The very first thing we hear is Frenchie singing about how a pirate's life is short. One of Olu's reasons he gives to Lucius for not mutinying on Stede at the end of the pilot is "we'll all be dead soon, might as well enjoy it while it lasts." The indigenous people they meet in ep 2 remind Olu multiple times that Stede's gonna get them all killed. Jim talks blithely about killing the man who killed their family - "we live in a state of nature, grow up!" We get the sense life is fuckin' cheap -
But over the first season, there's a shift. Pete started out talking in the pilot about how he "should have 20 kills by now" and says killing "is like breathing" to his fantasy version of Blackbeard in s1e2, but by s1e6 he's visibly deeply shaken when Lucius almost dies. "I'm used to death...but not your death." Stede screaming that he doesn't want to die in s1e9 is such a huge marker of that shift, because he's finally living a life where he feels happy and loved and valued.
Take all of that, and put it into contrast with Jim saying in s2e2 that "there used to be a time when life meant something on this ship." It sets up such a nice contrast, because all the death Ed's crew have to deal with at the beginning of s2 isn't weird by pirate standards, but suddenly it's become weird for these pirates. Ed's suicidal behavior and Frenchie saying that "we've been living moment to moment for a while now, it's kinda nice to have a deadline" are terribly sad to us, because these pirates had a time when they learned to value their lives.
Stede Bonnet, being his cringefail, bitchy, unceasingly kind little self, built a community where life was allowed to mean something. It's about queer joy, about queer love, about finding community and finding reasons to love being alive with one another as we try to become the versions of ourselves we want to be. Fucking beautiful.
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[ Check Masterlist for ch 9-19 ]
Sequel just uploaded 1
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Life began to feel so boring. The days blended into one another and suddenly we’re in march. Staying up late catching up on your favorite show because there is nothing better to do right now. One piece was such a breathe of fresh air, full of adventure and characters that seem amazing to be around and explore the world with. You wished to be in the world where u can freely be who you wanted, the world where you weren’t shackled by the burdens of reality.
You’ve been around all the corners of the internet so you know of shifting and astral projection which is exactly what seems to be going on right now. Rewatching episodes leading up to the time skip around 4 in the morning till your eyes flutter shut. Suddenly the wafting scent of the ocean filled your nose. “ Is she a stowaway?” “ How have we just found her we haven’t been on land for over a week now”. You opened your eyes to the snout of a reindeer and other very familiar faces.
You sat up so fast knocking into the poor doctor. Panic set through you because the first assumption anyone would have is that they’re in a dream or— congrats you’ve finally lost your damn mind. “ Who are you people”.
“ We’ve got the same question for you”
“ well I asked first”
The blunt part of a sword was thrust into your face by a very angry green swordsman. Fear etched across your face you give him a once over. Zoro. To your left was Robin and chopper holding his snout on her lap. There should be absolutely no reason that you’re in this world with these wacky 15th century pirates from your goofy anime show. Your voice shakes as you try to convince the green haired man to stop threatening your life.
“ Listen this is surely a misunderstanding, I really don’t understand how I have gotten here and I’m not really too sure who you people are.”
Maybe if they think that I don’t know who they are I can figure out a way to get out of this mess without ruining the story.
“ What is your last memory before you woke up on our ship” a voice from behind spoke. Turning to the left at the top of the stairs was Nami with Sanji following behind her.
“ I was laying in my bed falling asleep and then I woke up here”
After that you were bombarded with questions, what’s your name, your age, if an 8ft skeleton can see your underwear and it nearly drained the life out of you. The sun was now beginning to set after such a long day of being interrogated by the crew you used to watch through a screen. The captain was sitting on the head of the Sunny watching the day fade away when he stretched his arm to you pulling you to sit with him.
It was quiet for a while and nerves began to set in. Does he see through me? I know a lot of people don’t give luffy the credit but he’s way more intelligent than you’d think. “ What is it like where you’re from y/n” he spoke as he turned to face you.
“ Very different.”
“ Tell me about it please”
The sun completely faded into night and the stars littered the sky while you told luffy about “ where you’re from” and he was absolutely entranced by the world he’s never been. You ended up telling Luffy the truth about your origins, somewhat about himself, there was just something so compelling and trusting about him you didn’t think nothing of it. You slept in the girls room next to Nami that night, thinking about the next step and getting home.
Was this really a dream or did your desire to escape mundane life make you shift into this world of unknown.
The next day you went to eat breakfast with the crew and luffy starts spouting all the things you told him the night before. With seemingly no thought behind his words as he swallowed everything on his plate, though his crew members all stopped to stare at you in confusion.
“ I thought you said you weren’t from here?”
“ You said you didn’t know how you got here”
“ Well I wasn’t exactly lying, I really don’t know how or why I’ve been transported into your world. I just didn’t want to scare you or make you think I’m crazy with all of this.”
Over the next few days you were beginning to settle with the crew, you spent hours getting to know everyone and having the most fun you’ve had in years. Nami and Robin were curious about your world and you were more than elated to tell them all the things you enjoyed. The boys liked when you played their silly games, Sanji was obsessed with everything about you and loved having you perched on the counter when he was cooking so you can serve as his taste tester.
Zoro only just began to acknowledge you after finding out you also had a love for drinking, it became really easy to bond with the man. You knew you had to go back but what’s the harm in spending time with such a loving group of people, it’s not everyday someone is given your experience don’t waste it being worried.
You were able to convince Nami to give you a blank sheet of paper where you wrote all the things you knew about shifting and astral projection. You’ve been with the crew over a week now spending every night trying to shift back to your world. Sometimes you feel close others are strangely disturbed by Robin and Nami whether they are sparking up a conversation with you or knocking things over which disturbs your concentration.
The next few days you began to see birds meaning you were finally reaching land, the sabody archipelago. You know the way this arch ends and you need to go home now before you spend two years on an unknown island doing who knows what because YOU aren’t a straw hat and you have no place where you can learn to polish your skills.
The bubbly island became visible and you’d be reaching it by midday, while you were sitting on the head of the Sunny with Luffy again he asked you his million dollar question.
“ Y/n join my crew” he smiled. Your cheeks burned and you had to turn away from the boy whose smile brightened all your days.
“ Luffy I would love to but—”
“ Great- EVERYONE Y/N” you clasped your hand over his mouth.
“ Luffy l can’t join your crew. I have to go home I don’t even belong in this world”
“ Why do you want to leave” sadness dripped from his voice.
“ Yeah, we’ve been having so much fun” the small doctor announced from the deck.
“ It has been very fun I’ll admit but I don’t belong here with you guys. I’ve got a whole life in my world— and a family and just so much to do.” You reasoned.
The rest of the day the crew seemed angry and distant, you simply couldn’t understand why. When they all found out where you really came from they said they would help you get home. During dinner that night you were seated between luffy and Zoro who barley uttered a word while hushed conversations were surrounding the rest of the table. It was insufferable and reminded you of elementary school when someone didn’t want to be your friend anymore and told everyone about it.
“ Luffy are you upset with me? I haven’t done anything wrong”
“ Why do you want to leave? You just joined the crew and were on a new island”
“ I never said I was joining your crew luffy”
“ you know the captain doesn’t take no for an answer y/n” Zoro chuckled.
With a huff you stood up everyone’s eyes landing on you. “ Are you all acting this way because you don’t want me to leave?”
“ Why would we want a crew member to leave us?” Nami’s voice wobbled as tears formed in her eyes. Are they serious? When did u ever agree or tell these people that you were a part of their crew.
“ Listen closely all of you. You have to understand I am not from here, I never joined the straw hats, and I don’t even have any powers I can’t protect myself.”
“ That’s why you have me Y/n-chwaaan”
“ ignore that idiot cook but you have Luffy and I, we wouldn’t let anything happen to you”
“ Who is an idiot you damn moss ball !”
A fight between the cook and the swordsman broke out and you would usually find everything hilarious but…
These people have convinced themselves you are one of them and they don’t want you to leave. You decided tonight will be the night where you will go home with or without their help especially because you already know what’s in store the next day. Laying next to Nami that night waiting for her breathing to even out so you can concentrate with no interruptions you hear soft sobbing.
“ Are you alright Nami..”
“ Y/n I know you want to go back but can you stay a little longer we all care about you and enjoy having you around. We really feel like you’re one of our crew mates”
“ Sure, I’m not missing anything important right now” lying is better than letting this girl cry all night. When her breathing finally evened out you were able to try again.
Eyes fluttering open you were finally in your own bedroom. It was just as you left it, your iPad paused on the intro to one piece and the sun was showing through your curtains.
I really did it.
Life began as usual but you had a newfound appreciation for all the little things that made life worth it. Friends and family found your new outlook pleasant and you finally felt like you turned on a new leaf. While you were getting ready for bed applying all of your creams and oils the Tv in the living room turned on.
Wealth, Fame, Power.
A chill ran through your spine, you haven’t watched the show in over a month in fear of being brought back into that world by some odd chance. Getting up to turn off the tv something in the hallway made a noise. The fear of someone or something being in your house had you clenching on the door knob for dear life.
Just open the door nothing is there you’re only scaring yourself.
Opening the door and walking down the dark hallway into the softly illuminated living room the episode of the strawhats finally meeting up after two years was playing.
“ My favorite arch I should rewatch soon”
“ Why don’t you live it instead?” A voice from behind hissed.
You felt your heart thumping in your ears as you slowly turned to be met with a very angry Captain.
Not proofread ! 🫶🏽
I was inspired by a similar stories I’ve seen down the tl hope you enjoyed. Pt 2 coming soon maybe
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scarletttries · 6 months
NSFW Headcanon Request: Steven Grant (Moon Knight)
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Steven Grant + Sex Tape: (prompt list here)
(part two of these 'recording' headcanons)
- After the heart-warming success of his first accidental intimate recording with you, Stephen would find himself revisiting that tape over and over again. Any time you have to leave him for a weekend alone, out comes his little camcorder so he can eagerly relive that special night and try his best to make up for missing your touch that night.
- But as much as he loves that precious gift you left him, he can't help but want to make a new one, something you both create together and maybe even equally could enjoy together on another night. He wouldn't be able to ask out right though, instead he'll drop a dozen tiny hints, mostly about how much he loved that first tape, and how incredibly beautiful you look when he's making you feel good, and how much he loves you, and loves having that precious memory documented to relive over and over.
- You'd of course give in to his less than subtle suggestions pretty quickly, his response to your video just the sweetest thing you could have imagined, and feeling so safe with Steven that you don't have a single worry about that footage going anywhere, or looking less than perfect, or anything like that because you know that man respects and worships every cell of your being.
- You pick a date for your very special date night, picking out a new set of lingerie for the occasion (and because it's so fun to surprise Steven with something new and watch his little brain immediately melt down to a mumbling mess.) By the time you get to his flat there's more candles lit than in a cathedral, and he's spent a week's pay of a very special bottle of wine that you once got as a present and so generously shared with him, on a night you two passed giggling sweet nothings to each other.
- After a glass of that sweet thoughtful gesture you two find yourselves all hands again, so giddy with excitement as you stumble towards the bed that you almost forget to turn on the camera, Steven reluctantly pulling himself away from your lips just long enough to oh so kindly ask,
"Love, are you sure you're alright with this? We don't have to if you're worried at all, I'm just so grateful that I even have one video of you. Or that I get to do this with you at all." You cut him off before he can start monologuing about what a privilege it is to be in your life in any role, the lovestruck man staring at you with stars in his eyes, so in awe of everything about you.
- You suitably reassure him that you feel just as lucky to love him, and finally you start the camera filming, pulling him towards you until you're confident he's framed in the shot, slowly moving your lips to his neck. As you lick and kiss your way along his throat, drawing soft strangled sighs from the nervous boy, your fingers trace down his shirt and start pulling it at his buttons one by one, until finally you can push it off his shoulders and reveal his broad chest to you and the camera. You can't stop yourself from running your hands over his muscles, looking forward to rewatching this moment and stopping Steven from folding inwards or hiding himself from the camera. You can tell he's still up in his head a bit, not as passionately exploring your form like it holds the secrets to the universe the way he usually does.
- Trying to draw his focus, you tip him back on to bed and climb on top of him, pulling your dress over your head and giving him a full view of the special outfit you had on underneath. His jaw drops and his eyes practically shoot out of his head as he starts excitedly babbling about how 'truly perfect you look' and how 'every colour seems to have been made for you', and suddenly his stage fright is forgotten and he's pulling you back in for a kiss as his fingertips trace along the lacy fabric, before slipping underneath your panties and rubbing slow circles against your clit. You find your hips moving in time with his rhythm, the excitement of knowing Steven would be able to watch this moment again enough to heighten the sensations. As your temperature starts to rise and your thighs start to twitch you make a point to arch your back and gasp out his name for the camera, immediately earning a groan from Steven as he starts to buck against your hips.
- You pull his fingers out of you with a whimper, and make quick work of undoing his belt and sliding his pants down his legs until his manhood springs free, letting you take a long slow lick of him that has Steven panting and begging for more. As you slip your lingerie to the side, mounting his lap and hovering just above his leaking tip, you notice his eyes drift behind you, the red blinking light pulling him back to reality from his throws of passion.
- Less than pleased that Steven is able to look anywhere but up adoringly at you, you slam your hips down against his, taking his full length in one breath and clenching down on him at the deliciously full feeling of having him buried inside of you. Right on cue his turns his attention back to you, gazing up at you in shock as you cup his face in your hands and state very clearly in your most seductive pur,
"Now Steven, the least you can do is keep your eyes on me."
"I'm sorry love, I just remembered about the - but it doesn't matter, I promise, I only want to look at you." Taking mercy on him, you start to roll your hips, before you finish your negotiations,
"That's good to hear, because any time you look at that camera, I'm going to stop moving." You pause your riding in emphasis as his gaze turns pleading, nodding quickly and begging you to move, promising to be good as you go back to sliding your hips against him, drawing out louder and louder groans that start to fill the room around you. You watch as his eyes trace along your content face, your bouncing chest, your wiggling hips, and finally your glistening entrance where he can see himself glide in and out of you, your own excitement dripping onto him with each thrust. It's almost too much to take and he feels his climax quickly approaching, his fingers returning to strum against your clit as he tries to hold off his release. Then his eyes dart behind you for a split second and suddenly his building pleasure starts to drop as you still your hips, desperate apologies falling from his lips in a plea.
"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to, please keep going, you feel so incredible..." His core is aching with the tension bubbling inside it, so close to release and having no choice but to let you sit there on his throbbing erection until you see fit to forgive him. Luckily for him it's very hard to act mad at those puppy dog eyes, and when his touch feels so good between your thighs you know you won't be able to hold off much longer either.
- "I just need you to keep those beautiful eyes on me okay Steven?" You sound merciful, and he lets out a sigh of relief, until you add "and definitely don't let them close."
He's about to ask what you mean when suddenly you start bouncing on him with every ounce of strength in your thighs, riding him faster and harder as you feel him start to tense beneath you. He keeps his eyes firmly locked on yours, mouth hanging open in sheer ecstasy as he watches the confident smile on your face start to fall into an o as you get closer and closer the edge. He works you with his fingers, holding back his own climax and praising you as you climb higher and higher, finally crying out his name as your wall clench around him, your whole body shaking with the overwhelming release as pleasure washed over you. Steven is right behind you, his hips lifting up off the bed as he erupts inside you, legs trembling and hands clutching at your waist, making sure you can't possibly climb off of him.
- You collapse against his chest, resolved to spending a little longer with him deep inside you, Steven's arms only coiling around you tighter as he presses soft kisses to your forehead and pants out that he loves you so bloody much.
- It takes a little while for either of you to get up to turn off the camera, Steven finally volunteering to leave the bed, only to grab the camera of its stand, step back towards you, aiming the lens at your satisfied face before letting it drift down your spent body, stopping when he sees his own load drip out of from between your legs and feeling himself start twitching with excitement again. The last sound the camera picks up is Steven mumbling quietly to himself, "how did I ever get this lucky?"
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