#maybe it's just a stylistic choice but I think it's kinda interesting
sbd-laytall · 10 months
I'm mildly interested in what the thought process was for making the outline of Logan be red after talking to Scott, who only ever sees in shades of red.
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X-Men (1991) #7
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obscuritian · 1 year
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i love cj!evelin they're so gender
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pangolen · 9 months
i am ALMOST done with chants of sennaar but i have work in the morning so i need to stop for the night
#aaaaaaa#also i'm laughing cuz i think the bards are the only ones with a different word order?#and the way it's translated kinda implies that like. it's a fully stylistic choice on their part#they're just speaking that way to sound more poetic or whatever#i love it#also i didn't check before i shut my computer down#but i wonder if there's like a. Hard Mode where you DONT get the english translations#& you have to compare everything to the devotee's language#i think that would be fun#& when u come across a new word the devotees don't have then u just gotta remember it#or maybe u gain a new devotee character#this is probably not a real mode#but it's one i would like to play#saw someone in a comment somewhere say this would be a good way to learn a new language#and yeah probably something Like this#but at the same time. the way the game is set up it'll just give you the answer sometimes#or else you accidentally yourself into a faulty translation#i've played a couple language learning games before#there was one where you run around a town and talk to people which was interesting#but i don't know that i really learned anything from it#and another that was like. the 3d game equivalent of flash cards#which is not how i learn#and also it made me motion sick#i've gotten off track#anyway this game is fun#if u were interested in heavens vault but didn't like all the dialogue or the controls this might be up ur alley#(i'm not dissing heavens vault btw i think it's rad. this is a 'it was almost for you' rec)#cos also has a point and click mode but it's usually pretty smooth
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smytherines · 3 months
Do y'all ever think about the part in A1P1 where Owen and Curt are about to do the handclasp thing and get interrupted by Barb? Because it's super interesting to me. It's one the few times when the choreography seems to break out from being non-diegetic (meant to represent something, not literally meant to be what is happening) to diegetic (something that is occurring within the story)
I can't get a clean shot of it, but it's very interesting that they're about to do the clasp, Curt gets a call, Owen waves his hand kinda annoyed at the interruption, and then Curt talks to Barb while Owen fights a guy on the catwalk.
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The implication is that they weren't literally clasping arms, but the way the characters react tells us that the interruption was real. So now when I watch the show it's like... maybe they hadn't seen each other for awhile, and finally had a moment alone to just reunite, maybe a hug or a kiss or just an opportunity to freely talk to each other, and that's what Barb's call interrupts. Its kinda brilliant that these little moments are both obscured and accentuated by the choreography.
I do not know a goddamn thing about choreography, but the more I watch this show the more in awe I am of Lauren Lopez as a choreographer, because there is so much storytelling packed into the choreography of A1P1 especially. The first time you see it your brain can easily slip into "this is a stylized James Bond intro sequence," but on the rewatch it's like "oh, OH! This is kinda... intimate, isn't it?"
And Corey Lubowich deserves so much credit for directing the show just in general (Corey I love you), but especially for one of my absolute favorite parts- the hug. In the BTS stuff there's a scene of Corey, Joey, and Curt working out the hug choreography, with Corey talking about how it should be one fluid motion between the embrace and the action stance, which is just *chefs kiss* because it really does kinda fool you into thinking it's a stylistic choice instead of a storytelling choice on the first watch. (Plus it just looks cool as hell)
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feelingpure · 8 months
Fellow Travelers | The Orange Elephant in the Room
Alright, let's talk about it.
For those who've watched the available episodes of FT so far; I'm sure we've all noticed the citrus haze they all seem to be living in.
Especially if you've attempted to edit/GIF any portion of it. The struggle is real and I'm sure has inspired many colouring dilemmas.
And we're all asking "WHY?!".
Now, I'm writing this having not looked up anything about it. So I dunno if anyone responsible has made a formal confession.
One of my initial thoughts around it was; okay... so is this just a 1950s thing? But after watching (and rewatching) episode 2, I feel like it's part of the story in a different way; It's clearly a stylistic choice, yes (I should hope that doesn't just happen by accident). But it also seems to double as a narrative choice.
Putting the rest, with image examples, under a cut because it's kinda long.
Warm vs Cool
The conclusion I've come to is pretty simply, one that we've seen used across media in a lot of movies and shows. Warm tones used to colour scenes that are meant to literally be 'warm'; a loving environment or somewhere where the character(s) feel like they can be themselves. Cool tones used for scenes where it's quite the opposite; a cold hostile environment where the character(s) does not feel welcome. Gradients in between for all the neutral/'greyarea' spaces.
Cool/neutral outdoor bench scene (with park spies around):
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Maybe it's an indoor/outdoor thing? No...
Indoors (even with the mandatory orange lamps nearby) they stay pretty neutral:
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Night time/day time thing? No...
Night time vs day time in Tim's apartment:
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Compare it to day time neutral alone Tim in the same room before. The difference is that he's with Hawk, out of sight of any would be naysayers.
So yeah, while I am mad about the colouring for giffing needs, I do think what they're doing is pretty neat, and the POC in the show look glorious in the warm tones.
The warm/cool motif is dialled up even more in episode 2, with the contrast of Mary's warm welcoming party and Hawk's cold af family gathering (even though they still have the orange lamps/sconces around, they add nothing to the warmth):
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🥺 Ugh, Tim at Mary's party. Might be my favourite part of the episode, alongside the kissing n spooning. Anyway...
The transition of Mary from the same living room where she hosted that party, to the kitchen they were just questioned in:
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That transition made me start paying more attention and go back to rewatch previous scenes just for colour themes.
Interestingly Hawk's apartment seems to live in this neutral/warmish space. It was more warm earlier in the episode, especially when they were in the bedroom the morning Tim left his glasses. But in general it's a lot less warm than Tim's apartment when compared; still their skin glows with a hint of tangerine:
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Of course, not only the lighting/colouring but their outfit choices say a lot. Tim is usually in the warm browns with his dress, while Hawk pretty much sticks to black, white, grey (hints of a cool toned blues and reds in his ties). This coupled with the differences in their own living space probably reflects a lot about the character and how 'welcoming' they are to others. Idk... or I could just be thinking too much about it.
This is another really interesting transition in episode 2. As Hawk hangs up the phone in that cool toned side room, opens the door to the main room of a gay bar, the warm tones literally seem to absorb him in. Which makes sense, this is obviously a gay friendly place in San Francisco. He doesn't have to try to hide any part of himself, like he probably was still trying to do on that voicemail to Lucy just before.
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Now, I could go through and screenshot a load more examples (some scenes with Lucy are interesting, and that lounge/club), but you probably get the gist, you see the pattern. If not before, on your next watch, you'll certainly see it.
This has got longer than intended; I'd be surprised if anyone got this far, I did NOT fully organise my thoughts before I started this, I just began rambling and I feel like it could've been more organised and laid out better. But if you have thoughts about the colouring, I'd really like to see those too. 🤗
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otakween · 5 days
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Digimon Frontier: Island of Lost Digimon
This was actually pretty fun! It wasn't the strongest Digimon movie by a long shot, but it was good as a Frontier side story. It was nice to see them revisit the whole "beast digimon vs. human digimon" conflict that they didn't do much with in the show. Also, I got to see my Digimon World 3 friends again! They were super cute.
I enjoyed Izumi humming Funiculi Funicula in the intro to the movie. For a split second I thought it was Bolero and was about to throw hands lol.
What the HECK were they riding on in the opening? It wasn't really a Trailmon it was more like a Mike Wazowski themed rail cart. They, of course, never explained.
This movie's aesthetic was really weird. I don't know if it was necessarily higher quality animation. It kinda looked like they took the usual level of quality and put a "cinema" filter over it or something. Also some of the "shots" were weirdly cropped and almost blurry. IDK if that's just because there isn't a clean copy on the internet or if it was a stylistic choice. At least the characters are super on model, which is more than I can say for the show!
Speaking of animation quality, they were a little too obsessed with using CGI in this movie. It looked really bad and added nothing lol. Also, what was with the neon disco rave tanks? They felt extremely out of place.
Once again we get a lot of unnecessary focus on Izumi's butt...
So many new (or new-ish) background digimon! I kept being like "ooh, who's that?" I really liked the bunny-with-razors-for-ears design. It's funny how they debut new digimon in the movies and games, it almost feels like they're testing them out.
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The original title is more like "The Revival of the Ancient Digimon." I can see why they would change that cuz it sort of feels like a big spoiler.
Kotemon and Bearmon were super cute. It was exciting to see their anime forms. They had really nice voices as well (in Japanese and English). Kinda wish I had watched this before DW3 instead of the other way around, whoops!
They used the exact same plot of "evil character encourages war to resurrect evil monster via the sacrifice of many" in the isekai series I'm Standing on a MIllion Lives. Makes me wonder how many fantasy series have used that. It must be a more common trope than I thought.
Why does this one digimon look like Impmon and My Melody had a baby?
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The whole "beast vs. human" thing still feels silly when half of the "human" side doesn't actually look that human. I could totally see Dinohumon be considered a "beast" in a different series. (Maybe it's a metaphor for how racism is dumb and makes no logical sense).
The visual of digieggs flying and baby digimon being all over the place due to the ongoing war was interesting. I guess they couldn't go to the Village of Beginnings because the island is blocked off from the rest of the digital world?
One CGI scene literally looked like the 3D maze screensaver from Windows 98 lol
Kinda rolled my eyes when Bokomon said that Murmukusmon (what a mouthful) could turn into any digimon. What OP power will they think of next? Also, we only saw him digivolve into two digimon, so I'm not that impressed.
That final battle was pure chaos and I had a lot of trouble following wth was going on. I didn't know why AncientGreymon/AncientGarurumon were suddenly there so I googled it. Apparently it was due to "the power of Kotemon's sacrifice and Bearmon's tears"...riiiight. Shounen movie logic.
AncientGreymon looks amazing and AncientGarurumon looks..aight lol. I'm totally biased to prefer beast-like digimon
Kinda anticlimactic to have two "spirits" do the dirty work instead of our heroes, not gonna lie. Maybe if we had met AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon before and had some level of emotional attachment to them it would have been more impactful.
The new mural with the Frontier MCs and Bearmon/Kotemon at the end was cute
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pansyfemme · 5 months
Do you genuinely exclusively listen to pop? You really live like that?
1) no, i listen to a pretty wide variety of genres, i. just mainly post about pop because it’s my special interest and i know the most about it.
2) this is a really funny ask to send to the guy who’s taste in pop is like. experimental stuff made in some teenager’s basement in 1999 that can only be found on 300 view youtube cd rips. i am not the type of pop music listener you are thinking of. Pop music is a very, very wide genre. There are hundreds of subgenres. My specific interest is in twee pop. It’s not really known for having a super mainstream prescense, aside from maybe belle and sebastian. However, like i also don’t shit on mainstream pop (ok i do on what’s big rn, im really not a fan of a lot of current stuff) but my other interests lie in 60s bubblegum and power pop (which is largely based on the 60s pop sound, but can be found as the starting point of a lot of 90s pop bands) so i can’t say im entirely against non-obscurity, i just find it fun to dive into it. But i am kind of tired of pop music being treated like a less cool or ‘cheap’ genre because people don’t understand what it is. a lot of people pull out the ‘pop means popular’ argument but like.. not anymore, really. Words for genres change over time, which can be good or bad. “Lo-fi” was coined to mean music that was produced imperfectly, and is now more associated with studying music on youtube. “Emo” was coined for emotional hardcore, but got associated with a lot of pop punk until that meaning overtook it. Pop is more related to stylistic choices at this point, really. I think writing it off because you don't like what plays on the radio is kinda silly, because i don't listen to that either. If anything, i have much stranger music taste than the average person
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thoughts on the fable reboot
-until proven wrong, I'm like 98% sure this fable reboot loosely takes place after fable 1. it's got that fable: legends whimsical style to it (think that's the new artistic direction they're going for with this series- still getting used to it), magic is still around, and technology is at a minimum (hey! bows and arrows are back!). The vibe and stylization is very different than what I'm used to for albion, but no complaints.
-the only reason I confidently think it takes place after fable 1 is because of the castle. think it could be fun if we get to explore the lore behind all the shit that went down there before fable 2. mysteryyyyyyy oh yeah also bowerstone is huge now. not city-huge like fable 2, but the reign of terror has fo sho ended, and civilization is expanding... i think... it makes sense to me
-I do know for a fact that the heroes guild is/was up and running. Humphrey's got his pendent thingy, but I still dunno if this reboot is full-on retconning the lore. I hope not- because sometime after Fable 1, when guild dissipated and heroes became somewhat resented, the place got burnt to a crisp. don't think that's happened just yet- but i don't think the guild is all that popular at the moment And hey- the heroes falling from public grace is in the trailers... kind of (lots on emphasis on the people being sick of them). Would make a cool plot-point to see the guild's fall.
-dunno about the hero of oakvale, tho. he's probably dead. is only memorialized by a number of books, songs, and small easter eggs... maybe a statue if we get really lucky. wouldn't surprise me if this game takes place a few hundred years after fable 1 (there's 500 years between fable and fable 2- there's plenty of time to spare) and he's simply faded from the public consciousness. this Humphrey guy is probably the latest, greatest joe-schmo who just got off the pedestal ...actually the implications of past heroes fading out of favor soon as their glory days are over, and being replaced the next "savior" of albion is kind of depressing
-but also! Oakvale could very well still be thriving if i'm right. No shadow court (yet. would be cool if they made a guest appearance ig), possible location to visit, etc
-not gonna get my hopes up with this one- but potential cameos, or little easter eggs for beloved characters are always awesome. seeing theresa minding her own business for once... he-who-shall-not-be-named as a farmboy... one can dream. pulling up on the side of the road to help a blind lady- possibly a random encounter- only to get a brief, cryptic fortune reading from eldritch gma... ohhhh, the potential... .............but jack of blades reference..? any kind of reference to the court at all? pretty please??? all I need is a random poster on a wall commemorating their defeat, and I'll be happy
-I'm very interested in seeing what story this game's gonna tell. I have a feeling it's gonna lean further into player choice, like how bg3 has wonderfully showcased (not that extent, of course). We might actually get multiple endings, too. Least I hope so. With this new stylistic shift, new studio handling this, it'd be nice to see the narrative truly be affected by our decisions.
-im already kinda loving this villain
so yeah
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satanfemme · 2 months
please tell us about your WIP
yay ok :3
to set expectations, it's primarily horror, and kinda horror/erotica/romance though I hesitate to add those other labels to it just becuase my intention is to openly explore sexual themes, but not really to get off on them lol.
the basic synopsis is in an implied-dystopian future, scientists from various industries discover/announce that the world is going to end in approximately two weeks, though they don't agree on how. inspired by this mysterious and existential anouncement, Case (the narrator and player character) decides to hook up with her online acquantance Dane before their presumed deaths. Case is an introspective necrophile while Dane is somewhat self-destructive and turned on by the idea of dying during sex (they met on a forum discussing necrophilia). however, they end up spending their last two weeks getting to know each other, discussing their lives and impending doom, and checking off their last bucket list items (which aren't particularly complex). and maybe even falling in love a little bit.
it's going to be a visual novel but there'll only be one player choice towards the end, and two endings. I'm mostly using the vn format as something that makes writing this sooo much easier for me.
it's hard for me to put the themes I'm exploring into words, but in general words while writing this I'm thinking about acceptance of death, the sort of existential awareness of "the end of the world" everyone seems to be feeling rn (re: climate change, fascism, covid, etc), kink/sexuality and specifically the intersection between that and how we percieve ourselves/how we relate to the world. it's also an intrinsically furry piece of art though the characters are only portrayed as cats as a stylistic choice. within canon they're humans (tho Dane's a therian), but I'm depicting them as cats as a representation of the dissociation and otherness they experience due to their sexualities and the capitalistic society around them.
whats interesting is when I started working on this in december, the original idea involved an exploration of dread specifically, but as I've fleshed out the story and made changes, the tone has become super different. if I had to define it now I'd say it's reflective and maybe a bit somber, but with a bit of a lighthearted side to it too. and idk if it'll change again later but for now I'm enjoying how casual the narration feels.
thank u for letting me ramble about this :3 thats all the basics of the WIP's story I think and I know it probably sounds a bit silly written out like this but I hope you see my vision a little bit.
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sideordertheories · 11 months
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this. this is The image ever. made me genuinely think so much i thought it deserved its own post.
so it's a normal octoling standing in a large room, in front of what seems to be an elevator, right? we can see what looks like leaves hanging from the ceiling, the elevator looks very fancy on the outside, reminds me of like a five star hotel or something, but it's also huge in comparison to the 'octoling'.
except. this isn't a normal octoling AT ALL.
(this might be a bit long so more under the cut)
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if you look closer, the character has pointy ears. which is an inkling trait. octolings are shown to have rounded ears, while inklings have pointy ones. but other than that, while the character's hair seems to resemble the octoling hair typically shown on agent 8, it has no suction cups on the outside, which is again, an inkling trait, shown on every hairstyle where inklings have suction cups on the inside & octolings have suction cups on the outside. (except for one octoling hairstyle but that one doesn't count)
what confuses me is, why would the artists do this? the character we play as, or at least the one that is shown off the most in the trailer, is a normal octoling, with rounded ears & suction cups on the hair. this is where i am going to make a HUGE claim. if you go back & look at the image with the spikes in the ground, the character ALSO doesn't have suction cups. as opposed to basically every other depiction of the octoling, where suction cups can clearly be seen, even in that one with the huge boxes where the octoling is very tiny. they still decided to include the detail of the suction cups there. so why not here? what makes these two images so special? & this is where i'm going to say something which i don't think has been said before. i think this character is in fact, NOT the octoling shown every other time. as for who this character actually is then, who knows? likely not the player character. maybe an ally, maybe an enemy. maybe a clone of our main character, since they look so similar. maybe they ARE the same character, & these things are just a stylistic choice, but i doubt it.
regarding what this character could actually be:
• an inkling with weird hair
• an inktoling, which is a hybrid of an inkling & an octoling, however i find this theory unlikely
• a clone that went wrong, which considering some other imagery in this trailer it COULD be possible, although i still find this a bit unlikely because why would an octoling clone end up with inkling features
• a cuttleling, which is highly unlikely as well, BUT they do actually exist, as shown in the splatoon 2 dlc's art book. now i don't own it myself so honestly the splatoon fandom page i got this from could be lying but i doubt something like that wouldn't be called out, but according to it there's a cd visible in one stage that displays two idols that in the art book are referred to as cuttlefish. i think this theory is interesting because it could imply we are getting cuttlelings in splatoon 3 or the next game, which some people already think will happen because of the reoccurring cuttlefish imagery (iirc rassicas made a pretty good post showing off this evidence) i also think it's pretty weird for an image to be put into the octo expansion's art book & just never be relevant again but then again the splatoon bands do stuff like that all the time
•it could be dedf1sh (i highly highly doubt this and i'm kinda saying this as a joke but all i'm saying is dedf1sh is always getting into some sort of trouble, i mean who's to say she didn't accidentally get herself turned into a half inkling)
again sorry for the long post but this just. makes me think so much i love this image so much. aside from the amount of theories that can arise from this it's also beautifully made as are all the other splatoon artworks & im so happy that the artists clearly put so much care into every small detail of these games
also i would link the rassicas post but i literally cant figure out how to do that?? if anyone knows how to do the thing where you say "link to the post" & it's underlined & when you click on it it takes you to the post PLEASEEE tell me i want people to be able to have the context without digging through tumblr & google like i did. for the time being i found the post by going on google & searching "cuttlelings splatoon" & scrolling a bit till i saw tumblr
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hummus-birb · 1 month
Animal Well Lore Theorizing - What is the player character?
I know everyone refers to them as a blob (and I will too for simplicities sake), but what are they?
(Note: All of these are just random guesses, I’m not a lore professional or anything like that. I’ve completed the secret ending, but I’m still missing a couple of the rabbits, and I’m not one of the people hunting down all the gameplay mysteries of the game. I just like cool world building stuff!!)
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Hints we have so far:
- They come out of a flower, whether they’re newly born or were just kinda sitting in there or something
- They’re reasonably small (assuming the telephones are normal size, they’re about as wide and a bit taller than those, but if it’s a toy phone this could be a less accurate guess)
- They have boots(?) (the little pink things, though those could just be a stylistic choice)
- They can ride things and use items (the frisbees, any items, chinchillas, and even the manticore. We can assume the ability to use items without hands is just a gameplay stylistic choice, but the manticore is an interesting topic I’ll get to later)
- They don’t get hurt by fireworks (could be a gameplay choice, but probably rules out them being a ghost)
- Yellowish-orangish-beigeish color (depends on the lighting)
- They eat fruit to regain health
- (Big spoilers for after you get all the rabbits!) After being eaten by the big bunny, you get the ability to turn into some sort of winged glowing moth thingy!
Okay, actual theory time now!!
My first thought was that it was some sort of slime guy or generic blob, but statements from the creator say that it is something specific. So here’s some ideas!!
- Eggs are prevalent in the game as both our collectible and for the origin of the manticore, so what if the player was also an egg?? Or rather, an egg yolk? I mostly thought of this one since the blob is yellow
- They could be a seed or some other part of a plant, since they come out of a flower. It has been confirmed that they are definitely not a fruit, after people were joking about fruit cannibalism in the discord, but it could still be something else from a plant
- They might be a sort of moth grub thing, or even a moth egg? With the whole flying ability late-game, it would make sense to assume that the player is related to a moth (or maybe another flying bug) in some way.
- My personal favorite theory, whether or not it ends up being real, is that the blob is some sort of parasitic creature. When the manticore eats it, it’s able to control the manticores movements, and it gets the wings from going through the big rabbit’s intestinal system. While I don’t know a lot about parasites, I did a quick google search and found out that rabbits suffer from a thing called flystrike (maggots hatch in their body system from flies laying eggs in wounds or feces (don’t look it up unless your fine with some pretty gross images)), and maggots also obviously eat and sometimes hatch in plants, though I’m not sure if they’re the same type. There’s obviously some amount of fantasy elements, so it could possibly be a culmination of a few specific irl parasites as well as our general perception of parasites in media. Either way I think it could be a really cool theory!!!
While we don’t have a strict answer to what the player character is as of yet, I mostly just wanted to share some ideas of mine for what they could be!!!
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cinnaminsvga · 1 month
tbf i think the grandma shit started because of my own fault. i think I felt so old compared to everyone that I said i feel like a grandma or something, or even told them to call me grandma in a "just call me grandma" kinda way and it stuck with a few of them haha
you know what, im kind of the opposite, I feel like my writing now is of a worse quality than back then. i think I got too used to writing just for myself so I got lazy and impatient and skipped over adding details and more descriptions and such But for you, I think it would be a good way to see how much you've improved in your personal opinion! Though like I get churro chumps specifically was crack so maybe use something you took more seriously when writing for comparative purposes haha
omg that's me with soonyoung, he's my actual bias even if seungcheol is constantly tackling me and shaking his ass in my face to remind me how much he owns my ass, but anyway, yeah soonyoung is my precious babie. i just want to love and protect him, he's just a poor innocent little soul
also, sorry if these asks are annoying, I never know when to shut up or how to real social cues so feel free to stop responding at any point. i am very aware that I ramble and it's a lot at times
(double also i know this response may seem fast, I just happened to see that you had responded when I came online lol. triple also(I need more vocab) no idea why im still remaining anon when you can probably easily guess my user at this point but im pretending there is a valid reason for clicking anon)
that's interesting to hear you think your writing got worse! well, i can sort of understand that... for me, when i take a break from writing, sometimes it can feel a little difficult to get back into the groove of things... but i get what you mean a little about "writing for yourself." when you have no intention of sharing your work, sometimes specific details aren't necessary when your target audience is, well, yourself.
as for rereading my old stuff... i do actually reread a lot of my stuff, just not the ones from when i was like 16 LOL it's not because i don't wanting to read my "unserious" stories, it's more because i hate cringing at my old stylistic choices. i like to think ive gotten better at adopting writing styles that i think can make my stories flow smoother. but as a teen, i had trouble structuring my stories because i relied heavily on dialogue to move them. which... isn't a very sustainable approach LMAO but yeah churro chumps is still a story i will always cherish, because even after all this time... i do love me some sillay yoongay fanfics :3
i like soonyoung too :D he was my bias prior to seungcheol... it started with jihoon, then soonyoung, then cheol... leading me to accept my fate as a leader line fan lol but tbh ive gotten really into seokmin lately... something about silly guys is getting to me...
and never apologize for rambling :D i ramble a lot too!! im president of yap city, as they say... i was always the kid who got moved around the classroom bc i would NOT shut up, no matter who i got paired up with... oh woe is the mouth that yaps... anyway thanks for sending these in!! its nice to talking to ya anytime!!
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kiwisandpearls · 10 months
madoka magica walpurgis no kaiten theories and trailer analysis
ok I just saw the trailer to walpurgis no kaiten and I have to say I am very excited. Tho I wanna point somethings out from the trailer that I noticed and maybe bring up some theories I have
but with that out of the way let’s get with analyzing!
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We first get this shot of Homura sitting in a chair, though I’m not sure if she’s “our” Homura, that being the Homura from the universe we’ve been following
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Because from this closer shot we can see she doesn’t have the eyebags she had by the end of rebellion, and just in general she seems to look a lot more proud and mentally stable
next we get a bunch of shots of Homura essentially confirming that this movie we’ll most likely following Homura for most of the movie, we also get some shots of the original series plus walpurgisnact which most likely means she show up at some point
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When I first saw this shot I just thought it’d be a flashback from Homura’s time post madoka’s wish but pre-rebellion
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but then we zoomed out and I’m not so sure anymore…mostly because the lighting on the hair is making it kinda look light orange/brown…? Plus her outfit is different from her usual magical girl outfit, so I’m not sure whether this is actually Homura just wearing something different or whether this is a completely different character
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Next we get this shot of a girl falling backwards into presumably either a witch or a wraith, and I don’t this is taking place in Homura’s world since Homura’s isn’t supposed to have neither witches nor wraiths so
also, looking closer at the girl she kinda looks like Iroha Tamaki from the Magia record side story
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But I honestly kinda doubt that’s actually her, plus I don’t think they’d add her to the actual madoka magica story
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Now we get this shot of this totally brand new character we’ve never actually seen before being tied up by ribbons. Red ribbons specifically.
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Like the red ribbons madoka wore and later gave to Homura, who gave them back to her. This leads me to believe that these ribbons might have been made by Homura’s magic. Why Homura would use her magic on this girl idk but we’ll get to that later
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the girl in the second scene is the same girl from the first scene as her outfit is the same, proving it isn’t Homura. Tho why she has a weapon to similar one of homura’s is interesting, maybe they have some sort of connection.
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Next we get a shot of madoka, Sayaka and hitomi walking under some floral arches (I think that’s what they’re called?) where Sayaka does a similar gesture to what she did to madoka at the beginning of the original anime. Interestingly enough buttons were added to their uniforms, which isn’t much but I think this mean either to things, one so much as a year has past in Homura’s world and maybe the three are starting a new school year. Or two (and the more plausible answer) they just wanted to slightly update the girls uniforms lol.
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We get this shot of Homura and I think this Homura is the Homura from “our” universe, while she doesn’t have the eyebags, just in general she gives of the vibe Homura gave off by the end of Rebellion. And while she doesn’t have the red ribbons madoka gave her that’s because she gave them back to madoka by the end of rebellion. And she changed her hairband too, but I think that’s just a way to show how different Homura has become from what she started out as
also, interestingly enough, her umbrella kinda looks like both the end of walpurgisnact’s dress and the end of Homura’s witch’s dress, doesn’t is?
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We get this wider shot of Homura and where she is and I’m sure the imagery here is meant to be very symbolic but I ain’t getting good at that stuff so I’ll leave to the rest of you guys lol.
also, looking at Homura more closely, it does seem like she’s also wearing her uniform, but from the first shot of her the top part (the white undershirt) seems slightly inverted with it being mostly black. I’m sure that’s just a stylistic choice but I think it’s interesting.
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We get this shot of kyoko who is obviously eating and interestingly enough her outfit looks kinda different here
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we can see a bit of yellow on her sleeves on the left picture which she never had, and her dress kinda looks like it splits off to the sides as well, while Kyoko’s original outfit split down the middle. So similar to the Homura we first saw I don’t think this is the Kyoko from the world we’re following throughout this series
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We also get this shot of Mami’s outfit is also different.
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The change is most evident is Sayaka, who is wearing bandages all over her face. And just in general her demeanor seems way different from what Sayaka usually is like, so I’m guessing these three are either not from the original madoka magica world or they are, but when Homura took over she also changed their outfits, since they are still magical girls in her world
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Now we have this shot of someone who is obviously Kyubey. But in this shot he seems…fine. And if you don’t remember at the end of rebellion he looked like this:
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So something must’ve happened, either again, this is a Kyubey from another world, or something happened to Kyubey that no longer made look like that and I’m interested to see what it is
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We then get these three shots of presumably Homura and I think her Charlotte Dolls? Tho I can’t be sure on this weird latter. I think this may have meant to be symbolic of how much Homura’s has gone through and how much she’s changed but I can’t be sure so
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We then get this second to last shot of Homura and like Mami, Kyoko, and Sayaka her outfit looks kinda different here, mostly just the very top
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And I think this might also actually be Homura, as she has those eyebags that she had at the end of rebellion
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We also briefly see her soul gem which I just wanted to bring up because I think it’s interesting
And I think that’s about it for analyzing the trailer itself. Now let’s to the theories I have.
First theory, I think we might see some alternate versions of the holy quintet. We get multiple different shots of Homura throughout the trailer and I don’t think all of them are the same Homura. We also see that Mami’s, Kyoko’s, and Sayaka’s outfits and general demeanors are kinda different from what they usually are. Tho, interestingly, we don’t ever see any other shots of madoka except for the floral arch one.
theory two, and I know this sounds crazy, but either one of those Homura’s or that new girl is walpurgisnacht. The name of the movie itself is “Walpurgisnacht Rising” so it’s obviously going to be somehow centered on Walpurgisnacht, but we interestingly get very little shots of Walpurgisnacht herself. And the first outfit that Homura wears in the trailer does look similar to the type of dress Walpurgisnacht was wearing. Maybe Walpurgisnacht is disguising herself as Homura for whatever reason, maybe to trick Madoka or make her gain her memories again for whatever reason. How and why I don’t know. Or maybe she’s that girl we see, maybe that girl was Walpurgisnacht before she turned into a witch, which would explain two things. That may explain why she was tied up in another scene, Homura may have realized the Walpurgisnacht was trying something and didn’t want to happen. This also generally explains why the “real” Homura, (or who I’m at least guessing is the real Homura), looks stressed and in thought as she might be realizing Walpurgisnacht is trying something, but doesn’t know what.
Theory three, going with the other theory that the Mami, Kyoko, and Sayaka we see in this trailer are from an alternate dimensions, maybe they’re discussing how something may be feeling off, either something dealing with Walpurgisnacht or the Law of Cycles.
also interestingly enough, we don’t see Bebe anywhere in the trailer, like she just kinda disappeared. Maybe they’re planing something with her? Idk but I just noticed that.
that’s all the theories I have, but maybe you have your own, and if so let me know. Also let me know if I missed some things, as I’m probably gonna make another post analyzing some more stuff in this trailer such as the dialogue.
but that’s it for now
the movie’s coming in winter of next year and I am so excited
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mr-legoman · 10 months
Picked up Goodbye, Eri by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It wasn't what I expected.
I was thinking it was going to be some horror/paranormal type manga. However its more of a somber story about grief and death. Maybe its just because of the artstyle but I kept expecting some horror element to come creeping into the story.
I liked it. I felt (and still feel) hallow after finishing it. Not quite a gut-punch of emotion but it still hits. The main story is simple enough. The MC after making a movie about his dying mother, meets a strange girl who wants to movie with him. Its a somber slice of life. If you want a nice feel good story, I don't recommend it.
The manga is kinda like a found footage movie in a way. Most panels are drawn from the main characters phone that he is filming with. Its an interesting stylistic choice and it does add to the manga more than it subtracts. The manga plays around with unreliable narrator, as several characters and events. I'll admit I didn't like the MC at first, but after finishing I understood him better.
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anosci · 1 year
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(16-30 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3])
album names and personal thoughts below cut.
16/ Pan Electric & Ishq - About Time (2008) ough, this is prime chillout. feel like ive been pickier about the style recently but this hits the spot.
17/ Ovuca - Wasted Sunday (2001) mis-parsed this thinking it was an Oval album. it's not. :| but it still has some cool turn of the century glitchy fun, just grounded with some more traditional synthy beats. i love the sound design overall
18/ Team Doyobi - Cryptoburners (2001) feels like cheap plastic and warm electronics. lots of empty space, but as a stylistic choice. sometimes a little too noisy for my taste. sometimes cozy in its fuzzy minimalism.
19/ VA - Tigerbeat6 Inc. (2001) an absolute grab bag of ideas and quality. weirdly, i feel kinship with the silliness contained within. some of these are RLY COOL. "Wooper", "Jujik_olop", "Klardiscopic Remedy #1"
20/ Electric Company - 62-56 (2001) future buzzes and clicks :) I'm not as much of the fan of the sort of… freeform ambiance. but I do really enjoy those clicky beats.
21/ MuToPiA LABEL — ISOMORPHISM (1999) man im fascinated by this double-retro stuff. "let's arrange this 5 year old game!" -some guy 24 years ago. sadly, it's just a little too rough for me. I'm spoiled by modern arrangements. but yet... track 3 sounds so early OCR. beloved.
22/ DJ Assault - Belle Isle Tech (2000) listened as a joke, but yet… there's some sweet little jams here. "Jungle Love" is a striking standout. i... used alternative cover art for this just in case. hi tumblr tos lol
23/ Cex - Oops, I Did It Again! (2001) some cool stuff and some annoying stuff, to my taste anyway. :| more of the former than the latter, overall, luckily.
24/ Lesser - Mensa Dance Squad (2001) kinda…. jungle tossed in a glitchy blender? sometimes more physical than aural, somehow.
after pondering for a while, a few more thoughts on 2001 tigerbeat6 in general: usually, i vibe with music as music. but with this freeform glitch stuff, i vibe as if it were a painting. it has the feature space of music but, as a whole, each song becomes an acrylic canvas.
25/ Apocalyptica - Cult (2000) i guess i wanted to check this out because symphonic metal? (old list item) my biggest complaint is the lack of percussion. igorrr has me spoiled. what is metal without breaks? and cores? still, a few good cuts here imo
26/ Lackluster - Rikos 7" (2000) just as i began to feel it was kinda "meh", the vibe enveloped me. EXCEPT for the one track with a title.
27/ VA - SMAK (2001) date is technically 2002 in compilation form but each EP came out in 01. the first comps REALLY did not vibe with me, but i feel like they got better as the number incremented. Massimo - Nemylik? oh man. let's drift away.
28/ Kid606 - GQ On The EQ++ (2000) i listened to this years ago and only liked one track. listening again... wtf this is good. why did i do that. it is *crispy* but i admire that now. i cannot BELIEVE how good this is. 23 years old? what!!
29/ YET11 - TIMECAPSULE (2000) retro newage chiptune? an interesting thing. I find that im not too drawn it, though... maybe "After Rain" as a highlight?
30/ Geeez 'N' Gosh – My Life With Jesus (2000) this took a while to get going. I can't say im a fan of the glitched ironic gospel stuff. i love atoms clicks and glitches but man i wish i didnt have to actively ignore the blemishes here
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kingdomtual · 2 years
one thing I noted and find interesting, bc generally kingdom’s world is set kinda like...olden times, right? But during Hwon’s trailer, there was like...electricity distortions on the screen, like...how technology can distort during a storm.
Which, I mean, could just be a way of showing us how powerful his storms are (also very dangerous. I think he’s the first kingdom of a land that appears to be extremely hostile and dangerous right from the start, we don’t even know what his land is like but storms...and he’s in control of them? He seems very powerful) but also interesting that it added that modern twist of our ‘screens’ distorted as well.
idk maybe just me, could be a stylistic choice, too. But it was interesting.
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