#maybe kris and susie are like. the Cool Kids
abandoned-quiche · 1 month
really cool swap au idea is formulating in my mind
so like. it's one of those swaps that's like
kris <--> noelle
susie <--> berdly
instead of susie living in hometown as a child, moving away, and then moving back as a teen only to find that nobody remembers her like in canon (source: the oracle told me)
berdly is the one that did that.
susie stayed in town, so she never grew to resent kris, only growing closer to them, so now kris and susie are an inseparable duo. they're like team rocket if team rocket didn't attack people. everyone thinks they're scary, but they haven't actually hurt anyone - they really just hang out with each other while everyone else avoids them.
meanwhile berdly, having not lived in hometown at the time, did not win that spelling bee, and never got branded as a gifted kid and became faux-egotistical. he's just the boy with no friends that nobody talks to. all that kept him company was video games and his neighbor, clamgirl. when he came back to hometown, he was excited to finally reunite with all the friends he made
he was just a forgettable little bluebird. nobody even remembered his name.
when he gets to the dark world and hears of the prophecy, he's overjoyed. finally, he has a chance to BE someone. he had a PURPOSE, something he could DO! (and it's just like his videogames!)
and then he becomes all high and mighty like he did in the game.
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vaugarde · 2 years
kinda :/ on the kris and susie post as well tbh it just feels uncomfortable
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latteandjacks · 5 months
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I believe Kris wasn't even planning to actually surrender their soul because they now they're gonna die anyways, they just did this to scare off Undyne and get time to play teather kid, do their little cool speech and jump into the new unknown world fully knowing Susie and Noelle will follow
I really like their take on Kris here and I also like how, in the fangame, they're getting more and more control of themselves after talking with Susie and Noelle, they got their eye and started to emote more I love how they took action and just jumped onto Sans, I would've killed him if it wasn't for the lore, going back to kill him tomorrow
They didn't put the soul back on before jumping so I believe we're not controlling Kris for a little part in section 4, or maybe they will talk with us, I'm REALLY looking forward to the next update!
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heartlessdream · 9 months
They looked towards the castletown, their expression blank. It was strange, Kris used to be so emotional when they were younger. But, now they were a shell of their former self. They still played pranks, did piano practice, slept through class, played games, did occult rituals, but it was to distract themselves. To make them forget how alone they felt. Kris was numb to everything that happened in Hometown, everyday was the same as the last with nothing new occuring.
That changed when Susie came, Susie was new, Susie was interesting, Susie knew how to talk back. Kris had always liked Susie, even when she had hated them. The bullying became another aspect of the routine, but it was the part Kris looked forward to the most. They didn’t know Susie, they never knew what she would do at any moment. In a way, Susie was free in Kris’s eyes more free than they ever could be. The rules didn’t apply to her, she was so cool.
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“I never hated you...”
Maybe saying that would make Susie feel worse, but it was the truth. Kris couldn’t hate Susie. Because without Susie, Kris would have remained the same husk they always were. Barely existing, living in the shadow of Asriel. Susie saw Kris as a person, as sad as it sounded she cared about their existence more than most in Hometown did. To her they weren’t simply the strange kid. Susie was strange too! Noelle was as well, but Kris couldn’t bare to be near Noelle too long. It hurt too much, the guilt, the despair, they hated it.
But, that didn't matter right now...they were in the Dark World. They could forget all the bad things in the Light World.
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seirette · 2 years
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Scenario Descriptions, Rambling & Art Notes
Read more about what's happening in the photos, and some technical notes, under the cut!
Original Artwork this is talking about is here.
Winter Notes - You are here. For individual cropped photos, see Ko-Fi Post
Spring - TBA (Maybe if Kofi goal is reached, or if I get bored)
Summer - TBA (Kofi or if I get bored)
I'll update the links once everything is up!
Notes from Twitter
(Selected notes from my Twitter.)
This takes place after the events of the game. Susie, Noelle, Kris and Berdly have all started to change, either an obvious way or not. Change takes time. Sometimes you regress. Or sometimes you remain at a certain stage and that's fine for you. Whatever, that's life.
Not pictured: whenever they all had a fight
I started drawing the image set (4 images) 2 weeks before it was finished, so I didn't get to add the other HomeTown kids as cameos (Jock in Summer, Catti & Tem in Spring, MK and Snowy in Winter). I wanted more scenarios but I just blew up what I had to fill up the canvas more. But the hands in the original image block out so much anyway.
Scenario Descriptions
As some people have noticed, each Lightner has a season assigned to them.
Winter - Noelle
Spring - Susie
Summer - Berdly
Autumn - Kris
I chose Winter for Noelle. I like to imagine she can handle the cold. In the game it says she stands in front of the fridge in Sans' shop often, and she probably likes cool air. I took that at face value. But, in the game, it's Autumn and she wears a sweater-vest like thing. And some people said she might be staring at the fridge in Sans' shop because they print Missing Children on milk cartons (Dess).
At the very least Noelle seems to like the pretty snow things in the Cyber World. It's fun to imagine things about characters, isn't it? It also makes writing very tough.
Anyway, Noelle decided for her part of the trip, she wanted to see a snow festival somewhere outside of HomeTown. Kris and Berdly suggested snowboarding or skiing. Susie agreed to snowboarding (because it's close to Skateboarding...?). I didn't really get to draw a snow festival in the end... oops.
Extra scenarios I wanted to draw:
Ice Sculpture festival. Noelle sees some creatures and thinks about how some of the more artsy sculptures remind her of Cat Petterz 2. There is a Drinks Bar made of ice.
Snowball fight. Susie is defeated immediately purely due to having a larger hitbox. Kris is the smallest and good at dodging (or are they just good at deflecting?). Berdly comes up a bunch of mid-tier tactics, all of them fail but the last one works so he considers himself a winner anyway. Also Snowy and Monster Kid are here too. Snowy's head is a snowflake shape, each 'leaf' is loaded with a snowball each, and they are used like a chain gun/snowball machine gun like RATATATATATA...
Ice skating. Noelle is tries to teach Susie. Kris watches from afar while talking with Monster Kid and Snowy.
Quiet moments in the snow with friends watching the sunset. Just as a reminder I don't ship anything (I only explore friendships). So all the relationships/crushes that are in the game as of Chapter 2 are still intact, I haven't changed that part.
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Photo 1
Do you think Susie and Berdly will become better 'friends' after Deltarune? At least in the timeline where you don't Kill Berdly, anyway. I think they could have some good slapstick moments. Honestly anything involving Berdly is great, unless you hate Berdly.
Anyway in the first photo, Kris, Susie and Berdly have decided to snowboard/ski down from the top of the mountain. Noelle is on a break. Susie is impressed by the scenery. She's with her friends, she's getting better at snow boarding. She's happy. They take a break together to stare at the mountains as the snow falls and melts on their noses. They don't mind the cold.
Kris takes the photo to preserve the moment for Susie. Also because if Berdly and Susie ever have a fight they can all stare at this photo together and remember the good times.
Photo 2
The gang reunite with Noelle at the bottom of the mountain. It was Noelle's idea to take the photo. Noelle also says she 'wants more photos with "everyone else"'. That doesn't happen, because if you look at the background, Berdly has fallen on his arse. They wait for him to travel down the mountainside, just to tell him they caught his epic fall on film.
The stickers on the snowboards don't mean anything - it is rental gear, the rental shop has a lot of duplicates of the same design. The stickers are just for the customers to tell them apart from other customers with the same design... I wanted to put funny numbers like 420...
Photo 3
On another trip down the mountain. It's just a cool shot of Kris. Berdly's about to stack it again. I'm sure Berdly isn't that bad at sports, but he's just not going well today. Despite the protective gear and snow goggles, you'll notice something about his glasses later.
Do you think Susie and Noelle also stacked it on this hill? Do you think Susie kept asking everyone to go up the mountain "one more time" so she could ace this hill? How do you think Berdly felt about having a bad day with Sports?
Clothes Part 1
For the clothes, Kris and Susie are wearing rentals. Originally they were both going to be wearing red. But I thought Kris wearing blue like their Dark World outfit was nice. I was thinking of giving Kris a custom outfit but I thought "Kris has some money after Deltarune but not THAT much money, so I'll give them a rental outfit". Actually none of these kids should have the money for 4 trips in a single year, OR a sabbatical, but I decided to stop thinking about that because I just want to see blorbos enjoying themselves.
Also I had to give SOMEONE overalls, so Berdly gets his custom bought overalls with a green neck warmer. Even though snowboarding looks cooler, he chooses to ski this trip. Noelle is also skiing. They're the
Super-Elegant Skiing Duo of HomeTown High
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Photo 4 & Photo 5
Berdly's glasses are botched. I wonder what happened? Don't you think it's a good metaphor for something? You should think about what it means to you, because I can't do that for you.
Anyway, what's Kris doing? Sometimes you banter with Berdly, sometimes you help him build his dream body in a snowman. Originally the beak was going to be broken, and the whole statue was botched, with Kris snickering at Berdly.
But I decided Kris is so tired from snowboarding the previous day that they've decided to just chill out the day this photo was taken.
Susie snuck away past the trees. She misses Lancer. Kris and Noelle find her and insist on take a photo next to her masterpiece.
Photo 6
Noelle - food pic! It's not a very interesting food item, though. Some gimmicky food cart selling shaved ice with dark colored sprinkles that look like the hairy mountain behind them.
It's actually seaweed sprinkles. Kris eats moss in the Dark World, but they're not sure how they feel about seaweed on shaved ice. There's other syrup flavors in the cup too. It just tastes like an average savory-flavored sweet.
Susie was starting to feel cold, so Noelle and Kris gave her a beanie. But Susie loses the beanie somehow, shortly afterward. Susie, running low on cash, asks if she can share with Berdly. Once purchased, Noelle sees them sharing the shaved ice and wishes she offered to share first.Kris regrets buying a whole serving at all.
Clothes Part 2
Berdly: He gets surprisingly neutral clothes. Also I thought earmuffs would match the ear things he has in the Dark World. Also a bird needing earmuffs but the human not wearing them is hilarious to me.
Kris: I like it when people paint Kris' Dark World scarf as a pink scarf with purple shading, or vice-versa. But it wasn't obvious enough so I just went for the other fandom interpretation of "stripy scarf". By the way, I think it would be REALLY COOL if the scarf was actually a sweater. Like, when you take off the sweater but you didn't actually take it off completely, so it's just stuck around your neck. Anyway that's why Kris has a Stripy scarf and grey mitts. I also took some time to think about what would look 'gender'. But I'm no good at fashion. I'm going f*cking insane over Kris Dreemurr.
Susie is wearing the same pants here, but she has thermal wear underneath. She just gets the cheapest warmest jacket possible (the type that old people all seem to wear).
Noelle (see below): I'll talk about it more in the Spring Anniversary image, but I have a hard time thinking about what kind of clothes Noelle would pick. Like, in the game, is she wearing clothes that her mom picked for her? Anyway she's wearing a skirt and turtleneck here. She wears the same skirt in Spring.
Overall I wanted to give them all neutral/normal looking clothing.
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Photo 7 & Photo 8
Last part of the trip. They have dinner at some place that gets lots of pictures and reviews on social media. Also, I was going to draw them drinking mulled wine. I have always heard of stories of people going on ski trips and drinking mulled wine at a random house. I've never drunken mulled wine. But the imagery of being red faced and merry in the snow seems very warm to me.
I decided not to draw them drinking alcohol because if it turns out any of these Lightners have bad experiences/memories of it, I'd be pretty sad... By the way, in Australia you can legally start to drink alcohol at 18. Please consume alcohol safely. Anyway, now the Lightners are just waiting for food in this picture
The cat and rabbit in the background are dating.
Photo 9 (not pictured in above image, scroll to top)
The main picture is the last photo of the trip. Noelle's expression seems flustered, doesn't it? Originally Noelle was going to be tipsy and "OH SUSIE YOU CAN'T LET MY MOM SEE THIS PHOTO" but I changed my mind with the alcohol. Now she's happy Susie's taking a photo, but also been caught off-guard. Okay but she's holding a cup, she could totally be having a sippy. The reality is that I drew this picture but I still don't know. I'll let you decide.
By the way, just to let you know, Berdly is doing most of the driving in these trips. Kris can drive a little but isn't able to drive internationally yet. I don't know about Susie and Noelle (I don't think Susie could have afforded the lessons, but I do like the idea of Susie driving Kris around in college due to REASONS). If it turns out I'm totally wrong... whatever, I don't care, it's not shown in these images anyway so you can assume they took public transport.
I think the most "drama" is in the Spring set of images.
Art Notes
First off let's look at the thumbnails.
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My handwriting is passable here. Usually it looks like squiggles. The main ideas are pretty much the same, but you can see that I changed Susie's hairstyle back to her default hair style. Also Kris was originally laughing at Berdly's broken snowman.
Most of these thumbnails (background photos) were drawn in Cartoon/comic style - to save time... more on that later.
Row 1 (see below): For the main image, I drew 2-3 passes (Thumbnail, rough sketch, maybe extra for clothes, then line art). Berdly looked awful at first so I redrew him a few times. Actually I'm not so happy with Susie's snoot but since this was the first canvas, I was worried about time and didn't want to deal with her snoot blocking out Noelle, and I wanted Susie's face to still be in frame... so I left it.
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Row 2: Left - without color filters, Right - with filters. (It might not look that different... oops)
Since I use grisaille, it's kind of like shading with black... nothing wrong with that if you want that look, but if I want the colors to pop more, I add a gradient map...
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Row 3: Nothing special. Just two layers of gradient maps... I literally just downloaded whatever the popular gradient map packs were, flicked through a bunch and picked what I liked. The first one is set to overlay, the second one the instructions in Japanese roughly says "Set this gradient map to ~20% Color" so that's why I've set the layer to those settings.
Row 4: Left most Susie - this is the original painted image with the color gradient maps, before Tone Curve and Level Correction.
I wanted to imitate the coloring in photos. The polaroid photos I've seen, the first thing I think of is "Flash was used so all the highlights are blown out", and that the black shadow areas are never #FFFFFF amount of dark... so that's why, in the Tone Curve, I lifted the leftmost (axis at 0) up a notch. Anyway you can see the effect is lower contrast by a bit. Instead of using a Tone Curve you can also just use some layer effects (e.g., Exclusion layer blend mode or whatever). It doesn't really matter just do whatever you feel like doing, I can't stop you.
The next step I added Level correction (just to play around, honestly). Actually this added back some contrast. Whatever, I just did what looked nice...
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Row 5: This is the layer composition.
Characters (By the way Berdly looks great without glasses).
Lights (1 layer of boxes of random colors, then I duplicated, blurred, and set to glow/light blend modes)
Trees with snow clumps
Smog (used some smoke/cloud brush set for this)
Main background flats
When I do paintings like this, the characters are always painted in grisaille. I have a few posts with WIPs on this blog showing grisaille stuff, but anyway I'll talk about it in the Spring Anniversary image details. If you want to see that, and also what the hell is going on in the Spring photos, you can donate to my Kofi to reach the goal.......
A nice thing to note about the Anniversary artwork as a whole is that the characters are mostly close to the camera, so I can just wing the background (i.e., I don't have to draw buildings or architecture TOO detailed). This is great because I was in a rush!
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For the remaining images, I knew they were going to be blurred. So I just drew the characters in cartoon comic style that I use. This means for the characters I can just grab the palette I already have (don't have to spend any time picking colors).
The backgrounds were still (roughly) painted.
Row 6: Some images without the filters and layer effects. You can see the characters don't fit well into the background without them...!
Row 7 (Left): Polaroid layers
Polaroid Frame
Multiply - shadow layer of the Polaroid frame
Background - I just winged this
Set - Lineart and flats.
Multiply layer - shadows for the Set above. I have 2 shadow colors which are just light and dark purple (you can see my palette in Row 6).
Row 7 (Right): Photo layers - not much to say here, same as previous, just a more background oriented photo...
Details I really wanted to add but skipped them due to time shortage:
Extra lighting (highlights)
Blurring items (e.g., far away background images, whatever is 'not in focus, and so on...)
Drawing other Lightner characters into the scenarios!
Fixing wonky anatomy (even the 'chibi' anatomy)
I think I wrote too much. If you got this far, thanks for reading so much :)
Also if anything I make (comics, etc) makes you happy feel free to tip me/buy me a coffee 😊
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deltaruminations · 2 years
i didn’t want to keep reblogging that ch.1 game over post over and over so here are some more comments from other users that i thought were really cool and wanted to share/expand on
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Gaster knowing personally of Chara when they died is something i hadn't really considered in any depth and it's SO interesting and i can't stop thinking about it now
my current (admittedly convoluted) line of thinking is that G originated in the Deltarune universe, and his strong desire to un-doom its timeline is motivated in part because it's his home and he feels a sense of duty (maybe because of past actions) to the people in it -- especially the kids, maybe kris in particular (again, for any number of possible Reasons). i think Egg as a symbol of young, vulnerable life being given out to teenagers represents a gesture of nurturing (even if a very weird/unsettling one from the recipient's POV lol), and when we consider the repeated references to eggs not hatching...
so from there, if we hold that G hopped over to UT at some point (maybe with the "followers"? maybe to flee the Roaring?), and was royal scientist when chara was still alive... holy shit dude.
given just the sheer similarities between kris & chara (and especially if we believe kris & chara to be instances of the same character "model"), the idea that he was able to see kris alive "again" in some form before having to experience their terrible death and the fall of "darkness" a second time... i could see that driving him to a point where he might just feel like he has nothing left to lose, you know?
idk there’s so much i’d like to say but i feel like i’m veering a little too far into speculative fanfic territory whenever i start getting into it. but imo the G/chara parallels definitely seem to be there thematically and i think there’s potential for narrative significance to it as well (is G maybe taking extra interest in Kris in Deltarune the game in part due to what he saw happen to chara in undertale, and/or his particular sympathy for chara because of how his own well-meaning past choices led to harm like theirs did, and/or how his own inaction/indecision in the Undertale universe factored into them making their big mistakes in the first place? is anything about that ethically fraught from kris deltarune’s POV???)
@abandoned-quiche & @torchiiko
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one of the things i find so interesting is that he doesn't just say they're wonderful — those statements are among the very few times he ever breaks from his "script." they’re among the only moments of spontaneity we see from him in the whole introduction sequence.
if you pick someone else’s name, even "sans" or "papyrus" or "asgore" or "gerson," he just says HM WHAT A COWINKYDINK. and if you give one of the kids’ names to the vessel alone, he responds similarly neutrally, as if he knows that because you’re giving that name to the "character," you already have some amount of meta knowledge and therefore have already "met" them as a character. he even said on twitter that he knew we were looking for him — he knows we’ve played undertale, and that might be why he’s seeking us out in the first place.
possible masking for personal reasons aside, if we consider that we’re participants in a "survey" or test case, that kind of neutrality is both polite & professional and necessary. whatever biases he personally has, he needs to minimize his betrayal of them, because that could influence the behavior he seems to be attempting to study. and if he’s aware of our (from his POV) tremendous metaphysical power and knowledge, then i think he might be just as skeptical of us as we are of him.
and yet, if you give yourself one of the main lightner kids’ names, he seemingly assumes it really is a coincidence and he just completely breaks. he is so excited for you to meet Kris, Noelle, and Susie for what he thinks is the first time that he can’t stop himself from telling us how very, very wonderful he thinks they are. it’s like he pauses from taking a note, looks up from his clipboard, and says, "NOELLE, YOU SAY. I HAPPEN TO KNOW OF A NOELLE MYSELF." he doesn’t just like these kids, he likes them so much that despite his best efforts he just can’t hide it.
the only other seemingly spontaneous moments occur when we give ourselves his name (discussed below) or when we give the vessel and creator identical names ("OF COURSE OF COURSE. OF COURSE THEY ARE THE SAME.").
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YES the name thing is something i’ve been thinking about a lot too.
to explain that more for anyone who’s unfamiliar: in the intro/"GONERMAKER," G ends the survey session as soon as the last letter of his name ("GASTER") is typed. he doesn’t wait for you to submit it, and he doesn’t ask you to change it to something else, he fully just takes the player out of the session. as soon as he sees his full name, he removes you (and, it’s worth noting, himself) from the situation.
this could be taken many ways, but i definitely think "startled" is accurate regardless of anything else. beyond that, it could be skepticism wrt your meta knowledge of him, as discussed before, but we’ve also established that he knows we likely know who he is. he knows we were looking for him. i also don’t think such spontaneity and haste would be expected to follow from skepticism, frustration, or fatigue alone.
PERSONALLY i believe that confronting his own name brings up deep discomfort for him (for, again, whatever Reasons). just seeing it causes him to panic. it causes him to break beyond affection for certain kids and even grief/disappointment after a game over. whatever it stirs in him makes him feel so exposed that he can’t even allow us to be present for it. note that while he doesn’t return us to menu/title after dying, he does that exact thing in response to seeing his name.
maybe interesting to note, "WINGDINGS" and the like don’t cause any particular reaction. it’s just "GASTER" that sets him off.
the survey sequence in general is very very interesting. why does G even give us a character creator in the first place? i know everyone’s already talked about "choices don’t matter" with the discarding from a thematic perspective but could there be narrative/characterization potentials as well? if G’s trying to help the player, his collaborator & participant, feel comfortable, what does the offer of a customized "vessel" say about what he values, what makes him feel comfortable or uneasy?
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teammateswap-au · 10 months
ermm Idk if others already asked but in that Susie backstory thingie about being bullied by berdly, berdly doesn't have a neck covering in reflection. Is berdly covering his neck resulted from her?
Aghh Sorry if people already asked about it, if it isn't; is there a different reason berdly likes sweaters and collars, like it's a gift or something? Or he just likes them cause it looks kinda edgy‼️ur au is very cool!!!
Nope! Though I didn’t really draw it well (trust me i tried), Susie is grabbing Berdly by the shirt collar which is why you can’t see his choker! (and also i….. may have forgotten to draw it because the shirt was covering his neck so that’s also possible LOL) Plus (spoiler alert) Susie has never harmed and will never harm Berdly to the point where he’s bruised or scarred. (She hasn’t done that to anyone aside from maybe kris when they were play fighting as kids)
And yeah he pretty much wears chokers because it makes him look edgy!!
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mrchaosman · 2 months
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????: Sup, fools.
Susie: Who the hell are you?.
????: Well, I'm known as Creative Evil Empirical Prideful Amazing Brand overall Tyrant.
You babies can call me.....
(Take a bite of the apple).
Creepa-bot (or creepa for short).
Susie: Like Hell we Gonna you that, Creative.......Empirical........
(More monitors with "Creepa" written on it).
Creepa: Creepa, remember that name well.
Susie: well, look "Creepa"
We are not babies.
Creepa: Teenagers are technically a babies but a bit intelligent (and Adults are even more intelligent Babies)
(Two monitors appears, one has "IDIOT" written in the screen and other has "LARGE IDIOT" written in the screen).
Susie: ......... isn't that make a baby too?.
Creepa: Hell Nah, I'm a computer (VERY SMART AND HANDSOME).
Susie:....Wait, WHAT?.
Creepa (flies away): Well, That's Cool and All but I have to go now (goodnight kids).
Susie: Wait, WAIT, Why'd You Captured Noelle?.
Creepa (returns to where he appeared): I also planned to capture you too but I ran out of cages (damn, that's sucks).
Susie: Angry, Why the CAPTURING-.
Creepa: so she become my loyal peon.
For my Plan to Taking Over The World.
Also, I might make her a "Creepafied".
Susie: WHAT, WHY???.
Creepa: Sounds cool.
Susie: well, Forgot it, Man.
No one is gonna turn anyone into a weird-looking robot.
Creepa: That Sound like a good peaceful way.
Susie: HUH??..
Creepa: Wanna a battle, Fatass?.
Creepa (flies away once again): ok, Goodbye.
Creepa: Sorry, I don't have time for that (I was about to kick Your Ass).
But maybe I have some guys who can play with you.
(The mind-control devices floating above two NPCs before taking over them).
(Battle begins).
Creepa: Have fun (Bye).
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Creepa: alright, Noelle, do you accept to be my faithful loyal peon?.
If you do, I'll free you.
Just press the correct answer button.
Noelle: I... I'm Scared.
Creepa: Did You even log in a form like this before (OMG XD).
Noelle: No, it's everything else that's scary.
Creepa: Please fill this list out of the following emotions.
I already told you that being a Peon is really AWSAOME.
Susie: Noelle.
Noelle: S... Susie!?.... Kris!?.
Susie: Don't Worry, We won't let you become robotfied.
Susie: Whoops, though. Uh, You Already know that.
Creepa: Well look at this, You Just Ruined the surprise.
Well Then.
(A rotor appears above the cage and flies away, taking Noelle with it).
Susie: W-Wait---!!.
Creepa: What a mess.
The peon must be "willing" to guide in the World Domination.
If only she had a fellow Peons to encourage her.
Creepa: So, You "fellas"
Are you like.
Doing anything now?.
Ralsei: We aren't going to help you.
Creepa: Understood (activating mind-changing protocols).
(A butler falls from the sky with a plate in his hand, he pulls the cover and reveals a giant game console and then leaves).
Susie: a giant game console.
Creepa: I decided to humiliating you in a simple Children's way.
With some striking to your ego.
And then, there will be no way but to Serve me (and only me).
Susie: The Hell?!?!, I never played one of these before.
Ralsei: But Kris is quite good at games.
Susie: oh yeah, Kris, Forgot you were a Nerd, show him.
(You tried to use the console, but you are not tall or strong enough to use the controller).
Creepa: Ego Striking complete.
Activating Laughing mode.
Ralsei: Uh... ummm... it's ok, kris... err... I'm short, too.
K... kris...!! Wait, I have an idea!.
Kris, if we combine our powers, then...
Look, I'll show what I've been participating.
(A light)
Ralsei: Magical Stool forme R.
Susie: now we're talking.
Alright Kris, Leave it to me.
Put your arms out.
Power Beast Forme S.
Move your arms and I'll move 'Em with You.
Let's go.
(Susie jumps at Ralsei).
Creepa: amazing, your transformation is only left your Weak Points out.
Ego Striking Efficiency 600% and rising.
Activating Virtual Battle.
(After the virtual battle, the game console got destroyed).
Sueie: heh, though you could defeat us?.
Creepa: [robotic evil laugh].
Oh boy that was totally... amazing.
You Earthling(s) are powerful than I expected.
And for this, I'll offer you with a new good and easy-for-babies contract.
Sign in to my Digital-Army.
And there is only a fifty percent chance that I'll resprite you up.
Please pick your answer:
Perish in the pixel doomsday.
Accept me as the new leader (sexyman) to your world as well as Accepting the new regin.
(Perish accept).
(Perish❤️ accept).
Susie: (... The Hell did you say that so enthusiastically).
Ralsei: err. Creepa... aren't there any other options?.
Creepa: OF course, there is: Super-Perish.
Susie: yeah. Um, no perishing... bites.
Creepa: You can say it: Super-Bytes.
Susie: Would You get out of here already!?!?!?.
Creepa: got jt: set all settings to "Perish".
(Creepa leaves).
Susie: c'mon, let's go after him.
(After completing the "Accept2All" puzzle).
Creepa: You Just Typed: Accept 2 All.
And Thanks for agreeing 2 this peon release form.
With that being said: are three are officially my minions.
And I can use your likeness for cool sprites.
Susie: and what if we just...don't do what do you say?.
Creepa: in that situation, I'll have no choice but....
Use another guy I guess.
Susie: Uh. Better get started on that then.
Creepa: ok but I'll still going to use your Likeness.
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(The water roller thing idk).
Creepa: That’s end of the line, funny babies.
I been acting very nice that far but now it it time for:
Your awful impression (capture).
Drop the cages.
Ralsei: ...err. you missed.
Creepa: That isn't a miss it was a cyber calibration.
Susie:.. so, Uh, are you gonna try it again?.
Creepa: Nah I only have like 4 cages.
OK wait.
For I have a this little plot twist for you.
(Noelle came).
Noelle: u... um... s-sorry, I just couldn't say no.
Susie: Noelle!?!?.
Noelle: H... Hi, Susie. Umm, how are you?.
Susie: umm, okay, I guess?.
Noelle: your... um... roller coaster is, um... I like it.
Susie: uhh... Yours too?
Noelle: Th... Thanks.
Creepa: Welp that's useless, bring in the other one.
(Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Fear not, My Beloved Noelle.
This valiant warrior of brave intelligence.
Will be your knight in the glow in the dark armor.
Susie: Berdly, You Asked BERDLY to be in your team!?!?.
Creepa: nope i didn't.
Berdly: That’s LORD Berdly to you simpletons.
And soon... SUPER Lord Berdly.
Susie:... the hell does that mean?.
Creepa: I have no idea just play along y'all.
Berdly: You See, thanks to our POWERFUL King...
We... Will soon rule the WORLD.
and Turn this land of fools... into smartopia.
A true scientocracy, where the geniuses of the world, can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia.
No Longer held back by Protozoans like YOU.
And the key to that? Is US. Noelle and I.
Our Power... the "Light Nerd's" power...
Ralsei: You mean... "Lightners?"
Berdly: Um No. Creepa said "Light Nerds"
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Ralsei: Berdly, Creepa's just manipulating you.
Berdly: Heh... that's what he SAID you'd say to me
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Berdly: Now kris.
I must admit l, I feel pity for you.
Unlike Susie, I always saw some potential in you.
Join our side, and I might let you scrub our royal toilet.
(Do Not join).
Berdly: ah, kris. I suppose I knew you would never amount to much.
Well, if You're dead-set on proving your inferiority...
(Pulls his weapon).
Berdly: Allow me to assist you.
(Fight begins).
(After the fight).
Berdly: w-what...?
My coaster, it's...!
Wh... what!? That's not fair.
M... my king... save me...!!!
Creepa: just in a second, bud.
Hello guys, I have a massive update.
You see.
This roller coaster you in it Right now.
It's not totally.
"Completed" yet.
Creepa: "Suffering"
(Creepa laugh and flies away as the roller coaster are about to fall).
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Noelle: K-Kris!! What are you---
Creepa: ohhh Nooeeeeeeeellle.
Noelle: (Don't let him find me...).
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Did ya forget that we are (officially) are team?.
And still have to be my willing and (official) minion.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa:... kris.
Been spotted.
It seems to me that our teammates have dodged on us
... so I see that it has came into this...
In order to find our team(inions)...
We have to form (unofficial) truce...
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Creepa, my greatest king, where are you??.
Creepa: oh crap don't let him find me
(Turns himself into a box near to Noelle).
Berdly: ah. Kris... not the being I was looking for.
... hmm? Where's the rest of the C+ Squad?
Don't yell me you got abandoned!?, HA.
HAHA!! That's what you get for trusting Susie, HA.
H... huh?, Noelle? Creepa?.
They're just... busy retro gaming somewhere!!.
I bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen.
Listening to strangely groovy music!! HAHA, HA, HA.
So it come to this.
In order to find our respective teams...
we must form an uneasy truce...
Creepa What... The
Who the (Whoops) said you could double trucies?
Berdly: HUH?, did you hear something?.
Creepa: No No don't worry, that's just aahhhhhh...
The sounds from the city.
Berdly: oh okay.
Hmph. Well I'll be ahead. Don't be LATE.
(Berdly leaves).
(Creepa returns to his original appearance).
Creepa: Kris as a part of our truce (you and I just).
Keep Berdly out of our sight and find Noelle.
For you see...
Berdly... He's...
Alright there's no problems with him other than he just annoying as hell.
(Creepa leaves).
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Creepa (drunk): oh.
You arrived.
I'm sorry kris while I've been looking for Noelle.
I eat like 4 of those weird funny apples.
They are made out of JPNG.
(Laughing and throw the apple).
Don't worry about that, it was safe-to-throw apple.
Look kris.
(The entity spotted got applesauce).
And now, that we are trucies, I start feeling that we both are quite the same.
(Crazy mode activating).
(Creepa held Kris from their head and they are upside down).
Creepa: You got that kris.
You don't have something so ridiculous as "having an opinions".
Or yelling while I kick Your Ass.
Or telling me some stupid-Ass plans for a "smartboys"-themed city and reality.
why everyone else is so... Sad.
(Throws another, however this explodes).
Creepa: Sorry, I forgot this one is my BLOWING APPLE.
All I want is to make everyone happy.
Even if that means i have to destroy everything in my way to accomplish it.
Isn't that bad?.
It's fine.
No Need to Answer.
You'll answer incorrectly anyway.
But hey Kris... while we're still trucies.
Probably we can sort it out?.
(Another game console fall appears, this one is smaller).
By PLAYING it Out.
Isn't that... cool, Kris?.
Just You and me.
Playing just like brothers (in a neutral way for you).
And best of it: No one can interrupt this (...hopefully).
(Suddenly, a golden statue of Berdly and Creepa's statue looks so small next to it).
(Berdly falls from the sky).
Berdly: King Creepa, I've been looking everywhere to show you this.
A monument to our greatness... together.
Creepa (confused): Wow.
Um, that, wow, ah, what, hahah, ohh, hehe, mhh..
How I can put it straight.
It looks very...
So amazing and great you are.
I love it so much.
Berdly; HAHA, I KNEW you'd be enamored. Such perfect taste.
Creepa: Yeah, they are cool.
As I know, specie(s) like don't have... nipples.
Berdly: haha... I will SOON...
Kris, Feel free to admire our artisanship.
Creepa and I have plans to consider.
Creepa: Yup, that so awesome, I can't wait for it (what the hell am I doing with my life now, bro?).
It's Time go, Buttly.
(Berdly leaves).
Creepa: Keep moving I have to do something... alone (without you you little stinkass).
(Creepa backs to kris).
Creepa: I'm sorry about that, I must plan the hell out of here.
(Creepa leaves, as there is someone wearing a bucket on their head with a funny drawing on it).
Creepa: Cool face.
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Noelle: (Oh No, Here he comes...)
Creepa: Noelle, please come back home, I have made a delicious PNG Cake.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa: OH, Kris, nice.
(Throw the cake to the ground).
Now kris, did you seen--.
Berdly: My great Crrrreeeeeeeeeeppaa.
Creepa: OH hell no.
Everyone, get into the Creepamobile.
(They got into the car).
Berdly: King Creepa, where did you go??.
I have baked you a gamer's delight.
Hmm... he's not here...
(Berdly leaves)
(Everyone get outside of the car).
Creepa: phew, that one was close.
Hey kris.
Who is the fella behind you?.
My identifying systems dose not able to identify them.
...and yet.
There is something about them that fells
Creepatic Even.
Noelle: (...).
Creepa: Kris, we have to drive find Noelle.
Everyone, get in the Creepamobile.
Creepa: ok, kris, press directions to steer.
But watch out, we don't want hit any cars, don't we?.
(You hit a car).
Creepa: Y'know what?, suck it, hit 'Em all.
So much fun, right kris.
You lightners love traffic, don't you.
You look it up all the time.
Unfortunately for Noelle, She'll love hitting all these cars.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm, Actually, I... she, um, might not, um...
Kris, catch the apple.
(You catched the apple).
Creepa: Vitamin.
Wait, what, stop the car.
Holy (Whoops) it's so much traffic for today.
It's seems that Dog/cat thing has back selling the flakes on road again.
Kris, be a good child and go press the walk button.
It's over the the other side of the road.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm... I'll go, too...
Creepa: No, You gonna stay here...
Noelle (in Disguise): !?.
Creepa: So we can listen to all my CDs.
Noelle: o-okay.
(Kris... hurry up, please...).
(Here is the part where we met everyone's most wasted [[silly dude who makes fantracks and Arts since 1998]]
I'll link it here, so you guys can read both of Creepa's Saga and Scamcair's Saga).
(Anyway, after Scamcair's first encounter and Fight).
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Creepa: Come in.
(You got into the car).
Creepa: Kris, Remember, we HAVE to find Noelle.
(Creepa's signal activating).
(A signal that looks like Creepa's face appeared on the sky).
Creepa: When she see THE CREEPA SIGNAL, She'll came here, sooner or later.
Noelle (in Disguise): W... why do you... need to find Noelle so badly?.
Creepa: What are you even talking about?, this city is dangerous.
Poor, alone in the dark, and very scared and confused.
And suffering from the lack of vitamin.
Noelle (in Disguise): y... you're actually worried about her?.
Creepa: why do you think I'm wasting my time to find her.
Noelle (in Disguise):...
B... but why her?.
Wait, let me guess... is it because...
She's weak enough to make into your peon?.
Creepa: (audience laughs) Nah.
It's completely the opposite.
Because she's damn strong.
Noelle (in Disguise): h... huh? What do you--
Creepa: kris, can you please stop the car?.
Noelle (in Disguise): what's... wrong with it?.
Creepa: Phew.
One more minute and we three will be a dead-bytes (ohhhhhh spooky).
It seems that we have we have to split again...
On foot...
No more cool Creepamobile (crying).
Kris, just for reminder, if you saw Noelle
Tell her my ratings of her dancing in ballet is total.
Ohh, and if she asked for evidence.
Use this.
(Creepa's CDplayer was thrown to your KEY ITEMS).
Creepa: See ya.
(Creepa leaves)
(Later, in the carnival).
Noelle: O-oh no, he's coming back this way.
I'll hide in that stall.
Creepa hey you.
Yeah you.
Look at this.
(Throws the ball at the pens, causing them to explodes).
Creepa: Epic, right?.
And now, where is my hard-earned prize.
Noelle (in Disguise): oh! Um...
(Giving Creepa a prize).
Creepa: Nice (hopefully it's a pony).
(Before he leaves).
Wait a sac, I actually don't it.
(Creepa give it to kris and then leaves).
(After the gang goes to Creepa's Mansion).
Creepa: Kris, I can't believe it, you brought Noelle right in front of me.
I knew that our trucies was good.
But I'm sorry kris, you found your teammates and mine, that means that our truce is over.
Noelle, come over here, NOW.
Noelle: but I... I...
Creepa: Noelle, I'll say this one time (for infinity)
Get back here Get back here Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here.
Noelle: I... I...
Creepa: are you for real?.
I guess I have no other choice.
How about if you didn't listen to me.
A little lonely bird will take a shower in the lava.
Noelle: b... Berdly.
(That’s right, he was just with us...).
(Creepa must have Captured him while are not looking...).
(I... I'm sorry kris, Susie... I...).
(I wish I could have stayed with you but...)
(I... I can't let Berdly gets hurt, Y'know?).
Creepa: aww, don't be sad, Noelle
For the remaining parts is the final step.
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: the amazing Creepa, there you are.
Sorry, I thought I saw in a used game store.
Oh, Noelle, Are you okay?, you look a little funny.
Creepa: Plan B activate.
(A cage appears and captures Noelle and Flies away).
Berdly: h-huh?.
What are you doing!?.
Creepa: I saw how her will must be released by force.
Maybe by making her a Creepafied...?.
Berdly: B-but... you said you wouldn't do that if I...
Creepa: Lie detection is off.
Berdly: We were going to be smart together!!! That's not fair!!!.
Creepa: you want something fair?
Then have it your way.
(Three cages appears and captures Berdly, Susie and Kris).
Susie: H-HEY.
Creepa: Good thing that I have fully updated these cages.
Berdly: You... you said I could trust you.
You said that you were a gamer.
Creepa: Berdly.
Did You know that I hates games?.
Creepa: one of you buffoons is gonna help me in my Plan and it's gonna be Noelle.
And the rest of you.
Go to your rooms.
(The camera then points at Ralsei as Creepa victoriously laugh).
Ralsei: wh... what are you going to do with me?.
(Creepa realise that he didn't capture Ralsei).
Creepa: ohh (Whoops)
And you are here... still.
I only have like 4 cages bro.
I totally didn't know that.
(In the top).
Susie: Here he is.
Creepa, STOP right there.
Creepa: Cool, my not-too-much-favourite babies.
Just in time to witness my new regin.
And with Noelle under my control.
This is only a matter of time before Turns this world
And release her true power.
Covering the whole world with darkness.
Susie: Too late dumbass.
Noelle's with Berdly.
Creepa: Ohh really?.
Then who is that?.
(Berdly falls from the sky, this time with a bucket on his head).
Ralsei: b... Berdly?! But he's been...
Creepa: With Noelle.
After I discovered about the bucket mask thing, I decided to "update" it a bit to my advantage.
Making them from just a Disguise to a mind-controlling devices.
Now everyone can enjoy watching this.
(Evil laugh mode activating).
Susie: Wait, then... where is Noelle?!.
(Evil laugh mode overdrive).
I don't know (I know everything).
(The fun gang pulls their weapons)
Susie: enough already.
Creepa: Ohh boy.
To be honest, I liked you three.
It's gonna be a shame to force you to Serve me.
I'll enjoy it to the last.
(Creepa laugh).
(Battle starts).
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krispdreemurr · 2 years
re the kris and susie thing yeah i absolutely think susie was projecting Something and maybe is jealous of kris being close w toriel or something? i dunno. and kris instead of being scared was like “good” at susie saying they’d disappear and toriel would realize how much better she is without them, which. naturally wouldn’t be what susie wanted
i don’t think it’s ooc or anything, from the start of the game we know susie yes Was A Bully and has threatened kris like this before. i think instead it’s a good testament to how much of a persona that was she was playing into since in game it’s only been two days and she’s already besties with kris
(also, noelle mentioning kris’ gamer skills was fucking hilarious i love this kid so much)
yeah it's mostly just... ch1 susie is a bully but she's like. it's all physical threats or direct observations on things that are happening right then. the only time toriel comes up it's bc she feels bad bc toriel loves kris. her going for the guts on such a like... personal thing is what was sort of new and kind of. threw a wrench for me into like "susie was a bark and no bite bully who kris already thought was cool"
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acaciapines · 5 months
i have nothing smart to say about it I just started thinking about frisk and kris as siblings and got REALLY EMOTIONAL???? idk
just. I’m literally so obsessed w this idea okay dess is The Worst Mother like she never wanted to be a parental figure!! she just wants to be the cool older sister but it turns out when you accidentally sort of kidnap a six year old and you’re the only adult in their life and they already idolize you some relationships start to form.
just. one sided parent-child relationship <3 chara is 100% a parent to kris bc xe knows kris has nobody else and chooses to take it on but it still is really really awful for kris to realize that this person who took you with them, this person you look up to so dearly, never actually wanted you the way you want them. and then meanwhile knowing that chara DID step up, and dess never will.
(tbf dess has a lot of complex stuff going on TOO, right now I’m just way focused on the kids lol)
also the noelle/susie/ralsei polycule but that’s another post just know that of COURSE this fic will have a really really fun ralsei plot and noelle plot and prophecy plot and susie will of course be the best EVER.
it’s. it’s about a prophecy that is about a human a monster and a prince from the dark. but you have two monsters and ralsei struggling w her identity and not wanting to give up her very first friends but needing the prophecy to come through and noelle isn’t supposed to be a part of that but she can’t hurt noelle and maybe this red soul isn’t making her feel good but surely if it’s the human and she can just make everything WORK, everything how it needs to be—
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toothzome · 2 years
The Elements and the Fun Gang
I've had a theory/speculation for a while: that the fun gang all have ties to a certain element. Not anything like "element 6" or anything coded like that, but the elements of earth.
I believe this, for one, because it is an interesting way to look at their magic/predictions for future events. Knowing how they interact with each other during fights based on the elements provides a guideline for how any future fights should play out. For two, it's also a helpful way to look into their characters outside of that, like how their personalities are shaped.
Starting off, Susie is the element of fire. She's bold, hot-headed, and even incorporates fire into attacks in-canon. Her design is based on a lizard--possibly a dragon with her thoughts of "Susiezila." Fire suits her perfectly. Though the emblems of anger have been down since her introduction; now replaced with the flame of determination.
Ralsei would then embody earth. It's hard to imagine it, with his nervous shtick, stuttering, and overall hesitance to do much of anything (even if he is slowly gaining confidence), but we can see through a lot of his physical traits (his earthly tones, his general down-to-earth personality, the fact that he has healing powers which are historically generated with earth and nature) that he is earth. He is the grounding force of the fun gang, the one that reminded them of their mission in CH1, the goat (an animal associated with grass and dirt), the prince who gave them their mission in the first place. It's interesting to wonder how he'll change as he gains more confidence. In the future, we may see Ralsei transform from a grounded hero into a full-on rock-like force of good.
Of all the elements, Kris best fits water. I originally considered if they fit earth, until I remembered more about them. Their association with adaptability, their overall relaxed nature, the scene with the sink in CH2, the fact that their skin turns ocean blue in the dark world--it all led me to believe that Kris fit water the best. Their emotions, while default stoic and calm, can shift depending on the situation, as water changes form, shape, and flow depending on force. Kris is water; a calm element that can rapidly transform given trouble.
Finally, it makes the most sense for Berdly to be air. It may not seem fitting for his "nerd" personality, but then one has to remember that it was an air he put on. A front. The truth is that, for lack of better words, Berdly is an airhead. He's a kid whose head is inflated with the idea that he's the smartest, he uses wind/tornadoes for his attacks, and he's a bird! The sky, flight, and general association with air comes naturally to him.
In addition, Noelle is ice. That is unmistakable. It's important to note that ice is another form of water, explaining why Kris and Noelle get along so much. Susie clashed with Kris at first, before becoming friends with them. As we see from CH2 she's even become calmer from being around them. It's water cooling down fire. Ralsei is close to both Susie and Kris because he meets them in the middle ground (literally) as the element of earth. He can withstand all the elements. Berdly initially clashed with Susie and Kris because of his stature as air; a force that can disrupt both water and fire. It further explains why he got along with Noelle so well; her bearer of ice prevented her from being too disrupted by Berdly's wind. Noelle finds herself loosened up around Susie, her confidence having rubbed off on her; fire melting away the tensions of ice.
It's very interesting what this may mean in the context of future conflicts. Perhaps Kris, after Snowgrave, will begin to embody ice more? Maybe Ralsei representing earth is foreshadowing a future of stone for all the darkners? All I have is the "element theory" for now, I don't want it to be a harbinger of bad <:0
Tl;dr: each of the fun gang represents one of the 4 elements. Susie is fire, Ralsei is earth, Kris is water, and Berdly is air. Noelle is a variation of water, being ice. This outlook helps understand their personality, their interactions with each other, and why they clashed in the past. It also gives a bigger scope on their magic/fights.
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When Susie made the ... implication ... that her and them were making out, Kris's imagination started to run wild. And now it was nearly three in the morning, and they, still, were stuck on thoughts of Susie.
Of them going on dates with her.
Of them making out with her.
They needed to deal with these ... feelings. They hadn't felt them this strongly since ... Well, it's been a long time.
Susie was just big and butch and amazing! And they were ... the weird kid. Though, they thought, on the other hand, she was also an outcast in some way. Maybe they could work?
When Kris came to their mom, Toriel, was opening their blinds. Maybe they could tell her about their crush. They really didn't want to though.
The drive to school proved they wouldn't have to.
"Miss Alphys told me that you told her that you had lost sleep due to Susie, and, in her words, you said it with no 'negative intonation.' Do you have a crush on Susie?"
"Oh, how my little one has grown! She was so polite last night, and she's been quite the good influence on you. Maybe you should ask her out?"
"Don't maybe me, Kris. The two of you have become fast friends. Perhaps you'd be good partners as well?"
Their arrival at school ended the conversation.
"Have a good day of school!"
"You too. Love you mom!"
"Love you too, Kris."
School went as usual. Kris did their work: they had no desire to concede their battle for salutatorian with Berdly. It was ... much more pleasant to see him lose.
Lunch was much more pleasant then before. Now, instead of sitting alone in the tree furthest from school, but still on campus, they were sitting with Susie.
"Is this what you always see up here?"
The view was nice: Autumn trees stretched out as far as the eye could see, with some stretching far beyond their neighbors canopies. It was almost enough to distract them from looking at Susie.
She punched them in the arm.
"You shoulda told me about this before."
"Ow," Kris said, rubbing their arm. They shoved Susie; she shoved back. A wrestling match had started. They shoved back and forth a few times, but Susie was much stronger than them. She ended up on top of them.
She was smiling so broadly.
Her teeth...
Her eyes...
They wanted to kiss her.
They stared into each others eyes for just a moment.
"You have red eyes?"
Kris's mind started to race, but before they could start spiraling:
"They're so cool!"
Oh. She liked them-- their eyes.
"You do?"
"Yeah! They're so pr-- um, nice-looking."
Susie put one hand behind her head.
"Uh, thanks. No one's ever said that before."
Susie was blushing. Was she flustered? Maybe they could actually--
"Wanna go on a date?"
Fuck. They really said it on accident.
Susie said yes. Fuck yeah!
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mar64ds · 9 months
Not to be weird on main but Catti's desire to be free from her family and affinity for the most commercialized form of counter-culture(mall goth) will almost definitely be used against her in a future chapter, won't it? She's the only true physical threat in the class at this point(even Susie wouldn't dare confront her in the Light World) and her interest in magic makes for an intimidating player moving forward. She holds three major character arcs in her hands(Susie's former defense mechanisms and trust issues, Noelle being true with how she really feels about her life, even Kris' sense of dread about what will become of them when the story ends, if incidentally) and I feel like nobody talks about her except as proof that Kris somehow "wanted" to be possessed.
catti is super interesting and i want her to play a bigger role in the story! i know she doesn't have a text sound effect but characters like Monster Kid, Napstablook and Mad Mew Mew didn't have either in Undertale, so even if she's not a main character she most likely will play a part in the story
I'm not sure if used against her but i can see her relationship with her family being something important to her later on. however catti is not a 'threat', she is definitely very clever and would notice things that maybe other characters don't and i can see her having powerful magic, but she's not an enemy and susie is mostly just awkward because she knows her classmate doesn't like her. If you mean a threat to the 'player' because she can confront us well... i genuinely still don't think the player is an inherently evil entity, i don't think catti would just immediately think we are either. bad routes are a thing but they are not the only thing in the game
catti is a quiet goth girl with a cool snake best friend, she's one of the best heroes of the story
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pokegalla · 2 years
I have one done! More to go! (This is gonna take awhile 🥲) Enjoy!
🗡 What are some rumours people have about your character?
* Butler. Evil Butler. Everyone calls him this. He hates it.
* Like really??? That’s how they see him?
* Killer called him Sebastian from Black Butler. He didn’t hesitate to bitch slap him.
The Core Virus:
* Quite proud to be known for causing fear into the hearts of both good and evil.
* An overlord? A being of utter chaos? Man they love it.
* That just makes them more terrifying
* Lmao people be dissing them
* Their rumors just revolve around them being a yandere psycho
* Do they really act like that? Wtf they should be as infamous as The Core Virus as an unstoppable force! Not….some low rated villain that is “yandere”
* They throw an tantrum everytime they hear it.
* He’s got two kinds of rumors: he’s an evil overlord and king of negativity. Then there’s him being a dad of sorts.
* He literally torments people. How is he a father figure?
* Sure he takes care of his new minions and also hangs around Lisa and her team. But he doesn’t want them to die for being idiots. He might need them in the future. It would be a waste.
* Yo who the f$&@ told everyone he prances around in a feathery boa-?!
* It had to be Ink.
* He denies this heavily. He is a destroyer! The hell would he do something as stupid as that?!
* (It’s actually true but Ink MAY have stretched the truth)
* Who made a rumor that her singing makes plants grow?
* She thinks it’s pretty cool. She’s just confused on how that rumor came to be.
* Turns out Ash saw her singing a tune while caring for her plants. She was always pretty good with her green thumb and Ash had misunderstood it as her being magical
* (She does have magic revolving around greenery though. But only in the dark world. Maybe that’s why her dark world form is based on plants….)
* Apparently people think she is young. Like a child young.
* Ooooooooo she hates it.
* She believes it’s because of her flat chest. Which makes her even more pissed.
Deltarune group (the group altogether in general):
* Weirdos
* Rumor has it that they do odd occult things on the low.
* Susie and Kris entertain the idea
* The others however do not and wish they would stop scaring others-
Lisa (Me):
* Quiet kid vibes
* Apparently someone made a rumor about her making a harem of skeletons
* Her response?
* “Shit I wish”
* This leaves everyone confused or concerned
* People really find him intimidating.
* Like they think he’s killed before or would kill someone
* They’re not wrong? But their rumors are a bit harsh or even twisted.
* (Don’t worry his friends got his back. Protecc dah Oreo dude-)
* Demon child
* They definitely think he’s not normal or just plain weird.
* Chara doesn’t care and purposely puts the rumors to good use by scaring people and do crazy pranks!
* (He gets in trouble a lot and Lisa, Nightmare, or Rosa punish him.)
* There’s a rumor that he actually is an infamous Team Fortress 2 player that has top scores. Even won a tournament.
* He denies it though
* Probably just to keep you guessing. Damn jerk….
* Has pastas from all over the world
* Probably true but are YOU gonna look and research ALL those boxes and the different types of pastas he has in storage?
* I’ll wait-
* Has won a pie eating contest
* He doesn’t really deny it but tries to avoid talking about it
* Something about the police getting involved….you decide not to press him further.
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clegfly · 1 year
So I've seen those fanart of Undertale character in Mother scenario, the Sister AU where it's Omori Character, and like, hmm, these guys can be put together so well, I now have Undertale and Deltarune character in Omori scenario in my head
I Undertale-Omori I think I'll have Asriel be Sunny, alter ego and all, argue about flower (maybe the buttercups plan) Chara fell down stair and just died, so they're in Mari role, the Basil role... I think it'll be Alphys, the guy with secret lab, will definitely keep secret for you (I have another alternate character that could fit this role, Frisk or Asgore maybe), then the Undyne Aubrey do fit, Skeleton brother also fit Hero and Kel pretty good, sans is just kinda lazy but he's smart, thise could take place when the dreemurr kids were alive in UT so all of them are kids, even if I am not sre how the universe will be different... of course Omori is Flowey
And the Deltarune one, this is not really that fleshed out but Kris is Sunny, introvert little sibling, Asriel and Mari really fit the successful older sibling role, dunno what they'll be arguing about but anyway, Susie fit Aubrey role as the girl with terrible home, Noelle and Dess (that I still don't know what she look like) fit Kel and Hero, childhood best friend and all... Asgore help hide the body, he'll be Basil... (Noelle could also probably help...) (now that I think about it Noelle could also be the protagonist. Dess did disappear in deltarune after all... and Noelle is kinda introvert... and have a crush on Susie, Kris and Asrile fit Kel and Hero even more, even if Kris isn't that energetic) and the Headspace is the Dark world! They get those cool outfit, the protagonist have weird route weapon Kris have twisted sword (Noelle have thorn ring if she's the pg) in the Dark world/Dream world here Asriel is Ralsei, to maybe try to forgot and stuff
wow that's a really long rant
Yes I also enjoy the pastime of forcing characters I like into the OMORI scenario to see how they fit…
I’m loving the idea of Noelle as sunny now… and kris as Kel? Is really funny but fitting to me. Noelle, all holds up in her room, suddenly there’s a knock, she decides to answer. Is it another nightmare within her head, another horribly twisted version of her trauma coming to haunt her again? So, tentatively, she opens the door…
…and sees her old friend kris staring into her soul. They don’t say a word. They just stare.
which Noelle takes as an invitation to hang out.
that’s so funny to me lmao
also? Flowey OMORI? This is brilliant shit
“you’ve caused so much suffering… yet you do nothi-“
The end
Hm… for UT OMORI AU… I wonder if asriel’s white space could resemble the flower garden?
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What’s your opinion on the theory about Deltarune’s secret bosses representing the seven deadly sins with Gaster representing Old Scratch himself?
I haven’t heard that one before. But now that I’ve got a captive audience, I’m gonna address this ask and apparently go off on a tangent (whoops).
I have heard that the normal final bosses so far have represented bad and overbearing parents for Susie and Noelle, respectively. I can see that. If I had to guess, Spamton is greed because he’s a scummy salesman? Maybe lust, considering the thing he kinda advertises. Jevil… I don’t think wrath fits exactly, but it could be. Maaaybe envy? He doesn’t seem proud, gluttonous, or sloth like. Dude bounces all over the place.
Now that Toriel is probably going to be in chapter 3- possibly with Undyne or even Blooky, I wonder if there might be some pent up Kris frustration. What with the divorce and whatnot. I’d imagine Kris is probably feeling kind of stuck in his brother’s shadow. If the guess that Asriel’s incomplete form/OC is to be the secret boss, I’d guess wrath or pride. Probably wrath. But that’s just going off of UnderTale, which may or may not have the same rules and ideas as DeltaRune.
Could also have a childhood theme for chapter 3? Like, Super Smashing Fighters or some other video game. Kris does seem to miss his childhood a bit. What with feelings of relief in the kid zone at the library (when you read “where a teen can be a kid”)- only real negative feels are from the town hall janitor telling Kris to ask cops to change his (Kris’s) diaper. Dude was kind of a jerk and using being called a kid as an insult on that one, though? So fair not to want to be called a kid on this one.
… yes, that’s real dialogue. Yes, I did the King fight again specifically to not look crazy. Same dude offers them in Ch2, iirc. Mentioned a school for it, too. It was a weird two days.
My two best guesses for the next boss are Asriel’s OC, who is totally not just edgy and is super cool in every way, Asriel’s main in Definitely Not Smash Bros, or Kris’s main in the same game. I think creepy TV smile might be the final boss, possibly as a manifestation of Kris’s issues.
Speaking of Ch2…
Noelle. We see Noelle as a child in Chapter 2 when you finish spelling “December”. If I had to guess, this is a similar thing with Kris. Missing their childhood because, I mean… has anyone ever enjoyed being an adult in the last 10 years? 20, even?
Dess went missing sometime between them being in the woods together- maybe even on that very night, or in relation to the bunker that Kris is creeped out by. This was when they were kids. Could be a kind of coping mechanism of sorts, or a trauma response.
In Undertale, Asriel swaps between his adult form (it’s called that in the art book) and child form. I don’t think I need to point out the massive trauma going on there. Losing your sibling is traumatic. Losing your sibling and then dying and being resurrected without love is even more. So this kind of thing wouldn’t be unusual.
Going from memory, I don’t think anyone except Kris, MK, and Susie wear stripes in DR. Which is seen as childish by UT monsters.
Yeah, I know I kinda diverted from “how about those secret bosses?” to “the kids want to be kids again or need some serious therapy”, but… whoops.
Kris wanting to be a kid again just doubles perfectly with my “Ralsei is Kris’s fursona” head canon. Which I will also talk about if you want
At least I answered the question :p
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