#maybe one of these days i'll invest in a drawing tablet
kastillia · 8 months
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The mind never lies.
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For Fanfic for the New Year! Feel free to answer either as an artist or writer or both!
Very curious about #8 and #23.
Hiya, Romaine! Oh, yes! I think it'll be fun to mix up for fic and art, so I'll run with that. 8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it? I've answered this for one fic idea here, but I am more than happy to go into another idea from my filing cabinet of chaos. So...I think about a decade ago, I used to run a multi-media community for a Drarry series (inspired by the Shoebox project, WTF Drarry, etc.). Back in the LJ days, I had about 200+ followers who tuned in for 8th year shenanigans, and lord how many letters and fics I even wrote for that. There were lots of letters between a lot of people, and the ficlets together made up about 12k. Obviously, RL gets busy, I had to put it on indefinite hiatus and yeah. It’s still up for archival reasons. The writing does make me cringe now, but the concept is still intriguing and a fun one. I’d love to doing something more on a smaller scale for that. Maybe for a bunch of different HP characters so they each have a short story. I do have an outline already to see if I can work this out for Perciver. I haven’t gotten too far into this yet, but there’s sooo much potential. Since my writing style has changed, I think it’s doable but it’s more on the how. And making sure I can reign it in before it gets big (writer problems, of course). Multi-media is definitely a huge commitment though, especially when it comes to letters, now that we have screen readers. So there would definitely need to be some alt text or AO3 skins/coding needed for this. Since I’m already writing a Teen Wolf fic that uses the latter, that’s going to be my test run to see how multi-media goes for me! If we’re talking about art stuff...goshhhh, if I had time to make more comics I would. For any ship. Comics are soooo hard though and since my style has matured, it definitely takes more time to complete. Besides last year’s Career Fair Drarry piece, my last comic was a spicy Perciver one for Kinkfest in 2020 (I did this while sick and buying a house at the same time lol, insane, yes). So yeah, when an idea and the timing lines up, maybe that’s when I’ll poke at making more comics again. The key is being invested and having enough uninterrupted time to draw up all the panels! Easier said than done, I know. 23. Would you like to go on a writing retreat? HELL YES. 100000%. Meeting folks and talking with them about fic and writing in the past has been so cool. I’d love to see more of this workshoppy/discussion vibe and learn how others write and apply some of that to my own writing, for sure. Even sprinting together or whatnot could be really fun. I’ve talked about this option with a few friends, and maybeeee for 2023, that could be a thing. Even if it’s a small get-together where we just work on writing stuff. Though, I might have to longhand it since there’s no way I can bring my big ass desktop PC with me, and I kind of hate writing on tablets. Thanks for the ask! ___ Previously asked: 8, 11, and 12 Have a question? Send a q for fanfic asks for the new year!
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shmoofyscratches · 2 years
Okay, time to actually post some stuff I've drawn, purely to compare with later.
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Lots of gesture drawing as you can see. I've been trying to focus on contrasts between straight lines and curves and avoiding concave curves. I havent quite figured out calves, hands, or hips all that well, so I might need to study more anatomy, use more references, or watch some other people's processes with gesture drawing. See what's out there. But even just focusing on what I've learned so far, I feel like I'm getting much closer to capturing a human form.
One of these days I'll try to go to the library and do a bunch of drawing from life. Or maybe I should find more reference photos (I need to save some to my phone because I ran out quickly) and draw over them on my tablet? Maybe I'll try that tonight.
Speaking of tablets, I have an on-sale iPad in the mail, so I'm looking forward to having something more mobile than my desktop setup. I also picked up some sketchbooks and pencils to place all around my home so I have no excuse not to draw. I really hope I stick with this long enough to make all these investments worth it.
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
i need a drawing/fic where techno decides he just doesn't wanna deal with people today so he slaps a coat and crown on a comically small pig and prays no one will notice
bonus points if they DONT notice for some reason
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alanadamoondemon · 3 years
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I posted 371 times in 2021
32 posts created (9%)
339 posts reblogged (91%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 10.6 posts.
I added 582 tags in 2021
#deltarune - 130 posts
#spamton - 115 posts
#not my art - 98 posts
#meme - 54 posts
#me - 53 posts
#jevil - 32 posts
#the funky phantom - 31 posts
#memes - 27 posts
#my art - 22 posts
#cat - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 58 characters
#i figured he be like a cat but then again he is bird like-
My Top Posts in 2021
Spamton Design challenge / Ref thingy
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Really took a liking with Deltarune than ever and fell in love with Spamton and Jevil, Its new and better than Undertale! (IN MY OPINION AND PLEASE DON'T PUT ME AT THE STAKE)
So I want to give Spamton (Even Jevil too) an reference sheet just for me to draw any future fanart but also for anyone who wants to! Didn't like how I first drew him and his attempted design of an Hanna-Barbera cartoons in "Spam your Spamton" drawing meme.
I drew his design from the many inspirations of other artists who drew him in their own way and also still make him in my liking, Want him to be cartoonish while a mix of cute and sexy since most made him more handsome or just make him an tiny funny man!
For his head and mouth I gave him a more Bird like beak mouth to make him some kind of woody woodpecker and to make his head as reasonably big since he has an ability to enlarge his head, Make his nose pretty long and his glasses/eyes with pupils cuz it seems better that way.
Figured to draw about his body atomy and make it puppet/robotic since he technical a bit of a robot, Having a belly that is a bit of an elastic rubber belly while with robotic organs!
Okay I'll admit, I might of got really invested on making the ref and design to Spamton like some drawing ref, I was gonna do Neo Spamton and was halfway done but I didn't like the process and got frustrated then gave up.
Maybe one day I'll do it But I have some other content I liked to do so hope you like the ref! Also sorry about the uploads being very slow due to the new place we are staying at and their Wifi isn't doing crack shit on my tablet but luckily some Wifi access in a nearby library, Still am working on some of my oc projects and stuff while also doing some silly stuff to xD
6 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 21:04:17 GMT
If Mudsy & Boo were in Mystery Skulls
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What if they were to be in the universe of Mystery Skull ?
Hope you like it!
10 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 06:58:38 GMT
Watch "Spamton G. Spamton's [[Kromer]]tastic Holyday [[Specil]]" on YouTube
16 notes • Posted 2021-12-04 03:46:33 GMT
Just had a big brain moment...
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The Spy vs Spy are the parents of Spamton and that he is the dysfunctional love child
(Lord save me-)
18 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 22:41:45 GMT
Spam your Spamton Challenge
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Again coping my new addiction but figured to involve him with some Hanna-Barbera cartoon style or simply a good cartoon style with Spam your Spamton meme!
Wanted to give him a proper design and incorporate him in a nice cartoon style since I am not good with pixel art and don't have an Art program for that.
The template belongs to MimiKabii
(Was gonna quit but I invested too much time in this so there's no turning back and oh God Jevil is testing me-)
31 notes • Posted 2021-11-15 01:44:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sammypompeius · 3 years
I love showing people my art (as long as it's me deciding what to show and not them looking without asking, am am at heart an attention slut. So I was actually happy drawing on my tablet to show it to my grandma and her boyfriend that it was, in fact, drawing even though it's digital. And I was estatic with them being impressed. But when they start saying "oh it's so sad that we don't but if I had the money I would invest in you doing classes" or "you have so much talent, it's not every one that has that, you should work with that" I don't know why but it really bothers me. Like man it's not really about talent, people might not have just one day known how to draw but if they practice they get really good and also it's ART you know???? Art man art comes in so many forms. Also I did practice, still do! Okay I might not be the most hard working individual and maybe I didn't earn it? But I did practice. And I know I still have a lot to practice (I know my art is actually shit if not viewed by family members ok). I guess most of the things I got as a kid was because of "talent" because I was the best kid at class, at ballet and the kid who drew kinda well in the sidelines, all so I could get lots and lots of compliments. And compliments I got. But now I'm this mal formed teenager with no mind of my own incapable of critical thinking now sense of identity or of what I enjoy. But then I noticed I'm actually stupid as hell, I don't know how to dance (neither do I have the money to do it actually and I had been a burden on my parents by doing it), but I can practice to draw and I really like it! And I'm so afraid to actually try to make it a profession, because I love it so much but the moment I depend on it to eat or (what I do with everything that might affect my future) if I put my worth into it I'm afraid I'll lose my love for it and the comfort I take from it. Idk idk I'm no good for anything else really so I might just try and work with it. Truly to work with what I love is a dream. But I am so fucking afraid
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frogsandfries · 4 years
I'm kinda discouraged
On the one hand, I guess I never guessed self-publishing could be so....... hard.
On the other, it's December. My sister is most likely coming to visit the sixteenth till the twentieth. Not sure if part of that is travel time. I got so excited, I was gonna make all kinds of snacks for the visit and get the apartment spik-n-span and all pretty. Now it's the fourth and........I guess I should get started, I'm just.... going to have the same struggle of being the only one who cares how my home looks to guests--even if the guest is my own sister.
I guess we're going grocery shopping...... y’know, idk in the next week or so, so I better figure out some cool, easy snacks that'll meet everyone's dietary restrictions--I think my sister shares my dairy issue, and she's vegan, so.........idfk.....
No idea...... I'd like a mini muffin tin and I could make like, idk mini muffins, I could probably use the muffin pan we have to make a bunch of mini quiches, mmmm that sounds amazing. I'd say meat balls but, meat. I wouldn't even know what to put in a slow cooker, if we got one, if not meat. Soup?? What do vegans even eat??? She won't even eat fish!!!!!! I don't wanna be lame and be like, veggie tray!!
I have veggie cream cheese and veggie yogurt for my own dietary purposes, and granola. We could grab some bagels and get donuts from up the road. We could always have pasta or rice........
Ugh we're also coming to the time of year where I also just feel chronically exhausted. I want to nap all the time. Blargh.
I think tomorrow, maybe I'll have some of my motivation back. I feel like I just spent most of my evening lazing around, tried to nap, got the uploading to Amazon issue figured out. I can start fresh, fix all the pages in my drawing program on my tablet. Maybe, since I've figured out the page sizing issue, and I know exactly how I want my pages to look, maybe I can do more scrappy, zine-y things, mount my text blocks and color keys on decorative backgrounds, and maybe make some custom washi tapes. We can do some colors and stripes, maybe, I dunno, like some circuit board patterns, since Kitty likes computers, or some eight-bit emojis. Watermelon popsicles ha ha. Aveley-Mastden school colors, maroon and gold.
I also want to make all the pages like a barely-off cream or eggshell, just to bring a little bit of warmth to the pages, make them a little less harsh or stark.
I kind of wonder if maybe, maybe, maybe it wouldn't be cool if the cover looked like the Aveley-Mastden folder Kitty's school acceptance letter comes in, with the bronze corner protectors and the school logo on the back, really faint, so you could still read the blurb on the back. Maybe instead of the chapter cover on the front, just the first image in the volume? It would give a good visual of which volume you're looking at...... maybe?
It would be even cooler if the inside of the cover had fake folder pockets and Kitty's acceptance letter in the right side.
I guess I should come up with an author's blurb for the back cover: "Stosphia lives in the desert mountains and works on The Fortune of Aveley Vale while she works from home. She conceptualized the story in her senior year of high school while severely depressed, and knew it had to one day become a graphic novel. She never would have imagined the bizarre format that graphic novel would take".
It is quite bizarre. A cross-stitch zine and the patterns are consecutive art in artist trading cards format. I keep meaning to go back to the cross-stitching part of this project, but I've become fixated on getting the zine part to upload the way I want it so I can finally, potentially hold a finished version in my hands. I'm borderline obsessed with the idea of this being a successfully tangible thing for others to have, acquire, see. Maybe then....... I'll finally be invested? Maybe then, it'll finally be real?
I dunno. But I have to finish this part successfully before I can let it rest. Plus, just think: once this part is successfully composed, the rest is just a matter of producing the art and plugging in the rest of the elements--I still want to change the frames around the patterns and change the decorative brackets and so forth. Maybe I'll start putting in different blurbs, discuss the direction the story is taking or who knows what. Almost definitely over time, I'll start getting my frames cleaned and mounted and get good photos of them, start adding that material into my finished volumes.
A really cool goal would be to release the zines quarterly. I know making twelve lineworks, then twelve patterns, and once I have a fully functional format, getting everything formatted, is doable in a three month period. I also feel from this end, it would be a very dogged, demanding pace.......I also think if I tried and focused really hard, it would be more than doable. Possibly once in a while, I could release bonus volumes...... with more social media effort, I might even make it worth my while.
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