#maybe some day in the future tho. not rn obvi
agdab · 2 years
thinkin about corn snakes
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pokedash55 · 4 years
Acronix X Coffee Robot Crack AU
Click for Echo Meets Acronix Fic
To summarize//TL;DR: Acronix falls out of the time vortex at the light house a befriends Echo Zane, learns empathy and put Echo on Social media so everyone knows he exists now. 
-After he leaves echo zane with a borg watch he finds himself back in Ninjago
-Stalks borg and his fam like a creep
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-Jay introduces Echo to the dyer family
-Echo and unagami are siblings now
-Acronix is kinda like Echos big brother
-But no one else accepts this
-Zane and Pix give skeptical and menacing, “if you touch him” glares
-Unagami is confused babi and likes their new brother echo
-So Like One day it’s Borg, Pix, Zane, Jay, Unagami, Echo, and Milton dyer, and Acronix in a room together  (Fic on that later :3 )
-The whole fam
-Nixie just lingers around borg tower saying random junk sometimes
-Acronix : “You either die a villian or live long enough to see yourself become…”
-Pix: “A very annoying customer who is about to be escorted out of the building?”
-“UH NO. Wrong answer Pix (“dont call me pix”). REDEEMED. Cause I’m like… totally redeemed now”
-Just holds up a high five for the room and left hanging by everyone
-Jay’s like :Yeeeoree not part of our group”
-So like Acronix and Echo Zane are bro’s now cause I said so??
-Everyone: Nix is part of the Borg Family
-Me: Well YES, but actually no
-This isn't really a Future thing
-In this they're mostly frenemies kinda??
-But Acronix does really like him and borg tower and Borg is too nice to throw him out XD
-Acronix has zip money and doesn’t FEEL like looking for Krux rn
-Gets his morning coffee everyday bro
-Starts crushin on the Coffee manager (naming her shannon after the voice actor)
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-His routine is basically wake up, coffee, Shannon, stalk borg, watch memes, think about looking for kux than fall asleep on phone
-Posts bout his lil bro alot (echo)
-Posts about Shannon ALOT
-Many many selfies of him an his coffee
-Realizes he may need to get someplace to live since he had yet to venture for krux
-Shoot money is a thing he doesn’t have
-Borg be super kind like, “You can stay at my Newly renovated highly advanced Borg Hotel but you must get a job.”
-Acronix gestures at being one of those technology intern clerks at borg industries. “Is for me?”
-”Must get a job AND leave my family alone…. For now… please?”
-Borg is too nice to the guy who kidnapped him and is infatuated with living at borg tower
-Does borg live in borg tower?
-Gunna say he does
-Cause Acronix just LOITERS in borg tower 24/7
-Like its like hours after closing of the downstairs shop and Pix is like getting her suit on and forcefully escorting Nixie out of the premises
-So anyway Nix has to get a job
-Ugh entry level Jobs are SO beneath him.
-Pouts uwu
-Gets a job as a barista to at least have fun with someone cool
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-Ronin notices that sales have gone up in the coffee shop since Acronix has started hanging around there, because the girls think he’s pretty and he posts a lot on social media.
-Ronin wants this, but doesn’t want to have to actually pay Acronix for being a faceman.
-Hires him “as a barista”. Basically he hires Acronix to sit at the counter and look pretty, while giving the joint free advertising.
-Acronix totally doesn’t notice this and is fine with being completely exploited and underpaid.)
-Acronix X Coffee Bot! (In this she’s named Shannon)
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-Shannon is like… chill and rude, but never offensive
-Cheats in chess
-Smug about it too like deamn she mean
-Epic moves (Both spinny sign and juggling. And makes epic coffee)
-Unflinching at a fire
-Complete apathy
-Throws "Floyds"  teapot plan away immediately cause she doesn’t get paid enough for this sh*t
-Says she doesn’t drink coffee but than is seen drinking coffee that lier
-Bad habit of Ignoring stufft. Ignores the upgrade, ignores her lie detector, ignores the fact the -machine is literally ice frozen
-She wears a miniskirt and a crop top/bra thingy to WORK. On the clock! savage
-Nixie is confirmed to get crushes easily and like powerful/ mean woman (Machia)
-Also he has no shame in liking nonhumans
-Love technology so would totally vibe with her
-Robotsexual for sure
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-Since she is still A.I, so Nix’s outgoing and I don’t care i'm great loud personality would really surprise her and she’d be inspired/impressed by his lack of chill and lack of care
-She has a bit of sass and goth hot topic to her but also still has that robot innocence that would blend nicely with Acronix since he is also Abrasive and rude on the outside, but is a tad of a softy coward (He hugs his bro and cowers behind him and gets adorably defensive when he snarks at him)
-He’d teach her so much about being more alive… maybe a bad influence but she’d dig it
-He calls her Shay almost constantly
-He hates being called Nix
-Like he is a prideful warrior who expects people to use his full name in respect
-But Shannon is too cool for that
-Calls him Nix sometimes anyway
-Respects her boldness
-The audacity to do so without permission!
-Shannon owns a motorcycle because come on
-Ridin home on a sick bike together
-Stealin stuff when people aren’t looking
-Banned from Ronin thrift shop for sure (they're lucky they weren't fired after that night. But he literally can't fire shannon)
-Chill on friday nights at Laughys karaoke.
-Not singing, just laughing at how stupid other people look singing drunk kareoke
-So a jock dork egotist and a apathetic punk bot walk into a bar
-Dareth honestly doesn’t know this guy was the one sending snakes after his trophies so he just treats him like a normal costumer
-Neither of them care about Dareth’s attempts at small talk.
-Too busy loving themselves like idiots
-She kicks his ass in strategy video games and he destroys her in battle royal stuff
-Both are equally bored by like Animal crossing and other fake life games YAWN so much work
-Shannon enjoys the thrill of racing games
-Nixie plays em but it’s not his best game
-Both GEAMMERS (but in a frighteningly cool way. They somehow both avoid nerd status… nixie still a dork tho. Jock dork)
-She makes coffee art of her hubbies face.
-He gives her so much social media attention
-Acronix gives her coffee shop media rep and he loves the petty feeling of beating Wu at something
-She doesn’t quite get his excitement in it (cause she’s on neutral terms with Wu) but loves the media attention
-She doesn’t get his phrases and he finds that both aggravating and endearing
-“Um I’m Aconic”
-Shannon: “So you’ve been lying about your name this whole time?
-Acronix: “...?”
-“That's honestly sick”
-Acronix “… “
-One day they joy ride on a motorcycle
-End up loitering around borg tower
-Borg officially meets Shannon and is interested in her origin
-Her design is not like he has seen but it also seems familiar
-She says she doesn't remember much other than working for ronin
-"Ronin" borg mutters spitefully
-He has a history of y'know.. Messing with his tech (dismantling pixal and selling zane hmmm)
-Does a diagnostic code scan
-Acronix worried bout his bae and hyped he was actually invited in for once.
-Progress on that "friendship"
-He discovers her model and general code is similar if not almost exactly the same as pixal’s code
-Ronin scrapped together with some mechanical help from his friends the walkers to make a functioning robot manager with borg tech he scrounged up and a stolen copy of pixal’s blueprints ( maybe he took pictures of them when he sold her to chen) and specs so he wouldn't have to pay for multiple employees. Just having the one really efficient one would save him thousands
-So shannon is pixals sister
-And her parents are The walkers, Ronin, and borg
-The family tree only grows people
-So Acronix is apart of the ninja family now if he marries Shannon
-Here's a chart if you're as confused as I am here:
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-Anyway Shay doesn't really care much
- Her expression doesn't change
-She had never really gone out of her way to worry where she was from so it wasn't a huge revelation
-It was to nixie tho
-As the extravert he was (and has extensive experience of being a sibling) he had to make sure she got to know her new family NOW
-Like in the middle of the night now
-He never waits for things to happen
-Pix is first and she is about to power down for the night when...
-"Hi SIS!!" Acronix just screams
-"hey. I'm like your sister now." Obvi shannon is more lowkey about it
-Shannon and pixal mildly get along
-Questions her taste in men alot
-Acronix chills in the back already bored and ready to move on.
-Although he's annoyed by them, the ninja were next up
-Zane and Jay are both family now
-Shannon starting to think he's using all this to fill the void of his brother being gone.
-Cause she has no interest for or against meeting these people but Nix sees it as urgent
-But he seems happier than usual so she'll let him throw her name around for a while. She did mooch off his social media so it was only fair
-Anyway eventually Acronix does find his brother, and tries to explain this whole mess to his less-than-thrilled twin
-God once Krux gets back tho
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-“Hey bro! I married a robot she’s amazing!”
-He’s just taking selfies with her in hot topic outfits both of them
-“God no my brothers Robotsexual. My worst nightmares have been realized”
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-Krux can only stare in horror at the people his brother now considers “family”
-Wu’s students?!, Robots!?, what EVEN IS AI?!?!?
-He eventually gets over it
-eventually maybe
-At least he can admire her attitude
-Will still mess with his bro tho.
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-This is the worst timeline imaginable.
-But I can't apologize for art
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oswednesday · 5 years
miss oleana! the plot rehaul for her is obvi making it look like shes connected or the real Big Bad, like oh she writes all his speeches and is like on your ass all the time and hes just a himbo figure head, when you beat early low level grunts theyll be like dont tell the boss i lost, she'd be soo mad! with midtiers ones being like please dont tell miss o-----!!! and high tier ones actually name dropping like miss oleana wont like this
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(Did You Know her name comes from olive and not oleander? like thats a clever bit of misdirect for the english audience only unless the characters used in olive can also double as a poison pun!)
(this pkmn is like macro cosmos aesthetic/rose’s aesthetic and a shiny! he has tons cause hes mega rich duh)
(ability: contrary, moves:wring out, giga drain, dragon tail, leaf storm)
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(dude the canon lore for her is wild shes the vice president AND the invented of the bands?? i guess she is in a lab coat, i think it be kind of suspicious to have  secretary also be a vice president so im going to drop that aspect of it? or maybe not, i mean, im also softening his overt tises to it, so maybe she can be straight up the president of macro cosmos with his intention for her to take the fall as Just the hapless owner, shes like the league secretary,ill decide fully for that later i do like her at the forefront of the science end tho thats fun! )
(ability: queenly majesty, moves: fell stinger, defend order, heal order, attack order)
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(her actual pkmn theme is bugs!)
(ability: shell armor, moves: twineedle, quick guard, x-scissor, megahorn)
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(her pkmn kind of tell the story of Her)
(i want to treat the standard form as the shiny! its like rose aesthetic)
(ability: telepathy (with an including avoiding physical attacks in single, real niche use abilities are so -_- sometimes and this makes the ability feel more formidable but gets weaker when theres More minds like more mental chatter?) moves: magic coat, infestation, protect, future sight)
(she dynamaxs this! and uses g-max gravitas of course)
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(in this nuzlocke rose has her take the whole blame for like the leon thing and fires her rather public like, so shes devastated enough to help you later)
(ability: aftermath, moves: strange steam, toxic spikes, toxic, self-destruct)
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(but cause shes fired like that, she isnt arrested when everything gets Known and she’s all like,,,wow,,,he saved me,,,,,)
(ability: corrosion, cross poison, gunk shot, belch, explosion)
(incidently she makes this one big as well and uses g max malodor and I CANOT BELEVIE HOW SMALL THEY MADE ITS MODEL FFDGDFDF??? like fast ignoring that, her double use completely drains the power of the tower)
(the air terrain is high altitude! fire attacks do less damage, ice attacks are boost, flying type pkmn have their speed increased while ground will have their speed decreased, or something like that!)
battle 2 
(im imagining some kinda Post Game plot where you can challenge her again, but its like, chill, with an updated outfit so its more obvi shes wearing a labcoat and her colorscheme is like blue and green! maybe there’s a good ending where she works with prof magnolia and maybe opal as prof poplar as a consultant and where hop interns? finding a non-dooms day event solution to the energy problem? maybe figure away to use pkmn energy in a way thats not like super fucked up, perhaps?)
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(ability: tinted lens, moves: whirl wind, poison powder, hurricane, draining kiss)
(i almost want to give it rage powder cause thats what her role is in the game a bit, if i do ill swap out draining kiss and have you fight a double with prof in training hop?)
(anyway im imaging it like, lets test out this renewable clean energy and she supersizes her butterfree!)
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(ability: telepathy, moves: helping hand, ally switch,after you, reflect)
(see! shes nice now! also this pkmn is kinda build for co-op ally helping which is interesting for a mad scientist themed bug?)
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(ability: battery, moves: sticky web, vise grip, charge, wild charge)
(this battle is probs taking place outside somewhere? its just as likely to think that prof m has a testing field in her labs basement or smthing)
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(ability: contrary, moves (standard); petal blizzard, lazer focus, dual chop, leaf blade)
(moves (shiny): aromatherapy, solar blade, defog, safeguard)
(ooo sinister implications! i have an idea in Mind to give it branching endings with like interactivity? this sharing stuff im doing rn might be oversharing)
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(type: fighting/bug)
(them not being bug without any like lore about them pretending to be a bug in while makes this feel like You Know Of Mario? What If!! Poke mon! and i hate that)
(ability: friend guard, moves(shiny): first impressions, heal order, no retreat, megahorn)
(ability: mold breaker, moves (standard): first impressions, attack order, no retreat, megahorn)
(this is kinda difficult cause most of her in game personality is wrapped up in working for rose, so i hope this gets across’d that shes her own person, but fell into stuff)
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(if the last two were shiny an abra will be here)
(ability: unburden, moves: protect, light screen, trick room,embargo)
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(if the last two were standard itll be a kadabra)
(ability: neuroforce, moves: miracle eye, psycho shift, telekinesis, future sight)
(i always felt they were like fckd up insects with the mammially stuff meant to look like withered skeletal flesh guts caccon rather than anything 1:1 animal like alakazam lacks a tail cause these two spent two gens removing them from their body, gen1 had like monster design coherency that newer gens sometimes lack and the coherency was All about those ears)
(i tried not to grab anything from mythos/plot pkmn from other gens but that kinda drives the altering pkmn for gains?)
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boratanical · 6 years
Could u post a list about what u wish for Loona or like an opinion list about them (yk what u write in your tags n all), bc I think u have ya shit toegther about them and yeah it's interesting
ooohhh anon u rlly an intellectual 
so basically since they are a big group i think it would be best for loona to function in a similar way to seventeen and wjsn 
lowkey ban the whole subunit thing now kajflsdkfj subunits are part of their predebut era and i think they should stay there since they are making subunits seem more significant in loona without bringing the backstory thats suppose to come along with it (seventeen and wjsn have units but they dont rlly push it like how bbc has done with loona)
get rid of the assigned posing (even tho its kinda smart at some points) i think its stupid and awkward that the girls always have to be in that position and it seems more of an inconvenience 
also like way back i made a post abt this but idk if its still on this blog but for the assigned posing spots i concluded that basically heejin is always in the middle bc shes center, kim lip acts more of a leader so shes in the middle, and yyxy are also in the middle since they are considered the most popular subunit
the whole script/uniform thing with loona needs to go i h9 it so much its so unnatural - which includes having the same uniform but diff colors for performances (its so cute but for like only a week tho) , letting the girls wear more casual clothes when they do variety shows, radio shows, otw to music shows, etc instead of the obvious coordinated outfits (which also make them look like they wear the same thing to every event), letting the girls post whenever they want on ig (like how red velvet do) and not have their captions look obviously edited by staff, and more that i cant think of all the top of my head
!!!!! i want bbc !!! to not be afraid !!! to break routine/consistency/uniformity !!! they are a company that should always be finding what is in best interest of the group !!! and they should try to work with other ppl !!!! outside of their already established bubble !!!
even tho i love loona’s relationship with their choreographer (they gave him notes and a cake on teacher’s day uwu) he rlly aint giving them the best choreo and it just stunts loona’s dancing potential. i rlly want them to work with wjsn’s choreographer bc they know how to do good choreo for a big group!! 
when loona did seventeen’s choreo they seemed more in sync and more composed compared to when they do hi high and it just suited them more so yah!! diff choreographer pls !!!
i know as of now they are still developing the whole loonaverse and i rlly enjoy it but i hope they can stray away from it in the future for a bit and not force the whole concept of loona on just that cause then it wount let them try new things (like how exo and the whole superpowers/exo planet thing took a break in 2014/2015) 
i rlly want them to work with other mv production companies!! ofc i love digipedi and digipedi has done justice for loona but i wanna see a loona mv by vm or shin heewon!!
when they release a whole album i want them to have like solos or duets or unit songs in them but instead of like our usual duets and units its different (so like instead of a 2jin duet we would get jinsoul and yves duet song and instead of a yyxy song it would be yeojin, gowon, and chuu in a song together - similar to how seventeen and exid do in their albums) 
give more content!!! loona tv is nice but its only a minute long and we dont even get it everyday akdfjalsdkf so maybe a reality show or letting the girls do vlives whenever (like how fromis_9 are doing) would be rlly fun for the girls and the fans!!
better line distribution!! im pretty sure bbc kinda undervalues like half og the group’s vocals and ends up pushing a lot of it to the stronger ones which fucking sucks cause it looks like bbc doesnt have faith in them :(
favoritsm !!! needs to stop!!! just bc heejin is the first girl!!! doesnt mean she needs to be !! in the center for everything!!! they have given her the most lines, the most center spots, and the most screen time without being able to adjust its effects on the other girls!! i dont mind her having the center position i just think bbc hasnt done a very good job with how they handle it !!!
h9 to say this but even mnet shows are doing better with this then bbc!!! even tho they have centers who are entitled to their earned center position, they do not shove it down our throats!!! just bc they are centers doesnt mean they need the most of everything!! 
ioi, wanna one, fromis_9, and izone have pretty decent distributions that fit with their roles (main vocalists have the most lines, rappers have their fair part, dancers get a focus part, etc) - bbc literally could care less !! 
im just mad that 1/3 got shit alkdfjalksf
also its obvi that bbc likes heejin, kim lip, jinsoul, yves, and chuu more than the other girls they know that those girls are the favs within orbits and its also a coincidence that those girls also are the the stronger vocalists :/
better teaser pics plS if we get more bleached mugshots immA screAM 
i want more galaxy and more floral fantasy !!! dats the good stuff!!
this is rlly all i can think abt rn cause im kinda in a food coma but yah anon if u wanna talk more abt this then dm LOL
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nadi-nadi · 7 years
100 questions tag
tagged by @justkeeponsimming obvi 💕
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? closed, because i never leave them open omg
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? i had to google what does it mean and i think they’re out
4. HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? no, everybody knows i’m a good girl, officer
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? only to note what i want others to buy me
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? imagine having coupons in poland, can’t relate
7. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? bees, at least i’d have a chance to live
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? no, but i wish i had some, freckles are soooo cute
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? mostly, because if i don’t i look like a rude cunt
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? oh boy, i could write an essay on my pet peeves
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? no, but lemme tell you i make like 3 and a half a day
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? boy, i lived next to a forest for 12 years, of course i did
13. HAVE YOU EVER POOPED IN THE WOODS? not sure, but i guess so?
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? no, it’s gross but i do chew on straws (and i drink all cold drinks though a straw)
16. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU SLEPT WITH THIS WEEK? none, i’m such a virgin
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? idk? 1,5 person??
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? annie lennox - don’t let it bring you down
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? no, i don’t really watch anything rn
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? anything with adam sander, i hate his guts
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? water with lemons, i only drink water now
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? sand, chickens really love sand baths, they might become stressed when they don’t have some sand to bathe in :(
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? i don’t know, i don’t care about food too much? i like vegan pizza tho
27. LAST PERSON, YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? some random guy at a party, but it was a long time ago
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? no, i was too lazy
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? if my titties were a lil bit bigger then sure, i love myself
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? 12 or 13 years ago me and my friend were writing letters because WE WERE KIDS AND I DIDN’T HAVE INTERNET BACK THEN
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? no, it gets you dirty
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? i don’t even have a car nor a driver’s licence
34. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? i like sandwiches!!! with avocado, all kinds of vegan shit or with peanut butter
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? i only drink green tea for breakfast, how sad
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? midnight - 1am mostly
37. ARE YOU LAZY? is lana del rey the most beautiful woman in the world?
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? we don’t celebrate halloween in this shithole
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? polish, english, a lil bit of russian and i used to learn german but lmao the only thing i can say is “ich habe keine lust”
41. DO YOU HAVE ANY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS? no, but now i wish i lived in the uk and subscribed to elle ehh
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? the fuck are lincoln logs lmaoooo
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? as fuck
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? dude i’m from poland, have some mercy
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? used to watch muñeca brava when i was little lmao
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? yesss, but i’m slowly overcoming the fear
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? when i’m riding with my mom (this is our song) or with my brother
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? yes, i always start with florida kilos, then lolita and i like to end the show with black beauty (all by ldr)
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? sometimes, yes
50. EVER USED A GUN? does a bow count?
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? yes! but some of them are iconic (hsm!!!!)
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL? i only get the second hand stress from everyone around me, i don’t celebrate christmas anymore
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? UM YESS?? i don’t like them that much but they’re so popular in poland omg
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? i... don’t eat pies :(
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? a hoe, a singer, a doctor, an architect blah blah, i just wanna be a sb now
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? all the time
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? not daily, but i take b12 weekly
60. DO YOU WEAR SLIPPERS? y e s, do you guys walk around your house barefoot or what
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? rn? no. sometimes? yes.
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? p a j a m a s you naughty
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? like... a concert of a person i really wanted to see? then none. but i’m seeing lana in august ahhhh
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? biedronka, tesco or lidl?
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? both or none, idk
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? what are fritos :(
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? noo? ever hear of our lord and savior lana del rey?
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? not really, unfortunately
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? something that gets him lots of $$, idc what
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? we don’t have thoooose, because in polish you spell everything the way it’s written, it wouldn’t be fun at all lmao
73. HAVE YOU EVER CRIED BECAUSE YOU WERE SO HAPPY? yeah, probably but i cry VERY rarely
74. OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? i don’t, but my dad has shit ton of old classics
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? as above - my dad has one
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? regularly? no. sometimes? yehh
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? i only ever loved lana
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? lana (obvi), the weeknd, cupcakke, marina
79. WHAT WAS THE LAST CONCERT YOU SAW? some shitband, i don’t even remember their name
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? how much do you need to hate yourself to drink cold tea
81. TEA OR COFFEE? green tea, because HeAlThY
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i haven’t swam in like 8 years, but i think i still could, the only thing is i’m afraid of wetting my hair
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? very patient, maybe even too patient
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? what wedding aksjdlasfklaj I DON’T KNOW HER
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? yes, i won katy perry’s album once lmaoo
88. HAVE YOU EVER HAD PLASTIC SURGERY? not yet *winky dinky*
89. WHICH ARE BETTER: BLACK OR GREEN OLIVES? none, olives are disgusting
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? my mom taught me how to knit but i don’t remember anymore
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? fireplace in every roooooooom
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? i had some crushes, but they were all trash
95. DO YOU CRY AND THROW A FIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? i’m not gonna cry nor throw a fit, but i WILL get my own way, mostly
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? yikes, don’t even say that
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? no i don’t, life’s so much more than getting married and fucking like rabbits
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? my mommy, my brother, my bff, also can you miss someone you’ve never seen? if so, then lana
no one sksklafl but it was fun
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Episode #2: “Cheers, To Cursing Greediness, Slashing Throats And Wearing Ugg Boots!” - Kelsey
PUZZLES SUCK ASS. I just hope everyone fucking sucks
I was worried the girls wouldn't want to do an alliance bc they were inactive all day, but then Regan shared with me her immunity clue, and Kelsey said that we three should stick together. It's official then. I was trying to see if Bodhi would be a good ally but it's hard to tell. He doesn't trust Regan. All I know is that if it comes to it, Cole or Nehe's gotta go.
Opinions on people change so much but one thing I know for certain is that the only person I can trust fully is Porcupine. I'm working to get Cole out and I know I have Nehe's vote, now to see what Kelsey thinks. 
I'm debating whether to tell Porcupine about Regan's Immunity clue, but I don't want him to think I'm working exclusively with her and him lose his trust in me. I'll wait until tomorrow, and if Regan gets a second clue and shares it with me I'll let Porcupine know. I think he is a genuine ally and am glad to have him on my first tribe! 
Regan says she hates to do it but will vote Cole. It's funny to know that Cole wasn't as reluctant to take out her or Kelsey. Porcupine won't vote Cole but he says it's a smart move. Hopefully this works out and with mine, Nehe's, Regan, & Kelsey's vote Cole will be gone
Sorry I've been inactive with these but um thots on the tribe. I'm with Nicholas and Jay rn, idk what a Jacob is, Austin can go 10/10 times, and Quillyn is literally a catfish like. How are you gonna be like I never played before in our first convo and then be like "our tribe is inactive." BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT TERM. Also I volunteered for the captain thing bc idgaf and I'm not letting these people make decisions no ma'am I'm playing an everyone can go fuck themselves game
Paul is winning BB19 and that's the tea
  I just hope they don't send me home for missing one thing and then flopping another. either that or I somehow have like the best score on my tribe.
What IS happening! Coming to you live and in colour, my name is Kelsey Mikaelson and I'm so happy to be here on Bouvet Islands! So far, the game has been rather kind to me. My tribe seems to be really nice all the way around, and I've been blessed to be placed on a tribe with someone greener than me with miss Trixie Steele. Trixie is a really nice gal but I can tell she's making some choice moves with being as open as she is and being so aggressively strategic as she is. Those are usually things I tend to avoid, but it's very good for me because I don't think I'll get blood on my hands. We have an alliance with Regan, but I'm not too sure if I trust her dedication to the game. She seems a little...lopsided, so when she offered to be the team captain, aha...I voted for her...but she might be in it more for the self gain than the team gain, and I do not inherently trust her. As for the other members of our team, I feel good vibes from them. Cole is very sweet to me and checks up on me even when there is no immediate reason that demands his attention. I know Nehe outside of this competition, so my relationship with him is secure. Bodhi is also very nice and very good at listening, I feel. I really hope this tribe of romantics never has to go to tribal, otherwise, it's going to get veeerrryyy gaggy and I like this good ol' stasis we have right now. Ah well. I'm banking on us being spectacular in the future! And that's all there is to it~! Cheers, to cursing greediness, slashing throats and wearing ugg boots! Canada's Favourite Houseguest, Kelsey Valentina Mikaelson
surprize surprize, i'm pissed. I mean i'm happy we won the challenge (again) and Jacob seems nice and all, but i wanted the highest score on my team! Not because i'm an egotistical control freak or anything its just i've been working my ass off looking for this idol and thought if i got the highest score maybe I'll get a second clue! Now i gotta suck up to jacob and hope I can convince him to share if he does get one. Hopefully he does and I can make an ally, but we'll see where things go.
I can't stop thinking about this stupid idol. I've decided that its in my best interest to share my clue with jacob even if he doesn't have a clue to offer in return. I just have to figure out the right time to tell him 
The immunity challenge had to be a damn Puzzle. I strongly dislike puzzles and it proved yet again tonight in which my tribe lost with me having the highest amount of time taken on it. Tho it wasn't a really bad time anyone tries to find a way to vote someone out and I hate that gameplay but it's fair too. I just got voted out of Tumblr Survivor Cutthroat cause my tribe volunteered myself to do 4 straight puzzles for immunity which I asked not to. I failed horribly taking up to 4 hours and we obvi lost and then they fed me bullshit the entire day before tribal and then voted me out. I don't want this to be a repeat I really wanna play this game. I am using the sympathy card as first strategy this upcoming tribal because I need these people to feel for me. I can not have these people vote me out so feeling bad about the puzzle thing with me is a good strategy to play off. Second Trixie came to me about voting out Cole cause she likes me which shocked me seeing  I didn't even make effort for that to happen. She says her, Kelsey, and maybe Regan would do it and i'm like yeah for sure. i don't know what i'm gonna vote but I just need to play up to people's ego and game plans right now.
Trixie is going to make a great player some day. But not today. She has no sense of moderation. We have a 3 person joke alliance with Cole, which isn't all that significant, but she wants to take him out NOW?! We have an alliance, but it's mostly just her saying "I trust you more than anyone." We haven't really developed much of a bond outside of that, and if she doesn't calm down and try to play quietly she's gonna be out soon. I'm going to try to encourage her to play smarter because I want her to succeed in this game.
So I have an alliance with Roxy, Shea, and Ali. Next time we lose, Linguini will hopefully leave. But if our tribe loses again, then I'm worried about how safe I would be.
Hardest vote ever. The girls originally wanted nehe out based on puzzle time but we feel bad because he always gets out because of his one weakness. Then they suggested Cole and I'm not okay with that. I adore Cole and want him to go far. And trixie doesn't want bodhi out but I'm okay with that honestly so is Kelsey. So yeah idk what's going on. Up.to nehe
Nothing much tbh, I just wanna make merge tbh 
Ibwant lws to be leaderin :(
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