#maybe yuta is what yuji could become in it long enough. who knows
justsomerandomplanet · 4 months
[ jjk 261 spoilers ]
just rambling thoughts about the chapter now that ive Actually read it (thank u tcb and also i wish ppl who post about leaks without tags a very can you Stop and tag thanks)
tldr; i dont hate the chapter, its an interesting one! feel free to discuss with me if u would like
I don't actually hate the chapter conceptually
Ideologically, Uraume has brought up the topic of being human and the fact to be strong/to defeat sukuna you must disregard that obsession of loneliness/humanity. I also think at the end of the day, it speaks a lot about how jujutsu society functions (in that it uses people regardless of respecting them as people, i.e. the star plasma vessels, children as sorcerers facing death constantly, etcetc).
Nevertheless, I do wonder why Yuta had to do it. At the end of the day I still believe Yuji will be the one to defeat Sukuna, you cannot tell me all that build up to him is for Nothing, but what point is there in bringing Yuta in that case? If he just does more damage and then dies (lol), like. What is there to it. Like in the perspective of the characters i get it, they don't know if they'll win or lose and they're gonna have to use every option they have, but simply on a readers perspective, it feels a bit redundant. I just feel there should be a way to incorporate this idea without it feeling like we'll get gojo v sukuna 2.0. Idk i just want yuji to beat sukuna like that first page was so cool :(!!!!
Anyway, the idea of bringing back Gojo similar to how "Toji" was revived in shibuya is also unbelievable bc Gojo himself is shown to still want to protect the kids. His ideology derives from making sure They Are Alive And Changing The System. Yes, I get it he is battle obsessed too (see the shinjuku battle) but it doesn't change he went out of his way to tell them not to look/follow him for what he's about to do with the higher ups. Theory wise, gojo being brought back like this is dull (but plausible i suppose) (also thinking about it would that Really be gojo? We saw that toji still didnt come back normal, and wasnt it stated that the toji that did come back was more of just the memories of the body rather than the person himself? Idk. Anyway)
Additionally, Yuta, altho caring for Gojo, is still falling back to the mentality that made Gojo alone (the "Strongest" vs Gojo Satoru). Yuta himself wanting to sacrifice his humanity so everything Gojo did wouldn't be moot while still using his body, which inherently disrespects him as a person, is a hyprocritical and flawed way of thinking that makes him interesting for me now lmao. He cares for him a lot, but he has to resort to it as a means to an end. Also I don't care if he dies, in fact the idea of him living while still in gojo is just weird tbh so i really dont see a way put of that? Im kinda just interested to see what happens tbh
I'll be real; I can see both points in how ppl think this is a cool chapter vs ppl thinking it sucks. It is surprising how very Neutral I am on this bc I personally feel like the explanations given made sense to me in the chapter.
I don't think this took away from Yuta's character, nor did it take away from what we've seen before; Yuta is not Yuuji. Yuta has shown that he can kill people. He only sparred Uro and Ryu bc of the rule to be able to transfer points. He admits that he "cheated" in the past month. Yuta is very aware of what decisions are wrong but still does them bc its for the best outcome, even if it means losing his own humanity. Yuta wants the best for Gojo but still looks at it in a flawed way. Yuta is unknowingly falling into Sukuna's/Uraume's ideology.
Yuuji is the only one so far in the series that continues to be filled with regret from killing and still wants to do better. He is forced to dissociate his self-identity to cope with his actions. He has said he would eat anything to defeat Sukuna, effectively throwing his humanity, but does not do so at the expense of other ppl (see Yuji's conversation with Higuruma before shinjuku). Yuji looked past Gojo's infinity so he could give encouragement, even tho everyone else was afraid. Yuji is the antithesis to Sukuna's view of the world
Yuta is not Yuji, and I think that's the point.
I don't think one is better than the other, I simply find this contrast to be interesting when u look at it in the grander theme of change and tradition within jujutsu society.
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anime-fan-05 · 5 months
Can you please do headcanons of Yuji, Megumi, Toge, Satoru, Suguru and Yuta and the male versions of Nobara, Maki and Mai (I saw you did them for "Code Geass", if you don't want to do them, don't worry) being called 'darling' from their crush (who they aren't together with yet)?
I was thinking maybe the reader could be in a store and she then gets hassled by someone, sees the character and calls him 'darling' to ward off the harasser, but if you've a better idea, you can use that.
Then I've another request: the same characters whose hair the reader plays with.
Please, take your time to make my requests and sorry if there are two.
Thank you very much!
Jujutsu Kaisen ~Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part~
Manga/anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
As always, I divided the first headcanon into two parts. Second part is here. The two parts of the second headcanon are here (1st) and here (2nd). Furthermore, I leave you the photos of Nobara, Maki and Mai in their male version (they're really handsome!). I'll keep your idea because it's really good!
(Y/N) is walking through the shops in her city's shopping center. First she was in the company of her friend, but the two separated because he wanted to go to a different store from the one where she wanted to shop.
However, as she walks, she notices a boy is following her, continuing to stare at her, so she decides to return to her friend.
Her walk, which has turned into a run, ends when she finally sees her friend. She approaches him, greeting him and motioning to the boy behind her, who was continuing to follow her, and she tells him: "Darling, here I am!".
Itadori Y.
At first he won't realize what you called him: he'll play your game and pretend to be your boyfriend
When he realizes the nickname, he'll have a huge smile on his face and slightly blushed cheeks
For a few minutes he'll continue to hear your voice calling him 'darling' in his head and he won't listen to anything
Once he calms down, he'll ask you the reason for the nickname ignoring the fact you called him that to probably make your farce true
Sukuna will probably tease him for a long time due to his reaction
Fushiguro M.
He'll freeze
He'll be so still you'll have to check if he'll be breathing, since he won't move a muscle for a few minutes
After he recovers, he'll roughly chase away the harasser (if he wouldn't have already left), but he won't dare look at your face
He won't show you his face during your entire walk back to your house (he'll have insisted on taking you home), because he'll be terribly red up to his ears
He'll probably remember that event for his whole life and, every time he thinks about it, he'll still be blushing
Kugisaki N.
Cheeky as he's, as soon as he sees you running towards him and hears you call him 'darling', a cheeky smirk will appear on his face
He'll play along with your charade, and he'll distance you two from the harasser
After you two get far enough away, he'll start talking, or rather making fun of you a little ("So I'm your boyfriend now?")
However, if he'll notice you're upset, he'll immediately become concerned and start asking if you're okay
He'll want to stay with you until you'll have to go home (know he'll force you to let him accompany you): he'll take you shopping and buy you everything you want or he'll invite you to an arcade to cheer up your spirits
Inumaki T.
At first he'll look at you questioningly, not understanding the reason for the nickname you used
Nevertheless, he'll immediately understand your situation and take you by the hand, either moving you away from the harasser or making him leave
Afterwards, he'll ask you if you're okay, not totally realizing the nickname
After making sure of your well-being, the nickname you used will hit him hard like a brick, and he'll blush heavily and cover the blush with his uniform's collar
As soon as he arrives at his house, he'll send you a message telling you he would like to be called 'darling', but as your boyfriend and not friend
Okkotsu Y.
Poor boy, you'll kill him if you call him that
The only thing that comes out of his lips will be a continuous stammer, and he'll blush and start shaking, not looking neither you nor the harasser in the eye; so, the boy won't likely believe your lie due to that and he'll try to pull you towards him by your wrist
That will be when he'll wake up from his trance: he'll gently grab you by your wrist and waist and pull you against his chest, telling the harasser to leave his girlfriend alone
Then, he'll return to his shy behavior and ask you if you're okay, worried about having hurt you
You'll never have to remind him of that event: he'll blush furiously, even if years will have passed since that day
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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■●○Shojou Pain○●■
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“I want to have a connection with someone. I want to be needed by someone. I want the confidence to feel like it’s okay to live.”
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
"Ask the second years!" Yuji chides, the two of you huddled up on the floor. A note book sitting on your lap as dozens of manga lay across the your desk. "No way!" You create a an 'x' symbol with your hands.
"What if they think I'm not good enough for him!" You cry out, tugging at your hair. Your phone digs as a notfication from Junpei pops up.
"Ha..? They wouldn't." The pink-nette deadpans.
"Think about it..!"
The heroine was cornerd in a desserted hall as the rival scowls. "Why do you keep bothering him! Weirdo!"
"There's gotta be someone we know who has info on him.." Itadori ponders aloud. "Someone with experience.."
Grabbing your phone, you see the small text. Even he was trying to help you out, even if he was doing special training with Nanami. You read outloud the text he sent.
"Junpei said: "Someone one that knows him well enough." "
Yuji hums in agreement. "Someone we know too.."
The two of you stew in thought as Nobara and Megumi return back to the classroom. Lunches in hand, converseing quietly.
Fushiguro pauses, a strange look on his face. The brunette blinks, turning her attention ahead of them.
"Geh-!? Creepy..." Kugisaki mumbles.
There teacher, who had been hiding by the doorway, watches excitedly. Teetering back and forth on his long legs. Readying to jump into the classroom, like a dog having there name called!
"I got it!" You cheer, jumping out of your seat. Slamming your hands against the desk, your gaze faraway.
Aftee those words were utter, you could hear a small distraught yell from outside.
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
"Okkotsus type eh..." Todo mumbled, his muscular frame leaning back against the chair. "Hmmm.. Well, when I first heard of him. I thought of some total badass."
"He is-!" You tried to defend, but stop yourself, never actually seeing him in action. But hearing how Fushiguro respected him, along with being a Speical grade, hell, even close with your seniors!
He... Was a power house.
But. What did you actually KNOW about HIM?
Shaking away your thoughts, you wait expectantly for an answer.
"Ha! When I saw him though, he looked like a scared lamb!" Todo laughed. "But, I could feel his cursed energy as soon as he stepped in the arena."
Sipping at your drink, you watch your friend smirk as he recalls the memories. You nodded along, especially the smallest details.
"But type of woman... He never really told me." He shrugged as you choke on your straw, coughing into your fist.
"Though, your strength to puruse him is admirable!" Todo pat your shoulder ruffly, laughing again. "I'm quite good at reading people, so I'm sure I know his type!"
You sweated, maybe asking the second-years should of been your first choice.
"A strong, resilient woman, with a big rack." Todo nodded thoughtfully.
"...." You smack your head against the table as Todo smiles smugly at his answer. "...Thanks, Todo..." You grit out, before popping your head back up in realization. "Oh! Right, I almost forgot, here!"
Taking the papers out from your bag, you slide them over to him. Whispering, "for your trouble's." You said seriously.
"Huh? What's this.." He picks them up, then immediately becomes quiet.
Holding out your hand, he takes it quickly. Gripping it firmly as the two of you share a look of aknowlegement.
"Good luck! (Y/N)!"
"Thank you!"
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
Eyes ahead on the lap course, you huff as you do. Not as good as your pink haired friend, but doing your best!
Hearing laughter near the bleachers, you slow your pace to get a peek.
Maki laughed manically as she swiped at Yuta with her spear as he expertly dodged. Swinging back at her with his blade.
You gaze in awe, almost stopping completely until your nudge by Kugisaki. "Hey, you' alright? You seem space-casey." Your pace became snail-like as the two of you walked and talked.
"I'm fine, just thinking!" You laugh it off, glancing away.
"Hmmm..." Nobara sighed. "I heard from Itadori that you went out on a date."
"HUH!? -A-h.. No!" You explain your situation to jer quickly, fumbling a bit on a few words. But making sure your point came across.
"Good! Cause' I thought either one of us went on a date we'd tell each other, that idiot was lying, I knew it!"
You bashfully defended Yuji, "He just meant "going out" not.. "OUT." " Nobara scowls. "Your worse than he was when I asked."
Huffing, she leaves your side, but pauses. Glancing back at you. "Though, I'll be sure to help you dress probably for a real date." She sassed, before leaving the track to grab her watterbottle.
You follow after before driffing over to Panda's side discreetly as you could.
Noticing you, the cursed corpse welcomes your presence. "Hey (Y/N)! You wanted to see the action?" Panda jokes as Inumaki agreed. "Salmon."
Face warm, you take a seat with them. "Ah, well... I wanted to ask something."
"Go on.."
"Is.. Is.. Okkotsu, seeing anyone?" You smile anxiously, gazing at your senior classmate hopefully.
"Oh-ho~!" Panda pats your back encouragingly. "I see! You should of said something sooner! Toge is right though, he's single."
You beam, letting out a relived breath. "Ha... I was super curious, but I got worried, then I asked Todo. And he said Yuta's into big bo-"
"He perfers normal." Panda interupted your rant.
You pause, shutting up. Waiting for him to continue eagerly.
Before Panda could continue, Maki yells at you. "Oi! (Y/N), don't slack off." She calls at you, while you squeak when seeing even Yutas attention directed at you.
Slumping in your seat, you smile reassureingly at your two seniors. "Right.. Sorry."
You hop down from the bleachers, not daring to catch a glance at the male who held your heart. Gazing ahead, you walk past Yuta as your eyes light up when seeing Yuji call you over to the field.
"Hey! (Y/N)! Junpei said he's free this weekend to see Earth Worm Four!"
You scream back with delight as you ran to him. "No way! You think we could convice Nobara and Megumi to come with-!"
The Heroine misses the glances she got, oblivious as a typical shoujo maiden.
Maki sighs at your shouting, ignoring it as she glances at her friend. "Yuta, we can take a break now. You don't seem very focused." She mocks, reading his slightly stiff movements easily.
"Sorry Maki."
"YUUUUTAAA~!" A cheery voice sings, walking into grassy area.
"Oh, Gojo-Sensei?"
"The one and only! But, I got a mission for you."
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
[Taglist: @mint129106 @iamboredowo @yveening @okkvtsu @bankaixx @imphuong]
[Fan art, reblogs, comments are always apperciated! I hope you all like the update! Are poor guy needs some love!]
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seoafin · 4 years
Sooo i may or may not have become obsessed with the rip!verse (each of your posts make my day and white lighters what a delightful read, holy shit) and i have so many questions! (Pls ma'am... feed us... we need the high quality content you provide...)
1. What is reader's cursed technique? I remember toji saying she had potential upon (brutally) trying to kill her and her examining yuji to... idk, try to seal sukuna, but you've never explicitly said anyting and i am dying to know more (pls help)
2. We all know poor, poor Megumi suffers from the incessant pining between reader and gojo. But what about Yuji and Nobara? And the second years? Do they try to set them together, crossing out the ideas/plans they've already tried, becoming more and more desperate each time it inevitabely fails in the most improbable way? Or does gojo asks for their help?
3. And how could i not talk about the Shibuya Arc? (also known as "gege please for the love of god stop" arc) Where is reader? Did she manage to follow gojo abd watch the... incident unfold? Did she stay behind with Shoko? Did she go with the students? Did she join the kyoto school? How did she react upon learning that gojo was chillin' in his lil cube while the whole world was going to hell? (And did she see Getwo??? What was her reaction??? I have whole scene in mind and am now itching to write it down although i must sleep?? Why??)
(Yep, the rip!verse leaves rent free in my mind. Not that i complain though. It never ceases to amaze me no matter how many times i read it. Plus it inspires me for my own writing so *bows* thank you so much for creating such a bloody brilliant masterpiece! Have a lovely night/day!)
THIS ASK??? Hxhsbndnd i’m so glad you like the ripverse!!
prepare for an info dump + general information on rip!mc which I probably should have typed out/ elaborated on earlier LOL
honestly i'm still working out the details but it's probably going to be something along the lines of the ability to suspend time for a person/object with certain conditions that must be met. but once they're met you can hold it for as long as you wish. It’s not exactly an offensive cursed technique, but deadly if utilized properly! it also comes in handy when trying to study curses!
rip!mc is a historian/researcher who classifies curses which is a fascination which was born after geto left. weirdly, it helps you feel closer to him. your research takes you around the country, and even abroad some times (which gojo despises), but you’re more than well equipped to defend yourself. you trained maki with the polearm!!
I also like the idea of them occasionally teaching as an adjunct professor at Tokyo University (grad student MC ftw), so they know what it’s like to be a teacher, although it’s not exactly the same! the semesters you do teach—you occasionally stay with gojo
the reason why toji said that is bc rip!mc caught toji's eye a split second before he stabbed gojo. since you’re very very sensitive to cursed energy and by default, other people, the pure absence of cursed energy made you instinctively turn. toji was referring to the fact that if you honed your skill a little more, you maybe would have even sensed him!
also the reason why rip!mc is more sensitive to cursed energy than gojo is because he probably automatically filters out the sheer number different cursed energies (since the sensory overload would be crazy while rip!mc never really learned to do that and as a result became more attuned to cursed energies in general)
Also more about the cursed seals! Rip!mc is exceptionally good at making seals because of how sensitive they are to cursed energy. In harmonious, you had to gauge sukuna’s overall (at the time) power in order feel out whether or not you could make a good enough seal (the higher ups requested it) to contain sukuna.
Everyone is tired of gojo’s pining. And suspicious at how oddly ignorant you are. When gojo makes himself at home on your lap in the middle of a meeting for the umpteenth time, and you’re completely unfazed, everyone’s like?????
It kinda goes back to how rip!mc refuses relationships because she knows she’s going to die (hazards of the job), and she’s afraid of leaving a lover behind more than anything (childhood trauma. involves parents), and in her head, friends and lovers are two distinctly different things (they really aren’t). Getting over a friend's death is different from getting over a lover’s death (once again, not really, who’s going to tell her???)
And gojo, for as much as he lacks boundaries (ie; has none) tries to accommodate it the best he can although you’ve always been his. shoko always tells gojo that (like always when it comes to rip!mc) he’s jumping the gun, but he shoots her with finger guns and says that he has no idea what she’s talking about :)
Maybe the reason why you’re never home is because you doesn’t want to confront your feelings haha
When it comes to the nosy students. Nobara likes you but can’t fathom gojo in a relationship. Yuji automatically assumes you and gojo are dating. Maki thinks that you can do so much better than that idiot. Panda thinks it’s cute. Inumaki: Salmon. Yuta sees the way gojo “looks” at you but thinks he’s overthinking it, and doesn’t want to say anything.
Megumi, on the other hand, tells everyone to leave it since he’s a bit protective over rip!mc.
You’re not the only one!! I’ve gotten messages on ao3 asking about the shibuya arc LOL 😭
the reader was called back from Okinawa as backup and reached tokyo as soon as gojo entered the curtain. he texted her saying not to worry (haha). They entered with shoko and yaga to protect her and the patients. And when she hears that gojo’s been sealed, she’s completely bewildered. Gojo can take care of himself wherever he is, she’s more worried about the students than him tbh LOL (gojo is definitely going to whine about that later)
When megumi’s dropped off by yuji (ugh!!!) this is where it could go either way.
1) Shoko sees how worried you are about yuji, whose cursed energy you picked up before he ran away, and tells you to go. You find him but he runs away from you. If this happened I could see a getwo reunion (I’m hurt, did you already forget my face?) where getwo reaches out to touch your hair and gets stopped by surprise, surprise, original geto deep inside. Cue some more body vs soul philosophical talking points before you eventually meet up with the kyoto gang AND utahime!!!
2) Stay with shoko. Eventually get called to the Kyoto group.
Meanwhile inside the prison realm gojo is playing with a ring the size of your ring finger (how he got the measurement nobody knows)
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