#im not saying yuta is a bad person! i think he is just flawed for thinking in such a way
justsomerandomplanet · 4 months
[ jjk 261 spoilers ]
just rambling thoughts about the chapter now that ive Actually read it (thank u tcb and also i wish ppl who post about leaks without tags a very can you Stop and tag thanks)
tldr; i dont hate the chapter, its an interesting one! feel free to discuss with me if u would like
I don't actually hate the chapter conceptually
Ideologically, Uraume has brought up the topic of being human and the fact to be strong/to defeat sukuna you must disregard that obsession of loneliness/humanity. I also think at the end of the day, it speaks a lot about how jujutsu society functions (in that it uses people regardless of respecting them as people, i.e. the star plasma vessels, children as sorcerers facing death constantly, etcetc).
Nevertheless, I do wonder why Yuta had to do it. At the end of the day I still believe Yuji will be the one to defeat Sukuna, you cannot tell me all that build up to him is for Nothing, but what point is there in bringing Yuta in that case? If he just does more damage and then dies (lol), like. What is there to it. Like in the perspective of the characters i get it, they don't know if they'll win or lose and they're gonna have to use every option they have, but simply on a readers perspective, it feels a bit redundant. I just feel there should be a way to incorporate this idea without it feeling like we'll get gojo v sukuna 2.0. Idk i just want yuji to beat sukuna like that first page was so cool :(!!!!
Anyway, the idea of bringing back Gojo similar to how "Toji" was revived in shibuya is also unbelievable bc Gojo himself is shown to still want to protect the kids. His ideology derives from making sure They Are Alive And Changing The System. Yes, I get it he is battle obsessed too (see the shinjuku battle) but it doesn't change he went out of his way to tell them not to look/follow him for what he's about to do with the higher ups. Theory wise, gojo being brought back like this is dull (but plausible i suppose) (also thinking about it would that Really be gojo? We saw that toji still didnt come back normal, and wasnt it stated that the toji that did come back was more of just the memories of the body rather than the person himself? Idk. Anyway)
Additionally, Yuta, altho caring for Gojo, is still falling back to the mentality that made Gojo alone (the "Strongest" vs Gojo Satoru). Yuta himself wanting to sacrifice his humanity so everything Gojo did wouldn't be moot while still using his body, which inherently disrespects him as a person, is a hyprocritical and flawed way of thinking that makes him interesting for me now lmao. He cares for him a lot, but he has to resort to it as a means to an end. Also I don't care if he dies, in fact the idea of him living while still in gojo is just weird tbh so i really dont see a way put of that? Im kinda just interested to see what happens tbh
I'll be real; I can see both points in how ppl think this is a cool chapter vs ppl thinking it sucks. It is surprising how very Neutral I am on this bc I personally feel like the explanations given made sense to me in the chapter.
I don't think this took away from Yuta's character, nor did it take away from what we've seen before; Yuta is not Yuuji. Yuta has shown that he can kill people. He only sparred Uro and Ryu bc of the rule to be able to transfer points. He admits that he "cheated" in the past month. Yuta is very aware of what decisions are wrong but still does them bc its for the best outcome, even if it means losing his own humanity. Yuta wants the best for Gojo but still looks at it in a flawed way. Yuta is unknowingly falling into Sukuna's/Uraume's ideology.
Yuuji is the only one so far in the series that continues to be filled with regret from killing and still wants to do better. He is forced to dissociate his self-identity to cope with his actions. He has said he would eat anything to defeat Sukuna, effectively throwing his humanity, but does not do so at the expense of other ppl (see Yuji's conversation with Higuruma before shinjuku). Yuji looked past Gojo's infinity so he could give encouragement, even tho everyone else was afraid. Yuji is the antithesis to Sukuna's view of the world
Yuta is not Yuji, and I think that's the point.
I don't think one is better than the other, I simply find this contrast to be interesting when u look at it in the grander theme of change and tradition within jujutsu society.
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rvnjun · 6 years
nct 2018 reacts | their idol crush gets made fun of by an mc
warnings: idk if this is a warning but the reader gets made fun of for their looks sometimes genre: angst but all fluffy paring: nct x fem!reader a/n: I didn't add gifs because i'm lazy and my computer crashes when I try adding more than 9 gifs to a post
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Taeil would be playing with his hands, he was very nervous, it wasn't easy being on the same show as the person you've been crushing on forever. His ears would perk up when he heard your name mentioned. “You look like a frog trying to walk on two legs,” the mc said while watching your dancing. Immediately he felt his heart drop. He looked at your expression and felt his anger boil, it was obvious that you were hurt. “Hey, dancing isn't easy, you should try it,” Taeil spoke quietly while looking at his hands. He looked up to see you smiling brightly at him
“How can a leader be so quiet and reserved? Shouldn't it be you to peak up and not your members?” the host asked after another membered explained the album and not you. “Well actually during comebacks someone gets assigned to remember what to say about the album, its not always the leader,” Taeyong defended. He could tell you seemed hurt and he didn't like seeing his biggest crush offended. The host nodded in response, he didn't expect Taeyong to defended you like that, he was intimidated. Once the camera were off you'd go over and thank him for sticking up for you.
“I literally didn't know that you were in this comeback. Where were you in the mv and where are your lines?” the host asked while looking at you. Truth be told, you didn't know why you didn't get many lines nor why you didn't have much screen time. “I really don't know,” you mumbled while looking at the water bottle in front of you. Johnny nodded his head, he knew what it was like to work so hard for something and have it still be out of your reach. The hosts laughed “Apparently there is something very wrong with you,” he said while trying to move on to the next topic. Johnny rolled his eyes, he placed a reassuring hand over yours and gave you a calming smile. “Don't listen to him, okay? Even though you don't have many lines this comeback you shine brighter than your members,” he encouraged. You nodded your head and tried to calm your beating heart. Johnny's words really helped you and you made sure that you needed to hank him the next time you saw him
“If we are talking about looks here than Y/N is definitely at the bottom,” the mc said while laughing along with the others. Your eyes widened, you were surprised to hear his words. Yuta was too, he had always had a crush on you and thought of you as the most beautiful women he had ever met. “No, Y/N would be at the top,” Yuta corrected while sending the mc a deathly glare. You giggled and sent a smirk over to mc. Yuta couldn't help but laugh at your new found confidence
Your Korean wasn't the best and you'd be the first person to admit it. Despite knowing about your lack of Korean speaking skills you didn't like being made fun of for them. However making fun of your speaking seemed to be what every host did, it was their favorite thing. Ten had noticed this, throughout the entirety of filming the host would reoccurringly laugh at how you said things or when you forgot a word. By the end of filming Ten noticed that you weren't speaking as much, he would feel extremely bad so he approached you and said. “Y/N dont listen to them, its not easy learning another language. I bet none of them can speak 2 languages (or more).” You smiled at his words, he had a point. “Thanks, Ten,” you said with a charming smile. Ten would nod and decide to help you for the rest of filming, he didnt care if the fans noticed
“And you are the main vocalist? How in the world did that happen?” the host asked after listening to you singing your favorite song on your new album. You were clearly taken back by his statement, you had been called a terrible vocalist before but always by angi fans, never by a host. “And you are the main host? How in the world did that happen?” Doyoung sasssed back while sending the host a glare. You giggled at him causing his heart to flutter. The host simply looked at the floor and burned red in embarrassment while everyone laughed at him
Kun was standing next to you while your members talked about your new song and the highlight parts. He was already extremely nervous because of this comeback and being next to his crush made his nerves 10x worse. “I keep forgetting your not a 6 membered group and that there is 7 of you,” the host said while gesturing to you. You had taken a hiatus because of health problems and this was your first comeback back. Kun couldn't control his expression, his faced formed into confusion before it went to pure anger. Once the camera were off and you guys were leaving Kun leaned over and whispered in your ear “Don't listen to him Y/N. Sometimes I forget you aren't a solo artist because you shine so much compared to your members,” he winked at you before walking away. You brought your hand up to your heart and tried to control its rapid beating
Jaehyun awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while the host started asking questions about his personal life. When his ideal type was mentioned the host brought up if any of the other girls on the show matched his ideal type. Truthfully, he wanted to answer yes and mention you but of course he knew that he couldn't do that. “Well I can tell you this, it isnt Y/N,” the host added while making everyone laugh except for you and Jaehyun. Jaehyun could tell from your expression that you were hurt, being made fun of for your looks was a recurring thing for you on variety shows. “Actually, I was going to say Y/N is the closest person to my ideal type,” he said making your cheeks turn crimson
Winwin didn't know what to say or do, all he knew was that he wanted to stick up for you. He looked at the hosts before choosing to not speak up yet and instead say something later. Once the filming was over you were mentally and physically exhausted. “Y/N? Id like to apologize for not sticking up for you earlier, I should have said something,” he said with an apologetic smile. You shook your head “Its okay Winwin, im glad you said something now,” you said making him feel much better, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Uh, here is my number. Call if you need anything,” Winwin said before rushing away to his managers
Jungwoo took a bite of the ice cream and continued to walk with a skip in his step. Today was a good day, the sun was shining, he got ice cream, and he was able to film a show with his idol crush. “You know Y/N, I wouldn't eat on camera if I were you, you look like a donkey,” the mc said while they changed the cameras out. “Oh,,,okay,” you said while tossing the cone away. You felt sick to your stomach, why hasn't someone told you the truth before.”Y/N,” Jungwoo mumbled while walking next to you. You looked away, embarrassed to be called a donkey while in the presence of Jungwoo. “Don't listen to him, you look perfectly fine, stunning actually,” he said with a cheeky grin. You giggled at his words and thank him. Jungwoo placed a short but sweet kiss on your cheek
You followed close behind Lucas, he tall stature and broad shoulders helped shield you from the harsh winds. He had told you to stay behind him, that he could lead the way back and you felt bad. You wanted to be able to help out more but you were already sick due to the lack of food and the freezing rain. Byungman had insisted that you and Lucas go and find some wood but what eh didn't realize that a huge storm was going to hit. Now you two were stuck in it while trying to get back to base camp. After what felt like hours you were completely worn out, and it was noticeable. Your fever had raised and you kept coughing. Once you got back Lucas was beyond worried for you “Y/N you're so useless right now and you're literally the ugliest thing i've ever seen,” one of the guests on the show said while laughing. Lucas scrunched his face up in confusion “She is sick, id like to see you try and walk 2 miles in this storm while sick. I think she still looks beautiful,” Lcas said while giving yo a soft smile.
“Y/N you look like a lifeless corpse,” the host said with a laugh while pointing at your makeupless face. You looked at him with wide eyes and hid yourself behind your hands. “Im sorry, let me go apply my makeup,” you said while turning around and returning to your room. “Y/N I think you look even more stunning, if that's possible,” he smoothly flirted without realizing. The hosts were surprised by his words, just like you. “Oh my, thank you Mark,” you giggled while removing your hands from your face with a new found confidence causing Mark to smile proudly.
You sat in the chair and played with your fingers while you waited to be called back on set. Biting your lip you did your best to hide back the tears but it was really hard. No one liked getting made fun of for their looks, especially not in front of their crush. You looked up and wiped your tears when you heard someone in front of you cough. “Hey Y/N,” Renjun said while he looked down at you. “Hello Renjun,” you simply said before looking back down. You tried to hold them back but they kept falling.”Y/N don't listen to them, you're a beautiful girl, there literally isnt a single flaw on you,” Renjuns words took you by surprise. You looked up at him with light pink cheeks. Renun sighed and cupped your face in his hands before wiping your tears with his thumb. “I mean it”
Jeno held the microphone tighter than usual, his eyes were burning holes into the camera and his poster was picture perfect. “Y/N, you read the wrong line, who invited you to be the guess mc?” the other mc asked while staring at you. Jeno furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at you. You lightly laughed and tried to keep a smile. Once the camera were off you rushed away so you could cry. “Y/N!” Jeno called out while reaching for your hand. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him with a wry smile. “Don't listen to him, you did great,” he said sending an eruption of butterflies in your stomach
Haechan scoffed at the hosts joke. “Its not cool to make fun of someone for something they cant control,” he said while sending him a sharp glare. The host looked back at Haechan “What did you just say to me?” he asked, testing the younger boy. “I said dont make fun of someone for something they cant control,” Haechan snapped back. You watched from Haechan side with a glint in your eyes. No one had ever stuck up for you like that. “Thank you haechan, I mean it,” you mumbled to him before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. Haechan watched in awe as you walked ahead, his hand went up to the spot where your lips once were and he beamed
You yelped slightly as you slipped on the floor, your hand reached out for something to hold onto so you wouldn't fall. Grabbing Jaemins forearm tightly you caught your balance. You sent Jaemin an apologetic smile, he had been helping you out all day. “Wow Y/N, dont you think Jaemin is tired of taking care of you, its like he is babysitting,” the host started to laugh at his own joke, others joined in. You stopped and looked over at him. Jaemin didnt mind taking care of you, you were his biggest crush and he liked having you cling to him. “Please dont put words in my mouth, I dont mind it at all,” he said with giving you a soft smile
The host stared at your beat red face, you were in the middle of trying to think of a reply but couldn't come up with anything. Instead you opted to sutter out a incomprehensible “yes.” The host rolled his eyes at you before looking at the producer “Why did you invite her, she can't even answer a simple question. How are you a idol?” he tried to play it off as funny but you were very much hurt by it. You knew you were shy and awkward and you did your best to get over it. “I think her shyness makes her even more cuter,” Chenle piped up out of nowhere. You sent Chenle a thankful smile, no one had ever stuck up for you like that, especially not a cute boy
Jisung watched in awe as your body moved to the beat perfectly, he was completely mesmerized by your dancing. Once you were done you smiled proudly, you had noticed the way Jisung was looking at you and it made you feel all giddy inside. “And you call yourself a dancer?” the mc asked while giving you a sharp stare. Jisungs eyes widened, he didnt even know what came over him when he spoke “No offense but she is the most amazing dancer id ever seen.” Once Jisung realized what he said he glanced over at you and saw you giving him the biggest heart eyes he had ever seen, he put his hand up to his mouth and tried to hide his growing smile
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imagodwithnodess · 6 years
Moving-Park Jisung
Genre: fluff
word count:1,600
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Whhyyyyy!!???. You thought as you look at your dirty room. Today you have to pack to move out of your room. You currently live with your aunt as you wanted to go to an American boarding school In Korea, but your sister and her husband recently moved to Korea so you and she decided that It would be best for you to move In with her. As you all know each other better, and you missed each other dearly. You sit and look at your room and wonder how you are going to stay level-headed through this process. You call the only person you know that can help you through such a stressful sItuatIon.
(M=mark lee
Y: heeeeeey
M:.....what do you want
Y: I can't just text my best friend to check and see how he's doIng????? I'm Insulted!
M: 1. No...no you can't 2….well what do you need!
Y: ok so I need a strong man (or men) to help me with my room
M: your room? You're literally stronger then half the boys…..also that sounds more like you need help with organIzatIon...not strength.
Y: but maaaark
M: just…….text him already
Y: ok but no….we are playing a game. Whoever texts or calls fIrst loses….I ain't no loser.
M: call hIm...bye
Y: you're the worst
M: call your boyfriend!!!
Y: fIne!!!
You close your textIng app and go Into your call logs and begrudgIngly hIt the phone Icon.
“Shut up”
“I knew you would call me today”
“Shut up,I know I didn't want to….but I realIzed I have too”
“ so babe what do you need?”
“I'm movIng today and I need help keeping a level head”
“Fear not my lady for I will help you”
“you are so lame omg haha”
“Ok but so are you so...ok I’ll be there In 10”
“Ok, love you bye”
“ yeah whatever I love you too bye”
You put away your phone and start a prIorIty lIst with what you need to deal with.
10 or 15 minutes later you hear a knock on your room door, “Come In!” you say towards the door. JIsung leans In “someone order a mental paperweIght??” he says making you laugh as you turn around and get off your seat and walk towards him “hello love,” you say as you kiss him. “ hI babe,” he says after you finished your kIss. “So! I have a list of things we need to do...so let's do them” “wow I have never seen you like this” he says as you walk away from the list and he picks It up to read It. “Like what?” you say as you start to pack up your bed set “ so effIcIent, so organized,” he says as he walks over to help you. “Well, I guess there has never been a need for It” you say as you shrug your shoulders “yeah I guess not,” he says slowing down on the last couple words.
You 2 work hard to get your room all packed up…..well 1 of you anyways. If you took a tImelapse of that day It would consist of:
You running around like a mother that's kids were down for a nap and she only had 30 minutes to clean the entire house
jIsung sIttIng and gettIng up every now and then
You guys dancing to music that we put on the speaker
Your aunt peakIng In the room sometImes
You guys pIllow fIghtIng, and clothes fIghtIng, and wrestlIng
And you guys face timing dIfferent people like your family, you guy’s friends, and of course the boys at the dorms
“Hey, babe you need help with that” jIsung asked you as he saw you about to pick up a chair/reclIner “nah I got It” you say with a smile that melts his heart. You pick the chaIr up with eas and take It to the living room. JIsung Is left dumbfounded In the room, as you come back Into the room he asks “ have you always been that strang?”, you laugh and nod your head yes “ yea, but I like seeing you be all gentlemen like and manly so I let you pick things up for me” you say as your working on packIng up your closet “huh” JIsung said as he got up to help.
2 hours had passed since the chaIr. “Im hungryyy” you said layIng on the bed”    “well do you guys have any food?” jIsung says layIng on the bed next to you proppIng himself up on his elbow “nah aunt ray hasn't gone shopping this week” you say as you turn over “well….thats all my Ideas out the window” you chuckle at how easily he gives up “oh! Oh!” you say getting excIted searching for something “ what gIrl? what Is It!?” he says like your a dog trying to tell hIm someone Is stuck In a well. You find your phone and look at hIm” pizza!!!” you say as you dive on him from the floor. You both laugh and you lay there for about 10 minutes not realIzIng what you set out to do.
You remember the pizza call the pizza place. JIsung has never heard you talk to a place of business so he sits up and sees how you handle It. “Your staring at me” you say as the phone Is rIngIng “sshh order the pizza” he says wavIng his hand In a ‘shoo’ motIon. You were about to speak when someone answers the phone. All jIsung here's Is you talk In your professIonal voIce. “Hi can I get one large cheese pizza please” you say In a voice jIsung does not recognIze. After you get off the phone jIsung Is starIng lovIngly at you “what?” you say laughing through your words.
“You just...contInue to surprise me” he says smIlIng. You blush slightly even tho you can't really see It consIderIng your complexIon. You both ate as soon as the food got there. You then packed up the last of your stuff and sat down on jisungs lap In the one seat left In the room and leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Thank you for helping me today love” you say as you nestle yourself deeper In his arms “no problem baby,” he says then kisses you on the top of your head.
As he is about to leave he looks at you “ babe I want to tell you something” “yees??” then he walks back over to you and grabs your hands. He then says something that you will never forget “Y/f/n y/l/n I love you so much, I know we haven't been together very long but I feel like I learn something new about you that makes me fall more In love with you every day” he says then kisses your forehead and stares into your eyes. You were dumbfounded at how sweet and loving this state Is and how It came out of nowhere. “ I honestly don't know what to say other then I love you too babe, more then.. A Lot of things...maybe even more than pizza” you say the word pizza In the most dramatic way you can think of “whaaaaaat????” he says being as dramatic as you. You laugh and contInue to sIt there until he has to leave.
He gets In his car driving off and honkIng as a goodbye from the car. You wave from the doorstep then go back In the house when you can no longer see him. You run Into your almost empty room and laid there think about how lucky you are. As your sister calls “haay giirl” she says “so how was your day with boo??” “omg I can't even right now” as you start your story about how much you love your boyfriend.
Jisungs pov
I get to the dorms and am greeted by all of my bandmates in the living room. I guess since it's our day off they all decided to come to the dream dorm. “Hi hyungs,” i say taking my shoes off at the door. I hear alot of sounds and i assume it's because i was just at y/n’s “i'm sorry” i say being confused but still wanting to be polite. “Soo, how was the girlfriend?” Lucas says i start to blush just thinking about her “i know that face, come here and tell us all about it” teayong says. I sit on the couch and start to talk about her. Hyungs have only met jahrra about 5 times, shes really shy around newer people, so shes only just been coming out of her shell the last 2 times. So they know her just not nearly as much i do.
I didn't realize it but as i talk about her more and more they got more intrigued and slowly but surely they were all listening and looking at me “shes just, perfect, everyone has there flaws but hers pail in comparison to everything else about her.” i finish finally zoning back in “AAHHH! Our little maknea is in love!” yuta says “it sounds like you got it bad too” mark says “i guess i do” i say as they al start making fun of me (in the fun older brother way)
y/n pov
“dang sis you got It bad,” she says laughing at how her little sister fell In love “yeah….I guess I do”. you didn't realize how whipped you too were for each other till right now. LIttle do you know jIsung was realized the same thing at the dorms. You 2? Truly, t r u l y In love.
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