mundolatinomedia · 1 year
Alexa se encomienda a la inteligencia artificial para ascender a mayordoma - EL PAÍS
Alexa se encomienda a la inteligencia artificial para ascender a mayordoma  EL PAÍS
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letspacheco · 6 years
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Después de dibujar tantas #DivasdeDiván, este es el autorretrato que me salió para el libro. #Mayordomas https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq9mG3_l4Fi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rcrrspdkiqu4
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lovingjaeyun · 3 years
12. Cookie power
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word count : 728 word
Upon reaching the door knob of the office, it opened first before you did, showing the shocked face of the President, Seungmin.
"Hey! Y/n what are you doing here? Haven't you already forwarded the files to Chaeyeong-noona?" 
Without answering his question, you proceeded to give him the box of cookies that you packed for those officers that were present in the office.
"Nah, I'm not here as your secretary. These are the cookies that I baked. These aren't your favorite brownies, but these cookies are also the best. " You told Seungmin, low-key bragging about the baking skills you have. "Tss." He smiled, knowing you were aware of how much he adored your baked brownies.
"You need to share it if you're not alone inside. Anyway, I have to go. I'll be meeting Jake's sister today!" You didn't notice how his smile changed? "Really? So that means you're also going to see your crush, huh?" with a hint of bitterness in his tone that you missed.
"Ey! I'm professional," he said, patting your hair, and you both chuckled. You said your goodbyes, and someone watching from the south pavilion of the campus clearly misinterpreted your interaction with the council's president.
You proceeded to the pavilion, where Jake and Jay are staying. "Hi, Miss Secretary. Good luck with Jaein," Jay said, "she's as stubborn as her brother." That's why he got a protest from Jake, making you laugh.
"Thanks, Jay! Just call me y/n."
"We'll get going, Seong. Good luck on your training." Jake said, while putting the left strap of his bag on his left shoulder. You bid your good bye to Jay as you follow Jake's lead towards his car.
The ride was indeed very awkward. You can clearly smell his sandalwood scent, and the fact that he's just a few inches away from you makes your heart beat faster. You kept on taping your knees while looking outside the car. You're thankful that you've already arrived at their not-so-humble home.
It is a mansion with a minimalist to modern design. A photograph of a family of four hung in the center of the stairwell, which you could see as you walked up it.
"You can sit here, I'll just get Jaein upstairs." You were sitting on their sofa in the living room when a woman in her early fifties approached you and offered you some juice to drink.
"Good afternoon, miss. I am Liza, the mayordoma of the house. I guess you're Jaein's new tutor?" 
"Yes, please just call me Y/n. It was nice to meet you, Ma'am Liza." you said with a tone of respect. She smiled at you.
"You can call me Nana Liza, that's what Jaeyun and Jaein used to call me since they were kids. Jaein is such a stubborn kid, even her nanny and past tutors can't handle her, i just hope you have a lot of patience for our Jaein." you gave her a smile of assurance.
"I'll do my best, Nana Liza."
After Nana Liza left, you saw Jake walking down the stairs while having Jaein in his arms. You stood up and waited for them until they got in front of you.
"Y/n, this is Jaein. Jaein, say hi to your Y/n unnie, she's gonna be your new tutor." Jake softly said to his sister. You had no idea that you could fall multiple times with the same man you'd been crushing on for a long time
"Hi, Jaein!" Before burying her face in the crook of his brother's neck, the kid only glanced at you without saying anything. Jake stroked her back, making your heart melt. You can't believe you're seeing this side of Jake.
"Don't be shy, unnie is a friend. Do you like cookies?" you softly tells her. Slowly, she faced you with an unknown look. "Cookies? Jaein loves cookies." that made you smile. You reach for your bag and you took out the box of cookies that you've bake earlier.
"Come here, baby girl. I baked some cookies." You showed her the cute looking cookies and that made her wiggle her feet. That means she wanted to be free from Jake's arms. She went straight to you, or to your cookies, rather.
Jake, who is just watching the two of you get along, was completely forgotten by both of you.
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masterlist • Hi, it's me!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
TAGLIST: OPEN, don't be shy to send dm, ask or leave a comment to be added on the taglist. <3
— taglist: @jhanleanne @jongsaengseong @wccycc @nyfwyeonjun @msxflower @tomorrowbymoa-together @acciomylove @ja4hyvn @binnies-smile @jwonz
BOLD = can't tag :<
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ballorita1010 · 4 years
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Re-diseño de esta nenaaa💕
Es una cantante de música Pop, su instrumento preferido es el teclado el cuál toca desde muy pequeñita.
Tiene una LARGAA historia la cuál tengo que cambiar varias cosas, si buscan en las etiquetas "Karol" habrá un post con una historia larga y que tengo que cambiar alguna cosas, aún así al fin la re-diseñe💕.
Miriam es amiga y mayordoma de ella, ya que se llevan muy bien por eso son amiguis uwu.
Karol tiene 23 años y Miriam 31.
La altura de Karol es de 1.66, aún sigo sin tener un apellido para ella, pero luego lo diré...Otra cosa es que su madre sufre de cáncer, muchas veces las ganancias que tiene de su música lo pone en ayudar a curar a su madrecita😔👊💕.
Y...bueno ahí les dejo la paleta de colores si es que les interesa dibujarla o algo sjjs, aunque no creo no se ayyy😢.
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2020 / 2018
Ojalá les este gustando mis mejoras y perdonen por tanto texto, pero siento que no tendría sentido si no explico del personaje, la quiero mucho la verdad a esta nena💖💖💖💜
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ongbo · 4 years
si pudieras escoger otro trabajo, cuál sería?
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¿cualquiera en el mundo? escogería ser mayordoma principal, así me encargaría de dar los castigos y pondría al mayordomo actual a limpiar copas hasta el día de su mu---jubilación. ¡oh! y también estaría encargada de unir parejas, ¿cierto? ¡entonces quiero eso! ¿dónde me anoto y cuáles son los requisitos? 
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yoconvlog · 4 years
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mugre Mugre es Silvina Eleonora Bertone. Todos los temas son de Mugre, excepto Línea, por silvina bertone para las Medias Perdidas. Cover musical por Edu Ferrer. Grabado en Yoconvoz Discos Tucumán en algunos días del verano 2010 y primavera 2011, producido y mezclado por Juan Cruz Palacio para Yoconvoz discos en El Molino, Capital Federal entre mayo y agosto 2012. Arte de tapa: producción y foto humana: Fabian Ramos, retoque y armado, Silvina Bertone DG gracias al chueco ferrer, a juan cruz palacio Yoconvoz que nos entendimos muy bien, a las medias perdidas (yilet Lagrasta, lau Dorado, mile Sanchez, sil Bertone), al garageband y a ami, mi amigo de las estrellas. A Fabián Ramos, a los hnos szenkier, A Putúbela y Orgasmichica, y a la Editora Mayordoma que siempre me contuvo. Y a todos mis amigxs humanxs, amigxs animales y amigxs plantas y minerales y piedras también y etc, https://www.facebook.com/mugre.argentina https://www.instagram.com/p/CClR1eQp0fY/?igshid=1wuhkdgw8cjvg
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owsobear · 7 years
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Just would want to honor one of our lovely 2nd moms growing up Happy birthday Tita Dadang! May God continue to bless you abundantly and whatever your loving heart touches!!! Try namin dalaw pag nauwi kami... #TeamCali #FamilyLove #MayorDoma #LagotKaPagUwi #GrowingUp #HonoringThePast (at Doha)
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Solución a la crisis
CuidaBuenas tardes hijos p*tas!!!! Cuanto tiempo sin entrar en este tumblr dedicado a nuestra metamorfa favorita, pero es que ultimamente el material de esta pinche babosa escasea... Sin embargo, gente con cierta influencia gubernamental me han pasado esto... Fuera rollos, estaba hoy aburrida en mi casa y digo que cño hago con mi vida? xD y me ha dado por lo mas normal del mundo, buscar “neus feliu garcia” en el google, con cierta esperanza de que la policia ya la haya arrestado o algo... Nah, por ver si se habia hecho un Facebook o cualquier m**conada xD Pero he encontrado un diamante en bruto, una bomba... Nada más y nada menos que una cuenta de Wallapop de este ameba en la que se dedica al contrabando de pulseras y collares que ojito, ¿veis que no se puede fiar uno del internet? Que te venden eso como si tal cosa y resulta que este engendro lo ha llevado en sus manazas... Aunque... duda existencial, ya tengo para no dormir hoy... ¿como se pone los collares si no tiene cuello O.O? Obvio, por eso los vende, porque no puede ponerselos XD Bueno que si, que me enrollo mas que los franfurkt de la pendeja esta...
Que parece ser que se ha encontrado un nuevo remedio contra la crisis... Si quieres buscar empleo dejate de las colas interminables del inem o de echar curriculums por ahí... Adios al lema “si no vas a buscar trabajo no viene en busca tuya”, porque esta chotacabras ha encontrado un metodo infalible para encontrar trabajo... Nada más y nada menos que darte a conocer en Wallapop!!! Sí, yo también me entero ahora de que en Wallapop se busca trabajo, si es que este ser echa mano de el internet para todo... Pero si se supone que esto es para vender cosas que está vendiendo? Su alma? Misterioso...
En fin, voy a comentar los anuncios que Dos ojitos ha publicado en esta morrocotuda web:
1- Cuidadora de niños/as, 5€.
Necesitas ayuda con tus hijos?Quieres salir a relajarte los fines de semana? Por solo 5€ la hora, washap al 679307147
Si me pinchan no hecho gota sangre xD Pero vamos a ver rata inmunda, ¿de verdad crees que unos padres que tengan la cabeza en lo alto de los hombres van a dejar al cuidado de sus retoños a una persona que no tiene ni una pta foto de perfil suya? Y si es un sacamantecas, un loco o un asesino en serie? De verdad tu llamarías a un anuncio con una foto de un dibujo? xd no te lo crees ni tú... Además, lo gracioso es que pone “cuidadora de niños” cuando ella no tiene ni estudios de eso, su mayor experiencia es limpiarle el culo a cuatro viejos, que me estas contando xD eso sí, se hace ella la muy inclusiva poniendo niños/as, punto a su favor xD de paso a ver puesto cuido hijas ptas xd Y lo gracioso es como pone el anuncio, en plan como si fuera del corte inglés... ¿Necesitas ayuda con tus hijos? Uy, aqui ya de hijas nada, si tienes una hija buscate la vida... Y si tienes uno tampoco, solo hijOS... ¿Quieres salir a relajarte los fines de semana? (Lease con voz doblada) Cucha... Y si yo quiero relajarme la semana entera, o un dia que no sea fin de semana... Entonces anuncia que solo trabajas los fines de semana,,, Y si yo quiero salir a relajarme y quiero llevarme a mijo qué? Que a ti te hayan tenido en abandono no es nuestro problema xd y para eso se lo dejo a la abuela no a una loca que no se ni de qué pie cojea... Que persona en el siglo 21 va contratando niñeras por ahí, que te crees, la niñera recomendada o qué? Por solo 5 euros la hora... Muy buen servicio no será, eso es mu barato... Tan desesperada está que es capaz de aguantar a un criajo una hora entera por 5 euros marranos, para eso te vas al invernadero boniata xD Y atención a como escribe washap, yo esa aplicacion no la tengo ¬¬ y pone ahí su número y todo... Uh, ya tengo a quien llamar cuando me desvele a las 4 de la mañana xD Y a todo esto, y si quiero llamarla y no mandarle un wasap? Como en plan, que está tan ocupada que no tiene tiempo ni para una pta llamada... bussines man :B Y lo peor es que o anuncia con una foto de anime y una foto de sagitaria... Te transmite eso una confianza que te echa para atrás vamos... Y se pone ahí en plan “Cobro cinco euros la hora” :$
2- Trabajo de limpieza
Joven española se ofrece para limpieza del hogar,enviar washap 679307147 ,temporalmente estoy en alzira ,luego estare en burriana y alrededores.
Vemos que la guarrilla puso un anuncio nada más y nada menos que en wallapop un anuncio en el que se ofrecía para limpiar casas xd bueno, hogares xd buen sitio para buscar trabajo, el wallapop si si, si eso es una página de compraventa, no de buscar trabajo, como si buscas trabajo por ebay xd Joven española, eso lo primero, como en plan uh, la gente hoy en día está asustada de las moras, cubanas, negras, etc que se meten en las casas con la excusa de limpiar y luego te roban, que sepan que soy española y que soy de fiar... Nena, yo tendría más miedo de tí sinceramente... Y que quede claro que es joven y que tiene energía para desempeñar su trabajo xd para la limpieza del hogar, que refinada, haciendo de mayordoma o qué? la noble mansión de los Feliu xd washap, ahora me entero de que le han cambiado el nombre a la aplicación, serán las nuevas actualizaciones, yo no lo tendré actualizado, será eso... y pone su número de móvil ahí para que lo vea to Dios, ahora cojo y digo “mandadme fotos x a este número XD” y si tanto teme de que la encontremos tiene tantas pocas luces que pone su móvil con su nombre y todo xd ahora ya sé a donde mandarle spam XD Temportalmente estoy en alzira, tú ponlo ahí que vengan los ladrones xd y luego, y yo que sé cuando es luego, si es mañana o dentro de 20 años, y alrededores, que se consideran alrededores? pueblos de al lado o los alrededores del pueblo? Desde luego con esa presentación yo no la contrataba xd
3-Cositas Neus
Hola a todo el mundo,ago detallitos para todo tipo de eventos desde bodas,comuniones,cumpleaños,fallas,halloween,navidad,semana santa etc. whashap al 679307147
Diuuuu, ya nada más que el nombre te echa para atrás, cositas neus... En plan “Oportunidades Carmen” xD Y que es cositas neus? Un nuevo partido politico? Porque lo pone ahí como si fuera lo más normal del mundo y tuvieramos que saber que incluye ahí... Y como no, empezando con su “hola a todo el mundo”... A todo el mundo no araña zancúa, a quien lea eso que será mas bien nadie xD “ago” detallitos para todo tipo de eventos.., Vale, para una despedida de soltera también? Uh, que clase de detallitos serán esos X.X Mamma mia! Ya se donde contratar a quien me prepare mi boda... Osea, yo me caso y digo... Cño, pues voy a echar un vistazo a ver si por wallapop alguien me hace lso detallicos de la boda... A ver... Voy a buscar “cositas neus” y seguro ue me aparece... Bingo, aquí está! Leelo y mira a ver cuan remota es la posibilidad y sientete ridicula hijas ptas xD Lo mismo para comuniones y cumpleaños... Que persona con dos dedos de frente lo va a encargar ahí? y encima para que no seas fiable y te quedes con el dinero, que por cierto, ya me gustaria saber como se te paga a ti... seguro que quieres el dinero por carta, tu ni tendrás cuenta bancaria, si todo lo haces en negro, como tu culo xD y yo te voy a encargar 50 detalles para la boda, echale 100 nabos, te los mando por carta? es patetico esto xD O para que se te vaya la pinza, te cabres, lo dejes a medias y me dejes con el culo al aire el dia de mi boda xD Atención... para fallas xD que porque tu vivas en valencia no va a venir gente del pais vasco a pedirte detalles a ti para fallas... Halloween... Vale, yo quiero unas 50 copias de una foto tuya para empapelar mi habitación xd navidad... semana santa? y que encargos se hacen en semana santa? dibujitos de penitentes o qué? como no sean roscos hija... Y atención, porque planta fotos de unos pendientes echos como con gomaespuma o lo que sea eso... De verdad alguien que este en su sano juicio va a ir a una boda ocn unos pendientes de papel? Lo que me quedaba por ver, aqui ya te has lucido... si eso es de usar y tirar xD ni para un carnaval vamos... y encima dos euros que valen, con eso tienes para un pack de 9 pendientes en condiciones del pull and bear o bresca, mas el envio que te cobrara, si es que no lo manda por carta ordinaria y si se pierde te quedas mirando xd También un llavero de una luna del mismo material que parece rezar “sara”... Lo habra hecho por poner algo porque no creo que nadie le haya encargado esa m**erda con perdón, además, se de buena mano que ese nombre te gusta a ti hijas ptas, te acuerdas de Sara napoles? xP Y luego hay dos cositas que no se explicar con palabras, eso hay que verlo xd parecen dos tubos hechos con gomaespuma naranja y amarillo con ojos y con guirnaldas de esas como de navidad... como no sean c***ladores no se que otra cosa puede ser esa bazofia, y lo fuerte es que a una le ha dibujado boca y todo xD la imagen del espectador de la semana de cuarto milenio chicos... Vamos, para las BBcS
 También vemos que tiene 3 artículos en venta: 
Colgante con todos los simbolos del zodiaco ,y el cordel es de color rosa. Vale, lo que me extraña es que ponga del zodiaco y no de el zodiaco xd habrá sido un error de corrector xd vemos un collar con un trozo de cuerda “rosa” porque lo estoy viendo y es color salmón tirando para naranja, del material de las trenzas de cuero, con un circulo metálico en el que sale un sol con cara de travesti con todos los símbolos del zodiaco alrededor, esta se cree que está en el sphere music hall o qué? dará este artículo tan genuino a sus asistentes? obtendrán sus invitados su brillo al portarlos? Y lo que es más importante, ¿quién en su sano juicio pagaría los dos euros que vale esta basura? si en el pull and bear y bershka tienes por 1.99 todas las joyas que quieras, te vas a gastar tú lo mismo en una basura que ha tenido esta monigota en sus manazas? eso no está pagado...
Pulsera de madera y elástica: Y vale dos euros xd Vemos lo que parece ser la típica pulsera que venden en los puestos de los hippies echas como de madera con las piezas unidas mediante elástico, en color marrón oscuro y marrón claro. Lleva cuentas en cuadradas y circulares. Y digo yo, si es que esto fuera una cosa rara o que no se puede encontrar en ninguna parte, pues mira, es normal que a uno le guste y quiera comprarla, pero quién va a venir, va a ver eso, y se va a encaprichar tanto como para querer comprarlo? te digo yo que vas al chino de abajo y encuentras una más bonica xd
Pulsera con cadena de goma,con las letras A,B,C, y tres pequeños diamantes: Consigala por el módico precio de dos euros XD da risa, pero en verdad esto es denunciable... dice que tiene tres pequeños diamantes... he visto yo un pto diamante en Jose Luis y custa mil nabos, vas a vender tu tres por dos ptos euros... esto habria que llevarlo a la policia o al seprona, porque es un anuncio fraudulento... y lo peor es pensar que en algun dia de su pta existencia ella vio eso en una tienda y dijo oye, pues me la voy a comprar xD y se ve que la cadena es como de plástico quiriendo ser transparente pero que con los años ha tomado un color amarillento de la roña que llevaría cuando se la pondría, que asco, la infeccion que pillarias no vale los dos euros que pide por esa concentracion de bacterias... Y en medio es como una especie de placa de oro falso que se ve claramente descolorida y tirando a un marron ngruzco verdoso del paso del tiempo... Y pone ABC porqué? Repasemos el abecedario... A, abominación, B, blasfemia... Como tú xD y de verdad alguien ve eso y te lo va a comprar por dos euros? Si eso es pura chatarra mala que en los chinos te los venden mas baratos y nuevos... si eso le dices a alguien “lo voya  tirar, lo quieres” y no te lo coge ni regalado por no desperdiciar espacio de su casa en guardar esa m**da, es que me lo das gratis y lo echo al contenedor más próximo xD
Y a todo esto, en ningun anuncio especifica que estos articulos son usados y/o de sgunda mano, vamos , que te los esta veniendo como nuevecitos flamante sy eos lleva mas mi*erda que el sobaco de una vieja... Y esto es todo por hoy amiguitos de este entrañable cromañón, con esto ya si que se ha lucido pero bien xD Hasta la próxima!
Posdata: Si al final me va a tener que dar las gracias por hacerle publicidad a sus articulos y todo, ya quiero tenerlos xD me va atner que dar un procentaje de la venta. Que por cierto, como curiosidad pone que no ha vendido ningun articulo por el momento, normal xD
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Ruido y Contexto Editora - Irana Douer - No sé dibujar Comics / Exes / 2043 / Muriel Bellini - Ediciones el Fuerte - Libros del Taller - Rodrigo Soto - Socios Fundadores - Punta Lara ediciones - Vslean - Desastre / Florez - Club del Prado - Brutal Amuleto - Marina León - FRZ - Antonella Ricagni - Chocho - Vaga Fiebre - Subcultura - Are You a Cop or What? - Fotosfera - Höfn - Ausencia Editora - Joaquín Motor - Azetaguía - Cami Tabarez - Ninja Papel Editora - Conurbano Territorio Simbólico - Iglú - Waicomics - Gran Negro Ediciones - Un Gran Viaje - Editora de los Estados - S.A.R. - Roma Quién? - Desde un Tacho Ediciones - Elebeismo - Konsaro - Marco Tóxico - Tren en Movimiento Ediciones - Alcohol y Fotocopias - Hey Bica! - Ediciones de Cero - Los Dos Barcos / Roberta Zant-Lucía Brutta - Julieta Feresin - Papu All / Cobrinha - Diseña o Muere Ediciones XoXu - Refractario - Francisco Negrello - Editorial Mutanta - Editora Mayordoma - Na Salgado - Blackbird - 1992
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cofradiastv · 2 years
Roban la cabeza de la Virgen de la Estrella, patrona de Los Santos de Maimona
Roban la cabeza de la Virgen de la Estrella, patrona de Los Santos de Maimona
Es la imagen más venerada de Los Santos de Maimona, la patrona de su localidad. En la tarde de este Miércoles Santo, han entrado a robar en su santuario y han provocado importantes daños en la imagen. Así lo ha denunciado la propia cofradía a través de un comunicado. Durante la mañana de este jueves, la mayordoma y el párroco del templo han acudido a las dependencias de la Guardia Civil de Los…
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Napakasama kong anak.. putang ina!!! Kakaupo ko lang ,saglit na upo lng naman. Utos agard!!?? May katuolong yarn?? Mayordoma yarn???
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ballorita1010 · 4 years
EHHHHH amores ahora que recuerdo
Tienen alguna pregunta para Míriam la mayordoma?, no eh echo casi nada de ella alsjsl
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star-crossed9407 · 3 years
C h a p t e r 1:
M r . S t o n e F a c e
In a person's life, there are instances that can change the course of our future. Everyday the future is changing because of the people we met. They can be the person that turns out to be our cherished ones or they can just be the stranger who passed us by in the busy streets of a sunny morning. It can also change due to our decisions, the small things we do or the mistakes we made.
Querido mi amor Sehun,
I am writing this to you my love, I want you to know that you'll always be the most welcome change that I'll happily embrace in every milliseconds of my life. You've let me see the universe in it's finest. You made me realize that the world is not always grey but in different shades of rainbow. They said that being with you is a mistake but they are wrong because for them you are just Sehun, the guy with a blank expression, the arrogant man who doesn't give a care to everything around him. They would never know you the way I did. You must think that our horizons crossed each other at the wrong time but I'm telling you my love, that the day I met you and beyond that is the most perfect timing of all…
Luhan got startled because of the voice that's currently booming around the house. This is the umpteenth time that he got called and he barely finished his tasks.
“Yes, Aunt Tarrina?”
“Come here will you! Look at this vases. I told you to specifically turn them around like this and the flowers! I told you to put more red roses in here. What are you even doing slacking in there?”
Luhan who's now standing in front of Aunt Tarrina, the always agitated mayordoma of the house (not really a house if you can call it a house, it looks like a palace that comes out from a freaking disney movie) didn't know what to do because he'd done everything at his best and Aunt Tarrina didn't seem to find everything perfect in her age old eyes.
“But Auntie I already did it, see there are only a few red roses here when you first saw this vase and now I'm quite sure that if I put more this vase is going to break.”, Luhan replied with a stressed expression because he swear that the old women is giving him more stress than the day's event.
“Are you saying that I'm blind now Luhan?”, Aunt Tarrina said with a serious expression. And Luhan shakes his head left and right with furrowed brows. ‘Aish this Auntie is impossible’
“No! Of course not Auntie. I'm only saying that what you've done is already great. The owners will surely think highly of you because of how organized everything is. See Auntie everything is okay, we don't want to exaggerate your beautiful work right? ”, Luhan said while embracing the side of the woman. He doesn't really want to say anything else than praise words who knows if he says anything this can escalate to a more frenzied old woman. Nobody wants that specially when the owners of the house may come any minute from now.
“Now get lost you crazy kid.” Aunt Tarrina said with annoyance in her voice. But Luhan knows that's just Aunt Tarrina and her ways of showing affections doesn't really include cuddling and good night kisses. After all the woman had raised him and he love her so much, she's the only family he have. Luhan grew up in the mansion with Aunt Tarrina's guidance. Since he was a kid, he knows how things work inside the house. He doesn't really finished school because as much as he wants to study, he can't afford the expenses of a university and he's so shy to ask Aunt Tarrina's help thinking that he's been enough of a burden to the old woman. So he decides to not go to college and save money for it by working inside the mansion as a maid and gardener or anything that needs attention in the mansion.
“Okay, I love you Auntie”, Luhan said cheekily while running away from the woman before she got the chance to smack his head.
“Oh and Luhan!”
Luhan stopped in his tracks and turn around with a questioning look.
“Señor and Señora Oh's son is also with them. I figured you can assist him if ever he needs anything.”
Luhan was taken aback by those but he just said an “Okay Auntie” to Aunt Tarrina and get back to his work wondering. He didn't know that Mr and Mrs Oh had a son. In his long stay here in the mansion he never met the said son of the owners or the couple themselves and he's not saying simply ‘his long stay’, Luhan is now 20 and he haven't got a chance to see even the tip of their hair. But never mind that, how hard it is to handle a child right?
That question is answered when the Ohs arrived with the said son. All the workers in the mansion has come at the foyer to meet them and Aunt Tarrina is there talking at the Ohs giving them a warm welcome.
“Señor, Señora it is nice to meet you again. You've been gone for so long and is this Sehun already? You've got a handsome young man there Señor.” Aunt Tarrina said while staring at Sehun.
“Yes he is and don't worry about that Auntie 'cause now where going to be staying here and bombard you with our presence.”, Señor Oh replied with a joyous expression.
“Oh no don't say that Señor you never bombard me. It is an honor to serve your family.”
“Tsk, Auntie how many times should I tell you to stop calling me Señor, you're practically the one who raised me right?”
“Okay Se…jun”, Aunt Tarrina said shyly and everyone laughed at that with Mr. Oh being the loudest except his wife and well their son Sehun who Luhan expects to be not older than seven.
As Luhan stand there at the corner he observes the family because it's his first time meeting them. Señor Oh or Sejun Oh is a man in his late 40's but you can see that he's quite the heartbreaker in his younger years because of his good facial features and the air of dominant power that surrounds him. No wonder the man is so successful and has managed to lead an extravagant life. Yet despite all of this he's got a playful and gentle side, probably because of the old woman that's currently laughing with him. In his side with delicate hands wrapped around his arms is Señora Oh, Cristina Oh in her early 40's is holding a little smile yet she doesn't seem to be happy with the conversation. He can tell at first glance that she is a classy woman. Her presence speaks of sophistication and he figured that this woman only include herself with the people of her kind. Lastly, on Mr Oh's other side is the son, Sehun Oh that Luhan expected to be a seven year old. He is taken aback when he finally saw him and if he's not standing there at the corner the others would surely laugh at him because of Luhan's eyes and mouth open twice the size of his normal ones because the child that he expect was not a child at all but a twenty one year old guy that looks like he comes out in a Dior magazine. Maybe not but what else could he think to describe his boss' son. He is the spitting image of his father but he can also say the same for his mother. Because when he got Mr. Oh's facial features, he also inherits Mrs. Oh's stoic expression. He's the combination of both. He got out of his trance when he heard Auntie Tarrina speak again.
“Oh by the way I have someone to introduce to you Mr. Oh, you all probably know most of the employees here but we have a new worker that I have spoken to you when you last called.” Aunt Tarrina said and Luhan gulps because out of the workers here he knows that he's the one they're talking about and Luhan doesn't know what to do. It's like having a class recitation and he's been called out to answer the question. Luhan has never been a socially acquainted person. As long as he remembers he only had one friend except the other maids in the house and it's been so long since he last saw that friend. His got that friend in freaking highschool in his freaking teenager years and they haven't talk for like forever now.
“Luhan come here”
He hears Aunt Tarrina said and he feels himself going out in the small group of maids.
“Sejun, Señora, Señorito, I want you to meet the new maid. I figured out he can assist Sehun around since they're about in the same age.”
Luhan takes it as his cue to bow and greet the people that his been serving unknowingly.
“Um…good evening. I'm Lu Han sir, ma'am it's nice to finally meet you.”
To his shock the eldest Oh laugh out loudly and pats his back. He can only gape at the older because he's confused and he can't find anything funny in his words.
“Auntie Tarrina where have you got this kid. He's got the manners I see. Don't worry Lu…”
“Um Lu Han sir”, Luhan replied shyly.
“Oh yeah Luhan, don't worry we won't eat you if that's what you're thinking and actually I found you perfect to assist my son in his stay here. He's been staying in Korea since he was a kid. Sehun come here you haven't spoken a word since we arrived you should greet our fellows.” the eldest said while making a gesture for Sehun to come nearer and greet them.
Instead of a warm greeting Sehun just nod and continued his unamused expression. Luhan found it rude the moment he did that, Sehun has completely destroyed his perfect first impression on him. ‘Maybe not so perfect now’. Luhan thought to himself in displease and it probably shown in his face because the next thing he knew Mr. Oh is patting his back again and saying to him not to worry because Sehun is just like that.
“Oh no Señor I'm not worrying, I mean it's fine to me. I'll happily serve your family.” He said stuttering. ‘God can this day got any worse?’
The conversation ends with Señora Oh saying that she wants a rest and dinner be prepared immediately.
The Ohs has been in Korea for the past years. Though Oh Sejun is Korean their main house is here in Barcelona because of Señora Oh. She's a native pure blooded Español that comes from a high standing family. Though he didn't know how she and Oh Sejun met he knows it is one hell of a story and the plot being a royal prince meets her royal princess just like in England. After years in doing business they decided to go home with their son to have a break and also, for Sehun to learn about the business stuffs because soon he's going to inherit a multi billion dollar empire. Oh Sejun is one of the most successful businessman in Asia. His name is known in every corner of it or even in some parts of other continents. They own the Oh Industries that is known for manufacturing high quality products. That is what Luhan knows for a fact.
That night after the Ohs have their dinner Luhan decided to go in the garden. He hasn't finished organizing the plants there, of course he wouldn't tell that to Aunt Tarrina because he's quite sure that if the old woman knew about that he's going to be in one hell of a trouble specially that the owners of the house is finally home. He doesn't really want to leave the garden like that but he doesn't have a choice when an old woman is continuously giving you a lot of task when you barely finish your current one. So here he is, gardening under the light of the moon because he decided care for them later.
“I forgot to water the plants. Ai! Luhan of all the things that you would forgot. You know how strict the old woman is when it comes to this garden. I swear this garden is the only one whose blessed with her affection.” Luhan said while grabbing the hose and turning it on, water immediately pouring on the white roses making them shimmer under the light of the moon. He is so occupied on talking to himself that he didn't notice the person behind him until his name got called.
Luhan got startled of the voice and his immediate reaction was to turn around and defend himself, the water hose being his weapon. When he opened his eyes to see his attacker he got shocked his hands covering his mouth because standing in front of him is Oh Sehun in his drenched state, the water hose still facing him making him more drench than before.
“Oh my god! Señorito lo siento, I…I didn't know it was you I swear…I didn't meant it…Oh my god” Luhan said frantically putting the hose away.
“Is this how you greet everyone who calls your name? Greeting them with a water hose?!” Sehun replied with annoyance.
“Señorito, I'm really sorry I just got startled. I thought you're some…”
“Some what?”
“Stop! I don't need your stuttering mouth. Aish you just ruined my night.”
“Sir I'm really sorry for what I did.”
“Well you should be. You know what? Pick the water hose”
“Just go and pick it up”
Luhan did what Sehun ordered despite his confusion because why would Sehun need a water hose.
“Give it to me”
Luhan gave the hose to Sehun and to his horror he didn't even have time to dodge the freezing water out of the hose. The water directly hits Luhan's forehead first and before he knew it he is drench like a lost puppy from head to toe and Sehun is not helping by laughing his ass out.
“Luhan…oh…if you have seen your face…I thought your…going to explode there…Now where both drenched it's a win-win”, Sehun said in between his laughter.
While Sehun is having the time of his life Luhan became more confuse and shock because what the heck Mr. Stone Face can actually laugh. He's starting to wonder if this kind of behavior runs in the family and he thought that he'd actually prove the saying that the apple doesn't really fall far from the tree.
“Anyways I'm only joking Lu, if it's okay for you to be called like that. I'm too lazy to speak names in two syllables.” Sehun said while brushing his wet hair with his long fingers.
“Yes Sir it's fine to me, everyone calls me Lu in here”, Luhan said smiling.
“Great! So as I was saying I'm only joking, you just made my night actually, didn't know my stay here would not be as boring as I thought it would be and that's because of you. It's my first time to be greeted with a water hose”, Sehun smiles and Luhan thinks it's the most beautiful smile in the world with the elder's eyes turning to crescents like the moon completely hiding his dark orbs. Luhan is mesmerized.
“Oh thank you Sir, I'm glad I made your boring stay here not that boring”, Sehun laugh again with Luhan's reply.
“I'm beginning to think that we're going to get along well Xiao Lu”, the elder said smiling while shaking his head. “And by the way, you can just call me Sehun. It's quite long and an arduous task to call me those honorifics everyday.”
“I'm not quite sure if I can do that Sir, that will be rude of me and I'm sure that Señora will have my head if she hears her servant calling his son by his name only and Xiao Lu? I thought you don't like saying names in two syllables yet here you are adding another syllable in my name.”
“Because it fits you and as for my name, Mother has nothing to say about it, I think she's done enough with my life. If I want you to call me just Sehun then it means I want you to and I would appreciate it if you did”, Sehun said with a serious tone and Luhan got confused again on how fast the tall man's emotion can change. Sehun's emotion is like a rollercoaster and he didn't know what to feel by now.
“That's quite a speech you got there ‘Just-Sehun’”, Luhan said and Sehun laughed and shrugged at that. It makes Luhan wonder about his words. What has Señora Cristina did that his son will be easily annoyed when spoken about her and his life in the same sentence. But Luhan then brush out the matter in his mind because his only a maid here and it's not his task to meddle with his boss' lives.
“You and your words Lu. I really think that we're going to get along really well.”
There was a comfortable silence that surround them and as the night wind blows, Luhan's small frame shuddered with it. Sehun must've notice it because he immediately moves a little to shield Luhan out the way of the night breeze.
“It is getting cold I think we should go inside and have a change of clothes”, Sehun said.
Luhan laughed at that and Sehun is the one who's confused now. “Tell me Just-Sehun is this your way of getting rid of me.”
Sehun, hearing the sarcasm behind those words replied, “Maybe it is. Because I'm worried for a certain tiny creature here, he might turn to a popsicle.”
Sehun received a hit on his shoulder once he said that and he found it amusing. He didn't usually talk to anyone like this but with Luhan, he doesn't know why but he feels comfortable with him like he'd known him for years while they only just met.
“Hey! What did you just call me?! I'm not tiny and you're exaggerating, it's not like it's raining snow here and I'm not tiny!”
“You just said that one”
“I only want to emphasize it so you wouldn't call me that!”
“What do you want me to call you? Small? Little? Pocket size? Diminuta?”
“That one's for a girl! See you just insulted me twice in one sentence!”
“I thought you're one. You keep squeaking girly noises with your shouting and I might loose my eardrums if you kept that.”
Sehun laugh again for the umpteenth time that night and he realized it's the first time that he laughed like this in a span of minutes. Luhan's a good company. He notes to himself that he should ask more about this amusing person to Aunt Tarrina, he really wants to know more about the smaller.
Sehun made a gesture for them to start walking because he himself is starting to feel the cold. As they walk to the foyer he quietly observed the person beside him and to be honest Luhan is not that small with his head reaching the tip of Sehun's nose. He only said that to tease and annoy the smaller. He doesn't really know how to describe him because in their small conversation he found out that Luhan is many things and he is quite determined to know more of him. For now, he would just say one word to describe him.
Luhan is beautiful.
He doesn't need to look at him thoroughly to find that out because the second he saw him earlier, when he got out in the veil of maids that is lining the front of the mansion he knew it. With his sparkling bambi eyes, button nose, thin lips, dark hair and his porcelain skin that is the combination of a delicate creature. That only makes him wonder more of where Aunt Tarrina found him.
“You know what Lu? We'd only just met but I'm already comfortable talking to you. I would like your company in the coming days.” Sehun said facing Luhan.
He receives a smile in return.
“Me too Just-Sehun and I am glad that you're comfortable around me. In all honesty, I thought I'm going to have a hard time getting along with you Your Highness. Thanks to whomever that is above there some of my expectations turned out wrong.”
“As your highness I would like you to meet me at the gardens tomorrow morning so you can show me around. I'm afraid I'm a stranger in this house considering I'm the son of the owner. I also want to shower this whole place with my glorious presence.”
“As you wish Prince”, Luhan replied tolerating the cheeky conversation that he started. He would want to show Sehun around and possibly have the chance to know more about the man.
“Qué tengas buenas noches, Luhan. I'll see you tomorrow”
“Buenas noches, Señorito”
When Luhan returned in the maid's quarters he immediately gave himself a bath and change of clothes. He couldn't stop the smile that is painted in his face. Though he looks like someone who's gone insane he wouldn't care because this must be the best night that he had in his entire stay here in the mansion. Except spending the time in the gardens which is his favorite place, he also got the chance to know about Sehun.
“You know what, I might think that you are insane Luhan. Gosh don't even think of me cleaning this place when your face had been torn apart with that smile that your doing. That'll be gross.”
Luhan laughed at Mathilda's words. Mathilda is another servant in the mansion and she is five years older than him. Though Luhan's stay here is much longer than her, Mathilda is known by Señor Oh because he's the one who hires her to serve the family.
“Well I figured your stroll with Señorito went well”
“How did you know?”
“I heard him asking about you to Aunt Tarrina.”
“Oh”, Luhan said and he felt heat rushing in his cheeks. He's not really expecting anything with those words but he felt really fluttered because Sehun even bothered Aunt Tarrina just to ask his whereabouts.
“By the way Luhan, I have something here for you. The mails just come this morning and there's one for you. I didn't have the time to give it to you earlier because you know we're kinda busy this morning.” Mathilda said while giving Luhan a white envelope.
“It's okay Mathilda, gracias”
He opened the letter and to his astonishment it's from the college he's applying for.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my gooood!!! Auntie!”, Luhan said in glee and immediately ran out of the room to go to Aunt Tarrina. When he got there he immediately embrace the old woman out of his excitement and happiness not caring if the latter smack him in the head for his clinginess.
“Ai! You impulsive kid. What has gotten into you?!”
“Auntie look at this, oh my god this is the best day of my life! Look! Look! ”
“Calm down will you and stop clinging to me like that”
“Lo siento Tia but I'm just so excited! Here look”, Luhan gives the envelope to Aunt Tarrina.
“Remember the college I'm talking about? I finally got the results and…I passed and got the scholarship there! Auntie I'm going to UB and I'm so excited!”
“Congratulations to you, I may not say it everyday but…I'm proud of you son really proud”
“Gracias Auntie” Luhan said and he embrace the old woman cherishing this moment because not everyday you can have this kind of conversation with her.
“I'm going to talk about this to Señor so we can manage your time here and your studies. It is good that they know about this and who knows maybe he can help you more. I really want you to pursue this and maybe some day you can get out of here and find a new life that you want for yourself. ”
“Thanks a lot Auntie”, Luhan said with his most genuine smile. Indeed, when it comes to this kind of things he can rely to Aunt Tarrina.
0 notes
thisisrachellanne · 3 years
Patrick proposes to Ara in Sagada, recalling back memories of one year in togetherness and they made a promise when they proceeded to married life.
Ara has a convention in Cebu. Patrick has a party witth friends, when he is at home in drunkenness, Trisha surprisingly attacks his house and make sex with him. 
Patrick reveals to Ara that Trisha gets pregnant and he is the father of the child. He apologizes to Ara but Ara did not accept it. She went out and go somewhere alone. The next day, she went back to Patrick's house and get her things. Days later, she tendered resignation to radio station. She decided to go back to US to mend her broken heart. When she is about to go to US, Patrick catches her but she finally say goodbye to him, for good.
After 5 years, she went back to Ph after she received an award for Newscaster of the Year. She was invited by the TV Network, counterpart to the TV Network in the US, to help them raise their ratings. She have her interviews elsewhere. She is now the "New You" as she changed alot of herself and become more sophiscated, more looked like a beauty queen. Then she made a revelation that apart from her being TV Personality, she is now the CEO of Aragon Group of Companies, which she now reveals that she is the daughter of a prominent businesswoman in the Ph, that is her mother, Ms. Conchita Aragon who is married to Mr. Montecillo, which carries her surname. Now she uses "Arabelle Aragon-Montecillo."
She got an exclusive interview at the radio station where she was previously working - Hearts Radio, which was interviewed by Joe, a Psychologist and a DJ, who replaced her.  The interview involves the story of being brokenhearted and how she cope up with her and be successful in carreer. She ended herself with teary eyes, as it reminds of her past with Patrick.
In the corporate office, she was surprised that she still see Joel when she have a meeting with executives, and also Trisha, who is still a secretary of the company, but with a different boss. Ara humiliated them as they are clueless in the past about her real identity. She presented herself as successful woman today and boost herself and her achievements. Then she uttered those words "Bilog nga naman ang mundo." Then she showed her fashion sense towards Trisha. 
At the corporate event, she gets surprised of seeing them together - Trisha with Patrick and Joel all by himself, inside the convention hall, near the entrance door. She make a sarcastic words and claps that it feels like a reunion in an awkward way. Then she laughs seductively with devil-like looks towards Patrick then went out with her escorts, in her shinning shimmering white sexy gown, with now her shiny black long straight hair, which she looks like a beauty queen.
Then she make a corporate speech, with a theme "Excellence and Beyond."
At the restroom, Ara and Trisha meet unexpectedly again. Ara humiliated her again, looking at the way Trisha dressed herself in red gown with boring design. Then she walked out when she saw Patrick approaching near the restroom. She whispered something to Patrick, saying he should have to take care of his wife, tapped his shoulder then walk out gracefully.
Patrick then saw Ara standing talking with the young executive guys, making a flirty gestures and gaze towards them. He's getting jealous looking at them with Ara, when Trisha interrupted him. Then Patrick saw her again with five young executive men, sitting at the table. She still have her flirty gazes towards them, when the guy executive beside her throws her a kiss on the lips. Patrick is about to go towards them when Trisha stopped him. Then he saw Joel went towards them, which he ended up being insulted by Ara "You did it great of acting like you never cheated on someone. Good job!" She tapped Joel's shoulder, then she went up to the stage, already gets tipsy, but still gracefully said the closing remarks "..... I wish it is a memorable night for you. Thanks for coming!"
The next day, she checked on the recording studio which her parents bought before she takes over, as it has a low net income. Then she decided to have all the personnel there be replaced and gets surprised that Patrick is now an employee and not anymore the owner. Then she said to herself "who cares?"
Patrick receives a notice that they are all will be replaced. He reckoned it is all because of him and he doesn't want them to lose their job just because of him. So he tries to catch up with Ara, though he might receive rejection in the end. He went to Ara's office but the secretary said that she have a lot of appointments and cannot entertain with a walk-in appointment - Ara is in the company in the morning, she is at the TV network in the afternoon, doing consulting works, and doing newscasting in the evening, and she have her guestings in Saturdays, but doesn't allow to be disturbed on Sunday.
It was Saturday night when Patrick hangs out at the Bar, alone by himself. While drinking, he saw audience yelling at someone on stage who introduced herself. 
"Hi ladies and gentlemen..... in the past I never introduced myself on stage, but now, I will let you know my name. By the way, I am Arabelle Aragon-Montecillo, who is the guest singer of the Bar before. I feel so feel at home that after 5 years, I am going to perform here once again (audience clapped their hands)....." Then she sing "I Can't Make You Love Me" and other trademark songs.
Patrick feels so guilty in tears seeing his ex singing that song, sending to him a message that for her, he fails to love her truly, which is not true. To him, he deeply falls in love with her but he only fails on one thing, that he was not able to resist the temptation.
Outside the Bar, in a dim light, he approaches Ara, wearing in her sexy black fitted dress with a white blazer hanging on her shoulder, with high-heeled black stilleto, gracefully walking towards her car, when Ara pretends not recognizing he is Patrick. 
"Sorry, but do I know you? By the way, wait." She gets a calling card from her wallet and said "should you need a work, just call this number. Cheer up! There is still a brighter tomorrow, Bro!" Then she taps his shoulder and walks gracefully, followed by her driver.
At the recording studio, the employees and Patrick talk about convincing the owner to let them stay. They already know beforehand that Patrick is the ex of the daughter of the owner, who is now a CEO. He assured them he will make a sacrifice for them and will try to find a way to talk to her.
Patrick went to the house written at the calling card of Ara. It was late at night on Saturday already when he arrives, the security guard gets surprised that he is a good-looking guy applying as caretaker, which he refused and said he is an employee of Aragon Group of Companies. The security guard then said he should go to the office instead not at this late night hours. Then the security guard calls the mayordoma and asked her to call Madam Arabelle.
The Mayordoma gets shocked when Ara, over the landline phone at the security guard kiosk, told her bluntly that he was her ex. The mayordoma tells the security guard that he is an ex-boyfriend of Madam, which Patrick laughs and the security guard and mayordoma make a teasing look towards him.
Patrick and Ara talks outside the house, near the swimming pool, while drinking some wine, when Patrick holds her right hand when Ara burst into tears and gets emotional confessing that after all she still love him, which Patrick also confess that he still do love her after all this time. But Ara gets too adamant to pursue her revenge towards Patrick and they agreed that Patrick will only leave the recording studio to sacrifice himself. 
Ara went to Patrick's recording  studio, when massive people noticed her with her driver walk towards the recording studio. The employees get surprised seeing Ara looking for Patrick, who is now starting to pack his things. Ara and Patrick talks with the manager of the recording studio. Ara apologizes to them and decided not to oust Patrick. Then Ara offered to deploy a consultant to help them boost their income. Ara then personally meet the employees there as they are only few, have a few laughing friendly talks, with Patrick also. Then Ara went out. 
Ara appointed Patrick as her new manager and help him groom himself to look presentable. And help him execute his managerial responsibilities and introduce him to various companies having an arrangements with her.
Ara and Patrick frequently went out together as a talent-manager relationship and as friends. Trisha then decided to finally break up Patrick for good, which Patrick politely accepted. Being together as friends makes them bring back memories.
Ara has a guesting at Hearts Radio as DJ. Patrick gets surprised when Ara asked him to sit beside her at the radio station, while she is on air. At social media set to live, fans noticed Patrick still holding the right hand of Ara, which he normally do it before their breakup. Fans gets "kilig" seeing their chemistry together again, especially when a gay fan Richard commence the call for team patra.
After the show, Ara asked Patrick to go to the park together. It was already late at night. Then they went home, at the house of Ara, and they have sex together, showing that they still love each other, feeling like they are at home in each other's arms again. 
Ara confessed to Patrick that she has a heart illness and anytime she will die especially when the extreme stress comes into her, the reason why she cannot pursue love relationship with him anymore and instead decided to at least be a friend to him. 
Days later, at Ara's office, Trisha confessed to Joel that he is the real father of her child and not Patrick. Ara hears it and yells at Trisha and cries aloud, when she have her cardiac arrest. Patrick saw her hardly to breath and rescues her. Patrick warns Trisha and Joel that he will forgive them for what they are doing towards him and Ara. 
At the hospital, Ara has a 50-50 chance of living. Trisha went inside the exclusive ICU room when Patrick stops her and said he cannot forgive her for the rest of his life. 
While the hospital nurses and doctors rescued her to survive, she walks into an aisle all in white and see an old man at the gate going inside the heaven. 
The old man said she cannot get inside, instead, she will go down. She then asked "to hell?"
The old man said "No. To your destiny's heart." Then he flashed a screen, it was Patrick who constantly prays at night wishing she will come back to his arms one day. Then she went back to her body before it's too late.
At the hospital, the doctor is about to said the time of death, when the monitor makes a sound, a wave of life, her breathing. The doctor surprising see it while looking at Patrick and Ara's mom and said that it is indeed a miracle.
Patrick and Ara gets married and already have a 5-year old boy child named Richard, which they get from their avid gay fan named Richard. Patrick is now the CEO of Aragon Group of Companies and Ara as his consultant. Ara still have her heart condition. They ended up being interviewed in the Hearts Radio, sharing their story of love, while Patrick still holding her right hand. 
0 notes
mickothoughts · 6 years
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"The Greatest Before & After" A tribute to Birthday Girl, My Mom Oh, May 28 na! Kaarawan na pala ng Nanay ko, at dahil may bigla akong naalala, may gusto akong i-kwento sa likod nitong litrato Totoy pa lang ako noon nung unang beses na magkahiwalay kaming mag-ina. Mura pa ang isip ko noon at hindi pa kaaya-aya ang aking itsura noong ipinadala nila ako sa ibang bansa upang doon mag-aral. Napag-desisyunan nilang ilayo ako para na rin siguro sa future ko. At dahil may kamag-anak naman kami sa Canada, hindi na naging mahirap sa'king mag-adjust sa U.S. Lumipas ang maraming taon, marami na rin ang nagbago. Kung dati mahilig ako sa pork chop, ngayon sa buffalo wings na, hindi ko na rin trip ang happy chicken dahil kinilaw na turkey na ang hanap ng tiyan ko. Natuto na din akong maka-unawa at mag-salita ng English and I don't even understand what I'm talking about. Kasabay ng mga pagbabagong iyan ang kapansin-pansin na pagbabago sa aking anyo, na kahit sa sarili ko eh hindi ko maitago, yun bang kilig sa t'wing napapaharap ako sa salamin. OMG! Bangka-Gwapo ko talaga eversince! Nauso na noon ang Skype limang taon ang nakalipas kaya lagi na rin kaming magka-video call ni Mama. Nahalata kong madalas na n'ya akong hinahanap mula nung napansin n'yang umayos na yung itsura ko. Madalas n'ya din daw i-kwento sa mga amiga n'ya na naging model ako sa isang commercial ng glue at oo, kamay ko lang naman ang pinakita dun. Pero 'di gaya dati, lagi pa 'kong nababartolina sa basement kapag may bisita kami. Dumating din ang panahon, kinakailangan ko ng umuwi ng bansa dahil sa wakas, fully grown man na 'ko. Pinili kong ilihim ang lahat dahil gusto ko yung may shookt factor. Pagdating ko sa bahay, nalaman din agad ni Mama na nasa Gate na 'ko dahil sobrang excited mag-report itong si Mayeng, mayordoma namin na dating amo ni Mama. Mula sa kinatatayuan ko, nakita kong dali-dali sa pag-salubong itong si Mama, hulas pa s'ya mula sa paglalaba noon at mistulang adik na fans na mas inunang magpa-picture sa isang simpatikong lalaking nakasalubong lang n'ya sa park at wala na kong nagawa kundi pagbigyan s'ya kahit may Jetlag pa 'ko. Resulta? hayan may eyebags pa ko sa picture. Hay nako! Pero kidding aside. Mula sa pagiging isang dalaga na sinubukan ang iba't-ibang uri ng trabaho, nakahanap ng asawa at bumuo ng pamilya, hindi din naging madali para sa'min na mga anak n'ya na maiwanan upang piliing lumayo at maging isang OFW. Lumipas ang mga taon, nagbabago ang tao, nasira na ng tuluyan ang binuong pamilya na matagal na din palang pinipilit ayusin ang butas, nangyari ang annulment na hindi ko pa masyadong matanggap, 'yun ang naging dahilan ng galit na matagal kong kinimkim at dinala, dahil kahit anong gawin kong intindi, hindi ko talaga maintindihan ang mga dahilan kung bakit kailangang ganoon pa ang kahinatnan. Sumama at lumayo ang loob ko sa nanay ko, hindi ko 'yon maitago. Humihingi s'ya ng tawad at pagtanggap sa bago n'yang kapareha. Sarado naman ang utak at puso ko para pagbigyan s'ya. Hanggang dumating ang 'di namin inaasahan. Matagal na pala s'yang may itinatagong sakit. Sobrang laki ng mga pagbabago sa itsura n'ya. Nawala ang sigla ng balat, bumagsak ang dating may laman hanggang sa pumayat. Malamlam na mga mata at hirap na sa paglalakad. Ang mga natitirang araw n'ya ay mga hiling na gusto n'yang mangyari, na ang iba ay nasunod at ang iba naman ay hindi. At ang pinakamasakit sa lahat ng "hindi," 'yung hiling n'ya na sana makita n'ya pa kami sa kanyang huling araw at magkaroon pa kami ng kahit kaunting sandali. Umaga noon ng sabado, araw ng alis namin para puntahan s'ya sa pampanga. Tumatawag s'ya ng paulit-ulit. Hindi ko alam kung bakit n'ya kami minamadali kaya nainis ako, napagtaasan ko s'ya ng boses at sinabing 'wag n'ya naman kaming madaliin dahil dadating naman kami. Samantalang ang boses n'ya naman noon ay puno lang ng lambing. Habang nasa biyahe, kataka-takang puro text na lang ang nare-receive ko, na nagtatanong kung nasaan na kami. Hanggang sa sumapit kami sa terminal ng bus sa pampanga, sinundo kami ng aming tito. Sa gitna ng byahe, nagtanong ang tito kung handa na ba kami? Dahil ang 'di namin alam, "Wala na si Ate." Akala ko si mama pa 'yung nagte-text, kundi ibang tao na pala kausap ko. Ang inakala naming sa hospital kami tutungo, sa morgue na pala kami didiretso. Unti-unting umuusig ang konsensya sa na-blankong isipan. At sa pagbukas ng himlayan, bumagsak ang mga luhang ngiti naman talaga dapat ang guguhit at bubungad. Dahil ang dahilan ng nagwawalang luha, ay ang konsensyang sa lahat ng aming napagdaanan, galit lang ang pinaramdam ko sa kanya. Hindi ko s'ya napagbigyan sa hiling n'yang buong pusong pag-tanggap sa sitwasyon. At hanggang sa huling tagpo namin bilang mag-ina, dala ko ang bigat ng huling hiling na hindi natupad, na maabutan pa ng kanyang bukas na mata kaming dalawang anak niya. Hanggang ngayon, dala ko ang konsenya at paghingi ng tawad. Narinig ko na ang lahat ng pampalubag loob. Pero hindi non maikukubli ang sa'kit sa isang anak na matagal itinago ang panlalambot sa pilit na pinapatigas na puso para sa inahing nag-aalok lang naman ng limlim mula sa matagal n'yang pagkakawala. Ngayon, wala na talaga s'ya. Hiling ko na lang ay paramdam n'ya bilang tanda na ako'y napatawad na n'ya. Pero eto lang, napansin ko habang pinamamasdan ko ang pikit nyang mata, kahit pala wala na ang kaluluwa n'ya sa lupa, ang ganda-ganda pa rin ni Mama. Oo, may isang bagay na hindi kukupas sa kanya, 'yun ay ang kagandahan n'yang taglay kahit nilipasan na ng panahon ang lahat. Si Mama ang pinaka-magandang babae. S'ya ang papanis sa lahat ng "Before and After" pictures, dahil para sa'kin hindi naman kumupas ang kanyang kagandahan. Hindi ko man nakuha ang pagiging maganda n'ya, at least Nanay ko siya. At wala ng gaganda pa sa kanya bukod sa lalim ng pagmamahal niya bilang Ina. *Bawing-bawi na 'ko. Birthday niya eh, pagbigyan. © 05/28/2018 | Happy Birthday Ma
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huminahon · 6 years
Tapos na ako sa mga gawain ko, pati paglalaba ng uniform ng kapatid ko ako na gumawa since wala sila mama. Pwedeng pwede na ako maglaro XD Pero sa kakapahinga ko nakakalimutan ko maglaro at kailangan na ulit kumilos para maghanda ng kakainin. Isinasabay ko na sa lunch yung breakfast para isang kainan nalang.
Mas nakakapagod pala talaga kapag nandito sila mama. 
Kapag wala kasi sila, kahit ang dami kong ginagawa... parang balewala lang. Keri lang. Hindi nakakastress. Siguro kasi ang peaceful at naeenjoy ko ang katahimikan. Pero kapag nandito sila, hapong hapo ako lagi. Puro utos rin kasi yun si mama e, puro utos daig pa mayordoma. Tapos nakakairita yung ingay na ginagawa nila. Like nonsense cursing out of nowhere, bunganga ng bunganga hindi naman sya naririnig nung binubunganga nya kasi tulog pa o kaya nakaheadset o kaya literal na wala. 
Wala rin masyado nagkakalat kasi yung isa kong kapatid nasa work, yung ate ko naman tulog yan kapag may araw at maliwanag. Walang dumudukot ng paninda ni mama. Hindi naman sa nagdadamot ako sa kapatid ko kumbakit pinapagalitan ko kapag kuha sya ng kuha ng chips at juice or soda, hindi kasi maganda sa kalusugan. May issue pa naman yun sa health, naninilaw. Muntik na magkahepa yun e buti naagapan. 
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