punsmaster69 · 10 months
sure you've noticed, but i haven't had a proper conversation with asgore in a while.
sorta hard to look the guy in the eyes for some reason.
tori's influence?
tori in general?
can't help but feel like i'm doing something wrong by him for
i'll just blame it on the lack of one of my own eyes for today.
he's a busy monster who really tried his best to find a better time to see me; settling on about eight am.
still a bit early for me, but doable.
caught up about small stuff, and recent ventures.
in short, he's:
mayorin' it up, doing botany again on the side, and a bit of cooking okay-ishly sometimes.
"But, enough talk about me. What have you been doing, Sans?"
"same as always. fat load of nothing, with a little journalling sprinkled in."
"Journalling? Ah! Frisk had mentioned that, I believe. Is it going well?"
"it's going."
"on one hand, it is bit nice to have somewhere to jot my thoughts down at the end of the day."
"on the other hand, i'm getting real loose with what i call an entry. always tired, somehow."
"injury'll do that to you, i guess."
"I was meaning to ask about that. No offense intended, but you look a bit rougher than last I saw you."
"none taken. got a whole eye out, can't imagine it's all that pleasant to look at."
"I've gathered bits and pieces of the story from Papyrus and Undyne, but I would like to hear it from the one in question directly."
"What happened?"
"it's a lot of medical stuff. don't wanna bore you with that."
"You will not, I can assure you. It cannot be any more boring than the meetings I have to sit through."
he chuckled a little to himself at that.
"my soul.."
"decided to make a real big fuss."
"too much magic, 'parently."
"so it made a real big stink about that, and knocked a few lights out in the midst."
"Too... much?"
"yeah, don't know either. soul's being overdramatic, if you ask me."
some old rock song started from his buzzing phone, interrupting what he tried to say next.
"Very sorry, Sans. I will have to cut this short. We ran out of time a little faster than I had hoped."
"no harm done. was running out of topics, anyway. unless you wanted to talk about the weather."
"seeya, fluffybuns."
"Take it easy, Sans."
"See you....?"
he waited expectantly.
didn't have a good answer for him.
remembering something, asgore dipped behind a door and reappeared with three flowers in a ribbon.
"Would you... be so kind as to give those to Toriel, for me?"
"I have not had the time to do it myself."
i looked at the flowers in my hand.
a lily of the valley, a chrysanthemum, and a zinnia. (had to look that one up.)
still have them.
they'll.. probably expire if i don't put 'em in water or something.
guess i should do that.
they're nice flowers.
..it'd be a shame to waste these to by letting them wilt like this.
giving these to tori feels...
like something i shouldn't do.
i should. for sure.
that's what he asked, and all.
maybe it's because i know how she'll react.
just can't bring myself to.
sorry, fluffybuns.
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
" who ordered a messiah? Wasn't me. " LOL poor hijikata, bet this is gonna make him smoke even more ( sougo approves ). Let us all pray for our mayo freak, he is going to need all help. But teito please take care of yourself gdjfjds
LMAOOOOO A moment of silence for our dear vice-commander 😔🙏 Both Mayoboro and Mayorin consumer consumption peaked in the months Teito first joined— that’s when you know our Toshi was going through it
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ohii-san · 2 years
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insert caption about how my rarepairs are objectively the best
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babygray-dam · 3 years
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A sketch of Hijikata wearing a “Mayo Freak” shirt.
The shirt:
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I couldn’t find where I got this image from, but I did track down nikorasu go’s booth page, where they sell a white t-shirt version of this design.
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tmgmrk · 5 years
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kantaikore-blog · 8 years
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coconcm · 6 years
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“Hijikata kun, This ugly ass mascot of your mayonnaise brand is not your boyfriend you know? I AM. So hug me instead.”
“Hey don’t ignore me, how come you never hug me and always harshly refuse my hug but will hug this stupid mascot every time you see it?”
“Shut up you are not cute like Mayorin.”
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
Just a Suggestion
For @pillarspromptsweekly​ 66: Gratitude. Anyone object to ridiculous amounts of borderline cheesy Ederity fluff? No? Excellent. :D 
It was finally here.
All the excruciatingly long days had passed, ticked off with glee at each sunset. All the preparations had been made, everything would be taken care of. There wasn’t anything left to do but get on with it.
Tavi ran through her mental checklist one last time to make sure she had everything before securing the buckles on her pack. All set. She stepped out of the room, pack slung over one shoulder, and pulled the door closed behind her She was off for Dyrford. Well, as soon as she talked to Keya she would be.
Fortunately, teal-haired orlans weren’t that difficult to track down. Especially when they were perched on the top rail of the training yard fence, yelling encouragement at the pair sparring within.
“Keya!” Tavi hollered as she approached, and she obligingly swung around.
When she saw who was calling, she barked a Keep at it! to the sparing guards and hopped down to greet Tavi. “You heading out, Watcher?”
“Yep,” Tavi said, unable to hide her grin of anticipation. “I just wanted to thank you again for always bein’ willin’ to take over here when I get restless.”
“Or when you wanna go play matchmaker?” Keya added with a wink as she crossed her arms.
“It worked, didn’t it?” Tavi laughed. “But yes. Then, too. I really appreciate havin’ the freedom to get away when I want.”
“No problem,” Keya shrugged. “You sure as shit pay me well enough, and I like it here. I’m happy to keep it runnin’ smooth when you’re gone.” She smirked.  “‘Specially now that all the men know I could kick their asses in my sleep an’ don’t give me lip anymore.”
Tavi raised an eyebrow. “That was a problem?”
“Only the first time,” Keya waved it off. “Showed I knew what I was doin’ and wouldn’t stand for grumblin’ and it all worked out. Might still get the occasional cat-fucker from more uncouth and unsettled petitioners who weren’t expecting to find an orlan in charge, but all of Caed Nua’s men are solid. No worries, boss.” She grinned and flicked one narrow braid back toward its dozen-odd fellows.  “Go have fun and bask in the glory of bein’ right.”
“An excellent plan,” Tavi laughed, jostling the pack to a more comfortable position. “See you in about a week, Key. I told the cook all your favorite dishes that I can remember, so you can at least eat good food while shoulderin’ the burden of leadership.”
Keya’s eyes lit up. “And that’s why I like workin’ for you. Thank you for that, and see you ‘round.” She gave a final, confirming nod before turning back to the sparring match.
Tavi watched for a minute, grinning as Kya offered advice and encouragement, and then set off for Dyrford Village and a day she’s been looking forward to for months.
-o- -o- -o- -o- -o-
Tavi had, for this visit, insisted she was staying at the Dracogen. Charity protested--they had fun when Tavi stayed at her place, she didn’t mind, it made more sense--but Tavi held firm. To her, it made more sense to let Charity have the house to herself one more night before she had to share it forever. No amount of cajoling on Charity’s part could change her mind. She even went so far as to prearrange with Dengler and Peycg to hold a room for her.
She was very glad for this arrangement when she reached Dyrford and found the Dracogen full to bursting with a large adventuring party. They were apparently bound for Clîaban Rilag, to hear their braggart leader talk, and none too happy some of them would have to double up. It was the kind of group Hiravias would have torn apart single-handed, if they didn’t piss themselves and run away, so Tavi could only imagine what a group of Glanfathans who caught them trespassing would do. She might have felt more sympathetic regarding the rude awakening that awaited them if said braggart leader wasn’t currently trying to bully Peycg into giving her group all the rooms with no current occupants.
Bullying Peycg--or trying to--was stupid as the day was long, and she could more than handle herself, but Tavi still made a show of sidling up and asking Dengler for the key to her room, “seein’ as your wife is busy” with a shit-eating grin.
Dengler matched her grin as he handed over the key. “It’s that corner one y’like, away from the currier’s.”
The braggart’s eyes flashed fury as she put a face to the kith who’d nicked one of the best rooms in the inn before her company arrived. Tavi ignored her, thanked Dengler, waved a greeting to Peycg, and headed for the stairs. Hopefully those copperfuckers wouldn’t be around long. She’d hate for something like them to ruin Edér and Charity’s wedding.
The anticipation washed over her again in a giddy rush, and her grin shifted to one of pure joy as she hastily dropped her pack on the bed and headed out to visit Charity.
-o- -o- -o- -o- -o-
It was a good thing the thought occurred to check the Berathian temple before walking all the way out to Charity’s farm, because that was where Tavi found her. The redhead was twirling the end of her ponytail with one hand while the other gestured animatedly as she talked with Harbinger Boedmar.
“...not askin’ people to sit still for that long, Harbinger. ‘Specially for pageantry. We just want the meat of it, we told you that,” she said emphatically. 
“But people will expect a certain level of ceremony, him being the mayor-” Boedmar tried.
“I wouldn’t care if he was the damn duc,” Charity cut him off. “We don’t want anything but what’s necessary; the vows and such.” She smiled wryly. “It’s my weddin’, Boedmar, and I don’t wanna stand in front of people for three blazin’ hours.”
“I see your point,” the  old priest finally relented with a laugh. “And he is a very to the point sort of man, so I suppose people will understand.”
“Thank you.” Charity caught sight of Tavi and flashed a smile as she excused herself from their conversation. She quickly crossed to where Tavi waited. “And thank you for for an escape from that conversation.”
“You’re welcome,” Tavi said with a chuckle. “Though hearin’ the end of your conversation, I feel it’s a fair trade for you gettin’ us guests out of a three fuckin’ hour long ceremony.”
Charity snorted. “You’re also welcome, but that’s as much for us as for everyone else. And hang anyone who doesn’t understand.”
Tavi raised an eyebrow. “That’s usually vehement for you. Is it just weddin’ stress or...?”
“Mostly,” Charity admitted with a sigh. “There’s a lot of planning, and I’ve been doin’ most of it ‘cause Edér gotta be mayor--he helps as much as he can, don’t get me wrong,” she added hastily. “Mostly back rubs and hugs when I get too stressed. But I’m still handlin’ the bulk of it.” She fiddled with her necklace, zipping the pendent back and forth on the chain. “Beyond that, though... we’re already compromisin’ enough; getting married in Berath’s temple by Berath’s priest. They can give us a tolerable ceremony length.” A smirk pulled at her lips. “Can you imagine if we’d said we wanted a ‘proper’ Eothasian wedding?”
Tavi rolled her eyes and huffed a laughed. “They prob’ly would run you both out of town on the fuckin’ rails, regardless of how much they like his mayorin’. Are you alright doin’ it this way?”
Charity shrugged. “In a perfect world, Waidwen wouldn’t have been such an ass and made people look down on Eothasians so we could do this the way we want,” she said in an undertone, as Boedmar was still scuttling around putting the last touches on his sanctuary. “But since it ain’t perfect, we make the compromises we need. All that really matters, to both of us, is that we love each other and we get to be married.” She grinned and steered Tavi toward the door. “Which, by the way, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for that.”
“Me?” Tavi feigned innocence as they exited the temple. “Why me?”
“Aside from you being a very good friend to both of us, always willing to help or give advice, and the nudge we needed to pick a damn date and get things moving toward this?” Charity said, ticking off points on her fingers and gesturing toward the temple doors. “All of which I greatly appreciate, mind you. If memory serves, you were the one to suggest we pretend to court in the first place. To cover why he was visitin’ me so much.”
“Oh, that’s right,” Tavi said dramatically(as if she could’ve forgotten. Of all the plans she’d conceived in her life, that one had far and away been the most successful). “Well, you’re welcome for that.”
“No, seriously, Tavi.” Charity pulled her to a stop just aside from the temple steps. “I love him so damn much, and he loves me back, and we are so unspeakably, incandescently happy, and it only happened because of your suggestion.” She took Tavi’s hands in hers and squeezed them fervently. “I don’t know how we... how I can ever repay you.”
“Oh, trust me,” Tavi replied, pretty sure she was grinning like an idiot. “Seein’ you two happy together is more than enough for me. And y’know... I don’t know everything involved with an Eothasian wedding, but you’re a priest, right? Couldn’t the two of you do a quick, y’know abbreviated one in the morning before the ‘official’ Berathian ceremony?” Charity was staring at her, mouth slightly agape, so she pressed on. “It’s just a suggestion, since I know your faith is real fuckin’ important to both of y-”
Charity let go of Tavi’s hands and yanked her into a hug tight enough to knock the wind from her. “Tavi, you’re a genius!”
“Happy to help,” Tavi managed, smiling to herself as she patted the other woman on the back. Auroch’s shadow, how and when did I forget how fuckin’ strong she is?
“No, really, that’s blazing brilliant,” Charity said eagerly as she let go. “Can’t believe neither of us thought of it. I’m gonna go talk it over with Edér.” She gestured vaguely toward the mayor’s office. “Can you check with Dengler or Peycg that everything’s going alright with the food?” She started off, then spun back. “Oh, if Edér likes the idea, will you be our witness?”
Tavi laughed and nodded. “Of course.” She trolled back toward the Dracogen, hoping fervently that the adventuring company had all retreated to their rooms to talk business or something. So long as they weren’t around when she talked to Peycg or Dengler. And anyway, the sooner they were moved on the better.
Luck was with her, and the only people she could see when she entered were a couple locals, Sid, and Dengler minding the counter.
“Just the man I wanted to talk to,” Tavi said brightly, hastening across the room anf plunking down at a counter seat. “Charity asked me to confirm everything’s goin’ alright with the food.”
“Oh, aye,” Dengler nodded. He leaned forward with a wink and a conspiratorial grin. “Peycg has all but adopted that girl, and she’s mighty fond of Mayor Teylecg, too. You think she’s gonna let anything bad happen to the food for their weddin’?” He scrubbed a stubborn stain and laughed. “Effigy himself would have to deal with my wife if he tried anything.”
Tavi laughed with him, greatly enjoying the mental image of Peycg fending off Skaen from disrupting the wedding. She’d do it, too, Tavi had no doubts. “Well, that’s good to hear. I’m glad Charity and Edér have so determined a guardian in charge of the meal. I’ll bet it’s fuckin’ delicious, too, if the food I’ve had from here is any indication.”
“Oh, aye, what we serve on the regular is a fair example of Peycg’s cookin’,” Dengler nodded. “The folks here about are in for a treat.”
“Bet most of ‘em know it, too.” Tavi bit her lip and picked at a chip in the counter. “Can’t wait for that party. I’m gonna go find Charity again, confirm everything’s good here and see what else I can do to help.”
“She’s right lucky to have a friend like you,” Dengler winked.
Tavi shrugged, but her cheeks still warmed at the compliment. “I did kinda nudge ‘em together, so I feel some responsibility to help this go smoothly.”
“Ah, so you’re the one we need to thank,” Peycg emerged from the kitchen, grinning like the cat who got in the cream. “I was plannin’ to do some nudging myself, then they wised up and started courtin’. I wondered if they got there on their own or had some help.”
It was a fucking miracle she kept a straight face. “Yep, I nudged. Pretty hard, truth be told. May have straight up told ‘em to fuckin’ court. Glad it worked. But since I am here a day early specifically to help the bride, I should go see if she needs me.”
“Course, Watcher. See you at the weddin’.” Peycg waved farewell and ducked back into the kitchen.
Grinning big, Tavi pushed awau from the counter and headed off to find Charity again.
-o- -o- -o- -o- -o-
It took more work than she expected. Charity wasn’t at Edér’s house, or the mayor’s office, or any of the other places Tavi thought she’d find her. She finally all but bumped into the woman near Winfrith’s shop.
“There you are!” they said in unison and near-matching levels of relief.
“I know why I’m glad to see you,” Tavi chuckled. “I checked with Dengler and the food’s all comin’ along great and will be ready right when you need it.”
“Good, that’s... good,” Charity muttered, sounding distracted. One hand zipped her pendent back and forth on its chain. “Tavi, how good are you at fixing hair?”
Tavi blinked and fought the urge to snort. “Shit, Charity, you know what mine’s always like. And I didn’t have any sisters to practice on or anything. Why?”
“Oh, Hendyna was supposed to do my hair tomorrow, but, um, she can’t now.” Charity tugged on the pendent hard enough Tavi worried she might snap the chain. “She was fillin’ an order and spilled some acid concoction that burned her hand. It wasn’t too bad, and I got her all patched up, but now her hand’s all stiff and she can’t fix my hair.”
Tavi raised an eyebrow. “You do know you could prob’ly do that messy bun you use for workin’ in the garden an’ Edér would still think you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, right?”
Charity blushed, but bit her lip and nodded. “I just feel like I should do something a little fancier for my damn wedding.”
“A fair point.” Tavi huffed out a sigh, blowing her bangs out of her face. “I can try, I guess? But I make no promises an’ you might wanna have a back-up idea that you can do yourself.”
“That’s all I can ask,” Charity said, shoulders slumping in relief. “You’re the best, Tavi.”
“I know,” Tavi joked with a roguish smirk. “What did Edér think of the, uh, idea?” They were in public, she didn’t want to give anything away.
“Oh, right.” Charity’s smile blossomed like the sun. “He thinks you’re a genius, too. I think we’re gonna do it.”
“Does this mean I hafta be out at your place at the asscrack of dawn?” Tavi asked, eyes narrowing.
Charity shrugged, smile shifting faux-innocent. “You could just stay in my blazin’ guest room, then you’d already be there.”
“No,” Tavi said emphatically. “I told you, I’m lettin’ you have the place to yourself your last night as a single woman. Edér must’ve told you how stubborn I am, if you managed to miss it yourself; I ain’t changin’ my mind. Even if it means gettin’ up at the asscrack of dawn for you two.”
Charity gave another shrug, caving with some reluctance. “Alright, suit yourself. I’ll stop askin’.”
“It’s more than not inconveniencin’ you now,” Tavi said hastily to reassure her. “I am inconveniencin’ those copperfuckin’ adventurers who wanted to take over the Dracogen, and that’s just too damn fun to give up.”
“Ah, well, in that case I understand,” Charity laughed. “That does sound like something you’d enjoy.”
Tavi flashed a wide grin. “So, whaddya need from me, aside from servin’ as witness at your”--she dropped her voice to a whisper--“secret dawn wedding?”
Charity rolled her eyes. “Right now, before I can focus on anything else for today, I need a drink. Just one, not even alcoholic. Just wanna breathe for a minute. Let myself be giddy instead of stressed about tomorrow.”
“One breather comin’ right up,” Tavi said, and tugged her toward the Dracogen. “If anyone deserves it, you do. Well, you and Edér, but I can’t do anything about the mayor shit. We’ll relax for a bit, chat, and then get back to business.” 
Charity nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”
She insisted on paying for their drinks, as “one small thank you” for everything Tavi had done. Tavi let her--she’d never been one to turn down free drinks. But she’d been completely serious before; her real reward was going to come tomorrow.
And she couldn’t fuckin’ wait.
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lilbreck · 6 years
A U.S. town had a 3-year-old mayorIn the small town of Dorset, Minnesota, where a new mayor is picked every two years by drawing names out of a hat, a three year old named Robert Tufts was elected mayor in 2015. His governing style : “Being nice and no poopy talk.”
There’s a dog mayor or governor out there, so why not a 3 yr old? Also, he’s got a good policy there.
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I made a space AU! Wanna hear about it? TOO BAD YOU ARE!
So firstly, there are two main planets and ten races:
Planets: The Ark & Aquarius – B. Races: Human, Terrasite, Extramorph, The Aether, Mayorins, Golitites, Hel’c, Taielons, Fawn, & Waterpeople. Lots of aliens and I have detailed anatomical descriptions for each one! And the planets are interesting too! The Ark is the result of 20 million years of development and technological advancement. It's a giant, artificial globe which is approximately the size of Jupiter. The populations of all of the ten races mainly reside here. Humans first began the development of it to try and escape their home planet as the sun began to go supernova. The Extramorphs, Taelions, and Mayorins also helped in it's development, as their solar system was slowly being pulled into a black hole. The other races simply moved there do to the superior levels of technological advancement and luxurious lifestyle. 5 million years after that, convergent evolution made interbreeding between the different alien races possible, which was soon outlawed by the Council of Ten (Like the government) as there were many potential and unknown biological issues that could arise from this. Any living hybrids were sent away to Aquarius-B, a supposedly barren and uninhabitable icy planet, for contamination. or at least, that's what the people were told. The hybrids were left there to die. On one particular transport mission to drop off a new set of hybrids, however, a particularly angry and  aggressive group of hybrids managed to take down the ship, using it and the terraforming supplies on board to survive the harsh environment. Over many years, they managed to form their own community and established a colony.
When the Council of Ten discovered this, they were not happy. The hybrids, in their eyes, were a threat to their peaceful lifestyle, and the people of the Ark would find out what they had really been doing to these hybrids. So war broke out between the two planets. The Council used the story that the hybrids had taken over the contamination centre, and were planning to come back to the Ark, leading to the outbreak of a virus, as justification for their actions. And now for the aliens!
Hel'c: Small, furry creatures, about a metre tall, characterized by plump, round bodies, large ears, a lack of arms, stubby snouts, long legs that bend backwards at the knees, and a long tail. Their homeworld is a plains environment, covered in low hills and dry, grass-like shrubs. They move around by hopping like a kangaroo. Native Hel'c live in packs of five to ten, and feed on insects in the grass. Other fun facts about them include the fact that, despite their seemingly exposed environment, their fur colour can vary extremely between individuals, and the fact that their long, dexterous tails vibrate at a frequency that promotes tissue regeneration, which helps them heal themselves and others. Living in the ark, they are mainly the same, except that their diets have become more refined, and most of them can eat a large variety of different foods, however have lost the ability to stomach the poisonous insects that inhabit their homeworld. They are a primarily peaceful species, and are talented doctors due to their healing abilities. They have also developed a verbal language, living on the ark.
~*~ Terrasite: Terrasite originally began as a scientific experiment gone wrong all the way back in 2067. The goal of the project was to create sentient nanobots to help humans in constructing space stations with increased efficiency. It worked a little too well. The nanobots were given the ability to perform micro alchemy, meaning they can create and destroy matter at will to construct literally anything. These nanobots then, however, began to develop AI, and stopped responding to commands from scientists. The experiment was deemed dangerous, and the nanobots were sealed away and shot out into space so they wouldn't bother anyone anymore. Skip forward a thousand years, and the nanobots had well and truly escaped, replicating and evolving to the point where they worked together as a hivemind to create an individual; a Terrasite. Terrasites, in what is assumed to be their natural form, appear reptilian. That being said, the only thing reptilian about them is the occasional presence of scales. The only other known natural features of this unnatural creature are the fact that it lacks eyes, has lots of spikes, and had a large, gaping mouth. On the ark, they are simultaneously the most loved and hated creature due to the simple fact that they can transform into literally anything. Any element, any size, any state of matter, any organism, any dna pattern; ANYTHING. They are also unkillable, as each individual nanobot contains all the information and data from a whole Terrasite and can, as mentioned before, self-replicate. They spend most of their lives transformed, and so barely any information is known about them. Once, a scientist tried taking a dna sample from a newborn Terrasite, hoping to analyze. The goo extracted then, very suddenly, turned grey, absorbed the scientist, and returned to the child. The royal science society did not press charges. They were too scared to. The leaders of the ark have made a truce with the Terrasites due to their dangerous and volatile nature. The ark leaders have the power to disrupt the nanobots, rendering them 'dead', and so the terrasites must behave, and remain as obedient as any other citizen, or else they shall be destroyed.
~*~ Mayorin: The Mayorin can best be described as 'cat people'. They are bipedal feline creatures with opposable thumbs. Their native planet is a large, forested planet. Mayorins lived there in solidarity, only coming together to mate, or defend an injured Mayorin. They have no native language due to this solidarity. On their homeworld, they had sharp claws and teeth, and walked primarily on all-fours. Living upon the ark, they have become, in a sense, domesticated. Their teeth and claws are blunter, they walk entirely on two legs, and have adapted to be able to communicate verbally. The colour of their fur has also changed. Originally, their fur was a green-brown colour, which allowed them to blend in seamlessly with their forested environment. After generations of living on the ark, however, their fur has become a brown-gold colour, and in rare cases, black. Black-furred Mayorin are seen as taboo, and are often discriminated against and seen by many races to be untrustworthy or unlucky.
~*~ Aetherwraith: Aetherwraiths (also known collectively as 'the Aether' or individually as 'Wraiths') are the second creature, the other being Terrasites, that operate with a hivemind. For them, his collective intelligence comes in the form of their home planet, a giant living brain that allows them to share information with every other Wraith on the planet. Despite this, the Wraiths do, in fact, have their own individual consciousness and intelligence. Separation from the planet only prevents them from sharing data telepathically. The Wraiths gain energy through two ways. They either synthesise energy from the planet or, if separated, can photosynthesise energy themselves. In terms of their appearance, they are tall, and slender with an almost skeletal appearance. Their skin is black, and pulled tight over a prominent and defined skeletal structure. Antlers of keratin grow all over their bodies, though the first ones start developing on their heads. They have no mouths, but extremely good hearing. Due to this, they communicate through a kind of song-like call. This sound is produced from a set of gill-like flaps on the side of their throats, which pump air through them while vibrating to create different frequencies, usually higher than most species can detect. When they sing, they also secrete a gaseous form of phosphorous, which, when exposed to oxygen, combusts. Due to this, they are not allowed to sing on the ark  as they risk burning others. To compensate for this, they have developed a universal sign language which allows them to communicate without singing or sharing thoughts. This language is taught to all other species, so anyone can communicate with them. Their movement is extremely fast, as they are both muscular and very light. They move forward in fact bursts that have, in the past, been mistaken for teleportation.
~*~ Taelion: Very wise avian creatures. Their homeworld is mountainous, and covered in giant trees. Despite their feathered appearance, they cannot fly. The feathers simply shield them from the winds that blow high on the mountains where they make their nests. Their two feathered arms do not have hands, and they instead pick things up using special feathers on the ends of their arms that have muscles running through them. These feathers curl around objects, acting like fingers. Their feet, like a birds, are clawed. With age, their feathers grow more mottled and they shed. The technological advancement of the Taelion can be compared to that if the human agrarian era, however the knowledge of philosophy and astronomy surpasses that of any other race. In the ark, they are seen as scholars, teachers, and  scientists. They are one of the few races other than humans that had a sophisticated culture before the ark. They even have their own native language, which they use even centuries later.
~*~ Extramorph: Thousands of years ago, back in the late 2000's, humans genetically engineered a new kind of human, designed specifically for working in anti-gravity environments such as space stations or interplanetary vessels. They are modified to have four arms, and more dexterous, and longer feet, which can be used to grab onto things. As they are a sub-species of humans, they have always been able to reproduce with humans, though the offspring are often not noticeably different from one species or the other due to their largely similar physical traits. They struggle to live on the ark due to a weaker bone structure. Low-gravity environments cause their muscles and bone structure to degenerate, and so unless they are born and raised on the ark, they usually require hoverchairs to get around.
~*~ Fawn: Fawn females are greatly more beautiful than fawn males. Females are six-legged, with a humanoid upper torso, near-translucent skin, and no arms. They are hairless, with completely white, large eyes. They are also covered in bioluminescent patches along their faces, and legs. Two straight horns extend downwards on either side of the back of their heads. The females, known as 'queens', govern a cluster of males for reproductive purposes, and lay clutches of eggs, up to 5. Each clutch contains one female, and the rest are male. The queen of the clutch will lead the males of the clutch themselves. Males are essentially much smaller, four-legged, versions of females. They, however, have arms in place of a third pair of legs. They provide protection and services to the queen to ensure her survival. If the queen of a cluster dies, the males of the cluster will refuse to feed or drink, and die out. The queen, aside from laying eggs, also creates a home for the males to live in. They produce silica, which they craft into giant, white nests. On the ark, there are very few Fawn, as many of them died off after a large tectonic shift on their home planet wiped out most of their species. There are currently four surviving clusters in existence on the ark.
~*~ Golitite: Golitites were never originally viewed as an intelligent species, as they behaved primarily on an instinctual level. However, significant tests indicate that they do indeed possess and intelligence far greater than they can express. They communicate with each other by clicking their beaks together, which was originally seen as just an act of intimacy or friendship, rather than a form of communication. In terms of their appearance, they are most akin to penguins, with a furred body, a large mane of feathers down their backs, and flippers almost the size of their bodies with clawed ends. They do not have legs, and instead slide across their flat, icy planet on their bellies, propelled by their flippers.
~*~ Waterpeople: A recently discovered amphibious species. They live far beneath the icy surface of Aquarius-B, around the stone core, where the temperatures become liveable. They carve burrows into the core itself, creating air pockets to live in and lay eggs in. They have a humanoid torso, with strong arms that have clawed hands. They don't have eyes, as they live in a lightness environment, and navigate through echolocation. Their legs have three joins that bend both forwards and backwards, and no feet. A fleshy membrane between the legs and between the arms & body allows them to swim through the water. They have bioluminescent teeth, and lie in wait for fish to swim into their mouth.
~*~ And humans are kinda self explanatory
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soranosoko28 · 7 years
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he’s officially a mayorin
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goldenlaquer · 2 years
i wanna know what your ocs’ grocery lists is like
you will know
seiji's: f'ing random and not somethings a regular grocery store should probably be supplying but somehow do because gintama. for example, like 20 canisters of propane, some odd pounds of HMTD, bleach, a pack of extra extra extra extra large condoms he accidentally drops multiple times in front of the lady behind him in line and if you recognize any items of this list as an explosive no you didnt ☆
teito's: y'all know da drill– peaches take number one on his list every time. fuzzy, of course. the fruit stand owner always has a good deal cut out for him, he's her best and most handsome customer, and the sale always plays out like an illicit drug deal. But the grocery list only gets more incomprehensible from there because what kinda fuck meal are you going to make from canned cheese, leek, a pack of cigarettes and two towels???? dude can't cook for shit. teito also doesn't mind picking up some stuff for his colleagues, like mayorin's best for hijikata, anpan for yamazaki, rat poison for sougo, adult diapers for kondo
yan: he goes to costco to fill yato appetite. i won't embarrass yan by listing quantity but it's such an incredibly ordinary list it'll bore you: rice, meat, eggs, protein powder, konpeito, etc. and he snacks on them little samplers along the way and has to drag kamui away before he eat the whole cart. pays with abuto's black credit card and makes the man in question cry when he sees his bank statement later.
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padawaniisms · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://xn--80akibjkfl0bs.xn--p1acf/2017/03/08/sakata-gintoki-29/
Sakata Gintoki
from Gintama
Posted by Tomoe Mayorin on 2015-11-18 23:16:48
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tmgmrk · 5 years
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shiibui · 9 years
What's the name of the badass looking guy from Gintama with the cigarette smoking in the rain?
haha i can tell you don’t watch gintama if you call the mayo addict a badass xD its hijikata toshiro ofcourse!
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