monerelurking · 1 year
Top 5 bugs!
Tough one!! But ok let's see (there'll be more than 5 because I'm fucked up with bugs ok).
Weevils Just.. I'm sorry I couldn't NOT put the whole family in my favourites. They're just so cute, the best bugs out there ok. And very diverse at that. I do have a few specific buddies in mind though, like: Philopedon plagiatus (pl. sieciech niegłębek). Just a tiny ball. A tiny guy. A pin's head buddy. Rolling around eating my butterfly bush leaves.
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Nut weevil. Look at this alien.
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Ribbed pine borer I just love the eyeliner and their shape.
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Sphinx moths Again a whole family, but they're so special. I raised a small elephant and pine hawk-moths myself a few years back. Beautiful creatures and the caterpillars are so interesting too.
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Nun moth I know I KNOW they're one of the biggest pests in our forests but their patterns are so wonderful I got a tattoo of one of them ok? It's for the aesthetic.
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Zygaenidae But most importantly burnet moths: Six-spot burnet
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Yellow-belted burnet
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And there are SO many more I personally find very cool, but this would be a very long post adsjajgb thanks for the ask though I'm always happy to spontaneously talk about bugs
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seductiveheadcrab · 6 years
sometimes i dream about cheese
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schlamkrabbe · 5 years
Pyrography coaster gift for @mayspicer of a cat skull drawn by her~
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krabik · 7 years
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(I couldn't decide which photo is better, therefore I upload both)
Small set of things I managed to collect. There should be yet three skulls, but two of them was stolen probably by a fox, and the third I destroyed :I 
In few days @mayspicer will be mad at me, as she doesn't really have any space any more, but I sure do hope she will enjoy this gift anyway c:
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aphid-kirby · 7 years
20 20 tag
I can’t believe I’m finally doing one of these, i got tagged once and i started doing it but then i panicked and deleted everything bc my gender was one of the questions lmao. Anyways thank uuu @screamingsnowflake for tagging me!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20  blogs {as if i had that many mutuals}  you would like to get to know better
a-age: 17 but im very forgetful about this for some reason and most times i get it wrong so whatevs, im sure this is the one, but i always end up answering 15 or 16 or sometimes 18 
b-birthplace: North Carolina
c-current time: 11:15 pm d-drink you last had: My tears, but bc i was laughing the hardest ive ever laughed for a long-ass time while playing smash w/ my cousin e-easiest person to talk to: defintely my cousin! we have way too many inside jokes! also the only friend i did after school! he’s gone now but I’ll never forget him, he loved listening to me infodump abt anything! f-favorite song: I have too many songs very very dear to my heart, most of them come from the same bands so I’ll mention some: -We Were Evergreen, -Fanfarlo -Voxtrot and Bombay Bicycle Club!!! their music makes me so so happy i owe them a lot of my happiness and enrichment   g-grossest memory: There’s nothing at the top of my head but i’m gonna go with when i tried to clean the bones of a snake from the entire corpse but the vase ended up going full on algae and the odor that came out when i opened it was rather strong. i- in love?: nah, i’ve never really known any of this stuff, my friends know this and they fully support me so its ok! j- jealous of people?: not really, if anything i just get morose, but only by myself, never anythung directed towards others. k-killed someone?: are you talking abt human beings? bc i’ve killed a couple of insects which i then mounted, i killed most of these  bc they were dying and i didnt wanted to see them struggling for hours {you should see how long some insects stay on the process of dying} l-love at first sight or should i walk by again: I literally have no clue what this is about, apparently they’re songs? m-middle name: shhhhhhh, this is an important secret n-number of siblings: 0 o-one wish: Immortality, to get to experience and understand as much of the universe as it is possible! q-question you’re always asked: “What are you studying?” bc i talk abt an extremely wide range of topics and ppl don’t know what the heck i’m actually doing r-reason to smile: My favorite Video games! So so so so much of nature! clouds birds insects wind trees grass!!!! and how they all function!!! and the fact that we understand it!!!!!!, i actually have a notebook dedicated to the listing of these, but it’s mostly stuff ike this s-song you sang last: Into The Night by Marika Hackman! u-underwear color: what the fugg v-vacation: Galapagos Islands!! not much of a vacation but rather a trip! x-x-rays: Are you implying that these are rare? I’ve had countless of this! although im usually a very sickly kid so nvmd i guess, most of these wer on my chest area. y-your favorite food: i hate food bc i can’t stop eating it, but yeah, chocolate z-zodiac sign: Sollux I think im virgo?
Where’s the H and the T?! D:==
I’m just gonna tag some of my recent mutuals who i’ve interacted with in one way or another , they’re all super cool! @pearasect @lmetaknight @mayspicer (You’re one of my oldest mutuals!) @droct0 @the-unoriginals-of-unoriginal and @galacticnova3
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glitterfr33ze · 7 years
mayspicer replied to your post: seductiveheadcrab replied to your post: ...
Oooh, I had memes at school. Jednak szkoła reklamy MUSIAŁA poruszyć ten temat
ale żeby na polskim q_q i to całkowicie poważnie, bez żartów, analiza artykułu o genezie memu i jego znaczeniu 
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monerelurking · 3 years
Hop tea (◡ ω ◡)
9. Hop tea: Do you have a favourite tea? Which one?
I have a few that I like a lot! Any green tea with opuntia or ginger is amazing (I sometimes add fresh ginger to my coffee as well), also jasmine tea is my favourite to order if available while eating out.  I remember drinking, several years back, a black scented tea with cherry blossoms and it was oh so wonderful, but since then I could not find this particular one anywhere. 
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seductiveheadcrab · 7 years
mayspicer replied to your post “[[MOR] so. uhm. i didnt come here for some time i was busy, trying...”
w razie szukania pracy zapraszam do mojej pracy w Warszafce, będą ci płacić za granie w gry :>
omg serio? to gdzies sa jeszcze posady testerow?? ja bym sie dala pokroic, ale to jednak daleko wiec mieszkanie i inne pierdoly ;_;
tho czego w ogole wymagaja bo ciekawi mnie (i do przyjecia i w pracy tez)
mayspicer replied to your post “[[MOR] so. uhm. i didnt come here for some time i was busy, trying...”
Minus jest taki, że nie wybiera się gier i trzy dni można przechodzić jadną misję u__u
o luju, a w co ci kaza grac
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seductiveheadcrab · 7 years
mayspicer replied to your post:[[MOR] ive lost a little piece of my tooth...
Ja mam złamaną na pół jedynkę x_x Ogólnie da się to naprawić, ale w moim przypadku było to okropnie upierdliwe i kiedyś w końcu zrobię sobie jakąś koronę czy coś. Ale u mnie to był kawał zęba i to strasznie dawno. Jak to w ogóle zrobiłaś?
omg moja siostra miala urabane tez pol jedynki i jeszcze kawalek drugiej;; ale ma teraz doklejona jakas dolewke czy cos??
odpadlo mi zapiecie od dusika i musialam czyms to koleczko zgniesc, i chcialam to po prostu zebami scisnac i nagle slysze takie “pyk” i poczulam ze cos mam na jezyku, poszlam do lustra, patrze i mam taka dziure na srodku od dolu w jedynce Q_Q glupie bo wydaje mi sie ze to nawet nie tym zebem robilam??? wiec nie wiem jak to sie stalo. i nawet nie sciskalam mocno wiec juz w ogole. ogolnie to nie jest duze, ale wyglada dziwnie, jakby mi cos odgryzlo kawalek zeba q_q
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seductiveheadcrab · 7 years
mayspicer replied to your post “mayspicer replied to your post:[[MO ive lost a little piece of my...”
Btw, mam też taki lekko chipped kieł jeden, idk jak to zrobiłam i jest taki szorstki i dziwny w jednym miejscu, następnym razem u dentysty chyba spytam czy da się coś z tym zrobić x__x
omg zuo ;_; yeh spytaj moze ci nalozy cos na to albo idk
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monerelurking · 6 years
book tag
tagged by @mach-volt, thanks actually :D 1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading? My flat’s too small to really have that “place” for everything, I have only half a room for myself, so it’s usually on my bed. When it’s warm outside I usually read on the balcony or go to the nearest park. When I’m in my hometownvillage it’s either in my room or in the garden.  On a side note; when I was small the place looked a bit different - there was a sprawling grapevine growing on the wall of my grandfather’s workshop and it formed a sort of roof above the entrance. There was a wooden bench there and I often went there when it rained to just sit and listen or read, it was so peaceful and wonderful~ 2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? Usually a bookmark or nothing (and then I forget where I was). Currently one with Ciri I bought from ArunaWolf 3. Can you stop anytime you want or do you have to stop at a certain page, chapter, part, etc? I sometimes stop at a certain moment or a statement I’d remember when I see it, but more often it’s at the beginning of a new chapter.  4. Do you eat or drink while reading? Not really. 5. Can you read while listening to music/watching television? I can read when I listen to music suitable for the book, of a theme that matches the scene, but that happens mostly when I’m on a train to cut myself away from the crowd. Music with any lyrics tends to distract me too much.  6. Reading at home or everywhere? Both. I like to read when I’m on my way somewhere, because when at home I’m usually too distracted by the internet or my roommate, but then again when I focus it’s more peaceful.  7. Do you read ahead or skip pages? I like to read everything, even if it’s boring, because if I skip anything I just feel guilty haha. I still do it sometimes, though.  8. Breaking the spine or keeping it new? I’d rather keep in new but it’s not always possible with soft cover.
9. Do you write in books? No. I used to underline some words in a dictionary, but when it comes to regular books, never. 
Do it if you wanna!  @woytaq @mayspicer @jykinturah-mod @bukkustuff
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seductiveheadcrab · 7 years
tagged by @abelard-tullus, thank you (i mean seriously, i was bored anyway)
Rules: Answer the question in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
A - Age: 21
B - Birthplace: not sure i should say. just imagine some small boring city in poland
C - Current Time: 22:22/10:22 pm welp
D - Drink you had last: cherry apple drink
E - Easiest person to talk to: mmmm @glitterfr33ze?
F - Favourite song: not sure tbh. i get bored with songs way too quickly,, wait i just remembered one. its faunts - m4 (part II). aka ending song from mass effect 1. its not like my all-time favourite, but i dont want to make a list so let’s just keep it as that
G - Grossest memory: i have one, but i don’t really wish to say,, i wish i could just forget it bc ew.
H - Horror yes or horror no: uhhh.. im not really fond of horrors. at the same time i like paranormal things tho. idk why i do this to myself,,,
I - In love?: nah
J - Jealous?: i, uh,, i do get jealous sometimes, but im still working on it
K - Killed someone?: bugs i guess
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again: i keep falling in love with fictional characters i need help
M - Middle name: anna
N - Number of siblings: 1
O - One wish: i used to wish upon the stars “to be happy” but that day didnt come yet
P - Person you called last: i don’t know, but it was probably my mom
Q - Question you’re always asked: “Why are you so quiet?” or “Did something happen?” the second one is actually questioning why my face always looks like “:l”
R - Reason to smile: geez, i smile like once a month, idk man
S - Song you sang last: yue xi jiang,,,,,,,,,,
T - Time you woke up: 8 am then went back to sleep and got up at 10 am lol
U - Underwear colour: well that question doesnt fit with others but w/e. idk why anyone would care but its in purple/gray/white stripes lol
V - Vacation destination: idk if ill go anywhere this year tbh
W - Worst habit: procrastination,,,,,,
X - X-rays: left leg, teeth/jaw and i had one more but idk if it was stomach, chest or head
Y - Your favourite food: fish :3c i really like fish, laughs
Z - Zodiac Sign: scorpio
i tag @mayspicer, @combinecremator, @goblin-jim, @theta-xi​, @melissasoup, @kiraragal200
idk who else i could tag. you dont need to do this if you don’t want to ofc
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aphid-kirby · 6 years
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All and any of the ladybugs’ larvae!!!
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monerelurking · 7 years
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Amazing drawings I got recently from @mayspicer and @bukkustuff
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