#mc square pluto
lunaa007 · 2 years
Astrology observations #2
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This is for fun, they are just my personal observations :)
♦️ Capricorn Venus might be attracted to people with good social status like doctors/lawyers, social success might be a turn-on for them. They value stability and financial success.
♦️Virgo venus is the venus sign most likely to have cosmetic procedures done as they project their perfectionism on their appearance and aesthetic. They want to (and often do) look perfect.
♦️Mars in 1st house might come across as agressive or intimidating. They might not look very approachable. They could have a strong body and look athletic regardless of their exercise routine.
♦️Mars in scorpio: I know only two people in my close circle with this placement and they both have dark circles under their eyes. Even when they are not tired. It gives them a penetrating and intense look.
♦️Sun conjunct/square Saturn natives might have a harder time expressing their core personality in the first years of their life. They might feel restricted in their self-expression and might show their sun sign only with people they truly feel comfortable with.
♦️Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mercury can easily express their emotions and feelings. Especially by writing, they find the perfect words to express how they feel. They could write amazing love letters ❤️
♦️Mars conjunct/square/opposite Uranus often love speed. These aspects are very common in Formula 1 drivers and motoGP racers. These people love to take risks and live for the adrenaline. However they also must be careful when driving as they can be too impulsive. But they usually have excellent reflexes (conjunct especially). The square and the opposition might be more clumsy and often hit themselves against furniture and stuff like that.
♦️The people I know who ride motorcycles all have Mars-Uranus aspects, but more tense aspects. A lot of them also have a Mars-Pluto aspects, but more harmonious ones.
♦️Sun-Uranus positive aspects (conjunct, trine, sextile, quintile) have the gift of not caring what other people think about them. They could easily express their individuality and follow their own path, not caring about following a socially accepted one.
♦️Chiron in the 4th house might have had a chaotic childhood. Their family might trigger trauma responses in them. They might have to do inner work on accepting where they come from and might help other people with troubled families.
♦️Sun or venus in the 5th house might be interested in polyamory or open relationships. They might love the thrill of romance and flings and might not want to give that up for one person.
♦️ Aries on the 3rd house cusp might be very impulsive drivers, not respect speed limits and have aggressive interactions with other drivers on the road.
♦️Sagittarius + Scorpio placements can be very contradictory in relationships. They might not want to commit to one person and keep their freedom but at the same time they could be obsessive and jealous in love, wanting the other one to only have eyes for them.
♦️Neptune in the 1st house might receive a lot of projections from other people. This is a common placement for celebrities as their fans can see in that person whatever they want to see, regardless of who that person really is. Neptune puts a filter, a blur in the house it sits and the 1st house rules the appearance among other things. This also gives an ethereal look, they are often considered beautiful. They could be very photogenic as Neptune rules images and mirrors.
♦️Jupiter in the 8th house people might receive inheritances during their life, and they might also marry rich. They might have a huge interest in psychology and taboo topics.
♦️North node opposite MC people might find that their direction of growth in this life is to not prioritise their work and career over their home/personal life but to find a balance. They might have an easier time focusing on their career but paying less attention to their family.
♦️Pluto in the 1st house might like having piercings and tattoos. They might do these to mark new beginnings in their life.
♦️Moon in the 11th house might rely on their friend group for their emotional balance, their social life can be highly important for them.
♦️Pluto conjunct MC people: please never do illegal things and immoral things because your deepest secrets/wrongdoings will be revealed for everyone to see. Pluto represents what is hidden, our underworld, and the MC is the highest point in our chart, the first part of us that the public sees. This might also mean that if you have an affair it will become public.
♦️I noticed a lot of Aquarius risings go through a hard time with their hair before learning to love it and treat it in the right way.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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bluee08 · 2 years
Astro Observations 《1》
Disclaimer : I am not a professional astrologer. This post is only for fun and it is solely based on my observations and experiences. So, please take it with a grain of salt.
♠️ Taurus Mars 🤝 Anger issues. It's either a disaster or unhealthy suppression. No in between.
♠️ Mars-Neptune placements have some wide imagination when it comes to steamy stuff. It be going on in their heads 24/7! Also they might get frequent wet dreams. Infact on a side note they are quite looking forward to it when they go to sleep.
♣️ Mars in 4th house went through a lot of family trauma in childhood. It could be anything like daily arguments, abusive household, domestic violence etc.
♠️ Sagittarius venus and their frequent crushes. If influenced by Scorpio could be secretive as hell.
♠️ Jupiter–Saturn negatively aspected could indicate a hard academic life in the beginning but once you work on it, you will succeed with flying colors. My friend has her jupiter squaring saturn and she was always at the bottom in her class. But once she decided to put her mind into it, she became one of the toppers in our school.
♣️ Venus at 0° has no idea where to began with love. They want it but are clueless about what they actually want.
♠️ Sagittarius people love freedom. Speaking from personal experience, you don't want to tie them down by any means. Like Sagittarius moon hates being emotionally tied down by some melodrama. Don't even think about manipulating them they will run away know right away. Sagittarius venus hates being controlled in a relationship.
♣️ Virgo sun might tease their partner now and then after their night together just to see their reaction. You better blush🔪
♣️ Someone mentioned in their post that having jupiter in 2nd house in solar return chart could indicate buying a lot of books. It's true! I had it last year in my chart and omg I bought so many books in one year! Also I never faced any shortage of money that year so later when I calculated the expense, I was surprised. It's also funny because whenever I felt like, okay I want this book, in the next few days I would have it in my hands by some means. I was obsessed with books. Let it be study material or novels. I still have many novels that I bought last year but haven't read yet. Lol no regrets tho, I love books 📚
♠️ Moon conjuct pluto 🤝 love-hate relationship with their mothers. It's like— I can't live without you. The next moment—but if I die it will be only because of you. And it goes both the ways. I have this and trust me it hurts on a subconscious level.
♣️ Asteroid Actor conjuct moon could mean that when you act, you act flawlessly. No one could tell if you are acting or not. Emotions are always on point. It comes very natural to these people. If underdeveloped, could make sly manipulators, like a wolf under sheep's skin.
♠️ Scorpio MC people always have a strict control over their public image. They are not said to be mysterious just like that. You might think you have them figured out but there is always something going on in their lives which is unknown to the public. And if they don't want you to know about it, you will never know either.
♣️ Pluto in 11th house/Sagittarius/Aquarius could mean that you might have a wide variety of friends all over the world, through online or even through mutuals. But for some of you these people just come along and go. Or maybe you are the one who gets distant for some reason. They still remain good friends though, it's just that the sudden closure is gone. Plus they don't reveal every single secret to their friends. They know later it won't matter.
♣️ Venus conjuct/ Sextile/trine Mercury gives a very pleasant voice. These people should try applying in music industry.
♠️ Asteroid Skip in natal chart could indicate what all things you missed or neglected in your life. For example, in 6th house you could have neglected your health a lot to the point later it backfired. Or in Capricorn it could indicate that you skipped working.
♣️ Jupiter–AC people are very sharp minded. Especially if it's conjuction. They know how to turn the situation in their favour. They are also very versatile in nature, which makes them very well liked by people. Basically the All rounder placement.
♠️ Asteroid Scientia positively aspecting Jupiter/Sun/moon could mean you work good in science fields. Whereas if it's negatively aspected you might face a little difficulty in dealing with science majors and need more effors to put in. I have jupiter square scientia and I know exactly what I am talking about.
♣️ Asteroid Academia in 11th house/Aquarius could indicate changing many schools, colleges throughout your life or living in a hostel.
♠️ Aries risings are the most restless beings alive. They can't sit still for two minutes to save their lives! These people are very competitive when it comes to athletics, as for academics, they are okay with being average. Two of the people that I know who have this rising sign won gold medals during their school lives in sports competitions.
♣️ Mars conjuct MC or Mars in 10th house people are very dedicated and driven when it comes to their profession. They pursue their career with full potential.
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 7
hey everyone, got some new observations and random astro thoughts 👽 🔭
🧊 The strongest aspects to the nodes in terms how obvious their effect can be, are squares then trines esp with tight orbs. They strongly activate the planet involved and the effect becomes very clear in how things unfold or manifest. e.g sun square or tine nn is more obvious to others, their personality is much more vibrant and noticeable. The conj/opp aspects are stronger but tricky to see, because they can mean something personal to the native, something karmic or unpredictable, like two people can have that aspect but have it manifest completely differently.
🧊 Saturn 11th could mean having to learn many of your life lessons through the internet or social media. Could be by observing people online and learning new things. These natives have felt alone majority of their lives and social media kept their company. May go through difficult experiences, like online bullying or feel rejected online. They eventually learn the sweet nonchalance and the importance of self love, that they don't care when people leave them or dislike them, because the ones that are meant to stay will stay. (This may apply to ppl w a stellium in the 11th, or chiron 11th).
🧊 Those who have saturn-nn aspects may have been involved with the law/governments or have fought for something that has to do with legal matters and order. Especially for or against their family. They aren't afraid to take it to court if it means regaining their rights. They tend to win cases because they have a strong sense of justice. If negatively aspected or dealt with, they may need to watch out for that, or for their need to put someone down using the law.
🧊 Venus in aries woman also like the friends before lovers dynamic, just like aqua. They prefer to be friends with guys first and can flirt with them until it evolves into a relationship. They’re also comfortable with masculine energy way more than feminine so they tend to make friends with boys a lot. Also they're not impulsive in love as they're said to be, if they choose someone it's because they found that physical chemistry, passion, youthfulness, independence, and loyalty in them, which they rarely do and they'd rather stay solo.
🧊 Thinking about how astrology signs and houses have a connection to our body, like from aries or 1st being the head, taurus or 2nd being the neck, gemini or 3rd being arms hands, cancer or 4th being the chest area, leo or 5th being the heart space, virgo or 6th being the stomach area, libra or 7th being the kidneys and lower back, scorpio or 8th being the the genitals, sagittarius or 9th being the thighs, capricorn or 10th being the knees and other bones, aquarius or 11th being the calves and ankles, and all the way down to pisces or 12th being the feet. I just find it fascinating. I know there are other body parts ruled by these signs, but I'm particularly pointing at the way it goes in order, from head to feet which is really interesting to think about, like how coincidental could that be? it makes it real.
🧊 Through learning more about astrology and how it relates to body parts, you can use that to heal and soothe your body. If you have pisces in your chart you may benefit from soaking your feet in water with salt or soap for stress relief, and grounding, being in water in general, music and rhythms could be healing too. If you have capricorn you may like to run a lot, exercise a better posture, chiropractic treatment, spend money on skincare and your dental care. If you have Leo placements, take care of your generous heart, your hair, go outside and get you vitamin d, massage your shoulders and upper back. I can do a whole post about that.
🧊 Speaking of that — I think there is so much more undiscovered in astrology. Way more info that is waiting to be discovered. We haven't been discovering much lately. I mean uranus was discovered in the 700s, neptune 800s, pluto 900s, and these were the official discoveries. The more we discover planets, galaxies or other yet to name objects, the more we discover things about our lives, and how everything in the universe is connected and affects our experience on earth. I just wanna reincarnate 700 years later and see to what extent things evolved, or maybe that's a short period. 
🧊 What if aliens are studying earth as an outer planet which may mean something particular to them just like we study say Jupiter and Saturn as planets with certain themes. Who knows what’s going on up there. But yeah this page is getting weirder by the day... I- sry 👀
🧊 I’m one of those that would skip the big three and jump right at north node aspects fr (all including minor aspects). I want to know a person’s life journey and potential before their personality traits. It can tell a lot about destiny, what comes naturally to us and where we need growth and even about our past lives. 
🧊 Consider meghan stallion whose chart I recently saw. The moment I saw it, I thought it couldn't be more fitting and clear. With mercury square nn, she had a urge to use her voice early on, her mercury is something that should be utilized, she raps and writes music. Mercury conjunct uranus, it's the unique ability to sing, rap and make music, a creative mind. Pallas opposite nn, she got a lot of natural charisma with her talents, she radiates confidence and strength which makes her liked. (also pallas-nn aspects can make someone influential). Venus sextile nn, she is well liked and has a lot of charm, she may do smth related to beauty. 
🧊 I don’t usually consider cusps in astrology when it comes to signs, it depends on whether I see the influence or not, I rarely do. But I def look at house cusps (especially asc, dsc, mc and ic). That axis, the end of a house and the beginning of the next is so important to look at, not just degrees but planets there. When planets are at the cusp of a house (up to 7°), it influences both houses i noticed. e.g. If saturn is on the cusp of the 8th and 9th then both houses are significant to look at, it could mean lessons related to studies, resources, travel, inner transformation, connections.. etc. Same with saturn on the cusp of the 11th and 12th, lessons related to friendships, hopes and dreams, the collective, loneliness, spirituality... etc. 
🧊 Planets conj/opp your asc or mc are a big part of how you appear to the world. They can overpower your asc or mc signs at times especially before you introduce yourself and have a proper talk with someone. Once they know you personally they'll pick up on the ascendant sign traits. Strangers or the ones that don’t know you will pick up on the planet's energy before the sign. e.g. if you have uranus conjunct asc or mc, no matter the ascendant your uranus qualities will be more visible to others. If you have more than one planet conj/opp then you could give off different impressions to different people. I have uranus conjunct mc and pluto opposite ascendant, I've had some see me as eccentric, detached and some others as mysterious, powerful. This applies to planets in 1st and 10th.
🧊 The most difficult moon signs are capricorn, scorpio, aquarius and virgo. They know what it feels like to be emotionally drained, yet empty. They'd rather not show emotion, even scorpios don't show a fraction of the range of emotions they experience. They deal with it differently, but they all put on a cold front, even with themselves, seeming unemotional, especially the saturians. They sometimes don’t know how to show the depth, wisdom and caring heart they have, but they damn sure know how to work hard and be that special person. They add so much to the world but they don’t feel like they fairly get any back. Each of these signs have distinct traits of their own but I applaud y’all. The most interesting to observe truly. 
🧊 Also with these moon signs, their mother may have been a challenging figure in their lives, she may have been either critical, controlling, egoistical, cold or just absent in some way. They likely didn't have an easy childhood to say the least.
🧊 The moon is what we inherit from the mother and it's exactly how we develop those traits, and how we essentially... treat her back. So if the mommy of a cap moon child thought she could be overbearing, cold and expect the unexpected from her child, she can be met with an advanced level of coldness and authority from her grown child, thanks to her. Same with a virgo moon child's mother, if she thought she could be critical and compare them to literally anything and judge the hell out of their existence, they would give her a neat taste of her medicine, sharper criticism backed with better facts. The mother also learns a lot from her children through their moon sign. This applies to all moons.
🧊 I noticed that scorpio placements don't find it easy to change or let go of things (unless they have many pluto aspects). I met many scorpio ppl and they tend to hold on to the past, tightly. Many of them told me they hate moving out. It depends on other placements tho, if mixed with capricorn or earth, they are sooo traditional and stubborn my god. If mixed with air, they're less to hold on. Pluto placements and aspects are the actual phoenixes, they embrace every part of their transformation process, they burn things to ashes and emerge stronger, I love seeing it.
🧊 Every time I meet a pisces moon person, they have some unusual quirks to them. They can have this awkward yet charismatic behavior, like wtf was that, but you stare at their watery eyes. Pisces moon men esp, the weirdest sense of humor 🤚s down, but you can't help it cuz it's cute. Which is why they can trick and manipulate you cuz you thought they were innocent *pleading emoji*.  
🧊 Quintiles and bi-quintiles give me an aquarius vibe, they hold such a unique energy to them, a different connection between the planets. Quintiles to the nodes or mc, it's so refreshing and special whatever that quality you got, it may even be addictive to others (sun, venus, neptune quintile nn). Check if you have asteroids quintile the nodes, you may benefit from tapping in to the potential they hold and utilizing it.
🧊 Whatever house pluto is in it’s where you got power that you needed to learn to take back. It was gained eventually through being taken away from you or not seen by you. The power of realizing the effect you have over the themes of a certain house which activates it.
🧊 Some examples, pluto 10th, how people see you publicly may not be who you are at home. The accusations or assumptions, the jealousy and maybe even manipulations about your career choices made you feel powerless at times but it’s where your power lies. As soon as they discover that it's up to them to decide who they are publicly, they take back that power and show up in the public as an unstoppable force, changing the world. Pluto 7th, the constant mirroring of people’s shadows, the projections, the lies or manipulations that happened in their relationships made the native feel powerless in connections and over the way they see or present themselves. Once they embrace the way they appear and connect with others, a new sense of strength and power is awakened in them and they radiate that even more strongly, this time unapologetically. 
bonus - asteroids obs ⚛︎
🧊 People that have charisma (627) in a fire sign stand out when they're taking action, they naturally radiate that leadership vibe, others expect them to take imitative with things especially if it's in aries, they have that youthful go getter vibe. If it's in leo they're seen as very influential and others follow their lead. If in sag they're seen as funny and joyous to be around, everyone wants to be with them. 
🧊 Asteroid aura (1488) can show you what colors and styles look good on you, check the sign, degree and house. If it's in an earth sign, those earthy colors, greens, browns, formal, vintage. dark academia styles. If in a fire sign, those fiery vibrant colors, colorful sparkly makeup, casual yet bold looks. In an air sign, classy or street looks, patterns and accessories, youthful styles. If in a water sign, dreamy flowy fabrics, neutral colors, blues and purples, jewels.
🧊 Also check the planets it aspects, say aura is in pisces conj saturn then you can incorporate those dreamy looks in a saturnian typa way, e.g. I imagine a man in a bright silk shirt with brown vintage pants, a matching jacket, and a pearl choker, something ethereal but earthy at the same time. 
🧊 Asteroid sirene (1009) in scorpio, aspecting pluto or in the 8th could make someone have an extremely alluring presence like you would want to stare for long to understand their vibes but you won't. I also find it alluring if it's in capricorn, aquarius or pisces. 
🧊 Asteroid meesters (10647) and talent (33154) in aquarius or the 11th could mean creating or inventing something new in your field, having or mastering a unique or rare skill. This can also mean recognition for a unique talent. Aspecting nn can mean you mastered some talents in a past life or will in this life.
-- I had these for so long in my notes, but I just felt inspired to post, forgive me. 🐯🫶
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
Mini Astro Notes pt. 4 - Aspects Edition
[Btw, Libra season is making me contemplate if I was a little harsh here or not. 😂 So caution.]
🌌 Planets that aspect your midheaven [conjunction, opposition, trine, or square] can be visible in your interactions with the public. E.g, Venus square MC - your beauty can capture the eyes of the public. Or Uranus opposition MC - you have cool & interesting relationship with the public.
🌌  You are most likely to make the best of friends with people who share the same Sun-Moon aspect as you. E.g, Sun square Moon individuals make the best of friends with other Sun square Moon people. Sun opposite Moon individuals make the best of friends with other Sun opposite Moon people.
🌌  If you have planets that square your Sun, it could mean you contradict yourself a lot when it comes to conveying the traits of that planet. E.g, Sun square Mars - you contradict the way you should show your anger or even move your body (with any physical training/movements). Or Sun square Neptune - you contradict the ways to express your dreams, fantasies and even intuition, so you could be prone to being withdrawn about speaking those stuff, or just question yourself when it comes to your intuition and subconscious.
🌌  Any planets you have that conjunct your ascendant are planets that you feel and how you may want your life to shape up as well. And these are planets that are with you daily. E.g, Pluto conjunct ASC - you could feel power, occultism, and transformation daily, so that can be how you live your life as well, and you could want that kind of life as well (a powerful and transformational one). Or Saturn conjunct ASC - you could feel like maintaining patience, self-control, discipline and responsibility are important to you, and that's pretty how much live life and want your life to shape up; with structure through patience being the story of your life.
🌌  Planets that conjunct or trine your Venus are planets that benefit your relationships for the long run and ones that make relationships an amazing union for you. E.g, Venus conjunct Mercury - communication and expressing your views & opinions are what make a relationship last for you. Or Venus trine Moon - emotional security, receptivity, and being nurturing/nurtured really make you feel loved and give you a sense of stability, which you need.
🌌  If you have planets that square Jupiter, those planets could be planets you either hide or struggle showing off, and so they may be small or just generally don't grow large. (Jupiter rules success, pride and expansion. A square aspect is an aspect of some tension and takes discipline to run smoothly. Having planets that square Jupiter would thus mean it would take time for you take pride in the energy of that planet.) E.g, Venus square Jupiter - you find it hard to show off your love/romantic connections like that. Or Mars square Jupiter - you probably don't like to show off your body like that, and perhaps you have a petite body and could even seem young. The only way this works out is you consciously practicing that pride, until it becomes a norm, then you end up loving the showing off.
🌌  Planets you have that positively your Sun [conjunction, trine, sextile and semisextile] are ones you should use tap into to get to your higher self (the self that's confident and has the ability to reach their goals and live their best life). E.g, Sun conjunct Uranus - tap into your individuality, uniqueness and the changes you want to make in the world to get to your higher self. Or Sun sextile Mars - tap into your willpower, aggression and anger to get your higher self.
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paradoxicalrising · 1 year
Astro Observations Pt. 2 !
**again just prefacing: im not a professional, these are my personal opinions based off my experience with these placements :) enjoy
Virgo Mercury @ 24 degrees: these people are the best at making passive aggressive comments. depending on the mars sign and where it’s placed they may come off as rude/ bitchy. such great liars. they will lie with a straight face about something stupid and right after break the facade and tell you they were lying. it’s so easy to believe them. deadpan, dry humor. i’ve seen that they laugh at intelligent, witty comments. i’ve also seen them be more interested in psychology, reading body language, and asking personal questions to strangers.
mercury square pluto, mercury rx, debilitated mercury: struggle with social anxiety and public speaking. the anxiety is very high when it comes to talking in front of an audience or even an authority figure. may physically shake while presenting, wavering voice, and losing breath bc they’re talking so fast.
moon square mars in men: tumultuous relationship with the mother. may cause problems in relationships with women, taking anger towards the mother out on the girlfriend/ wife. this placement has been seen in domestic violence situations. may actually be attracted to someone who acts and looks like their mother.
mars conjunct uranus: unpredictable, wild card. when really angry, they may explode. energy levels are rarely stable, they tend to fluctuate often. prone to cut people off out of nowhere once they’ve dealt with enough. may act/ speak before they think when they’re angry.
sun conjunct venus: it’s so hard not to like these people. they are full of charisma, and tend to be attractive. may be arrogant at times, and think they’re better than others physically. they’re easy to get along with but their niceness may be seen as fake/ superficial.
MC in scorpio: sexualized by the public. everyone has a crush on them but no one is brave enough to tell them. intimidating aura. this placement tends to dominate the public image. a lot of people are scared of them bc of their intelligence and beauty. powerhouse of a person when it comes to success. nothing will get in their way, resilience runs in their blood. hold a natural power and immediately demands respect with their tone of voice and body language. even if they’re insecure or in pain, they never show that to the public. gain a lot of unwanted attention. also seem to succeed at a low key rate until later in life when they finally get recognition.
4th house: truly the house of the darkest parts of yourself. if you wanna look for childhood trauma, look to the 4th house and any aspects made to other planets or houses in the chart. this is who we are when we’re alone. this is the house of our instincts, generational trauma on the mothers side or the more feminine parent, fears. it’s ruled by cancer which is ruled by the moon so it naturally has a light and dark side like every sign and planet. this is the house of where you feel you’re at home and depending on what you grew up with, one person could be happy with attention, stability, and honesty but another person could seek out unavailable people, they might self sabotage just to feel like they’re at home. the sense of home changes over time and it is capable of changing for the better but this is where i’d recommend you start with shadow work find the sign, house, aspects, and degree for more insight.
empty houses: i’ve noticed that with my empty houses, it’s almost like i just don’t think about those things, they don’t concern me compared to houses with stelliums or major planets. it’s not that i’ve mastered them or anything, they’re just not a big deal in my life. of course problems and success still arise in the areas of these houses but it’s not as heavy compared to house with planets in them. with empty houses, pay attention to transits that make aspects to your natal house sign but other than that these houses usually don’t create major problems in one’s life.
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ariesphysics · 2 years
Experiences with the Moon signs
This is my personal experiences with the Moon signs, this is going to be kinda long so I’m going to chop it in several posts (read: it’s 12AM and these are the only things that I have written). Themes refer to shared traits/feelings with the people I have encountered and had a chance to know. But, anyways enjoy reading. Comments are appreciated.
Theme: unfavored by their mother, passionate, opinionated, devoted to their nephews/nieces, anger issues, emotionally expressive
a. Father [with birth time] (his Moon sextile my Moon, 1° his Moon sextile my Neptune, 2°)
He is very supportive about my feelings, and does understand how to deal with me emotionally. He also hits bull's eye when he's telling me about something. It's comfortable and I feel very safe with him. He is protective of me and will not be afraid to reprimand or take action to someone who has wronged me.
I also serve as an inspiration to him, he really likes writing and the stuff he publishes are sometimes my idiosyncrasies. He also pushes me to do what I like but I'm really anxious about things I want to start doing.
When we are together, we will talk about politics, religion, history, people. I reckon it's probably his Sag Sun + Aries Moon and my 9th house dominance in work here. It always feels that I always have something to learn from him every time we hang out.
b. Close friend [no birth time] (their Moon sextile my Moon their Moon sextile my Neptune)
When we hang out, we tend to just joke around and talk about people and things happening with us. They really like giving gifts, I tend to just go home as fast as possible because 💕autism💕. But, when we do get together, they will always bring something to give me, whether it be food, an inanimate object, or something they found.
Although sometimes, I feel that our relationship is distant and we don't really get each other at certain times (we never had a fight), I don't really have a reason to call our relationship over. We weren't just as close like before because we have other stuff going on with our lives now. Still, when I'm with them, it's fun. Our relationship is very light-hearted but there were also moments that we spilled our guts to each other.
Theme: grudges, hot-headedness, comfort, opinionated, emotionally secretive
a. Paternal 1st cousin [no birth time] (her Moon sextile my MC)
I look up to her and she's the only person I can freely cry about my worries about my future job or position in society.
She also likes telling me about her work, and she quit her job because her comfort is not met there. She is also very childish in an affectionate sense, youthful.
b. Maternal 1st cousin [no birth time] (her Moon square my Venus)
It seems like I have a pacifying effect on her because when she is with her siblings, she is very chaotic and just screams every time she talks, but when she is with me, she is domesticated.
I have noticed that she picks up on my habits and also starts doing them, which kinda pisses me off for some reason, and she does not respect my personal boundaries sometimes.
You could mistake her for a Fire moon, but it's just her Aries stellium in action. The reason possibly why they are such a cesspit of hell together is her Moon opposites the Scorpio moon sibling and squares the Aquarius moon sibling.
c. Close friend [no birth time] (her Moon squares my Saturn, her Moon trines my Lilith)
When we are together, we just tend to do our own things in one room. But, when we do talk, our topics typically revolve around politics, although when we are out of that topic we just spout literal nonsense to each other (speaking gibberish for some reason).
And for some reason, she has been the only person I am comfortable with being physically close. She is very secretive, even to her circle of friends (which I am a part of), and when questioned about her feelings towards a thing, she will find a way to divert the topic.
Theme: light-heartedness, fun
a. Virgo Venus in question [no birth time] (his Moon conjunct my Mars, his Moon opposite my Pluto)
Yes, he had been stuck in my memory for how many years now. Probably my only proper crush. During the time that we were together, he always puts a smile on my face. To me, he was the funniest thing ever. I felt so light and cheery with him.
He was an amusing storyteller, although he really likes his dirty jokes. He would help me with mathematics and I helped him with languages. He also liked telling me his outlandish ideas and kept updating me on challenges he did (for example, using his phone without charging it for a month).
b. Past friend [no birth time] (her Moon square my Lilith, her Moon trine my Chiron)
We are now just acquaintances, not as close as before, but still on good terms, just grew out of each other.
But, when we were together, we also did childish and hilarious stuff. One time, we got punishment for it, lol.
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
Can you tell me about how to deal with my ascendant squaring the Pluto of everyone in my generation😭. I have it natally but it feels so intense when it’s with everyone around me
well, it doesn't have to be all bad, especially since it is generational. it can certainly be intense, though. is the square because pluto is at the top of your chart, or at the bottom of it?
i have had pluto on the IC by transit and i know just what that's like. my recommendation in that case is taking all the rest and recreation you need no matter what your culture (generation) is telling you. you generate personal power through this insistence.
for pluto more on the MC this actually gives you a great deal of social power; they may not like it, but you have it anyway. so try to tap into that.
also note that for pluto to really have a strong influence it will need to be in tight orb; maybe you will get along better with people a bit older/younger than those who have it more exactly square your AC.
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
Hello crystalsenergy!
I am wondering if you could please help me figure out my career? I came across your post below and found it deeply insightful. Here are my placements:
Leo 10th House
Mars, MC, NN 10th House
Saturn trine MC
Pluto square MC
Mars conjunct MC
10th House ruler in 11th House Virgo
Thank you very much ♥️
I truly appreciate it.
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hello! how are you? ^^
looking at your birth chart, i see career possibilities that involve creative work, with expression (Sun in 10th, Mars in Leo, Leo Midheaven), influencing people, decision making, leadership (Mars conjunct Midheaven).
the interesting thing about the Sun touching the 10th house is that it brings personal power and the ability to stand out regardless of the area the person is in. you'll show confidence and security about who you are, and you may be considered an "authority" or simply a reliable connoisseur of something.
Mars in 10th house brings a lot of obstinacy, interest in acting with focus and determination in your career, it is an interesting position to pursue your goals. use this to your advantage. in addition, this placement refers to an influential person, that has the power of persuasion (which increases with Mars in Leo), bringing a magnetism of opportunities to demonstrate your potential to the public (public, outside world = 10th house).
on the other hand, you may struggle with issues involving the 10th house, as you have a North Node located there. you may have to deal with doubts about your potential in the outside world, fearing to throw yourself into some goal, you may have difficulties with understanding the concrete world, which, at the same time, is strongly present in the rest of your personality .
Pluto square Midheaven can also bring up deep issues to be dealt in the area of ​​reputation, problems with the "concrete world", what is outside the home. you may have a desire or need to transform things around you, but you have a hard time with it. moreover, necessarily Pluto is also square with your Imum Coeli (4th house). thus, you may have to experience in your life a tension, deep problems and that can sometimes seem "hidden", in relation to transforming your intimate life, your emotional or even your family; and transforming the external world, the conceptions of career and of authority. in the sense of your professional life, this aspect can be used to achieve changes and perceive the repetitive and bad patterns in the career, in that area you have chosen (or career as a whole).
themes that i see about your professional life: entertainment; expression; leadership; creativity; business, coaching.
sorry for delay x
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driftingsprite · 2 months
Tryna lean into my Virgo MC/NN/POF (the two latter in 9th house) by writing about my crazy life experience to get published.
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astroartmuse · 4 months
Sun Venus Cazimi 14°-15° ♊️ June 4th 2024
23 March 2025 – 2 Aries, Venus retrograde.
6 January 2026 – 16 Capricorn
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 8
though most of us think we've learned everything about our own chart, yea we’ve seen it countless times, yet we're always learning new things because we go through experiences that activate and awaken certain parts we either forgot about or overlooked. I shared many of my personal experiences in this post of things I realized later or thought were insignificant.
🎻 People with capricorn placements tend to be remembered fondly after their death. The type of artists that listening to their music takes you to a different era and makes you feel nostalgic to a time period you never existed in. They also can easily bring old trends, styles or music genres back to life. Signs that are also remembered after death are aquarius and pisces. I always notice it with those last three signs or degrees of these signs.
🎻 It is said that the moon matures at 24°, so I got a degree observation with that. If you have it at 24° or close to it, 23° or 22°, you may feel like you've experienced the full spectrum of emotions and matured so much in your early 20s. In your childhood and teenage years, you may remember dealing with emotions immaturely, possibly acting out with the negative traits of the moon sign. At 24, you feel more aware and in control of your emotions, like you ended a cycle. Your emotional intelligence becomes evident. The emotional world of these natives is almost entirely internal. They do best when they can deal with their emotions in solitude. They're seen as detached no matter how open they get. They keep people guessing what they're feeling and they tend to have a wise aura.
🎻 With moon at degrees from 25° to 29°, natives may feel like they need to share their emotions with either someone close or the world in general, or even through a hobby they have. They may want to be vocal and expressive about how they feel. They tend to be relatable and make others feel heard through just expressing themselves and being open. They may also experience some heartbreaks, making them stronger, braver and and more willing to share how they feel. 
🎻 Moon at degrees from 0° to 21° tend to resonate very much with the sign of their moon degree. They might even be mistaken as having their moon in the the sign of that degree. They're seen as energetic and youthful. They often go through trials and errors in testing their emotional depth. They may have been adventurous growing up, experimenting with things and testing where they feel safest and most secure. They may cling into things, and can be codependent on others. They learn how to develop a sense of detachment as they reach their 20s.
^ if you have your moon at 0° to 21°, which I'm least familiar with cuz I don't meet many ppl with these degrees, please do tell me how it resonates with you and your experience with your moon.
🎻 I noticed that most iconic artists have significant uranus or neptune aspects in their chart, conjunction and oppositions with personal planets in particular. I associate these two planets with artistic abilities and talents. Both give visionary minds and expand the imagination. They are outer and generational planets, so whatever art these ppl create is impactful and undeniably timeless. 
🎻 Your first love or just the person you first felt really intimately connected to may have placements or degrees of the sign of your 8th house. I have an 8th house in capricorn and my first love had a cap sun and stellium and an aqua stellium. 
🎻 In my experience the 8th house is more important in relationships than the 7th. To me the 7th is about connections in general. Even though I have sag in the 7th and pluto right there, I obvs anticipated a significant relationship with a sag or something but it never happened lol. I end up having a casual and lighthearted connection with them, the traits they embody compliments my rising and it's an easy going connection that stays in the friend zone. Not with cap men, even if I want to be friends with them, there's tension that either drifts us apart fearing the friendship or it instantly develops to an intense relationship. It's because my 8th house is in capricorn, and my pluto and mars are both at 10°. So check the degrees too.
🎻 For the longest time I resonated with being way more plutonian than saturnian, because I don't have any capricorn placements or significant saturn aspects, but so many obvious plutonian aspects. But once saturn hit the highest point in my chart, conjuncting my mc, I realized how much this planet affected my life all along and I was oblivious. For instance, I have so many capricorn degrees and sun in the 10th. I was overlooking that I have capricorn in the 8th and 9th, which means saturn rules both houses, and it rules the 10th too since it's in aquarius plus at 22°. I also have a stellium in the 11th with saturn right at the cusp there, so it even influences the the house that is most active in my chart. Can't wait for saturn 11th transit 💀
🎻 Speaking of that, if you have sun in the 10th house, you probably try hard not to look or sound arrogant because people tend to think you're confident even if you're not. Whenever you speak people listen and others may hate on you for thinking you're better than them and you don't even know them lol. It's so hard to make friends with this but I don't hate it, because it gives me the strategic ways to be persuasive and get my way with authority figures. May apply to leo in the 10th or people with cap/leo mix (I bet y'all were called arrogant at least once lol).
🎻 As someone that is very influenced by pluto (square sun, trine venus, semi-sextile mars, conjunct chiron, opposite ascendant, quintile mc), I painfully understand how plutonians feel like their struggles are never rewarded, at least not the reward they anticipated. Yknow with saturn you go through hardship you learn this and that and you get tangible fucking results that you can fucking see. With pluto what is it again? your inner strength and eventual realization of "ta-daaa you went through it, you thought you couldn’t.. that's the reward". Plutonians out there waiting to be truly happy, truly loved, truly effing rich 💀 and get a damn break. 
🎻 Another aspect I overlooked was mars opposite saturn, just because I have it at 10°, but I experienced every single thing related to this aspect. I feel like I learned so much about it the hard way and I wanted to do a post sharing what I learned with people that got mars-saturn harsh aspects. If you have it, your flow of energy may be a little off, not knowing when to STOP doing a task and when to start again. Being stubborn with your work wanting it to be done instantly and perfectly like your body is some type of machine taking orders, but saturn will put obstacles in your way until you learn patience and contentment. Can be harder to deal with if mars is in a fixed or cardinal sign.
🎻 With mars-saturn harsh aspects, you may feel the urge to act on your martian qualities but if you disregard what saturn is there for, you'll find yourself back at square one. It's about listening to your body and not ignoring your physical and mental exhaustions. Taking short breaks and organizing your time instead of giving up all together in rage. You're not running out of time if you do so, in fact pushing through too hard is what's a waste of time. It's not a wise use of energy because your work won't be as efficient and your perfectionist ass will redo it. If there's an absence of a healthy work-life balance, these natives can internalize a tremendous amount of anger that can be detrimental to their health. 
🎻 I always laugh at capricorns saying that capricorn is a cursed sign because it's so true but also absolutely untrue at the same time. 💀 These natives need to understand certain life patterns, qualities and duties that once figured out unlocks so much success and tangible results that are long lasting. Cap placements especially sun and stelliums give me the sense that they inherited some of their ancestors qualities, if you believe in that, but they go through some hardships with the patterns that come with these qualities. They have a choice to cut the patterns that don't serve them, whether in behaviors or ways of thinking and utilise what they already have with persistence and strategy. 
🎻 Well it's march already, who's excited for a little pluto break? It's finally leaving capricorn and entering aquarius on the 23rd and I can't wait tbh. It's like a more intense uranus in aquarius transit, yes we will see a new sense of freedom, some drastic changes, and some said authentic people popping up, new sources of income, new values that aren't necessarily money related, systems that aren't as controlling, maybe new communities or apps on the internet that are annoyingly trendy. But with pluto we will see the shadow side of all of that, so buckle up and get ready lol. It's a gradual change tho I don't expect much to happen this year, but we can always be shocked. Also side thought, if your kids are gonna have pluto in aquarius they may be even brattier and harder to control than pluto sag gen. 
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astr0logywh0r3 · 8 months
astrology observations ☽
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1.) moon conjunct pluto ppl have an intense relationship with their mother. it’s either a strong hate or a strong love. the mother could’ve been extremely overbearing to the point that the native felt suffocated at times. these people are very secretive with their emotions. it’s like their emotions are inside of a dark and mysterious treasure chest that only they know the key to. the intensity runs high. explosive emotions …outbursts. could have gone to a mental health facility once in their life or been diagnosed with mental disorders.
2.) ik ppl say scorpio ascendants are supposed to be all mysterious and intimidating but honestly i see a lot of them looking very: 🌸🍄🫧
3.) scorpio mercurys are pretty quiet
4.) aquarius moons be liking the things other people hate
5.) when someone starts annoying a scorpio moon they’ll just go and talk to someone else for a while. they’re vindictive
6.) i ain’t never seen a libra sun girl i didn’t find pretty in one way or another
7.) lilith in the 10th house and scorpio mc are super hot placements for someone to have imo. it makes someone seem mysterious and cool 💀 just a lot of sex appeal
8.) so many ppl wanna be impressing scorpio suns 😭
9.) if you got a lot of planets in the 10th house or are sun dominant …you like attention. period.
10.) venus conjunct mars people are so damn magnetic. they usually have a lot of relationships and date a lot of people
11.) 9th house placements love their freedom
12.) venus in the 10th house ppl give girl next door type of beauty to me. it’s a very girly and feminine type of prettiness. people admire them and wanna date them
13.) venus in the 8th house loves the femme fatale/witchy type aesthetic for themselves
14.) saturn in the 12th house can make someone feel really lonely and sad in their life
15.) jupiter in the 1st house/conjunct the ascendant ppl seem larger than life. like ..if you see a picture of them you might think theyre tall but then you realize they’re actually pretty short 💀
16.) sun square lilith women are intimidating and reckless. they do what they want when they want with who they want. speak their mind.
17.) lilith in sagittarius can be atheists and totally reject religion
18.) capricorn risings with the perfect dry humor 💀 they look cool and act cool
19.) virgo risings either have hella big doll eyes or small squinty eyes
20.) pisces suns …y’all walk funny 😭
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astrotruther · 1 month
Astro Observations
misc. (ii)
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🐉 Narcissists may have Mars-Uranus aspects in their chart. Mars’s energy can be either constructive or destructive; pair that with Uranus' erratic quality, and it could make one manipulative. In my opinion, Mars & Uranus having more harsh aspects to multiple other planets could further confirm this. Look out for squares, especially Moon square Mars!
🐉 Sun harsh aspects to Neptune, even conjunction can be somewhat superficial. Neptune may bless them with a mystique that attracts public attention, but they stick to a surface-level public persona. Artists with these aspects may stick to cookie-cutter projects. E.g. Colleen Hover responding to criticism by saying 'I write to entertain not to educate'. Jake Paul also has this aspect. In worst cases there's a delusional egotism to this aspect. On the other hand, easy aspects will be more willing to go within and proudly display their shadows, creating art that is meaningful and leaves a lasting legacy.
🐉 I've observed Scorpio Sun/ Moon in charts of those who backhandedly bully people over things like their appearance. Water Moons in general are capable of inflicting deep emotional wounds to others when unevolved. Having Mercury in a fire sign makes it a lot worse since the words become harsher. I've had a Scorpio Sun - Pisces Moon girl admit to me that she makes fun of people because she had the same done to her while growing up.
🐉 Libra MC are often told they should be models. Understandable because they're so photogenic!
🐉 Pluto-Ascendant easy aspects & conjunction are always reinventing themselves. It's easier for these people to let go of things that don't serve them and realign themselves with their inner true selves. They're skilled at coming to terms with their dark sides and alchemizing it to create a positive impact in the world.
🐉 On the contrary, harsh aspects may feel like they can't be themselves due to external factors or a certain image/ aesthetic that they have to uphold. Some may be child actors/ activists or made it big in early years making it hard to disrupt their public persona. It's way harder for them to branch out within their career field. Ascendant at 0° might have the same effect. E.g. Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, Finn Wolfhard, Darsheel Safary, Malala Yousafzai, Meghan Trainor, Hilary Duff.
🐉 I've seen so many takes on the 0° & most people romanticizing it somehow. It may manifest in a divine way for those who are self-aware/ have evolved. however MOST people aren't. So it gives a somewhat negative quality to the placement, e.g. Jake Paul has his MC at 0°.
🐉 Moon-Pluto aspects not only symbolize a strained relationship with the mother but also with other women. A lot of trauma you accumulated while growing up was because of the women around you. Some of them may have made you feel bad about yourself because they were threatened by you. The signs Moon & Pluto are in could give more context, e.g. Aries Moon, Sag. Pluto = invalidating your anger, not letting you be yourself and forcing you to be someone they like, forcing religion on you from a young age etc.
🐉 Uranus square MC will have a career-ruining public scandal at least once. All I can say is avoid doing shady stuff and if it's external factors beyond your control, handle it with grace, lay low, you'll get your chance to shine again.
🐉 Moon square Lilith is an enemy placement. Moon person hates Lilith person's guts because Lilith person may have hurt them in some way. Moon could want revenge on Lilith for what they did.
🐉 Venus-Saturn aspects may have had people criticize their appearance while growing up, but they end up having insane glow-ups. Their most attractive years come somewhat later in life and they age very gracefully.
🐉 Moon in Cancer/ Moon conjunct Jupiter people possess the ability to manipulate, sometimes on a mass level. It's on them to use their emotional superpowers to influence people in a positive way and not just keep banking on their victim narratives. Nonetheless, these people can hold public interest for a long time.
🐉 Venus in 10th House synastry is often a clout/ PR couple. E.g. Glenn Powell & Sydney Sweeney.
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Click daily to help Palestinians🍉🙏🏽: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
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myun-saidthoughts · 8 months
🥀 Astrology Observations 🥀
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🦋 Water house synastry increases or creates co-dependent behaviors
🦋 When dealing with 12th house synastry and unrequited love/dismissive behavior from one person (as the planet person or the person who has more Pisces/12H/Neptune influence) often times, they may struggle with over emphasizing "synchronicities."
Example: Their name randomly pops up on your FYP/Twitter or what not and even though they haven't spoken to you in weeks or months even, falling into a dilemma where you tell yourself this is a "sign" to text them or that they are thinking of you may occur.
Example: If you find yourself constantly checking their social media, you might start interpreting their story posts as covert expressions of their feelings for you. In turn, you might even resort to dropping subtle hints on your own social media, hoping they'll notice and reciprocate the attention.
Example: You may accept the fact that this person no longer thinks of you but they could post one (1) vague story, comment, picture, tweet and if that said post could have *any* relation to you, then a part of you (or all of you) may believe that it's confirmation that they like you again or that they are thinking of you again, regardless of outside or external factors that have happened.
Falling into a delusional hole is likely and unless there are consistent clear and prominent signs or words that they are not thinking of you or that they are interested in someone else, a part of you will fixate and wonder if what they are posting is for you, about you or to you.
🦋 Virgo Moon criticize's themself harder than they criticize others
🦋 Sagittarius Sun + Taurus rising creates a very optimistic, grounding, and stable individual regardless of trauma or hurt. (Needless to say everyone has their breaking point)
🦋 Capricorn Moon men with a water rising + have polarized emotional feelings. They become extremely uncomfortable with feelings yet emotions run high and they could have outburts
🦋 Capricorn Moon individuals have a very harsh relationship with their mother, either she was cold, dismissive, strict or uncommunicative. A part of their soul felt un-nurtured or cared for in a way that they needed.
🦋 Moon square Neptune in a birth chart indicates a mother who struggled(s) with addiction, reality, or with mental health. The tighter the orb the more severe or prominent the mother's behavior was towards the child.
🦋 People with natal 4th/8th/12th or have prominent Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces placements that have harsh aspects towards Neptune/Pluto/Chiron/Lilith may prefer intense water house synastry
🦋 Sagittarius, Virgo + Aquarius in a birth chart can indicate a highly intellectual and intelligent soul. They may have a gift of photographic memory.
🦋 Heavy Libra/Leo/5H placements all give off the same aesthetic in my opinion, very feminine, they attract more than they chase
🦋 Mars oppose/conjunct (sometimes square) Moon + Venus synastry creates intense and obvious attraction between one another, you may experience a heightened desire for intimacy with them, possibly leading to an increase in your usual level of sexual expression; especially if you are objectively very attracted to them.
🦋 Mars conjunct/oppose ascendant synastry can create jealousy or dislike towards the ascendant person if both parties are the same sex. (Especially if there has been one awkward encounter where Mars's confidence was affected because of Mars's own personal core wounds)
🦋 Leo Moon/Venus need their partner to show them off. Their partner has to openly and loudly claim them, not in an annoying or suffocating way but in a way where they feel instantly validated or wanted; to the point where everyone naturally notices
🦋 Scorpio/Pisces + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC) rising's have similar facial features
I've noticed that Scorpio + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC can creates that emo aesthetic (also heavy Pisces individuals as well can fall into that aesthetic too)
🦋 Jupiter in the 8H indicates your family (or others around you, people/partners) has or have had wealth, whether that be from your/their parents, grandparents, and so forth.
🦋 Malefic planets like Pluto's or benefic planets like Jupiter placed in the 2H/8H house showcases dealing with an extreme theme when it comes to money; in some point of life
Pluto in the 2H/8H showcases extremities of having money then losing it all, becoming obsessed with money, or receiving high sums of money and becoming careless with it; power trips could occur where you can't be given your money because of higher authorities or officials (2H) or because of family issues with tax documents and trusts (8H) etc. Truly the themes here that can manifest are endless and as always aspects/full natal charts paint the better picture.
🦋 11H Moon individual's give so much to their friendships, it's as if no matter how many times they get burned by someone, their soul still asks and searches for a the kind of friend they are.
(Bonus if they have 12H placements too then the search for authentic, considerate and kind souls feel like a never ending battle that they keep losing too and no matter how many times they feel burned they still keep searching)
🦋 Moon conjunct Pluto in a composite chart creates the same intensity as 8th House/Pluto synastry; the relationship can't be light.
🦋 5H synastry increases the chances of partying with one another. You may see them out often or make plans that involve the night life/parties. Childlike fun behaviors can also occur and with one another energies are lifted and there is no negativity.
🦋 With past life connections: when you are with them, 1 hour feels like 10 minutes; before you know it 6 hours pass and you don't even realize it.
🦋 Heavy Aries placements (especially Sun or rising + chart ruler) tend to prioritize the gym and their body. Working out comes so natural to them.
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astuteology · 30 days
Placements that give you mysterious, intimidating, and untouchable ethereal look/aura😏💋
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Starting from the obvious ~
Scorpio sun/moon/venus/mars/ascendant/rising.
Scorpio mercury. (your speech, the way you talk, your choice of words, and your tone)
Scorpio mc/midheaven.
Scorpio descendant.
North/south node in Scorpio/aries/virgo/Capricorn/taurus/leo. (The placements need to be studied)
Aries sun/moon/mars/venus/rising/ascendant.
Aries mc/midheaven.
Aries descendant.
Capricorn mc/midheaven
Capricorn descendant
Capricorn sun/moon/mars/venus/rising/ascendant.
Mars in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/10th/11th/12th.
Venus in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/10th/11th/12th.
Virgo sun/moon/mars/venus, rising/ascendant.
Mc/midheaven in aries/taurus/cancer/leo/virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn. (Placements need to be studied)
Lilith in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/9th/10th/11th/12th.
Venus in the 1st/2nd/3rd/5th/8th, 9th, 11th.
Pluto in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Leo sun, moon, mars, venus, rising/ascendant.
Taurus, sun, moon, mars, venus, rising/ascendant.
Aquarius moon, venus, descendant.
Saturn in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 10th.
Uranus in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Neptune in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th.
Sun in the 1st, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Moon in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th.
Mercury in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 12th. (You are too cute to approach)
If it doesn't resonate with you, look for these ~
Lilith conjunct/square/opposite venus/mars
Lilith conjunct, square, opposite sun/ saturn/Jupiter
Lilith conjunct, square, opposite uranus/neptune/pluto
Ascendant/rising conjunct, square, opposite sun, venus, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Descendant conjunct, square, opposite sun, venus, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Mc/midheaven conjunct, square, opposite sun, moon, mars, venus, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Sun square venus, mars, saturn, neptune
Neptune square/conjunct mc/midheaven.
Mars conjunct/square saturn
Mars conjunct/square pluto
Saturn square/conjunct uranus
Sun square/opposite/conjunct mars/pluto
Vesta conjunct saturn
Ceres conjunct/square/opposite pluto
Ceres conjunct venus
Vesta conjunct neptune
Any major, love, sex, beauty and negative asteroids making an aspect with the planets, degrees less than 2. (Asteroids such as..psyche, eros, vesta, medusa, lucifer, lilith, Cleopatra, aphrodite, casanova, lust, bella, sirene, etc)
And if these also don't resonate, look for these:
Any of the planets at 0°/1°/2°/5°/6°/8°/10°/12°/13°/17°/18°/20°/22°/23°/25°/28°/29°
Prominent nakshatra- rohini, ashwini, mula, krittika, vishakha, jyeshtha, ashlesha, revati, uttra phalguni, purva phalguni,mrigashira, anuradha, swati, ardra.
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harmoonix · 9 months
Stars Waterfall
°Short Astrology Observations°
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🌃 - Scorpio Ascendant in your Venus persona chart makes people to envy your beauty, or to be obsessed/manipulative with you
🌃 - Taurus Mercury/Mercury in the 4th house can have the most cutest voice ever, their voice can be light and soft and also very cute (for both genders, men with these placements are 10000/10 omg)
🌃 - Aquarius Risings with their trendsetter style, they inspire a lot of people, their mindset/clothes/personality Inspire people, and they have a really great influence in the society
🌃 - Mercury square/opposite Moon can be prone to sharing secrets/gossip/ and talking bad behind others back, they can aslo be the type of person who's always talking about someone
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🌃 - How can people with Sun in the 12th house be so magnetic?? They're always surrounded with mystery and striking beauty, they pull you towards them without realizing
🌃 - Jupiter/Sagittarius in the 11th house are so good at manifesting things, and they have luck for this aswell, they're full of desires
🌃 - If you are attracted by men and you have Jupiter in Libra/Jupiter in the 7th house, you may want your partner to be romantic. I cannot imagine these natives not getting in relationships with non - romantic people
🌃 - Chiron in the 9th/12th house can be religiously wounded, they can often believe that "God" abandoned them or that he doesn't love them etc..
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🌃 - Chiron in the 12th house can heal with sleep, like sleeping is the best method to do when you're hurt because while you sleep your body tries to heal so just sleep or idk transform into the sleeping beauty but don't let the prince to wake up...
🌃 - Saturn in the 4th house/Saturn in Cancer can have an very nurturing yet hurt soul, like they have this nurturing/healing/soft energy but also some of pain/sadness/nostalgic in them
🌃 - Gemini Rising natives can often look younger than they actually are, so people can mistake their age a lot like for example you're 19 and people think you're 16/17 because you look younger than that
🌃 - Leo Sun/Moon/Rising like to be everyone's favorite, they're cute but they can get so jealous if someone dear spends time with someone else rather than them...
🌃 - Pisces Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus are very clingy people, if they are not clingy it's probably because they're either very shy or introvert to be clingy
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🌃 - Pisces Midheaven or MC in Pisces Degrees 12°, 24° can find themselves being attracted to multiple things at once, especially in their career/job, one moment they can like art, the next moment they may like acting/singing etc..
🌃 - Pluto conjunct/trine/sextile Mercury are very revengeful in words, when they hurt they can say things they may regret but omg, their words have a very big impact on others
🌃 - Pluto aspecting the ascendant can have that rbf (resting bitch face), to show when they're irritated, angry, overwhelmed...
🌃 - If your Dad has any earth placements especially an Earth Moon/Earth Saturn they may like country music, or just that type of old music that people listen in the old times
🌃 - Ascendant at 4°. 16°, 28° degrees > gosh I just know these natives have really beautiful eyes, they look very feminine, no matter the gender, they're gracious
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🌃 - Jupiter in the 9th house can end up to travel the world around with their partners? Maybe they can end up like those couples on YouTube who travel around the world with their van or something
🌃 - Moon in the 8th house people don't fw with people who seem suspicious at first, they're very picky at people and don't like to share their time with people who seem "bad"
🌃 - Uranus in your 4th house > This placement can manifesting as you have so many ideas about your home and you don't know how to put all of them in work. It may be a bit stressing for you to decorate your house because you have too many ideas
🌃 - Mercury in the 11th house > They have the most funniest conversations ever, these natives can connect so easily with other people
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🌃 - Earth Moon/Venus may enjoy traditional music. Especially if you have it placed in your 4th house, they love culture/traditions and things that remind them of their home
🌃 - Pluto in your 1st/11th house > You can get envy just because of being yourself, you have a very powerful presence in other people's lives
🌃 - Mars in 1st/2nd/10th house can have a very gorgeous body. Especially if they work on their bodies. It ends up with good results
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🌃 - I love making spiritual posts because they are giving such a good vibe, its always this comforting energy coming in!🌃
🌃 Hope you all have a good day full of blessings to everyone reading my notes 🌃
- H a r m o o n i x
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