#mc x ruelle
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One last doodle before the end of Mermay. Credit to my gf for painting. Enjoy
Aww, seeing them three together always makes me miss writing my poly fics for them 🥺I can’t believe Mermay is already over, tho 😭But thanks so much for sharing these with us, dear! And kudos to your gf for always doing such an amazing job with the painting! ❤️- Mod Runa 
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choicesfrog · 1 year
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I love them so much
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
MC x ???
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thezebrawlw · 3 years
I'm ready
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charged-wanderlust · 4 years
can’t stand her | ruelle x piama x mc
oh yeah. nobody asked, but i fucking DELIVERED
“You’re joking. You’ve got to be joking!” Piama cries out, pinching the bridge of her nose in exasperation.��
“What part of this makes it look like I’m joking, do tell-”
“-We’re not putting dead animals everywhere! This isn’t a funeral - and if it was, mind you, it’d still be awful decoration if not slightly more appropriate-”
“You’re acting like I’m suggesting corpses - Autumn celebrates death so skeletons are perfectly appropriate for an Autumn noble, because in case you forget, I am one!”
“So you’re telling me all of Autumn is just that tasteless?”
“Would the two of you just shut up?!”
Slamming your fists against the table, you give them your best glare, hoping it was harsh enough for them to feel a chill. “Ruelle, bring the skeletons, Piama, stuff them with flowers. We’re gonna make this work out or someone help me I’ll strangle you both.”
That effectively shuts them both up as they turn to gape at you incredulously; they’d never heard you speak to them like that, which clearly caught them off guard, but by now you’re far too sick of their bickering preventing anything from getting gone. You have a party to plan, dammit, and it might’ve slipped your mind that putting the only available friend from Autumn and the best party decorator in the same room might lead to a homicide.
“Skeletons stuffed with flowers...?” Ruelle echoes, blinking slowly until a tiny smile appears on her face. “You know, that actually could turn out nice. I think Xenia would appreciate that.”
Piama huffs, crossing her arms. “I suppose we could make that work-”
“-but you better include the dark and poisonous flowers because they’re her favourite-”
“Oh you are absolutely insufferable, Ruelle!”
“For the love of all things sacred, not again!” I love my friends, I love my friends, I love my friends- “That’s it. Enough decorating, you two need to blow off steam. I’m not letting either of you leave this room till you sort stuff out, because I’m not dealing with this anymore.”
While Ruelle practically rolls her eyes into the back of her head, Piama is absolutely gobsmacked. “What’s there to work out? You brought me here to decorate, and Ruelle’s preventing me from even doing that! Might as well get her to do it, if she knows everything!”
Said woman groans so hard, she’s clearly taking all of her willpower and sense of self-preservation not to knock anyone’s lights out. “That’s it, I’m done. You can’t keep me here, see ya.”
She dissipates into thin air, but you move even faster; she may have the ability to turn invisible but you know she’s entirely solid still. You jump, arms outstretched, and tackle her to the ground, forcing her back into view. With a triumphant smirk, you pin her underneath you, a short hit of adrenalin - or maybe just Ruelle’s proximity to your face - making your heart hammer wildly in your chest. Victory.
You want to memorise every detail of this moment and frame it in the great hall of your mind.
“What were you saying about not being able to keep you here?”
Piama scurries over just to see the look on Ruelle’s face, and is positively delighted at what she finds.
“Oh, stars. She’s blushing!”
“I’m not,” Ruelle hisses, eyeballing daggers her way, but her fair complexion makes it all too easy to see the tinge of colour on her cheeks. Vividly. “Get off me.”
You stumble off her, slightly stunned that Ruelle actually is, in fact, blushing, and can’t help but giggle. “I never thought I’d see the day...”
“Shut up!” She growls, but with her flushed cheeks her intimidation is comparable to that of an angry kitten. “Like you don’t blush whenever MC does so much as breathe in your direction.”
Piama gasps, fluffing up like a bird with ruffled feathers, “I so do not! MC, tell her I don’t!”
All of a sudden their bickering was more entertaining than grating, so being the shitstirrer you are, you only enable them further. After all, if they’re going to do your head in so much, you deserve to wreak a little havoc. As a treat.
“You do sometimes...”
“Ha!” Ruelle grins victoriously, backing Piama into a corner. “I bet I could make you blush right now.”
You crook a brow at her, sauntering over with your hands on your hips. “Well looks like someone’s deflecting...”
Peeling off Piama just before they crossed a platonic level of personal space, Ruelle stomps up to you, slamming a hand next to you against the wall, bringing your faces so close her breath fanned over your lips.
“Oh yeah? Let’s see how you like being pinned.”
She already knows she’s won, daring to settle her other arm on your hip but only lightly, rubbing circles against your skin with her thumb. The fabric of your clothing is the only thing stopping her from feeling the gooseflesh erupting under her touch. “Not so haughty now, are we?”
“Gosh, get a room,” Piama mutters, only barely able to tear her eyes away. Getting the real hint, you beckon her to come closer with a curled finger.
Ruelle smirks, and it shouldn’t be that hot but it is. “Oh sorry princess, jealous you’re missing out on all the action?”
“I- You-!” As if pulled by an invisible string, she shuffles closer, face flushing ever-so-slightly. “Y-You’re truly incorrigible, you know that?”
Her words fell flat, as by the time they left her lips she was face to face with Ruelle, barely a foot’s width apart. If she wasn’t before, she was definitely blushing now - and the fire in their eyes made you realise their antagonistic relationship might not be so bad after all... in the right context, anyway.
Egging them on, you hum, “Ruelle did say she could make you blush, and your cheeks are looking pretty dark now, Piama~”
“I’ll show you who’s blushing!” Piama curses, grabbing you by the shoulders and pulling you into the nearest chair and forcing you to sit - only followed by her climbing into your lap and grabbing your chin, staring at you intently for any signs of a blush while her free hand trailed down your neck.
Your breath hitched. Guess Ruelle wasn’t the only winner today, but you refused to let her just have that. No, you’re going to claim that after everything these two impossible princesses put you though - you deserve that much, at least. You lean in impossibly closer, lips ghosting over hers ever so slightly as you challenge - “Go on, then. Do it.”
Well, she obviously can’t back down now.
Her kiss is tentative, at first. Then it’s needy. Then she’s gasping against your lips for more, and you’re on cloud nine. She only pulls apart to inhale shakily, and only then do you notice Ruelle leaning over your both, her hands sliding down Piama’s hips squeezing at her thighs, and she shivers in your lap.
Ruelle’s voice is low and husky in your ear. “Can I have a taste, too, Your Majesty?”
The way she says your name is not so much mocking as it is teasing - but by now you’ve surrendered. By now, whatever little competition was going on has melted away into desire. You nod, and Piama slips out of the chair for Ruelle to take her place and pin you to it - she licks her lips, taking you in, then closes the distance.
Her kiss is fervent, her lips almost cold - it’s a direct contrast to Piama’s, but you welcome it. You welcome both of their touches, their words, their personalities, no matter how much they clash, because when they come together like this? It’s powerful enough to break open the sky.
Piama is determined to try and break Ruelle’s composure, pulling her hood down from behind her and brushing her hair over her shoulder so she could lean down and kiss her neck, slowly, tantalizingly so; and then she bites, making Ruelle jolt slightly, so you take the chance to pull her bottom lip between your teeth. She gasps and it’s beautiful, so you kiss her again, and again, and again, all the while Piama mischievously riles you both up beyond control-
The second you all hear the sound of someone touching the door handle, the chair is knocked over in your haste to look presentable - all of a sudden you’re very fascinated about the windows, while Piama and Ruelle start shoving skulls and flowers together.
Lyris strolls in, looking around at the large room, then stops. “You haven’t got much done here, have you?”
“W-We- We were-!”
“I guess that time would’ve been spent getting those two to work together, mm? Why, look at that! The bones and blooms look lovely together, what do you know.” With a flourish of his silks, he turns around to leave, clearly just checking up on the place, and you all let out synchronized sighs of relief when the door shuts behind him.
Only for it to open again, Lyris’s head peeking through with a cheeky wink as he added;
“By the way Ruelle, you have a bite mark on your neck.”
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getawayjeep · 4 years
Link me piama x rulelle one shots plssss
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snkskyler15 · 3 years
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golden-mei · 3 years
These 3... 👀
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electrosawggyma · 3 years
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Hi guys. Would you consider writing Ruelle and MC in the future expecting children? Extra points if there is a moody Ruelle amped up on hormones
Written by: Squirrel
When she first took the throne MC was met with plenty of animosity and adversity. But, that seems practically easy now.
With people she can argue and manipulate and carefully hedge her bets. They can be reasoned with and if not then they can be shut beyond the doors so MC can rest.
Unborn children cannot be reasoned with and cannot be shut out.
MC sits up. It is still well before dawn. The kicking in her belly was cute at first, in the daylight. But now it’s so frequent and so severe she’s willing to wager that she’s having twins. One twin starts moving which prompts the other one to start kicking until they exhaust each other and subsequently their mother.
“What’s wrong?” Ruelle murmurs. She reaches over to move her wife’s hair behind her ear, “Are you sick?”
“No. Just-” MC stops short. She’s not sure which organ just got between her ribcage and her child’s foot but the pain is sharp. Pressing her hand over the spot does little to dampen it, “They’re kicking.”
Ruelle lays prone on the bed so her face is level with MC’s lap. Her tone becomes that which she usually uses when Piama or Lyris aren’t following instructions. It’s loving but firm and promises dark consequences if not obeyed.
“Listen. No one is allowed to hurt your mother. That includes you. Stop kicking.”
Like magic, the kicking stops. MC slowly lies back down, groaning in appreciation when Ruelle arranges a pillow by her belly and snuggles up to her back. 
“Thank you dear.”
“It is my pleasure.”
Ruelle smooths her palms along MC’s swollen middle and feels her whole body shiver and relax. She presses slow, reverent kisses to the back of the redhead’s neck and along the back of her shoulder.
“You’re giving me the greatest gift in the world. I feel like I can’t do enough.”
“It shows. I promise you do more than enough.”
Eventually Ruelle drifts off back to sleep but her arm remains draped around MC’s middle. Unfortunately sleep is MC’s greatest friend who she so rarely sees these days. After dawn she is exhausted enough she could sleep, but Lysende is now awake and in need of leadership. There are no sick days as queen.
By the time lunch rolls around MC is ravenous. When she reaches for the door handle the door gently swings open seemingly on its own. But the soft scent of plant decay and leather give away her presence. MC smiles, “Thank you Ruelle.”
There are audible sighs of relief from the guards. The people of Lysende are still adjusting to watching their queen use her magic. Opening doors without lifting a finger would be a new, powerful step up from her previous feats.
Ruelle walks with MC’s hands resting in the crook of her elbow.
“Where have you been?”
“Checking on security with Amara.”
“Nothing more than usual I promise.”
“Oh really?” Galen smirks, “Is that why my entire ship was searched by you personally?”
When MC turns to give her wife a scathing look she’s vanished again and is pulling out MC’s chair. Her aching feet direct her quickly into it without complaint.
A vast spread of sandwiches extends from one end of the table to the other. One of the things MC has been able to keep down, due to her tender stomach, has been bread. So artisans from all across Lysende extended their best recipes for expecting mothers. Everything from soup to butter to ways to soften meat and keep up strength.
“I mean this in the kindest way, but you look awful,” Piama says, “Have you been sleeping?”
“Has Ruelle been letting you sleep?” Lyris smirks, exchanging a mischievous look with Galen.
Ruelle appears to glare at the two, “If you two like sleeping soundly I’d cease and desist with your tasteless jokes.”
“The twins like to kick at night. I feel terrible because the only thing that gets them to stop is Ruelle.”
Suddenly all three of their friends' attention are piqued. Lyris, having used up his good grace with Ruelle, nudges Galen. The starseeker puts on one of their winning smiles, “What does Ruelle do to calm her children? Sing lullabies?”
As a matter of fact, she does. But MC isn’t about to reveal that to their friends. Especially not with her wife’s frayed nerves. 
“No. She speaks to them, and they stop kicking. It’s like magic. But that means I have to wake her up and I feel bad. The kingdom needs at least one queen who’s gotten sleep.” Apparently to prove her point a yawn stretches from the depths of MC's tired soul. This makes her eyelids three times as heavy. If they weren’t in public and image wasn’t so important she'd fold her arms and take a catnap on the table.
Instead MC reaches for a sandwich. At the same time Ruelle sweeps the plate with a stone in her hand. 
“Ruelle, are you enchanting her food?”
“It’s a stone that detects poison. More effective and less fatal than royal tasters,” Ruelle replies, “A gift from mistress Xenia. She figured it wouldn’t make sense to wait for the baby shower.”
MC smiles, “Thank her for me.”
Food is just the beginning. Soon Ruelle is measuring steps and having the masons round off sharp corners. Fortunately in a castle where everything is built in circles sharp corners are few and far between. Next she moves on to setting up a new arrangement for the guard detail making sure the twins won’t be able to go anywhere dangerous like the stables or the kitchen. No one has mentioned it yet but if the twins can vanish like Ruelle then there’s going to be a whole new level of overprotectiveness from the consort.
“MC! MC!” Piama comes running down the hall. Of course this is only because no one is watching, otherwise the princess would be perfectly composed. She’s breathless but not from running. The spring princess takes MC’s arm, barely containing herself otherwise she’d be snorting more than laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Ruelle is-” Piama points, “I’m sorry you have to see it for yourself- I can’t-”
Of course Piama would put it into words. She’s very good with words both on paper and in conversation. But she lacks the breath and the strength. 
MC finds the door to her bedchamber ajar with lights on inside. She peers in quietly and has to grab her face to keep from bursting out laughing.
Sitting on their bed with Iris in her lap is Ruelle. Not entirely fond of mistress Xenia’s wedding gift Ruelle will usually only pet the aiolop to please her wife. Iris is not so indifferent to Ruelle. Gideon muses that the inherent scent of decay that follows autumn nobles is what causes Iris to dislike Ruelle.
Unable to keep the creature in her lap by obedience, the queen consort has the aiolop stuck between her legs. Iris, who is muzzled with a sock, is wriggling and growling fiercely.
“Sit still. The sooner I finish this the sooner you’ll be free,” Ruelle growls, “If MC wasn’t so fond of you you’d make a lovely hat.”
Iris stops. She turns to glare at Ruelle who glowers in return. While Iris is distracted momentarily Ruelle stuffs something onto her antlers.
Ruelle’s amber eyes widen and she releases Iris instantly.
“Hello dear.”
“What is this?” MC laughs softly, looking at the bizarre apparatus on Iris’ head.
Ruelle slides down from the bed, “A prototype. That thing is already obsessed with your belly. Once the twins are born she’ll want to be close to them. I’m designing something so she can’t hurt them with her horns or headbutt them.”
It looks like cotton balls stuffed on the point of each already rounded antler and a web of string stretched across Iris’ head. The idea is clear, but utterly ridiculous. 
MC goes to the bed where she sits quietly. Ruelle follows her every movement, taking her hand.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. I’m just choosing my words carefully so I don’t hurt your feelings.”
“What feelings?” Ruelle remarks with a smile.
MC moves Ruelle’s dark tresses behind her ear, “The feelings that drive you to round off every sharp stone in the castle. The same one that have removed all your weapons from our bedroom except the ones you keep for protection. The feelings that sing lullabies to our children who haven’t even been born yet.”
“Cut that out.”
MC chuckles, “The same feelings that are making your eyes tear up right now.”
Vanishing would be just as telling so Ruelle wipes her sleeve across her eyes, “I can take a hint.”
“And that would be?”
“I’ll try to tone it down.”
A knock comes at the door and Ruelle vanishes. MC, has already grabbed the wrist of the hand that her love has wrapped around a dagger.
Ruelle offers the cheesiest fake smile MC has ever seen when she rematerializes, “Cross my heart, I’ll tone it down. Starting tomorrow.”
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choicesfrog · 1 year
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I’m already super excited to play Nia’s LI route and it’s only chapter one!
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piamastea · 3 years
Something very controversial but it had to be done..
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thezebrawlw · 3 years
*Piama with MC*
P: I'm cold
M: Here, take my jacket
*Piama with Ruelle*
P: I'm cold.
R: Oh for heaven's sake! I don't control the weather, Princess
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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getawayjeep · 4 years
Idk if I want ruelle and piama routes or if I want them to date more..
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optimajuliette · 4 years
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