#mcewen mining
kirillklipblog · 6 days
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thelovelesslesbian · 11 months
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fmarkets · 24 days
McEwen Mining Inc. Reports Impressive Revenue Growth in First Quarter of 2024 Earnings Season $MUX #Stockmarket #NYSE
Positive Financial Trends Signal Potential Profitability for Mcewen Mining Inc.McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE: MUX) (TSX: MUX) recently reported its first-quarter results for the period ending March 31st, 2024. These results have had a significant impact on the company's performance and have led to a bullish outlook for its shares. During the most recent fiscal period, MUX reported a net loss of $-0.41 per share, which is an improvement compared to the net loss of $-0.91 per share in the same quarter a year ago. This demonstrates
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periodicomex · 1 year
La provincia de San Juan se considera 
una jurisdicción favorable a la minería y es la ubicación de la operación de oro Veladero de Barrick, el proyecto avanzado de cobre, oro y plata Josemaría de Lundin Mining, el proyecto de cobre Pachón de Glencore y el proyecto de cobre, oro y plata Los Azules de McEwen Mining.
El distrito de Santo Domingo se encuentra en el Cerro la Huerta, una cadena de rocas de basamento cristalino levantadas que forman parte del terruño geológico de las Sierras Pampeanas. Las Sierras Pampeanas albergan el yacimiento de cobre-oro de Alumbrera (MARA JV; Yamana, Glencore y Newmont) y el histórico yacimiento de oro de La Mejicana, que se encuentran en cuencas intermontanas o dentro de bloques de basamento discretos que han sido exhumados en los últimos seis millones de años.
Los yacimientos de pórfido de Santo Domingo tienen una extensión superficial significativa y muestran una alteración característica de estilo pórfido por zonas, desde núcleos potásicos centrales (biotita secundaria ± feldespato potásico) con vetas de cuarzo-magnetita-calcopirita, pasando por estilos de alteración fílica y propilítica.
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faggot-friday · 2 years
Broke: an entire book/series filled with cis characters
Woke: trans characters
H Y P E R W O K E : mtf characters who aren't feminine and ftm characters who aren't masculine because your gender and the clothes you wear shouldn't have to comply with each other and you can wear whatever you want, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and if they try to do so then just steal their clothes and wear them because you probably look better in them than they do
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emerald-sunrises · 5 years
Julie: Hey Ellen I know this sounds weird but what if we did that thing the Victorians di--
Ellen: Julie I love you but the words you are about to say are not going to be good ones
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rohitsurwase · 3 years
The One Simple Tip to Help You Stand Out on LinkedIn
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If there is one massively underrated social platform that agency owners need to be taking advantage of, it’s LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a gold mine for agencies and consultants alike. It doesn’t have the massive, flashy advertising appeal like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, but it’s far and away the best platform for B2B marketing, and can be a game changer when it comes to finding new clients.
There’s just one problem…
A lot of agency owners struggle to use LinkedIn to its full capability.
We see so many potential acquisition opportunities left on the LinkedIn table.
Luckily, there are a lot of things that you can do to improve your LinkedIn outreach, and while it starts with honing your profile, it doesn’t end there.
To stand out on LinkedIn, you’re going to have to be different from your competition. You’re going to have to post regularly, reply to people, and provide value, but you can’t follow the same formula as everyone else.
Because of the perceived expectation of extreme professionalism when posting on LinkedIn, people, agencies included, tend to create content that doesn’t really connect with anyone.
Mandy McEwen, Founder of Mod Girl Marketing, pointed that out in DigitalMarketer’s recent Certified Partner Training Day. As someone who has mastered the art of LinkedIn, and regularly uses it to generate leads for her agency, Mandy has quickly become a thought-leader in the LinkedIn marketing world.
Mandy has one very simple tip that can help agency owners generate the traffic and cultivate the relationships that they want on their LinkedIn:
Be authentic. Be yourself.
That may seem like a very inconsequential piece of advice, but the truth is that it’s not. In fact, it’s the thing that is probably keeping you from growing your brand and your business on LinkedIn.
Why LinkedIn Demands Authenticity
Because of that perceived expectation of extreme professionalism on LinkedIn—since it’s a career-oriented platform—people forget one very critical fact about it: it’s still a social media platform.
It may be a very niche social media platform, and people may use it primarily for business as opposed to leisure, but it’s still designed for engagement and sharing. It’s goal, although slightly more targeted, is still to help people connect.
Truthfully, it’s the people who are 100% themselves on the platform that we all want to be like. And it’s not just because they are the ones who have the most success.
McEwen is a great example. She uses her business page on LinkedIn to provide basic updates but uses her personal page to truly interact with people—and her personal page is where most of her best content is.
While she could use her business page in largely the same way she does her personal page, her personal page gives the people she’s interacting with a seemingly more direct and familiar relationship with her. It makes them like her more and have more positive interactions with her content. It puts a face on her brand, which undoubtedly boosts her brand and generates clients.
And, in the case of Mandy, it’s working out pretty well…
Too many people, especially agency owners, think of LinkedIn as an extended storefront or a snapshot of their business. That may be a happy biproduct of your LinkedIn account, but it’s not the reason for it to exist.
For agency owners especially, the best thing you can do to get more clients is to interact with as many people as possible. You want them feeling like they know you in real life. You want them to be able to point your voice out in a crowd.
This puts you in a way better position to convert, because when one of these LinkedIn connections is having some problems with their marketing, you know who they are going to turn to? Not the stranger they know nothing about.
They are going to turn to you.
They know you, and they trust you, so they will give you their business.
LinkedIn exists for you to connect with people, and the best way for you to connect with people is to be yourself. The better connection you make with your LinkedIn audience, the more likely it is they are going to turn to you for their business and advertising needs. And the best way to build those relationships is by providing authentic, value-heavy content.
Mastering LinkedIn Content
If you’re going to post content, regardless of the platform, it needs to provide value (and if you didn’t know that before, you do now). For anyone to recognize or remember your name because of your content, they need to get something meaningful out of it. If your content doesn’t accomplish that, you’re just making content for Google, and Google doesn’t help you pay rent.
But there is an intersection between authenticity and professionalism when it comes to LinkedIn content. Valuable content will make people read or watch, but your authenticity is what will make people connect with you and your brand on a more personal level.
The authenticity factor when creating LinkedIn content includes both your personality and your expertise. As important as it is to add a fun, personal touch to your content that will help your personality shine, you also need to bring something unique to the table when it comes to the value you provide. You can’t just regurgitate simple tips and talking points that anyone could get from a basic Google search. You need to bring something helpful to the table, because that unique tip or viewpoint is what will also help you stand out.
Luckily, although you need to provide both value and a good snapshot of your personality, those things can often go hand-in-hand. That’s because it’s the unique experiences that make you who you are.
We’ve covered this extensively in recent weeks, but let me tell you again: stories are a useful tool in business. They can help captivate audiences, teach concepts, and increase sales. They also make for great additions to content. When you are creating a video or post for LinkedIn, you can use personal experiences to help illustrate (and strengthen) the valuable advice that you are offering.
How Much Content You Need
So now that you have a good idea of what to create, I can already tell what your next question is going to be: “how much do I need to write?”
This question has a simple answer: you can’t have too much content. Every piece of content you make is going to help you stand out. At the very least, it won’t hurt you.
But, generally speaking, you need 5–8 pieces of content that are really solid. And then you need to put those pieces into your featured content.
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Here are 3 pieces of Mandy’s featured content. Some of them are self-contained on LinkedIn and some of them link out to her website, but all of them provide value with Mandy’s own personal spin.
In the case of the LinkedIn Profile Checklist, the content is a lead magnet that Mandy created herself. Not only is this content hyper-tactical, but it’s also something you can’t find anywhere else. It isn’t only tactical—its’s also interactive.
The next piece of content accomplishes the same thing in a slightly different way: you can see Mandy’s face. By using a video, she gets to provide something helpful to her LinkedIn audience while also actually putting herself in front of them. This means she can really be authentic and let her personality shine. Then her audience will definitely associate the information they just learned with her.
In both ways, her content is helping her grow her LinkedIn audience and her business. And, by sprinkling testimonials about her business among her other content, she’s got everything someone visiting her LinkedIn would need to learn more about her business.
Thank You .... !
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sudden-stops-kill · 7 years
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caesarsreport · 6 years
Fremont Gold expands its land package in the Gold Bar district
Fremont Gold expands its land package in the Gold Bar district
Fremont Gold (FRE.V) announced last week it has added the Roberts Creek claim block to its land package adjacent to McEwen Mining’s (MUX, MUX.TO)Gold Bar mine in Nevada. The main reason for Fremont Gold to add the 132 mining claims to its land position is the occurrences of jasperoid rocks as an outcrop on the surface. Considering Jasperoid rocks are often associated with Carlin-style deposits,…
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kirillklipblog · 13 days
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sciencespies · 5 years
These 9 places on Mars could be the target for SpaceX's first Starship missions
These 9 places on Mars could be the target for SpaceX's first Starship missions
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SpaceX is scouting for prime real estate to populate Mars, according to a database of NASA spacecraft photography.
The database entries suggest the rocket company, founded by the tech mogul Elon Musk, is looking for relatively flat, warm, and hazard-free places to set down its coming launch vehicle, called Starship.
A scientist at the University of Arizona later confirmed the existence of SpaceX’s landing site-scouting project.
SpaceX is developing Starship – a towering two-stage rocket ship – to land 150 tons and up to 100 people at a time on Mars, with the first missions starting in the mid-2020s.
Each candidate landing site is a place where frozen water may be buried under just a bit of red dirt and thus accessible to robots and people. That ice could, in theory, be mined, melted, and turned into precious supplies such as water, air, and rocket fuel.
The space-history writer Robert Zimmerman first posted about the images on his site, Beyond the Black, after perusing a fresh batch of data from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Zimmerman noticed several photos with titles that included the words “Candidate Landing Site for SpaceX Starship”.
“To put it mildly, it is most intriguing to discover that SpaceX is beginning to research a place where it can land Starship on Mars,” Zimmerman wrote, adding that each site was a probable location to find buried ice.
SpaceX did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider. However, the images are authentic requests from the company made through a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
SpaceX is considering at least 9 landing sites for Starships
The new pictures came from HiRISE, a telescope operated by the University of Arizona that’s mounted on the MRO spacecraft. The telescope’s camera can photograph surface features at a resolution as fine as 1 foot per pixel – three times the resolution that Google Maps provides of Earth and on par with spy satellites.
HiRISE, however, can only take so many sizable images per orbit and beam them tens of millions of miles back to Earth. So scientists must file image requests for locations of interest to them months in advance. 
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(NASA/USGS/ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum) via Google Earth Pro; Business Insider)
Above: An elevation map of Mars showing the nine candidate landing sites SpaceX is considering for its first Martian voyages of Starship.
Though Zimmerman highlighted four Starship landing sites in the HiRISE catalogue, Business Insider found image requests for nine SpaceX-related locations. We plotted them (above) by inputting the data into Google Earth.
All of the Starship image requests were filed by Nathan R. Williams, a planetary geologist at NASA JPL.
Williams has previously requested dozens of images in support of NASA’s coming Mars 2020 rover mission, which will attempt a landing in Jezero crater. He has also asked for dozens of photos to support SpaceX’s now-defunct Red Dragon mission to Mars.
“He was bound by a nondisclosure agreement with SpaceX and could not comment,” Zimmerman said after contacting Williams about the Starship image requests. (Neither Williams nor NASA JPL immediately responded to Business Insider’s request for comment.)
The HiRISE site shows that, on April 29, Williams requested 18 different images of Mars related to Starship. Specifically, he asked for two images each per site – each from a slightly different angle – to build stereo anaglyphs pairs. Such pairs can reveal finer 3D details about a location, including its terrain and landing hazards.
Of the nine locations Williams asked HiRISE to observe, six have published images, two are not yet published, and one has yet to be imaged.
Alfred McEwen, a planetary geologist and director of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory, confirmed the project after the publication of this story.
“Under direction from JPL, the HiRISE team has been imaging candidate landing sites for SpaceX,” McEwen told Business Insider in an email. “This effort began in 2017, initially for the Red Dragon lander, and is continuing for their Starship vehicle.”
The landing sites are all relatively flat, warm, boulder-free and presumably icy
Musk has said in recent years that he wants SpaceX to help build a self-sustaining city on Mars by the mid-2050s – partly as a way of “backing up” humanity like a hard drive.
To do that without going bankrupt, though, he needs a lot of Starships and an ability to refuel them on the Red Planet.
The company hopes to make Starship fully reusable – the first such rocket of its kind – to lower launch costs by a factor of 100 or even more than 1,000. Refuelling on Mars is key to making Musk’s scheme work, which is why SpaceX chose methane as its fuel of choice.
By using solar (or perhaps nuclear) energy, Musk says, a process called the Sabatier reaction could turn water and carbon dioxide in the thin Martian atmosphere into methane. That fuel, along with oxygen extracted from the water, could be used to refuel Starships for return flights to Earth as well as provide breathable air and drinking water.
Eight of the nine possible landing sites are located on the border of two major regions called Arcadia Planitia (to the north) and Amazonis Planitia (to the south):
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(NASA/USGS/ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum) via Google Earth Pro; Business Insider)
McEwen said the candidate landing sites “are concentrated at low elevations in the northern middle latitudes, in places where there is evidence for shallow ground ice.”
That strip of Mars is thought to hide massive, rapidly buried glaciers that remain mostly preserved after millions of years.
Some evidence for this is in the shape of nearby craters, which appear to sink after a meteorite impact because they expose ice to Martian air, which is about 1 percent as thick as Earth’s.
Functionally that is a vacuum, causing the now-exposed ice to sublimate away into the air in the same way a block of dry ice does when it warms up.
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(NASA/JPL/University of Arizona; Business Insider)
Above: One line of evidence for ice on Mars are impact sites. Ice exposed to the thin martian air sublimates into a gas and collapses soil around the original crater.
SpaceX’s presumed candidate sites are also flat and relatively free of boulders, which are objects that you definitely do not want your spacecraft to land on or crash into.
The sites are also distant from Mars’ super-frigid polar caps, are a bit warmer, see quite a bit of sun (important for gathering solar energy), and are relatively low-laying. Because air sinks and gets denser at lower elevations, this might help Sabatier machines more efficiently suck in carbon dioxide and manufacture methane fuel for Starships.
SpaceX is just beginning to test Starship, though
At this stage, SpaceX has not completed a Starship capable of reaching orbit, let alone landing on Mars. The company has also not explained how it plans to mine ice, build permanent habitats that recycle resources, or even keep people alive during the journey to and from Mars.
But SpaceX has a solid start: It has built and thoroughly tested new methane-burning Raptor engines. SpaceX also strapped one such engine to an early prototype, called Starhopper, and soared it more than 490 feet, or 150 meters, into the air above South Texas on July 25.
Workers are now building two bigger, orbit-capable prototypes: Starship Mark 1 in Boca Chica, Texas, and Starship Mark 2 in Cocoa, Florida. Musk tweeted on Friday that the company would attempt to launch them about 12.4 miles into the air in October and then around Earth “shortly thereafter.”
If all goes according to the CEO’s “aspirational” timeline, the rocket company could be launching passengers around the moon and missions to Mars in the mid-2020s.
Musk also plans to update the world on SpaceX’s latest design for Starship and plans for the launch system on September 28. It’s possible he may also say more about where and why, exactly, the company plans to land its first interplanetary Starship missions.
This article was originally published by Business Insider.
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fmarkets · 7 months
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[Attention-Grabbing Headline] Despite Surging Revenue, Mcewen Mining Inc Continues to Struggle Amidst Continued Losses https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=MUX&date=2023-11-09211440&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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mcewenphoto · 5 years
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Paul Spudis, 1952-2018
(c) William McEwen
I just learned that the lunar geologist Paul Spudis died last year.
I photographed Paul in 2001, and we hit it off. We were both space geeks who had been mesmerized by the Apollo moon landings, an enthusiasm that never left us.
Paul was an accomplished scientist who played a key role in unmanned missions to the moon and wrote scientific papers, articles, blog posts, and books about the moon. His book “The Once and Future Moon” is a favorite of mine, and I recommend it highly.
During our photo session Paul told me he had recently gone on an archaeological dig in a desert somewhere. He was invited by colleagues, and he looked forward to it – he hadn’t been on a dig in ages. He peered under a rock and was confronted by an angry rattlesnake. After he had a moment to recover from the scare, one of his friends told him, “From now on, Paul, please stick with dead planets.”
Here is my photograph of Paul taken in a stairwell at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston. I confessed to him later that I found his conversation so interesting that it drowned out my artistic abilities and they unfortunately fell short. Paul was interesting and a lot of fun. Another good man is gone.
Camera: 8x10 Wisner Technical Field
Lens: Schneider G-Claron 355mm
Film: Kodak Tri-X
Paper: Ilford Galerie
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Case: 0122204
Name: Nathan Watts Subject: An encounter on Old Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh Date: April 22nd, 2012 Recording by: Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
This all happened a couple of years ago, so I apologise if some of the details are a bit off. I mean, I feel like I remember it clearly but sometimes things are so weird that you start to doubt yourself. Still, I suppose weird is kind of what you guys do, right?
So I’m studying at the University of Edinburgh. Biochemistry, specifically, and I was in my second year at the time this happened. I wasn’t in any sort of university accommodation at this point and was renting a student flat down in Southside with a few other second years. To be honest I didn’t hang out with them much. I took a gap year before matriculating and my birthday’s in the wrong part of September, so I was nearly two years older than most of my peers when I started my course. I got on with them fine, you understand, but I tended to end up hanging out with some of the older students.
That’s why I was at the party in the first place. Michael MacAulay, a good friend of mine, had just been accepted to do a Master’s degree in Earth Sciences so we decided a celebration was in order. Well, maybe ‘party’ isn’t quite the right word, we just kind of invaded the Albanach down on the Royal Mile and drank long enough and loud enough that eventually we had the back area to ourselves. Now, I don’t know how well you know the drinking holes of Edinburgh, but the Albanach has a wide selection of some excellent single malts, and I may have slightly overindulged. I have vague memories of Mike suggesting I slow down, to which I responded by roundly swearing at him for failing to properly celebrate his own good news. Or words to that effect.
Long story short, I was violently ill around midnight and made the decision to walk the route home. It wasn’t far to my flat, maybe half an hour if I’d been sober, and the night was cool enough that I remember having a hope the chill would perk me up some. I headed for the Cowgate and the quickest way to get there from the Royal Mile is down Old Fishmarket Close. Now, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that there are some steep hills in Edinburgh but Old Fishmarket Close is exceptional, even by those standards. At times it must reach a thirty or forty degree angle, which is hard enough to navigate when you don’t have that much scotch inside you. As I have mentioned, I had quite a lot, so it probably wasn’t that surprising when I took a rather nasty tumble about halfway down the street. In retrospect the fall wasn’t that bad compared to what it could have been, but at the time it really shook me up and left me with some nasty bruises. I picked myself up as best I could, checked I hadn’t seriously injured myself, no broken bones or anything, and decided to roll a cigarette to calm myself. That was when I heard it.
“Can I have a cigarette?”
I was startled out of my thoughts by the words as I thought I had been alone. Quickly trying to compose myself and looking around, I noticed a small alleyway on the opposite side of the street. It was very narrow and completely unlit with a short staircase leading up. I could see a light fixture a little way up the wall at its entrance, but it either wasn’t working or wasn’t turned on, meaning that beyond a few steps the alley was shrouded in total darkness. Stood there, a couple of stairs from the street, was a figure. It was hard to tell much about them as they were mostly in the shadows, though if I’d had to guess I would have said the voice sounded male. They seemed to sway, ever so slightly, as I watched, and I assumed that they, like me, were probably a little bit drunk.
I lit my own cigarette and held out my tobacco towards them, though I didn’t approach, and asked if they were ok with a roll-up. The figure didn’t move except to continue that gentle swaying. Writing it down now, it seems so obvious that something was wrong. If I hadn’t been so drunk maybe I’d have noticed quicker, but even when the stranger asked the question again, “Can I have a cigarette?” utterly without intonation, still I didn’t understand why I was so uneasy.
I stared at the stranger and as my eyes began to adjust I could make out more details. I could see that their face appeared blank, expressionless, and their skin seemed damp and slightly sunken, like they had a bad fever. The swaying was more pronounced now, seeming to move from the waist, side to side, back and forth. By this point I had finished rolling a second cigarette and gingerly held it out towards them, but I didn’t get any closer. I had decided that if this weirdo wanted a cigarette, they were going to need to come out of the creepy alleyway. They didn’t come closer, didn’t make any movement at all except for that damn swaying. For some reason the thought of an anglerfish popped into my head, the single point of light dangled into the darkness, hiding the thing that lures you in.
“Can I have a cigarette?” It spoke again in the same flat voice and I realised exactly what was wrong. Its mouth was closed, had been the whole time. Whatever was repeating that question, it wasn’t the figure in the alleyway. I looked at their feet and saw that they weren’t quite touching the ground. The stranger’s form was being lifted, ever so slightly, and moved gently from side to side.
I dropped the cigarette and grabbed for my phone, trying to turn on the torch. I don’t know why I didn’t run or what I hoped to see in that alley, but I wanted to get a better look. As soon as I took out my phone, the figure disappeared. It sort of folded at the waist and vanished back into the darkness, as if a string had gone taut and pulled it back. I turned on the torch and stared into the alley, but I saw nothing. Just silence and darkness. I staggered back up to the Royal Mile, which still had lights and people, and found a taxi to take me home.
I slept late the next day. I’d made sure I didn’t have any lectures or classes, as I had intended to be sleeping off a heavy night of drinking, which I guess I was, although it was that bizarre encounter that kept playing in my mind. And so, after making my way through two litres of water, some painkillers and a very greasy breakfast, I felt human enough to leave my flat and go to investigate the place in daylight. The result was unenlightening. There were no marks, no bloodstains, nothing to indicate that the swaying figure had ever been there at all. The only thing I did find was an unsmoked Marlboro Red cigarette, lying just below the burned out light fixture. 
Beyond that, I didn’t really know what to do. I did as much research as I could on the place, but couldn’t find anyone who’d had any experience similar to mine, and there didn’t seem to be any folklore or urban legends I could find out about Old Fishmarket Close. The few friends I told about what happened just assumed I’d been accosted by some stranger and the alcohol had made it seem much weirder than it was. I tried to explain that I’ve never had hallucinations while drunk, and that there was no way this guy had just been a normal person, but they always gave me one of those looks, halfway between pity and concern, and I’d shut up.
I never did find out anything else about it, but a few days later I saw some missing person appeals go up around campus. Another student had disappeared. John Fellowes, his name was, though I didn’t really know the guy and couldn’t tell you much about him, except for two things that struck me as very important: he had been at that same party and, as far as I remembered, had still been there when I left. The other was just that, well, on the photo they’d used for his missing persons appeal I couldn’t help but notice that there was a pack of Marlboro Red cigarettes poking out of his pocket.
I haven’t quit smoking, but I do find that I take a lot more taxis now if I find myself out too late.
Archivist Notes: 
The investigation at the time, and the follow-up we’ve done over the last couple have days, have found no evidence to corroborate Mr. Watts’ account of his experience. I was initially inclined to re-file this statement in the ‘Discredited’ section of the Archive, a new category I’ve created that will, I suspect, be housing the majority of these files. However, Sasha did some digging into the police reports of the time and it turns out that between 2005 and 2010, when Mr Watts’ encounter supposedly took place, there were six disappearances in and around the Old Fishmarket Close: Jessica McEwen in November 2005, Sarah Baldwin in August 2006, Daniel Rawlings in December of the same year, then Ashley Dobson and Megan Shaw in May and June of 2008. Then finally, as Mr Watts mentioned, John Fellowes in March 2010. All six disappearances remain unsolved. Baldwin and Shaw were definitely smokers, but there’s no evidence either way about the others, if they’re even connected.
Sasha did find one other thing, specifically in the case of Ashley Dobson. It was a copy of the last photograph taken by her phone and sent to her sister Siobhan. The caption was “check out this drunk creeper lol”, but the picture is of a darkened, apparently empty, alleyway, with stairs leading up into it. It appears to be the same alleyway which Mr. Watts described in his statement, the one that, according to the maps of the area, leads to Tron Square, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone in the photograph at all. Sasha took the liberty of running it through some editing programs, though, and increasing the contrast appears to reveals the outline of a long, thin hand, roughly at what would be waist level on a male of average height. I find it oddly hard to shake off the impression that it’s beckoning.
Source: Official Transcript and Podcast (MAG 1 Angler Fish)
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violettesiren · 2 years
How better am I Than a butterfly? Here, as the noiseless hours go by, Hour by hour, I cling to my fancy's half-blown flower; Over its sweetness I brood and brood, And scarcely stir though sounds intrude That would trouble and fret another mood Less divine Than mine!
Who cares for the bees! I will take my ease, Dream and dream as long as I please; Hour by hour With love-wings fanning my sweet, sweet flower! Gather your honey and hoard your gold Through spring and summer, and hive through cold! I will cling to my flower till it is mould, Breathe one sigh.
Day-Dreaming by Harriet McEwen Kimball
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jovialfoxnight · 2 years
McEwen Mining modifica la facilidad de préstamo a plazo y aumenta
McEwen Mining modifica la facilidad de préstamo a plazo y aumenta
TORONTO, 5 de abril de 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE: MUX) (TSX: MUX)(“McEwen” o la “Compañía”) se complace en anunciar que modificó su línea de crédito sénior garantizada a plazo de $50 millones (el “Préstamo a plazo”) para obtener flexibilidad financiera y suscribió un nuevo pagaré subordinado no garantizado de $15 millones (el “Pagaré”). “El flujo de efectivo reducido de las…
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