#mchanzo too
sketchy-doge1 · 8 months
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peek at my (still) WIP of them!
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stabby-biscotti0152 · 9 months
Got bored and did a thing
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sesameowo · 2 years
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mchanzo doodles~
and yes, Hanzo without the arrow is on purpose 😂
Edit: I'm sorry that I wrote McCree instead of Cole or Cassidy, i always think of the "mc" part in their ship name so my brain goes for it when i draw mchanzo 🥲 I will be more careful next time!
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dramaticngay · 3 months
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cole wants to order.
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minghzi · 2 years
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the mountain man's encounter with the koi
so hanzo’s got a really nice new skin called koi and i was inspired so euhhhhh more hanzo merman 😳
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arithekitsune · 30 days
just remembered mchanzo/yeehan exists gonna go cry about old man yaoi now
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bekkahco · 1 year
What if I tell you I'm working on a YeeHan fic where I'm just using Cassidy to vent about my homesickness abd the fact I want to go home and am but also REALLY don't
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askyeehan · 1 year
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Cole: Howdy, all! Welcome to askyeehan. The name's Cassidy, and I'm here with my partner, Hanzo. Say hi darlin'.
Hanzo: Hello.
Cole: If you got any questions for me, him, or the both of us, shoot em our way by hitting that little mail icon and we'll answer them as we can.
Hanzo: Must I be involved? You know that I keep quite busy. I doubt I'll have time for such amusements.
Cole: Oh come on, Hani, live a little! It'll be a good time, I promise.
Hanzo: Very well.
Cole: Hey, maybe you can perform some poetry for em sometime.
Hanzo: Uh…perhaps. If it's what they want. We will have to see.
Cole: Alright, well thanks for visitin'! Ask away, and ya'll come back now, y'hear?
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theloveinc · 2 years
if u were the gnc butch girl I cuddled in highschool… come back to me
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mrsouprnova · 29 days
!!Yap session ahead!!
Can someone explain the moicy ship to me? I really dont get it lol
So, you take the evil scientist who broke up like 2 marriages (widow and gabe) abuses people and animals, manipulates and experiments on people
And you make her kiss the woman that literally doesnt want to know overwatch or talon😭 (shes relluctant to work with overwatch after they (TORBJORN.) Adjusted her inventions so they could be used for hurting as well as healing people. Like she literally only works there because she cant stand to watch civilians be hurt after losing her parents
HOW WOULD THAT EVEN WORK😭 i cannot grasp that concept. Moira puts her work before ANYTHING. surely, even if they did date, moira wouldnt spend any time with mercy unless she was fucking experimenting on her💀. I dont think its even possible without changing moiras whole ambition of experimenting and not letting anybody stop her
(Aroace Moira for the win)
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Like her whole thing is being a non-stop evil scientist
And mercy HATES her. She knows about the experiments and thinks its cruel and unjust
Moira doesnt care that mercy thinks that, and thats it💀
And people were like "MAKE THEM KISS"
Maybe its because im not into shipping so much but i dont get it at all LOL
If you had to ship her with any talon agent id say widow
She wants to help Widow she feels sorry for her. Like she knows she can help her she just cant get to her and wont be able to get her to listen
Then theres also pharmercy- MERCY KNEW PHARAH AS A CHILD, IS THAT NOT GROOMING😭 "mercy stopped aging" MERCY KNEW PHARAH AS A CHILD.😭
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Ok yeah mchanzo/yeehan isnt too probable, but it could happen
Sure cole only knows hanzo as "the guy who killed my best friend" /hj but genjis VERY CLEAR that hes forgiven hanzo
So really spuriken/mcgenji is more likely to happen than mchanzo (from someone whos not really into spuriken)
And eitherway it wouldnt really be abusive
We know coles a silly cowboy guy whod be out here calling him "huckleberry" and all that
But people portray hanzo as moody and mean when hes really not all that mean
Sure hes broody and reserved, but hes not HORRIBLE lol-? He literally told sojurn he wants to settle down and have a dog someday, i dont think that relationship would be toxic lol
In compariosn, Hanzos hobbys include wood carving and possibly caring for dogs
Moiras include: *checks notes* abusing people and animals for a personal goal through experimentation? /hj
They'd (yeehan) definitely have some forks in the road, yknow with hanzo seemingly having trust issues and all that but its not borderline abuse x traumatised lol
Someone explain it to me because I DONT GET IT
(Also no hate to moira😋 shes an asshole but shes such a cool and well seveloped character lol
And no hate to these ships bc clearly thry change moiras personality enough to slap her in a relationship, but i dont get it AT ALL as to why people would even think to slam those two together out of everyone lol)
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onibaloni · 2 years
♫Just the two of us, we can make it if we try! Just the two of us~♫
my god how I love these two silly gay men! They make me the happiest whenever I think about them, they’re just so perfect for each other! I love how their color palettes are complementary colors also (my favorite ones too!) I also tried out a new style which I took some references/inspiration from one of my favorite mchanzo artists’ drawings! and I’m absolutely super duper proud of it!! (I’m trying to find new ways to draw faster but this still took me 5 hours to do lol)
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inansabre · 2 years
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I too want to say "goodbye" to Overwatch (2016-2022). A big thank you to Overwatch for many victories and defeats, for new friends who became like a family to me. Thank you for my favourite characters - Hanzo, Mccree (Cassidy), Moira and Lucio.Thank you friends and followers for being with me all this years and supporting my creativity and love for my most favourite ship - McHanzo (Hole, ha-ha).I hope I will get my spark soon and will meet you all again with new art and comics this time in Overwatch 2.  #SeeYouOnTheOtherSide
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specialagentartemis · 6 months
doing my research data entry, listening to Stars's album No One Is Lost which was (and especially the titular, final song, was) my big Widowtracer music back when I was into Overwatch. And that is reminding me of how much what I liked about the Overwatch characters and lore was stuff that I made up - not even, necessarily, stuff the fandom made up (which was most of it - Overwatch lore was not good) but my own idiosynctratic preferences for ship dynamics.
At least I was into Reaper76 in the same way a lot of other people were, and Reaper/76/Ana the way a few of my other friends were. McHanzo and McGenji were hit-or-miss, McCree (back when he was McCree) & Pharah's sibling relationship prevalent but rarely a focus. But I never really found a lot that satisfied me about Widowmaker/Tracer, because I had such a specific view of what I wanted from them. One I made up because there really was not much there at all.
What I liked about the idea of them was Tracer moving fast staying bright in an attempt to outrun fear and fatalism and collapse by being aggressively optimistic; contrasted against Widowmaker who had accepted it all dully. Tracer desperate to prove that there was something left of Amelie in there, that she could be brought back. That she could be saved. That no one is lost. Proof that things could be okay in the wake of a shakeup in her world order that cast her adrift. That her world could make sense again.
Thinking about it, I'm continuously compelled by characters who are projecting their issues all over each other; especially in the manner of, I feel lost, hopeless, hurt, terrible, irredeemable. I don't believe I have a future, or can ever change, or have a place anymore, or atone for what I did, or can come back from this, or can be loved, or can be saved. But you're in a way worse mess than me, so I'm making it my project to save you, because if I can prove you can... that you can be better, that you can have a future, that you can belong, that you can atone, that you can be loved, that you can be saved... then maybe I can, too. I have to believe that, and that's why I believe in you when you've been written off and have written yourself off. And I'm going to keep reaching out.
And then I discovered Metal Gear Solid and it had a lot of the character dynamics I liked in my made-up headcanon Overwatch actually present in the text. I didn't have to make it up, it was actually there and intentionally and competently written. I was still kind of reading this dynamic into Snake and Meryl (still convinced they were projecting their issues about being loved and being abandoned all over each other in MGS1 and mistaking that for attraction) but a lot of what I liked about Reaper76 and McGenji and McHanzo and stuff was just... there.
And then I got into Wolf 359 where this redemption-by-proxy projection is just straight up textually what's happening between Eiffel and Hilbert. So: getting into fandoms for better written things with what I actually wanted in them is part of the solution here.
But also it was my Widowtracer experience that made me go, I am basically just making up my own character goals and interactions here. Why am I bothering to make it fanwork when it's basically an original story.
I never did put that anywhere. But women desperate to save each other, women desperate to prove they can be saved by saving each other, and women who have the nagging fear that they were wrong doing the evil version of this and trying to seek vindication and absolution through each other do crop up again and again in my imagination. Maybe I should pin that down sometime and give my headcanon Widowtracer the story they deserve.
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 10 Recs: When We Were Young
The Week 10 theme was "When We Were Young," all about fics featuring young (or younger) Yeehan! This means fics ranging from their teen years to their late twenties, and all manner of vague ages in between, but the point is: they're all pre-canon. Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
General Audiences
You can't take it with you by vaguely_concerned [2,304 words] Reccer comment: "its a series but it works on its own too"
Canon AU where the Shimada family and the Deadlock gang used to do business, Hanzo and Cassidy had a thing… and then Cassidy gets the ‘offer’ from Overwatch.
Teen and Up
Joy of Tournaments by Frankincense and Dunmyrrh (rawrawrawr) [21,783 words] Reccer comment: "Ok so this is also an AU and probably kind of niche, but I thought The Joy of Tournaments was really cute."
Between strenuous coursework, extracurricular activities, and trying to live up to his father’s expectations, Hanzo doesn’t have a lot of patience when it comes to his new debate partner’s laid-back attitude. While he might have joined Overwatch Academy’s Forensics team for the sake of a pretty note on his college applications, the experience becomes less about setting himself up for success and more about the unexpected bond forged between himself and Jesse McCree in the arena of competitive public speaking.
For McHanzo Week 2016, days Four ("Role Reversal") and Five ("Young Love").
Lights by vaguely_concerned [3,445 words] Reccer comment: "Young yeehan, Hanzo comes to Cole's rescue 🥺 first kiss 🥹"
Cole has never worked with a partner before.
Search Results by Tevokkia [WIP; 105,941 words] Reccer comment: "This high school AU is so sweet and a little meta."
Hanzo Shimada has run out of things to read and sets himself to browsing for recently-finished works. One story by "HighNoon" stands out, and he supposes the writing for the first few paragraphs is good enough to overlook that it's a Western AU.
Jesse McCree had just posted the last chapter of his current fic last night, and today there are a bunch of comments that could practically be chapters themselves. DoubleDragon turns out to be every writer's wet dream, and the comments section of his works are soon looking like a bunch of chat threads.
But what happens when HighNoon doesn't have anything left for DoubleDragon to read?
Lifelines by Chopsticks [11,688 words]
In theory, McCree thought it an easy enough job: go undercover, meet the yakuza informant, leave a convincing trail of a love affair for eyes that track. Nothing to it. Until said informant had to go and make him feel something real. For far too many years.
Black Hole Sun by t_pock [4,256 words]
For some reason he hasn’t yet tossed his hand and found somewhere less foul to cut a deal. Something has him planted with his wingtips on the filthy floor instead of calling his chauffeur to return him to his hotel and ordering one of his lieutenants to burn this suit.   It may or may not be the hand between his legs.   Or, the Shimada scion encounters an unknown agent.
The Journalist and the Scion by ChillieBean [9,498 words]
“This is the target.”
A tablet is dropped in front of Cole and he turns it around, shifting his cigar from one side of his mouth to the other with his tongue. He speed reads the brief, the usual pre-mission background, but his jaw hangs on one word.
“Shimada,” Cole breathes, taking his cigar between his knuckles before it drops in his lap. “Finally making a move?”
“Sure are,” Gabe answers, grinning as he leans back in his chair.
Lighting One Candle with Another Candle by motorghost [6,409 words] Reccer 1 comment: "I must admit it's rare for me to like young Yeehan stories, but Lighting One Candle with Another Candle by Motorghost is the only exception."
Reccer 2 comment: "A favorite smut fic that introduced me to this great writer."
It's winter in Hanamura. Cole Cassidy is on his first away mission. Shimada Hanzo is first son of the man Blackwatch is doing business with. Gabriel Reyes is going to get mad.
Memento by egoblow [5,128 words]
Get in. Get out. Seduce and distract then retrieve the intel. It seems simple enough. Easy. Amateur stuff really. Gabe had whored him out enough times in the name of Blackwatch that Jesse considers himself the master of honeypot missions.
Not that Jesse minds. Not one bit. He wouldn't agree to it if he did. The rush that comes with seducing some of the most powerful people on the planet sends such a thrill through his body that no aphrodisiac can match. He lets his gaze linger on his target a while longer and decides that tonight's target is the best yet.
Blackwatch!McCree seduces Scion!Hanzo in a honeypot scheme.
Not That I'm Complaining by robocryptid [28,981 words] Reccer 1 comment: "Not That I'm Complaining of course"
Reccer 2 comment: "no young Yeehan list is complete without Not That I'm Complaining"
An AU in which both Shimadas join Blackwatch, and Cole Cassidy falls in love dick first. Approximately 50/50 porn to feelings.
Scalpel or Bullet by robocryptid [Series; 14,374 words] Reccer comment: "if scion hanzo and blackwatch cole are fair game, then you have to include this steamy series"
Scion Hanzo meets Blackwatch Cassidy. That's pretty much the whole story.
Throwing Stones at the Stars by robocryptid [WIP; 92,329 words] Reccer 1 comment: "im sorry but i HAVE to rec throwing stones at the stars bc it gave me big brainworms"
Reccer 2 comment: "this is THE young McHanzo/Yeehan fic for me"
Reccer 3 comment: "loved the chemistry and the plot and the side characters/ocs. the asking questions scene in chapter 3 was very memorable. unrelated but i think this author predicted cassidy's new name??"
Despite Hanzo's competence, the Shimadas chose to hire a new bodyguard for the heirs. The elders found the one they wanted: an American mercenary so deadly some called him a demon. He was remarkably skilled, insolent, and above all mysterious. Genji, of course, liked him right away, but Hanzo had his doubts.
And that's a wrap on all our young(er) Yeehan fics! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a fic rec. If you happen to find a fic you love using this rec list, be sure to leave the author kudos and a comment! Even "I found this fic because someone recced it" is a lovely thing to say.
Come back next time for Week 11: "He's a Magic Man," for all your mystical, magical, fantastical AUs.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 9 recs here, or check the full list of past and future themes here.
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haedraulics · 7 months
I know this is a wild question, but do you ever intend to make a part 3 of that mchanzo/yeehan comic you made a few years ago? I just caught up on it and saw there was no resolution yet. I know it's a long shot, and please don't feel pressured. I'm just curious and hopeful haha.
no worries, thank you for the ask! if you mean the brainwashed talon hanzo comic, the chances are unlikely, i'm sorry! 😭i think i waffled too long on how to end the comic and it psyched me out, i'm as upset at you are that i never managed to finish it 🙈
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xpaintedladyx · 2 years
Yo can the Yeehan/Mchanzo artists help me find a picture? Seriously I’ve been searching for literal hours to find one freaking picture. Cassidy is taking a selfie while in background Hanzo is half dead from having a baby. Cassidy is way too excited. So if anyone could help me find this picture/ artist thank you in advance.
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